30 English Slang Phrases for the Workplace! #spon

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Hello everyone and welcome back to another Love  English lesson I'm Sabrah and today we're going to   be looking at work slang and expressions now this  may seem a little strange as we quite often say   this is a formal expression for work and speak  formally at work which of course generally we   do however when you're with colleagues or when  you're in a more relaxed environment at work   or you're quite close to your colleagues or you  know your boss well we very often do use slang   and expressions so today we're looking at slang  words and expressions that are specifically for   the workplace as well as that i'm going to be  telling you something very exciting about one   of our partners lingoda the online language school  they are running their fantastic language sprint   again which you can sign up for and become a  language champion so more about that to come number one is a heads up now this actually works  like a noun because you can say to somebody can   you give me a heads up or i'm going to give you  a heads up and basically it means an advanced   warning of something so if you give someone  a heads up you tell them piece of information   before an event which will be useful for them  so you might say just to give you a heads up   the boss is in a bad mood today so i wouldn't tell  her yet about when you're going to go on holiday   or you might say just to give you a heads  up everyone in the meeting is expected to   present their research so make sure you're ready  the next one is let's get our heads together   let's get our heads together and this means let's  get together to think about how we can solve this   problem or to plan something it's basically let's  sit down together and really focus on something   so you might say let's get our heads together and  think about how we can really make sure this gym   is covered safe number three is a brain freeze  a brain freeze and this is where your brain   suddenly freezes so you you can't think  straight or you forget something momentarily   for example if you're very nervous in an interview  or in a presentation you can have a brain freeze   or it could be that you're very stressed and  tired and you can't remember how to do something   that you normally always do for example logging  onto the computer you could say i was so tired   this morning i completely forgot my login i had  a brain freeze the next one is a no-brainer this   is a very common one a no-brainer now it's  where something is so obvious something is   makes such sense that it's just the obvious  thing to do it's something you don't even need   to think about because it's the obvious choice  so for example if a company was doing an offer   where you have to spend five pounds but then you  get an extra 20 to spend it's a no-brainer you   would think well it's only five pounds if i get an  extra 20 why not so it's something that is just so   obvious that it's the right choice now speaking  of a no-brainer this is where i want to introduce   lingoda and the lingoda language sprint now  lingoda are an online english language teaching   school but you can also learn french spanish  german business english and other languages   as well now they run something called a sprint  where you can sign up for classes for three   months and if you do 30 classes a month for three  months you can get a hundred percent of your money   back oh it's a no brainer for me it's a no-brainer  you learn english and if you do it all you could   get your money back it's a no-brainer however if  this is too much for you there is also the option   of a half sprint where you would do 15 classes a  month for three months and then you would get 50   of your money back so the first option is sign up  for three months do 30 classes a month for three   months and if you do all of those you'll get  100 of your fee back alternatively you can do   15 classes a month for 3 months and get 50 of your  fee back so you can sign up until october the 15th   and then the sprint starts on october the 31st now  if you want to learn english quickly if you want   to master the language quickly become a language  champion then this could be just the thing for   you because sometimes it is much better to learn  a language intensely to immerse yourself in it a   lot more so this could be a fantastic option  for you if you're looking to do that quickly   you can do business english as well as french  spanish or german and you'll learn with qualified   english teachers who are professional and  native speaking as well as that classes are 24   7 so you could learn anytime so that's absolutely  perfect if you need that kind of flexible working   so both plans do require a deposit of 49 euros  and the payments are in three monthly installments   so classes are taught online through zoom and  they're 60 minutes and it's not big groups   there's only two to three students in a class  very likely or a maximum of five i myself have   been a lingoda student you can see me quickly in  this lesson here aprendiendo espanol en dantes uh sabres had quite a few spanish lessons and i even  had a go here are just a few testimonials from   some real lingoda students they have a flexible  schedule like i have never seen in other language   platforms i'm taking classes every day and  i always choose the time that suits me best   lingona is a professional and authoritative  platform to learn foreign languages the tutors   are good coaches and the materials are systematic  and scientific they are really transparent and   helpful for me to achieve my goal they have live  chat almost all the time and you can get your   responses instantaneously so go on click that link  and check out some more testimonials from lingoda   and of course do comment below and let us know  whether you're planning on studying on the lingoda   language sprint this time round or if you've  previously studied with lingoda comment below   and share your lingoda testimonial let us know how  they have helped you in achieving your language   goals so if you are ready to master english and  be the next print champion then please do head   down to the description box for our link to sign  up and as well as that here's our voucher code   which will take 20 euros off the deposit make sure  you check the terms and conditions of course guys   before you sign up the next one is something has  gone tits up which is a little bit rude obviously   the first word is a i swear word and so it's  not a good idea to use this expression around   people you don't feel comfortable with or people  who are very superior to you it's much better   to use it with colleagues when you're having  office banter and things like that however   sometimes at work we can get a bit frustrated and  sometimes we need phrases like these now if we   say oh that's all gone tits up or it's gone tits  up it means something has gone completely wrong   so we've messed up an interview or we  don't think a presentation went well   things did not go according to plan at all we  would say oh that went tits up right the next   one is similar but obviously not quite as strong  this one is it's gone to pot it's gone to pot   and this means something has deteriorated in  quality so become less good than it used to be   um or become really quite bad so we can  say oh that restaurant has really gone to   pot i wonder whether it's got a new owner it  didn't seem as clean and the food was not as tasty   as it used to be it's gone to pot the next one  is messed up so you might know this one it's more   common to mess up and it means to make a mistake  so if you say oh i've messed up the calculations   because something doesn't seem right in the  budget you mean you've made an error you've   made a mistake i messed up that interview when  i told them one of my problems was time keeping   why did i say that number eight is choco  choco and this means very busy a very full   diary so if you say i'm absolutely chocker today  so i can't fit in any more appointments this means   you're very busy there's no spaces for anyone else  choker you can also describe a place as choker   you can say the town center was chocka today and  that would mean it was absolutely full of people   the next one i quite like this one this one  is slammed slammed and it means very very busy   very similar to choker so if you're working in  a bar and the bar is super busy all evening and   you have no time at all to have a break or if you  work in the restaurant trade that kind of thing   it's very common for workers to say  oh my goodness it's been slammed or   we're slammed in here meaning super super busy  you can use this of course in your own work if   you don't have a minute in the day so an example  might be luckily we managed to catch her before   she was too slam to chat at work the next  one is ping me ping me and this just means   message me get in touch with me somehow on the  phone usually a text message or whatsapp so we   would say oh ping me when you're ready to have the  meeting or ping me when you're free number 11 is   to ask someone to ask someone now imagine that an  axe is for cutting wood so it's a cutting device   and usually when we say cut in english if  we don't mean actually physically cutting   we mean reductions cuts mean reductions acts is  the same in fact acts means to get rid of people   so if we say we're axing about 20 employees this  means we're getting rid of those people we are   laying them off or making them redundant so they  will not have a job anymore you can also use it to   talk about a project so we might say we're axing  that new project or we're axing that new system   again it would just mean getting rid of that the  next one is back to the drawing board back to the   drawing board and this just means right we have to  go back to the beginning because what we've tried   so far hasn't worked so it's like kind of saying  right we've got to go back to the ideas board   if you like you know obviously on a board that's  where you do all your plans on a on a whiteboard   so it's almost like saying we've got to go back  to the board and and uh see what ideas we can new   ideas we can come up with but obviously it doesn't  mean you have to do that it's more metaphorical   so when we say right back to the drawing board  we mean okay that hasn't worked we'll have to try   something new so an example could be we're going  to have to go back to the drawing board to see   how we can fix that it glitch that first thing we  tried hasn't worked so back to the drawing board   number 13 is back to the grindstone back to  the grindstone and this means back to work   we can also say right back to the grind basically  it just means back to work back to hard work   it's often quite negative when we say back to  the grind or back to the grindstone in fact a   kind of nickname for work slang a nickname for  work in the uk is the daily grind the daily grind   and to grind is um to to rigorously try to  shred something or to make something smaller so   grain like wheat was ground in a mill by hand  before we had machines and this was very heavy   work so the inference is quite negative if we  say back to the grindstone or back to the grind   do you have an equivalent idiom in your country  for this i'm sure you do please tell me about that   in the comments below number 14 now if your work  is very hard if it does feel like a real grind   you might need to sometimes slack off now to slack  off means to take it easy to not be doing much   at work to be uh having a little break or being  quite lazy so if we say stop slacking off we mean   you know get on with your work stop taking a break  stop being lazy to slack off now people that are   slackers or who slack off too much sometimes need  a kick up the bum a kick up the bum and basically   this means a a kind of push to get on with work  really to be told come on hurry up you know get   on with your work so we might say oh you're going  to have to go and give those three over there a   kick up the bum i see they've been chatting and  drinking coffee for half an hour go and give them   a kick up the bum so they get on with work and  this would mean uh come on guys chat time is over   or it could be even a shock so a kick up the  bum from a strict boss might be right everyone   everyone who doesn't reach their targets for this  month will not be getting their bonus for the   whole year and that would certainly give employees  a kick up the bum i do want to say here that the   american version of this is a kick up the ass and  we sometimes do use this version it's a bit ruder   but we probably would say a kick up the ass  as that is the british version of that word   but it is a little bit ruder it's more harmless  to say i kick up the bum now while we're on the   topic of bottoms the next one is a pain in the  bum now a pain in the bum is something that is   annoying if you say oh what a pain in the bum  you mean oh that's a really annoying thing that   i have to do or it's something that i really don't  want to do it's a hassle so you could say it's a   real pain in the bum having to put in all my hours  electronically at the end of the month it takes me   ages it's such a pain in the bum again you could  change this expression for the slightly ruder   equivalents either the american or the british  one but they are ruder number 17 is a drag a drag   if you say something is a drag again it's  something annoying something you don't want   to have to do a pain they are synonyms really  particularly we use a drag to talk about something   that is boring so we could say that meeting  was a real drag meaning you know quite boring   painful to experience a drag split hairs to split  hairs and basically this means when people are too   particular or too fussy about the details of  something it's almost like trying to split   one hair which of course is very difficult so it's  when people at work they're just too fussy about   the details so it could be in terms of the writing  the wording of something or the way something is   done and another person can say to them oh come  on is that really that important that's just   splitting hairs so we often use this whole phrase  that's just splitting hairs or let's not split   hairs number number 19 is to cut corners and this  is kind of the opposite really to splitting hairs   to cut corners is where you try to  reduce the amount of work you have to do   by cutting out certain elements of it and often  this isn't actually that good because you can   make a mistake or things perhaps aren't kept  at the standard they should be so basically   it's to do something in the easiest cheapest or  fastest way possible so you just get the work done   but the quality of the work is not necessarily  all that good although sometimes it's necessary   if you're really under pressure you can say right  let's just cut corners and let's do it the quick   way for now however often we use it more in a  negative way because we say they're really cutting   corners on health and safety we haven't had an  inspection for now 20 is to bump someone up and   this is just to promote someone so we might say oh  she's been bumped up to editor after having been   a writer for eight years how fantastic to promote  someone to bump them up number 21 this is a very   british phrase and we use it a lot to faff around  to faff around and basically this means not to get   on with the task at hand very quickly to kind of  get distracted and to do tasks that are not high   priority to start tidying your desk or making  a cup of tea when you should be finishing off a   report so sometimes people might say to each other  come on stop buffing around we need to get on with   work or something like this or oh she faffs around  so much in the morning before leaving the house   that's something that my partner says to me he's  always telling me off for faffing around before i   leave the house he's probably right although at  the time those tasks seem very important to me   are you a person that fuffs around sometimes and  can't always get on immediately with the task at   hand or are you very good at quickly getting on  and being very organized tell us about that in   the comments below the next one is just let's call  it a day which is when you've finished your work   you can say right i'm off home now let's call it  a day or your manager might say this at the end   of a shift to signal that you can go home he or  she might say right everyone come on let's call   it a day off you go something like this number 23  is to bust a gut and this means to work very hard   same as work like a trojan if we say busting a  gut to get this project finished or i'm busting a   gut to get the paint work done means you're really  working very very hard and basically the american   version of this is to bust your ass we tend not  to use that one as much here we say to bust a gut   your gut is your stomach so we tend to use that  instead of bottom for a change 24 is to work   like a trojan to work like a trojan a trojan  was of course historically a kind of soldier   and so if we say we're working like trojans it  means working very hard it's quite a common phrase   actually in the uk i'm not sure about the us  but if you're working very hard you can say i'm   very tired i'm knackered i've been working like a  trojan number 25 is to beaver away to beaver away   and this means to work very industriously towards  a goal now a beaver is this animal here and   they're famous for being very hard working being  very industrious getting their dams finished   which they build on rivers and so if  we say we're working like a beaver   then it's a it's a nice expression to say we're  working very hard towards a particular goal   it's not necessarily negative we can also say to  beaver away which is possibly more common so we   say i've been fevering away just trying to get all  these accounts finished so i can have a nice relax   after that i've been beavering away all  day number 26 to soldier on to soldier on   and this means to keep working very hard  even when conditions are tough so of course   soldiers have to soldier on even when conditions  are tough and difficult they can't just give up   so this expression means the same it means forcing  yourself to keep working even if you're tired or   conditions that are difficult you would still keep  working so for example we could say the government   staff are soldiering on and working through the  night to get the election votes counted the next   one is a slog a slog not a very nice word don't  confuse it with a snog which is of course a kiss   this is a slog and a slog is where something is  very difficult and laborious it involves a lot   of work so we might say oh i've got 40 student  essays to mark by tomorrow what a slog or this   is going to be a real slog number 28 is a nice  easy one this one is all systems go all systems go   which means everything is is ready for something  to start or to begin for an event or to set up   something but it basically means right everybody  it's go time basically so for example we could say   once they got the money from the investors  it was all systems go so they could set up   the business number 29 and 30 are blue collar  worker your collar being the top of your shirt and   white collar worker now a blue collar worker  is traditionally someone who works more in the   manual field so electricians plumbers anyone who  works in agriculture trades that kind of thing and   that's because they often wear more blue clothing  traditionally like overalls for example however   white collar worker refers to office workers  because of course they wear or usually they're   required to wear something like a white shirt  so this is how we distinguish between the two   blue collar worker white collar worker tell us  in the comments are you a blue collar worker   or a white collar worker right everybody that is  the end of this lesson slang and expressions for   work i hope you find this useful and you have  occasion to use these please do try and use any   of them in a sentence below and don't forget  to sign up for that amazing lingoda sprint   we wish you all the best with the sprint  and we'll see you soon on love english bye
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
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Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, English with Leila, English with Sabrah, British English, slang phrases for work, professional english phrases, slang you can use at work, expressions for the work place, english vocabulary for work, english slang, business english, professional english, english expressions for work, english slang for work
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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