1981 World Series, Game 6

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a roaring thunderstorm passed through last night when the goal game was called yesterday it had not been raining at all but the weather forecasters were so obvious in their prediction there would be heavy rain last night they went ahead and to call the ballgame because of the wet conditions that existed from the previous day's rain and shirred up about eight o'clock last night eight to nine there was a huge thunderstorm came through and pummel the city but today has been quite comfortable and Bob Watson who might be the Yankee MVP is at first base he's had a fine World Series his first over at second base for New York Willie Randolph Randolph has been troublesome for the Dodger pitchers he has not swung at a single first pitch so far in this world series he'd really been making a pitch at shortstop the young man who has been quite a story from New York since Bucky Dent was hurt and done a heck of a job for them Larry Milburn and down at third base the presence of this man may add a great deal to the New York fortunes before the night is done Greg nettles though in batting practice he did not hit the ball deep to the right side he hit it well to the left side brave Winfield whose bat has been relatively silent so far in the series when his defense has been outstanding in left in centerfield Jerry mumphrey who disappeared from the lineup in a couple of instances that raised a lot of questions but he's back there tonight and they'll need him with the wind whirling around out the huge acreage and Reggie Jackson will be in right field back of the plate it is Rick Cerrone who has had a fine world series and on the mound a master craftsman Tommy John the reflection on Tommy on the season and in the ball game in which he opposed Burt Hooten he left the ball game of the one nothing lead sinker ball pitcher and Davey Lopes will lead it off for Los Angeles Jim Palmer said it while ago the Dodgers have to be patient they have to be willing to take the ball to the right side of this ballpark it is just simply too big down the left side Dell Russell to me on-deck circle and we're about ready to go with game number six the dimensions 312 down the left-field line but then it folds away very sharply to 387 and then for 30 and then for 17 then you get back into right center it gets shorter and shorter until you reach the corner and so we begin the Dodgers leading three games to two and the first pitch breaks off inside for ball one Animoto coaching at first any ozark at third for Los Angeles sharp shot medals at third one out we'll see whether or not that is truth because there is history to indicate it doesn't necessarily bounce the home team has an Ed Bill Russell hitting 190 in the World Series as you can see there's a strike first out was a ground ball I recall Tommy John got 10 of the first 12 to 13 backers last week to hit the ball on the ground expound on the edge onto the person 18 so when he has a sinker ball working he can be very tough and I think that's one thing we have to look for the balls that were hit hard and gain - were all balls it was when Tommy was behind in the count and it was either three and one two and over he had to throw a strike the seen nettles playing his usual deep position at third and John is outside to make it one and two and we talked in really in Game two after nettles and made all the outstanding plays and game one that you have to bunt and bring nettles in to be successful against a guy like Tommy John count holds on the foul ball at one and two the temperature this afternoon was in the middle 60s it has been sinking and sinking and sinking you've needed punch to the right side Randolph started to his wife comes back in time to make the boy two down normal infield grass and here you can see Tommy had an account numbers he would loan away singer Russell goes with it but it's too good a pitch doesn't get much on it Randolph breaking for a second easily back to mix it with rota Watson Steve Garvey has been hitting well his numbers reflected there but he has not hit well with runners on base though in all fairness to Steve there haven't been that many instances where he's had a chance another thing very important tonight is with the tarp being off all enemies there you see manager Bob lemon of the Yankees for the tarp being on a lot of times you have the moisture gather underneath the tarp that in few will even be softer than it normally is here in Yankee Stadium there that's big foul down the third base line to amplify on what I just said Garvey is 8 for 12 but the base is empty 1 for 8 with runners on there's a fairly good explanation for that is when there's nobody on it pitcher has a tendency to relax they'll give him a little bit better as one up the middle for a base hit he just stroked it exactly as I was saying you get a little bit better pitch to hit but when you get a couple guys on you try to make the better pitch and it's a lot of times the batter's anxious and they'll go after a bad pitch and end up making it out here you see it ball up in the strike zone and Garvey as we've seen all series goes right up the middle with it in Game two Tommie started he retired the first 12 before Garvey broke the string in the fifth with a single is a very good pitch if for once' to return after the beating against a control pitcher not a flame throw hit well to left it's going to sink in front of Winfield for a base hit and so Garvey and say go back to back foot singles against Tommy John in the top of the first inning and you saw Ron go up there with perfect context dusty winger but he didn't he got a good pitch up again you'll see us up in the strike zone little bit away but he not far enough and he just wraps it to left field down Dusty Baker Oh for 10 in the series with runners on base struck out five of his last 10 he struggled the is inside and low football won another point on say is that he gets a chance to play one more game at least which means he won't have all winter to wonder whether or not he's going to be gun-shy I think he's already proven it to himself and she's going away of two balls in those times it's very important like he said he'll come back with that batting helmet with the protector we had Gary Rena ki hit a couple years ago came actually with a football mask because he was hitting the jar Baker fouls it off all your good hitters they come right back and I've seen Brooks Robinson used to play for the Orioles hit many times in the head next day they want to get back in the lineup as soon as they can because they want to use the doubts in their own mind some do but ducky what he met what the hall-of-famer was never the same hit her again after he was being by Bob Bowman of the dog Baker hits it in the air to the right side and hangs up there for Reggie Jackson then moves it around Reggie holds his ground and makes the catch and the Dodgers lead two in the top of the Burstyn coming up Randolph country Winfield for New York in a lineup batting second Jerry mumphrey Dave Winfield struggling batting third the big man Richie Jackson batting fourth the big man of the series for the eggs Bob Watson 5th Greg Nettles back in there batting sixth Rick Cerrone batting seventh surprising Larry Milburn batting eighth and the ninth hitter Tummie John offensively for Los Angeles Steve Garvey will be at first base same infield you've seen all along with Davey Lopes up at second base Jay Johnstone gave him some pine tar for his glove after his three errors Bill Russell is at shortstop and the miracle of the day Ron Cey is it third had to wait until literally game time before we knew for sure he'd be there but he's there Dusty Baker is out in left field very steady and dependable Pedro Guerrero is in centerfield not a whole lot of experience there particularly in this Park and Rick Monday with left-handed power is in right field with Steve Yeager as Howard indicated earlier a chance to be the MVP after not playing very much and on the mound Burt Hooton here days Joell to the league Putin was the bad luck loser in the second game an unearned run scored and left the game it was one big question on third is whether or not the extra rest will have any particular impact it might make him stronger and sharper and on the other hand hit my part we'll see we'll know early I think as Willie Randolph comes to the plate his only hits have been in Game four both for the opposite field he's walked seven times and I said 23 appearances he has not taken a swing and the first pitch led batting average was very misleading because with his seven walks and he's been on I think on a couple of errors out of maybe 22 times he's almost on been on base half the time and as we've said all along in the series for the Yankees to really be offensively successful it really helped him really can get on base in the game that Hooton pitched here in New York just to win or it breaks his delivery motion and scuffled around the bound get a little bit of footing but in that game to which Hooton pitched against New York Randolph was in the number eight position mumphrey was the leadoff man the first pitch to Mookie ducks in low for ball one the flags are pretty much straight out right in right-center which is inside for ball two and yogurt goes out see what the problem is Bert is not up here comfortable well Keith when you first go out on the mound right in front of pitching rubber normally you have to kick out in front of it I've always felt that first batter of the game can sometimes be the most important because you don't have any idea of how you're going to feel and obviously if you can get him out and be able to throw strikes it's very important there's a strike on the outside corner to make he has now moved a little bit on the pitching rubber to Jim he's moved to the extreme right hand corner as we look from home plate or left as you look in there well if you take a pitcher I know personally there are some mounds this one here in Yankee Stadium that I like very much and there are also other mound say in Detroit and other towns that you do have difficultly growing and verts right over the top this wood should be a good pretty good noun for those well 3 & 2 3 & 2 walking that is the eighth time that Willie has had a free pass to first base and now Jerry mumphrey the centerfielder number two hitter with Winfield on the on-deck circle and we saw six pitches and really his most effective pitch which is a knuckle curve he is yet to throw of course the reason for that is he got behind an account and green to one of the throw striking wasn't able to miss with a high faster Dodgers expect but say in tight at third Garvey will be coming Steve does not come holding the water and say does mumphrey was suddenly unexpectedly benched after a torturous evening last Friday against Valenzuela when he steadfastly refused to go with the pitch and seek to go to right runner goes pitch is swung on and missed Yeager strove there's a left-field side of the bag and rend now Jim the Yankees with that backs-to-the-wall have determined to try to make things happen so they had Randolph running well that's right hard and Horace Hooton has helped him out by walking Randolph and then getting behind muffler you want to know counts a pretty good count to run on you know that Hooton a veteran is going to try to throw a strike which he did mom pre protected Randolph very well and Willie would a good slide Jaeger made a fairly good throw it's just a little bit to the left and Randolph is the best bass line a man plate right now is the second thing Randolf on the corner one one count to mumphrey fouls it away into the Dodger dugout and I'd still like to get him as far as third where Winfield could deliver him with a mold of the outfield big David beleaguered not only because of his failure to hit in the series as well as he did in the regular season but for other reasons as well 1 & 2 big lead by Randolph its second and the pitch is fouled back we still have not seen the knuckle curveball and I would assume the reason for here is that Putin would like to get mumphrey to hit the bottom of the left side so the runner will not advance and if you throw a curveball the left-handed hitter and he pulls the ball to first or second you'll have the situation you talk about Winfield up with a man on third and in the first inning they're usually going to play back and give you the run taps it foul and there you saw the first knuckle curveball of the evening when he is right he has the ability to make that curveball normally when you throw a right-handed curveball to a left-hander comes in toward him but Putin can make the ball either come in or go away and that's one of the reasons he's been so successful over his career he has a pitch not too many pitchers throw back to the basketball inside the mega two balls into Birk stress ball coming in the jugs gun at 88 and that's about his is rain well that's what he was throwing last Wednesday here so it doesn't seem to the extra rest to make him any stronger it seems to affected his control so the pitch is low we'll make it a full count 3 into Roberts throwing a lot of pitches in Reverse to that the Dodgers had Garvey and say with successive singles and two out all is looped into short centerfield Guerrero coming hard Goodspeed and Pedro makes the catch and you've got one out and Randolph has to stay at second base they've been walking back a little game late for something as he spread it in maybe a little softened in some spots a little slick in the album illegal everybody seemed to be getting good traction when they were out working out see him dragging his leg a little bit on a wet out feel like tonight I think most of the times al killers will complain that when they do try to get a jump on the ball they will slip and that's all it takes sometimes and it's not extremely cold but colder than it was in Los Angeles it's an easy way to pull a muscle Winfield has all of right-center open it's it's sharp liver left Baker has to step it and whips his throw back in and you've got to out and win Dolph is still at second a slump that's how it goes for you would feel to hit that ball I shot Dusty Baker you see making a nice catch what happens on line drive sometimes they are what they call knuckle balls just like you ever watch the knuckleball pitcher being caught by a catcher you sometimes see the extreme difficulty the ball will get out to the left fielder and start knuckling and Baker made a nice catch it didn't seem to be that that tough of play but as it turned out tough quality handle Reggie Jackson is at the plate now Randolph its second and two out except for the homerun off Steve Howe Reggie is hit pretty much has been up the middle or the left Senate and his hind - taxi usually sets up a good fastball away Reggie usually responds here's what I hid well that he does that that ball was not as close as it may seem Reggie of course is spent diving towards the plate once be able to reach the pitch in the outside got it outside registering it and missing or one apart I think the reason that you mentioned the registers hit the ball left hill is that the Dodgers since 1977 and 1978 they've changed their book of how they want to pitch the Reggie that hits them inside that those both years and I think he hit four or five home runs so they've tried to stay away from they'll give them the double or the single left but not the home run where it is outside 2 & 1 the centerfielder guerrero is way over in right-center and it will we're actually playing Reggie like they would play a healthy Greg nibbles way around in right-center to pull the ball even though he said every ball to left which is kind of hard to understand engines outside again three balls and one strike well he had a double down the left field line in Los Angeles and it's wide open to the disgust he has shifted over as well file back so here's Burt Hooton now three and two on another batter first to Randolph and mumphrey went 302 Lady feel lined out to Baker now he's three and two on the fourth hitter in the inning Oh edging off second I think with the first base open you might see a knuckle curveball in this situation not giving into it they moved Guerrero over but it doesn't matter Hooton blows him away with a good fastball is ready to swings through it and so the Yankees had turned away in the bottom of the first inning stranding one after one inning of play in no school no score as we go to the top of the second inning for Pedro Guerrero Rick Monday and Steve Yeager Tommy John pitching for New York and he gave up successive singles with two out - Garvey and say at the top of the first inning then Baker lofted a fly ball to right field and Reggie Jackson impede both clubs at first inning opportunities the Dodgers got theirs own consecutive gobby say singles with two out Baker flied to right but the Yankees in the pattern of those la games and a man on second with nobody out they never bunted him the third otherwise they might have gotten a run and once again they blew a wide-open opportunity that's been their history in this series as Byrd who the quiet exit Tommy John delivers outside the grow ball one Wallace hit the right Jackson goes back got room went out Linds going that way ball hit to the right side is going to get some help tonight number 16 there you see Reggie making simple yep he looked at it it's the second time around to make sure that he had it might add a little trouble I've always felt with it would Reggie wearing glasses sometimes the glare of the lights bothers well here's Rick Monday who's 2 for 10 in the series but he does have power it set off the end of the bat q zi2 nuber and two down young man with the devastating left hook particularly to deliver area Jerry setting up potentially a fight against Joe Bugner which sounds kind of ludicrous on the surface but it may happen but sooner or later the showdown Joely against knows what Joe Bugner Joe Bugner thought you're going to ask what he has in common with George Steinbrenner a good left no judge says about that title Steve Yeager he hit a home run to right field in Yankee Stadium this time he pulls it to the shortstop Milburn Larry throws on the bounce and gets away from Watson and the Eggers aboard era shortstop fairly simple play we saw mill born in the series in Los Angeles throws coming up just a little bit short there's another one you see Watson can't hail it for the error the Dodger pitcher Burt who rap in his bat and fine tar I watched batting practice throw up here tonight because I - or three people I really wanted to see you see that the Dodger catcher Steve Yeager hustling on down the line steve has pretty good speed you can see the ball was there in plenty of time for the out bounced away but Burt hit the ball well in batting practice this stuff he just squibs it back to Tommy John well there you go so the Dodgers have now stranded a total of 3 baserunners at the ball game after an inning and a half there is no school Bob Watson 4:12 he has not struck out so far in this world series and we're moving this outside the first pitch from all money another interesting thing about Bobby watching what he has done in the series only in two occasions has he come to the plate with runners on base and failed to advance them 50 outside - and why Watson thinks the ball was outside what they've done with Bob the last couple games they've gotten ahead and then they've gotten him out inside really the first into the first three games filed away our breaking ball and he hurt them went balls out over the plate when they got behind in the count he was 2 for 4 in the game to one single off OOP account is not to intrude Burt Hooten continues to throw a lot of pitches three and two again that is they that's the fourth man that has gone to 3m to it all back 3 2 pitch no score bottom of the second say 1/3 what about it got it Barbie took it in the stomach and held on goodness knows how many errors Steve Garvey saves at first place during the course of the season tough play brawny he's back behind the coaching box first base umpire Larry Barnett waited a while before he made the call to make sure that Garvey had it here's Greg nettles can measure the importance of this man to the Yankees when he got hepatitis last year the Yanks weren't the same team haven't won a World Series game since he was out first pitch it's it's sharper to davey lopes and so daily survives a test in the early guard he handles the first ground ball rather cleanly you notice that Greg did not hit to the right side in batting practice Jim which can only mean he's favoring his thumb didn't get around good on that well it was a breaking ball and you could see it after he hit the ball that his hand was almost off the bat this is something he has said to Charlie allow the batting structures trying to get him to do but that's not his normal batting school Rick Cerrone is in there and Rick had stepped away and time I thought timeless call but it gets not ball one strike one one Garth enamel Wow you're still sitting down I know Gary Royce who pitched an absolutely brilliant game why did you say no three times for emphasis Vic for having ball shortstop Bill Russell in the dirt again Steve Garvey comes in it cleanly as we can tell the Yankees have resumed their position on the field loosening up the wind continues to swirl into getting some paper bits and pieces of debris blowing around this is the coolest night that we have had then it's also at least settlements cause the weather conditions are concerned the wind has been blowing pretty consistently in that direction since we came to the ballpark at late afternoon Tommy John back on the line now to loosen up Tommy threw only five pitches in the second inning he threw 15 in the first bird moved on the other end has done a lot of pitchers birthday bird had 21 pitches and the first inning he threw 12 more the second so he's thrown 33 so far in the ballgame and we've been delayed here now the better part of eight minutes didn't bother Tommy eats only empires he was willing to pitch with the bow fed super he is indeed a craftsman ed astray didn't he that he is I still don't think he's in a good a groove as he can be in while it seen the electrical in the last inning came along and proved knuckle curveball when he was behind in the count made some good pitches seems to be settling down second time around with the Dodgers now on top of the order Davey Lopes Bill Russell and Steve Garvey and we think you deviate here with usually spoke in the pregame show terribly interesting fellow wearing a beard as you can say he did not shave when the series started and therefore with the Dodgers now ahead three games to two he steadfastly refuses to remove the beard until and unless the Dodgers loose which he hopes will be never that will be one of the great sports stories of this year second reason back makers should wind up the MVP in this world series my goodness so he attributes his success he's played more in the last week as far as being a regular player than he did all year and he feels that has a lot of reason for him being so successful plays it down to style he didn't get it down to left side where nettles had shortened up a little on him took it down the right side and just dribbled to foul Davey had in Game three leadoff double which ignited that three run up verse for them he is not a patient kind of a leadoff man at all we've discussed that keep you'll remember evidenced by the lack of many walks in contrast with Randolph but what Davey can do when he gets on 9 4 9 and in stolen bases are 8 for 8 in postseason play and he also stole 20 out of 20 dirt 2 during the season so he can do some base running outside 101 on baby Lopes lady bounce to the shortstop his first time nevels going to cut it off one out in the top of the third put the clay around the home plate at Dodger Stadium Jim that might have gone down a lot he saw Neville's come in and again a nice play very important not only the first hitter of the inning but also he's Tommy John's had trouble with Steve Garvey and two for three and you got a base hit already tonight Russell goes to right on a sink for a base hit that's hit number three for the Dodgers so Billy's a board and here's garbage Steve single first time up see wouldn't be surprised if the pitches in the strike zone see Steve go after the first mr. consistent mommy does like to get a strike on the first pitch I think another thing we can look for go back to the Houston series where they were struggling in the fifth game Tommy hit and-run with Steve try to get something going off Nolan Ryan he hit single on the right field first from third situation Russell goes ball bounces he's out Garvey's swinging and missing well that's your hit and run right there Tommy made a good pitch with a breaking ball garbage wouldn't lay the bat on it and Russell even though that the throw bounces is out easily itself he was counting on Garvey being able to get some wood on the ball and hopefully with the infielders moving get the ball into the outfield create that person third situation hope the fans noticed that Bill Russell did exactly what you suggested at the advent of the contest Jim went to right one in one the garvey nobody aboard down now that makes it look like Steve can hit oh it hasn't been hitting in the clutch but that's really not representative at the plate make it one and to Steve three out of four against Tommy John - and - what's so unique about Tommy John is that everybody knows what he's going to do one of the writers asked me any motor that hitting the kakapo Dodgers how he'd hit him he says I wouldn't swing that's a little tapper at third yes there it was lucky mr. medve well he could have made that play exactly and that's why I let the ball go and you're just experience he knows he he has no chance of throwing Steve out so he lets the ball and as you said look at missed it by about an inch if it hits the bag it is a fair ball and that's where he was lucky Ron say in the on-deck-circle for Los Angeles with two out nobody on must heart singled and was thrown up he talked to me at length today Ron over at the hotel where the judges are saying about how goose Gossage came over to see him in the clubhouse after the game and how mrs. Gossage ran over to mrs. say immediately the accident happened to to fix Garvey hits it in the air to centerfield for month three and there you have it after two and a half innings of play in Game six of the World Series no score at Yankee Stadium it takes a little reading Larry Milburn Tommy John and Willie Randolph for New York bottom of the third inning no score Burt Hooton has thrown 33 pitches so far in two innings right to Garvey he'll do it himself one out number 25 tomorrow night if we need it Game seven and it's the matchup of the great rookies Fernando Valenzuela Dave Righetti I thought last Friday night's baseball game or one of the guddi's performances I have ever seen by Valenzuela and by Tom LaHood here's TJ you realize you can't keep or the pinch-hitters have come up with 20 runners on and produce no hits would you say Jim they're old 435 or something like that there's Fernando who will get the call tomorrow night I'm going his hideaway otherwise his next start will probably be opening Danish one in one two strikes Anderton has settled down something we'll have to watch for is seventh inning of the Wednesday game he walked three batters usually an indication getting a little bit tired he's not known for completing games so even if he does pitch well we will probably see the Dodger bullpen at some point which I think has been buoyed sung by the presence of Forrester terrorists well when the occasion she's been asked to do so - 2 pitch just low though that's what five times he's gone before - it's not something you want to do as a pitcher because just have to move the ball in the middle to plate a little bit more and when you do that give up more hits that's fouled away by Tommy foul ball AJ thought he had he thought he had one he was already pumping for second fetching it out of the corner well it's been three years since he's had the opportunity to win up his own game I guess now that was one of the big thrills of pitching well he hit it pretty well too right centerfield but Guerrero had him played perfectly the wind carries it a little bit for Dwight Edgeville makes the catch two down now at the top of the order and the second time around for the Yankees Willie Randolph walked his first time stole second therein lies part of the tale of the game so far Ankush didn't get into third or Winfield could have produced him it's his hideaway ball one ball is hit well to left Baker going back he it's gone here you see a little fastball behind the count one two throw a strike good fastball hitter jumps on oh shoot out of here at about 375 his second home run on the hip it's them upgrade lowball one saying wife could've just been a line drive a base hit the left they're both on the chalk caroms off the wall monday pursues it and monthly holds at first with a single took a perfect bounce oh the Yankees rattle bird a little bit with two out in the bottom of the third there's the board and here's Dave Winfield when this big guy comes to the plate we've got to think sooner or later the law of averages or whatever it is sooner or later he loves to throw money back at first base ball one I'll be interested to see if they run mumphrey Iran Randolph in the first inning indicating a change of strategy and aggressiveness they didn't have in Los Angeles we may see it again here it is inside two balls and no strikes Joe Altobelli comes out of the third-base coaching box comes up the line Winfield turns and has a good look pretty good pitch to runner - oh yes you know they're not going to miss you our you would think not also probably going to fill a striker doesn't go and he misses three balls in those five 50 pitches now by Burt Hooton and you get activity in the lasagna like open action that's it in the bowl Barry Foster is being suggested Dave Stewart for as the Dodger pen ts foster the right hand here's Reggie Jackson primarily New York crowd is up Stockton one-nothing randolph home run with two out at 375 feet let's feel Jackson his first time struck out swinging sex on it all one and you can see who'd wanting that anytime you're pitching you have two men on two odds trailing by a run and you make a pretty good pitch on the outside corner with a guy like Reggie up here you want every strike you throw or at least you thought you throw and both Jaeger and Hooton thought that was a pretty good knuckle curveball on the outside corner first time up they struck out Reggie with a high fastball but he men I chased that pitched behind an account out all now tis one in one when I Randolph at second Willie Randolph hit the homerun and mumphrey at second and Winfield at first and one pre edging down the line Russell behind him so keep it over his shoulder trying to read the pitch and Reggie hits it in the air but the left side will faker plenty of room for dusky and he makes the catch so the Yankees get a run on Randolph's home run and lead after three wonder nothing it'll be Iran's say dusty maker and Pedro Ferrero for Los Angeles in the top of the fourth inning New York leading as a result of Randolph's home run Alliance for one to one by the Yankees and New York is stranded free Los Angeles 0-3 and old and they have stranded three against Tommy John so the Dodgers have grown accustomed to being behind and there are in they're accustomed place Yankee fans no longer count on anything when the Yankees moved ahead especially by only one run Ron say who had a single his first time up tonight thereby completing his miracle a frisbee sailing onto the field carry it off so he's a relief when they only throw frisbees yes sir be worth noting I think that Ron Cey is wearing a cap with a flap the other day when he was struck by the Gossage pitch the promise but for a fraction of an inch Tommy John ready and the is on the outside corner perspective say can reach and left here with his power but he takes her and a curveball for strike two 1 & 2 I flew back with Ron the other day on the plane coming back to New York he's playing cards and seem to feel fine swings and misses and spikes out on another sharp breaking sinker just go and here you see the sinker just kind of fades away Ron Cey swings right through way out in front there you saw Tommy John get ahead of him with a breaking ball missed with a sinker may have been looking curve ball came back with another one for strike three Dusty Baker right-center base hit dusty has not had that pleasure very many times in the series he came to the plate he was 2 for 19 he's now 3 for 2017 now the young man who tied the game with a one-out home run after Baker advantag in strong Guidry in the seventh inning in the fifth game and boy did he crunch it those folks sitting on the left centerfield pavilion must've had quite a thrill to have two sucks come at him like that bang bang almost in the same place at the play it well to left Winfield right place and you've got to he's a good fastball hitter the first time he threw him a bell high fastball away lined to right here you can see the balls up in the strike zone it gets his arms extended and pitching can be sometimes a lot of luck and that balls hit right on the nose right at Winfield Rick Monday now with two down and Dusty Baker at first it seemed to Tommy John is making some good pitches but doesn't seem to be as sharp as he did last Wednesday night results been the same maybe I'll settle down Jerry Rice get that was a heck of a game Algeria pitch women Oh stronger and strengthen strong exactly the point - brilliant - Lopes got him in trouble early and that's what happens with Gerry Royce has been 15 seasons playing professional baseball Tommy John been around for ages everybody knew army exactly it's more effective as he gets a little bit tired as a strike Terry McKee Rick didn't play last Wednesday they play Kenny Landro Tommy got him for a big strikeout see Tommy Lasorda going with a more veteran player Rick hangs in there well against left-handers you just have to make good pitches to get him out what he's done now is work Tommy into a two ball one strike account where might get a pretty good pitch to hit to 1,000 away I get to to I think Tom Lasorda's had a pretty good series - don't you as you see Dave Righetti who will pitch tomorrow night incidentally that Valenzuela Righetti matchup if it comes will be the first time ever in World Series history both starting pitchers were rookies but to go back to the point on Lasorda I think he's had a pretty good series serve men this in Game seven I'm trying to get a hold of too many facts at once in this first time ever when they've gone into with all the marbles and chalk it comes to a 7:00 p.m. I think Dodger fans will see the real we're getting it wasn't a picture that the Orioles saw on last Friday didn't throw as hard as he could the only given up one home run all year not taking away from Ron Cey because he can hit home runs on anybody Baker goes Monday a shot through luxans glove nailed it he flagged it I would think that would be evasive I'm not scoring it now we got three fellows scoring and it is a base hit Baker goes to second Monday at first or Steve Yeager so once again Yeager in a big situation is he a man of destiny he did not hit and game 2 nobody did hit that scorching liner up through the middle that Tommy knocked down and made a fine play our or game would have been tied 1 to 1 F and his seven innings whoa Hooten on deck one would think here they would pitch rather carefully to Yeager with the pitcher Hooton on deck not be terribly concerned if they should walk Steve are you baserunners yeah I think the only thing they could be concerned with is the tying run now is that second minute you walk them as we said who swings the bat pretty well you do put the two go ahead and run it at second base even though it is early in the game they pitched to him he hits it into left field for a base hit here comes Baker the game is time he does it again remarkable here you see the ball up in the strike zone hit right between Milbourne and nettles see Milbourne making a nice effort Baker running on the plate scores easily they do strike back don't they they're pecking away too they've got six base hits as you see here in the top of the hole if any we're all even at one and here's Bert Hooton just break Fraser's now in the New York bullpen young man who pitched well it's what I saw of it in the game in Los Angeles Wow strike two two out daddy did Keith he pitched well both Friday night and Saturday night he had a stroke lay infield got a lock Friday night and the combination of maybe the wrong centerfielder Bobby Brown went in for defense had trouble with a fly ball as it turned out he ended up losing both Friday and Saturday even though he pitched well two strikes to Hooton two on and two up and it's outside a 1-1 ballgame Dodgers win it's over make his must-win divorce came second just misses there you see again Tommy John is not able to get the ball down in the strike zone in this inning the ball did Monday Hill even though it might have been played by a better fielder than Bob Watson was on the inside part of the plate where he normally doesn't throw it the ball to Yeager for the single left was up in the strike zone and there is a good sinker for strike three so he strikes out Burt Hooton the Dodgers strand two more but they get a run on Yeager single and the game is even at 1-1 bottom of the fourth inning we go down for New York's Bob Watson Greg nettles and Rick Cerrone as the Dodgers get a run to tie in the top of this inning and Burt Hooten he had two men Dave Stewart and Terry forced to throwing back at him in the top actually the bottom of the third and a portion of the top of the fourth but they are both now sit down and put on their jackets in the whole pen Frasier is back sitting down in the Yankee bullpen bird got Bob Watson the bounce the third baseman say his first time strike one that may be the first time in the ballgame Burt but out in front to the shortstop Russell one out that's another one of those games it just beginning to simmer and simmer and bubble and bubble so much at stake Greg nettles in late thing to watch here is whether or not he can keep his top hand on the bat a sore hand the left all back and there you saw Sutent excuse me Hooton go right in on his fist in last Wednesday's game he moved the ball around and this is one of course Gregg's hand was healthy ended up striking him out inside I thought you could see that nettles winced I'll back out of play again there you saw him take his hand off the bat they showed a little pain on the earliest swing well I was told that his hand is broken he has a hairline fracture on the inside of his thumb and you can see there that the hand not on the bat it doesn't seem to me that nettles is going to be the home run threat that he normally is just cannot hit home runs you have to have that top hand let's hit down the line in right field to the corner nettles will take a turn Monday with a ball and nettles going for two he'll stand choose this plan it goes in on his company had fun what did you say JIT I said he's only he's only gonna hit doubles tonight our well what do I know he had nine home runs off my wife died now to be an expert on again you could see a bit of a teeth grinding experience ball did not carom well off the wall for Monday and though Greg chose to go in sliding not knowing exactly where the ball was he was in easily and booting his in with a strike who Rick Cerrone Yankees with the go-ahead run now out of second base with one out wedge to say it once mixed in right right only on so I thought that's the way you shot Rick shot that's the way it was well they got him out with knuckle curve balls at first time and that's probably the best pitch this round there he saw another one and up in the strike zone excellent fastball hitter of course everybody is second-guessing him because on Sunday with a couple of opportunities to get the Yankees way out front first ball pitch hitting yes and not not being very selective the Brooklyn on on him is the fact that he is a first ball hitter but he usually gets a pretty good pitch to hit and that's part of being patient at the plate then they pitch wicked pitch strikes him out to down here you see the knuckle curveball you'll see the ball drop should stop Goes Down and in strong swings right through it excellent Larry Milberg phrase of second guess if it were not for what as we have come to call second guessing wouldn't be any sports wouldn't be any fun we're being talked about well here you see they're gonna intentionally walk know born course mil-mil born drove in the winning run last Wednesday night on a knuckleball out over the plate knuckle curveball up and hit it spoke to down left field line for eventually what turned out to be the winning run John is scheduled Frazier is throwing in the bullpen TJ took off his batting home lemon is asking Tommy John how he feels lemon is not disposed to take out one of his aces this farily he's also sensitive to earlier chrism criticism that he has gone too long with his pitcher there he saw Tommy wave I think he's proof for the knife yep he talked with Clyde King John does not look terribly pleased about it doesn't understand it he doesn't agree with it what you see manages reaction to that which is transpired in the past now if lemons going to put up a pinch-hitter it'll it is Bobby Mercer somebody has finally checked out because Bobby Mercer has a marvelous career planning an average against Bert Hooton is 13 for 34 at 382 things get a little sticky when you've got an honor eight ona and you've been criticized in the three prior games so limb is much more quickly reactive tonight he now awaits a new second guess but in point of fact Jim Varma has said that to him John has not been in a good groove all evening and he has given up six six only one run but sixes his most recent inning gave up three but I think there is a tendency veteran managers to stick with veteran pitchers I know in our ball club in Baltimore Earl Weaver would much rather stay with a veteran pitcher it's been there before then to go to a rookie such as George Frazier but again you can second-guess anything and a Bobbie merger gets a clutch hit and Frazier pitches like he did in Game three and four who might be the best move that he can make nettles at second Milburn at first Mercer to hit it this is Marisa Oklahoma Bobby is up there Oh booty and Bobby time of the thumbs it's strike now Marissa is to use Jim's word of a few moments ago a selectively hit a patient hidden he waits for his pitch on average God just shade him well to the right the autodefense pitches outside one and one one think that's a sign of somebody is going to be successful a pinch-hitter on our ballclub Terry Crowley Jose Morales Terry has like 90 lifetime pinch-hits Jose I think a hundred they go up there and look for a pitch that they think that they can hit it's what you call self confidence all is hit well to write Monday has room makes the catch so Bobby Murcer it's a five all to right field with two out in the inning Yankees strand two more that's a total of five and you'll get a new pitcher with New York George Frazier coming on in relief of Tommy John Lopes Russell and Garvey will face it George Frazier coming in making his third appearance in the World Series and we've already told you that he performed well in the two games out in Los Angeles Tommy John having pitched to the Dodgers through four innings of play not particularly happy to be pulled for the pinch-hitter but it's done in the meantime as we wait for Frasier to warm up in the game to resume let's go back to a conversation Howard had with Steve Yeager who begins more and more to become a prominent personality in this world series here's Howard - Steve finally Steve what is there in your makeup that enables you to respond to postseason play all the crises well maybe it's trying to fulfill a childhood dream where everybody wants to get in the World Series and win the World Series become world champions in the game of baseball maybe it's that Howard I just I can't explain it why I do so well it it's just I try hard I try to be successful and I want to win and that's the most important thing to me is to walk around with a World Series ring on my on my finger and walk around with the with the things 20 or 30 years from now and say that 1981 we were the world champs so George Frazier comes on pretty good-sized fella at 65 205 but he has had quite a year for himself he was required of the st. Louis Cardinal chain and 81 he began the season with Springfield and the American Association moved over to Columbus when he was traded over to the Yankee organization from the Cardinals then he was called up by the Yankees at the start of the so-called second season in taking gene Nelson's place on the roster and through the first 13 and a third innings he pitched with New York he didn't allow an earned run as a result he obviously was kept on the roster for the playoffs in the world series and he's performed well he is a very good fastball and a hard sweeping sort of a curveball and he'll pitch to the top of the order Davey Lopes Bill Russell and Steve Garvey all right-handed hitters Tommy John in the pointings he worked through only 48 pitches hello to Davey Lopes four ball one he comes out of the bullpen throwing at better than 90 miles an hour the strike 1 & 2 but the whole nettles can't get it neither can Milburn and Davey Lopes is aboard at first base first man up against Frazier that one had ice dams through their balls a1 2 breaking ball and what it does and here you'll see it just get between nettles and no born what it does it allows Davey Lopes to have a chance to steal second on Tommy John even though he doesn't have a great pickoff move he's looking right at the left-hander and Davey doesn't only runs when he thinks he can make it against the right-handed six-five pitcher takes a little bit longer to get rid of the ball a little bit better opportunity to try to steal that old shortens up a third comes to the edge of the grass see whether or not Russell chooses to bunt him over is directed to do so by Tom Lasorda Sordo well aware that Frazier is not only a right but also young kitchen muscle pulls it away and takes a strike adults coming in to talk to the young pitcher folks coming off first a 1-1 ballgame Dodgers up top of the fifth inning pitch up folks is not going against Gossage the count was Owen to Davey got a bit stolen base yes Russell he went on Owen won against Davis he went on he's got one one now Russell bucks and it stays fair Watson picks it up steps on the back and gets Russell and Lopes is over at second they especially have to watch him on second base one of the pivotal plays Saturday ballgame was stealing third base base which as we said then is probably the easiest base to steal don't have somebody holding on as closely your Watson you see them taking the out last thing the Yankees won right now is a big inning this runner Davey Lopes at second would happen to score they're still in the ballgame plenty of time to get get the tying run and maybe go ahead but this don't want a big inning in the fifth inning does it push you right out of the game pretty tough customer up there now and Steve Garvey one out ball is hit high in the air to left field full win veal two down the third-base - so Steve jumps on the first pitch Bob Lemmon I wonder if he has any doubts within himself he's only human as to whether or not he should have taken out Tommy John but when your second guest from here to heaven and back we begin to feel I guess deep within you you've got to do something maybe maybe even against your own impulse well I think any manager watching Tommy John struggle through the first four innings at least he made the right move he sent up a guy like you said Mercer who was good track record against Hooton it didn't turn out well but I think it was well-conceived over the mouth bad Mouse can't handle it Lopes coming to one Dodgers here you see a good sinker just chops it up the middle get right on the edge of the grass there you know they're picked right yep get right on where the grass and the dirt meet it just skipped right between them seems uncanny doesn't it away their ground balls are going part of this whole momentum they developed in Los Angeles two to one Dodgers as Dusty Baker takes a strike from Frazier a base hit for once' it seems like most bad things had happened to the Yankees happened when George Frazier's on the mound I'm sure he's talking to himself it's his outside mr. Ames's but he knows what his job is and that is to keep them from scoring in any other runs as a little looper Randolph going hard can't get it drops for a base hit say turns and goes to third just picking agonize it's agonizing must be for the Yankees they haven't had a well hit ball this inning not really no man's land back a second base mumphrey had no chance to get it Randolph was the only hope and it's just beyond his reach now with two out you have Ron say over at third you have Baker at first and we're all your hitter Ron Vegas is up in the Yankee pen Rudy MA near the wall the left-hander and both of those gentlemen had to profit from the rain I would think Guerro hits it high hits it deep to left centerfield mumphrey on his horse gone can't get it say scores from third here comes faker rounding third barrel heading for third in with a and the Dodgers got the big inning going we have to feel the bobland who simply have to we hit that ball to the fence at 430 feet and the Dodgers lead Jame Jonah's thing here after a series of good pitches throws that ball right down the middle Guerrero as we've said an excellent fastball hitter way out of Dodger Stadium a triple here in Yankee Stadium 401 Los Angeles and now the power of Monday becomes a plus for Los Angeles as he stands in against the right-hander low for ball one there's a strike Lopes led the inning with a single Russell sacrificed him to second Garvey hit a flyball to left for the second out thence a single Baker single guerrero tripled three runs are in 1 & 2 appeal at third and they get the call from Terry Cooney silence and Yankee Stadium is like a tune New York one the first to hear the Dodgers went home won three in a row rained out last night now the Dodgers are sitting on a 4-1 lead they have ten hits in the ball game here in the top of the fifth inning Davis and may continue to throw in the New York bullpen after Monday comes Jager good shark breaking curveball snapping off inside Monday strikes out the inning is over but it's a big win for Los Angeles for 2-1 Dodgers middle of the fifth all right Burt Hooton now with a three-run cushion as he pitches to New York in the bottom of the fifth inning and he'll be pitching to the top of the order Los Angeles has not won a World Championship since 1965 Yankees turned him away twice since that time this is the eleventh time these two teams have met New York having won eight in the previous 10 Randolph had a home run in the third for the first run of the ballgame so he's walked and homered as yet in this series to swing at the first pitch swap eight times there's the first one George Frazier has a chance to become the first pitcher in World Series history to lose three games not an enviable thing meanwhile look at Ron Cey as a potential MVP coming back from the beanie it's got two out of three 1:01 by the way in 1919 when they played a nine game series Jim a bicha did lose through it's hotter in the seven things suckers obvious fouled away by Randolph make it one too old Texas Burke's liable to get pretty tough now well he knows his job is he advantages swung to the Dodger he knows that he does not want the Yankees to get back in the game in this inning ball is hit high in the air to left field Baker going back going back going back can't get it off the wall Randolph is in its second base standing with a double a walk a home on it Randolph's power is even amazed as I said he goes one and two there you see a high knuckle curveball Randolph crushes at the left-center Dodger Stadium until that about 395 an offense and very quickly the Los Angeles bullpen is active Jerry mumphrey is at the plate and again as in the first inning one Randolph walked in stole second mumphrey even though they're behind by three runs it's important he gets the runner over even one run puts him back in the game little check swing line drive right to Ron Cey wellness and how Bob Welch a right-hander and Steve Mao a left-hander or in the Dodger bullpen here's the check swing little looper right to Rani say it was almost a gimme what here's Dave Winfield mined out to left and walked batting average I'm going to shake the bucket to find it low and away for ball one Rando double to lead the inning got a field Snakepit subject to the second guest and second guess on musing Fraser Davis is continuing to throw in the New York pen well that was his joycekeith right how could he risk Davis would had a very bad world series he said earlier in series I think that's been the key Davis is fed exactly they used him twice and he was ineffective both times failed twice two whole leads and it changes the changes your outlook on your bullpen you can't go to him as early or in a crucial situation because he not sure he can do the job that's something they did not have to contend with during the regular season or in the mini playoffs or the regular players Davis was outstanding Winfield at 2:00 and Oh takes a strike to make a two and one good note that that was a knuckle curveball who knows that he really has a difficult situation he has Reggie Jackson on deck it gets behind Winfield doesn't want to give him a great pitch to hit as we can mean an instant run here and off on second but you don't want to walk them and he made a clutch pitch came back to the knuckle curveball to itto count and go first if Windfields should get a board of course Jackson comes up he comes up representing the tying run in a four-to-one ballgame as the Dodger can the pictures we aim for and also I can to 1 to Winfield Wow - two the Dodgers got three in the top of this inning Burt Hooten gives up a double to Randolph to lead the inning mumphrey a check swing pop out to the third baseman butin trying to keep the Yankees at bay if he can get out of this inning it becomes a big inning for it because he has stopped them in the bottom half of the inning in which his team scored three hi pop up Winfield falls down at the plate as Yeager comes back and makes the catch so Winfield fouls out to the catcher for the second out they've been getting some boos as he goes back to the dugout now Reggie two out well is he still mr. October though he is still dangerous popped him up Jager coming back for a look it's on the screen how to play up and into it who knows this is a big run because the Yankees get a run here every time you get a man on the tying run comes to the plate and it seems like you're out on the mound pitching and you give up that extra run early in the ballgame even though you still have a two-run lead it comes back to haunt you at some point pitches inside second time that's happened to Reggie today again not all that close actually before you see Jaeger never left his crops reach up and take it his Jim pointed out earlier Reggie was stepping into it that's inside two balls and one strike for one Dodgers two out Yankees at bat bottom of the fifth if you ever talk to Reggie why he is mr. October because of his aggressiveness and you can see it right here he may strike out but he's not going to get heated up here he gets the pitch to swing at it's going to be a pretty hard swing three balls and one strike he hit a flyball to left field back in the third with two on Bobby Watson the batter on deck three-one way too count as enough self-confidence to throw a 3-1 knuckle curveball was a ball but Reggie chased it so this illustrates how difficult a pitch it is to hit especially when it's a ground you make a good point there Randolph led the inning he's still at second with a double two out three two count on Jackson looks close him up the inning is over the Yankees am now stranded six for one Dodgers back for more action after this from our local station Ron Davis is the third New York pitcher now and here's what's happened to him the World Series in Game one he walked both the batter as he faced went out in the eighth inning Game four retired the first three then he walked a man gave a home run there was an error behind him gave a single and left in the sixth inning so he has not had a good World Series in the third inning Willie Randolph hit a home run to give New York the lead one to nothing in the fourth inning Baker singled Monday delivered a two-out single Jager single to bring Baker home in the fifth inning Lopes with a single Russell sacrificed into second Ron say a single and a run batted in then came Baker single Guerrero followed with a triple at 430 feet two runs scored and that's where we are four to one Dodgers as they come to the plate in the top of the sixth inning with Steve Yeager Burt Hooton and Davey Lopes Steve Jay go promptly tied up the game after the Yankees had assumed a one-nothing lead in the bottom of the third jumps on the first pitch and fouls in the crowd Yankees have had a number of opportunities twice they've had men on second base with nobody out in each case they failed even to ever advance the runner Winfield and Jackson of each failed twice with a runner in scoring position one ball and one strike as he's inside New York came to the World Series with nine pitchers Los Angeles came to the World Series with 11 pitch that's because of the designated hitter scheme is of a pattern with the three prior dodge of victories once falling behind they quickly recaptured go ahead and their pitching is held up elbow in each and every game of the last four manager Bob lemon involved in controversial judgments Davis gets Jaeger of a 90 mile an hour fastball I'm talking to Charlie Lau the Yankee batting coach alright here's Bert inside ball one lopes to the on-deck-circle for Los Angeles all too good one a no Drysdales on that pitching staff consider her over Ulster the winder could hit betcha Taj has had a history of good heading pitches big nuke could hit her FeliCa could jacket will come out for Burt Hooten as he goes to first base on the wall this is exactly it has exactly been Ron Davis's package struck out Yaga apparently with ease then walks the opposition pitcher that's what happened on the Saturday ball game six to three lead helped the Dodgers get back in into the game with a one-out walk just through the home run to John Stone your news at trouble the same way in the Milwaukee which is why lemon went to Frazier no long a trusted Davis top of the order for Lopes Russell to the on-deck circle with one out and the pitcher Hooton on first which is ha and really think about it there's so many less situations in American League because ev8 school where you can get the second-guessing management and American League Mercer would have been batting in that position possibly or a D H would have been Tommy John would have been allowed to remain in the ball game and you would have had a veteran pitcher and also had the chance of having a veteran hitter hit off ooh what you're saying net net is the designated in a row makes it a lot more interesting well it although there are those who say the opposite talking about strategy well I know Al Michaels is sitting out there and Menlo Park saying see their second shot yes they're against strategy dictated that lemon made a movement as it turned out it's been the wrong one foul ball down the left side Sharples struck it chuckling out that way because of the job Bill wants with the 49ers Amazon charges another reason that Ron Davis is struggling we've seen him be really wild but also he as we said he throws hardly any breaking balls at all and the Dodgers are known to be fastball hitters when you get behind them to an O and throw a fastball in the middle of plate they're going to have good swings and when this happens just enhances the chances of them getting base hits and there you saw davey lopes two-and-oh basketball in middle play d is even out in front of it but hit it right on the nose with just a little bit foul and now interrupted Davis's rhythm backing out for a moment backe he checked on it three balls and one strike rudia may the left tender and Rick Russell the right-hander in the a second time up folks making Davis wait really building a grave digging it Putin ii hopes to first with one out rustle up lemon to the mound might do it well he did have Rick Rochelle available for the entire ballgame it's been really this would be his fourth day since he pitched on Saturday and what did he pitch pardon but it ain't how many nez pitch hits three didn't yes I mean this would be a regular term on a four four day rotation and again he went with a rookie course he didn't pitch again in third consecutive game Frazier didn't pitch as badly as the pits and runs indicated all right Davis stays and the pitch to Russell is in there for strike inside one more coconut ii hopes at first one out he struck out Jaeger he walked successive haters 1 & 2 the rest Aleya contact hitter trying to punch it to the right side didn't get holder in the hole base hit left field Putin's coming win feel after throw won't get there five one got you everything is coming apart a very poor throw by win fear Ron Davis failing again and owner who is taking careful note notes the next year Watson watch the throw though he just started just about six times watch how low it is it actually hit the dirt what about the inside of the shortstop position back to the mound goes Bob lemon that will do it for Ron Davis we've got a timeout the Dodgers roaring another run leading at the top of the sixth by a score of 5 to 1 32 year-old Rick Russia who came over to the Yankees in the trade from Chicago Cubs for Doug Byrd and Mike Griffin eventually went over the Cubs traded to New York just on the eve of the strike the sois numbers a moment ago he is the fourth New York pitcher John started when he was lifted the score was 1:1 Frazier relieved he gave up three runs Davis now is charged with one and Davey Lopes out at second base Bill Russell the first base also the property of Ron Davis Thomas has now come out to the on deck circle and apparently is going to hit full on say a Steve Garvey comes to the plate for the Dodgers you have one out Jagr struck out to lead the inning then Davis walked Hooton he walked Lopes and Russell singled and there is Darryl Thomas and it's a very wise move on Lasorda's got to take run out of the game it was amazing that he started the game and involved both courage and great physical resiliency and say came through with a pair of hits it's his loan away the garbage for ball one Steve had a pair of singles two at-bats against one judge is right and that sign symbolizes exactly what the situation is in this stadium and the owners box right now runners go pitch swung on no throw double Steve another doubled steal this Yankee performance tonight has become an embarrassment to Leona who wants everything for the fans of the Yankees well you can't just deliver everything and it may be that this World Series is proving just that one has to feel sympathy but Bob lemon is a beautiful man who's weathered the vicissitudes of life and great personal tragedy very well but Steinbrenner has to think about this whole team as the intentional walk is now effectuated it told me Sunday on sports beat that win or lose the series he would make changes now he may make sweeping changes look at that other than goose Gossage the relievers have failed totally so the expected strength wasn't that and there is age at first base with Watson and the back up again as you look owl revering is not your whirlwind ball play Cerrone young a solid catch when healthy injuries happen ups Randolph there's Lasorda a solid play and he's proved himself all over again in the World Series shortstop fine with Denton Milburn third Nettles you're getting older but still effective at the same time when you consider the Dodgers time is beginning to whittle away it's exactly sell people this could be the last hurrah for the Dodger team as we see it nearing as for Winfield he's had a simply terrible series but he's a great athlete and that's a bad series and that's it mom freezes solid and young player Reggie's future handedly uncertain well there's a lot that's going to happen with this Yankee to the bases are loaded behind Russell now with only one out and Darryl Thomas steps in from the left side and bunts it foul had a little safety squeeze going hopes was about three strides four strides off the bag at third for Lasorda one must say he has managed to superb series always on top of things always forcing things as the most recent double steal evidence exactly the Dodgers have done that but I think right now I if I manage and I bring in routine a mainly because I want can't afford to give up another run Thomas is very difficult to double up on the left side yet if he bats right-handed and Rudy makes a good pitch you set up to set up the double play we saw that with Larry Moe born from the right side he's a double play man on the left side he beats the double play by a step so I think a prophetic thing that were said in the interview would Reggie Jackson today when you get down three games to in a series sometimes a bad hop and turn the game completely around and you've seen that tonight the ball that say hit up the middle yep get the edge of the grass and right through to that makes a difference metal spheres it steps on the bag worlds and loops are throw across safe at first base another one score six to one Dodger I'll tell you though that's just what Jim bomb was talking about get embedding from the right side but that was truly a remarkable effort really was look at it again Jim made as good a play as you can make it barely gets to it where you can see him stuff on the base but look at the throw while we won't see it again he couldn't get a lot on it but he still got it there and barely failed to get so Swift to runner his tongues now it is Dusty Baker with Garvey up at second and Thomas on first Russell being forced by nettles at third but I think another look at it Jim here you see great going to his right makes a nice plate really a desperation throw he's known for having them one of the most accurate arms if not the most accurate arm in the American League and the throw is right on the money to Thomas beat the play Baker the nettles off his chest no play I don't think nope the bases are loaded again with two out for Los Angeles six one Dodgers lead they scored one in the fourth three in the fifth two here in the sixth another look at it at third the moham skittering up hits him right in the chest and it's an error Ramone medals in the last analysis to Keith analyzing it out Dodger pitching has proved to be stronger than Yankee pitcher that's a foul ball wouldn't you agree yes sir I would indeed mr. bicha wouldn't you most definitely saw Royce come along and struggled early pitched the Nashville game as Garvey at third promised at second Baker at first two runs are in two out Guerrero who had a two-run triple in the 5th inning is at the plate but I think what we said after game two before Game three in Los Angeles is that the Dodgers were not as bad a team as we saw play in the first two games and I doubt if the Yankees are as bad a team as we've seen play really in the last four ball games well it's been in uneven series the Yankees won the first two games relatively handily the next three games was scrambles two of them wild a third one a brilliant pitching contest this game is at this moment to be an embarrassment to the Yankee tradition all is lifted out into left centerfield mumphrey can't get it Garvey scores here comes Thomas to the plate the throw to third not in time doubled Guerrero two runs are in and it's becoming a blowout 8 to 1 Los Angeles here you see the pitch up in the strike zone where'll doesn't hit it that well mumphrey a little bit hesitant plays it on one hop couldn't get it for all dropping in front of him it makes another transgression there he missed the cutoff man and Guerrero was allowed to go to second a lot of mistakes innocent Monday being walked intentionally maker at third we're on at second two down and four runs in for the Dodgers four and some of the people beginning to leave Yankee Stadium who can remember that around these ports now Steve Yeager as the Dodgers have batted around here in the sixth he fouls it away he struck out against Davis to lead this inning I think it's interesting right here that Jaeger is batting I think this is probably a tribute oh well he's played normally we would see Mike Scioscia who was played against right-hand pitching all year long well whom would you vote for if you had a vote right now MVP in the series maybe Tom Lasorda we've done a great job as a roller to the shortstop Milburn throw is in time to get Jaeger and the Dodgers are finally retired but they have a big inning one in the 4-3 in the fifth four more in the six the most Angeles leads it 8 to 1 Darryl Thomas goes in at third base Ron Cey out of the game after certainly accomplishing something of a miracle Dusty Baker is now in left field where he has been for the night but the changes are the guaro moves over to right while this man Landro goes into play center Kenny Landro who played centerfield most of the two seasons for Los Angeles and he of course was with the Minnesota Twins and put in quite a bit of service in center field here in this ballpark so he knows it quite well well there will be a lot of punching and jabbing unless there is a terribly dramatic turnaround in this ballgame coming up on Saturday college football we have regionals for you at the top of the day starting at 12 Eastern Time Ohio State Purdue big win in the big 10 North Carolina State South Carolina Gamecocks resurgent Houston had a victory over Arkansas last week Dartmouth Yale a big one and the Ivy Drake is undefeated against Tulsa then the big one Penn State ranked number one at Miami Bob Watson Greg nettles and Rick Cerrone for New York the Dodgers have given Burt Hooten an 8 to 1 lead Yankees up in the bottom of the 6th inning he's goes to 1 and 1 on Bobby but I just trying to win their first World Championship since 1965 and their third against the Yankees 1 & 2 from here on to the finish of this ballgame if Hooton gets in trouble it will be staff warming up the only man that night not be told to the crank up would be Fernando account to to to Watson on the ground to Russell at shortstop Hills throw in time one out nettles pulled his double into the right-field corner I think the most important thing to Burt Hooten is he doesn't get away from his game plan this because the score is eight to one doesn't mean you're just going to throw fast balls and not go with what is your best pitch on Watson got a head and count ended up getting him to hit a knuckle curve ball to shortstop so a lot of times you have a tendency to challenge the hitters more than you should your pops medals up on the left side looks like it'll drift out of play does the Isles are filled as people leave he's the one on the right side one won by nettles the right-center base hit right there's two hits sore hand and all Thank You douga looks like it's shocked does um the proud men weren't a proud uniform with a proud tradition and all that pride has been knocked out tonight looks like that and maybe it for Gregg because the hand is obviously bothering you trainer Monaghan's going out he'll leave the game well if indeed he has a hairline fracture Jim it was remarkable what he got the two hits he did you're not as great a player of drag nettles is without having a lot of guts and he sure certainly showed it tonight you could see him in batting practice before the game as you said a tremendous and trouble hitting any ball on the inside part of the plate but he knew that the Yankees had a win tonight certainly did his best it's defined as a small incomplete fracture of the right thumb Rodriguez goes in to run for him and will play a third-base the batter is Rick Cerone and the mrs verspoor one yank is it bad at the bottom of the six and the Dodgers leading eight to one where it has a long look that fits Telo on that call the Yankees won the first two here the Dodgers won three in a row in Los Angeles they're trying to slam the door on the Yankees here tonight two and one two and two Dodger bullpen is active here if the Dodgers win this game has appears certain it will be only the second time in history a team has lost the first two and come back to win four in a row the Yankees did it against these Dodgers in 78 how's the left-hander and well still Whiteman most didn't get anybody up in the start that he made he is a hard throwing right-hander three and tuned out of sir Owen Rodriguez on first Wow something is going to happen have to happen very big and I mean big to wake up the Yankees shocked by the Dodger outburst at the top of the inning Lewton walk sarong the shortstop Burt Hooton has now thrown 100 pitches you have one out and two on in the bottom of the sixth inning now there you see Rick Cerrone he's yelling at Burt Hooton because he threw so many breaking balls I guess he feels it the bird should be throwing him fast balls Burt learned his lesson he threw fast balls to Greg nettles and he singled into center field of course the last thing I think Hooton wanted to do was walk Cerrone first doing the the Oakland playoff series the first game that Mike Norris pitched for Oakland against Kansas City shut them out I guess they threw a lot of screwballs they felt he should all throw high fastball so they could win but Burt is doing what he thinks is best which is the mix-up his pitches apparently Cerrone thought he should challenge him with fastball Millburn looks at low for a ball Rick Russell is in the on-deck circle but with only one out and Hooton struggling right now with his control Rudi Mae is back in the New York bullpen cranking up in a hurry outside ball two here comes Tom Lasorda out of the dugout that's 102 pitches now for that so they'll talk and we'll see if Fleur sorta wants to make the move now or if he'll give Welch and how a little more time Rick Russia lives in the Yankee on-deck-circle Bob lemon refusing to tip his hand as to which man he might fall obviously he wants anis order to make the move tom is not at this point we're ready to make it again it's very good strategy comes out with two balls if Putin would happen to lose this hitter then Bob lemon has to make a move with his pinch hitter and he can either come with a right hand or the left hander he waits silly this Milbourne is either walked or gets a base hit then lemon has the upper hand in strategy Oh three three balls and no strikes to Millburn one out you've got Rodriguez at second Salone at first eight to one Dodgers Hooton struggling now Korean won worked in the bases are loaded gamble comes out picks up the sledgehammer and it come he's doing his job he would wait till Oscars and out yes so Gamble is official and Tom Lasorda will make a pitching change eight one time out on the beat young Steve Mau has come on in relief of Burt Hooton and note on how he has faced 15 batters in the series only twice as he had to throw more than four pitches to the matter Oscar gamble was announced as the Yankee hitter now it is Lou Piniella come out who has had a river as a hitter what's really come into focus in the perspective of this series has been the failure of the Yankee lawn relations and this minor game again the best evidence looking at the baserunners and they are Rodrigues Cerrone and Milberg we've got one out and whom do you want to lose with Rick Russia George Frazier what Tommy John Jim oh hi if I'm going to lose a ball game I have to go with Tommy John and I think most managers would have done it as we said earlier Bob lemon gamble and it hasn't paid off as most of the moves he's made he's just had a tough series in that respect how to Piniella fouled off strike 1 8 1 Dodgers Oh flipping mountain for the ages Vennela turn and yell something into the Dodger dugout i flyball lifted foul out of play to the right you can see he has as I said we're the most productive postseason forestry and Welch in the Dodger bullpen now two strikes on Lou Pinella punched foul how's thrown in strikes and he's falling off inside base hit figures to deliver two or up the middle base hit Rodriguez score so nope he does not come the victor Joe Altobelli in the third base coat black him down bases are still loaded you see a fastball to mill the plate Pannell as he's done all series goes with the pitch and just wraps it up the middle fleet lead professional bets not too good a base running Howard there is no way that Kenny land row is coming up and throwing that ball to home home plate but if you do that and you make a bad throw you allow two other runners to get in the scoring position don't understand top of the banister nope I can understand some sense of I guess we're strength that's what happens when you're really down you begin to play tentatively afraid to make one single mistake in any direction will you Randolph big night for Willy balls and no strikes and I see the one I think important thing that tommy lasorda has done Harry Forester left Oscar gamble out of the game and they've also used Bobby Murcer they don't have a left-handed power that they would normally have on their bench we still have one out a run in bases loaded all's hit the right Guero Flags it down runner tags concurred and does not come good throw by Guerrero two out that's what low panella you might have observed just said worse baserunning I've ever seen mumphrey hitting from the right side takes ball one well if there ever was a statistic chemically worse baserunning for consecutive games I think the Yankees will qualify they just have not played the way they play most of the season I know playing against them they wouldn't finish first the first half at they played like this inside corner for strike Kennedy very tenant you're being blown out you've got to be aggressive all the way Cinthia ow one two pitch to mumphrey Luke to write Guerrero makes the catch the Yankees leave the bases cold and so after six innings in game number six eight two dungeons back with more after this from our local stations blue Piniella having delivered the pinch-hit single the ball is lined to right by Willie Randolph vanilla turns and sees the base runner at third has not made the move to home plate and reflects total exasperation rudia may now comes on to bench for new york and he is the fifth pitcher in the ballgame well the purists of baseball will be hard put to find Auden this steam how we want the truth Steve Howell bet have him come in from the bullpen and it his job Dodgers lead at 8 to 2 and bat here in the top of the seventh inning Rudi may strike on the corner fouled away and it's two strikes on the Dodger pitcher Stevo then it'll be the top of the order Lopes and Russell Oh 1 & 2 Steve's going strike out for me one out and Lopes will come the Dodgers in the five-game series against Houston down oh and to win three in a row at home sang to the wall Mundy hits a home run on a cold day in Montreal over the centerfield fence in the League Championship Series Hooton the MVP in the League Championship Series they come to New York they lose to now they are on the verge of winning their first World Championship since 1965 Lopes takes it hard the Goodyear blimp America providing the visuals from the sky tonight out of Houston Texas with our cameraman Charlie Mitchell and the pilot captain Larry chambers good-looking fella from Spring Texas May at 2:00 and older Lopes comes inside then I get three balls in those trucks the middle relievers is Howard said they will have been New York's Achilles here for certainly a soft underbelly the shortstop bill he's very hard to pick the MVP in this series always presuming the judges when it which seems so apparent now especially after the Yankee debacle in the last raros going to be considered with seven RBI say is going to be considered six rbis came back from a beating Jaeger is going to be considered and on a basis of overall consistency gobby's going to be Russell looks at low I'll tell you one thing there will be some dancing in Los Angeles the doctors doing this they are certainly sitting on a they've got their foot in the door and the clerk about to pop in the clubhouse they playing catch with Watson with Lopes on first base one out Garvey on deck and a one ball count on Bill Russell two balls our alo Thomas dodgy sure how do you know those I know sheís chosed any weird Eddie it's just hard tight to make it three balls and no strikes it has become laborious evening for the Yankees there's a strike more activity in the New York bullpen runner goes all hit the Millburn Lopes in its second base on the hit and run they throw out Russell at first two out baby at the turn for Steve Garvey I think any pitcher will tell you come in and long relief and you're behind 82 it's hard to concentrate we saw Burt Hooton go out there in the sixth inning with a 8 to 1 lead that is control problems a little bit difficulty and concentrating not an easy game to pitching when your team's way ahead or way behind I on the air to Center mumphrey ending is over in the middle of the seven Los Angeles eight New York too now it'll be Dave Winfield Reggie Jackson and Bob Watson for New York trailing by six and hitting in the bottom of the seventh against Steve Howe and it's ball one the Winfield how to play ABC News Nightline sure most of you have heard that the Senate vote long today the president's flavor senators approved the sale of AWACS reconnaissance planes to Saudi Arabia that's the topic tonight on Nightline with Ted Koppel i bouncer too short one out now you have the Bluebirds and certainly Winfield fields terribly fun imperfect truth this Yankee team Willie Randolph's trying to prop it up a little bit but they have been flat listless they look like a team all day that came along an evening that came to be beaten Jim well say pitching's anywhere from 75 and 90 percent of the game and tonight they made it really what turned out to be a monumental decision pinch-hit for Tommy John George Frazier came into not again for the third time to Siri pitch that poorly but circumstances allowed the Dodgers put three runs on the board it came back to the four-run inning anytime your pitching staff gives up eight runs it's tough to look good as a team it's sure how has Jackson at 1 & 2 I'm out now Jackson gets it from the fan might be might be the last time you see Reggie okay the kind of aftermath you'd expect to the exciting three consecutive games in Los Angeles Bob Watson fouls it away I'll tell you you get into a street fight to these Dodgers with the speed they have and the power they have and if you don't have good pitching Houston has good pigeon and Houston couldn't beat it couldn't put them down interesting you mentioned Houston before the game let's watch this to Russell at shortstop and as it well and Rose on Watson so Steve how gets New York an order at the bottom of the seventh and after seven eight to dungeons to the top of the eighth inning we go in a ball game that is now long all things considered but then when you've scored ten runs it takes a while Darrell Thomas Dusty Baker and Pedro Guerrero Randolf one out spenny's half empty now people pouring out by the droves Dusty Baker popped him up for Randolph - up brain fielders people to animals or Rudy may summoned out of the pen as the fifth to New York pitcher on the job here's one of the fellas very much a prime candidate for the MVP award bit slow to get started but once he got his engine running he's been tough fine-looking young hitter and Ron say but sentimentally and for his performance and for his courage I'd vote for Ron said blow inside two balls and one strike what about you Jim I think I'd go with him he turned the whole series around trailing two Oh hit the three run home run off for Getti what about you Keith I agree that ball is well hit in the corner Winfield loping over and it's in the seats it's a home run well Pedro Guerrero will there be some fall to a second ballot here might have to take another look much home run tie the game Sunday end this day today live runs batted in he seemed hit a curveball it was well hit so the Dodger right-handed power did find the seats in Yankee Stadium tonight Goodman also Guerrero's triple found the wall at pole 30 - Landro I didn't see Dave back at the fan sleeping for that one which is not meant by way of criticism maybe just couldn't have gotten that ball got there so fast boy hit that ball with a lot of topspin and it looked like he really misjudged it because he went to the line in the ball actually went out a little bit to right center that could have something to do with the wind just barely got in here normally as you said you see him trying to make an effort to catch that ball Landro is called out looking up the Dodgers at another rush and the lead is big all US angeles back after this word from our local stations Rodriguez for New York in the bottom of the eighth then it'll be Cerrone and Milburn in the meantime the Dodger faithful are starting to put on their dancing shoes Steve Howe in relief of Burt Hooton trying to save it for 9 - as how pitches to Rodriguez Keith I was mentioning before John McMullen who owns the Houston Astros is here tonight talking with him before the game he said we thought we really had the Dodgers on the hook this year but they have a way of scratching and clawing and coming back and he said by the time we reached the fifth game and we were tied 2-2 after the 2 nothing lead stroke going to drop in for a base hit on the time we reached the fifth game after the two nothing lead he said I got a call early in the morning of the fifth game from a psychic and I took the call and I began to do two things the psychic said I should go he said that did and he lost with Nolan Ryan that's my all back classroom Pedro Guerrero has stepped into some pretty fancy company in World Series history with his five runs batted in in this game how about Messrs lazarey Dickie and Lizewski we flew all is hit in the air to right-center field and court by Guerrero it changed my vote it's Guerrero how is just playing brilliantly so many repercussions to this season as it winds down those watching this in Cincinnati probably bitter over the fact that their club at the best record in the National League feeling they should have been in there the best season long record but give the Dodgers their due they will fetch it here's Milberg with one out and Rodriguez interspace popped up on the right side for Davey Lopes two down and here comes Bobby Brown to the plate that young man won't have a happy memory in this he is young is a great athlete and other great ones have gone through this kind of thing referring to these two teams I remember when Gil Hodges didn't get a hit 20 times it bad on Moore was in horrendous series for the lateness to Hodges he came out of it go back to 1971 we played the Pirates Willie Stargell was one of those streaks where just could not hit the ball and you go back to 1979 and who was the dominant player of that World Series will he's very stodgy very good and now it's we had clay Dalrymple in 71 is one of our catchers and he said when star Cho gets one of those I guess slumps he just doesn't pick up the ball Dave pitch Winfield wells he's helped him out by being very impatient but I'm sure he'll have never change something rounds we're gonna miss four one and two count two out and Rodriguez on first Steve Howe pitching fullest Angeles and relief of hue of Burt Hooten Burt went five and a third where it's going to come out of the series at 1 & 1 foul tip held by jäger Brown is gone Yankees are out at the end of eight innings of play the score is the Los Angeles Dodgers 9 the New York Yankees team Dave LaRoche in warming up for New York scoring summary goes this way back to the 3rd Randolph a home run one nothing New York fourth inning Baker single Monday two-out single Yeager an RBI single tied at one then in the fifth inning the rundown on it there is New York made it a 4 to 1 ballgame and Guerrero's two-run triple the big blow in the sixth inning the Dodgers pretty much put it away running it out to 8 to 1 at n Guerrero's home run makes it 9 2 as the Yankees got their second run in the sixth inning and then some very tentative base running denied them on our obvious opportunity to at least have three runs on the board but we are at 9 2 and here we go in the top of the ninth Dave LaRoche one of two New York players not used prior to tonight in the World Series the other being Dave reverie Rick Cerone being stung I'll tip they're a total of 47 players used in the verse 5 game to the World Series 50 eligible the 1 Dodger was it's not the news is Alejandro yeah there's the blooper from the rope might as well add that yeah trying to get a laugh out of it who threw that blooper pitch neolos rips alors yep true it rips ooh Williams hit the home run in the all-star game off that you recall them yeah Jager fouls it away Ted Bell in it I think it was in Tiger Stadium and 41 I believe tremendous all started to the right side late break up the catch is made I Reggie well for Righetti there'll be many more seasons no question about him he had an unfortunate outing Friday against Fernando Valenzuela who himself was shaky but came on strongly in the latex but forget e he can fish he's got a great future Steve Howe swinging and missing Dodgers at bat top of the night one last chance for New York they trailed by seven two strikes and forever in a day they're going to talk about Bob lemon lifting Tommy John after four innings in a 1-1 ballgame two balls and two strikes to Steve huh I'll back especially painful for Bob lemon hi there must be the open disagreement and dismay of John at being removed house trucks out that's two down there is Bob the second lately now babe Lopes for the crowd Jordy I'm gone we had at one time 50 6513 in the ballpark with two away David takes nine away for ball one and out there are 20,000 yen now the acres will have Randolph mumphrey Winfield the fourth man would be Jackson in the bottom of the ninth inning one in wonder daddy on a pole night on the edge of winter in the Bronx in New York the Dodgers have battered the Yankees slopes pops it up out of play on the right side and the count is 1 & 2 now on baby the blooper vocalist Cerrone drop it in person they couldn't resist it good here at the very end LaRoche put his act together and he's taken it on the road he gets the Dodgers in order in the top of the night one last-gasp remaining for the Yankees America sailing overhead Larry chambers flaner Charlie MIDI Mitchell giving you the picture and here we'll go as young Steve Howe is going to try to set the Yankees down and then the Dodgers are gonna have how shall I say this a heck of a park well I don't think tummy excuse me Lasorda can eat too much I had lunch with him today and he had a frankfurter omelet I'm thinking somewhat yeah I never heard of it before just woven it up and I don't think it's at - well undoubtedly a Dodger digestive system Willie Randolph run and a double tonight well there's an old baseball phrase read you kind of reserved for games like this nine and the ninth that's what about what its gonna take to to win and always jokingly say that on the bench but it is it's happened before well this the left-hander the right-hander in Los Angeles bullpen I would imagine that semester's Forster and Welsh two balls and a strike the Willie Randolph see the information there on Willie he's put his name in the World Series record boy pounds it away the few who remain up in the upper decks scuffle for a souvenir Cynthia Ann how web just over a year to the young man out on the mound man from Michigan pitch is outside three balls and two strikes speaking of Michigan old good and longtime friend left us Bob you for so many years a radio horse so the Michigan Wolverine Michigan Michigan Michigan much fondly wall Randolph has certainly gotten on Keith Carrie breaks the record of the babe nine more meantime Peter O'Malley has just reserved Jason's for the celebration party they drew over two million in a short season as a strike to mumphrey and Jim Palmer's rooting for nine and the ninth if there had not been a strike I don't think in question the Dodgers would have gone over three million again attendance might have broken their own record not only that they have the oil rights under the land I know you New Yorkers still chase some at Walters decision however those of us in the West have enjoyed them and he did make a heck of a deal well they may break me hey pipe it might break it yeah fouled out of play the Dodgers had won in the fourth but tie the Yankees at 1-1 after New York had scored in the bottom of the third yep three more in the fifth and four in the sixth one in the eighth that's how we have a nine to score with the Yankee run coming in the bottom of the sixth a second mumfie swings and strikes out Bob Uecker will be in the Dodger Clubhouse and undoubtedly when he comes to get in the car he's gonna be sup and wept Dave Winfield all the frustration of the remaining Yankee fans here comes out against Dave Winfield now there are mutterings about all the money he was BAE than all of the rest human nature why no our club in Baltimore Yankee boys by the way should be congratulated they behaved beautifully here tonight it was him high towering flyball to right field Guerrero two down that was a frisbee and nothing else as I could remember right deep so far behaved very beautiful now Reggie one more cut fans chanting Reggie those relative few is still here perhaps remembering all the heroics and sensing look at them that this is the last time or could be how to play and Reggie with an instinct to flair for the dramatic undoubtedly aware of the very same possible there's no word on the MVP we'll probably get it in fact we will get into Clubhouse well Steve how has the egg two strikes in Cynthia it's about to fly out of here to strike pitch to Jackson 1 & 2 Rick Cerrone as we pan down Davis Libra Getty Charlie loud just walked by Barry foot with the moustache the big brush miss - foul tip things off Yeager's facemask maybe it's fitting that Reggie be up there now such have been the nature of this man's heroics then I reached a point where the fans here at Yankee Stadium thought that every World Series he could do what he did once hit three home runs on three swings in a game and maybe in a couple of games one two - - all the way it's a 9-2 ballgame Steve ha in his early twenties Reggie Jackson his middle 30s Wow to the right out of play five years he's been a Yankee years of turbulence wobbles with Martin squabbles with the owner George Steinbrenner but somehow always with the capacity to come through this year a great decline in his batting average and finally the greatest struggle of all his struggle with himself the struggle with self-doubt with Warwick to be all over form and now this to to with two out in the bottom of the night well they're stretching the string as tight as they can the final moment we into Lopes over boots it picks it up safe and Reggie poplin limping that calf muscle problem that disabled apparently rearing its head again it gave it all he had going down that baseline she Randolph scooting by there was two out Willie is on second base now Reggie is on first base and that's when he did it last Longstride davey lopes apparently has got some dust or something in his eye going down trying to dig the ball out to see the dirt flying around play hurt himself that incidentally is the sixth error by Davey Lopes see it is a record you may get Steve sax off to play second base baby walk to the dugout with a great deal of purpose and this spirit however he will be part of a championship team whatever manner of record you might consider errors in a series and in a game his pain will be alleviated considerably by the ring he'll wear on his hand you'll wonder at that moment what Steve Garvey and Reggie Jackson might be talking about Jim looked like they were talking about the ground ball that loves missed that it stayed down but no he had no and Reggie could have did they any comes back now Lopes is back out of the dugout I think he had a face full of dirt Garvey might have asked him what size uniform he wears Dodge's right I doubt it they're still smarting over the goat stand a school that they are Bob Watson with two on in a nine to two ball game with two out of the bottom of the ninth inning and Steve how those in high ending is typical of the whole gate sloppy from the Yankee point of view Welch continues to throw in the Los Angeles bullpen Watson hits it high in the air for the centerfielder Ken Landro this should do it the Dodger for the 1981 champions of baseball so there is nothing became apparent Midland almost with the departure of dummy John at the Dodgers would take command Dodgers lead the field Keith I think it's time to Jim you and me jointly to congratulate them on their acquisition of the World Series championship Lasorda kiss well kissing Peter O'Malley too for that matter but mrs. O'Malley and everybody else for the first time in history we have a three-way tie for the MVP Guerrero say and Steve Yeager and under any circumstances all three well worthy contenders each contributed in his own way sentimentally maybe run save the most but anyway Keith there it is let's join Bob Uecker now in the Dodger Clubhouse as the Dodgers win it 9 to 2 four games to two thank you very much guys upstairs and we're standing here in a very very happy Dodger Clubhouse and we are awaiting the arrival of mr. Peter O'Malley al campanis and Dodger manager Tommy Lasorda and standing alongside me the Commissioner of baseball mr. Bowie Kuhn who will make this presentation very very shortly here in a very very happy Dodger Clubhouse Bowie no question about is that exalting Dodger Clubhouse an outstanding comeback win for the Dodgers who came back from everything this year you know it seemed the last three series the Houston Montreal series then falling behind the Yankees to nothing it seems that's what it took to this Dodger ballclub to come back I think that's right they seem to face the challenge their veteran ballplayers they're not put down by being behind they face a challenge they came back now we're waiting for Tommy Lasorda here Tommy how many grabbed Tom Lasorda over here Tommy Lasorda eyes gone kid Tommy Lasorda we're waiting for Peter O'Malley the president of the Los Angeles Dodgers along with alcam Pettis the vice president of player personnel making their way into the Dodger Clubhouse here very very happy Dodger Clubhouse as you can well imagine and Tommy we talked just a moment ago about the fact that it seemed that the Dodgers had to be 2 down before they could come back and regroup it's a great great victory this is something that has escaped us for a long time and we wanted that championship so bad we wanted to bring it back for Peter and his sister teri those are the people have been great to us al camp anis I want to thank all the Dodgers all the Dodger organization everyone who played such a vital role in this victory what a tremendous win hang on just a second here Tommy we have mr. Peter O'Malley coming up here the president of the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball club Peter come on up here you got to come up here you might as well jump in here right away and where's al camp anis you got to get up here you might as well jump in here and we got to make the presentation here mr. mr. commissioner here's al camp anis how you doing come on up here and the Commissioner of baseball now with the presentation of the world championship trophy get Tommy Lasorda back up here again Tom come on back up here and a presentation al mr. Kuhn if you want to you want to go ahead here and wrap it on right now all right to Peter O'Malley - al compendious into this great skipper Tommy Lasorda I am very proud to present you the trophy standing right here thanks I'm proud to present this trophy of America the 1981 World Championship and boy you guys deserved it you worked all the way to get it tremendous comeback with George thank you very much thank you very much and I just want to say this all of us feel that we work for a great boss Peter well thank you very much it's a great great accomplishment for the entire organization and I'm real happy for everyone really we've we've worked hard for this a long time in coming I complement the Yankee organization and Bob lemon there are super team we're proud of our guys and we've had a lot to be thankful for it mr. O'Malley congratulations same to you al campanis we've got another presentation to make here mr. commissioner the most valuable player award for the first time in the 27 year history first here in the 27 year history of the most valuable player award the Major League Baseball Sport magazine Most Valuable Player Award we got the three guys right here Steve Garvey Ron say where's Pedro Guerrero Pedro Guerrero right here here they are commissioner and again I'll turn it back over to you okay we have something we've never had before we have three winners of the Most Valuable Player Award I think it's very fitting for the great teamwork of the Dodgers that the sport magazine and Major League Baseball award for the most valuable players should go to three men Pedro Guerrero Ron Cey and Steve Garvey and I want to congratulate you all a tremendous accomplishment a real team effort and you deserve the trophy we're going to have to have some more to get around home Caribbean we sure would like to to thank you would like to thank our tenth man around the country the Dodger fans are great fans of Southern California we want people to know that we won this World Series the third time was the charm for us and we thank everyone and we thank God Ron's sake step up your round I think you know you surprised everybody by coming back to play tonight I got to ask you when you made the decision to play you were originally in the starting lineup but when did you finally decide to play I came to the park telling them that everything I had done preliminary had turned out all right I told Tommy to put me in a lineup if I couldn't make it I tell him I had to go through the entire workout have everything worked out before I was going to make that decision and I'm just glad that it worked out I got a little dizzy running around the bases at 1:00 anywhere we broke it open two four and one and the light headedness good wouldn't go away for me so I decided it probably time to take a bow so it's just great I can't tell you what this means to all of us and we get Steve Yeager here where is he here he is right Steve Yeager a man who had an outstanding World Series Steve and I know you're very very I know you're proud of because Oh kisses together right I'd say I'm very excited it's been a great great pleasure for me to play and then to be a part of this ballclub all year long and not not playing very much and a little Mike young Mike Stokes are doing most of the catching and I get a chance to play in a World Series we win and I'd say I feel like I'm up here it's gonna be a long night ahead of me congratulations Steve now let's go to Jim Lampley and Lou Piniella thanks very much Bob obviously the atmosphere in this dressing room is quite different quiet but not completely mournful professional as you would expect from people with the experience that these guys have with me Lou Piniella and Lou there was a moment during the ballgame in the sixth inning your team mounted a threat and Rick Cerrone was not sent from third base on a fly ball to right field at that moment you seemed extremely frustrated were you upset about base running in particular or was it just generally the frustration of the series no I wasn't upset about base running at all it's just the way the ballgame went we were blown out we really expect that it was more frustration anything else but I'd like to congratulate the Dodgers have been together as a unit for a long time they've had some rocky roads here in 77 and 78 and they played very well and you can't win them all the I just sorry that we lost but I'd rather lose here then Lou's down the line like other clubs did and hopefully this club will be back next year they turned it around and did to you what you did in 78 winning the last four after losing the first two there will be a lot of second-guessing of a lot of moves that were made during this series one of them was Bob lemons removal of Tommy John after four renting's tonight what was the general feeling on the ball club and your feeling about that move well I'm not the manager and I can't make moves Bobcats may have paid to manage and he decided that Bobby Murcer could give us a quick lift that it didn't work at the time although Bobby hit the ball well but that's not when we lost the series we go back to Game four and we go back to Game five we didn't do the job in LA we let the Dodgers right back in the series I think that was the telling tale Game four and in games Game five specifically but I said Dodgers have played so well as series everybody talks about how many mistakes we did let's give them credit and there are world champions and tip our hats to them they've been together for a long time like I said before are there a bunch of professionals they're a bunch of experienced pros and it showed we just didn't do the job they did I congratulate them ok thanks very much for spending time with us Lou in a difficult moment we appreciate it Keith all right Jim thank you very much the final score tonight the Los Angeles Dodgers 9 New York Yankees 2 the Dodgers are the world champions of baseball for 1981
Channel: MLB Vault
Views: 640,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Major League Baseball, ニューヨーク, メジャー, Baseball's Best Classic Games, ロサンゼルス, メジャーリーグ, ロサンゼルス・ドジャース, New York Yankees, 野球, ヤンキース, Los Angeles Dodgers, ドジャース, 大リーグ, 野球速報, ニューヨーク・ヤンキース
Id: dwsQ043QS0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 46sec (10426 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2010
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