1987 WS, Game 3: Twins @ Cardinals

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and so we pregame ceremonies and festivities are over and he's missed with a little added twist they're not simply a flip but something went out of the villa parolees for as you look at the Twins lineup Dan gladden leading off and acneic short worth a bucket batting third Gary guy Eddie having a great postseason in the cleanup spot for Lansky hitting fifth and heard that sticks from the order thin water guns attacking Lombardo's e hits in the eighth spot and the pitcher is less Straker now defensively for the st. Louis Cardinals in the on-field Coleman McGee and Curt Ford's the infield Oquendo at third Smith Herr and Greeson plays first base tonight against the right-hander Kenya back of the plate and on the mound for the st. Louis Cardinals is John Tudor with a mark of 10 and 2 and of course we have been showing you our regular feature prior to each game Tony Gwynn of the San Diego Padres who knows a little bit about hitting and a little bit about the pictures in this league here's Tony assessing John Peters John Tudors real delivery so it appears that he's overpowering but I think it's his wind-up that really loves you to sleep he's got great composure on the mound nothing ever rattles him and when he's on he's really tough to hit you can't go up there and sit on one pitch you've got to go up there and just try to get your bat on the ball but if he doesn't have his good stuff then he has a tendency to be wild high but I think the reason why he's been so effective is the development of his changeup and he had that really working the other night again San Francisco Greg Kosc is an American league umpire so he hasn't seen well he hasn't seen Tudor in a while anyway John used to pitch with the Red Sox John McSherry at first Ken Kaiser at second and Terry Tata at third with the Phillips down the line and left and Lee Weyer in right now here in Busch Stadium a ballpark that would be quite dissimilar to the Metrodome and as much as not that many runs are scored here and certainly far fewer homers are hit here 330 down the lines and vast 383 to the alleys and 414 to straightaway center and is close to being a pitcher's Park really outside of the the Astrodome as any Park in the National League meanwhile picking up from where he left off on Sunday there is Whitey Herzog was in Kaiser before the game and he was picking up that argument about Bert Blyleven well a steady block 11 time in the entire game three times in the first inning in Kenny Carson was the umpire Thursday so he's the neck on fire other than Lee Weyer whose home plate to really call that block even though anybody could I don't think I've ever seen a manager argue with an umpire in a street close that happened about an hour before the game and what's amazing is that whitey thinking ahead when Blyleven pictures again Kaiser could be back of the plate so whitey getting in by taking a strike in the count as old one Ladon gagney and tuck it here in the first inning flattened with a grand slam home run in Game one and three four nine in the first two games and if you're going to throw one away this is the most opportune time to do it one and one Tennessee you never played for Earl Weaver he used to catch him on the way home I know we never won in the arguments inside the ballpark not before the game in street clothes the after the game in recourse all right [Applause] Judah working on gladden with Dagny to funnel and the 1 1 pitch is lifted to right field and toward the line curling foul back out of play and it's one of two on this very chilly night with temperatures in the mid 40s and the wind blowing at about 12 miles per hour and the temperature expected to drop to about 40 degrees a very unusual year for John Tudor broke his leg on April 19th and get back to August 1st then went 10 and 1 in the air to right field and right to poor who doesn't have a roof to worry about tonight away seven go stop good background for the outfielders here yeah his roof tonight is a lot darker and much higher yes so one gun in the first inning and Greg gagney comes to the plate in this World Series Gaffney is one for nine so he is one of the few twins who really hasn't shared the wealth at least offensively [Applause] one out of the bases empty Owen one account tony gwynn talked about John Tudor and I think that you can get a pretty good idea if you're watching at home just by watching Tony Pena when he moves and tutors on his game the fall is going to be very much in the location of his glove nothing very tricky basically the right-handed hitters and I talking before the game nothing but fast falls and changes during her games there so what can you and watch where he moves and then watch the tutor gets the ball there if he does he's going to be on changeup away right on the corner right where pain is sitting curveballs only to Kent Hrbek said he has not thrown more than two and free curveball to right hand hitters in the last three years he reaches out and lifted the shallow right Tommy Herr goes out the Tudor begin pretty much the way he began and ended against the Giants last week perfect working the outside Park for the most part getting them to lunge and reach and he is retired the first two we talked about the circle change thrown by Frank viola in Game one well Tudor roses change up quite a bit differently as a matter of fact he doesn't use his last three fingers he uses the middle three fingers it's almost a palm ball and he throws his changeup with such varying speeds with the same arm motion as this bad fall and that's the secret of having a good changeup has nothing to do with the body feeding up at the same are mostly who they're working on Kirby Pucket with to a breaking pitch first blank of the catalogue you look at John tooten tutor 39:32 in the American League and he comes over here at the National League and he's 56 and 28 so he's 667 pitcher which is might be the best winning percentage of all time something that has as many decisions as he does outside some of the trends would be relatively familiar with Tudor John picks with the Red Sox back in 1983 and before that he had first come up back in 79 the son of the twin have seen him in the past fouled back what it do take a look at his motion back in 1985 he was one in seven then 120 out of the next 21 game and right there you see his right elbow it is right knee that is the key his high school battery made after starting out one in seven call them and said hey you're not pitching the way he used to he went back to that motion and then rattled off 20 out of 21 with 18 in a row at one point here in Busch Stadium [Applause] rounded down and Tommy heard so a good beginning for the Cardinals in game 3 han Solo Louis coming up going to the bottom of the first inning now if we're stadium and for the Cardinals tonight : Swiss in her the big three at the top roof is 24 then brief in the cleanup there the key hits in the five spot for six Oquendo batting seventh Tony Pena does the catching and John Tudor the pitching though designated hitter in the games in the National League park unlike in Minnesota where each team could use the v8 and will be able to if we go back there Saturday and Sunday as far as the inside pitch is concerned on less Straker let's find out from the Milwaukee Brewers Paul Molitor [Music] the important factor for Less Straker being effective is getting through those first few innings he has a tendency early in the ballgame to give up big innings now what happens is they'll get a few runners on base and get a little bit flustered now as a hitter the advantage will swing in your direction if you can just be patient in these situations eventually he's going to give you a good pitch to hit in these run scoring situations defensively behind in the outfield is flattened pocket and Bruning ski the infield guiity a third Gaffney short Lombardo's each second and a her back at first with larger back of the plate and let's strike her on the mound I think one of the keys tonight for the Cardinals to get on track is to take the strike off of straighter as a matter of fact he's a high ball pitcher and his success tonight depends on whether Greg Kosc the home plate umpire is going to give him that high strike well if you get this tonight that's going to be a scoop because you happen to get in an either leak the entire year one of his biggest problems and he thought is control easy he's a rookie 8 and 10 on the years we fed six and three at home two and seven on the road slider changeup fastball very much like Tudor in that respect doesn't have a curve ball like we saw fly low but now the other night but Tudor while he's picked off five this year straight the frakerz had five blocks so he can he can get a little bit I guess unnerved and you could see that in the playoffs yeah it's a little bit better to pitch here and it is against the Tigers of 225 home run if you saw game - you saw Lee Weyer national league umpire he went around the edge of the plate and really unearthed the black edge what we call the the black and the reason he said he did that is because he has a wide strike zone Greg Kosc apparently doesn't have that going to lead off with a but that will bounce fielded by her back no he doesn't Bagon do we it's the leaf of the Minnesota first baseman but now they're going to get some help on the play the carry is going to first when cut the cherry said no but that pop says yes he's out it looked like you almost knocked about the bake space path with the tag well well a face runner also can make its own base path if he's not affording the tag if Coleman went out of the baseline avoiding the tag then he would have been hauled out of the premiere perfect look like what I said I what I meant to say was that he knocked him out with the tag meaning he tagged him so laughs yeah if he goes out of the baselines avoiding the tag anyway whether he tagged him or not well they definitely got him even though at first base mature he was screamed even without being asked he went to cost for the call and really not much of a protest from whitey he do help Smith takes a strike here and account one and one another view now well Coleman with 14 infield Hicks usually 14 bunt hits on the year 44 infield hit no doubt Berbick playing up a couple of steps if you have to do that with guys like Ozzie Smith and Vince Coleman otherwise they're going to bunt you'll get to the ball and you won't be able to make that play Smith taking low and the count 2 & 2 [Applause] get a better angle right here as to whether her Peck made the tag or not yeah he tagged and it's grounded to the left side and off daknees love it went by guy Eddie and the Daphne dragged a backhanded and he knew he had very little time even had he come up with it and yet a hunting fit it is pitiful with a scratch single such an outstanding year for either the reporting live on the left side much better hitter and you won't see from this angle guy Eddie just this su do try to catch it and cut it off knows that's going to be an easy play gagney trying to short hop it it's going to be a very tough play with Ozzie Smith speed anyway yeah Gary doesn't make that play gangly certainly can't make that play if you're thinking about the Cardinals right now you got to put the runners in motion right away the Cardinals have waiting back long enough and they haven't had that many opportunities and you talk about making things happen that old for Shea I got to do it right now so Ozzie Smith off to his lead at first base with one out no score in the bottom of the first inning spent with forty-three steals during the wreck of the year and he's already off to a standard-sized lead as the pitch is taken up it away by Tommy Herr one adult that's exactly what it is a lot of people think would they get that foot on the turf that's a great league lead that is not the case any good runner and the National League on an artificial turf for the American League is going to be out on that turf [Applause] her back holding him on Straker is prone to balk he committed five during the regular year and then one you might recall the almost imperceptible one in the playoffs in Detroit and five blocks in the American League is a lot of loss it is and I think one of the reasons that the controversy in Game two was right here in the first inning similar situation line drive base hit by Smith up the middle and then Blyleven was not causing as far as Whitey Herzog was concerned as you see him doing little ground works and what he what white he said was that we couldn't run he eventually went the second base on really moving Smith and a ground ball to shortstop got him in position but he could not run because while Evans would not stop breaker does pause Smith goes look jump and her pops it up in foul ground and back out of play the other thing I'm wondering Tim I noticed that when Straker goes to first base he throws warm over handed and almost any of the pictures yeah which means that it takes longer for the ball to get over there the guys with a good move almost throw like catcher's do Ron darling of the Mets it grows right by the years you see the high leg kick Godsey this was three and a half to four steps gone when Gregor delivered the ball I would like to add one thing they feel linked to the lead and burden base does not always terminate a baserunner has a good jump or not mari will brought that into the game having that one way lead up and away and account two and one I was attending her I guess it Mari we're playing now on predominantly artificial surface in the national league mari would get well onto the turf with two with both feet but had the one way lead coming back to first place to take a shorter lead but he was leaning towards second base so possibly that's what I was doing same thing would apply right here one is the one open chirp at a pack out with a hit and run play and I would think that do it again two balls one strike the count on her one out there he goes and it's fouled away again so Ozzie running wind sprints and he'll go back to first only now two balls and two strikes not naughty her finals during the regular year Coleman leading infield with 109 he's been stopped in the playoffs and of the World Series in the 1943 they're missing Pendleton Terry had 19 medina at 60 and her had 19 [Music] so thats so much a part of their game but the twins have taken them out of their game by the fifth inning in each of the first two by the time the Cardinals came up in the fifth anyway only 94 home runs on the year and 47 of those home runs with Clark and pendulum on the line upper are not going to help them tonight it doesn't go and it's grounded down at Short and gagney goes to Lombardo's he and over to first for the double play so he doesn't go everyone twice and the twins turn to no score after one that's a site you'd never see at the Metrodome got to come south for cooler weather right I always thought that when you when you played in a dome it was a controlled environment till we went to the Metrodome and we saw 55,000 hysterical people but then again 10 runs and eight runs we'll do it temperature in the low to mid 40s I think you touched on something to Jim I think the Cardinal fan then judging from the city walking through it last night going to dinner I think that more or less have a wait-and-see attitude it's almost like the fans themselves are back on their heels I think you're a thousand percent right as Yeti takes outside we were here a couple of years ago by contrast after the Cardinals were in Kansas City and had won games one and two and the city was alive and downtown filled with banners and music and the whole thing and granted the off day was a 75 degrees sparkling day as dieting it's a flyball to centerfield get the late start turns it into a routine back and Bernanke will deal about it but coming in here yesterday was kind of a gray grizzly day and well the whole day sort of was a reflection of the mood in a way yeah it really was and that's what's a 10-1 and 84 will do when you're on the short end I suppose [Applause] however it wouldn't take much to get this town turned on subscribe we've all seen it Bernanke takes outside ball one what a toe they thought so much of the year with over three million people coming out to see the Cardinals as we talked about in the first game 62 and 31 at the all-star break great first half and another great off-speed pitch by Tudor to make it 1 in 1 Bernanke very unusual in the way he initiates his swing he holds is that almost a very stiff fashion his hands are almost over the plate you wouldn't you won't see any hitter from either side hold is that like Bernanke holds it back to start the swing his weakness has always been really low and away and you know if you go to extremes and ideas trouble maybe it's for plate coverage though Mike Warren with the pitch counter one thing about Tudor if he's on he's not going to throw that many oh he was concerned though he was concerned about the cold weather said he was going to try hot stuff analgesic balm maybe for the first time in his career tonight that's because of the fact he had to come back to a very positive talk for the Cardinals with five in a row having been retired and that's his first strikeout getting it down in a way changeup and fourth once you throw a fastball what you do is you you establish that pitch and then what he does when you throw the change-up he swings at the arm like you said Tim if the ball it's not really the speed of the ball it's the motion of the arm and you swing at it to get out on your front foot you get a guy way out in front of all her back hits it up the line fielded by tutor and by retiring the first six after one and a half those for example so how did this pennant-winning manager tom kelly spin his off night last night in st. Louis left the hotel walked across the street but with Dilli for a turkey sandwich back in watch television he was going to go to the racetrack he loves racing he was going to go to Fairmont Park across the river but he said nah too much hassle bottom of the second inning no score Dan Driessen takes a strike of the count on one three soon the key and Ford in the bottom of the second Danny is being platoon during the World Series with Jim Lindeman at first base and as you all know it's Jack Clark spot though with Clark on white he has to make do of what he's got grease controls it for the gap and left in a field the topic at the great start and the tag Kirby read it perfectly was off at the crack of the bat he's got good speed and takes an extra base hit away from Van Driessen I'll tell you deceptive speed puckett as you said how got a marvelous jump on this ball he wasn't going full speed but had controlled speed when he made the catch well considering where he started from which was right-center and the reason he's playing over there the double off the hefty bags and then a fly ball that did he hit real well he was swinging the bat very well so they shift him around where I think he's a left field hitter McGhee Nevada an account wanted Oh always seems to me he's been but that falls slicing away from puckett nice catch [Applause] one in one now on Willie McGee with one out of the bases empty at control speed for an outfielder it's almost like the kickoff return team on a football seeing you you go hard for about 30 yards and then you pick up the ball carry the same thing for an outfielder you go hard at first and pick up the ball you have to be controlled with your hands because you have to catch the ball before it hits the ground that's the object not being too simplistic - Wanda McGee is over for a strike give it is on tonight at me in the Cardinal dugout and more ways than one that heat is on for the Cardinal its softly to left field and that will drop in black Rafi door for 8 in the World Series and it will bring up Kurt boy talked about tutors changeup here's less strikers and you can see how Willie McGee is fooled good pitch bad result but again if you are not a line drive hitter like Willie McGee and this is why this Park is so perfect for you try to pull that ball you get out on your front foot he just might have went with it not a good swing but good result that curve board at the plate board 2 for 3 thus far in the series he was in the starting lineup and Dean to fewer left-handed batter and we say pure because the Cardinals had so many sports hitters and Ford comes out of that same mold wick speedy line drive time hitter but a left-handed batter only creepy and idea what kind of pitching Park this is the all-time record for home runs in this ballpark was set this year by Jack Clark 17 I believe so not a whole lot of home run you know Clark did this 31 game pitching out of the he not going at the katsu at Oh Jack Clark with 35 home runs this year only one other Cardinal since this park was built back in finished actually back in 1966 only one other Cardinal has 30 or more home runs that was Dick Allen back in 1970 intimidating ballpark riff to center field right at pocket who makes the CAG and McGee can't go anyway so foreign hits a shot after McGee softly singles and there are two down in the second inning and Jose Oquendo comes to the foot funny how hitting is Jim mentioned that Willie McGee hit him with pitch with a good result he hit it whirling dirt for Jim T often been a to old fastball it's a rocket to Center but there's kirby puckett so Ford is back on the bench talking it over with Tom pack naazy and here is Oquendo with two out and another pick dot and again the twins picked out and the key not going if you watch the playoffs you heard so much about the giant pitching out taking the Cardinals out of the running game a pitch out is only effective you do it right Willie McGee saw right there the less Straker was pitching out he broke saw that it wasn't a normal wind-up went back to first base so what you do is you put Oquendo in a good hitting position it's one - no Straker has to come to him you've got a pitch out you have to work on it in spring training there he goes and it was so thick full-time Istanbul and a quark was full which was the reason that Haas had his hands in the air we mentioned Straker's five blocks which would be equivalent of about 18 in the national lead the way they're cold and you got to go back to Whitey Herzog maybe he implanted in the umpires mine not only Bert Blyleven but that less greater I'm sure why he did his homework tonight the only pitcher who had walks in the American League was Charlie Huff with the Texas Rangers we had nine and Willie early right no didn't come to a stop but neither do i 11 the other night was a lady her dog is talking for the umpire that's nothing about like Blyleven did the other night actually a little longer maybe yeah maybe [Music] [Applause] [Music] you got to come to a full second stop now he didn't do that but not too many pictures do that disagree with you but I said you had to come to a second stop and a guy wrote me and said the rulebook says you have to come to a pause that doesn't have to be a second apparently this test you have to stop you really stopped a lot longer than Blyleven did but then again in a close game you're going to have more box ball eight to one let's play the game applause I got the letter you didn't do I won another cabin of hinden out of the picture striking it was Tiger calling the book at second base and before the game we showed you on Cain hers on going over the balk rule and whitey we were in his office before the game and he was he had the rulebook out he's reading it and he says what is this say what is this say why don't they call it do it one there's a complete stop what is the complete set here interpretation of the umpire exactly so what was what you know when you have an off day sometimes your eyesight gets it better better that's what happened with Kenny Kaiser what's the block the other night or what I wasn't a box is a box tonight three in one and also I second older picture like flat eleven a more successful 15 the two hundred forty four major league win is going to get the edge over a rookie pitcher last striker who was eight and ten this year absolutely much as somebody who walks a lot a veteran with a good eye at the plate going to get the edge on borderline righty and Oquendo draws the walk the first base open anyway straighter can afford this be careful with Oquendo B's the right-hand batting team you who just threw 14 during the regular season comes to the plate and dick-suck the Minnesota pitching coach will visit the mouth interesting scenario in the fifth game you'll have Kaiser behind the plate a national league umpire at third base if my 11 pitches in other words if we can get the Cardinals win tonight they're saying that the next rotation will be violent tomorrow and on Thursday lot of it I think umpires are less inclined to call for what they call call the first one I think it's almost like a slap on the hand they're going to be whitey by calling the ball right we call one at this Stricker can do the same thing with anybody else on base and I hope it's a good call by the ball we're at this point guess we'll find out though thing is you don't know if you're fishing but it's more prone to make you stop a little bit it gives the Cardinal runners an advantage pain is two on two out want to know crowd booing that fits not as close as it might look from the upper deck normally a fish he's been swinging at the last two game hard to tell from that angle but the ball was just off the play right there it runs in a little bit obviously higher what about two inches inside right in his own do it on the count I'll tell you the Minnesota outfield is playing hey Mia straight away and as hard as scraper is throwing and with Tony really when he gets the fastball the only fastball he's going to pull as the ball down and in I think the OP see a lot of he's jaded toward right field because I think the chances of him hitting the rider great making here two and one Tom Kelly overnight superstar that's why did they go the racetrack luck nose is going to get recognized probably say 50 bucks do he goes to the right side but on the ground and Lombardo's either her back and the Cardinals squander a threat of a second we go to the third inning no score the view from the Goodyear blimp Enterprise looking down into Busch Stadium in downtown st. Louis the Goodyear blimp coming up from Pompano Beach Florida and circling this ballpark on a very chilly night as we go to the third inning with no score Tim launder and going back to Game two the other night it was Tim launderer at 191 during the regular season putting the finishing touches on a Minnesota victory as McGee went back in the sixth inning and watched it sail out and that was Minnesota's a throne in route to an 84 game to victory lautner catching tonight when it looked like Sal Butera might get the start the atera has been catching Straker for the better part of the last two months of the season but when Kelly looked at his lineup the bottom of the lineup and Lauder has had a relatively hot back 3 for 6 in the series he felt he needed him in there so that's why 10 gets the call one that's one thing I've never been able to understand why a pitcher prefers one particular catcher you have to wait whole people huh the farmer and Carlton to be buried 60 feet thickness to define what it do I just want to know on which sign of you will and the farmer eventually go I don't want to know what it do the cat I'm Lotter la bar dozing and Straker to follow [Applause] do it though John Tudor only call decisions this year if you follow this fort you know that he was hurt missed three months from Barry Lyons of the Mets slid into the Cardinal dugout cooter suffered a broken leg but then came back as strong as ever at the end and Lautner rips it into Center so Kelly plays the hot hand and it pays off in the third inning with the twins first hit and lauder is now four for seven in the World Series we're in war Pardo's he comes to the collation well that's what tony burk keeping some chart no doubt most likely where they're hitting the ball or didn't look like a pitching chart but when tony gwynn talked about John Tudor being wild high wasn't wild high but he did get the ball up and water just banked it into centerfield not a good pitch for two strikes Bardot's he looked at his right on line Rick Rennick sending down a sign from third another thing that Kelly's got to take into consideration here is lombo is the number n hitter and the picture is on deck that's something that doesn't happen in American League games why is not funny like popped up in foul ground and pain he comes over to the dugout egg and it's one of the problems here in st. Louis with those steep and very narrow dug accents even though he was coming over to his friendly territory that has to come into your mind Tony had to step gauged correctly but not the ball he did kind of look down away from the ball and the ball actually went between his glove and his chest I asked the groundskeeper why they did not put a tartan track warning track like they have around the obviou behind home plate and he said it because of football but there's so many artificial turf stadiums you think they could do a different thing where they could protect some of their not only some of the guys sitting on the bench like John Tudor but some of us we saw in 85 when Brett went right into the dugout yeah if nothing else at least to let you know there's a difference you can feel it with your feet they say that the groundskeeper said it gets slippery and you can see that as you said for the opening you can see the moisture that collects under the tarp sometimes here Oh like three so long boy goes he goes down on Frank Tudor has his second strikeout and less straighter will be coming to the play [Applause] [Music] here it was that play in April against the Mets the little pop-up off Jack Clark's bat Barry Lions went over and into the dugout he went and the next thing you know John Tudor is back in the clubhouse it's a hospital and on the DL for three months Straker now at the plate Straker and a lot of experience with the fat of the miners bunts foul on one the reason his Straker was signed by the Reds he spent seven years in their minor league system and even though most of the minor leagues went to the th in the 70s the Reg at that time because a Bob Howsam insisted that their minor league pitchers it is when they got up to Cincinnati they'd have to hit and the Straker did have a lot of hitting experience in the minors before he was built out of the Reds organization he has not hit though in the majors or - as you can tell that's a good place faked a bunt the first time and then hit away because you know everybody's going to be coming in but only if you can do it yeah if you have to bat control less may have missed the bunt sign there we'll see yeah he did he misses the sign and the ball and everything else and down he goes that's another thing that you don't think about not only is the blind order and a pitchers not used to hitting has to put the ball down but getting the sign can be something different and unusual I mean he hasn't received the bunt sign in the major league season so I think he missed it on the oh one count and Rick Rennick the third-base coach went back to it oh - and it's a strikeout for Tudor his third well as a former pitcher that happens a lot he do missed the sign so they just yell but rather obvious but everybody knows what he was going to be doing you know everybody but left on that second pitch loitering first two down no score here in the third [Music] painted blocking it wanted Oh tomorrow night the twins Tom Kelly will go with Joe Niekro if they win tonight otherwise it will be Frank viola if it's 2-1 and the Cardinal is definitely going with Greg Matthews one analog reason it flattened esteem tutor before that Danny was in the National League until this year with San Francisco so he has faced tutor in recent times [Applause] Linna left field for a base set Roger will stop at second and for the twins their second enemy has two on with two out and Greg gagney coming up and it's four hits in the World Series for Dan gladden and once again a high changeup and as we said and Tony Gwynn said he's the control pitcher you can see he's out in front of it in other words he did pull him a little bit because the ball was up he was able to get the bat on it the ball is down most likely either a strikeout or a little ground ball so I controlled it so important to John Tudor he just has to be down in the strike zone and on the corners he says if I get the ball in the middle to play they're going to this will be a repeat of game one and two [Applause] outside the gagney want to know how your Walker is off a long way at second base and the reason he takes that big lead is because he can't run fast and sharply hit ball the outfield he has to cheat somewhere if you're Tony Pena there could be a play on Lautner with Ozzie Smith coming behind me he's really good to off of there and the count 2 and Oh got a good lead at 90 shuffling at least making Lautner think about with runners in scoring position as you can see the twins remarkable as a clutch in these situations in the Detroit series was in the first two games here they have Smith who has to move over a step or two now to try to cut down the lead to center field and Willie McGee is right there waiting and the two and a half no score in Game three [Applause] from centerfield way out yonder Busch Gardens yeah looking in sintra toward home plate with John Tudor to come up for the Cardinals Game three in st. Louis Al Michaels with Jim Palmer and Tim McCarver twins leading two games to nothing no score here with John to to lead off in the bottom of the third Tudor lifetime hitting 170 has never hit a home run oh it too they struck out six times and 40 times up so he is a contact hitter for a pitcher seven base hit or for 13 in scoring position so it looks like he concentrates a little bit better with runners on and Tudor goes down on strikes and with one out Vince Coleman coming to the plate and talking about the importance of getting the Cardinal running game going well that's true you know I tend to you know I take that into Paige to say that you know if I'm locked up in a room one-on-one and I'll come out on top and I like to you know go into every game to think that it's always a challenge that I have to get on base I feel if I do get on base four or five times two or three four bases score four or five months and we're going to involve me and the man they call Vincent van Gogh has been Vincent van know because he hasn't been getting on in the World Series one four nine and he was certainly stymied by the Giants in terms of stealing bases in the playoffs well Tim and I were talking yesterday from a pitcher catcher's standpoint and the difference between Coleman and a normal runner really had something you can relate to Alice like it grounded to short is Jackie backhand throwing it away passing off the auxiliary box and right back to her back so one thing the finish that thought it is really the something you can relate to the difference between when you travel by air going commercial or charter you can go any time you want to and Vince Coleman certainly can't go anytime he wants to once he get there but look what he caused it before he gets there but we caught that the bat-rope I get me that is between hop and boat was on person you can look for him to run so he only gets first base because of Wolf's harem back and was always in play there he goes that takes a strike and the grow in fact up see in a second I've always defended that a hitter who puts the bat in Pixley in front of the catcher is interfering with the catcher there was no intent right there and that of course is the judgment of the umpire there's no intent whatsoever by Ozzie Smith but to block laudner out of the play it's perfectly legal and nobody ever calls it you never see it call but on D no intention to bunt he put the bat head in front of the catcher and louder couldn't get out there and get a good jump to make a good throw so hold on a second bent briefing on the loo scored an error by gagney feeling second and the old one dismissed missing one it was not all those 109th : bases he attempted to steal third 27 times of a successful 22 so one of the few Cardinals that not that concealed because they all could run but will steal third base doing one the Cardinal is getting a break on an error Tom Kelly watching his club commit its first error of the world series only it's for that postseason and we mentioned when we began the World Series the twins outscored an out hit Matt homered the rest with the one thing they had the best defense in the major this year only 98 errors Hrbek gathers this one in and advancing to third is Holmen but there are two down so they could third base with two gone in the third inning and Tommy Herr who hit into a double play comes up if you're wondering if he feel home well not this year to attempt and thrown out both times but if you remember when striker was pitching against the Tigers he bought with a runner at third base his first potent needs and walk he fought and won tonight so baby Coleman will give him something to think about in third base even though he'll be working from the read think he booked in Darrell Evans with the Tigers at Game three Evans was on base at the time and the count want to know we saw that graphic Tommy curve over 20 adjust your Tommy very you're you're an optimist you say I'm do there's an optimist by the late I was Lou Whitaker not dare 11 that was locked in and that tiger game to really reduce your chances walking becomes a supposition like Straker's doing wondered why [Applause] a good indication of what Straker has to do to be successful it gets behind them and then that's the fake you worry about if you're a pitcher and if you come to the set position really doesn't matter but if you're in a wind-up position I'll tell you what you start yourself wanting to reach through the ball and you can walk a much easier golf foul and a count one ball and two strikes on Tommy her [Applause] no score five the third cards going to man the first but then her hit into a double play had to onto the second and pay me a grounded on another got Coleman and third striker tough in the situation and pump again here as Lombardo's ii throws him out they leave home in the third we'll go to the fourth the faithful fourth no score two games as total runs in one inning in the total series of Minnesota with seven in the fourth inning of Game one and six in the fourth inning of Game two to effectively end all of the office pools summarily bucket Luc's one to Kali her the survey is gone here in the fourth and it will bring up Gary guy Eddie who flied out in the second inning well they asked whitey after the first two games what do you think we should do to make this series fairies that take the roof off and don't let them down the fourth [Applause] the other night Latin Grand Slam punctuated the fourth inning game won by 80,000 fact and then indeed two game twos for setting ended with an out gagney grounded out and then Minnesota still won on to score six [Applause] one ball one strike two down guy Eddie from Centralia Illinois and a big Cardinal fan growing up come to Busch Stadium a lot he said last night didn't he he grew up dreaming about playing in the World Series at Busch Stadium but in a different uniform huh [Applause] that winds up near Ossie do it sue well you just know if your hitter two-in-one you're going to get a pretty good pitch to hit a fastball and then what does cooter do pulls the strength throws the changeup right there and looking fastball gets the bat head out all the way to shortstop dr. Krank something we were talking about a couple of weeks ago Jim in the Detroit Toronto game at the end of the season and you know I think youngsters in baseball grow up throwing the curveball ahead in the count in the past fall when they're behind there's a fat fella to count even and he and that's what that two one changeup did it set up the fastball on the inside corner and what's Pina what's the Gaul okay anything that the ball but it isn't the later verbanski with two out of the mazes ending right you start thinking that that's the proper way to do it but little league pitchers can't get the breaking ball over that's why they wait until they get ahead well with that mind that you find out later that it's the other way around that you should throw fastball when you're ahead in the count and breaking ball to off-speed stuff when you're behind when you're behind or behind them again 2 1 - Oh a 3-1 if you can get it over and with that idea and that mentality then you go about trying to get it over that's what John Cena's done for well processing the Cardinals getting out of the fourth waving their towels on the count 1 & 2 doctor thank you - towel yep somebody call this the linen closet Wow and it's a ball and two strikes two out bases empty fourth inning identical totals each team no runs two hits and one error in the air to left field the Coleman extra extra read all about that's impressive then a soda doesn't score in the fourth and two three and a half nothingness here comes Jim Palmer's audition now as a pitching coach what is tuner doing well to to your tutors throwing his changeup with three fingers to Tim talked about earlier and it's the middle three fingers what he does because kind of course he doesn't left-handed he just kind of turns the ball over Frank viola also left-handed what he does he makes the circle and holds the ball those last three fingers I'll do it right handed because I'm not an ambidextrous and then he just turns the ball over very simple very effective and it's work there work for viola and it's working for both Straker and Tudor tonight great credit cards the bottom of the fourth was the fundamental fastball for a strike to Dan Driessen to the campo in one Greeson McGee and Ford no score in the air to left field dan gladden is right there one away the Driessen has flied out twice one gun Cardinals have been limited to two hits abstract single by Smith and a looping single by McGee and up comes fully [Applause] well the key to less Straker so far is that he has got the first batter each inning only one walk so the things that really cost him five runs the four walks the three hits in the playoffs against Detroit have not really been evidence tonight again a lot easier to pitch here at Busch Stadium than in Tiger Stadium against the team that had 225 home runs but the major leagues in that category for the year one and one on Willie McGee [Applause] by the way if you're scoring Tony Pina was given an error on the bow pocket he couldn't handle the battle with Lombardo's he in the third didn't do any damage on board those he eventually struck out but he teamed with one error to it too [Applause] less Straker out of Venezuela fascinating story six in the minor leagues 15 years thought about quitting time to time his wife owned and stick with it hang in there and the age of 28 he's a rookie the game hit one beat the right down the line into the corner and for control play perfectly Michael Nancy the demons double [Music] there are almost no left-handed hitters who can't handle the ball down and in a sliders are willing to game down an end evan theory is all you have to do is drop your Banyas you really don't have to generate any back feed to hit that and that's why the most dangerous pitch from a right-handed pitcher to a left-handed hitter the key having a good World Series is 5 for 9 and Curt boy who lied out to Center in the second inning or did it struck the fern out oh and one that one bouncing into the commissioner's wife he hears n pitch the Makena watch how he just dropped in the bat head you need no addition to hit the ball up again you have to really hit the bat head out in front but not so with the ball down in it will he just drop the bat hit the ball took off and he's got a double in the air to right-field see for names be going back all the way in the corner and into foul ground and it's foul tips on booking and goes foul Oh only three home runs on the year but everybody talked about as you look at the ball just hooking and hooking the last moment it goes foul Ward broke his hand in June on the PL all the way in Augustin didn't care like didn't the phone shift it wasn't evident or showed up at the x-rays but they all saw very little guy about a hundred sixty pounds but he has good bat speed he can turn on the ball inside looked like another high breaking ball and put it down and it was up and in and he just got that extension you talked about it the boss water ball went foul breaker ahead now and two and the count remains nothing into with one out and McGee at second no score in the bottom of the fourth inning [Applause] [Music] and down he goes on right that's the change if we were talking about it's not the circle change but it's just a three finger changeup he turns over a little bit and runs away from left-handed hitter did the right-handers away from left woman doesn't run away very close to being a ball also very close to being a strike and most managers will tell you both enough to call you better swing right Oquendo now look for the strike Keith Hernandez who lines up at the world theory didn't want to do it in a student ate cyborg long time cardinal and Dodgers second baseman his would wanted one petty the Rookie of the Year for the Dodgers back in 1969 and hitting behind rocky huh in 74 when Lou stole 118 bases to set at that time the record didn't see too many fast balls out here did he ha ha got a few things I do it in Kevin's 1974 when we broke the record 118 stolen bases Finster past the fourth by Rickey Henderson who had 130 back in 1982 that's what's so amazing about Vince Coleman first time in first player in baseball history to ever feel a hundred bases two years in a row now he does it again this year for the hundred nine three years in a row they always talk about how physically debilitating it is to steal baby counting on your body Oquendo holds back and at three and well this is a similar pattern to what we have in the second inning Oquendo came to the plate McGee was at second base and they walked on endo not intentionally but unexpectedly intentionally took their chances would paint it and got him to ground out he got the deed second tattooed on and the count three and one and he hits it in the air to centerfield but a lot a rule not there for puckett and down go to Kartal in the fourth as he sprained McGee for the fifth we go with no scores with exact would beat three of the 1987 World Series after this word from your local station or stadium in st. Louis no score and the twins keeping warm on this chilly night or keeping the equipment warm anyway reminds me of when Bobby Mercer used to play with the Giants at Candlestick Park he would take his bats to the sauna between innings to keep them warm the hotter days in the summertime here all-star games enslaved 1966 seeing guys step into ice water get so hot here but on this 20th night of October keeping those gloves hot and and well the twins should because they let the majors in fielding this year Kent Hrbek through quick strike to the count nothing is to be fought launder and Lombardo's e the 6 7 and 8 hitters in the minnesota order with no score [Applause] you [Applause] the Commissioner in his box said behind first we he's very lucky we didn't take a shot of him before when he butyl II attempted to feel that ground ball off the bat of Willie McGee well that's why he's the Commissioner yes Hrbek fouling it away [Applause] now cooter talked about the back of your face eight right-handers of the lineup and only one Lefty but sometimes that messes up your control and again as we said the curveballs only two left-handers there's one for strike three server with the strike but very cost call to death it looked high to meet um I think you're right that is the Commissioner feeling that were failing loyalist file item feels it to field it and it's gloves warm though yeah and then her back Goes Down on the next fiction the twins begin the fifth inning the victim of a fifth john tudor strikeout is lautner comes to the plate wanted on the couch [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] line drive into the corner and board will play the carom Lautner is honestly the second and launder is now 5 for 8 in the World Series after a regular season batting one second base London we calm aside at Minnesota the other night the buck 90 fan club driving the ball away we saw him take a ball really in the middle of the plate Homer over the centerfield fence so he's the type of guy with 42 home runs two minor-league 16 one more in the World Series they can hit the ball the other way and drive it just as you saw not a guy that has to go up there and pull the ball to hit the ball on the ballpark which is going to make him a better hitter that certainly has devil invasion play well Chris he's 1 for 14 in the playoff Lombardo's he struck out on the 3rd want to know the cows almost all good hitters position their front shoulder to be able to hit the ball away the other way or back through the originator as we used to say back to the pitcher [Music] hitting it so much positioning you'd see very few hitters who pull the front shoulder out of there who can hit effectively to the left side and Smith looked at third and wise up going to first and from up here perhaps Oh Kendall a little late in getting over to third but it appeared Ozzy would have had a shot at I think also Ozzy's not a dummy he knows Straker's coming up right he also knows laughter's in the base path hey Steph seeing him come in he always says temp said in the first game is on the move and you can see directly between third and Ozzy is launder so why take a chance especially when you see Straker try to swing the first time up like trying to think somebody over a redwood with law journal kendo is about six to eight inches taller than jose rather that takes the chance they'll take the chance with greater hitting a two out and we'll see how it turns out as Drakkar grounded foul commission another shot out of the right they got him bureau in tonight I'm sure the Peter Ueberroth would say you learn from your mistakes if you fail [Applause] don't drive that is not out of that last wing was not out of the rod purrew hitting video and accountants always do quickrun ik giving him the sign saying contact not even close six strikeouts for cooter we bring us through five and there's no score at the end of four and a half [Applause] Busch Stadium in st. Louis Missouri by the way that is the name it was originally Busch Stadium then they changed it to Busch Memorial Stadium for a while and it's back to Busch it has been for the last two or three years Busch Stadium danny Cox along with Jack Clark enjoying a a lighter moment in the Cardinal dugout it afforded to be laughing they got through the fourth inning alive as a group as well as the twins went down at the top of the fifth and now in the bottom of the fifth inning it's piña leading on Pina Tudor and Coleman against les Straker the rookie with 10 years of minor league experience and he starts painting with a pitch high ball one and you talk about diligent left raker not only with 10 years of minor league experience but he played in a different city every year in the minor leagues Ryan is 11 different city knee surgery back in 83 was going to make the club in 86 and hurt his hip which into spring training rib injury also and did not have to spend another year in the minor leagues so good to have him here remember he's only averaged about 5 and a third innings first start for the entire season actually he did repeat one year he was in Waterbury two years 81 and 83 so this is his 10th different City and he had a complete year every year Kelly would dick touch the pitching coach such as the guy who knows a lot about finally pitching as well as being a big the high and cause the war so tony is on and a John Tudor comes up they the finals for the first time tonight get the leadoff man on in e1 the car goes just once got the leadoff man on and indeed to just twice so in the twenty third inning of the World Series it's only the fourth time at st. Louis have gotten the leadoff man I obviously more meaningful in this game because to the other game a 2-1 deficit at one point the second game ten to one and the other one suitor lays down the bunt foul did the sparkle baseball and as we've said all along if they're pitching keep them in the game then they utilize one of their offensive abilities those two run well here is going to be a bunt but then you have pulled it up because probably a better hitter and not only a bunt but you can't bunt the ball down the third-base line guy Eddie closing in perfect holding the runner first oh and to that's why Tudor elected initially to bunt the ball down the first base line but make perfect feel the ball but that's a much more difficult bunt you've really got to extend your hand to bunt the ball down the first base line there's Hrbek holding pain you close Coleman is on deck and sooner bunch bound is he angry with himself so he can't do the job [Applause] that is much emotion as you'll see on the field for John Tudor all right breaking ball until he said he's trying to punt the ball down the first base line and what you have to do is Punk the ball out front a home plate at the bat behind home plate one is able to do it and you can see his disgust boy I say he is normally the most implacable of Cardinals even when he gets lit up and he's on the mound he'll give up a grand slam home run you won't see a reaction like that angry because he couldn't get the man oversold birthday when he gets angry though he really good thing you'll recall in the seventh game at 85 in Kansas City when he got lit up and came out of the game as when he at that little tussle with the electric fan in the dugout which required a couple of stitches that night being a call time to smooth out the dirt one out Coleman old for tutoring hey Mia doesn't need as laugh as the work is way around the base pass their way a lot of excellent speed for catcher one of the reasons that Whitey Herzog wanted Tony Pena number one he can throw he's got a lifetime batting average around 280 but also he the catcher you don't have to pinch run for that's right 24 man roster you're not wasting a player sometimes because you have a slow footed catcher no offense didn't even though I know naturally triple right here in this bar ballpark well it wasn't recently will notice I'm holding guys they were definitely medics yeah Emily pinch run for you now and then pitch a lot of things for me now but pain you did have Nick stolen bases in seven tries and holds the Pittsburgh Pirates record for stolen bases by catcher with 12 not a lot John Wathan as a matter of fact the Kansas City Royals manager who's in the ballpark tonight holds the major league record for stolen five catches and Coleman goes down on strikes so Straker and forgetting cooter picks up another strikeout and that's number four for us to down less talking about is problem that in the playoff he was trying to be too fine but he is perfect right there right on the corner good fastball as we told you 91 miles per hour and he has two other pitches so two down Ozzie Smith now Smith is one for two a soft crack single of the first and again we talked about the top of that Cardinal would the top three and they are a collective one for 1792 goes with rats cacao on one tell you're right before the pics you saw Tim lauter looking over through the dugout he's doing it again to see if they wanted him to pitch out in pain yes sure enough was running on that first pitch worth if you watch the national championship series you saw giant catcher's Bob Brenly and Bob Melvin do that quite often Roger Craig calling a bunch of pitch out he doesn't go spin it's a high fly ball foul and out of play and it's quickly nothing into it's a good time to pitch you out right now because it's kind of a free pitch and go into two out and if the runner isn't running then you go off nothing and I think if it weekly on the ground a second and Lombardo's he throws him out and the Cardinals six in the fifth into five no score and so we go to the sixth inning Al Michaels along with Jim Palmer Tim McCarver Game three of the World Series no score in the top of the sixth inning and the man with his back to you familiar Easton rail or yep red partner red the longest tenure as a manager with the Cardinals 12 years as the manager of st. Louis from 1955 to 76 now a coach under Whitey Herzog and a guy who knows a lot about catching postseason checks isn't a me as a matter of fact this is his night a World Series and he is six and three in World Series play and the three losing positions that he was on as a player a coach and a manager was 1958 68 and 85 when the Braves were in it 58 is a three game 2-1 lead over the Yankees the Yankees came back to besom in 1968 he was the manager played on that ballclub we were up three games to one against the Tigers and they came back last squibs it back to Souter and the leadoff man in slime goes down in the then in 1985 bread was the coach with the Cardinals and the Kansas City Royals came back from a 3-1 deficit the winning share by the way in the World Series this year should be close to $90,000 of a losing share probably in the high 60s close to 70 thousand dollars is Greg gagney comes to the plate we talked about Wayne Terwilliger the first base coach the other night and Wayne Terwilliger right there the box of first we'll see his salary just about double with a winning share and Tom Kelly will see his dowry just about equal right Kelly sign the other day I asked him I said hey look don't tell me what you made this year I said but is it close to your full salary if you win the series you said yeah I made $100,000 I guess I think you would be the lowest paid manager in the big leagues in 1987 [Music] one and one he did though get a raise and a new one-year deal but just one so he assigned through 1988 you at home [Music] 37 years old rookie year what do you do for an encore - it was you know he's over there yelling encouragement it's really the first time I've seen him yell encouragement during this series and I guess the reason Jimin because the twins have jumped out to such big leaves that he is just set back and let things take care of themselves especially the first two games the only thing had to do after the fourth will hold on they really put those games away he's more animated it appears in this camp and the birth to young mr. missouri's interestingly Sparky Anderson was a rookie manager in 1970 when he took the red and against Baltimore and gagney walk so Greg goes to first base with one away here in the sixth inning and Kirby Pucket first walk for John Tudor and the fact of what I he mentioned earlier in the game that his arm may stiffened went to the analgesic balm and here we are in the sixth inning and the one difference I seen in his cat not a whole lot he averaged three walk the game because walks a little bit up from the last few years [Applause] Dagny at first base said a little bit of running six fields or an irregular there was also for six time we said tutor with an excellent move last year 11 pickoff this year 5 so you don't get a good jump if that does the story right there might get a jump but it's not going to be a good one so if you're caught in between as the manager and you're reluctant to run against the pitcher and a catcher combination the alternative if you want to put the runner in motion is the hit and run cluck it a contact hitter and interestingly Tudor has been pitching kirby inside will see where they go to time they're still going inside you can see pain you try to sneak inside that left foot to get the inside target goes [Applause] Dagny getting back you wonder if puckett soft pina as the throw went the first base move inside so they changed names the pattern the one thing you do not want to do it catcher is set up too early because hitters will piece one a no-account each team no runs three hits and one error were this sixth inning one out jack me at first base first there are remedies for that oh I want stole to hit and I can't believe I said it that it he kept his density ripped empty came out and said he's looking back we're moving right did it walked off the mountain but if they do it again it's inside ahead and I didn't mean it but I'll tell you what he missed the next pitch right down the middle for strike great so I guess it worked we were told as catchers in the minor leagues coming up if you think a hitter is peaking back there talk to him and telling you know that and if you let him know I know exactly what you're saying because if you let him know you know that that should be enough I know you know and you better know I don't you know that's right I know great little binding talk about out thinking yourself - a no-account and three and oh so all of a sudden scooter with perfect control walk Dagny and goes three and oh it are we talking about a little bit of about it the other night is when you have a big lead every pitch doesn't need the ballgame that is that is not the case here tonight nothing nothing ballgame and I think that's why we saw the frustration not on the Whitey's faith even though he's not real happy the way things are going because they're not getting any offense but when you're a pitcher and you don't find a guy over and you know you should have or you're a while you look at the pitching coach Mike Roark trying to figure out if John's armed mate might be tightening I'd say if I'm Tom Kelly I like Kirby hit with the count three and oh I think John cooter is going to be very deliberate with his fastball it's real fast all and he loses them so it goes the first-base to cleanse their brothers at first and second with one out and Gary died Eddie coming up [Applause] everybody Yeti is old for two tonight before 410 in the World Series and he said a big postseason he was the MVP in the playoffs and cooter has all of a sudden lost the strength zone and the count as one as oh really looks like he's dropped his arm again underneath the ball you you lose your changeup you lose your breaking ball and you lose control of the fastball we call the ball he threw real high when you've dropped down that's the one thing and there now looks like he's going to aim the ball and guy Eddie hit 31 home runs this year 34 last year so it's not a guy that you can make bad pitches to we saw what happened in the second game cocked on a slider and he drilled in the left field be first oh oh home run and he pops it up in foul territory came yet coming all the way to the little zigzag a stack and still in play sit down to third alertly goes Gaby but what a catch by Davis and you're really taking your life into your hands when you go to the edge of the dugout at Busch Stadium just ask George Brett a few years ago unless of course that your dugout because you know you have some allies over there who's going to catch you once you make the catch and that's what happened Tony teammate but really a superb place I can't be taking nothing for granted tagging up and moving to Thursday we'll see how important to play that is with bernanke hitting net that is just a great great play when painting you still went into the dog on in order to help it do exactly where the set score one of those account and again those steps here are are so steep with Dagny a third and pocketed first a steep and they're very narrow if you have a about a size 10 foot you've got a size again want to know look basketball takes a little bit off ball sink down and away he's playing right over in Bernanke home on power 32 on the year not to be taken lightly two and one screams it may seem the crowd now comes alive that is if the Cardinals are looking for anything and they're unable to generate it offensively that play by Pina might be just the type of thing this club these they need anything to pick them up a little bit assuming to get out of this inning go and they're as alive as they have banded for Stadium right broken bat looper to right-center face and that scores Jackie and moving to third is puckett so they great for Nancy's back those suitor and he comes through with a base head to make it wonder nothing a lot of people would think that would be lucky hitting but if brunette is not protecting the outside part of the plate he doesn't get the end of the bat on that ball he is so strong and he is helped by the right fielder Curt Ford playing deep a light hitting hitter wouldn't get a hit like that because the right fielder would be in but with brunette Bernanke you've got to respect his power they dropped one in front of for her back now they Kings I'd want to know one-nothing Minnesota with two out and two on in the sixth inning [Applause] one and one [Applause] wanted to hit Verbeck I wonder if you'll see Bernanke in motion now here Tom Kelley and the twins can't pick up the key front the pain you throw food pipe it'll go he goes and Hrbek pounds it back sober Nancy goes back the first was pocketed third one nothing Minnesota to off in the second you know it didn't appear that Ozzie Smith was even covering on that play Bernanke got a tremendous job there he goes again and it's grounded to the left side has to backtrack throw and hit amazi that time was going for second and go back quickly Lucy one-nothing flinch we mentioned when Bernanke run on the ran on the pitch before that Smith wasn't covering and odd he was playing the wait-and-see game had he not played that game that ball is in the left field and the twins are leading two to nothing with the inning still alive to a fine fine play by Ozzie Smith and as you said how only me can go towards second two steps and come back forward make a play like that and it saves a run Minnesota is still taking the lead 1 to nothing as we go to the bottom of the sixth inning it will be heard Driessen and McGee the 3 4 and 5 hitters Straker meanwhile has done all that Tom Kelly can add because now to the point is Kelly where he can go to his bullpen where he's got Jackson her and Berenguer to set up we're if need be one and all the cow and in the bullpen Berenguer and Jackson as if on cue Straker well rested but peace to the point right now where he might be - well rested another strike Straker over the past Green Week at faced about 20 battery but also one of the unusual thing he doesn't when he has foot game he write things on his glove on his bat being he doesn't do that why do it he's got old I'll remember but I don't want to read about it sent himself a lot of met reduce tonight meanwhile Louis batting average take a look at this Marv Owen now maxvill now the cardinal general manager 115 Tommy her those with at least 40 a fax old-time Daffy it was a former Cardinal at 140 who one pick is three and one and Ozzie Smith is close to being on that list and might have been on it and he knocked on one for three thus far tonight so it shows you that the Cardinals are having a lot of problems generating anything offensively not only tonight in the 85 World Series as well and some of them even had problems in 82 they did people walking bright green soon I get the feeling when I watch Tommy here in career year back in 1985 hit over 300 for the only time in his career struggled last year he needs to know what kind of pitches and it have to be familiar with an opposing pitcher well I think when he gets into World Series he has a lot of doubt he clings to more bad pitches he's not as selective and that's one of the reasons for the bad batting if when you watch him play in the National League where he knows a lot of the pitchers just looks like he only exclusively swings good strikers a lot like Keith Hernandez to visit with in the booth matter back at his 33rd 34th birthday wish it was was 31st today when you see Keith Hernandez hit he just not showing a lot of bad pitches normally during the season heard of the same World Series has been a lot different three is to perfect sample right here will he find a ball and he rips it into centerfield for a base sorry goes for executive thing the rogue if the leadoff man threat tonight strand is 5 and they get the leadoff man on with being briefed and coming to the place Oh free to you know you're going to get a good pitch and he does now if we talked about how it's been easier good boy you have to do two drops of that that's what he did it right back up the middle where it was fit in there off-speed strike on one dan Driessen at home at the start of the regular season Cardinals fall them in cinema Louisville and they fold them up prior to the cutoff fee and as it turns out with the injury that's 4q is a godsend chased it - counted Ola - really for the second time in three years that the Cardinals have had to go someplace to get a first baseman to replace Jack Clark - remember days our sedan yo in 1985 having that remarkable September Whitey Herzog says wanted for the carpel inside just resting just off the plate miss raker keeping a keen on him in account one two heard Birds know by her back Johnny goes and grief in pest control e to gak me and over to her back for the out Cardinals at least able to stay out of the for flight scene from the double plays Oh mister very slowly [Applause] willing with a single and a double and he 5 for 9 in the world period Tommy Herr has the best percentage of stolen bases on the cart of walk what he did last year - that's why he took off and it hit for the middle the back knee in there and throws him out and her have to stay a second so in her the runner a second yeah over toward the bag and able to plug up the middle and take care of the heat to down so much' pitching his defense not making the place which gag he does here as much as sometimes where you play right up the middle that's where McGee hits the ball only 11 home run right around 286 on the year but he hit the ball three times heart true forbade it the third time he played a perfectly bored old for to her a second to down into sick wanted Oh well the first time he threw him a fastball he lined out to center right on the nose next time he got it on a changeup so let's see what he pitches before a strike three right on the outside corner through that [Music] [Applause] [Music] live all the center the puckett and the Cardinals waste yet another opportunity we'll go to the seventh one-nothing twins in Game three we'll be back after this from your local station [Applause] Goodyear blimp piloted by dick ass tonight high above Bush's Adium in st. Louis downtown st. Louis not far from the Mississippi River it's in some quarters known as as we mentioned the linen closet theory the MM series for Missouri in Minnesota and the Mississippi River series [Applause] one-nothing Minnesota seventh-inning and larger swings and misses to count old one larger Lombardo's e and Straker and Tim Lada one of the silent ones during the regular year a big force thus far in postseason especially here in the World Series now fine parade a single in double tonight he had only one hit in the ALCS but it was a big one through the cow game-winning double actually got credit for the game-winning RBI off Jack Morris in Game two of the ALCS he has just had a terrific postseason so much satisfaction when you can catch winners - and Addie goes on strike I'm 350 questions that fall by Greg hi Oh doesn't always have to be a strike again we said the ball looks inside but penny is sitting there gave us a target there and sometimes you fool the umpire you can speak Tim just say I hear was it strike most likely saying WOW emphatically saying I want that pitch when I'm catching Lombardo's e now take down Sabo one now with Straker due up there's bean Larkin out on deck so Kelly got exactly what he wanted he got six innings and he figures that's it I'm going to go to my bullpen fouled away and the count wanted one so he's got there is Straker he's got berenguer with the jacket on who has finished warming up on his way back to the dugout he knows he is Riordan to close and he knows he has shafted her if he's got to get a left-handed hitter out [Applause] two in one there is one berenguer who will come into the bottom of the seventh inning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how to play 2 & 2 [Applause] tomorrow night game four and again it will be Joe Niekro pitching for Minnesota if they win tonight otherwise Frank viola and it will be great Matthews definitely on the mound for st. Louis 8:00 Eastern time for Dean for tomorrow - - missing for ball three [Applause] and todd worrell is up and throwing in the Cardinal bullpen tutor is due to hit third with the Cardinals bat in the bottom of the seventh inning so whitey has to look ahead [Applause] McGee easy play who died here in the seventh inning and that gene Larkin the Columbia University graduate funny thing Larkin and John Morris the reserve outfielder where the st. Louis Cardinals both kids on Long Island and knew each other they don't each other since they were about eight or nine years old and here they are in the World Series [Music] [Applause] being a natural right-handed hitter switch-hitter as you look at John Morris [Applause] what says he has more power from the left side unusually that he doesn't understand why but just drives the ball better that way want to know the cat [Applause] do it on of course hitting marking bio forever will be the fact that not only that he went to Colombia the Iron Horse Lou Gehrig with the Colombian mark and breaking almost all of the iron Morse's records at Colombia ground ball around by a pinto computer there's a real nothing quick the attention bring let's get the lowdown on one barren gear from the Milwaukee Brewers Hall monitors doctors no secret ones best picture this fastball he likes to just get out there and rear back and fire it makes it a little disconcerting for the hitter because he's not sure where it's going all the time he likes to get you with two strikes and get you to taste that high fastball out of the strike zone I've told that split fingered pitch which is bounces in the dirt but the hitters have a tendency to chase when you get runners on base against one big have a chance to run because the doesn't worry about people on base he's fulfilling a fiddle every way and he has a man on base as Jose Oquendo wraps the first pitches a better feel for a faith egg so the tying run is odd he comes to the plate and Pingleton comes out on deck who's ever Pendleton can only hit left-handed it was a righty in there now Berenguer it's Pendleton who comes out on deck and I was respect after would be getting up in the bullpen the twins were stirring with no accident one thing about janitor if they bring him in and Pendleton can hit it for right now it's berenguer and came you up there to bunt right on one Tony really giving himself up much much too early when a hitter when a pitcher does this one thing you can kind of understand it but Tony an experienced hitter and by giving yourself up too early you give the first place from her bag a chance to break and guy Eddie a chance to Brett too early Payne is going put all away and mixing and quickly it's only food I think Lego will have to send a new sign out now they're spindled in with war realm in the bullpen it will be taught in the eighth one-nothing Minnesota with Oquendo at first base and nobody out one Berenguer the panamanian picking up for the venezuelan Straker exciting get to farther south olá - really can't stand us without the job let me write through dick tonight Tom Kelly got six innings of shutout ball from him has he told him but that would be the case for morning game started he would expect a hooker little looper down the dust bow I was at the morph ball to call ball News talking about when I'm going to strike zone which didn't allow intended to hit it hard but to make contact even bold a little bit out on his front would it didn't matter where the balls fair or foul and it falls well and if that maybe is a fair ball and rattling around the bullpen pretty good names Olinda with a scored supposed to third when it runs out and a good speed but not a good base stealer the core of the year Oh for the first day again Berenguer strength is as well don't know where to look through the ball he could be up he could be down and away got the slider he's got the football the drop hit into right field for pain said nope it go and now that whitey easy foot he had caught pimples in fact initially or carry a gun into the dog a phenomenal falafel back seeking a foot for the life of the part that allows me to here with two strikes and now it's okay [Music] what burns out situation where they'll give you the out they don't get it now you have the winning run at birth and I run a dragon this is an interesting choice here by Herzog and he wanted to fun here wouldn't waste Kindles that you wouldn't think in the situation he go to somebody else intervention Dave Ferrie if there he had gone back into the dugout just for a moment and Bergen whitey and and whitey designed to send him up here in the seventh inning we'll see how the twins played also whether guy Eddie will guard to call the rotation play the first base for the third baseman charge the shortstop goes to third the second baseman goes to first thing they appear to be playing it straight up they're not very funny we're not hehe squared the bunt and takes low remember another thing about tangles in two and he's going to go down and have a chat with Leyva he's got the full grip muscles left side he can swing left unity and lightning and I asked about grunting and he did it burst and it particularly hurt he starts to run no he's slower than obviously he would normally be in he's a pretty quick man if he's healthy Oquendo a second hey yeah so at all there is a tying run and there is the go-ahead run and there's a man talking to himself he lays it down anything commuting Oh because normally with me but he hits the runners over it was that quote [Applause] [Music] what makes this place so supper guy Eddie is the Baron Derrida stands on the mound it comes in this is how you win a Gold Club to make a good throw looks like it had him by about a quarter of a step very close excellent Bunch [Applause] so hard I is able to advance the runners unhandled in front it's been Coleman now who's brought a blank he go for 3 and 1 for 11 in the series in field hockey first and third packet for second oh and one during the regular season 300 from this side and 268 from the right side to a much better hitter he Tony Pena saying calm down get a good pitch to hit that's why Coleman had his best year career year this year another strike it to me I'll tell you through the Minnesota out feelers Kirby Pucket of course plays a very deep centerfield bernanke and right field to Z you got to make Vince Coleman hit the ball over your head especially from the left side let's go punch from the left side rip bow pillow and to hope you'll greet them but the key here is to get him to swing at a ball something we talked about the other night preferably a ball up hairs or dirt yeah or in the dirt or someone out another look John McSherry would the alcohol at Pendleton obviously doesn't agree with only needs of the fly ball yet only one Milwaukee's in the traffic [Applause] [Music] the return of Bush steady income tied with a billiard table question when you light the law [Applause] respectable you will right here down and in playing percentage race bulk I Eddie over the whole trouble [Music] to be a with Colton Zoey twenty third time alone : third base with Europe [Music] you can gotta understand cold but creases right here we got the twins on the run it for the first time at the carcass has had to leave in this the question early in game one thing mixdown wanted one empty of playing in when you get a team like the twins you're going to try to utilize all your weapons and with one out a good pitch to steal third because now you can score on something other than a hit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Aaron Aaron - the resent this town is very much alive and awake and into it now what a difference now entering the game because Minnesota I see Mary were living in home three two one st. Louis dance taciturn now pitching with Tommy her at the plate one out Ozzy fitted first 21 Cardinals in the seventh inning no sling whoa [Music] not a normal move is there's a much better hitter from the right side but Berenguer is not pitching well you have to do something set up a double play we're apt to get a double play from birth on the right the guy Eddie nice pickup but he stays on the bag for recovery thinking - all of a sudden he was able to keep his foot on the bag and Parral of all for the port an obvious if flight too soon he's trying to get out of the way of the expected growth by Lombardo's II and had he kept going he's gone second thing but because the ball was hit so sharply Diana got rid of the ball in a hurry Lombardo's who was able to drop the ball picked it up and get the fourth that's recent and the count wanted Oh very first base two down Danny on a check swing grounded into the Minnesota dugout one-on-one so berenguer gets lit up Shaktar who was up remember it was Shasta during Berenguer loosening in the pen of the SEC when Kelly was thinking ahead he opts for barren gear and then Wan gives up in singles through a pendulum taenia and then fastener gets up and remember an accident come in to face pendulum anything would not have hit because they can only bat left me and it's a whitey would have been born to make another move we would a lot Pendleton and then somebody else come in and then the other things axes are going to God it's me he Coleman and spit batting from their weaker side [Music] but I am sure that Tom Kelly after the type of year that Baron air had fishing in four out of the five games even though shatzer had his best really 15 performances in the playoffs or in a third innings only two or three hits with five strike up ground ball the Lombardo's he in that back but the trifle for three or this is the answer reward people todd worrell is coming in to pitch for the st. Louis Cardinals the inside pitch anwar el from Tony Gwynn Todd Worrell when he comes in he's not concerned about runners on base he's just concerned about getting to hit her out and he's going to come at you with his best stuff his fastball I think he's an intimidating type of reliever he's 65 220 230 and he's going to come at you with his best pitch and if he's on good luck because he said you might not hitting as the Kansas City Royals found out almost two years ago to the night when he struck out six on the road Jim Lindeman takes over at first base he's been hit in a nine spot and war realm hits in the floor spot grecian comes out of the game Theresa made the last out in the seventh so the Cardinals now very much alive asking for breath down one to nothing and two games to nothing with Laurel facing lat near the 8th inning wanted up ha he's everywhere they and Dierdorf no doubt in a seat given to him and his wife Debbie our Monday Night Football colleague one and one and a former Cardinal himself the grid bird so the other site where the first two pitches 97 on the first one for a ball and takes a little bit off and gets it over at 95 position to be in that kid if you can exactly well he does have a slider and as we talked about on Sunday night when he came in to really not to mop up just to get a innings work through a great changeup in the playoffs to strike out will Clark so you throw that once in a while you get to hitter looking for and then you buzz it by at 97 one ball two strikes on Blatt jack me on deck and then puckett one away perfect the fish against very aggressive bullying club - Quinn one and two you get a head you hit the club at 95 96 miles per hour hitter just can't catch up a little bit out of the strike zone see this ball very well want to know the count on Dagny who is old for two tonight and he is 1 for 11 now in the series 3-1 st. Louis one out bases empty in the top of the 8th inning it is Cooter's game to win dying like seven innings it's beautifully as you given me six game of the playoffs against the Giants and he's the beneficiary of those three runs in the seventh or L teach me save good luck Puckett's next three Monica Dagny taking two and oh you'll be taking three and one two I was suspect Rihanna be yes next guy on Jack Kirby Pucket with 28 home runs hasn't shown power in the playoff throat a series but can drive the ball and can hit it out surprising his swings but I'm glad I gave a qualifier and I would suspect and as we said in Game two that's one of the things that came in the game and in my estimation it's James for they work well gagney 1 for 11 even though he walked the last time up you think that if you've been around he really hasn't been around that long you take them without even get this on Riku Toa a little looper Nami her going out with Linda man and her he's slightly with Dave that still is able to reach down and make the cash and that was the fair ball the ball looked like it was drifting foul but coming at the last minute let's the Sam I think he had an idea about maybe Lindemann catching the ball now Lindemann tails off of the ball and had that ball but in there Tommy could have kicked it over near the bullpen again we club ended up on third place do down bases empty Kirby Pucket about it and he's getting a little serenade Kirby Kirby the Cardinal fans who do we go with the any National League Championship Series with Leonard the Geoffrey Geoffrey I suspected Jeff weird the big hit that same sort of response when he comes here hit the right-field board on the run and he hit the ball War and Puckett is at least a second Herbie is on his way to third and he's in there so Ford not only can't patch it he can't cut it off and it blends of a man in third with two down [Music] well Tony Gwynn City can be intimidating he can be overpowering and he was to the first two hitters then he tries a slider and bucket just poked folks it into right Bert board knows how quick bucket is trying to cut it off and instead of a double really turns out to be a triple you can afford to try to make a play like that with two out with the pose with nobody out or one out also with a 3-1 leave yeah guy Eddie now silent tonight but a big postseason for ask Tony Oliva the betting instructor at the wires guy idiot hit more home runs he's always did in the 20 range to the exception or one year but the last two thirty and he said because when he came up he was a good fastball hitter now he's become a better breaking ball hitter that will foul the way I'll tell you jump right before that kick Tony pain you look to the dugout and ask if he should move Oquendo over toward the line now Kendall normally a shortstop where middle infielders moved over towards the line but I don't agree with that not with Worrell picking and guy Eddie hitting he's on the floor the ball down the line and lets the ball down so what you're doing in effect is you're giving up a run and Nick Leyva is moving Oquendo almost right on the line what can go in but also he is moving in where he's most likely not after hits the ball that's not gonna make a whole lot of stuff rip right unbelievably don't awesome except given Manny Harvard ph.d ladies and gentlemen the Cardinals major league baseball right there on the pocket sister Olivia [Applause] [Music] going to the bottom of the eighth inning st. Louis on top by a score of three to one as they try to work their way back in to the series otherwise these the alternative is old three and nobody has ever come back from that deficit right now they lead three to one the key they think a Tudor in the bottom of the eighth inning to a no the county board and Oh Kindle and then when the Queen's come up in the ninth inning it's romansky Purbeck and lager the twins are at the five six and seventh spot [Music] doing whatever game [Music] Tom Kelly looking on at his club with poor yachts to go thrills by to the count bring it along [Applause] swinging laid the spring it too sympathy shaken that wrist it's still bothering and has through all the postseason with me is still 5 or 10 in the World Series and he goes down on strikes so whatever he is gone and hurt for the winter I say you look back on that top the 8th inning and with guy Addie the hitter the chances of him pulling a ball down the line are well and he pulls the ball right down the line right where they had clipped Oquendo for the dragon's eye on successfully [Music] and here comes Oquendo [Applause] [Music] pardon play left hand over his left hand he doesn't face any left-handers he knows he can't probably hit him as great speed he's in the game because you the better outfielder with a 3 to 1 league why he wants him in there with sensible baseball your team Cardinal baseball we've been at the last three innings but a know Kendall's let me whitey is already referred to as a genius to begin with in those of those the little thing that so few people ever see and that makes the madinat with a capital d one unknown account or at least it turns out that way in that instance yep well actually write anything really what happens when you play down the line you got a guy throwing 98 miles per hour even though gay Eddie who's on hit couple home run to the playoffs right yeah you're playing a guy out of position but it worked out flying that gun board goes and it's fouled away in account one and one you actually lengthy kept in instead of the rule and the exception to happen Oh big significant certainly down a meeting of exceptional the man Stan Musial shouldn't hit a little bit oh yeah a little bit I saw him live and if you'd like to see him and bronze just walk out on the street be on center field backers say flyball the shallow right center an easy play for Lombardo's II so 2 gone and it will bring up Tony Pena and we tell you that this telecast is presented by authority of Major League Baseball he'll be reproduced or retransmitted in any form without the express written consent of major league baseball now Michaels along with Jim Palmer and Tim McCarver Game three of the World Series with the Cardinals having come from behind with three in the seventh leading Minnesota three to one after the Clinton won games one and two throughout bottom of the eighth inning Gordon first going the pitch is a strike for throw sighs together so Jackie puts the bag ward is gone and so in a cardinal in the eighth-inning it'll be burn ants because it was her back and lawn during the night st. Louis three Minnesota one todd worrell and you can do a lot of things with him as you know occasionally he has been moved to right field when Tim Daly was brought into the bullpen to face one left-handed batter and what do you have here in the ninth inning with daily throwing in the bullpen is the right hand man in blue Vance be they in the left hand adding Hrbek then the right hand batting logger coming up one through three when asking is one for three right then if somebody were to get on you've got Lombard oh geez a right-handed batter and on the bank of course he has among others the left-hand batting Randy books so a lot of things going on here in the night oh well trying to make it all move well what is it me is the intriguing situation Altis come up with for tom kelly he's gone with a set up man in two bulk and sunday and tonight one baron here and he's pitching effectively so if you're looking down the road what they're going to do to his pictured selection over the next couple of games all heat so find the count is Owen to Berenguer picking four out of five times in the playoff and then throughout the last three days and he has not been effective could have some more elbow problems who had the flexor problems with his forearm all summer Nick Leyva my quartz as the back of all for the count of one or two [Applause] what a great setup pitch to the loan away slider yes you can throw it we're painting setting that goal away going to see obviously if war L gets Bernanke out for war L will most certainly pitch to Hrbek but if he walks Bernanke our comm get debates it when you may see daily the pitch to her back the center-field the key circles it and makes the car the one away Willie McGee examples and drive and now perfect about it and with him having gotten Bernanke war L will face servic bill has Bailey in the pan again this wins get something going it could be that Randy Bush could come off the bench he would be their prime left-handed hitter they also have the scripted exfoli and the right in there batting failure want to go [Music] [Applause] right what it was one two Tim launderers on deck stay out people talk about the fundamentals it was the cars old lack of fundamental Tony Pena not being able to get the bunt down that led to the three-run seventh bet even had he got in the book down that he doesn't get the base yet crippled embezzler Smith you don't really know how that meeting would have gone but the fact that Sony didn't get the bunt down and get the bass is the right feel the open same justice who's out and how Randy Bush will bathroom water despite the hot water back and he is 5 for 9 but Kelly needs here is not a whole run he just needs a base runner and so he's got a better chance with Busch the left-handed batter to get on and then to worry about Lombardo's each spot next to Randy Bush who had a key to run double in the fourth inning again coming up lift conferring with Pfizer and I would imagine that a brandy push does good on will see John Taylor Victor Garber matter booze in there two out of the basic sensing is a night one ago we were talking earlier about how quiet this town was yesterday and the lack of the anticipation we saw in 85 but a victory will turn it in to the st. Louis that we will Oh one in one broken bat foul ball as it went down there last night Wally has come out on deck to fix it if the wind could keep it going you the big plays tonight the way to your pick being yet been talking about missing the foot then debate playful lip of the dugout these four type of emotion the right-field where it is there [Applause] the Minnesota extracted asleep temporarily morale department wouldn't last for three two one would still leave in Missouri and so on and a moment Reggie Jackson's with Whitey Herzog and base folder
Channel: Classic Twins
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Id: wF9ik4k3ktg
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Length: 134min 38sec (8078 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2017
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