Useful Business Expressions to Sound More Professional

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- Today, I'm gonna talk to you about some business expressions that we use all the time. That's coming up. The expressions that I'm going to teach you today are used quite often. These are business expressions that we use no matter whether we work in an office, a restaurant, a school. These expressions are universal. So, let's begin. The first expression is this one, ASAP, A-S-A-P. It's an acronym that stands for as soon as possible. We say this when we really want to express urgency that we need something immediately. You might hear somebody saying, I need this thing ASAP or you could say all four letters, means the same thing. I need it A-S-A-P, right now, immediately, ASAP. - A-S-A-P, that means now. - Call me back ASAP. - I want you outta here A-S-A-P. - I'll get that to you A-S-A-P. - Darryl and I need to see you in his office ASAP. - So you can all get in your constructive compliments A-S-A-P. - Sergeant, let me know who's available ASAP. - The next business expression is to go the extra mile. This means that someone is doing more than expected and they're making a special effort to achieve some goal. Someone can go the extra mile. - I go the extra mile. - Never let it be said I do not go the extra mile for a client. - It's always good to go the extra mile and if you want to go the extra mile when it comes to learning English and improving your skills, I suggest that you check out Lingoda who was kind enough to sponsor today's lesson. If you don't already know about Lingoda, let me tell you a little bit about them. They offer online language lessons with qualified native speaking teachers and they also offer a lot of flexibility because you can take group classes or you could even take private classes as well. I've even used Lingoda myself and took some Spanish classes and it was a great experience. Lingoda offers a lot of different options when it comes to learning English, but now they're offering lessons in Business English, which is what I wanna talk to you a little bit more about. But before I do, I think it's important that we look at the big picture. That just happens to be another great business expression, look at the big picture. To look at the big picture means to look at a situation as a whole and that you are able to see all of the important facts. In different situations, you might hear somebody say we need to look at the big picture or somebody might tell someone else, like I was telling you, I think you need to look at the big picture. - You know, just step back for one minute and look at the big picture. - So, let's look at the big picture right now. These Business English lessons are gonna really help you unlock your potential in the workplace and take your English to the next level because you're going to feel more comfortable speaking English with co-workers or even customers. You're also gonna feel a bit more confident the next time you go in for that job interview or you have to give that presentation. And you'll also feel more capable when it comes time to write that important email or even make that important phone call. Now, if you're worried about fitting these lessons into your schedule, don't worry. You can start now or any time in the future and book classes around your schedule. Weekends, evenings, mornings, no problem. It's up to you because Lingoda offers classes 24/7 and that is another useful business expression. 24/7, it means 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A person might use this if they're talking about their availability and say you can contact me 24/7. Or a business might use this to say that they are open all the time, 24/7. - And it goes, the park is open 24/7. - So, enrolling in this course will give you 90 group classes over six months. That's a lot of learning. And if you wanna try it out and see if it's right for you, you can even take a free trial class. The cost of the 90 classes is as follows. So, for 90 classes, let's just do the math real quick. That's only 11 Euro per class. That's a great investment and that's exactly what this is. You're investing in yourself. But because you are learners of interactive English, Lingoda is offering you a discount of 50 Euro or $50. When you sign up, you just need to use the voucher code, InteractiveBE, BE like Business English. InteractiveBE and you will get a discount of 50 Euro or $50. For more information on everything I just said, check out the link in the description and use that voucher code to get your discount. What are you waiting for? It's time to get the ball rolling and that is our next expression. To get the ball rolling means to do something to start an activity. You're basically saying let's begin. Often, you would hear someone just say let's get the ball rolling or it's time to get the ball rolling. - Let's get the ball rolling. - I'll tell you what I think just to get the ball rolling. - And to get the ball rolling, I will tell you the darkest secrets. - The next expression, pass the buck. When someone passes the buck, they are basically shifting responsibility to someone else. They're passing the buck. We use this at work when we're talking about someone who they don't wanna do their work and they want to shift responsibility to another co-worker and they would pass the buck. - I think you're passing the buck. ♪ There's always someone higher up ♪ ♪ Where you can pass the buck ♪ - Try not to pass the buck. It's not good, you're not gonna make friends that way. One of my favorite expressions is back to the drawing board or you could also say back to square one. What this means is that you are admitting that an idea or a proposal has been unsuccessful and that you have to just start over again and create a new idea. Start new, start fresh, go back to the drawing board. - Go back to the drawing board. - Oh well, back to the drawing board. - Back to the drawing board. - At work, in business this happens all the time. We do different things, it's unsuccessful and we can just say, you know, it's time to go back to the drawing board. The next expression is red tape. This is used to express that there is just an excessive amount of bureaucracy. There are just too many rules that a person or a business has to follow. - It's gonna be hot and heavy. I didn't want a bunch of bureaucratic red tape. - I'm not letting this get derailed by red tape. - Tried to get some, but it would've taken months to clear up the red tape. - Most of the time when you hear this, it's talking about government. People use it to say that there's just too much bureaucracy and government. You want to do something, you have to go through all this red tape. It can be pretty annoying. Another expression, which is one of my favorites is I need it yesterday. As a statement, it's gonna sound confusing, but when somebody says this they really want to show a sense of urgency that something needs to happen right now. Actually, it should have already been done, which is why they would say I need it yesterday. - I need to know it yesterday. - Pick it up and bring it to the hospital. We need it yesterday. - Maybe you're talking to a co-worker or even your boss and you say, when should I have that ready for you? They might be a little upset and say I need it yesterday. You should've already done this thing. So, if your boss tells you I need it yesterday, you better do it ASAP. Another great expression which is also a statement that you would just say to somebody is I'm afraid I didn't get that. The reason why I think this is so useful is because it's a way of clarifying information especially when you're talking on the phone. So, if you're speaking to somebody on the phone and they're telling you something and maybe you're trying to write it down and it's going too fast, you could say, I'm afraid I didn't get that. - I'm sorry, I didn't get most of that. - I'm sorry, I didn't quite get that. - So, if you're on the phone and you want to clarify the information that somebody is giving you, then you could just say, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I didn't get that. If you enjoyed learning these business expressions and you feel like you've learned something new, please hit that like button. Also, don't forget to check out the link in the description if you'd like to get the ball rolling and really improve your Business English. Use that voucher code, InteractiveBE to get your discount. Thanks so much for watching and I'll see you next time.
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 35,228
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Keywords: Learn English Free, Learn English Online, interactive english, advanced listening activity, vocabulary lesson, learn english vocabulary, business english, learn business expressions, business phrases, useful business expressions, how to sound professional, business expressions to sound professional, business idioms, learn business english, lingoda, lingoda business english, asap meaning, red tape meaning, pass the buck meaning, 24/7 meaning, business words in english
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 16 2018
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