1991 WS, Game 1: Braves @ Twins

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Once called

And anyone who says it isn't the best is just wrong. People have recency bias, and just because 2001, 2011, or 2016 ended strong, doesn't mean that every game of the whole series was great.

1991 was great from start to finish. Three games went to extra innings. Three ended with the winning run scoring on the final pitch. Five games were decided by one run. You had controversy with Hrbek. You had drama with Puckett. You had Herculean performances from too many players to name.

The series was so good that Jack Moris still talks about Twins and Braves players meeting in the Dome's laundry room after Game 7 to share some beer and talk about how they were part of something special.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MightyMinnesota πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TDRichie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I am still mad over the 1993 WS. I still have no idea why Mitch Williams would throw a fastball to Joe Carter on a 2-2 count. He had a pitch to waste, should have thrown a breaking ball on the outside of the plate......

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WalkOffCards πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Braves lose. Seems good.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/unitedairlineeeeees πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

brb looking up the 1981 World Series, it's the closest approximation of what I hope will happen this year...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don’t know how many people realize the Twins won the World Series and the Halloween Blizzard (a defining event for a certain generation) were the same week.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nach0Man_RandySavage πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
Olympic Winter Games next CBS Sports presents the World Series Game one [Music] Sherlock Holmes that would have loved baseball the source of countless mysteries nonsense you say the game is unassuming almost innocent played out in the open for all to see in baseball's essence you're either safe or out and you try to score more runs than the other team before you're out to use them and yet the mystery is there we are never really privet of what's going on in the dugouts and discussions on the pitcher's mound and in the minds of the players themselves but the most important and delightful mystery is that we love the games so that the words baseball and America are often paired young and old player and fan major leaguer and tee baller the game is us baseball and America are a perfect match [Music] go ahead and pinch yourself folks look who's in the World Series [Music] one year ago they were dead last now they're taking dead aim at the title [Music] [Applause] [Music] and if you think the twins enjoy the reversal of fortune how about these Braves last year they were the doormats of the National League now nobody dares tread on them and does anybody have the right to celebrate more than these two teams who have rewritten baseball history well maybe we do that's because now we get to watch them play each other for the right to be called world champions [Music] [Applause] welcome to Minneapolis call it the sports capital of the world if you want and why not the twin cities have already hosted the Stanley Cup Finals the US Open Golf Championship and next year will be here for the Super Bowl and the Final Four usually this time of year the good folks here in the Upper Midwest would have the harvest behind them and they be marveling at the fall colors even as they dust off those trunks full of winter clothing but now all that's going to have to wait because like a surprise visit from Grandma and Grandpa Minnesotans have sudden reason to smile their twins are making a surprise visit there's something called the World Series and so tonight it's official summer is over it's time for Game one of the Fall Classic live from the Metrodome it's the Atlanta Braves and the Minnesota Twins here on cbs4 and hi again everybody I'm Pat O'Brien welcome to Game one of the 88 World Series and what we have here tonight our pair of cabooses who have been magically transformed into locomotives almost nobody else thought they good but the Braves and the twins have chugged their way from the cellar to the series folks never in this century as a team gone from worst in its division do first in its league and yet that's exactly what both teams have done to set up what really is an improbable series so let's imagine that way back in Spring Training you had the foresight and the disposable income to wager $200 at Atlanta and Minnesota would meet in the Fall Classic well if you did congratulations because at 5,000 to 1 you are now a millionaire the early storyline on tonight's game is Atlanta the manager Bobby Cox's decision to stay with veteran Charlie Leibrandt rather than shift to 20 game winner Tom Glavine this despite leibrandt's career record of all in four and six postseason starts well we didn't switch we never named the pitcher and as Charlie's turn Glavine follows him and Charlie's been one of the top pitchers in the league the second half the down the stretch she was one of our best guys and he's a veteran guys been in the World Series before and he helped us get here and as for the twins Jack Boras will get the baseball he beat Toronto in games one in four of the ALCS what's more folks he is now 14 and 3 here in the Metrodome this year making him the toughest pitcher in the major leagues to beat in his all ballpark and there he is going to work a little earlier today when we come back the man who first coined the term fall classic Tommy Lasorda will join us as our live coverage of the 1991 World Series rolls on from the banks of the Upper Mississippi here on CBS stay with us CBS Sports coverage of Game one of the 1991 World Series is brought to you by Hyundai yes Hyundai makers of the excel scoop Sonata and the brand-new Elantra and by Domino's Pizza call right now and you'll be enjoying a hot delicious pizza for the game what you love about baseball is that is a sport that bridges the generations as we found out earlier today Tom Kelly the manager of the twins batting practice - Tom jr. his ten-year-old son in the at a bats left and right Tommy look it looks like it looks like a future Dodger right now it's our pleasure to welcome not only a fall guy but a man for all seasons the skipper of the Dodgers Tom Lasorda in time thanks for joining us again Pat it's great it's exciting right here let's get right to work your thoughts on the pitching matchup tonight what about sticking with Leibrandt well Leibrandt is one of the pictures that got him here he's pitched in the American League he's pitching his dome before so I think he's going to lead the way letting him pitch today will give Glavine another day's rest I think this young man has had a tough season a days rest will really be effective for him do you thought he looked little tired in the last game gladden when he pitched against Pittsburgh it looked that way yes we talked so much about home-field advantage but in there typically unpredictable fashion the Braves have won three out of four on the road and the twins swept their three games in Toronto now will home-field be a factor in this World Series time here it will be Pat because of the noise it's really bad the players who haven't played her before will not be used to it fact Whitey Herzog when he brought his 87 Cardinals here for the World Series some of the players had to put earplugs in their ears so the noise wouldn't affect them I'm talking about the Braves the twins would be here that'd be like saying the Astros and the Cleveland Indians will be in it next year don't you think half of that is right that is the American League park they'll use designated hitters the twins will use chili Davis in his customary d-h role Davis blasted 29 home runs this year for the Braves Lonnie Smith will th which means that Brian hunter will play left field for only the second time this season and when fly balls are hit his way he'll be looking at that white Metro dome roof with those drainage holes up there add that the harsh lights and the noise as Tommy talked about it it can be a fielder now last night the Braves got their first chance to work out under the dome and here's how it looked a third baseman Terry Pendleton Tommy [Applause] [Music] he's looking up in the air looking for the ball is it tough to pick up the ball very tough Pat you take your eye off the ball you won't be able to pick it up again I think hunter and Gant and justice playing here for the first time they are going to have some tough balls to have to catch out there see you know as a kid growing up in Sioux Falls South Dakota down the road about a three-hour drive from here my friends and I all knew the lyrics to win twins and we remember vividly the great 65 team with Harmon Killebrew and his oil oversized and yes a slim southpaw who actually out pet sandy koufax in game 2 well Jim kaat is back in the World Series in Minnesota and let's check in with him for an introduction to a new device we'll be using to cover this world series for you from the time we were kids playing baseball on the Sandlot the game is revolved around that confrontation between pitcher and batter Supervision has provided what we at CBS Sports will call the inside pitch a closer look where we can track the speed of the pitch the instant it leaves the pitchers hand until it reaches home plate every 12 feet during the National League Championship Series John Smoltz threw a fastball that started at 93 miles an hour by the time it reached home plate it was 90 miles an hour then Smoltz threw a slider that started at 86 and ended at 83 miles an hour when it reached home plate with the help of the CBS inside pitch we hope during the course of this year's World Series to give you a little closer look at that battle between pitcher and hitter Pat hi Kenny thank you on a serious note the World Series has drawn a crowd outside the Metrodome this is a coalition organized by the twin cities based American Indian Movement and includes a number of civil rights activists who have come to demonstrate against what they call a stereotypic and warlike depiction of Native Americans especially when it comes to fans they say who Don warpaint and Indian headdress and perform the now famous Tomahawk Chop if the black athletes these great men who we know are the best of the best come into our town here if they were to see cartoons of or Amos and Andy between any ins being shown on the big screen there would be outraged I think anytime there's a significant group of Americans who are concerned about something in baseball we have to respond and we will owner Ted Turner declined to comment but club president Stan Caston had this to say earlier from the organization on the field and off the field have worked all our adult lives to get here and we're gonna focus only on that for the rest of series then when the series is over we can sit down and address any issue with whatever seriousness it deserves but as a human being do you understand their point anyway like all other questions on the subject we're gonna hold off any discussion until after the series is over right now we're just gonna concentrate on baseball the rest of the week the best way to take care of the chaff is for straight for the Minnesota Twins so we're not above cheering our own team on what we do in a respectful manner back to baseball and on deck Jack buck and Tim McCarver will hear from our men in the catbird seats can we continue live from the Metro dome as you see Jack Morris warming up for his big starts and I stay with us beautiful shot of the Twin Cities area and as we approach game time the weather in downtown Minneapolis is a nippy 48 degrees with winds gusting at up to 15 miles an hour but who cares inside has had delightful 68 degrees with 25 percent humidity and no wind like this year's twins the climate in here has been calm and consistent well as we prepare to send it over to our play by players Jack buck and Tim McCarver gentlemen wants you to know that this year we came prepared in the first inning of the World Series opener last year we thought we were safe when Eric Davis crashed a monster home run that ricocheted off our box and since then it's have glove will travel Jack Tim had a good World Series good evening he's ready an O'Brien is always ready good evening everyone I'm Jack buck with Tim McCarver Tim what about it what about what slight edge Pittsburgh you heard it I heard you say that well I mean I did give a slight edge to Pittsburgh in the National League Championship Series but I mean how is ina know that Steve Avery 21 years old would work 16 in a third consecutive scoreless innings and win 2-1 to nothing games I mean how was I to know that John Smoltz would shut out the Pirates in the last game how was I to know that Greg Olson would get pledged hits and driving the only run in Game six to send it to seven and what about you you're the one who gave a slight edge to Toronto I thought you went third trip the third trip to the playoffs surely they're bound to win one and how was I to know that the Minnesota bullpen would pitch 18 and a third consecutive innings without giving up an earned run hours I don't know hmm we're not the only two we have a fella downstairs Jim kaat Jim what about you what about me well I heard you say in February if there's one thing you can book it's the fact that Minnesota is gonna finish last in their division you said that didn't you yeah but how was I to know they went out got Jack Morris and he was gonna win 18 games how was I to know chili Davis would hit 29 home runs Carl Willis who had been in the minor leagues for about the last six years was going to do a great job in the bullpen and Chuck Knobloch would have the kind of year that'll probably make him Rookie of the Year how was I supposed to know that that's how they went from last to first and by the way Jack buck at that same meeting I think you picked the Cardinals to finish last well how-how-how is I didn't know the only thing we do know is we're gonna have a break here we're gonna meet the players have the national anthem a ceremonial first pitch how are we to know we'll return to Hubert H humphrey Metrodome after this message and a word from your local station [Music] we're back here at the Metrodome the heavy noise hasn't started yet but it will we're about to meet the players and let's join the public address announcer Bob Casey and now ladies and gentlemen the manager of the land at number 6 Chloe number one we said that Lonnie Smith [Applause] by the second plane in such a case the Epiphany Jeff Treadway brakes Bonnie porn is Whitefield number 23 David Justice [Music] body death in centerfield of the five one dance [Applause] body shakes the first baseman number 12 said breathe [Applause] 780 the catcher great option [Applause] body not a chuckle never do might be on by the guard [Applause] [Applause] first bug starters the cartridge craters and equipment then [Applause] if left field number 32 dan gladden by date second our second baseman batting third body parts the designated hitter number 44 chili Davis [Applause] but except the catcher number 12 Brian Harper [Applause] by week six is like number 24 change back [Applause] the basement but I need at third base number 31 scott leius by day nine the church stop number seven Greg gagney in the bullpen warming up for our twins double 47 Jack Boris ladies and gentlemen to honor America we now I'd like you to stand and sing along as MCE recording on its planets night will lead us in our national anthem [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and you see why [Music] what so who's brought [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] that was terrific by Gladys Knight and we're all a moments away from the first pitch of the first game of the 88th World Series well it brought tears to my eyes you talking about emotional scene moments ago Steve pillar mall the American League on fire her out the ceremonial first pitch it was wounded while heroically trying to stop a robbery down in Texas in the month of July and look at the affection the umpires are working this game here the Sydney and by the players who are nearby he walked out there under his own power where they ate walking canes and he roundly applauded by the players when he tossed out that first pitch we're waiting for the twins to take the field here at the Metrodome [Applause] nimma karma you talked about it the the tension was in the payoff but there's plenty of emotion left over for this earth oh yeah indeed there yes since the start of League Championship play back in 1969 most of the players most of the coaches most of the managers feel that most of the tension is in the late championship series but as there's still plenty of left the designated hitter is going to be used here as the will for all games in the sparkling city you met the starting lineups looking look at it again for the braised smith Treadway entitled injustice camden green otter Olsen and Belliard and Charlie Leibrandt the pitcher for the visitors here the savings [Music] defensively behind the starter Jack Morris in left the Elvis Dan's Landers formerly with the Giants Kirby Pucket what a popular player will be the centerfielder Shane Mack in right field scott leius the third baseman Greg gagney will be the shortstop this evening Chuck is not blocked most likely the American League Rookie of the Year at second base kicked perfect a fine fielding first baseman at first Brian Harper is behind the plate and on the mound the confused Jack marks the umpires working this one are done thank you sure behind the plate Harry wendelstedt of the National League first drew cobal Barry Teta Rick Reed and Ed Montague [Applause] let's glance around this Metrodome for those of you who have never been here or watched a game and it's that ceiling that's going to cause a lot of concern in town Kelly the manager of the twins said yeah the Atlanta team is going to have some problems here here's a 23 foot high curtain out in right field when the ball hits that it's in play and the fence and center fields 7 feet high and around in left field they have added Plexiglas to the top of the fence making that 13 feet high it used to be a lot of ground rule double ziran so they increased the height of that fence and left folks dreams do come true Jack Morris grew up in Highland Park near here watching Jim kaat what can't grant Bob Allison and Harmon Killebrew play for the twins and he dreamed of doing the same this year he pitched the opener for Minnesota started the all-star game started the first game of the championship series and won two of them it is a continuing dream for the Minnesota starter backboards only one other pitcher has done that started the opener started the all-star game the lake championship series first game and the World Series first game and that was Dave Stewart back in 1989 for the Oakland Athletics while already here in the World Series we have a record with Lonnie Smith leading it off for World Series 2 lining with four different teams and the three previous ones have been winners there is the first pitch of the evening [Applause] [Music] Morris 18 game winner during the season two postgame victory working hurriedly missing Smith Treadway and Pendleton for Atlanta [Applause] now mars slows it down a little [Applause] Lonnie Smith with a 1980 Philadelphia Phillies he was with the world champion Cardinals in 82 the world champion Kansas City Royals in 85 and hoping for the same this year with Atlanta and a blinds at to left to glad he staggers on the lights he staggered with the lights trying to get him but he made the catch and that's the way this one starts and Jack talked about the ceiling the combination of the low lights and the white ceilings makes it very very difficult to see a white baseball and watch gladden now keep in mind this is a team that has played 83 games here this season and if gladden staggers what's Brian Harper gonna do for the are Brian hunter for the Braves now it is Jeff Treadway the left-handed hitting second baseman Bobby Cox hopes that he'll get to her he hits don't tell me somebody caught that ball in the sea well that's what those homer hankies afford to catch ball sign him huh sign him up little kid said I wish that didn't happen for me [Applause] two balls and a strike Treadway has a bad right hand which probably will necessitate a minor operation at the conclusion of baseball play this year he started only one League Championship Series game and only one of the last 15 regular season games changes he is the offensive part of the tandem that platoons more or less at second base mark Lemke the other and between the two they drove in 79 to make that 77 runs this year second for that position there is mark Lemke in the top row next to the last fedway hits it foul mr. Latta banner well known to the folks down in Georgia Treadway lives in Griffin Georgia coming after him for tickets one thing there's the skipper of the Atlanta ball club Bobby Cox he was named manager of the year already in one circle and there's John Kelly second pennant Brandon Minnesota without by way of first case after the strike up one of the pioneers of the split-finger fastball was Jack Morris if you remember back with the world champion Detroit Tigers back in 1984 Roger Craig was the manager and you can see the fingers split and the ball going down and Treadway the first strikeout victim of the night for Morris [Applause] our Parranda thrown out ears pedaled it hits one to gagney up come the twins [Applause] nothing doing for Atlanta the first and pitching for the Braves as Charlie Leibrandt will review the lineup again for you Landon left Knobloch at second bucket in center David Ford eh by Harvard catching Shane back and right in her pick at first base scott leius the third baseman Greg gagney the shortstop and you just saw Jack Morris do his stuff in the first Leibrandt 35 years old a 15 game winner during the regular season one in four in postseason and oh and four as a starter in postseason play defensively for the Atlanta Braves we mentioned they could have problems Brian hunter only his second start of the year in left field Ron Gant will be the centerfielder justice there's David Gary Pendleton at third place rafael belliard a fine shortstop Jeff Treadway known for his offense more than his defense Sid Bream still a fine defensive first baseman and Greg Olson behind the plate and leading it off for the twins Dan gladden [Applause] and that's six hits against Toronto and postseason many years ago each I do force his way into the lineup with a San Francisco he's enjoyed many fine years with Minnesota contrary to the menacing Jack Morris Leibrandt looking rather of professorial out there who do you think tuck and a Pitchess in a rather cute fashion and he gets a strike one ball one strike very deliberate motion for Charlie Leibrandt he was in Cincinnati in the National leg then he went over the American leg with Kansas City back in the nation ligand there's his slot right there that is the slot in which Charlie Leibrandt will try to get right-handed batters out the ball Lowen away and that's his circle change up there it is right there you can see how he's holding it for finger and the thumb er together he throws it with the last three fingers popped up foul and there's not much room to chase the foul balls here and the count stays 1 & 2 Holly Varney a good picture of the circle change of Leibrandt and the fork ball of Jack horn [Applause] wax in here or cut in the ear because these spectators torture each other with a record at night revenues goes and pops it up and the first baseman sit bring one set foul ball foul no baserunners thus far [Applause] let's take a look why it is so difficult to see a baseball against the white background no problem therefore Sid Bream but there could be before this series is over especially the first two games that will be played here and then next week Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday nights will be games three four and five if necessary in Atlanta Chuck Knobloch a terrific season for a rookie batted 281 continued as good hitting in the postseason looks at a strike he was introduced out of the dugout he had a little salute for his friends down at Texas A&M written on the banning look is not a power hitter that only one home run this year Knobloch attended Texas A&M his first year 1986 he found out they had a shortstop so he was a centerfielder at Texas A&M [Applause] as the second baseman in the big leagues in what a year he had he led all American League rookies in hits doubles RBIs and walks and will probably be the American League Rookie of the Year he doesn't wanted one Guzman of the Bronto Blue Jays will get it but most everybody we've chatted with Finch said Knobloch his home free in that department he's got a lock Rookie of the Year [Applause] they sent first to the night other plays minor league ball and he said that [Applause] let me tell you it takes a lot of cop to hit a pitch like that the circle change lowing away off the plate and not luck with the first hit of the ballgame of course if you're playing the twins you already like to have the bases empty when this fella 10 this year I'm the corner that's a thing about Leibrandt he needs to throw that pitch and he'll throw it at any time at off-screen delivery Puckett the MP our league championship series [Applause] nine hits against Toronto I got a glove he wants a foul ball and the dirt there on our half way goes back and its own - there is no more notorious bad ball hitter in either League than Kirby Pucket watch where this pitch is this is almost under the plate fine play by Greg Olson looked like it hit the corner of the plate hit the left shin guard and Olson kept Knobloch from advancing the second as follows first probably saying from the Minnesota bench he's got a better one Charlie Leibrandt led the National League in pickoffs with 12 this year however 35 stolen bases against charlie and that led the majors they got it figured out they take you're right high kick out of play off the bat of puckett and it stays on to here's that very deliberate move when Charlie Leibrandt gets his leg through the apex right there he determines whether to go home or to first if he goes to first there's a chance of a pickoff but because of that high leg kick that gives the runner at first base a lot of time to steal the base [Applause] there goes the runner a strikeout and the runner down to second base with two hours we talked about the high leg kick not even a play on Knobloch at second base Knobloch with 25 stolen bases there's that leg kick again Knobloch guessed right and has stolen has second base stolen as Puckett swings through another changer [Applause] throw the runner at second two out [Applause] and chili Davis the designated hitter is up a terrific year with 29 all runs to the twin he made himself welcome in a hurry over here he was five-alarm chili Davis this year I will arm chili to put the twins on top in the first [Applause] back to the pitcher one left for the twin and we have a scoreless first inning in the first game [Applause] no score we go to the top of the second inning you know one thing the Atlanta hitters are going to see from Jack Morris that they made out have seen a lot of in the National League since Mike Scott has been injured the last couple years is the hard fork ball especially coming out of Pittsburgh with a lot of the off-speed pitching the left handers look at the fork ball right here in Jack Morris's hand and this is not thrown as a changeup this is a power fork ball that will be thrown in the mid to upper eighties and I think that's a little different look for the Atlanta hitters tonight that could almost be B for victory 18 times that fork ball is good to him this year 18 and 12 and now David Justice takes ball one from Morris justice hit 275 at 21 home runs then just a so-so series against the Pirates with five hits one of them all huh good young ball player will be descanse in atlanta for many years vol 2 there for a while last season they had just is playing first but he didn't do his best work until they moved him to the object voila fire two this Minnesota pitcher is five and one in postseason play so he's used to the pressure that goes with it I am here to left center for Glendon still dad carrying in front of the pencil that's typical of Justice to the opposite field Bobby Cox telling us before the game that David trying to pull the ball a little bit too much in the National League Championship Series you see that front foot when that front foot points toward first base he's pulling the shoulder out also but he still hits his fastball well to left centerfield and gladden at the track makes the catch so far in a row set down time ask for him by the batter this is Ron Gant we talked about a pull hitter keep the ball away from him as much as I can all in a row by Mara's lightning-fast inside and that's why as Jack said the breaking ball away if Mars comes inside again it will probably be off the plate [Applause] strike two [Applause] the ants stole seven bases in the competition against the Pirates [Applause] it's a combination of the power and speed buggy down a little trouble breathing still owing to him you mentioned you thought that against the pirates he was swinging kind of flat-footed yeah his is triggering mechanism mechanism is starting too late he's got his hands he's carrying his hands up too far I believe and that makes him come back too far and that was a hanger right there and you can hit the off-speed stuff the mistakes by the pitcher but you can hit the good high hard fast balls at Morris features among other things yes you'll see Gant just picking that left foot up and putting it down to very odd approach another follow Jack Morris had a very very bad cold a lot of congestion in the chest and as manager Tom Kelly said he was very ecumenical about it he spread it around to everybody he said half the club is sick same is true with the Atlanta Braves Saeko teams are under the weather but we're inside right so that's doesn't apply I'm glad we're inside changeup hit into left field and that ones follow yeah there's a lot of criticism of domed stadiums but none of the stake by the way by Jack [Applause] and dad pulls it foul foul not a lot of criticism of don't don't stadiums now though it was twenty three for the low yesterday in Minneapolis another foul Gant has swung at everything that Jack Morris is known up there [Applause] [Applause] Hubert H humphrey Metrodome here in Minneapolis part of the Twin Cities I'll spoil in the second act to the second baseman oh this is a very bouncy turf and Knobloch got fooled by that one he thought he was going to get it a hit forget when Ron Gant first came up jack alluded to the fact that Gant was a pull hitter and this ball squirts away from Chuck Knobloch watch it bounce and bounce away from Knobloch Ron Gant during the season had nine base hits to right field while having a hundred that base hits to left field that's an unusual placement for him and he is a threat to run and they do intend to run against Jack Morris the batter is sit great one on one out and one hit for each team [Applause] he's hit Ferg and not at first one up whistles quarters here tonight or Tom me was the regular-season score for the twins red Foley from New York and Dave Nightingale of the Sporting News some scores who would have given Knobloch an error on that ball now that ball had so much spin on it and when it hit the turf to me it was clearly a hit gotta watch Morris is doing just that there's Jim Williams coaching at third bow down here we can fill out Pat Corrales coaching at first the brain it's one that's playable for Clanton [Music] they're packed in air tickets are at a premium here in the Minneapolis area and we're at the Metrodome with I don't know what the figure will be somewhere between fifty and fifty five thousand stepping in and Brian hunter one of the heroes of the Atlantic victory over the Pirates four runs in the postseason and flops back entities more likely than ever to be running now with two out and the left-handed batter having been retired [Applause] Brian Harper the catcher looking for some indication looking perhaps for a pickup or a stroke Tom Kelly before the game who caused the pitch eons he said I do I said who called who calls for the throws to first base he said I do and that's why Harper was looking in the dugout to Tom Kelly and looking again sipping lead-free camp but he's going and the ball hit back to the pitcher an event that's going to it they got a hit they leave one after not gonna have no score wave those hanky after an inning and a half here on the home turf of the Minnesota Twins no score they hit in the first went not blocked the left on and Brian Harper the catcher will lead it off Mac and Hrbek will follow against Charlie Leibrandt and it gets a head on the counter the theme of the Minnesota Twins is work hard and play hard and I don't know of any other guy that it applies to any more than Brian Harper released by three teams in the late 80s now the play and that's strike two he finally got a chance to play get in the lineup with these twins and as he responded released by the Cardinals in 86 released by the Tigers in 87 and two months later released by the Athletics Tom Kelly and the twins gave him a chance and as he ever responded Engadget room Ortiz is the backup just minced 1 & 2 [Applause] we love Harper he's a great guy too is almost a hero in 85 series [Applause] at the gardens ahead of Kansas City of the eighth inning Kansas City how to play and who was the pitcher that day it was game six the pitcher Charlie Leibrandt Terry Pendleton now leibrandt's teammate led that inning off as no score the Cardinals were up three games to two at the time if they win they win the World Series and Brian Harper with a pinch-hit single driving in Pendleton and then Kansas City scoring two on the day Norwich pinch-hit in the bottom of the ninth and Kansas City won 2 to 1 then won the series the next night that's a head into the right-field corner when you take the right approach to with two strikes good hitters protect the outside part of the place and look at Harper right there shoot one to right field fine hitting by Brian Harper Gustus got it back in it we'll see if the twins take advantage of the leadoff double here is Jane Mac another former nationally very Swank thank used to be with San Diego he's in the same boat as Harper he finally got a chance to play what will he do [Applause] [Music] back drove in one run against Kuato and the whole suit [Applause] peacocks on the far right in Leo Mazzoni and just celebrated the birthday in the pitching coach seated next to him and Jim feature another of the Atlanta coaches all in their first World Series that's brilliant this is a double-play course let's go down to Pat O'Brien huh all right Jack thank you very much I'm with Steve Palermo the veteran umpire who was paralyzed by an assailants bullet the summer before the game I hope you saw the moving scene where Steve and I'm throughout the first pizza and all the umpires that were hunting what was said on that cell phone I just wished me well and which it's a very small paternity of umpires that we have in it but it's a very close-knit grouping and this is the 90s and I guess we can say it they just thought wish me well they all told me that they loved me how'd it feel to be back on the field very comfortable next year I'd go into you we're gonna see a walk out here okay I hope so pal hope I'm running around here people arrabal an inspiration to all of us back to you guys that was some moment to lean on in the inning and a half swing and a ground ball for Treadway I had a double play nobody left we played two no score [Applause] [Applause] two hits for the twins a double play followed one of them and only one hit for Atlanta as we go into the third 55,000 108 the paid attendance here the city up the medal Anahit fir Craig Olson at his hometown Greg from Edina Minnesota he lives 20 minutes from the ballpark he drove to work today on the road he said yesterday when he got in town he went pheasant hunting at about 6:30 in the morning he wanted to give his dog some work and here he comes the next night he singles up the middle on the first pitch he jumped right on Jack Morris and that's the second hit for the Braves Belliard will not use the designated hitter when we get to Atlanta on Tuesday and ball one do you think he is bunting Tim I think so he squared then so one would have to suspect the bunt Bobby Cox said after seeing that nationally championship series I mean he saw three one to nothing ball games that's never been done before in postseason play he's probably thinking one runs a crooked number rally and a good bunt by Belliard tagged by Jack Morris sacrifice is good Belliard is not a strong hitter even though he hit 249 on the season not a lot of power morris decides to take it himself and Olson moves the second base on the play most pitchers prefer to keep both hands on the love and ball that Jack Paar's didn't held on to it nonetheless and we're around at the top of the order a play by Ana Lonnie Smith who lined out to left his first time I've had six hits against the Pirates and at 275 during the season with seven home runs he's right on top of the plate this is his 21st World Series game [Applause] Sudeep short cut off by last goodbye or the second out those two fairy third baseman on the artificial surface can play deeper if they have a good arm a fine play by Leia's olsen moving to third base ball gets to you a lot quicker if you on the artificial surface you could see also moving to third there Treadway fouls one they have Jeff Treadway in the lineup for hitting purposes Lemke's a better defensive player the Treadway will try to put the Braves on top here in the third it takes a two-out hit one-on-one Treadway fainted his first night Olson 1/3 to God [Applause] half swing foul balls uh very Wendell step just miss going over the base when hominid Twitter's games this gentleman is seen this picture has been a free-agent a couple of times to play with Cincinnati cute skirts coming to talk about a guy who gets ready we talked about the fine play that Laius made the way he prepares for a ground ball reminds you a lot of Clete Boyer lead boy that's how he used to prepare to get ready stays 2 & 2 anticipation is a big part of playing the infield you anticipate every ball every pitch that's thrown to be hit - you want to be caught by surprise all the infielders are deep ordinary or running department got him again and they had to be thrown out of first ago [Applause] [Music] the twins come too bad and the bottom of the third most or two heads each block and the number eight hitter Scott the layest we're leaving it off but 286 batter during the year which is a third base with Mike Pagliarulo [Applause] takes the strike as he looks for his first hit in pre-season old for poor against Toronto keeping score and going to keep that scorecard as a memento you can be sure what [Applause] [Music] on the corner inside the last one and two we grant doesn't do that very often but he defected when he comes in there - yeah when he comes inside it's usually for a ball everything is centered off of that split finger are the circle change on the outside corner and that was it right there [Applause] I'll pass third base by scott leius speaking of football the world series in this facility here in October and next January the Super Bowl will be the first time that the Super Bowl and World Series will be played in the same season in the same facility unless Khalifa has one between two on last is power [Applause] we saw Greg Olson with a single up the middle he'll certainly have memories of that and scott leius almost in his first at-bat with the favorable memory we never forget these at-bats never how many World Series were you in then three and then three League Championship Series you never forget him you know I'm pitch that pitch to the first baseman Sid Bream unassisted we asked Vince Scully his fondest memory of a particular World Series the 1955 World Series the Dodgers had never beaten the Yankees they had played the many times in the series and suddenly in 55 in the Yankee Stadium you had a morose making the catch in the left-field corner and then you had Johnny Padres winning 2 to nothing and the borough of Brooklyn for as the fates would have it the first and only time one the world's championship and that that is about as sweet as against strike two Greg gagney then Scully is working for CBS Radio tonight Johnny Bench the Hall of Famer to his left and John Rooney a part of that broadcasting team gagney is up there's some talk during the year that this fella is very much underrated and unappreciated he's a heck of a player went through one streak this year with seventy six consecutive errorless games [Applause] no surprise you two in the homerun department as a matter of fact three postseason home runs for Greg gagney we had a terrific World Series against the Cardinals in 87 eight home runs this year but surprising power for a shortstop batting with one out Leibrandt has retired three in a row at the help for the double play let's out-of-plane it stays 1 & 2 third no score [Music] that's the only time they won a World Series in Brooklyn of course they've won several sits moving to Los Angeles in 1958 a late swing and Leibrandt gets his second strikeout [Applause] a lot of hitters get to looking for that changeup and then you can blow the fastball by them and gagney late on the high fastball as slow as the fastball is yeah but when you're looking for that changeup that fastball picks up in speed because of what you're looking for top of the order gladden and a change to start him ball and fall out his first time up in this one [Applause] the scrappy scrappy player and Leibrandt ear as justified his selection by Bobby Cox to start this first game [Applause] they're no walks of this game [Applause] new brand with a two-out walk will take on a block we've single his first time by his swipe 15 bases during the season Wayne Terwilliger the coach down [Applause] gladden off up with one foot on the rug then good base runners try to get two feet on the artificial surface gladden an excellent base runner and you feel like he's going to be running some time in this advant by Knobloch it's just a matter of width which pitch block doesn't hit the long ball ordinarily the Braves good job [Applause] Bobby Cox left our change coming we mentioned Leibrandt with 12 pickoffs this year and almost every time he throws the first he will look home you don't look at the runner when you're throwing to first you look home and that's another form of deception so then looking home throwing the first does that mean that when he's coming home he's looking to first not necessarily there he is looking at home and throwing to first gladden back easily runner going Tom Kelly the manager the twins has a stopwatch that he times every pitchers delivery to home plate and a catcher's throw to second if his lock says that it's more than 3.2 and a half seconds for a pitcher to get the ball home and for a catcher to get the ball to second he'll send the runner Kelly on every play on every pitch home has the stopwatch that he uses in the Leibrandt ahead on the now block gets a hit they've gotta play at the plate in Minnesota and Knobloch his tank down he gets his second hit it [Applause] one it looked like the basketball was inside from Leibrandt Knobloch going the other way and Treadway trying to knock the ball down to prevent gladden from scoring justices throw is low it's cut off by bream and bream in the rundown gets Knobloch and here's Chuck in the rundown cut off by Sid Bream Sid said with the nature that throw there's probably no play anyway he throws it to Belliard and Belliard on the tag everything is up misfits of all now it's 101 they put out on the hitter out lock when 1936 a walk a stolen base in a two-out single one-nothing twins ammidon grounded to short his first time [Music] [Applause] for a fellow that is the league in hitting nother than hasn't hit its stride as yet in postseason [Applause] Amar's knocks it down good play shades of the all-star game where he's almost struck by the bad at all uh-huh happened in the first inning up at SkyDome in Toronto he picks this ball up with the palm of his hand and then it kind of trickles down to his fingers so he can make the play seam grip it like a palm ball and he throws Pendleton out nice play by Jack Morris Catalano for two foreigner over Merritt for Morris and David Justice comes up looking for his first hit he sent the land into the wall his first time in the National League Championship Series the numbers for the big guys Derrick Terry Pendleton 5 to 30 David Justice 5 for 25 only three RBIs Ron hint had a home run in that series he was 7 for 27 but he had 7 stolen bases Lanta braids somehow finding a way to win mostly with pitching by the way the Minnesota run scored stops his streak of twenty four consecutive scoreless innings pitched by the Braves [Applause] [Applause] mr. Jack Morris Jack earlier five and one the only game he lost in postseason play back in 1987 to the twins and the splitter right there stays up in the strike zone but clearly a strike now 3 & 2 look like justice said something that caught the attention of the plate umpire on it I have strengthened his call [Applause] and a walk and it's the first by Jack Morris [Applause] let's join Jim down below well interesting to watch the pitching patterns of both Morris Utley Branton so far Morris with the fastball in the upper 90s and sinking it away and Charlie Leibrandt to me as you mentioned all of his change ups out of the strike zone he's getting the twins hitters to chase that ball out of the strike zone most of the time and the only the second base hit I should say by Knobloch the fastball in off the plate he just pushed it to right for the only run of the ballgame scoring plat can't swings and hits it deep at the track and at the wall Puckett wants it and gets it not get just misses it out on the end a little bit he thought he had enough of it but this being their first game they don't know how well the ball carries and Kirby Pucket tracks it down so two near misses by the Braves one on a ball hit by justice in the second and now and a ball hit by Ginn and saying how far do I have to hit like in Atlanta that probably would have flown out of here yep launching pad down in Atlanta the brain flied to left his first time [Applause] attacked so far for the Braves two singles and a walk Chuck Knobloch the second baseman playing shallow right you have two right fielders top there that's the one thing the one luxury you can afford on the artificial surface brave hits it in the left Latin chasing is over Atlanta is stranded too when scored a run in the third that ban in the forest Kirby Plunkett leading it off against Charlie Leibrandt perfect and his first time ball in the dirt the plays strike one [Applause] 4:06 batter gets left-handed pitching this year 406 not that the one-on-one talked about the big three of Atlanta what did the big three of Minnesota do during the ALCS Kirby Pucket the most valuable player chili Davis 5 to 17 and Kent Hrbek did not have a good series offensively one in two buckets swinging at a lot of on strikes we shall see bucket will pocket out of play [Applause] you know souvenir for one of the 55,000 off many hands [Applause] and comfortable Dimetrodon - um - we notice that fastball missing away Leibrandt will rarely give a hitter a fastball in the strike zone [Applause] [Music] it Davison Hartman in the transport now the chain despite the 3-2 count Joe Torre the manager of the Cardinals talking about Leibrandt Puckett indeed does have power talking about Leibrandt saying that he would rather bite the head off a rattlesnake have you hit a pitch in the strike zone another foul ball another cue shot like being smothered in a feathered bed in from racing Leibrandt allowed three hits walk to man and that man got him again second time that puckered his band tonight three of them for leibrandt what thank Kirby is not up there to walk he walked 31 time and 61 at Pat's another changeup out of the strike zone but Leibrandt realizes that Kirby isn't drill free swinger puckett going for ball form who turned ball 4 into strike 3 Davis hit one back to the pitcher his first time [Applause] Oh strike [Applause] [Applause] out of play and strike two on the unmanned from Jamaica chili Davis one of three free agent signed by the twins during the offseason Jack Morris the other are one of the others Mike Pagliarulo who will probably have to wait until Wednesday to start when John Smoltz the right-hander starts for Atlanta at Fulton County Stadium in Atlanta 1 & 2 tom kelly said the way that a basis on which they selected the free agents had to do with the work ethic of the people involved telling us that before the game and [Music] to better teams in baseball where they have maximized their free agent purchases better than the twins of the brave villain too talking about work ethic there's a hard worker and you know that's the that's the motto of the twins work hard play hard and that God doesn't throw a rule with one out in the fourth chili Davis sweets - and you look at the free agent signed by the Atlanta Braves John's here holds we need to do is catch the ball and ten three of the four guys in the end who gets the ball Barry Pendleton the third Rafael Belliard at Short sit dream at first base fine defensive player Davis hits it dependent for the second hour Libra has had the Adam ball going for this evening [Applause] right Adam second ending a line drive resulted in a double play helena was hurt in the 87 series and he played the d.h role and a pulled groin his three out of seven twins wasted a leadoff double by this batter Brian a Harper in the second [Applause] then walk very often doesn't strike out very often [Applause] 14 walks on the year 22 strikeouts and he was hit by pitch nine times he put the ball in play 91 percent of his at-bats it's a bunch usual thickness two balls and a strike there are two out but chain net waits on deck Oh half of the fourth one nothing 20 Harbor to look at the model very well we went I was seen with him to go against Libra have you don't swing the bat he'll put himself in the hole he likes to get you out out of the strike zone another hit after his second over on that's an interesting point that you just because if you are with leibrandt here at he'd get a fastball situation 3 & 1 the count a fastball on the outside corner and Harper again showing how good he is at hitting the ball the other way his double was down the line a vastly improve player he is since we saw in the National League our pre runs the bases he is rather slow a foot in the batter is Shane back with two out strike one back lined into a double-play by way of short his first time [Applause] Shane from Los Angeles and he grew up on the same street as chili Davis grew up a block apart here they are playing in the World Series together have to worry about a Harper very much the Leibrandt throws over [Applause] why is he flying over here what a compliment one stolen base all year [Applause] back waiting on that ball trying to take it the other way and it's one too [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wanted to [Music] on a good pitching and postseason the Braves have just been remarkable their starting pitchers have been has superb as the twins bullpen has been in the right field for justice looks like he's going to handle it in four innings have been played one left for the twins second man they've stranded but they lead one nothing now the twins up one to nothing with Charlie Leibrandt I mean it's a bird it's a plane in supervision this is some high-tech baseball and he is pitching exactly the way Prince hitters thought he would the fastball starts out no higher than 83 usually out of the strike zone ends up at 80 when it gets to home plate now watch the slider he'll run it in on right-hand hitters it'll start at 79 finishes at about 74 Timmy here's the pitcher talking about sell them in the strike zone the change-up comes out at 73 miles an hour ends up at 68 it's the pitch Kirby buckets been chasing in the dirt and a few other right-handers too [Applause] there is Charlie done a fine job but so far he's been bested by Jack Morris and we're into the fifth inning another look at the Atlanta left-hander Hunter leads it off here in the fifth count 1 and 1 to Brian who hit the ball back to Jack Morris hit it hard his first time up and a half dozen hits against Pittsburgh dozen home runs during the year [Applause] and I hit that one for glad to have Charlie Leibrandt by the way one of three left-handers for the Atlanta Braves at 115 ballgames this year the only three other teams and in this century that have had three left-handers with 15 or more wins 1917 Giants and then the 74 Baltimore Orioles and then the 1980 Yankees Frank Olson we've been feeling his oats here in postseason play had a hit his first time actually the California Angels also did it this year only five teams with three left-handers 15 or more victories this olanta pitching staff as good as it is might get some help from Pete Smith the right-hander next year he's been hurt off and on the last couple of years so they'll be heard from in the next few seasons bring it all as Mara's falls behind here's that left-handed success that Atlanta enjoyed this year also California the Giants in 17 1974 Baltimore Orioles behind Grimsley Cuellar and McNally the Yankees Rudy mate Tommy John and Ron Guidry a walk to alson who reaches base for the second time and that's the second walk by the Minnesota pitcher [Applause] llantas left three they have one on one out the kind of pitching will we get from the Braves if this series goes seven games probably get six left-handers John Smoltz will be the only right-handed starter for the Braves and that is dictated by Smoltz pitching the clincher in Pittsburgh on Thursday Thank You Belle yard it's a lot easier to clinch early as the twins did they clinch last Sunday in Toronto but it took Atlanta until Thursday to clinch and then they flew in all night driving about five o'clock on Friday morning they worked out last night but any team is fatigued it's the Atlanta Braves Belliard who sacrificed his first ion has a strike to town and Minnesota had ample time to put their ship in order Jim Williams give us the scientists with Belliard came to do much with a no to count and Olson not a fast runner on at first and swipe one basis [Applause] they are hitting man DoublePlay ball maybe Agni [Applause] bottom of the fifth one-nothing Minnesota bottom of the fifth Jack Morris a little different style than Charlie Leibrandt take a look at this fastball 94 miles an hour from the time it leaves his hand until the time it reached his home plate then the fourth ball first of all a Hrbek leading off here he grounded to second his first time will followup with regard to the pitches of Jack Morris told us by Jim [Applause] the fifth ball two what's interesting about that jack is how Morris maintained the fastball speed through the hitting area whereas Leibrandt lost speed through the hitting area I have saheba and it goes deep he's going to get to Kent Hrbek known affectionately as Herbie Minneapolis but they ever love their twins Verbeck sanding of contract when his extension was up the last time he took less money to stay here in Minnesota from here he just doubles for his first hit of the series it's a leadoff double here in the fifth inning a batterer scott leius and a strike to him he grounded to first his first time and has no hits and postseason Leibrandt has allowed five hits and a walk Laius took the bat back Jim Cott will pick that story up again very shortly with regard to Jack Morris and you'll be able to appreciate his pitching a bit more when he goes back to the mound in the sixth inning and Jim Clancy is on his feet in the Atlanta bullpen [Applause] Jack Morris he has shut out Atlanta on two hits two arcs in the first five s laughs trying hard to advance the runner fouls it off 1 & 2 with nobody out big league hitters are trained especially if you're an 8 hole hitter less asking home plate umpire don dankinger if that ball is a strike so if hitters are trained to hit it the other way if you're right-handed you're trying to push the ball the other way how do pitchers combat that they put you inside and in effect you have to inside out a ball over there that's why Laius had such a tough time hitting that ball the right side face it the runner stops at third [Applause] we print with a changeup but you can tell these twins hitters well-schooled on what Leibrandt is growing is diving out and hitting the change-up to left field as her backstop stops at third with two outs beg your pardon is nobody to the Senate child first off and they Brandt persistent with it off speak that the ball past the pitcher but backed up by Treadway Tim this is where the D H comes into play the number nine hitter up there rather than a national league pitcher if you're playing at national accruals and these two teams will be doing that no D H will be used when the two teams meet in Atlanta on Tuesday Wednesday and if necessary Thursday Jack Morris would be the hitter and if he starts next Thursday night for the first time in the long translating one healthy this ball is gonna go we've talked about Greg gagney power this is his fourth postseason home run and the first ever given up by truck [Applause] Charlie Leibrandt four innings four runs seven hits struck out three walked one nothing twins McCarver talked about it earlier you pay all the attention to the other sluggers and you forget about Ganga be the second baseman treadlow bothers it grabs it throws it mister take a look at the home run one more time by Gagnon Libra had tried to get inside but look what happened at first base right there Greg gagney is told to stop by Wayne Terwilliger the first base coat because he doesn't want to pass the runner believe me I've done that before and that's embarrassing I've been it in 1976 and that's what happens to hitters if they pass the runner at first base they get credit for not large to Charlie Leibrandt had never allowed a postseason home run off that way that escaped from the right eye but that's the way I look the scores poured and nothing black stupa Toa this crowd is like the Atlanta crowd they never stopped particularly when their team is doing something differences in Atlanta the noise has someplace to go here it doesn't back at you terabyte thread way now to another Knobloch now that's winter and a spot Tim to do whatever they wish in the way of running trying to blow the braids out now Latins already stolen one base and I would imagine he'll be running again at the situation dictates you can hit run here straight steal a lot of things you can do especially with a four run lead Knobloch we'll take a picture too klancy join the braise by the Houston Brook to strike in there is three and two on the year with three saves and we'll watch mr. Clanton over first base [Applause] let's go down to Jim Cuthbert well Jack and Tim one individual on the Minnesota Twins team and you're looking at him batting coach Terry Crowley many fate might be one of the most valuable players and this tonight's game is an example of it the Twins hitters have had an ability to adjust to the pitcher the second and third time through the batting order all season tonight's an example Kirby Pucket is probably happy that leibrandt's out of the game that's it from me two on and nobody out it's already portable wins they have to arts 7/8 has it the runner tags at second goes to third first and third one out Charlie Leibrandt has now started seven games and he has yet to win any of those seven remember we talked earlier that he was one in four he won that game in relief in 1985 in the ALCS so he ties ed Figueroa seven starts and no wins pretty good e ra to end up with no wins that batter is still a Davis switch-hitter the corner matter of fact it's it's about in five of those six starts Charlie Leibrandt had gone into the seventh inning five times but not tonight [Applause] our neighbor back on the air at 8 o'clock Eastern Time aim to between the Braves and the twins Tommy Glavine is Kevin Tapani the baseball of RNA and have bailed of our afternoon on CBS 1 & 2 it's drought here or something will react on every pitch over at third base is Dan Glen I'm base for the third time tonight Chuck Knobloch two singles in a war in cleansing and relief of Charlie Leibrandt here this twins outburst surprises no one they let stays one and two [Applause] [Music] first and third one out Clancy could certainly use the strikeout for the double play [Music] can be pretty nice up there general syriza not when you've loved a head for that I think you're playing at home you're into the middle relievers runner goes from first ball three gone basic man : Gregg Olson has two responsibilities he must look at third first little play on numbers there but watch him look at third that gets wedding back to third but that little delay also allows Knobloch to steal second base so your responsibility as a catcher is different with runners at first and third you look the third first to get him back and then they're gonna walk Davis [Applause] okay so they're loaded with [Applause] there's some more from Jim cotton well Jack continued from this level what made that stolen base so impressive by Chuck Knobloch is the pro was there but the hip first slide watch Knobloch slide away from the bag and then reach out and grab it with his left hand otherwise Belliard he'd have been able to tag him out as a great slide at Belliard stayed with that tag he may have look like not much he has two hits all on conference now we have lagna third now block at second base till they Davis at first and Brian Harper up doubling the second single in the fourth a good swing he had one and one is something we didn't talk about I don't think it was that clear-cut to walk chili Davis with the count three and two I mean if Davis said Davis has one more strike you throw a slider down an enemy swings and misses then you have two outs got three and two on a hitter I mean you've already worked into that count I don't think it's clear that's what Bonnie and the whole is Brian Harper 1 & 2 in the 1972 series the dick Williams in the Oakland Athletics had to count 3 2 - Johnny pigs they went they tricked Johnny Johnny's doing the game tonight with Benny get your held out for fingers as though they were going to walk into qu the next pitch right down Broadway in struck him out can they do that they did do that back they said loaded one out one into the count twins already leaning honeybell - into this have been a lon fifth inning for Atlanta doubled our base single by Leia's home run by gagney long inning for Bobby Cox limb the error by Treadway the walk to Knobloch Puckett flied out and they walk Davis with an excellent play a late tag by the runner and he is Oh 10 the inning is Olson held the ball so we end up with a three-run fit for Minnesota and it was a very good base running by Dan gladden that base running as a matter of fact he got a score on this ball he didn't return to the Metrodome after this message and a word from your local station [Applause] the twins leading Atlanta four to nothing it should be five to nothing with the twins still batting why you may ask yourself hidden Dan Glenn would score on this ball the relay from Hunter the belly art to Pendleton and planting an easy-out at home this is why planted third base watch hesitation break forward there's only one place for him to go and a ball hit to the outfield and that's back to the to third base he scores easily poor base running by gameplan the top of the order in the six Lonnie Smith out for three as you see Dan gladden coming in spikes high flaming spikes into catcher Greg Olsen and Olsen holds on to the ball one thing you don't like is a catcher you don't like runners jumping into you if they keep their feet on the ground you don't consider that dirty pool but catchers don't like that when runners jump into them they don't like that at all be interesting to hear Greg Olson after the game commenting on that type play Treadway is up his fan twice intact Horace Mars has blanked Atlanta on two hits two walks and he enjoys before nothing leave anahit for Treadway now one-out single by the advantage second baseman [Applause] dan gladden hesitating than breaking forward on the ball to the outfield if the ball drops in there he walks home but then appeared to know that he made a mistake and was out by about five feet and you could see the spikes high when he went in to Greg Olson and here it is once again catchers don't like the spikes leaving the ground they like him skidding along otherwise some catchers would take your foot and turn you over on a play like that best of doing that with John Roseboro oh yeah Gaby he played any way you wish and he also played for the Minnesota Twins when he left Los Angeles all on depended on ball two to Terry he's over 2 they another older catcher was great in that department with Andy somebody he was a killer I've heard you talk about Andy for a lot of years and then you know I wish I could have seen him play back in the early fist place for the whiz kids back in 1950 as a matter of fact there is Olson he was tough on the time when there was that's a tough tag because he didn't have a chance to get it to his bare hand he had to make the tag with the glove hand hits in a strike one don't fire single by Treadway the third hit off Morris [Applause] war is won two games against Toronto dude get the better of the brains here up him up for the second out second baseman wants it a long time between pitches we were talking about Jack Morris's basketball started at 94 and as you sit Tim the impressive thing was it stayed at 94 right into the hitting area and then along with that fastball his forkball is actually faster than charlie leibrandt's faster starts at 85 miles an hour hands up about 80 that's that pitch down and in that the Braves hitters have been missing and then about four times a game as he did the justice and Gant don't flop one of those in there a changeup that ends up about 58 miles an hour a base hit for David justice and Fred Way stops at second with two out two hits in the inning you stay with us down there Jim was that's an interesting story temple but really is pitch pitching ability of Jaguars yeah the fastball maintains its speed through the hitting area and there's a disparity in the speeds at the fastball and the change-up and the fork ball so he gives a hit or a lot of different looks and at which to look but the brains now and the chance of climbing back into this win if Gant can park one and Jack Morris allowed 18 home runs during the season Gant dipped 32 plus one in the playoff so there's a crack at it for Atlanta two on two out in the sixth and has singled and flied to deep center [Applause] and you don't have to question what the Atlanta outfielders intentions are up there - on two out [Applause] he's spotted this game and that ball is a base hit in past Latin in Atlanta gets arrived and they send justice now they hold him up on a double by Gant or a single in an error and hit that ball hard four to one third base coach Jimmy Williams had an idea about sending David justice but he realized the score and you just can't take a chance gladden does all he can the ball hitting off the arm it bounces in front of him they all he can to keep it in front and by the time he retrieves the ball justice has gone to third and dance a second but Jimmy Williams the third-base coach had an idea of sending justice and he held him up at the last minute it's a single an RBI and an error on the left fielder gladden said bream follows one with two Oh three hits in the sinning against Jack Morris Remo for two twice flying to left he could make it a one-run game or tie it [Applause] each team has made one error gone and won the grand one thing you have to keep in mind with Morris on the Mount is the wild pitch that forkball can slither away from his catcher he has 15 wild pitches on the year that's the most of the American League third to our that's what you're talking about Tim two and one it puts a lot of pressure on the catcher the wild pitches are up since that pitch was introduced because it's but it's best effect is seen when it's down and there's the fork ball right there you can see the fingers split and Harper on a nice play this will give you a good idea right there nice play by Brian Harper account to two on two out four to one Minnesota in the sink well we've seen those Atlantic left plenty this year come back and get you no matter what the score this came back two and three days ago winning Game six of the National League Championship Series one to nothing behind Steve Avery and then four to nothing behind John smoke Diana harper reminding everybody to out [Applause] pitch over the inside corner ours gets another strike and it's four to one in the middle of the six [Applause] back off or on the way in the bottom of the sixth inning four to one win back over to [Applause] and Clancy the pitcher for Atlanta in relief of Charlie Brent saw that big second half for Shane Mack only ken griffey jr. and Julio Franco hit higher in the second half in the American League [Applause] [Music] one the Treadway and one out let's rejoin Jim Cott well Jack and Tim you mentioned about Jack Morris his fastball how the 94 mile an hour one held its speed now look at the pitch that struck out Sid Bream it went from 95 out of his hand to 90 at the plate why because it was a two-seam fastball that Morris tried to get some movement on back across the corner the 94 mile an hour is the riding fastball he throws through the catcher foul by Hrbek and Pendleton cracks it and mr. did somebody did that ball apparently moved Pendleton couldn't catch it out ahead Terry just missing it and I believe it is the Commissioner Fey Vincent's daughter and who was hit and we certainly hope she's alright goodness I'm glad she wasn't looking up there is one out of the sixth her back still at the plate and look out what in one the box seats are extended in postseason play to accommodate commissioner and others of stature [Applause] all due to her back looks like she's all right [Applause] she is still in the seat there and not seeking any first day [Applause] three and one herb a rounded out doubled and started a three-run rally [Applause] idiot good enough he certainly did [Applause] hometown boy makes good it has been the Herbie Derby here for a long time who's had a double and a home run perfect the crossing home plate in pointing to the stands and I believe he was pointing for the family section right below us [Applause] so the twins get that line right back that they'd survive we have a pinch-hitter Mike Pagliarulo is going to bat for [Applause] [Music] Bobby Cox and his Braves are dreaming five to one sixth inning and the Hrbek enjoys the moment to the shortstop Belliard - OH [Applause] now you reload the pinch-hitter here on early with a playoff against Toronto hero basket paths he now moves past some elite company postseason play there have been six wins to hit three or more home runs only Greg gagney has more than three got to give you the list after this pitch klancy ball one teammate Kirby Pucket has three Harmon Killebrew with three Tony Oliva with three Gary guiity with three and Kent Hrbek now with three but get knee with pole [Applause] first time up his struck out then he hit a home run with two on nobody out for the time being at breaking open in this ballgame as Charlie Leibrandt the starter tried to come inside with two on here's what grant gagney did fans a lot to cheer loud another one for Belliard good play to his left we've played six innings but each team's going to run in the fifth and the twins lead by four or five to one we've played six of the twins lated five to one and a look at the MVP in the National Championship Series Steve Avery so don't count these Braves out no matter what happens tonight Lavin tomorrow and then Steve Avery and they have John Smoltz their pitching will always keep them involved Mike Pagliarulo pinch-hit stays in the game of third first up is Brian hunter run away in the seventh Jack Morris on the go [Applause] honor is all for two with a good play in the field as well against Pittsburgh [Applause] foul and out of play you'll learn about Barry Sanders and then most of you folks will be able to watch him in action two balls and a strike 200 Barry Sanders a remarkable running back for Detroit and Jack Mars for so many years a remarkable pitcher for the Tigers this one to deep short ganging up and to it you know it's impressive about this watch Mike Pagliarulo this is communicating with your infielders right they're gagney says I've got it so pyro holds up and lets him feel the play a lot of times third baseman tempted to stick their glove out and deflect that ball you're right Jim we saw him pull the glove back one out the batter Greg Olson ball strike one as a matter of fact in that zany inning the inning in which David Justice missed third base in Game five of the NLCS that inning started off by Gary Reedus hitting a ball in the hole and having a ball hit to him by by justice and Rita's cut in front of the second baseman fielded the ball threw it back to Zane Smith and that opened that inning up had there been better communication for the right side of the pirate infield that wouldn't have happened and that's what Kitty was talking about malecon has gone to 2 and 1/2 olsen and mark Wohlers warms up in the bullpen [Applause] and it is three and one baby sleep with all this noise is that peace with the world oh yeah well mama plug the ears and away she went [Applause] three and two Jeff Blauser will come up there next and he will bat for Belliard popped up in there is a play for the third baseman Pagliarulo fair ball and Olson is 1 for 2 with a walk allows our here in the seventh or fellow yard [Applause] well some pitchers can't stand prosperity Jack Morris can he's leading five to one here in the seventh and breezy [Applause] Bowser pops it up behind short laugh and wants it they trail by four [Applause] it is a bottom of the seventh in the Metrodome wins on top five to one we have a new pitcher the third of evening for Atlanta mark Wohlers and the top of the order is up Dan Glanton is old for two of the water and ball one in the new shortstop Jeff Blauser who pinched it unsuccessfully he has a tender elbows struck by fun go back do you think the batter and the catcher are talking about something here Tim [Applause] remember gladden went hard into Olson by gladden had something to say maybe Olson did also well to possibly I don't know and it seemed like gladden was talking to dink but you remember that the gladden came in hard the Greg Olson the last time up but he was a third base with one out and the bases loaded Jim Clancy the pitcher Brian Harper the hitter with the bases loaded and one out Brian hunter a fine play but you could see the delay by gladden a bad baserunning mistake and then coming into also he held the spiked high watch where the spike is and he slams in not only to his glove hand but to his left knees and by Olson giving like that I think he prevented last look we had at it showed dramatically how he went into his need yep now gladden draws a leadoff walk in the seventh the fourth walk given to the twins tonight and a block tries to keep a perfect evening going he has two singles an RBI a walk and a stolen base [Applause] our strike from Wohlers this gig can throw extremely hard but the personality of the walk the leadoff man from Holyoke mass [Applause] think about how young this Atlanta pitching staff is 10 not that young that is not that's where's the disclaimer that was not an Atlanta picture I thought we were looking down the bullpen but but he is 21 year old Steve Avery mark Wonka Mark Wohlers 21 also there goes the runner all since Oh Canada Tagg by Blauser is short well that was a terrific tag by Jeff Blauser to throw into the dirt a short hop and watch what Blauser has to do to get the sliding gladden short hop [Applause] that's a terrific play by Jeff Blauser gladden may have been in there but a fine play in the ball beating close enough to calling the booger up the middle to Blauser but he couldn't handle it and green Sejal probably in it for my block if so his third hit well it was a hit more ways than one and hit mark Wohlers and I think the the glaring thing on this play is the continued inability to throw by jeff blauser he had one opportunity for an assist in the NLCS makes the play he bobbles the ball after it hits off the leg of rollers but look where the throw is that's the second errant throw by Jeff Blauser and that was a tough play I'm not saying that saying anything other than his elbow may be hurting I hit his rule for Knobloch he's three for three plus a walk and Puckett takes a strike Herbies over three [Applause] the Minnesota Twins had men on base in each enemy [Applause] what a quick bat he has he gets it started in a hurry strike two the count 55,000 Plus on hand [Applause] now black skull of a sir Lorraine's the leading base stealer on the twins each year [Applause] the sort of fan lots of fun having some of the Atlanta rubies we're here tomorrow night by Tuesday night down in Georgia resident uh nationally bill white [Applause] to play back pocket still owing to door board clock here coming up on 10 o'clock local time [Applause] Puckett waved at it and held up and it's 1 & 2 we are at the Metrodome first game of the 1991 World Series there's our Lions score each team a terror nine hits for the twins including two home runs [Applause] one out and no other play a black women are the closet some DoublePlay combination would have pulled off to their Tim I think well we talked about it early their motto work hard and play hard you saw Clavin come into Olson hard earlier and this is how Chuck Knobloch takes Jeff Blauser out of the play all you have to do is make him look like you're going to take him out of the play you as the runner you have to be able to touch the bag you see Knobloch reaching for the lake louse are jumping up and his mission was complete oh the runner puckett at first with two out and the batter filly dead giving a walk conceiving old for two Waller's can throw the ball past as soon as he refines his skills they'll be a big part of this Atlanta pitcher let's strike two when Bobby Cox came to the Atlanta Braves actually came back to the Atlanta Braves from the Toronto Blue Jays and he said is his first line of business was to get pitching into the organization and has he never done it he was the general manager from 86 until the middle of last year when he took over as the field manager replacing Russ Dixon and that's an idea of how hard Rollers has been throwing 96 mile-an-hour fastball so they Davis has to gear it up 1 & 2 three-run homer but Gagnon solo home run by a perfect [Applause] the other RBI by Knobloch I think fancy bow rollers pitching either hummert 2 & 2 [Applause] [Applause] it on it first - uh that Gator Brian Harper [Applause] and the Grays will have the top of the order up in the it not going and balls break [Applause] if green drops behind the runner and a strikeout for Wohlers his first one left for the Braves their fifth excuse me for the twins their fifth and we played seven and it's five to one with Minnesota on top Jack Morris a strong performer his only thrown 86 pitches looks like he's primed for another complete game Tim he had ten during the season with a couple of strikeouts 11 complete games last year their more complete games in the American League by starting pitchers than there are in the National League [Applause] that's because of the use of the pinch hitter but in the American League you have many many more complete games than over the senior circuit now Lonnie Smith has not been on base tonight and ball one to him lollipop right there that's what kitty was talking about earlier about four or five ten times a game he throws that little slop drop and that was what their cost and Smith Morris has struck out three and he has walked two whereas pits the first game of the season for the truth the starting spot in the all-star game anyone two games against Toronto in the championship series and they ended up winning 18 games for Minnesota - until - Smith praying to that was a real slip pitch right there Jack Morris slipping on the rubber there is a pitch that pictures dude throw and they call it a slip pitch but you're not supposed to deliver it like that it appeared that Jack lost his footing coming off the rubber then it was ball three the Braves get their leadoff man on third walk for Morris we have seen the Greg gagney home run and after doubling his second time up and scoring a run in front of the gagney blast here's what hurt back I track in her back [Applause] and the bullpen it is mark Guthrie the left hand [Applause] and he's being joined down there by a right-handed pitcher now ball one two Jeff Treadway even before Morris went out to start this a thing when is that they're both then meeting up [Applause] a walk and now Paul took on on Treadway and Morris might be inviting the Braves back into the game [Applause] Mike Pagliarulo out to talk to Morris to give Aguilera a chance to warm up he is joined to mark Guthrie down in the twin bullpen there's Rick the left-handers guts aras back for the strike soon while Treadway one Katrina is scored the only Atlanta run where it is a stunning outside and thread one look for thread way to take again on this 3-1 count with the Braves trailing by four runs [Applause] a walk to Smith the runner at first and ball four that's four walks by Jack Morris here is Jim cotton well Jack and Jim the twins bullpen in the American League Championship Series such a valuable part and the reason they won but two of the most valuable pitchers David West and right-hander Carl Willis they're not up right now Guthrie's up to come in and get a left-hand hitter out Aguilera to come in and try to lock it up and they are going to lift deck Morris and bring in the left hander to pitch to cuddle things are happening here with two walks given to the Braves on the top of the 8th causing Jack Mars to be lifted for mark Guthrie the left-hander 2 on and nobody out and you believe then you believe that we're going to have the Winter Olympics coming up in February right here on CBS February 6 will be the opening ceremonies Tim and you'll be there kristi yamaguchi Tonya Harding opening ceremonies on February 621 hours of programming over a 15-day period from the 8th through the 23rd and then the competition commencing on February 8th [Applause] great a Pendleton he took a strike and the Minnesota fans saluted Jack Morris when he left after pitching seven and then the tip of the cap Kampai do downtown minneapolis actually from st. Paul Island Park 2 on and nobody out Braves trailing 5 to 1 and our default amount locked they get one [Applause] while that slows that down doesn't runner at third two out Pendleton hits a rocket to the right of Chuck Knobloch Knobloch going down with the ball making sure of one that's the key and then the strong return throw of gagney gets Pendleton Jerry knew he had been ahead and justice comes up with two out and a runner to third tried to deep left walk and singled Terry Pendleton by the way nursing that store arch on his left foot is not at full speed after he got him now falls behind justice [Applause] the lone runner now is Lonnie Smith third base to up [Applause] during the season with a couple of saves [Applause] and the bullpen has been magnificent for the twins and postseason 18 and a third innings of scoreless ball in the ALCS four in one and now Guthrie coming in and serving up the DoublePlay ball for the time being I'm getting the twins out of hot water they haven't allowed any earned runs more than two full games [Applause] all for the third walk of the inning how important was that double play two on two [Applause] and the Braves have a man who could cash in on this situation but Tom Kelly comes out and he'll probably go to Nadia Vera yeah that's the call Guthrie did a good job on Canada if any loss justice and a brain [Applause] [Music] five to one twins lead with two on and two out here in the eighth inning Rick Aguilera there stopper 42 saves on the year and to give you some idea of how the bullpen of the Minnesota Twins responded in the American League Championship Series look at the starters and look at the averages of the Blue Jays against them 316 against the starters 119 against the relievers an ER a as Jack said earlier of 0 no runs in 18 and a third that gives you an idea of how valuable this when bullpen is and let's watch this classic baseball paddle between the good pitcher Aguilera and the good hitter Ron Gant first and third two out eighth-inning five to one twins [Applause] Aguilera realizing the gantt power throws a splitter on the first pitch Aguilera fastball curveball slider and the split-finger fastball has really made him into a quality reliever one of the best around [Applause] so a splitter to the fastball and he has Gantt backed up yep the hankie is ready now it hits in the inning for the Braves three walks [Applause] two and two see what Brian Harper flashes down four Aguilera basketball away and in the left-field and that's a hit and another run for Atlanta and the tying run will come up ant gets his third hit of the night drives home run makes it 5 to 2 Lonnie Smith crossed the plate that were uncharged to Jett Morris the starter gets such a key man because now Sid Bream representing the potential tying run fastball really in a pretty good spot and Ron Gant hammers at the left second RBI for Ron Gant time they got him I was on a flyball to deep center now it's green at the dill and he popped it up in the center for Pocket that takes care of the brain and the twins lead has been cut to five to two five two twins bottom of the eighth interesting in the early part of this series to see how the scouting reports tell twins pitchers what to do with the Ron Gant they think they could keep the ball down and away but look at the plate coverage that's twice he's gone out and done that with that pitch I think you'll see an adjustment in the upcoming games oh it's a new pitcher for Atlanta into the bottom of the eighth that's Mike's tenant is the fourth ruler of the night Leibrandt I&C Wohlers the lefty standard batter is Diana hunter [Applause] aggressive play by Pendleton and he got it Harper is 2 for 4 Canada new who is less you don't often have this many chances if you play the left side of the infield because you do have the longer throw Pendleton blocked it and then picked it up and double clutched and still got her Shane Mack is the batter let's get past him back is oh-for-three former San Diego player lives in Las Vegas where he played with the San Diego triple-a yes Shane's dad as a matter of fact an employee at the Los Angeles International Airport and I talked to him about two months ago about Shane and about his how proud he is of his sons one of whom is a great high school football player and another who is a minor league prospect with the Montreal Expos he would have his dad that is would have preferred Shane go to college and play football that was his first love his father's not sure he's one ball two strikes in town he goes and he's old for four and Stanton has taken care of the first two this copyrighted telecast not be reproduced or retransmitted event about the express written consent of Major League Baseball and a lusty cheer for Kent Hrbek grounded a second doubled and scored and at a long home run out of life I have two twin the third three in the fifth one and the sixth [Applause] to catch up with standing at times it Kent Mercker part of the left-handed tandem and the Atlanta bullpen throws awfully hard 1 & 2 the score until the six got another in the eighth they have left seven getting much them very I love it Toronto [Applause] strike three call and standing has a 1-2-3 inning with a couple of strikeouts the Braves have a good hitter to lead it off that's going to be Brian hunter they'll go into the ninth trailing by three [Applause] into the ninth we go five two twins they've on hit the Braves nine to six and due up for Atlanta is first of all Brian hunter and a hunter is old for three Rick Aguilera on the mound this is ball one honor to be followed by Olson and Blauser and if anybody gets on Lonnie Smith [Music] one ball one strike this kid doesn't wait around does it no 12 home runs during the regular season and only 272 at bet talk to the coaches of the Atlanta Braves he talked about his instincts being terrific on the bases he's a strong young man appears to have a bright future with the graves or another club Aguilera gets an account gave up a base hit in the need we've got the final log with two grades on base [Applause] American league umpire rich Garcia up here in the booth with us in case anything untoward goes on down in the field and to the shut stop technique for the first out of the night for Bobby Cox a his team carrying 10 pitchers Minnesota primarily because of Aguilera carries only 9 Bobby Cox says Tommy Greg Jerry Willard Francisco Cabrera Keith Mitchell and mark Lemke he's got a lot of guys to go to on the bench he stays with Olson who's that is single and a walk [Applause] five two twins in the ninth [Applause] when one as aguilera tries to save it for Jack Morris tonight's telecast was produced by rick la subida directed by Joe Sethi the pregame show produced by my carnal directed by Bob mattina the senior producer of CBS Sports is at Goren executive producer CBS sports and sicker two strikes to the Atlanta catcher [Applause] phase one and two the Braves have left seven trail by three gagney scoops - uh let's go down to Jim cot to talk about Genki well probably the key pitch out of a couple of hundred chrome tonight was to pitch the Charlie Leibrandt sir let's look at it on our inside pitch he tried to get it inside but he didn't it started at 83 miles an hour yet moved back across the middle of the plate ended up at 76 in the zone that's not where Leibrandt wanted it that was probably the key pitch in this ballgame the ball sailed away in the fifth inning now there are two out the fans are on their feet and the batter Jeff Blauser he pinch-hit earlier he's old for one state in the game to play short after this game if it stays as is we're going to try to talk with Greg gagney Cantor pit Pat O'Brien coming up along with Tommy Lasorda one ball one strike winds hit two tonight if all into lap work lad the twins have won the first game five [Applause] [Music] try to come back tomorrow night this is the fifth straight Minnesota twin win here in the Metrodome they beat the Cardinals four in the dome in 1987 and the first one here tomorrow night it will versus the twins between two and we'll be on the air at eight apart with shadow Brian at Thomas orbit those two are coming up the final score here five to harvest the winner [Music] so they'll be celebrating in Minneapolis in the Twin Cities area tonight the Twins have won Game one of the 1991 World Series five to two folks Jack Morris is now 15 and three at home and how big is that he picks up the win our Chevy MVP of tonight's game is Greg gagney of the twins and Chevrolet will donate $1000 on his behalf to the Special Olympics incidentally that three-run shot Homer the gagney hit is his fourth postseason home run that is a new Minnesota Twins record 3 Harmon Killebrew Tony Oliva and Kirby Pucket each have three so he was in great company now he surpasses them Jim kaat is with some great company right now kitty alright Pat with a couple of tonight's heroes Kent Hrbek and the player the game Greg gagney and Greg I think one of the things the Minnesota Twins do as well as any team is adjust from at-bat to at-bat and it looks like that's what you did to Charlie Leibrandt tonight well you know he got me chasing a high fastball to strike me out and I said well I gotta get a good pitch to hit and I said I'll just be ready for his fastball and usually do it you know take my plan to hit the fastball and then adjust it of breaking stuff but on that pitch there I just went up there thinking about hitting in the hole and I ended up hitting out of the park I'll say you didn't Ken her back it doesn't appear that the long layoff that everyone talked about affected the twins at all your timing was right there tonight yeah I felt pretty good you know me Jimmy I like a day off once in a while and it was nice to have a few days off but you know it's so many different for us every night tonight was gauged with the big three-run homer for us and in the playoffs pags came through for us and then guy like Chuck Knobloch so everybody else has been doing their job it's just so many different every day all right a big night for the Minnesota Twins these two guys were a part of it let's go back to Pat O'Brien hi Katie gentlemen thank you congratulations Tommy your views on Game one well I think that home run by gagney was the one that they needed real bad and I put him out in front and then I think the clutch pitching of bars he'd got him out when he needed to when they had those threats going and I think that made the difference in the ballgame let's look ahead to Game two Nam we always talk about big games in any series in Game two now there's a very very big game for Atlanta without question that they would like to go out just as they did in Pittsburgh they broke even with them they've got the win tomorrow night's game otherwise they don't want to go back to Atlanta down two games to nothing they've got their bread and butter man Tommy Glavine going tomorrow this is the guy they want to depend upon he's deciding Award candidate for sure and I believe me he's going to have to give them a good four fight from the Twin Cities but once again our final score the Minnesota Twins five the Atlanta Braves to join us again tomorrow night at 8 o'clock Eastern time for Game two it'll be Tom Glavine for the Braves and Kevin Tapani for the twins and a reminder to start your viewing day at 12:30 Eastern Time with the NFL today Terry Bradshaw John Madden will give out their midterm grades stay tuned for that one then stay tuned for doubleheader action starting with Tampa Bay against undefeated New Orleans or the Minnesota Vikings at Dew England in the second games most of you will see the surprising Lions visit the 49ers up at the stick CBS Sports coverage of Game one of the 1991 World Series is brought to you by Chevrolet the heartbeat of America the cars more people depend on McDonald's getting more for your money that's McDonald's today and by Polaroid nothing works like Polaroid instant photography you have been watching the World Series on CBS Sports the home of baseball's biggest games [Music]
Channel: Classic Twins
Views: 17,111
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Id: l5lhE8lN7D8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 32sec (10352 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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