1996 World Series, Game 6: Braves @ Yankees

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Except it’s actually Game 6. How was I supposed to know? You expect me to use my EYES? To READ?

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/ededell 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

But it only went 6 games in 96 ....

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Vdubbub 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

George Costanza voice


👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/HateMcLouth 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Lay off the drugs buddy

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Lynxx360 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

This game is my earliest Yankee memory. Love it

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/underwear11 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Fun fact: Joe Girardi had 127 playoff plate appearances over 39 playoff games and his Game 6 triple was his only playoff RBI. He picked a good time to deliver.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/SaucyFingers 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

I can’t wait to hear a crowd like that again !

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

It's very impressive to me that in the 90s, people didn't think yet, "hey, what if we put up protection for the dugouts?"

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TronVin 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

One of my favorite childhood memories (I was 9 and allowed to stay up to watch the whole thing)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/elcapkirk 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
the time of the Midnight Sun has come when baseball's dog days die as October's nights come on boys of summer salute the past and embrace the culture with equal passion right here and faith yet the state it's a special time a very special place a place where legends live where heroes are born acts of bravery at a bat where these modern men look to take their place rain relentlessly ghosts raises these sacred grounds they say this is a series but sir what he is is a war a war sober and could only be named the World Series through the generations in this war the Battle of Game six has always stood tall baseball history 1947 19:57 Frank Torre the leadoff batter which becomes a friend 1975 the greatest game of this generation was great to music destiny lived cross 1993 there last year a student built two teams two faiths as they look to make their place in baseball history the World Series continues on Fox it is quite simply the biggest game held here at Yankee Stadium in nearly two decades with a three games to two lead in the 1996 World Series the Yankees need only one more win to claim their first title since 1978 win or lose it's already been a great day for Yankee manager Joe Torre as you know his brother Frank a former Milwaukee brave yesterday received a heart transplant and will be watching game six tonight from his New York hospital bed two and a half miles away from the stadium with a full moon overhead and a full crowd inside Yankees rabid following gave a big Bronx cheer to Greg Maddux in the Atlanta Braves as they arrived at the house that Ruth Built earlier today Atlanta faces elimination but take solace in the fact that down three games to one in the NLCS the Braves rallied to beat the Cardinals what they didn't have to do it here at Yankee Stadium the house that Ruth Built is ready to rock and roll tonight it could be the World Championship for the Yankees but they have to go through the defending champions the Atlanta Braves and their ace right-hander Greg Maddux it's Game six of the 1996 World Series here on Fox hello again everybody along with Dave Winfield and Steve Lyons welcome to Yankee Stadium for Game six of the 1996 World Series what a difference a week can make when we were last in New York the Yankees were left for dead down two games to none then went down to Dixie swept the Braves come back home now and they're on the brink of the championship Steven did you say by the way Braves in six I sure did there's a lot of people right out here in this left field seats that are reminding me that I said Braves and see it's in six games but I'll tell you when you have guys like Leyritz and wetland and guys like strawberry playing with a broken foot those guys are gamers and they can turn things around for you I'm not jumping ship I still think the Braves are going to win it but it's not as easy as it was Hey look when they invented this game 100 plus years ago one of the cardinal rules or cardinal sins was do not give the opposition more than three outs the Atlanta Braves have violated that they left the door open for the Yankees in the last three games in fact every time they made a miscue on the field they left the door open for the Yankees to come back and score and that's exactly what to put them in this precarious situation well here's what makes the game so much fun numbers can be deceiving you look at the Braves on paper you'd say hey they've dominated the Yankees in this World Series but hey they've given the Yankees so Steve a couple of games with big big miscues in the field they really have I mean this is a team we all know about their pitching staff they have to dominate ballgames with pitching sound defense and execution here you see Marquis Grissom not executing a catch in centerfield it's a tough situation they don't have a real powerful offense so they don't score a lot of runs they have to execute and they have not been doing that hey would it be ironic if Marquis Grissom and Jermaine Dye these guys live together they communicate everyday and they didn't on that plate and if it costs him a series had to be something but on the other hand Joe Torre said specifically to Bernie Williams in August he said you are a man you are a leader people look up to you we want you to take charge and that's exactly what Bernie Williams doing right here and that's perfect example it's amazing to be Jermaine Dye actually said hey the crowd was too loud in my home ballpark in Atlanta for me to hear marquise grissom skal if he thinks Atlanta's lonnie and heard anything yet here in New York yeah well we're sitting right out in the left-field bleachers we know how loud it is and that's the problem I mean ooh this is a World Series you're going to get crowd noise from all angles and when you have a situation like that a centerfielder has to have a verbal sign and a visual sign we saw the verbal sign did not work for marquise grissom we saw Bernie Williams come in throw everyone else out of the way when the centerfielder says I got it you had you get out of the way he's the one that has to catch the ball it's amazing the Braves have been shut out now over the last 14 innings of the 1996 World Series and it's amazing Steve time and time again we talked about it the inability to bunt in big situations has really hurt Atlanta well you think about it to mark Lemke's the kind of guy you want to have in a bunt situation for the Braves if it comes up there generally he will get that situation down he already here you have a game five six standing guys on first and second with nobody out here he bunts a ball to the opposite side of the field you're supposed to be bonding to the left side of the field sessile fielder's right there ready to get going here's Charlie Hayes creeping in on the infield he's ready for the bunt because he knows it should be bunted to him he's the one that has to make the play but instead the pitch from Pettit Lemke bunts the ball right back to Bennet that's a mistake you see Felder coming in here you see the ball right back to pet it because he's left-handed he doesn't even have to spin and throw he just waits for Charlie Hayes to get back to his home position he throws over there and smolders out by a hair if they don't get that play it's bases-loaded nobody out of course Chipper Jones comes up as the next hitter bounces into a double play and they're out of the inning that's a lack of fundamentals and can't do that yeah every time there's a seemingly inconsequential miscue it always seems to open the door for the Yankees give some momentum has enabled them to come back you talk about momentum the Jim Leyritz home run certainly a huge play in this postseason and the World Series I think the biggest play of the World Series might be the booted DoublePlay ground ball to Rafael Belliard if he makes that play Leyritz his home run might have been just a 2-run shot and the Braves might have held on to win that ballgame in Atlanta so that's a big big play not made by Rafael Belliard it's something the Braves know they have to correct tonight in Game six earlier we talked to Braves third baseman Chipper Jones about the Braves fielding adventures I tipper this is a team that relies heavily on their fundamentals and their pitching have your fundamentals let you guys down a little bit less few games well I don't think you've seen us execute maybe a few ball plays like we did in the first couple of games and it got us some some much-needed runs early in the game we've had a little trouble of cuting those plays and bottom line is we just haven't got the clutch out or the clutch hit at the right time to break a game open you know for the last two or three games and and that's been different so Joe Torre and the New York Yankees trying to take advantage of the Braves miscues in the field and water ride it has been for the Yankee skipper he tries to become the first native New Yorker to win a World Championship with the Yankees Dave Winfield will chat with Joe Torre will we come back to the World Series right after this Jimmy key 28 and 14 here lifetime at Yankee Stadium could be the key to a Yankee victory the New Yorkers look for their first World title since 1978 well it's not just the Braves and the Yankees battling here in the World Series by extension it's the managers Bobby Cox and Joe Torre battling it out for more on the managerial chess match let's join our trio upstairs of Joe Buck Tim McCarver and Bob Brenly hello guys hello chip thank you getting ready for Game six with my partners Bob Brenly and Tim McCarver well a lot has happened on the field already in the first five games a lot has happened in each dugout with each manager and because of that we thought we show you a couple of decisions key decisions each manager has had to make turn to Bob Brenly first a big decision really for each manager came in Game four game four score tied six-six in the 10th inning runners at first and second and Bobby Cox elected to walk Bernie Williams and load the bases at this point Joe Torre has only Wade Boggs left on his bench box pinch hits for Andy Fox comes up works a walk from Steve Avery I believe this is a decision that both managers felt comfortable with I think the Bobby Cox felt was Steve Avery a man on the mound a left-hander against the left hand hitting Boggs that he had the advantage plus it takes down the last position player I think Joe Torre felt he had an advantage because Steve Avery had not pitched much in the series and Boggs had the tremendous eye at the plate and we all know he worked the walk not to go head rush yeah which was a key win for the Yankees but by far the biggest win for the Yankees came in Game three down two games to none Joe Torre went with his starter David Cone and as far as I'm concerned Joe that was the turning point of the series it was the sixth inning the bases were loaded the Yankees were up by two and David Cone had ace Fred McGriff Ryan Klesko and Javier Lopez he wanted the truth from David Cone David Cone telling us at what Joe Torre asked him simply was you know the significance of this game tell me the truth he did he allowed only one run and of course the Yankees went on to win they went on to win that game they went on to sweep in Atlanta so they have it three games to two edge with one to go maybe two to go here at Yankee Stadium right now let's go back down to chip ok guys from our trail upstairs to our trio out here in left field Steve Lyons Dave Winfield and yours truly chip carrier Dave this is an amazing story Joe Torre the trials and tribulations of his family he lost his brother Rocco during spring training his brother Frank recuperating from heart transplant surgery and for Joe Torre 30-plus years in a baseball uniform he's getting his first crack at a World Series this season well I've known Joe Torre a long time as a player a broadcaster and a manager when he lost his job in st. Louis he was heartbroken but he got another chance here in New York he got a chance to come back to his city he got great players on the field now it's been an emotional roller coaster ride and you can see it in his face when they won the ALCS that caught me they ask more question about my brother and my brother who passed away and my brother Frank in the hospital and I'll tell you what gets me choked up it's thinking about my family I let my mind go to think in the agent Nathan is I came in Baltimore about my family my sisters my sister-in-law's brother-in-law's everybody sitting in the stands wanting this thing probably more for me than I wanted it for myself and it just choked me up and expressing my brother Frank who is you know time was waiting for a heart to show up to get transplant he's pulling for me and it was just a very emotional time for me and you know people keep wondering why I don't smile they say no I can cry now you've been in uniform about 35 years now first world series has it lived up to your expectations every bit of it every bit of it the games have been a little stressful Game four of the World Series does this kind of epitomize what this Yankee team in 1996 is all about whoo I tell you I think in a single word yes our ballclub we were biting and scratching all year long and that game is a perfect example of it it's a 6-3 game to come back from a six run deficit against the Atlanta Braves back in the three-run deficit against Mark Wallace I thought they can do for your confidence I don't know what will 3-2 pitch Yankees take the lane and this series is tied at two games apiece your family's been a baseball family and Frank played professional baseball now this year have you talked more baseball with him oh no question Frank he's tough he throws around those compliments like their manhole covers I mean it's not that easy to get one from he talked strategy a lot and he'll say what are you going to do with your lineup tonight give me a call tomorrow what is it going to be right has it boosted his uh his overall feeling his confidence just the way he feels no question he did a lot of people are paying attention to him now it beats the heck out of just sitting there waiting for three months and I think it's really taken a lot of the time off his mind as far as when is this thing going to happen as far as getting this new heart after four and a half months on the waiting list 64 year old Frank Torre got the word at 4:30 this morning that a donor heart had become available Wow when I got a call it was startling me first of all I was tired it just flown in from Atlanta and they say that we're going to take your brother down into surgery and right away you think of something negative always going to surgery but then you realize this is what we've been waiting for for three months and we got excited about it of course Frank being a baseball person his whole life picked the off day to do this no he didn't want interfere with the World Series I thought it was wonderful timing Joe Torre has done a fantastic job in one of the most difficult places to manage in all of baseball and under a year was most difficult personal situation but I'll tell you one thing he says he gives so much credit to his coaching staff he couldn't have done it alone he says guys like Willie Randolph who's worked with Jeter Don Zimmer his bench coach Chris Chambliss even Bob Watson these guys have been there before he didn't want these players to do as I say but do as we do he's been riding on cloud nine a big smile on a Joe Torre's face in preparation for Game six but Steve you know this hasn't all been wine and roses for this manager this ballclub I really think that the poise and dignity Joe Torre showed during the tough times this year is a direct result of his being born in New York and managing the New York Mets it is guys The New Yorker this town isn't going to get to them and they take care of their own but the one thing you think about when you talk about Joe Torre is respect that's the word I think of when I say Joe Torre and how about that Torre family Frank Torre again recuperating in the hospital told Joey said hey I've won my World Series now it's time for you to win yours that's what this big crowd at Yankee Stadium is hoping will happen tonight it's the Atlanta Braves and the New York Yankees in game 6 they try to wrap it up here in the Bronx and we'll have more here on Fox right after this timeout phox the exclusive home of the 1996 World Series the Bronx Bombers are ready and so is a rabid crowd tonight here at Yankee Stadium in New York Greg Maddux of the Atlanta Braves will try to stymie the New Yorkers change in the world title jimmy keys a terrific pitcher here will try to put the Yankees into the winner's circle for the first time since 1978 speaking of the winner's circle George Steinbrenner loves his Yankees and loves his race horses as well his horse acceptable today laced in the Breeders Cup Juvenile Mile and his 16th acceptable finished second in the horse race something George Steinbrenner hopes his baseball team doesn't do in the next two ballgames we're just about ready for baseball now it's time to join Yankees PA announcer Bob Sheppard and now now ladies and gentlemen you please rise and direct your attention to the microphone behind home plate let's welcome eight-year-old singing sensation the acting's old angel in the field Christina Milian's clevers who will see me our national anthem and what so proudly we whose broad stripes and bright stars were so again you okay bang an electric atmosphere here at Yankee Stadium it's game two winner Greg Maddux going for the Atlanta Braves an 82 pitch effort in Game two his opponent left-hander Jimmy key hits the Braves in the Yankees game six and here in the Bronx we'll have more right after this it's do-or-die time for the Atlanta Braves we're just about ready for Game six here from Yankee Stadium and with the call tonight is our trio of Joe Buck Tim McCarver and Bob Brenly hello guys hello chip all right be honest now many of you thought will be back here after the first two games at Yankee Stadium come on be honest Joe Baca along with Bob Brenly and Tim McCarver the first two games did not go well for the Yankees year everybody wrote it's a mismatch will in Atlanta it was to a certain degree as the Yankees come away with three wins what's going on with his team they've won all eight on the road in the postseason well maybe Andy Pettitte Joe said it best he said we get too hyped up when we play at Yankee Stadium maybe we better learn to tone it down and perhaps they do I mean I've drawn they played 14 postseason games they're 2 & 4 at home and 8 & O on the road and think of the 2 games that they've won at home second game of the divisional series against the Texas Rangers bottom of the 12th inning first and second nobody out and they win the game it was tied up to that point they win it on a throwing error by Dean Palmer Game one of the American League Championship Series move trailing 4 to 3 in the 8th inning they need the assistance of 12 year-old Jeffrey Mayer to bend over make the catch who was ruled a home run and Bernie Williams ends up winning the game in the 11th inning as far as Greg Maddux is concerned tonight Joe Torre telling his players tone it down don't think use your instincts use your reactions don't try it out think and you can talk about the Yankees all you want but the Atlanta Braves have to be thrilled that Greg Maddux is ready to pitch in tonight's game and for the Yankees Joe Torre has to be thrilled to be able to run a guy like Jimmy key out there well actually this is a rematch of Game two when Greg Maddux and John Smoltz or rather Mark Wallace combined to shut down the the Yankees excuse me there's a key reason for that if you look at these numbers right here first pitch strikes Greg Maddux 24 first pitch strikes pitching ahead in the count all night long Jimmy key falling behind in the count also Jimmy key gave up 3 leadoff hits to start innings two of those guys scored Greg Maddux gave up one leadoff hit the next guy hit into a double play we talked to Yankee catcher Joe Girardi and said what are you going to do tonight with Jimmy key said we're going to do the same thing only hopefully we'll do it a little better so here we are game six at Yankee Stadium ready to go will there be a game seven we're about to find out good pitching matchup the Yankees and the Atlanta Braves coming up after this from your local Fox station well we're glad you're with us on a Saturday night it's Game six of the 1996 World Series no no that's your answer look at the Atlanta Braves starting lineup marquise grissom will lead it off in center field then it's mark Lemke batting 2nd at 2nd Chipper Jones hitting 3rd and 3rd Fred McGriff is playing first a Tommie Lopez batting fifth Andruw Jones and lamb Jermaine Dye in right Terry Pendleton to start he's the D H Jeff Blauser is at Short batting ninth the defense for the Yankees Tino Martinez back at first base now that we are able to use the D H 95 consecutive games errorless for Tino Martinez and that defense works behind the left-hander Jimmy key we saw Jimmy key in game 2 he was having some control problems he likes a narrow finger on the outside corner to right-handers big overhand curve a short little slider to changeup just had a lot of problems getting the ball in the strike zone fell behind in the count early the Braves were able to take advantage too Jimmy came much the same as Greg Maddux he must keep the ball down to win any time he elevates from the waist or above he's hittable especially in that part of the play Jimmy key was on the mound back in 1992 when Toronto defeated Atlanta four games to two he was the winning pitcher he is making his third World Series start moves that effort here in game 2 on Monday night marquise prism is set to go he has a hit in each of his first 11 World Series games numbers for this world series outstanding the 455 and he's ready to lead it off for Bobby Cox's Atlanta Braves glad you're with us Game six Jimmy key gets it going with ball one lot depends on home plate umpire Jerry Davis and whether he gets the outside pitch to Jimmy key or not first one missed outside now another it's two and oh it's Jerry Davis behind home plate with Jim Evans at first irritated second Tim welke Ripley down the left-field young down the right-field foul on - no on Grissom golf shot into left field for strawberry runaway about Darryl strawberry's defense up with some big plays a sinking hooking once again uses that great reached make a nice sliding catch there have been three or four instances where the defense from strawberry whether it's been in left field or right there's been eye popping there's a strike to mark Lemke the most memorable and the one to nothing game on Thursday night when he made the catch off Jeff Blauser late in the game to prevent extra bases leadoff man is gone for Atlanta now breaking ball grounded and Jeter two to go lana braves going new yorkese had the momentum I'm reminded of the saying that hurl Weaver used to say are used to have at your momentum is only as good as tomorrow's starting pitcher two good ones hooking up here tonight man I'll say all 1 to Chipper Jones the Yankees are now past having to see what a young Andy Pettitte will give them or what will they get out of Kenny Rogers now they've got Keene tonight and if there is a Game seven they've got David Cone tomorrow meanwhile the Braves they have Maddux tonight and if there is a game 7 they have Glavine tomorrow Maddox getting ready evidently for his start in the bottom of the inning on Chipper Jones Oh all that back and forth the Braves pitching this that the other the gang keys are beyond that they have it three games to two lead and they have key and Collin on the mound if they need both the final two games two balls and a strike on Chipper Jones 2 & 2 I think that's an excellent point Joe because what has happened starters Arkansas the right-field line long run for O'Neil in start to game six for Jimmy key then game to a half any completes no school bottom of the first inning at Yankee Stadium no score the Yankees come to bat they leave it off with Derek Jeter at Short Wade Boggs back in the lineup batting second Bernie Williams hitting 3rd big Cecil did eh he is putting together than Tino Martinez at first Darryl Strawberry left Paul O'Neill and right Ariana Duncan at second joe girardi catching and batting ninth the defense for the Atlanta Braves why not highlight Greg Maddux you know he can pitch he can hit a little he has 7 Gold Glove Award here he is Greg Maddux - and won his fourth World Series start a 15 game winner during the regular season and we've seen Greg Maddux enough to know what he's going to do tonight he's going to work that sinker on both sides of the plate he's going to throw the change-up it's in an occasional curveball and occasional cut fastball that looks like a little slider they certainly didn't do that a 24-ounce recorded as she said in the opening nineteen round ball outs 19 out of 24 Yankees come to bat in their half of the first inning with Jeter Boggs and Williams if anybody gets on Cecil Fielder here is Derek Jeter we will set a rookie record in 1996 with postseason hits he has 21 of them Oh surprise first pitch strike one a lot of movement on that strike one and that's the dilemma that a hitter faces when you're up against Greg Maddux he throws so many first pitch strikes you might ask yourself well why doesn't the hitter go up there and swing at that first pitch strikes the Yankees did that in game 2 Maddux pitched eight innings threw only 82 pitches if you hit it's going to be a ground ball one ball one strike up the middle toldja he has seven Gold Glove awards one away he had five assists in Game two looks like a little slider on the outside mark Greg Maddux always in a position to feel the all of the braids starting pitchers excellent fielders that will bring in weight bars making his first start since game to anything some it's just tie from Maddux Boggs won Game four with that bases-loaded walk he drew off the bench for Joe Torre Charlie Hayes at least at the start will sit this one out one ball one strike from Maddux the defense on the left side of the infield Chipper Jones way off the line and Jeff Blauser at Short toward the hole the middle and third-base line are open for Bob's we talked about greg maddux he's going to throw any pitch to any location at any speed doesn't overpower hitters but that great movement particularly on the sinker and the change took care of Jeter on a come backer now the one to two bogs and he stays alive you know that middle point that he doesn't have great velocity what he has is what the hitters referred to as late cop he may be throwing an 86 mile an hour fastball but at the end he has late movement and that's one of the key ingredients of getting guys out as Boggs set up wouldn't - already he's getting a little better look at Maddox and maybe taking a picture too more than they did in game 2 Maddux threw only 82 pitches in that eighth inning effort that's in the right easy for dye to out you think Leon there's no pinch in it wait till late in the count a lot of times you'll find yourself with two strikes and with his ability to expand the strike zone here's just a deepest hole but the more pitches he throws the better chance he has of making a mistake yeah but that's what we were talking about in the opening Joe Torre telling his hitters to hit what you see don't try and think with this guy see the ball pick the ball two out nobody on for Bernie Williams as only two hits in this world series and behind on the count these two hits however did combine to help the Yankees win that very important Game three in Atlanta they drove in three runs and hit his only World Series home run mouthing and one the count from Maddox wanted one Ernie Williams trying to extend this first-inning for Cecil Fielder even always only to 4:20 in the World Series still hitting 333 in the postseason there's strength to mention a home run hit by Bernie Williams it came in Game three eighth inning off McMichael and that help ease along to their 5-2 win behind David Cone over Glavine wetland would later get the same sessile up next his hands go up barely missed inside 2 & 2 that's his strikeout pitch to left-handers he tries to get the arms up ball tailing back over the inside corner it just missed inside bobble Aseem come back in there if Lopez moves inside that's the pitch he throws with two strikes the tailer missed again cheater bounced back to Maddox Boggs - right Jim McGriff first-inning over here in Game six at Yankee Stadium the Braves will try to take an early lead tonight get this crowd out of the game second inning no score Kizer so say and matt dillon checking out the action here in game 6 dad's Kevin Spacey and Matt Dillon all the stars are out in Game six two unusual suspects there huh Dillon going blonde on us here's McGriff with Lopez and Jones to follow second inning no score Jimmy key back to work and a perfect pitch over the outside corner Fred McGriff is one of the hitters in Game two that hurt Jimmy key on pitches up in the zone they were going to really concentrate on staying down on Fred McGriff down and away and it's won in lon Grif has had a very strong World Series six hits including two home runs comes up empty one we've talked about how he loves the ball away especially the left hand in my opinion the Yankees done a good job coming inside the mcgriff enough chancho you can see from McGriff's approach he starts out well off the plate particularly against left-handers and then dives in towards the plate looking to shoot a pitch in the opposite field up the middle apply on the first base side of second base Jeter comes up with a play one down that was a good play because he was well-positioned you can see Boggs almost halfway between second and third they're giving McGriff everything on the ground on the left side he does have good power in the air good flight by Jeter we've seen the Braves use some unusual shifts in this series and now the Yankees are starting to get a little more aggressive defensively in their positioning one out nobody on for Javy Lopez are the only three hits in this world series still hitting 282 in the postseason had a terrific National League Championship Series against st. Louis was the MVP se5 42 isn't a bad NLCS 13 hits the most in any Series in postseason history by a catcher to a no the count from Jimmy key you can't get the call I would imagine Bobby Cox will have Lopez hitting here as you look at Andrew Jones on deck never had a chance to swing a one out walk the first baserunner of the night belongs to Atlanta Jimmy key kind of feeling around that outside corner trying to find how far he can work off that corner and still get the strike call he said he felt in Game two that a work to Maddox advantage to have a national league umpire behind the plate because they were familiar with the movement on Maddox pitch Terry Tator was working to play that game Gerry Davis tonight behind the plate of national league umpire so one on one out for Andruw Jones Andruw Jones broke into World Series play with a bang here in game one two home runs three hits six RBIs in this world series Andruw Jones back in game 1 second inning see you later I'm Andy Pettitte a 2-run shot then on Boehringer a three-run shot in a 12-2 one Atlanta victory in Game one now Andruw Jones out in front of the counter long and you're going to get a lot of balls a lot of balls on the ground against Jimmy key we'll see if Bobby Cox puts the runner in motion here favorable count for Jones changeup 2 & 2 said hitting situation changer he misses up and in Jermaine Dye waits on deck again Ryan Klesko is not in the starting lineup for Bobby Cox Jimmy key has a great pickoff move to first base probably by Andy Pettitte the American League look at if you're the runner on first base it's just like a hit and run three two a hit runs the same thing you must make sure the pitcher pitches it's up to the hitter to put the ball in play Lopez Court back in town Lopez got such a late he was able to get back ahead of the relay throw from Jeter making sure he pitches here comes the pitch there goes Lopez and he didn't get a third of the way down there 50 base running by the Atlanta catcher one thing Joe Girardi has to stay back to get make sure he gets the strike he can do that since Lopez doesn't have great speed and plus it's a 3-2 count I said Jeter it was Duncan who cut across made the throw good effort but Lopez was just too close and he's on at first with two out for Jermaine Dye to the ball during the regular season into 81 12 home runs tying Todd Hollandsworth for tops among NL rookies try to figure out a one-out walk to Javy Lopez Mel stottlemyre the Yankee pitching coach on your right Jimmy key behind on the count three and all hurry along working exclusively on the outside corner here in the first two innings of the ballgame very important that at some point he establishes inside so that the Braves hitters don't lean out there and start shooting the ball into right field which is what they did in Game two iZON his control you see the changes speeds on all his pitches and you easily makes up for the law school to on Jermaine Dye in the right field and after an ending in six Yankees championship no score back in Yankee Stadium into the bottom of the second inning Yankees went in order in the first Greg Maddux back to work no score it will be fielder Martinez in strawberry sessile has had a terrific World Series hitting 421 it's interesting that the Yankees are relying now every day on Cecil Fielder and Darryl Strawberry two players that came to this team the second half of the season fielder grounds to first and the first four Yankees have been retired bring it back what Greg Maddux can do he can make Nexus he rides the ball away from the left he tries to hit the outside corner with the breaking ball he could run the ball in on him and then he we talked about that two strike pitch that he tries to bring back and players refer to that as making X's on both sides of the plate nobody does it better than Maddux here's Tino Martinez he looks at a strike and what's amazing about Maddux he does all that with variations on that fastball like a nice recipe little salt here little pepper there little oregano up and in one ball one strike Leo Mazzoni told us in it later that basically he does it with finger pressure he puts a little more pressure with the index finger to make the ball sink away from a lefty a little more pressure with the middle finger to make it cut back into a left strike two on Tino Martinez Pino has had a rough postseason no RBIs in this world series only one out of eight and try to get it back together facing Maddox in behind the count 1 & 2 to ensure he's missing inside with that tailing fastball remember he tried to do it with Bernie Williams then he missed two Tino Martinez if you miss inside you want to miss inside on the inside corner Choi in the first strikeout for Maddux he finally hit five inches in this sequence a fastball away this is vintage Maddux and this is inside fastball away if this is inside bingo first strikeout the second out of the inning Martinez now one out of nine in the series and here's strawberry the other half of that one-two punch the Yankees brought in in the second half of the season strawberry hitting only 214 in the World Series his defense has been outstanding Joe Torre telling us just as mere presence in that lineup makes a difference for the Yankees wanna know the count typical own away one ball one strike Bob Watson George Steinbrenner very instrumental in bringing Darryl Strawberry back to the Yankees Joe Torre has done the job on the field that is a manager trying to suppress me on Magritte played perfectly right down the line and the second inning is history no score after two back to Yankee Stadium after this from your local Fox station are these beautiful shots from a bar brought to you by the AltaVista on-site computing airship doing business over the internet from wherever you are pilot is captain Terry Dillard from Orlando Florida cameraman is nathan crawford there after doing business it's like Maddox and ki are doing down below they're back to work Jimmy key ready to work the third inning delivers ball one to Terry Pendleton now one-one Pendleton has had a postseason he would like to forget only one out of 13 in the postseason his one hit coming in the World Series Mariano Duncan kicks it with a backhand can't recover and we'll see how they roll it they rule it in error I don't think Duncan saw that ball right away he got a very poor jump looked like it hit the heel of the glove nope just closed the glove too quickly and Pendleton beats it out Duncan's not out there for his defense he's the offensive player at second base if the Yankees have a lead late in the game you will see Luis solo replace him so a leadoff error and now the number nine hitter Jeff Blauser digs in maybe the running here excuse me Jeff's going to say another Atlanta brave player who is not hit well runner is going Pendleton never look back in he is the first Pizza the reason Pendleton it was the hit run so in lieu of the by Bobby Cox elects to hit and run it looked like either a quasi pitch up or Pitts job Joe Girardi waiting until Derek Jeter gets over to cover the bag and he throws out Pendleton easily appear to be a broken hit and run Blauser started to swing at the pitch that was well up and out of the strike zone and then tried to check his swing broken play you see Terry Pendleton if you can read lips he said pitch out and look like a pitcher that did allow tzer's started to go after it then decided he wouldn't offer at the pitch and Pendleton was an easy out he could see Girardi double pump before he got rid of it and Pendleton was out by quantity so an error but Pendleton erased running the bases and now a 300 count on Blauser and in a running situation some pitchers and catchers would prefer instead of pitching out just throw the ball up and away give the catcher a good shot at the runner in cases right and that appeared to be what Girardi was doing because he got outside late he sets up outside he gets out there late if it wasn't pitch out it was an odd one now blobs are trying to shoot the gap in right-center Bernie Williams can't get to it up against the wall and it's a one-out double for Blauser so the Braves lose Pendleton on the bases and on a 3-1 pitch Blauser shoots the gap in right-center he continues to work that outside corner has yet to come inside on a right-handed hitter Blauser gets a pitch down and out over the plate lot of room in the gaps here at Yankee Stadium 385 to right-center 399 to left-center even Bernie Williams can't catch up with that boy so for plows are only his third hit in this world series he's at second one out for Grissom at mark he's out in front strength water for Blauser that is his first extra-base hit in this world series and it comes as a one-out double as the Braves trying to take a third inning lead Pendleton on the error and out caught stealing Grissom looks at a ball it's one long who else would the Braves rather have at the plate than Marquis Grissom 10 out of 23 in his World Series barely missed too long RISM has driven in four runs in the World Series seven of the to the left side the broken bat grounder Jeter that seems to be the equalizer Bob that he's going with the ninth and breaking ball instead of the fastball inside and that's a very effective pitch particularly when you're behind in the count a lot if you can throw this curveball for a strike which Jimmy key does on a 2-1 count no way a hitter can be looking for a breaking ball to the runner at second two out and it's up to Lemke batting right-handed he takes ball one mark rounded out to short his first time up six out of 22 in this world series they went well the Braves hitters are getting a dose of the medicine that has dealt on other teams away away yeah lefty has come up with one big hit after another for the Braves here he pops it up right-center for Bernie Williams and no runs Yankee Stadium no score we get into the bottom of the third inning here at Yankee Stadium no score in this copyrighted telecast is presented my authority of the office of the Commissioner of baseball and may not be reproduced retransmitted in any form without express written consent Joe Buck rattling Tim McCarver happy to have you with us on a Saturday night there's a strike to Paul O'Neill Oh Neil Duncan Girardi seven eight and nine he's looking for their first base runner Paul O'Neill with that bad hamstring there is no doubt that affects him at the plate he is only one out of 9 in this world series he made the great running catch on the ball hit by Louise Polonia and the game the other night and then limped all the way back into the Yankee dugout things don't seem to hurt quite as bad this time of year until the game is over Paul O'Neill at that very unusual tapping of the right foot very unusual timing device check it out right there check his right foot out checked his swing two and two you're talking about a guy who at 3:02 during the regular season but as the year has progressed that his hamstring injury and has worship really struggled at home plate only six hits in the entire postseason down the right-field line and hamstring and all double protocol of the that's when your buddy keep it's a reminder Oh deal did rips one down the right his second hit of the series and his second double automatics he started out very pigeon toed that toe pointed back towards the catcher until the pitch was delivered a state for the Kees is a double Paul O'Neill doubled on Greg Maddux in Game two Game six at Duncan offered at it as he showed the bunt that's strike one the bricks have to look out for right now is a double bun a button might knock in a bunt by Girardi Girardi with five RBIs this year on safety sacrifice squeezes so if Duncan can get O'Neill over look for Girardi to possibly try to get him in with a bun Ariana was trying to go to Nakano and to obviously trying to hit the ball on the right side of the infield one thing the Yankees have to be concerned about because O'Neill's hamstring he is not able to get the kind of acceleration that he's going to need a hard-hit ball right at lengthy or Magritte well now they until two strikes they were playing relatively shallow to try to generai shine Duncan that's his job what a terrific job by Mariano Duncan to move O'Neill the other way on too old to pitch the plate and the center figure we'll put the Yankees on top it's the pressure only johanna gets a pitch up in the strike zone marquise grissom playing a very shallow center field and he just drives it over his head a few mistakes you'll see greg maddux make up high in the strike zone in July he wasn't about to let it pass just to make you two guys mad he can run for a catcher somewhere in this game with a neurotic third lesson look for the squeeze play Duncan set it up for the gets it done with the RBI triple now for Gina Johnna Yankees have done in two and a third innings against Greg Maddux in Game two and that is dent home plate cymatics inconsistently the strike zone even the double hit via wazzup thanks hit soon enough city and shakin a single a bullying miss Jenny when's the last time that with greg maddux on the back two runs are in pitch out nothing took chaos and right now for the and steal the base of guest and pitched out Jeter didn't go so many things Joe Torre can do here hit rocks the lead you take more chances Maddox gave up 21 stolen bases in 26 attempts this year Jeter with a tremendous jump doesn't even throw from Javy Lopez our base it can mean another runner at second one and a 200 count on balls into right for Jermaine Dye Jeter will stay put Jew are picked up by Maddox - and the inning will continue for burning lower part of his back or his shoulder on his trying to stretch out ever since second two on foot only two out of 21 in this world Syria maybe two out of 21 in the world series but I'm pretty sure Maddox is going to pitch him very carefully here with a base open look at Jeter going into second base here break off first great acceleration takes a quick peek at home like when he put his arm his right arm dad we he could have jammed the shoulder pull the muscle right he's at second two out Williams at the plate the right-center comes cheater lowers no good this ban in this high marquise grissom with an excellent on you don't see him unless you just did not have a good grip on something good position charging the ball mails it to greg maddux backing up the play let's face it Marquis Grissom has had a rough postseason in the field he's committed three errors huge foreign ladder helping the Yankees get back into the ball time in centre in Game five marquise grissom in right-center and to his defense Jermaine Dye there's no doubt God in it was definitely in his vision as he dropped that ball in right-center the error went to Grissom and the unearned run scored it was the only run of the night the plate session fielder runner at second Williams the burning Williams was up Greg Maddux is uncharacteristically up in the zone this inning fortunately for him on that pitch it was so high that sessile couldn't catch up to it but that's not a trend that Bobby Cox is doing seeing very much nothing and two on Fielder it's been a 3-run for hit hitting for the Yankees big Parnevik Joe Girardi with an RBI triple and a run scored Bernie Williams the two-out RBI hit he took second on the throw home error charged on the throne one and two on field FAK has three runs to work with here in the third and he may have only three more innings to work with because Joe Torre has a very healthy Mariano arrested Rivera he may be going back to then six two and one second two out it stays fair Lopez very good in the first two games of this 1996 World Series able to take the crowd out of it here at Yankee Stadium is not the case apparently something happening to Mariano Duncan during that bottom on the third inning he heads out we're going to need a new second baseman maybe Billy Crystal play second base for the ings he loved that guarantee so sure Joe Torre would like it very much but Billy would dig it so we're going to get an early look at Luis solo and we will pass along exactly what happened to Mariano Duncan who had a big advance in that three-run third inning Soho takes over he's normally slated for later in the game as a defensive replacement he talked about earlier now here's Soho on to the fourth inning evidently when the Yankees went back out he was warming up the infielders were taking their ground balls and throws he was hit in the pound by a ball that's the early word we get and that's why Duncan has to leave here in Game six so mark Luiz so hone down on your scorecard batting eighth playing second base Mariano Duncan finished for the rest of the night look like Chipper Jones might've asked Joe Girardi what happened we're trying to figure out themselves what a Mariano Duncan Chipper Jones will lead it off then McGriff then Lopez big inning for Atlanta as they try to get back into this game ball one from Jimmy key it's a huge ending for Jimmy key in the Yankees if you can put up a zero after your team has scored some runs it was a long way towards keeping your team mentally in the ball game Braves have the right guys coming up to do something about that three nothing score there's ball and it's to it on Joan too long it's again Jimmy key staying away away away a very defensive swing on a to a no count from the very good hitter bring and walk Chipper Jones trying to get on base somehow someway to get it started for Atlanta here in the fourth into left-center field not well hit strawberry there dan brews shoe Melrose Place a professional soccer team out in LA white Jennifer checking out the action here here is Fred McGriff with one out nobody on McGriff grounded out the shortstop Jeter his first time up talked in the opening about how important it was for Jimmy key to get ahead of the hitters 10 first pitch balls 13 first pitch strikes so far to first and just foul three first pitch strikes and he's gotten away with it we want to continue that trend throughout the ball game just took foul and it count you in one one out nobody on it pops it up get back in out of play and it's a 2-2 count runner at second laughter now the to tournament graph full count Xavier Lopez waits on deck I walk in the second walk issued tonight by Jimmy key he walked Lopez back in the second he walks McGriff with one out here in the fourth and it's one on one out for Javy Lopez Lopez only three hits in this world series it takes a strike only one RBI wanted one I mean Lopez a dead lowball hitter you see the bright red across the bottom that's where he really likes the ball hot we'll head hanging breaking balls in that blue zone occasionally but he likes the ball down around the knees our ball hitters are good breaking ball hitters because most breaking balls to be effective have to be down in the zone Rheda nothing Yankees here in the fourth inning to the right shine a face yet a walk in a hit and the Braves have a rally cooking here in the fourth inning good hitting by Lopez fastball away right on the corner rightful the right field Bobby Cox telling us about Andruw Jones and talking about the good power that he has the other way I think if he hits Jimmy key he's going to have to hit it hard the other way because I don't think he's going to come inside two on one out out in front he's been able to fool Andruw Jones with a couple of change ups and he does it for strike water two men aboard here in the fourth inning struck him out in the second inning with a very good changeup down low and away really planting the seed in Andruw Jones mind about that changeup one ball one strike Jimmy Smits is here they're all out waiting to see if the Yankees can wrap it up in six games Andrew Jones and we have yet to see a pitch come inside to Andrew during this at-bat they get the breaking ball here if he's consistent with the other right-handed him No headed for foul territory and out of play to and to Jimmy Keys defense he is missing the strike zone but not by very much throughout this world series we've seen a lot of those pitches just off the corner called strikes out there off the corner two and two on the rookie and the right-field O'Neil can't get there in time the basin's Jones gets his first hit of the night and the bases are loaded for Atlanta here in the fourth inning it was the breaking ball he finally got it and he hits it hard in front of Paul O'Neill O'Neill does keep it in front of him and the grim men go home at second base Lopez it first actually nobody scores talked about the Braves being a very good team at making adjustments on the fly and you can see this inning Lopez Andruw Jones both going to the opposite field here is Jermaine Dye right his first time up bases-loaded one out into right field down the line trouble of it's fair it is just out of play for how to get Bobby Cox credit for being patient stayed with these rookies throughout especially against left-handed pitching - back in his lineup tonight hit to load the bases - Jemaine down one but finally Jimmy key does come inside really needs to do that to establish in there not necessarily for a strike well just like he does right here to keep Jermaine Dye and the rest of the Braves hitters from reaching out and poking that ball in the right field and catch the corner too our fox box top left-hand corner of your screen the bases loaded with but Grif Lopez and Jones one out account to Korean War Jimmy key is staying stubborn borrowing from tommy glavine theory of staying stubborn David weathers up and throwing ideal hitting situation here 3 1 pitch force all along bases-loaded walk two walks two hits in the inning it's a two run Yankee lead it's three to one here in the fourth but appears Jimmy key is really staying away right through the count against the Braves that are not willing to challenge anybody fastball away the Jermaine Dye fouls off the one pitch during the sequence inside was called the ball away away all forms appeared to be a slider in the dirt didn't want to give in on the 3-1 count with the base loaded so that makes it a two-run game and the base is still loaded one out with a number eight hitter tearing Pendleton and again it's an ideal hitting situation because a guy who is missing consistently outside if he doesn't continue to stay stubborn like he has done what he's going to do he's going to make the adjustment over the middle of the plane throughout his career Pendleton has been outstanding with the bases loaded he pops it foul strike water and third he has a hit anything as does Andrew Jones Jermaine Dye the bases-loaded RBI walk wanted one from Jimmy the bases-loaded Terry Pendleton is in his career a 335 hitter with four grand slam Jimmy key has not given up a grand slam in his career and again outside too probably won't unless he gets the bone in the strike zone Mel stottlemyre watching kyon to and oneness again outside it's the Yankees bullpen DoublePlay cheater steps and throws chants for atlanta they get only your blue light special at the Empire State Building little lights never ending the season for the New York Yankees we get into the bottom the fourth inning the Yankees games too late three two one is Tino Martinez looks it'll off for Maddux one out of nine so far for Martina my god we have not talked about in this series is Don Mattingly who retired from the gang an icon in this city and probably nobody on either team to begin the 1996 season was under more pressure than Tino Martinez hard to replace a guy like Mattingly spotted so well in 25 all rug 117 runs this postseason has got to be frustrating two weeks of his life the big thing about the postseason though regardless of what's happened up to this point you have a big game six and or a big game seven it's all forgotten so far he's struck out he's shut up here to ball and two strikes for the 4th in the center field right now let's go down to Steve Lyons for an update on Mariano Duncan Highjump standing outside the Yankee clubhouse my an abduction was taken out of the game at the top of the fourth inning he strained his shoulder while warming up for that inning Louisa takes over for the second base dr. Joe thank you Steve instead the strained throwing shoulder here is Darrell first his first time up but he takes a wall from Maddox so cutting fastball almost like a little baby slider usually after he throws that he comes back with the sinker inside off the plate one and one much this time to come back with a good straight changeup although it's not straight by any stretch of the imagination has heeded downward movement on the ball one two strawberry you can drive a fleet of trucks from Chipper Jones the third baseman is playing the shortstop position to the third base line Maddox and strawberry one Intuit East ranks him out over the inside corner Chua mannix first bitch'll cut fastball inside just off the corner comes back with the change-up to get the swinging strike sick and fastball good fastball two strikeouts tonight for Maddox two out nobody on to the fourth inning here is qual O'Neill O'Neil has only two hits the World Series he has two doubles against Maddox he has plenty of time and the Yankees go in order in the fourth and to the first four in Game six Yankees trying to wrap it up they lead by two Atlanta trails by two after the first four innings here in game six it will be the number nine hitter Blauser then back to the top of the lineup Grissom and Lemke against Jimmy key all one from Keita Blauser who doubled his first time up big scoring chance for the Braves in the fourth inning they had scored one had the bases loaded one out and a 3-1 count on Pendleton grounded into the easy inning ending 6 3 double play and what could have been overlooked is in the third inning Pendleton on on an error and then Joe Girardi appeared to a pitched out is an odd pitch out but he was nailed at second base before the Blauser doubled to a no on Blauser here in the fifth inning there's a strike to a walk rage never did panic when they were down three games to one to the st. Louis Cardinals in the NLCS they got to be feeling it a little bit now three and one to count on Blauser they trailed three to one fifth inning like mom she was taking putting himself with good hitters counts these Braves hitters are going to be taken 3-1 fast three two two Blauser off the end of day noon Eastern 9 a.m. Pacific rhythm is on with the base hit here with one out of the fifth inning be able to see that game the dolphins and the Cowboys here in New York only question that remains a baseball side now is will that lead us into Game seven will there be a game seven graves trying to win here tonight to force the deciding game here tomorrow night out hit by christen that gets away Grissom head for second by Joe Girardi but I he's pressing was safe at second base clothes look like looked like his foot was on the bag trying to be restrained thereby umpire Jim Evans aramis the first-base - saw the tag was hot the foot was in there looked like he was out still gets it obviously safe at second base going down smart tag by Jeter after Christmas foot and hit the bed amazing the Gerardi could watch out what Plus and safe easy Jeter had tagged Grissom on his left arm as he put it up to start his slide then you can proxy's village third base umpire Tim welke this entire series Andruw Jones was on a 3-2 pitch and look well outside and Tim welke Andrew Jones which started why he hurts up Game seven tarah taters in a sure Bobby's had his run-ins with course of the season or the last several seasons you injected it as class was walking was what was said is the center so after the been fitting his history Yankees back we get into the bottom of the fifth inning here in Yankee Stadium tonight's aerial shots being provided by the AltaVista on-site computing airship demonstrating that business can be done over the internet from anywhere even from 1,000 feet over he stadium that's what's going on up above what's going on down below the Yankees out in front by 2 and Pompey been ejected there was no doubt and his reasons for his argument replays clearly showing that Grissom was safe the second base umpire Terry as he walked off may have said something may not have said something to Tim welke who bounced out of this game consortium between Jimmy Williams Jim Beecham and Leo Mazzoni over on that Braves dugout bench any Chimpy chip will make the pitching changes Williams has his flyball to right Jermaine Dye would catch that flag that of Sean is the second incident between Bobby Cox and Jim welcome was down the right-field line in the was with Derek Jeter at the play when later single which led to a three run sixth inning in that crazy game for the Yankees came back to win in 86 and 10 in it the previous night it was a 3-2 pitch would welcome behind the plate where Andruw Jones was called out on a breaking ball from John Wetteland Joe Girardi with a count of one the good news for Bobby Cox after a shaky third inning when Maddux was getting everything up in the strike zone in the Yankee he now seems to have found his own again off the end of the bat into shallow left Arne two for two all four shot in the World Series manager being ejected from a Series game Whitey Herzog in Game seven 1985 World Series with Kansas City Bobby Cox is now the sixth manager ejected from a Series game one on one out for Derek Jeter combined with terraria that RBI single stolen base in Iran score and again a running situation right here Girardi stays pointed as Jeter looks at Bowl one what managers trying to do they try to run the cafe verbal to the hitter to disallow the pitch out very few managers or catchers will pick up on a 1o count or a 2-1 count Gerardi a fast runner Jeter contact hitter on Girardi coming up in the ninth inning Tim Bob and I will award today's Chevrolet player of the game Joe Girardi tried to throw his name in the Hat 13 stolen bases the Yankee record for catchers if someone can get to second what a play by left by mark Lemke five four three and the fifth inning and we go to the sixth at Yankee Stadium Yankees out in front by two this is why this was a spectacular the distance he had to cover on a ball that was hit hard to Chipper Jones with two guys who could run one one that hit and one that was on first what a ploy five four three double play ends the fifth and now Jimmy key back to work in the sixth inning with the Yankees out in front three two one Chipper Jones leads it off in McGriff then Lopez ball one strike great job by Chipper Jones to start that double play by floating the ball over towards second base and allowing Lemke to run under coach like a quarterback would to a wide receiver bats slicing down the right-field line it is trouble into the it's a fair ball hops into the seats for a leadoff ground rule double exactly what the Atlanta Braves needed to start the sixth inning and speaking of floating that's what Chipper Jones - that zinger does - that sinker going low and away gets it down the right-field line much the same as his double against Jimmy key in Game two we've already seen David weathers getting ready for the Yankees out of their bullpen whether it's weathers or whether you get into Mariano Rivera land here comes Mel stottlemyre out to talk to Jimmy key if Joe Torre and Mel stottlemyre stick to their regimen they would use Dave weathers to hopefully get out of the sixth inning and they did bring Rivera in to start the seventh weathers is the one that for the third time the last two innings is getting ready on the Yankee bullpen Rivera's much more effective to start an inning it drives into the ballgame with runners on base he's very susceptible to the stolen base so for that reason alone I'm sure David weathers is cranking it up in a hurry so a leadoff double from Chipper Jones Cheers McGriff who was grounded out walked and scored Braves trail by two here the top of the sixth inning the stripe catches the outside corner to the just low one ball one strike Jimmy key trying to get around a leadoff double up the middle Soho to his right that's going to be the last interface tonight by Jimmy key Jimmy key gets into the sixth inning our Aflac trivia question not supplied by the folks at Aflac instead the Honorable George Pataki governor of the state of New York asks which New York Yankee holds the longest hitting streak in the World Series sour a black trivia question think about that as Jimmy key thinks about his five and a third innings here tonight as he gives way to the Yankee bullpen first its David weathers runner at third Chipper Jones aboard for Javy Lopez it is strength over the inside corner Xavier Lopez in game four in the fifth inning with two on he struck him out primarily on low fastballs a deadline pick up by the Yankees and he's had a very good postseason he's quickly on to sinker slider guy everything he throws is not really going to change Pittsburgh right at the hitter he's Atlanta hitters he's owned two as well inside fastball inside fouled away the plate away by David weathers with three pitches he does away with Javier Lopez now runner at third two out and it takes a hit Atlanta decline course inside again went through the first five and a third against Jimmy key the Braves hitters only had to worry about the outside corner and whether a pitch was a strike or a ball weathers enters the game and immediately starts working both sides of the plate two balls and a strike on Andruw Jones who has singled and struck out tonight graham lloyd the left-hander Jeff Nelson the right-hander getting ready for the Yankee tough slider down and away from entry Andrew Jones after throwing a fastball up and in tying run at the runner at third two out three one from weathers that will put the tying run a ball a strikeout and a walk from weathers its first and third two out and Jermaine Dye will be called back to the Atlanta dugout and Joe Torre has already thought of that grandma Lloyd the left-hander warming up specifically for one hitter that's Ryan Klesko Joe Torre just waiting until Klesko is announced totally reason is warming up here comes Torian as Klesko is announced as the pinch-hitter Klesko will bat for Jermaine Dye Joe Torre will make his second pitching change on the sixth inning weathers got one out he walks Andruw Jones and now we see graham Lloyd Joe Torre on his way out to take out David weathers checking with home plate umpire right there Garrett Davis making sure Klesko was announced before made the boom his move is Ryan Klesko was announced is to bring in ground ray of zero and five inch tying runs on and ball on outside to Klesko klesko's last start was in game three against David Cone he's on pinch-hitting for Jermaine Dye the corners two out look at these first two pitches to it all typical left-handed power hitter down and in up and out over the plate and he can pull that pitch away from him gets under it pops it up go in this series for a boy if she score into the bottom of the sixth thing here at Yankee Stadium game 6 and guys the Atlanta Braves have left six runners on base Ryan Klesko pinch-hitting for Jermaine Dye and Graeme Lloyd coming in he has not allowed a baserunner in this series what a remarkable job from the guy down under and expect to work in the bottom of the sixth inning dealing with bogs an accountant - lets go stage in the game he's in playing left field and that moves Andrew Jones from left to right so we had to deal with the fans in the left-field bleachers and now we meet some new friends out in right boxes fly to write twice about the answer for our Aflac trivia question the students drink in the World Series 17 consecutive games that's our Aflac trivia answer and our thanks to govern George Pataki we submitted that quite Williams looks at a ball oh that's not fair right James has an RBI single his last time up Jermaine Dye is finished for the rest of the night Maddox has had that one on Williams Maddox back in that three-run third inning allowed a leadoff double to Paul O'Neill Duncan move the runner over here's Rivera getting ready RBI triple by Joe Girardi he scored on a hit by Jeter whose full second one out nobody on six down the left ear let's go on the for the second out of the unit let's go a much-improved defensive outfielder this ball slicing away from him down is on that ball very nicely while we show the replays a fan is not loose on the field quickly disposed of and with two out nobody on here the sixth inning the batter will be central fielder all the security guards go back their posts security guards have been going through two-a-days to get ready for tonight's game it is totally that one domino effect two out nobody on here the sixth inning Cecil Fielder weights the night supposed to gain too we only column the manners to he's allowed three worked here tonight none through eight innings in Game two fielder is grounded out twice fans fallen for a few but there's a real diehard Yankee fan got the sign behind home plate sporting Tommy gun's Tommy John's career earned run average that's right there John tra for his career that that's a real Yankee fan there's no doubt scary that you would know that place one for bases empty two out twice go after white to maduk Shan fielder fresco didn't get a real good read on it and in Belem from power hitters take a big cut on pitches up in the zone your natural instinct as an outfielder is to break back the head of the bat Fusco was fooled it drops him now Gino Martina 1 for 10 in this series time for the duck dance I guess one on two out restraint throwing and dunk innings and that was in the third when New York scored all three runs he was up in the zone and that inning but for the most part you exclude that third inning skipped the ball down fairly well Girardi a flair hit the fifth inning Cecil Fielder Hinda left with two out and now Maddox behind the count 2 and 1 on Tino Martinez Joe Girardi has been a big part of the Yankees attack here tonight and a single that ball that got away getting over we have played six here at Yankee Stadium from your local back in Yankee Stadium which is just drenched in baseball tradition on even quark Babe Ruth Yankee Stadium opening on April 18 1923 who hits the first homerun who else Babe Ruth Yankees run the Polo Grounds before coming to Yankee Stadium that played here since 1923 save the two years 74 and 75 when Yankee Stadium was remodeled renovated quite a home-field advantage for these Yankees who have not been taking advantage of the home field up until now they lead three to one into the seventh in a new third baseman Charlie Hayes new pitcher Mariano Rivera seventh-inning three two one New York and a ball 210 Pendleton leading off Terry by far the key it back to the brave so far after Atlanta broke through the bases-loaded RBI walk to Jermaine Dye in the fourth inning he had a count of three in one with the bases loaded rally killing DoublePlay you know from Rivera and Terry up there taking a strike it appears that's because the Braves are trailing by two runs not one up there hacking if they're trailing by one but he gets four straight balls from her very about that Mariano Rivera a walk on four straight to start the seventh inning that'll bring the tying run to the plate so Rivera comes on after Graham Lloyd went 1/3 of it let's go to pop up with two on two out to end the top of the six weathers 1/3 of a he went five and a third here's Jeff Blauser find out Rivera can get erratic around the strike zone particularly up in the strike zone but he gets a lot of swinging strikes on pitches that are up out of the strike zone because of that tremendous velocity and postseason appearances that er Florist all time this has been the formula for the Yankees all year long you get a start from whoever Pettitte key bear up to the seventh and eighth the flounder wine second for solo blouse or one out of three and back to the top of the lineup it'll be Marquis christening one of the reasons that Mariano Rivera is so successful as he grows hard sure but there are a lot of pitchers in the major leagues that grow as hard as Rivera but none have the nice easy motion before the exploding fastball strike one on Grissom bris a'mma single his last time up then with Lemke at the plate a ball got away Girardi off his back foot fired a strike down to second Grissom was balled out clearly see 96 miles for the six or for sound six for now Joe Torre will put argument at first base I think it's the same as we talked about a couple of innings ago so just had too far to go is playing so far in the hole on the right side that he couldn't turn so he tried to throw on the move as his foot hits the bag he tries to jump and throw all in one motion makes a nice play to get rid of the ball Gina's been a good dig if I get beat as we showed you with Lemke in the fifth Bennet covering a lot of ground so had to do it and they couldn't get Grissom with his speed now you notice it's those four straight balls to open the inning the Terry Pendleton he has not thrown one in the last two-plus hitters the wettest pitch is one waste one-on-one on lemke 95 miles-per-hour from Rivera it's there top of the seventh inning over time holds the clock well filled with 17,000 the on-site computing these great shots from high above Yankee Stadium the bottom of the seventh inning Maddox back to the mound strawberry leads it off it will be strawberry and so for the Yankees here in the seventh Mariano Rivera issued the leadoff walk balloon right through the Braves threesome and lumpy two and one from Maddox and strawberry because he managed is very upset with himself he doesn't find himself in the whole three very often very to start this seventh Wayne and Janet Gretzky Wayne of course now a member of the New York Rangers and don't forget the NHL all-star game coming up here on Fox January 18th one on Nova and as far as every baseball fan knows Greg Maddux is the great one as far as pitching is concerned that's only the second batter to lead his last 200 Clinic postseason O'Neil shoots one foul obtaining two pitches which is from Game two when he went 8 shutout innings usually you would think about starting Darryl Strawberry to stay on the double play Paul O'Neill crowded into 21 during the season but strawberry with the bad tony'll with the bad hamstring not really much Joe Torre can do with an active bullpen O'Neil Nagaland by lucky getting ready for atlanta as maddux issues his first one of this year's World Series you three six three for the here in the seventh Ivan look to me like Darryl Strawberry took off and then stopped him right there O'Neill breaks his back an easy DoublePlay by Fred McGriff and 3 6 3 grunts well the nerves had baked bread by strawberry one if he missed his side strawberry going out of his way they're trying to break up that double play O'Neil now one out of three soul shoots it foul Lise has it hit in an RBI in this series to overall in the World Series but his hit RBI hit came in that 5-2 win for the Yankees in Game three in Atlanta so for one since entering back in the fourth two out nobody on so hold down extra basis for so long that's his third hit the game is a defensive replacement although tonight because Mariano Duncan was injured one thing they haven't they like to go up there and swing that bat neither guy's going to get cheated they ended continues for Gerardi he's sick on his who scored a wrong a good plane took a funny hop in the end he comes to a close we have played seven Braves bat eighth inning time running out run Farah back to work well along with our producer John Filippelli director Bill Webb Jill Bloch Tim McCarver Bob Brentley back at you we are ready for the eighth inning Girardi has had a big night as has Derek Jeter Bernie Williams drove into 3rd run that three-run third inning Jermaine Dye of bases-loaded walk Lanta RBI Bobby Cox was ejected from the game back in the fifth inning after arguing a call at second base Grissom was called out we play showed he was safe Chipper Jones leads it off against Rivera and he hits the first pitch into Center one catch Game seven it's Dave and Cohn and Tom Glavine and it's tomorrow night and it will be right here on Fox at 7:00 Eastern Braves hope to but on those sanitary socks one more time in 96 1978 back back up the middle cheated Chua extra people to guard against an extra pay Penny's strike walk waka singular strength NLCS MVP the World Series World Series the fourth time in the and World Series strike two on to get it to the ninth inning well this place is shaking literally as we get into the bottom of the eighth-inning he's leading in the game and in the series George Steinbrenner and all the fans hoping tonight is the night the world championship back to New York the first time since to 78 Maddox can keep it at you good pitch in on the hands on to Maddox still trying to hit here's 1 & 2 very consistent tonight he didn't give it to Jimmy key he's not matters the bottle being Maddox strikes out his third well if the Yankees hang on Wyn coming up after the game the Nasdaq postgame show followed in New York by bonus coverage during the channel 5 news and will be here additional interviews and analysis on the Fox News Channel that is if the Yankees haggle digs into the first time tonight Barnes was all for three Mariano Duncan had to leave with a strained throwing shoulder back in the fourth he's back out and watching this serious event if David Justice were healthy of his life in game 5 on Thursday night two and one on Hey laris the swing of his life game time up the middle Mattox another fine play - OH a lot of pictures would be fooled by posit back to the box either or slower than they really are Maddox only seems having that glove in a good position to make the play what a postseason and series it's been four but against this Atlanta line William strike one entire Yankee bullpen had a great World Series gran Lloyd first and foremost neutralizing those lefties in the Braves lineup since Game one that Yankee bullpen has allowed only two earned runs watch and put all this together Yankee general manager that's out of play not only did Bob Watson help put all this together on the recommendation from Arthur Richman senior advisor to George Steinbrenner he brought in Joe Torre William steps out matter fact Joe Torre which interview down and a week later except at the managers job you're too Wade Boggs his first trip back to the World Series since 1986 fun showing him throughout his World Series balls two strikes on Burt to the right up patience set this up Jim Peacham the acting manager for the brain she's going to fall Maddox here and just going to say the Braves have three more outs and they will have Andrew Jones Ryan Klesko and Terry Pendleton to the plate in the night Greg Maddux cannot be a winner in Game six great work he leaves the Braves down by two win lose or draw what more do you want from Greg Maddux every time he takes a baseball in his hand he gives your team a chance to win only one bad inning tonight he gives way to mark Wohlers rollers followed Greg Maddux in Game two of this series what's better results that night for the Braves as they combine to shutout the Aggies four to nothing or struck out the side also gave up one base hit and that one any of work anacs working 15 and 2/3 innings and giving up three runs winner tonight facing Cecil Fielder - up trying to shut down the age it's too much to handle upstairs straight one power pitcher like Wohlers does not have a good move to first base Bernie Williams with 17 stolen bases on the year this is a good time to run though you do have the power hitter at the plate there he goes Strike 2 no cro-- stolen base Bernie Williams and as his first from the world series the big jump that just tremendous speed great athlete Bernie way high leg kick mark Wohlers all power pitchers had that big leg kick runner at second two out in the o2 the fielder just fighting it off to stay alive still on to runner at second Williams two out to count on Cecil Fielder wanting a time for blah getting over we head to the night here in the Bronx there three ounces World Championship this World Series got underway last Sunday night after the Saturday night start was rained it started Sunday night and it was a twelve to one in Atlanta when followed by a four to nothing Atlanta winning Game two since then the Yankees have won three in a row they've won all eight they've played on the road in the postseason John wetland will try to save every one of the Yankee victories in the World Series he has five saves in the postseason three in the World Series and the Yankees are three outs away from their first World Championship since 1978 in the the battery on Tuesday more wetland takes over Andruw Jones late Andy Pettitte was praying in in Game six Jones very patient as always two and one Wescoe will follow and then Pendleton chewing too three and two from wetland wetland can hit a wild streak he's three into on Andruw Jones who swung the bat only once in miss it back of Jeter and westcote is on means the tying run will come to the plate that eludes John wetland he can't make the pivot and bring the glove to the right-hand side as a result Jeter's forced to feel the ball ESCO has an infield hit he's certainly not guilty of while still at the table one on one out for Terry Pendleton he's reached on an error to a double play and walked was in this situation you don't want the potential tying run to get to second base this a long way from over something got loose down the left field reason for the delay handle two strike two shush missed inside Pendleton able to roll one two it's close I want to count you betcha his Glasgow it's 1st and 3rd one with his second hit of the World Series and now the tying runs are on over the middle of the plate and paulownia making sure that he drops the ball the second base to keep Pendleton and mercy Indiana's Dave Winfield said Luis Polonia the pinch-hitter little redeeming value here right back-to-back singles after the strikeout right down the middle strike one part of the reasons now right there booze the outfielders the batter against Wetteland eight straight basketballs at Carnell moves O'Neill the right-center field that was one of the reasons that O'Neill got to the ball hit by Polonia first and third one out tying runs on for the Braves strike two you can see just how far so with that in mind you don't throw him a breaking ball like you throw Pendleton because the breaking ball is the pitch that you can get around on and if weapons pitch you to the defense now he'll continue to throw one fastball after another the Mac signals by flash going Pendleton here it took Joe Torre 4270 two games or manager to get to the World Series we'll come in and pinch run for Pendleton ants the tying run it for Yankees are now one from the Yankees 23rd World Championship and person to the right side and throw a shake and the score is Klesko we'll stop at second and now three singles in the inning and it's a one-run game the conversion first ball hitting fastball away poked in the right field two more hits tonight for Grissom 12 in this world series for Lucky Strike World Series play from wetland Lemke tonight is grounded out and flied to Center three times there's the tying run Belliard there's the go-ahead run Grissom very good speed on for the Braves if Lemke can reach Chipper Jones waits on deck now Girardi wants to talk to wetland the reason for that is you want to be sure in this situation if the catcher wants to go away and a pitcher wants to go inside and you end up throwing that pitch it will be right down the middle of the play so Girardi making sure not only a pitch selection but pits location this daughter and potential winner for tonight's game Jimmy key watching one run home two on two out two and one on Lemke showing - and they and that's important now the runners will go from first and second not only important that the runners will go with the trail runner is the guy you're concerned about he is the fastest guy on the Yankees team and a short cut run runners going Lemke pops it foul and just out of the reach of Charlie hey you know interference could have been called on that play I think Charlie Hayes actually collided with an Atlanta player in uniform right there you're supposed to clear the front top step Hayes had a shot at it and now it is clear but something could have been called as Hayes collides with it inches away in a three into another chance to let some Hayes Waits the Yankees are champions of those ball in the center of his today Chevrolet player the game Joe Girardi behind the plate add complaint with maybe I've tripled or unjust and maybe the biggest swing of the night off the manager Arnie in that three-run third inning the only scoring the Yankees would do tonight against Maddux in the brain three to win Game six to to wait in the 1996 World Series for jewelry the World Series and they and hurt Joe on his 50s of his personal or overflowing congratulations to the Yankees and to the Atlanta Braves it's the New York 1996 champions of Major League Baseball Steve chill will return after these messages with the Nasdaq postgame show include the presentation of a World Series trophy and the Series MVP award welcome to our Nasdaq stock market postgame show and congratulations to the New York Yankees Yankee Stadium is long police on foot police these are just completing a victory lap Bob's still on horse here at the stadium detective victory lap as the Yankee victory train hitch to the Yankee clubhouse we'll take a break come back with more of our Nasdaq postgame report from Yankee Stadium where the Yankees win it 3-2 and a series four games to Jew over Atlanta welcome back to the Nasdaq postgame show after the Yankee 3-2 win tonight the series win four games to two we send it down to Steve Lyons who's standing by with Joe Girardi John's pretty wild down here Joe you got this ballclub on the board tonight with the triple tell me what pitch he hitting that in the third inning I just hit a high fastball I was looking to hit something in the air and you know a lot of those situations I've been given the safety squeeze all season and Joe let me hit you sat behind the plate for most of the season watching those relief pitchers Rivera and wetland come in and close the door all year long tell me about the job those guys did unbelievable once again you know we thought if we could get a lead and get to the seventh you know we had a great chance of winning and it took all the other relievers to help us to get through the seventh Jimmy key everyone was great Stanley leaves here as a free agent you get it come over here in a trade from Colorado and now you're world champion man how's that feel I just want to thank Jesus and God because they're the ones that made it happen all right man go celebrate these guys are we going to throw it back to jump up right now all right Steve thank you very much what a night it is here in New York and the celebrating just beginning we have plenty more coming up for you from the Yankee Stadium wetland closed it out Jimmy key got it started Girardi a big at Yankee Stadium their prayers came true they just got finished stealing the bunting here in Yankee Stadium as we continue on our Nasdaq postgame report we send it back downstairs with Steve Lyons all right tell us Annie what Darryl Strawberry strong this is a long way from st. Paul in the Northern League isn't it man yes it truly is but first I'd just like to give the honors to God for making this opportunity possible for me and I just want to you know thank mr. Steinbrenner for giving me opportunity to come back and join this New York Yankee ballclub and we have a chance to win the World Series tell me a little bit about the heart of this ballclub you're playing with a broken toe O'Neill played hurt all year great play you made I in Game five off Blauser you guys really played with your hearts on your sleeves this series I think was just very determined I think everybody realized that we struggled the first two games here and then we went down to Lana we went in there with a lot of confidence and believed in ourselves and that just goes for our manager you know our manager gives us that kind of credit about ourselves and gives us that kind of belief about ourselves and we just want to go out and play hard you try to win ballgames down there and that's basically what we did all right Jared time in here all right thank you all right so let's go back up to you all right Steve thank you very much congratulations to Darryl Strawberry those guys are about to get drenched yes they are down in the respective clubhouses here is the way out there round tomorrow in the New York Post extra extra extra extra extra world champs the Yankees beat the Braves to take the series no specifics they had it ready and this is what will be on the newsstands tomorrow as the Yankees Tim McCarver wrap it up for their first World Championship since 1978 and what a remarkable story Joe Torre fired by the st. Louis Cardinals last year his first year as a manager in the American League and he wins the World Championship unbelievable chip Caray is coming up I'm telling you these guys are about to get wet let's send it down to chip Caray for the presentation of all the awards will hand out here tonight at Yankee Stadium okay Joe Buck thank you very much the bubbly has started to fly here at Yankee Stadium briefly on the podium scattering just for a moment is acting commissioner Bud Selig in the president of the American League dr. gene Beauty they are here to present the World Series trophy to Yankee manager Joe Torre and their general manager Bob Watson mr. acting commissioner on behalf of all of Major League Baseball sincere congratulations Joe and Bob and George Steinbrenner and everybody involved the great World Series Joe you've waited a long time for this you deserve this my friend congratulation thanks bud all bobby that nice and heavy Joe the World Series is back in New York City was it worth the wait I tell you chip I think when you get when you get as old as I am you learn to appreciate it it may only come down one time but I'll tell you this is the best feeling between yesterday and today the best feelings I've ever had in my life 36 years oil your first remember when you were this big let's not bring that up I've got to ask you the emotions of this year your brother Rocco your brother Frank yeah it was tough chip I think I was all cried out in the Championship Series but my brother Frank with the heart yesterday my brother Rocco died suddenly he was with me this whole series I know that because I just felt him and my brother Frank who was helping me manage right up to the last minute before he went under the knife and I'm glad to report that he's doing well I know he spoke to you and said I've got my ring you go get yours how's that thing going to feel when you finally put it on Wow well especially when it's the big one you knew you're going to get it you knew you were going to get a ring when you come to the World Series but the one for the world champs is really special did you ever have any doubts with this ballclub you had the 12 and a half game lead it shrunk to two everyone said oh my goodness the Yankees are in trouble now you come back down two games to nothing to the Atlanta Braves you go in and you beat the defending champions four consecutive times to win the trophy never had doubts about this club the only thing is the first two games of this series we didn't play like the Yankees because I think maybe the layoff hurt us not that you know Smoltz and Gregg weren't wonderful but we didn't have it bats we didn't do anything and now all of a sudden we you know we got a little animated we got some little energy and all of a sudden here we are at that six nothing game had to be the one that really catapulted us did you know you're the first native New Yorker to lead the Yankees to the World Championship well I can tell you about the past list that I'm a native New Yorker I know that congratulations enjoy the celebration you're on top of the world tonight thanks Jim we've got some we got a little more business to get with you Joe Toria just a minute let's bring on the general manager Bob Watson to talk about this ballclub Bob what a year it's been for you and this ballclub congratulations I just can't say enough for the way this organization has put forth the effort to to win you know you can say what you want about mr. Steinbrenner he wants to win as bad as anybody you know we have the highest payroll and we have the best talent in this clubhouse and that's a tribute to his desire to win and I was thinking for the opportunity sweet redemption for you this victory your team wins the World Series now is the general manager this team well first off for me as a minority sitting here holding this trophy you know some 50 years ago Jackie Robinson broke the color line and today I'm awful proud guy holding this trophy Bob Watson congratulations all right Bob Watson the general manager of the New York Yankees Steve Lyons has a guest as well Steve all right Jim I'm down here with Wade Boggs and his wife Debbie and his daughter Megan and his father laid in 86 10 years ago and just barely slipped away not this time and I tell you when that pop-up went up and charlie was under it I said please Lord just let it fall in his glove I've seen strange things happen but nothing expresses of the feeling I have right now there's a lot of guys including myself that gave this team up no one thought that you guys could do it you guys were the only ones that believed in yourselves we've believed in ourselves all year and we've been up against some hard times and and we could have packed it in when we went to Atlanta and this teams just never given up and it's hearts as big as the Twin Towers right now now what about the heart on this ballclub if you ever played on a team that plays with more guts than these guys I'm telling you it just no matter what you do somebody gets hurt you stay in the lineup guys give themselves up it's just the feeling you can't describe this teams never given up and we had to play one more game and it was like come on guys we got to have this last year me and you watched Mo Vaughn run around on a horse back in Boston when they want to leave the divisional championship you just wanted to ran around the the field on horseback as a world champion how'd that feel I just wanted to thank the fans the fans have been behind us off 100% all year and when we came back to New York this is the greatest feeling in the world unbelievable all right to join us with your family let's go back to chip he's got the MVP of the World Series in 1996 all right Steve thank you very much the boss George Steinbrenner on the podium as well with Yankee manager Joe Torre it's we're going to talk to the boss George Steinbrenner mr. Steinbrenner congratulations it's been a long time a long time but it's great for New York and Joe Torre and the players that at all third championship under your home here under your leadership here with this ballclub we've been in there quite a bit in the last few years I'm just happy for New York tell you what you've made quite a general manager yourself issue the signings of Dwight Gooden and Darryl Strawberry those two players during the regular season and especially strawberry during the postseason were tremendous well they have really contributed a lot to the ballclub but there's so many human stories in this Yankee club that you could truly say it's New York there's the mayor as he been up here get up here Rudy that is this Yankee team hey mayor Rudolph Giuliani here longtime Yankee fan well-deserved how about this ball game congratulations unbelievable you stuck with this team you did a great job and we'll have the biggest with us we'll have the biggest and greatest parade ever on Tuesday great 11 o'clock right up Broadway be there three million four million so the parade is on Tuesday let's hand out some more hardware time to time to introduce you to the World Series Most Valuable Player he's off to my right he's Yankee closer John wetland he is the most valuable player the 1996 World Series where's Joe Torre my goodness jaundice are you John what what a performance John every night John asked me when he before he leaves the dugout for the bullpen he says I'll see you later I said I always I always enjoy that I set them and tonight was probably the most enjoyable night of my life John and I you well-deserved and I can't tell you what you've meant to this ballclub congratulations thank you Joe I'll tell ya I can't think of a better guy to winner for than Joe Torre and the Yankee organization I'd like to thank my point man Jesus Christ I'd like to thank my wife for being a rock for me and if it weren't for my teammates I wouldn't even be seen in the field so this trophy is dedicated all my teammates I appreciate their effort all year thank you very much I got to ask you about the ninth-inning tonight with all the marbles all the line for your ballclub the Braves sure made it interesting on you and the rest of these fans here in New York yes you know I guess I have kind of a reputation and some things interesting but it's it's just I don't know I just reach back sometimes I didn't even know where the ball was going I was so amped up tonight and you know worked out worked out fine you're known as the guy who's cool as a cucumber on the mound you're standing right here shaking like there's an earthquake in this way I feel like there's more to go or something I can't believe this is it with boy what an effort the entire club put forth this year and I just appreciate all fellas John quickly it's hard to say that your bullpen was the secret weapon of this World Series but you guys dominated the Braves only scored two runs in the seventh eighth and ninth innings of the entire World Series that's amazing I mean you know not be proud of them and the job that they did and that's pretty much what I was getting at in terms of you know get sharing the glory with my teammates you know those guys got me in a position where I could get the ball in the ninth inning and oh man it's this is it this is absolutely scheana I can't stop shaking well you're the world champion John what on the MVP of the World Series congratulations thank you all right guys upstairs the seat here in this Yankee locker room well in a word it's kind of wet let's send it back upstairs to Joe Buck and Tim McCarver guys all right you didn't ask him about the Hat he put that old hat in the vault it's ready for 1997 he had a new cap on we'll be back here with more than as DANC postgame reported with additional interviews and analysis on the Fox News Channel plenty more to come from Yankee Stadium as the Yankees wrap it up with a 3-2 win over Atlanta tonight I'm with Bobby Cox outside the Atlanta Braves clubhouse and Bobby after winning the first two games of this series here in New York with your pitching staff did you think there was any way this could happen well after going to up you figure you're going to win one or two at home and maybe have to come back to New York but our pitchers threw awfully well we just we went up against some real good pitching ourselves and Andy Pettit I think sort of set the stage for their staff after getting ripped here in New York and they came right back and showed us what they were made out of and actually they contained us very well but and we contained them but they got one more run than we did Bob and you know they're a fine ballclub and I'm very proud of the way Joe Torre is handle a ballclub by if we had to lose I don't mind losing to Joe Torre he's a class act his ballplayers act very much like professional players and that's a reflection on him and they've got all our respect and you know there's no excuses we don't blame the umpires we don't blame bad hops we don't blame anything we just we simply got beat and on the other hand I'm very proud of our club this is the fourth time in a possible five years we've been here and I defy anybody else to say that they've done that so it's a great club we've got proud of them they're great competitors you know we never gave in we thought we were going to win tonight and win tomorrow night if there was the game so I I can't say enough about our ballclub but I thought they had a lot of courage and they gave it everything we had and they had and so did we so you know we'll will salute the Yankees and we'll hop on a little airplane tomorrow and go home and we'll finally say have a nice winter you know Greg Maddux was typical Greg Maddux for the whole ballgame except for one inning could you see anything that happened in that third inning from the bench it's hard to tell Bob I think probably got some pitches down the middle and you know they jumped on him and he hadn't been hit hard at all any of the games in postseason then he really would you only gave up six hits tonight I thought he pitched a masterful ballgame and you know a lot of our guys are on fumes and so was there's probably but those are the competitors that always rise to the occasion and Smoltz he finishes with a zero er a and he's 1 and 1 in this thing and and Greg's not going to pitch him better than he did tonight he had the one a little bit of a rough inning and Tommy Glavine 3 hitter goes unnoticed so so you know we're proud of the organization and the ball club and we have nothing to be ashamed about we're a winning organization a winning team and we've been here an awful lot we'd like to have more World Championships but we'll settle for the National League championship this year Bobby congratulations on your reign as National League champions for a year let's throw it back up to Joe in the booth all right Bob Brentley thank you very much as some of you will be returning to local programming while most of you will be staying with us for continuing postgame coverage you just saw the reason why the Atlanta Braves are in such good hands Bobby Cox John sure Holt's Ted Turner they've got it figured out in Atlanta they've been here for the last five times in the World Series they're doing just fine but tonight and the 1996 season belongs to the New York Yankees you know we've had a lot of fun in our first year here on Fox covering baseball bringing back the Saturday game of the week our kids show Fox in the zone that'll be back next year little innovations Mike's in the bases the Fox box what-have-you it's been a lot of fun and we've hope we've made our little dent on baseball here in 1996 our first year we also talked about the labor agreement this year it seemed at one point it was just around the corner now again it seems it's just around the corner we'll all have to cross our fingers and hope that it is just around the corner I think we all jump the gun a little bit too early the last time around we also learned in 1996 that the word dynasty is a fragile word and maybe we throw it around too easily but the Atlanta Braves back in the World Series here in 1996 after winning it in 1995 moving to all of us just how tough it is to become a dynasty the Atlanta Braves are the closest thing we have to it in baseball a year that belong to the New York Yankees back in the World Series for the first time since 1981 and a world championship here in New York to celebrate for the first time since 1978 and I think maybe the biggest thing I know I'll take away from it is while we all look at the game of baseball at times like a life or death situation you have to remember it's just a game what Joe Torre went through in 1996 with his brother Rocco with his brother Frank Cruz that is life and death this is just a game and for that we should be very happy it's been a fun year on Fox our coverage continues and our very best congratulations to one of the best men in all of baseball Joe Torre and to the New York Yankees they are the 1996 world champions we say so long for now from Yankee Stadium
Channel: MLB Vault
Views: 456,644
Rating: 4.7535863 out of 5
Keywords: Major League Baseball, 野球, 大リーグ, 野球速報, メジャー, メジャーリーグ
Id: bKxi6-jxbTo
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Length: 177min 12sec (10632 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2010
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