Watch Live: The 2019 Arnold Pro Strongman USA Qualifier

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Santa Monica Pier one of the most recognizable landmarks in all of Southern California it has played host from everything from concerts to powder for racing and today it adds yet another event to its storied history the art impose strongman USA thanks for joining us everybody here today in beautiful Santa Monica California I'm Sean woodland with dr. bill Crawford we certainly could not have picked a more perfect day for this event and we definitely could not have picked a more appropriate location a very historic place to have a competition for strongman this is where Arnold got his started at Muscle Beach in 1977 Arnold's book the education of a bodybuilder sent a shock wave through a lot of people's lives and got a lot of barbells in a lot of hands this is the final qualifying event for the Arnold tow man classic that will take place in March so far seven men have qualified three more spots are up for grabs in today's event will determine who takes those three spots there is a three-way tie on top of the qualifying point standings between Gerry Pritchett macho's Bell shot and that man that's used qirush Cosmo this is a competition to see who has the most consistent day the none of the athletes want to just do their best they want to win today these are professional athletes and they all came here to win they've told me that Kayla's cos he was certainly impressive in that stone to shoulder last year in Columbus Ohio he's looking to get back and improve on that performance match I fell shocked did not have the best performance last year after he finished 10th looking to improve on that this year yes but he has an automatic qualifier is a winner in the series if you had if you had a win in the series so that's what he's looking for today there's a bell shot looking to build some momentum as he heads to Columbus and finally Gerry Pritchett who's looking to get back to Columbus for the seventh time to compete in the auto strongman Classic and we'd love to have him go and then try the 500 kilogram deadlift record which everyone's talking about this focus of the next phase of the strongman which is the big crystal of the big crown jewel in Columbus earlier today Bridget spoke with dr. bachlin so what do you think of the key for your success today it's going to be consistent in all the events you're fishing at everyone and make sure on points on everyone to have be at the top of the overall okay I guess another question but that everyone's got is what kind of deadly if you're looking at today because anybody that knows Jerry Prichard and strong man thinks about deadlift I know you also hold the IPL world record and powerlifting as well as a strongman world record yeah it was kind of depend on how it goes today well you know where we end up we're starting at 700 taking every attempt so I think that'll piehole the numbers down a little bit but you're the main goal is Columbus ain't going after a big one there so I want to leave to notch out from here make it Jay you heard printed say the main goal is Columbus and that's what it is all about here today in Santa Monica there are five events some of them similar to what these men will be seeing when they get to Columbus in the Arnold Sean man classic we are going to start big event one a fire truck for more on that in just a second but the law press the deadlift and the roll sandbag carry will be similar to events that they will see in Columbus as well the Atlas is stoned to shoulder but that fire truck pulls right out of the gates that is a heavy heavy implement they will be facing the larger athletes tend to do a little bit better with these with these truck pulls and and plane pulls but also it's about getting your hips low and keeping keeping everything in line also keeping the momentum of the implement going as well [Music] the order in which they will attack that 1952 Mack fire engine Gerry Pritchett will lead things off followed by matches Bell shock two of the men who are tied atop the qualifying point standings and then matches killers Koski will go 8th he is the third man in that three-way tie but this is just all about brute strength but we mentioned it earlier the surface on which they're pulling this engine could come into play here absolutely some of the athletes are concerned about this wooden surface which is something they typically not done a truck pull or a plane pull on the other piece is that the implement itself you never know how something's going to move on a surface so it's a it's a very heavy object they've got to stay low and use their levers and also their body weight larger athletes tend to do a little better with these F though with these types of pulling events Gerry printed up first finished 6th at the Arnold strongman classic last year looking to get back to Columbus for the seventh time in his career his best finish at that event was in 2017 when he finished in third place well there's a really large athlete 6-4 360 pounds but also with that prodigious deadlift strength that shows that his overall total body strength is absolutely astronomical so this should be a good event for him each athlete will try to pull that fire engine 30 feet as quickly as they possibly can you want to get your feet moving you want to keep your back that's perpendicular to the surface of the pier as possible and you want to use those long levers your legs to really push against the surface and to get get some momentum created then once it starts you don't want to let up and then then there's a component of endurance that strength endurance is very very important towards the end of this event journey appreciate one of three men in a tie in the points standings as far as who gets into the Arnold strongman Classic he is tied with macho's Bell shocked mateus killer scoffs key all have 25 points two of them are guaranteed spots at the Arnold strongman classic as long as one of them wins this event all three will go the men who could throw a wrench into this whole thing are you its Kramer out of the net Matteo's dashefsky from poland and brian clark if one of the three those three win today's event kim Laskowski bell shock or pritchett will get left out will deal more with that as this event goes on and as the point standings unfold that is the line where they need to pull and a couple of these athletes I've not seen compete before their feet need to get across that line a couple of the athletes from the Netherlands Cramer and okay first tire so the first tire has to cross that line so a couple these athletes Kramer and Clark are newcomers to this series and so they could be they could be factors here in other words we don't really know what they're going to do I've talked with them they are well prepared and they're and they're ready to go but honestly they might have an event or two that really throws the kilter on some of the plans of the guys trying to qualify for the for the Arnold strongmen classic for guys like Brian Clark OSHA Chesky and its Cramer they have to win to get into the Arnold Classic in March we are at the Santa Monica Pier this is the main arena that has been set up for the competition the fire engine pool is being held just behind or really in front of it so the east side of the pier where Jerry Prichard is getting set to pull that 17,000 pound a 1952 Mack fire engine you really want to get as strong a start as possible so he's going to put his hips and his legs into this as much as possible but also pulling as hard as possible on that rope to get some momentum going Prichard has had a long career in strongman training they've had their adding weight so 17,000 pounds plus a number of men that are that are climbing up onto the truck yeah at that point what's a couple hundred more pounds once you've passed 17,000 but Pritchett has been training in strongman ever since he was 15 years old in his first event that he ever competed in was in 2008 it was in Phoenix Arizona he finished second in that event and that's really what launched his career and drove him to train harder now here he is trying to get into the Arnold straw man Classic for the seventh time in his career he told me is he started powerlifting when he was 15 and deadlift at 460 pounds so he got a good start I saw him right before he started this event he was warming up his heels really trying to make sure that he's he's got some good flexibility going in the heels Brigitte is underway he's taking the strain he's pulling these pulling he's pulling he's just got to get it started he's got to get it going so here we are we're down to look at his feet are slipping a little bit that surface the shoes that he's wearing he's really digging in he's trying to get something going it seems there's a technical issue so printed for nearly half a minute was giving it all he had and now he will have to reset and go at it again as the judges are discussing something there but pretty gets a break and this was the start it looks like he's slipping as I had said before I don't know if it's just the the is huge selection for this event a lot of times that where the climbing shoes but I'm not sure what climbing shoes will do for you on wood the stone climbing shoes are the rock climbing shoes are typically quite good for this event but I'm not sure why why his feet would have slipped like that was our technical issue with the with the truck itself the Pritchett's on the Left Brian Clark who often trains with Bridget's on the right the two of them discussing strategy as Clark is one of the men who could really throw a big wrench into this thing okay so we have to turn the engine on to let the air brakes off so that's the that's the technical piece that we're getting and so I assume that they're gonna let him take another second now you could look at it at two ways he expended some energy to try to get that pull started that's one thing in a second the second possibility is that you know I'd actually let him warm up a little bit so we've got all the fans there standing by watching the event and and sometimes these technical issues people understand it they're very they're very patient they just want to have the athletes have the best possible chance to to pull this fire engine we really want to see this and I'm sure we're gonna get a chance to it's hard enough to pull 17,000 pounds is even more difficult when the emergency brake is on absolutely but the the other piece is this is why order is so important if you're the first athlete to go these kind of technical issues get worked out on you but in strongman you'll have you'll have a rotating order packed house here absolutely started showing up early and the standing-room-only here so they give it they give the athlete that's that that wins the first event they let him go go last in the second event and what that does is it let less that athlete lets the athlete create a little more space between the other athletes and here's our second event the log press 385 pounds 175 kilograms they have to clean and press each and every time and that is one of the events that will be similar to what the qualifying men will face at the Arnold strongman classic they will have to lift the Austrian oak which is much heavier 454 pounds in Columbus Ohio yes and that's the Austrian oak is a is a legendary implement no question about it but with multiple attempts at the 385 that's the that's that's gonna be a good test to see if they can take on the the Austrian oak as they ready the fire engine here's one more look at the men who have already qualified for the Arnold strongman classic the top seven Bridget Bell shock and killer scoffs key are tied in the point standings those points are based on how you finish in the Arnold Pro strongman World Series events if you win one of those events you will automatically get in okay it looks like they're pulling it up we have some Santa Monica firemen here hopefully they're expert in controlling this beast I've pulled fire trucks and fire engines before and the first thing you have to do is just get it started and sometimes it feels impossible but you dig down deeper and deeper and you get a little momentum a little momentum and a little more momentum and you keep it going and that's absolutely gonna be true for this this large fire engine as well they didn't take any of the guys off Shawn I think they're gonna keep it as heavy as it was at this point why not and maybe if purchase slips these guys a few bucks they can step on the gas a little bit and help him down the beer here I think the other athletes might have something to say about that no shenanigans here in the opening event okay yes or to theirs they're sweeping off some of the the wood shards and a little bit of pulp that's come off of the wood and again that's exactly the reason that the athletes were concerned about the surface one of the things is this wood you know the fog comes in it's on the ocean and on a daily basis this wood goes through a lot of stress and so that it becomes a little bit fragile they're trying to clean it up a little bit and keep it going I know anytime you can add to an implement anytime you can add to an implement with some semantics um some of the men on the truck that can be helpful so they're just pulling that make sure that it's okay they're testing it rich it should be recovered by now they strapped him into that thing and the poor guy wasted about 30 seconds of effort when the brakes weren't released this is the first of five events that we will be seen today after this it is the log press we just showed you that earlier then the last man standing deadlift a little bit of a different format than we're used to every man will make an attempt at every weight once you fail you are out then it's sort of made to simulate a stone a little bit it's not object I'll carrying it up and down the arena floor here for distance and then finally it's a 400 pound Atlas stone to shoulder okay so we're going to our we're going to the next athlete maybe they'll give Jerry a chance to recover a little bit the past macho's bell shockers now strapped into the fire engine interested in the first two athletes that are going to be no shock has begun 30 feet for time and he's got that been moving here he goes took him a couple of seconds to get some momentum going there he goes he's get he's got his low his back his perpendicular to the surface he's got good foot movement he's pulling pulling pulling got to get that first tire over the line there we go papel Shaq is done in a hurry we'll have to wait to get the official time but he is first so that will be the early mark to beat with eight competitors to go nineteen point five seven seconds Bell Shaq one of the three men tied atop the point standings looking to get back the autostart man classic for the second time in his career and he got that thing moving quickly was able to accelerate the entire way down that 30 if you notice technically he's got a little difference with it with his pulse he had his left hand as an overhand as an overhand polar as opposed to having the underhand approach shot quarters with his fellow competitors margin species is there Gerry Pritchett all discussing some strategy the bell Shaq sets the early time to beat at 19:45 seven seconds and that'll bring up john francois peron who has already qualified for the 2019 arnold classic he is the 2018 arlov classic africa champion so that gives us an easy mark to look at just under 20 seconds so that is the time runs out and they get closer to the line 20 seconds is really the kind of the cutoff today so I think what we were talking about early on in the event the two concerns would be the weight of the implement and also to the surface itself and the athletes were concerned about exactly the right thing Arnold Schwarzenegger is here alongside Mario Lopez a lot of celebrity sightings at the Santa Monica Pier today ready to strap that on and go for it himself I'm sure he would love to as john francois peron is the winner of fan of this Strongest Man for eight straight years 2011 through 2018 he has won that competition very very experienced competitor he's pulled to have implements before I did speak with him about that but the surface again I haven't seen his Footwear that sounds like it sounds like that might have a part of what some of the athletes are really concerned about right now is what they're actually on their own is ready to go and he is given the go command there he goes as massive arms and shoulders along with his hips getting the pole as well as the drive with his legs nineteen point five seven seconds is the early mark to being her own looking like he might be able to chase that down he's moving his feet very quickly oh just over 20 seconds the way to get his official time and it was closes Bell shock the first competitor to go nineteen point five seven seconds in Corona was close to that and again John Francis Walker Owen has already qualified but he will beat Bell shocks time so he is now your leader nineteen point four zero seconds Wow what is what a close competition this is exactly what we want to see we want to see the every athletes best we want to see a great competition and here we are just with just that tenth of a second separating the two athletes nineteen point four is now the new mark to beat set by jf korone that is Brian Clark looking on Brian Clark has got to win this competition to get to the Arnold Classic in March he's a former recon marine with the second Battalion in Camp Lejeune North Carolina I know that's close to where you reside dr. bill yes very close to where I live now and he said that he got involved with strongman in place second his first competition say he's a very easy natural things he's in that he's a natural strong man nineteen forty four nineteen point four four seconds is the time to be for Brian Clark as he is now the third competitor up it's not a phoenix arizona' 31 years old often trains with Jerry Bridget so hopefully the strength endurance training that he's done as a Marine will help him with these types of events Ryan Clark is ready and we will wait for the judges signal he's mentally visualizing getting down he's mentally visualizing having his back is flat to the surface of the spear as possible he's getting his hips getting his hips in to the end of the pole and start with mentally visualizing there we go Brian Clark is off nineteen point four four seconds the marquees trying to chase down Arnold Schwarzenegger there to cheer him on I mean if you're not motivated by that I don't know what's going to get you across the finish line and here comes Brian Clark and he is in Wow twenty-two twenty two point eight one right now that would be third for Brian Clark that was a great effort that is shows that Arnold's really involved with these competitions this series means a lot to him if you've been following him on Instagram you've seen abuse in posting pictures all weekend long with the athletes shooting videos with them at Gold's Gym in Venice Beach as Ron Ohama another man who has already qualified for the Arnold Classic in March he won the 2018 Arnold Classic Australia event [Music] still trying to chase down the top mark that was set by jean francois peron nineteen point four four seconds as the man from Estonia getting ready to go yes there's I've spoken with him before and so there's not a lot of a strongman opportunity in in Slovenia so this is a this is a terrific just a terrific opportunity for him so hi hi luck from Estonia additionally not a lot of opportunities for him in they're off to a solid start but looks like he's behind the pace set by jean francois peron nineteen point four four seconds is your time to beat notice how there's slack in the rope and that kind of tells how fast he's going because if he's not able to pull the pull it fast enough there'll be some slack in the rope the Highland at twenty one point two two seconds and that means john francois peron still your leader as we are through four of our nine competitors he did get a good start but sometimes hand speed actually pays it plays a role with with these truck pulls really reaching out really reaching out with his hands and pulling back that the rope had some slack and some give side to side as well matches austere Chesky is up next another guy who needs to win this competition in order to get himself to the Arnold Classic he was there last year finished 10th his best event finished he was tied for 6th in a pollens wheel so this man does have some power Arnold giving him personal life personal encouragement sucess key is approaching the finish line now starting to pick up some momentum and he is in good time good time and a handshake from Arnold Schwarzenegger twenty point three eight seconds for potatoes hasta cesky so he now is in third place with four men remaining the Polish athletes in the past have been very good at dynamic and in strength endurance events the legendary five-time world Strongest Man winner mariusz pudzianowski he was very good at strength endurance men's and so master chef ski shows that that that quality as well gets Kramer is up next out of the netherlands looking to make his first ever appearance at their own strongman classic he also needs to win this competition to get in Kramer trying to track down the time to beat still belong to Shawn friends walked in row nineteen point four four seconds the tall Dutch athlete has long levers look when he puts his foot down he can push back further and he's gonna have a shot here maintaining foot surface the longer your foots on the ground and he has a new time to beat at nineteen point three eight seconds for Kramer Wow just beating John francois peron across the finish line that is huge for Kramer who again needs to win this competition to get himself into the strongman classic in March but this taller athlete notice he has those long-lived legs and when he puts his foot down he maintains pressure on on the surface to push off and continue to push off and that long leg length continued develop power the longer your foot is on the surface the longer foot is on the surface the more the more speed and power that you can do that you can continue to develop as you pull the fire engine up next Matthews killers Koski on a Poland and this young man extremely impressive last year at the Arnold strongman classic when he finished fourth put on what you called one of the most impressive performances you had ever seen and that stone to shoulder event absolutely I think every every person it's been around strongman for some time we all just shook our head when we look at each other I've never seen anything that's that's singly impressive compared to the competition [Music] put that 410 pound stone at the Arnold Classic on his shoulder four different times and won that event easily when there's Cosby's ready to go Arnold is right there nineteen point three eight seconds is now your time to beat so he was able to develop some momentum right off with his first pull and a little slip and that was going to be close we'll have to see how that slip may have affected him but but he till knowledge is the time to beat seventeen point nine one seconds Wow that's unofficial two killers Koski just hammering through that and now has a new time to beat and that includes that that includes a little bit of a slip this young man is a terrific athlete as well as a very strong very strong athlete and this kid has a bright future ahead of him and he is just starting to round into form he doesn't have an incredible future right now has the event lead Martin siliceous is is typically very very good at odd types of events he's a mass wrestling champion actually world champion he defeated an undefeated moss wrestler from Russia several years ago to be world champion so anything that presents an off-balance implement or challenge he is very good at for those of you don't know what boss wrestling is it's some variation of stick wrestling you can go on line and look at it this is certainly a battle of pure power between two men Lee sees has already qualified he's the 2018 Arnold Classic Europe champion and he is underway looking to track down killers Kowski stylist seventeen point nine one seconds good foot speed good hand speed he's taking the slack out of the rope quickly a lot of hit power running with it at the end and then just drops the rope and gets himself across Arnold Arnold giving in nineteen point one nine seconds so not enough to give him the event lead but it will slot him right now into second place Jerry Prichard is the only man left mateus killers Koski looking to lock up nine points here with an event win Kayla zukovsky wants as much distance as possible between between himself and the other two athletes that are looking to qualify for the two of the three are guaranteed a spot Jerry Pritchett is one of those three men tied atop the coin standings now if one of them were to win this whole event all three would go because no one can catch them in the point standings where it gets tricky is it either gets Kramer Matteo's to cesky or Brian Clark we're to win this event then it comes down to who finishes ahead of whom between Christian Bell Shaka killers Kowski in this event we still have four events to go before we get there so a lot needs to happen [Music] richard is ready to go and arnold schwarzenegger is right there to cheer him on the last chance to track down Gillis Kowski stout I was seventeen point nine one seconds there we go this is more what I was expecting to have him pull this truck good foot speed good hand speed Gillis cause he's gonna win the event as Pritchett gets himself across the finish line twenty-one point two two seconds for Pritchett a good effort from Gerry Pritchett but the Taylor's Mateos killers Koski will win the event at seventeen point nine one seconds that doesn't surprise me actually a dynamic event like this that also has a component of strength endurance as I said Kevin scoffs Keys a terrific athlete as well as a very strong competitor you mentioned the slack in that row but it looked like Bridgette was having problems even that thing talked as he was moving so quickly yes and sometimes they that's that's what happens even sometimes an athlete will just drop the rope and the leader in other words someone who will actually walk with the athlete and pull the rope out of the way we'll just take the out take the rope out of the way because if the athlete is able to drop his hips and really get good momentum pulling with his hands we'll get that out of will actually impede his progress sometimes we'll just drop the rope and keep moving great crowd on hand here at the Santa Monica Pier on a picture-perfect day for the Arnold Pro strongman USA the final qualifying event for the 2019 Arnold strongman classic and now Arnold Schwarzenegger will lead the athletes into the arena and so they're all vying for an opportunity to compete in the world's heaviest strongman competition year after year the heaviest weights lifted the most epic implements are always at the classic in Columbus Ohio and remember last year at the Arnold strongman classic it was outdoor fjords and who set the world deadlift record on the Elephant Bar 1040 one pound those were more people are filing in here and this year at the Otto strongman classic if some word for someone were to beat that record of one thousand forty one thousand the deadlift event there is a fifty thousand dollar check waiting for them he has to pull the five hundred imaginal five hundred kilograms or eleven hundred pounds so here comes Arnold and look at the crowd that's assembled here I think the crowd is more pumped up than you and me are never never this crowd cuz this crowd knows these athletes cried on the energy so ladies and gentlemen let's give Arnold Schwarzenegger a warm welcome at his events look at that look at these are toilet escape now we have to be very careful because this guy is really powerful I want to say French for thank you for putting this great event darn it also at the firefighter I'm very honored to be in the first world Strongest Man you know before ago because we had a chance to show that bodybuilders like us are strong as we look as amazing 45 years later how a such a great event and I want to say thank you for having at the event here because people California need something like this to respect the elevation the excitement and the adulation everything isn't it great when you see the Hulk being so enthusiastic thank you very much for being out here supporting the firefighters thank you so much for coming out here and being such a great friend of not only myself but also of the body builders and the World's Strongest Man that Altea competing and also the firefighters that would be competing later on so this is really great thing is a much loop of being here ok I want to say you know being a deputy sheriff for 15 years in California what the first responder and how important that the firefighter if they ripped your eyes that doing this no please pay attention and give a contribution but thank you so much for coming and thank you Arnold thank you let's give them a big hand a little for right now the Hulk and my great friends Thank You Lou thank you I gotta say how great is it we know you and Lou had a legendary rivalry but today is about building bridges today is about something bigger so right now we're gonna turn the stage over to you governor because you can explain whatever so first of all I think let's go over here with the camera because Lou's wife is she also Carla you don't never forget the other half okay or maybe even the better half good to have you here you look fantastic and then great shape okay great to see you hi everybody who's here of course you remember her what kind of a question is that do I remember her I always will remember Karla because remember it's your better half remember lo okay all right it's good to see you Bobby thank you for coming out here and then we have Franco Columbu here come on let's give him a big hand Franco Columbu mr. Olympia and world Strongest Man in his weight category deadlifting 740 pounds in his heyday great for the build-up exactly Franco it's great to see you here and it's great to have your support powerlifting and the World's Strongest Man and orders bustles yeah it's great to see you you know what how you cannot be here you have to be a present and and see everything I can you believe this food comes from Austria you come with your son yes let's go keep all the secrets of where you're Franco okay it's good to have you here let's give a big hand to Franco Columbu anyway I just want to say it's great to have you all here we came up with this idea of doing the World's Strongest Man competition here at the Santa Monica Pier because they used to be Muscle Beach right next door here but they got rid of Muscle Beach which i think was a big mistake and they moved it down to Venice so now the weightlifting platform is down in Venice but we wanted to bring some muscles back here and let's not forget let's not forget that everything starts from that World's Strongest Man pace because even bodybuilding came from the World's Strongest Man competition from Eugene Sandow was like the first one that had muscles tremendous muscles and also was one of the world's strongest man and the weightlifting came from that sport powerlifting came from that sport and bodybuilding him from dead sport so this is the basis this is why I'm so passionate about the World's Strongest Man that's why I'm promoting it all over the world we have it in six different continents throughout the year we have those competitions and it's great that for the first time we have the world Strongest Man here in Santa Monica at this beautiful historic pier so let's give a big hand to those World's Strongest Man they came from all over the world and then Miss Donna the dialogue about the no hears if we sell a thousand tickets that's how much money we can make and this is if we sell a thousand t-shirts this is how much money we can make and all this dialogue was going on about how much money we can make necessary wait a minute guys we don't really need the money we have plenty of money I said let's give that money that we make every single dollar that we make here proceeds let's give it to the firefighters here in California so I was so happy that everyone agreed because I can tell you when I was governor of California I saw firsthand the kind of miracles that those guys and this women perform when they fight the fires I've seen them being up there in the mountains 24 hours 48 hours 36 hours without any sleep fighting the fires and fighting and fighting so this is why I saw firsthand that we have the most powerful the most energetic the most courageous and the best firefighters in the world so let's give a big hand there are great great firefighters that are risking their lives every single day to save ours so I'm delighted that we could put this together and then be going to see the firefighters also having a strongman competition here the world's strongest firefighter we want to find out who is the world's strongest firefighter so I'm really looking forward to that event but anyway you will see four more lifts and kind of crazy things to this guys are doing here so let's go and get going with our show I kick it back to Matt thank you very much thank you let's give a big hand to Matt for coming in here extra and doing time seeing and also great great thank you do you understand I mean I taste a lot of things popping up on your body I mean Jesus I mean it's like I'm palatal but look at the triceps it's just like a look at the traps what is going on up here oh my God look at this time that I cannot even it doesn't even go into my hand that big hands the one who threw the first spark in this whole thing right here I know it is this it's fantastic you look unbelievable let's give him a good hand let's do a bunch of goop out double bicep shot quickly for the guys come and I hold your mic your double bicep shot right over there and right over there with this crowd very nice look at that the monster good to see you thank you so much for being here and thank you it's a pleasure to be here with you thank you thank you now I gotta say I've been your apprentice you were the boss you've never pointed anything out of my body that was bulging cover to that I'm feeling a little neglected right here but right now we're gonna continue this competition because today we're gonna crown a strongman here at Santa Monica and they're gonna go to the world champion I think Arnold Schwarzenegger's having the best time at anybody out here here are your results after the first event hello scoffs key picks up the wind by nearly two seconds over margin thesis its proper is thirds and then fob I jf korone when we come back event number two the lock press and we will meet the athletes competing in the Arnold Pro strongman USA [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you longest man he'll be gone first also out of Arizona a man has been this part for 20 years Jerry Bridget put your hands together everyone this guy is a be six for 370 and then out of Estonia Milano Hina 6:1 301 won the Arnold competition in Australia and then the youngest athlete of just 20 years of age Matus asked the chef's key I saw that dude last night he had like seven Polish sausages he was loving it and next up out of Slovenia Mario's Bell shock we saw him go first in that truck Pole now we're gonna introduce him we have little development we mentioned it he was battling an injury on that truck bull despite his remarkable pull he pulled a hamstring he's not going to be competing but he deserves your respect because he's already qualified for the World Championships out of Quebec give it up for jf come on and next up yitzy Kramer out of the Netherlands and how about that I wear this man isn't just strong he's got style and then the man known as the dragon the man with the fire in his belly out of the USA via Latvia Martines lessees Martines and finally the man who we just saw won the truck poll with the time almost two seconds better than any other competitor a man who may well be the future of this sport give it up for the 24 year old Mateus College Koski ladies and gentlemen these are your strongmen for today now Matt before we let these guys go back and get warmed up what I want to point out is it's really hard to tell truly how enormous they are now when I walk up in front of these guys I want you realize I'm 6 feet about 290 they're gonna make me look like I'm some sort of a miniature so check this out do you ever truly get a feel for how large these guys are all right like I said just under 300 pounds of 6-foot I look like I still have yet some growing to do so these guys are truly truly monsters modern-day gladiators ready to go to battle I gotta be honest I thought I saw us the chef's key go for some mustard he was gonna put you in a bun Anita that dude not surprising at all so I just look like dinner to these guys so here we go we've got one contest down Kalish Kowski took first place in that now we're moving on to the log press these and athletes Jeff Corona is out he's already earned his spot congratulations sir these eight are going to be vying for this title today that's it literally we've got tons of action for you today guys and the best part is when they're not going full-bore with got entertained in between everyone [Applause] picture-perfect day in Santa Monica California as the Arnold Pro say competition continues thanks for being with us everybody today I'm Sean woodland with dr. bill property' we are set for the second of five events today it is the log press and that is what awaits the athletes 385 pounds the law press has to be one of the one of the one of the most difficult events that you can do because we have got to clean the log each and every time and that requires a lot of stamina as well as tremendous strength these we're ready to go so we're getting out the first athlete I believe they're warmed up so you'll notice that when the athletes pick up the log they'll reset themselves and turn their hands over and they'll roll the roll to log back it gives it a little bit of kick and puts it into place but unlike a barbell that's right under your chin this log is out further from your chest Brian Clark will be up first the order of this event is determined by the results from the prior event Clark finished ninth in that last event so he will lead things off and that means the man who won the event the players killer's kospi will go last and that can be a huge advantage in an event like this yes absolutely Kellis Koski winning the event and convincingly that puts him in the driver's seat after the first event and and mateus is also Kel scoffs he's also very good at the log press he's had very good results in training he told me [Music] Brian Clark needs to do very well in this event to make it to that ninth place finish in the fire engine poll where you fill this event mostly it's surprisingly it's not the shoulders it's actually abdominal muscles trying to support this weight over your head is getting it up your chest each and every time and that after it gets overhead you have to hold it and that's that really gets your abdominal muscles and they will not get credit for partial reps a rep will only count once they have it locked out overhead and they have one minute and wish to get as many reps as possible in Clark still looking for his first class he has enough but he just can't support it no not able to get it up it's 385 pounds and they're going for reps just 15 years ago this was the absolute world's record at least a bed frame is for advantage to be the first to lift this 175 kilogram log the crowds really behind him the Clark will not be able to get one repetition again he has to win this event in order to get to the Arnold Classic in March in Columbus Ohio this just shows how heavy these implements are that an athlete of this ability and strength has this much difficulty with this kind of implement Gary Pritchard getting ready where did Clark really struggle on this well notice how he resets he's just not able to get it up and over get his hands to turn over and believe it or not you just want to get your wrist and pull back and up up a little bit sometimes it helps to redouble your legs to rebend your legs but that's quite difficult with a log so you really got to get those wrists active and get to get that log up to your chest quickly Gary Pritchard who often trains with Brian Clark is up next switch it in eighth place overall after that fire engine poll this experienced strong man really needs to come across with this event he finds himself with a little bit of a hole getting an 8.8 place in the in the truck and the 504 Richard looking at his first rep and he can't press it overhead got it up quickly and Bridget is going to call it so Gerry Pritchett is relatively safe as far as the Arnold strongman Classic is concerns we take a look at his one and only attempt here so as you see he was able to get the log up quickly to his chest it looks like you had some separation from his chest but just couldn't get the the initial phases of the lockout you want to get it past your nose different mary's and start the second phase of a press if you can't get it up to the pass the chin and up through the nose fairly quickly then it turns into much more of a struggle because then you've got the implement in front of you and it wants to dump forward Llano Hilah will be up next Heinlein has already qualified for the Arnold strongman classic and this event similar to one they will face in Columbus with the Austrian oak but that law of 70 pounds heavier than what they're facing today yes notice he's he's really he's really getting himself ready sometimes you want to you some of the athletes will actually Koff out so they can span their lungs so when the law gets up to their chest yes first round first rep good from Royal Highland he is now your event leader now notice how when he gets it to his lap he bends over into the log a little bit and then rolls it back quickly to down for high and low so you have to you have to have the weight overhead stabilized at arm's length with feet stable before they give you the downs I'm not going for three not quite not quite able to get it stabilized did get it past his face but it wasn't on the way back so still two reps urato high-low 15 seconds to dig deep get that third repetition every rep counts and just can't lock it out but an impressive performance urato Hina the six-time Estonia's strongest man who started weightlifting and powerlifting when he was just 10 years old that was that was a great effort you noticed that the the attempts that he actually got the implement overhead and locked out they got it over his face quickly at the times and he didn't get over his face quickly and actually then fell forward that's best one of the one of the technical points but along with that momentum to go backwards just a bit over the face and that lines you up and in line with the body and helps your leverages so that you can get the implement overhead matches those two cesky up next six place after the first event trying to get back to the Arnold strongman classic for the second time in his career last year he finished ten [Applause] not able to walk out the press Oscar says he's shaking out his right arm and he's not gonna make another attempt OSHA cesky is in the same boat as Brian Clark he has got to win this entire competition in order to get himself to the Arlo straw man classic so I think you had somewhat of a shoulder issue it really did it really wasn't able to get it up sometimes in an athlete grabs the the further their shoulder area like that when pulling up a heavy implement like this like a log press sometimes they're the proximal attachment of their bicep it's not truly their shoulder yes this is a tremendous amount of strain on your on your biceps and your forearms as you pull the implement up the nachos bail shot got the slovenia up next last year sixth overall at the Arnold strongman classic and he is one of the three men who is tied for the lead in the points standings those points based on where you finished in the other qualifying events this beautiful implement the slater log very balanced implement there we go no problem for bow shock to his shoulders and the press looks relatively easy very good so one down very good the two components getting into his chest and and then getting it over to space to complete the press both went very very efficiently we also notice that he's getting some hips and thighs into the second second face is a lift rano hila is the man who has the repetitions two feet and now Bell shock is tied with Heinlein a little a small quick dip with the legs you can't dip too much I've been urinating for with you money the crowd behind Bell shocked as he looks to take the event Lee this is his third attempt and like Heinlein he just cannot make that third whistle he had Heinlein tied for first place great performance for macho's Bell Jacques fantastic performance you can tell these athletes are really trained on this implement very heavy implements it's a little bit longer than typically you'll find with this with the log press there there's the second rep notice he keeps he keeps that form where he has a little bit of a leg drive gets it over the face and now we can lock it out and that's a tremendous amount of pressure when it gets over your head there's Kramer out of the Netherlands third place after one events Kramer needs to work himself to the top of the overall leaderboard but one of the men who needs to win the whole competition to get in has never been to the Arnold strongman classic looking for his first career appearance in Columbus he's gonna need three reps in order to witness events she couldn't get the Queen gonna bail out yeah he's a very tall athlete and and sometimes the taller athletes can have difficulty with these with these implements as they start out play we're just gonna figure this thing out yes he does dip down but he just doesn't have he doesn't have the coordination of the effort from his thighs with his with his arms to get it up to his chest it's not just pure strength it's also a matter of of how how efficient you are from one face to the next there's Marty's leases leases is very strong overhead Satomi's had a very good training cycle and is very motivated to win today grew up in Latvia before he moved to California when he was 20 years old and he used to train by lifting stones at his grandparents farm and he has the log shoulder canal struggling with his first press he needs to get his face he's to get over his face and back over the head we got a repetition and Lisi sticks with it and one is down no man has gotten more than two rochester shock and rano halo the two men who have completed two successful lives here we go second clean much more efficient with the clean [Applause] Lisa's can't get the second press you gotta wonder how much those first two attempts took out of about his first rep that's exactly right you only have so much time if you'll notice he did have the turn over their head of the wrist got it quickly and efficiently to his chest a quick dip but just can't get the implement back over his face there he gets it back over his face he's able to get leverage and get under the implement one good rep for Marquis DC's a man who has already qualified for the Arnold Classic and here comes your current leader after one event not just killers costs key out of Poland getting some last-second instruction from the head judge meets three reps to win the event two to tie for first and right now Gerry Pritchett and matches bail shock are cheering for this man because if killers Koski wins this event both Bell shocked and Pritchett are the other two men to qualify for the Arnold strongman classic he's quite good for this overhead he told me Oh give me a play wow that is too easy unbelievable peelers Koski believable someone check that log and make sure it's the same one the other guys were using one rep down four killers Koski and he has plenty more in the tank and there is two so just like with like putting a big stone on your shoulder he's a very explosive athlete he doesn't need to regroup he just takes it straight from the lap straight overhead this for the event win [Applause] two events two wins four killers pass key that puts him in the driver's seat he is on its hair in Santa Monica that puts him in the driver's seat no question about it I don't have to say just like last year with the stone press I have not seen this boy I've never seen the log that that sighs handled in that way I mean no pause now this is his third rep he's tired here this looks better than some of the guys that we saw their first rep absolutely it's still stuck with that style of going straight from the lap overhead that is unbelievable so he's done two things in the last calendar year in the last within the last year that I've seen I've never seen elsewhere fantastic effort Gilles Koski continues to look very impressive here at the Arnold Prost Ron that World Series USA as he is won two of the five events so far and that is good news for both macho's Bell shocked and Jerry frigid Ron ohana and Bell shocked each get two and marquise Lisa's the only other man to successfully lift that log as five men are unable to complete a repetition jf korone has withdrawn from the competition he has a hamstring issue and not a problem for Corona right now because he has already qualified two events are down we have three events to go and up next we'll be talking to Ryan Shaw as the deadlift is coming up stay with us here at the Arnold pros strongman USA [Music] you you back at the Santa Monica Pier in beautiful Southern California for the Arnold strongman USA competition we are through two events getting set for event number three it is the last man standing deadlift firefighter competition going on among some local firefighters from Santa Monica being joined right now by a man who has won the Arnold strongman Classic three times he is Brian Shaw he is already qualified for the 2019 Arnold Classic how are you feeling now as you get set for that event YUM I'm feeling really good actually right now I mean it's uh it's always kind of a fine line of making sure you're healthy making sure the trainings on point and making sure that the end goal is pinky out the Arnold in the first weekend of March really with such a limited time now to get ready for that event what do you focus on with your training well I mean basically I'll start to back off a little bit of the gym stuff and start to do more of the actual events so that'll that'll take the priority kind of here for the last six weeks you finished second last year to half Thor he is here today obviously he has a big target on his back for you what are you gonna have to do in order to beat him in Columbus well he's gonna I mean in all honesty he's gonna have some great events this year with with the events we've chosen he'll be tough to beat I mean we're we're gonna be in a battle again it's gonna be head to head you know so so it's not the key that's really not dropping any points and making sure that I come in ready to ready to fight also Bryan I know that you're competing against all the other strongmen but also at some level you're competing against history war time Twi world Strongest Man three-time world champion too many world records and open competitions to the count what do you think about that well I mean you're exactly right it's legacy you know what I have established over you know gosh more than a decade now of doing the Arnold and competing a world Strongest Man and you know it's important it's important to leave that track record you know and to to chalk up those wins I mean it's something where you know I don't I don't necessarily feel like I have anything left to prove but I still have goals right so I still want to accomplish things and my competitiveness has not left at all I mean I I only lost the Arnold last year by a very small margin it's a couple points here there if I would have lifted my last deadlift last year I would have won the contest it was not close so it's it's kind of picking apart what can I do better how can I come in better this year and that's what goes through my head in training and in preparation weaknesses in your performances so it just comes down to what you can actually improve on and then it turns into that continued competitive fire competitive fire for me I'm constantly thinking about it how I can get better what I can do better I mean there was like I said a couple events I was I was disappointed in my deadlift last year and disappointed really with the stone the shoulder and then I really lost a lot of points on that one so you know it's cleaning those things up making sure that I'm ready to perform it's the event that is up next year will be a little bit different of a format that we saw in Columbus Ohio this is a Last Man Standing format they're gonna start at seven hundred pounds and each competitor needs to lift every weight they will increase in alternating increments of 50 pounds and then 40 pounds so where you had a lot of strategy that came into play in Columbus here it's all about you just gotta go out of grip and rip it there they're gonna call the weights they're gonna you know just a rising bar so you've just got to get the lift done and move on to the next round from a mental standpoint if you're an athlete competing in this how does that differ from what you guys did in Columbus with that strategy involved yeah it's it's drastically different you know because in Columbus you're calling your own weight so you're looking at what the next guy might pull of what is potentially written down for the next slip so you've got to stay ahead of bat and there's a lot of moving parts to that where is this you don't have to necessarily think as much it's just go out and lift the weight and move on to the next round and try to get through every lift as efficiently and easily as you can Brian Clark will be up first here are your standings after two events meticulous Koski is your leader over four points over Martin's visas who has already qualified if keen Laskowski hangs on to win this he Gerry Pritchett and watches bail shock we'll all advanced to the Arnold Classic in Columbus in March Brian Clark is a guy who is up first with just one point in the overall standings he needs to basically sweep these final three events he's got to win this competition in order to give himself to the Arlen Classic for the first time in his career a lot of people say body power but this isn't how fast you lift that is just getting it up this is a total body strength lift points inside it's really who is the strongest dead lifter you know what strongman you're not judged on how you actually lift the weight it's just finishing the lip so you know as opposed to powerlifting it you get it you get three white lights this is simply just a down call so you have to get it from point A to point B as easily as you can and it doesn't need to be pretty it just needs to get done well another beautiful part about this is that the that the judge really doesn't participate in strongman except just to have the put down signal yeah that's it I mean if they're not looking at like it really is just lift the weight get the down call or move on Brian Clark up first the starting weight 700 pounds wraps and this bar isn't much different than what we saw at the Arnold Classic last year with that Elephant Bar yes there's not a lot of give in this bar it's a raw steel bar as a deep early so no problem for Brian Clark as he is through 700 pounds remember each athlete will lift this weight as soon as you fail you are done that looks pretty easy we're just starting out really kind of a warm-up for mostly athletes so if you've got a little bit of give in the middle of the bar that allows for the the in weights the plates on the end actually start to give you a little bit of momentum to bring it up this bar is pretty stiff so it's six inches longer than normal bar but that's about it Jerry Prichard up next 700 pounds on the bar this is a man you competed against quite a bit yeah Jerry's very much known for his deadlift ability so I'm sure that he's going to be looking to try to win this event Prince it makes that look light he is through yeah with the with the setup like this you know the warmup equipment in the back a lot of people don't realize that the warmup equipment in the back of these drastic we're going to come along thank you so a lot of these guys are first lifts they're coming up they're getting a feel of the platform obviously getting a feel of the bar and trying to gain that confidence with that first lift get that one done you kind of you kind of let out that sigh of relief and then you get dialed in for the next list so we saw we saw it say get to pull up and such kick up and shoes ease and sock feet that's to decrease the distance he has to pull the bar and is a tall man that's important hundred pounds for Kramer very easily done Ryan I just commenting about how deadlift is different with straps a little bit with strongman the approach is to put your feet out a little bit wider and also to have a little bit wider grip typically that's art with your hips as opposed to your back well that's exactly it I mean the straps the straps are certainly a game-changer because effectively it takes the grip and it allows everybody to pull with a double overhand placement which means you can set into the lift a little bit more and like you said then try try your best a lot of not a lot of us are so strong through our hips and our legs it starting to bar out the floor in that position it will really help a lot [Music] Martines I believe you pulled over 900 pounds last year at the Arnold and the Elephant Bar they've made that seven hundred pounds that's pretty pretty easy Ron oh hi love next another man who has already locked up a spot in the Arnold strongman Classic in Columbus this March roundels a great bad lifter actually he's Polti pulled some very big weight so I expect this to be pretty easy for me no problem for high loves this 700 pound barbell is proving to be an informal warm-up for most of these men yes I believe he placed third in the 2015 that world deadlift championships and he and you can see those hip flexors popping out through his shorts and that's it that's a sign of a big big polar yeah round round Ola is a guy that um for whatever reason some guys still underestimate a little bit with these events I expect them to be right at the top with this tablet's competition macho smell shock up next he's using his straps he's getting straps up there are different styles of straps is the figure eight straps become popular for some their shorter straps thinner straps longer straps it's really the preference of the strongman the shock is through so so far everyone's looked pretty good with 700 pounds so again just the the socks just to decrease the how high you have to pull the bar up if you can take a half inch or an inch from not having soles on your shoes and and actually be able to decrease the lift that you have to pull the bar because that could be a big inch because you have to lock the bar out the other one - is it personally I know a lot of big dead literature's say that if they have blessed they have on their feet they could fill their feet pushed down on the floor as opposed to try to stand up with the bar yeah with regard to the socks I mean it again is personal preference and you know for me Koski I know I know he's been working really hard on his deadly so I'm interested to see how he does with this contest today but finishing up that thought of them yeah this looks really simple I remember last year in Columbus he came off before I think after failing a lip and you were right there talking to him what did you say to him at that point the mitosis he has big expectations for himself he's very competitive as young and he tends to get down on himself he's raised really hard on himself so it's more you know something from me as a veteran I see how much potential he has and you know sometimes a pat on the back from somebody like me in just saying hey buddy you know keep your head up it's coming whatever I'm I'm actually I really want him to come train with me I'm trying to get him out for that it's crazy with our schedules but yeah it's just a pat on the back that's really all it was at that point you know the same keep your head up you can see that kid has tons of potential he's he's incredibly athletic he's fast he's strong he's got he's got all the tools it'll be exciting to see as he grows into his frame you know it'll be really exciting 765 pounds is now on the barbell and Brian Clark is back up this is his second lift it's there's no problem for Brian Clark as he is through I gotta give way to Jerry approaches I think I think Brian kind of used the lettuce shoulders drop a little bit which is okay if you keep the lower back straight then you just have to stand and pull back some some really big dead lifters and use that style to pass you can see here Jerry's got a flat shoe on I'm the same way i actually prefer pulling in a very very thing she's just always been a personal preference in you I could go in a lot more detail but actually get more power out of it 765 for Jerry Bridget is no problem he stays alive every man is still alive here in this Last Man Standing event the third of five events here and being six eight Brian that's a long way the pulse yeah it totally is I mean the height the height of some of these guys you know getting down to a nine inch deadlift bar is is quite a challenge you know it's definitely a lot lower for guys like us and we're taller and seems like almost a deficit four times he's down he's really talking to himself he's getting himself going there we go this is Kramer at 765 big Pole thanks Blake Betty shows that a lot of these guys are way off I'm getting up to there with their maximum lift we're gonna see a big deadlift today yeah that was really really comfortable for Kramer and a six five six five a fleet that's that's quite a list there's a lot of discussion about how fast you can pull a lighter weight to develop our for a bigger deadlift yeah it's it's funny sometimes you know you see guys pull the lighter weights and sometimes they're very very fast and then when they get to the bigger weights they almost can't shift into that for lack of a better term like for low gear and and really grind through a heavier weight they almost hops a bullet faster they don't pull it and you know other other big dead lifters don't pour even the lighter weights a little bit slower but they can just keep going as the bar gets heavier they pull it the same exact way and all the guys are out there helping each other look at they hit much better on rounds rific deadlift and you know the the idea that Brian you would like to have paler stops and come train with you an active competitor and these guys are over on the side talking to each other strong men really on each other to to do their best you only want to beat your competitor who's at his best absolutely I mean that's that's true for me I can say a hundred percent I don't I don't want anybody hurt or banged up I want everybody to bring their top a game and then we'll find out who the strongest is and I really believe that that if not all the guys the majority of guys feel that exactly there's matches now shock for his second list 765 pounds still on the barbell [Music] good list repeal shock those shots been dealing with a little bit of a hip issue and I was talking to him earlier about some of the training there and that's gonna affect him a little bit with his training in Darwin he's trying to figure out what's going on and something like that can really hamper your training especially when you're talking about big waves so I know that that would probably be easier for him so he's been battling through that at least in training so Taylor's Koski up next overall leader right now yes he's dominated the first two events but but to be able to have a solid showing in the deadlift would really lock them in towards the last two events I think he told a little more smoothly I think one thing he did he put his he put his heels together a little bit and put it in pointing his toes out kind of giving us some giving some quads off the off the bottom of the lip some guys do that yeah there's a lot with our a lot of people think the deadlift is just picking the bar up you know and standing up with it and there's so much little detail in this lift it's it's ridiculous I mean I'm I mean I know for me I watch video weekly on myself trying to analyze what I could do just a little bit different you know how my feet are hips new placement back you know just across the board so it's a very technical lips especially when you get up to the bigger way so it's not a lot of room for error [Music] okay so this is 815 hounds Brian Clark's ups starting the next round the third round getting strapped up he changed his pulling style a little bit he let his shoulders go a little wax flying mark he stays alive and he is pumped up he really really wanted that lift he really wanted watch watch how he he starts off it gets it to his knees and then he gets over the knees pull him back back back back watch now and Brian that's a perfect example of when you were saying earlier it just has a get from point A to B it does not be pretty just needs to get there that's it he got he got the down call and he chopped that up on the scoreboard so good for him I'd like to know if that's a personal best see Mike from his reaction it might have been yeah that would be really cool if it was it was so Gerry Pritchett who's a scientist with the deadlift he's got a lot of things to say about the Dead where the powerlifting world-record holder as well as this problem a world-record holder in a bath Jerry's makes it just balls that way very deliberate he's a little different he just had a straight pull no hitching straight up feet out he kept a little bit more of a flat upper back when he started the lift okay so Kramer had a great lift the last round came off the ground really really smoothly and very efficiently got his groove I guess Brian you know the only way to learn how to lift the heavy weight is to lift a lot of heavy weights yeah I'll tell you what it's it's easy it's really easy with the lighter wedge to keep really good for them but once you get up to a heavier bar weight that's where you start to see the weaknesses and what you need to work on [Applause] very nice Kramer no problem is we have yet to have a man foul out here all a competitor is still alive here at this third of five events meet Martinez right on the bar he's almost pushing the other guy out of the way he is focused he's definitely ready to go I I know Marchese has been working really hard on his saddle up too so he's gonna want to put up a big result here absolutely looking to get back to the Arnold Classic for the second time in his career he's already qualified he has earned twenty seventeen eight and then eight hundred fifteen pounds Wow BC stays alive you know these these rope barbells are really well made I got a chance to talk to Bill henagar the owner wrote they work on tensile strength they've given the athletes absolutely every chance to have the best result with these barbells that they put out now there's a lot it's amazing - there's a lot that goes into a quality bar yes and rope rope does it better than anybody does they really do [Music] here's rano Hilah at 815 pounds easy de ferran oh ho ho that's a very efficient pole if we can go back to that just watch him come off the ground he keeps that bar but his weight is distributed right over the center of his foot and it gets it to his knee in a really smooth fashion but then once it gets to his knees its lights out yeah he's got a lot of power less than a tank third absolutely there's macho Bell shock who struggled a little bit on his last lift that he has left in the tank you for eight hundred fifteen pounds understating the competition now in a third round everybody's looking really strong has himself set now eight hundred fifteen pounds of the management so he knows it's gonna do a little barbell roll looks like those shots are not good that one to go so he will be the first man out here in the last man standing deadlift yes so I have to say that that's that's the first guy we've seen to have a rolling start on the deadlift I know that a couple of other dead lifters like Benedict Magnussen rolls the bar Yoko hole I used to roll the bar so he'd really had you know you see his face there he was really trying to get that bar up right there it's just the next three inches to get it to his knees and also you notice how the other strong men are you know saying hey man you did a great job today give her a pat on the back so this is a very important lift or as much as colors Kowski he's dominated in the first two events and this was separating from some of the other athletes who haven't been able to lift it and 816 pounds was the most to be lifted at the Arnold Classic last year this is just one pound less than that very nice it was a very smooth lift I think I think he had a little more he's got a little more in the tank but he definitely had to put another gear on that what do you think Brian yeah that was that was a really important lift for him in in this contest because so many guys were successful there he had to get on to the next round we'll see what comes with the next weight like you said I think you had to step it up a notch but I think he's got a little bit more in the tank so we'll see so we hundred and fifty-five pounds now so they've gone up by 40 pounds so it's another another piece of this it's not it's the you know what you know what weaknesses do you have we have to eliminate your weaknesses Brian for it for me I mean I mean for all athletes that you know in a competition with multiple events you've got to eliminate your weaknesses across the board my rule of thumb for myself is I want to go to any contest to be able to place top three in any event whether it's for max or reps or you know you're lifting a log or a dumbbell it doesn't matter you know that's if you can do that in the sport of strongman you're gonna do pretty well easier said than done though yes I remember Magnus ver Magnusson was a master at winning and not placing first but maybe one or two bits sure cuz he's consistent across the board so Jerry Pritchard is up next as Brian Clark has decided not to make a run at this so Clark at age 15 that would be his best lift now Pritchett moves on to 855 as the field starts the pedal I think Jerry's gay that worked better than his last one it's like he needs some weight on the bar to actually make make him get into his gears I look kind of easy actually Wow I'd have to compare his pole to Pavel of yours Brian and maybe maybe Andy Bolton yeah absolutely Jerry's definitely widened up a stance I was quite a bit and I think it suits him I'm really well obviously he's getting some great results the one thing I will point out with this competition is that's already the fourth lived and for some of the stronger dead masters like Jerry these aren't massive jumps and wait so by the point where over 900 pounds you're talking five or six lives you know that's uh that's a lot of deadlifts they wish for some of the stronger guys they would probably rather have bigger things and get up to the bigger weight soon miss Kramer is up next 8:55 I'll have to say to this point he's been the most explosive off the floor he really has I've uh I haven't seen Kramer dead lift up in a max deadlift event so this would be interesting to see when you can pull and there's Martines again just that was a great lift very explosive very smooth lifts not a Kramer great lift now Martines is up and again you know virtually pushes the other athlete out of the way he's really really going after needs this lifts there we go Lisa's hits that wow he looks better than the last lift that was a terrific pole very smooth I think he's fine in that spot Brian would you comment on now I think Pitts saw it like you said it is this is a gluteus I mean when you get in your group and you have a deadlift that gets a little bit out of line it can look much worse and then you add more weight you can't hit with your line right and man it feels great so hopefully Martines just found that line in and the next way it'll be the same way so again look at that musculature and the hips those hip flexors and bulging out is Hine low gets down on the bar straps up high in the finish first of the 2018 Arnold Classic Australia events that he is on his way the Columbus Ohio and bars had just ripped that bar off before no problems on 3:55 looks at night for high now and that'll give way to killers Koski and now we're in territory where he might start to struggle a little bit but no problem for high law on this lift very smooth very efficient to the knees and just gets that up he's got a great pushing his feet down to the floor as opposed to trying to stand up with the bar and I know that it's hard to see that but with your dead lifting that's the feel that you get absolute that that really comfortable for Heinlein he's [Music] ready to lift here he's your overall leader to first the first two events he won the fire truck pull and then the log press just is he really impressive an event number two and a solid performer so far for him in the deadlift gonna make another run of this thing he's got time he's got tiny he's gonna reset just breaks it off the floor fellows cost me who is the overall leader coming into this event will bow out at 8:55 okay folks so you heard it Brian Shaw is gonna have him come in and help him with this lift right here we go just pulling you know he gave everything he had though in that in that attempt yeah it's definitely not for a lack of effort that's for sure heels caution is gonna be down on himself but I mean the exciting part with him as he's young and the one the one lifts that I will say takes a long time to build up is a deadlift I mean there's there's guys that it could take him 10 years to build up to a world-class deadlift strength so he has nothing to be nothing to be disappointed about I mean if he if he keeps moving up by year by year he's gonna get to a crazy-big spot so right now that's he's gonna be disappointed with that I just because I know him it's upside his big you need to have a short memories of strongman and move on in the next event he's got two events to go that's it yeah absolutely that's very very true 910 pounds on the barbell four men remain on a gorgeous day in Santa Monica California a packed house here at the historic Santa Monica Pier is Jerry Bridget will be at versus we have moved past the 900 pound mark yeah Jerry is actually dead lifted more than this weight in apparel at the contest with no straps he's definitely got this in them now we're kind of getting the big phrase the big the big poles at the end of the competition that's it yeah this is the whole world or 900 pounds this will be great very smooth very smooth and when I look at perch it as someone who doesn't know as much about this is you guys it's hard for me to tell that they've added weight on the bar he looks the same through every single lift that's that's very true you know kind of like what I said earlier with the bar speed Jerry's a guy that'll pretty much pulled the same pace even with some of the lighter weights so it is you're exactly right it's tough to tell kind of what gear he's in and how much you've got left he'll pull the same way until availabl so Kramer from Kramer from Holland terrific terrific poll so far very explosive I think just with gas and I think I think he and in Heinlein been very impressive but again Pritchett his knows his stuff was determined Kramer needs to basically win this event he's got a win the entire competition to get into the arlo strongman Classic he's looking good so far in the last man standing deadly for the for a piece remains [Applause] and that will count for yes kraler nine ten fantastic lift you had to hitch it a little bit yeah a hitch in a little bit okay here's a look at it let's say technically got a really good start kind of yank on the bar a little bit Marty I think you'd probably want to be a little smoother that might have actually put him out of position rocked his shoulders for just that that tiny bit Marty's knee sees through 910 pounds the big weights are really going up really really solid that's he's approaching his the weight that he was able to pull last year at the Arnold Classic okay now watch this he's got his feet a little closer together does that dynamic pull in the bar for himself some guys like that because they feel it enlivens the bar and I think some of the other athletes might pump their hips a little bit Brian to give that same sensation yeah absolutely it's it's really a lot of a lot of glute power bringing the hips through so once you get past your knees you really really want to flex there and drive your hips hard but you know this is unique because some guys will come off the floor really strong some guys will walk out really strong everybody's strong at a different point in a deadlift so it's trying to not have any weaknesses of the 210 pounds and he will stay alive yes and he's got Arnold right in front of them very nice Arnold can can see the big lips are coming over 900 pounds okay very smooth and efficient right off the floor gets it over his knees even slings it down making a statement 950 pounds is next okay you know in 2011 brian at the 2011 at the TWA roll Strongest Man finals yeah I believes the journalists a viscous actually set the world's record with like 965 or something yeah was nine 970 of 97 bi so it wasn't it wasn't in the rain no in this metaphor weather yeah that's where say it was in the rain not this beautiful weather in Santa Monica but but honestly that just shows where we are yeah this is uh I mean you're talking in less than 10 years we've we've evolved to where this is just a standard wait this is I mean it's world class these guys four four guys lifting nine ten on the nine fifty I mean it's inside these these people are getting a show for sure absolutely this is the next step towards a thousand pounds at 950 pounds devil specialist Gerry Pritchett let's just let's just watch and see what kind of let's see what kind of style he has on this one if it looks like the other ones the same speed and if I were a competitor died be concerned if he just pulls it the same way that means there's gas in the tank you would absolutely think that for sure 954 Jay Pritchett's okay that actually looked a little faster he's getting a little serious very confident look built that pressure at his feet gets it up to his knees and it stands up with it that man knows that a dead lift yeah that was a very very solid lift from Jerry that was the awesome very good lift so this is kind of a scouting trip for you a little bit too bright yeah we're six six weeks out from the Arnold in Ohio and you know I'm going to be competing against a number of these guys there so you could say that I mean I'm kind of always scouting but you're also talking about helping one of your competitors let's say you know Kailas cost you to get that deadlift going yeah I had had jf korone who unfortunately had to pull out of the contest I would have possibly picked him to win this dad look the rent today we pulled a thousand pounds with you and trained did he did yeah we got together last year and that was incredible so I really personally like training with the guys I love bringing them into my gym and you know just the energy you know you have yeah so two guys that are wrong is it's something special yes Lissa's is up with the next weight with so so Kramer looks like he dropped out that was a really see had a lot of struggle with the last weight so Martines is up and that'll leave just three men Lisa's britches 950 pounds this is a big big lift and I'm certain this is a it's a personal best for Martin as well Martines is it's done a lot of great things in strongman so far but you know this should be a marker in the deadlift notice how folks are so the guys are slowing it down a little bit he's not not attacking the bar he's got to get his energy right he's got to get in the zone you can see a map it up you know he's never everybody kind of has that routine to get into that that amped up spot to lift these kind of ways so what it means that you could tell this is a big weight for him because of the way he's getting out up instead of just going up to the bar like he did before right you want to drop all the inhibition that you have and and get to put yourself and in overdrive that's right 950 pounds for Lisa's looking to stay alive a possibly with the event just give it everything he's got can I get it past his knees so close great fight from Lisa's though 950 pounds and that'll give way for rano Hina is now just two men remain as Pritchett in hind look that was a great effort now watch off the floor gets it to his knees crosses the knees though does the lean back but just couldn't get in position to hitch it back you needed it you needed to pull it a couple more inches to get that hitch if he could have got it a little bit further I think you probably could have finished that the other thing is he's wearing a knee sleeve and sometimes with that bar with the sharp knurling it can get caught up a little bit on I like that well this is a raw bar and there and with you know with his foot placement that gnarling Duke would get caught on that yeah yeah that's just enough that could be a factor I mean you're talking 950 pounds you know you get caught up a little bit you can't hold it okay Hylas looked unbelievable so far he's had great lifts it's 950 pounds and if I look can't make this Jerry purchase your winner I think I think Heinlein got this at him if he gets it off the ground I think you can finish it whoa okay he didn't get it off the ground they didn't get off the ground that's not surprising so high low bounced out and Jerri Pritchett no surprise there as he will pick up his first event win of the competition as he lifts 950 pounds he picks he picks up a lot of very very valuable points Bryan and yeah himself closer to the goal of qualifying for the for the overall Marnell classic yeah Jerry needed that for sure you know overall standings it's important too important for him to perform and probably his best event yeah so I'm sure he's gonna feel great about that so he did what he needed to and what he expected so I would say that that was the result of the bidding was looking for so we're here with Brian Shaw you know there are there are there are myths in the world and then there are actual legends breathing living legends and definitely Brian Shaw is one of them I appreciate the strong man fan and in somebody's watch his career almost the whole time I'd have to say that somewhat of a front-row seat to a lot of it's been fantastic thank you Brian we really want to thank you taking the time to stop eyes at last talking to you yeah best of luck in Columbus can't wait to see you throw down there and best of luck with the training moving forward I really appreciate that guys thank you so much yeah Gerry Pritchett is your event winner nine hundred fifty pounds two more events remain the rogue sandbag Carey is up next at Pacific Park in Santa Monica you [Music] you
Channel: Rogue Fitness
Views: 847,523
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Id: PbLTx22LjRg
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Length: 164min 12sec (9852 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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