20 Marvel Heroes With High IQ

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do you know how much collective brain power makes up marvel in the mcu it's ridiculous how do these people walk around all the time because their heads are just so full of knowledge but who's the ultimate smartypants which marvel or mcu character truly can claim the title of smartest person in the universe it's hard to say but we certainly got some contenders let's be jealous and look at all the smarties with the big brains right now big man in a suit of armor take that off what are you genius billionaire playboy philanthropist notice how genius is the first thing tony stark says in his famous genius billionaire playboy philanthropist line it's because the dude is wicked smart for the longest time he was probably seen as the smartest man in the mcu and he still might be i mean there's almost literally nothing his mind can't do he perfected time travel basically while washing dishes he became an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics overnight and he can keep creating suit after suit after suit like clockwork he's the very definition of a true genius but how do we really grade one's intelligence because sure he invents a shiny object after a shiny object and is brilliant on a technical level and yet he keeps making really questionable decisions he made ultron he gave complete control of his weapons satellite to a hormonal teenager and he became too emotional that one time and started fighting captain america and bucky all i'm saying is that tony's either the smartest dumb person or the dumbest smart person and i can't tell which one man i miss that guy wakanda blew us all away with its highly advanced society that was unlike anything we've seen on earth before who knew this was right under our noses the whole time throughout the years wakanda had always been an advanced society thanks to its early discovery of vibranium but really i think it's safe to say the main reason wakanda is so successful right now is because of shuri t'challa's little sister although she's only a teen she's probably the smartest person on earth the russo brothers even confirmed as much when they said shuri was smarter than tony stark and given what she's invented i'm inclined to agree with them this really showed in her scene with bruce banner when discussing the ways to remove the mind stone from vision's head and she openly wondered why bruce and tony didn't design it a certain way to which bruce had to humbly respond because they didn't think of that it's incredibly exciting to think what's next for shuri in the mcu after the tragic passing of chadwick boseman and the announcement that they would not be recasting the character all eyes are on black panther 2 to see how characters like ashuri adjust to this new life after t'challa's passing only time will tell but i think shuri is capable of just about anything i think the genius of bruce banner often gets a little overshadowed in the mcu he's more known as the guy who can't get too angry or else he'll turn into a big rage monster and i think audiences prefer to watch the hulk smash rather than banner doing science stuff which is a real shame bruce banner is an incredible scientist but because he's often working on things with tony stark he tends to get overshadowed like the time travel thing for instance time travel what tony technically came up with the right theory to fix everything but bruce was still hard at work turning ant-man young and old over and over again and he did have a huge hand in inventing ultron but tony usually takes the brunt of the blame for that is it too much to ask to see bruce be smart on his own although i loved seeing him in thor ragnarok there was nothing to bruce's character that proved he was smarter than everyone else he just seemed like a regular guy but let's not forget that he's one smart cookie i mean his picture is up next to all those famous scientists at peter's high school so you know he's got the goods although the peter parker we've seen in the mcu may not seem as smart as the peter parker of the comic books we shouldn't count this web head out like yeah there's a lot you can say about this peter parker being a bit naive and unaware of his surroundings i mean he was tricked and manipulated by mysterio to give him control of all that sweet sweet stark weaponry and it didn't take that much effort you see that and you don't think peter is all that smart but then you see something like him putting in the work to design a whole new suit for himself at the end of far from home and it's no wonder why happy saw a young tony stark in that instance he's also in his school's academic decathlon team which i'm sure is tough to get on like i bet thor wouldn't have made the cut am i right again though this peter parker doesn't seem as smart as the peter in the comics at least not yet he's still only a teenager and i'm sure as he matures into an adult he'll become even smarter we're at that point in the mcu where every day we're getting closer to a fantastic four casting announcement don't we always feel like it's right around the corner hey the avengers tower is being sold reed richards bought it hey monica rambo mentioned she knew an engineer that's got to be reed richards kang the conqueror is in the new ant-man movie that means the fantastic four are going to be in that movie we know it's on its way and we're just so passionate because we really want to see it read richard and the rest of marvel's first family done right in the mcu after two extremely lackluster attempts and once they get here boy oh boy are things gonna change reed richards is one of the smartest men in the universe and that's a little unfair he has straight up incredible superpowers and he's super smart pick one dude anyways the way the mcu is going with all the multiverse and cosmic focus we could see a situation where reed richards is the most important person in the mcu with his knowledge and expertise i sure hope so i don't think hank pym gets enough credit for being smart dr penn yes i'm still alive he mostly has to stand around and be the straight man to paul rudd's goofy scott lang but look at all that he's done in his life his pym particles and the subsequent ant-man technology is probably the single greatest invention in the mcu i mean if he wanted to he could solve a world hunger in an instant the ability to shrink and grow things is truly incredible and only a genius could pull that off the problem with hank pym is that he's so grouchy all the time and that's understandable he's always hated the starks and shield and public interaction and then when his wife vanished into the quantum realm he really doubled down on his grinch-like behavior he's a very prideful and stubborn man when he's right he's right and he wants everyone to know it it's going to be fascinating to see what type of mindset hank is in now that janet is back will he be nicer and if he's nicer and happier will that dull his sharp scientific mind or make him even smarter dr hank pimp iron heart hasn't been introduced in the mcu yet but she's certainly on the way she's getting her own disney plus show and given the track record of the disney plus mcu show so far i can't wait to see what's in store for the character riri williams is another one of those smartypants teenagers like she's way too smart for her own good when i was a teenager i had trouble working the stereo and the television at the same time and still had trouble with my multiplication tables riri williams built her own functioning iron man suit herself and yes it wasn't perfect right off the bat but look at that knowledge that takes she of course soon started training under iron man himself and having those two smarties together just seems like too much brain power for any given situation i hope riri williams makes a big impact in the mcu and her iron heart character really takes center stage for things like a possible young avengers wouldn't that be awesome i already think professor x is an extremely smart individual by himself but if you add in his special mutant abilities i think that makes him seem even smarter like being a telepath just makes you appear like you have all the answers you often perceive at telepaths as intelligent as opposed to say something like having a rapid healing ability or flight and sure charles xavier might not be a scientist or an engineer he might not be able to invent things like tony stark or shuri could do but he does know how to teach and lead people which is an invaluable skill not many people could do he understands human behavior even without his special powers and that makes professor x one of the sneakiest entries on this list he's also obviously an expert on mutations which is a field that probably a lot of people just don't understand so don't count out professor x and it's not like he doesn't understand technology he and magneto both helped construct cerebro an incredibly powerful and advanced machine which definitely counts for something yes hank mccoy enhanced it but the initial idea came from charles he's a different type of intelligent that i think deserves more recognition lunella lafayette is definitely not in the mcu yet but i pray to the great kevin feige deity every single day that they include her somehow she's a nine-year-old girl with a red tyrannosaurus rex as a best friend yeah you heard that right and saying she's incredibly smart is the understatement of the century here's an example in the comics there was such a thing as the banner box or the brain omni-competence examiner it was made to test intelligence by bruce banner and no one on earth could solve it lunella comes along and solves it in seconds but she doesn't come from earth she's also known as a moon girl and possesses the inhuman power of switching consciousness with her dinosaur she's done more incredible things like constructing an underground lab and building a spaceship all with very limited resources that would probably make tony's time in that cave seem like a technical marvel so again please mr kevin feige please bring moon girl to the mcu i need to see that big red t-rex in the comics it's often acknowledged that the children of superheroes become even stronger versions of the parents i guess a lot of heroes just have great genes well that's why we need to talk about valeria richards the daughter of uber smarty reed richards and sue storm in the comics she actually doesn't have any powers which is rare but what she lacks in power she makes up for in intelligence as reed puts it by the age of three his daughter had already surpassed him in terms of intelligence which is crazy just how smart was she at that age well at that young age she figured out that she needed to hide her intelligence after she was able to calculate that her massive intelligence would cause a rift and divide in the family about 82 months in the future wow again three years old if she's that smart at that young age it's a little scary to think what she would be like all grown up would it be fascinating to see someone that smart in the mcu i think so this is hank mccoy one of our most talented young researchers how wonderful hank mccoy and bruce banner would probably have a lot to talk about is it too much to ask for a meet-up of these two characters sometime in the future yes hank is strong and quite blue but hank also has a phd in biophysics and genetics on top of that he's the one who usually fixes cerebro and upgrades the danger room he's really the x-men mvp if we want to add even more skills for him let's just mention he knows a lot about quantum mechanics nanotechnology theoretical physics and obviously is multilingual with a passion for literature and music does your brain hurt yet mine does steven strange started off in the mcu as the worst kind of smart he was the type of intellect who knew he was the smartest person in any room which is an incredibly annoying character trait when not done right fortunately his car crash sent him on a humbling journey and eventually led him to become the sorcerer supreme now i don't think this journey really changed his mindset and if anything he probably considers himself even smarter than he was but the amount of knowledge to be a world famous surgeon and to know how to do magic tricks really means strange's intelligence should not be messed with vision's inclusion on this list is kind of a cheats don't you think he's basically a synthetic android of course he's going to be smart he has the best parts of jarvis and ultron two super computers so he literally holds almost every piece of attainable knowledge known to man sure all that knowledge previously made a vision a little lackluster in the social skills department but cut him some slack he was learning and in one division there was really a time where there were two almost equal visions in terms of knowledge and hearing them talk about that whole ship of what's his name really showed how much each of them knew i was definitely jealous of the knowledge there there's book smart and then there's street smart rocket is definitely street smart sure he's sometimes as socially oblivious as drax and does things like wink with his wrong eye but you can't deny how smart the trash panda actually is think of how many bombs and weapons rockets constructed over the years you think any old raccoon could do that i don't think so and besides his obvious mechanical knowledge look at how he took out all those ravagers in guardians of the galaxy vol 2. he's also a master strategist when the situation calls for it i'd give him credit for being a great pilot too but quill is also a great pilot and i wouldn't necessarily call him smart the apple really didn't fall that far from the tree did it yes tony stark was smart but where do you think he got it from his father was just as much of a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist as tony ended up being and he was responsible for a lot of incredible inventions and devices in fact you might call it even more impressive given the time period where howard invented most of his devices it just seems a lot harder to make weapons and gadgets and whatnot in the 40s and 50s compared to the post 2000s don't you think jane foster is going to get her chance to suit up and punch baddies with the power and strength of thor but we shouldn't forget just how smart jane actually is she's still one of the world's greatest and leading experts in astrophysics and probably knows more about the stars and space than anyone else on earth who isn't secretly an alien that's one thing i'm really hoping for the thor sequel i know she's going to be going through a lot but it would be awesome if we can see the character as both a strong muscular thor like hero and a brilliant scientist is that too much to ask the t'challa they gave us in the mcu was wonderful and most importantly kingly he was a true leader and a great warrior and he'll definitely be missed and while the adaptation from comic to screen was great they did tend to leave out t'challa's intelligence levels from the comics like it's not specifically mentioned but to become the black panther you have to train in mental perfection as well as being a great warrior like did you know in the comics t'challa has a phd in physics and can definitely hold his own when it comes to inventing and tinkering with gadgets and new inventions in the mcu they left that job solely for shuri but t'challa knows a thing or two himself you may not be as familiar with the name amadeus cho but you really should be he basically has a super computer as a brain and when he was a young man he entered an intelligence contest but the person who created it was so jealous that he ended up planting a bomb that killed cho's parents it's not just that cho is smart but he has this amazing ability to recognize patterns and run mental calculations almost instantly he's gone up against superhumans and one based on his ability to deduce the best way to win the battle now that's the type of intelligence i want to see next in the mcu it's less about knowing a ton of stuff and more about using his brain to solve problems and come to the best solution adam brashear aka blue marvel is one of the strongest heroes in the galaxy as well as being one of the smartest he's traded blows with heroes like thor and sentry and even though he's strong enough to get by on just his muscles he decided he wanted to use his intelligence as well he has a phd in theoretical physics and a masters in electrical engineering but is also one of the leading experts on antimatter given how antimatter is so important to the negative zone maybe the mcu will find a way to get brashear and reed richards interacting with one another i think people overlook how smart nebula is she's mostly just seen as an angry and socially awkward individual who you absolutely don't want to fight but she's pretty smart too i mean she's basically all cybernetics at this point so she's probably got a computer chip or two in her brain somewhere right i just wanted to highlight the fact that when tony and nebula were trapped for weeks in space she was right beside tony trying to fix the ship to take them home she definitely knew what she was doing there so don't count out her intelligence you know who just missed out on making the list peter quill he is the type of dumb smart to challenge a super villain to a dance-off in order to save the galaxy only he would do that that deserves some credit right
Channel: CBR
Views: 1,052,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Avengers: Endgame, Fantastic Four, bruce banner, cbr, iron man, marvel, mcu, peter parker, reed richards, shuri, smart avengers, smart heros, star lord, stephen strange, time travel, tony stark
Id: JdL3JTsH434
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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