I Played 100 Days of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

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there are lots of things to do in this magical open world he's shooting amazing beams at me Frosty beans and plenty of creative ways to approach your adventure and wonderful things to see including this rock man who is absolutely off his head I wasn't expecting that one I'm pumped for this one people I absolutely love this game I played 100 days of Tears of the Kingdom the most anticipated Game of the Year tears of the Kingdom oh my Lord me and my best friend Zelda headed down into the Gloom beneath Hyrule Castle this tunnels are deeper than I gained control of link and he had a stupendous number of Hearts absolutely Bonkers as we descended we came across ancient zonai statues evidence of A Lost Civilization and I engaged in epic combat with some zubats get whacked bats we discovered some murals depicting the birth of the kingdom of Hyrule when the Zona allied with the hylians and it showed a great war against the demon king Zelda took some happy snaps for posterity and we continued deeper eventually we stumbled upon this severely dehydrated individual oh tears of the Kingdom the fancy arm plus tea combo had been holding this great evil at Bay and now he was free what happened despite his lack of a balanced skincare routine old made to Demon King was quite capable of Mischief was that the sword that seals the darkness the blade that shatters so easily against my power cannot save you from me he Unleashed a great power causing the upheaval a world-changing event that literally made Hyrule Castle float Zelda fell and I couldn't catch her so into the abyss she went the fancy arm caught me saving me from the same fate and that was the last I knew fresh new arm vibranium arm your wounds were severe I am relieved to see you escape death your arm however was beyond saving I had to replace it lest the injury and danger you further I collected the master sword and it was looking a little bedraggled it was one damage my new arm was capable of interfacing with this green terminal which opened at the door I made my way forward performing some 10 out of 10 Dives before finding this chest put on them pants put on that skirt should I say like Roman sandals I merged to find I was up rather high on a floating island so I did the reasonable thing and immediately skydived without a parachute and this got me feeling some kind of way yeah yeah it is so hard we'll find out if Link belly flops are not after a word from today's sponsor a big thank you to honkai Star rail here's what you need to know this space fantasy RPG from the makers of genshin impact has gained more than 80 million downloads in the three months since its launch that is a big number and now a juicy update in version 1.2 is here where you can witness the Epic finale to the story on the giant spaceship civilization zianjoy lawful I hope I pronounced that vaguely correctly but this finale we'll see various factions and Powers come together for a decisive battle the game is free it's cross-platform and as you can see it's got iconic visuals but more than that the game's got some meat to it it's a genuine RPG experience from exploration to World building with Rich in-game law to character progression to strategic combat where you have the freedom to build your own team and your own unique strategies with more than 20 diverse playable characters speaking of there are two new characters in the mix Slade a wind-type swordsman who is something of a masochist the more damage he takes the higher damage he deals and Kafka who uses a glorious Katana and submachine gun combo to take down her enemies on top of that in version 1.2 you'll face off with the one responsible for the stellaron disaster as you explore two new maps the Alchemy commission and scale Gorge waterscape new players use my link down below to download the game and once you're in-game enter the promo code to get your hands on an extra 50 Stella Jade okay friends about that belly flop don't belly flop I warned you accelerate holder [Music] I began exploring picking up some tree branches with which I whacked this Soldier construct I had a chat with this handsome fella who handed over Zelda's iPad which she'd apparently left to me it had a map and marked on the map was my first quest to track down Zelda at the Temple of Time sorry big fella I'm being cruel I continued on my way across the Great Sky Island fighting Soldier constructs and collecting a rather impressive assortment of twigs and sticks I climbed the steps up to the Temple of Time dispensing this nerd on the way but when I attempted to high-five the green thing the Specter of King raru the first king of Hyrule appeared out of nowhere to let me know I needed more power before I could access the temple source of the right arm that's a strange way to describe someone I needed some sacred light in order to power up so I was sent off to investigate the four shrines of this island I got my hands on my first bow on the way and I climbed up to the first shrine and I gotta say I was a big fan of the whirly greeny blue stuff it pleased my eyeballs raru awaited me inside where he granted me the first of my new arms special powers Ultra hand grab and move objects rotate them and stick them to other objects what I used my new trick to bridge this first Gap but the second Gap was a little too wide for just the one slab of stone so I attached two together I love it I love it and then the final puzzle a beautiful hook platform that took me to the final altar where I earned my first light of blessing back outside I got busy making use of ultra hand to make a truly janky bridge but it ain't gonna look pretty it's just got to get you to the treasure and by treasure I mean oh oh oh it's like a rock it's a car Rock there are 1 000 of these little nerds to find around Hyrule and each of them Grant you a korok seed also known as a golden poop nugget I did one of these ones oh no I did some of these ones and found these big floaty box thingos that I could move around to help Traverse between islands in games like this I am a compulsive Explorer by Nature I don't know if anyone can relate but I was intent upon searching every inch of these floating rocks I found korok number two under this rock I engaged in some unsuccessful hunting of these Shaggy emus and I made a box Barrel stack for some reason it's a masterpiece I demonstrated my cooking expertise whipping up an energizing fruit and shroom mix and I was impressed to see a recipe menu oh okay we got some recipes man and in the evening of day two I found this little guy with a giant backpack no doubt full of snacks he needed help getting to his mate by the green Smoky fire over there just straight up attach him to this all right let's get a little fella attached him to with a bunch of booger I earned korok seeds three and four for my troubles I then made a deliciously janky raft and made my way across this expanse of water chicken wings I headed into Shrine number two where raru granted me the fuse power attached something to an equipped weapon or Shields to enhance it it's added plus two damage to the sword and it made it quite good at destroying big rocks next I found a wonderful fire fruit Orchard and I learned I could fuse literally anything from my inventory onto an arrow I attached one of them fire fruits and shot out the flammable supports holding up this chest I had an epic fight with this Captain construct before noticing these spikes which added a juicy plus 5 damage when fused to a weapon I also fused a stick to my shield seems good I collected my second light of blessing and carried on my way I collected Clorox seed number five atop this fat tree and I joined in this chew vs construct melee using a rather long fused weapon it's so long I stumbled upon my first cave in which I found some expected zubats and minerals and an unexpected whatever the hell this is I fused a case eyeball to my arrow which causes it to home in on the Target and the weird spectral creature fell to its death but not before shooting some Bubbles at me and upon death it dropped a bubble gem I had no idea what this was but it sure looked pretty toward the other end of the cave I found the archaic tunic he's gonna say I'm no longer nude but it's I'm kind of still nude let's be honest I merged to find these guys with a big fan a Zona device that I can activate using power from these energy cells I received earlier I didn't play around with the fans yet though because I got distracted by this jumbledore floaty platforms that I used to get into a fight with this long fella and up The Cliff face to this giant hollowed out stump where I found korok number six I then got to business crafting a most glorious vessel hey what's going on why are we turning right my second attempt was somewhat more successful and I made it across without even wetting my Roman sandals I smashed my way down into this little area where I found a balloon pop of core Rock I Came Upon another Camp of constructs and I almost started when this crafty fella whacked me with his Barrel sword and then I found this cave with tracks leading into it I made an unnecessarily elaborate card device with triple fan action and it performed beautifully [Music] foreign this cave was completely dark so I used these bright Bloom seeds to light my way and I collected a bunch of zonite whacking away with my rock hammer at these mineral nodes I also found my first on the go Zone eye devices three fans I fused a minecart to my shield and then whipped out one of those fans and used it to proceed to the next area beautiful what is that thing I don't like the look of that thing that was a big honking gotcha machine here and when I inserted some Soldier construct horns it pooped out zone out of devices including my first flame emitter and portable pot I found another hapless korok who was sorely missing his best buddy so I used a fan card to reunite them and I was very proud when I managed to get this hook fan cut monstrosity working easy I headed into this cave and I was planning to do some cooking but I accidentally waited by the fire until morning uh whoops and I made some cold resistant food out of some spicy peppers I'd found a head shot another innocent bubble frog and stole this gem before climbing to the other end of the cave to this snowy area but I turned back for now as I had unfinished business oh my gosh oh oh the flux constructs weak point was this fancy looking Cube so that was my target except it went floaty mode which made things a little tricky what do I do with him he's just being a he's just being a UFO it's not fair can I use my skill on this guy oh okay I understand when I used ultra hair to wiggle the weak Cube I was able to create an opening for attack and the big robot's next strategy was to go Cube mode yeah get some rinse and repeat and victory was mine get some that was so sick what's this I couldn't pick up this spinny construct core so I was confused for a second before I realized I could fuse it to a weapon plus 10. wow look at this thing I cooked up some more cold resistant food and headed into the snow I spent an embarrassingly long time baffled by this dandelion before finally realizing I just needed to catch it before it hit the ground which earned me my 10th Clorox seed I fought a frosty chew oh and after defeating this fella I fused a flame emitter to a stick is it emit Flames oh I found my first bomb flowers and encountered a rather ugly wall slug I used my flame whip to stun it so I could whack its pimple and this was going well until oh round two was more successful easy and you dropped a whole dang chest it had an opal in it I emerged once more into snow where I found this big icy wall that was too slippery to climb so I made this glorious tree trunk ladder which helped me get up to Shrine number three where raru granted me the Ascend ability this one is pretty self-explanatory and it's certainly a great tool to have when exploring the world I ascended my way through the shrine and earned my third light of blessing back outside I used to send to access a most glorious puzzle the infamous circle of rocks which I completed to find koraka number 11. except that rock placement is pretty dodgy so I'm not sure I deserved that one I found a bunch of wings and a launching platform so it was pretty clear what had to be done I placed one on the tracks and soared through the skies like a majestic Falcon except not that Majestic because I crashed into a pond having completed all three shrines it was time to climb the steps back up to the Temple of Time where I high-fived the terminal and was rewarded with a rather Majestic View of this cool door opening all right is this a big old tear sure looks like it mine got on my back I shook hands with the floating Zelda and learned the recall ability reverse an object's movement until it goes back to where it was you can stop the reverse movement at any time I immediately made use of this to reverse the direction of these big wheels allowing me to proceed into the next room but I wasn't strong enough to open the next door so raru sent me off to tackle a fourth Shrine this Shrine was an opportunity to flex the recourse skill as I reverse this raft up the waterfall and lined up the spinning hands so that the door would open I tracked down a couple of Clorox a dive into the circle korok and a sparkly sparkly Cora could top this giant lily pad and then I sawed I prayed to this statue of the Goddess earning my fourth heart which gave me the strength to open the stubborn door I approached this golden orb I think that means there's Orcs nearby I gave the decayed Master Sword to the orb oh sending it back in time is it affording time back in time oh my gosh in response to the time traveling sword this Furious Dragon shot Skyward tearing a hole through the clouds and suddenly I had access to the world below so I did want any reasonable person would do I skydived without a parachute I found a rock korok right by the water I'd splashed into and I found a reserve of building materials helpfully supplied by Hudson construction which I used to make a questionable vehicle let's go let's go I hit a rock and my batteries ran out in like 10 seconds but it sure was good while it lasted I'm not sure about this uh car I made entry head-butted me how dare you I continued exploring collecting any items I came across and engaging in glorious combat with some book hoblins stealing their weapons and of course collecting their monster Parts which are good for fusing I also destroyed any crates I saw as these often drop arrows and arrows are at a premium I snuck up on a horse which I rode to the edge of the Hyrule Field Chasm what is this it is a big old hole I stood on the goopy stuff and old mate warned me that the Gloom makes you sick I also tried to push this book in the hole but he had short footing so unfortunately he didn't plummet into the abyss I headed into this nearby Shrine it featured some puzzles where I had to use ultra hand to rotate objects in order to make them fit through these holes and then use those objects to climb my way forward it was basically a tutorial to make sure you know you can rotate stuff I still managed to struggle we did it when I emerged I noticed another Shrine in the distance and that was enough for me off I went and as midnight arrived I witnessed the blood Moon's rise this respawns any slain monsters so all eight monsters I defeated so far got their second chance I explored these ruins finding a korok in the fountain and unnerthing some chests and I got myself slightly in over my head when I assaulted this monster Camp bro there's so many I managed to take out a few but this blue fella completely outplayed me oh what he headbutted me with his horns on attempt two I went in blazing with some bomb arrows and I fled to this rock so the little dinguses couldn't reach me and after using up almost all my arrows I finally took out the monster forces finishing with a well-timed Dodge into a flurry Rush which I was quite proud of because I'm kind of uncoordinated when it comes to combat hello this bloke Addison with the gorgeous hairstyle was intent upon placing this cyan advertising The Honorable president Hudson he was having a little trouble keeping an upright though I tried to help him by my giant tree trunk strategy was ineffective I headed into this Shrine which featured some truly outrageous puzzles I mean obviously you had to get the big ball to hit the big honking Circle but what a mad recipe was I supposed to use to achieve that though in reality it wasn't actually that bad I just fused this outrageous flyswatter on this spinny thing whacked the pylon and it went slap unlocking the door to receive another light of blessing but I foolishly completed the shrine before solving the bonus puzzle on the right side and when I re-entered the whole Shrine had reset so I had to do the first puzzle again and for some reason this time it took me three times longer I was in there for like 15 minutes people it's ridiculous but finally I got the first puzzle done again and then the second about now let's go get slapped into the circle you silly Dingus and I was wonderfully rewarded for my effort give me a break the restore is like two stamina great the Shriner taught me about these steaks that can actually be fused into surfaces a little and I found some out here so I had another crack at helping this bloke out with his sign it was a success we love you president Hudson you handsome devil Addison informed me he planned to put these up all over the place so I'm gonna find this idiot around trying to put signs up and I'm gonna have to help him I love that I hopped on a wild horse and decided it was finally time to go where the game wanted me to go look out Landing I was greeted by these two fine gentlemen who were amazed to see me as I'd been missing for a while they sent me through to purer the head of Lookout Landing now where have you been she wondered if I was a ghost but after I explained what had happened she sent me off to investigate the castle to see if I could find a Zelda I paid a visit to the emergency bunker in the center of town this is the Hub of the game if you will a home base kind of Vibe back upstairs I visited this store and sold some shiny rocks so I could afford the remainder of the Hylian set that's the classic look we love to see I headed towards Hyrule castle and I of course got sidetracked exploring I found a korok under a rock I found a korok under a rock in a dilapidated Fountain and I made this Majestic Contraption with which I helped another president Hudson Stand Tall I headed into this Shrine which taught me how to dodge in combat techy stuff believe me and when I was crossing this bridge I spotted a ring in the water below so I said who can resist hmm impeccable form I continued up towards the floating castle and I eventually reported to Captain hoes as we chatted about the dire circumstances we found ourselves in Zelda materialized atop this Tower and she ascended and turned into a giant beam of light questionable Behavior I'd spotted someone who looks like my princess who I thought lost to the darkness so obviously I was alarmed by these strange happenings no I'm just kidding I simply Shrugged and randomly climbed a giant Pole to find this little Dingus korok number 20. on my way back I found this marvelous chest one rupee let's go PIRA was Bamboozled by the strange sighting of Zelda and she'd heard of similarly strange happenings all over the world so she wanted to send me off to investigate but first we needed to activate the map on my Puro pad and for that we needed to make use of this glorious Tower sick it's one way to get a skin of the area and so I unveiled my first area of the map the first of like 15 because this map is Flamin huge and fortunately Pura had given me a paraglider before shooting me into outer space so I wasn't doomed to become a pancake and she sent me off to investigate these four locations as a way towards achieving the larger goal of tracking down Princess Zelda I had a chat with Robbie goggles and Joshua who is the leader of the Expedition into the mysterious death could be evidence that a mysterious people once lived in the depths Robbie told me to meet him at one of the nearby chasms as it was time to head down into the gloom and see if we could find further evidence of this mysterious civilization I really want to look in this This creepy This creepy nonsense there was some roof crawling horrorlands in the creepy cave and they slapped me with their giant sticks but I took them out with my key approach to combat being getting headshots with the bow as their stun's enemies I had a chest with a spiky spear some bomb flowers a bunch of bright Bloom seeds and yet another bubble gem from yet another spectral frog it seemed there was a bubble frog in every single cave I continued wondering poking some red book goblins some dead by goblins and popping some balloons korok number 21. as the clock ticked over into day 13 I saw a shooting star land in the distance and so I headed towards the beam of light to collect it I ran and I ran and I ran and I finally realized oh bro it's so far away yeah I'm not going all the way over there never mind wait why has it gone right I don't understand this is doing donuts I've just realized something this wheel is on backwards the arrow on this one it's pointing the opposite way come on yeah come on we're heading straight for a cliff but that's fine look at my makeshift steering wheel on the front that is a genius touch I know I reunited Dingus a and Dingus B coroc 22 and 23. I headed back the way I'd come and entered this Shrine where I made use of my newfound ability to place all four wheels pointing in the same direction to complete this puzzle and I'm not gonna lie the next puzzle stumped me for ages because I was stubbornly trying to make it work with wheels placed on the bottom side it turns out you just needed one on top and that was that another light of blessing I used recall on this falling Boulder to zoom up into the sky where I found a floating island with a large Zone I charge in a chest and then I found these nerds who were perplexed as to why the monster forces they were out to conquer had disappeared that was me Lads I solid them no big deal and then it was time to jump into the chasm down into the depth oh my gosh yo how deep is this I was genuinely amazed an entire area underground the same size as the enormous Overworld dark creepy and full of treacherous Gloom look at these weirdos goodness gracious me I spied some weird blue spirit thingos and some skeletal horses before heading off towards where Robbie had set up camp I threw bright Bloom seeds as I went to illuminate the way and what is the deal with this oh is this going to explore the map down here yes indeed the light Roots illuminate a small area and reveal that same area on the map I collected puffed rooms muddle bud and bomb flowers as I continued on what are those I don't know what those are but they tried to eat me and they dropped a bunch of zonite as did these gloomy goblins that appeared out of the darkness to harass me this moblin too they'd wandered over from this camp and now that it was clear I was freaked to Avail myself of yet more zonite when these two nerds jumped me further along it was a rough day my usual strategy is to just eat heaps of food to regain Health which kind of means it doesn't matter if I suck but Gloom damage can't be restored with normal food so I was on one heart and my meager combat skills were not enough for me to survive my Panic that's a bit fail I need to get more confident with combat I took out this Arrow include a nightmare bat thingo and another camp with more clusters of zoneite before reaching a second light route Robbie was here and he'd found a statue so he unlocked the camera on my pure pad so I could take a photo of it and return it to Joshua I collected some of these pose I took photos of some stuff and added the images to my compendium which tracks the hundreds of items and monsters in the game and I fast traveled back to Lookout Landing Joshua was thrilled to see we discovered further evidence of an ancient civilization in the depths and she was determined to continue investigating I headed out exploring and when I spotted this fort I of course had to invade this fella had very impressive Rock armor that had to break with my rock hammer whoa where'd you come from big boy oh uh yeah so the big boy whacked me dead on my second attempt I took a stealthier approach making use of this extremely long sword sword to deal big damage look at that makes him kind of easy there was a silly goose in this cage so I rescued him and I claimed some loot from these three chests I also fused this giant spiky ball onto a sword and it added a juicy plus 15 damage I next assaulted the monster base on this Natural Bridge sneaking up on another sleepy big boy and hitting him with a sneak attack I was scouring the land looking for fights chests Clorox caves whatever I didn't mind I found a well with pumpkins in it and a bridge with a hinox catching some z's these are boss mobs that can be defeated with a fairly simple strategy you just gotta shoot him in the giant eyeball and while he's having a big sock nursing the eye you slap him in the groin with your spiky ball across the bridge was a blue bunny signposting the presence of a cave nearby so into the cave did I go the double like like slugs look like nightmare fuel but they're pretty easy if you hit their big pimples and stun them I ascended onward and this cave was actually quite large I found climbing gear in the random cave let's go all right so I definitely need to explore caves that I find because they could have genuinely juicy gear in them I of course collected this caves bubble Jam 2 before dealing with a pesky Rock and pesky balloon idiot so that I could complete this circle of rocks in peace earning another korok seed I then headed into the shrine atop this Cliff it featured some windy puzzles the updraft the raft the Seesaw plus updraft combo to get the chest and the elevator trying number nine complete I continued nosing around the area west of Hyrule castle and I stumbled upon a curious tree Stumpy thing I ascended through it and earned another Clorox seed yeah I found some ruins with the world to explore featuring some more lacklax and some shiny mineral nerds and I wrote a boulder up to this floating island from which I surveyed the land trying to decide which way I wanted to go I headed North Cross this big canyon towards this stable and after a quick poke around the world to claim 50 rupees from this chest I headed into the nearby Shrine inside I exercised my Elite construction skills what a beautiful hot air balloon laughs I bet you there's something rubbish in the chest anyway one opal and with some glorious ballooning Shrine number 10 was complete I tatted to the stable master who gave me two Pony tickets and explained I could have earned more by visiting other stables and making use of their services and I could spend them to purchase some interesting rewards and I made a wonderful Discovery hey I got black butt these are my horses from breath of the wild that carried over I reacquainted myself with the shadow facts before buying some arrows off my best friend Beetle and heading out to investigate this enormous geoglyph Emperor was here investigating too as these glyphs clearly had a story to tell we ballooned up to get a better View and as I paraglided back down I spied this strange pool of liquid and when I interacted with it I was shown a vision what the heck is going on oh dear isn't it back in the past when he was alive you you too founded Hydro [Music] my name is raru king raru of Hyrule [Music] so this confirmed it Zelda had been sent back in time all the way to the founding of the kingdom of Hyrule oh and there was a sneaky korok hiding in the glyph too look at these boys they love it I give him a motorbike motorbike [Music] funny yeah let's get the big fella to kill them all mad about it confuses enemies so this conga line of dinguses was ultimately laid Low by vicious infighting I continued North where offering an apple earned me a korok seed stop chasing me silly angry trees oh we got some ancient constructs business happening here and look at these idiots too I instigated a giant battle and this absolute unit with the flamethrower took everyone out get some it's a tastier oh I just can't no no so I had to fight all those nerds again I headed towards this Sky View Tower set up on a rock in the middle of a pond and once I climbed up to it I did the whole get shot into the air song and dance unveiling this area of the map there's a whole business over here can I get to that so it turns out getting shot scarred by the towers is a great way to visit Sky Islands because I could indeed get to it I wasn't really sure what to do though until I finally found my way down to this island at the bottom of the Spiral I caught a fairy a great find as these will restore me to life should I die and I bought some goodies from the gumball machine including my first balloon and time bomb and I decided to see what five large Sono Chargers would get me it got me lots of I chatted to this handsome giraffe and I was teleported all the way above the spirally islands and I was instructed to dive through the Rings my skydiving maneuverability wasn't good enough to hit each ring so some tactical paraglider use was necessary but I completed the course was this that's a that's a big chunker is that a shrine it is indeed a shrine and with a time of just over 22 seconds I earned myself another reward the Glide shirt increasing the wearer's ability to Glide while they plummet from the sky inside the shrine there were some bow and arrow combat training teaching me how to slow time by whipping out a bow in mid-air to headshot these nerds guess we go I was supposed to catch up to examine the descending light but I failed to do so so I just ended up falling all the way to this weird mushroomy area I fast traveled up to the shrine and tried again and though I left it kind of late I got him and korok seed number 29. these ruins seemed important but I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do here I did find another korok in this triangle of logs at least I headed north I made use of ultra hand to fix up this random structure and find myself yet another korok and I headed into this Shrine this one was all about getting the big ball down to the bottom I did one of these ones it worked I got sidetracked for ages creating these janky platforms so I could get across to this chest where I found a crappy bow and I repurposed one of those platforms to get the ball down the final railing and honestly I have no idea how that stayed on but that was another light of blessing in the bag I now had eight total so I headed back to Lookout Landing and prayed to the goddess statue in the emergency bunker where I cashed in the light for two stamina upgrades before wandering off aimlessly once again to the east this time you know what I haven't seen that idiot that holds up signs for a while where is that idiot that holds up signs hold up I use this absolutely glorious Contraption to help president Hudson Stand Tall once more and I hit up the shrine another combat training one this one taught me that I can throw stuff including fire fruit at enemies I am a master of throwing fruited people I followed a trail of flowers are top pillars to find myself another Clorox and I spotted something most glorious look at this look at this I had a quick chat with this smiling rock man and then hold up what is this please no no no no no where'd it go it would have been wonderful to attach that rocket to the korok alas I wasted it sorry I got him across the river using a less dramatic technique I entered this cave that housed a stone Talus and to defeat these Rock Giants you got to slap their pimple so I got to work doing just that but I suffered slight head trauma when I attempted to walk through the Big Fellas legs and he sat on me oh no what did I try and do that for I came back in for round two and this time he went down luminous Stone tell us High Plus 21. I found the bubble Gem and another fancy chest this one with Barbarian armor in it which provides a boost to attack damage in changing to that when we want to fight beautiful in this hollow log I found korok number 35 and in this giant Hollow stump I found a scary demon that made me weep bit of Tears what the heck he's got me let me go what the heck is going on man it was at this point I decided I'd better flee oh my Lord after that terrifying encounter it was all dandelions and sunshine as I found korok 36 and I realized I'd wandered all the way around to where the battle Talus and his goons were patrolling the road so there was only one thing to do we're at a standstill guys what are you gonna do what's your plan here no I used my bow to shoot the fleas off and honestly you'd think the giant would be thankful to have been freed from his parasites but he continued trying to kill me so he got what was coming oh yeah I'm using your brother's corpse to destroy the crap out of you his heart wasn't luminous so it only gave plus 13 damage but that was still pretty juicy for this point in the game so I was pleased I built a bridge so I could solve another korok puzzle I assisted president Hudson with his posture once again and on day 22 I continued satisfying my knee to explore you know the drill manipulate some constructs and percoblins to fight each other help this Dingus with yet another sign spend five years trying to climb a pole in the rain including building a ridiculous structure so I could Ascend all to be rewarded with three wings and heading into a well to help this silly goose fix his ladder I also cleared another Cave of horror Blends earning some tasty gems including another bubble gem I headed over to the Wetland stable and in the well there I found this Widow well Enthusiast who was stoked to find that I too am a massive fan of Wells she tasked me with finding all 58 wells around Hyrule and since I'd already found six he rewarded me with 60 rupees I earned a couple more of pony points at this stable and use them to get the towing harness and I received a quest to clear the monsters nearby and this moblin was Blue the tier above red enemies so it took a few more hits than usual I entered the nearby Shrine the first part in here was a simple matter of driving over The Lava with big wheels but the second part confused me I could not figure out how I was supposed to do it so I resorted to recall cheese big strats this final part was easier with some big Slappy propellers spinning wildly to cross the water I cleared a couple of littlefoss camps I chatted to this lady dressed as a mushroom who told me where to find treasure and I climbed this big old Route what is this oh is this a lift it's a launchy launchy thing it was a launchy launchy shrine too as I had to launch a ball and myself all over the place bouncy bouncy headed towards this Skyview Tower and got into a rumble with this battle Talus and it may have killed me twice in a row but we won't dwell on that clearly I'm an excellent gamer so it must have been my controller's fault and I killed it eventually I headed into this rather constipated cave and after I cleared the obstruction I fought some horror Blends behind this Boulder was a sneaky room with a bunch of middle nodes and the bubble frog I headed up to the tower but this Birdman complained that the door was jammed so I headed back down to the cave and used Ascend and it turns out some Silly Willy jammed big sticks on either side of the door so I cleared those allowing old mate to enter and repair the tower's console and then you know the drill this area to the east of the castle was revealed on the map and I used the hide to paraglide over to the northern includer sky archipelago there was a shrine with a laser beam pointing to a missing green rock so I executed some Elite rotational skills coupled with some Elite recall magic to get over to the Rock when I returned it the green turd grew up into a Big Boy's Shrine and I couldn't have been more proud insided was a freebie I guess since I'd done all the hard work returning the rock to its correct spot this launchy thing sent me over to an island featuring many minerals and a chest with the Sage's will in it holding it in your hand you can feel the remnants of a strong bond what the heck it's a key item what's that for I saw these cheeky Islands down here so I went to investigate and I was confused as to their purpose until I finally noticed this dangling chest I built and placed a platform for the chest to land on and shot it down old map oh it's show me something in the depths okay two fancy new Sky items in two minutes very nice I found a big hearty radish hmm delicious and I briefly skydived after this korok before fast traveling back to this Shrine I just unlocked and spying another dangly chest it was under that thing or I'd been rotating earlier I rotated it again such that the chest dangled above an island and headed over to collect another old map it looks like there's going to be plenty of treasures to find in the depths and then it was time to come back down to earth the hell hahaha a media star fragment what is going on I'll take it I landed next to this Shrine overlooking kakariko Village in which I was introduced to a new device that stands upright when activated I made use of it to catapult myself through the puzzles and snag myself the light of blessing I then explored kakariko village finding this korok and accepting some side quests from the locals I also spent four more lots of blessing to claim another stamina boost at this statue the prices in the shop were rather outrageous and I discovered the price hike was due to illness in the family Nana was down for the count after suffering Gloom poisoning so I went for a Wonder to find this Trader from whom I bought a bunch of milk and rice which I used with a Sunday lion to make a sunny veggie porridge and this healed Nana of her gloomtastic Affliction this got the family back on its feet heartwarming stuff and the armor prices return to normal even more heartwarming stuff so I sold a bunch of gems and bought the entire stealth set for 1800 rupees I had a chat with paella the leader of kakariko village and this bloke Toro what a unit a bunch of ring ruins had landed on and around the village during the upheaval and they featured strange stone slabs with ancient text on them strangely named Princess Zelda had visited and expressly told them not to investigate this floating part of the ruins so that particular area was out of bounds well what the heck he's going into that what I chose to ignore the blue noodle descending Into the Depths and after checking out this slab which apparently told of various elemental powers such as Wind and Fire I got into a fight with some blue monsters before carrying this korok all the way to his buddy earning seeds 42 and 43. I spent day 27 checking out the rest of the slabs slabs 2 and 3 told us from ancient sages who had protected the world from a demon and they'd left some artifacts somewhere to help future Generations the fourth ruins had a little infestation so I cleared that out and then learned the stone slab here told of how talented individuals became Elemental sages by taking up secret Stones so I'd learned a bunch about these sages and I was getting the hint that perhaps it was my job to find these secret stones in order to fight the dehydrated mummy who caused the upheaval I also did a side quest to wake up this idiot using the delicious Aroma of a truffle so that he could return to his responsibilities instead of snoozing indefinitely using a precious ancient artifact as a bed and then I hit the mother alone oh here they are laughs [Music] absolutely Bonkers I've been sent to track down these chickens and steal their eggs so I delivered 10 eggs to this granny and with that side quest complete I decided it was finally time to get on with the main story Quest I fast traveled back West and headed off and I immediately got distracted by these ruins I visited this well with a like-like and lots of Juicy mineral nodes I destroyed countless boxes because I'm always on the hunt for arrows and I got into a tussle with the bakoblin conga line oh it's one of these things I ran away of course what on Earth what is this this is probably the most random thing in this game a mini game where you spook a horse causing a bunch of plushies to scatter to the Four Winds and then you collect them all I used Ultra hand to stick a bunch together and return them to the cart in a clump it was wonderful stuff I continued North and on the way I took on a sleepy hinox whose Health melted beneath the wax of my 22 damage Boomerang with a blue boss boko's horn fused to it I helped president Hudson Stand Tall once more and I headed into this Shrine The Song of Ice and Fire Shrine fire melts ice there's some science for you so this drone had me playing around with that interaction I had to use ice to slide this big slab down the spikes and use the slab to press this giant button under the flamethrowers shrine number 18 complete I arrived at my destination the Forgotten Temple where I was planning to meet up with Empire in hopes we might discover more about the mysterious geoglyphs I fought and collected my way through and I made use of this neat trick fusing a rocket to a shield for some quick vertical traversal I caught up with imper but she hadn't found what she was after so as usual it was up to me but first shrine time this one had me using these pieces to complete a rectangular prism and then in the Next Room Cube rotating and lining up and slotting them all together what on Earth is this it's a flower and in the final room a big map of Hyrule with all the geoglyphs represented input asked me with finding them all and collecting all the dragon's tears and so I took a photo on my iPad for reference headed west towards the hebra region popping into a circle of leaves on the way oh good enough yeah good enough good enough clearly is it on a funny angle still he is I don't know about that man I picked up and flung some rock boys before completing this rock pull Rock puzzle and then headed into this Shrine a very difficult tutorial Shrine teaching me how to headshot I fast traveled back to Lookout Landing to claim another stamina vessel and then return to visit this day where I followed the flowers to find korok number 46 and I dropped into this well which featured bubbly mud I attached a harness to Shadow facts and plonked my cargo in this cart reuniting yet another pair of korok buddies before heading across the Tabatha Great Bridge which was looking a little worse for wear I helped Addison with another of his signs and then had a crack at this mini game where Boulder buddy over there lobbed these rocks and it was my job to get them to land in The Swinging tray my first attempt was a shocker but I soon developed a strategy using recore which of course reverses the movement of the boulders but as soon as you cancel the recall the boulder drops where it is with this mechanic I managed to score of 20 and earned 100 rupees for my efforts I found one of these wispy leafy zoomy running around in circle koroks and I found a hornet stuck in a hole I built a most excellent Contraption to get him and his cart out and I offered him Sage advice try to avoid falling into is what I would suggest I used recall on a fallen Boulder to get some height and then glided down to this korokan need and proceeded to launch a hugely successful flight oh crap oh crap you're gonna get this right here this way oh I fell off no no no no no no I had to walk the little fella the rest of the way check out this President Hudson sign this one is tall it's good and as I drew nearer to the heart of the hebra region it got a little Frosty into another Shrine I went which had me doing silly willies with Rockets oh crap we did it and after taking out another bokoblin family I entered this fairly large cave where I fought horriblings like LAX and spikes and I found an intriguing piece of armor for us but cold weather attack I surfed down to this stable where I cooked a bunch of peppers to stock up on cold resistant food and I learned what cold weather attack meant it turned out this stable had been repurposed as a newspaper headquarters and the boss Tracy had been receiving strange reports of Princess Zelda sightings from all around Hyrule so she tasked Birdman pen and I with investigating the bridge here was broken but fortunately throwing a single pine cone Into the Fire causes it to absolutely rage producing an updraft which I caught with my paraglider that must be one oily pine cone and so I arrived at Rito Village these ducklings sing me a beautiful song about a flying ship I sold some stuff and bought some cold resistant clothes and I headed into this Village's Shrine what is going on in the shrine dude Shrine is just windy I rode the wind and took out some constructs using my big stick with an icicle fuse to the end of it and right next to the shrine entrance a rock Clorox what's going on over here I can handle it checking out that huge Cloud wouldn't be hard I could even do it alone this headstrong duckling toolen was Keen to investigate the raging storm that had appeared out of nowhere at the time of the upheaval and Dad here wasn't happy with his son's arrogance he flew off defiantly regardless I headed off to follow the young Rito and on the way I found a dedicated Addison braving the freezing temperatures in service of President Hudson I headed up into the mountains and after clearing some spiky weeds I entered this Skyview Tower and unveiled this area on the map while up there I took the opportunity to land on the west Habra Sky archipelago where I demolished this flux construct with some big Bonks from my spiky hammer and it dropped an old map I bought some gumballs and headed into a mile high Shrine this Shrine was basically an opportunity to fuse stuff to your Shields I used a fire breathing Shield a big fat slab shield and a rocket Shield to progress through and earn my light of blessing I found some ice fruit these are handy to use as Frost arrows I found another old map and I returned to ground I made my way through this Meandering Cave System climbing ever upward past obstacle and Foe and who should await me when I emerged I made something this sign had doubled the president Hudson very good I continue need my Ascent braving the snow the ugly dinguses the sheer Cliff faces and soon I had caught up with Tulum the silly goose had gotten his bow stolen by an Eric cluda when toulan's Aura is charged he can create a stream of wind that blows straight forward this ability helps with traversal therefore I Love It We rescued toulan's bow and this taught the little fella the value of working as a team so together we continued into the eye of the storm we had more climbing to do but I got distracted murdering a bunch of constructs and monsters continuing to build up my repertoire of Weaponry as I looted their bodies but before long we were gliding and climbing our way up these floating ruins towards the storm a strange voice called out to us there's a lot of boats what the heck oh there's a big bird this Shrine had a clear purpose learn about them floaty boats they launch you upward providing a great opportunity to use bullet time to thread the needle and hit the pylon I headed to look out Landing to grab another stamina vessel upping my total stamina to two wheels and I returned to fight the constructs that blocked my way to Glide to ascend to clear icicles and to break the ice and on and on this crazy climb continued pretty much all of day 35 was dedicated to getting higher and higher there was even a hot air balloon involved soon we arrived at another Shrine and I was grateful because if I'd Fallen after the progress I'd just made and not been able to fast travel back up I would have cried and then it was time to bounce on some boats we circled the raging Storm climbing higher and higher until finally we were over the top of the impenetrable winds and we dropped into the calm inside wind Temple the legendary Stormwind Arc as we arrived on the giant ship we caught a glimpse of what looked like Princess Zelda before she once again mysteriously disappeared the source of the blizzard terrorizing the Hebrew region was beneath these locks but old made voice in our heads informed us five locks still needed to be disengaged before we could investigate further these were conveniently pinpointed on my map and so began our adventure in the wind Temple I used a most excellent High School handle to turn the lever and aimed toulan's gust at this fan thing and with the gust it began to spin disengaging lock number one I floated up and opened these rather large doors then went Mission Impossible mode to navigate these laser beams and at the bottom I totally missed my first cast but we got it the second time don't worry I saw on the map there was a lock on a lower floor but I couldn't find a way down so I checked the side of the ship and floated my way to this entrance here where I took out a construct and disengaged lock number three oh while being shot at by Canon I found another side entrance and inside I used a long long ice method to finesse this chest through the hole the ice pick method Flawless and I used the ice pick method to get them gears grinding too opening this door and allowing Gusty toolin to disengage lock number four with one lock to go I was kind of stumped as I couldn't seem to find the entrance until oh the stairs are literally right here up the stairs and this ladder there were some more laser beam Shenanigans to scoot through to get this chest and I connected some janky slabs to this spinny thing so that toolin could do the big flap granting access to the final lock and finally it was time [Music] oh dear goodness gracious me that's a big Frosty Boy looks like something out of Monster Hunter [Music] shot icy spikes from its back at me but this made it vulnerable to my arrows [Music] made a hole in it what the heck what where'd it go it's going through changing dimensions three holes in it and it was time for phase two what is this big Pokemon phase two featured a great many tornadoes ah what the heck other than that it was the same and soon enough I had poked holes in the Beast once again now you got holes all through you that's pretty cool fun and with colgara's demise the storm steeled and the skies cleared and the hebra region was freed from the Relentless awful weather we got ourselves a cheeky heart dragon's tear or sages tear or tear of the Kingdom it's the secret Stone of wind once used by this ancient sage in the fight against the demon king where they failed to defeat him but raru managed to imprison him with his right arm and now all these years later the secret Stone had passed down to chulan Angel wind look check out what I can do now [Music] we performed a magical sacred handshake which means the power of the sage of wind will now follow me wherever I go helping me with his gusts and his bow we then returned to a Rito Village free of snow everything as it should be now that this giant rock was no longer icy I immediately climbed it and claimed the korok seat at the top and I glided over here and did perhaps the most random korok puzzle ever the fix the roof korok puzzle a bunch of side quests had popped up with The Village's Rejuvenation so I grabbed those and one of them required me to be Atop The Giant Rock Early in the Morning in order to see a shadow and a white bird or something rubber so I climbed all the way back up again set up a campfire and waited it until dawn oh there's the white bird the white bird is made of snow I placed a pin on it to visit later as apparently there's a special cave over there I glided down here and popped a korok balloon and as I moved further away from the village my finger tingled and I now had access to Tool and Sage power at any time I felt it was time to free range explore like a gremlin again so I did I got in a couple of scraps I had a chat with this handsome bloke who was painting The Glorious scene I chased this bear for a bit and I headed to the white bird here's the bird the bird's eye is the korok the white bird guided me to a cave with a shrine in which the power of Leverage was on full display check out this successful attempt at the Catapult show I found this cherry blossom Oasis in the middle of the snow so I offered up a golden apple to the shrine oh what the heck he's revealed a whole bunch of spots everywhere what does that mean I glided over to dragon bone Maya where I found a rock Clorox along with three blue fat boys and as I wandered over this way I realized those beams the spectral moose had created were indicating cave entrances and in one such cave I ventured to retrieve the green Crystal for this Shrine I used a rocket to get it out [Laughter] after that mishap I couldn't for the life of me get the Flaming crystal out of the hole again I resorted to making the most obscene pile of nonsense and I still couldn't get it out until I had another try with the rocket and I finally managed to make it work again I was even smart enough not to drop it back into the hole once again so that was a huge win and inside the shrine it was a freebie Depot into the cave I of course collected a bubble Gem and I found my first diamond over in this little copes I sniffed out the intersection of these mysterious arrows and found a korok atop this tree I offered some spicy peppers to lure out this korok and after following the edge of the map for a while I rode this Boulder back in time up high oh my Lord what are you you see that look at that I decided to stay clear of the three-headed dragon for now and instead gusted towards this Shrine inside I moved around some cubes I moved around some slabs and I constructed a glorious Cube plus slab art piece to catch this chest containing the small key these doors are so cool I like them I fast traveled back up north where I spotted another three-headed dragon and hit up the flight range hosted by a big bird with the most glorious facial hair you've ever seen the goal here was to go through as many rings as possible in the allotted time using the updraft to maneuver around I gave it a few cracks and managed to get a high score of 33 earning 100 rupees I'd spied a shrine part way up the mountain so I got my climb on and it was a laser beam Shrine so I crouched under Beams I jumped over beams and my favorite was the lattice of beams that I ascended to avoid altogether it was a wonderful Shrine and I was beaming on day 41 I one hit the sneaky ice lizard with a fire arrow I freed this idiot from his I.T prison only to instantly end his meaningless existence and I made a bad decision he's shooting laser beams at me Frosty beams oh oh my Lord I managed to do about three damage to it before I got frozen into the Afterlife I blasted my way into this cave and rescued this Intrepid Adventurer before ripping this gnarly Shield surf down this tunnel when I spotted this enormous Ice Cube I became suspicious and I found it of course hit a cave entrance and this cave was unique it had this windy area with several blocked tunnels up high which I unblocked and some of them had bats or treasure but three of them had water once I'd unblocked all three this handsome bird statue thing oh moved out of the way revealing some tasty loot van window Divine Helm I then fast traveled up to the winds Temple and glided all the way to the South Habra Sky archipelago where I found a Sage's will this korok puzzle where the floor is lava and the target is the safe Zone and as I was gliding back down to Hyrule I spotted a foe I landed on his back and let's just say it was a bad idea I made my way down to this geoglyph on the Mountainside where I claimed a cheeky Acorn coroc and I tracked down the dragon's tear and watched my second Vision into the past this one revealed that the tears Oda picked up right at the beginning of the story is actually a secret Stone of time which as she was falling she'd somehow use to time travel but she didn't know how to use it again so she was now stuck in the wrong time King raru suggested his sister minaru might be able to help added back to Lookout Landing to check in and because I had progressed pira's Quest I was now able to continue Josh's questline Into the Depths she reckoned the big statues down there were pointing at something so she wanted me to follow the big fingers I repaired the stable and then spotted an old friend ah big fella dance [Music] takes the korok poops I've been collecting and in return grants link more space for weaponry and shields beautiful apparently that dance somehow does the trick I used my 61 cloroxes to purchase several melee and bow weapon slots look out Landing had also endured the wrath of a Fallen Sky Island in my absence and Wordsworth was Keen to learn the significance of the words written on it but he needed to return to his office in kakariko to translate it I claimed another stamina vessel and then headed into the ancient Royal passage that had randomly opened up because this lady was brooming too aggressively inside I found this creepy statue at which you can swap hearts for stamina vessels and vice versa and the beginning of this enormous underground passage I nearly spent two whole days down here and I can pretty much sum up the experience by saying I destroyed a heck of a lot of rocks seriously there were so many rocks even some blue rocks I fought a great many monsters including a Frosty lacklack and some black horroblins which were pretty tanky I destroyed a bunch of rocks I collected the entire soldier's armor set I destroyed some luminous rocks I killed some zappy lack lacks I of course found a bubble Gem and I rounded out the adventure destroying a genuinely huge pile of rocks under which I found a friend oh my gosh this may be incredible decision style knoxes are like hinoxes except skinnier the fight was similar to the hinox fight with the eye of course being vulnerable but when the eyeball started rolling around on the ground things got a little out of hand I tried throwing it in the water but it didn't sink so that was disappointing But ultimately I was Victorious Stone ox129 29 bonus damage is huge for a fusible monster part at least at this point in the game it was for me so I counted that a good reward for my extremely long sojourn into the caves beneath the castle I descended to the depths to work on Josh's Quest and began following the raised arms of these statues I found this Apparition holding a sword so I decided to attach the starnox horn to it resulting in a 41 damage weapon the statue led me to a light root and then oh my gosh who is that good looking rooster the big frocks is a cyclops like the hinox and starnox but he can only be damaged by hitting the pimples on his back just like a Talus as you can see it took me a second to work that out also he makes a mean vacuum cleaner no no no no no suck no no Zuck no belly flop after that Rocky start I pricked the big buff in the eyeball and went to town on his pimples with my new sword a bullet time eyeball shot and some more pimple whacking and the frocks was dead he dropped relatively unimpressive monster fuse Parts but a large crystallized charge was a nice find the statues led me on quite the chase on the way I dropped into this weird Hut with a tatted notebook with mention of one master Koga I was also LED through the Grove of time which featured a great many angry trees and this particular tree dropped a gnarled stick with the solid 19 damage prefuse and before long I arrived at the great abandoned Central mine there were some gooses here trying to uncover whatever Secrets this ancient structure held but they lacked a fancy arm so they were having no luck I of course don't have that problem so I was granted my final special power Auto build this is a blueprint system for Ultra hand Creations very handy it turned out those researchers that were poking around were actually jiga clan members and they were not pleased that I claimed the power they were after and so I got into an epic battle with Master kogar what the heck he had an impressive vehicle but it was easy to knock him off with an arrow and whack him repeatedly so it wasn't a particularly difficult fight he promised Vengeance and flew off into the distance defeating the big boy earned me 100 crystallized charges and a schematic to use with my new auto build ability I used it immediately to make this flying machine and sought off to activate the nearby light root and one of the X's from an old map was nearby so I headed down to this abandoned mine to claim the treasure some glowy mining pants stylish I'd collected a fair few pose in my time down here so we're headed back to Lookout Landing to talk to this termite Mound it takes the pose in exchange for goodies I bought a dark tunic for 150 pose I told Joshua of My Success following the statues in the depth and she gave me another schematic this one for a hot air balloon I used it to reconstruct this mess out here and Robbie took it as his ride back to his lab in Hudson or Village and he said if I meet him there he'll install some upgrades on my Puro pad I paid kakariko a visit and chatted to Wordsworth who had translated that island that fell on Lookout Landing ones held or your honor alas hello he founded these ramblings to be important so so he sent me off to find 12 similar floating islands all around Hyrule as he wanted me to take a photo of their writing since I was here I sold a bunch of gems and bought the entire Radiance set and I headed into the depths to test it out beautiful headed to another old Maps ax and found myself the miners top and if the radiant Skelly is beautiful the miners outfit is majestic even without the helm I mind's Donut for a bit before visiting this fella who took 200 crystallized charges to make two energy Wells increasing my Zona device battery capacity and since I was up here I figured I might as well Glide to this strange cluster of Sky Islands what is this oh I ascended all the way to the top and found a rock Clorox in a big tree and I glided my way down to the bottom and on my way I collected another korok a flowery one this time I activated this console down here and everything got windy I displayed my geometrical prowess completing this triangle to earn another Clorox seed and I stubbornly continued scouring the area and of course it paid off yet another korok for corks on this Sky area how about that satisfied I'd stuck my nose in every nook and cranny I rode the wind up to the top and the laser beam hole was now open so down I went done oh and I I had died I got some intriguing devices from this gotcha machine beam emitter Frost emitter and a homing cart and I'm naked it's a naked Shrine I was stripped of all my equipment and provided with limited resources with which to defeat the constructs and it was low gravity for some reason I Moon bounced my way to Victory back outside I jumped in lava before gliding off to take a photo of some ancient writings for Wordsworth at this floating island uh R.I.P to any poor fools enjoying a picnic down below I had other Islands to visit before I followed it to ground so over I glided I found another old map before crafting a wonderful plane and I had a control stick at my disposal the first I'd ever found and some disposable batteries too but clearly I was still a noob at this because the only means of propulsion I added were two rockets which deplete in about three seconds oh crap luckily I was able to land on this island where I used one of these floaty things and some Rockets to get the height I needed to Glide over to the Big Island I found a korok in this big old Hollow stump and I headed down to the interior of the island featuring some big Bramble stem thingos that I burned up and a green Shrine turd to return to some other Island nearby I crafted a flying device and I'd learned my lesson so this time I used fans and off I went yeah this works really well sick oh crap fly down fly down Crash Landing time it was a great feeling to be able to travel long distances through the air and actually steer using the control stick I placed the shrine and claimed to my freebie and there was a rather nice shield in there and I scoured the area but the only other thing I found was a floor is lava korok I glided towards where that Island from earlier had fallen I found a balloon poppy korok yeah and took a photo of the ancient writings on day 49 I decided it was time to strike out towards the next story destination and so North I went towards the Eldon region and of course I investigated all there was to see along the way this one featured some fairly simple recall puzzles including some Deft ball handling to get these doors open I found these two idiots staring at a chest above the bog so I made a long plank to scoop it out of there and absolutely Bamboozled Dumb and Dumber by placing the chest right next to them I entered the cave across the other side of the bog and experienced the origin moment that turned me into Batman just near the cave was a truly magnificent bog with a rock Clorox stranded in the middle and over here a strange bulbous sight inside hit a frightened Great Fairy who accused me of being a monster monster excuse me I happened upon another Ryan just down the hill and this one featured another recall puzzle with a big Cube that shot me up into the air down at this stable I found part of a musical troop who claimed a blonde woman had deceived the fairy and they wanted to go play music to her but their cart was broken before helping with that I was distracted by a strange sight it's the monster guy what the heck kilton these are some good looking Brothers man strong genetics is love Bubble gem so I gave them one and earned up a goblin hat in return and after 50 days I now finally knew what the gems were for they went on their way promising to give me more Monster Gear if I ever caught up to them with more bubble gems I used ice arrows to Ice Cube hop my way to this floating chest and was rewarded with glorious Amber before chatting to all the people around the stable and finally repairing the musician's cart and giving them a ride does she really need that book conducting for her all right actually come come on Great Fairy the music did the trick and the enormous fairy burst forth from hiding my newspaper colleague Birdman appeared and we learned that it was someone that looked like Princess Zelda who had scared the Great Fairy into hiding so he flew off to write up an article of another mysterious Zelda sighting Elite journalism no doubt the great fairies can upgrade clothing items so I had an upgrade Rampage improving every piece of gear I could afford I then attempted to create a weapon using a laser emitter Atop A construct head which aims at enemies it wasn't particularly effective honestly mate there are 14 monsters surrounding you why are you aiming off into the abyss get him get him it doesn't do very much damage but it's it's persistent that's for sure I found a time trial Clorox and then decided to head into this Chasm because I wanted to hear this epic soundtrack again while down there I went to an old Maps X and picked up the tunic of the sky I activated another light root and just ran around a bit collecting stuff before fast traveling to look out Landing to buy myself another stamina vessel I cleaned up this hinox before he could get to his feet I made use of some ice arrows to take out a camp of book hoblins I helped president Hudson Stand Tall yet again and soon I was at the foot of the Eldon Canyon Skyview Tower this one was locked for some reason but its top had popped off so I recalled a fallen Boulder to gain height and skydived into it and after being shot into the air to gather topographical information I once again used my altitude to Glide over to the nearby Sky archipelago what the heck yeah let's go after killing that joyriding construct I had a joyride of my own I found a dangly chest with an old map in it a Sage's will and after another Joyride I wandered into this Shrine in this one I had a hydrant spurting infinite water and lava and I went nuts creating slabs of volcanic rock as you can see you can connect them together so I made a rather glorious Stone Bridge to cross this final lava pool I scoured the rest of the area collecting goodies and I shot over to this island where I took a photo of some more ancient text when I headed back to ground ibland for this geoglyph depicting a PlayStation Portable I found a rocker coric in one of the joysticks and then I slurped up the dragon's tier another Vision into the past Zelda was introduced to minaru and they discussed potential ways Zelda might returned to her proper time but it wasn't looking good the only thing minaroo could think of was an illegal practice called draconification where Sage eats their secret Stone to swallow a secret stone is to become an immortal Dragon one blessed with eternal life to become an immortal dragon is to lose oneself so Zelda could turn herself into an immortal dragon and live really wait thousands of years to catch up to her original time but she would lose herself in the process so it wasn't an ideal option and they instead vowed to investigate other time travel options what the heck I collected this rock Clorox seed and then dived into the toasty spring waters below I cleared this cave and continued up towards Death Mountain collecting Clorox and taking out camps of monsters as I went I was making a car to transport this Dingus to his mate but I decided I couldn't be bothered so I carried him the old-fashioned way before heading into this Shrine it was another lava one featuring some recoil action to retrieve this ball and a volcanic rock fan powered wrath i then paid a visit to the Bedrock Bistro where I was Disturbed to find all the adult gorons were absolutely hammered out of their minds on marbled Rock roast a mysterious new Cuisine clearly this was a substance abuse crisis in the Goron Community but for some reason I immediately contributed to the problem by doing a quest to collect more of the nefarious marbled Rock roast I brewed up some fireproof elixirs first because caves in this region are toasty hot I collected a bunch of the narcotic roast and chucked it in the minecart and I zoomed it on out of there it felt like a drug Heist not gonna lie the Goron cartel must have been fumin after successfully making the drug epidemic worse I continued on up I did some of these ones I reunited yet another pair of hapless Clorox using the connect a whole bunch of crap together until it's tall enough to reach from the top technique I cleaned up a bunch of monsters that were causing a stink with their Rowdy behavior and I made my way into another cave once again it was lava filled and I enjoyed some leisurely floating along the Lava River I wandered over to this unobo mining code Gem Store but the Ruby stall was unattended apparently because the bloke who worked there was absolutely off his noodle on marbled Rock roast I found this die of coric in the waters of this lovely River I helped straighten president Hudson's spine and I pulled up to Goron City in style look at this beautiful I collected that balloon Clorox and I definitely hit it first try you can't prove otherwise there's no way I wasted like 15 arrows trying to hit it don't be silly in the Town Center this fella was absolutely gone brain turned to Mush and the old fella and these kitties were not happy about it and then unobo head of the mining company showed up there's nothing to worry about in my opinion he would say that though because he's a bloke selling the stuff despicable crime Lord Behavior I sold a bunch and bought a flame resistance chest piece I found another belly flop korok and I headed into the nearby Shrine for this puzzle I'm quite confident you're supposed to use the wheels to drag the bridge across I did not do it the intended way I did make a glorious tractor to push all them balls onto the big button though so that was a win for Humanity I found another balloon Clorox I shot this one first try too you can't prove otherwise and I claimed another stamina vessel before doing a flyby of Goron Mount Rushmore it was beautiful to behold up close so no doubt and then it was time to pay a visit to you nobo mining CO's headquarters so that I could give this rude unobo fella a piece of my mind on the way I got into a fight with this lunatic I saved yet another korok marriage from divorce I helped president Hudson do his thing straight back chin up and all that and I slid down a hill I cleared out this cave killing a bunch of robins and a like lack but when I tried to destroy this weird Gloom Rock I found it resistant to my efforts so I was unable to find the bubble frog and of course every cave has a bubble frog so I was slightly confused I got into a rumble with a bakoblin conga line used a few juicy weapons to some higher plus damage monster parts and I arrived at unobo HQ imposter Zelda was having a chat with unobo and these two Gremlins told me I must take off his weird WWE mask as it held sway over his mind I took on the big fella and my newly crafted weapons absolutely chunked his health bar down and as he took damage his mask began to crack be free my child the creepy Zelda wandered off and we were trapped by Acadian fortunately I now have the assistance of a clear-minded unobo and he makes for an excellent bowling ball he's just playing bowling with the book I love it I got my bowling ball now so I can go into the caves unobo's role can take out the gloomy Red Rocks so I figured I'd be able to access everything in the area now in this cave I Traverse some lava and found the Amber headdress I barged my way into this one and found a shrine buried in rocks and inside the shrine another Naked challenge after dying on my first attempt I whipped out a Nifty use of recall sending these time bombs right back in their throwers faces then it was time to climb the mountain in search of Princess Zelda every time I'm in a vehicle this guy just wants to shoot people it's it's glorious I don't know welcome back oh we didn't make it I went into that cave from earlier and used my newfound ability to access this room I went for a joyride about halfway up the mountain and I saved this trapped marble roast addict and his Minecart got some sick air in the process I rigged up a fan-powered minecart and continued my Ascent shooting my good friend yanobo at monsters as we went we got stopped at a blockade but I didn't want to pay the tolls so things got violent and before long we arrived at the summit there she is Princess Princess Zelda we need to talk to you it's dangerous rising from the Death Valley creator of Malaysia conveniently there was a well-designed flying machine right next to me so off we went this volcanic monster had three marble rock heads which I took out with the help of unobo oh there we go I defeated the boss done easy everything collapsed revealing a giant hole down to the depth so there was only one thing to do it was of course quite the long fall as we were at the top of a mountain but soon I found myself plummeting towards an enormous lake of lava I glided to a nearby light root and we heard a strange voice calling out to us beckoning us to come towards this structure in the distance just in bowling with these idiots like a marble roast sword foreign this marvelous vehicle and got on the move and soon the temple was in sight I collected pose and got into fights as I went and I enjoyed making use of unobo's bowling ball as a handy combat tool I zoomed past this roof dangly nerds and blasted my way through some red rocks and suddenly I had arrived I don't know why but I hadn't expected any of the dungeons to be in the depths so this felt pretty cool to me I had a look at the map and discovered the fire temple has five levels and I got to exploring we spotted Zelda being consumed by a bunch of rocks on the other side of this game and we were offered Sage advice from the strange voice and so off we went to unlock all five padlocks the fire temple had some constructs to fight plenty of lava and hydrants to make slabs of volcanic rock and of course Minecarts and switches to move the tracks around I used a hydrant to make a bridge across here where I shot my bowling ball granting access to this area featuring a big old gong which when struck with a high speed unobo resulted in padlock number one opening its ridiculous mouth I climbed up this wall to Floor 2 where destroyed some constructs before getting Bamboozled by a great many Minecart tracks there were more switches that completely moved tracks around spinning them and angling them up and down it was fun zooming around the place on my fan-powered cart and soon enough I made it to this area where I recalled my way across this lava pool and shot unobo at this gong unlocking a second padlock I continued exploring the temple and it's fair to say it was a tad chaotic but I soon zoomed my way up to this open area on floor 3. from here there are plenty of directions I could go but for some reason I did this okay that was not the play I shot at this switch for ages and when I finally hit it the tracks lowered allowing me to head up to this next area where I did some of these ones to get up to the next area I found a ruby here so that was nice but other than that it seemed to be a bit of a dead end so I resorted to scaling the outside of the buildings I have no idea what the intended path was but if it works why not song number three and padlock number three unlocked after fumbling around for a while I zoomed on up here where I built this outrageous ramp to reach gong number four and I made it even longer to try and reach across this Gap to destroy the marbled rock with the way clear I headed across and dropped down to the final gong and finally the gate was unlocked the boss fight room had curved walls which meant my bowling ball was able to defy gravity destroy the rocks on the roof that is that's sauron's eye Marblehead Gomer Gomer raise the Bell from another game I shot out the crappy BEAST's legs and then climbed up and slapped sauron's eye silly and it was time for phase two oh he's gone roof mode that's fine in a random Direction I got him straight away what the hell and so I slapped the eye some more and marbled Gomer Was Defeated I claimed my heart container and unobo claimed his secret Stone and it was pretty much a repeat of what happened after the first dungeon the old sage had a rather glorious helmet unobo became the new Sage of fire we bro fisted and my fancy arm got itself another ring for another Sage's power and the Eldon region was healed from marbled Gomez taint and the marbled Rock roast drug epidemic was ended I picked up a few side quests including one to craft a boulder breaker I happened to have the materials so I made one immediately 38 without fusing anything and I wandered off to explore the Eldon region some more I found a rock circle korok and I helped reunite two more koroks using a rather chaotic mode of Transport what what how did that go so poorly I helped president Hudson stand erect and continue trying to reunite the koroks I got there eventually then it was into this Shrine featuring a couple of straightforward recall puzzles getting them gears turning forward and backwards in order to overcome the obstacles I floated down to the neighboring region and helped Hudson stand to tall once again and this one actually required quite an elaborate construction I made my way over to these ruins where a research team was investigating they'd found some slabs with cryptic instructions written on them relating to the Sage's powers and so I searched around and following the instructions I was able to use the Sage's power of wind to blow a gust at the owl protected by dragons earning three Sapphires and the Sage's power of fire in the corridor between two dragons earning three rubies I completed this geometrical korok puzzle and I cleared this floating block out of the way of the sky view Tower so that I could shoot upwards unveiling the map for this region and I of course used the height to Glide over to some nearby Sky Islands as always I claimed some goodies from the gumball machine because different machines offer different devices and I wanted to get my hands on every device possible and this fella had stolen a shrine Crystal so I took him out using the usual methods and then had the task of somehow flying the green turd back up to the island above I used a combination of rockets and a fan to get this floaty block away above where I needed to be drop it here oh my gosh I was way further over than I thought what a good thing I claimed my Shrine reward and this korok which had a unique puzzle I'd never seen before I had to climb onto the stump thing then it was over to this spirally spinning nonsense and I had a feeling as to what I was in for over here and sure enough it was another skydiving course I used my Glide shirt which significantly increases skydiving maneuverability reducing the amount of paraglider pauses needed to hit the Rings and therefore improving the time I completed the course in I owned myself the Glide tights in short order and I tried the course wearing both the shirt and the tights and it was very juicy look at my Mobility so op I shaved about two seconds off my time as a result there was a shrine up here too another nude Shrine but I was at least able to maintain modesty thanks to the dim lighting I attached a light to my shield to help me see as I took out the constructs which I'm gonna fall yeah I took a photo of the ancient writing as I fell as it falling into the chasm it fell into the chasm I figured I was due another visit to the depth so I followed it down stop trying to suck me through the tree suck I got it I did some big spinnies to take out his pimples oh yeah dueling hit him in the eye like a boss coming in clutch and so with some Elite plays from my guy toolin we took down the Beast his fang was a plus 24 damage fusible not too bad I fast traveled to Lookout Landing and claimed my final stamina vessel maxing out my stamina at three full wheels and I headed out to do something unwise on the way I found a couple of Clorox an Ascension one and a dandelion one and sooner was In the Heat of battle quite literally attempting to take down the flame glioc I had spotted earlier they're heads of the vulnerable spot and I unfortunately didn't have any particularly good bows so this was honestly a bad plan I resorted to shooting bomb arrows and I actually managed to take out all three heads stunning the Beast okay okay I actually got him down did I where the hell did he go I thought he fell he did fall the entire way down the cliff and when he returned he'd completely forgotten about our battle and fully restored his health what a rude bloke since it took me about eight years and tons of resources to take out only one third of his health I decided I'd misjudge and I actually was still not ready to take out the big fella so I bailed I spotted a shrine and off I went this was a shrine of cube stacking which is harder than it sounds only the cubes with the lattice can be climbed so it took me perhaps a little too long to figure out a setup that worked for me but eventually I triumphantly climbed the wall look at this absolute shmuzzle of a construct to help president Hudson with his back problems wonderful stuff I got into an epic battle with this line where my go-to strategy was headshotting him so I could jump on his back and whack him repeatedly it was working for me but I was burning through all the ferries I collected in the process oh it's a good thing I got like eight ferries some some reason after breaking a couple of weapons and chewing through a fair amount of health food we took down the big fella well it's three times Bo is pretty good I checked out the map and spotted some Sky Islands above the Hebrew region that I hadn't visited so I decided to investigate there's a glioc oh my gosh change directions change directions I don't know if I'm gonna make it this way I managed to just make it to this archipelago over here where I finally worked out you can Shield grind on railings and I found a fourth stage as will before flying over to another nearby Island this one was quite tall once I finally climbed to the top of it I thought a tier 3 construct Soldier for the first time and I drained the water resulting in some Floppy Fish which I happily collected completely murdered the fish like that outrageous I claim to cheeky korok and then blasted my way into the Island's interior where it was rather dark but I had some mirrors at my disposal I bounced the light around from Mirror to mirror and finally pointed it into this room where I found a zonite hell which increases battery efficiency when worn I Shine the Light of the switch and opened up a way down to a shrine and this Shrine was a freebie I grabbed this Skydive korok and headed over to another nearby Island to fight this flux construct and out of nowhere it was a tier three I'm pretty sure up until this point I'd only fought tier ones so it was quite the jump the key difference was he did extremely high floaty Shenanigans I simply could not reach that high even with Ascend so I resorted to shooting bomb arrows at the Flying Square which did the trick oh he's he's rolling oh my gosh plus 32 flux core 3 Smasher this fella had a shrine Crystal so I loaded it onto this ready-made vehicle that was nearby and took off to return the crystal home oh crap no my second attempt was equally dodgy but before the crystal could fall I managed to hit recall and I was able to pluck it out of the air I bounced between little Islands collecting I found another dangly chest with an old map and a non-dangly chest with one too and I collected another Quark before zooming over to this island to take yet another photo of yet more ancient writings I fast traveled to Lookout Landing and used the four sages Wills I'd collected to improve tool and Sage's power which made his damage higher great news for his regular headshots I added one more energy well to my batteries and then visited an old mate Wordsworth in kakariko I showed him the three photos I'd collected and he was thrilled apparently the texts were random tidbits about ancient living back in raru's day but I must admit I did not really care he gave me 100 rupees per photo though so that was nice I paid a visit to the depths via this Chasm and once there I spotted something unexpected marbled gamer wait is this just the boss again so now that I've beaten the fire temple there were some random marbled gomas loose in the wild it was a matter of taking out the marbled legs much like the original boss fight and of course wailing on the eye of Sauron with great Vengeance I earned myself a marbled leg which fused to add whopping 38 damage to this weapon and 100 energy crystals very juicy I activated a nearby light route and had an explore and I soon laid eyes on a peculiar Fortress up amongst these big rocks I used these bouncy bounty thingos to get up there it was some kind of Jaeger Hideout featuring a Hut with a weird glowy symbol lock on the door I attached a case eyeball to an arrow and picking off that bloke open up the door behind which I found 20 crystallized charges and an auto build schematic for a bouncy Contraption I continued on collecting some nice weapons from Apparition weirdos and of course a ton of pose and soon I was at another Boss Arena this fella was only tier 2 though so when I did the floaty nonsense it was low enough that I could Ascend and make short work of the vulnerable Cube I activated another light root and decided I'd had my fill of fun in the depth so I fast traveled to kakariko and struck out South in the sunshine I found a rock korok I helped president Hudson stand to attention and I found this bloke hey he be Drummond BBB dumb he wanted three Corsa B honey and I happened to have that on me so I fulfilled His Wish immediately and he went on his way I found another rock korok atop a rather wet Hill I cleared out Fort hatsuno cave where I fought my first rock encrusted lilac and I caught up with Captain Haas and his boys and I helped them out defeating these monster forces earning 100 rupees for my contribution in the wee hours of the morning on Day 72 I took out a hinox I found a stumped korok and I found my second Great Fairy who had also been lied to by a fake Princess Zelda this one would only consider emerging if she heard the pleasant sound of a drum fortunately I knew a bloke I climbed to this Shrine halfway up the mountain it was a shield combat training session where I learned I could Parry reflect projectiles I found my first korok puzzle where the objective was to unplug the bar and I used a very effective rocket technique to achieve my aim and I wandered over to the dueling Peaks stable where I found the musical troop had grown that horny black guy saved from the hole was here as was my honey loving friend with the drums what could possibly go wrong easy no worries guys can't believe you doubted me I got the troop and then now see worthy cart over to the Great Fairy where with their Splendid Tunes inspired the big girl to emerge I immediately had to upgrade some stuff most notably The Soldier's pants which I was fond of wearing for its high armor I found old mate Big Bird chilling on top of the stables and he gave me a quest to clear out the Yeager Hideout somewhere in the dueling Peaks nearby so I headed out to track them down but I never tracked them down I got slightly distracted I bridged the gap between these star-crossed lovers I fought some monsters and I was Bamboozled by this Shrine riddle give Keys born of water to the three altars the sacred shine will appear it took me a while but I eventually worked out I needed to place various sized chunks of ice into these slots and the shrine materialized after my ice efforts it was a freebie I fought another battle Talus and once I finally cleaned off his parasites and climbed on his back I absolutely demolished him with the marbled Gomer weapon I found a stump korok and when I spotted old mate zappy Dragon going into the depths I curiously followed him what are you doing bro what are you about I didn't exactly get an answer to my question I guess the yellow noodle just likes a joy flat down in the depths every now and then but I did find another yiga clan Fortress this one had a couple of nerds zooming about on funky little Shooters I collected some crystallized charges and another schematic for my efforts and I had a Joyride on this flamethrower scooter I activated a nearby light route and then headed back upstairs because it was now night time and I wanted to kill this star Knox my ceaseless random exploring continued and I found myself helping yet another korok return to his bestie my strategy was less than optimal there's no way I was going to get this janky vehicle up the hill unless I carried it myself so that's what I did and then I spent ages confused by this rock and this hole I was quite certain it was a korok puzzle but I couldn't figure it out so I headed into the nearby Shrine this Shrine was a good one I had to ride the rails with funky Contraptions of my own design the first one was powered by gravity but the second some fans let's try not to eat our head it's my worst nightmare and I could roller coaster at a theme park the roller coaster Shrine big fan big fan I used an elite combo of crates and boulders to help president Hudson overcome his vertical challenges and I headed over to the Poplar Foothills Skyview Tower this one was out of commission and needed a repair but after completing this apple offering korok puzzle I fortunately found the technician trapped in a cave I freed the silly goose and went Sky High unveiling another section of the big old map and I of course used my high to visit a nearby Island taking a photo of some more ancient writings before dropping down to assault this monster fought as always it was a happy time of headshots and I still had that marbled Gomer weapon that hit for like 70 damage so it was slapping big time Big surprise this I next reunited more koroks honestly there are too many Dingus Clorox getting stranded this is outrageous I also collected a time trial korok in this Big Hollow log I headed towards the fourth geoglyph depicting a big fishy where I found a rock Cork and over here the dragon's tier and this memory introduced a new character Ganondorf Hyrule will bow down before me hmm aduke are approaching our position it's more than we thought it's a sword so brute force will not be enough I then jumped in a well but there was something strange about this world I wasn't in the mood for the depths and I decided it was time to head towards another story Quest so I struck out Northeast through the wetlands hey what the there were a number of Fallen Sky Islands chunks with chests in them throughout the Wetland so I collected from them while nudging this silly goose Along on his raft until he was finally reunited with his Bud there were some black pakoblins to fight over here these are one tier stronger than the blue fellas and they also have Majestic horns and soon I had traversed the wetlands and arrived at this Shrine this one demonstrated what seemed like over-the-top water floaty physics I once did this with a soccer ball in a pool and it hit me on the nose this Cave of Dingus has proved very easy to defeat but this Boulder tastic president Hudson was quite the challenge there we go jump in this hole because jumping holes is fun in this hole I found a light fruit and another marbled Gomer this one seemed a little harder for some reason but I think it's just because I was using a weaker weapon and it used this cheeky move where it trapped me but I was Victorious and pleased to earn another juicy weapon part fuse plus 100 more crystallized charges I traded in the charges I'd accumulated for two more battery energy Wells and then continued my journey towards the Zora fighting a bunch of monsters as I went I cleared a cave you know the drill a bubble Gem and that I helped Hudson and the monstrosity I built for this one got a little out of hand If we're honest and I built a rather enormous ramp to get a hapless korok over to his lover as I continued along the river I began seeing weird purple sludge and the river itself was an unusually dirty Hue I thought a black lizard force and was amazed to find its horn fused for a solid plus 26 damage even though it's a relatively easy monster to defeat and when I found this chest mired in sludge I discovered chucking a splash fruit cleaned up the mess I found two caves rather close to each other and took out a number of monsters in each and I fought a great many lizel thoughts which I was quite pleased about because I kept getting these tasty 20 plus damage bows to add to my Arsenal this is a shrine cave the shrine cave combo it's quite rare before returning the green turd I got very distracted climbing this random wall because I wanted to see what was up the top and it was another entrance or I guess an exit in this case and when exploring this area I found a completely new cave and this one was absolutely enormous it had multiple Rocky like likes this random flooded area and delightfully a chest with the climbing boots in it but that wasn't it the cave just kept going and I randomly exited on the far side of this mountain I glided back around and got back to business zooming along to claim this freebie Shrine before finally making my Approach To The Majestic Zora's domain I hit up the shrine first in which I harnessed the power of water to charge up a battery honestly big respect to this Shrine for its use of renewable energy and I placed the battery to first open this door to get out the chest and then to power up this elevator granting access to the end of the shrine these Zoro was stressing about the strange curse upon the land sludge fallen from the sky I have noticed I cleaned the sludge off this Majestic statue and chatted to Jonah up here she gave me the Zora armor which lets you swim up waterfalls but apparently not sludgy waterfalls so I had to climb up to find prince side in the old-fashioned way with Ascension magic I wandered into this ravine-like cave and it was perpetually drippy so the walls were slippery and I was intent on climbing those walls so I may have been mildly annoyed for these wet caves other Bane in my existence it was worth it though oh baby we got the full climber set now this guy climbs stuff there's no doubt about it I climbed my way to mifa court where I found sidon you my friend so Adam was busy holding back the taint of the sludge and he sent me off to visit the historian at Toto Lake I completed the nearby Shrine which had these floaty devices that I made use of to cross a few gaps and to make a bridge for this ball to make it across by this point I'd seen some content pop up about the game online so I attempted to make a hover bike I'd seen people using with two fans attached to a control stick I used it to zoom over to this Region's Skyview Tower and it turns out it is indeed quite good once there I rescued this nerd from some sludge and then I popped Skyward unveiling this Eastern area of the map I just want to straight past the ball oh there's a hole in the ball and there's a shrine in the hole the holy ball the ball Shrine was straightforward I just had to make a flying device with which to saw through to the end I made my way back to Toto Lake where this bloke was examining this broken slate so I helped him out and it turned out the Slate red like a riddle stand up on the land of the sky fish and behold its lofty view among the floating rocks you see it droplet weights view through this droplet shoot an arrow with the mark of the king do this task and you shall reveal a most wondrous thing he suggested I seek out king Dora fan to see about this Mark of the king on the way I collected a korok from the heights of Zora's domain and I headed into the King's throne room but instead of a resplendent Royal I found three little gremlins playing a game I snuck up and eavesdrop and learned they were talking about the king who'd apparently fought some sludge beast and gone to hide in a secret cave following these Clues I went searching and eventually spotted this hole in which I discovered the pristine sanctum and the beat-up King alongside his trusted advisor muzu the king gave me one of his scales apparently that's the king's mark from the riddle and I was now on the hunt for the land of the sky fish which I soon spotted over here I swam up the waterfall and had a look around for the droplet oh yeah I don't do it I've used one of the king scales to an arrow and shot it through and this revealed the way to a spot down in the water below I returned to sidon whose fiance Yono was trying to convince him to let her take over holding back the sludge so he could help stop the sludge at its source when out of nowhere that beautiful boy sludge-like ambusher of mifa Court the prince lent me as power of water with which I gave the like like a bath and we slapped it to death Joni insisted sidon must stop being fearful of losing those he loves and so he agreed to trust her with holding back the sludge character development and all that and so off we went to save the day except I got distracted fighting the monster forces at this fort and then it was time to save the day I headed over to the beam of light inside and did that thing where you zoom around really fast and create a whirlpool and into the whirlpool I jumped I found myself in the ancient Zora Waterworks I climbed up to this pipe system and waded through and unclogged it allowing water to fill up the cavern meaning I could reach the console which shot a beam up to the Island's floating way above causing water to fall and this was my ticket upstairs look at that salmon flop up the river what are these oh it's low gravity up here and so I enjoyed a lot of bubble transport and low gravity silly willies as I progressed towards the water temple I fought a bunch of constructs too and I decided to fuse one of those black lizard horns I found earlier to this 30 damage Zora spear 52 damage spear eight oh wait what Zoro weapons deal double damage when wet and since I was constantly floating around in bubbles and throwing Splash fruit at sludge I was pretty wet I ended up on cleanup Judy with a hydrant too and in the process I found an old map I also kept finding quite high damage weapons to replace the relatively crappy ones I was hanging on to so it felt good to have a decent stock of upgrades and I soon made it to a shrine near which I admired The Climb so far the shrine was a bubbly one I had to recall one bubble and I had to build a ramp so that this bubble would zoom off at the correct angle that was Shrine 52 by the way it was then time to enjoy the assistance of some vomiting fish to make my way through the skies I found another old map I took out a bunch more T3 constructs and I built another bubble ramp to proceed past this area and after one final battle we headed up to the water temple this is the source of the Zora's clean water but only one faucet was running so the a ancient watersage invaded our minds to hopefully let us know we needed to activate the other four faucets four forces four faucets four forces the first was in this room where I had to transport this ball over some spikes and pin it into the hole in the wall using one of these floaty things which opened the door to this spinny thing at which I splashed some water activating one of the faucets I headed up to this floating chunker took out some constructs before being Bamboozled by this situation where I was pretty sure I needed to get the big ball up there but I couldn't see a way to achieve that so I moved on and was equally Bamboozled by these bubbles that didn't take me anywhere until I finally realized I needed to clear away some sludge so by activating sidon's water power my throwing spear was imbued with water which I was able to throw at the sludge unleashing a waterfall allowing me to zip on up I killed this out of place fire like like ascended up and arrived at an area with a bunch of enemies and an aggressively spinning Tower I worked out there was a switch in the tower and rather than figure out how to stop it spinning I simply shot a bomb Arrow at it which did the trick lowering the water and revealing another mechanism to turn well done now you just need to open the remaining well done now you just need to open the remaining tube for one of those remaining two I got this thing spinning which generated some electricity which I conducted using a big old bubble and here's my assessment of this game's dungeons kind of just like slightly bigger shrines the lead up to the dungeons is actually cooler than the dungeons themselves but I do like I do like the dungeons the boss fights can be very cool as well I returned to the part that had Bamboozled me and from this higher vantage point I immediately realized what I had missed this bubble generator needed some sludge removal I sent the ball on up and followed shortly after and for this puzzle I had to get the wall here to stay up using this floaty thing which lowered the water enough for the ball to Nestle in the hole which opened the gate which allowed me to turn the wheel four faucets activated five faucets total producing all that sweet clean water I headed over and got them pouring what what the heck [Music] why is it so small okay that's more like it I sprayed water at the Beast which exposed the little weirdo who waddled like crazy to try and find the safety of more Mark in phase two things got a little dicey as sludge sprayed everywhere slowing me down and the boss let out a vicious spray but I managed to stun it again and I whipped out my 82 damage speed which made short work of the second half of its health bar of course he ends with a giant bout of flatulence you would your little diarrhea creature the water cleared up a hard container for me a secret stone for the new Sage of water side on you know the drill by now and of course a new ring for my fancy hand so the Sage's power can come with me wherever I go zoro's domain was healed of the sludge and the King's Health improved too also the King was no longer the king because he made sight on the king I ran around collecting all the side quests that had popped up and this silly korok pair had popped out of nowhere too so I reunited them using a wonderful technique to get this fella down the hill two of the side quests I'd picked up were to track down the Zora Helm and Zora pants and apparently one of them was on the sky fish so I searched it all over and after way too long I finally found this hole in the side in which I picked up the helm I found a hole Boulder and a nearby tree thing I'd put it on which found me a korok I found another korok a rock one atop this hill and I dived back into the whirlpool because apparently the Zora pants were down here somewhere I soon found a way to drop down to a deeper cave where I found a luminous Stone Talus and found the grease in a chest behind this waterfall I paid a visit to Lookout Landing where I bought some more weapons space from this excellent dancer and I bought two more Hearts too before fast traveling back to the water temple from which I glided down to the nearby leneru Sky archipelago I fought a flux construct too I found yet another old map and I collected a Skydive korok before I decided it was time to head Southeast I fought a Conga Lion on the way and I made use of a puffed room to bamboozle the boss allowing me to sneak attack him and take him out in pretty much one hit he just got smoked oh black boss 27 fuse power nice I found a shrine touch down here where I had to transport the ball on wings oh crap not like that though and the second room called for an easy triple fan Glide I saw it above the land and where should I come to ground but right next to an idiot who needed a lift I built him a magnificent raft I soon spied my first silver enemy of the playthrough for some reason he had a yellow Pom-Pom on his head I used the Puffs room technique again and despite how dumb it looks I wasn't complaining because that Pom-Pom was useful for a juicy plus 31 damage fuse I headed into this snowy region where I built an all-terrain vehicle which I used to scale the frosty Mountain this korok scammed a lift halfway and after dropping him off I carried on except I got tired of the drive soon enough so I took a ride on this Boulder to get some height which I used to Glide over to the sky view Tower another region unveiled on the map and another excuse to hit up some Sky Islands this island invited me to Shield surf straight into nothing it seemed unwise but I was willing to give it a try I fused a sled to my shield and off I went the course continued down the mountain and I think it's fair to say my snowboarding skills are at least a 3 out of 10. and upon completion of the course a shrine materialized this was another naked Shrine the Highlight was that I made a weapon with a giant spiky piece of metal attached to it and it was excellent for whacking idiots I popped up from the Skyview Tower again to visit some more sky islands the one I landed on first had this magnificent vehicle which I flew over to another skydiving challenge with both a Glide shirt and pants this one was pretty easy oh gosh except for that time that I went Splat I still managed to unlock the Glide mask completing the set I claimed to skydive korok and saw a shrine on the Mountainside far below so off I went this Shrine featured slatty Cuba movement on the wall so that I could Ascend and slabbed finagling to make a ramp so I could Escape jail after that sojourn to the surface I once again returned to the sky archipelago because I had an unfinished business I found a dangly chest old map and another of these big chunky Islands from which I stole a green turd in an unusual twist when I returned the crystal this Shrine was not a freebie Shrine there were puzzles to be puzzled by I had to create ice to slide over the spikes and hit the targets the first was straightforward but the second one I kept misjudging I couldn't quite get the angles right it was a rather lazy slide from halfway down the slope that eventually hit the target I found this dangly chest and rather than positioning my floaty platform beneath it I opted for some recall Shenanigans to stop it from falling to the earth below and I managed to grab it with ultra hand and claim the ultimap from inside it with that I was done with the sky of this area so I figured it was time for a trip to the depths I picked up a light root and took out a nearby flux construct and it was only tier 2 so it was Charles play obviously oh he does drop items I swear I shot at one of those earlier I need something one at a time right I swear I should have one of those earlier and they didn't drop anything I wandered through the depths for a bit collecting as I went but soon I decided that was enough apparently and back to the surface I went where I collided straight for Robbie's ancient Tech Lab in Hudson or Village he made the promised Improvement to my purepad and added a sensor which detects nearby shrines which I immediately made use of to find this nearby Shrine downstairs and I grabbed the quest to unlock some more improvements I was able to unlock Hero's path immediately as I'd already found more than 15 shrines and this tracks my movement since my journey started as you can see I've done a fair bit of Meandering [Music] let's go this is a Flawless wow that was beautiful I found another korok atop this palm tree and I found a message in a bottle from a stranded adventurer who pleaded with me to follow the trail of bright blooms so I made a raft and off I went and it was quite a distance before I spotted the cave oh it's not working oh it worked I headed into the cave collected some tasty minerals and soon found the problem the silly goose had been trapped behind this Boulder he was very grateful and rewarded me 100 rupees I continued along the coast I threw some Pebbles on the beach and I found another Boulder in a hole with a little tree stand thing nearby so I found the korok and immediately fast traveled to where I'd Mark the confusing Boulder from earlier I'd now found two more hold Boulders so I was pretty sure I'd completely missed the tree stand finger at the first one and sure enough there it was another korok seed in the bag I returned to hatano Village after that rather long distraction and wandered around meeting the locals headed into the village Shrine where I had to stick a ball to a spinny thing and I also dug out a bunch of balls to access this chest only to receive a rather crappy weapon I then headed into the East well and discovered there was a rather large Cave System beneath the village in fact I spent about eight in-game hours exploring it killing monsters and collecting goodies and when I emerged I realized there are actually multiple Town Wells all connected to the same giant underground area I paid a visit to the school Princess Zelda set up it was looking pretty fancy and I noticed there were an abundance of mushrooms everywhere in including on people's heads and I soon learned why Cece's fashion house was in town and apparently her thing is mushrooms out of nowhere the mayor burst in Raging at her because her bright art pieces were keeping the veggies awake and veggies are the foundation of Hudson's culture sisi claimed fashion would now behatanoa's cultural strong point and demanded an election to see who the town wanted as their leader for my part I considered what I was hearing to be profoundly random or what is this this drama bro this drum is out of control I got roped into the competition as CeCe had me handing out mushrooms to unconvinced town folks which I began doing immediately because I've always wanted to distribute shrooms uh is the widow or the die guy is very ugly old maid can change the color of clothing items and he can also change your paraglider fabric I had a few on hand that I collected in my travels so I decided to try out the horse guard fabric what the heck it's putting me in the chimney foreign visit to the house that belonged to link back in breath of the wild and it now seemed to belong to Princess Zelda and in the well-out-back I made an interesting find put in an order for a new and improved Champions tunic hide it in the throne room so he won't fight it there was also a hair band allowing me to tie my Luscious Hair up amazing stuff there was another korok to help here and honestly I couldn't be bothered but I get overtaken by compulsion to do the thing while it's in front of me while I'm playing this game I don't know if that makes sense but it's a strong compulsion trust me so I gave the little bloke a lift up the hill I admired this donkey and had a chat to Mayor Reed who also wanted help with his campaign he believed if I could create a signature food with a creamy melty mouth feel it would secure him the victory so we asked for my help honestly the politics in this Village are out of control I found a rock car Rock and then headed into the well Empire and ascended into mayor Reed's shed because his wife was worried about him apparently he'd been spending lots of time locked in here and she wanted to know what was up turns out he was working on a new variety of super pumpkins that resembled Cece's mushroom aesthetic because he figured that would resonate with the youth did I mention the politics in this Village are unhinged his wife was relieved but also frustrated she wished he'd just get along with CeCe I slept until evening and then staked outside Cece's place because her sister was worried about her apparently she was spending too much time out at night and sure enough she soon wandered over to this Silo and disappeared inside I wasn't quite sure how to spy on her so I went for the same ascended strategy down in the well and it didn't pan out she yelled at me for invading her Silo once day broke I investigated The Silo further I was supposed to climb up here and then listen I missed that window I slept until evening again and this time my spy games were successful I learned that she was whispering sweet nothings to some tasty fresh produce she secretly loves them veggies all my snooping around has revealed Cece and Reed have more in common than you would believe Cece's sister echoed what Reed's wife said why don't these two dinguses just work together my current High fashion and delicious veggies joined together in harmony but I still needed to hand out more mushrooms for Cece and make Reed his special dish so that this absolute shambles of a quest chain could continue and I was having trouble I don't know what the creamy mouth feel so I think I'm just gonna bail from from now and I'll come back and do this Mayoral race nonsense later I took a photo of a choo choo and showed it to Old mate handsome and he used it as inspiration to design a new paraglider Fabric and I realized had a bunch of other photos I'd already taken in my travels to show him so I unlocked a bunch more I decided to use the chicken design look at that this is the most foolproof support system anyone's ever seen in their entire life don't even worry about it I spent the day fighting including against this gorgeous specimen who wanted me to paint him like one of those French girls and this monster Ford was actually kind of tough as it had a lot of black and silver mobs and on day 99 it was time no no no no no no no no no no no no no I'm on fire I'm on fire I made use of the triple shot bow I'd gotten from that Lionel earlier and when all three heads are taken out the Beast falls to the ground vulnerable to attack oh crap he's he's gusting me PG used gas I slowly wore the glioc down but things soon took a turn bro he's making the biggest Fireball I've ever seen stop that that's illegal how am I supposed to deal with this crap can't reach him with my arrows I use the updraft from the fires the big fella was starting all over the place and I managed to deal a good amount of damage to each head before the Lionel bow broke and I took a giant Fireball to the face but fortunately I was saved by my last Fairy Oh I do full damage it's okay we got back in there for round two come on take it all right sit down oh he died oh he takes some full Damage Big Boy 24 fuse from the wing 30 from the flame horn what the flame Horn of a glioc his worst than a silver Goblin's horn are you serious I followed the flowers to find this Korra before deciding it was about time I headed east towards the final dungeon in the Gerudo corner of the map and so off I went fighting nerds finding Clorox and clearing out caves on the way and this cave was a little nightmarish oh there's Gloom hands in here my strategy was to stand on this rock and shoot lots of bombs at the grabby fellas it was effective what Phantom Ganon he's chilling by the rock my strategy was to stand on this rock and shoot arrows at his head although I grew tired of that eventually and headed down there to slap him to death he dropped the Demon's king bow which does damage equal to W Max hearts and the Gloom sword which wears its Wilder's body down that didn't sound Pleasant so I left that behind oh [Music] Phantom armor I continued on and it was a tad Frosty up this mountain I thought my first silver moblin Eddie dropped a horn with plus 33 fuse damage and soon I was looking down on the Gerudo desert I glided over to the sky view Tower and when I got there link was looking a little heat strokey so I made some heat resistant food out of children's rooms to keep cool I helped this Goose get up the lift so we could repair the Skyview Tower and up I popped unveiling another region of the map and gaining the height to Glide over to this geoglyph depicting a man in this memory Ganondorf was pledging allegiance to King raru and flinging backhanded compliments willy-nilly I believe that man's heart holds many dark Ambitions just his name even that it gives me pause I am well aware of his evil nature for that reason and others I want him close it will be easier to keep an eye on him [Music] foreign there is nothing to worry about I couldn't help but feel that there were in fact some things to worry about I glided on over to karakara Bazaar where I bought a desert faux headpiece which provides some heat resistance and that was it as I sold thousands of rupees worth of gems to Old made Beetle 100 days were up there is still a lot more content to get through I've just arrived at the Gerudo desert with plenty more story to unravel there's about 80 or 90 more shrines over 800 more koroks if you can believe that and there are way more side quests than I was expecting too so let me know if you want to see my journey continue towards 200 days check out the murder of many generations of sharks and the most glorious raft design you've ever seen in 200 days of raft the movie
Channel: Floydson
Views: 988,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: floydson, aussie, tears of the kingdom, the legend of zelda: tears of the kingdom, zelda tears of the kingdom, I played 100 days of tears of the kingdom, I played 100 days of zelda: tears of the kingdom, LoZ TOTK, I played 100 days of the legend of zelda: tears of the kingdom, I played 100 days of zelda, totk, I spent 100 days in tears of the kingdom
Id: GkcgfgwnvPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 45sec (6285 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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