15 Best PS4 Games That Are Always IGNORED

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I’m going to write a longer post about my personal experience with Sleeping Dogs and how it quite literally made my time during COVID go a lot easier. But it’s nice to see people still talking about it. I’m glad they made it the videos thumbnail

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hey we do a countdown list like this every so often so we want to talk about 15 great playstation 4 games that are often ignored now to some of you hardcore fans out there you may have heard of a lot of these games but statistically a lot of people haven't or just haven't shown it enough love so we want to highlight some games that have truly been kind of forgotten over the years or were brushed under the rug when they were released whatever just some underrated games we've really enjoyed on ps4 we've got 15 of them so let's get started off with number 15. abzu is the first game from developers giant squid which is made up of some of the people that made journey so if you're a fan of journey you'll probably really like its younger cousin this abzu it's more of an experience than anything else just like journey you play as a diver who's swimming around this vast ocean interacting with different ocean life and solving some light puzzles there's a bit of a narrative weaved into as you kind of learn more about this ancient civilization that was wiped out but it's all really vague and nice you're also working to restore life to certain areas of the water that have been kind of harvested by these mysterious ocean pyramids the game is really just a sight to see it's very colorful and busy and is best played in a very dark room because of the way the game just kind of will illuminate the room it's just a really cool experience especially with the music done by the legendary austin wintery just like journey it's a very calm and relaxing experience which is something that we always appreciate here sometimes if you were a fan of journey or maybe a fan of the pathless or something like that giant squid's more recent ps5 exclusive this is definitely worth giving a go now over at number 14 on the more mainstream side alien isolation is actually one of the best alien games ever made but it's the one still the least talked about in this you play as ripley's daughter and you're tasked with sneaking your way around while being hunted by a xenomorph and it can be pretty terrifying and just a lot of fun considering the horror game first person trope of being hunted by something has kind of played out alien isolation managed to breathe some new life into it with just the whole alien universe the vibe the aesthetic the gadgets you use tension the atmosphere there's also a lot of encounters with androids too which is pretty cool the game makes really good use of darkness too it's a looker and it's satisfying to play and to be honest we always just hope this game gets more attention because it deserves it and also because we want more alien games like this please less alien games like colonial marines more like alien isolation next over at number 13 we have sleeping dogs definitive edition this is a game that was released actually in the late xbox 360 ps3 era but got spiffed up cleaned up re-releases on newer consoles and god damn if you've been watching game ranks for a long time we've talked this game up sleeping dogs is absolutely phenomenal in terms of an open world crime game there is a good story focus you are an undercover hong kong police officer deep in the world of crime and essentially you gotta punch a lot of dudes the game world is tighter and more intricate than you would expect from the time period but it makes for just such a different feel in terms of car chases foot chases and combat scenarios which the combat scenarios always emphasize fists and weapons over bullets and guns and that makes a hell of a difference because it's really cool to use the environment to your advantage like throwing a dude down an elevator shaft or kicking a dude into a garbage can or telephone booth or anything like that it is satisfying from beginning to end graphically it still holds up and it's worth checking out if you've never gotten your hands on it now is the time because it's probably super cheap next over at number 12 we have guilty gear xrd rev 2. this game is a must especially if you're a fighting game fan if you like street fighter king of fighters stuff like that if you haven't tried this one you're definitely in for a treat this game puts so much attention into the small details too it's it's really well tuned for latency frame counting during animations balance among characters tight controls gameplay all of that stuff is really there and it's what you're looking for if you're hardcore plus it also really goes above and beyond to teach you how to play with tutorials that teach you just not the combos and stuff but the actual strategies to beat specific techniques or specific characters or types of players there's a group of people out there that consider this one of the best fighting games they've ever played which is crazy considering you just do not hear this game brought up in more mainstream circles you always hear about the bigger players you don't often hear about guilty gear also if you are more of a casual player it's worth pointing out also that the art design is just amazing so if you're just looking to have some fun and play a really cool looking fighting game you have that here too it's just a really good game that deserves way more attention and way more love from the gaming community at large it's just good next over at number 11 in a similar vein kingdom come deliverance another game that released two pretty okay reviews all around but it found a community that absolutely loved it and embraced it and has held on for a bunch of updates and has been enjoying the game for years me personally at first i wasn't too hot on the game but as years progressed i have come to appreciate the community behind it that really appreciates the attention to realism detail the slower pace all that can just truly be magical especially if that's just what you are looking for there are some people out there that really just want this very specific level of realism in their games and just how the gameplay works and kingdom come deliverance is that if you like the middle ages and you love knights and swords and all that but with a bit more emphasis on realism kind of like with that classic pc style rpg stuff check out kingdom come deliverance next over at number 10 we have bloodstained ritual of the night now for those that don't know this was that game that was funded by kickstarter and was being led by the former producer of the castlevania series koji igarashi now gameplay wise to be reductive it's similar to symphony of the night type castlevania stuff it follows your typical metroidvania template side scrolling fighting bosses and learning new abilities that you can now use to open up new parts of areas that you've already explored you know how it goes you know it also has somewhat of a gothic vibe which is pretty cool if you want to call it that and bloodstain also has two other games in the canon made by a different dev team curse of the moon and curse of the moon too which are also very good worth mentioning here and very much like the more classic castlevania games so no matter what type of vaynia you prefer there is something in this blood stain series for you to check out and give some love it is one of the bigger games on this list uh we do actually expect this series and this whole brand to continue and we're looking forward to it frankly now over at number nine firewall zero hour this is a cool one this is a four versus four tactical shooter for playstation vr this is the one that kind of surprised us here because it was pretty good for a psvr title we're all big fans of vr here but you know no offense we don't always expect too much of psvr titles considering the lower power but this is definitely like rainbow six inspired and way more tactical than your typical call of duty type shooter it also uh supports the aim controller which is like one of the best vr peripherals you can get it's cool that you have another reason other than just for farpoint the tracking is also pretty impressive seeing that the move controllers aren't the best vr controllers out there it also looks pretty damn good for a psvr title as well there's just a lot of fun to be had here especially with friends if you can get them in on it because it does require coordination between teammates and that's what makes it the most fun it feels like almost like the old days of socom in the old days of rainbow six but in vr and if that's not a good pitch i don't know what is next over at number eight titanfall 2 now we know people know about and very much love titanfall 2 as they should but honestly we just want to talk about it titanfall to titanfall 2 was a pretty drastic jump not in gameplay that almost stayed the same in a lot of ways but the biggest change was the addition of a real single player campaign the first one had a narrative that was like woven into the multiplayer and didn't really work at all titanfall 2 absolutely nailed it it was almost like a buddy cop story except your buddy is a big ass robot with giant guns and swords the story itself is honestly kind of whatever but it moves along it's super entertaining kind of like an action movie and the combat is just so so good that it makes the game really that much better while running and sliding around just makes you feel like an action hero and the campaign isn't very long to be honest but it's really well paced and there's a bunch of interesting scenarios throughout the multiplayer is also great a lot of it is essentially what inspired apex legends but really more than anything titanfall 2 has probably one of the best time travel bits in a single player campaign that we've seen in quite a while we just think that campaign more than anything is worth experiencing and if you always were kind of skeptical now the game is always so cheap on sale you see this game almost practically for free so seriously check out titanfall 2 if you haven't over at number seven another more aaa budget but still under appreciated game prey now yes it's not really like the original prey or the original prey 2 that was hyped up for years but ultimately cancelled and then they made this but still this is a very creative and cool game i would say if you like pc style first person games or something like dishonored prey might be up your alley it's more of a thinking man's first person shooter because it's not really a shooter what they do here from the gameplay mechanics to the actual level design to just the sci-fi stuff that they built here it's really unique and very satisfying but i will say it's very much for a specific type of player you're going to either really love this game or kind of be indifferent about it still consider thinking about it check it out next over at number six we have odin sphere left the razer i never know if i'm saying that exactly right but this is a remake of the 2007 original game and it's one of the best 2d side-scrolling action rpgs that you can find at first glance it might look like the same game because it preserves its art style and overall presentation but it enhances almost every aspect like its rpg systems the new combat and spells and more like the fact that it now runs at a locked 60 fps this really changes the experience especially in combat it's an epic norse adventure about five heroes trying to stop the apocalypse and fighting enemies that maybe have their own justified motives too it can be pretty interesting it's just a really great game with a great story great gameplay and a cool visual style next over at number five a plague tale innocence this is another one of those not triple a but not indie double a type experiences that is just a really cool adventure of two young children making their way through a plague ridden land you play as the older sister trying to escort the younger brother you have to kind of manage him sometimes alongside doing puzzles avoiding enemies being chased and even some light combat scenarios it's a pretty well-rounded and well-paced experience with emotion some challenge beautiful visuals and incredible almost shocking art design i put out the before you buy video for when this game first released i really can't recommend it enough especially if you like stuff like hellblade send you a sacrifice please check out a plague tale innocence next up at number four we're going to talk about mad max the kind of but not really tie-in game to fury road now we're big advocates for this game over here it flew under a lot of people's radar because it came out on the same day as metal gear solid 5 the phantom pain i mean no offense to mad max but come on you know more people are going to jump on a metal gear solid game but hey don't miss it mad max was a blast it uses arkham style melee combat which is really satisfying but it's a bit slower paced and a bit more challenging and there's also really cool fun car combat it's simple but effective and you're constantly upgrading max and his car and the visual upgrades are nice too and so you see max and your car looking cooler and cooler but you actually get benefits the light rpg elements are really cool the open world is also pretty unique it's fairly big and it's unique in the sense of it being visually stunning and fun to explore even though it's just an empty wasteland which is impressive how they did that mad max is always on sale it's always cheap and if you're looking for a good fun open world game to kick about in check it out moving on down to number three we have what remains of edith finch this is a first person exploration game where you play as a member of the finch family who returns to the finch family home after some time away and some weird [ __ ] goes down the finch family suffers from a curse that kills all but one family member of each generation in a very weird and out their way with one family member left to continue the family line you explore the finch house and look around everyone's room and experience how everyone died their rooms are kind of set up like shrines or something and it's kind of eerie the story is really cool and experimental and unique and we've really never played anything like it it hooks you almost immediately too so if you like narrative heavy games like gone home or something like that this is possibly worth diving into down to number two the evil within two is often neglected and not brought up enough in conversations it really improved upon the original game in a lot of ways kind of did its own thing fell back on some normal game conventions twisted some others on their heads and it was just a good fun accessible horror experience if you like a little action if you like gross enemy types and weird survival horror mechanics and of course just lots and lots of violence and some open-ended levels the evil within two might be worth checking out if you haven't already especially because it's another game on this list hate to be a broken record but it ends up on super super cheap discounts so you can check it out for like nothing and if you get a game for like five bucks you know you think hey what the hell and evil within two is definitely one of those now down to number one we're going to stand up for what's right and mention the order 1886. this one is completely forgotten totally left out of the conversation because there was a lot of negative perception when it was first released back in the early days of playstation 4 because it's criminally short it's a very short game and by the time it feels like it really gets going it stops but now that the game is usually always on sale for well under 20 dollars we want to die on this hill and say that this game is actually pretty cool vampires werewolves alternate 1800s sci-fi there's so much cool stuff going on here with some solid fairly simple third-person combat some spooky elements some very good visual designs and honestly an experience unlike anything else on the playstation 4. and yet after this game released it was quickly forgotten so like now if you get it on a really good sale we think your purchase is justified and it's worth experiencing because it's really cool i don't care that everybody hates me that i like it i'm gonna gush about it damn it but we also got some bonus games to mention real quick before we go first alienation the legend of heroes trials of cold steel 3 i the somnian files and fist of the north star lost paradise these are some games that we don't think get enough love so we just wanted to talk about them real quick although this is kind of a kicking off point because there are so many other games that could have made this list so we want to hear from you guys in the comments what games often get ignored what games don't get enough love that you really enjoyed playing on ps4 i can think of somebody off the top of my head immediately gravity rush stuff like that so let's hear from you guys down there if you enjoyed this video and maybe you were convinced about a game clicking the like button is the best way you can help us out we would really appreciate that and if you're new consider subscribing maybe hitting that notification bell because we'll put out videos every single day but hey as always thanks for watching we'll see you guys next time
Channel: gameranx
Views: 659,929
Rating: 4.9003334 out of 5
Keywords: underrated ps4 games, underrated playstation 4 games, ps4 games that are ignored, best sleeper hits ps4 games, underrated open world ps4 games, underrated ps4 rpgs, underrated ps4 fps games, gameranx, jake baldino
Id: cGSq5xz9WWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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