2017 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Persistent and Unwavering Faith (2:00 p.m.)

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all right open your Bibles to Philippians chapter 3 Philippians chapter 3 let's begin reading in verse 13 I've been talking about all week quitting is unacceptable quitting is not an option raise god if you want God's best don't quit look gee neighbors say don't quit verse 13 brethren I count not myself to have apprehended this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus let us therefore as many as be perfect be thus minded notice the phrase pressed forward the word pressed denotes persistence it means determination tenacity unwilling to give up unwilling to quit and notice Paul says I press he press for certain things that he believed God wanted him to be God wanted him to have and God wanted him to do I I hear him saying it this way I refuse to quit I refuse to give up until I have achieved all the gods wants me to be all that God wants me to do and all that God wants me to have so for Paul quitting was unacceptable he goes on to say in verse 15 let us therefore as many as be perfect the amplified says who are spiritually mature be thus minded so in other words Paul is saying be like me have the same mindset that I have press if you want God's best press for it don't give up so quickly but your neighbors they don't give up so quickly you know I'm thoroughly convinced if I had given up every opportunity I had to give up I certainly wouldn't be where I am today I wouldn't have what I have today I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing today so I've had to press for it and I learned that from the Apostle Paul that to press means to just have a as we say in text is a bulldog bulldog tenacity amen a bulldog tenacity amen Luke sure neighbors say quitting is not acceptable so when he says as many as be spiritually mature be thus minded he's saying have the same attitude have this same attitude and what was that attitude quitting is unacceptable so all you have to do is study the line for the Apostle Paul and you quickly realize that this man refused to quit if anybody ever had the right to quit it would have been him but he wouldn't do it and I'm so glad he did didn't and when I get to heaven I plan on telling him I preached all your sermons holiday and I live by them too most people if they were faced with all the adversity that he had been faced with would have quit long before just listened to a partial list of some of the things he went through there's not all of it just a partial list 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verses 23 through 28 in Labor's more abundant in stripes above measure prisons more frequent in deaths often of the Jews five times received our forty stripes save one thrice was i beaten with rods once I was stoned thrice I suffered shipwrecks a night and a day in the deep I have been in the deep in journeyings often in perils of water in perils of robbers perils by my own countrymen in perils by the heathen in perils in the city in perils in the sea in perils by false brethren in weariness and painfulness in watchings often in hunger and thirst in fastings often in cold nakedness beside those things that are without that which cometh upon me daily the care of all the churches that's just a partial list and most people would have quit on a headache thank you and then in the next chapter second Corinthians chapter 12 and verse 7 he says and lest I should be exalted above measure there was given unto me a thorn in the flesh the messenger of Satan sent to buffered me the word buffered means to strike against continually and forcefully so notice everywhere he went this messenger of Satan was sent to buffing him and in spite of all of these attacks and all the adversity he simply would not quit God told him in first Corinthians chapter 12 and verse 9 my grace is sufficient for thee and he lived by that His grace was sufficient the word sufficient means adequate to overcome any adversity any challenge that you might face so he depended upon that and he wouldn't quit that's the reason why later in that same chapter he says this most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities or my weaknesses that the power of Christ may rest upon me in other words he says I've learned how to tap into this and I have come to the place in my life where it doesn't move me because I know when I'm weak then I'm strong how they do you how you gonna deal with a guy like that don't you know the devil hated to see this man wake up every morning don't you know the demon screamed he's awake he's awake again and I've said many times you probably heard me say it I wish they'd make a movie about the Apostle Paul's life and I would recommend if Hollywood asked me Clint Eastwood play the part don't you think he'd make a good Apostle Paul can't you just hear him feeling lucky punk standing toe-to-toe with a devil feeling lucky punk fire your best shot make my day I think he'd make a good Apostle Paul but you know he just wouldn't give up he wouldn't quit snake bites shipwrecks stonings he wouldn't quit let me remind you that Paul also tells us that the Holy Spirit had warned him in advance that every city he preached in trouble awaited him there and he went anyway how many of you remember the old Rocky movies remember Rocky three were clubber lang you know mr. T oh he was a bad man and they went into the locker room just before the fight they interviewed clubber Lang put the mic right in front of his face what do you see happening in this fight he looks at the camera says pain a lot of pain amen the Holy Spirit told Paul in advance pain a lot of pain but he wouldn't move by it he wouldn't give up he wouldn't quit every city Acts chapter 20 verse 23 through 24 he says that the Holy Ghost has witnessed in every city saying that bonds and afflictions abide me or await me but then he says in the next verse verse 24 but none of these things move me bonds and afflictions await me but these do not move me you know if the Holy Spirit said to some preacher as he was preparing to go preach in Dallas when you get to Dallas there will be a lot of trouble awaiting you there don't you know a lot of preachers would have changed their schedule and went to Birmingham but then this Holy Spirit says oh by the way trouble awaits you in Birmingham as well I believe I'll just go on vacation now Paul every city he went to he knew in advance that trouble awaited him but he says none of these things move me don't you never say nothing moves me look the other neighbors say nothing moves me he went on to say neither count on my life dear unto myself so that I might finish my course with joy and the Ministry which I have received the Lord Jesus to testify the gospel of the grace of God notice he says I fully intend to finish my course and I intend to do so with joy how does someone have joy when they know in advance that trouble awaits them everywhere they go you know I've had a lot of meetings where trouble awaited me but not every meeting some city's trouble awaited me but not every city but every city he preached in he already knew in advance trouble is coming but he said none of these things move me and then he said and I fully intend to finish my course and to do so with joy what does he know that most Christians don't know in fact the letter to the Philippians most theologians agree that it was the happiest letter that he ever wrote they call it the joy letter and he's in prison facing death in the worst of circumstances and yet he writes about being full of joy full of joy and he also says none of these things move me and I know that this will turn hallelujah when you like to receive more letters like that from preachers instead of you don't know the trouble we've seen and if you folks don't give at least a thousand this ministry is going now down the tubes but we all know God is worthy we all know that God is good well why'd you write that stupid letter for if we all know that apparently we all but you don't I don't like receiving letters from preachers that are constantly talking about all the problems and we're not gonna make it if you don't give and all the preachers on TV that are begging for money and then have the old - you say have faith well why don't you get something amen my Bible says faith overcometh the world hallelujah and he say Amen oh you'd never receive a letter like that from the Apostle Paul all he talked about was none of this moves me I'm gonna finish my course I plan to do so with joy not only that throw you fire your best shot devil because I know this will turn how they do it he wrote in the letter to the Philippians I'm betwixt two I don't know whether to leave which would be far better to be what Christ would be far better or to stay he had a dilemma and notice he acted as though it was his choice and not the Roman government he acted like they didn't have any part to play in this he said I'm betwixt two I'm not sure whether I want to go in and leave and be with Christ which would be far better I fulfill my ultimate goal to be with him or should I stay and he answered his own dilemma in the next verse and he says I am going to stay because I want to teach you the joy of believing hallelujah he counted it an honor to trust God he kind of did an honor and a joy to stand in faith I think the men liked a good fight your city may just love to fight Jesse had a brother he has a brother that might I'm told he just loved to fight I love the story Jesse tells about brother and he's out mowing his lawn one day and all the clippings are going over into his neighbor's yard and the woman comes out and says you know turn the turn the more the other way you're getting clippings in my yard and apparently he had this famous sake I'm gonna tell you one time Pam knocked a woman out the German Shepherd comes out and growls at him BAM knocks the German Shepherd out the man comes out BAM knocks him out the police come and he knocks them out puts him in the squad car drives himself to jail is that is that right the bad love to fight apparently Paul like to fight how how would you like to be the devil and you're firing your best shots at somebody I mean you're pulling out the heavy artillery and then he writes his next letter says these light afflictions cause some light afflictions that would be like me standing up to Mike Tyson in his heyday when he threw bad intentions and bad intention punches intended to knock everybody out and I walk up to Mike Tyson and say to him I'd like to fight you fire your best shot and he throws one of those wicked left hooks and I'll just shake it off is that the best you got Mike and this is just an illustration it might give you're listening it is just the illustration wouldn't that be intimidating if you're the devil and you've just fired your best shots and Paul says light afflictions not the best you can do huh what a man quit was not in his vocabulary amen he would not quit I like the story about when they they dragged him out the city and he was preaching in a particular City it's recorded in Acts chapter 14 he was preaching in a city and they drug him out of the city out onto a dusty road and stoned him and left him for dead now you know these people they they do have throw rocks in Texas we call it Chunkin rocks they were the best rock chunker's in that region and if they stone you they leave you dead can you imagine him laying on that dusty road and the disciples are standing around and wondering what do we do now our leader is dead where do we go from here and they're looking at it bruised bloody supposing that he's dead and he gets up what do you suppose he must have looked like give us anybody's been stoned you don't watch movies I can't even imagine how beat up he must have looked after being stoned and yet he gets up the Bible says howbeit as the disciples stood round about him he rose up not only did he rise up he looked around at him and said let's go right back into the city and continue preaching went right back to the same city where they stoned him why because defeat is not acceptable quitting is not acceptable can you give the Lord a shout praise God Amen why would he go back there simply because quitting was unacceptable Paul believed what the prophet Isaiah had written years before isaiah 54:17 the amplified bible says triumph over opposition is the heritage of the servants of the Lord apparently must have believed Micah 782 when I fall I shall arise hallelujah he just wouldn't quit I love this guy he just wouldn't quit now I want to say this to you the greatest breakthroughs come when people demonstrate a bold unwavering and persistent faith the greatest breakthroughs come when you're willing to demonstrate a bold unwavering and persistent faith winners are people who do not quit I didn't say winners never have opportunities to quit I just said they don't quit winners don't quit they keep on keeping on until they receive what they believe God wants them to have amen go to mark chapter 10 with me for a moment mark chapter 10 and you're all familiar with this story in mark chapter 10 verse 46 and they came to Jericho and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people blind bartimaeus the son of Timaeus set by the highway side begging and when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth he began to cry out and say Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me and many charged him that he should hold his peace but he cried the more a great deal thou son of David have mercy on me and Jesus Stood Still and commanded him to be called and they called the blind man saying unto Him be of good confident or comfort rise he called thee and he casting away his garment rose and came to Jesus and jesus answered and said unto him what wilt thou that I should do unto thee the blind man said unto Him Lord that I might receive my sight and jesus said unto him go thy way thy faith hath made thee whole and immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus in the way now I just said the greatest breakthroughs come when people demonstrate a bold unwavering and persistent faith notice blind Bartimaeus every time I read this story there are three things that immediately come up in my thinking number one persistence number two refusing to accept anything less than God's best and then number three the power of faith let me say them again persistence refusing to accept anything less than God's best and then the power of faith all three of these elements are in this story a man who wouldn't quit until he received what he believed God wanted him to have once bartemaeus heard that Jesus was near he determined in his heart that his life would change that day he would not be silenced even though those around him tried to shut him up and some of those who were trying to shut him up were Jesus disciples sometimes you can't even find faith in church sometimes you can't even find faith among Christians thank you for your enthusiasm over these great remarks praise God amen he would not be silenced even though those around him tried to shut him up how many times you ever been told you're foolish for continuing to believe that faith stuff I just told that when I first came the Lord I heard Kenneth Copeland teach on faith he talked about quite often Kenneth Hagin so I started listening to Kenneth Hagin or Roberts TL Osmond they became my mentors and you know a lot of people tried to shut me up they want to be saved but not this saved I was considered you know a little overboard you know you're taking it too far there's other things in the Bible besides faith look like look like to me everything in the Bible that God said I could have required faith and he say men that you've heard the story you know I I'm hungry for God I'm hungry for faith I'm going to read to to learn how to live by faith then I was serious I'm not playing games I'm the kind of person that when I get into something I go all out you know and so I'm hungry to learn how to live by faith you know brother Copeland taught it left town and I couldn't find anybody else that believed it quite like he preached it and so I was told in the church we were going to that there was a lady in the church who was a great woman of faith so I decided one day that I was going to go and talk to her and so I went over to her after the service a Sunday morning service and I said they tell me you know a lot about faith can you teach me and she said I just want you to know young man you can't have faith like oil Roberts I said well ma'am I never even brought up the name Oral Roberts but now that you brought it up why not she said well he's special though what are the rest of us she said he's special I said we have spam I believe he's he's a great man of God I have great respect for him I heard the call of God watching him when I was about 11 years old in 1957 I have great respect for Roberts I'd never met him at that time but I respected him and particularly because he was a man of faith and she said well you just can't have faith like all robbers I said why not she said he's special I suggest ma'am I believe he's special but doesn't that make God a respecter a person so I just read that scripture that morning got to use it how to do but wouldn't that make God a respecter of persons if he gave all Robert something that the rest of us couldn't have and she said well you don't know much do you I said well apparently not that's reading I'm asking you she said don't you know in the Bible certain names mean something well I wouldn't as far along to know all that she said what does Abraham mean I said I don't know she said the father of many nations and she went through several names in the Bible and gave me the meaning and I had no clue where this was going she said Oral Roberts has been given great faith because of his name I said what is so special about oral it's a strange name I said I read one time where his mother is full-blood Cherokee Indian what Cherokee names their son oral why not Dances with Wolves flies with Eagles runs with cows or something I mean wow oral and I said and that's not even his first name his first name is worse Granville Granville oral apparently he didn't like it either so he just got himself war I said what is so special about oral she said you don't know what that means I said no ma'am she said say it three times oral oral oral you get it I said no ma'am she said say it three more times oral oral oral now I was told this woman was the pillar of the church what do you suppose the rest of the people in that church thing I said oral oral or if you get it yet I said no ma'am I don't get it yet she said don't you know what oral means it means the spoken word oral spoken word oral she did like it oral spoken word and she said in your name is Gerren turn around walked up I thought this is the revelation I've been waiting for so I went home I didn't know any more than I did in fact I was a little confused after I left her and but then they told me she's the pillar of the church so maybe there's something to it so I went to the dictionary and looked up the name Jerry you know what he said slang name for a German I said God you gave oral the spoken word he gave me the slang name of a German how am I gonna get anything done you know in world war ii they call germans jerry's and the lord said they don't have anything to do with it he said go read romans 12 and I went to Romans 12 and it said God has dealt to every man the measure of faith he said son Orel was dealt the same measure when he received Christ as you did when you receive Christ the only difference between you and Orel he took his measure and he grew it you can take your measure and you can grow it praise God amen amen and years later I mean many years later I was preaching when I wore Roberts at all Roberts University and I was telling this story brother Roberts fell in the floor when he heard this but then when I got to this part and I said but not too long ago I had the pleasure of meeting a rabbi and spending some time with him and before I left he said oh by the way would you like to know what your name means I said Jerry I said yes I I know what it means he said from the Hebrew I said well no not from the Hebrew he said it means appointed by God I said look at all [Applause] look out on but I don't have anything to do with it your name could be Billy your name could be Joe your name could be John I don't have a thing to do with it it's what you do with that measure of faith that God gave you the Bible says faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God you can grow it to any level you want to take it to praise God can you say Amen well like Barnum asked I wouldn't let them shut me up you know I had some good ones try to shut me up but I determined I was gonna live by faith I saw in the Bible the just shall live by faith and this is the victory to overcometh the world you know you get hungry for victory you start doing what the Bible says can you say Amen now notice they tried to shut him up but nothing was going to prevent him from receiving what he believed God wanted him to have are you that way today nothing is going to prevent you from receiving what God says you're gonna have that's persistent faith and once again the greatest breakthroughs come when people demonstrate a bold unwavering and persistent faith and notice what Jesus said when he when when bartimaeus kept crying out master son of David have mercy on me and finally Jesus said bring him to me they brought him to him he said what would you like for me to do for you and he said that I might see amen well notice what he went for God's best he didn't say could you help me just make it a little easier on me or I wouldn't have such a hard lifestyle he didn't say that he said I want to see he went for the he went for the top he went for the best holidays he didn't say would you help me just learn to live with this a little better would you help me to just learn to be more tolerant it's so frustrating I'm a beggar I can't see but if you just you know give me a little mercy where I can learn to live with it a little better you know he went for the top he went for the best that I might see because he knew if he got his sight his begging days were over hallelujah can you say Amen and so he said that I might receive my sight that's the reason before he went to Jesus when he was told he's asking for you did you notice when he got up he took that robe off that beggars robe off faith call it things that are not as though they were he knew if he got to Jesus he would receive his sight and his begging days were over so he not gonna carry that old robe around anymore he dropped it at his feet went to Jesus not only did it receive his sight he was made whole praise God notice what persistent unwavering bold faith produced and I have reason to believe from the book of Hebrews he's the same yesterday today and forever and I believe bold unwavering and persistent faith gets the same results today can you shout Amen how they do Amen praise God I've had opportunity many times to throw in the towel so to speak but that's not the way I think anymore I don't think in terms of quitting I don't think in terms of giving up I'm going to show you something here right now that took place in my life back in September I was about to turn 70 years old in December I hadn't had a physical in quite a while and every time I would try to set up an appointment they couldn't do it on the dates that I was in town and then when they could do it I was out of town and he got very frustrating trying to set a date and I know that's not right I should have been more persistent but you just didn't fit into my schedule because I'm going 2022 days out of every month and so finally when I went to have the physical they they discovered that in this main artery in my neck where the blood flows to the brain it was between 75 and 90 percent blocked I didn't have a clue I'd never had any symptoms III had no idea anything was wrong with me I'm enjoyed divine health all these years and I wouldn't have known that if I hadn't gone into got a physical and so while I'm laying there he says I would recommend that you have surgery to remove the plaque buildup and he said it's routine surgery we'll take you in and we'll do an incision on your neck remove the plaque and you'll be in the hospital maybe a day and a half and then you'll go home and take a couple of weeks or so in recovery be okay hello well fine you know as far as I was concerned it was God extending my life because I have been confessing all these years with long life he satisfies me amen and so we scheduled the surgery and on September the 27th of 2016 I went into surgery the last thought I had before going in you know into the surgery surgery operating room was this is routine they'll clean the plaque out I'll be in the hospital a day and a half I'll be back home and then I'll be back on my feet and continue preaching just like I always have however while I was in the operating room I didn't know this for I don't know a couple of days or something I didn't know what had happened but some of the plaque broke off and went through that artery to my brain and caused a stroke and I wasn't aware you know I wasn't aware of anything that happened now I'm gonna show you some pictures here put those up on the screen this is me and just after coming out of surgery I don't I don't know not only did I lose the use of my right arm but total memory loss I don't know my wife I don't know my children only word I could say was yes whatever they asked me yes and sometimes it took me a while to get that out total memory loss couldn't remember one verse one sermon don't even know the people around me and I'm laying there like this and my wife praised God for a strong word of faith wife how they do it my children praise God my grandchildren they were standing by my side and Carolyn later told me she said Jerry Ann told me as well as said everything they were saying in the natural the thought occurred will he ever be normal again will he ever preach again now I don't know any of this is going on and so finally the doctor would come in and and he hates talking I I could hear him but I couldn't I couldn't connect brother Copeland came show that picture brother Copeland there brother Copeland came that's me in a bed there I just wanted you to notice the difference there the one who's standing is brother Cooper okay brothers and look at that grin he's got on his face I got a partial grin now he was there for quite some time him and George pastor George okay and they were there quite some time with me and I do not remember one thing they said however my wife told me the whole time they were there even though I couldn't speak any English except one word yes I was able to pray in tongues the whole time they were there thank God for that amen see praying in tongues is not dependent on my mind that's coming out of my spirit and I prayed in tongues the whole time brother Copeland was there and and and while George was there and then you know they come in every day and they bring a little book in with pictures here's just simple pictures and like a coloring book with with butterflies and trees and leaves and and they they'd asked me what is this now I couldn't tell them and and if you listen to the video I've seen the video since if you'd listened to the video I just say things like and I couldn't think what it was and she'd point to it what is this I couldn't tell her and and sometimes you know my lips would get real dry and I'd try to communicate what I wanted and and I and I just point and I couldn't use this right arm at all and I'd point over there behind the bed on the side of the bed where they had water and different things you know and and I point over there and Carolyn would get the water and I'd shake my head and she'd get something else not shake my head and I couldn't even tell her what I wanted and I could I could feel the frustration because I couldn't communicate and and she just go grabbing everything and finally she got some lip balm and that's what I wanted but I couldn't communicate that and so there's they're saying you know if he recovers he'll need to go to a a oxygen chamber first quite some time weeks upon weeks upon weeks to rebuild the cells in his brain and then they were talking about you know weeks and weeks and weeks of therapy they remember I can't I can't even if I picked up my arm like this it just is just dead weight it just fall and can't remember anything and so finally the doctor came in one day and and he points at Carolyn and says who is that and I looked and I couldn't answer he said pointed to Terry said who's that and and I looked at her and I couldn't answer I couldn't think of her name and he pointed at Jerry in my oldest daughter over here and he said who is that and I couldn't answer Jerry Ann she like her mama she's feisty she got up right in my face daddy I'm your firstborn you know who I am and I don't know where this came from have no idea where this came from I said Jerry Ann Obama and then I'm pointed to Terry knows it Terry Obama Carolyn Obama as the last thing I said I don't know where the Obama come from I guess I guess the Lord was just preparing me that he was on his way out I don't know Jesse and Kathy came show that picture Justin Kathy they came praise God where's Jesse there he is now by this time I'm starting to recover something look at that smile on my face in fact when Jesse walked in I started crying because my my brother came to see me my daddy just left but my brother came and I love Jesse I love my daddy I love brother Copeland I mean I love brother Coco but Jesse and I like he said we should have been biological brothers and when Jesse and Kathy came in the room us I teared up Jesse did too he may not tell that part but I saw that tear and of course brother Copeland brought faith in the hospital Jesse brought joy in the hospital hallelu faith and joy that's a winning combination Halligan Amen and so shortly after that the doctor came in and I overheard him say if he shows improvement tomorrow we'll release him and let him go home I heard that and I couldn't communicate but I heard what he said and I remember thinking I don't know what he wants to see in the way of improvement but whatever it is I'm gonna make it happen because if I can get out of this hospital and get back in my own environment I I will recover and I will recover quickly hallelujah and so after the doctor left my granddaughter Rachel and Carolyn they took me home and the next day no I'm sorry I pointed over to my robe and indicated that I wanted them to give me my robe and Rachel got my robe and put it around me and I indicated that a woman to get out of the bed faith without corresponding actions is void of power I'm not gonna lay there and accept this I'm not gonna give up I'm not gonna quit I haven't finished my course amen so they put the robe Oh me and I indicated I wanted out of the bed and I wanted to walk and so Rachel went around the corner in that wing of that hospital with me and I've got to hold this arm up like this but if I let go of it just fell now I'm not walking like I am now I'm just you know it's shuffling along they're holding this arm up and walking around that hospital I think they got a picture of that now look look also what I'm doing I've got that left hand on this right arm and I'm making it work see it wouldn't work on its own I couldn't move my fingers if I dropped my arm my right arm it just fall and I'd have to pick it up like this and so I walked around that quarter several times Rachel thought one lap around there I probably want to get back in bed no nope quits not in me and we just kept walking and kept walking well by the next day the doctor apparently saw what he needed to see and he released me and let me go home now I'm not I'm still you know not I'm not even close to recovered I'm on my way and and the last thing that happened before I left the hospital my son-in-law Rodney he came up to me come over to the bed and he said no dad I I want to make sure I understood you correctly this morning before the doctor came in he said that 67 Corvette that you have at home in your shop you know the one that's totally restored and your favorite Corvette and I said I'm just looking at I'm just listening to it now up to this point I've only said yes but Rodney Rodney said now dad I want to get this straight you said this morning you're giving that to me correct and I turned and looked at him and I said no hey Rodney said okay he's getting better he can go home now so they released me to go home the next day show that picture hey I am on my way out now when I got home Rachael and Carolyn became my coaches and we'd go into our den there and I've set at the table and they take a piece of putty clay putty whatever you call it and they put coins in it had him in there and I'd take my hand and lay it on top of that coin and try to rake the coins out of the clay is very hard show that picture I'm trying to get those coins out there that's Karen and Rachel rejoicing in my results that I'm getting there now it took a while for me to get to that stage but I finally got them coins out there hit Rachel coming there one day and she put them coins in there again and and she said okay papa do what you supposed to do I just sit there she said Papa get the coins out now look at her I said I don't want to play anymore and then I told Rachel I said take me to my shop and Carolyn says quit calling it a shop it's a museum it's full of classic automobiles and classic motorcycles and it is a museum and I said Rachel take me to my shop and so we went there and we unlocked the door and I walked in and I decided that I was not going to leave that bill until I started everything in there the classic motorcycles the hot rods the cars the poor vets the classics everything and so I told her I said I'm not leaving this building until I start everything engine what's this now this is one of my newer ones it's a new Indian motorcycle now look I'm trying to figure it out and I prayed in the spirit because I couldn't remember how to start now look at that grin hallelujah I knew the devil went too far when he went to messing with my motorcycles and I started every bike in there and I started every car in that shop the smell of fumes was exhilarating hallelujah and when I walked out of that garage and locked it I took my first step toward the house and all of a sudden this came in my mind the memory of the upright is blessed the memory of the upright is blessed proverbs 10:7 amen and I went in the house quoting that and from that moment I started getting my memory back I didn't even realize when we locked the door to the shop that I got my arm back praise God amen got my arm back amen God live like a man who had a stroke now walked in the house and all of a sudden all the scripture started coming back to me all the sir I wake up in the middle of the night with sermons running through my mind praise God it and I'd get up and and go find my notebook and and see if all those sermons that I had preached over the years if I was if I was remembering the the way I wrote them praise God amen and in just a matter of a few weeks what's this I'm with Richard Roberts he's preaching in my ministers conference and I am preaching once again praise God and shortly after that Joad mccroskey my my international director and I left the country and went to five different nations and preached every day for 26 days how they do and I hadn't quit since glory to God amen I said Amen how do you worry come on somebody give the Lord a shout winners don't quit I said winners don't quit and you know I've seen a lot of people since that happened I've been in restaurants and see people come in who had strokes and see the damage that that stroke caused and I'd say if it hadn't been for the word of faith that'd be me I'd also remembered that every member of my mother's family including my mother died with strokes the curse has been broken the curse has been broken [Applause] glory to God now let me let me wrap it up with it this verse became so important to me when I was recovering romans 15 verse 13 from the New Living Translation I pray that God the source of your hope will fill you completely completely with joy and peace because you trust in him let me read it again Romans 15:13 from the New Living Translation I pray that God the source of hope will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him now I held on to that Scripture and here's what I wrote see the word is medicine to your flesh here's what I wrote on October the 18th I mean October the 8th now that's the matter of a from the time I got home maybe six days after after I got home seven days something like that and now I'm writing sermons and I couldn't remember my family's name just six days before now listen here's what I wrote I am completely filled with joy and I am completely filled with peace because I trust in him negative circumstances do not move me I'm only moved by what I believe and I believe God's Word I am confident that my health will be restored and I will finish my course with joy I'm growing stronger each day and nothing less than total recovery is acceptable I cling to the promises of God and I expect years to be added to my life proverbs three one two three my son forget not my law but let that heart keep my Commandments for length of days and long life and peace shall be added to thee proverbs 4 and 10 I believe here o my son and receive my sayings and the years of thy life shall be many proverbs nine eleven for by me that day shall be multiplied and the years of thy life shall be increased Psalm 91 with long life I will satisfy him he watches me he satisfies me with long life he watches over me causes me to fulfill my days in the earth he will never forsake me nor will he allow my adversary to triumph over me isaiah 54:17 amplified triumph over opposition is my heritage according to Philippians 9 our Psalm 9 for God has maintained my right and my calls and he did not allow my adversaries attack on my life to succeed according to Psalm 26 at Psalm 20 rather the Lord heard me in the day of my trouble he saved me and gave me strength oh how great is His goodness unto me I confess that love that that he has not only restored my life but he has restored my ministry proverbs 10:7 the memory of the Justice blessed I remember everything I've learned nothing that he has taught me will be forgotten the Holy Spirit supernaturally gives me recall and brings all things to my remembrance in honor of what my God has done for me i decree according to psalm 119 and verse 70 psalm 118 verse 17 I shall not die but live and declare the works of my God how they do [Applause] [Music] amen in God's no respect to a person his word is medicine to your flesh but do you possess a determined persistent unwavering refused to quit kind of faith you come too late folks and I'm not accusing you but you've come too late when you tell me that face stuff doesn't work I'm a walking miracle hallelujah I'm a walking miracle not only that praise God not only has he restored my life but he's given me new vitality I'm doing more now than I was before all this happened and got quit on my mind retiring are you kidding I'm referring hallelujah brother Copeland is 80 he told me 48 years ago that God said we'd be a team travel all over the world together preaching the gospel if he plans to be around until he's a hundred and twenty then that make me a hundred and ten because he ten years older me so we invite you in advance to the believers convention of the hundred and twenty and the 110 year old faith preachers how to do what we died God come on give the Lord your best shout I want all the winners in the house just stand in your feet and give the Lord your best shout hallelujah [Applause] lovely there God look at somebody say I'm not a quitter I am a winner there's somebody else I'm not a quitter I am a winner hallelujah hallelujah praise God I forgot to mention this but I just just reminded of the Lord I love it every time I preach the Holy Spirit keeps reminding me keeps reminding me when I got home Richard Lindsey Roberts came to visit me and they brought a pair of all Roberts shoes that he preached him and I wore him around every day and I confess the anointing that was on all Roberts is still in these shoes hallelujah I've told Richard that I don't know where those shoes went I hit him I've even taken him on the road with me many times I put him on before I pray for people hallelujah just like that open that that that Oh prophet that was buried and they threw another guy's body on top of his bones and the anointing was still in those bones and the guy was raised from the dead but why wouldn't the anointing still be an oil rubber shoes if they can be in a cloth why couldn't they be in somebody's shoes that were anointed hallelujah amen if you need a miracle in your body this morning hold up your hand praise God as you're holding up your hand I want you stretch your hand out of it toward all these folks over here in the wheelchairs nothing is impossible with God say that with me nothing is impossible with God say it again nothing is impossible with God say it again nothing is impossible with God and the Bible says pray he one for another that you might be healed so all of you that lifted your hands here in the in the main part of the auditorium indicating you needed healing stretch your hands over these folks and you pray for them don't pray for yourself you pray for them we're about to experience the law of reciprocation whatever you pray for them it's going to come back on you how they do you so stretch your hands out toward them and pray in fact some of you on the front rope go over there and lay hands on them go there and lay hands on how they do yet praise God go ahead some of you go over and lay hands on in the name of Jesus hallelujah fritzsche come on I know there's an anointing on you for praying for the sick lay your hands on them hallelujah thank you Father okay that's that's enough folks wait and pray believe God for a miracle believe God to raise them up the Bible says the prayer of faith shall save the sick now father while they're praying for all of these folks I pray over all of these people in the in the main section here the auditorium that indicated they needed a miracle in their body and I pray in the name of Jesus the same miracle working God that delivered me that healed me that restored me he will send his healing power and touch them right where they stand and deliver and heal and restore them in the name of Jesus and they will declare the goodness of God they'll declare the works of our God in Jesus mighty name hallelujah come on let's give the Lord a good shout of praise [Applause] hallelujah thank you Father thank you Father whoa reader God glory to God glory to God come on praise Him folks crazy hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord lift your hands one more time say this with me in the name of Jesus I have on the inside of me world overcoming faith God put it in me it's there right now and I tap into it today and I believe that no weapon formed against me shall prosper I believe in Jesus name I have the capacity I have the power I have the ability and I have the anointing to overcome any attack of my adversary Satan give me now I take authority over you I bind you in Jesus name get your hands off my life get your hands off my family of my home of my finances of my business of my ministry you're not my god you're not my lord in Jesus name the Son of the Living God has set me free I'm free indeed now give the Lord a shout how to do it glory to God glory to God hallelujah amen praise God you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 42,106
Rating: 4.8892307 out of 5
Keywords: jerry savelle
Id: 0Z1mT9ux9tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 54sec (3894 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2017
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