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today on video Squad we're doing Total Wipeout this week the boys have taken on the infamous Total Wipeout Course they will be facing off on six different challenges to see who can complete all of them in the fastest time or if they can complete them at all as if a challenge is not finished within five minutes the competitor will get a dnf affecting their final score greatly welcome to Beta Squad Total Wipeout first up the sweeper which will determine the order of who races first let's start the sweeper oh my God no that's that's fast already Eminem everyone love take care I've been chunks [Music] yes let's go it seems that no one bar AJ beat the sweeper first of all chunks fell graciously [Music] then Kenny followed by Nico who almost made it but dropped in head first and Sharky meaning AJ is the only winner and the Order of contestants has been determined first to take the challenge chunks hi guys this sharks and I'm first up you just saw my drop there I'm not making it up guys this is actually the worst we've ever caught in my whole life so I want to say um I actually hate everyone I came with this concept it's time for chunks to begin starting at the Wipeout Hill to complete this challenge chunks must reach the end of the course and touch the bullseye in the middle oh no no you're all right he's all right all right touch the red in the middle in the middle yeah and with a questionable pace of 2 minutes 31 seconds on the first challenge chunks moves on to the Slinger sweeper where's the logic how does that make sense it seems like chunks fears have kicked in and he has frozen in place maybe some motivation from the side will help looks like the motivation didn't help at all chunks time is coming to an end man following that dnf up next chunks is approaching the hoop run where he'll have to make it through all four Hoops let's see if he can redeem himself here go run oh we should title this video and mine just stands for 20 minutes try make it through one five four three two one uh all right not enough next one chunks fear of heights and water is really weighing him down but will some wise words from Nico and AJ help him complete his run yeah sharks how you feeling I'm done bro I had mine yeah my first year to be honest and it's official chunks is out of the game all right guys I'm really sorry I generally did try I don't know it was as bad as I thought it was like you know my phobia my fear because I tried my best to jump in I just physically can do it maybe chunks would have been able to continue if he had something to keep him hydrated wait a minute what's that in AJ's hand you're probably thinking this is a nice water bottle well you're wrong this is not a water bottle this is the air up bottle which makes any regular water taste like any flavor you'd like without using any traditional additives that they use in other flavored drinks maybe if chunks took it air up before attempting his course he would have taken a step it does this by using a sense of smell to make your brain think the water's flavored all you have to do is fill up your bottle attach the scent pod and gently pull up to activate it and you could choose between many flavors within seconds you could be drinking Cherry Cola or raspberry lemon the best thing is you can get your air up bottle from the link in the description thanks again hair up for sponsoring this vid and next up we have someone who is also not only afraid of water and Heights but also cannot swim at all ladies and gentlemen King Kenny all right I'm going second I'm very cold I'm very nervous as I've got a phobia of water I can't swim but you know I'm going to try my best you know to win this course smoke this course like I'm going to smoke nudes in the tournament now as there's no judges to pay off Kenny goes straight towards Wipeout Hill to start his course in a straight line oh he's going he's going let's go okay why have you stopped no no you're flooding the whole thing all right come get me come get me come get me come get me I'm done no a slow start over three minutes on course one he really needs to speed it up come on is it high enough that's gonna get you flung it seems yet another beta Squad member has frozen in Terror ah this is so tough hi Kenny just try it it's just a pillow that's moving run run I can't do it yeah I can't do it well when you get here it's so hard history repeats itself a dnf hopefully Kenny doesn't throw in the towel like chunks in the hoop run the hoop run has begun for Kenny yes yes stop that's good they're gonna sleep that's the rest that's the red yay I mean technically Kenny failed as he didn't go through any Hoops but as he's scared of water we'll give him that and with Kenny completing the hoop run in two minutes 50 seconds he'll be the first to face the big red balls [Music] yeah good night now this fall greatly traumatized Kenny and he couldn't do any more so accepting the dnf we had to fish him out and bring him to the next challenge to try his luck on the pitchforks why does everyone do that just stare at the feet okay well like you could do this one think of the Homeland Nigeria is right there man alas his fears have come back to haunt him ten seconds can run go forward bro I can't do this one five four three two one well done came well done well done I don't know why they're saying well done as Kenny hasn't done anything another dnf under his belt but hopefully he will attempt the final challenge the wrecking balls Kenny just needs to touch the arrow bottle and he's done I feel sick if you feel sick get to the end and then you're done you're the best guy yeah worst case I'll jump in Saving you in two working days I can't do it but I feel sick I'm done just run leave my boy alone I can you made me proud Kenny should not have made anyone proud as the clock comes to an end and he has not moved a muscle okay fears are a real thing and Kenny is the first to have attempted the full run although attempt is an overstatement as he didn't move a thing acquiring a final time of 25 minutes let's see what he has to say about his performance started off well but then obviously my phobia of War got to me and I start to feel sick I just I couldn't finish it man honestly all right Kenny stop your moaning as it is now time for lanky man Nico so I'm actually starting third because I came third in the sweeper I would have liked to have studied the course more but unfortunately chunks and Kenny gave me nothing to work with so I'm gonna have to work out myself I'm gonna do this for the ndl let's hope I can get a good time and bring it home all right if Nico's turn and finally some content because I know he's gonna smash this [Music] [Applause] yeah come on let's play good stuff all right guys swim to the next obstacle then finally the action we've been waiting for five seconds to complete challenge one let's see if Nico keeps us up yep yep that's how you do it oh oh that's how you do it [Music] that's how you do it to the next floor in only 21 seconds Nico was the first to beat the swinger sweeper he's beating his competition by a mile if he keeps this up he may win the whole thing come on whoa whoa oh my God [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] that's doubtful downfall was the most animated form I've ever seen in my life now it's all heavy and stuff so that's how it goes through hold on Nicole you got this hold on hold on let's go [Applause] [Music] that's good Ola is incredible things shut down all right come on Nicole maybe take your time on this one oh [Laughter] no but you can yeah yeah yeah yeah there you go yes yes you put your land on each ball like that yeah you're good with balls man if you're trying to jump you need to go more forward oh yeah yeah if you can't stand on it right there yeah [Applause] are you gonna try again are you done oh is it gonna easy he's gonna run he's gonna run he's gonna no he's gonna run he's gonna run he's gonna run yeah [Music] when they're sprinting oh [Laughter] foreign balls remain undefeated as Nico gets his first dnf now it's on to the pitchforks [Applause] well that was easy another five seconds now on to Nico's final challenge the wrecking balls go get up you have to get up go go go go [Applause] Nico is the first to finish the course at an incredible time of 7 Minutes 53 but he's starting to get a bit cocky should I go back come back oh he's I'm just deep in it to me he could just do that [Laughter] you have to get up you can't lay down you can't lay down and that's what happens when you try to show off I don't know that's enough we'll have to wait and see I'm I'm happy with that score I wanted top 10 in my head so uh we managed to make it happen let's see what happens with the other guys though and by the other guys we mean the man who is literally named after a sea creature enough and even though my name might be Sharky I am not good in the water I can promise you that so let's go let's go ready go go go go go go go go oh run run run run run run run oh that's the right job get into the next steps to go let's go [Applause] [Laughter] no sharkina you know what you know what I don't feel sorry for you how about that every time I see him swim I just think what the context yeah yeah he told he jokes again you can't swim either yeah because basically us two are saying don't worry I feel the same exactly [Music] [Laughter] run run all right oh my God I thought he failed after four and a half minutes of struggle Sharkey completes the sweepers making his time so far to be just shy of five minutes can he make back time in the hoop run I wonder why is he going back and forth the hard thing is going through the Hoops you know through yeah Battle of those gold find the white sharks all right is your neck all right it's the big red bulls if Sharkey makes it he he could win [Music] Sharky you're gonna bounce off uh not that low Jesus Christ oh my God that scared me yeah hi good shots I feel sorry for him is he all right you're good shots yeah these balls are destroying everyone another dnf bringing Sharky over 11 minutes ruining his chances of victory let's see if he can secure a second place heading to the Pitchfork no no you've got your job about time yeah oh my God I forgot whoa 20 seconds I had that all on on yeah got that man 20 seconds wow all right go on oh well done are you going back I'm gonna try if I'm ready to go back take 10 seconds of my time oh fabulous oh no no no no hold on hold on [Laughter] I'm proud of myself for completing it well most of it but I got to the end but uh I didn't do as well as I thought I would very hard I can't believe good but not good enough Sharky got a time of 11 38 meaning Nico is still in the lead and our final contestant AJ shabile hi Mom I'm on to Wipeout I always love the show and now I'm on it I'm the only guy who didn't fall on the sweeper so I should win this your mom's not what you mean good luck AJ three two one [Music] two three four five six seven eight eight seconds do I get extra points for trick shots nope nope nope nope this is a Dude Perfect bro crazy oh hey oh this is super cool oh my God how did you do this I didn't all right all right good age there you go two little jumps oh okay that's crazy [Music] all right let's go ahead the fact is still on all right [Applause] all right what a beautiful Gala from The Young stallion with just over a minute on the clock let's see if he can keep these strides up in the hoop run let's go a head let's go ain't James let's go and now he's done now oh he's still hit it through what's wrong with this guy AJ what the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the fact he still has to fill in his nuts crazy I mean no but you have to go through the Hoops don't you I think you did he's come up yeah yeah go back through hey you go through that yeah go yeah finishing the hoop in record time AJ is on track to beating Nico's time and being the winner it really is neck and neck will he be able to beat the big red balls though I think this is where he's gonna flop you know if he completes this is one guaranteed like it like it like it like it doesn't sound like anything try a slow one yeah there we go I don't think about picnic is the one you know yeah hi AJ just Sprint what is wrong with you you're not gonna make that five seconds and you're drooling we're going number one yeah yeah hold on hold on hold on hold on idiot man yeah yeah [Music] all right no one in the Vegas board could beat the big red bulls the question is could you big red balls five beta Squad zero let's see how AJ does on the pitchforks go AJ let's go let's go AJ let's go screaming about this easy little spring oh you can hold on to it no way no ways it's slippery all right AJ run let's talk about this guy's back doesn't it pitchforks in under 50 seconds final challenge for AJ the wrecking balls if AJ completes this fast enough he could win the whole thing it's make or break time AJ's close to my time man run run that one John aren't you like that crazy eyes oh no no foreign the beta Squad have completed the Total Wipeout but the question is who completed it the fastest fifth place was chunks fourth place was Kenny with a time of 25 minutes third place was Sharkey with a time of 11 38 but I know what you're all thinking who was the winner well the last two AJ your time was eight minutes and 19 seconds the winner is Nico boys I just want to say one last thing guys AJ's obviously left he's crying but thank you everyone my name is Harry Pinero and I'm absolutely nervous can you hear us Harry yes I can Nicole what you don't know brother is we are actually the ones taking out the girls oh we've got a large wood oh I don't know you don't know is that an accident my situation is mental we've got a little camel there got a little cup he lost his mind
Channel: Beta Squad
Views: 8,036,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: total wipeout, beta, squad, aj, kenny, niko, sharky, chunkz, omilana, shabeel, kingkenny, challenge, total, wipeout, course, extreme, obstacle course, water course, wipe out
Id: r7C-G1Sp8p4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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