2019 Arnold Strongman Classic | Full Recap

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the Arnold strongman classic the holy grail of strongman competition athletes must will themselves pass their competitors and the implements ten men five grueling challenges spirits will break records will fall all to find the strongest man on earth the 2019 Arnold strongman classic next [Music] [Music] the Arnold sports festival for the next two days it will be the focus of the fitness world as fans from around the globe have descended on Columbus Ohio to watch the best in weightlifting bodybuilding armwrestling and even fencing but we are here to answer one big question and that is who is the strongest man on earth welcome inside the Greater Columbus Convention Center everybody I'm Sean Whalen with dr. bill Crawford and bill we have the most powerful men in the world here to compete in five unique events all for the right to be called the 2019 Arnold strongman Classic champion yes this is the most prestigious competition of the year for strongman Darrell strongman classic is also the heaviest competition and is the defining competition and strongman there are 10 men from 8 different countries here to compete Bryan Shaw is a crowd favorite and three-time Arnold strongman Classic champion two youngsters to keep an eye on Martines Lee sees and Matteo scale Laskowski and all of them are chasing the man they called the mountain half Thorpe yourson from Iceland won this competition last year and he is the favorite to do it again in 2019 he also holds the Elephant Bar deadlift record a 1041 pounds he is here to defend his title his main challenge may come from a man to defend his second of yours at last year that's Bryan Shaw he has been first or second in this event seven of the last eight years also four-time Twi world Strongest Man winner and he's back to get his title there are five events the competitors will get points based on how well they do in each event you win an event you get 10 points you finish last you get one event number one is the elephant bar deadlift each man gets a chance to live and the man with the heaviest single lift will win the event and to make things even more interesting for the fans and athletes here if someone breaks the world deadlift record he wins $50,000 they met an interesting twist on the doublet this year when we all got the news bag rogue was gonna throw $50,000 to anybody that could pull more than 500 kilos on the elephant bar for me I was excited it's great to challenge those guys you know and it's cool just to go in front of it than what you think we can is anybody gonna do it that's the big question well if I now here's Martines Lee sees his second appearance at the Arnold strongman classic 970 pounds on the bar Martines is someone that many people Phil's the future of strongman he always comes prepared I personally feel that his greatest attribute is his mental toughness he's been coming on strong the last few years and won the 2019 Arnold strongman Classic in Santa Monica and 970 is good for the Dragon that is a personal best for him notice and more narrow foot stance a lot of lower back I'd like to see his feet out a little more and uses hips more from the bottom I think that's where he'll need to go to have bigger lifts in the future Martines lease he's one of the more emotional men in the field and he does not hold back after that live up next Mikael Shiva lock off at 974 and Shiva Lacoste with the blood running from his nose that is common for him he has that problem a lot he is okay but that lift will count 974 pounds solid off the bottom gets it to his knees and has to shake it a little bit to get it back and then the and the blood coming out of his nose he did that last year like I said he really commits he doesn't that doesn't bother him that is Jean Francois Corona at a candidate and he is stepping up to 904 pounds oh and korone dropping the parties grabbing at that right hamstring and remember he's been having a problem with that hamstring since the qualifying event in Santa Monica back in January drops his hip starts to pull and immediately stop as soon as the way cleared the floor things getting serious is Brian Shaw with 1021 pounds on the bar he's gonna really want to get his levers working here get his hips down and push as hard as possible with his feet down [Music] and Brian Shaw stands up 1,000 21,000 on his a personal best for him on the elephant bar and here we go bill pushes off the floor gets it to his knees efficiently pulls back no wasted movement Brian Shaw your new leader is 1021 pounds half the Robertson is up next the defending Arnold strongman Classic champion and he is starting to establish himself as a dominant force in the sport so in 2018 I won Arlen Classic and Columbus Ohio Europe Strongest Man Isis honest man the world soonest man and the world's ultimate strowman last year's good yeah for sure because after win all competition last year all the best competition he's super ready he's super strong it looks like he's had a good training camp leading up to the Arnold but I would expect that for that's why I like I like to train that way that I used to believe I'm a superhuman hero I'm here ready and I'm going to my best if anyone beats me then I'm just like congratulations to him he's better than I am Georgeson looking to break the record he set last year when he hit 1041 pounds this lift 1045 pounds this is only a second attempt this shows he has his sights set on taking a crack at the ultimate prize give me a break how easy is that Anna knew we'd record 1045 pounds for the mountain they looked easier than last year's 1041 he has the gas for the all-time record enemy Brian Shaw up next looking to beat half through Burton and set a new record 1049 pounds on the barbell and Shah falling forward over the bar on that attempt it will not go for him and that means that half Thor Puran Singh is the winner of this event with one lift remaining one more look at what would have been a new world record on the Elephant Bar Bryan can go home understanding that he gave everything he had on the lifting platform on his deadlift puritan with 1105 pounds on the barbell he has already set the Elephant Bar world record he did that on his second lift when he made 1045 pounds if he makes this next lift he earns $50,000 for all the marbles here it is at the knees at bjornsen cannot get it blood coming from his forehead that's how intense that effort was he sets the elephant bar record wins the event and the deadlift world record I guarantee you that is well within his reach his hips come up just a little bit sooner than on his previous lifts he gets it to his knees but the bar still forward and he just can't overcome the weight past his knees to complete the lift what a way to kick off the 2019 Arnold strongman classic with that 1045 pound lifts Hathor bjornsen sets the Elephant Bar deadlift world record and locks up 10 points in the standings Ryan Shaw takes second but it comes at a price as he enters his left hamstring and he's with Mark Henry backstage I know you're in pain I'll see you later and tell us about the injury yeah I just saw just a lots deadlift there that 1051 you know I just locked in on it and felt the pop in the hamstring so that's that's why I went forward because it was a pretty big pop when it's just part of the game unfortunately he gets get banged up and just got to deal with it up next one of the most famous challenges in all of strongman it's the Husa Phelps don't carry the 2019 Arnold strongman classic on CBS Sports is sponsored by row strength and conditioning equipment that's built to last who Savelle stone is a new event at the Arnold and North rogues two main replicas of the stone is amazing the question is how far can you book is a great stone it has a great history I'm super pumped I'm excited about that event so I'm really excited to see it really excited to you know kind of get my hands on it and touch it and figure out the best way to carry that welcome back to the 2019 Arnold strongman Classic a bet too is pretty simple the athletes have to pick up that 409 pound Husa fel stone replica and carry it as far as they can in two minutes without dropping it this is one of my favorite events in the heart of Iceland plays the Husa fell stone this event is hardwired at strongman history 200 years ago a farmer named Snorri snorrison use this stone to cover the gate of his sheep pendant he was able to carry the stone around the pen so full stroker was born this is also known as full strength the two keys to success on this event number one is an efficient lift of the stone you can't waste time trying to get the stone up to your lap and standing with a stone the second key to success is taking deep breaths methodically breathing so that you can continue to get oxygen to the body to carry the stone as far as possible we do not have a sheep pen but we do have a stage and the course around those four boulders is approximately the same length as the real one in Iceland and it will be Alexi Novikov out of Ukraine going first Novikov has that sewn up and now his attempt will begin you want to keep moving your feet moving your feet as you move your feet that's distance and you only have so much time to carry the stone it looks like he's rhythmically breathing you can see in and out in and out he's digging his fingers into the stone slowing down just a little bit [Music] impressive so far from the youngster his attempt ends once he drops it [Music] you got to complete laps the stone goes down they'll mark that that is going to be tough to beat 211 feet six inches for Novikov he's digging his fingertips into the stone he's taking deep breaths he's trying to keep this stone on his chest as long as possible getting every foot great effort terrific carry Brian Shaw up next and he is not 100% right now he's nursing that hamstring injury that he suffered during the first event the deadlift a hamstring injury can affect your ability to lift the stone off the floor and also to support your weight and the weight of the stone a quick efficient lift is vital to him having a good carry here Brian Shaw the key for him is not necessarily beating Novikov it's beating the man who's going to come up next and that's how throw up you're insane very nice pick and he's actually tall enough to lock his fingers see if that strategy works now if his fingers come apart he still has his hands on the stone he's moving his feet he's breathing look he's good good breathing pattern rhythmically breathing in and out in and out he's done a lot of carrying events Shaw looking like he's starting to slip a little bit he'll get through one lap and then drop that 400-plus pounds stone and it's clear that Shaw is disappointed in that result he's able to lock his fingers on the stone he's moving his legs fairly well with that injury but towards the end of the carry after one lap that hamstring injury is impeding him from continuing on with that carry only one man has yet to carry the stone and that's iceland's haftorah bjornsen he's your overall leader after winning event one in record-breaking fashion and he's now trying to beat the rookie alexey Novikov mark of 211 feet six inches bjornsen mulling that stone to his chest and he is off on his first lap very quick foot movement getting some rhythmic breathing going coming to the first very long strides one lap down for bjornsen and looking like he's gonna stay in the overall lead with three events remaining now can he tracked down the rookie Alexi Novikov yes he's vying for that first-place finish he's making a statement here he comes all the way around this one's gonna be close as the stone is down for half through bjornsen and one thing is for sure though he will be your overall leader after two events after lifting the stone very efficiently actually tossing the stone up into his arms starting with long strides very deliberate foot movement taking good breaths fighting it out to the very last get those precious few feet for the lead terrific effort after two events half Thor Burton has two wins and is looking unstoppable he beat Alexi Novikov by seven feet so the rookie takes second place and Mark Henry is with the mountain after his second straight event win I'm here to win I'm a good said best if I'm alive and I got guys thank you so much for the support coming up it's a brand new challenge for the strongest men on earth event three the wheel of pain what your sports news without the yelling at fake debates streamed CBS Sports HQ the three 24/7 network for non-stop highlights a news download the CBS sports app today back at the Columbus Convention Center in Columbus Ohio as fans have been enjoying all the Arnold sports festival has to offer the Arnold is in its 30th year and the roughly 200,000 people attending make it the largest festival of its kind in the world twenty-two thousand a fleet from 80 countries competing in 80 different sports and there is one big main attraction here the wheel of pain at 40 feet in diameter and 21 feet tall it has 8,000 pounds of steel and 7,000 pounds of oak it is hard to miss and it is a brand new challenge for the men vying for the title of the Arnold strongman Classic champion the wheel of pain event is is very raw we no one really knows what to expect it's it's amazing how how much for your Oakwood interest in one event just the structure of its ridiculous and under pushing event like this after 30 maybe 40 s again total burnout but you must continue in continue I think the best fighter must win the sale it is standing room only here at the Greater Columbus Convention Center's the doors opened up early this morning and people rushed to get a good view of this formidable implement not Josh Bell shock will be the first man up his second appearance at the Arnold strongman classic he finished sixth as a rookie in 2018 60 seconds to push the wheel of pain as far as he can with those arms extended he has that thing moving pretty well looks like his belt has come off and around his waist notice his hips are very low and he's pushing up now he's got his shoulder against his shoulder girdle started to get weakened so now he's got his shoulder against it you have to be a little creative with this event we're just matching the event matching this implement doing everything you can to make movement forward for reporters inside 20 seconds to go from Matt Josh Bell Shaq who has kept this thing moving at a pretty consistent pace without starting too slow final seconds for Bell shot he is still giving this thing all he is worth and that will do it they will mark the distance and reset that been a great effort for the man from Slovenia not Josh Bell shot Alexi Novikov the rookie out of Ukraine is up next he's coming off a second-place finish in the last event that was the Husa fell stone carry but this may be a challenge for him he is one of the lighter athletes in the field at 302 pounds and now Novikov is going with a new technique that we have yet to see here we saw the Kyle look off through the same thing on Thursday night it seems to be working pretty well for Novikov now this is an approach that I don't think we've discussed shoulders on it but with his head under the implement I hope and the other guys who are watching and Novikov is threatening to demolish nachos Bello shocks top distance [Music] [Applause] his pace has slowed but he has about 20 seconds to go he is very close to Phyllis Cox top mark this is when you tell yourself that you're a Supreme Being you will overcome every step is points five seconds for Novikov and he is your new leader Alexei Novikov once again with an impressive performance and now has the top mark in the wheel of pain once again Alexei Novikov sets the top mark and once again a couple of former champions will try to chase him down the conclusion of event 3 the wheel of pain when we return [Applause] [Music] back at the 2019 Arnold strongman classic where rookie Alexi Novikov has the top distance in event three the wheel of pain but two athletes remain including defending champion half-door bjornsen while we were away russia's me Kyle Shiva Cobb failed to get that far on his attempt he finishes at 103 feet that's about 10 feet shy of Alexi Novikov top distance potatoes killers cause he was hoping for a strong finish in this event but he only pushes the wheel of pain 101 feet 6 inches Brian Shaw meanwhile continues to struggle thanks to that hamstring injury he suffered in the Elephant Bar deadlift shop only goats 95 feet he came into the event in second place overall and this effort will definitely drop him down the overall leaderboard our team's Lee sees is up next he is tied for 2nd overall Lee sees with two top-five finishes so far he is ready to go and he will try to chase down Alexi Novikov top mark of 113 feet got a good start hipster low very good leverages he's pushing up on this implement [Music] he sees with a good pace yes he does and as you saw yesterday with the new Chevelle stolen he's got the good rhythmic breathing forcing air in pulling air forcing air into his lungs and pushing the air out of his ones 30 seconds [Applause] [Music] this is where it comes down to we'll what does he want to do with this implement is up to him at this point he's now past Brian Shaw Shaw's mark of 95 feet and he's creeping up on Alexi Novikov and Marty's nieces looks like he will be your new leader and he is done but Marty's leases overtakes Alexi Novikov with just one man remaining he has the top mark what's extraordinary about this push is that he's very comfortable with his shoulders locked in he's got his hips down creating tons of leverage pushing pushing relentlessly the dragon continues to slay the wheel of pain Hathor bjornsen has won both events him so far going for his third win no one has ever won all five events at this competition Georgeson certainly capable of becoming the first but he'll have to chase down Martine Lee sees top score of 119 feet 9 inches F door has his arms extended with great leverage this year's size creates a tremendous amount of force to move this implement forward you're assuming extremely well here as long as he doesn't finish towards the bottom he will remain your overall leader and now he's starting to get to the tail end of things is he's chasing down Brian Shaw and now going to that style that we saw Alexei Novikov employed inside 30 seconds 20 seconds [Applause] this one will be closed yes every name that he passes his points he's keeping it going got his shoulders against it he's keeping his hips low even for a tall man that's where Lisa's nameplate is and Georgeson is quickly approaching that final seconds and half Torrance and may not have gotten there but he was close he might have been a few inches short and he collapses as something finally brings down the mountains and it looks like Martin's Lisa's just edging out half Thor bjornsen Martines Lee sees is climbing now the wheel of pain after conquering this implement crush your enemies see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of the women Martines Lee sees nerds his first career event victory in the wheel of pain but he only gains one point on Hathor bjornsen who ends up finishing second Mark Henry talks with the dragon after the event the feel for this and and what it took to get into it I felt like I was a barbarian savage I was taken from his homeland as a child and it felt like I was there for about two decades pushing it didn't feel lovely well there's a threshold if you get enough speed there actually is momentum on the thing but you gotta keep it moving fast otherwise it does push back on you coming up next for my brand a new test to a very familiar one event for another classic test as straight as the strongest men on earth face the Austrian oak [Music] welcome back to Columbus Ohio in the 2019 Arnold strongman classic the athletes getting ready for event for the Austrian oak let's take a look at where we stand right now after the wheel of pain Martines Lee sees pushing back on half-door bjørn's and in gain sole possession of second place Alexi Novikov moves up to third as he gets another top three finish Brian Shaw drops down the standees again he sits in seventh with two events left event four is one that these men have faced in the past the athletes will have 90 seconds to lift the Austrian oak as many times as they can and that implement weighs 430 pounds [Music] Poland's Matteo scalars Koski is ready for his turn on the Austrian oak right now he's in 8th place overall but looking to make a move in this event this is the first attempt for killers Koski he has 90 seconds to get as many as he can and 1 rep excellent for Mateos Keller's Koski this event and the next event will find him higher on the leader board because they highlight his raw strength and his tremendous athletic ability his attempt number two now Mateusz kilos Kowski adams forward up and back that'll be 2 with this awkward and massive implement he has to dig deep to get additional reps as you get deeper into the reps unfortunately your abdominal muscles start to weaken and the log wants to fall forward after you stand up with it this is when the strongman has to completely commit third attempt for killers Kowski [Applause] the crowd was trying to will that thing over his head but those Koski will exit with two good reps he is the early leader rushes me Kyle Shipley cough up next Shiva cough needs to come up with a strong performance on the Austrian oak if he wants to work his way back up the standings as Mateo skiller's Koski still has the top score of two reps he needs this efficient lift to the chest and then pushed back and up to complete the lift with the log and the press is good as Magnus ver Magnusson gives him the signal one down from Kyle Hill the cop down the third man to be able to lift that over his head he had an explosive lift to his chest he drives the weight up in fact over his head [Music] second attempt now for VCAL schifflet cuffs if he gets this he would tie for the event lead lift number two is good so Mikael shimla cough is going to call it quits and he will tie Mateos Kellis Kazi for the lead to good reps for the Siberian force up next Martines Lee seizes his second career appearance at the Arnold strongman classic and he is really an up-and-coming star in this sport and Lacey's career started when he was just a young boy in Latvia when I was just a kid I would go to my grandparents farm in Latvia my grandfather was a stonemason and lifted all these giant rocks so I would help him move them to help him build sculptures out of them was essentially doing strongly on a farm already as a kid growing up so I got most of my training back then pushing pushing relentlessly the dragon continues to slay the wheel paint these he's is set to take on the Austrian oak right now six points back a half Thor bjornsen for the overall lead so Lee sees needs to find a way to win this event if he wants to gain ground on the mountain and he will lock it out analysis in a tie for second place with Bryan Shaw in this event right to work on attempt number two and nice tease we'll hit that one and is now tied for the lead with matches Kellis Koski Jew Kyle schifflet cough with two successful reps and he still has plenty of time he wants to dig down and get this third rep this would this was definitely separated from the competition looking to keep the pressure on half-door of your team Martini's he's just six points back of Norton in the overall standings coming into this event one event remains after this third attempt will the dragon quickly up through the chest at least he's out of gas but does tie for the best marks so far with two successful reps half-door bjornsen is the final man up he has won two of the three events so far and he was six inches shy of beating Marty's lease he's in the prior event he took second in the wheel of pain and that is easy for half-door bjornsen one successful referent represented afterward one of the few athletes in the field who actually weighs more than the log but his height makes it a little more difficult to press something overhead as it has to travel a greater distance just each one more to tie himself would be three other athletes who have completed two repetitions clearing his hand a little west there the mountain asked for some help from the crowd and they will gladly give it to him on attempt number two [Applause] Georgeson locks that out and he has tied for the lead and he has more time left on the clock if he wants to make another attempt he needs this a tip the middle basically lock down the competition overall third attempt for the mountain plenty of time no problem to the chest no if yours and just cannot get under it final results for event for the Austrian oak and it's a four-way tie for first place between half Thor bjornsen Martis Lee sees me Kyle schifflet cough and Mateos killers Koski Brian Shaw gets one rep he'll take fifth Bell shocked and Heine they get two wraps on the lighter lock with Gerry Pritchett getting just one with one event to go after abuse and has a six-point lead over Marty's Lee sees as Lee sees is really the only man who can keep the mountain from repeating his champion Kalish cos he moves up the standings three spots and he now sits in fifth place and kalish koski holds the world record in the next event coming up in the finale the stone to shoulder decides who will be crowned the 2019 Arnold strongman Classic champion the 2019 Arnold strongman classic on CBS Sports is sponsored by row strength and conditioning equipment that's built to last one event remains at the 2019 Arnold strongman classic Martines Lee sees the Dragon will try to keep the man known as the mountain from repeating as champion Ben five is the stone shoulder the athletes have two and a half minutes to bring that 410 pounds stone up to their shoulders as many times as they can this is a repeating event from last year Matteo's Kayla's Koski set the world record in this event in 2018 with four repetitions and the man who trains in a small gym in Poland looking to make a big splash in this final event [Music] Joshua Macedonia is a male name is Sri Racha khana goof top rafters in Omaha police appear to launch a play mr. Locher sir avocado avocado mention a [Music] business name options of a deacon should go on an anvil classic after much discharge by Osama justice a lot mr. Moya Chinese roshni era's Bingham lot [Music] you change the motion Estella koozai unfertilized as a lot about classic solution mix to tack VLK potential in the world of mr. Osamu vita lasagna in a favela do madras a negotiability regina each other the first one we have definitely saved the most difficult event for last lifting this ode Hagen tombstone is no easy feat as some of these men quickly found out the natural stone is not made to be lifted the strongest men on the planet have found this to be an almost impossible task first you have to be able to read the stone and then a combination of grip strength technique and raw body power needed to shoulder this stone but this is a supreme test of strength and power here's the man we've wanted to see get his hands on this stone matches Kalish Kowski and last year he put on a show with the old Hagen tombstone this is his first attempt he just rips that off the ground he's feeling the pressure of being able to perform on this event because he did such a great thing last year with this stone and there is one rep for caylor's Koski if he breaks his own record of four repetitions to walk away with $5,000 one good repetition down for caylor's Koski here's the second attempt he just comes right off Wow and that will be two and he barely looks taxed he's read this stone he knows exactly what he's gonna do and then he gets the body position to get it up to the top of the chest Oh hitches his shoulders and his and his hips together and get Sun with that stone third attempt for caylor's Kowski this also requires tremendous upper-body strength a lot of shoulder strengthen people don't understand shouldering a stone because from here you've got to be able to hold it close to the body and then push it up and that will be three good reps for matches killers Koski and he still has a minute to go remember he has the record it was four and he did it last year okay we're gonna watch again this this this next attempt this will tie his best it's gonna get his hands on it he's gonna push his feet down get it to his lap he's got that right hand in a great position to hold on to the stone and [Music] caylor's Koski once again moving on a clinic for good reps he's lifted this stone eight times total did second place man ever ever lift the stones only done it once this is something that he's just got this this got this event down just a few more seconds to go okay let's Kowski has time for one more attempt and possibly break his own record this would be his fifth good rep this young man has been dreaming about this night runner the big crowd so he gets his hands around the stone he pushes his feet down and lets his upper body stay pretty quiet and gets it up to his lap he doesn't really put it to his chest he just puts it right up onto his shoulder unbelievable Majesty Laskowski who last year had four good repetitions that was a record one year later he beats it by a full rep art Easley sees is up next and he is really the only man who can keep half thora bjornsen from repeating his champion but least he's is probably gonna have to win this event to do that that will not be easy as he has to beat caylor's Kowski score of five reps Lee sees watching his chances sort of fade away here but he's still going after this thing off the ground pretty quickly had a good read on that stone he had the can strength to get it up same exact same exact same technique now I'd remind you that he trains with owed Haugen this is the ODE Haugen stone he has seen this stone before he has drained the stone four pcs with one good rep so far the mark to beat in this event is five and that is a record so if Lee C's is able to shoulder this thing six times five thousand bucks more importantly he'll gain points in the competition I think that's what he's really after and that is to for Marty's leases and now the stone is off the stage I think that's the first time this has ever happened and they have stopped the clock while the crew finds a way to get that stone back to the stage Martines lease he's taking a second to play to the crowd as now basically everybody in a blue ropes shirt all the members of the crew were to come out here trying to haul this thing back up to the stage they haven't met with which to do it you see it there now the stone is back to where Lee sees can get started again they're doing it quickly because they've stopped the clock Jan Todd on the stage dr. Jan Todd to say okay we've stopped the clock but they want to do it quickly so that is to get too much rest and it affects the event itself police ease grip now starting to slip he has two good reps remember to mark to beat his five that was done earlier by my twos killers Koski and that's a record Marty's lease he's looking like he's using a ton of energy just to get that to his laughs just couldn't get it up to his shoulder and that's going to be it from artis Lee sees with two reps we are down to the last man in the fifth and final event of the 2019 Arnold strawman classic the mountain half tour bjornsen one rep on the Oh algún tombstone and he will lock up his second-straight arnold strongman classic championship and he has simply dominated this competition he's only had one finished less than first place and that second place finished was only by six inches and bjornsen also broke his own record in the Elephant Bar deadlift that was the first event when he put 1045 pounds now lining up for his first attempt on that 410 pound stone half Thor actually weighs more than this stone but at his great height it's that much more difficult to get it up to his shoulder he's a nice under lots of stones there he's got a tattoo on his calf of john paul singer Merson when the stone on his shoulder this is for this is for pride he's left-handed he's gonna go to his left shoulder Georgeson has it to his chest he just has to get it to his shoulder and show control and half Thor bjornsen will get the rep and that will do it he is your 2019 learn old strongman Classic champion the most explosive strength athlete on the planet gets the stone up to his shoulder and complete is 2019 Arnold strongman classic championship this could be the beginning of a historic run for half for bjornsen half the reports and basically won this competition during the first three events when he racked up two first in a second he built enough of a cushion that he just needed one rep to clinch the title here in the fifth and final event here are your final standings half-door bjornsen scores 45 of a possible 50 points marquise Lee sees with his best finish ever as he takes second Matteo Skelos cocky courtesy of his record-breaking performance and event 5 takes third that matches his best performance ever at the Arnold strongman classic as both he and Lee C's are establishing themselves as the future of this sport half Thor Julius bjornsen wins his second straight Arnold strongman classic at one of the most dominant performances we have ever seen he is clearly a mountain among men for dr. bill Crawford and our entire crew I'm Sean woodland this has been a presentation of CBS Sports Network the 24 hour Home of CBS Sports
Channel: Rogue Fitness
Views: 1,393,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rogue Fitness, crossfit, rogue, made in the usa, american made, fitness
Id: VUms_bnrGwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 20sec (2780 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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