1996 ALCS (Orioles @ Yankees) Game Two [Orioles Tie ALCS]

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for in theory gained two a Baltimore Orioles versus the New York Yankees but game one had everything drama excitement strategy and of course controversy against the wall in right field in the eighth inning Tony Tarasco reaching up to catch what he thought was a catchable flyball off the bat of Derek Jeter when a young fan reached out and touched it now this young fan finds himself at least in many quarters the toast of New York City on the cover not only of the tabloids but even of the August New York Times welcome back to Yankee Stadium everybody Bob Costas with mr. baseball Bob Uecker and Hall of Famer Joe Morgan will talk about the pitchers David wells for the Orioles David Cone for the Yankees in a moment but first let's look back at the controversy and take a look at the play once more you've all seen it many times by now but since it happened live you've probably seen it in slow-motion every time let's watch it from three different angles at real speed which is of course the speed at which Richie Garcia is looking at at the umpire trying to make what seems in retrospect and easy call but might not have been such an easy call with the naked eye there's no question he missed the call but this is what he was looking at at the time and there's Tarasco all over him eventually Davey Johnson would be tossed out of the game now since then Richie Garcia's had plenty of opportunity to watch the various replays so we asked him how would he call it now that he's seen it the call probably probably would have been called fan interference and then the the plate umpire would have had to place the runners you know where they're where they would have made or I could have called the guy out either one of the two you know but you know that's you know to say one or the other is very difficult because I didn't see it and I didn't I didn't react to it so I was right up on the front steps and then when I saw the fan reaching over the thing you know I was gone you know I get out there pretty quick and I was just wondering why there was no interference call that's all I was worried about his positioning on it and when I was wondering what he was watching the fielder not the flight of the ball which you got to watch the flight of the ball otherwise you won't see what happens the funny thing about is I'm the one that brought it up I'm the one who spoke to security before the game and I said I want to make sure that the people don't are not allowed to stand there they're not allowed to walk in that area during the game if I was 12 year old and I was at Yankee Stadium the ball was coming my way I would do everything in my power to try and catch the ball you know the same breath you know you don't make the kid out to be a hero but you don't down for it it's just something that happens I'm telling cameos we're gonna have a lot of gloves out a lot more than 12 year olds there's gonna be a lot of gloves all hanging all over the fence Davey Johnson in a surprisingly good mood few moments before game 2 my thoughts are I don't see how he could possibly call him how he could have called it an extra-base hit but even he can't do that the home plate umpire has to decide where the runner would have ended up had the ball not been caught so the only play he would have could have caught was banned in a fierce and then led to home on fire placing someplace you well I thought it was an out yesterday I thought Tarasco could have made the catch train I stayed up all night thinking I might have played it I've looked at this game 25 times it was an out yesterday and it's an out today you get a grip on yourself Jim Gray is down beyond the wall in right field Davey Johnson's protest of the game was not based on Rich Garcia's mistaken judgment he based it on the fact that fans are not supposed to be that close to the wall there's a buffer between the wall in the first row seats and Yankee security was supposed to keep fans away from there Jim Gray is standing there now Jim all right thank you very much Bob this was the scene last night all the confusion young Jeffrey Mayer stuck his glove out the ball hit it and then there was complete pandemonium well the Yankees in Major League Baseball have taken some additional procedures today to try and prevent this from reoccurring they have added 15 security guards all along the outfield wall both in left field and right field you cannot enter or exit the stadium except for in between innings there's about a 15-foot buffer zone if you try and come up here with your glove and interrupt play in any manner they're gonna take the glove away from you and put these around your arms so the security precautions that are in place today is what the Orioles had hope for yesterday and the Yankees are trying to guarantee today Bob Jim Jim Gray always the enterprising reporter bringing props along with him let's just hope the security guards aren't anxious for a souvenir and they don't try to reach out and make a play we're back with the lineups the pitchers in the first pitch in a minute it's not quite as beautiful a day as what we experienced yesterday for Game one in fact it was more rain overnight a steady drizzle for several hours and the outfield is in worse condition than yesterday gametime temperatures 63 degrees the lineup for the Orioles is exactly the same as yesterday except for the number-9 spot Chris Hoiles catches him bats night mark parent went 1 for 5 in a starting role hitting in the night spot and catching yesterday David Cone the 1994 Sai Young Award winner in the American League when pitching for Kansas City a combined 18 and eight between the Blue Jays and the Yankees a year ago seven and two this year but those figures are misleading much of it compiled before mid-may when an aneurysm just beneath his right armpit sent unto the to the disabled list most people thought at least for the rest of the season and they wondered about the rest of his career remarkably he was able to come back and throw seven no-hit innings at Auckland on Labor Day but since that appearance his earned run average is almost six and he really has not been in a groove since then Joe well the one thing that he did do last time Bobby started the game off strong he was throwing his fastball tailing it in and had a good slider once he got a couple of men on base he started to struggle he went through three innings without a problem but when he got men on base he struggled and I think that's something we have to look for today but defense behind him now and we've talked about the fact that Paul O'Neill has not had a base hit in the playoffs but the real key is his defense he's not running well which puts a lot of pressure on Bernie Williams in the balls on any balls hit to right-center field so he could hurt them defensively more than he has hurt them offensively Joe Torre said he gave consideration to starting Darryl Strawberry and right I think that was good consideration but straw will come off the bench if he plays at all today Cecil Fielder is the Yankee th Brady Anderson 50 homers for the year 3 in the postseason including one yesterday off Andy Pettitte those 12 homeruns leading off the game broke the mark set in 1973 by Bobby Bonds - no Dale Scott is the plate umpire Mike Riley at first Dan Morrison at second rocky Roe at third rich Garcia has the left-field line today Larry Barnett in right swinging on the 2o pitch Anderson fouls it out of play David Cone was not effective in Game one of the division series against Texas worked five innings gave up six runs took the loss he also didn't pitch to his own standards in the Division Series last year against Seattle he has plenty of postseason experience with the Mets with the Blue Jays and with the Yankees and there you see his overall record but he's one of the game's most intense competitors to ensue to Anderson and he is burning to turn in a classic David Cone style performance today well the first couple of fast balls that Brady Anderson has had whack set at Vulcan in the 90 mile an hour range maybe maybe even a little bit more he's been tardy on two of them but as you said come come really in postseason this fire bob has not been sharp a full count to Anderson cone throws that fastball with late movement he throws a biting slider when he's right might be the best slider in the league mixes in the occasional curve and changeup often from different arm angles struck him out as the first time I've seen him pitch Brady Anderson like he's a fifty home run a year man he throw him a 3-2 changeup I mean this is a beautiful pitch look at it even the bottom falls out Brady way out in front normally they come with a fastball but I think you have to give Brady Anderson dirt the respect that he deserves you have to do this to him occasionally tells you a little bit something about David Cohen here in the opening inning know that he's got a little bit of a little bit of confidence in something off-speed so Anderson is dispatched to the dugout Zeile steps in a called strike 1 and 1 to M 1 for 6 in yesterday's 11 inning game 25 homers and 99 RBIs combined between the Phillies and the Orioles this year the 2-1 pitch misses three and one Game three tomorrow night at Camden Yards Jimmy key the Yankee left-hander Mike Mussina the Orioles 119 Zeile with a one-out walk and the Hoos of course are for Roberto Alomar this will not only relent but will be replaced by cheers when we get to Baltimore but as long as the Orioles stay alive in the postseason he's going to hear it in every opposing ballpark tough day yesterday 1 for 6 with 3 strikeouts plus an error roll foul although Joe he made a couple of very fine plays in the field well he made a - real nice plays Hwanhee retired sucessful Fielder on a smash up the middle the other he just made a diving stop he was not able to get Jeter but he made a fine play he's never really solved David Cone 8 447 in his career against him that's 170 what Alomar did was of course reprehensible spitting in the face of John Hirschbeck when the American League levied such a lenient penalty however a five game suspension not to be served until next April that really set off the public fuel hop back of second base Jeter out Bernie Williams in and shallow center for the cash it's really the combination of the act and the slap on the wrist penalty that has made this such an issue through this postseason and which is refocused attention on the issue of the whole relationship between players and umpires and has led to an announced summit next month in Phoenix called by acting commissioner Bud Selig involving management people players representatives and umpires to establish what Selig has referred to as a code of conduct and maybe to codify how penalties will be meted out in what fashion what the appeals process will be Palmero three for three with a couple of walks out of home run yesterday one of the game's unsung great players in Chicago overshadowed by ryne sandberg in Texas overshadowed by Nolan Ryan to Baltimore where there's Cal Ripken and others but year after year look at the numbers one of the best pure hitters in baseball Zeile at first with two out one-on-one talk yesterday about his play at first base to Bob he's a very fine fielding first baseman and a guy who always seems to get the job done and we've seen him do it many many times runner at second base he's one of those kinds of hitters despite the fact that he's got power is willing to give himself up to try and pull it pull it round ball anyway anybody hit something on the right side to move around two balls in a strike the one thing I think the Yankers are going to make sure of and that is that they stay away from Paul Merrill what they will do is come off the plate inside if they get ahead and accounts but they do not want him to be able to pull pitches from the inside part of the plate this one foul I think they're a little lucky there that was a change little off speed and he got a little bit out in front see the targets actually outside the pitch comes inside the because it was an off-speed pitch Palmeiro was out in front and he says how far did I hit that one Zeile inching away from first and the two to delivery the count goes full so seal will take off that was a splitter that time from David Cone you could see it really dive right at the end Bob get a look at it one more time you can almost see him from the center-field camera you could almost see him put that baseball jam it in between his first two fingers and then dropping low out of the strike zone I wouldn't be surprised to see it again here three and two there goes Zeile and the pitches rolled foul and it got a piece of John Stearns in the first base coach's box well John Stearns was a catcher but helping the runner and they called him bad dude when he played over the Mets John bad dudes to her former football player University of Colorado I think I guess that's why they call him bad another 3-2 pitch and a walk ii issued in the inning by cohen so an RBI chance for bobby bonilla now this is what Joe Torre is afraid of you cannot help the Baltimore Orioles by putting men on base because someone will pop it out of the ballpark and you can see this is clearly off the plate inside if you help them you're really asking for trouble zeal at second Palmeiro at first each aboard on a walk bonia was over for yesterday left the game with a bruised shoulder after crashing into the fence trying to make a catch and though sooner had Tony Tarasco replaced him in right than all heck broke loose on the fly ball by Jeter which was ruled a home run phone falls behind suno and again Bobby has been behind four of the five hitters that he's faced here in the opening inning pitch count getting up around 25 now check swing foul speaking of pitch counts Mariano Rivera yesterday's winner through 40 pitches in two innings of work and Joe Torre told me before the game there is no way Rivera pitches today regardless of the game situation now remember had there not been a rainout on Tuesday night today would be the off day for the short trip to Baltimore Rivera just a spectator apparently for Game two we won and watching cone Bob it seems to me that he's really making a conscious effort to keep the ball down we have not seen a pitch above the belt he's missing low or he's missing off the plate low he is making a conscious effort to keep the ball down on these Orioles hitters I think he should and now the faces are loaded on three first inning loss but David Cone one of his better pitches is the high fastball I mean he can get away with having them chase past balls out of the strike zone and up but he is making an effort to keep the ball down so I think when you're he's concentrating so hard I think it's like throwing darts he's keeping the ball down I think he has to just let the ball go because he has good stuff there you see Joe Torre Singh now the bases are loaded now where does he go loaded for Cal Ripken with Eddie Murray on deck except for that one miraculous start against Oakland he really has not resembled the David Cone we've come to know over several seasons since his return ball one you know what in talking with Joe Torre during the series against Texas Bob he said that more or less this is kind of a spring training season now for David Cone following the surgery coming back trying to get himself in gear again he said it's starting all over for it - and oh and as joe said he's downstairs on everything whether he's making a concerted effort to do that or not that's where he's missing better to miss down there then upstairs with a breaking ball especially but sooner or later you got to get one around there to have somebody offered now a dangerous pitch coming to Ripken but was two for five with a double yesterday and is hitting for 35 in the postseason took a rip and fouled it back but I think that's what David Cohen is going to have to do he's just gonna have to let it go I mean he's gonna have to say I have my see how good my fastball is today let me see if they can hit it because it doesn't do any good to continue to miss down low and stay behind in the count and he has had some success against Rifkin in his career Griffin is 2 for 21 the Orioles with the bases loaded and two out on the top of the first and a 2-1 pitch coming from Condor Ripken misses three and one Girardi held it there in hopes of getting a call from Dale Scott now here's that last offering on Ripken and again it's low it's a good call by Dale Scott despite what you hear from the fans here at Yankee Stadium the pitch was downstairs that's his 29th pitch in the inning and a pitch away from walking a run home and this ball is a bullet to left foot foul well he was sitting on a 3-1 pitch but couldn't straighten it out well he got lucky there meaning David Cone he should have thrown that same pitch 2 & 1 when there was a little doubt in Ripken's mind there's no doubt in Rick his mind he's going to get a 3-1 fastball he just happened to get out in front of it and pulls it foul Nielsen third Palmero from second Bonilla from first they'll all be off on the 3-2 pitch and they'll have to come back cuz a gutsy call by Chris Hoiles on that pitch that was it that was I I should say on Joe Girardi that was a split fingered fastball three two he's walked three and with a chance to force in a run here with a walk he throws this splitter there's nothing imagine hates worse than walks another 3-2 pitch and a drive down the left-field line with rains in pursuit and a foul ball again Joe Torre would not nearly be as upset as he is if these baserunners had all reached base by hitting a single but again he gets lucky because Ripken is hitting these balls hard and this one just starts to hook right at the end and ends up in foul territory so Tory starters have frayed his nerves in this post season but his bullpen is saved in time after time he really hasn't gotten an outstanding start yet through five games from any of his starters this is in the air to Center Bernie Williams hazard you can almost hear the sigh of relief all over Yankee Stadium three walks none of them come home the Orioles leave the bases loaded and the Yankees come up in the first mid Wells will face this batting order for the Yankees Jeter who hit ninth in Game one moves up to the top against the left-hander followed by Raines and Bernie Williams who is emerging as a star on the national stage of this postseason cessful field of the cleanup man and eh Tino Martinez at first base Mariano Duncan up to the number six spot with a struggling Paul O'Neill dropped to seventh Charlie Hayes in favor of Wade Boggs or instead of Wade Boggs at third base against the left-hander and Joe Girardi bats ninth and catches and David Wells a hard throwing left-hander with a pretty decent breaking ball change of pace from time to time 13 and 5 in his career against the Yankees one on one in 1996 Peter was four for five yesterday cuts and misses the defense behind Wells seroff Anderson and Bonilla left-to-right zeal Ripken Alomar and Palmeiro on the infield Chris Wiles doing the catching today and David Wells pits ball in a strike the sun is shining brightly now today's start an hour earlier than yesterday and the Sun especially in left field could be a factor you're right bobbing and watching the the Yankee outfielders in the top half of the inning rains particularly looked like he may be having problems out there and Jeter who was batting 500 for the postseason before that at-bat continues to sizzle well David Wells doesn't waste any time normally he will come right after you he makes you swing the bat he uses his fastball and this is a fastball he gets too much of the plate almost in the middle of the plate and down and Jeter does what he does best it's line drives to right-center field and right side of the diamond when Jeter got a board in a situation where he could run yesterday he immediately took off and stole second with the exception of Mike Mussina all of the Oriole starters are relatively easy to run on and neither parent no foils had a particularly good percentage throwing out would be base stealers not going and a strike to range he doesn't think so timmi thought the pitch was low and when you're speaking of coils he also has a sore shoulder so I wouldn't be surprised if they try to test him early and often today and there is a pitch could have been a little low but you see coils raise it up eula that will be the indicator what the catcher does well toss this over to first he has a reputation is a Yankee killer thirteen and five for his career against the Yankees he's been with the Blue Jays and the Tigers then over to the National League for a while before coming to Baltimore nine and one for his career in this ballpark with an ER a under three at Yankee Stadium left-handers in general a thought to fare better here and wells in particular has done well oh one hits a line drive over the leaping Palmeiro brother Alomar and stopping at second as Jeter so back-to-back singles in the bottom of the first and the Yankees have two on with nobody out this fastball is really tattooed by rains and almost a great leaping catch by Alomar once it got by him Peter had ideas of going to third but wisely held at second here it is again he hit this ball very hard and Alomar almost with a leaping backhanded catch Anderson quickly to the ball the hole Jeter at second and a hero's welcome for Bernie Williams the game-winning homer in the 11th the towering drive into the second deck in left was his fourth post-season homer as you see in five games hiking his average against Texas and Baltimore to 474 he at 305 for the regular year with 29 home runs two of those 29 homers were hit off David Wells and ball one it will be interesting to see how the Orioles attack Bernie Williams from the right side he hit the ball out over the plate for the home run yesterday does wells thinks he's throwing hard enough to get inside is the question he likes the ball out over the plate Cecil Fielder on deck low - ow as we mentioned Wells has generally done well against the Yankee's and especially here but his last time out in this ballpark he faced David Cone and both of them were hit very hard Cohen coughed up a 6-1 lead the Orioles eventually won the game 10 to 9 neither involved in the decision there's a call strike well start at Game one of the division series when the Orioles got the jump on the Indians at Camden Yards worked six and two-thirds and got the win worked seven innings to a no decision in Game four a game the Orioles eventually won in 12 at Jacobs Field to wrap up the series his 2-1 pitch coming to Bernie Williams but now he steps off wells was just 11 and 14 for the season and a zra was 5.14 the Orioles though often have enough offense to overcome that kind of pitching Riaan one you know indifference to Andy Pettit who we saw yesterday David Wells is one of those left-handers that has that rider that will run away from a right-handed batter which normally all left-handers do have we talked about Pettitte yesterday because he threw so many cutters in that game balls that run into a right-hander but Wells has that fastball that will run away and a liner to write a third consecutive hit Jeter being waved home by Willie Randolph he scores the Yankees lead one humping and rain slides in at third as I said before he likes the ball out over the plate you can see that pitches out over the plate he lines at the right field for a base hit that come inside twice but then they go away and that's Bernie Williams strength right there he can handle the ball better out there he can either pull it or go the other way if he wants and this is good baserunning here by Jeter right away he's off and running he already knew how deep Lanier was he knew where Alomar was playing it did not have to wait for the ball to go through the infield three straight singles all of them hit sharply now fielder eight for twenty one lifetime against wells half of those eight hits for the distance for homers against him for his career and a called strike cone walk three in the first and escaped the Orioles left the bases loaded Wells yields three straight singles and is burned to run home and maybe more first and third nobody out Wells will continue to come after you until you knock him out of the ballgame all the hits have come off a fastball a bouncing ball to alum or short hops it flips to Ripken for one lots of time with fielder running to complete the DoublePlay but range scores to make it to nothing New York I'll tell you this is not an easy hop for Roberto Alomar at second this is another one of those in between hops we saw about four five on yesterday's game watch this ball that's not an easy hop form that's not that short hop he makes a nice play easy toss to Ripken and then Ripken's throw in plenty of time leave this hop that's a tough hop that's a tough in-between hop for any infielder I don't care who it is he played it nicely and they turned the 4-6-3 double play now the base is empty as Tino Martinez bats and takes high for ball one you're right about that play Bob any infielder will tell you I either want to catch the ball on the short hop just as it's coming off the ground or the big hop when it's up at his highest point just like yesterday the Sun playing peekaboo from behind the clouds left center field Anderson and so Hasan its BJ surhoff who makes the cash but on three singles the Yankees put together a couple of runs and give David pawn a little breathing room as he heads out for the second hear about how tough the Sun can be here in New York in October Jim rains just before he went out to left field there you see him tough sun field left and center Paul O'Neill and Bobby Bonilla no problems in right there you get a look at it that's what they're looking into on fly balls coned back to work in the second facing Eddie Murray and starting him with ball one let's see if cone changes his approach he has a two-run lead now let's see if he challenges a mute few more hitters up into the strike zone that one was up and Marie couldn't catch up with it well he looks like he has a good enough fastball to go up there but he whenever he throws and the ball is low it doesn't have much on and he's trying to sink it and take a little off that's what you want to do he throws that pitch right by at Emery here's the one one and that's out of play Murray has homered three times in his career against cone well that's the cone that I think can be more effective using the fastball up and then going to the splitter or the change you get them looking to speed up their bats to get to the fastball then you can throw the change-up or the splitter and get them to chase it down low fouled off and it holds it 1 and 2 he's got that little diving fastball Joe and that splitter that runs down and away he can turn that fastball over to a left-handed batter I think that's what it was to Murray that time previous pitch the splitter this time there you see the rotation on that ball that's that sinking fastball that he'll throw away from a left-handed batter one more time down and away Murray reaching for it another one to pitch and a check swing foul at age 40 Eddie Murray at 260 with 22 home runs and 79 RBIs and reached the 500 home run plateau stands at 501 lifetime right now brookey mouth second strikeout for cone the Orioles fan a lot they went down ten times in an 11 inning game yesterday but in Game four which lasted 12 innings in the division series at Jacobs Field against Cleveland overlooked and all the excitement of the upset by the wild-card Orioles over the Indians the Orioles fans 23 times in a 12 inning game BJ surhoff bouncing it to Martina is a tough hop but he handles it for the unassisted put out another nice play there by an infielder Martinez has gone 82 games from the regular season without an error he had 82 straight games to close the season without making an error watch see he charges this he gets it on the in-between hop to though they're catching on in between hops again that's the toughest hop the short hop is what you want or the big hop but they're fighting it and taking it on the in-between hop and a lot of times when the guy throws a sinker you do not really have a charge because the ball has so much over spin on it now Chris Hoiles a lineup where the number nine hitter has 25 homers and the leadoff man has twice that with 50 in fact in this lineup BJ surhoff who was just retired by Cohen has the lowest home run total and he has 21 these 9 hitters combined hit 258 home runs this year if you're scratching your head since the Orioles had a record 257 as a team he got a figure in Murray and zeals totals from other clubs which didn't count with the Oriole team total coils rolls out in contrast to the first it's an easy second for cone to nothing New York Derek Jeter with the 8th inning home run thanks in part to this young man 12 year-old Jeff Mayer whose seats have improved considerably from down the right-field line to just above the Yankee dugout there with his sister and his parents we're told they are guests of the New York Daily News he is the toast of the town of course had an Oriole hit that ball and had it been a Yankee beneath it I'm sure kids instincts would have been the same hey look at this I got a chance to catch a ball in a big league game and then had he interfered instead of being the toast of the town he would have been toast he just told his sister hey be quiet who wouldn't have been for me you wouldn't even be here today backhanded by Ripken on the Dunkin got it that is one heck of a play by Ripken and a very close call at first base no argument from Pedro carted out here it is again Ripken with a pack patented backhanded play for his shortstop sets himself gets off the throw and a very very close play at first one more time here it is again backhanded play long throw I tell you what tough play at first tough call there and to be honest about it I thought Duncan beat it I agree with you but who cares if I'm honest turn out he's out Mike Riley's opinion the one that counts one out of the second for O'Neal who taps it foul one more look at it this is a close play at first base it really is I it's a heck of a play by Ripken he makes the nice backhanded play the long throw and and it looked to me like Duncan beat it well the surprising thing Bob is that holds out Carter knelt did not argue the first base coach yeah he didn't say a thing Jo a ball and a strike one more thing about the play last night and then we'll let it go and put it into the history books the kid is apparently a winning youngster has a nice smile excited about it all he's been on all the talk shows this morning it's on the front page of all the newspapers and you can't deny his exuberance a liner off O'Neal's back actually split the bat in two but there's a base hit for him and there's something about a kid taking his glove to the ballgame playing hooky from school for an October World Series or playoff game you've got to have a heart of stone not to feel affection for that but that having been said all these people who are calling him a hero if that ball had been hit by an Oriole and exactly the same play it happened or if Garcia had seen it differently and called interference on the play and Yankee fans then said well at least it would have hit the wall and they took a double away from us at least and they call a guy out then it wouldn't be so cute mm-hmm you're right and the thing has become excessive with with all the attention that it's gotten and after all you just don't want people interfering and affecting the course of the ballgame no matter how cute they are let me add one more thing bobbing and then I'm done with it if the Yankees go on and win this thing this kid probably winds up with a full-share and a ring and might deserve it as much as you deserve your share and ran from a 64 Cardinals you love my zircon Charlie Hayes with a no.1 count well maybe that base hit that Paul O'Neill just got will help him for the remainder of the season that sometimes that first hit is always the toughest and I'm speaking from experience dropped an O for 12 on a one in a series what series was that the Pirates 79 I'm sure there are others off-speed pitch in for a strike okay I lied one last thing about the play yesterday we knew it's so typical of sports in the 90s that the kid but when another setting might have been a Norman Rockwell type character now is on every talk show might be hiring an agent for all we know and the guy who took the ball away from him little Jeff didn't wind up with a ball and now says the ball is for sale it's very valuable he wants to find out what the market is for it innocence lost and Charlie Hayes gone beautiful curve ball there from David Wells David Wells is basically a fastball pitcher and he comes after you're in Charlie Hayes is sitting there waiting for that fastball and he gets an overhand curveball and he has called out by home plate umpire Derryl Scott Dale Scott I watched this it's a big overhand curveball look at the rotation that real good tight spin ball drops right off the table may not have been able to hit that one even if he was looking for I might have had a little problem with that one myself I'm just thinking of that so here's Gerardi 2 down and on ill at first Yankees lead a 2 nothing bottom of the second Girardi hit 294 for the year Alomar to Ripken and that'll do it in a second after 2 at Yankee Stadium Game two of the LCS Yankees two O's nothing its overhead shots are courtesy of the Goodyear blimp Stars & Stripes based in Pompano Beach Florida at the controls is captain Larry chambers from Lighthouse Point Florida here's what I want to know if there are consecutive games in the same city why did they bring a different blimp in these things move at about two miles an hour wouldn't it just makes sense to let the first one just stay up there for a while and refuel why are they running a relay race with these things I guess you need hours maybe there's a daytime blimp and on the evening blimp before the game was over last night was dark here remember have their frequent flyer miles the same as anybody else they'd build up they would they get frequent flyer hours not miles top of the third top of the order and Anderson swings on the first one from Kohn and it drifts into the seats it's too early to say but Cohn worked a very quick second he threw 33 pitches in the first and just nine and a one-two-three second and maybe emphasized maybe the Orioles let him off the hook when they had a chance to do some damage in the first and now have given him a chance to settle in I'm gonna watch him when he gets up around 80 pitches though Bob if he continues to throw well because that's about the point he had problem last time the Oh Wanda Anderson is in there I'm sure if he got up around 80 pitches Joe and the Yankees still add the lead Joe Torre be awfully happy today and and again it's early we're only in the third but from the appearances here his fastball has got some pop on it today and he's thrown a couple of very good curveball a ball and two strikes we told you yesterday about Brady Anderson's quantum leap last year at 16 home runs previous career-high 21 and then all of a sudden 50 this year his manager can relate Davey Johnson at 43 home runs in 1973 for the Braves as a teammate of Hank Aaron never before or after hit more than 18 in a season we've always said hitting his contagious he got older and watched Hank Aaron and trying to emulate him Darrell Evans also at more than forty four that team that year along with Aaron Girardi back for a look and it's on the screen good pitch there by Cohn that's the fastball we're talking about up a little bit and also in wasn't much Brady Anderson cook to do with it and he tried to pull his arms in to get to the ball he end up popping it up and watch where this pitch is supposed to be down in the end but it's up and in right there and Brady not a lot he could do with it looked like he got there but there wasn't much he could do with that pitch the other thing to Joe Girardi the catcher never gave up on that ball there's a lot of room behind home plate here in this ballpark and he thought he had a chance and almost did full count to Anderson who struck out to lead off the game and we might remember on a 3-2 changeup this is exactly the same County had he threw him a 3-2 changeup and that has to remain in the back of the hitters mind reaches the upper deck but a couple hundred feet foul Joe one of the interesting things about Brady Anderson and you hear hitters talk so many times to youngsters and younger hitters about not having to hold a bat down on the end right down on the knob to hit with power watch Anderson here he chokes about an inch and a half look at that well there's the fourth walk issued by cone and he gives it to Anderson leading off in the top of the third tomorrow night in primetime at 8:00 Eastern NBC Sports continues its coverage of the ALCS Game three with the series shifting to Camden Yards eight Eastern five Pacific on NBC Tod's ela walked his first time take strike one gazing down at third-base coach Sam for Lazo Don Stearns on the lines at first we're Lazo and Johnson were together in both New York with the mats and in Cincinnati well this place is teeming with guys who have met connections strawberry and cone Gooden in uniform though not active Dwight Gooden was 11 and 7 for the year including a no-hitter and did some fine work at midseason for the yankees then his arm went dead late in the year so he's not on the postseason roster Eddie Murray Bobby Bonilla there's not good doc was given the honor of throwing out the first ball today at an MRI a couple of days ago and they found nothing terribly serious and they expect him to be back on the team with every chance to be in their rotation next year but he just didn't have anything left in the last six seven weeks of the season I think Bobby missed a year and a half and you didn't have the arm strength after you get up to around 150 innings the arm strength is gone two balls in a strike two zeal and guten was very understanding about it he said I agree with Joe Torre's decision right now I'm not throwing well enough to help the team and I wouldn't put me on the postseason roster if it was my decision either well I think he's also appreciative of the fact that he was given an opportunity to pitch again by the Yankees you can't say anything bad about them they gave him the opportunity and he has to be happy to be here George Steinbrenner has a fondness for reclamation projects three and one now to zeal sometimes they work out and sometimes they don't very few people around baseball would have given goodness shot and for the most part that panned out well matter of fact Bob that was the word around baseball hands off problem and Steinbrenner rescued Darryl Strawberry from the st. Paul Saints when nobody else who says he said they may get him all guys back safely not by much this gives you an indication that maybe they were going to play hit and run here they see the happy feet of Brady Anderson he starts the wrong way and the throw doesn't get there in time you can see he is on the bag when he gets tagged on the elbow he had started towards second base but he gets back safely he's going and Zeile with a long drive to left that could tie the game and it will on the 3-1 pitch constantly pitching from behind finally catches up with Kohn and todd zeile really needed that he ended the regular season in a terrible slump just had a few measly singles to show for the postseason up until that swing al again Bob you you hit it right on the button I mean pitching constantly from behind sooner or later somebody's going to nail you and and especially if facing this Oriole lineup I mean from top to bottom they can hit you and hit you hard and hit you deep and that's what Zeile just did here it is one more time that ball right down the pipe and he hit it hard rain's went back took a token look and watched it go now a swinging strike to Alomar who flied to Center his first time off greeted by booze each time but not quite as loud with each passing at-bat the fans here losing some of their taste for it salad off woman to file I still the way that baseball fans are the most forgiving fans in the world I mean even after the strike even after the World Series the fans were willing to come back and support baseball and after Alomar did what he did as terrible as it was he couldn't change it so since then he's done what he could do he withdrew his appeal he issued an abject apology that's in the seats foul John Hirschbeck the umpire with his wife at his side issued a public statement saying that he wants to put it behind him but he accepts Alomar's apology that doesn't lessen the severity of the incident but that's about all the respective parties can do at this point I think the one thing he reaches for this it's it softly into right and O'Neal gets there I think the one thing that helped the situation here with al Ahmar Bob is the fact that the Yankees won last night and and they're up one nothing and and it does take a little heat off of al ahmar had that game gone the other way yesterday it may have been a different story with al Ahmar today I'm glad it's getting over with the fans in a more forgiving mood with their team ahead one nothing in the best-of-seven series they doneall look suspect to you going after that ball in right field Joe yes but I was going to make the point that he just barely got there and that was a routine play for a normal right fielder I mean this is a routine play I mean it just seemed like he was gonna coast in and get it but watch it right at the end of it he seems like his legs start to bottom a little bit see that's a routine play but see right there he ends up leaning for it he should have been standing under this ball but again as I said in the opening defense this warranty may hurt them the most one-on-one to Palmero two runs home here on the top of the third to tie the game at two a walk to Brady Anderson on a 3-2 pitch and then a 3-1 shot off the bat of Todd Zeile and the lower stands and left to tie it at two apiece then Alomar flies out and now the count 2 and 1 to Palmeiro Bob with a little rain here this morning and you touched on this earlier I wonder if the outfield is a little more soggy than it was yesterday by all accounts it's in worse shape than it was for yesterday's game 1 which had been preceded by a day of torrential rain it did rain for many hours overnight although not nearly as hard as it had Tuesday night which forced the postponement of the scheduled game 1 Tuesday but it's a lot softer today for game 2 another full count well you said you wanted to see him at 80 pitches he's getting there in a hurry he strikes Palmeiro out that's his third strikeout to go with four walks this is another change of pace from David woo David Cone right here now Merrill way out in front he's looking for a fastball and and cone pulls a string on it watch it again this is a very good change of pace well it had to be a great pitch Bob because he took all the change ups that were low in his first at-bat Bonilla walked his first time fastball high one and OH Bobby Bo with the low postseason batting average as you saw but he does have a couple of home runs hit against Cleveland in the division series he launched 28 for the year in the course of driving in 116 1 & 2 here's another guy Joe that's such an anxious hitter I mean a guy that's up there and really wants to drive the ball another situation where you may see cone and not a bad pitch either go to a changeup for that splitter again but a change of pace down low away cuz this guy loves loves to hit me I mean he he wants to hit you deep every time he's up there lays off two balls and two strikes side note to the last night's controversial play they had a controversial call in the ballgame that in Baltimore and he had a grand slam after a walk well cone again pulling the string records consecutive strikeouts to end the inning but he gives up too and it's a brand-new game earlier Joe was talking about the troubles Paul O'Neill might be having right field Bernie Williams who might have to cover more ground as a result in center is well aware of it here's Bernie yeah I've been looking out there a little bit more but we always keep communicating a lot during the game and I know that both that he cannot get to and he knows the bowler I cannot get to so we we keep talking through the game a lot so it's it's gonna be it's gonna be a little bit harder now because I know he can be as mobile as I would like to him to be Derek Jeter starts it in the third against David Wells Owen 1 the count and now wells ahead of him 2 strikes you know and looking at that that replay again with Paul O'Neill and right you could actually see mud coming up out of his out of his shoes and and almost water to a certain extent out there so it really must be must be soggy and treacherous the o2 pitch a fastball in on his hands lifted into shallow left Soha fan Ripken out sir ha for the cash sir I've told us before today's game that the fly ball off the bat of Tim Raines which he lost in the first inning yesterday actually got lost in the clouds he looked up into a cloud and the ball was against the background of that cloud and he couldn't pick it up now Tim Raines who singled his first time Yankees got two in the first three straight singles started the inning against wells the Orioles came back and even did on zeals homer in the third with a man aboard white let's take another look at this play in right field now watch this camerawork we'll get a chance to watch now watch watch the top of his glove the ball actually hits the top of his glove before it goes in look at that great picture there - no - rains Tim hit nine home runs this year all of them left-handed two and one David Wells was coveted by the Yankees prior to this season one story had them possibly offering Mariano Rivera to the Reds for him when they didn't get him they went out after Kenny Rogers as a free agent his opponent today David Cone was the focal point of a big bidding war between Peter Angelos and George Steinbrenner two of the most free-spending owners in all of baseball could have shifted the balance of power in the American League YZ but Colin opted to stay with the Yankees these two clubs have the two highest payrolls in baseball in fact the four remaining teams vying for the World Series and the air to right Bonilla going back Shia the track reaches up to make the catch for the second out the four remaining teams the Yankees the Orioles the Braves and the Cardinals have four of the five highest payrolls in baseball the Yankees are first the Orioles are second the Braves are fourth the particles are fifth than the Indians we're the best overall record in the American League or third so when they say that you can buy a pennant and when they say that the four teams cannot be competitive even if that wasn't always true in the era of free agency even if the Players Association for many years had a better point than the owners it may now have reached the point until some reforms kick in where the clubs in the smaller markets cannot consistently contend and really the way you define a smaller market isn't so much City size its circumstances Baltimore becomes a large market by virtue of Camden Yards Cleveland might as well have been a small market when they had the lousy ballpark when they got Jacobs field they became a big market Bernie Williams behind on the count one two he singled his first time up and drove home or on talked earlier about David Wells having a very good breaking ball watch watch the rotation watch the spin on this curveball it actually winds up in the dirt here's what Bernie Williams sees low breaking ball dug out by Hoyles but when Wells is right he throws hard he's got a very good curve there's another you know about to finish up a little story on david wells when he was pitching with the blue jays it was it was surprising that that he left there in the first place but he and cito gaston didn't see too eye-to-eye on a number of occasions and i remember a particular game in Milwaukee where Gaston left him out in the game I mean to take a real battery he left him out there for about 14 or 15 runs because Wells had complained his start before and Gaston said well one way or another I'm gonna show you who's running the show here and I remember that game because Wells was standing out there not saying it but you could see in his eyes please get me out every time I watch this guy pitch it in the back of my mind I think this is the way I score Madison with dress of you is pitching the game or Mickey Loman somebody no but that's the way he always is always got that big old uniform top loose-fitting well kind of a throwback guy he says hey look I'm not going to hit ya oughta list machine in the offseason the offseason might hang around with my friends and I'll get myself into and it will shape the pitch once we get down to Florida here's the one to fish fouled off wells grew up in California but as an avid Yankee fan idolizing Babe Ruth obviously is way before his time but they say that in grade school and junior high half the reports he handed in when he had to write a biography of the famous person it was about the babe so perhaps he was just trying to reach the same sort of dimensions monument to the Sultan of Swat and another one to pitch two balls and two strikes I'm always like this guy I mean when you talk to him he tells you anything you want to know he doesn't hold back I mean if there's a problem with him personally with a manager I don't care what it is he's he's out in front with you all the time and he's always been that way I've always liked this guy I really am 33 years old six-four listed at 225 the other players call him boomer boomer Wells with two outs and nobody on on the third the 2-2 to Bernie Williams and the count runs out full game-2 is tied at two it took 11 to decide game 1 and this fella did it Bernie Williams with a homer off Randy Myers Davey Johnson by the way told us everybody including Myers who pitched an inning in two thirds plus the at-bat by Williams which ended the game everybody available because Myers threw only 16 pitches in contrast to Mariano Rivera who worked two innings for the Yanks but had to uncork 40 pitches not only that they're down one mole Williams with a two-out walk first walk issued by wells here's how last night's marathon ended Myers leaves that slider out over the plate about letter high and Williams just launches it a towering drive into the mezzanine deck the impressive things to me Bob is he didn't need to sneak a peek he hit it and usually you look down and tried a few steps and then you want to see exactly how far it would go but he just dropped his head and started that lonely journey around the bases he's not a guy who you'd expect to posture he doesn't strut he's not an in-your-face guy Cecil Fielder takes a ball are you trying to say you give well in Utah go back you know if I if I were you you and I touch one off in a situation like that I might milk it for all it was worth that's where I found myself most of the time after I did hit one milking something off season the one out of fielder popped into shallow right Bonilla coming on and the Yankees are done on the third still a 2-2 game back to the Bronx after this back to Yankee Stadium and onto the fourth runs four hits no errors for New York to one and O for Baltimore their only hit the two run homer by Todd Zeile in the third Ripken Murray answer Hoth to face David called here on the top of the fourth ripken flied to center to leave the bases-loaded ending a first his first time off despite the fact that David Cohen has given up only one hip the Yankees have to consider themselves lucky z' walk for and the only walk that really hurt him was the walk to Andersen leading off in the third before Zeile hit the 2 runner - at all even though it's a low run game relatively speaking to two in the fourth with the pitch count being what it is it would be surprising if David Cone even if the runs stay where they are could get Joe Torre into the sixth or seventh that was a 75th fish he got out of a major Jam back in the opening inning with the bases loaded when he felt behind on this guy when he fell behind on Ripken and then got him on the fly ball to Center there's that last pitch a strike right on the outside corner on 2 & 1 here it comes and Ripken couldn't catch up with it to ensue again if Joe Torre gets five or six innings out of this guy today I'm sure he's going to be more than happy with with the way Cohen has been struggling 76 pitches now Joe and I talked earlier 80 pitches and and he's near that mark right now we're only in the fourth inning and again Rivera is not going to work today well he's gonna have to manage a lot differently today than he did yesterday because he's gonna have to go to the bullpen earlier then he really wants to and another full count the sixth full count that call has worked too so far well it makes Jeff Nelson and perhaps David weathers all the more important before they can get to wetland the lights are on at Yankee Stadium although this afternoon has been a mixture of Sun and clouds hit toward the hole at the hand of the lunging Charlie Hayes and ripped in with a huge turn before the ball is picked back into the infield now Cal goes diving on his belly back into first with comedy-action here a line drive that Hayes couldn't handle and watch it goes off the Haze's glove Derek Jeter had given up on the play now he tries to go back and get it he can't Ripken made a big turn at first base like he was going to second range comes up fires a strike to second watch Mariano Duncan he just tech catches it and tags the poor he thinks Ripken might be now he's looking for he says where is it here's Ripken he makes a big turn he commits himself to sack of it inside old no I can't make it and he's thinking they may try to throw the first base he dies back in Tino Martinez in the background saying if you were to throw it to me I had it people flopping all over the infield so Ripken is on to start the fourth and here's Murray who struck out his first time that fall at Ripken hit Jo it shows how strong is was a breaking ball almost off the outside corner and he turned it around and hit it past Hayes at third we're just the Orioles second hit but Cohen has hardly been commanding lots of trouble with his control ahead of Murray though Owen - he's actually pitched very well to Murray in that the first time up he's set him up with a lot of fast balls and then through the change and now he comes back with a couple of off-speed pitches and that's his 80th pitch so we're not to see how much he has left on his fastball from here on out and though the Yankees are watching very closely 80 pitches with nobody out of the fourth and Murray lifts this one in the shallow center Jeter back Williams in and it falls between them but they may get the force of second and they do ripken had to pull up anticipating that it would be caught while Jeter who is very good at going back into the outfield with his back to the plate on pop-ups had a similar misadventure with Tim Raines and left yesterday and here either he or Bernie Williams could have handled it easily and they both back off and it drops it doesn't burn them though it's not scored as a hit for Murray it's a force play at second base I think you hit the nail on the head when you said that he has a bill to go deep into the outfield and he does that a lot so he could get out and catch it but he's looking for Bernie and Bernie thinks he's got it because he raises his glove up like he's going to catch it but that's a problem when you do have as much range into the outfield as Jeter has you know John until you hear that guy call that outfielder call it's your ball right and Jeter gave up on that ball I'll guarantee are going to see another meeting in the Yankee dugout between Jeter Zimmer and Torre guys let me ask you does a fellas personality carry over in most cases to the field both Derek Jeter yeah and Bernie Williams are very quiet neither strikes me as particularly assertive although they both our stars already this guy is going to be the Rookie of the Year and Williams is emerging as one of the game's great players at age 28 but neither one strikes me as a take-charge type of personality on the field am i right you're right but the position that they play both of them play demands that they take charge the ball bounces away from Girardi and here is Murray cruising down a second here's that last pitch thrown by David Cone Gerardi tried to block it got his did got his body down in front of the ball and had it hit off the heel of his glove bounced to his right he finally catches up to it but Murray winds up at second on a wild pitch you know Joe in that particular case that's Jeter's ball I mean he was right there he was right there and you don't hear Williams calling rolled down a Martinez behind the bag he takes it himself buried a third but with two out now and it will be up to the number nine hitter Chris Hoiles let's watch the play in shallow center again alright let's take the short stop in the center fielder here and see what happens now as Bob Costas mitches see how quickly Jeter gets out there he gets out there very quickly now watch him raise his glove right there now that tells Bernie Williams I've got the ball so you've got to make the catch don't raise your glove and then drop it again because I'm sure Bernie Williams saw him raise his glove and he dropped it in fact I'll relay a conversation I had with Tim Raines about the play last night well Hoyle stepped out go ahead okay he said that he was running in to catch it and Jeter raised his right hand like he was going to catch it and then he stopped and turned and looked at Tim so it's kind of a similar situation down and away to Hoyles now first base is open but this is the guy he wants to get the right-handed hitting number nine hitter with Brady Anderson and his 50 home runs waiting on deck two outs in the fourth Murray at third with the potential go-ahead run in there for a strike this guy's no easy guy either though bobbies hit 25 home runs he's got excellent power if there's anything that hurts oils from time to time it's his defense not so much receiving the ball but enemy runners taking liberties against him but he getting to finish up that that play Joe Jeter was right there all he's got to do is turn around and make the catch Hayes back of third across the diamond the throw is true and the Yankees are out of the fourth it remains a 2-2 game Willie Randolph is kind of the infield coach and you see he's the first one to come to see Jeter but watch Willie says you go too far that's exactly what he's saying he said you're throwing the timing off of the outfielders either you go out and get it or you stop short bottom of the fourth Tino Martinez against David Wells taking a ball Bernie Williams also receiving some counsel I wonder what the I bet you Bob next year sprinkler was the first thing you make tell be totally hit some fun goes out into shallow left and shallow center that's back in the seats one of the keys to Yankee dominance when they've had their pennant winning teams and contending teams it's obvious in this ballpark it's always been left-handed hitting Ruth and Gehrig mantle a switch hitter most of his at bats left-handed Reggie Jackson and others well in this postseason Tino Martinez Paul O'Neill Wade Boggs and Darryl Strawberry Boggs and strawberry not in the lineup today Martinez is plunked and pumped hard gritting his teeth as he heads down to first and he'll get some attention just to complete the thought those four important left-handed hitters are a combined 143 on 9 463 well here's a fastball from Wales I mean this is a good one I mean that and I mean that one's a good one that's what I guarantee you there are some stitches the prints on the his back right there I mean this gets him right on the for you want the quarterback to hit you right between the number yeah I mean that one had some hair on it too yep when Joe says this is a good one it doesn't necessarily mean for the hitter you know in hanging around with you and other former ballplayers both you guys I think it's Samba level there's an almost perverse delight in some of the hardball aspects of this game and some of the war stories of the hits and the near misses right well it's it's all part of the game Bob it's been part of the game for such a long time and not just you that you preach violence or or or anything else but there is a certain amount of intimidation that goes with pitching and hitting and and that's a part of it and I don't care what your personality is as a pitcher if you're standing out there getting your brains beat out game after game sooner or later you're gonna start throwing at people and and and knocking them down and brushing them back and whatever it takes one one the Duncan who was robbed of a hit on a terrific play in the hole by Cal Ripken back in the second very close play at first Duncan thought he was safe I always thought it was a compliment for somebody to throw at me I really did I'm serious I didn't like it too much when I was in street clothes but a strike I've had pictures say that they're not really throwing at the hitter they just want to remind that they're still pitching machine Joe and I were talking the other day and it's it's a common fact among pictures and catchers and anybody else in baseball that guys do throw it certain people and try to intimidate you and knock you off the plate and if the catcher liked you enough he would tell you he really would I mean you know would you tell a guy look out we're gonna flip you here I'd say you know be alive be ready Duncan hits it hard Zeile comes up with it takes it to Alomar on the 1st and the Orioles turn a difficult and nifty double play nice turn is second base by Roberto Alomar nice play by Zeile I mean you have to get a good accurate throw from the third baseman to turn this play Zeile does a good job he gets down on one knee comes up with it now watch where to throw is perfect throw across the diamond that's where you want it right up there above the chest high Alomar just turns it over nice play another close play at first involving Duncan there it is five to four and you see Alomar drop down a little bit if that makes the runner get down very quickly and a ball of Paul O'Neill that's this form of intimidation that's how you check yourself at second base guys are gonna come in try to break you in half the only protection you have is you get the ball quick enough you have to throw at them and make them get down and that's what Alomar did right there that's why he dropped down sidearm I haven't run into many guys I'd like to get hit on it on a double play ball at second or a throw coming from a shortstop for a second baseman as we watch this attempt to take out again who was the roughest you ever had to deal with as a middle infielder coming in on a play like this well there were several but there were a lot of guys usually the big guys who were the fastest Dave Parker two and one and Frank Robinson was my first initiation to the big leagues we were both from Oakland California we just talked before the game and I thought you know hey this guy kind of likes me first inning he flipped me and I thought I was dead out there at second base and then I learned right away what Frank Robinson was all about 2 & 2 to O'Neill I'll never forget the story of Bob Gibson great pitcher and one of the most intimidating ever the last pitch he ever threw in the major leagues in September of 1975 was hit for a Grand Slam by the Cubs Pete Lacock several years later Gibson faced Lacock in an old-timers game and hit him not only surprised you surprised you Curt it was his first chance to even the score I got another at-bat it didn't surprise I'll tell you Bob Gibson was something I I had the luxury and the pleasure to catch him on a number of occasions and everything they say about him is true he would he was really something Hall of Famer a great pitcher Wells works 3 & 2 to O'Neill and it's fouled off very very few were in Bob Gibson's class in terms of effectiveness but almost nobody exude 'add the passion for the task that he did when he was on the mound on those World Series games against the Yankees in 64 the Red Sox in 67 the Tigers in 68 when he struck out 17 in game 1 I mean you could almost feel his determination and feel his purpose burning toward the hitter from the mound another 3-2 pitch and a two-out walk Thursday night means as you know must-see TV all new episodes of friends the single guy Seinfeld suddenly Susan and we are America's favorite night of television NBC Thursday well on Seinfeld Jason Alexander's character George Costanza is the Yankees assistant traveling secretary a little bit of controversy this past week when George Steinbrenner wouldn't let the Yankee wives travel on the Charter to Texas wonder if George Costanza had any hand in that decision I doubt it well he wanted them all in individual Piper Cubs that you know just kind of a you know a little formation job all the way down there Hayes starting at third base instead of Boggs against the left-hander struck out his first time hits it well the deep left center field Anderson over with short hops or off goes to his knees to make the catch I'm not so sure he had a real beat on that ball but the Orioles survived it on to the fifth and here's the Hertz game summary three straight singles and then a DP groundout off the bat of Cecil Fielder produced two runs for the Yankees in the first and although David Cone was shaky walking the bases loaded in the first he made it stand up until the third when after a walk to Brady Anderson Todd Zeile went deep that tied it at two and that's where we stand now the game summary brought to you by Hertz for business with pleasure nobody does it exactly like Hertz while another chess Baba only tell you my favorite Bob Gibson story my rookie year Bob Bruce was a pitcher for the Houston Astros and he said to me one day said Bob Gibson's the luckiest pitcher in the league he said because every time he pitches the other team doesn't score many runs yeah took that horseshoe to the he was something I was walking by the mound one day what do you want out here and nothing I'm going to the bullpen I was walking behind you didn't want anybody out there a ball and a strike to Anderson how did you hit him Joe like everyone else seldom and uh you know I got a few hits here and there Anderson has struck out and walked and Kohn gets ahead of him one and two the fastball first pitch and then he follows that with this slow curveball then he catches Brady Anderson off-balance so you don't have to throw 90 miles an hour every pitch to keep the hitter off-balance you just have to mix your speeds and that's what he did here he thrown a fastball in now he throws a slow breaking ball on the outside corner center field Bernie Williams almost in his tracks one out well let's go back to the bottom of the fourth and BJ surhoff who has had some uncertain moments in these first two games trying to line this one up and has to go to his knees to get it when it makes a good catch you halfway through the play you saw him look over at Brady Anderson but watch I was not sure he caught this ball before it hit the ground but I think you'll see he gets his glove underneath look at that big glove and it works nice play there by BJ he looked up and Brady was nowhere near he says I've gotta get it myself there's DJ in the dugout a broiler of course many years with them began his career as a catcher has played some third-base he aged a bit in left field now Eddie Murray handling the DEA chores Cowan has been able to get the breaking ball over so far this sitting it's okay if you don't have your good fastball if you can throw the breaking ball for a strike 1 & 2 2 0 but if you miss with the breaking balls and you don't have a good fastball you're really gonna have problems because they're gonna sit on the fastball he throw it he's throwing just enough breaking balls for strikes to keep them honest often in two and two each club hit two homeruns yesterday zeals is the only round tripper today but generally speaking against the Yankees this year the Orioles have not homered at their usual pace in the shallow right O'Neill coming on and he makes the catch and again he is not running well now you can see him hobbling Bob you're right he's having trouble you can see the wrap you can see the wrap on the hamstring area on his left leg and as he comes in for this fall and look for a moment like he might not be able to catch up to it little breaking ball at Zeile hits the other way and look at only at him limping it's the left leg and he's really having problems well the problem is Bob if you can't come straight in you really have a problem trying to go side to side so I mean he's really going foes in a problem for Joe Torre to decide when to bring him out of the ballgame Alomar Oh for two today that one floats in there for strike one he's 1 for 8 in the series he hit 328 for the year and was as high as 410 in early June the Orioles had 257 homers for the year but only 12 and 13 regular season games against the Yankees who allowed the fewest home runs as a pitching staff in the entire league in fact the Yanks who themselves hit the third fewest home runs in the league only Minnesota and Kansas City had fewer they actually out homered Baltimore head-to-head 1612 and when you add it all up that's why the Yankees won 10 of 13 including all six at Camden Yards and they managed to come from behind and win Game one of the LCS this will be pitch number 100 on the t2 offering to Roberto Alomar spins them away three and soon Holly he got that fastball the st. Joey's got that fastball that that will run away from a from a left-handed batter and that's what he was trying to do to Alomar they're starting off inside and have that ball come back to catch the inside he just missed reaches for that one bounces it toward the middle and Jeter can't get to it David Cone has gone to his breaking but most exclusively here this inning and he's had success and this ball is just a little chopper up the middle sits a breaking ball toward the outside corner Alomar does a good job of fighting it off and hitting up the middle and because Jeter was planning more towards left field he wasn't able to run it down so he just fights that off but Jeter way over in the hole does not have a chance to chase that one down up the middle good hitting there by Alomar he stayed with it and fought it off now Palmero who's walked and struck out ball one to him he's Baltimore's other iron man he played in all but one of their games this year and he's average better than 150 games per season throughout his career of course what Ripken does day in day out year in year out dwarfs everybody else in terms of endurance and durability a Lamar stole 17 with another club he might have swiped more but his power laiden as Baltimore is what few speedsters they have like Alomar and Anderson are held somewhat in check and this is the situation here wearing another normal team he might try to steal second base I think they want Alice to let Palmeiro hit here in this situation because he has hit so well here in Yankee Stadium when he's hit four home runs here this year and everything is in his favor so I think you will see Alomar remain at first base and let Palmeiro hit unless he may get behind an account two strikes one oh pitch roll foul the pace of this game is very slow with : laboring with Wells seldom cruising moving up on two hours old and we're just in the top of the fifth now they talk so much about time of game today and games are unbelievably long for the most part but it's all controlled by the pitchers I mean the guys throw strikes you're around the plate and and and and give a hit or an opportunity to put a ball in planning and to let you guys play behind you it's it's gonna shorten the game's tremendously of course one ball - I mean it's it's it's unbelievable and Joe knows this for sure it's ball one ball two everybody's sitting in the in physic come on throw a strike it throw a strike throw a strike and and everybody gets down Wells hasn't been perfect but he's had it a lot easier than Cohn Alomar diving back in it's a 2-2 game but your sense is that Cohn has had much more difficulty finding anything even close to a groove and again Bob not to not to belittle the point or delay to the point but nobody's out there trying to throw balls let's let's point that out I mean everybody wants to throw a strike and be around the plate two and two on the other hand will the lineup like Baltimore's you're trying to throw fine strikes because you cringe a little bit when you let the ball go against these guys well but I think there are times when when pitchers give hitters too much credit I mean you overestimate guys that it seems as though every time a pitcher says if I throw a strike for this guy's gonna hit a homerun on me it doesn't work that way all the time there are those times when you do have to go after somebody David Cone has been around long enough he knows what he's doing he knows what he's trying to do to every hitter almost had a Lamar leaning well with two strikes it wouldn't surprise me to see him break as I said he would give Palmeiro time to hit but now he's behind an account - and - he may decide I'll try to steal it maybe he'll find the gap and I'll score or if I'm out he starts off the next inning with out having two strikes on what's the go and a full count now to Palmero so Alomar will be off when he's right david cohen has as nasty an assortment of stuff as anybody in either league and he combines it with uncanny control now he's just trying to get by on guile and whatever resourcefulness he can summon up here there goes a llamar and a bouncer to the right side Duncan gobbles it up narrows history the Orioles strand one halfway through in the Bronx tied at 2 game to gear blimp Stars & Stripes the Empire State Building in the background and now the camera closes in on the GE building at 30 rock as some of you may have heard in fact if you tuned in to the Today show this morning you saw as Joe Girardi comes to the plate smacks one into right-center field and this ball gets down and into the gap goes to the wall he runs well for a catcher he's thinking about a triple the throw come out along it's close he's in there not many catchers would have leaked this into a triple or would have even tried with nobody out I can't think of any other catcher that would have even fried it he finds a gap in right-center field a great thing for him as he realized that the ball was going to go all the way to the wall and that he had a chance so he goes speed right away see right now he knows it's in the gap look again until they round there now he makes the the third-base coach he makes up his own mind watch the slide so he makes up his mind himself he does not use the third base coat Alomar throws off line a little bit allows him to dive around the tag by Zeile and there you see the umpire at third base rockin roll Singh he sleep and watch this this is a half slide half died look at Willie Randolph getting out it sound muffled man had this throw bit closer to the bag from Alomar they would have had him know what field catches it before it gets there but he has to go back and finds her Rd and he can't do it before he touches the bag pass slide have died Girardi hit three triples during the year a high total for a catcher he also stole 13 bases more than any other big league catcher the infield comes in now behind Wells with Jeter at the plate he's 1 for 2 and a ball low that's not any kind of a slide you're gonna see in any training film you know any spring training camp College High School baseball anything else this is a little surprising that they're playing the infield in here Bob because they risk giving the Yankees an opportunity to have a big inning it's difficult to cover any ground when you play this infield in Juneau Yankees trying to snap a two all tie as they bat in the bottom of the fifth if this was the seventh-inning I could understand it but you're talking about the bottom of the fifth inning a lot of baseball left ikuo from wells to jeter fouled out of play just quickly to complete the thought then we focused back on the game many of you saw that there was a major fire a five-alarm fire in the electrical system at the NBC building the GE building all the NBC programs including The Today Show were forced out of the studios there was some smoke damage to the lower floors a few people were injured mostly smoke inhalation and now we're told the building is at least for the most part back in operation the fire quelled and all as well at the GE building and upstairs in the Goodyear blimp all corporate responsibilities have been discharged now a 2-1 pitch from wells to Jeter in a situation where he needs the strikeout he runs the count two two and two now the thing that you like about Derek Jeter's so much is the fact that he'll take the pitch and go with it there it is around the outside corner from David Wells and he tried to hit it to right field and as a matter of fact if I look at Jeter more often than not he's a center to right field hitter and it wouldn't surprise me at all if David Wells comes in tied on here I mean really tries to bust him inside either with a fastball or a breaking ball and Jeter spoils that one again he went away on the outside part and Texas had some success in the first ball game by coming in and jamming him this ball is actually off the plate outside good job by Jeter just to stay alive but the pitch is out over the plate and not inside and he has pretty good plate coverage out yeah that's what I'm saying Joey he seems to be looking out there against welts especially now and and once you get that guy looking that way bang bang bang it's not a bad idea to take a shot inside here well says struck out one his to to pitch and there's to when he needs it Wells is not overpowering in that regard he struck out a hundred thirty in two hundred twenty four innings but he can get the occasional K and he really needed it there well he's got such a good breaking ball Bob and this is what I was talking about a minute ago either a fastball or a breaking ball inside when you've got a guy like Jeter looking away the way he is here's the breaking ball down down in the dirt actually a bad pitch one more time take a look at it breaking ball in the dirt and he chased it you get a guy looking that way constantly away away away there's that chance you can go inside on him and Wells throws hard enough where he can get it bhaiyya there he threw the breaking ball for the strikeout one out now infield in rains at the plate Williams on deck I think they should be playing in and with one out but with no out to give the other team a chance for big inning right one brains is singled and flied out Gerardi who tripled as at third - - bottom of the fifth a ball and a strike if the Yankees score here it'll be interesting to see if Joe Torre let's david cohen who was thrown well over 100 pitches come out for the 6th if they do score cohen could be in the surprising position of being a pitcher of record on the winning side at this point in the game which considering the way he started was a position he might never have thought he'd be in today fouled off 1 & 2 you know it's such a cool afternoon bobbin and Joe Torre has nobody in the bullpen there's nobody tossing out there everybody is sitting around and watching the action and and if indeed he did have that idea or was thinking about it I mean he'd have to have somebody up you can't just say to yourself all right we've got a run get somebody out there and get him in here now yeah that would be a good point well you'd want to have the guy warm up well that's look I don't get 75 bucks a game for nothing didn't realize it was that kind of per diem but the ones who it's actually not that much some kind of blowing smoking myself whatever gets you over with the folks back he's got that right not a good average there with runners in scoring position for Tim Raines one for 15 but he doesn't need a bass sit here all he needs is a fly ball to the outfield and here it comes a full count now this might seem like a strange question but I've had a lot of people at home wonder about it especially on a big league in field I don't think people appreciate how close the pitcher's mound is to the plate yeah how close you are to the hitter when the infield plays in with a left-handed hitter up you're playing second base isn't it a little bit intimidating to be that close looking at a tough left-handed hitter well if you're standing up there against a guy like Willie Stargell yes and it's even tougher when you're playing on astroturf that's wet that ball can come off the bat very quickly and get right on top of you Raines works a walk reigns was the guy that Wells wanted again David Wells thought he had the inside corner too he thought he at the strikeout well he thinks that well I think Tim Raines a little lucky to this pitch wasn't a couple of inches more toward the middle of the plate because there was no way he could hit it I don't know if it was that bad of a pitch anyway well let's take a look yeah since just a little bit off the corner but if it would have been three or four more inches over there was no way range could hit it and watch Wells he actually asked coils when he comes out there he asked him was that pitch a strike I didn't see Hales reaction though you're right yeah well if he could have gotten rains without Girardi coming across then he could have worked very carefully to Williams well maybe even just walked him intentionally but of course fielder is on deck well this is a situation where if you joke Tori you have to tell Tim Raines even though Tim Raines is on his own you have to tell him to hold at first base because if he steals second base in their walk Bernie Williams and incest little more of a double pit play since it was easy to double up and Bernie Williams would be and a called strike this number is kind of surprising to me Bernie Williams who runs well hit into 15 double plays this year well the reason Bob is watched when you watch him hit he hits with his upper body and that keeps his body state his lower body stays stationary and it takes him a little longer to get started out of the batter's box this is he swing watches up her body that's basically what he swings with and he ends up staying there a little longer than the most right most hitters do that can run and of course a bit more likely to be doubled when hitting from the right side the infield looks for the DoublePlay they were in against the previous two hitters Gerardi who tripled as a third reigns who walked with one out as at first to to tie bottom of the fifth well steps off and Bluffs Wells closed the regular season with three or four bad outings in a row then pitched respectively in two starts against Cleveland when it really counted in the division series he was just 11 and 14 for the year after going 16 and 8 a year ago he's ahead of Bernie Williams on to Williams who won last night's game trying to give the Yankees the lead in Game two well I was talking earlier about him liking the ball out over the plate both of these fast balls have been on the inside part of the plate and that's the reason that he has him Owen - Bernie likes the ball away the pitch was away and he singled to drive in a run earlier in the ballgame but now wells is trying to stay right on top of him inside 1 & 2 I love this pair that's why I love this game take a look at this one more time and and David wells against a guy with with big-time power oils wanted and inside and and again he didn't miss by much if he missed at all he didn't miss by much just a bit inside well that's out of the way wow what a check next to that the he got for sure Reagan ball got him David Wells had struck out only one through the first four innings but he gets to here in the fifth with a man at third base and this curveball just keeps biting if you're they here no watch how high and start it's up there you say well I can hit this and then it just starts biting and before you get to it it's out of the strike zone now watch this pitches in the strike zone now now now and all of a sudden it's out of the strike zone boy what a great pitch he is full both by the speed and the break watch he's out in front because he's fooled by the speed and then the break of the ball just really takes him out of the game I mean he is that he couldn't hit that pitch if he got the swing at it three times absolutely boy what a job by wells year with Girardi that third nobody out strikes out two and he's he's about to get out of it facing fielder here I bet you see the same kind of stuff here too fielder fast balls in breaking stuff that's a ballsy sell for strike one he here's another guy that will chase the breaking stuff down lo it away down low and inside here you'll see it one more time this is a high inside fastball and Cecil Fielder trying to get out of the way he had ideas of up taking a hack at that one anyway one of the things we've seen from fielder and the other in the divisional Klaus was that with two strikes he would go back through the middle and go the other way but until he got two strikes he's trying to hit get it out of the ballpark hit sharply Alomar playing deep lots of time over to Palmeiro a leadoff triple goes to waste Guddi pitching in the fifth by wells still tied at 2 now someone's up in the Yankee bullpen and it's David weathers who was so important in their game for victory the decisive victory over the Texas Rangers in Arlington a great stead of middle relief that set the stage for their come-from-behind victory Annie Rogers the starter lasted only two innings quick hook that day from Joe Torre but weathers and others kept the minute until they could get to Rivera and wetland Bobby Bonilla now in the sixth Yankees had a great opportunity in the bottom of the fifth but David Wells got tough and left Girardi at third after a leadoff triple bonia has walked and struck out big cut in the mess and David Cohen is almost pitching backwards Bob for the way that he normally pitches he usually establishes his fastball and then get you out with a breaking ball or the splitter now he's using those to set up his fastball on three pitches he dispatched his bunny let's go back to the job Wells did in the bottom of the fifth and he basically did it by throwing this good breaking ball he threw him a couple of fast balls away this is sets up the breaking ball right there out of the strike zone same thing with Bernie fires him inside with two fast balls I watched this beautiful curveball I mean that you can't hit that pitch if you're Bernie Williams after looking at two fast balls on the inside corner here's ripken callus flied out a single all one from Cohn you can see Cohen is starting almost every hitter off with a breaking ball whereas normally he's a fastball pitcher and goes the other way so he's pitching backwards and sometimes that have a good effect on the hitter if you're David Cone because they're looking for a first pitch fastball you're throwing them something else in their one-on-one you know one of the things that we haven't seen Kohn do today yet is drop down sidearm Joe he's got out front of somebody a right-handed batter to use that big sweeping sidearm curb or occasionally a fastball that he'll throw sidearm and run it away well one thing you see here both of them are throwing real good curveballs curveballs are not something you see a lot in Major League games anymore you see the slider but the overhand curveball I still think is the most effective pitch Ripken goes the other way a little flair over the head of Tino Martinez for a one-out single the second hit of the day for cow now this is not a bad pitch by David Cone that's a broken bat job by a Ripken a fastball that he had buying but he got enough of it to dump it over the head of Martinez at first Joe Girardi they're running right behind Ripken watched Girardi wind up at 1st and case Ripken takes a big turn Martinez giving chase on this ball here it is again little broken bat humpback liner just out of the reach of Tino Martinez Andy Murray so for two struck out hit into a force play a bizarre force play hit what could have been a bloop single in the center field which Jeter and Williams let fall between them when either one could have handled it but because Ripken had to play it half way Jeter was able to pounce on the ball and throw the Duncan covering second for a six for force out from shallow center owns 100 Fitch a called strike is this David cones last inning regardless gram wide the left hand are now up along with David weathers in the Yankee bullpen I say yes I say it is I say he's had enough are you seeing weathers the right hander Ram Lloyd the former Bruin now a Yankee the left-hander I think it's I think he's done I think he's I think he's thrown enough I really do whether he even finishes this inning two and one Eddie Murray well that was his 116th pitch and in the first or second inning of this game if you had told Joe Torre that he would get him through to six and possibly get him through the sixth with the sports hide I think Joe Torre would have jumped at that possibility and with the fact that he's thrown 116 pitches I guarantee he would have jumped at it blocked by Gerardi to prevent any advance by Ripken I want to finish that point I was making I said you see more sliders than curveballs and the reason for that is because the curveball is much tougher to control and throw for a strike the slider is easier to control and that's why they do see more big-league pitchers with throwing sliders than you do the curveball that you see from cone and from wells today that is tough on your elbow either right where you're really popping that thing and and really putting putting a strain on your elbow there's the splitter grip right there well he's really starting to get upstairs now with with breaking stuff and he's been upstairs twice on Murray in balls that are really in the zone that hit and he knows it he gets he gets to that point and we watched him in the game against Texas Joe where it was early in the game and he had control problems all through that through that stint six innings or five plus innings that he worked against Texas same problem upstairs upstairs on three Intuit Rifkin breaks and he'll have to come back a lazy fly too right O'Neill for the Cavs well David Cone has walked for three of them in the first inning but he's also gone to three balls on eight other hitters that he didn't want he's thrown a lot of pitches as you said Bob were in the sixth inning here and and again if if he indeed does pitch through this inning hey I he deserves a pat on the back nice job today see you later and go to the bullpen surhoff stands in hizo for two grounded the Martinez at first unassisted both times but he holds he hoses when he gets his sign watch he takes it with a splitter grip and the reason for that is because you don't want to be feeling for that grip in your glove because you'll give it away Oh into so if he's not gonna throw the splitter it's easier to relinquish it and adjust that grip rather than to assume it it's easier to close your fingers over the ball than it is to spread them and stick the ball between them in your glove because if you watch closely you can see a guy when he fixes a splitter in his glove that's why he holds it like that to start with surhoff lines it into center Rifkin stops its second two on two out that was a case right there where I think that he feels like he's tired because he did not want to waste the pitch he had surhoff oh and two he could have tried to move him off the plate he could have tried to go away tries to finish him right away with this splitter he says I'm not gonna waste a pinch because he feels a little tired I believe he tried to finish this batter off instead of coming inside or getting a chaser be gauged surhoff a pitch to hit and he singl the center field not a bad piece of hitting by Searle right there Joe a ball down low and away didn't try to pull it didn't try to muscle it one ride with it glide to the center Hoyles has grounded out twice sixth inning Game two of the American League Championship Series the Yankees with two in the first the Orioles tied it in the third on a two run homer by todd zeile each team has threatened since but nothing across one-on-one the one thing that I've been impressed with this Yankee pitching staff the two starters Andy pettite last night and David Cone today neither one of them haven't had their good stuff but they have really battled I mean they they're showing you a lot of guts out there to keep their team in the ball game against the slugging Orioles I mean these guys are really doing it with just their heart because they don't have much on the ball I mean they do not have their good stuff Pettit didn't have his good fastball last night yesterday and neither does Kohn today here's the 1-1 pitch is it legitimate to wonder whether Petitte is a bit tired at this point in the season everything was up his last couple of starts against Texas and against Baltimore had there not been a rainout he could theoretically of pitch games one and then four and seven each of the second two on just three days rest and maybe he wasn't up to that in the seats foul I don't think there's any doubt in my mind that he is a little tired and you have to remember one thing he's only been in a big leagues a couple of years and the minor leagues you only pitch 100 innings at the most and the big leagues are expected to get up around 200 innings you have to build your arm strength to a point that you can have good stuff up to 280 when you get around 150 159 your arm really starts to go dead if you haven't built up the arm strength two on two out and a 2 2 pitch to Chris Hoiles full count you know there's one of the few times that David Cone maybe the first time that he's dropped down from the side today to try and get Hoyles to chase what what I used to call this Laredo Lorado you got that right baby Sidewinder right there big sweeping curveball oils doesn't chase you know the other thing Joe when you're talking about pitchers continue after this pitch to oil there's no the runners and they're loaded up on the wall well he got to go now especially with Brady Anderson heading for the plate with the bases loaded and cone shaking his head Stottlemeyer and Zimmer flanking Torey he wanted him to get through the inning but that plan may have been foiled here I'm just going to say Joe to finish up that thought it's it's hitters and pitchers at this time of the year everybody's starting to get a little bit tired and and it's the pitchers more often than not that make the mistake with a hanging breaking ball to really hurt themselves well hitters can adjust Bob by lowering the weight on their back absolutely no if you use a 33 ounce bat in the second half of the season you go down to 31 or 32 or if you loot use party you can drop to 38 so you can always adjust if you're the hitter it's tougher for the pitcher and you see David Cone he talked Joe Torre and even a man you're right he sure did he sure did well if he went with the percentages and brought in Lloyd then you've got a guy who except for one perfect inning against Texas hasn't done much right since he came over from Milwaukee you bring him into the game against not just any left hand hitter but a left handed hitter who hit 50 home runs and with no place to put in no margin for error if you switch to weathers you're asking him to face righty lefty Brady Anderson it doesn't compute there's a call strike well Joe Torre has done a magnificent job so far well you know garters bullpen whatever he's done everything has worked so very well for him and and here's that here's that that little conversation with with David David Cone and he's telling Joe Torre I want to stay I want this out I can get through it the o1 his hat going to you can see it get the greet his lips he said I want this out he's maybe a pitch away from getting it well look at this crowd at Yankee Stadium they're on their feet everybody in this ballpark is on their feet this is wanted a few times you'll see they hit or agree with the out fire watch Brady Anderson he shakes his hand say yes I went the Sogeti performance by David Cone no matter what the outcome here against Anderson is oat soup it's coming with the bases loaded 1 & 2 Anderson is struck out walked and flied out see Brady Anderson keep that leg in there Joey yeah he almost wanted to get hit we showed that again you'll see Anderson he's not he's not moving he's not making any drastic moves to get out of the way of that last fastball and it almost did Nikki splitter down lon away phone trying to get out of the six he's trying to throw the fastball inside and make it move back on the inside corner Joe Torre thought it was a strike well he's tried where the pitch starts it starts inside and he's trying to get it to move back over the plate watch the movement see it does move back but it does not get enough of the plate and Joe Torre wants anything to be called a strike right now he wants out of this inning with a to the tooth out in the air to left toward the line reigns over into foul ground reaches in and he's got it he had to fight a fan but that ball was live that wouldn't have been so controversial for rich Garcia that ball was up for grabs the fan had not reached out but still Garcia says hey could you make it easy on me they leave them loaded this is more borderline than it might have appeared at first glance because when he catches it the ball is on the other side of the fence then with the lunge he's into the crowd the fella in the green windbreaker is really doing something not much different than the twelve-year-old did yesterday but if he had interfered here and kept trains from making the catch that appeared to be fairly routine had he not been interfered with and if Garcia had not called it interference in that situation didn't have to there because rains made the catch how would the New York fans have felt about that the New York fans who salute the kid as a hero how would they have felt about that I think that look on Garcia's face is worth of million dollars Bob because the players have a saying that if you're having trouble out there the ball will find you if you make a couple of errors out there if they move you to another position that's the first place they hit the ball they moved him from right field line to the left field line the ball finds you all the time if you're having problems Martinez has flied out and been hit by a pitch outside from wells 1 & 2 the Yankees have left 18 men on base in 16 innings in these two games the Orioles for the series are open with runners in scoring position opportunities have abounded not all that many of them cashed in Duncan on deck and then O'Neill the one-two pitch hit the other way and into the seats foul they almost all of them goes spilling out reaching and desperation please PJ getting back to Richie Garcia for just a moment Bob you've known him a long long time I've known him ever since he's been in the league one of the hardest-working guys conscientious and and ain't made no bones about it last night I mean he said I blew it that's all there's what else can you say another ones who pitch off-speed hit hard off the chest of Palmeiro wells covers and they get the out a bullet and Palmero stayed with it and almost ate him up and I talked earlier about Rafael Palmero we talked so much about his offense this guy is a good first baseman and you talk about it eat him up hop that was one right there knocked the doubt chest high David Wells on the move to take the little toss here it is again this ball comes up on Palmeiro and hits him in the chest stays right on it though and with David Wells covering they retire Martinez that ball was hit hard any infielder can stand there and do those old a jobs you know where you get off to the side and all that stuff stand in front of them take those the line drives are the one hoppers they don't feel too good Palmero checking to make sure he's still in one piece that thing was scorched Duncan's over 2 this is one of those plays where you almost hope you get hit on the other side too so you fill out you take one on the other side of the chest so so you fell out evenly that ball is really hit had a lot of sting up and he's still hurt and the o2 pitch bottom of the sixth to five and Oh for both clubs Duncan appears to have broken his bat I talked to the umpires today about how they stationed themselves down the lines now if you take a look at rich Garcia he's walking away now but he is close to the third base umpire rocky Roe you see him walk away but you can see where the light is just started there that's where he stands now last night he was also close down the right-field line now take a look at Larry Barnett he's down the right-field line now he's farther down the line and also in fair territory and I asked him about this because I remembered the young pyres being farther away from each other and they says all about individual preference so there's no set way of doing it another ode to pitch a ball and two strikes a couple of months ago in Seattle Edgar Martinez of the Mariners hit a ball in a game against the Yankees that was originally called a homerun a fan reached over and touched the ball the Yankee outfielder had no chance to catch it but another umpire overruled the original call and Martinez was given a double because it was decided that the fan had touched it reaching over the fence and while it would have hit the wall it would not have gone out this one's down the line and left bouncing up and Garcia has another call to make BJ surhoff will now decide to throw it deep into the stands and not reward anybody who reached out from the first row find you yeah you're right but watch you ride away on this Pete makes the right call here watch he'll give you a signal which is his clasping his wrist that tells you that band in appearance ball bounces now watch him it's a fair ball now he sees a fan touching the right there he clasped his wrist that means fan and appearance right there and it's an automatic double there you see Ritchie's thing it's going to find me wherever I go easy they're signaling ground rule double or cuff me and get me out of here well I promise all you can do is laugh here's O'Neill singled and walked with one out of Duncan at second he had 302 for the year with the hamstring he's not the same hitter we've seen Wells pitch out of jams especially you know last inning and right aways back in trouble again O'Neill is 3 for 19 in the postseason a single and a walk today here's the o1 in there for a strike another look at Richie Garcia the other way seems to be saying come on boy stop aiming at me hit it the other way usually when you work the lines in these six men cruise relatively speaking it's a rocking-chair assignment yeah Alun ffred Garcia that was the statement last night he said only he could get in trouble down the right field laughing or maybe the left field line a ball and two strikes you see what the suhuf did though after the ball landed just fair and then skipped toward the wall and a fan touched it but wasn't able to pick it up Sahab wanted to give it to the fans as a souvenir but he wasn't going to give it to any of those people who were leaning out he threw it several rows in and he did it with the previous ball two the 1 2 pitch and O'Neal goes down swinging Wells has struck out four but three of them have come with runners in scoring position in the last two innings in fact two of them came with Girardi at third and less than two outs and we talked about the fact that O'Neal can't use his lower body and that last swing was really with nothing but his arms I mean that's all he's swinging with and you cannot generate a lot of bat speed with just your upper body in your arms O'Neil is always very hard on himself even when he's hitting away above 300 he's been known to rant and rave after an at-bat witch displeases him rolled foul but really he can't be that hard on himself here he is just doing it through clenched teeth exactly and watch what he swings it just swings with nothing but I said watch how his legs just become stationary right there see his upper body nothing to generate any bat speed it just swings with his upper body and you can't catch up with Wells fastball with just your upper body unless you start to swing when he starts his wide down or gets assigned yeah the real disappointment is you play all season to get to the postseason this is one of the game's best hitters and he's just not in the position to give his 100 percent best in the games that matter most the games you dream about playing in and unfortunately a couple of days off will not cure the problem and there are no days off in this series until Monday at the earliest if it gets that far hayes has struck out and flied out a called strike goin to now we talked so much about David Conan and the job that he's done against Baltimore I tell you this guy David Wells has pitched an outstanding game here today to a couple of back-to-back strikeouts and the fifth inning to Jeter in range when he's in a jam after the triple by Girardi to lead off the inning he's pitched a heck of a game yeah did haze go around he did the ball gets away but haze didn't break right away could have made it a closer play if he'd realize what was happening and Wiles tosses him out five strikeouts for Wells still tied at two well David Cone surprisingly was able to go six innings you wouldn't have given much for his chances of doing that early in this game but he got the Yankees this bar and now Joe Torre hands the ball to Jeff Nelson who worked a perfect eighth yesterday including a strikeout he grew up in Baltimore as an Oriole fan he's pitched especially well in the last few weeks more effective down the stretch than his overall season numbers would indicate if you're just joining us Joe Torre said emphatically before the game that Mariano Rivera who threw 40 pitches and two innings of work yesterday and was the winning pitcher is not available so it's up to Nelson to get them to the ninth year and hope they can score in one of the next couple of that bats and set the stage for wetland that's the ideal scenario for Torre and the Yanks to to and the seventh the to Oriole runs on a third inning homer by this man Todd Zeile who leads it off for them to be followed by Alomar and Palmeiro Nelson starts him with a strike are you not you talk about a guy who will pitch on your knuckles this is the guy Jeff Nelson he's got an excellent fastball and it runs I mean really dives into a right-handed batter and then that big sweeping curveball that makes you give a little bit your mind always says stay in there but your backside says see you later here's that big sidearm curve by Nelson watch this you saw it he's taught Todd's eels front foot take a dive toward third on the big breaking ball and Nelson thought he had him on what could have been a called third strike staring in at Dale Scott for a moment now here it is that's it that was the last pitch a fastball and and I'll tell you what didn't look all that bad two and two well I think one of the reasons he didn't get that pitch is because he was set up outside and the pulp ball came back on the inside part of the plate a lot of times the umpire goes out there with you as you know he rides on the catcher to follow the ball and I always I always used to wonder about that Jose you watched the home plate umpire Dale Scott work and most umpires do this now it was always that way in the National League they used to sit on your inside shoulder depending on a right-handed batter or left-handed batter and it always bothered me that I thought maybe they'd missed the outside pitches they were great on inside pitches because of where they set up to a catcher in this case was see look work look where's Scott setting up it's a second Duncan in front of it and there's the first out on the seventh well they say of umpires that you know they've done a good job when they go unnoticed that is not a possibility for rich Garcia this week in New York and so he's accommodating autograph requests this was during the commercial not during live-action era Chism bar is a double right thank goodness there's no off day tomorrow maybe rich would be on the Rosie O'Donnell show instead of the kid who caught the ball here's a Lamar he probably told BJ surhoff don't throw those balls so far back in the stands thrown right in the front here where I can sign them Alomar's 1 for 3 and that ball is inside third base for extra bases chased by reigns and Alomar in with a double Alomar's last two at-bats have resulted in base hits maybe he has finally been able to relax here in New York and swing the bat he had an off night last night but this is Roberto Alomar at his best sinking fastball the ball is running away from him and he just slaps it watch this pitch he just slaps it down the third-base line and that's what makes him dangerous Hayes way off the bag no chance well Hayes is off the bag and in because he may bunt so just a good job of hitting here by Alomar you see him he just goes out there slaps it the other way that's why he was hitting 400 for a long time earlier this season so now with the go-ahead run at second and one out it's Palmero to be followed by Bonilla no soft spots at all in the Oriole lineup Paul Merrill fouls it off the Yankee starters now that cone has completed his work today have worked 32 innings and given up 20 runs their combined dra is a little over five and a half but look at what the relievers have done in twenty four innings of work one run allowed a microscopic earned run average the relievers have all four of their postseason victories if your jump Nelson here I think you need to give 100% of your concentration to Rafael Palmero I don't think you need to bother with Roberto Alomar you have a left-handed hitter up there and he's probably not going to steal third with a left-handed hitter at the plate plus he also has their leading RBI man at the plate and the last thing you want to do is be thrown out with him standing there and again trying to stay away from Palmeiro that time with a breaking ball trying not to give him anything that he can pull I mean not to say that you can't come inside as we we've talked on a number of occasions you can still move this guy back off the plate two and one to Palmero Huzhou for two of the walk today and who drove home 142 runs during the regular season Nelson's to one pitch with Alomar leading away from second mrs. and he falls behind three-in-one Palmero had three hits including a homer yesterday plus a couple of walks David Wells hoping his team can assume the lead for him here and Paul Merrill lifts this one too deep right back goes O'Neill all the way to the fence and it's out of here a towering flyball that just kept on climbing into the early evening sky at Yankee Stadium and Palmeiro for the second straight day has homered on a pair of two-run homers won by Zeile which tied it and now this one by Palmeiro the Orioles have taken the lead 4 to 2 there are pitchers who do not match up well against certain hitters Nelson doesn't match up well against Palmeiro because the only pitch he may be able to get him out with is a breaking ball he throws him the breaking ball and that's moving into him and so Paul Merrill just that one he he knows he had enough of it and O'Neil goes back and I think he gets a little help from the wind as was high enough and O'Neil goes back and it just drifts over the wall the wind is blowing out toward right and it was more than high enough to get up into that jet stream Ali hung a breaking ball that time I mean he could it's not that he can't throw a breaking ball to foul morovich down and in where he wanted it to be but he hung that and he hit it off got it all this is the first time the Yankee bullpen has let them down in this postseason and the little things that affect the course of a series the Yankees can't complain about really anything that happened in Game one because they got the huge break with the Colin Wright Field on Jeter Bonilla hits one a mile high Martinez back from first Duncan over from second and the ball is in the seats but nonetheless Joe Torre was hoping when he brought wetland out ahead of Rivera in the ninth inning yesterday that wetland could give him a scoreless ninth and that his team would score in the bottom half and he wouldn't have to use Rivera and thus have him available for two or maybe even three innings here instead while they won the game Rivera did have to pitch two innings and that scratched him for this game to in a tie game in the seventh if he were fresh Rivera would be in here now instead of Nelson it's another reason by the way why a best-of-seven series is a much fairer test than a best-of-five oh yeah because you go deeper into your roster it's a truer test of all the little nuances that that make up a full 25 man team more of the subtleties of the game can come into play Rivera's name is still on that list but according everything Tory told us he's the last guy he'd call upon we'd be looking at the 19 finish when we got to him - - pitched ammonia and Nelson strikes him out it's the third time Bonilla has fan Sunday NBC Sports presents NFL action noon eastern with the NFL on NBC most of you will see an AFC showdown the Bills hosting the Dolphins some will see the Steelers and the Bengals others get the Jets and the Jaguars or the Oilers and the Falcons check your local listings for the game in your area the NFL on NBC Sunday at noon and Eastman unless there's a sweep in this series we'd follow football with game five a late afternoon game from Camden Yards four o'clock Eastern on NBC rip into the plate with two out and nobody on but two runs home here in the seventh Dallas two for three a pair of singles Gerardi Jeter and reigns for the Yanks in the bottom of the seventh roll towards second Duncan bobbles it and blows an easy play ripken aboard on the error now this is an excellent pitch by Nelson a jam job fastball he really fist and Ripken on that ball and an easy play easy play for Mariela Duncan well how many times have you seen the easiest of ground balls kicked by an infielder or an outfielder for that batter this ball is so easy and Joey didn't get down on the ball I mean he just stood straight up it was that he it was that easy of a ground ball and and and so routine I mean normally you see him get his hands out in front of him get down a little bit make an easy play on that ball but he did so that gives Murray a cut out of here he's over three not anymore through the hole on the left side well Eddie Murray is a guy that knows what the picture is going to throw him most of the time he knows what he has to do up here why she just fights this ball off he just slaps it to left field he gets a fastball running away from his slaps it to left field for base it so a pair who go way back with the Baltimore Orioles Ripken its second murray at the first Rifkin is always given Murray credit the kind of shepherding him into the major leagues taking him under his wing of course Cal grew up around baseball with his dad from the time he was a little kid he was around professional baseball so he carried himself like a veteran from the time he broke in but Marie helped a chopper over the mound Jeter to his left steps on the bag and Nelson averts further difficulty but the two-run homer by Palmeiro as the Orioles in front for two BJ surhoff made the last out in the top of the seventh and now he's replaced for defensive purposes and left by Mike Devereaux David Wells back out for the seventh Gerardi who tripled his last time up tripled to leadoff the fifth and never got home as wells was able to bear down and get two big strikeouts and get out of the inning there are teas one for two not new to the postseason with the 89 Cubs who won their division and with the Rockies last year when they took the wild card in the National League Peter on deck and then rains bottom of the seventh for to Baltimore trying to even the ALCS up the middle they said well the Yankees have done their best run scoring late in the ball games whether it be against relievers are the starters and Joe Girardi gives them another start here in the bottom of the seventh inning with a single up the middle fastball he grounds right over the head of David wells and Cal Ripken gives chase with no chance of making the play fastball away and he just hammers it right back through the box the Yankees have come from behind in all four games they've won in this postseason the three against Texas and yesterday to open this series against the Orioles neither a single flied out struck out David Wells working here in the seventh inning Bob with 95 pitches now and still throwing well he's still throwing the ball hard starting to to get to that point in the game where we may see something going in the Oriole bullpen to Jeter takes one on the outside corner for strike one David Wells still throwing hard is that last pitch on Jeter an outside corner fastball remember the key strikeout he got to Jeter after a couple of fast balls away threw him a low inside curve that he chased fouled off onto this is the Orioles sixth playoff game and in every case Davey Johnson starter has at least gotten him into the seven if not through the seven Alan Mills and Armando Benitez Benitez was the pitcher when Jeter the guy at the plate now hit the flyball to right and all heck broke loose and yesterday's game else is the guy that the Orioles have really missed at the end of the season even bothered by a bad boy I talked to him I talked to Andy etchebarren yesterday Bob and he said he's alright to pitch they say he's okay to go Wells ahead of Jeter on to he strikes him out throws him that curveball on the o2 pitch and now he has six strikeouts and five of them have come in the last two and a third and all of them on this breaking ball it's a good curveball and this one is a strike so Jeter has to commit watch it's in the strike zone when it crosses the plate and Jeter's just fooled by the speed and the break of this pitch nice pitch by wells and his last five strikeouts have all come on that breaking ball it looks like if you don't get his fastball Joe he rides it away with the right-handed batters if you don't get the fastball he really snaps the curve and I mean down low and inside and good spots more often a nun the Yankees have seven hits for the game but the first three Yankees up in the game all single Jeter Raines and Williams in the first so since then Wells has been tough to get to and when the Yankees have threatened as they did after the leadoff triple by Girardi in the fifth and the one-out double by Duncan in the sixth that's when Wells has been toughest and reigns takes a strike well he's right there on the outside with that fastball time and time again look at that Yankee bench everybody a little more relaxed because they lead the series one game to nothing here's that last fastball on reigns right on the outside corner and the o1 pitch on the way slice to right over his Bonilla and Bobby runs it down with Girardi retreating to first with two out now and that leaves it up to Bernie Williams tonight all-new must-see TV that means all new episodes of friends the single guys sign phone suddenly Susan and E are America's favorite night of television NBC Thursday Jesse Orosco up this effort by Wells if he at least gets through the means a lot to Davey Johnson he had to use four different relievers none of them went that long Myers a knitting in two thirds but just 16 pitches but still he had to use for them Wells has kept the bullpen out of the game to this point Williams has singled walked and struck out spying on the plate for postseason homers three of those four homers right-handed for the switch inning Williams and you can see that they're staying in tight on Williams this single came on a pitch away but the question is does David Wells have enough left on his fastball to be able to consistently get inside on Bernie Williams here's his one old in there one and one and last breaking ball by David weld when Joe and I talked so many times about setting a hitter up and and you get that guy up there looking certain pitches in certain situations and you can go the other way on him and and make him take or making swinging a bad pitch that's what the whole game is about hit hard swear the whole exclu singles by Girardi leading off and Williams with two out of the seven with runners at first and second for Cecil Fielder well this tells you you lose a little something on his fastball because he can't get inside see tries to get inside all Bernie and he's able to handle this one he wasn't able to handle the other fast balls inside so I think that tells Davey Johnson that maybe he's losing a little bit and it's time to take him out so you can't get that fastball inside it's a good pitch it's right where he wants it but Bernie is able to get through and get around on it had that pitch been couple miles hour faster he would not have been able to get around on it we'll be back moments ago Allan Mills making his entrance I'd say he's not bashful about it let me get there and get going I tell you what when I was on deck and they ran in like that I ran up the hall play really I did just because I didn't want them to think you're not in a hurry to get to me all right yeah I'm in just as big a hurry to get to you normally that's how you see pitchers come in after the game is over and to get to the spread in the clubhouse this guy throws good very good fastball good break and stuff he's another hard thrower out of this Oriole bullpen well Mills and perhaps others in that bullpen will try and save it for David Wells who leaves with the 4-2 lead but with the potential tying runs aboard in the bottom of the seventh Mill started his career as Yankee property Delf before the 92 season into the oriole organization up-and-down between the minors and the majors over the next few years three and two this year with an ER a of 4.28 sessile fielder Oh for three hi in a way for a ball frenzy started fielder off with a breaking ball and I was a slider or a cut fastball I think it was I think it was a slider but the way this guy throws he's a very hard thrower and that's not his number one pitch and to start peeler off with a pitch like that that's a breaking ball that's a slider upstairs way outside sorrow this guy throws in the 90s and that fastball was 90 plus he's had problems Bob from time to time control wise that's gonna pick a big Bugaboo for in the fact that he fixes from behind swimmin but he's a very hard choice got good stuff Tino Martinez on deck fielder asked for time baby Johnson hoping to get out of the Bronx with a split being free tomorrow night at Camden Yards get hardened through to a base hit here comes her artic no front of a plane it's four to three with Williams stopping at second with the potential tying run and we've seen sussel filter do this several times in the last two series that is cut down on his swing and just get a face it looks the ollie extends out just it gets a base hit it's not his big powerful home run swing he's just trying to drive in a run right there that's really kind of guiding it through the left side good hitting there by sessile he knows that he needs to get that run home and Girardi turns it up a notch and he comes in to score and now it's a one-run ballgame Joe here's that same shot from centerfield this is a breaking ball again that's a slider from Mills that's not his best pitch his best pitch is number one and that's a slider that fielder was able to get out in front of and turn around and pull well in the seventh inning yesterday Jesse Orosco came on to face Tino Martinez and in a clutch situation he struck him out Davey Johnson is going to ask him to do it again as dusk turns to darkness over New York the Empire State Building out on the distance versus the Sears Tower in Chicago than other buildings around the world plus a few more I understand that are under construction are technically taller than the Empire State Building but until a giant ape climbs one of those buildings and starts plucking planes out of the sky that remains the tallest building on earth you got there my opinion good enough for fay wray it's good enough for me you got it when she's still around fake no she is a bet we haven't run into her she could survive that should probably live to be 108 well Tino Martinez will catch no breaks mophir - with a hit by a pitch against the left-hander Wells and now he's got to face another tough southpaw the guy who landed yesterday in a similar situation Jesse Orosco well let's see if Martinez learned anything about Orosco yesterday and that is to lay off the breaking ball that's out of the strike zone I think his fastball is hit a bull if you can lay off of that pitch breaking out of the strike zone he chased two breaking balls out of the strike zone yesterday a run home to make it four to three she wants you out on a Roscoe's pitch here's a ball when they chase that pitch twice yesterday that same pitch right there it starts above the knees and then breaks out of the strike zone I think if he's patient and gets them gets Orosco in the hole - and Oh Orosco will have to give in to it so don't you think in a case like this I mean you're you're up there you say to yourself up I've got nothing but breaking balls from this guy I'm going to look for a breaking ball in a certain zone inside to middle sit there and then and then let it all hang out go for it the one Oh is a strike good pitch there by Roscoe he gets the inside corner that pitches out over the plate a little bit Martinez can handle it but left-handers who can throw the fastball inside to left-handed hitters that's right on the corner and then throw the breaking ball away are very effective you can't hit both you can't let Ryan and outside you can't look curve and hit a fastball I know that no not not too often anyway Duncan on deck it's early but Alomar is there blocks it stays with it and gets him the Yankees score one but strand two and the Orioles still happily Tino Martinez gets a fastball in he lines it in front of Alomar with a runner second you've got to get in front of the ball and he does so see you got to keep the ball on the infield he blocks it picks it up and throws him out and then when he gets into the dugout he checks to make sure all his parts are still working as he takes that one right off the chest but that's what you have to do or at the very least to see if the signature of American League president Jean buting isn't stamped somewhere on his chest see these guys starting to wear flak jackets tomorrow that is a tough infield out there we've seen some nasty hops Hoyles against Nelson as we move to the eighth the Yankees have made it a one-run game four runs eight hits no errors and ten left for Baltimore three nine and one with eight stranded for New York 1 & 2 Brady Anderson on deck and then Zeile in the eighth these two teams began their seasons business against each other and late April in Baltimore by playing the longest nine inning game ever played they followed it up with a 15 inning affair the next night last night's game four hours or so afternoon in tonight O'Neal and right field retires Hoyles this game well over three hours already and appalling this whole series Bob as as a matter of fact that the games that we've had a chance to work and watch have all been excellent ball games I mean you know close tight big plays good plays home runs big pitches made pitches that weren't made all true but early dinner reservations the power of the question remember oh of course it's true of course it's where you say that you know you're right that's better don'ts if true man has become so touchy there's a base hit by Anderson his first hit of the day and it brings up zeal and we flashback to the third when the Yankees had a two nothing lead but after Anderson walked Zeile sitting on a 3-1 pitch wallops it over rains head on over the wall to tie the game at two and remember yesterday we talked about the keys to the series is the power of the Orioles against the pitching of the Yankees and both their runs if they're all their runs have become today on two-run homers the Yankees are scored theirs by getting a lot of singles and moving runners along a pair of two-run homers for Baltimore appropriately in this season where they broke the record by hitting 257 Zeile got one in the third Palmeiro got one in the seventh the Yankees with two in the first and then one on the bottom of the seventh for three Baltimore and the difference since a baseball game is yesterday they were hit two homers but they were solo homers whereas today they've had two runners on they had a runner on each time they hit the home run lined into right centerfield Bernie Williams sprinting toward it won't get to it around second is Brady Anderson in at third easily a pair of singles with one out runners at the corners his ball is not hit hard by Zeile at all little flare in the right centerfield he hit it down around the end of the bat drops in for a base hit oil runners winding up at 1st and 3rd and Joe Torre heading out to talk things over with Nelson he's got graham lloyd a left-hander out there well he's got the skin in her Alomar next and then to let I added hitter Palmeiro and it's going to be graham lloyd coming off back to the Bronx after this ah the Goodyear blimp Stars & Stripes our thanks to captain chambers and the crew for all their shots during today's telecast no I'm coming you know we were talking earlier about riding that thing to Baltimore yeah I'm not gonna ride it to Baltimore but I'm riding it back on the day off I'm coming back over here on the day off I've already talked to the people and we've removed some of the equipment from inside yeah side that guns kind of kind of lighten it well actually to make room where I can sit instead of laying out there and hanging on I am I'm coming back Monday in that thing five-hour ride from Baltimore with a few gas stops in between Bob until this year Alomar was not a good hitter from the right side he was a much better hitter from the left side ram lloyd makes him turn around to the right side and I think he still prefers to hit from the left side and I think that's one reason Joe Torre is making this move plus it's easier to double him up from the right side but he's a much better hitter from the left left side plus if Floyd faces more than just this one hitter the next guy Palmeiro is a left-handed batter ala Mark Hudson mrs. well we finally see what Bob Uecker has been talking about with Graham Lord he says he has good stuff and I mean we've seen two good fast balls right here from Laurie he's got a great cut fastball to Joy on a very good slider and it's one of the areas that he really likes to work down low and inside to a right-handed batter the one thing that that they were so pleased with Lloyd in Milwaukee was the fact that he could work both ways I mean right-handed or left-handed batter he had that that big cutter or that good slider to work that way when he got over he had a little arm problem and and I was really happy to see Joe put him on to see what he can really do put him on the roster the o2 pitch is fouled off lloyd was born in Australia as she say he had many effective outings with the Brewers but when he came to the Yankees along with Pat list - list - had a broken foot Lloyd had a bum arm and look at those figures those are the kind of numbers that make you quick pitch just to get him off the screen in the air to right the Yankees hoping it fades into foul ground which it does O'Neal makes the catch on the runner tags the run will score before they get Zeile in the rundown and tag him out so the run will count and we'll sort it all out when we come back except we can tell you this it's 5-3 Baltimore the Yankees might have missed played this they could have gotten out of this without the run-scoring go ahead you you're right Bob here's a little flyball hit to right by Alomar there's O'Neill with the catch in foul territory now his throw comes back to Martinez Todd Zeile the runner never went back and tagged the back Oh all of Martinez had to do if he didn't tag after the catch was made it didn't show there he is now he got it ok ok just to make sure I thought he was off the bag and the throat came back where Martinez all he had to do was tag the bag for the double fly had he not tagged up then Martinez could have stepped on first absolutely before Anderson crossed trying to tag up and score Ryder and the run would have been nullified but right Zeile had tagged then they had to run him down and tag him they get the double play but Anderson comes across the plate before the second out is recorded right oh and that makes it 5-3 Baltimore good shot guys didn't know if he tagged up her now Orosco facing Duncan in the bottom half of the eighth the Yankees not anxious to give up that insurance run Lloyd was ahead on the count against Alomar Owen 2 after throwing a couple of good fastballs by him they would have been better off had that ball faded into the seats sometimes but usually in the ninth or extra innings an outfielder will purposely let a ball drop if he's sure it's in foul ground if he knows the guy is going to be able to tag and score here in the eighth O'Neill chose not to do that but I think it's also difficult for him to tell whether the ball was going to be fair or not down the line it's very close down there yeah I think he makes the right play and and and give Graham Lloyd credit I mean he gets the out to a tough guy in Alomar but why they threw the breaking ball around the outside corner instead of the two fast balls bang bang he gets two quick strikes on Alomar and then leaves a breaking ball hanging out over the plate where he hits the fly ball to right foul but picks up the RBI Duncan had a double as last time he's 1 for 3 in Roscoe's 1 2 pinch Jim Leyritz is in the on deck circle O'Neal is the next hitter do but as we've told you several times Paul is really struggling with the bad hamstring struggling at the plate where he can't push off in the outfield where he's hobbling and with the left-hander Orosco on the hill Temari will go to his reserve catcher Leyritz and Duncan hangs in and those of us who have experienced a hamstring know that nothing else but a long rest is gonna is going to get it right again I don't care how much they strap it how much heat treatments you take how much coal they put on it ice heat ice heat nothing helps put rest with a hamstring and there's no way Joe you can tell the guy to go halfway you know half speed Duncan goes down swinging and now let's revisit that play which end at the top of the eighth now here it is again this is a breaking ball lift out over the middle by graham lloyd Alomar knows the ball is going to be in foul territory it's drifting toward the seats and right there's Paul O'Neill catching that ball just in foul territory Seale who had tag draws the throw from O'Neal Martinez cuts it off here's Alomar somebody tagged hey be ready are you ready go you tagged go well the reason he's telling them to go is so they won't tag him absolutely for the runner crosses the plate and again Joe the sequence of pitches from Lloyd talimar again the first two good fast balls that he threw by him and the breaking ball down then the breaking ball he left out over the middle of play Leyritz who started yesterday and went 1-4 for pinch-hitting for O'Neal - and oh this is the first time in the postseason that the Yankee bullpen hasn't been perfect or close to perfect Nelson and Lloyd unable to hold the Orioles in check there's a strike and to your point Bob I think the Yankees got caught in a very difficult situation there because Jeff Nelson just does not match up well with Rafael Palmeiro I don't think you will see that matchup again in this series when it when it when it means something because he just does not match up well but because of not having a day off etcetera etcetera you know Joe Torre is forced to use people in situations where he's not comfortable with Orosco knocks it down as time and retires leritz so now with two out and nobody on at the bottom of the eighth it'll be Charlie Hayes who's over three with a couple of strikeouts well Rosco throws a slider in he actually jams Leyritz may have even broken his bat knocks the ball down picks it up has plenty of time and that's out number two part really default Lloyd since Alomar was the only hitter efface got ahead of him owing to and then got him to foul out well I guess the tough part Bob is you know that you need a strike out in that situation or it worse a ground ball a sinker or something hard may get you either one an austrian ball allows Alomar to fight it off and in most cases a breaking ball you get out in front of it you will hit more fly balls and you will anything else remember Joe and the deal was made with Lloyd and and after a few appearances for the Yankees he complained about not being able to throw a curve ball that the curve ball was a pitch that really hurt him this ball is a bullet and into the first row or so of the seats he said the breaking ball was the was the pitch that really gave him problems because of the bone spur but again when we talked to Joe Torre in the series against Texas he said he was healthy and he said he was ready to pitch well I was impressed as I said I said this is the guy that you've been telling us about he threw two good fast balls but look I mean it's easy I guess for me to think about it up here but when you're down there you're thinking well maybe I can fool it and that's probably what they tried to do co2 pitch gripping with the dive can't get it but two-out single for Charlie Hayes this is not a bad piece of hitting by Charlie Hayes this pitch is down that's not a bad pitch at all goes down and get it gets it hits it past a diving Cal Ripken nice piece of hitting there by Charlie Hayes at a bad pitch at all by Orosco this is Pat Dobson the Oriole pitching coach coming down now to talk with the Roscoe Jobson one of those four 20-game winners for the 1971 pennant winning Orioles along with Dave McNally Mike Cuellar and Jim Palmer four 20-game winners on one team mondo Benitez they haven't decided on a change yet Gerardi is the scheduled hitter and it looks like they're just discussing how they should pitch to him Dobson departs they'll stick with Roscoe and tomorrow night we're back with game 3 this time from Camden Yards 8:00 Eastern five Pacific of course as you all know seven central six mountain 9 Atlantic time if your satellite hang out of Europe to figure it out for yourself go on Gerardi grounded out triple single he hit only two home runs this year he's the tying run at the plate in a 5-3 game in the bottom of the 8th pays at first with two down Jeeter at the top of the order on deck one-on-one the fastball here to straighten him up he throw him a pitch away and he knows Girardi goes out there on the balls that move away from Girardi hits the ball back through the middle and the right side so he doesn't want him leaning out there you see he started to lean out there center field Brady Anderson drifting into right center calling Bonilla off and making the catch the Yankees are down to their last three outs Orioles coming up at the top of the night when we come back NBC's coverage of today and tonight's American League Championship Series is brought to you by Nissan we remind you that life is a journey enjoy the ride by Wendy's and the new bigger plumper grilled chicken breast fillet sandwich dry won today by JCPenney celebrating 94 years of serving you and by Gatorade thirst quencher because every athlete has the right to be quenched life as a sport drink it up Lloyd the left-hander back to work in the top of the night Rafael Palmeiro whose two-run homers last time up in the seventh snapped a two all tie the Yankees crept back to within one with a run on the bottom half of that inning but the Orioles got some breathing room on the Alomar sacrifice fly in the top of the eighth it's 5-3 as they bat in the ninth leritz stays in the game after pinch-hitting for O'Neal Leyritz is playing right field which accomplishes a couple of things Joe Torre doesn't have to use an extra reserve and he keeps two catchers in the game just in case the game should go to extra innings and something should happen to Girardi because he has no other reserve catcher on 2 to Palmero just missed and here again is is one of the situations where Lloyd was used more often than not by Phil Goddard in Milwaukee strictly against left-handers and occasionally oh right and err but that breaking ball it comes Martinez in the glove it and taken himself one first baseman retires the other the Orioles have officially filed their protest of yesterday's game let's go to Jim Gray with the details Jim alright Bob they have indeed filed that protest it got over to Jeanne beaut again to Bud Selig a couple of hours ago within the 24-hour frame they paid the fee the basic protest states it cites a very small rule section 3.11 in the rulebook and that rule states that an umpire will not change his opinion based on any decision of the grounds was not correct whether the ball was batted feral foul safer out and no decision rendered by him shall be reversed except that he be convinced that he is in violation of one of the rules and they go on to say that to mr. Garcia's credit he has become convinced that his initial conclusion was erroneous now dr. Buick will look at it tonight with his attorneys and they hope to get back because of the shortness of this series to them within a day or two Bob luckily the Orioles owner Peter Angelos is a labor lawyer because you might have to take that to Felix Frankfurter to have it deciphered but the only problem is he was shown replays to to say that he was wrong and replays on a part of the game well there's no way even though rich Garcia missed the call there is no way this protest is going to be upheld it was unfair to the Orioles but you know it's going to stand it's okay we'll do a game again tomorrow absolutely do game one over again uh Bonilla is swinging on the three oh fish and fouling it off it's a good idea that they filed a protest just to get their point of view out there just to make it official they asked in the protests by the way that the game be picked up from the point of the disputed play and there is Peter Angelos who runs the Baltimore Orioles one thing should be clear the brief celebrity of young Jeff mayor aside the most famous denizen of the right-field seats at Yankee Stadium since Sal durante caught Roger Maris's 61st home run ball 35 years ago that aside as Bonilla after being ahead free Ando goes down on strikes the fourth time he is struck out today he walked and then struck out four straight times one thing ought to be clear we've seen it a few times today with balls down the left-field line this is very simple if the ball is on the field no matter how much you want a souvenir don't reach out and touch it exit Lloyd enter weathers with two out of the nine and we'll be right back george steinbrenner facing the prospect of the short trip down to Baltimore with just a split in the first two games at home in the next three scheduled for Camden Yards David weathers out of the bullpen John to take care of Ripken and send it to the bottom of the knife as a two-run game 5-3 Baltimore Kalas - for four has a pair of singles Silvan over a hundred runs for the season and had 26 homers in the bottom of the knife edit the game one starter well-fortified against the elements and Dwight Gooden who's just a spectator in the postseason not on the active roster in the bottom of the line Peter Raines and Bernie Williams will be the New York hitters weathers gets ahead 1 & 2 and can't finish Ripken at least not just yet even though they were seething about what happened yesterday if Baltimore gets out of here with a split they go home for the next three it's got to be reasonably happy with that rolled is short Jeter takes care of Ripken on the bottom of the night with the Yanks down by two Davey Johnson with some changes as we move to the bottom of the knife he last Randy Myers to close it and after Bobby Bonilla hit in the top of the night striking out the fourth time tonight Tony Tarasco comes back into the game back to patrol right field hoping for a less eventful inning then what greeted him yesterday and another reminder all-new must-see TV coming up new episodes of friends the single guy Seinfeld suddenly Susan and E are that lineup is America's favorite night of television NBC Thursday unless the Yankees force extra innings this is a nine inning game that's verging on four hours in duration Myers the loser last night I'm a homer by Williams starts Jeter with a strike if Jeter or rains can get a board then Williams would be the tying run at the plate against Myers now as you said earlier Bob all the Yankees postseason wins have come when they were behind in the game each team with sand hits but two of the orioles 10 were home runs each with a man on Zeile in the third that erased a to nothing Yankee lead Palmeiro in the seventh that snapped a two all tie it's 5-3 now the 1-1 pitch to Jeter 1 & 2 to the rookie he singled his first time up since then he's flied out and struck out twice he hit 314 for the season - and - and were it not for Alex Rodriguez up in the Great Northwest they be talking about Jeter perhaps as the shortstop of the future in the American League oh yeah who's the guy who could in theory have a Hall of Fame career and never start in the all-star game if he stays in the same league as Rodriguez but one thing you tried to do if you're trailing in the late inning just tried to bring the tying run to the plate and this is what Derek Jeter does for the Yankees here he brings a tying run to the plate that's all you could ask whether you win the game or lose the game you want to have that shot and now they have the opportunity good hitting here fastball out over the plate he loves the ball out over the plate and he goes the other way with it it's tough to teach a lot of young hitters to do that but bogie and Alex Rodriguez are capable of going the other way on pitches now it's rains last Friday Game three of the division series in Texas Jeter and reigns open the night with big hits the Yankees tailed them by one here they're down by two they scored two in that ninth inning and won the game to take a 2-1 lead in the series here they need a couple just to stay alive in Game two there's the Oriole bullpen right the roads the left-hander Armando Benitez who was up earlier the hard throwing right-hander both these guys grow in the 90s and they walk they want to force Bernie Williams to hit from the left side and if Tim Raines gets on base not a bad idea considering how devastating he's been when swinging right-handed there strike two as Myers gets ahead of range he's throwing rains - breaking balls here and gotten them both over one was knee high breaking ball this one looks about middle of the plate almost good pitch there by Myers take a look ball splits the middle of the plate when he fooled him he was looking for a fastball obviously and he got a breaking ball one in two terrains he's 1 for 3 with a walk Paul O'Neill out of the game after Leyritz hit for him and that's out of play again Randy Myers stand with breaking stuff here on Timmy Raines another one of those guys that's got that that rider that tailing fastball run down and away and not ashamed at all to come inside Davey Johnson with a chance to win Joe joy down by a pair two and two I still think every once in a while you got a show I hit her something different instead of a way away away that whether you whether you throw a breaking ball down and in or a high inside fastball something to get him off the plate I mean something to get him from the leaning out over the plate on against you all the time rains did not hit a home run from the right side this year all nine of his home runs came left-hander whoa Kallen daring do you want to be to stay out of the DoublePlay even though you're down to well this one is awfully close on the outside I'm surprised range didn't have a hack at that I'll tell you what I think you got a break there I really do and again a good call by Dale Scott very very close reigns was behind in the count one two he's hung in and stretched it out full either at first not going and a swing and a Miss a Miss rather than a tip reigns was contending that he tipped it and Hoyles didn't hold it and Tory will come out to plead that case but Dale Scott says no he just missed it and since first base was occupied reigns can't run on the play let's take a look and see if he gets a piece of this it's a breaking ball you can't really tell I couldn't see the trajectory or the ball change it's a breaking ball so it's going down a little bit anyway and they'll Scott says he does not touch it you know it appears that he misses it but you know it's very difficult to tell them once this is that close no no real reaction for Chris Hoiles either because of the runner at first and it's it's a moot point I mean if these swings and misses forget about it it's a strikeout or even if he fouled tipped it which he didn't rains contending he did it really didn't look like it after he looked at it two or three times normally in slow motions to that ball after it's tipped a little bit it'll drive right straight down maybe even off the heel of the catcher's glove at that time well maybe he was just trying to steal one since it knocked out a hotel's glove make Scott believe that's what happened now Williams the last pitch buyers through him he hit a mile to end the game in the 11th gary takes ball one Myers left the breaking ball out over the plate in last night's ballgame up a little bit if he throws him a breaking ball as you did there he's going to make sure he gets it down - home run threats with a tying run at the plate Williams and then Fielder one out of the night a called strike one and one it's not to say that bernie williams can't get one out of this ballpark in right field either anything out of way I mean he can hit it and hit it deep enough to write carry the fence out there even in the power alleys against wells today he singled twice walked and struck out now facing Meyers inside two and one and that one's down low three and one well vessel fielder's on deck so how risky is this pinch it's very risky because I don't think you want to put the tying run on and bring the winning run to the plate and you got to go after him here in this situation you just said Joe to bring Fielder up there representing the winning run I mean if Williams hits one against you the game is tied it's a tie ballgame put him on and bring the other guy and he does it it's over the three one he walks him till Jory couldn't ask for anything more he's got the winning run up there now tying runs on and sessile fielder whose delivered a couple of times in postseason with key bases and Randy Myers may not face it Anita's an Arthur Rhodes both already and Davey Johnson makes the change here here comes our mundo bonitos and here comes a commercial break it's taken more than four hours to reach this point the tying runs on bass the winning run at the plate in the person of Cecil Fielder against Armando Benitez it was Benitez who gave up the disputed home run to Derek Jeter yesterday and he raced all the way out there to right field to argue the call and in fact bumped rich Garcia that was kind of overlooked in all the hubbub fielder hit 39 home runs this year between Detroit in New York he obviously is not speeding he hit in the 18 double plays he could end it either way with one swing well the one thing that's important is for Bernie Williams at first base because they're not holding him on to get a big lead and make sure he takes out somebody at second base on a ground ball that's his only job right now to break up a double play on anything hit on the ground the one Opitz inside to know Tino Martinez on deck well he's trying to overpower a fielder and they want the ball in but not that far in but now he had these in a situation because he misses with this faster watch it tails in even more under fielder's hands is where you want to throw the ball but on the inside part of plate now he has to come one-on-one fastball successful fielder fielders one for for a single his last time up there's a strike sessile grounded into a double play with a run-scoring back in the first inning her England's at first I was going to say to Joe with Palmeiro playing behind him and again you talking about the big lead in case he gets a chance to break up a double play you got him you got to be careful there too and look for a throw from oils here it comes on two and one and the count levels well you take a look at Bonita is when he just pumps up to throw on huffin those cheeks out putting every ounce of energy into it he isn't here to Phoenicia No and again a whiles bam files may have wanted a breaking ball here maybe a maybe a slider I think Benitez I think but he just wants to throw a fastball let's see what he goes here breaking ball yep slide her away that's the pitch that Cecil Fielder hit for a base hit earlier when he knocked in a run here it is one more time this is a breaking ball a little slider you can see the spin on it download away Cecil Fielder trying to pull it and got a piece of it another 2 2 pitch and another tap foul my sessle's doing a good job of spoiling those that was a nasty one there that one was down in a way this pitch is down and away difficult pitch but hustles Falls it look watch the location of this pitch I mean that is just actually you have to give special credit he fouled it off not much else he could do he filed pitches off and hope for him to make a mistake his backside wasn't in there too good his mind was saying stay in there but and another foul ball the outfield of course is deep the Orioles with a two-run lead the Yankees with lots of speed on the bases Jeter who's less important at second Williams who's very important at first if a ball is hit in the gap Williams has a pretty good chance of scoring on a single to center or right he has a pretty good chance of making it to third with only one out on a ground ball he's got a pretty good chance of getting down a second to break up a potential double play another two toothpicks in the air to shallow right down the line foul territory in the seats now we've Satan deceit Cecil Fielder throughout this this postseason stuff consistently give himself up and try to go to right field on a pitch that's really tough to handle for him it's a big homerun against Texas and in a couple of big basics to write deal to the opposite field it's the second time that Hoyles is going out to talk to the Beneatha's and every pitch has been away I think coils wants to find out if he feels comfortable enough to come inside with a fastball once more in the air wide of first dust Palmero have room he reaches in in dollars right along that barrier and this time it was the first base umpire Mike Riley hoping please let's not have it be anywhere near anybody who can reach in and get in the way of this now this fan down along the first base line watch this fan he gives Palmeiro a shove watch this it was over by the camera well though right well they throw a fastball in and sessile was late on it that's too pissed it I think Moyles wanted him to throw earlier in the count but he wasn't comfortable doing it but he I think he talked him into it fastball in was the right pitch for that situation so now it's up to Tino Martinez having an unproductive postseason so far 117 RBIs though during the regular year old for three and hit by a pitch in this game one a 15 inning game in Baltimore earlier this year with a grand slam at Camden Yards al definitely with power here's a guy Benitez great fastball this sit and go for it here well he's only had three at-bats against beneath DES meaning Martinez and he has hit at two base hits he's two for three if it's Duncan it's a different story whose do next but this guy this guy's got power got it Aaron out to a No Mariano Duncan on deck two out two on a two-run lead in the bottom of the ninth and a to all pitch coming swinging a flyball to right might have had a pitch he could do something with but he didn't get it and Tarasco does so Tarasco in the center of controversy last night squeezes the final out in what was by our calculations the longest nine inning game buy time in postseason history division series LCS World Series this game lasted four hours and 16 minutes the previous longest one was four hours and 14 minutes that was game for the 93 World Series which Toronto won over Philadelphia 1514 consider the pace of this game only five to three and it took four hours and 16 minutes to reach a conclusion well tonight's Chevrolet player the game is how about David Wells I go along with that absolutely it's six and two thirds and he was at his best when the game was on the line when the Yankees were threatening allowed eight hits and two runs six strikeouts five of them in clutch situations he's the winner Jeff Nelson out of the bullpen is the loser the save goes to Armando Benitez homers by Zeile and Palmeiro for the Orioles they come out of New York with a split and the next three are in Baltimore beginning to you
Channel: Quarantined Classics
Views: 8,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mlb, baseball, mlb baseball, baltimore orioles, new york yankees, 1996 baltimore orioles, 1996 new york yankees, 1996 alcs, 1996 alcs game two, 1996 alcs game 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 9sec (12789 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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