The Destiny Movie! All Cutscenes Up To Season 14!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] we called it the traveler and its arrival changed us forever great cities were built on mars and venus mercury became a garden world human lifespan tripled it was a time of miracles we stared out at the galaxy and knew that it was our destiny to walk in the light of other stars but the traveler had an enemy a darkness which had hunted it for eons across the black gulfs of space centuries after our golden age began this darkness found us and that was the end of everything but it was also a beginning [Music] [Music] [Music] ouch [Music] [Applause] oh is it possible [Music] there you are [Music] it worked you're alive you don't know how long i've been looking for you i'm a ghost actually now i'm your ghost and you well you've been dead a long time so you're gonna see a lot of things you won't understand this is fallen territory we aren't safe here i have to get into the city don't worry i'm still with you we need to move fast it's been here a while hasn't made a jump in centuries will it fly i can make it work okay it's not going to break orbit but it just might get us to the city now above that bringing you in we can come back for them when you're ready let's get you home [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome to the last safe city on earth the only place the traveler can still protect it took centuries to build now we're counting every day it stands and this tower is where the guardians live [Music] i used to look up here at night and wonder what the hive were doing but the only activity i could ever pick up was hazy like it was blocked or buried there's nothing left not even the light rays ghost much we may want to move back [Music] there was a time when we were much more powerful but that was long ago until it wakes and finds its voice i am the one who speaks for the traveler you must have no end of questions guardian in its dying breath the traveler created the ghosts to seek out those who can wield its light as a weapon guardians to protect us and do what the traveler itself no longer can what happened to it i could tell you of the great battle centuries ago how the traveler was crippled i could tell you of the power of the darkness its ancient enemy there are many tales told throughout the city to frighten children lately those tales have stopped now the children are frightened anyway the darkness is coming back we will not survive it this time its armies surround us the fallen are just the beginning what can i do you must push back the darkness guardians of fighting on earth and beyond [Music] join them your ghost will guide you i only hope he chose wisely i did i'm sure [Music] we're in this together now [Music] foreign urgent transmission incoming on all channels from the speaker nothing is more important now we believe the hive are engaged in a ritual that is draining the traveler of its light whatever power they wield must be understood you're interesting not entirely interesting but you have promise who is that i don't know i'm losing the signal guardian i know what you're about to do it's brave but there are enemies out here you would not believe i where [Music] go down and face the hive and if you live come find me [Applause] signal dropped i got some broken coordinates venus northern hemisphere ishtar region great what do we do now we go down our new friend must have access to extraordinary methods to have reached out to us like that the radio message she sent came from somewhere in the jungles of venus this colony was built by the ishtar collective records say they once studied ruins older than humanity itself we thought this was all lost in the [Music] collapse well fort you're here we haven't got much time who are you why have you been watching us i don't even have time to explain why i don't have time to explain i will i will i know well why i wasn't talking to you little light i'm a ghost many guardians fell strong once but you made it here yes i'm listening they are here with you need my help guardian is that why you brought us here they brought us here the vex evil so dark it despises other evil you're not a guardian no i was not forged in light but i believe where our paths cross ground could break have you heard of the black garden we've heard the legends the greatest threat to us all lies there where these machines are born find the black garden rip out its heart only then will your traveler begin to heal can you help us find it my path's my own i can't if we're going to find the black garden we need to see the awakening ah yes the awoken out there wavering between the light and dark a side should always be taken a little light even if it's the wrong side [Music] too late returning how many hold position kill the engines and don't let them find you so how do we find the awoken they live all the way out at the edge of the darkness last place the light touches [Music] can't we just stay here with the murderous robots no little light don't do that [Music] where did all this come from every ship that could escape fled earth during the collapse they made it this far i guess they died out here it's a graveyard how did the awoken survive no one knows bearing 127 you have crossed into the realm of the awoken state your business or be fired on by order of the queen don't look at me better say something we are from earth we are here to seek the council of the awoken [Music] conform to my trajectory any deviation will be taken as an act of aggression looks like we're in the right place why is the right place always so terrifying [Music] so these are the trespassers demanding an audience and we didn't mean to trespass the queen herself judges who may or may not enter the realm me i see no reason she should be available for whatever washes up at the reef but here we are we've come to ask for help [Music] it is afraid of the following [Music] it does not understand these ones are mine apologies your grace [Music] i am a guardian from earth we're searching for the black garden why we seek to destroy the darkness at its heart you want to turn it into a battleground how unimaginative do you know where it is everyone knows where it is the hard part is getting in can you help us and why would we do that the queen requests counsel with her brother [Music] yes that's good that's good why not [Music] we'll make you a key how's that all we need is the head of a vex gate lord lord yeah we why do you want a vex head oh we don't and i doubt we'll get one either but it's your only hope of getting into the black garden we will return or die on venus either way it is alive and still has its ball there is no shame in running away guardian apart from the cowardice and failure of it it's an excellent strategy we didn't run was no gate lord slain brother oh we slayed a gatelord ghost we need to find the black garden they don't even know where it is let us tell them search the gate lord for that which gains them entrance why if you wish them certain death just kill them here often when we guess that others motives we reveal only our own my motive is simply loyalty to a people a queen and a sister then please take what is required dead unfortunately a wasted journey i'm afraid perhaps but i think these ones resourceful we gift it in sympathy for their traveler [Music] mars 84 north 32 east meridian bay [Music] i have shown you benevolence guardian should the awoken ever need an ally i will call on you and expect you to answer she's saying you owe us guardian i understand your grace good luck through the exclusion zone all we need is permission to enter as a gateway [Music] uh the heart of the black garden well there goes nothing for everything [Music] so think you can kill a god don't think i have a choice for centuries we feared the forces of darkness massing against us we sought to hide and cower beneath a broken god no more these guardians show us what we are what we have always been and what we will be again we are what remains of the light and we will not be stamped [Music] it's a day for pretty speeches and medals [Music] but we know the real fight takes place out there take this there's so much more guardian i've seen terrible things born out in the darkness every moment brings them closer [Music] we'll end the beginnings our fight is far from over [Music] six of us went down in two hit only one crawled out the last i have seen what the hive called a god he took everything from me he will turn his eyes to earth and only a true weapon of the light can stop his wrath the guardians have grown stronger among the light the destruction of the black garden's heart was impressive and to challenge a hive prince brave indeed but now our queen welcomes them here to fight alongside the awoken guardians could be quite useful in dealing with these traitorous fallen wolves prepare the feed across all open channels attention guardians this is petr revenge of the awoken royal guard multiple bounties have been issued on a key fallen the reef is now open to you when the fallen sought to destroy us i protected the reef in the end they all bowed before me we showed them mercy and offered them a home amongst the [Music] awoken they met that mercy [Music] with betrayal now they will feel my wrath open the reef to the guardians i was born the moment the traveler died as everything collapsed around us before that day there had never been a ghost there had never been a guardian i don't know much about the traveler but i know it made me to bring you back and i spent a really really long time searching for you the cosmodrome not the first place i looked as i saw the other ghosts find their guardians and the centuries went by i wondered if i'd ever find you and then i did i remember everything about the day i was born i still bear the scars the awoken are my family now and i am their queen [Music] [Music] we fought to keep our beautiful creations safe and now this beast has come claiming to be king [Music] mara bows to no one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you and i know how this ends we've known since you escaped from that pit the awoken have played their part [Music] this was all part of the plan guide them my hidden friend it is all up to you now guardian this is commander zavala the cabal base on phobos is blasting a signal across all channels if they're willing to break transmission silence this could be a prelude to a full-scale assault we're setting down on phobos now i'll be monitoring your feed ghost good luck to you both zavala we made it to our ship we're heading home [Music] i'm their leaders belong to you the rest await extermination no gather them i will take them all my contacts near saturn say the weapon fired only once it's not like the queen to attack a superior force how could she have known how could anyone we need a warlock inside the dreadnought here we go our first priority must be to protect the city our guardian got a good look on phobos whatever it was it turned cabal against cabal wiped out that base in minutes how long would we last until we understand what we're dealing with they are taken heiress get your rock off my map it hasn't spoken since crota fell it speaks now because oryx has arrived come to fulfill the final covenant of his son but why fight the cabal not fighting taking controlling their will we focus on his army kill these taken until he's all that's left whatever you kill oryx will replace the dreadnought then how do we get past that weapon without ending up like the awoken i gotta go uh see about a ship kate our discussion is not yet concluded oh i know that's why i'm leaving maintenance pending requesting visual confirmation yep that's the last one port side confirmed interesting tech cade isn't this heiress mourn ship is it huh you know you're a true artist can't even see the join cute but zavala's got sign off on all launches need to log while i'm letting it go stargazing tour okay how about an unsanctioned op using modified stealth tech to infiltrate a dreadnought above saturn's rings so we can knock out its weapons create a transmat zone and send in the cavalry how about test flight they'll be waiting for you when you're ready me oh i'm not flying that thing it only took one blast from the dreadnought when you're through it'll never fire again just don't forget to plant the trans mad link so the guardians can land not everybody's got stealth tech and a ship that smells like hive good luck guardian activating stealth drive i'm picking up fluctuations in the power conduit relax modified the tech myself probably just saturn's radio storm's running interference malfunctioning did you break my stealth drive do you think they can see us i think they can see us [Music] what happened everything all right why wouldn't we be all right we're just stuck here with no ship and no transmat zone great told you my stealth drive would work it began with crota but crota was only a servant of his father sent to extinguish the last of the light the great battle fought for the soul of our world ended in slaughter the sun was dead and we invited the wrath of oryx destroyer of light take her of will only ascendant hive move between ruptures to reach oryx you must walk in the dying footsteps of his son you must become ascendant ah [Applause] uh [Music] my queen you were right the guardian was the key for the first time the whispers are silent it is done i have accepted my fate i will not fail [Music] we thought we were indestructible the lords of iron we swore we would do anything to protect the last city some of us paid the ultimate price am all that remains stand with me guardian it is time to avenge my brothers and sisters prove yourself worthy and the iron lords will rise again in the years after the collapse the world had no guardians it had only iron lords immortal fearless we fought to protect the survivors of a once great age our battle was about more than crawling back from the shadows the iron lords would give humanity back its future [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so some know the legend but no one truly knows how the iron lords died their final deaths that was something you had to be there for to witness to remember to know even heroes can die and survival is not always a victory [Music] now i am the lone century and my watch is eternal waiting for the day when whatever we disturbed awakens [Music] the iron lords are gone but our fight is far from over [Music] the house of devils is back and they're digging into old golden age research labs all across the system this isn't a simple smash and grab they're on a mission at first the vanguard wasn't particularly concerned at least not until the devils decided to move back into the cosmic room now the devils are shifting a massive amount of resources to an area nearby that's been dark for centuries normally i'd say it's just another day except what's really got everyone talking is that lord saladin has left his post at the iron banner to take charge of the situation personally only rather than go straight to the cosmodrome saladin wants us to investigate an abandoned observatory in the mountains very strange all this trouble to break into an old temple even old wolves still fight shiro what's your status circling around to make sure the area is clear be there in a sec well done guardian the temple is secure now we can wait multiple impacts near the wall in sector 17. they're attacking the sensor grid they must know where siva is guardian go to the cosmodrome immediately if sepiks escapes the fallen won't be our only problem this may not make sense to you but it took your fight to remind me that immortality is not the same as invincibility i don't understand [Music] when the ghosts first found us those who were chosen were blessed with power but not wisdom the iron lords came together in search of a solution to mankind's struggles instead we found siva we dreamt of using siva to build starships colonies we would become what the traveler always believed we could be but something happened siva had been lost to time when teamer attracted to the cosmodrome we thought our quest was finally over siva would be ours for the taking [Music] rasputin responded more than a hundred iron lords entered the plaguelands only nine reached the replication chamber but since we were chosen by the traveler and our cause was just we were certain the day would be ours until siva took control it infected our weapons our armor the corruption puppeted us against one another in the end yolder sealed the chamber with the iron lords inside rather than that see thy escape the battle was won heroes died and our mistakes stayed here but rasputin survived this is not rasputin but neither is it something i know how to fight they are using siva in ways we never even imagined how would the fallen have learned more about siva than the iron lords or better yet where did they learn they haven't mastered siva yet this is all still new to them see tyra she studied siva's origins if there's a way to track the fallen's discoveries she will know where to look [Music] the siva replicator is destroyed we found this near it thank you she would be honored [Music] my brothers and sisters i will see you again someday you've given them back to me [Music] approach there was a time that only iron lords carried these blades there are many like this in our armory but this one is new it is yours young wolf you are the first of a new generation take your place as an ironbord [Music] the city's holidays are like the city itself people from a thousand nations coming together to create something new these days remind humanity that even when all seems lost there is always a chance for joy now as the year turns the city celebrates with gifts and games and guardians unite in the spirit of competition pushing one another to become legends just for a moment there is peace harmony hope this is the dawning it is a time to honor all that humanity has built and all that it will create and rejoice in the light [Music] from the day your ghost woke you your light has been our beacon you defended this city from the worst the darkness sent against us atheon crota oryx axis when you are called on you will do it again the city's children tell your story to each other pretending to be guardians they grow braver and more powerful with each retelling they are no longer afraid you have shown them and you have shown me what it is to hope you have led us to a new age guardian an age of triumph and remembrance today and tomorrow and every day you fight for us you fight for the traveler you fight for those who fled here from a thousand nations looking for refuge we thank you guardian and we will never forget i never knew you in life your first life anyway you died on a battlefield long before my time something special brought us together they called it the traveler and when it arrived it changed your world forever it was a golden age and for centuries humanity thrived until it didn't an ancient enemy pursued the traveler across the universe humanity faced extinction but the traveler made a choice its sacrifice destroyed its ancient enemy and brought life to the ghosts i am a ghost more importantly i'm your ghost and you are one of the travelers chosen you are a guardian [Music] this is your destiny [Music] hi cora if you tell me this is a practical joke well it kills me to say it but i would be really impressed impressing uk is the easiest thing i'll do all day let's get serious people zabala this is my serious face can't you tell aikora what have you got someone or something has sabotaged the skyline defense systems and comms have been spotty for the last few hours every sensor beyond the wall was gone dark hmm maybe it's just the storm maybe it's what are the set feeds telling us [Music] nothing that's good right no i mean they're not there there are no satellites and that's not good [Music] battle stations everyone with me now come on [Music] [Music] repeat tower approach this is city hawk 723 anyone home no response on any channels even the emergency frequencies what is going on back there remember when i told you that you fly too fast forget i said that fly fast [Music] zabala picked up that guardian you never shut up about that now hold on back there come on big guy do something all right guardian time to kick them where it hurts how do we come back from this you don't welcome to a world without light guardian something's wrong do not look at me creature you are weak undisciplined cowering behind walls you're not brave you've merely forgotten the fear of death allow me to reacquaint you your kind never deserve the power you were am given and your light is mine [Music] no look somebody left a perfectly good guardian lying around things must be worse than i thought and that's our cue time to go people wait where where are you all going as far away from here as possible [Music] that falcon it belongs to you the name's hawthorne and this is lewis best pilot we got what about you fit to fly probably gonna need one of these too [Music] time to make yourself useful guardian all right people spin them up got a long flight ahead of us [Music] do you see traveller all that i have done grace me with your light take your place at the center of my empire see me and the red legion will be your true guardians dominus the city is secure those who fled are being hunted and those foolish enough to remain have been executed victory as with all things is yours to claim this victory is as much yours as mine old friend all that remains is the completion of the cage around this great machine then we may begin the extraction of its power and put it to its rightful use they call it the traveler i would contend that other civilizations may be more precise in their naming its functions can be controlled and exploited as we have so clearly proven yet they believe it to be a god [Music] dominance call we have spent our lives you and i working to reshape our society reforge our people rebuild an empire nearly destroyed by callas's greed and corruption there is nothing in this universe greater than you the red legion will have that machine's power you will be called emperor what more would the dominus have i would have words with my guests [Music] coming up on the european dead zone gonna be our new home for a while look do you recognize it that's where we're supposed to go nothing they call it the shard of the traveler i call it not a place you want to go poking around [Music] [Music] so [Music] this is why we were led here i haven't been as close to the traveler's license do you feel it hold on to your helmet do you feel it the light is back we're [Music] back eyes out guardian don't get cocky now that you've got your powers back the edz is rough especially around the old town just remember refugees from the city have it a lot rougher wanna help them find devrumkay [Music] you made it looks like lewis owes me money all right let's see if this works now have i read the manual right there's an incoming beacon guardians the city is lost if there is any light left in the system we rally on titan we've got refugees coming in the red legion on one side the fallen on the other but we have our powers back and if we're going to retake the city is gone we will be back and we won't be alone you'll know where to find me it would save us both a lot of time if you would just kill me for one who calls himself speaker you have remarkably little to say we've learned that one of your guardians has reconnected to the light you say you have no power over the traveler yet this help me understand speaker the light lives in all places in all things you can block it even try to trap it but the light will find its way and the traveler will protect itself the traveler for years i have studied it the world it has touched its power over life and death we are not so different your traveler and i you are nothing like the traveler nothing you think you have power control i know you're kind you started small you will end small if the traveler truly has chosen humanity of its [Music] only those the traveller chooses will be reborn in the light yes this i know this is why i have claimed your planet and why you still live vanguard fleet guardianship 723 is on approach we received your beacon and we're ready to join the fight guardianship this is zybala it's too late the hive have overrun titan i was wrong to bring us here i didn't dare believe if the light can find its way back to you then perhaps there is hope for us all our numbers will continue to dwindle we can no longer protect ourselves much less the survivors without the light are we even guardians anymore [Music] commander [Music] we won't last long with dead generators wave energy converters power this station but thanks to the hive they're in need of attention we can take care of it yes i believe you can [Music] they call it the almighty the crown jewel of the red legion and life's work of their leader dominus gaul gull has subjugated hundreds of worlds those that resisted no longer exist you see the almighty annihilates stars [Music] nothing and no one survives gaul's ambition what he wants is the traveler and it's light [Music] as for the almighty it's now pointed at our sun in short the war is over and we've lost we built our home under the protection of the traveler when our enemies attacked we built a wall that stood for centuries but now walls mean nothing this enemy has taken our home taken our light and now they threaten our very existence we're going all in on this almighty how long before the fleet's combat ready zavala wait if we wait we die but if we attack together we can take back our home our light our hope oh we die trying now i need my fire team i need icora and kade commander zavala needs the vanguard united again while he prepares for the assault on the almighty we're going to find kade and ikora luckily we picked up an odd signal from cade's ghost it's being boosted somehow from a centaur called nessus which is strange centaurs are really just big rocks in the outer reaches of the solar system there should be nothing there [Music] oh so much for nothing being here let's get to high ground so i can pin down kade's location quick hurry come on i don't know how long this portal is going to stick kate what have you stop stop stop stop look long story and it may look like i don't know what i'm doing but i do maybe not it doesn't matter killing the power source at the origin point should break the loop and get me out of the portal system have you got that say you've got it see something fine i'll say it we got it kate now how did you oh my cotton socks did you not hear what i just said i'm guessing this is why they don't like him leaving the tower hey hey down down down so it's true the light found its way back to you not that i'm jealous or nothing but take it easy out there will you you're making me look bad what may we ask were you going to do with a vex teleporter get up close and personal with golf put a bullet in his head and maybe eat a sandwich i gotta work out a few kinks first fun fact about the vax attack not as intuitive as you'd think cade you can't do this alone hell i can't even if you manage to kill gaul when the red legion leave a system defeat or victory they leave nothing behind the cabal are bad guys who do bad things yes i get it i'm sorry but i do not think you do the cabal literally leave nothing behind they have a weapon that can destroy a star and it is pointed directly at our sun hey hey ec ez you're gonna blow a bulb zavala has a plan he needs you yes well zavala always says he has a plan but sometimes he just wait zavala said he needs me as in you heard those exact words coming out of zavala's mouth yes we did please tell me you recorded it well did akora at least hear it actually zavala lost her after the city fell we don't know where she is it's where she'd go to look for answers hey um thanks oh you won of all the places i've been in all the years since my rebirth this is where i return the last place the traveler touched [Music] i came for answers i stand here still with nothing zavala is forming a resistance and he believes what good is a resistance when you are the only one who would survive i believe this goal creature knows the traveler blessed this site i believe he sent his legion to find something they could never possibly understand and i believe they will continue to desecrate all we hold sacred save this place guardian do not squander this second chance [Music] [Music] tell me again speaker what makes your guardians worthy of the light what is the price of such power and immortality devotion self-sacrifice death death explain devotion inspires bravery bravery inspires sacrifice sacrifice leads to death so feel free to kill yourself devotion sacrifice i was born an outcast runt as is custom with the cabal i was cast aside and left for dead i was taken in by an old scholar himself disgraced who saw in me something redeemable they raised me taught me trained me and in return i would become a vehicle for his revenge against an empire that failed him that failed itself rejection ridicule torment is maybe stronger i gave everything to win not just acceptance but glory beneath my mask speaker is the face of devotion and sacrifice i will now take the light by force to do so would be tripit failure and i never failed now do you see why i will be chosen i see now i see all that you have done our operation on the jovian room was a success once the cage is complete we will have everything we need to begin the process of extracting the light dominus everything we've worked for is here for the taking all that remains is your word no this is not the way old friend but it is the way the only way not for me [Music] so really what you're saying is we're damned if we do damned if we don't on the contrary now that we are together again we just might stand a chance the fact is if we destroy that weapon we will ignite a chain reaction that could send our son into a super nova [Music] well at least we have each other indeed we all know what needs to be done the traveler must be freed i'm thinking the three of us in a big fat pile of explosives can get the job done look i still have that vex teleporter it's got a limited range so we'll have to get a little too close for comfort then we get inside the city walls for it to be effective but without the light an outright assault on the wall is doomed to fail we could there will be no coming back it's worth it how do we get in you know the city wall is kind of like this barn plenty of places to slip in unseen so long as you know how [Music] you sure you're not one of my hunters not really into capes clearly nice poncho you need to get your team into the city without raising any alarms my people and i can help you do that we also happen to be pretty good at shooting bad guys hawthorne it's one thing for us to put our lives on the line but this doesn't have to be your fight you're not a a guardian you think you've cornered the market on sacrifice you forget that we've had to survive without the light all our lives once upon a time that big white ball in the sky was there for all of us i think it's about time we return the favor guardians are not that's great speech and all but let's not forget about the whole supernova and complete annihilation thingy if we can't destroy the almighty we'll have to disable its weapon and that means getting a certain guardian on board we'll need a good disguise if we're going to fly right through a cabal armada if it's a cabal ship you need there's a base nearby full of them but it won't be easy sneaking in we're done sneaking if there's one thing i've learned from cade it's the value of a grand entrance this is great anyone want a hug hugs no no plan relies on you destroy the almighty's weapons and the threat to our world while you're doing that we'll get in position for the final run on the city time for gaul's last dance [Music] zavala's troops are already getting into position around the city but they can't attack until we shut this thing down so ready when you are partnered oh that's a good job colonel what's that now seven in a row yeah who needs the light when you gotta find feathered friend by your side am i right am i right around my right alright okay yeah that's the rally point where i'll set up the teleporter zavala and the cora should be at their marks by now zavala we're in position as a wii hikora ready when you are copying fire in the hole okay let's go savala we're coming around [Music] oh yes what's with you guardians falling down all the time where's kaden if he's sticking to the plan he's right where he needs to be now we just gotta get you and i cora up there with him [Music] well this changes things i'll work on this you need to get moving hi cora cade is in place and i'm on route good luck guardian oh the enemy attacks the city and the almighty is lost lost explain yourself laid waste by the very same guardian that somehow managed to reclaim its power and has been humiliating our forces throughout this cursed system you would know this if you hadn't been wasting your time communing with a machine and the creature who claims to speak take care your tone console my tone we will fail in our mission to secure this power and deliver our people for the first time in the glorious history of the red legion fail because of you and your preoccupations look at your traveler dominus the cage is complete the time is now claim what is rightfully yours and take this power tell me speaker what more does the traveler want of me gold i speak for the traveler i never said it spoke to me [Music] oh this fixation is over you have already been chosen not by some inert machine but by me i chose you the day i found you remember who you are what you are you are kabal come on wait for nothing you will take the light do what you swore and give me the vengeance you promised look at me student look at i me do what i swore oh friend i am gone and i will take the light so the traveler what's happening to it zavala we're back and ready look upon me dominus of the red legion annihilator of sons razor of a thousand worlds slayer of gods and conquer of the light and go and i have become legend [Music] foreign [Music] traveler do you see me now i am immortal oh god you have failed witness the dawning of the new age shhh [Music] [Music] the light lives in all places in all things [Music] you can block it even try to trap it but the light will find its way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when the red legion attacked it almost cost us everything it took a miracle to save us the awakening of the traveler this is our new beginning the maps are blank the rules are gone all we know is we must become more than what we were this small corner of the cosmos is the only place that is forever ours and the universe watches us with envious eyes we've proven we can fight threats from beyond the stars but now there are things stirring beneath our feet provoked by the traveler's light our war is just beginning [Music] ominous rocks killer robots people in mortal danger seriously aren't you tired of this fatigue is a distraction from our purpose as our complaints oh i haven't begun to complain yet ouch now i'm complaining focus segura reach for the sky big guy [Music] need help again i've got it thank you well osiris [Music] what what did you see slow down [Music] wait i thought i oh go to your left two o'clock medium range you're welcome you know i can't help but notice that even with all of reality to explore you keep picking the places where they shoot at us we can't stay here if the vex succeed it's the end of everything i can see your light you have to go nope not leaving you without me there's no coming back if i don't stop the vex there won't be anything to come back to i'm doing this for the both of us [Music] [Music] guardian thank you for coming there's been a development on mercury strange reports from the cultists clinging to what's left of the planet normally i'd ignore their conspiracy theories but one of my hidden brought me this a dent ghoster she's not dead her name is seguira i've known her a very long time and her guardian osiris the osiris the most powerful guardian ever the hero of six fronts the zavala before zavala zavala wouldn't like to hear you call him that most guardians won't even speak of cyrus's name he was the only vanguard commander ever exiled from the city [Music] and the man who taught me what it means to be a warlock we found segura on mercury and at the same time vex activity there surged exponentially and you think osiris might be involved i need to know what happened even if the vanguard wants to forget him when i lost my light i didn't have anything else i was empty then you came to io and you helped me find my way back i need that friend again guardian go to mercury take sagira with you the followers of osiris the few who remain might know what her presence means and for now let's keep this between us i'd hate to have to throw you off this wall um that was a joke right that was a joke welcome to mercury guardian the signs told me you would come what a coincidence we follow the signs here too and by signs i mean facts that too is a sign i am brother vance of the followers of osiris keeper of the lighthouse and oracle of the lost prophecies [Music] [Music] [Music] the vex mind is destroyed and the path to their dark future has gone with it and in case you were wondering our guardians were amazing our guardians my guardian guardian thief osiris it's been a very long time too long my [Music] i was going to say a student but well that word is too small for you now i've had other teachers time pain a guardian who makes a habit of the impossible who i'm proud to call a friend the world has changed so has the city you could come back with me no my place is here now we stopped the vex this time but many equations lead to the same solution if they were ever to find another [Music] besides i predicted many things but i never saw you now we have a future [Music] the pathway to the forest will be open if you ever need to find me or if you want to talk i'd like that great galaxy saved friends again our big hero over here and by the way you're welcome calm little light we have infinite realities to explore and all the time in the world [Music] guardians aren't supposed to investigate their past that's the rule but i'm not good with rules not when there's this much at stake [Music] the clovis bray tech in that building allowed us to colonize the system during the golden age we they sought to create peace for all humanity which is ironic because they also built rasputin the single most powerful weapon in the solar system either way it's all been entombed on mars since the collapse along with something far more terrifying [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the red war is over but gaul's forces what remains of them have been scavenging during their retreat and now that war sets are falling out of orbit near mars the cabal are headed there too i'll plot a landing course [Music] that's the requesting backup i repeat i need backup down here this frequency is reserved for official vanguard business so look whoever this is that's cute you've got one of the uptight ghosts uptight i'm uploading coordinates to a safe landing zone please hurry all right but you're going to owe us for this one i wouldn't have called you down here unless it was absolutely critical the most dangerous weapon in this system is on this planet and an entire army of hive is trying to destroy it i need your help hey you made it actually yes we did well there were a lot of them but you did great come on let's see what's hiding in here besides hordes and hoards of frozen hive i mean hello guardian oh shanks what do you think you're doing do you have any idea how dangerous this thing is what were you trying to do to rasputin rasputin is vanguard business anastasia not yours you do not belong here i beg your pardon you belong to the city but instead of standing by your brothers and sisters when gold came for us you were here doing what you always do what you were never supposed to do i did what i believed to be right i came here to protect humanity isn't that what guardians are supposed to do this is a war of many fronts and there's more than one way to fight it zavala look you tried to shield the entire world but you can't there's got to be a better way and you think rasputin is the answer it's gone silent it's a broken weapon too dangerous to be left alone and too unpredictable to wield that might be true or maybe he has nothing to say maybe just maybe we never bothered to ask him what he wanted i don't have time to go through this with you again you had no right i have every right you don't understand the connection i share with rasputin here let me show you okay we should really figure out exactly what's doing that i can tell you rasputin was not the only thing to awaken on mars so thank the light zola is heading directly for the clova spray facility in rasputin if rasputin dies the javelin goes with him soul wins very well and my reservations about the war mind aren't as important as defeating zone we do this together what do you say garden we say it's about time [Music] the brave family shaped me to be an all-seeing savior while your vanguard sought to wield me as a primitive weapon but today that ends and i define the reality of my own existence [Music] my sight will stretch to the edge of this system and beyond never again will a threat go unseen from this day forward i will defend humanity on my own terms [Music] what have we done don't worry we've got this well this is awkward hey hey you got a gun i can borrow no but i do have a bullet with your name on it any second now my partner is going to roll in here and kill every last one of you and you my man this is going to hurt allah any last words how's your sister [Music] [Music] petra bench thanks for the invite what you packing for this party the usual oh do the thing seriously watch this that'll never not freak me out do it again later maybe right now gen pop is running wild fortunately the main arena and lower levels remain on lockdown but if the core security systems fail containment is going to be a problem just another day at the office all right partner this is a cade riff in six watch me for the changes and uh try to keep up now let's go to prison looks like we're all done in dustin here kiddos ramen's on me [Music] looking pretty good down here just gotta check one last thing [Music] so no no no no jade he's gone this isn't a prison riot it's a prison break the airlock on death zero it's the only way out this far down they're going to escape not if i get there first hey so [Music] okay never felt better you see that petrol petra guardian must have knocked out the comrades with that spectacular landing and cue the ominous music [Music] okay everybody back in your cages i said back in your cages yeah that hurt sorry not [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] that's it now i'm pissed [Music] oh is that really all you got hey help me i'm coming home ace um wow he didn't feel a thing how's it how's my hair speechless typical oh no there's nothing i can i'm sorry listen get this this pain on you this is what i get playing nice the vanguard the best bet i ever lost no he had the worst jokes even worse timing i wanted to laugh i really did we should have been there this is not your fault this is on the head of uldrenzov but if he thinks what he's done is the end it's not it's the beginning we're going to fight him do you hear me all of us every titan every warlock every hunter we will take the reef by storm and then we will mount the head of that son of a on his precious throne for our fire team for cade no what did you say we are not an army we are not conquerors we are guardians we need to keep our eyes here on our home our people the traveler the reef was lost the moment it lost its queen so if another sov wants a stretch of lifeless rocks let him have it this is kate we're talking about for us to do nothing is is see it cowardice i refuse to bury any more friends you won't have to aldrin saw is mine [Music] so yes i am humbled by your gracious acceptance marisov my sister your queen may be gone but she is with us now and always as for you my friends my barons you embraced me when i was cast out and for that i gift to you the bounty of the tangled shore go unleash upon the fallen chaos [Music] [Music] you would be proud the reef borne's love for their queen remains undiminished love is fleeting but devotion now that is forever not one of them has ever shown more strength of devotion than you my dear brother the awoken cannot be trusted you and i know that better than anyone together we can bestow upon our people the fortune they so richly deserve [Music] extinction free me let us see what dreams may come the tangled shore a lawless frontier of outlaws scavengers pirates murderers like aldrin and his fallen would fit right in we need to search the shore from the fallen captain critters well to that ancient awoken watchtower on the horizons leave no stone unturned aldrin can't hide from us [Music] well if it isn't petr revenge the worst jailer in the solar system what brings you to my home away from home away from home on the run are we i heard you lost the shore you lost my shore thought you might want some help getting it back a guardian never mind the ghost there were two guardians at the prison of elders when it fell cage six and this one the three of us want the same thing spider aldrin and his barons dead oh i see despite our clear mutually aligned interests i'm sorry but i can't help but feel like it is i who will come up short it's true i know where alternatives barren scheme you go scratch your rich then we can just say you owe me [Music] do we have a deal deal [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] be brave now take it [Music] move damn [Applause] [Music] this is as far as you go please for you i go instead oh no darkness lives here death you are not of ether can't bring you back all the same yes father we ever serve and await return go inspire and avenge your murdered friends [Music] there's no more room for fear dear brother i'm not afraid of course not [Music] you have sacrificed like no other you looked into an abyss bowed to false kings and suffered uncountable betrayals you were humiliated imprisoned manipulated taken and still you gave up everything because you loved please brother will you walk through hell for me one last time yes good then let us finish this even paradise is a prison when you can't leave free us [Music] you've no idea how fortunate you are to be my chosen you hold the flesh of a god in your hands you are mere steps away from our salvation only light and dark together can unlock my way back into your world that's it keep going free me [Music] [Applause] [Music] amara you brave devoted pathetic fool thank you [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] congratulations you have my undivided attention now where's my sister she's not here aldrin and if she was this would be a whole lot easier so this is to be a reckoning wait not like this look at him he's finished even with everything he's done we can't you have no idea what he's done if cade was here i know what he would do guardian do you yes what would the notorious cage six do you have his gun seems you get the last word everything i did i did for her funny the line between light and dark is so very thin do you know which side you're on [Music] before she went to war queen mara left me with three orders protect our people hide our secrets believe in the plan i have protected i have hidden i have believed now i want answers i want to know what drove aldrin to madness i want to kill whatever evil has crept into the dreaming city and most of all i want to see my queen again i want to know that she lives my queen commanded me to slay a beast we could not do it alone so i turned to the guardians six brave heroes came to destroy my people's greatest secret [Music] riven the last known ahamkara a creature of immense power and cunning the guardians killed riven and ripped out her heart but ahamkara transcend death they can transform desire into reality even when they are nothing but bone and dust i should have known that riven would grant one last wish one last curse now the dreaming city has been taken i opened the gates i ordered the attack i should have known [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] stunning isn't it weapon is beyond special a witness to the slaughter of our founder and my ally in vengeance against those responsible light bearers just like you you are not welcome here guardian i see well then what we offer guardian is privilege normally afforded to those who do not already have their own today however it would seem our doors are open to you welcome to the black [Music] [Applause] armory [Music] is that [Music] you found it oh [Music] [Music] thank you it's about time someone taught you a spect little man someone like you i know you all keep tabs on me yeah you've been stranded you don't even use his name no more well that's why i'm still breathing brother gambit is a chance at salvation take it you were always so afraid shin would get you sorry old friend behind you oh boy easy easy now no not anymore it's drifter now you have proven yourself worthy accept this gift from the our gift what gift might just pull this scam off and when the time comes we'll finally be in the clear huh a horse okay we have enjoyed watching you we came to say farewell our attention is required elsewhere all right thanks for the memories you lunatic anything else i can do for you you're already doing it keep playing the game attention all guardians last night we detected a seismic disturbance on the moon within hours it was swarming at high this plague must not be allowed to spread eris moore what is that pyramid you've heard the stories of the traveler's sacrifice of darkness descending upon humanity before us lies a dark remnant of their existence was it struck down by the traveler left here on purpose the truth is ours to discover discover how we find a way inside i had to see it with my own eyes how long has it sat in silence watching us much too long i can't help but feel responsible for this heiress if i hadn't sent you here your concern is noted that my fate is my own responsibility and we both know you didn't come here to apologize i came to tell you you were right it seems those responsible for our collapse coming back you're all insufferable save your torment for someone who gives a damn aerys the vanguard is at your disposal and if you'll excuse us we have work to do [Applause] guardian whatever she needs [Music] [Music] [Music] you made it we have heard your cries for help and soon we will answer who are you don't you recognize us we are not your friend we are not your enemy we are your salvation we say that the black garden is the birthplace of the vex but it was not the beginning it was the reason the life in the garden called out a question the vex are the answer they will do anything to protect the garden in these things there is symmetry the gateways have opened the vects are coming [Music] before you the red legion had never been defeated in battle you've crushed them drove them to a desperation they've never known they have scoured the system searching for salvation instead they found my failed experiment the sundial prototype it is a means to walk the corridors of time now times broken mercury fractured by the legion into countless realities they intend to write a new history a new ending to the red war show them history is written by the victors my name is saint 14 they call me the great titan whoever lives but i would be dead if not for you since the day i met you i swore i would make it my duty to follow your example [Music] i'm still crying it's been a while old man the tower looks at you and sees a god but i see a thug a murderer betrayer you know why i left the infinite forest what i saw a line has been drawn in this system light on one side dark on the other where do you stand [Music] [Music] [Music] two years ago the war mined rasputin helped humanity defeat the hive on the martian frontier on that day it swore to protect us now it may be the only thing that can the red legion has one last play they have boarded their super weapon the almighty and it's on the move you already destroyed its star killing munitions but whatever the legion hopes to achieve won't end well for us they once took the tower they will take nothing else we'll see to that anna come in anna are you there just a moment [Music] anna report copy commander i've located the central manifold it seems the cabal have disabled the ship's mav thrusters they killed the steering on this thing any idea what that was checking that explosion came from the propulsion deck the cabal have taken out the primary engine have you made it to the bridge yet just a moment [Music] now i'm on the bridge they've destroyed the ship's navigation system we're a dead stick none of this makes any sense no nav no engine no way to steer or change course it's like they want this thing to drift off into space forever [Music] not forever [Music] [Music] so [Music] the hive wanted to return to war on the moon they built a lunar fortress to back their assault a grand stage to announce their revival you climbed that scarlet citadel and the hive met you head-on you buried them but you found more than hive on dark has reached out we have no choice [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh what did you find it found me the darkness reached out but something interferes its messages to us are being defaced defaced by the witch sister of the taken king oryx savathun your obsession gives her power no she feeds on denial ignorance the guardian has discovered a means to circumvent her a seed of silver wings if the darkness reaches out we must reach back i will not censor this we are beyond sanctions it is here i will return to io if we cannot determine what the darkness seeks we will find ourselves on the verge of a second collapse perhaps that is what seven wants please don't let me go zavala according to spectral analysis the pyramid it's propulsion the energy it's manipulating on io i don't see a ship i see a being paracausal in nature like the traveler all records of the golden age agree on the first day the sky filled with darkness on the second the traveler fell help heiress where you can but be ready to deal with the enemy fleet when it arrives we need you guardian [Music] it is drawing power could it be enough to drive the darkness away from us every fire team has returned to the city even the hunters they're with the people keeping them safe on the last time this happened the world ended i'm not worried i'm not it is reforming healing its wounds this will not be the end it will be an escalation [Music] last city humanity has endured a devastating blow vanguard scouts have confirmed that io mars titan and mercury have disappeared we don't know why we have lost contact with deputy commander sloane and jensen scribe ashamed we are deploying guardians to all corners of the system to find answers and with those answers we will form a plan in the meantime we ask that all likely civilians remain within the safety of the city walls under the protection of the travel do not lose hope humanity has survived many horrors we have done so through the strength of our community through steadfast commitment to one another stay strong be brave the traveler protects us and we will protect you the guardians will come through they always do [Music] the terrible things born out in the darkness every moment brings them closer my future does not begin here but yours does it's time to step beyond the light [Applause] and it all begins with a splinter [Music] [Music] my friends we are all in great danger earth the great machine elixir and the human darkness walks among us we are all in great danger my kind must survive please send help there is not much time what where please anyone that's another one they all scan the same empty why did the darkness invite us here you're quiet today yeah it's just we keep coming face to face with darkness and every time we fail to stop it which is so powerless i'm thinking of a distress signal someone's in trouble my friend we are all in great danger it's barracks he has a lot to answer for darkness walks no wait where is the signal coming from here europa not only a traitor but a thief now where is it safe from you yes search the buildings find it these powers they create chaos they are changing you this cling to your machine guard with this power we make our own fate always playing pretend living in the past i should have seen it make an example of him chains for centuries we have been bound by them servants to the so-called great machine we even built idols in its image we have become pawns of our own devices no longer today we begin breaking free from our chains this power is a gift one i will share with all of you in time violence by one we will rise again this is our future our enemies stand no chance against this power the great machine will finally know our pace it would appear our enemies have arrived eager to test us let's not keep them waiting barracks believed aramis wished to create a new life for the elixir but these dark powers have poisoned her mind and so i fled from her for this she calls me betrayer there are others who fled those like me who still worship the great machine they are in hiding i will not leave them behind they will be casualties in her war without our help but perhaps they can be brought to safety [Music] [Music] praxis and philax are dead we must retaliate atrax critics and i can handle this return to the crypt and prepare the body [Music] aramis we must take pause these powers are not what we expected i too am impatient but there is wisdom in caution caution look what caution has earned us our enemy exploits our weakness now we must act i will give these guardians the destruction they crave this was a world of prosperity and peace not unlike your golden age we worshiped the great machine but fate intervened with it came a whirlwind of destruction in the chaos the great machine fled abandoning us all aramis like most was left consumed with rage in the wake of loss eramus rebuilt a life found new family one forged from anger aramis saw only destruction of that which abandoned us lyrics fears for elixir lives at the command of arabis they will meet their end we all do we must all make choices the great machine and all who follow it will meet their end in darkness there is only one truth death your chains are showing all that power wasted serving false gods allow me to help you break free ghost this is i i can't i'm sorry look what i've done for you no more light no more dark how interesting the only thing we have to break here is you come then kong show me what freedom has given you it will not end this way it can't what [Music] darkness our ancient enemy foretold by many they came as the war mine warned us they would they were confronted with fire and when that failed met with entering among the bones of iowa's last monument to the light it promised us power and for it the price was paid a law holds the system though it is not emptiness that gives us pause yet not all is lost stand guardian brandish your light and join the hunt [Music] you're here finally is that done uh calm down osiris we warned you it was going to be dangerous down here especially for the ghostless i'm i'm glad to see we're all okay though i'm glad by the way it's a pleasure to meet you all [Music] go on introduce yourself they call me the crow my boss wants to see you [Music] impossible [Music] it's done so it is so it is all right guardian as promised you can have a prized bauble from my lair as compensation for your heroics i want him cute real funny you said anything in the room you really want my little bird fine you can have him fly away and get the hell out of my lair now what i i don't know it doesn't feel real freedom why would you do this for us because you're a guardian [Music] the cabal war wanted or not is all they understand and so we talked them sand eaters scattered dust giants belled ice reapers buried siege dancers broken until we grew complacent and gaul drove a blade between our ribs left us gasping before the vanguard showed them that the light cannot be tamed so easily i should have stepped forward stamped the red legion into extinction instead i ran the banner and watched the city's victories dull our edge once more it should have ended before they fattened us before they exploited us before they forced us to lift up a murderer as our savior another cabal warmonger now leaves a fleet off nessus no more waiting we will be there to put her in the ground even my people have a word for peace but we do not use it often or lightly i wouldn't have summoned you if i was not sincere peace with the cabal the darkness crowds the edges of this system the hive serves it you'll fall to one if not the other my world did empress i'm sorry for what you've lost we have all suffered i propose an alliance cabal don't ally they conquer she betrayed her father to go don't think she won't put a gilded knife in your back too my father was soft he lacked ambition as you do humanity won't survive unless the commander expands his horizons join my empire you'll keep your title and gain a seat on my war council with my army and your light the cabal will crush the hive then the black fleet bow no very well ready yourself commander i'll sharpen my gilded knife and see you both on the battlefield sometimes i like to listen to the city's pulse i hear it best when the people are asleep and when i'm alone it was a warm night and i wanted to feel the breeze on my face i took a walk through the first garden we planted inside these walls to remind myself how far we've come we've made so many sacrifices since those early days but with the green of that garden and the murmur of the city we built up around it i could be at peace for a little while have you ever felt someone's eyes watching you guardian you might not believe it but i knew he was there before i saw him i turned and there he was aldrin's self his spirit haunting me then he sheltered a warning and something snapped in the trees behind me i spun around my gun in hand before i realized i'd drawn it it all happened so fast a cabal assassin one of titles no doubt when i looked back for prince eldrin he was gone [Music] was it a troubled spirit a hallucination i wasn't sleeping well before now i'm not sure i will at all [Music] let our blood be the last spilled let this ground be hallowed [Music] let honor bind us i didn't order this bring me the one who pulled the trigger they'll know who did [Music] oh are you all right i'm alive this morning for the first time in humanity's long and storied history the sun did not rise osiris tells me it's a vex simulation that has plunged the city into an endless night it seems they have found a way to harness our energy against us and even in all his wisdom osiris can offer no solution i don't know what will happen if we can't break the vex's hold over the city i do know that we must protect our people no matter the cost the vex are machines and no one understands machines better than the elixir osiris and i can only think of one we might turn to mithrax kell of house light my spies report he claims to be among the last sacred splicers those with the power to commune with machines he may be our best and only hope find him guardian before the vexit [Music] the guardian is almost here stay down stay quiet how do you know we can trust them i don't what the light provides [Music] my people shelter beneath the great machine this is beyond simple generosity i must thank ikora for her gift this sanctuary is not granted by aikora alone but by all who live in the last city yes and on their behalf let me extend welcome i'm osiris and this is lakshmi ii future war court leader and city representative my greatest appreciations to you both the house of light thanks you your house can best show gratitude by keeping to itself i know your assistance with the vex will benefit us all but not everyone in the city is so open-minded you appear to be settling in i will leave you to it if you require further help from us you must only ask ah i shall there are several modifications we will need for stable ether production submit a proposal to aikoya she seems willing to get you anything you need i must return to the people in the city future war court has foreseen great misery for them in the days ahead and they will need an advocate i often forget how highly those in the tower have placed themselves the air is thin there best not to breathe too much of it [Music] you must understand this situation is tense for us all this encampment perches on the edge of decree and democracy i hope your stay with us will be uneventful as do i when i requisitioned this transmitter i was told the helm would be a secure location i suppose this will have to do greetings guardian i'm lakshmi ii of the future war cult and i'm here to offer my assistance because you need it quite badly the future war court has long used vex derived technology to see into the future i won't bore you with an explanation of mind working surprised to say we understand its dangers and use the device responsibly i have glimpsed our future guardian what i saw was chilling skies dark with smoke shouting gunfire and in the center of it all standing in our city the group have fallen the same fallen i saw earlier i cora listen to my report but she chose not to hear it the vanguard would rather protect its image than its people and so i will handle things myself we can change this future stop it from happening while i monitor your progress against the vex and assist where i am able i will observe these fallen if they begin to act against us well when i foresaw the red war they laughed until gaul bound a traveler this time i will not whisper my warnings i will not be polite i look forward to working with you guardian together we can protect our city from all who would wish it harm we have already surrendered too much now they want more weed cloth medicine people in the city need these dates we ask for no more than you can give this endless night it drains us our resources are spread too thin what you give to them you take from the mouths of our citizens all right that's enough my core was firm i am the as if they were our own people our own people watch me with right you are too political and animal osiris the house of light we wish to destroy the vex to aid the guardian same as you yes do not start with this tell me greater ass were i in one of your cities would you bow to all of my demands we would give you anything you asked for because you are so generous because we would wish to live i see you are fighting for your peoples i will fight for mine yes it is true split the surprise as ikora says anything to make this false night pass more quickly interesting there's been a disturbance sabotage in the elixi camp this wasn't just an attack on their ether stores someone wanted to send a message our citizens forget who they were before they found the safety of the city's walls it's easy to mistake change as the front line of a battlefield but this is a time for level heads and compassion saint 14 is already on route to investigate i trust him but he is torn between duty and doubt and lakshmi the vanguard has tolerated her broadcasts as zavala doesn't believe it's our place to interfere in civilian politics i see now that was a mistake we can't allow anyone to jeopardize our alliance with the house of light no matter their motives our citizens must see that the elixir are people just like them get down there be the calm the city needs hear out grievances and keep tensions low while i root out the perpetrators it's time that lakshmi and i had a little talk you see what was done our aether tanks smashed our supplies stolen our home defaced i cannot find any witnesses this is not surprising the locals have been under enormous pressure you're lucky it was not worse this destruction helps no one but the vex please instead of teaching your people to fear us tell them the truth the truth is that your kind has preyed upon us for as long as we can remember there's nothing i can say that will make them forget how slight has never raised arms against humanity your houses and titles are layers of politics you're still fallen you promised us your protection and you've had it we allowed your food to squat and chitter here in our city but still the vex simulation persists if you're displeased with how you have been treated for your failure then i suggest you camp elsewhere your people destroyed what myrtle we possessed now we have nothing nowhere to go humanity faced a challenge like that once we banded together and built a city with walls to keep our enemies outside where they belong we hear her broadcasts but more than that we feel the energy of her words in the air shocked his blades pointed at an enemy at us you cannot ask people to live alongside their monsters listen to me now saint let me tell you something about monsters once in a city grander even than yours we prospered but it did not last our great machine abandoned us and when we pursued it you sent something back a creature fueled by hatred it tore through our great houses like they were nothing and then it came for the rest of us nowhere was safe from its insatiable rage in its eyes even the most innocent of alexney was still fallen it could die but it would not stay dead it would shake off the rot and rise again and if it caught you embrace impaled you on its ragged crest dragged you screaming into its foul shell none live to speak of these horrors it called itself the saint my people must now see the creature every day it sees us if we wish to survive we must all learn to live alongside our monsters guardian i regret you had to witness my outburst earlier with the fallen leader i am not a diplomat and sometimes i can be i know terrible things have been done in the name of the city in the name of the future war court in my name you understand though the city is a living thing and it is rejecting the fallen like a fever burning out an infection i will speak to the fallen leader tell it that the future war cult will personally replenish their supplies when they are ready to move on i do not wish them to think badly of us i know they are your associates what a city we would have if everyone's heart was as big as yours have you heard the song of the people echoing through the city rise up as one march towards the sun the words of people reaching for dawn in this endless night people who have still not given up hope neither have i and if you were wondering this was not the conflict i have foreseen no that will come later unless i can stop it i have thought much on mythrax's story we do monstrous things to fight monsters it seems simple that when the city first formed the titans were the walls we did not think of our enemies when we fought we thought only of protecting our people survival until the next day no matter how to be seen as as a terror a destroyer to know children tremble in fear at my name and mourn what i have taken from them this is not the same 14 i know i can never forgive what the old houses did to us but these are not the old houses they are dead what do we gain from more death this lashing out against defenseless people it is the act of a coward mithrax risked much to trust us his house of light can forgive perhaps we must try to see the fallen elixin as they see themselves or none of us will ever be anything but monsters we must be more than the enemies of our enemies guardian be vigilant we must consider our discovery of savathun to be part of her plan perhaps she means to sow fear and suspicion among us i won't allow her to drive us apart when the time comes i'll put a spear of light through the witch queen's heart myself for now i'm overturning all hidden records and full archival access to osiris but no one else lakshmi claims the vanguard suffers from a lack of transparency if she had access to our records she'd cherry-pick whatever details were necessary to ground her prophecies i need people i can trust to be objective some of our records on savathun are fabricated truths i'm sure but in those lies are the strategies she used to topple the dreaming city history won't be repeating itself here continue your splicer training with myth racks use it to root savathun's minions out we'll reassess the situation when we've located our target osiris there is something i must discuss with you laxmi she came to me with a proposal are you taking over as titan vanguard she discussed it with me as well lakshmi has radical ideas but they are only words no cause good good only words of course she wants what is best for the people of the city and in truth you would make an excellent leader i do not seek authority zavala may have a beautiful desk but he is chained to it we could use less bureaucracy maybe more proactive strategies where we reclaim ground taken from humanity an open council in the city to speak with the citizens i have imagined a new vanguard led by us led by you i will stay back and advise i lack the temperament for leadership ah a fantasy only i told lakshmi i would think about it so she would go away the words tasted like treason in my mouth let her believe you are considering it if you refuse i imagine she might approach lord saladin and after what happened with kaitlyn i understand later we will speak more of this appears lakshmi is speaking a bit too freely i will report her behavior to aikora though i imagine she already knows you should continue working with lakshmi don't mention what you've heard we must keep this as quiet as we can with the endless knight and the elixir here the city has become the powder keg one errant spark and it could be the end of the vanguard sorry come forward finding query at the center of the endless night confirms our worst suspicions it was the arm savathune used to strangle our city with it docked to borrow an elixir term we purged savathun from the vex domain i only hope we stopped her in time the dreaming minds defeat as with so many things vex is a process it will take time for mithrax and his splicers to finish untangling our reality from the vex network in the meantime osiris is focused on collecting all the data we have on salvador separating small truths from the many layer of lies everything she does is for a reason even if it seems beyond our comprehension i want to know what she hoped to gain i thought i might ask lakshmi for her assistance but that device she uses by osiris's description it's used to align one's consciousness with other temporal realities and has driven many war cultists insane the visions it shows her they cloud her judgment even now she believes the elixir will be the cause of some great catastrophe osiris seems to think he can get through to her he understands the technology he understands her perspective but i can only give him so much time oh guardian i wanted to be among the first to send my regards your victory today has lifted a great weight from my chest i feel like i can breathe again i hope you're not too proud to accept my praise even though we may not see eye to eye pride is a dangerous affliction it is clear iqra suffers from it and yes i know i do as well do you see i can admit when i am wrong which is more than i can say for some of our current leaders the city deserves someone who acts someone who does what is right even if it is unpopular after all you destroyed queria against the wishes of countless vex you did what had to be done to protect your city you acted bravely i admire you for that you and i we will speak more when this ugliness is behind us after the fallen have returned to space and this endless night is a memory our city could use more heroes [Music] hello again i've been hearing about all you've done for this city people are talking we've all lost so much since the red war but we can't let that stop us from celebrating what we have and the guardians who keep us safe i talked to akora and this year we have something special a way to honor all the inspiring stories you've given the world go now relive your glory and friends have a happy solstice
Channel: LUCKYY 10P
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Keywords: Destiny 2, Destiny2, D2, Bungie, 1v3, Cheater, Trials, Trials of Osiris, Trails of Osiris, News, Updates, Reddit, Live, Twitch, Drama, Twitter, T bag, Ban, Bans, Quitting, Destiny Killer, Hacker, Exotic, Exotics, New, controversy, raid, loot, nerf, buff, challenge, montage, glitch, worlds first, noob, tokens, bugged, cheat, cheats, sunset, sunsetting, fail, meta, 1v1, viral, Aim botter, Ddos, pay to win, redacted, bungie dev, dmg, cozmo, hate, half baked
Id: 44o9Y0NB9SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 20sec (14360 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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