20 INSANE Little Details In Recent Games

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this year was a year full of games with vibrant interactive worlds hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks 20 insane little details from games in 2019 starting off with number 20 call of duty modern warfare had a very high level of detail but some of the most specific details are in the guns magazines are saved if they have ammo they're thrown away if they don't when you get the sleight-of-hand perk it's not just to speed up of the animation your character reloads faster and it's a different animation at least for a few guns there's obviously some guns where it doesn't make sense to do that for but you're molotovs actually drip them for a1 magazine actually raises while the gun reloads there's actually a ton of little weapons details like this and the list goes on moving on a number 19 but still talking about call of duty modern warfare is not just weapons it's the environmental details things like when your character is aiming they close an eye which is not really that big of a deal but when you see it you're just like all that fits in so much better other environmental details include objects like if you melee a folding chair just right you can actually fold it up which is not something that had to be possible at all like if you shoot a soccer ball it doesn't have to deflate I don't think people are gonna complain but when it does it's just like this really went the extra mile fans stop the canisters explode it's not just that you can do these things to the environment because obviously other games have done that before but it really does a convincing job not only in the physics interactions but the animations and at number 18 Star Wars Jedi fall in order of course has tons of little details for you to find that's all most part of the point of the game in fact all the little wildlife you see that aren't enemies or have any gameplay purpose these little rabbit prairie dog things that watch you from a distance before they're running away or this big lizard in the background or these giant bird things on Kashyyyk they don't serve any purpose but they really make the world feel alive and it's not just because they're there it's obviously because they were done well they're great if you look at them they're actually awesome also another small detail if you've ever looked at the outfit that prof. is wearing you'll notice that there's a piece of car exhaust on his breastplate it's like a pipe flange with an actual gasket on it anybody who's ever had a really loud car exhaust and has actually done something about it themselves knows exactly what that is and it's really neat to see them do something like what they did with the original films which is use real-world objects moving on to number 17 is pokemon sword and shield this is a little detail I just think it's fun and funny you can kind of do a little dance by spinning the control stick in Pokemon camps you can crouch and press the right stick and get a better look at your Pokemon whistling attract strong Pokemon makes weaker ones run generally but some Pokemon are just normally scared of you so you have to sneak up on them and catch on them there's just a bunch of little weird things that feel like oh this is a bit more of an ally of world that you actually have to interact with in various ways and at number 16 deaths training doing all of the weird hand motions while you're in the safe room like he makes faces and the mirror he winks at the player makes signals at the player like let's go let's go do a thing it's really personable like the stuff that he does and it adds this layer of real humanity and personality to something that is kind of a menu screen and it's hard for me to understand how much I really like that element of the moving on to number 15 but not moving on from death stranding the otter hood this is a weird detail not really something that you would find in real life the otter hood is something you can get from Conan O'Brien yes that Conan O'Brien which gives you the ability to swim better but not just swim better the ability to swim like an otter which is just extremely goofy and very Hideo Kojima like and did I mention you get it from Conan O'Brien because that's a normal thing and at number 14 another DEATH stranding one you can interact with this world in so many crazy ways like using ladders as normal using a motorcycle is normal but have you ever placed two ladders next to each other and use them like a bridge for your motorcycle like this wasn't I particularly liked because there's a lot of times in that game where you're like just a little bit frustrated with that motorcycle don't get me wrong it's nice but I think there are little elements of like semi torture in that game and I think that the times that motorcycle is one so if you're stuck somewhere try out the ladder trick moving on to 13 is second row shadows died twice obviously the combat in this game is awesome and quite detailed some people have likened it to a rhythm game in some ways but I know a fun little thing you can do which is very videogame II and also just a fun little detail you can wave your sword over an open flame which will set it on fire and allow it to deal fire damage for a set duration it's gonna be very useful because fire damage can be very useful moving on to number 12 and this is probably going to sound a bit like a weird one but all the live-action cutscenes and control just have this feeling of depth that I just didn't expect at all and I think that they lend an element of reality to a game that is just concerned enough with reality to create a really cool environment now particularly the threshold kids segments I'm not gonna spoil anything but if you get to it you'll know what I mean number 11 sticking with control the optional bosses completely optional you don't have to do them at all if you don't want to but they're bizarre they're basically like kaleidoscope monsters if that makes any sense I know it doesn't really but I mean that's kind of the whole aesthetic of the game it's embodied really well in these truly bizarre bosses and I don't know why I love them so much but they are a ton of fun at least sometimes other times they're really a big bother but I would say it depends more on what mood I'm in then if they're cool kaleidoscope monsters cuz they always are moving on to number 10 a couple of Resident Evil details for instance zombies falling apart when shot in usually fairly disgusting ways that game just does a very good job with soft tissue but that in mind when you play as tofu I think his details are probably the best in the game although they're obviously not scary in any way it's just funny when he runs and jiggles around and how when he gets damaged chunks of tofu are gone you basically know how alive you are by how much of you there is I'm just gonna go ahead and say tofu is a lot of fun and I wanted to talk about him and then think of this little detail gas prices in the Resident Evil 2 remake there from 1998 gas has not been that price since then dollar sakes come on moving on at number nine in Luigi's Mansion 3 there is a button called the Mario button when you press the Mario button Luigi shouts out for Mario it serves no other purpose than that but it's just a little personality detail that I think really works because it's kind of fun dear Luigi cowardly yell out for Mario at any given time it is definitely not useful but I am also a big fan of little personality details like this moving on to number eight but sticking with Luigi's Mansion three something I didn't expect to be in the game but I'm really stoked is how much level of destruction the environments take the previous games you just knock around a lot of dust and things would shake but on this one you kind of get the true ghostbusters experience where a room before you fight a ghost does not look vaguely similar to that same room after it's just that so much stuff you can smash break damage etc that it really adds another layer to the game moving on to number seven is Metro Exodus which this is one that's kind of a little bit of a pet peeve of mine in other games a lot of the time when you hit somebody with a car in a game you don't get anything you get like a rumble or a sound Metro Exodus when you run over enemies they will splat on the windshield and that's good because enemies aren't just gonna go under your car's single time you hit them and let's say you do make it so an enemy goes over your car when you hit them with it they're not going to do that on your windshield for the most part number six is Shenmue 3 the voice acting lines and before you just think that I'm like wow they acting so good that's not what I'm saying cuz it's not I need help with something I'm looking for mr. Chen okay I am talking about how much things change based on context and objectives they there is a ton of just unnecessary dialogue recorded so every single person in town has something different to say even if it's not that important do you know the flower bird wend and moan bookie who's that now I'd like to talk to the flower bird wind and Moon bookie if you want to speak with him it's just an attention to detail that is well above and beyond what it needs to be and the bad voice-acting is in its own way fairly charming what could this be [Music] number five we find in days gone which is I mean let's just say how awesome the Freaker hordes are in the skin there are so many little details in the way that the freaker's animate as a big group with all these running zombies jumping over fences and roofs you could pause it at any given time and just look at all these little machinations that I mean it's such an intense attention to detail for these things that are moving super fast and it would ultimately be so easy to miss all of the work they put into it but it's really cool number four is sticking with days gone the weather effects in this game are really cool snow will start light and then it'll build up and actually collect on the ground snow patches start appearing before the ground is just totally covered in it it doesn't just blanket the environment it covers your clothes your bike and even dead enemies and it's all done in real time rain is similarly very cool to look at and the puddles that form in this game are just very realistic and it's one of those times where you're like let's talk about the weather moving on to number three in Mortal Kombat 11 how every character has unique lines when they fight other characters specifically like it's not a big thing it's a small detail but the slight difference in demeanor in word choice based on an opponent it totally sells all the individual characters coming in at number two with Apex legends the mill dots the elevation numbers well aiming-down-sights if you're unfamiliar change dynamically depending on the elevation of what you're looking at now it's hard for me to come up with a way where this is particularly helpful but it's a really neat little detail another one is if you hold left on the d-pad you can inspect your gun it's utterly pointless a lot more pointless than the mill dots thing even but at the same time it's really cool and finally at number one let's talk about Devil May Cry fives insanely detailed combat animations that do such an amazing job transitioning between each other rather than just cutting animations short it's all just this beautiful smooth transition between animations and it's I mean in a lot of ways just an achievement it's really good and did you notice all the little details in Devil May Cry 5 if you put V near Griffin his hair reacts to the wind the wings creates even these little smaller details like if you get near a cliff if branch all of the little transparent bubbles Harden is if it knows you're getting near and that you might be kind of a threat like look at how the animation changes depending on how you enter this room with this painting transforms if you walk in running jump in it's all there there's so many little things like this it's really an amazing game and a quick bonus for you it's one that you gotta kind of pay attention to but it's kind of like let's really cool they did that was in the outer wilds where there's a realistic gravity simulation where planets that you enter the orbit of have a gravitational pole and the way that they actually affect your ship it's not like a big thing but it does affect the difficulty of piloting your ship and I think it adds a lot to the feel of the game itself what were some little details you really liked about games this year leave us a comment let us know what you think if you liked this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week and the best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click Subscribe and don't forget to click the notification bell as always we thank you so much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on Twitter at balcony hero and we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 1,958,633
Rating: 4.8705382 out of 5
Keywords: graphical details, little details video games, graphics tech 2019, little details 2019 games, devil may cry 5, modern warfare 2019, star wars jedi fallen order, death stranding, resident evil 2 remake, pokemon sword and shield, sekiro shadows die twice, control game, luigi's mansion 3, metro exodus, shenmue 3, little secrets, in-game secrets, things you didn't notice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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