Minnesota Vikings vs Cleveland Browns 1989 Week 15

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[Music] you are looking live at cleveland stadium where the browns must fight the vikings and a wind chill factor of 20 below zero to maintain their shot at a fifth straight playoff appearance but they're going to need a big game from quarterback bernie kosar who's been nursing that sore right elbow now minnesota's backfield star hershel walker is also ailing he has a dislocated toe but the bikes are only one win away from clinching their first central division title since 1980. with a wind chill of minus nine it's relatively bommy over in chicago soldier field the bears who are not going to the playoffs for the first time in six years want to see to it that the packers don't go either and green bay quarterback don makowsky has worked his magic repeatedly this season but now the pack still needs one more miracle to make the playoffs inside the warm pontiac silverdome the lions welcome tampa bay detroit with three victories in a row is now believe it or not one of the hottest teams in the league and running back barry sanders who led the ncaa in rushing last year en route to the heisman trophy now leads the nfc with over 1200 yards and he should be a shoo-in for rookie of the year last night in a surprising change of events denver assistant coach mike shanahan has decided to turn down the head coaching job at the university of kentucky i'll tell you why he chose to remain with the broncos last season sam weish coats the bengals into the super bowl this season cincinnati is seven and seven and one loss away from elimination we'll talk with sam about his team and the trouble it's having if there's one place happy to watch sam white sink it's cleveland last sunday wyson salted the entire city on the pa system at riverfront stadium i spent some time in cleveland this week and you'll hear those citizens get their turn to sound off at sam all that and more coming up on the nfl today well good afternoon everybody welcome to sunday number 15 here on the nfl today and uh irv it looks like weather is going to be a huge factor oh big factor you know the minnesota vikings drawing one in five outdoors this year brent but this week what they did they worked outside thursday friday and saturday and hassan jones wound up suffering from frostbite on thursday so he missed friday's practice he's one of the leading receivers he'll play today but the vikings are also going to take advantage of this cold weather brent defensively their strategy is to force bernie cosar to throw the ball late in the game because as the game progresses his elbow stiffens he won't be quite as effective as the passer let's get everybody up to date on the playoff picture now only two sundays to go and yesterday denver joined san francisco in claiming the home field advantage for as long as each western division champion stays in the playoffs and of course the broncos went up over the top 37 to nothing over the phoenix cardinals and steve sewell with the touchdown pass now also yesterday the giants clinched at least a wild card and they applied pressure to philadelphia in the tight nfc east race it was a game of two fourths and one giants scored cowboys did not what a terrific goal line stand that's two weeks in a row that the defense for the giants has done it down by the goal line and that was the tackle by carl banks now here's what to look for today by winning minnesota and houston can wrap up their respective central division crowns philadelphia also a win away from qualifying now the eagles play at new orleans tomorrow night now buddy ryan's squad could also back in today but they have to have help to do that looking at the bigger picture right now buffalo miami the raiders and the rams still control their own destiny with a magic number of two in other words win out and you get in the playoffs now the others still alive in the afc are cleveland kansas city cincinnati indianapolis pittsburgh and seattle in the nfc there are two other survivors green bay and washington now the last time the minnesota vikings captured the nfc central division title that was back in 1980 and ironically they did it back then also against cleveland on the next to last sunday of the season this was the final play of the game remember the quarterback tommy kramer the wide receiver of mod rashad three wide receivers he's going deep down the right side and it is down so they'll try to do it again today irv let's go live to look at that face now do you remember that face on a very cold day in cincinnati hey dan fouts how does the weather compare with that day you took the chargers into cincinnati well it's a real close brent but i'm better prepared today i got all kinds of clothes on let me ask you about bernie kosar all the speculation about the elbow i'm wondering if in this cold weather it isn't tougher on him especially in the fourth quarter well i believe it might be because the field will be frozen uh and if he falls on it it's going to be the problem it's not a career ending type of injury though it's just a bruised elbow he's about 90 percent healthy he's got a range of about 55 yards the big problem today is going to be the wind and as everybody knows bernie kozar is not a real tight spiral type of thrower so that could give him some problems as well dan this has been the year to take pot shots at offensive coordinators bob schnelker with the minnesota vikings and mark trussman with the cleveland browns apparently he's under some fire in there what do you hear about that story well it's kind of appropriate that we have a frozen field because mark tressman is on thin ice but he will call the plays today he has been under some heat especially for those interceptions that kozar threw last week against indianapolis colts all right dan stay warm you bet okay irvine you spoke to cosara this week what about the speculation that his career was going to be over because that elbow no no it's not a career threatening uh injury as a matter of fact he also has insurance too if if he does have a career ending injury not only on the field but off the field his law if anything ever happens to bernie closer he's covered all right irv and meantime cincinnati coach sam weish has been making headlines on and off the field today the bengals host houston and a loss would freeze the defending afc champions out of the playoffs now earlier i spoke with weiss about a number of issues starting with an update on the weather at riverfront can you see my face when i exhale that's how cold it is it's i really don't know it's going to be around zero i think and then uh with the windchill factor but it's supposed to get up into the teens or so so if the wind's not blowing it'll be okay you know sam super bowl team a year ago now you're on the verge of being eliminated from the playoffs you're feeling about the importance of today's game well this is it brent we've got to win this ball game and not only do we have to win this ball game but we've got to win so decisively that on a short week maybe houston doesn't recover quite as well i don't mean hurting people but i mean really having a physical football game because we gotta hope next week that cleveland can beat houston as well and one thing i know about cleveland is they don't quit so regardless of whether they're in it or out of it they're going to be in for a battle next week as well sam i'm somewhat surprised at the inconsistency of the team at home this year how about you well i'm i'm surprised and disappointed like the ball club is but you know this game's an awfully close margin deal and when you go into any ball game one mistake here or there can make the difference and that's what's happened to us this year sam uh last week there was the incident involving the press when you borrowed them from the locker room would you do it again it wasn't the first time that's been done marvel levy did it a few years ago when they had a fight in their locker room and they didn't think the press needed to be there and i didn't think the press needed to be in our locker room in that state of mind and i you know i've asked the uh don since uh he thought that this was worth three thousand dollars having to wait overnight if they let me speak at their national convention this year i'll charge them three thousand give it to charity and that way they can find out just what an honorary old son of a gun i am don is don pearson of the chicago tribune he is the president of the football writers association we are going to get to weishan cleveland soon but sam is not the only guy whose wallet is going to be a little lighter this christmas time watch this nba fight it's a beaut charles oakley of the knicks and xavier mcdaniel of the sonics they squared off in the garden last night folks and they meant business both were ejected as they were leaving mcdaniel shouted to oakley let's take this out back no word as to whether or not they did but that's a heck of a lot better than uh roberto duran and uh sugar ray leonard i gotta tell you it looks like the national hockey league all right now coming up i mentioned cleveland we're going to hear what kind of things the city of cleveland has to say about our buddy sam weish when the nfl today continues live on cbs the nfl today is sponsored by radio shack your christmas electronics toyland napa because there are no unimportant parts and by bmw the ultimate driving machine well make no bones about it the dog pound is positively rabid this afternoon barking and backing up their beloved browns in today's must-win game against the bikes but the problem herb is that some of those dogs skipped obedience school at least the ones who've been throwing the biscuits and the batteries on the field that's right brent but it's really unfortunate too because the behavior of those few fans has cast a negative light on all of cleveland at least in the eyes of cincinnati coach sam weish cleveland city city i hope you weren't slamming the entire city sam for cleveland is in fact a great town with a refined and sophisticated population if it's culture you want is culture you get they're building the rock and roll hall of fame here but in the meantime drop in and visit the poke hall of fame to see the babe ruth of american polka frank yankovic but this week wherever i went in cleveland whether on land or sea folks were furious with sam weisz and the city of cincinnati i think it's great coming from a man who's in a town that gave baseball pete rose it's a beautiful city actually but it's the queen city and we are the king city of ohio if you haven't come to cleveland lately you haven't been to cleveland sam weiss is jealous he don't live in cleveland meantime back down state weiss was sticking to his guns we're not like the reputation that they have in cleveland stadium we are a blue chip city here we don't do those kind of things but in cleveland no explanation can reduce the sting of weisha's words no excuse for that at all none whatsoever he doesn't know brown real bronze man but in their hearts i suspect real browns fans know weiss is right it's okay to wear a mask and bark and yell at a game but the throwing of objects that can injure people and disrupt play is totally out of bounds there's always you know a couple people kind of ruining the rest of us and giving the whole town a bad name i think you're only talking about 15 or 20 fans and i still if i'm gonna watch a game in cleveland state i want to watch it from the pound would you consider the creeping browns the work of art oh yes uh beauty in motion every sunday afternoon down in cleveland stadium or on the tv screen but recently the browns have looked anything but artful they're winless in the last four games the stark quarterback brittany kosar has an ailing elbow the play calling of offensive coordinator mark tressman has been criticized and running back kevin mack has served prison time on a drug conviction in fact it's been a dog of a year for all of cleveland's teams in april the cavaliers were upset and eliminated from the playoffs and as for the indians well and here's the ultimate irony in order to win their division the browns need help from none other than sam weiss's cincinnati bengals who must knock off houston today we love cincinnati and we're rooting for them and if they can help us out we might even give them christmas presents cincinnati beach houston and then cleveland beach minnesota what are you going to do to celebrate on the boat [Music] well we're going to have a lot of laughs about this but we do want to clarify that sam weish told us again today that his comment about cleveland was not meant really as a blanket condemnation of that city or its fans he was referring specifically to those of the stands who were throwing objects on the field one thing we weren't going to have happen in cincinnati is the bad pr that's created when you allow things to be thrown onto the field i certainly didn't say anything against anybody in cleveland they've got some of the best fans in the country support their team tremendously but they have allowed and there's no question about it they allowed things to be thrown on that field and did nothing about it until they got some bad reputation out of a bad image and we didn't want that happening in cincinnati okay i think we can all agree with that well uh yesterday we took a look at your afc uh coaches poll let's check in on the nfc you're not buying waste that's a cop off because when when they put 80 000 people in the stadium in cleveland nobody's left on the street that's the entire population but yesterday we did the afc pole brent it was kind of close a lot of names in it but not in the nfc today let's look at the coach of the year a good race here george seifert of san francisco lindy infanti and green bay probably the way it should be but the other category offensive player of the year defensive player rookie look at it joe montana dominates he gets every vote because you couldn't vote for somebody in your own team now let's go the defensive player keith millard dominates 11 out of the 14 votes and of course the guy that should get rookie of the year nobody else barry sanders the only vote to deion sanders and wayne font says you know i really want to vote for my own sanders but i'll make it another sanders so it sounds like my guy do you agree with all that well yeah except i didn't see any votes for buddy ryan as coach of the year i mean william can you account well the thing about seaford you know while he had a good team and this and that but the way he had prepared a team during the week and focused on each game i think he did a great job because it's so easy how much of that is a negative bill walsh vote that they felt he got too much credit for the success of that team and now another coach has stepped in there well i think that most of it is realizing how tough it is to bring a team back after super bowl when you usually have a lot of problems the guys that can place it he credited walsh all year he never took a shot at wall seaford and for that i give him a lot of credit he just said hey bill gave me the job we're just going forward yeah there's some other coaching news i want to check in with you will we'll have that will's inside look around the league when we continue live in just a moment [Music] some great careers are winding down these december days brown tight in ozzie newsome he was honored just moments ago in cleveland he's going to be calling it a career at the end of this season and here are five others who are pondering retirement and some good names there too now some late breaking news regarding mike shanahan is he or isn't he going to kentucky he isn't going to kentucky brent you know he said in the show yesterday he had the job if he wanted it but before he'd take it he wanted to talk to denver owner pat bolan and of course dan reeves the head coach after denver played yesterday well kentucky schedule a press conference for right now but instead they're going to have come out and say hey we're just going to form a committee to look for a new coach because mike called up last night and said i can't take the job now i understand from mike's friends what happened was pat bohlen and reeves talked to me after the game and said you could have a great future here in fact you know dan's going to retire someday and you could be the guy they didn't promise him the job but they let him to believe he's going to have a great future in denver so he's going to stay with the broncos yeah well bronco's got help from a rookie bobby humphrey supplemental draft how about the list of the seniors who are eligible we've talked a lot about underclassmen but what about the guys who are coming out for sure well you know brent there were two big uh scouting combine meetings this week in the country virtually all the teams are involved and what they do is grade the players like after the college version of the regular season and here are some of the guys who will be in the top ten remember now these are seniors and of course one of the things discussed in these meetings were the possibility of juniors that might come out there's a second half of the top ten right there these people think that anywhere from 20 to 40 underclassmen might come out next year and if they do they could be a problem like mike lynn of the vikings told me if that many come out he thinks paul tagliabue the commissioner should definitely go to court and try to stop it hard to deny the right to make a living under our current laws but that'll be interesting what about plan b free agency a lot of teams did get help that way they did and in the mail right now a letter from the nfl office the teams are going to get them tomorrow morning saying officially we are going to have plan b free agency again next year on february 1st you're going to have to protect 37 players and let the others go to free agency and when i left here yesterday i went over and watched the cowboy game at giant stadium jerry jones their owner told me we're going to go big into the plan b market because some teams last year helped themselves that way coaching market will what about atlanta well i think atlanta you know they're talking to steve spray but what they're going to do from what i understand is wait until the season is over so they can talk to some top nfl assistants and what they really want to do down there is find an offensive type of coach get that can work with their young quarterback chris miller and bring him around all right and we're going to continue live with the nfl today on cbs in just a moment [Music] well it turns out that the bikes are more than prepared for today's trip to the dog pound in cleveland in fact as dick found out the minnesota's killer defensive line should feel right at home keith millard we talked to as a shepherd a german shepherd kind of like a guard dog and uh he'll attack you on site dolman has the doublemint pincher because he is a vicious guy coming around that backside and slapping the ball out of the quarterback's head nogay is our pit bull he'll hang onto you real tight all that may be sold floyd but watch out there's one cleveland kennel club with designs and your dogs this is how we handle stray dogs in the city of cleveland we snare them we lock them up well if they can catch us so be it but uh i think they better keep them real close to bernie kozar because that's probably we're gonna where we're gonna be come sunday so it's barking time in cleveland enjoy the game everybody we'll see you back there at halftime 23 to 22 in favor of cleveland five seconds left first down cleveland 46. three wide receivers right trevor back to pass he's going deep down the right side and it is down [Music] the minnesota vikings have not laid claim to a central division title since that game in 1980 the cold rugged look that the vikings once fashioned has changed to a quicker sleeker and more explosive style and now the streamlined vikings are ready to leap into the 90s a december winter storm has turned the nfl's oldest stadium into a frozen tundra and now in the house of slaughter webster that is the cleveland browns must rise to the occasion and keep their playoff hopes alive when you play in cleveland stadium you must battle the elements and today minnesota will find that only the strong survive cleveland stadium is sold out just under 80 000 for this important matchup between the minnesota vikings and the cleveland browns weather is a story 10 inches of snow fell in the cleveland area on friday this morning it was -7 the coldest has been in nearly 40 years but the fans have come prepared the temperature right now is up to 10 degrees the windchill minus 18 and the field is solid frozen the minnesota vikings are fully aware that a victory for them today or a loss by the packers against the bears will give them that division championship and in the afc the cleveland browns do not control their own destiny they need a victory desperately today and a houston loss to cincinnati to just keep them alive until the final weekend next sunday hello again everyone i'm dick stockton along with dave this game is truly a throwback we were talking about before the age of indoor stadium and artificial turf that's what we have today and then talking to jerry burns and all the minnesota vikings yesterday what were your impressions for them coming into this game dave well when you combine the fact that they have the number one defense in the league and this field and the windshield factor and the wind and everything the problem is going to be the defense can the cleveland browns get any offense going against dolmen and millard but the one uneasy feeling i have coming into this ball game do the vikings want it as bad as the browns do remember the vikings have two shots at that magic number one now the browns don't have two shots at all and the problem for them has been a desperately terrible offense the last four weeks they have tied one and lost three bernie kozar is starting at quarterback they thought about mike pagle kozar starts for the browns your thoughts on that well bud carson will not hesitate to change bernie kozar if he gets off to a slow start but the browns have great defense as well but it's a key for bernie kozar to be the star today because he's going up against the best defense in the entire league and the browns have won the toss there is rich carlos barefoot and all will be kicking off eric metcalf the impressive rookie is deep for the browns and we're underway and it'll be metcalfe inside the 10. that cap with a terrific return brings it out close to the 40-yard line where mark zeus makes the stop for the vikings a 30-yard return bernie cosar who was second to steve de berg of kansas city in completion percentage in the afc leads the browns the offensive line paul faron ted banker gregor okozi tony jones and cody ryzen ozzy newsome is the tight end playing his last home game metcalf and tim manoa in the backfield webster slaughter and reggie langhorne the wide receivers it'll be first and ten and carrying the ball is barry redden who starts and we'll see a lot of action at the tailback position keith millard an impressive front four for minnesota al noga henry thomas millard and chris dolman the linebackers are mike merriweather scott studwell and ray berry the secondary carl lee and reggie rutland are the quarterbacks joey browner and travis curtis the safeties it'll be second down and eleventh for the browns metcalf in motion cozar to the air hits metcalf and he ducks forward to the 43-yard line will bring up third and about five or six scott studwell makes the tackle for the vikings i think we've seen already how the browns want to use eric metcalf this afternoon obviously returning kicks but also as a pass receiver they feel that if they can get him isolated outside against a strong safety like joey browner that they like their chances eric metcalf who's having a terrific rookie year the leading receiver of all rookie running backs in the league daryl fullington is a nickel back it's third down and five for the browns and kozar will call a timeout [Music] he checked the defense and the clock was running down yeah he checked the defense and then checked the clock saw that it only had five seconds on the play clock and he was forced to call a timeout big part of the browns offense is kozar reading defenses and then getting to the proper audible but carson the head coach mark tressman the offensive coordinator and the browns have used a timeout first year as offensive coordinator is mark tressman who was with bernie kozar at miami and has come under fire because of the terrible offense the browns have experienced he is the man on the hot seat today and there's a lot of question as to whether he'll be back in that position next year not on the hot seat but as offensive coordinator four wide receivers on third down and five [Applause] his incomplete was intended for reggie langhorne and that will bring up fourth down and the browns will have to kick it away what we've seen so far is a couple of passes by the browns and the front four of the vikings has not gotten anywhere near bernie kozar very tough to rush the passer on an icy field like we have today brian wagner will kick he's had 24 of his puns inside the opposition 20-yard line that's leo lewis standing back to receive for the vikings vikings are 1-1 on grass fields this year winning at tampa bay and losing at green bay not sure you can classify this as a grass field today though leo lewis and so the vikings will get their first opportunity with wade wilson who has seven touchdown passes and 12 interceptions yet the vikings are in first place in the central division the offensive line for minnesota gary zimmerman randall mcdaniel kurt loudermilk todd kales and tim irwin steve jordan the tight end herschel walker and rick fenney begin in the backfield anthony carter and hassan jones the wide receiver we'll see gustafson as another wide receiver in anderson as well first and tan on the 20-yard line [Applause] walker goes in motion outside wilson flush from the pocket and the ball intended for carter is tipped away and a fine play made by mike johnson the linebacker oh it's deflected up in the air and thane gash came within an eyelash of picking it off there's a bit of linebacker mike johnson he gets there as the ball does nice job of knocking the ball from there and look how close gash gets to it as he puts just his left hand on it second down and 10 and of course you're not surprised that the vikings will put the ball up in the air even in these weather conditions well bob schnelker that's his philosophy the worse the weather the more he wants to throw it second down rick penny coming off his best day as a pro goes nowhere barely back to the line of scrimmage man waders makes the tackle here's the browns defensive unit talk about the vikings defense the browns another tough defensive group al baker carl hairston michael dean perry and robert banks the front four clay matthews mike johnson van waders moves into the linebacker spot frank minifield and mark harper who's in for dixon at cornerback felix wright and thane gash are the safety it'll be third and ten [Applause] so each team has had a chance and now it'll be minnesota's turn to kick it away the browns excel at the nickel defense that time they only had three down linemen in the game to rush the passer in fact they took out one of their best pass rushers and bubba baker their philosophy is to drop seven or eight men and make wilson try to make the big throw in the zones gerald mcneil goes deep for the browns and bucky scribner will be putting for the vikings [Applause] kick and the browns are going to let it bounce he'll get good field position no matter when it stops and it is down by the vikings and they will mark the ball at about the 36-yard line a 39-yard kick they've come prepared the fans for the cold inclement weather 10 degrees in cleveland the wind normally flows heavily off of lake erie but right now the wind is not a factor as the browns get set to go on offense in good field position for the second con one of the things these fellas on the sidelines have to be careful of is not to catch these capes on fire on those gas heaters a lot of times those guys can try to get so close to the heater that the capes will start to melt sort of a different version of the hot foot bernie kozar he too has come under fire along with mark trespas and but carson for the grounds inability to mount an offense as of late they start from the 38-yard line kevin mack is in the backfield on first down cozar's pass is caught reggie langhorne makes the reception and it'll be enough for a browns first down just shy of midfield good for 12 yards carl lee makes the stop well reggie langhorne is the browns possession receiver he should be featured on quite a bit today because teams like to double the other wide receiver webster slaughter but kozar under heavy pressure from henry thomas put the ball right on the money reggie langhorne the terrific season webster slaughter has been their ace however barry redden and tim manoa new set of backs in there first intended midfield for cleveland ozark going deep on first down and he overthrows the intended receiver webster slaughter double covered that back there by reggie rutland and travis curtis well slaughter really is their long ball threat he has receptions this year of 97 80 and 77 yards so he obviously will have the attention of the secondary the vikings two scores we'll be watching closely today of course will be the green bay chicago game and the houston cincinnati battle and of course the bengals have jumped up in front of houston seven to nothing which is good news for the brown [Music] [Music] [Applause] makes another reception it'll be good for a five-yard pickup he was hit hard by carl lee and that's the second catch for langhorne reinhardt comes in motion here across the backfield set and kozar goes to him all the way nice pick job by ozzie newsome but look at the grab right in the hands and then carl lee drives him down to this icy field this field is as hard as concrete there's some soft spots normally where the old baseball infield would be but not today he took the tarp off earlier and tried to sand some of the yard line third down and five four wide receivers for the browns mozart flips it out to red incomplete and that'll bring up fourth down [Music] so the browns got into viking territory a couple of receptions and they'll have to kick it away brian wagner comes into the game and again leo lewis goes deep for the vikings no one expected a high scoring affair today field position is really going to be a key today and so far the browns have had it now it's up to this man brian wagner to pin the vikings deep in their own end [Music] leo lewis the vikings practiced outdoors most of this past week [Music] [Applause] [Music] minnesota goes on offense for the second time no score here in cleveland we know about bernie kozar's elbow problems but he also has a hand injury and it's already bleeding early in this game there noticed yesterday talking to him that he had this scab on his hand and he has not been pressured that much but when henry thomas got to him the one time drove him to the ground and broke that scab and he's bleeding wayne wilson brings out the vikings from their 13-yard line operating from the i formation the pitch to herschel walker in his first period of the game gets him nothing brown's figured that walker should be a big threat today michael dean perry makes the that's one thing the browns want to do with herschel walker today is try to surround him and then reduce his enthusiasm in the words of strong safety felix wright now i say what do you mean reduce his enthusiasm well we're just going to try and hit him with everything we got make him start thinking about that bad foot make him start thinking about the bad weather and make them start thinking about how ineffective he's been the last couple weeks he's had a dislocated toe didn't play last week lost the yard second down and 11 and the quick handoff that time to rick fenney and again the browns stopped the run as they've had most of this easy last couple of weeks however a couple of runners barry sanders and eric dickerson got big games but normally the browns snuff him out well big daddy carl hairston he's a veteran and now what the vikings want to do is they want to try and trap you see the cross blocking in the middle there randall mcdaniel came across tried to knock big daddy away but harrison's seen so many traps in his day there was nothing there for fenney and for dixon did not start he hasn't been into the game yet third down and 10 on the 13. wade wilson has time penalty marker down hassan jones the intended receiver and the pass is incomplete tony blaylock knocked the ball away but there's a flag down and we'll hear from the referee fred wyatt it'll be against the vikings holding and half the distance but it'll be fourth down number 63 declined fourth down kirk loudermilk the center jerry burns shaking his head on the minnesota sideline well he's seen louder milk get called for holding calls a lot lately two last week in the first quarter against atlanta and now one here in the first quarter so he doesn't want to see any more of that from his center for minnesota bucky scribner will be kicking from the yard in the end zone keeping his hands as warm as he can there's gerald mcneil [Applause] fair catch and mcneil will feel the ball in minnesota territory at the 48th the kick went 35 yards each team has not been able to move the ball but bud carson's browns have had the big edge in field position something you mentioned moments ago well it all goes back to the opening kickoff when metcalf had the nice return since that point not a whole lot of offense but the field position now the browns will take over inside of the viking territory because they've been able to punt the the ball back and forth and get the edge that way talk about the wind which has not been a big factor thus far normally the wind affects passes out of the flat the left or the right flat and it affects the field goal kickers a great deal eric metcalf at the top of your picture first and ten at the 48. kevin mack it's good second effort by mac gets the ball to the 44 yard line henry thomas and keith millard make the stop we'll see a lot of the big backs that they like to call them here in cleveland now kevin mack very red and tim manoa because but carson feels that that really is the personality of his offensive football team and they just discovered it very recently eric metcalf is more of a scat back and third down back in a guy that he wants to use today as a receiver so we'll see the big fellas in there second down and seven after a gain of three on the draw play here's kevin mack and mack close to first down yardage is finally hit at the 40. scott studwell and joey browner but mack looking good he had a key fumble last week against the colts but running hard here in the first quarter short by about a yard mack on the draw play here and this is what he gives the browns the ability to break tackles and make extra yard after he gets contact there's henry thomas with one hand and look how he just bowls over ray barry and gets up close to the first down down third down and two with the 40. [Applause] loss of a couple ray berry with another fine play ray berry his play has been a key to the herschel walker deal because jesse solomon and david howard were dealt to dallas giving barry a starting role and he's delivered well and barry gave kevin mack the old payback we saw mack knock barry down and now barry comes right through there and drops mack for a big loss there and again ryan wagner will have to punt the vikings deep in their own end brian wagner will kick again and leo lewis back to the 10-yard line fair catch for lewis and he makes a tough running catch at the 15-yard line and right now for an nfl today update some of the important games going on here's brent mussberger in new york all right dick the big one as far as viking fans are concerned and they're getting help this was their first touchdown keith woodside with a spectacular run it was 7-0 then the bears came back and tied it now just seconds ago the packers are in again they lead it right now 13-7 back to this all right brett thank you very much puts more pressure on the shoulders of minnesota they have the ball first and 10 on the 15-yard line [Applause] wade wilson straight back drills it and the pass is caught by steve jordan the tight end and the biggest gain of the first quarter of 21 yards and the vikings carry it out beyond the 35 yard line the free safety thane gash made the stop viking offensive line gave wilson great protection that time and that was a long pass down the field for the tight end but the field position as we talked about is going to be very important so far cleveland has not been able to capitalize on the fact that they've been taking taking over almost in midfield chris pike is in the game replacing carl haston number 75 a tackle first and 10 at the 37 for minnesota there's the pitch walker and the browns gang up on him again mike johnson was the first man to get to him this is one of the problems that vikings have had all year with hershel walker is the fact that he has not run the ball well laterally when he gets his speed up going north and south on the football field he's a lot more effective but there is the gang tackling again by the browns trying to reduce some of that enthusiasm he gained 148 yards dan in his first effort but you see as the season has gone on his effort has dwindled and now they are going away from directing their offense toward walker and making him adjust to them second down and 11. design rollout for wade wilson the pass intended for hassan jones was low and frank minifield was the defender on the play and that'll bring up third now one thing that's always puzzled me about bob schnelker and his play selection is why he doesn't get the ball more often to anthony carter i played with a couple of guys with the same type of talents in san diego namely john jefferson and west chandler we always felt that if we could get those two guys going early in the ball game that they would give us a tremendous emotional lift anthony carter is a very talented man and one that seems to play well in these types of games third down and 11. alfred anderson is the running back wilson under pressure gets rid of it and throws it away no receiver near the ball and that'll bring up fourth down the browns went to a three-man defensive line and dropped back eight on the long yardage situation and so once again we'll have a punt coming up and it looks like bucky scribner and brian wagner will be the busiest guys out there today a lot of disagreement on the sidelines there's uh wade wilson talking to bob schnelker in the uh tan jacket also tommy kramer there they're discussing that last play and maybe a couple coming up scrivener will kick gerald mcneil by one defender brings it out again to the 36 or seven yard line audrey mcmillan makes the tackle a nine yard return there's a penalty marker down and our second flag of the game now if there's going to be a star on this field today it's got to be a guy with the nickname of the ice cube gerald mcneil he's got a lot of company doesn't he and a lot of ice cubes out there personal foul number 16 face fast 15 yards first down mark rosenhauser or the face mass penalty against the vikings so once again the cleveland browns have had the luxury of great field position in this first quarter but have not been able to take advantage of it [Music] on a frigid sunday in cleveland cleveland stadium sold out dick stockton and dan fouts as the cleveland browns trying to survive need a victory and some help if they are to win the division and get a wild card berth minnesota needing a victory to wrap up the central division in a scoreless game we have had a punting duel thus far but the field position has heavily favored the browns who will start from the viking 49 we've got a problem with one of the heaters on sidelines too the mechanics are trying to get it fired up the browns are down to two heaters ricky bolden replaces ted banker and left guard first down for bernie kozar the pass is batted down at the line of scrimmage incomplete it was henry thomas that'll bring up second down the vikings are depending on the pass rush against kozar who is not a mobile quarterback by any means well you know and henry thomas he's really the the fourth wheel of this group here the teams talk about their opponents talk about well they got chris doleman and they got keith millard and al noga and then they got some guy named number 97. who's in demand by several clubs dallas wouldn't mind getting number 97 [Music] second down to 10. [Music] [Applause] kevin mack gets maybe a yard or two mac did not carry the ball until early december he had arthroscopic knee surgery and was in jail for 30 days after pleading guilty to a drug charge the browns had expected his services all year because he was a the big back that they expected production from played with kevin mack in a pro bowl and he is a talented young man he's got his life straightened out now and uh the browns are really hoping for a big contribution he is the big back on this type of field that they need to be effective running the ball third down at eight [Applause] moving keith millard around on a defensive line for minnesota wins it incomplete pass was low intended for reggie langhorne [Music] that'll bring up fourth down the big problem kozar had that time he wasn't able to step up into the pocket because chris doleman was coming dolman is at number 56 from the right side of our screen he comes inside against paul ferran and there he is just hitting kozar who was unable to step up goldman coming in with 17 sacks but did you notice how kozar fell on his elbow that's been a problem for him the last couple of weeks a lot of swelling in that right elbow seventh punt of the game coming up already brian wagner kicking leo lewis is deep [Music] lewis is going to let it roll and the browns will down at about the 17-yard line mike pick went 30 yards scores important today in week 15 packers lead the bears 14-7 in the fourth quarter first quarter cincinnati over houston nothing and they're announcing and on purpose only if cincinnati's leading to the crowd here in the game and they've announced it one time when it was seven and i think the place went crazy we should expect to hear this 14-nothing score pretty soon pulling out all the stops today vikings have not had good field position in their possession start from their 17 pitches to rick petty cuts up field nicely and a nice gain by fenney may have enough for the first down and he does tackled by robert banks penny is the back on this side wilson's going to turn and toss it to him and watch number 30 thane gash here as fenney breaks his tackle that gets up the field and punishes the strong safety eric wright finney is again a throwback to the bill brown and dale dave osborne days coming off a career-high 89 against atlanta last week on first down herschel walker [Applause] picks up a couple of yards for the 31-yard line [Music] reggie rutland on the sideline and the defensive back the old viking fullback number 30 with the crew cut that's when they used to play at metropolitan stadium and you could see the steam coming out of their mouths when they used to play at that stadium before they went indoors second down and seven here's penny that's the kind of running attack the vikings like to run the traps more than out of the eye and that was mike johnson making the stop so the vikings keeping the ball effectively on the ground we'll have third and short coming up at the 37-yard line it was about three weeks ago that uh head coach jerry burns and his coordinator bob schnelker put their heads together and figured out listen we got to get back to what we do best and that's our offense that's throwing the ball to these talented wide receivers and running traps and draws and we'll just let herschel catch up to us next season [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] with help from free safety thane gas who supported real battle up front here between tim irwin number 76 and number 60 of the browns bubba baker and that's where they're running this ball great job though by clay matthews as he broke inside and kept herschel walker from putting a good block on him and was in on the tackle another all-pro play for clay matthews they're going to measure vikings have had terrible starting positions so far in this game they're short by basically a yard and that'll bring up fourth down and enter bucky scribner for another kick bud carson his first year doyle is a defensive coordinator for many pro clubs to great success jerry burns who likes to leave most of the work in the hands of his coordinator schnelker on the offense floyd peters on the defense and when you asked jerry burns what are his worries today he said well more of the things that are are out of our control like the weather the field condition and just the plane bounce of the ball talk about bouncing the ball that ball bounced short end over end kick mcneal will let it drop and it'll be down by the vikings at the 28 yard line by john galvin that kick went 35 yards [Music] nice job of scribner getting down like a shortstop keeping the ball in front of him low snap from his center rodenhauser and he just got it away the browns did not come with any pressure at all or they might have blocked that one and you would figure dan in a game like this deflections tips bad snaps turnovers are going to be a big factor and probably will decide the game not to mention the field goal all those things that you really can't prepare for during the week browns with their worst starting position of the game thus far their own 29-yard line 22 seconds remain in the first quarter no score [Music] kevin mack just beyond the 30. scott studwell and chris doleman combined to make the stop rounds have averaged only nine points a game in their last four contests they were seven and three at one point riding high they tied kansas city here and then lost their last three and that ends the first quarter here at cleveland stadium no score between the minnesota vikings and the cleveland browns welcome back to cleveland stadium well there's a viking getting his feet warm but they already took a heater away didn't they well this is from the cleveland sideline so we've seen that the browns have had the edge in field position but the vikings have got one more heater than the browns do that's a wacko heater with a wacko day at least the sun is out and for some of the fans and the bleachers in the upper deck they're getting a little sunshine for a while anyway start of the second quarter second down and eight and an audible ball at the line by bernie kozar those are as it tipped again they have not gotten to kozar but they have pressured him a couple of times and a couple of different balls keith millard got in his face that time well bernie is six foot five and he gets a lot of balls knocked down the line of scrimmage because as you watch him deliver this ball look how low it comes he is a sidearm slinger and that's why he gets so many balls knocked down to line of scrimmage and coming into a ball game like this the vikings defensive line knows that they have very good athletes there on that line so if they can't get to kozar they're looking at him putting their hands up and trying to knock it down he's missed his last four passes third and eight out [Music] thomas today and that'll bring up fourth down and kozar's problem is that he can't get the ball beyond the line of scrimmage and now the browns will have to punt again this is at old number 97 again that's going to try and set up a screen by the browns to kevin mac out to the left side and there's uh henry thomas just coming up like a basketball player blocking the pass coming in on a stun it's fourth down wagner in the kick again leo lewis back deep for the vikings find kick by wagner lewis with a return and the vikings will have pretty good field position for the first time today but there's a penalty marker down keith jones made the stop for the browns that kick went 46 yards and a penalty it's almost like you're waiting for the other shoe to drop in this kind of game in the back number 26 first down andre mcmillan and this was really the block it appeared was after leo lewis had gone by him number 26 for the vikings there blocking elephant right in the back and that did spring lewis but now it all comes back to the 20. so cancel out what would have been decent field position for the vikings and timeout will return [Music] well the minnesota vikings have a magic number of one they need a win or a green bay loss the 49ers have clinched the home field giants clinched a playoff berth yesterday washington and green bay must win today in the afc denver has the home field all the way houston can clinch it today ten teams are alive for the four playoff berths now for the scores that affect today's game chicago and green bay are tied in the second quarter but look at this one cincinnati 21 houston nothing what about the cleveland browns what an opportunity they have right now dan well they really do and they played good football so far it's been a battle of field position right now they've got the vikings backed up vikings start from their best starting position and the first pass is tipped and caught by steve jordan the tight end and his second reception he caught one in the first quarter for 21 yards this is good for 15 yards and a first down for minnesota i think everybody in the league thinks that minnesota has the most talented players on their football team and this gives you an indication of the athletic ability of steve jordan as wade wilson had no business trying to get that ball into him throws it over mike johnson's hands and jordan comes up with the big grab fumbled it out of bounds still minnesota ball first down on the 35 of the vikings wilson rolls out in the pass intended again for jordan off his fingertips incomplete for an update let's check in now with brent busberger in new york brent all right dick here's the touchdown pass by the chicago bears and if the bears win vikings are in regardless of what happens neil anderson's got it in the end zone pretty catch 21 yards 14 all back to this [Music] thanks brennan a good point by by you dan the fact that minnesota really has four shots they win either today or next week but green bay could lose today or next week and they're in and the browns pa announcer auto announced that score so the vikings hear it and make me relax a little bit that's right second and ten wilson pass intended for hassan jones and covered well by mark harper that'll bring up third down harper who's been an outstanding nickel defensive back for the round starting in place of hanford dixon but this is a good matchup for the vikings because hassan jones is a six footer whereas mark harper is only five foot nine this ball is very catchable goes right through jones's hands but look for the vikings to try to take advantage of that height edge that they have a wide receiver [Music] six defensive backs for cleveland on third and ten hand off to herschel walker and walker is going to fight his way out close to first down yardage and he may have it just at the 46-yard line clay matthews makes the stop on a fine call by wade wilson on third and long very very difficult to pick up 10 yards on a draw play but herschel showed you his type of strength by breaking through those tackles and uh getting the first down yeah playing on that bad foot he's got a steel insole that he wears not only in his football shoe but in the street shoes as well number 33 next to walker is jesse clark who knows what it's like to play in this kind of weather with green bay dropped by the cardinals a free agent pickup on the draw play walker and fan waders knocks him back loose ball [Applause] and it's still minnesota's possession man weiner is starting in place of the injured david grayson with a big stop on herschel walker well you talked about jesse clark coming into the game here is clark and he is blocking on waiters or trying to watch waiters avoid the block and make the tackle and then pop the ball loose this is close to being a fumble that is a fumble but the whistle must have blown when uh walker's forward progress was stopped [Music] it was a fumble and the browns had recovered there's the whistle and wilson getting away from a rush penalty marker down trying to get away desperately incomplete closest receiver was herself walker and great pressure by michael dean perry who's been an outstanding pass rusher and the vikings are called for [Applause] they'll take this the browns will accept this penalty and bring up a second in about 20 second and 19. a lot of pressure bob schnelker's history and the vikings whenever they've had second and third and long are not afraid to go deep in those situations at least that's what tendencies say and that's what the cleveland browns are anticipating that uh this very next play schnelker will put it up deep and probably to anthony cody number 63. second down again another penalty on kirk loudermilk the viking center it's like our official fred wyatt has just about every piece of clothing he can put on you know you get to the ball game early on days like this because they have all the extra equipment not only for the players but the officials as well out on a table and it's like a rummage sale guys are grabbing everything they possibly can the guys that come later out of luck do you kind of think that every time you come to the state of ohio it's going to be frigid second down to 19. play action who played with the vikings a year ago knocked the pass down at the line he's the man that said that the browns are desperate and very irritable especially himself he wants to show the vikings who he played for last year that he still has it he wants floyd peters at the end of the game to say hey that old al bubba baker he gave us a lot of trouble today valley gave wilson trouble on that one third down and 19. brown's practically into prevent defense [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] at the top minnesota's defense could be key today for them but the browns defense has been equal to the tag well they're very proud group and especially in the nicholas situations in the last three weeks they've had almost 100 plays in that type of situation so that's what their plan is is to force the vikings to bring in extra receivers right now the vikings are having trouble getting an extra man on the line of scrimmage for the punt [Music] here comes the 11th man david huffman bucky scribner will kick again gerald mcdeal is deep [Music] 10th putt of the game mcneal loses his footing yeah no one's going to take any chances today to try to feel the kick like that you know huffman was late coming out maybe his parka was frozen shut he just made it christmas weekend on cbs sports a winter sports special features two major international events the world junior figure skating championships and olympic superstars of tomorrow give the u.s an early glimpse of their dazzling talent and then the nba on cbs the improved cleveland cavaliers he can take a christmas day journey to atlanta to battle dominique wilkins and the hawks christmas day on cbs first and ten on the 30-yard line for the browns [Applause] the big back and there's another viking on the field fenney was taken off the field for x-rays we don't know what they are x-raying and joey browner is the injured viking on the field right now and he hasn't been 100 well he came into the game with a bad rib problem and he landed on this frozen field on his back and that's where the problem is it's a rib cartilage type of problem just below the the ribs and you can see he's in a lot of pain he majors in pain but it's usually dishing it out this play was almost an interception studwell comes over knocks the ball up in the air but watch how browner will land right on his backside and that's the problem there right thigh is the injured part for finney [Music] metcalf on second and ten tries to turn the corner to little success al noga and keith millard make the stop by the way daryl fullington has replaced joey browner as strong safety in the first carry of the game for an impressive rookie eric metcalf well metcalf's problem on a day like today is that he's a little light in the rear pockets he's not the type of guy that's going to break a lot of tackles for you in fact the browns are a little bit disappointed that the fact that he plays running back a little bit like some quarterbacks where he comes in and will confront a tackler he'll go down instead of trying to run through him third down and nine rounds yet to convert they've all been long conversion attempts however [Applause] brian brennan in the game is another wide receiver bozar's pass is complete to eric metcalf out of the backfield and it'll be a cleveland first down a gain of 10. good at living by kozar [Applause] okay metcalf is on the left side he circles out and he is what you call the safety valve kozar looks all around finds metcalf in the zone right over the middle and eric gets up just enough for the first down leads all rookie running backs coming into the game with 50 receptions only the second first down for the browns joey browner is back in the game first and ten cleveland on the 41. [Music] metcalf and on a reverse langhorne and he's going to lose a bunch and it was chris dolman who spelled out the play had a big loss of nine yards as the browns try to get a little fancy to get some room this is a good play though i mean a good call at least but it you're trying to beat one of the best athletes on the defensive line in the history of the nfl dolmen just too fast too smart and that does pin the browns back but dolmen he has a couple of interesting goals this year number one is to set an all-time sac record he feels if he does that his second goal will be attained that being named nfl defensive player of the year well as you can see he leads the league he's five shy of mark gastineau's sack record and one shy of alan page's club record second and 19. kozar fires webster slaughter holds on to it and makes a fine catch in the middle of two defenders a gain of 17 reggie rutland makes the stop and that's the guy who broke paul warfield's all-time single season mark but i want you to notice one thing this man right here webster slaughter a san diego state aztec is playing without gloves he's used to playing in the warm weather but look at this craft with just the bare hands you're proud of him because of that aren't you well i know how important gloves can be but i've got two sets on myself [Applause] the angle guy doesn't have to worry about catching the ball not anymore cody ryzen appeared [Music] and that's a horse of a different color for the browns in this kind of a game a critical mistake that kind of really wastes webster slaughters uh great effort there you see his reaction to the flag that great catch he made set the browns up in a third and two and now they're backed up third and seven green bay leading chicago 17-14 cincinnati over houston 21-00 the sixth play is coming up that's the longest drive of the game by either time team and the whistle blew and a flag is down and we may have another cleveland penalty and it would have to be a legal procedure against the browns boss start number 66 third down it was tony jones and that's one of the factors that uh one of the results of the weather factor today it's so cold it's hard to keep your attention it's hard to concentrate on the field that's one of the problems though as mark tressman tries to come up with a play on third and long after third and two two penalties that have affected the browns mistakes turnovers and penalties and now they're backed up to their own 39. can you talk about home field advantage well in this type of weather there is no advantage to either team in fact the home team players are mad that it's so cold with their own home they should expect it this time of year [Music] [Applause] 16-yard gain for brennan who is questionable with a foot injury did not practice all week but he is bernie kozar's favorite possession receiver number 86 on the deep come in route and kozar got all day to throw this ball he throws it perfectly into the zone just enough again for the first down but brennan came in with a plantar fashion problem that's the tendon on the bottom of the foot and when it gets stretched out it's very painful almost as if you have a razor blade stuck to the bottom of your foot first down on the 45 of minnesota scoreless game six and a half remaining in the first half eric metcalf trying to make something out of very little picks up a couple of yards let's get a scoring update now from brent musberger in new york what do you have well dick here's a third down play that did not pick up a first down because of penalties it was third and a bunch for the packers makowski with a spectacular scramble but he is just short of the first down and that led to the packer field goal 17-14 green bay right now back to dick all right brent dick stockton here with dan phelps at cleveland stadium in a frozen day temperatures are in the teens right now no score with that much time remaining in the first half the browns have a second and seven on the 42. metcalf to the top of your picture kozar looking the other way fires and throws it away webster's slaughter was downfield covered by reggie rutland kozar had missed six straight passes before hitting three in a row prior to that incompletion and that last incompletion was a real heady play because he was about to get sacked and saw that slaughter was down the field could throw it in slaughter's direction and not get called for intentional grounding we have not had any sacks in the game nor have we had any turnovers but we've had a lot of tipped balls in the line of scrimmage yeah we've had four for minnesota and cleveland has knocked down one of wade wilson's tosses so maybe we should be keeping track of batted balls instead of sacks today we will all right third down and seven on the minnesota 42. pressure up the middle by thomas saw kozar forced to get rid of it and lionhorn makes the reception it'll be a cleveland first down carl lee on the stop we're seeing some outstanding catches in this cold weather today we're also seeing a quarterback that is not going to uh give into this weather or give in to the pressure of the minnesota vikings kozar is not your friend tarkington out there running around the most ungangly looking fella playing quarterback probably since uh i played oh come on deepest penetration in the 10th play of the drive coming up no one ever called you on gangnam kevin mack will lose a yard mac and barry redden come in a new set of running backs chris dolman and thomas struthers in the game for the vikings make the stop here's goldman right here watch out playing on the other side of the field now becomes a factor actually that's al noga and he slips the block of kevin mack or barry red and i'll get him straight here in a minute but a lot of great athletes playing on the defensive line showing their ability to play little matador and says running backs come to try and block him crowds of gain only one yard rushing kozar's pass incomplete would have been a tough catch for webster's slaughter and that will bring up third and long tremendous year for webster slaughter 61 catches a career high brian brennan will bring in the play from mark trestman we talked with joey browner the strong safety who by the way is back in the ball game looking at webster slaughter you don't really fear him for his speed he's got a kind of a sloppy uniform he runs all elbows and knees and everything but the guy is not afraid to go across the middle and he is the browns really big threat on the long ball maybe he's ungainly third and 13. [Music] safety blitz kozar delivers the ball and it's caught back to the original line of scrimmage by brian brennan but joey browner came storming in on kozar just makes sure he's all right for good measure joey browner's number 47 and he comes clean from the left side of the screen mack trying to get over there but he delivers a blow to kozar good tight coverage on the blitz by the secondary mcmillan was there all over brennan decision time here though now for bud carson it appears they're gonna go for it on fourth and eighth so they realize they can't get anything with a field goal well by that statistic they are certainly due to convert one of these fourth downs and the browns are going to use another timeout it'll be their second of this first half and not a bad time for it with 306 remaining trying to keep the drive going browns have used their second timeout dan i can understand why they don't want matt barr to try a field goal here but why don't they try to punt the ball out of bounds inside the 10 or five and really hem the vikings in i think bud is confident that if even if they don't make it that his defense will prevent the vikings from moving down the field and scoring fourth and nine for the browns on the 31. [Music] intended for slaughter incomplete and the vikings will take over on downs michael brim an extra defensive back defending on the play and it looked like slaughter was there for a while well he was there cozart just comes up a little bit short you got to wonder about him in that right elbow of his he steps up in the pocket well but the ball just comes in about a yard shy well but carson gave it a shot came up naught and the vikings will take over on downs when we return you think those feet aren't cold on a frozen turf they talk about quarterbacks having happy feet well that's not exactly what they mean those are just plain cold cold dogs well the vikings have their best starting field position of the game first and ten on their 31. jesse clark and herschel walker are the running backs wade wilson will put it up on first down going for walker and great pressure by the browns interior defense knocked wilson down and gets a boost from michael dean perry good pressure from the browns front line they have a number of sacks as well as this year as well and although they don't get to wilson this time perry and big mike big pike that is chris pike number 75 put wilson down every time a quarterback gets hit on a day like today he's landing on a frozen field second and ten [Music] wilson completes the pass for the 35 to jordan the tight end span waiters makes the stop [Music] that'll bring up third down i want to remind you at the conclusion of today's game we will select a player of the game from each team who will be candidates for the national miller lite player of the week honor we get back to bud carson's decision to go for it on fourth down the other factor that had to enter into that decision was the fact that we're coming to the end of the first half we're under three minutes and uh that's a lot not a lot of time to go a long way on a bad day third down and six getting close to the two-minute mark wilson's pass up the middle incomplete leo lewis was the intended receiver and mark harper was defending and that'll bring up fourth down it's the game in which when i said earlier waiting for the other shoe to drop waiting for the big break that will give someone an advantage and someone has not had anything close to an advantage in this game but special teams may be the factor and again the more times you punch the ball it's tough for the punting team but it's also tough for the return team our return man mcneil will be looking right into the sun as he attempts to catch this ball from scrivener there's the 11th punt of the game upcoming good kick by scribner fair catch by mcneil and the two-minute warning has come with 158 officially remaining in the first half it has been a defensive duel a punting battle thus far not only is everyone trying to stay warm everything is trying to stay warm including the footballs they're using in this game i was a ball boy for the 49ers when i was growing up never had this problem where i had to go over to the heater to keep the balls warm what's he want to keep warm the footballs are his own feet i guess both he's bad the browns take over they had the longest drive of the game 13 plays youth of eight and a half minutes came up empty and now cleveland will start from their 33 with 158 remaining in the first half [Music] henry thomas and a fumble and the first break of the game we'll wait for the official call they've already given it things have recovered barry written into this first carry coughs it up red hidden off the right side he gets hit right there and then it looks like merriweather comes through and knocks it out [Music] and the man on the ball might have been studwell well definitely was a viking so barry renton the man who they wanted to use today as a tailback after being a backup pullback fumbles the ball and the first break of the game the minnesota vikings recover a fumble and have the ball on the 36-yard line of the browns with a minute and 49 seconds remain and they have all three of their timeouts remaining now they're going to take a look now at the replay fritz graf is the replay official to see whether the ground caused the fumble or not and you notice how well sealed these windows are in the replay booth and they're on the roof and if they should be sealed because if they weren't they would be getting the wind take another look at the fumble as meriwether knocks it out from behind tough to tell if his knees are down or not but studwell sees it and he jumps on that ball feeling izzy fumble that's the impression i would get that he coughed it up and the officials on the field made the call i'm not sure we have enough evidence to overturn the call that was made on the field that's the way our view is we've had a 30-second delay for this replay look this might show us from the end zone redden here comes merriweather and john galvin there's the ball but it's still very difficult to tell if he was down before it popped loose this is what we saw originally first down and the play will stand and because of the fumble the vikings find a gift a week before christmas and for the first time today they are in brown's territory all time outs remaining they've got three first and ten on the 36. can the vikings take advantage of this turnover pitches to herschel walker goes outside and the browns stop him eddie johnson normally a good short yardage backup linebacker was there to make the tackle schnelker's play calling has kind of gone away from the pass and that's kind of opposite of what he told us as far as his basic philosophy he feels that the the defense is at a disadvantage on the pass rush as well in the secondary his receivers know where they're going the defense has to react to their moves jesse clark is in the game in the backfield lewis in motion on second and 11th pass is batted in the air incomplete as the browns try for the interception van waders almost it michael dean perry however got his hands on the ball that will bring up third any left time remaining is 107. vikings have not used any timeouts but again a batted ball at the line of scrimmage that's two for the browns the vikings have knocked down five passes so that's really taking over for the saks today no sacks for either team third and eleven wilson gets time and his pass is tipped and nearly picked off and it was tony blailock and nickelback who knocked the ball away and the browns have held bringing a fourth down and they may be in the same position now that the browns were earlier when they went for it on fourth down well wilson again gets away with one here because this should have been intercepted by blaylock a couple of bad decisions on wilson's part here and if blaylock doesn't lose his footing he comes up with that interception and may have gone all the way for the touchdown jim gustafson was the intended receiver so on 4th and 11th just as the browns did a few moments ago they went for it on fourth down instead of kicking [Applause] wilson's pass and a first down is of bounds hassan jones makes the catch now the browns are arguing that he was knocked out of bounds before he hit the sticks vikings say it's a first down the spot will tell it all but what jones does at the end of this play is he walks the tight rope down that sideline and i believe that this is a good call it appeared that he had it just by a couple of inches here's the grab now watch he's about three yards shy of the first down blaylock comes through and misses but that left foot was enough for the first down it is a first down for minnesota with 54 seconds to go and maybe more important they are in field goal range now to try to break this scoreless time [Music] it would you would you might think he's in field goal range but on this type of field the closer you can get for the kicker the better right now it'd be about a 43 yarder first down on the 27 of cleveland wilson going up on top for lewis and nearly picked off same gash the free safety as wilson went to lewis who was double covered by bigger defensive backs lewis a short receiver well he is double covered there but watch how he breaks on the ball gets his right hand on it knocks it up in the air and just out of his own grasp but again i wonder why schnelker and the vikings and wade wilson haven't thrown any passes to anthony carter yet rich carlos getting set in case he's called upon he is six for eight by the way outdoors in field goal attempts this season second and ten at the 26. wilson looking for help throws it away clark was the receiver but he just threw that ball away and that'll bring up third down and if you're wondering right now a field goal attempt would be from 44 yards time 39 seconds remain in this scoreless first half and getting back to anthony carter he is now 100 percent healthy for the first time all year back the last couple of weeks he's been running around practicing every day and feeling like he wants to contribute had a nice game last week against atlanta big game against the bears but he has been missing in action so far today [Applause] he's defended by frank minifield third down and ten wilson's pass intended for hassan jones knocked away again by thane gash he has been a very impressive performer in the secondary for the browns this year and that'll bring up fourth down a day like today these defensive backs they're not concerned with intercepting passes they're more concerned with knocking them down if they had better hands they'd probably be playing wide receiver to begin with today like today they'd be very happy to just keep their man from catching the ball you're wondering about the barefoot kicker in this weather carlos says who kicked in denver by the way he said i don't mind i come on a kick once i have adrenaline flowing doesn't bother me and then i run to the sideline 44-yard attempt by carlos and the kick is good with 27 seconds remaining jerry burns with a quick clap as the minnesota vikings take advantage of a browns turnover kicker very important for your holder bucky scrivener in this case to grab the ball obviously that but spin it so that the laces are away from him look at the great timing there carlos gets into it needed 44 yards got 45 and the vikes are on top for carlos that is his 13th field goal in a row two behind the club record benny ricardo set six years ago and now he'll be kicking off with 27 seconds remaining in the first half eric metcalf is deep for the browns number 21 in the middle then they kick it on the ground brown's trying to hold on as a loose ball and the vikings have recovered another kick one official both officials now signal that it's minnesota ball with 24 seconds to go on a smart short kick by rich carlos and another turnover here and the vikings are going to have another chance to add to their three-nothing lead [Music] carlos on the intentional grounder there very red can't quite come up with it the ball is now on the ground see who the first man on top of it is there's a brown must have gone right over the top of it remember that ball is cold and frozen bark deuce i think is the guy who recovered it that's who it is at least he's got it now and for renton who fumbled just moments ago leading to carlos's field goal it's redden who muffs the kickoff so two turnovers byron as it turns out gives the vikings another opportunity they're on the brown 40 first and ten they still have all of their timeouts but time running out wade wilson dumps it off to jesse clark and clark gets ahead of steam inside the 30 and the vikings will use a timeout here a gain of 12 clay matthews made the tackle on clark first time out by minnesota trying to get at least in field goal range for another three-point attempt with 16 seconds remaining and if we go by what carlos just accomplished with that 44-yarder the vikings need about five more yards to get him within that range but that face there that face to me says wind chill factor i thought you're gonna say it's the map of ireland barry redden with a couple of miscues here and the waning moments of the first half giving the vikings the lead and another opportunity here they have two timeouts left the ball is on the 28th of the browns it was almost as if carlos had a string on that ball when he kicked it it went down there her teeth spread a little bit and he yanked it back and the vikings came up with the [Music] [Applause] [Music] recovery wilson's pass knocked away intended for carter and it was mark harper who got there at the same time as the ball and made the defensive play fine play by harper because that ball was thrown behind anthony carter it may be cold out there but the temperature and the tempers are are rising you know just a second ago bubba baker and randall mcdaniel banged helmets there of course baker will do a lot of talking out there talking with his former mates bubba with a hello to mcdaniel but now it's back to business on second and ten [Applause] wilson going up on top again and the pass nearly picked off again intended for carter and tony blaylock position on and is trying to appeal to the officials that carter might have interfered with him well the vikings are trying to get the ball to anthony carter but two plays in a row this one by blaylock won before by harper have kept him shut out so far you just can't cover a man any better than that the ball was again under thrown and that'll bring up a long field goal for rich carlos 45 yards one more than the successful field goal moments ago with five seconds to go in the first half and this kick is no good off to the left again as time runs out so the browns avoid the second turnover and now a penalty marker is down and the officials are going to wave the browns back on the field they're on their way off absolutely it's against the browns somebody must have been in the neutral zone there crowds are going in the dugout but it's going to be a brief warming period for them they'll have to come back or this is really where the browns pick up speed is when they hit this dugout yes they're going into the locker room that's going to be a tough sail trying to get hey boys we got one more play right right i'm not on the field goal block team they're doing everything for carlos he says i don't need it i got the hot foot so carlos is going to get another opportunity and they're going to mark the penalty off and that kick was just short by about a yard so this would definitely put him in within his range for today offside number 31 third down frank minifield was offside and doesn't speak volumes for the kind of problems the browns have been having lately a couple of turnovers and now it looked like carlos had missed a penalty and now a 40-yard attempt upcoming last play of the head and this kick is long enough but it's off to the right so carlos had two chances and missed them both but the vikings will have to be content with a three to nothing lead at halftime knowing they have 30 more minutes to hold the lead and clinch a division title [Music] welcome back to our new york studios everybody now after next weekend the chicago bears are going to find themselves in an unaccustomed place this time of year they're going to join you at home watching the playoffs on tv the bears fail to make postseason play for the first time since 83 and as dick buckus reports there's one bear who is especially heartbroken it was only four years ago that the chicago bears shuffled into america's heart the wild and crazy bears captivated the country with a dominating style all their own a style which now has become a fading memory this year dreams of reliving that super bowl glory unravel due to injuries and inexperience and no one has felt that anguish more than the bear's captain mike singletary you find yourself at times you don't know what to feel you feel frustrated you feel disappointed but you know that after a season like this some character has been built you know that something inside you has been touched you know you started the season four and all what was wrong what we really didn't look at is the fact that we had so many young guys and um four and old meant 16 you know to them and sometimes that can be a tough thing to overcome one of the biggest factors in the bears demise was their lack of a take charge quarterback mike tomsack and jim harbaugh were bruised badly both on and off the field [Music] they've taken a lot of criticism this year they've taken a they've been beaten down by a lot of people and i i think that people have to tell them hey guys we do believe you can do it we we know that you can do it you think trading jim mcmahon was the the right thing to do you look back on it you say wow you know why did why did that happen or why it could do that it's easy to say now but but at the time it was a clear-cut decision the defense started to come apart in week five and one man's heart no matter how big could not carry a wounded inexperienced squad nothing in fact could reverse the slide we think we are absolutely an atrocious football team at this point right now i doubt we will be fortunate to win one more game mike was just really frustrated there was one time that we had guys here that had such an ego and so much pride that you could tell them that they weren't any good you could tell them that uh they weren't good football players but they didn't believe you anyways but now we've got a different kind of player you got kids here that'll play their hard fight for you but at the same time if you get down on them a little too hard they may not ever come back out of that shell once you form unity it's unconquerable and i think this is one of the things that the team has to get back to uh unity and realizing that uh one for all and all for one i mean no matter how corny it sounds that's what it's got to be and uh i know that that's going to happen uh what's mike mccaskey's reaction to the way dick has handled things a why do you talk to mike ditka about being too hard on the club young team brenton by taking that hard line he's sort of frustrated they'll change that next year we've got several news stories uh that we've been following today first now in the nfl the 49ers play the bills later on quarterback joe montana nursing those bruised ribs will not start steve young of course one of the better backups in the nfl the 49ers have already wrapped up the home field advantage so they can afford to give montana the week off now in another late game the new york jets will be forced to start quarterback tony eason the former patriot against the rams even though eason's only had time to pick up about 40 percent of joe walton's offense now davis cup tennis boris becker has defeated matt's vlander in straight sets to clinch west germany's second consecutive davis cup championship and on a somber note in the nba portland trailblazer rookie ramon ramos he remains in a coma following yesterday's automobile accident doctors now give him only a 50-50 chance of survival he was a star at seton hall last year and of course our prayers are with him as he fights for his life this afternoon now switching over to the nfl the minnesota vikings trying to win a central division title for the first time since 1980 lead to cleveland bronze i guess we can say the schnelkers are ahead of the trustments here three to nothing both offensive coordinators are under a little bit of fire and there has not been much punch in this one meanwhile the green bay packers they're fighting to stay alive for that division title and they've had some offensive show against the chicago bears so far and it's one of the reasons why a lot of teams are that offensive fireworks against the bears when dan hampton can't play what a great run here by woodsider tiffany's fighting his way off his left guard the thing here the key here though once he gets into the secondary simply outraces the defensive back to the end zone for a 68-yard touchdown yeah it's been a tough season for that guy quarterback jim harbaugh what a nicely thrown ball here right on target but neil anderson makes a great catch over the shoulder here deep in the end zone for the score 21 yards up field or if you agree with me i hate to leave off randall cunningham but the joe montana deserves the pro bowl and i think don makowski does for the nfc he would get my boat as well so he's had a great year it goes into one yard down there yard line set up with field goal here he runs the ball faking the ball inside and rolling outside on the bootleg going 17 yards upfield for the score of course the only way that they can stay alive for that division championship would be for cleveland to come back in the second half only down by a field goal all right cincinnati trying to stay alive boomer assistant with three touchdown passes the bengals have jumped all over the oilers in cincinnati today pittsburgh they're still in the hunt for a wild card they lead the patriots 14-3 indianapolis on a pair of jack trudeau touchdown passes and they're ahead of the dolphins 14-13 at the half kansas city punched in a late touchdown in the second quarter 13-0 christian akoya has been shaken up and we do not have any definitive word there and the charger defense had done a good job against him so far also barry sanders another spectacular day 13 carries for more than 60 yards and one touchdown at last check and the lions would win for the fourth straight time if they hold on against tampa bay let's take a look at barry sanders here it is this is why he's so dangerous er well give it to him rookie of the year right he goes off his left end and does everything with great natural ability cutting back across field going out field for a 34-yard run billy sam says he runs just like i once did in a detroit uniform well vinnie testaferti look at him roll up on the ankle there accidental injury here and testiverti was forced to leave x-rays negative and he might play in the second half here is sanders touchdown run no question about rookie of the year his error well he gets everybody's vote right no question you're right and we'll continue with the nfl today right after these messages from your local stations halftime at cleveland stadium with the minnesota vikings with the magic number one leading the cleveland browns by a score of three nothing on a rich carlos field goal and cbs sports coverage of nfl football will continue after this message and a word from your local station we're back at cleveland stadium with the minnesota vikings leading the cleveland browns three to nothing at halftime in a defensive battle taking advantage of the one turnover by the browns a fumble by barry redden the halftime statistics 96 to 85 yards minnesota has the advantage the turnovers have been key so far 11 punts how about the running game thus far not much of one particularly from cleveland's standpoint they have gained only five yards on the ground thus far and you expect that kind of a game well it's halftime and people are freezing out here and of course for my partner i always think of him dan i've got for you the official bernie kozar chocolate bar for energy during halftime you got something to wash it down with well i did uh prior to the game i had this glass of water just sitting on the ledge and now that's all that's left drips and drafts huh much ice all right what about the game now and uh you know what turnovers can affect this game it looked like both defenses were outstanding i think cleveland's defense uh may have been better than minnesota's with a terrific play in the first half well it's amazing that we haven't had any sacks in coming into this game that's what both of these teams really favored but the field has played such a big part in that there's just no way they could get any pass brush that's why we've seen a lot of bad balls down so the big problem for both teams is that how do you establish anything on the ground obviously the browns are having all types of trouble they went with their two big backs and it cost them a turnover when barry read and fumbled if you were uh in the minds of one of the coordinators now bob schnelter on one side and mark tressman who's been under fire here in cleveland let's start with tressman now what do you see may not be right with the cleveland offense and if you were kozar and trustman what would you go with in the second half to try to break the launch i think one thing you got to do is get bernie back into his rhythm get back there with a five step drop and start throwing some shorter passes i think they can just about forget about that running game because they're not going to get anything on this this turf and they're also running the risk of having another fumble because kevin mack has had a history of fumbling and we've already seen barry leave one on the ground so it's very important for cozar to take control of this ball game and it's important for tressman to trust kozar to have that ability to win this game for the browns they're only down three nothing it might as well be a tie score could have been six of course as uh carlos missed a field goal got another chance on a penalty and missed that and so now we're set to go the vikings returning the kickoff and herschel walker at the yard line bangs off of a couple of defenders and it's down at the 21 yard line and that's where minnesota will take over as we start this second half wade wilson 5 for 21. 64 yards yeah this is not a type of day for quarterback to achieve any incentive clauses in the old contract yeah it's survival for quarterback they're just looking for the win the rating may drop away the win is what they're looking for first and ten on the 22-yard line and the handoff is to walker for a couple of yards robert banks the defensive end makes the tackle for the cleveland browns you're wondering about the browns wearing brown uniforms you know for so many years they made their reputation in the whites you know when otto graham was the quarterback and doug jones and daddy lavelli and we found out before the game that the fans prefer the browns wearing the brown uniforms and the fans will have their way four out of the eight home games and this is one of them chris pike the big six eight two hundred ninety pounder is now in a defensive tackle the tom gibson an end second down and eight [Music] [Applause] see the vikings draw the browns offside somebody shivered on the offensive line boy those officials eagle eye it's against the vikings suck it down loudermilk the center you move the ball yeah he did there's uh just behind the defensive line there just a lot of little flint a little foot he had that ball halfway up to wilson and that's of course what the defensive line are keying on but [Music] he's got a huge man right on his nose and chris pike six foot eight 290 pounds second at 13 back to the 19 yard line wilson dumps it off to walker couldn't control it as it rolled down his back and that'll bring up third down herschel walker was acquired i remember mike lin the general manager saying this is the kind of deal that should give us the super bowl because they gave up a lot of people and trap choices to dallas in exchange the one thing that they didn't figure on is herschel's inability to fit into this offensive scheme and this is a scheme that takes advantage of a mobile offensive line that will trap and pull and not a offensive line that comes off the ball and tries to blow people away third and 13. wilson plenty of time going deep and a catchable ball for anthony carter even though there were two defenders there it is incomplete and that'll bring up fourth down tony blaylock was back there here's blaylock and carter watch carter come down the field about 20 yards and then just hesitate for a second and then take off again now he spots the ball but also that gave felix wright enough time to come over and put the hit on carter and again anthony carter was that was without a catch today bucky scribner will kick gerald mcneil with the gloves on his back mcneil penalty marker down mcneal is tackled in viking territory returned to 10 yards but we may have an illegal block against cleveland on the return that would send them back into their own territory i'll tell you what the score 31 nothing cincinnati the browns have an opportunity here illegal block in the back number 26 10 yards first down jones guilty of the penalty but the browns still have good field position so with cincinnati rolling all over houston the oilers with a chance to wrap it up today the browns have a golden opportunity we'll be back [Music] early here in the third quarter dick stockton and dan fouts the vikings lead the browns three to nothing minnesota trying to clinch needs a victory green bay is up 27-14 on chicago [Music] from the 41-yard line of the browns [Music] play action pass cozar drills it and reggie rutland defending on the play webster's slaughter i think is the man under rutland no it was langhorne incomplete that was his hardest throw of the game well that's close coverage we couldn't even tell who the receiver was until they get off the ground play action pass fake to metcalf good protection again kozar steps up and really fires the ball but that's again outstanding coverage by the secondary defensive backs have had an outstanding afternoon on a very treacherous field and that has been the one problem spot if any in the minnesota defense the secondary second down to 10. [Applause] number 75 second to the top on the defense for the vikes on a delay here's langhorne on a reverse from metcalf and langhorne is out of bounds at the 46-yard line audrey mcmillan pushes him there so that's the second time the grounds have tried to reverse in the game and this to more success than the first and you know the wind is starting to kick up a little bit and i talked to bud carson about that he said this is really a unique stadium where the field goal kicker will prefer to kick in one direction that being matt barr his quarterback kozar wants to throw the ball in the other direction so i asked him who do you listen to he said well after their performance last week when bar missed two and kozar threw two interceptions i don't listen to either of them and then he walked out on a great exit line for bud carson third down and four out of the shotgun those are looking getting rushed and the lord has the first sack of the game for either team these kozar had no receivers to throw to didn't lose many yards on the play but that'll bring up fourth down and the browns will have to kick it away well millard is staying at home on this pass rush here he is right here watch how the other guys are trying to put pressure on kozar and millard will stay at the line of scrimmage here just spying on kozar when kozar makes a break millard makes his break and picks up his 17th sack of the year to tie dolmen and noga also in double figures the leading sac team in the league leo lewis is back deep wagner with the end over and kick [Music] lewis doesn't want any part of it and it will drop at the 16-yard line that's where minnesota will take over a 40-yard kick by wagner he's kicked well today kramer down the ball for the vikings well next saturday we'll be with you cbs sports dan and i will be at the kingdome as the washington redskins who are still alive in their playoff hopes and really giving joe gibbs a nice send-off this year against seattle gibbs has already a hundred victories in under 10 years former offense coordinator of mine it all begins with the nfl today four o'clock eastern time starting from the vikings 17. wade wilson gets rid of it in just in the nick of time rick fenney out of the backfield in and out of his hands he was open and bubba baker put some good pressure on wade wilson working against tim irwin here number 76 and he describes irwin as a big grizzly bear type of guy well maybe irwin needs to be a polar bear today because bubba baker got around him very easily and again drives wilson into the ground every time a quarterback gets hit on a day like today one hit is almost like two you get hit by the player then the ground double jeopardy second and ten wilson's pants contended for lewis makes a diving catch he's missing the first down by a couple of yards maybe three felix wright makes the stop you talked about bubba baker and tim irwin when baker joined the club last year the two of them got into a little scrap in the first day of practice and irwin will say you know he's the guy i don't like i don't like tim harris of the packers and i'm not crazy about bubba baker either well there you have a long history of playing against each other and bubba feels he knows irwin very well but then there's always the counter it's like a big old heavyweight boxing match at the line of scrimmage third and one on the 26th too tight ends the pitch to penny and the browns are there mike johnson [Applause] [Music] [Applause] only goes about 200 pounds but he meets finney square up in the hole here as herschel walker dives for a linebacker but that is a perfect tackle and then mike johnson comes in to clean up he's got to be a little shaken up he hit finney head on gas has proven to be a tough customer this season establishing himself in the secondary bucky scripter kicking on the run and now gerald mcneil it was touched by goosebumps who was trying to cover the kick a 25-yard punt and once again the cleveland browns who know that bengals i think they know the bengals are killing houston have a chance to go to town here on a frigid sunday in cleveland dick stockton and dan fouts in a game of importance to both teams the vikings lead the browns three to nothing with 11 minutes to go in the third quarter the packers lead the bears 27-21 and cincinnati rolling over houston 31-00 a minnesota win or a green bay loss would give the vikings the central division title their first since 1980 but the packers are winning right now minnesota holds on they clinch the browns need help cincinnati beating houston and cleveland wins today and next week then the cleveland browns would win the afc center and next week these vikings have got to play those bengals first and tenth on the 45-yard line well at 49. barry redmond and kevin mack the running backs [Music] territory ray berry and reggie rutland make the stop other scores around the league in this 15th weekend kansas city what a great second half story they've been and boy don't you think that nick lowry is kicking himself for missing all those field goals right here in cleveland in that tie ballgame road this year brown's average starting position has been their own 45. they've got good field position now faces second and six [Music] [Applause] yard line travis curtis on the stop playing his last home game after a brilliant 12-year career with the browns well this is what the browns have to do to get bernie back into his rhythm here's newsome straight off the line of scrimmage on the hook pattern five-step drop from cozart and uh newsom just don't won't get any more open than that and that getting the ball to ozzie newsome on ozzy newsome day has got this crowd fired up 19-yard pickup he's caught more passes than any tight end in nfl history first down on the viking 29 yard line barry written hits a stone wall and is burned for a two-yard loss by al noga the 29-yard line was the deepest penetration the browns have enjoyed today outstanding effort by chris doleman he demonstrates that he can play the run as well as rush the passer frozen field at cleveland stadium and now the vikings [Music] mike merriweather is shaken up we did not get an official timeout by minnesota yet no signal was given meriwether who is free agent pick up by the vikings from the pittsburgh steelers talking about acquiring herschel walker with walker and merriweather the vikings made two big moves on both sides of the ball this year that they'd hope would get him to the super bowl the bear weather is hurting and he'll come out yeah meriwether was the uh missing link number one to that championship puzzle herschel walker comes over he's the missing link number two as you said one on each side of the ball there's a friend [Applause] a couple of good looking guys which one you got the guy in the you notice the plastic on the whistle there on a cold day like today if that were metal that might stick to the referee's lips and wouldn't that hurt but everyone has to look out for himself on a day like this even the officials [Applause] twisted right knee for mike merriweather they're working on him on the sideline second down and 12 for the browns [Music] pressure on kozar pass intended for slaughter penalty marker down rutland may have pushed him and the rounds may get a break here and i think slaughter helped his cause with a vehement protest to the official while the ball was in the air and an outstanding job from kozar of getting rid of the ball before joey browner got to him on the blitz saw the man-to-man coverage in the secondary and gave his receiver a chance to get to the ball number 48 first down last week we had an official also facing away from us giving the call there's rutland with the right hand out there and that's all the referee needs to see to call the pass interference and that'll put the ball in the five-yard line a 26-yard penalty against reggie rutland and now the browns with a big opportunity here first and goal on the five-yard line two tight ends ozzy newsome and ron middleton 907 remaining in the third quarter vikings lead three to nothing in offensive tackle paul ferran will move to a tight end position as ricky bouldin comes in to play left tackle [Applause] kevin mack and tim manoa two big backs out of the eye [Applause] there is a yellow flag in the corner of the end zone but i don't believe it's a penalty flag on the defense will score floyd peters the defensive coordinator of the vikings well kozar comes out not much of a play-action fake here but doesn't really need anything what he's battling here is the 12-man prevent defense and even the extra guy can't keep middleton out of the end zone and a big touchdown for the browns not only is it middleton's first touchdown reception of the year it's his first catch of the year pretty good average yeah that's not a bad average a journeyman tight end makes a big play and now matt barr with mike pagel holding trying to give the browns a 7-3 lead [Applause] what really hurt the vikings was a 26-yard pass interference penalty against rutland but the browns are on top ron middleton a journeyman tight end been with several clubs including atlanta catches a five-yard pass for the touchdown and for bernie kozar [Music] he had not thrown a touchdown pass since the seattle game five weeks ago 19 quarters brian wagner will kick off herschel walker number 34 is deep 7-3 the browns lead and a very short end-over-end kick bobbled by alfred anderson picked up vikings have it first down take a look at this touchdown and uh you got to take my word for it folks there are eight men right in here then they go 9 10 11 12. and that's one too many it's amazing that even with 12 men they couldn't find a way to cover ron middleton as he comes out in the flat and gets the perfect pass from cozart for the six there's a scoring drive 51 yards good field position for the browns and they cashed in on it first down on the 24 for the vikings wade wilson will go down and the first sack of the game by cleveland looked like bubba baker and michael dean perry will share that honor loss of nine yards number 92 is michael dean he's got his eyes on his man that's kayla's at the line of scrimmage keeps fighting now kayla's just leaves him thinking he's going to get help from irwin this communication in the offensive line costs the vikings a sack i'll tell you the refrigerator would have liked to have played like this fella huh tell you what his little brother is showing him how it's done how to keep yourself in shape and contribute to the team second to 19. wilson's pass nearly picked off by mike johnson it was right in his hands that'll bring up third down but you can see that the timber of this game has changed dramatically in favor of the browns [Applause] you really feel that the entire momentum is swung in favor of the browns a turnover now and the browns capitalizing with any type of score could be fatal to the vikings eight minutes and 20 seconds remaining in the third quarter four wide receivers on third and 19. [Applause] no shotguns wilson now ducks under center [Applause] wilson from his five completes it to alfred anderson out of the backfield well short the tackle is made at the 21 by clay matthews and it'll be fourth down and once again the browns could be looking at good field position once more but that was a good play for the vikings they picked up about 10 yards and what that does is it gives their punter bucky scribner a little breathing room scrivener in to kick again inside his tent deep for the browns is gerald mcneil only 5-7 [Music] [Applause] [Music] good kick sails over the head of mcneil and will be now [Applause] and that's where the browns will take over next sunday a big nfl doubleheader on the final weekend of the season one o'clock east all begins with the nfl today green bay and dallas the rams in new england phoenix and philadelphia all of those games could be very big factors and of course the late game chicago and san francisco is the 49ers in their final tune-up before their bid for the playoffs and another super bowl bringing up to date on the score now minnesota trailing green bay leading and if it stays the way it is the packers could move into a tie cincinnati all over houston and the rest of the score [Applause] first and 10 rounds on their 37th [Applause] has his rhythm scott studwell makes the stop on match the one thing about kozar is he is a competitor and i think that the tougher it gets in a ball game this fella really rises to the occasion has had an outstanding career already and has only been in the league a couple of years [Applause] second and sixth [Applause] [Music] [Applause] makes the tackle replacing mike merriweather in the minnesota lineup we may have a measurement coming up this is what the middle linebacker sees big 230 pound kevin mack behind outstanding blocking the cutback picks up about six be close enough for a measurement time remaining is 6 27 in the third quarter carla's field goal gave the vikings a three nothing lead late in the first half they're short by that much and then ron middleton caught a five-yard pass from bernie kozar here in the third quarter that's been the only scoring in this defensive battle [Music] the question is is it a defensive battle or the offense has been struggling maybe a combination of both well with the wind can win field conditions the wind chill factor and all those things really benefits the defense talk about a prevent defense everything is going against an offense on a day like today third and one two tight ends kevin mack the running back quarterback sneak they didn't need much see whether kozar might have coughed it up in the middle of that pile he might have fumbled because the fullback uh kevin mack dove in there low looking to recover the ball that's the case the browns are going to be short of the first down yeah it looks like kevin mack is down at the bottom there with the football and they actually lost a little bit maybe a few inches that'll bring up third down they certainly lost you have to wonder and you have to wonder about the play selection there going with kozar on the quarterback sneak instead of uh turning around and handing it to your big fullback so it's fourth down they had third and one and a quarterback sneak fails and brian wagner comes in well the momentum had shifted over to the brown side and they were driving nicely but they missed a third and one on the quarterback sneak and now the vikings have a chance to grab it back really a questionable call there tough for the quarterback to get any momentum after taking the snap and in fact kozar dropped the ball on the ground lucky for the browns that matt got on top of it leo lewis goes back wagner will kick especially after that run by kevin mack up the middle prior to that [Music] leo lewis on the run gets as far as the 32-yard line 10-yard return so the vikings with a chance now to get back trailing 7-3 santa claus has come to town he's putting gloves on catch some passes go out on some patterns today you know he feels right at home you know he's got several layers under that [Music] browns uh are 9-0 whenever santa claus is present they ought to come out in september first and ten vikings on their 32 wilson on first down anthony carter makes the catch close to first down yardage mark harper quarterback makes the tackle well the vikings finally get anthony carter single covered out here and this is a perfect throw by wilson as harper is very close but that ball was to the outside just like you're told to do it at old quarterback school first catch of the game for anthony carter who leads the team but basically the browns have done a terrific job in stopping the vikings they've even improved on a fine season average of yards allowed second down and one bursting fourth for the first down is herschel walker time remaining four minutes and 35 seconds in the third quarter seven to three the browns lead [Music] good talk about controlling your destiny with cincinnati rolling over houston the browns can control it by winning today and then winning next week and it appears that the bengals are not going to let their afc championship of last year go without a fight having a fabulous afternoon against the browns they'll be tough next monday doesn't surprise anyone first down here's a reverse to carter carter will get to midfield and into cleveland territory and he is run out of bounds so after a couple of reverses by the browns the vikings try it and gain 16 yards carl hairston and felix wright pushed him out of bounds [Music] well this man anthony carter has got to come up with some big plays right now the vikings appear that they're trying to get him more involved in the offense but andrew stewart number 96 has a chance right here to make the play but it appeared that wayne wilson came back and freed carter for the big game that's the best run today by the vikings and it's by a wide receiver first down on the 39 of cleveland herschel walker [Music] eddie johnson on the stop it's joey browner the tough safety for the vikings you know the momentum is going back and forth evan flow but on a day like to that today we've got too much ebb and not enough flow for these three offenses up front they sent eight men back second and seven [Applause] and to give to rick fenney looks like the browns are trying to get out of their way on the defensive line carl hairston the little side step we did not see a penalty marker thrown but it was close well the brown set an nfl record for guys almost jumping off sides on this play watch we'll get one there's matthews there's a couple more there's a couple more guys and hairston even got up out of his stance and ran toward the sideline number 78. he might have said wait i'm getting out of here petty play [Applause] third down and five [Applause] wade wilson's pass incomplete penalty marker thrown from the secondary jordan the tight end and that's going to be offensive pass interference against the vikings as they sent two wide receivers down inside to pick the coverage he had help too they're trying to spring jordan out in the flat brought both wide receivers down inside and got caught he came in motion into the slot and that's the penalty happens on third down and five so a decision here for the browns on whether to accept the penalty number 80 offensive fast interference decline fourth down [Applause] now the vikings over in the sideline bucky scrivener started to come on the field and now goes back and the vikings are going to go for it on fourth and five on the browns 34-yard line thinking that if they fail they'll rely on their defense [Applause] and the handoff up the middle alfred anderson close to the first down and he's got it so on a fourth down plot play a good caller anderson up the middle this is the strength of this viking team watch the trap block here from randall mcdaniel number 64. that frees anderson up the middle tremendous collision from thane gaster but alfred anderson strong enough to pull forward and just pick up the first down anderson's first carry of the game he had missed the last five with a sprained right arch made the most of his one carry first down on the 29. wilson up the middle to fenney fenney will get it to the 26-yard line thane gash on the stop clock running nearly a minute and a half remaining in the third quarter brown's lead 7-3 the vikings with a victory would wrap up the nfc central division even if the green bay packers hold their lead houston losing pittsburgh is still alive in miami that would be a big setback for them san diego making it tough for kansas city and have the lions come on second and seven [Applause] 26 yards and minnesota regains the lead maybe herschel walker is getting the hang of this trapping offense because this is again a trap play right up the middle mcdaniel coming down blocking on bubba baker and now there's nobody as walker breaks the tackle of wright the tackle of gash and gets in the end zone seventh touchdown rushing of the year for herschel walker it is now nine to seven rich carlos with scribner holding and the kick is good so it's exactly one minute remaining in the third quarter here at cleveland stadium herschel walker with a impressive 26-yard burst up the middle the minnesota vikings lead it 10-7 over the browns well here's the trap play this is randall mcdaniel he'll come down the line of scrimmage and trap on bubba baker and that you'll notice once walker gets through the line of scrimmage nobody in the middle there right comes from the side and misses gas from the other side and walker's too strong and he's in for six keep in mind the vikings were able to keep the ball when they decided on fourth and five to go for it and alfred anderson with a similar run up the middle got the necessary yardage to keep it going exact same play different personnel but let's go back even further than that to when the browns had the ball and on third and one decided to give kozar the try on the quarterback snake he fumbles is stuffed at the line of scrimmage they don't pick up the first down lose all the momentum that they had built up and now the vikings are back on top and this crowd is silent and they sold out all the seats just under 80 000 but many of them stayed home because of the cold there are some empty seats in the upper deck and the lower as we look carlos will kick off for the vikings eric metcalf is deep for the browns mike oliphant and keith jones flank him line drive kick that olefent on the 19. he's got good speed brings it out to the 38-yard line travis curtis makes the stop there's a scoring drive and the longest one of the game by the minnesota vikings 68 yards not only was it a long drive that drive may drive them right to the playoffs both teams told us yesterday that regardless of what they announce in the stadium whether cincinnati's leading or whether the packers are leading that they're not paying any attention to the scoreboard i like baseball where they look at the scoreboard in the dugout all game long this game's a lot i'm like i feel that today first down on the 38 for the brown the intended receiver that'll bring up second down dan i think if there are any questions surrounding the browns offense and there are many of them i think that if the browns falter the rest of the game offensively i think those questions will really arise because they did take control as you said momentum wise and on the scoreboard well the problems uh a lot of people are starting to point the fingers at the offensive coordinator mark tressman and he's under a lot of fire here in cleveland he'll have to answer questions about that quarterback sneak i'm sure second and ten goes on with a deep drop and reggie makes the catch and he will take the lead again [Applause] 62 yards the second longest path play of the year for the brown well let's give trestman some credit for calling this play 68 yards for six the catch in the hands and now the missed tackle a couple of defensive backs losing their footing watch as langhorne almost falls down there on this icy field 62 yards and the browns back on top a defensive battle in the first half and now some fireworks in the second half that bar with the conversion the kick is good and the browns are in 14-10 for reggie langhorne that is his second touchdown catch of the year and it's twice as long as his longest catch of the year so the browns showing that they really the offenses really do have the advantage on a field like this if you can get the ball to him that's been the biggest problem so far and a comment on the minnesota defense that was the longest pass play given up by the vikings this year with 35 seconds remaining in the third quarter [Music] langhorne with the catch joey browner missed the tackle and the dog pound is having a ball [Music] it was brief but effective two plays 62 yards kozar with two touchdown passes [Applause] brian wagner kicking off marshall walker is the deep man for the vikings [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the 26-yard line all at the 26 kyle kramer and an injured viking mark roddenhauser shaken up one of those guys in the wedge and on a day like today that's not a job for me you didn't like even playing quarterback in weather like this who told when we started it was 10 degrees and a wind chill of -18 now it's 14 degrees balmy weather indeed same wind chill what about the coldest games in nfl history well there you are number one on the list dan and everyone's hard well what can you say the other game though listen the year before when the raiders beat the browns here on that uh interception by mike davis off of brian's site what was it like when you were getting on the bus in that game with cincinnati back in 81 uh well we were we took the bus to the ballpark and uh riverfront stadium is right on the ohio river and there's steam coming off the river like crazy and coach coryell stands up in the bus he says look at guys nothing to worry about it's getting warmer out the river is about to freeze over oh you wish first and ten vikings on the 26th penalty marker down wade wilson going deep and the pass is nearly caught by jordan the tight end he had it in his hands tom gibson however put great pressure on could be offsides against a brown somebody in the neutral zone offside number 78 carl hairston hairston a 14-year veteran and the browns told us he might tend to tire as the game goes on that's why we could see chris pike as we move into the latter stages of this contest but one thing harrison has done in the off-season is he has dropped some weight and that's because of this new scheme that the browns are playing under bud carson where the premium is no longer on weight and brute strength it's on quickness and speed and hairston for a uh old guy 36 years old still possesses some of that quickness you saw pike he has been in the game not in hairston's position but he's been in there at defensive tackle there he is right there and he his job is to bother the center today kirk loudermilk he's got louder milk outweighed by about 30 pounds first and five wilson's pass caught by carter he's got enough for the first down mark harper making the tackle the final seconds will take off in the third quarter brown's defensive played very well and harper has done well in place of the injured hanford dixon this afternoon and that's the end of the third quarter with the score the browns 14 the vikings 10 we now pause for a word from your local [Music] station [Applause] start of the first fourth quarter first and ten wade wilson is going deep for anthony carter and carter makes a great catch to the 20-yard line defended well by mark harper a 44-yard gain and that pass was right on the money to ac jerry burns loves to talk about the big knockers coming up with big plays what he means is his stars guys like anthony carter and chris doleman how many times have we seen anthony carter come up with big plays in big games like today good explanation first down on the 20-yard line he calls him that i don't know good explanation by burnsie that got the vikings away from the dog pound too [Applause] first and ten on the 20-yard line vikings trail baker putting pressure and now it's the linebacker clay matthews who sacks wayne wilson way back there but baker started it and the viking is slow to get up a loss of 18 yards and that's wade wilson on the ground tommy kramer gonna get ready in a hurry well this is adding injury to a bad play a bad decision on wilson's part he should have tried to dump this ball and save his team the loss and save himself the pain big pressure from al bubba baker number 60. wilson steps away from him with a nice straight arm move here but that's where he should have dumped that ball and not taking this huge loss he came into the game with a sprained ankle we're not sure what they're looking at now but clay matthews he's been to a lot of pro bowls because of plays like that tommy kramer is warming up look like the left knee of wade wilson there is tommy cramer who has played played one down last week against the falcons and that was his first action in six weeks so what's it like for a tommy kramer in this kind of weather sitting around all game to have to come in now well you're seeing it how difficult it is he probably can't even feel his throwing motion right now there's no way he can throw enough passes on the sidelines now to get comfortable to get warm he's got to worry about taking snaps all those type of things you see he's not wearing gloves he's just trying to stretch out a little bit not easy for a 34 year older to get pushed into a game of 18 degree wind chill factor well burns is coming onto the field you know the last time the vikings won a division title which you've seen on the nfl today in the beginning of our program back in 1980 that's the last time they won a division crown tommy kramer threw that touchdown pass to ahmad rashad to beat the browns on the next to last week for the victory in a lot of history between these two ball clubs the vikings this year are celebrating their 20th anniversary of their first super bowl appearance they became nfl champs by beating the cleveland browns here and they beat him 27-7 went on to lose to kansas city in the super bowl but it was the vikings uh 40 for 60 ball club let's bring you up to date on the scores as wayne wilson is still on the ground the scoring of our game rich carlos with a field goal gave minnesota a three to nothing halftime lead kozar to ron middleton his first catch of the year put the browns in front in the third quarter the vikings countered with a nifty run by herschel walker up the middle to regain the lead and then the browns quickly struck back on a 62-yard cozar the langmore hookup and that's where we are the vikings are using the timeout their first time out of the second half as wilson goes out i remember the chargers played in minnesota in that outdoor stadium they used to have the met and i sprained my ankle in the ball game and i went over to the sidelines first of all let me tell you it was 12 degrees out about as cold as it is today went over to the sidelines and the the trainers cut off the tape and they're looking at the ankle and they decide to put an ice bag on my ankle that's it fellas [Applause] so wade wilson leaves the game and tommy kramer takes over toughest thing for kramer right now is to just take the snap from center second down and 28. [Applause] and kramer fires it away great pressure clay matthews and michael dean perry on the pressure let's get a scoring update around the league now from brett musberger all right dick the chicago bears are trying to do the minnesota vikings a favor but jim harbaugh throws it away going in for the touchdown and the packers are clinging to their two-point lead in the fourth quarter back to dick you can't beat the drama in the final weeks of an nfl season with so much riding on every game packers winning a viking loss would keep green bay alive would even up that division third down and 28 four wide receivers kramer up the middle nowhere near carter it was short and that'll be fourth down and minnesota will have to kick an injured left knee is the report on wade wilson we're early in the fourth quarter just under 14 minutes remaining kramer lost his footing as he was delivering that ball that's why it came in low to anthony carter bucky scribner will kick for the tenth time today and there's gerald mcneil for the tenth time going back to receive [Music] going for the sidelines as scribner and a good kick he got it inside the 10 yard line did his job perfectly so the browns will start from inside the 15 when we come back minnesota has whatever there is of a rushing game today wade wilson out of action and bernie kozar has a couple of touchdown passes after a four-game slot browns lead the vikings 14-10 early here in the fourth quarter and i guess then the big thing for the browsers to avoid a turnover as they start from the worst starting field position to 10. they really ought to find out where chris doleman is he's caused five fumbles this year two last week with that where his teammates picked the ball up and scored touchdowns so kozar and his running backs have got to be very sure of their handle on the ball the vikings have returned four fumbles for touchdowns this year and you know they're going to be looking to strip the ball away at least so i think that the pressure very big on the shoulders of the brown cincinnati rolling over houston and the brown victory today would really give them destiny in their hands the win next week would take the division title [Music] [Applause] [Music] and it may be against cleveland possibly offensive interference and that'll be a first down that's one of those wrestling matches between the tight end and the middle linebacker that really could be called either way but that time it goes against studwell and that gives cozart just a little bit more breathing room down there talk about breathing room 52 to nothing cincinnati pittsburgh having a terrific year when no one expected it and the other scores first down on the 15th [Music] and he'll go down keith that'll be his second sack of the game that'll be third and long this is the reason kozar went to the audible when you first look at this the linebacker is out covering metcalf but then the browns shifted and put joey browner out on him and uh he covered metcalf and forced cozart to eat the ball floyd peters who was interviewed by the browns for their head coaching post wanted complete control up and down the line and it wasn't to the browns liking but carson got the job and peters may be rumored to be going somewhere else maybe the jets [Applause] he gave us the extension carl lee was defending and that'll bring up third down now carl lee is a pro bowl cornerback and webster slaughter should be in the pro bowl this year this type of effort and this result will just break your heart as he lays out the ball bounces off his frozen fingers and that would have been a big play for cleveland tough situation now third and 16. [Music] slaughter has caught only one pass today it'll be third down on the nine kozar goes safe fumble and now they rule it incomplete mark du spavik hit eric metcalf and it took a while before they signal an incompleted pass deus bobek who replaced mike merriweather who was shaken up for the vikings and he dropped the contact lens there it appeared of course a tooth might be a tooth watch deuce bobok number 59 here with a man-to-man coverage on metcalf out to the side and what started out as a safe play could have been disastrous wagner kicking from his end zone gets off a fine kick leo lewis fair catch and a terrific kick of 42 yards by brian wagner at the time you want the long kick and it'll be midfield starting spot for the vikings with 12 32 remaining fortunately for mark despovic it was not his tooth that got not knocked out it was a contact lense and can you imagine finding it on this field and with only one good eye i found five on the field before the game i don't know what the problem is first down in midfield for the vikings who trail 14 to 10. tommy kramer loses his footing intended for jordan the tight end and a whole bunch of defenders including clay matthews as the field affected kramer well the middle of the field on a good day here in cleveland is bad it's uh sanded right now and you see that kramer having all types of trouble falling down all by himself and checking out to make sure that uh yeah how about a cold drink somebody isis over three for tommy kramer second and ten framers pass to carter breaks a tackle and carter gets into brown's territory a gain of 20 felix wright makes the stop always a dangerous pattern because guys like carter can break it and go all the way he is the best in the league at releasing off the line of scrimmage down inside and catching this slant pattern tommy throws him a perfect pass and this is where it really gets scary for the defense perfect tackle from felix right or carter might have been in the end zone zayn gas got a hand on him first down on the 31. rick fenney and finney fights his way to the 26 27 yard line plenty of time remaining 11 35 to go in the fourth quarter clay matthews on the stop for fenney who was an eighth-round draft pick out of the university of washington and who also went into the locker room for x-rays on his thigh so you know he's playing hurt total offense this quarter minnesota in the plus department cleveland the minus second and six coming up [Applause] walker is dropped at the 25 yard line van waiters [Music] walker with a touchdown today 26 yard john up the middle for the one touchdown for the vikings and remember we talked about injuries to fenney while herschel came in with a dislocated big toe that toe has been taped in a position where it won't bend at all not only that he's got that steel implant in his shoe so uh tip your hat to hershel walker for showing some toughness this afternoon extra wide receivers he saw gustafson and hassan jones in third and four kramer was a handoff to alfred anderson loses a yard but penalty marker is down todd kalas might have moved robert banks made the stop false start number 69 third down the crowd getting into it a little bit kayla's very close to the quarterback but you'll watch as he gets started too soon here the snap from louder milk comes just after kayla's gets out of his stance even the dog pound has a santa claus don't let the children see that [Applause] a free play for tommy kramer and let's see whether the time ran out the clock was running number 65 [Applause] gary zimmerman so the vikings are having problems with their offensive line on this drive well the vikings are starting to unravel a little bit they get the big play from carter that gets them in good position and now the offensive line looking to get started a little bit too soon zimmerman gets the call that time and you can see that the vikings are not used to having tommy kramer back there games may be different rhythm is different definitely and also both those penalties came while framer was in the shotgun position [Applause] he just gets it off this time as the clock was down to one framers pass is caught by hassan jones and a first down or let's see where they mark it they may be short by a yard it's a 13-yard game they are short minifield prevented the first down we're seeing some outstanding plays today that throw by kramer the catch by jones but then the tackle keeping jones about a yard shy of the first down cramer is under some heat here he rolls out this is a tough throw on a good day across his body put some ball perfect position but then there's a tackle from minifield now the vikings are going to call a timeout and figure out what they want to do on this fourth and one i guarantee it tommy kramer won't go on a quarterback sneak like cozart well the vikings are two for two and fourth down conversions today but they have now used their second timeout which could prove to be critical down the stretch they trail by four points we have a lot of time 849 remaining so they need a touchdown to take the lead those are keeping warm for the next time the browns get the ball green bay is leading and cincinnati leading in the two games that affect this contest this might be a little psychological job by kozar here he's well out on the field about five or six yards giving the indication to the browns defense that he expects them to stop the viking offense but also you can see some of the vikings in their huddle checking out kozar wondering what he's doing vikings will be left with one timeout [Music] it'll be fourth and one on the browns 22. and this is where the trade may start to pay some dividends got to give the ball to herschel walker in this case in there for the vikings [Applause] they don't get it herschel walker that was their man and mike johnson made the big play [Applause] [Applause] watch how all the viking movement is to this side they got the tight end in motion but also the browns see it and they're coming for herschel good penetration from michael dean perry that cuts off one lane and then clay matthews and mike johnson make the stop he has been a big short yardage defender all year for the browns who take over on their 26 yard line leading 14 to 10. [Music] [Applause] to the 31-yard line gain of five chris dolman on the stop a critical fourth down play a loss of three yards and minnesota used a timeout to set it up and as the clock runs they have one timeout left needing a touchdown to take over the lead they control their destiny win for them will give them the division title green bay is leading chicago in a thriller 30-28 right now intended for tim manoa out of the backfield bring up third down scott studwell was defending and at least the browns are not playing it too conservative here [Music] and the one thing they're doing a good job of is taking chris dolman out of the game with double team blocking ricky bouldin and paul ferran on this play making it tough for dolman to get near the quarterback dolmen has no sacks today but millard has two third down and six coming up and now the browns will use a timeout their first time out of the second half brown's trying to end a four week drought and they're 7 52 away from doing it cleveland stadium on a frozen afternoon and a big game for two teams the vikings and the browns both looking for divisional titles or wild cards and the browns lead 14 to 10 7 52 to go in the fourth quarter this is dick stockton along with dan fouts and the browns thinking about a third and six on their own 30 using their first timeout minnesota has only one timeout left [Applause] [Music] the third of the game for the vikings the first for nova that'll bring up fourth down nova's number 99 on the near side of the picture working against cody ryzen noga has outstanding quickness and a lot of determination as he reads kozar stepping up in the pocket and picks up his 11th and a half sack of the year it's fourth down and brian wagner will kick [Music] leo lewis goes deeper [Music] lewis decides to let it roll and it stops at the 43-yard line trying to cheer the browns on it was three to nothing in favor of the vikings carlos's field goal in the second quarter then in the third quarter kozar with the first of two touchdown passes tight end ron middleton made it 7-3 herschel walker 26-yard touchdown run up the middle gave the lead back to the vikings and then moments later kozar with his second score reggie langhorne 62 yards and that's where we are first down on the viking 43. [Applause] [Music] anthony carter but there's a penalty marker down at the 40. and whether there was a hold or interference against the browns illegal contact down beyond that five yard area it appeared it was thane gash [Music] illegal contact number 31 five yards first half frank minifield minnefield's on the outside but i think it's staying gas here number 30 who gets the bump do you think the browns are worried about anthony carter look at this one two three guys trying to make sure he doesn't beat him well that's playing the percentages you want to stop the big play man green bay on mikowski's one-yard run 521 left in the fourth cincinnati leading houston in a blowout first down on the 48th kramer up the middle no receiver near i think he was going for herschel walker but he overthrew him by a mile ral walker was bumped around a little bit in his pattern by clay matthews and that's what cramer's yelling about wade wilson injured his left knee came out of the game for tommy kramer sprained left knee will not be back and that affects their season-ending game if they lose this one when they have to face a hot bengal ball club at the metrodom second down and 10. close to midfield [Applause] steve jordan he's been the big man on big plays a 20-yard gain and a first down into brown's territory to the 33 robert lyons on the tackle well it would have been possible unless kramer got time to throw the offensive line this is their best play of the game kramer has all day and he throws right in the seam there and jordan comes up with another big catch four catches for 61 yards for steve jordan [Applause] and a first down on the brown 32 6 14 remaining in the fourth quarter safety blitz gets hit and it has to get rid of it in a hurry overthrows carter and it was mark harper coming in unmolested on a safety blitz actually harper is a cornerback and he comes all the way from the right side number 23 with about a 20-yard dash a little bit late but he still delivers his message i beg your pardon corner blitz that's a tough read for the quarterback often you're looking at those safeties just for that because you have to throw a side adjustment that time the browns with the corner blitz houston scores but still trailing cincinnati herschel walker lines up wide to the top of your picture on second and ten framer up the middle wide open is jordan he's inside the 10 yard line and the fifth catch of the game for steve jordan thane gash makes the catch that good for 24 yards and the vikings are threatening to regain the lead with 5 45 jordan is working against number 57 there clay matthews nice spin move there matthews loses his footing on this field in the sand and ice and jordan sets up the vikings inside the 10. framer really doing a nice job of throwing in that offensive line it's giving him the time that's the key first and goal on the eighth two tight ends for the vikings [Applause] the tight end couldn't go anywhere after the catch gets to about the six yard line [Music] want to welcome the viewers who've been watching the lions in the tampa bay buccaneers two teams fighting for divisional honors in their respective conferences fighting here with 4 40 to go in the fourth quarter minnesota trailing the grounds 14 to 10 but threatening second and goal at the sixth dick stockton and dan fouts from cleveland stadium [Applause] kramer looking fires knocked down intended for noble celski and it was minifield covering him well all the way that'll bring up third down in this important game the vikings controlling their destiny had a three-nothing lead on a carlos field goal that was the first half score kozar with a touchdown pass gave the browns the lead minnesota came back on a herschel walker touchdown score and then kozar with a big 62-yarder to reggie langhorne and it's 14-10 cleveland 4 21 remaining in the fourth quarter third and goal at the six and the browns get confused with the men they want on the field they can't get off in time and have to use a timeout here absolutely a lot of substitution there critical time good decision to use the timeout problem is though that if the vikings go in and score take the lead and the browns will only have one timeout now the clock has been running throughout this timeout that's a home field clock and they're going to have to put some time back on it they might want it to back on it if the vikings score here because they will only have one timeout if they get the ball back well you could say it's a good timeout but it's also an unfortunate timeout because these are the kind of mental mistakes in this organization which hurt a team bringing you up to date the packers are leading chicago cincinnati over houston in games that affect this one and the other scores a viking victory would give them the nfc central division crown regardless of what the packers do the browns need a win to stay alive and with houston losing big a win by the browns and a win against houston next week they would control their own destiny to win the afc center giants clinched at least a wild card berth with a win yesterday over dallas and the pieces of the puzzle starting to come together here on the next to last weekend kramer had a lot of time to go over and talk with schnelker and burns there figure out what they want to do on this play you can be sure if they don't get in the touchdown that they will go for it on fourth down they're down by four each team has one timeout remaining bob schnelker the offensive coordinator ernie kozar staying warm by warming up on the field now he goes off they put 21 seconds back on the clock gets to the two yard line or rick fenney rick freddie gets down to the two see where they spot the ball it'll be fourth down and they'll go for it and again it's a trap play right up the middle kayla's with the block on robert banks finney muscles down to the two three tight ends in there now and now big changes for the browns defense they bring six men off and a new six come on they take those little defensive backs and bring in some hemp fourth down kramer lawson for jordan touchdown vikings and jordan elaine as the minnesota vikings have regained the lead in the back and forth duel with 3 37 to go wonderful call from schnelker as they fake the run to the strong side and then jordan just sneaks out into the flat beats fan waiters for the lead touchdown [Music] and that was jordan hooping and hollering down there in the corner of the end zone as well he should having a sterling afternoon rich carlos holding his bucky scribner [Music] and the kick is good and the minnesota vikings lead 17 to 14. this is such a tough assignment for a linebacker van waiters number 50 has steve jordan man-to-man coverage right here watch it's a fake is to this side kramer comes out drops back and just lofts a very catchable pass as jordan just gets rid of waders right on the line of scrimmage and has nothing to do but grab it and spike it so right now the hero for the minnesota vikings with bud carson's offense going to work would be steve jordan but tommy kramer in relief of wade wilson and how about that offensive line and that offensive line you bet they had a couple of penalties where they had a couple of false starts but they hung together they knew what they had to do give kramer some time on this slippery field and these athletic people they have playing receiver now it's up to bernie kozar with 3 37 to go the browns had to use a timeout on defense they have one left eight plays 57 yards tommy kramer with the scoring pass to jordan for jordan only his third touchdown reception of the year [Applause] carlos will kick off and eric metcalf goes back [Music] it leading to the field goal for the vikings in the first half and fumbled a kickoff very similar to that one if he would have been able to grab that ball on a fly he could have gotten up to about midfield that would have been a tough catch though because it was a hard line drive right at him and it's knuckle balling as it's coming good field position for the brown man well i wonder about rich carlos's foot you know i wonder about his foot and then i wonder about his head why would you be barefoot on a day like today i don't care if it helps your kicking or not put a shoe on guy or at least a sock [Music] first down on the 35. [Music] [Applause] intended for webster slaughter try to thread the needle that'll bring up second down reggie rutland defending and another viking shaken up it is rutland who collided with slaughter every collision out there today has got to hurt his own man will come over and hit him in the head here's the pass to slaughter and it's dusabovic who's been knocking heads all day comes over and drives his left knee into rutland's head deus bobovic is lucky he didn't hurt his knee and he might have knocked out his own teammate jerry burns sees his team 326 away from their first divisional title under burns and their first division title since the beginning of the decade audrey mcmillan making michael brim pause to replace rutland there's the passing yards this quarter and again the offensive line giving tommy framer time 106 yards [Music] i guess we ought to be talking about uh position for the field goal that would tie this ball game up last week matt barr missed two possible game winners including one in overtime and you talk about a guy who's been tremendously reliable for the browns for several years with a chance to redeem himself he could be setting himself up for just that in this game and he's been sitting a long time too five defensive backs [Applause] for the vikings second and tenth for the browns [Music] [Applause] it's tough not to be involved all day and the rookie lawyer tillman makes the catch for 19 yards number 85 is tillman he's six foot five 230 pounds look how he gets down the field but also shows that he's a pretty heady guy coming back for the ball right in front of brim and that puts the browns in business second round draft pick out of auburn hasn't played much this year reggie rutland back in and quarterback for the vikings first and tenth on the minnesota 46. kevin run up the dude inside the 40. picks up nearly eight yards call it seven joey browner brings him down browns have one timeout left as the clock continues to run this is a barely a basic play here as well the browns are the line of scrimmage so take [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the browns are over smartly here trying to set themselves up for either a game time field goal or maybe a winning touchdown and again even though the browns and kevin mack stop the clock by going out of bounds bozar has his team at the line of scrimmage on the 30-yard line of the vikings this time it's kevin knock again and the vikings get wise to him and we're going to wind down to the two-minute warning here [Music] kozar going to the sidelines so this game is coming down to the very end two minutes to go in the fourth quarter minnesota clinging to a three-point lead over the browns seventy thousand seven seventy seven eight thousand no show that dog in there was no no-show in the dog pound and sam white would be proud of the dog pound today they've been very well behaved but you wonder about the type of clientele that has season tickets in the pound among them and i don't think this is one of them is the judge who was who ruled in the kevin mac case so you have all types sitting in the pound you sit where you can second down and nine with two minutes to go in the game fourth quarter at least ball at the 29 of minnesota [Music] [Applause] [Music] not the best pass in the world but brian brennan is there as he always is reliably and that pass will get uh matt barr in the field goal range calling the play at the line of scrimmage it'll be third down and one [Applause] [Music] make it the 17-yard line first now really taking control here has his eye on the clock auto bling at the line of scrimmage first and ten kozar was some time his pants nearly intercepted by audrey mcmillan that was closer to mcmillan than the intended receiver brian brennan well kozar is looking for brennan all the way here they have a non-verbal type of communication but this time brennan broke in kozar threw the ball to the outside and mcmillan could have become a big hero with the pick there right now it would be about a 34-yard field goal for matt barr second and 10. kozar wants the crowd to calm down a bit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] under a minute to play goldman and duskovic do you think the browns may try one more shot or do you think they're just setting up a field goal no i think they're going to try and put this ball in the air put it in the end zone go for the touchdown try to end it right here and they're going to use their last timeout here they weren't well what to call and what to run well the problem is cody rice at number 63 he's shaken up in fact he's wandering off the field has no idea where he is kozar sees that and either he has to call the timeout or it would have been charged to them for an injury timeout but ryzen is almost out on his feet trying to clear the cobwebs right there you want to talk about the war of attrition that you have in a game like this playing in sub-freezing temperatures for three hours on a frozen field banging heads that really shows you what the game is all about you come down to the 15th week of the season both teams are involved in the playoff race this is the browns last chance this play right here may get them into the playoffs bozar with two touchdown passes and you know it would make it extra tough for the browns if they were not to pull it out just from their standpoint knowing that the houston oilers are losing to cincinnati and the bengals are taking care of half of the job today tom bohr replaces cody reiser and right third and seventh [Applause] bozar throws it away looking for a possible interference called tillman the intended receiver and now matt barr will come in to try to tie it up matt barr has come on for the browns to try to send this game into overtime 17 to 14 the minnesota vikings have the lead with 29 seconds to go mike pagle will hold barr trying to redeem himself after missing two critical field goals last week the vikings are going to use their last timeout now to freeze the kicker [Music] i have to think he was frozen long before this not only are they freezing the kicker they're finishing off this announcer with this timeout no timeouts remain for either team interesting thing about matt barr is he has had an off year he's only hitting about 63 percent he's only he's missed eight field goals and five of those eight have been wide to the left side in fact two of them last week one went wide left one hit the left upright he missed one that could have won the game in regulation and then he missed one in overtime before kozar threw the interception to mike pryor who ran it in for the winning score so barr who called last week the lowest point of his career is trying to get that point up considerably here the roller coaster ride of a field goal kicker pressure also on the snapper tom ball and mike pagel his holder this will be a 32-yard attempt [Applause] and the kick is good tight score but carson is all business jerry burns has 29 seconds 24 seconds now and the game is tied at 17 and this game may be headed for overtime [Applause] so that bar redeems himself with a field goal to tie the score watch the hold here from pagel as this ball is a little bit low and then barr splits the bars 32-yard field goal for matt barr we're tied at 17. you talk about a pressure drive bernie kozar and mark tressman put their heads together called the right plays kozar executed him kevin mack ran the ball well and got barr in range vikings led three nothing at the half on a carlos field goal then it went a seesaw affair kozar with his first touchdown pass ron middleton walker herschel walker 26 yards gave minnesota the lead again and then bernie kozar hit reggie langhorne with the big play of the game 62 yards tommy kramer in relief of wade wilson with a two-yard flip to steve jordan gave the vikings the lead but bernie kozar brought the browns back and matt barr's field goal has tied it up brian wagner kicking off herschel walker is deep 24 seconds to go in the fourth quarter [Applause] and it's fielded by alfred anderson anderson gets running down the sidelines and gets to midfield before he's written out of bounds 18 seconds remain a 34-yard return by anderson no timeouts left by the vikings we may see a couple of hail marys in the remaining time well they really need about 30 yards to uh get carlos within 40 yards of a field goal so that's the big thing right now the problem no timeouts only 18 seconds they have to get down field in a hurry to set up for it [Applause] framer going for several receivers hassan jones defended framer was also throwing the gustafson in carter incomplete 12 seconds remaining didn't we start today's show with that type of play 10 years ago when kramer hit ahmad rashad for the winning touchdown but the vikings have had more success with this type of play than any other team in the league hassan jones has made a number of grabs where he has just gone up and out jumped everybody for the ball but also you got to watch anthony carter looking for the deflection they have what they call the trips the three wide receivers out to the left incomplete browns know that they've got to go for the ball because that would be the key thing in case an interference call might be in the office they go for the ball they're all right absolutely i wonder why the vikings didn't try at least a conventional type of pass play to where they at least would give their kicker a chance they only need about a 17-yard gain here to give carlos about a 50 yarder his career long is 51 but i think you can throw away all those career stats right out the window if you're dumb enough to have the window open on a day like today four seconds remain so this may be the last play of regulation [Music] here's kramer's effort and it's intercepted kyle kramer picks it off and we go to overtime first team the score wins and if there's no scoring in 15 minutes of action the game ends in a tie which would hurt the cleveland browns who trail browns have been involved this will be their fourth overtime of the year they've yet to loot to win one they've lost two and tied one that one coming against kansas city but the big decision here now is if you win the toss do you elect to receive or do you let elect to kick off and have your defense out there and play a field position game not only is it their fourth overtime game this year but their second in as many weeks lost to the colts 23-17 last week there's bud carson talking to his quarterback asking him which direction he wants to take the ball if they do win the toss so he's decided that the quarterback is more important than the kicker at this point ozzie newsom is the captain out for the toss kirk loudermilk out for the vikings [Music] fred wyatt the referee [Music] [Applause] so when we come back to cleveland stadium sudden death overtime coming up it'll be kozar at the helm as the browns and vikings are all tied up at 17. we're going into overtime here in cleveland we started the day at 10 degrees this morning it was minus seven kohl's has been in nearly 40 years in cleveland wind was not a factor today but now that the sun is gone it's gotten much colder jerry burns and the minnesota vikings came within a couple of minutes of wrapping up their first division title since the beginning of the decade eric metcalf goes back carlos will kick off but matt barr's field goal tied it up [Applause] carlos with the kickoff metcalf fields it on the six yard line get some room and eric metcalf brings it out to the 40-yard line where reggie rutland knocks him out of bounds a 34-yard return let's check the overtime records minnesota is 1-0 in overtime cleveland 02-1 including the loss last week to the colts that win by minnesota was set up by mike merriweather's block of the dale hatcher's punt against the rams where they got the safety they'll start from the 39. [Music] and it was chris doleman no sacks today but has played the run extremely well the entire front line has but what they're trying to do is uh get across the line of scrimmage but you know i think i could have made that play nobody uh blocking me i'm not sure i could bring down kevin mac but at least i could you know if it was two hand touch i could touch him and that'd be good enough but hey listen you've got to put somebody on chris dolman you can't let him free like that green bay leading should beat chicago 40-28 so the packers you know who they're rooting for they're looking for a browns win second and 12. [Music] see whether paul farren moved the left tackle of the browns false start number 66. jones the right guard and then jumped here the rest of the scores pittsburgh with a win indianapolis hurts miami's chances chargers shut out kansas city in the second half and that one scored 13 points to win for the first time in a long time jets lead the rams three to nothing [Music] [Music] [Applause] and now the offense has stalled for the browns and that'll bring up third and long just hate that type of call on a second and extremely long 17 yards that time where you dump it off short to a running back and expect him to pick up at least half of the yardage very hard to do especially under conditions like today [Music] now you may be wondering if this game ends up in a tie what it means for the browns chances who came in a game and a half behind houston they would be a game behind with a tie and a chance to end up even with houston they still be alive if they beat them head to head next week third [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's see what the call is on the far sideline still going to be a little bit short about four yards short of the first down but if there were any doubt about bernie kozar's elbow they ought to be erased by that throw outstanding throw 13-yard gain here he comes out of the pocket a little soon here really didn't have the pressure but watch this throw as langhorne is running right along with him there's nothing wrong with that elbow folks certainly not career threatening as some people claim during the week [Music] brian wagner [Applause] leo lewis is on the fair catch we're in overtime and the minnesota vikings get their first chance on offense 17-17 the score vikings with a victory would wrap up the nfc central the browns would stay alive with a win but carson and mike johnson talk things over as the browns go on defense minnesota will start from their 17th the relief pitcher today from minnesota tommy kramer for wade wilson who sprained his left knee kramer has done an outstanding job at the helm behind an offensive line that has really shut the brown's ass rush down and the give is to herself walker gets good yardage out close to the 25-yard line keep in mind that in overtime each team has two timeouts bain gash on the tackle there's no scoring after 15 minutes of elapse the game will go in the books as a time see bud carson giving the defensive signals for the all-time great defensive coordinator running the show here in cleveland second down and three again getting close to first down yardage this game ends up in a tie the vikings of course and it is a first down still need one win or a green bay loss as the packers won today to wrap up the division title packers have to be the surprise team in the nfl this year lindy and fonnie along with a quarterback with a magic name could move into a first place tie if the browns win here in overtime [Applause] first down on the 27th and a good opening for rick fenney and he gets more than 10 yards on that burst up the middle he's got a first down to the 39-yard line the offensive line is proving that they can run block just as well again it's a trap play kayla's on the block on robert banks on the outside then zimmerman comes down and seals off the middle linebacker mike johnson and finney's up there for a big game notice how he protected the ball felix right in fame gash on the tackle first down on the minnesota 40. here's finney again with another trap play off tackle not quite as successful picks up a couple clay matthews brought him down schnelker is now using his wide receivers as messengers gustafson and hassan jones are coming in with the play for tommy kramer been remarkable how well the offenses have played in the second half [Applause] but only three turnovers in the game two by cleveland second down at eight walker and it'll be third in about five or six michael dean perry making the stop on walker 17-17 the score houston has lost to cincinnati a victory for the browns would keep them alive enforce a big showdown against the oilers for the division title next week 61-7 was the final in riverfront stadium you don't think they had any fun down there boomer and the boys [Applause] sure the dog pound and cleveland people didn't mind what sam weiss's team did today yeah how about that cleveland fans rooting for the bengals today vikings are going to call a timeout they'll have one timeout left in the overtime we'll be back to cleveland stadium after this dick stockton and dan fouts back to cleveland stadium in the crowd that has remained of the 70 700 that started here urging on the defense to stop the vikings on third and five on the minnesota 45. [Applause] steve jordan has been a big receiver for tommy kramer the second half vikings with one timeout left they just used one [Applause] it's amazing at how fast this overtime period can go i don't know why they don't give you three timeouts in it though but there are a lot of rules i don't understand especially the one about carlos not being able to wear a sock at least three wide receivers on third and five [Applause] kramer chase is pass incomplete intended for jim gustafson and tommy kramer is appealing to the official that dust of sin was pushed or gustafson is and kramer wants to get him away it'll be fourth down and the browns are going to get another chance on offense at least one more these kickers the punters have had outstanding days of their own neither of them have had a block punt all year long look for the browns to put some pressure on scrivener now gerald mcneil trying to get some room but nothing doing as he's written out by mark dust who replaced mike merriweather who was shaken up been a busy day for dusk who replaced merriweather who was injured and has been all over the field on special teams and playing the normal linebacking spot now bernie kozar back to the helm has thrown two touchdown passes today breaking a four-week drought starts from his 21 17-17 in overtime [Music] [Music] [Applause] territory [Applause] 39 yards with carl lee bringing him down cozart said he wanted the wind at his back here and he got it from his head coach this is a perfect throw right on the fingertips of langhorne and now the browns have got it all going their way carl lee right on the tight coverage had to take a perfect pass to get in there six catches 140 yards and a touchdown reception first down on the minnesota 40. [Applause] yards or so making the tackle was reggie rutland good outside move by mack as the browns are rolling now in sudden death well kevin mack is is just having an outstanding afternoon did you notice at the end of this run he had a chance to step out of bounds but he decided to deliver a blow before he did lloyd peters the defensive coordinator calling the play as mack goes out replaced by tim manoa second down and two on the 32-yard line here's manoa [Applause] see where they spot the ball noah had to get to the 30-yard line chris dolman in on the play for the vikings i believe he's a little bit short and that'll bring up an interesting call for tressman [Music] recall last time they were in this situation he elected to give kozar the ball on a quarterback snake they're going to measure and i'm sure that both teams want to know how short he is or the browns are from a first down how about four inches scott studwell signaled a yard a little exaggeration there oh you love it though you know whatever it takes up upsmanship so third in inches coming up for the browns you look at steadwell in those eyes that's a prerequisite for to be a great linebacker in the national football league you got to have the eyes those eyes have it kevin mack returns to the game on third in less than a yard [Applause] quarterback and kozar has it this time so again they go to the sneak first time it didn't work this time he appears to have the yardage cozar is going to take this ball right behind ricosi and tony jones they're going to bring out the sticks i believe again you saw his feet kind of slip in the sandy part of the field there but i think he's got it by george he's got it bernie's taking this snap make sure he has it well secured but now his footing goes out from underneath him and he's just got to lean forward he's lucky he's six foot five or he might not have picked that first down up meanwhile the vikings have lost the key operative from the defensive line keith millard as a separated shoulder may not be back that shoulder's been given a problem for the last month thomas struthers replaces eric metcalf in the game first and ten on the vikings 30. [Music] ozark was the rollout could have been a dangerous pass behind metcalf right into the teeth of the secondary browner and that'll bring up second down matt barr kicked a 32-yard field goal to tie this game with 24 seconds left to send it into overtime and could be called upon to end it momentarily he's got half that redemption back from last week when he missed two one hit the upright but he's got the browns this far there's millard who has that separated shoulder second down and 10. [Applause] [Music] it's caught [Music] it'll be third down in about four for the browns [Music] they don't get the first down here it'll be matt barr time [Music] [Applause] he's got it it is a first down question is how is he he went in head first there becoming the running star as well as the passing star here picking up two first downs in a row [Applause] heads up here just diving across the line picking up the first down and he calls the play at the line of scrimmage first and ten on the 19. kevin maddow up the middle gets to the 15 yard line for 16 al noga on the tackle time remaining in the overtime is 6.05 and kozar is trying to wear the vikings out now not going back into the huddle there's no hurry he doesn't have to be in this hurry up offense but tressman wants him up at that line of scrimmage [Applause] he's hit at the 14-yard line the minnesota vikings have had their miseries in week 15 since the 1981 season they have lost every game on the next to last week of the season last year's loss to the packers in week 15 kept them from winning what they're after today the nfc central crown the browns are going to use up one of their timeouts right here they brought on matt barr right now to end it he's going to try a field goal to win the game for cleveland in overtime he kicked the field goal with 24 seconds left to send it in to ot and this is a good decision by bud carson because it's only third down if they have something go wrong with the snap and recover the ball they still have the ability to kick a field goal on fourth down but they're thinking making it let's end this thing [Music] no sense delaying the inevitable browns are trying to break the skit that has seen them lose three in a row after a tie with kansas city he missed a couple last week this will be a 32-yard attempt the same distance he kicked descended into overtime tom ball is the center mike hagel holds [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who came in as an eligible man [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 14 yards win [Music] what a fantastic call this is waiters on the line of scrimmage watch bagel put it down pick it up roll out and there's just nobody for waiters all pagel had to do was lob it over the defensive backs head and the browns are still in it good snap nagel good patience barr follows through with the face fullington almost got a finger on it and waders with his first ever touchdown it may be his last as well but who cares now the vikings still have the magic number of one they need to win in their final game against cincinnati or a green bay loss next week and the browns beat houston the browns will win the division in an incredible overtime game steve jordan from the minnesota vikings and bernie kozar of the cleveland browns have been chosen the miller life players of the game and qualify for the player of the week honors a one thousand dollar donation will be made by the miller brewing company on behalf of the players to cerebral palsy [Applause] the hearty crew to stay to watch this game in 10 degree temperature and the browns win in overtime a lot of happy dogs silver dan found some dick stockton saying so long the browns win it stay tuned for the nfl today post game show you've been watching cbs sports coverage of the national football league [Applause] [Music] well you see some of the things that happened today around the nfl and we're going to hear live from giant coach bill parcells but her first the hero of the moment let's go back to cleveland here's dick stockton all right brent thank you very much and bernie kozar is with us on the field and bernie you think this victory in overtime you lost last week answers a lot of questions about the criticism of the offense well dick and dan i'll tell you it was really a great win for us today we had a similar situation last week and we thought about the fake field goal last week and uh i tell you a lot of guys really showed a lot of character out there today and then really as you know adverse conditions we hung in and played a good game bernie setting up that field goal was probably your best pass of the day they bombed a reggie langhorne yeah reggie uh came up to me on the sidelines and uh told me he thought he can get him deep and you know reggie played a really good game he was hot and uh i figured we did a little audible and uh you know reggie just did a great job getting down the field i like your beard bernie thank you so much bernie uh the victory now gives you the opportunity to control your own destiny something you had lost with houston losing did you were you aware at all that houston was getting beat bad today well i tell you try to just focus in and concentrate on the game but i'd be lying to you guys if we didn't say that we knew what that was happening in cincinnati today well you can win next week with a win over the oilers congratulations to you yeah we're looking forward to next week's game all right it's gonna be a big one all right bernie kozar guys thank you right now let's send you back to new york and brent busberger brent not bad for a quarterback whose career was supposed to be over because of an injured elbow wasn't that the rumor a couple weeks ago yeah looked pretty good in overtime let's quickly take everybody through the scores and show you a couple of really wacky things that happened today the packers now are still alive they go down to play the dallas cowboys and the minnesota vikings will have the last monday nighter they do go home and it's against the red-hot cincinnati bengals will you see their score here it is the cincinnati bengals 61 the euler seven it was 45 to nothing when this happened in cincinnati the short kick and it's recovered from the bengals there's no doubt about it sam weish ran it up today point differential certainly could become a factor way down the road i don't know where sam would be less popular in a restaurant tonight i guess cleveland has forgiven him for what he did today maybe you better not go out to dinner in houston all right pittsburgh and new england 28 to 10. another wacky moment in the nfl this should never happen to an official oh is he feeling badly about this his name is tom dooley and bubby brister crashed into him and tom dooley is hanging down his head tonight it did not count as a touchdown incidentally it was brought back and the steelers still have an opportunity to get to the playoffs indianapolis and miami and the colts are still alive as are the dolphins 42-13 the colts at home were rough today here is the upset kansas city red hot the last month the chargers go in and beat them 20-13 there is a way for the chiefs to get into the playoffs we won't get into that right now detroit and tampa bay and really a marvelous capper to a sensational season for rookie running back barry sanders this is the run right here that he clipped billy sims rookie rushing mark with 1312 yards well the nice thing about it bryn is the fact that billy sims is there to see it and he's gonna go out and congratulate gary on the berry on his tremendous season for him i'll tell you barry sanders is going to have a great career in the nfl didn't he find out about it you know rookie year this year he's got another week yet to go and uh the guy's just awesome all right now these are games that are underway and the atlanta falcons have struck for a couple of touchdowns to take a 17-10 lead here's their 72-yarder and wide open against that beleaguered washington redskins secondary and then they added another one 17-10 buffalo in san francisco joe montana and street clothes getting the week off and of course they'll need him for the playoffs they've wrapped up the home field all the way the rams and the jets the jets turned it over a short time ago and the rams went in they lead at 14-7 we're going to check in live with coach bill parcells of the new york giants we continue in just a moment
Channel: Richard Waldrup
Views: 35,118
Rating: 4.8105264 out of 5
Keywords: 1989 Cleveland Browns
Id: wjn4nApa9cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 227min 23sec (13643 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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