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today on beta Squad we're doing the best friend test here are the rules do we really know each other to find out we're going to be putting our friendship to the test we've been paired with our closest friend to find out how much we really know about each other teams will take turns in the best friend booths where they will find headphones and blindfolds so while one person cannot see or hear anything the other person will try to answer questions about them their answers are later revealed to show they are a real friend or a fake friend and the team that scores the highest points at the end wins a cash prize and the gift of friendship hey guys my name is darcus and I am in charge of this little shindig all right welcome to the first play we've got Philly inch [Applause] so Philly if you can describe your friendship with chunks in one word what would it be beautiful oh that's fine what's your fondest memory together I'd say soccer Aid okay and not not me scoring a go and celebrating the night before we had in a hotel before we played the match what happened it was just nice what you guys do in the hotel we had a gangbang no we spoke about life and how proud we was of each other and how much we love each other about you oh there's lots of memories I've added Philly I think maybe I'd say initially meet in Philly I know a lot of people know this I was a fan of Philly before I even started YouTube so the fact that we met and I just connections just we just clicked now it's one of my best friends all right chunks I'm going to need you to pop that headphone on put those blindfolds on and Billy you're gonna start let's see how well you know your friends really you got this you got this brother just want to say as well if you look watch the videos with me and chunks you know I don't know I know a lot about him but I forget Philly your first question is if chunks was to win a holiday to the Maldives and you could only take one person who would it be oh it's hard I'll give you a clue family yeah no do you know what can I be real first names that come to mind darkest illies I'm just gonna say Illy because we're going to be all day yes fair enough your second question what is the name of chunks's high school this one I'll be actually surprised if you didn't know wrong I can't even have a first letter no I can't give you none I'm sorry uh Brent High School [ __ ] yeah it's not ready Bren we're definitely not winning this money what would Trump say is his biggest fit come on you look what's the lineups on like a late Journey I'm gonna say hi yeah yeah turn off there was a video that we shot with a brand that I'm not going to say because they paid us for this one um he did not do the challenge all right Philly that's all of your questions um can we pause the music tags um yeah he answered all of them I'm gonna need you to to switch seats because it's Philly's turn all right guys as you can see uh Philly is zoning out to his just approved weight yeah he's out of the game yes all right cool chunks are you in the room you [ __ ] you're so loud you always scream all right I just want to get something off my chest before we start to anyone else want to get someone off their chest yeah get up there as well when you watch this video please brush your teeth yeah thanks every video you're laughing but your breath smells 100 bags freestyle was dead I've got some time when I tell you a song to smash hit and they want to hit my mother guys guys there's actually no need uh chunks it's your turn what is Philly's family dog called pimpan yeah King Kong ping pong ping pong it's p-i-n ping pong without the G's oh wow pinball I haven't seen them in a long time yeah ping pong is an ugly dog it's so old as well next question what year did Philly move to the UK that's a good one that's a good one how are you gonna know that now I feel like you would have had the conversations yeah family came what we came from uh Colombia his family's from Pereira that's not the question that's not the question yeah his family's from where the guy who two thousand foreign [Laughter] we're one of them sorry sorry change the song quick because it's gone lower you're not shut up for a sec fair enough well it's over now anyways oh is it done yeah all right guys that is the end of your round let's see how well you've done so chunks we are silly if you could take one person to the Maldives who would it be I don't even know the answer what am I gonna do the emotional I want to say my mum no I'm not me bro but wait it's getting stupid though because he's thinking like too deep I'm gonna say Ilyas I'm too late you said am I gonna say my mom and Philly goes no man no he's not volume as well you want to be realistic that's a hard question so you said should I say his mom or should I say Ilias my best friend knows me man okay he does yeah it's the next question we asked Philly was what is the name of Traxxas High School what is the name of your high school brother what was yours technology yeah technology Brent High School he's an idiot man I've told you so many times the next question we asked Philly chunks what would chunk say is his biggest fit what is your biggest fish [Applause] I see it in your Facebook I mean I felt like the first one and me and Kenny hate Rick exactly so Philly we asked trunks what is Philly's family job called people [Applause] gonna leave out the answer he also said it's a small dog the next question we asked trunks was what year did Philly move to the UK what year did he move to the UK Phil I don't know the year what what you like helped me work out the year I'm 27 I got here when I was two oh okay yeah 2004. he's fine last question Phil we asked chunks what is Philly's bodycon Philly if you just had to give a rough estimate of what your body count is oh my god um really you know just dig deep through the memories you have and uh yeah yeah 12 times [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] all right guys up next we've got the next pair Nico and Candace [Applause] these are the winners the win is right here amongst all of us they've had the longest Friends James roll the Tweet crazy sweet that's how we became friends he tweeted me I saw one of his videos where he was cracking the eggs on his head to laugh it was hilarious Oh my days in the video thank you thank you yeah with a little hope maybe you two can shut the [ __ ] up all right uh who wants to go first you bastard where we're sitting don't ever the tone sorry put on the headphones and applied for Nick please all right Kenny what's up your first question is what size feet is Nico Jesus Christ um he's got clown feet man his feet are like boats so I'm gonna say size 13. so I I got scared you guys are violating me what fragrance does Nico wear I know this one I know how the [ __ ] am I meant to know that you lived with him to say the answer bro Creed oh yeah okay final answer oh yeah yeah yeah it's not even confirmed yet what is Nico's star sign well I know when he was born in his birthday so okay Pisces to Taurus or that March the fourth okay that's not the question though 98 not the question I believe March is the Pisces gang okay those are all your my boy man look out how do you do we'll tell you at the end Nico it's your turn you're feeling confident I'm I'm nervous all right let's just get into it then first question yeah what is Kenny's date of birth March 20th 1997. bang a man's asking for dog AJ what's my what's my date of birth you lost it there we go it's not set up Nico your second question what is Kenny's favorite pizza topping use AJ as a landscape I feel like I want to say like chicken but I'm just gonna go simple it's a bit racist isn't it I'm just gonna say Margarita that's not a topping that's a type of pizza his favorite topping I'll say okay yeah no fair enough as long as you say the same to him chicken last question yeah what would Kenny say his biggest achievement is I'd say the The Temper moment if it didn't get overturned but I'm going to go with a million subscribers yeah you've just lost [Laughter] all right he answered all of the questions how you feeling confident um so Nico we asked Kenny what size feet is Nico what size foot are you I got very big feet clown feet there was no need to say clown feet but I'm size 13. let's go let's go all right this is this is where it gets a bit sticky we asked Kenny what fragrance does Nico wear Nico what do you usually wear I was nervous with this one I can't like oh my gosh that's too much okay I wear Creed I wear [Music] um there's that one which chunks violated before and I felt so bullied what one did Kenny say I'm gonna go with Creed [Applause] means to him right now all my life you smell good smells good man lips the last question we asked Kenny is what is Nico's star sign can you confirm what your star sign is brother I don't believe in that witchcraft no one does uh please my star sign is the same as Kenny star sign laughs [Applause] [Music] uh you gave them easy questions I'm like hey but those questions are wild okay Kenny oh this is gonna be heartbreaking if you don't know me I'm gonna cry I know you I'm about to find out we asked Nico what is Kenny's date of birth oh come on bro I didn't say you got it wrong with beta Squad 20th of March 1997. give yourself give each other a hug give each other a hugs what's the next one yeah can you [ __ ] wait why was your first fight rigged Kenny the second question we asked Nico was what is Kenny's favorite pizza topping I mean when I'm in cam I don't eat pizza but I I would say uh pepperoni and can I just say everyone no way but that's when I'm not income okay he said chicken your answer was pet no look wait when you when dark has just said to Kenny chicken you went yeah that's Paul see it's cool though it's cool so Kenny we are Snickers what would Kenny say his biggest achievement is let's find that out now what is your biggest achievement Ken I would say uh my boxing match in March Wembley Arena 101 and then it got over 10 but still just having that moment with my friends celebrating the win was amazing oh that's right should I say my answer as well my answer was it would have been The Temper match if it didn't get it I swear what did you get for his birthday in the moment they got my drawing yeah and he literally said that's his Best Time Ever yeah all right guys up next we've got AJ and Sharky run [Applause] so uh Sharkey if you could describe your friendship with AJ in one word what would it be awesome you can just get over it well he doesn't even let me hug him sir I don't even know are you making it deep huh [Laughter] put your headphones on bro sorry sorry there's one thing I want to do just before we get started I've always wanted to give AJ a hug but he never wants to hug him [Applause] [Laughter] he's been listening to this first question yeah I love this one what is AJ's favorite drink I know he loves it I don't know if he's going to try and name the specific flavor that's too much man yeah Blast Mountain Dew what is AJ's favorite game to play I should notice when he's playing everything every day he plays it I'm gonna go for a game I've never played I've only ever known no reason I know it's because I know he plays it and that's called Valor Valor last question for you Sharky yep what is AJ's pet hate people who I don't know people that touch him he doesn't like being touched AJ eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight eight just maybe tap him Sharky I reckon that will help there we go and he's back in the room AJ chabill who is Sharky's favorite ever football player oh I know this I know this I know this I actually know this that's easy easy question you're not free I don't listen to my friends when they speak Tierra Henry [Laughter] [Applause] have to get that right oh my gosh I lost these songs foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] he ain't getting that ladies and gentlemen oh the answer for that one is Zendaya oh yeah don't play with me she's got a boyfriend don't play with me Tom Holland who shot shut up so AJ yes sir we are Sharky what is AJ's favorite drink can you confirm what your favorite drink is my guy easy yeah Mountain D yeah today all right the second question I asked uh Sharkey was what is your favorite game to play can you confirm what your favorite game is to play Sharky went with Iva OverWatch or Valor yeah choose one OverWatch every day sorry sorry the last question I asked Sharky is uh what is AJ's pet peeve oh we know what it is though if there's one thing I don't like yeah if it's one thing it's people touching hugging me [Applause] okay the first question we asked AJ sure Wills Is who is Sharky's favorite ever football player Sergio biscuit [Laughter] what was Sharky's latest upload on his main channel can you confirm with that house please oh uh football challenges [Applause] yeah sharks confirmed who is yourself I want to go for this one when I made public for years and please let me know let me know when you're in London we can have a chat yeah coach yeah you've got a boyfriend all right guys it is the grand finale we have got shark here and AJ versus Kenny and Nico Philly and chunk specters yeah yes well fantastic fantastic we'll take it let's pick pairs yeah we don't do um too well so we're just uh watching it I had you guys to win without further ado you ready I'm ready let's go all right cool would surely rather would surely rather start a football Academy or Arsenal win the Champions League whoever did this is uh so football Academy is his own thing yeah like he's getting his own football Academy which is I think his long-term yeah okay so Sharky three two one put it up on an afternoon would Sharky rather Arsenal win the trouble or B beta Squad hit 10 million subscribers that's tough now we're gonna see if he's real or not he can't faster guys I'm gonna need you to both put something up in three two one [Music] let's go oh thanks donkey though man good heart man and the fact that you doubt your best friend like that is crazy no real awesome last question how many siblings does Sharky have is it a five b six yeah AJ don't know that he's not attentive enough the number that I had in my head is not in the list [Laughter] seven six five four three two one yeah [Applause] so moving on to AJ's life now sharks you ready yeah pressure's on would AJ rather give up fizzy drinks or give up delivery two things he lives off by the way five four three two one why would he give up delivery he needs food give away the food awesome he orders frizzy drinks on delivery do you not remember when AJ said because he obviously just turned 29. this is when I turned 29. yeah he says everybody every year yeah but he stops for like two days would AJ rather never hit a million subscribers or never play video games again talk about it properly man this one's tough this was tough three two one [Applause] what does AJ prefer missionary [Laughter] you're in there how many siblings does AJ have is it a four or B5 put up what did you say for you there's five of you how do you not know what you don't know how many siblings you have I thought the question was how many of us are there [Laughter] I thought I was sick again I was like what the hell yeah of course well I don't even know how much siblings I have so Darkness what's the scores on the doors [Laughter] all right guys we've got Nico and Kenny you guys confident we've won already oh wow that is confident all right so three is the score to be with Nicola have his YouTube account permanent Mrs Brendan oh B never leave the UK again oh my God they're never leaving the UK three two one [Music] [Laughter] three two one Round of Applause how many siblings does Nico have is it A4 or B5 so a is four B is five blacks bro two one let's go did I get it right yes [Applause] all right guys all you need is pretty much one more one more answer correct I reckon you give him the point back you're playing with fire brother so they've got four points you've got three questions left all you need is two of the next three how would you make it harder for yourself would Kenny rather hey fight Floyd Mayweather for a mill or B win two mil cash for nothing oh that is tough two one what do you put what do you put what do you put [Applause] [Applause] would Kenny rather quit YouTube including beta squad or B quit boxing oh that's fine so unfair three two one lift up [Music] oh my God oh my God grace is down to the last question really YouTube's a longevity bro boxing a few years you think you've been a quick beta Squad what I'm gonna fight you everything is great all right guys Championship rounds oh my God it is crunch time I love you Kenny man I love you no matter what if I get this wrong just know that I love you no I love you more than you love me I got three out of three it's borderline creepy yeah for real weirdo how many siblings does Kenny have is it a 11 or B 13. and let me help you understand how many siblings does he have the people probably viewing houses yes they were busy yeah it does 10 nine seven five three two one guys [Applause] [Laughter] Play the trailer today on beta Squad we're doing a spelling bee xylophone is this island n e c f a t i g fatigue
Channel: Beta Squad
Views: 3,081,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best friend, friend test, best friend tag, challenge, quiz, beta squad, chunkz, yung filly, darkest man, niko omilana, aj shabeel, king kenny, sharky, best friend challenge
Id: avf3wH_4ejw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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