WORDS II | Kenneth Copeland | LWCC UMFE 2017

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father we thank you and praise you ha ha ha ho - we pray hallelujah and father I know you have an exact plan for this message tonight and I will endeavor with all of my heart all of my soul my mind and strength to follow that plan I thank you for it in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ your will be done tonight in this house in Jesus name Amen we're talking about words hallelujah the most important things on earth well brother Copeland I thought Jesus was he yeah well is he not the word but we're talking about the fact and truth of words good words bad words idle words jesus said you will stand judgment for every idle word comes out in man whoa that calls for our crop failure whoa and you can get it too amen all right let's open our Bibles to mark 11:23 for verily I say unto you whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he said now notice Jesus put the emphasis on the saying now I'm not going to be commenting much we've got a number of scriptures here to read so let's look at Matthew chapter 12 because I want to get all of these scriptures in tonight and then we will go from there Matthew chapter 12 verse 37 jesus said for by thy words thou shalt be justified by thy words thou shalt be condemned Luke 6:45 a good man out of the good treasure or deposit of his heart bringeth forth that which is good and an evil man now that's not talking about that he's not referring here to wicked evil people he's talking about one man it has it has his heart filled with faith the other one has his heart filled with unbelief an evil man out of the evil deposit of his heart brings forth that which is evil now here here's a spiritual law for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks amen Genesis chapter 1 verses 1 through 3 in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and nothing happened until God said let there be light and there was light Hebrew text said God said like be light all right Hebrews chapter 1 so we live in a god I mean in a word created environment Hebrews chapter 1 God who at sundry time and in different manners spoke in times past unto the father's by the prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the world's with words right who being the brightness of his glory and the Express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power amen so we live in a word created word control universe now Psalm 19:14 let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength in my Redeemer Psalm 91 he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty so as we as we commented on on this verse last night how do you get in there how do you get in that secret place how did what's the key to the door I will say of the Lord he's my refuge my fortress my god in him I will trust and surely he will deliver me in fact we read the amplified if you remember then that's that's the way it that's the way it speech that so words we live in a word create word upheld word dominated universe an environment now the hundred and third Psalm the fifth verse well let's read them through that bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgiveth all thine iniquities who healeth all thy diseases who redeemeth thy life from destruction who crowns thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies who satisfies thy mouth with good now you notice the word things is italicized in the King James Version that means it was added he satisfies my mouth with good now so that your youth is renewed like the Eagles now the Hebrew root - the word thing material things is word amen can you see why words created it words created everything that it glory to God amen so he fills my mouth with good words so that my youth is renewed like the Eagles now look at the 20th verse bless the Lord you his angels that excel in strength that do His commandments harkening unto the voice of the word bless ye the Lord all you his hosts he ministers of his that do his pleasure now here again if you go to Hebrews 1:14 that said angels hearkened to the voice of the word alright let's go back over there to the book of hebrews hebrews one chapter and the four team first we were there a moment ago verse 13 to which of the Angels said he at any time sit on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool are they not also all ministering spirits sent forth the minister for them that shall be heirs of salvation hallelujah now we're down to this point and I want to comment on this this is very important do you remember when Elijah was surrounded a bunch of bad guys and haze I said what are we gonna do boss he said there's more of us than y'all then say what me and you the Prophet said Lord open his eyes now they didn't just show up at that moment the hills read with angel rule come to take care of that old man if God were to permit through the discerning of spirits suddenly open your eyes angels are spirits Devils are spirits Satan is a spirit he's a fallen angel you're a spirit God is a spirit we live us born-again Holy Ghost folks we live in a place of dominating power and authority amen every born-again Christian does but you can't do anything about if you don't know anything about now if God were to suddenly open your eyes and the reason he doesn't do this any more than he does you wouldn't be able to function you get in there and see too much if you could imagine this suddenly eyes were open like gods and you're driving down the freeway and there's angels and devils everywhere and you can't even cattle all the computers are not big enough to count among their innumerable and the whole atmosphere is there's a traffic jam in the spirit you've got cars coming down the freeway angels guarding over over some Devils doing their best to kill people off I'm in pain it's terrible and ll Oh what is it about all you don't understand all of them have to listen for words because they can't function until a human being says something it's most amazing when you realize that you and I are the deciding witness your angels listening to you the Devils are listening to you and you're gonna open your mouth and Lassen one of them deputies don't understand Copeland I know it but I understand a whole lot more than you do if you're still talking like that sweetheart I'm gonna do everything I can to turn this around for you now that days of Jacob's Ladder are over you know where angels were going up and down you have to remember that in those days Satan was the authority in this room and so angels had all been driven out of here for the most part when he took over and the whole place is swarming with Devils in authority horrible horrible you and I have no concept of it and we have no concept of that atmosphere we've never had anything like that atmosphere but now there are places on earth that you can find where you can go get in it if you'd like no what is life go to Haiti and see how about what the difference in Haiti and and and then come back to your wonderful church and that is much better than it was because the devil took a real wooden during that earthquake a lot of people figured that out because you see the leader of Haiti sold himself to Satan and sold that nation to Satan worship Him well brother I'm telling you what you go in there nearly throw up when you get in that atmosphere well that's the way it used to be all that until Jesus went to hell suffered and paid the price in the very bowels of this earth and all of us why the Word of God came blasted down into the bowels of this earth and Jesus was born again in the pit of hell one born again Holy Ghost baptized man defeated all of Hell single-handed and he took the keys of a thigh away from the devil and Satan had to bow is Jesus paralyzed hey hallelujah with what words words our spiritual weapons of war look at the full armor of God the helmet of salvation the breastplate of righteousness huh what girded with what truth words the sword of the spirit feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace that means the gospel is the power of God that means you've woken in power Holly Lord glory be to Jesus whatever thank you hallelujah now if you can if you could see all that mess going on well let me get back where it was when when Jesus broke the power of all of that remember what we read right there in Hebrews 1:14 are they not all ministering spirits sent forth man I'm telling you when Jesus took over man all of the angels that had been waiting in the wings for this for all in many many many many many many many many years all glory to God ever since the day ever since that day Adam fell my my my mind oh the noise it doesn't say it was the noise of all of the wind it was a noise as a rushing mighty wind can I give you another insight into that that's what Jets are rushing mighty wind coming out the back in that tailpipe there should now I can't prove this you can't prove it in now just been around a long time amen I am totally convinced because of some some things and some time I spent well I'm gonna get into it but I like take the time and work around with it buying got tied that kind of time tonight okay that that noise was the sound of the Spirit of the Living God and all of those trillions of angels coming back into this atmosphere [Music] and they just let everybody know uh-huh Papa's come back to town and brought the family with it no more did Jacob ladder that man that ladders gone they all back there back there back all right thank you Lord thank you Jesus Psalm chapter four look at the 24th first hour excuse me wait a minute bull bull bull bull mm-hmm oh no no no no no no no that ain't gonna work proverbs chapter 4 begin reading with the 20th verse paying very careful attention to words both God's and yours my son attend to my words incline thine ear unto my sayings let them not depart from thine eyes what them words bad grammar but you understand let them soon keep them in the midst of your heart for they those words are life unto those that find them and health the Hebrew is medicine to all their flesh keep or protect your heart with your spirit with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life put away from you a froward mouth and perverse lips put far from you put away from you an unruly mouth put away put you take take authority over your mouth you can't do it any other way but with the word the word James said that the word is the only way you can tame the tongue you can't tame the tongue with natural forces natural man can't tame his tongue carnal mind and Christians can't change their tongue because you say stuff and don't even hear yourself saying oh yeah the only way you can do is put the word in your heart and in your mouth and and renew your mind and then it'll wash your mouth out for you Oh Gloria used to just put up with me this is Kenneth BC you understand my goodness our mother my great grandfather was called cousin Owens well it wasn't funny how I got there here during the Civil War there was a a Union captain that came through their place there in Tennessee and he was trying to find out where young young mr. Owens RP where his brothers were he wouldn't tell needed about I was someone around twelve thirteen years old and the captain hung him up by his thumbs and and he had put the pressure on him and rather than tell him where his brothers were he just cost him at the louder is just screaming at him just screaming at him well had he known he could have been screaming the name of Jesus we didn't know another clue well he is cousin Owens and my grandfather took after his daddy and I thought boy I'm turning him my papa he was my hero and if he did it is all right of course my mother just roll oh my goodness anyway I took after my grandpa and I got good at it I enjoyed it you know I mean my grandfather I think he can make up cuss words I mean you know he could make anything sound dirty okay it was a spirit one the talent he sure wasn't a grace well it was a evidence it was a spirit where I was concerned too and I won't go into all that we keep we came home one night I don't even remember now where we had been you may have after I tell this but I don't remember what I just remember what happened she said I'm not going there for Gloria Gloria never spoke to me she has never spoken to me in in 55 and a hand and a half years in a raised voice yes ma'am I know we never fuss I did but she wouldn't it ain't no fun to fight by yourself I don't I don't remember the last cross word between us at his head and this hadn't been any in just years and years and you anyway but she taught me that and I don't know a word she said I'm not going out in public with you anymore I said she should you'll filthy mouth I remember this I I can hear it in my ears right now I said what the hell of a shot you know it's such an ingrained habit your mind don't even hear it when you're used to saying stuff all the time you're used to saying that thrills me to death scared me to death you going to town I'm afraid not that has to be broken with the Word of God because all of that is a form of cursing you're using the offer of the curse to express yourself anyway the night I got born again November 1962 Paul never forget it the presence of God fill that room up it was almost beyond description but something happened that night it-it-it had the physical sensation it had a physical sensation of something in my mouth and it felt like it was square and the reason I have rena left is because all right you know that that big bar Dial soap my mother you stick my mouth was square - but but but now it was a spiritual thing and in my mouth my mouth and I have never all of these years since never ever had any kind of profanity in my mouth I mean even at the worst times before I ever learned anything about the word of faith it was gone it just wasn't there anymore God just delivered me you're not wonderful and now now I won't spend any more time on that but I want you to I want you to understand something that is so vitally important because think about it again this room is filled with angels now this a holy place but if you've been spending a lot of time worrying you got that when you brought that worried demon in your with you they go to church hoping you worried as soon as you get out of here you may be sitting that right now worried about something well shut up put your foot down by the eternal Almighty God devil you ain't follow me around anymore God I'm holy ground you keep your filthy nasty hands off me and off my family and off my house then I'll tell you what there have been times that the fire of God got all over me and just go through the house and just plead the blood glory to God you may need to go through the house and plead the blood of Jesus Christ and get that secular dvtv demon out of your house you spending every night you go home lay down there in the bed and turn the TV on and watch murder and mayhem till time for the news ask me how I got shootout for this well I mean the Lord took me to woodshed and I'm glad think there in fact I've got a real well-worn path to the woodshed for about the last four or five years because God's preparing us for this outpouring amen well your choice but who do you won't following you around huh Jesus or Tom Selleck you all may tell you why it's dangerous to borrow money I said lord help me here now because I I know where you where you are on on doctors doctors are fighting the same sick demons and we're fighting and and and it's it's you just you you you're not against your children going to doctors but I said what is going to a banker what is the difference he said you go to the doctor you don't have to enter covenant with him you become servants somebody you don't even know you don't know what's in his life you don't know what's behind the banking system is so ruptured now you don't know what's behind that Bank you don't know where the you just you don't know what you're connected to you go in there in that bank and you you know where you had in your hand and sign anything that there is stick in front of you and if all of a sudden you open your eyes you start out of there and now you've got a whole army of Devils following you wherever you go I'm telling it's a sobering thing when you when you begin to realize what this atmosphere is salt just waiting for you to get out of the love of God just waiting for you to get off of that love walk because that's a commitment it is not optional when you're born of love he's sinned not well what's that mean he can't sin oh you can't if he doing it if he choose to but if you're walking that love line which is the narrow way and if you remember first John 5 18 that wicked one touches him not but you step out here and that that territory and when unforgiveness and that kind of stuff if you could just get your eyes open it's like being attacked by killer bees and your angels are so limited some of it didn't even know you had an angel your angel has been before the face of God since the day you were released into this earth if you're doing anything at all you've got more than one amen but there is one angel that is in charge of angels in your life now the madman Agera remember him well he ain't a madman anymore but now he had two thousand Devils right no he had one one unclean spirit ruler of the darkness of this world starting from the bottom rank upward principalities powers rulers of the darkness of this world those are the ones that possess people he had that one ruler Jesus said come out of a man you unclean spirit now once that spirit lost his authority all the devil's besought him now they all spoke up legions oh but see this one man was what the demon people call a human chalice this one spirit was using this man to control by fear that whole part of that region that's reason it scared him so bad when they came up there and so this man in his right mind they they they begged Jesus to leave yeah that's how come that storm came up right before they got in there trying to sink at boat before we got there amen then she people people read that by the read that all the lives in the Bible and then got a clue any of that happened but we do and now you got more clue than you did when you got here amen but sometimes I gets excited about it you know you can't hardly get your hair to lay down thank you thank you but this is this is the next step in understanding the world of the spirit you're not a bear not a baby anymore grow up start seeking God to find out what this environments made out of instead of just banging up and down the street trying to beg your way through life oh god help me help me help me not just why don't you help somebody why don't you start praying for something open the eyes of your understanding go write of the first chapter of the book of Ephesians and and study the first three chapters night and day and night and day until it begins to open up to you what the hope of his calling feel flood our spirits were wide that we have understanding of what you did for us and what you worked for us when you raised Jesus from the dead and set him at your right hand far above all principalities gave him to be head over the body which is his church that fulfills all in our Jesus cannot be fulfilled without you let me give you a key verse and then move on Colossians 1:9 this is part of our prayers for our partners in fact you'll find it on the bottom of my partner letter Colossians 1:9 10 and 11 I desire that you might be Phil hey Phil Phil with the knowledge of his will with all wisdom and spiritual understanding you can't get that just riding down the road listen to radio shut that thing off you've got an upper times particularly you spend a lot of time in traffic you can get a PhD in theology yeah you know where what turned off anything I'm telling you you folks we're gonna be held accountable but we've got access to information that hey if you told me just a few years ago that Gloria and I would be going to bed at night and listen to brother Hagin on the phone let's see you've got to be kidding me me well okay we we were watching brother Hagin on them most of times on telephone one night we were we're watching iPad read setting up this particular meeting we wanted we want to see and we're safe that's the funniest woman he ever met in your life wait we're sitting there over there to kiss her goodnight she said not in front of brother Hagin oh man all right all right now put away from you put it away and unruly mouth proverbs 6 - there are snared or trapped with the words of thy mouth thou art taken with the words of your mouth now this this is referring to setting a trap for an animal the animal can't see the trap in the book of James it's called kindling let's turn over there the book of James set a trap praise God Chapter three my brethren be not many masters knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation or the greater judgment I don't have time to spend time in that but for in many things we offend all if any man any person offend not in words they were the same is a fully developed man that's what the WordPerfect there means it doesn't mean flawless practice makes perfect in other words as as you practice you're developing it you're developing something if any man offend not in word the same is a fully matured man and able also to bridle the whole body words I listen to me we live in a word dominated environment behold we put bits in the horse's mouth that they may obey us we turn about their whole body behold also the ships which though they be so great and are driven of fierce winds yet are they turned about with a very small helm or rudder whithersoever the captain Lister the captain has to make the decision because nothing's gonna happen until the captain decides to do something with his mouth huh you help reach myself plum happy tonight because I know what's coming whoo even so that tongue is a little member boast of great things behold how great a matter a little fire Kindler how many people in here know what kindling is well you should appear in this country where people go to woods all the time amen there is some pleasure particularly with kids if you said thermostat they'd understand what you mean but that little that little piece of kindling you can't you can't just strike a match and stick it under a piece of log oh that that big is standing you burn up a whole suitcase full of matches Union you never ever gonna get it started yes start small the little brother now get it now the tongue is a fire a world of iniquity so is the tongue among our members that it defiles the whole body and sets on fire the course are the wheel of nature and is set on fire of hell that's whatever demon who around you is trying to get your mouth because that your tongue is the kindling he's got to get that tongue going in his direction and to get the fire started that'll kill you that's right that's the only thing he's after is to steal the word if he can steal the word he can steal everything else you gotta get that word out of your mouth you can pray and cry and cry and cry out to God and fast and follow the floor and do all those things and get up from there say I don't know why I don't work for me cuz you just said it didn't and when you said it didn't that demon said oh yeah baby keep it up but you turn on him and right here you about to see it now notice it for every kind of beasts birds serpents things in the sea is tamed and hath been tamed or trained of mankind or the the cross-reference says the Greek by the nature of man natural man you can train a horse what are you born again or not all you got to do to know what happened and and have the patience and all it goes with it you know you can you can train an animal now watch this man this is good but the tongue can no man tame all your Caesar brother Cooper you can tame the tongue that's not what that's here but the tongue can no man tame with natural power now so how can you do the tongue is an unruly evil full of deadly poison therewith blessed weak God even the father and therewith curse we men which have made after the Simla to Dove God for out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing my brother these things ought not so to be dust fountains send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter no can the fig tree my feather come up my brethren bear olive berries can a vine figs so no fountain both yield salt water so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you let him show it out of a good manner of life his works with meekness of wisdom but if you have bitter envying and strife in your heart glory not and lie not against the truth keep your mouth shut this wisdom descends not from above but is earthly sensual or natural and devilish for wherein Ving and strife is there's confusion and every evil work but the wisdom that is from above now Luke 11 49 Jesus referred to the written word as the wisdom of God you missed a chance to shout right there [Applause] this word of god that is from above is first pure then peaceable then gentle easy to be intreated full of mercy and good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy what does it mean without hypocrisy you're standing there coughing your nose is running pus running out around the eyes I'm here why brother you're the biggest love of my life yeah here look at your nasty self I know we're you here were you mean standing there saying you're human I didn't say I was here because I look he'll feel he'll sound he'll or smell here I said I was here because the Word of God said I was healed and I'm no hypocrite for saying hallelujah and it's easy to be intreated what do you have to do to entreat it believe it with your heart and say it with your hallelujah or we almost there ooh glory be glory be glory thee did you see that the tongue is tamed by renewing the mind and the heart with the word now thank you lord proverbs 12:18 there is that speaketh like the piercing of a sword but the tongue of the wise is health I think now you can see where James God well just what he what he just said the tongue of the wise this wisdom from above Alleluia glory be to God proverbs 13 to a man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth proverbs 15 for a wholesome tongue is a tree of life but perverseness therein is a breach a rip in the spirit proverbs 18 7 a fools mouth is his destruction and his lips are the snare of the soul thank you now then proverbs 18 20 MN belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled now you remember in the Book of Isaiah God said I create the fruit of the lips in other words hey here are the words here are the words you don't have to wonder what to say how they lure you not if you pray and believe you receive just stand on if you don't thing else stand on Colossians 1:9 10 and 11 now then you're right there you're right there yeah let me say this before we go to the other part of that verse increase that come from harder work increase doesn't come from worry increase comes when you get your mouth right then promotion comes from above amen I mean you can be doing the same job and all of a sudden when you get your mouth right and you're spending time with God get them get up an hour earlier and pray in tongues dear Lord don't just get up with just run just bagged a cup of coffee in one hand the donut in the other don't do that well you can if you want to but you're gonna be stuck right where you are because if it's not worth you invest in it an hour sleep in it ain't worth much to you I've noticed this it's my night and I do this more recently than I than I ever had before well the last 18 months I had I've had so much going on the inside of me and just just wake up in the night and and get up and just get a little nudge from the Lord okay I hear you now I'm Gloria said the older I get the more Indian I get I don't like to be inside anyway I don't I like houses but I like outside of them better than into it's what every time here and of course I you know I don't live up here to North Pole but that helps but but even so we do have a place in Colorado and it gets pretty chilly I still like it outside and I don't know in the wintertime I've got two of the coolest porch heaters years got them sitting side-by-side you know you can trying to get down pretty cold and go out there about four o'clock in the morning and it's cold and you sit down between them two heaters you get your blanket and put her up there is no Alleluia don't look at me like I'm crazy crazy is ice fishing [Applause] okay we are we on the same page it's toughest you guys are you where I live you sit out there in the shirt sleeves you ain't got any excuse just goes cold not if you will go fish on the ice you don't and go out there and just begin praying in the spirit when you first begin give me pray 15 minutes think you prayed an hour and a half you look see I can't be right yeah it is because your flesh not used to it that's all right just praise God in tongues for 15-20 minutes and then stop praising him in English and and you just break over in the spirit don't don't make some big deal out of it don't go out there and pray over all your finances crimes ball ball over your children that's not what you out there to do you're out there to just spend time with Jesus you just get yourself that let the Holy Ghost talk to you now the greater one is in you and it'll probably be like it wasn't me you'll say Oh Holy Spirit I would like to hear from you and you say well it's about time I hadn't been able to get a word in edgewise and you and you take that if you don't if you're not if you're not out there but or just just fall over there in the bedroom floor for 30 minutes just praise it'll get longer and it'll get more instruments and things start changing on the job what's happening your angels are saying come on baby come on baby and the devil saying is ain't no way to shut that woman up there's no way to shut that old man up [Laughter] you'd be like John Osteen said you get to the porn where the devil said oh now he's up again Hey now let me tell you we were looking at something that the Lord had been something that's been going on the last 10 12 years and the Lord directed us some years ago to believe him for a citation 10 it was a the fastest civilian airplane there is and we were in a meet we're in Southwest believers Convention and I'm sitting back there behind the screen listening to brother Jerry preach and the word of the Lord came to me it was as close to audible in with one but it was it was close to the thing I've ever heard and he said I want you to believe me for a citation tin right now if I ask you to go to Tokyo in the morning I don't want you to have to ask somebody if you can do go blow you pop through the curtain she said to me I said he just spoke to me she said US and no she said the Lord just spoke to me I said you spoke to me I said wouldn't he say she said you first and I told her he said almost word for word exactly the same thing then we sat down that week caught hands and we prayed and we believe God we've been flying that airplane for 10 years debt-free oh yeah well we thought and I said Lord there's gonna come a time they would we're gonna outgrow and we need a larger airplane and we and and so we talked about and the Lord talked with us about get to citation tins he said now you got an airplane it would go two different directions you want and you double your capacity and other people when that one one of them's not busy then someone else will have it would be available to them well it wasn't on let alone Reinhard Bonnke called me and he said could you help me with my travel yeah anyway we agreed to do that last February guess where I was grommet la raza le border a monkey out on my porch February the 9th about ten o'clock in the morning and I've been praying in the Holy Ghost up there for Oh long time and and I got up early that morning and and just praying in the spirit just seeking the Lord and worshiping him what you say really praise yes that right he said I want you to believe me for a Gulfstream big early twice the capacity of the citation ten I said what about that 10 he said it's taken you too long and I saw what had happened I should have had both tens and now come the ghost ring but he's replacing the Gulfstream in the end that second ten is coming later cause both of them what see yeah we're gonna do those airplane I'm gonna flying preach this as fast and hard as I can all over this world and I'm gonna take everybody you ever preacher I can find it I mean it glory to God see when you when you believe God years and years and years ago the Lord said to me I'm in hey we didn't have enough money to get out of sight and and the and and the Lord said to me I'm I'm I am building in you a clearinghouse ministry he said you're gonna believe me and you're gonna receive financial prosperity with that through you I can I can bless other ministries and and grow this thing that much faster so that's what we in the mister that was February go [Applause] we're closing the deal on a Gulfstream five right as I speak hell why words I agree sir I receive it sir I'm yours to command sir I believe I receive the gulfstream you show me which one win how where that praise God yeah but brother Cooper got too much money no it's too little faith well you know I just I just it bothers me to to spend that much of God's money sweetheart let me tell you something when is he ever going to get to use all that money you've been saving for him buying cheap junk huh never never he is interested in getting the job done I don't care what it costs he's interested in people he's interested in miracles he's interested in healings money don't mean nothing to him he's doing very well you know beloved I wish or pray above all things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers the rest of you is going to prosper on the same level with your mind your will and your emotions and if you got a fat mouth you're gonna have a fat body you just talk fat all the time you've submitted yourself for being fat all the time words will bind you to the table you get to work you can get to where you're eating seven eight hundred calories a day and gaining weight I know well could you do that because of the way your body functions you starve yourself and it'll start saving all of it it starts saving everything you eat thinking you're starving to death food you have to change the words put the bit in the horse's mouth and turn the whole body now when you're talking about an aircraft carrier it takes a little while to turn that thing but now the more let me give you just a moment here I won't take a cell you can understand it that quick the faster I'm talking aviation now you now listen to me carefully the faster you get that easier it is to get faster what you're sitting on the end of the runway sitting there in a in a 747 big lots of weight lots of stuff put the power up it's taking everything that things have got to get it rolling and get it going down the runway until you finally get that thing up to about a hundred and forty knots and I mean it's just good and everything is got to you in the minute you get the minute it breaks loose from the window you just almost double your speed before you before you can get your hand on the top man it'll shoot up you got to get that power back because you got to slow down 250 not see below 10,000 feet because this wantin to go now but when it was on the ground and it were struggling it was taking full power on four huge engines to get that whale moving and then you fly stuff like my used to fly yeah had all the fun you get up there and pop through that sound there son everything smoothes out and it just gets so it just gets fast in a hurry you get your mouth working and you get the Word of God in your spirit and your boy you're turning it and turning it but boy your confession starts working I believe I received my healing I believe if I receive my healing glory be to God hallelujah and you just keep saying it brother Hagin is talking about a woman in his ministry she heard she was born with her eyes were crossed and she couldn't control them they put glasses on her when she's six months old they had strap them to her head keep her eyes going straight talk about doing surgery on her eyes but they decided not to their you know their healing believing people they just didn't want to go for that surgery but she had to wear big thick glasses well brother Hagin laid hands on her so thinking she is acting on faith which absolutely the principle of faith believe you receive and act on it but she pulled her glasses off now listen to me now she pulled her glasses off and tried to drive that way now she's illegal and that's working against her but she didn't understand the principles of faith well enough to understand me she said brother Hagin what am I going to do they were there were friends of Vegas he said put your glasses back on but he said every time in the morning when you put your glasses on she said I put my glasses on before I get out of bed because I can't see without them and she said when you as you put your glasses on I believe I received my healing for my eyes then he said every time you get in the car I believe I received my healing for my eyes every time they've tried the children to school I believe I received my healing for my eyes you come back in the afternoon I believe I received my healing for my eyes and then he said and you mark 11:24 I believe I received my healing and I shall have it well two years later they went to see them and she wasn't wearing glasses so he said what happened words now I'm talking about words understand she said brother Hagin I practiced what you said religiously she said I did it exactly the way you said it six months if there was any change in my eyes I couldn't tell but she said over the next three months I began to see a difference what's happening this big ship is turning can you see it she said at the end of nine months I had 20/20 vision now people would have quit most of them in three and said all that stuff don't work what is sure he ain't gonna work as he quit now another another friend of his pastor in Fort Worth brother Hagin had held seven different meetings in his church all of them back in those days brother Hagin didn't hold a meeting less than three weeks and priest mark 11:23 every time well and then he and and miss Aretha were went by to see them they hadn't seen them in a long time and he said you will be by he's in his seventies now he said you will be thrilled to find out I no longer have sugar diabetes they said really you've been diabetic for over 35 years he said that's right what happened he said it finally dawned on me what Jesus said and what you kept saying believe I receive my healing he said that's my part now remember idle words don't try to add a bunch of stuff to that that's just a bunch of idle words trying to get it down amen he said I just and he said you know my practice I get up early in the morning and and I go over early in the sanctuary and and instead of the word he said I'd go there and just meditate those healing scriptures and go through there and he said I'd I believe I received my healing and he said that's my part the saying is my part the doings his part and he said I just kept doing that and he said every time I'd give him a seven insulin shot he said I believe I receive my healing sugar diabetes Amen a checkup and you know the game was a full-blown physical for some reason other than a blood test and all of that and his doctor came in now that they'd begun to get this discerned that he gonna lose his eyesight with diabetes he'd been diabetic long he should you're still taking insulin well yeah he said lay off of that for a couple of days and let's see what happens he said where do you say that because he said your pancreas is producing quality insulin again now he did that he did that for two years just every morning he'd go over there just say it say it slow ship turn don't ever quit that's what the devil try to get you to do and then you go off and say well it don't work now I must I must do something I've taken too much time 21st verse 18 chapter death and life are in the power of the time they that love it shall eat the fruit there you are gonna reap the fruit of whatever your mouth is saying now quickly now we won't look these up Micah 5:2 words dominate time the prophet Micah said a baby is going to be born in Bethlehem and 715 years later Jesus was born right on time right in Bethlehem those words dominated time dominated armies dominated everything the devil was doing everything the Angels were doing the seizure thought he had a good idea no it was Micah's words that caused him to call people to Bethlehem to pay taxes amen are you with me all right now here we go Malachi 3:13 your words are stout against me 2nd Corinthians 4:13 we have believed and we have spoken Hebrews 3:1 Jesus is the Apostle and high priest of our profession same word confession our words of our mouths Hebrews 4:14 hold fast to your confession Joelle 3:10 said let the weak say I am strong now I want you to look this one up first Peter chapter 3 first Peter 3:10 for he that will love life and see good days let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips that they speak no guile that is very revealing now revelation 12:11 they overcame him by the word by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony the word of their confession words words say words [Applause] John 6:63 my words are spirit and they are life John 10:10 I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly words are the images of life or there if I say dog you don't think do gee you see pictures you didn't thank me old G that's the reason you didn't think depend on God know if you got a dog you show your dog if I said black dog these do black go of the dog of your choice he could be some big black Labrador or some little Maltese and Horsham but it's your choice but it'll be an image not a string of words that's the reason you need to hear words coming out your mouth that are painting a picture of your deliverance in your salad in it wonderful can you can you say Amen captain can you see it can you see it you begin you begin to say the words that and you don't let it depart from your eyes you don't let it depart from you guys and you just meditate on it and think about it and think about it and all of a sudden you begin to see yourself in that place and as you begin to see yourself and you're worshiping God and you're doing the things that are necessary to worship Him and you begin to hear him and he starts talking to you about your Gulfstream instead of the smaller airplane you get talking to you about you about your car your house wherever you are and you begin to have images of this thing and and you know we say seeing is not believing believing is seeing but now wait a minute seeing it in the spirit is believing because believing caused you to see it and if you can see it in the spirit it's yours hallelujah you're not blessed because you're rich you're rich because your best now stand with me [Applause] this was compiled by Keith Moore you can get it on his website free of charge 101 things that God has said about your healing and it is Keith put it in the first person God is speaking to you he's no respecter of persons I am the Lord that healeth thee your days shall be a hundred and twenty years you shall be buried in a good old age you will come to your grave in a full age like a sock of corn comes in a season when I see the Blood I will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you or destroy you I'll take sickness away from the midst of you in the number of your days our fulfill I don't know put any of the diseases you're afraid of on you I'll take all sickness away from you it'll be well with you and your days shall be multiplied and prolonged as the days of heaven on earth I turned the curse into a blessing unto you because I love you I have redeemed you from every sickness and every plague as your day so shall your strength be I found a ransom for you your flesh shall be fresher than a child's and your return to the days of your youth I have healed you and brought up your soul from the grave I kept you alive from going down into the pit I'll give you strength and bless you with peace I will preserve you and keep you alive I will strengthen you upon the bed of languishing and turn all your bed into turn all your bed in your sickness I am the health of your countenance and your God no plague shall come now your dwelling I'll satisfy you with long life I heal all your diseases I sent my word and healed you and delivered you from your destructions you will not die and declare my works I healed your broken heart and bind up your wounds the years of your life shall be many trusting me brings help to your navel mara to your bones my words are live to you and health and medicine to all your flesh my good report makes your bones fat my Pleasant words are sweet to your soul and health to your bones my joy is your strength a merry heart does good like a medicine the eyes of the blind shall be open the eyes of them that see shall not be dimmed the ears of the Deaf shall be unstopped and the ears of them that hear shall hearken the tongue of the dumb shall sing in the tongue of the stammer I shall be ready to speak plainly that lame men shall leap as a deer I'll recover you and make you to live I'm ready to save you I give power to the faint I increase strength to them that have no might I will renew your strength I will strengthen and help you to your old age and gray hairs I will carry you and deliver you I bore your sickness I carried your pains I was put to sickness for you with my stripes you're healed I will heal you your light shall break forth as the morning and your health so spring forth speedily I will restore health unto you and I'll heal you of your wounds saith the Lord behold I will bring I will bring the city health and cure and I'll cure you and reveal unto you the abundance of peace and truth I'll bind up that which was broken and will strengthen that which was sick behold I'll cause breath to enter into you and you shall live and I put my spirit in you and you shall ill weather so ever the river shall come shall live and they they shall be healed and everything that liveth where the river comes seek me and you will live I have risen with healing in my wings now that's just in the old covenant now here's the new covenant I will be thou clean I took your infirmities I bore your sicknesses if you're sick you need a physician I am the Lord your physician I am moved with compassion toward the sick and I heal them I heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease according to your faith under you I give you power and authority over all unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease I heal them all as many as touched me or made perfectly hold Healing is the children's bread I do all things well I make the Deaf to hearing the dumb to speak if you can believe all things are possible to him that believeth when hand when the hands are laid on you you will recover my anointing heals the brokenhearted delivers the captive recovers sight to the blind and sets at liberty those that are bruised I heal all those who have need of healing I'm not come to destroy men's lives but to save them behold I give you authority over all the enemy's power and nothing shall by any means hurt you sickness is satanic bondage and you ought to be loosed today in me is life I am the bread of life I give you life the words I speak to you are spirit and they are life I'm come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly I am the resurrection and the life if you ask anything in my name I'll do it faith in my name makes you strong and gives you perfect soundness I stretched forth my hand to heal I Jesus Christ make you whole well I can of Copeland receive it glowing rid of God I do good and heal all that are oppressed of the devil my power causes disease to depart from you the law of the spirit of life in me has made you free from the law of sin and death the same spirit that raised me from the dead now lives in you and that spirit of quicken no mortal body your body is a member of me your body is the temple of my spirit and your to glorify me in your body if you rightly discern my body which are broken for you and judge yourself you'll not be judged you not be weak sickly or died prematurely I have set gifts of healings in my body my life may be made manifest in your mortal flesh I have delivered you from death I do deliver you and if you trust me I'll yet deliver you I have given you my name I have put all things under your feet I want you to be to be well with you and I want you to live long on the earth I've delivered you from the authority of darkness I'll deliver you from every evil work I've tasted death for you destroyed the devil who had the power of death I've delivered you from the fear of death and bondage I wash your body with pure water lift up the weak hands and the feeble knees don't let that which is lame be turned aside but rather let me heal it let the elders anoint you and pray for you in my name and I'll raise you up pray for one another now heal you by my stripes you were healed my divine power has given unto you all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of me whosoever will let him come and take on the water of life freely beloved I pray above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers 101 things the Word of God has said about joy now take it your faith is stronger than higher than it's ever been in your life say it my faith is strong I'm alive I take my healing put your hands on your head I'm a believer and I lay hands on myself I receive my healing in my head I receive my healing in my ears I receive my healing in my eyes I receive my healing in my nose I have a good nose it's a heal nose it's a clear nose I breathe through it easily I receive healing in my sinuses I receive healing in my mouth my teeth everything in my head that means healing I receive it right now I received healing in my throat I receive healing throughout my neck I receive my healing in my spine from the brainstem to the tailbone I am healed I am heal from spinal stenosis I am healed of inflammation inflammation is listed under the curse of the law in Deuteronomy 28 22 I receive my healing from inflammation inflammation in my joints arthritis go I receive free and easy joints again no inflammation in my body I receive healing in my shoulder I receive healing throughout my back I receive healing in my lung I have beautiful long I have strong long I do not have cancer in my lung I do not have cancer in my liver somebody does and they just got their healing I do not have asthma in my lungs I do not have emphysema I have new law pretty long I receive healing in my stomach oh yeah thank you Lord I receive healing in my gallbladder any kind of gall stones are dissolved right now no heart pain I have a new heart a wonderful heart a jesus repaired and renewed heart go rid of God [Applause] now let me tell you something now see we're saying all this the room is full of healing angels listen they have everything in the world to do with it [Applause] yeah it was a man he gave his testimony he woke up in the middle of the night and he said there was a man standing now with his hands in my chest and he said go go on back to sleep everything's all right I'll be done here in a minute he said I woke up the next morning with brand new art you remember the picture I showed you last year the young man that the elbow Joey will cup the next morning and said that that that thing that they'd that that elbow replacement was laying there then he had a brand new elbow it is angels that do that work amen oh yeah go hallelujah thank you more that's the reason that's the reason services like this are so important to say these things and rejoice in these things because Jesus is the Apostle and high priest of your confession and he is the Lord of hosts this place is the healing ministering spirits Holly the many years ago right at the very beginning of this ministry I was in a three-week meeting a little church down in Beaumont Texas and as a lot of Baptist folks come into the services and they were so thrilled about the word of faith and so forth and there's a God that had been read on the front row I mean he'd been there every service morning and night and all of a sudden one day he's got up and walked out and several days there in one of her big church I mean you know and several days he didn't come back then I saw him come back one morning and set right on the back row right next to the door I said something that wasn't all that Baptist you know all of a sudden I saw it when it hit him he was sitting there kind of he told me later and all of a sudden he meant I mean I'm not exaggerating he's a child rock and he didn't he just went limp well after the service he said may I speak to you I said I wish you will go then he told me what I said I don't remember what it was and he said you made me so mad and he said I told God I ain't never going back over he said yeah yeah I wanna I'm going back no longer yeah I want you to go back I'll go back one service he says anything like that again I ain't going back he said brother Copeland you're just going along then you know walking around preaching teaching he said the biggest fella I ever saw look like he was fastened to you he said he looked just like mr. clean said he he was he was big in his dressing in white and he bald-headed and he said I don't care where you went he's rich right there on you say he's right that stuck to you just by just wherever you did every move you made amen he's here right now and say and he said you'd kind of slow down a little bit and said he leaned over then say something then you were here boy he said man here you go he said you good for another hour back them days I preached a long time I [Applause] didn't preach on a long time tonight from it just because I wanted to but all of this was I was mandated to get this hallelujah I receive my healing in my stomach I receive my healing in my kidneys kidney stones be thou removed be thou cast into the sea I thank you for it father I believe I receive healing in my hip joints I believe I receive healing in my knees I believe I receive healing and strength in my legs while they call me above all strong legs that's what my granddaughter named me I say it glory to god I'm Popoff strong legs yeah name yourself who are you Oh weak old heart no no I'm pop-out strong legs glory to God hallelujah I mean to tell you I'm Kenneth good ears praise God yeah I'm gonna fine eyes hallelujah yeah I'm a free man put your hands over your lung anybody in here it's been suffering from asthma at all I'm talking to you right now bronchitis sinus problems breathe through you know mmm mr. strong logs I'm mr. Goodloe I'm mr. new long I'm mr. heal and this is no sinus Oh glory to God hallelujah thank you well here we go again Lord how many was it sixteen sixteen people just got healed of sinus for 41 but 41 people thank you 65 66 67 68 74 74 people been healed of satisfied amen amen 86 87 88 89 9 and then one hundred two hundred three hundred four a hundred and fourteen Oh Lord they've just went off the charge I can't keep up [Applause] all kinds of memory problems short-term memory loss long-term memory problems brain problems damaged Alzheimer's any kind of brain problem say it I believe I receive I have the mind of Christ and I have his anointing on my brain hallelujah now listen to me it's very important because I'm closing rivers this is so important you could completely lose your memory and you wouldn't be losing your mind your brain and your memory are two different things jesus said the rich man died and went to hell he looked up now he wears his brain centigrams allure he looked up in hell and so father Abraham and Abraham said son remember when you fared sumptuously his memory is in his spirit and soul his mind was still intact the brain is not your mind you're not losing your mind because you can't remember something but Satan will try to shame you to get you to back down no no no no no ain't nothing wrong with you you can be sick in your brain saying you be sick in your stomach amen people do crazy things when they get sick in the head sick in the brain they do crazy things if we get sick in your stomach you say stupid stuff what I'm saying to you Jesus more you shame and more you reproach don't you let him take you out of circulation don't you let him take you out of I didn't hide you off in the bedroom somewhere you get up from then dress yourself and and you just start talking I believe I receive my bearing back I believe I received my healing I believe I received my memory I and write it all down where you don't forget it just write it all down I don't know if you have to put it on a chain around your neck that's what they had to do in the Old Covenant it was it hung over the front of their mind so you don't forget so say this bless the Lord O my soul [Music] bless the Lord O my soul and all his benefit so just starting right now so forget not so forget not brain forget not I believe I receive my healing from my brain to the sole of my feet my faith has made me whole [Applause] somebody shout amen hallelujah hallelujah come on up here Mac oh my my my go and I love you guys I better get on out of here I'm gonna get in that fast airplane go home go to bed [Applause] they'll give the Lord a good shout amen hallelujah
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 65,684
Rating: 4.7161288 out of 5
Keywords: Mac Hammond, Lynne Hammond, Living Word Christian Center, Online Church, Live Church, Church Service, Church, Christian, Jesus, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Faith Explosion, Faith, Umfe, lwcc umfe, living word christian center umfe, upper midwest faith explosion 2017, upper midwest faith explosion, umfe kenneth copeland, Words kenneth copeland, words, words 2 kenneth copeland, pastor mac hammond, kenneth copeland sermons, kenneth copeland ministries
Id: 7039xluGaqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 7sec (6907 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2017
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