2017 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Having Spiritual Eyes and Ears (2:00 p.m.)

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ritika Oh hallelujah praise be to God his peace passes understanding oh just just let let his presence minister to you just a little bit right now oh thank you Lord for your peace thank you for your goodness thank you for your loving kindness and tender mercies thank you lord thank you Lord that we have a place in your family and in your kingdom and in your work how precious it is that we can come together like this thank you for the Copeland's thank you for this great ministry thank you for this great meeting it didn't just happen by accident they had to believe you they had to pursue they had to stand and we're thankful that we're here we're thankful that you're here hallelujah we agree together as touching this asking for the utterance asking for the anointing asking for answers direction helped a supply and quickening of your Holy Spirit giving us the next parts of your plan and that which we need to come up higher in you we thank you for it we believe we receive it and all the people said Amen means so be it praise God you can be seated thanks guys I want to thank the Lord and and the Copeland's again for privilege of my part in this meeting it's such an honor such an honor I I told more than one person after Monday I said man this is preaching to the choir I mean you talk about somebody that wants to hear it somebody that's ready to hear it that's you how they knew you you didn't you didn't take off work and take vacation and spend money and come across the country and come across the ocean because you didn't want to hear it you want to hear it hallelujah praise God and you are hearing it thank God well let's begin where we left off on my part on Monday we were talking about hearing and we looked in Luke the eighth chapter and we'll look there again Luke chapter eight you're believing with me you said right Luke 8 verse 17 jesus said the master said nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest that's a big statement nothing and neither is anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad the Lord the Holy Spirit his Spirit is the revealer the revealer of truth the revealer of mysteries he goes on to say verse 18 in our response to that knowing and hearing that the Lord is willing and has planned and will reveal everything to us verse 18 take heed therefore how you hear so hearing is a big part of the revelation and not just the sound bouncing off our eardrums how many times do we see the phrase he that has ears to hear let him hear I mean numerous times in the Gospel accounts numerous times in the book of Revelation numerous times he that has ears to hear let him or her hear what what does that mean what determines who has ears to hear obviously not everybody does so what determines who has ears to hear take heed therefore how you hear for whosoever has to him shall be given and whosoever has not from him shall be taken even that which he seems to have now mark says it a little bit differently Mark's account of this mark for you can just listen or you're quick you can turn over there mark 4 22 he said nothing is hid which shall not be manifested neither is there anything kept secret but that it should come abroad you know it's only folks that are doing things wrong that want to hide it and nothing that the Lord has done is wrong he's got nothing to hide but now he does disclose things according to the right time for it and according to those that treasure it and have ears to hear it but it's his will to reveal everything and before it's all said and done there's nothing that was not know nothing that was hid that's not going to be fully disclosed and made known he said verse 23 if any man have ears to hear let him hear he said take heed what you hear for with what measure you mete it shall be measured to you and unto you that here shall more be given now this is a saint a little bit different way than then it was said in Luke but it's the same meaning I would sit like this he said take heed what you hear the measure you meet it'll be measured to you the measure of what how you measure a thing determines what you hear and how you hear determines the lights you get Romans 1 talks about the gospel and how that the the righteousness of God is revealed in the gospel but it's revealed from faith to faith I know coming up under brother Kenneth Hagins ministry for a number of years when I was a student there at the school it I marveled as time went by especially the first couple of years he sometimes would start to minister and he would read a portion of scripture sometimes read the whole chapter and as he read it I would marvel how much I got out of it out of listening to him read it and I thought well you know how to how come I didn't get all that out of it when I read because I was even reading some out loud too and and I was practicing some of those things and I thought you know I'm gonna read this out loud and and then I'd go back to class and he'd read it and I'm saying all kind of things and I thought what is what's the difference you know what the difference is faith he's reading it at a different level of understanding a different level of Revelation and it's revealed from faith to faith you can read something casually and get nothing out of it you can read it as though it's life-changing and you're about to get some amazing things out of it and you will you can read something you've seen a hundred times but read it the hundred and first time with more faith than you've ever read it and get things that you've never gotten before and so the the challenge is to stir ourself up and not act like we've been there before we've heard it before we know all that that is a revelation blocker just a passiveness which is treating something as though it's no big deal and we live in a world where this that permeates the generation and the atmosphere so many folks nothing's a big deal everything's super cash everything's no big deal there should be some things that are a big deal right there should be some things we make big preparation for we get ready for we do it up big like this hallelujah and when you do when you make a big deal out of the things of God because they are a big deal then the measure we meet to it the degree of respect and reverence and importance we give to it determines the light the revelation the understanding the life change we get from it it's possible for people to sit in the same service here the same thing and one of them leave bored or go to sleep and the other get an answer they've been looking for for 20 years and have their live chaste and sitting right there in the same place and they heard the thing the same thing and yet they didn't hear the same thing because one had ears to hear and the other took a nap well you didn't come here to take a nap right I mean you could have done that at the house right you take heed what you hear with the measure you meet it'll be measured to you until you that here shall more be given he that has to him shall be given he that has not from him shall be taken even that which he has what determines ears that hear is connected to the heart heart changes affect hearing changes when your heart changes your hearing changes and that's not up to God that's up to us now we I've had it on my heart to minister to you two big things on our hearing coming up to another level and the first one we've already given you how do I have ears to hear how do I hear things that I haven't heard before one reference the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom we went to John chapter 8 and we looked and saw how that Jesus said to the most religious people of his day the leaders of the synagogue he said to them why can't you hear what I'm saying he said youyou can't hear what I'm saying and buffet and two verses later they said you are a Samaritan and you have a devil how much more disrespectful can you get they got no reverence for who he is what he is the call alone is like even if they didn't recognize him as the Messiah they should have recognized him as a prophet of God they should have recognized him they should have acknowledged the miracles that were happening is that right I mean but no respect at all in fact slander vilify blasphemy and they they couldn't get anything he was saying now when you've been that really dawned on you that's an awful thing you're in the presence your feet away from life changing light and truth and salvation and complete Redemption and you don't have a clue in fact you're mad and upset about it somebody say by the grace of God not me not me by His mercy and help we're going to recognize what we're around who were around Isaiah prophesied and are in our well-known famous 53rd chapter and also in that same area that when the master would he saw in the spirit centuries before it happened and he said there was no form or comeliness that we should desire him what does that mean when Jesus was on the earth people met him walked right by him saw nothing special about him there were people that heard him speak and decided they didn't believe it didn't come back that in regular in his own hometown they said who does he think he is is this joseph´s boy standing up saying he's in on it he's the fulfillment of the scripture now we look at that and think how could that be but you weren't there you're here on the other side but the same thing is happening today people are around the things of God and don't recognize them people are around holy men and women of God and don't recognize it why because we're all we're not supposed to be walking in the flesh but we're in the flesh we're in the body and it's easy to judge after the flesh and sometimes there's similar anointings in people that's in your family or your friends to what you see on the platform of a big meeting that you're impressed with but you don't even acknowledge it in them because all you see is the flesh isn't that what they saw with Jesus they said they didn't see the anointing they didn't see the call they didn't see the revelation they saw the carpenter's boy Joseph and Mary's boy and the more in the flesh we are that's all you notice is the flesh you know I had a lady one time telling me after service she said I'm sorry brother Keith but I just didn't get much out of your message today in I said I said okay so what was the problem she said you have a string right there on your pants I have a string well I wish I'd a noticed it and got it off but but that's being pretty easily distracted man that's Ryan that's being pretty carnal I had a lady would tell another though service she exclaimed out loud in the middle of while I'm preaching and later got up and left she said she said you kept using double negatives she was an English professor you kept using double negatives and other thing on and and and okay all right what is that that's judging after the flesh all you see is the natural and and that caused you to miss out sit out loud Lord open my eyes help me to see what you see to see other people the way you see them to see your callings your gifting your anointings your revelation and not judge after the flesh but see what you see hallelujah in Jesus name now the one of the more challenging places to do this is at home with the people you spend the most time around in the flesh I know like I said I had the privilege of uh well I won't go into that right now let me huh let me go somewhere else for the moment Hebrews five would you go there quickly time is clicking by you know we got to pick and choose but you said you believe the Lord's leading us right you uh pterence don't take lightly that thing we just were talking about I will say this when I first came to Rhema I hadn't been there just a couple of months and they had healing school in prayer school they had just started and they'd actually hadn't finished the prayer and healing center and things that were going to do there but they had classes in the afternoon and so I I went there after school and brother Hagin was teaching a minister in there and he announced and said we're gonna we're going to open up in the spring this prayer and healing center and we're gonna as the Lord leads we're gonna train people minister to the sick and he said there'll be divine healing technicians and a lot of times when he said that people would laugh and other people would go WOW and it was a different idea about what it meant but after I heard that a few times I thought wouldn't that be something that would be awesome that would be amazing and then I looked around behind me I only been there a couple of months I looked around behind me and I thought well there's hundreds of people in the air I'm sure they all think the same way too and and so okay but wouldn't that be awesome and six months later I was one of two there was selected two started in there in the tree with some of the other staff that was there and as time went on I got to be involved more and more in it and some 15 or so years later that came up to me again the Lord brought me back to that moment when I turned around in my chair and I thought wow wouldn't that be amazing and then I looked around and I thought well I guess everybody feels that way he said wrong everybody didn't feel that way did you know the Bible said in fact just go there Romans I know it said Hebrews but Romans is on the way Romans 1 Satan's the god of this world and he has breathed his character I mean the spirit of disobedience permeates the air down here and he has he is the most disrespectful being there is and he's breathed that into the population of the planet but you and I are not of this we're here but our citizenship is in heaven and we got another spirit and we must be on our guard not to let the ungodliness of this present world influence us into becoming disrespectful and not acknowledging and noticing the things of God we're to treat his things as precious and special and important were to make a big deal out of his things people around us that don't know him they won't understand it and and they already don't understand it but they're the ones that need to change and notice this in Romans 1 and 19 this is so amazing he said that which may be known of God is manifested are shown to them for God has shown it to them for the invisible things of him of God from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither we're thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened everything there is to know about God is staring us in the face did you see that or not verse 20 the invisible things of God from the creation of the world are what clearly seen being understood by what the things that are made including even his eternal power and even all the mysteries of the Godhead are revealed already and clearly seen if you had eyes to see it if you had ears to hear it when God gave Solomon so much wisdom he wrote Psalms and songs and poems and he wrote about flowers and trees and animals why because God opened his eyes and he began to see God in the creation he began to understand the Bible said all of its revealed it's right in front of us when you look up in the night sky when you see all the stars it's all right there even in its fallen state the earth the oceans the plant life the mountains the jungles the animals even in its fallen state the wisdom of God the glory of God even his eternal power and Godhead is staring us right in the face but you can be born down here and go through your whole life with I've seen all this oh yeah it's all been here ever since I got here yeah yeah yeah it's hard ain't it problem with this the problem with that every everything about God it is so ridiculous when people say there is no proof of God there's no proof of God you're breathing proof of God you're sitting on proof of God proof of God is holding your feet to the surface of the planet proof of God is making us the stars on the Sun it's everywhere if you have eyes to see and ears to hear it and you won't begin to see anything about God or reality until you first show him respect the fear of the Lord is the start it's the beginning of understand knowledge it's the beginning of wisdom can you say Amen praise God for time's sake go to John now please John chapter 7 what's the first big thing to cause your ears to open up and hear like you've not heard before reverence greater reference greater honor and respect do you believe you can reverence God more than you have do you believe you can art yes you can absolutely every one of us can grow can grow in this you have to make an effort this world to try to pull you into everything no big big deal no big deal whatever it's a phrase you are not use ever hmm whatever it's disrespect know the things of God are a big deal hallelujah you want to do it right that's one thing I so appreciate about this ministry man when the Lord tells them to do something there's no price too high there's no effort too great do it top notch do it the best how many think that's the way it ought to be it's the way it ought to be some people call it excellence there's any number of things you can call it but basically it's doing it making a big deal out of doing the best you can do and believe to do better next week right but that's not just for for them or some this minister of that ministry that's for every one of us you not to be a preacher to do this every one of us when it comes to the things in our life and the associations with the churches and ministries that we are when it comes time to do something let's make a big deal out of it you know I've had people you know make fun of me because I still dress up when I preach all brother Keith you're just old school old school uh and people say God don't care God don't care I don't care what you got on he used to have you read in the Bible he used to care what the preachers war he went into gray I mean he gave revelation from heaven on what kind of garments were to be made for them is that right and he kept using the phrase for beauty and for glory told him certain kind of clothes they weren't supposed to wear things that made them sweat too much and things that didn't you know work modest I mean he used to care when did he change and I must say you know a coat and a tie that's Western people don't just like that all over the world I know that but to me it's very simple do the best you can is that right people say well I don't have all this money to buy all these clothes I didn't either but I don't care if you got two t-shirts and two pair of jeans when it comes time for church get your good ones get your good ones make sure they're clean break out an iron break on an Iron Man just just do it up but I don't care about all that it's not about the clothes it's about the heart it's about you know how many think you are to dress and prepare a little differently for coming to Minister the Word of God than going out in your backyard and flipping some burgers and so well things have changed well did it go the right way or the wrong way and who are we patterning after who did we get this from some things that people do in service and ministry where they get it from did it get it from the world did they get it from ungodly people ungodly shows ungodly performers are y'all listening just because something's popular doesn't make it good how many think you can be too casual you can be too loose and in so doing you wind up not just you know disrespecting people you end up disrespecting God because you didn't try you didn't even make an effort to make it look good how many think the church ought to look good church ought to look good right missionaries work or to look good how many think keep Kenneth Copeland ministries headquarters or to look good that's what the offerings are going you know this week above the budget or to be top-notch and they have been but you know it's when you use something for 30 years well it needs to be redone right and that's where they're and they're doing it they're doing it glory to God such good examples but it's not just for them it's for you come on look at somebody beside you say yes this is for you this is for you you you're gonna do your best right don't do your best do your best give God your best not the rest not to leftovers give him the first and the best hallelujah glory to God I didn't intend to say any of that uh where are you John seven that's good that's good to hear beyond where you have heard before tell me what you got to do reverence reverence show respect thank you lord here's number two we read the scripture then I will expound on it John chapter seven and let's see verse 16 John seven sixteen the scribes and the Pharisees were questioning Jesus about how he preached and ministered they were amazed because he didn't have all the higher education that they did in fact back up to verse 14 about the midst of the feast this is John 7:14 about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple and taught and the Jews marveled and they said how knows this man letters having never learned how does he talk like this where does he get this and jesus answered them and said you got to pay the price yep while others were playing I was praying you gotta burn the midnight oil no you don't get revelation through extreme effort and non-stop study Oh somebody didn't didn't hear that I said you don't get revelation through extreme effort and non-stop study you can study you can look up every Hebrew and Greek and Chaldean and Aramaic definition and every old writing until you pass out and fall out of your chair on the floor and get no revelation you don't figure out revelation if you figured it out it wouldn't be revelation and the stuff that people figure out and preach to is your as revelation run from it it's dangerous and you'll find it doesn't have the quickening it doesn't have I mean it may be puzzling to you and interesting to you and make you go home and it revelation but it's no quickening when it's revelation it quickens it'll excite your spirit when your heads going what what I don't what it what didn't want we decided what are we excited about your spirit can get things your head head and got you but no you don't get revelation by studying now you need to study but it's not it doesn't come that way unless the Spirit of God reaches only inside of you and turns on the light you don't see it and so if he revealed it to you and gave it to you and showed it to you it's not because of your effort it's not because your intelligence or your genius Jesus never took credit for one message he preached Jesus never took credit for one healing that happened in his in his ministry he never took credit for one miracle so when they asked him about this revelation and about this teaching and about this ministry what did he say it's not mine it's not mine he's not trying to be humble he's telling the truth which is humility he said my doctrines not mine but his that sent me oh and get the next part is everybody awake if any man will do his will he shall know this is revelation he's talking about revelation and he gives one of the biggest keys to getting revelation in fact other translations are sent like this if any man wills to do his will Young's literal author of the concordance said it like that If any man will to do his will he shall know others say if anyone chooses to do God's will he will find out when will you find out when you choose to do it yeah but you don't know it yet right and you'll find out after you choose to do it yeah but I don't know what I'm doing exactly yeah but what what will I be doing you'll find out after you agree to do it which requires faith trust right just gotta trust him trusting and the moment you commit to do it something happens to your eyes and your ears and your heart and Jesus said you will know and you'll know whether it's God or whether it's land isn't this one of the biggest issues that people struggle with is this God or is this them is this God is this just me is this God the Lord said if you choose to do it do his will you'll know the knowing will come into you and you'll know you'll know it what's him you'll know what to do one of the first times I I began to get a revelation of this some years ago I was teaching their brother Hagins ministry at Rhema Bible Training Center and had gotten pretty busy there was some weeks I was preaching 20 times a week and more and so when the weekend came I'm ready for a break you might imagine No you hadn't done it I can tell but anyway but I get the praying praying about some things and come up in my heart about going out on the weekends and I thought where did that come from coming out on the weekends I mean I'm doing all I want to do going out going out on the weekends and having healing meetings other towns other states other places so I didn't pay much attention to that you know when you don't want something to be God you can do mental gymnastics yeah you know exactly what I'm talking about you can do mental gymnastics to avoid it thought comes in and if you don't accept what the Lord gives you it's dangerous not to walk in the light because if you pause and you say I don't want that you just yielded to the enemy and he will come immediately if you if you go I don't know what that is immediately the enemy will come and go that's right we don't know what that is you ate too much pizza last night that's we don't know what's going I'm never nob that ain't God no no if you get the truth and you don't want it what else is there to believe when the Lord gives you the answer he gives you the direction he gives you the truth if you don't want that what do you say without meaning to what you're saying is give me some lies please because I don't want this you open yourself up to deception it's dangerous not to walk in the light that God gives us during that same time Phyllis my wife and I in our young ministry and our personal lives we had been struggling financially struggling mister going on for a couple of years just too tight tied and behind and behind you know when you get behind and then you have another problem it's tough because you hadn't caught up yet and it's kind of like swimming with half a nostril above water I mean help me know with a half an ounce little bit water they don't take much you're going down cuz you're behind and you waited and we oh don't listen we hold on that and we got behind on this and behind them that and enemy tries to he practices what I call the pile-up technique maybe you feel like your faith could overcome this and overcome that but when he piles it all together and adds three more and puts five more he wants you to look at it and go oh Lord just take me out of here I this this is too much but like brother Jerry's been preaching don't quit right you're never ever give up and quit believe in God and following up but here it was these couple of years and I prayed about this I sought the Lord about this I asked him about our finances I did not get what I needed two years later we're still bad or worse shape than we were I prayed we saw God I came in after school one day got home nobody was there except me and I plopped down in the chair in the living room and he's sitting there quiet for a minute and it came up in me about going out on the weekends and having healing meetings and I just came to drop my hand I said Lord forgive me bet you I know that's you that's the same Holy Spirit led me to rain much the same Holy Spirit I've known since I was born again forgive me forgive you know what I'm doing and you know what I can do and you know you're going to have I mean I know you already knew that too and so okay you you want me to go we'll go and I mean I hadn't got that out of my mouth he said now I'm gonna talk to you about your finances I was in shock I didn't know the two were connected I didn't I didn't have any idea that that unwillingness everybody say unwillingness that unwillingness was like a block between me getting what I needed from him and this that I thought these areas were separate but with him it's always about the heart always about the heart people focus on the details and symptoms and the circumstances and technical aspect no no no no with him it's always about the heart and when I decided to be on my mind a little bit unwilling it was a problem he's not withholding it's just that I'm not getting it and he gave me this phrase you can pick up the plan on the willing band you can pick up the plan on the Willing band what I mean by that you know radio AM band FM band if you're trying to pick up something on the FM band FM station but you got it on the am band how you going to come out come on help huh and you say what I need is to get closer to the station so you pull up and put your bumper up against the building on the FM station and you're not getting it you're not getting it so what you do is you you crank it up and you said what I need is more power I need more power so you buy you some amps big amps and get you some big speakers and get you some big flip antennas and you crank that thing up and it sounds like you're frying something two blocks away but you can't get a thing can't get anything then you decide something's wrong with the station they're not sending anything because if they were sending something I'd be getting it no honey come on help me out what's your problem what's your problem your own the wrong band on the wrong frequencies to pick it up it's there it's been broadcasting all the time how many know God's always there he's always that he's always broadcasting he's always endeavoring to communicate to you talk give you what you need give you the plan but you can't pick up the plan on the unwilling band it's not that God is withholding it from what did he say if you will to do it then you'll know you'll know hallelujah and the moment I sit down in that chair and I throw I'm I threw my hand and I said Father forgive me you want me to go I'll go yes sir and he said now I'm going to talk to you about your finances and he showed me just this and this and this and this and next weekend I was on the road and one thing led to another and I had supernatural strength we had some amazing things happening I mean we would leave there were times we'd leave Tulsa and fly out to LA and because of the time change you can have a meeting and then have meetings the next day and then catch the red-eye that night and be back in church Sunday morning you know young folks can do stuff like that and we had miracles we had miracles miracles and the money came somebody say the money came the money came night I'm not just saying just through those meetings but it came in different ways in different places and our financial deficit or you know black was limited and not only was it all met but we got extra I picked up the plan on the willing band well one other thing here before we transition time passes by pretty quickly that uh tell me how you hear things you've never heard before how you you get revelation and understanding that you've never gotten before number one reference and number two willingness a willing heart makes hearing ears but unwillingness keeps you from hearing hard hearted makes you hard of hearing look with me in Philippians and this I don't care how load you may have gotten how much you may have messed up you can come out with this we're about to talk about right now he said I'm oh you stay in Philippians I'm gonna read another verse then I'm gonna read that you're in Philippians - correct you are now in Hebrews 13 maybe think put it on the screen for us verse 20 Hebrews 13 20 and 21 can we put yeah it's come Hebrews 13 and 21 thank you the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ great Shepherd of the sheep through the blood of the everlasting covenant do what make you perfect in every good work to do his will working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory for ever and ever amen this is a prayer we know it's God's will to answer it we ask him make me perfect in every good work to do your will working in me that which is well pleasing in your sight you can be at a place where you don't want to do what you know you should do knowing the truth does not automatically mean you're gonna do the truth knowing what's right there's not going to mean you're gonna automatically do it you got a will and you got flesh and your flesh wants to do things it's not right you're underneath mine and you can be at a place where you've yielded to something you shouldn't healed it to an addiction overspending drugs alcohol and we don't like to talk about it but there's a bunch of problems in the body of Christ with all these things pornography all of these things people have that they've yielded to it over and over and over and they feel bad when they do and they repent and they feel bad when they do but come the next day or the next week part of them wants to do it come on y'all listening but there's something you can give god no matter how low how defeated you felt how many times you've messed up if you give it to him he's got something to work with if you will be willing to be willing you may even say Connor it'll be honest with you no I want to do it part of me wants to do it but I'm willing to be willing and I'm asking you to work in me Oh somebody should get stirred up I'm asking you to work in me hallelujah to do your will working in me that which is well pleasing in your sight and you can release faith on that when part of you doesn't even want to get right doesn't even want to get free you give God opening 9 Philippians are you there Philippians 2 Philippians 2 verse 13 whoa hallelujah praise God this is exciting this is wonderful you can't get too low to come out with this you can't get too messed up to come out with this you can be you know just yielded more than Joe sent her down the street and just told people to leave you alone and you can be in the bottom you can be lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rug that's a good country expression but that's low that's low you be in the muck you can be in the mire you'd be in the ditch no feel like you got no faith feel like you got no strength but if you look up and do this and say father I know I hadn't been doing so good but I'm willing to be willing and a part of me had any morning to do the right thing on this but but I'm willing to be willing if you'll do that in sincerity you give him something to work with and What did he say Philippians 2:13 it's God which works in you two things oh come on you'll have to hold yourself on this God works at number one - will number two - do it how do you even if you didn't want to do it and you were sure you weren't able to do it he will work in you to will to do it and give you the ability to do it all hallelujah the new century says God is working in you to help you wanna do and be able to do what pleases him you can overcome any addiction you can overcome any sin you can overcome I don't care if it's been chronic failure for the last 25 years you just say father everybody said that let father God work in me to will and to do of all your good pleasure work in me that which is pleasing in your sight that which is your perfect will I'm willing to be willing I believe I receive in Jesus name Oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to God [Applause] lonely to go the new living says God is working in you somebody say God is working in me God is working to me giving me the desire and the power to do what pleases him he's working in me the desire to do it and the will to do it and the ability to do it somebody say I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me praise got standing on your feet everybody glory be to God come on give glory to God lift up your hands lift up your praise lift up your thanks Oh father we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 21,302
Rating: 4.8558559 out of 5
Keywords: keith moore
Id: KydURXvx3Bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 54sec (3654 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2017
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