1988 Cleveland Browns at Pittsburgh Steelers Week 5 Football Game with NFL Live Pregame Show

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edit: they broke the curse in 1986. my brain isn't working, my apologies. kinda made this whole post irrelevant, however a Jim Donovan TV call is an interesting watch regardless.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kickasspancakes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

He sounds exactly the same still

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/84Cressida πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pretty impressive calling games on NBC as a 17 year old.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/savory_donut πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bubby Brister vs Mike Pagel - WOOOOOOO

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/globulous πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jim Donovan is a national treasure.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BigFatDynamo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Maybe 10 minutes of commercials the entire game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RutherfordBWho πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
I again everyone welcome to NFL live one Berman in New York along with Paul McGuire and Gayle sirens drugs front and center five suspended players returning to their teams this week and teams will continue to test them for drugs and today Olympic leaders from the United States and the Soviet Union announced plans for year-round random testing of athletes and training something NFL players and owners cannot agree on and within this qualification of gold medallist ben johnson of canada steroids made big headlines muscle building drugs and since football players are more muscular than in other sports the questions are inevitable I talked with dr. Robert voi the chief medical officer of United States Olympic Committee in soil that in football and in weightlifting and in some of the track and field events there has been ample information an indication that steroid use is quite quite well used to your knowledge what is the use or what is the percentage of use among athletes of steroids in the National Football League or in football in general well I've heard conflicting reports anywheres from 30 to 50 or 60% and these are not statistics that originated from me or the US Olympic Committee these are what I've heard from the NFL's medical committee the fact that football players have grown so large so quickly it's part of the reason steroids in your mind oh I think so there's very little question about that the average 225 pound football player who in three months in preparation for spring training suddenly blossoms into a two hundred and sixty or seventy pound individual that that cannot be done to my knowledge physiologically in any other way except with the enhancement from anabolic steroids if every NFL player knows he will be tested during training camp for steroids is it possible to mask the use well enough in advance there have been a lot of masking agents that have come along the we pretty much keep track of in our testing program it's not the masking so much it's the ability to respond to what we call an unannounced test once you know that you are going to be faced with a test in a week or two it's easy to get off these drugs and escape detection as far as the laboratory is concerned but at the same time you still have considerable amount of the drug available in your system to give beneficial results so there is a loophole in the current testing program so if you are Commissioner of the National Football League the only way to do away with steroid use is to have unannounced to random tests I I would I don't like to use the term random that that's a confusing term what we really mean is testing during the training period where these drugs are the most beneficial and most frequently used and not completely unannounced because the laboratory technology is sophisticated enough so that what we call short notice testing of 24 or 48 hours is sufficient we don't think really that at least in America that we can accept a SWAT team approach dragging athletes out in the middle of the night and asking them to provide a specimen and that isn't necessary and those sooner had Ben Johnson been disgraced and sent home to Canada then the Dallas Cowboys expressed interest in his being a wide receiver I talked with Tex Schramm of the Cowboys does he agree with dr. voit speculation I'm not sure that it's that's widespread but I'm not naive enough to believe that it is not present just as I'm obviously not naive enough to believe that we don't have some cocaine and some of the other drug problem texts if you make contact with Ben Johnson yet not with Ben Johnson we inquired about him and then we had a I had a call from one of his oh I know business representatives and and he heard that I was interested that we were and I said look we're not interested till next spring I said we're in the middle of a football season if he wants to come down and run forest we'd love to see whether he can catch a football but we'd also he'd have to get his personal life I think straightened away before we would be interested but just from a public relations standpoint Tech's don't you think it was a bit inappropriate for the National Football League or a team this Asia sure send us someone who has a problem we'll take him here he may not be good enough for the Olympics but he may be good enough for the National Football League well as I say I think it was taken a little bit out of context and a little bit out of proportion and but if it has that reaction and I'm sorry it has that reaction as for NFL policy they do test for steroids the results as with all drug testing are kept confidential but the league says suspensions for steroid use are not expected during the 1988 season we'll be back with the Bears in just a minute NFL live is brought to you by Volkswagen experienced German engineering the Volkswagen way by Coors Light there's no slowing down with a silver bullet it's the right beer now and by Burger King where we do it like you do it we used to sell a Volkswagen for people with more sense than money we still do before you buy a car test-drive of Volkswagen Fox at your local Volkswagen dealer last year half of our sales were of products that didn't even exist five years ago like our pacemaker that changes speed to meet demands on the heart we're Siemens USA leaders and medical engineering telecommunications energy automation and electronics with 23 research and development centers coast-to-coast helping to build a stronger more America we are Seema's USA jump into Burger King insane and play triple jump checkers it's easy to play just like checkers and easier to win because every card can win if you make the right moves win up to a million dollars instantly or tasty food prizes or collect to win a cruise a dream house or a Pontiac Grand Prix triple jump checkers every card has a prize on it so every car can win oktoberfest can be very boring you know the guy one of the top games today the upstart undefeated Buffalo Bills going into Chicago to take on those big bad Chicago Bears is a defensive struggle on top Paul McGuire spent some time with the Bears after the first quarter of the season the Bears are doing more than holding their own with the loss of all-pro linebacker zw-- / marchΓ© 'el and Otis Wilson among others the Bears defense is number one against the rush number two against the past and tops overall in defense when you take something away from a team you know we've had a lot of great football players leave the football team in the past two years particularly last year people realize that hey we can't gripe we can't take anything for granted when we get out there on the field would have to let it go I mean everything we have we have to put in for winning the football games we've shown you the grades now here are the numbers behind the high marks the Chicago Bears are giving up an average of seventy eight point five yards per game rushing how does that compare to the rest of the league the rest of the league 120 point eight yards per game now has a little linebacker I've learned if you stop the rush you force the offense to pass and with an aggressive defensive line like the Bears have opposing quarterbacks have only completed forty four point four percent of their passes offensively running back Neil Anderson has made football without Walter Payton bearable the NFL's number five rusher and his running mates have made the Bears rushing attack to best in the league they made the comparison between the Walter and I guess I'll say this when Walter came man but all you can do is go out and be yourself and do your job and hopefully a few years down the road they'll make some comparisons when a new guy comes in and say he'll say what do you think about that old got near Landis hope I can keep that tradition going the passing game well it's just okay some think it's improved even though quarterback Jim McMahon is ranked 20th before the Bears was known as one-dimensional I mean they led the league in rushing for a number of years but that's all they did they couldn't really throw the ball we're really known as a passing team and this year is more versatile we can throw the ball when we have to we can run the ball more we have to we have so many more weapons now than we had before for a long period of time if it says this was the Chicago Bears cannot win without Jim McMahon well that makes it hard to win without him I think he provides great leadership for us even though physically he's not in on a level with some of the other top name quarterbacks in the league but I think that he he brings an ability to win and he he makes people play a little better a little harder time two years ago I was told that by a lot of people we couldn't win without and I believe it right now I still really think that we need Jim McMahon to be our best be the best football team we can be I gotta ask you hey you choose so much gum have you ever dislocated your jaw tall there are people all over America that hope I dislocated my jaw doing something so I don't make as much noise Matt I don't intrude on my mother told me when I was a kid she said son you do not chew gum you do attack go I do attack that I wear it out you know some people say Lenny the Bears who have they beaten you know they're three and one any given Sunday and that's that old cliche or whatever it is that any given Sunday someone to win and I think the example is when the Atlanta Falcons played the San Francisco 49ers and destroyed them and Atlanta is not supposed to have a pretty good football team but any Sunday and when you beat a team in the National Football League you're playing professional football players I love that here taxes gum all right time for your picks who do you like in that game the bills will have their field goal kicker as their offense the the Bears are favored with their defense you can't miss this football game this is gonna be one of the best defensive struggles all year long the Bears are so good defensively the bills you know last week they said they scored a lot of points that's not so I mean the points are on a board they had five field goals they had two blocked punts one resulted in a touchdown they only had two touchdowns by the offense so I think the bills are gonna have the biggest test they've had all year long with the Chicago Bears and it's a four-point game I like the Bears in this game all right the Jets are favored they're hosting Kansas City the Jets have allowed the fewest points of anybody speaking of defense Wesley Walker they're fine wide receiver we'll know at game time if he can play with a rib injury well let me explain something to you City Chiefs have not beaten the New York Jets in New York since 1969 they are do they've got an excellent defense Derron cherry just signed a big contract which is gonna make everybody else play well because they want to get the seven million dollars he got for one year so I think the Kansas City Chiefs getting five and a half points should win this game they win it outright will you ever pick the Jets in your life yes I like them last year no two years ago I picked them what's right all right the Steelers our favorite hosting the Browns of Pittsburgh has allowed lots of points but Cleveland doesn't score much either yeah this is another defensive struggled today Cleveland is really hurting without that Kosar I mean they're just not that you obviously are not the same football team Pittsburgh Steeler had a tough loss against Buffalo we could go in and also the one against the Washington Redskins but they're at home and that's the key to this game the Pittsburgh Steelers at home I think the Steelers would win this football game big one is the Broncos favored there at the Chargers but the Broncos have lost three games the teams within their division already this is a must-win now for John Elway who's what suffered eight interceptions all right it yeah it's scary you know when you when you start out the season and the first five games of the season you're playing in your division and then lose three of them like they've done I think always pressing when I looked at him Monday night Elway's just it's like he's taken everything on his shoulders he's gonna do it all and he can't you've got depend on the other players and I think he's look at his feet he's got the yips he's back there and he's trying to force things he's going back to not being smart but use it trying to control the game with his arm he can't do that I think he learned a valuable lesson Monday night and even coming off a Monday night game and a loss I think that the Denver Broncos will destroy San Diego well one other note in that game one of their weapons their wide receiver Rick Massey he boarded the team playing for the flight to San Diego yesterday but he was struck by a cute claustrophobia he deplaned the broncos then chartered a limousine for the 20-hour drive to San Diego at last check he hasn't arrived yet we'll be back with the Mark Gastineau story when we return on NFL live in just a moment I used to put in five six hours TV a day now I can't get near it my parents always have it you see Stanley's giving away these home-improvement videotapes when you buy a Stanley tool so now they're doing a few projects in every room in the house so what am I supposed to do now the mall the lawn thing you ran read a book get a job get a job yeah get a free home time video win a Chevy truck a $20,000 home improvement and $1,000 worth of Stanley tools in a Stanley home improvement Challenge control everything VP at 28 my imported beer whatever is in this week when you're done kidding around Heineken do you know what it's like to walk out onto the fresh-cut grass at Yankee Stadium the morning before the game now you do adidas aftershave and cologne the essence of sports no she's still upset well you know dad never really understood why I joined maybe you'll go straight to college but I had to prove something to myself first the GI Bill and army college fund if you qualify you can get more than $25,000 for college and an edge unless you think Dad will never come around wmm s morning zookeeper Jeff ginsbot we're back with more easy money this Thursday morning you can win another $10,000 if your birthday matches the one in this envelope put your radio on w mmm that's 100.7 FM and listen at 7:20 Thursday morning for your chance to win $10,000 more music fun and easy money guaranteed Thursday morning at 7:20 I never bet somebody's gonna win $10,000 right you know one of the early candidates for comeback player of the year is the colorful Mark Gastineau of the Jets knee surgery ill feelings during the strike among his teammates a public relationship with actress Brigitte Nielsen all of that has given Gastineau more publicity than anything he's done lately on the field but now he's among the leaders in the AFC and sacks and he's been named a game captain for the first time I asked him about it it's a big honor for me Lin that Coach Walton had enough faith in me this week to choose me as a captain against Kansas City and yes it is a big honor I'm very pleased mark your job was really on the line you were being criticized by teammates by fans by media it was all coming down you weren't speaking with the media for a while what turned it around for you right now the turnaround and everything I think is the stability that I've got at the homefront in my personal life and that stems from from guida from Bridget she's she's added so much to my life that even though the negative things were being said I could just shrug them off and you know it was it didn't mean anything to me mark you've started celebrating again after a sack has anybody said anything to you about it I know they haven't it's really not a sack dance or anything that you could call taunting or anything like that in fact it's something that to me is the app it's the absolute opposite of taunting and it's done for something that's very somebody that's very special to me can you tell us what you're doing it looks like you're spelling something in midair no I'm sure Lynne I'll let you figure it out I can't she knows what it it well see I already told on myself yeah we got it it's for somebody that's special how would you feel about random drug testing for all players I think it's fair I mean you know there's nothing that that should be set against it if if they want to test I mean it's their prerogative I think because they've got a team that they've got to care for and watch out for and if they want to see what is happening to their teams and to their players I think that they've got every right that's not the position though of the entire Players Association you know through four weeks around the league scoring is down it's the lowest total of points scored in ten years the National Football League one of the reasons why not only the contributions of gas snow and others but the more liberal past defensive back rules they can use their hands more and in games and what else is going on in the NFL this week certainly the Giants defense they're hoping that they can keep the Washington Redskins offense down with the help of one Lawrence Taylor after serving a 30-day suspension LT is back tailor said little upon his return Wednesday but he sounded like a man who realizing his problem could use some help than staying off drugs and he's looking for that help not only from the experts but from others I would also like to thank the many many fans who support these sent me cards and and letters on my behalf I would appreciate continued support from the Giants my teammates and above all the giant fans and my fight against this problem LG's Rehab includes a lot of golf and it has been open to criticism will at work is undergoing to prescribe the treatment and I didn't prescribe it and hopefully it'll work out Vikings defensive end Bubba Baker says he didn't intentionally poke Eagles tackle Ron Heller in the eye last Sunday NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle doesn't believe Baker Bozell suspended Baker for one game and find the veteran defensive lineman $20,000 and Seattle's Kelly Stouffer makes his first NFL start at quarterback today against Atlanta his touchdown pass last week impressed his coaches but he paid the price breaking his nose on the play stepper waited a long time for a chance at that broken nose in other news around the league Buffalo's Bruce Smith also suspended for 30 days is back in the lineup for the Bills he'll be ready to go against the Bears more NFL live in just a moment it is one 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the Colts in a big trade won't start but he's not hurt and we have rain today in Pittsburgh the idea of an NFL team coveting an Olympic star is nothing new the Browns are interested in the silver medalist in the 400 meters butch Reynolds through the years 19 medal winners have played in the NFL with mixed results the most famous Jim Thorpe the most successful was the explosive Ollie Matson he won a couple of medals in the 1952 Olympics and then he went on to star in the national football league with the Cardinals and Rams before finishing up with the Lions Bob Hayes twice struck gold in the 1964 Summer Games in Tokyo by winning the 100 meters he was the world's fastest man the Dallas Cowboys signed them and he went on to set eight cowboy receiving and punt return records but others were not as successful speedster Johnny Lam Jones he spent an injury-plagued seven years with the Jets Sam gradi beat Ben Johnson for the silver but he has just one reception for the Broncos gold medal sprinter Ron Brown retired from the Rams after four seasons the only olympian who's currently successful in the NFL a silver medalist shot footer Michael Carter the San Francisco all-pro nose tackle but the Cowboys seem particularly awestruck by Olympians and why not with the success of Bob Hayes they even drafted Carl Lewis a few years back but America's team showing immediate interest in an alleged cheater Ben Johnson at a time when the NFL is fighting a drug problem that's not the correct message to be sending out at the very least it's a public relations blunder and that'll do it for NFL live for Paul and Gayle Len Berman in New York we'll see at half time everybody they arrived as athletes and we'll leave as Olympians the closing ceremony of the games of the 24th Olympiad tonight our dead natural gas get to be right for our climate it started when East Ohio gas built a pipeline from West Virginia to bring clean convenient economical energy here is East Ohio gas celebrates its 90th 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year the National Broadcasting Company presents the National Football League today from Three Rivers Stadium it's the Cleveland Browns versus the Pittsburgh Steelers brought to you by Ford and your Ford dealer have you driven a Ford lately by Budweiser proud sponsor of the 1988 US Olympic team this Bud's for you and by GTE at GTE the power is on Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh and as always a sellout crowd for the Cleveland Browns and the Pittsburgh Steelers good afternoon everybody I'm Jim Donovan along with Reggie Rucker if you look at the AFC Central Division race the Browns and Steelers both need the ballgame badly but Reggie the game means so much more yes Jim I've wondered as a broadcaster as a player what makes this game so special now I think I know you know the bradshaw's and the stipes the Harrises and the Pruitts come and go but the thing that makes this game so special are the people of the two cities they demand more from this game than any other game it's the army-navy of pro football it's a game for the people as much as it is for the players overcast skies in Pittsburgh on Sunday number five in the NFL and you know if you really take a look at the Cleveland Browns they need this one so badly they're too into a disappointing loss last week to the Cincinnati Bengals down in Cincinnati and the same is true for the Pittsburgh Steelers after winning on opening week here at home against Dallas they have lost three in a row and so these teams are playing come-from-behind football within the division and some people asked why isn't this game like the other Pittsburgh Cleveland games and I think it's because there is a team for the first time in this series in a long time ahead of this both clubs for know the Cincinnati Bengals they're both chasing Cincinnati Chuck Noah wants his team to hold onto the football they've been turning it over a lot 11 times in the last two games they'll hold on to at first as they will receive the Cleveland kick off the browns going with Mike bagel at quarterback this is his third start but remember this Bernie Kosar is the only Cleveland quarterback to ever win in this stadium twice they've only won twice the last two years in a row I think if there's a game in which Mike bagel will gel it should be this game for the third week in a row now Mike bagel is starting in the club should come to come together on the him at this point this kickoff is sponsored by Budweiser the king of beers sellout crowd at Three Rivers Stadium one of the things that the steel is do well on special teams is they are an outstanding kick returning group and Whitestone number 20 and Rod Woodson number 26 you'll find two of the fastest men in the National Football League returning this kickoff Matt Barr has it ready to go this afternoon and as Reggie said the Steelers hope to win the special teams war here this afternoon as they have been very good returning kicks this year in Cleveland has had a bit of a down start to their special teams Woodson from the 10 out over the 25 yard line out to the 26 and that's where bubby Brister and the Pittsburgh offense will get the start Marlin Jones is in on the tackle here's the Steeler offense Brister Warren Williams getting the start of running back a rookie out of Miami Louie lips off to a great start 14 catches on the year the Steeler offensive line has had to be put back together because of injuries Brian Blankenship gets the start at left guard they've had four left guards this year - Bonnie Dawson was hurt last week when he got the start of rookie and he was injured with a knee injury and English operated on 32nd please thank you your referee checking in today dick hand tag getting the 30-second clock at play clock all set to go and we wait for the Steelers to break the huddle and here they come with bubby Brister first and ten Steelers first possession of the game at the 26 of Pittsburgh Lipson motion and they'll go to the rookie Warren Williams and Williams goes out for a couple yards out near the 28 yard line tackle made by the nose tackle 79 Bob Golic and Sam Clancy was there here's the Browns defensive starting lineup Clancy Golic Hairston Hairston had a tough day at Cincinnati last week with a couple of toe injuries and he also got poked in the eye good line backing crew Johnson and Junkin inside are very good to watch and the secondary for the Browns we'll have Frank Minnifield back in there the all-pro sat out last week with a calf muscle injury against Cincinnati and they go with a rookie safety Brian Washington second down and eight a gain of two for Williams on that first out play Brister to Jackson and Jackson goes out over the 30-yard line out near the 30 for Felix right and Mike Junkin team up on the tackle for Cleveland you're looking at a Pittsburgh offense that has been extremely explosive with the pass but Chuck know it is his philosophy to run the football to control the game they haven't had a lot of success running the football and over the years when the Steelers when when a steal of running back has been able to run the football when a Steeler running back has been able to rush for over 100 yards they stand a good chance of winning the football here Daryl Hodge checks into the backfield on third down and two big block to the outside 45 to the 46 yard line Hanford Dixon on the tackle wolf Lee got him around the corner and a first down for the Steelers he's going to see outstanding blocking on the right side watch number 42 Warren Williams a rookie best Terry long number 74 with the good block on number 31 Frank Minnifield Williams cuts back inside and that's what the Steelers want to do pound the ball up inside behind Webster and when they get an opportunity use the speed of Williams on the outside 13 yards in a first down at the pittsburgh 46 yard line Ernest Jackson back into the lineup here comes Jackson to the outside carved it out by Felix right David Grayson 50-60 outside linebacker was chasing and actually gave Wright an opportunity to come up and drive him out of odd David Grayson number 56 is a big story this year for the Cleveland Browns signed as a replacement player a year ago he has been nothing short of spectacular for the Cleveland Browns he is their leading sack artist with three and he showed you just in that he is learning to play the run very well he used his hands extremely well that time and kept that Pat to kept that run outside no gain second down in ten as you look at bubby Brister Steelers in the i-formation Lipson thompson are the wide receivers to the top lips now in motion 83 first pants for puppy and he connects vici Thompson on the catch in a Pittsburgh first down at the Cleveland 42 yard line they really like bubby Brister in Pittsburgh 6-3 210 pounds with a shotgun of an arm good pass protection right there now watch him rifle this thing out to the outside now we G Thompson is six feet seven inches tall he's known as being one of the outstanding blocking wide receivers in all of pro football but he is going to have a height mismatch all day long against Dixon who is 510 and Minnifield who is 5 9 12 yard pass play from Brister to Thompson wide receivers on the top of the screen same side of the field first time we've seen that formation 1st and 10 and Jackson finds good running room up here another Pittsburgh first down to the Cleveland 32 he's driven out by the inside linebacker Mike counsin and why is this possible well in pro football's you watch Ernest Jackson here who has been plagued by fumbles all year long good move inside you see Jackson made a move inside he got to defend us to freeze for one moment he really isn't that fast to get around the outside but because he made that good move to set up the move outside he was successful they are really picking on this near side of the Browns defense as you watch it getting to that outside second down and really less than one and they'll go to Williams he should have the first down up near the 30-yard line wrapped around his leg Sam Clancy who went to the University of Pittsburgh and was a great basketball player there he averaged 10 points 6 rebounds a game there and then he turned to football and he's done very well with the Browns it's always been the Steelers philosophy particularly when they play Cleveland they must control the line of scrimmage they have had an outstanding offensive line for as long as Mike Webster at center has anchored it and they're doing that right now they are controlling the line of scrimmage early in the game bubby Brister barking out signals down to Lewis lips at the bottom of your screen first and 10 Pittsburgh Jackson and Cleveland surrounds a bike junket Sam Clancy wrap up Ernest Jackson for a loss of the play as Terry long was out there all by himself trying to block a whole bunch of rocks here's what Cleveland didn't do last week against Cincinnati when Cincinnati game 213 yards watch the white shirts get beyond the line of scrimmage into the backfield that's how you stop the running game you get penetration like you see number 91 Sam Clancy number 57 Clay Matthews number 54 making the tackle Mike Junkin you get across the line of scrimmage and you don't get blocked loss of two back to the 32 yard line at second and 12 time for Krister and he overthrows vici Thompson down at the Cleveland 20-yard line hanford Dixon was over there Richie you're right that is a big height advantage yes he is and the one thing that Bristow is going to see that he hadn't seen before is the tight bump and run coverage that is the late Art Rooney the late owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Steelers wearing our bronies initials on their uniforms in memory of their owner Bart Modell said this game carries a little bit of sympathy coming into this one a sad day for him as he and the chief Bart Brody would always gather before the game and talk it over great rivalry between the owners a healthy rivalry between the owners third down and 12 now for Pittsburgh into the lineup now Rodney Carter across the middle Thompson cannot hold on down at the 21 yard line as they have gone exclusively to e G Thompson mark Harper and will Hill over on the coverage for the Cleveland brass and Pittsburgh extols offensively after they had moved down pretty well and pretty easily down into bronze territory they've had some problems with receivers catching footballs Crysta throws the ball so strongly so powerfully he's going to have to learn how to take just a little bit off of those short passes so that his receivers can make catches on them Gary Anderson 5 / 8 out of the hole of Harry Newsome a 49 yard field goal attempt to try and give Pittsburgh the lead as the Sun comes out at Three Rivers plenty on it and the Steelers lead three nothing on the 49-yard field goal by Gary Anderson his sixth of the season so the Steelers cash-in off the opening kickoff let's see what the Browns do when we return they do it lucky shot yeah right a performance you won't forget the new Ford Probe GT apart lately the Steelers chef out on top a 49-yard field goal by Gary Anderson three nothing Pittsburgh could drive by the Steelers and there is Anderson 1026 left to go first quarter I'm Jim Donovan along with Frenchy Rucker Glen Young and Herman Fontenot back deep for the Browns young is at the top of your screen 83 Fontenot is 28 and it will be plenty on his eighth that's the end of that deer in Jordan 55 a rookie linebacker out of Northeastern University makes the tackle for the Steelers Mike bagel and the Browns offense let's take a look at who starts for Cleveland bagel with binary Mack slaughter Langley and Ozzie Newsome heard from Ozzie at the top of the show the offensive line break Rakosi had his best start at center last week against Tim Crum rye the fine nose tackle of Cincinnati first at 10 Cleveland last week we watched them early against Cincinnati try impound the ball with the running game and it blew up on them when Kevin Mack fumbled on the first possession that the Browns had and the Bengals took it in for a touchdown let's see what they do offensively here in Pittsburgh up top and a nice catch by Reggie Langhorne and a good catch by Lange where they say he's in over the 30 yard line up near a first down and this is what Pittsburgh and Cleveland saw Levon well usually it's the first team to get the intimidating advantage and I don't know what happened before that we stole number 74 Paul fair and slugging it out that's not such a wise thing to do those helmets hurt he was firing away let's take another look at it the Browns come out throwing the Pittsburgh Steelers are last in the league and pass defense Langhorne extended well makes the catch stays inbounds good play that's a good start for Mike bagel well we hit Flags down and they had personal fouls on both teams did can tack is your referee and he'll explain it to us in a second here on a nice catch by Reggie Lang Warren they move the ball on to where the catch is made offense number 74 personal foul 97 defense please are often first down they're not only offsetting but they came after the catch ball bow yes Aaron Jones number 97 the first round draft choice of the Pittsburgh Steelers slugging away with Paul Farah now watch the show oh good right hand a couple of super heavyweights there Jim Donovan with the fight dr. Reggie Rutger here and on our counter punch stat Farren's in front they're landing a hundred percent I'd never do that Jim I mean you could break your hand folks that's not wise Braun's ready to come up I'm surprised that fairy's doing that he's from Boston University Lee you know that's a pretty good school 31 yard line after the catch made by langhorne and some discussion now by the officials might be taking a look at this replay wise on the catch by langhorne 10-12 left to go there's the replay booth here at Three Rivers Jack FET is our replay official looking it over the ball is at the 31 yard line the Browns are ready to come up to the line of scrimmage Marty Schottenheimer looking down and his play selection table starts the game off with a past connection to Lang Warren and their first prime earnest Byner on to the Cleveland 35 yard line let's take a look at the Steeler defense and they have had a lot of injuries here Ben Thomas gets the start at defensive end Williams and Gary join him Aaron Jones the rookie is normally the defensive end but he's had to go to outside linebacker hardy Nickerson a starting linebacker for the Steelers is not injured that's why you have all the adjustments Woodson goes to a quarterback position Gowdy and Everett started the safeties and Duane Woodruff is the other corner a gain of four for minor second down and six regi Langhorne in motion and the steelers snuffed that out very well Brian Hickey land Aaron Jones the two outside linebackers team up on the tackle but you have to remember about the Cleveland Browns offensively is that they are a ball possession offense they don't have the big play type of player the player with the speed that can break it on any one play so what they like to do is they're like the maintain possession of the ball they like pick up first down and they do that by getting everybody involved in the offense now Bernie Kosar was the master at that we'll have to wait and see if Mike bagel is picking up that trait Steelers bring in an extra defensive lineman Jim Johnson and Keith Gary come into the lineup in an extra defensive back on third down and six Hegel to a wide-open slaughter incomplete on the overthrow they had six points if they could have connected now that's the kind of pass that number 19 of the Cleveland Browns Bernie Kosar specializes in he is the best passer in the game when it comes to that now this is what you lose when you don't have a Kosar because this is a touchdown slaughter right in the middle of your screen has beaten Woodson excuse me that's Greg Lee the nickel back for a touchdown and that's the problem the Browns are having Pagal just doesn't have the same touch on the deep throat max ruddiger gets the putter way Woodson will run over to the sideline but this one is going out of bounds and the Steelers will get pretty good field position - at their own 27 yard line on a 37 yard effort by Mac's Rutgers you look at Mark Harper one of the five Browns special teams players so the Browns do not connect on a would-be touchdown pass and Pittsburgh leads three nothing late it is magical powerful essential and GTD we place that power at the touch of your hand the power to open up any darkness to illuminate the facts of science brighten the arena's of sports and business create the warm love that means home a GTE would give you the power of light in six thousand ways none of them small got GTE this sedan offers a refreshing blend of form and function and if you like it's for wait until you experience its function for temple a more sophisticated way to express your driving ambition you could bag your lunch to help save for that new house or you could save on homeowners insurance will muster DeMaio up to 15 percent off the insurance on your homes with the Allstate new house discount so why bagged your lunch save on home owners insurance mixed fruit or pudding do you call and ask about the Allstate new house discount another reason our first look at our 10 minute ticker on Sunday number five in the NFL big game at Soldier Field scoreless and Washington ahead of the Giants 6-3 in that NFC Eastern Division battle remember the Giants won the opening game of the season when they played a giant Stadium in Green Bay leads over Tampa Bay Packers and Linde and foddy the former offensive coordinator with the Browns looking Chris first win at our score 3 nothing Steelers second possession bubby Brister and pittsburgh field on that first ball Brister for lips incomplete cat it down by his midsection on a low Crouch at the 40-yard line but he couldn't hang on that's a pass that Lewis lips should catch 99 times out of a hundred good pattern that time he ran against Frank Minnifield Frank Minnifield isn't playing as much bump and run as he normally does I wonder if he's just easing back into things he missed last week's game because of a groin injury and a groin injury can be very difficult thing for a defensive back to overcome particularly when he's playing bump and run coverage second down and ten from the pittsburgh 27 yard line Williams and Jackson sent behind Bobby Briscoe Williams busy here in the first quarter goes on the 32 yard line Mike Junkins down at his ankles 54 the second-year linebacker for the Browns out of Duke also getting up off the stack Clay Matthews alright number 43 is Jackson WESH 2 blocked by Jackson on Junkin pretty good block there they come straight ahead nothing fancy they just looking to establish some running some kind of running game and they just haven't had it and I know took no has not been very happy with the lack of an ability to run the football third down in five from the 32 yard line Darryl Hodge and Rodney Carter to receiving backs into the lineup for Pittsburgh for Carter in the ball was thrown on the wrong side of them is Clay Matthews 57 the outside linebacker for the bronze was blowing in there and they had a safety blitz going to which Felix Wright was in there so Brister might have released the pass a little quickly I would think that you might see a lot of deaths from Cleveland today when you have a young quarterback Bristow's in his third year but this is his first year starting you give him a lot of different looks show some blitzes change the coverage anything to confuse a young quarterback Harry Newsome had a very adventuresome week in Buffalo last Sunday two punts were blocked one of them for a touchdown and the reason why they say is that Newsom lines up too shallow he lines up 13 yards and most kickers line up 15 flag is being thrown down against the Steelers if somebody grabbed Clarence weathers when he was coming in to try and go after Newsome this is Gerald McNeil we'll be thrown on Cleveland as Stephen brags blocked from behind so you got two flags one just when Newsome was putting and the other one when McNeil was running around 60 yards on the punt by Newsome good kick by Newsome he put the ball exactly where he wanted to down in the corner he limited the Browns return and the Steelers had outstanding coverage know he had two punts block last week against the Buffalo Bills and the point I was making the Bills thought that Newsome was lining up at 13 yards rather than 15 they thought they could get to him and they were able to get two kicks but sort it out now and go down to the field we have ineligible 33 offensive team down early we have holding on the offense number 91 we have illegal block in the back number 36 on the deeper down other than that it was a pretty good punch Marty Schottenheimer and he's discussing with Stephen Fricks he was the one for Cleveland it threw the illegal block but Reggie here's the putt again all right what's on the left side of your screen every 91 Greg Carr holds Clarence weathers Clarence weathers not sure if we'll see who it is that's guilty of blocking in behind the back it's Frank's 30 series number 36 right in the center of your screen Bragg's is guilty of that infraction and they'll come back and do it again I'm surprised that the Browns didn't attempt to go after this you know a few years ago the Browns had an outstanding special teams reputation blocking kicks returning kicks with touchdown Newsome again this is a low punch so McNeil should get a chance to go with it here he comes Wow he's got a crease and in that trip he's been gone Jim and he not trip he would have been gone for a touchdown two years ago he took a kickoff a hundred yards here for a touchdown and the IceCube Gerald McNeil brings it inside Pittsburgh territory it's just been this way all year long for the Cleveland Browns kick return teams now watch it he breaks outside right here had he not slipped right there he was gone for a touchdown a 31 yard return for McNeil a newly imported car has arrived it comes from a company with a reputation for quality and design and the automotive press here has already begun to praise it for its performance styling and value the interesting thing is that here is Japan and the car they're importing is the Ford Taurus even in the world's most beautiful playgrounds things don't always go so beautifully so get Visa Gold because will not only provide automatic car rental insurance for you will deliver emergency cash and a new visa gold right to you anywhere an emergency cash is something American Express just can't deliver these are gold it's everywhere you want to be this is a machine designed to keep you long time and this is what makes it tick people working together with clock-like precision each dedicated to keeping you on schedule time after time after time American Airlines the on time machine next Sunday the NFL place here the surprising jets are soaring to new heights but will they be grounded by Boomer Esiason in the undefeated Bengals and John Elway tries to round the back hoes in the championship form when they battled the San Francisco 49ers before your team takes the field catch NFL live only on NBC Mike bagel has the Browns in Pittsburgh territory thanks to a 31 yard punt return by Gerald McNeil and fate to Mac this is for Leghorn still up for grabs in the end zone incomplete wait Woodruff on the coverage and that was a pretty nice throw by Mike bagel you need to do some of this whether you complete the pass on that what it does is it pushes the defense it stretches the defense now has the throat it's pretty good throw Langhorne has his hands on the ball he can't quite come down with it that's outstanding coverage however by Dwayne Woodruff breaking up that play but that was a pretty nice pass by Mike bagel so remember in the first series he had Webster slaughter open overshot him this was a little bit closer to Langhorne bagel not far off second down ten no and here comes back and he's inside the Pittsburgh five yard line there's a loose ball the Steelers say they have it officials not saying that back fumbled though and the play will stand Cleveland holds on to the ball tackle made by Aaron Jones what kind of adjustment is that to be on a defensive end spot as a rookie and the Steelers number one choice Aaron Jones is it was for the first four games and now you're at outside linebacker well it's got to be extremely difficult for him to adjust to that mentally but the thing in the Steelers favor is that they had been using number 97 Aaron Jones at a number of positions anyway and therefore I think the transition back the linebacker isn't as severe as it might otherwise third down and seven from the 45 for wide receivers in the bronze connect Reggie Langhorne has it but I think he might be short of the first down it depends on the spot it's inside the 40 yard line or he's very close he is very very close as the official puts it down Langhorne had it and then got very close to the sticks and so close that they'll call for a measurement well this was a rather ugly looking packed pattern to begin with the two receivers ran into each other it wasn't a clean play at Langlois in a becoming a bigger play Marty Schottenheimer wandering out as he had the first down or a decision on fourth down here it is again what's left side of your screen the two Browns receivers ran into each other somebody shouldn't have been there and as the result of that Langhorne couldn't get into the pattern fourth down and the bronze will go for it Derrick Tinnell number 81 an extra tight antigen reported as an eligible player number 77 and Ricky Bolden checks in an issue jest regret free hand tax say he is an eligible player on that line I've always been told that hidden team championship law ought to be able to make a half a yard so on courts and itches Fontenoy emotion top coach Kevin Mack the crop says he didn't get there the Steelers say he didn't get there but remember he only needed a couple of inches well this is where you find all of you Madison Avenue lawyers down there now jockeying for position let's take another look at it coming from the right side as Kevin Mack going high up in the air good hit by Greg Carr that's where the play was made up in the air number 91 net Kevin Mack who is 230 pounds and I'll tell you this is very very close big measurement early in the game Darren Jordan 55 till to get out of the way so we can take a look at it they didn't get in Reggie I can't believe you have to be able to pick up less than a yard over on downs the Steelers have it I know that's very deflating to the Cleveland Browns but on the other hand very uplifting for the Pittsburgh Steelers and these fans here at Three Rivers Stadium and for the first time the crowd is into the game after a fine defensive stand every 3,000 miles you can change your oil yourself leave your car at the dealer spend all day at the service station or drive into Jiffy Lube with no appointment in ten minutes the j-team will change your oil with quality Pennzoil replace the filter loot the chassis fill the important fluids 14 quality services shipping new turns and all day all change into a 10 minute family reunion how can Allstate universal life help your wishes come true by protecting their family while they help you save Allstate universal life another reason you're in good hands with Allstate if you think you might need some new hand tools think about this Sears craftsman hand tools are built so tough we guarantee them and we need forever whether you work up a man-sized thirst or a man-sized thirst nothing tackles it like diet coke the real cola taste you can drink cause it's just one gap I'll flip you for it heads again they arrived as athletes and we'll leave as Olympians the closing ceremony of the games of the 24th Olympiad tonight here's why the Browns didn't make this play middle of your screen number 98 right over Gregory cozy gets inside gets penetration Mac has no place to run he has to leak too soon and he can't get to the leaping spot to pick up the first down Lewis slips in motion first in 10th Pittsburgh turns it into a gain out over the 40-yard line Cleveland had a lot of white shirts around the play but he got away from Washington Williams did and turns it into about a 3 yard game 4 yard gain and it's 2nd at 6 Chicago jumps out Houston remember there's 3 and 1 and right behind the Bengals in the AFC Central Division for Atlanta leads the Giants over Washington that's at RFK and Green Bay still holding a field goal edge over Tampa Bay 5 minutes 22 seconds remaining 1st quarter 3 nothing Pittsburgh on a 49 yard field goal by Gary Andersen from the Pittsburgh 41-yard line Brister back to pass he's dangerous when he gets up and he is outside and a first down that's what you call escape ability this man has the unique quality of doing this kind of type of thing and he's been very successful with it in 1988 he gets away from people and he has his feed to pick up first downs I reminder to our viewers that we will be selecting the Budweiser most valuable player for today's game at the conclusion of the game first and 10 Ronnie for a bubby Brister not at the 48 yard line vici Thompson to the top of your screen luis lips down at the bottom jackson and williams remain in the backfield he's got a lot of right he's going to throw a protection defensive play by hand for Dixon under 29 in the prize and a flag goes down and it looks like they got Dixon hitting on Thompson the Browns are going to have to do something to contain bubby Brister he cannot allow they cannot allow bris to to roam around like this they're going to have to employ what we call a spy someone to keep her from doing this sort of thing down pass interference on number 29 Hanford Dixon Brister threw that ball where he shouldn't have thrown at that time but fortunately for the Pittsburgh Steelers they come out of it with a first down here it is again all right watch it now there is the contact prior to the ball arriving with the receiver and prediction was not looking at the ball and he was not making a play for the ball he was making a play on the man all the way 28 yards on that penalty and a first and 10 for the Steelers now inside Cleveland Territory just inside the 25-yard line 3-nothing steelers ernest jackson play matthews bangs at the 20-yard line so he'll gets out of the 20 and that's the end of that play as they unstacked and that's basically all pittsburgh wants from jackson they want him to pound the ball up inside pick up four yards if if if he can on first down that gives Bristow some second down play calling options let me expand a little bit on what I said about using a spice that is usually someone when you play against the running quarterback like Brister you need a linebacker or safety that will hover around the line of scrimmage so that Bristow doesn't have a field day running around on you second down at 6:00 Jackson got four on that first down at the Cleveland 20-yard line down the line of scrimmage this is Warren woods the Browns get a grab on him as Sam Clancy got an arm on him from behind and brought him down inside the 20 down at the 18 yard line and it will be third down at four for Pittsburgh with four minutes to go in the first quarter this has been a tough defense the Cleveland Browns this year they threw it all the adversity and so forth they have been a rock really and even in the game against Cincinnati last week they only gave up 17 points and you give up 17 points in the National Football League you should win they have not allowed a touchdown via the past this year Charles Lockett is in for the first time today number 89 in wide receiver as you look at bubby Brister he's going to third down at four I think the Browns should be coming here Krister throwing for locket and you saw hand for dick sir stay away from lock at that time there was no need to climb up on his back the ball was delivered way off to the left that's the thing that Browns do probably better than anybody else in NFL today they shut you down on third down they don't allow a lot of third down conversions Harry Newsome will hold for Gary Anderson this team connected on a 49 yard field goal the first time that they tried one for one today 35-yard field goal attempt this time 324 remaining in the first quarter Pittsburgh has moved but has not been able to get a touchdown as they go for their second field goal and Anderson is two for two and off to a nice start this afternoon and a six to nothing Pittsburgh lead but you're in Steeler country this afternoon but Cleveland's defense has bent a little bit but they certainly haven't broken and they've gotten used to doing that without Kosar they know that they have to keep their team in the ball game NBC Sports continues its coverage of the 1988 NFL season next Sunday with an exciting football doubleheader beginning at 12:30 Eastern with NFL live then the AFC's top Raider passers square off when the New York Jets battled the red-hot Cincinnati Bengals followed by a battle by the bay when the Denver Broncos take on the San Francisco 49ers plus regional action check local listings for the games and time in your area you know we talked about this being one of pro football's oldest rivalries the Adair's Bernie Kosar talking to quarterback coach Marc Trestman Kosar and I'll get back to my point in a minute co-star just started throwing this week of some 20 25 yards but I think the Browns feel that Cozart will be gone still maybe another three to four weeks before they really will be able to evaluate hope that he can return after he threw some 70 passes a couple of days ago he did experience a little bit of soreness in the elbows no swelling just soreness but things addition John Burke Phil said that that's normal and an injury like Cozart 3:21 remaining here in the first quarter Glenn young Herman von Sydow back deep for the Browns right on the goal line just to step in here comes Glenn Young good little cutback out over the 20-yard line of the 22 and a late flag goes down and we'll check that out Cornell Gaudi was in on the tackle along with Hinton and the penalty going against the Browns again on special teams Eric getting flanked alive Marty Schottenheimer a man who made his living as a professional player as a special teams member he said you know when you walk in the back fun receivers number 48 the distance upon taking the jobs Schottenheimer said you know offense is up and down on Sundays defense should be pretty constant but the one area that we should always win and I guarantee it is special teams and that is one of the areas that is hurting the Cleveland Browns this year let's take another look at number 83 Glen young coming from the right side of your screen I think you're going to see it right there darren jordan number 55 was well brian washington number 48 they actually had two people hitting from behind because of the penalty they are back deep in their own territory at the 11 yard line that's with those flags and special teams to do good connection last week in Cincinnati and a good start today here in Pittsburgh as he's out over the 15 to the 18 yard line Ozzie Newsome a hundred and thirty two games in a row now with a reception as the streak goes on for the great tight end out of Alabama and Ozzie Newsome is approaching the Great Hall of Famer Fred Biletnikoff on the all-time NFL pass-catching list I think he may need what now one more one more guest to pass Fred Biletnikoff of the Oakland Raiders ambush career catch number 589 for Ozzie Newsome a 7 yard gain that's what's important to Ozzie today Tim Manoa on a penn state second year for the Browns Pittsburgh today gets his first carry of the ball and gets out close to a first down near the 20-yard line well that's unusual to see Tim Manoa in there on a second series I wonder if Kevin Mac is injured or whether someone has been happy because he didn't pick up the first down the last time the Browns head football Greg Carr and Rod Woodson team up on the tackle Reggie Langhorne brings in the next play to that offensive team third down and one the ball is on the 20 Cleveland is Oh for two on third downs and of course a major over one and the crowd back in this time it spider and he's got more than the necessary one as he goes out over the 25 up to the 27 yard line and a big first down for the brides you can bet the Browns got a stern talking-to when they miss that last fourth and inches it was watch this play now good blocking you see Rico see number 73 blocking David little number 50 moves the middle linebacker out of there and Ernest buying a good cut back inside good vision Thomas Everett the free safety came up to make the tackle Wallace on the 27 yard line first and ten Cleveland 1:15 in the clock running here in the first quarter Mike Pagal third start of the year at quarterback to the bronze as one in one beat the Colts lost to the Bengals this is Manoa Noah with a good search he's a bruiser out to the 30-yard line let's check in on Sunday number five in the NFL the bills undefeated in that game coming into the game in Chicago or on the board with a field goal Houston leading Philadelphia no score in New England Seattle ahead over Atlanta the Giants maintaining a four-point lead in the Packers in the second quarter lead over Tampa Bay six nothing here at Three Rivers Stadium the Steelers one and three the Browns two and two to Gary Andersen field goals less than a half minute now remaining in the first quarter second down and six straight back bagel and his first connection of the day with Webster slaughter out over the 35 yard line Brian Hinkle on the coverage and here at Cleveland first down and that should be the last play of the first quarter that's what slaughter likes about Mike bagel he gets rid of the ball quickly and he also throws the ball with great velocity that is the difference between a Pagal and a cosa bagel has a lot stronger on get through to the ball very quickly and that time slaughter went down and turned around number 97 five-yard penalty repeat the down second down Aaron Jones was offside and they'd rather have the penalty than the play because it's still second down and now one yard so then stop the clock and with 15 seconds now they'll start it right up again and they will probably in the first quarter right now as they will pay go will walk right over to the brown sideline tight defensive struggle here at Three Rivers Stadium threw one and at the end of one quarter the Steelers lead on two field goals Liberty Mutual Insurance presents legends of the game number 60 was an unusual number for a quarterback but this player one with unusual regularity in ten seasons as quarterback of the Cleveland Browns he led his team to ten championship games who was this legend all across America companies are declaring liberty for all a revolutionary idea from Liberty Mutual Insurance where employees can now save on all their auto home and life insurance through the convenience of payroll deductions Liberty for all its freedom from bills and paperwork and it can save you money Otto Graham was not only the winningest quarterback ever he may have been football's most skilled passer and is truly a legend of the game the actual legend sedan offers such amenities as leather trimmed interior sophisticated stereo system than ergonomically designed controls is it any wonder people enjoy sitting in it the millage 24-valve to v6 they enjoy standing on it to the legend sedan precision crafted for the macula it's America's day at the races live from Churchill Downs the Breeders Cup November fifth only on NBC Jim Donovan and Reggie Rucker back at Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh where the Steelers lead after one 6-nothing Kevin Mack remember on that fourth down play he went leaping over the pack banged up his knee was checked out and his appearing to be ok it might be back into the ball game soon so that's why Tim Manoa is in the air and is in there right now and he's the lone back in the back to him remember this as big as Kevin Mack is he's their fastest bet second down and one wall is on the Cleveland 36 yard line well he'll get the 1 yard and that's about it to Pittsburgh banged in there David little made the first hit number 50 the inside linebacker then Cornell Gowdy came up from the secondary over the top and put him down to pretty good pressure here by number 98 Gerald Williams who gets the best of it with Rico Z there and there isn't a lot of room to run fortunately for Cleveland they didn't need much and they still didn't pick it up it's this is third and inches again it's been a bad word today for Cleveland's offense inches he hasn't really been able to push it too well they've got to control the nose tackle if you don't control the nose taxes at an outstanding defense is going to get to up near here 1 for 3 on 3rd down conversions well he's going to throw he's all alone tangled forbidden incomplete incredible Rod Woodson was trailing on the play and peggle has not been able to connect on the big balls or you got to take your hats off to the Cleveland Browns here they go for the big play here which they haven't been doing fourth and short now two things you can look at here one is the quarterback over throw this ball or two is it just that the receiver isn't quick enough to get there they go letting it fly Bremen was on the other end trying to erase underneath it but the ex Boston College Eagles lat six nothing Steelers leave banks runogre with the punt angles it to the sideline Rod Woodson look at that he turns nothing into about a 6 yard return 45-yard punt by Rutger they'll give Woodson a five-yard return bubby Brister back out onto the field as Steelers lead over the bronze six to nothing here in Pittsburgh run with the wind you'll find it at the heart of every car and truck rebuilds and you'll find it in yourself every time you take the wheel it's the new spirit of performance it's the new spirit of God I need help he's there with you they could do a night when the last phrase rounded up your head for the mountains porch and the beer that goes down smooth as a mountain stream surely one person here today's game is brought to you by dodge cars and trucks on the street or off the road it's the new spirit of dodge by city Corp because Americans want to succeed not just survive and by United Airlines airline of the 1988 US Olympic team welcome back to Three Rivers Stadium everybody Jim Donovan and Reggie Rutger in this AFC Central Division battle between the Browns and Pittsburgh Steelers first and ten for the Steelers after a Cleveland punt Lois lips in motion all out over the 25-yard line Warren Williams sweeping and Mike Johnson reading and dumping Williams back behind the line of scrimmage Mike Johnson shot in from that inside linebacker spot and he was right in the backfield with the rookie Mike Johnson who played right inside linebacker last year switched to left inside linebacker when the Browns put Mike junking into the starting lineup leaves the Browns and tackles and as an outstanding player against the run as you saw just any at excellent penetration and that's the way you stopped the Steelers in their running attack second down at 12 Ricci Thompson and Lewis lifts your wide receivers as you looked over the shoulder David Grayson Krister lots of time the ball is picked off by Felix right but he was out of bags right over on the Pittsburgh bench yes they were going through we G Thompson both Thompson and lips were open coming across the field bubby Brister allowed that pass to get away from him it sailed on him just a little bit as you watch the ball wobbling here and Felix right number 22 is clearly I was bounce but that past got away from probably Brister this should have been a completion brister's now 1 for 7 for 12 yards pittsburgh is 1 for 4 on third down conversions and right now staring at a third and 12 of their own 24 meeting 6 nothing rodney Carter was in motion Sam Clancy and Clay Matthews sack Krister Michael Dean Perry was in there too but it was Clancy and Matthews it lowered the boom on bubby Brister the Browns has the best of both worlds on here they've got good coverage in the secondary so Christa doesn't have anybody to get the ball to right away he pumps fakes right there by that time it's too late as Clancy number 91 and Clay Matthews number 57 collaborate on the sack play Matthews there's another look at it Krister looking can't find anybody to throw to number 73 is Craig wolf Lee he's beaten to the outside Carey Newsom standing right at his one-yard line remember the last time Gerald McNeil fielded a newson punt he almost broken these are kicks that get you hurt there because they get to the return man to quickly look at McNeal dance down the sidelines and Cleveland will have their best field position starting to drive this afternoon they are inside the Pittsburgh 35 at the 33 as Newsom here's a few boos over to the sideline and Gerald McNeil is having his finest day of the season hugged by Marty's brother Kurt shot himer the special teams coach the one thing that Harry Newsome usually does is he gets the ball high you have to kick the ball high because we want to coverage people to get down there and contain these fast return people when you kick the ball line drive type or the ball gets to the return man quickly then your coverage people are in tough shape from the 33 yard line of Pittsburgh Mike bagel trying to get the bronze offense on track they trail six nothing Benoa and biner in the backfield Kevin max still not back into the lineup finer and living now nowhere to go Cornell Gaudi made the play he made the first play and then came back and made the tackle he had to play all upset fourteen three bears lead over the Buffalo Bills Philadelphia's on the board with a field goal still scoreless at Sullivan Stadium in Foxboro between the Colts and Patriots and Seattle leading over the Falcon seven three as we check in on the scoreboard here on Sunday number five in the NFL and Byner limps to the sideline his Browns down six nothing of course these eyes will be on the scoreboard later on tonight when Cincinnati plays the LA Raiders in Los Angeles second down and nine they go for Brennan good catch and he brings the feet down in bounds that's a first down for Cleveland at the Pittsburgh 21 yard line as Brennan leapt into the air and pulled it down from Dwane Woodruff one thing you can say about my Peggle here he earns his money you wonder sometimes what happens to quarterbacks after the pass but they're going to see Brian Brennan getting up in the air good concentration that was a nice pattern he came back to the football away from the defensive back while he was doing that though Mike bagel was taking a shot he never saw the completion 11 yards on the pass play Herrmann Fontenot number 28 goes out wide for the Browns slaughter on the inside of fonda no they've got four wide receivers into the game and actually Darrington l a tight end is split off the line of scrimmage with Manoa the lone back in the backfield this is for Fontenot did he hang on to the ball yes he did inside the 15-yard line he was battling thomas everett for the football but it's Cleveland ball it's a simultaneous catch both players defensive player and offensive player had the ball here but in the event that that happens the offensive player gets the ball it's a quick slant because the Blitz is on and you see both defender and receiver with the ball and the offensive player is awarded the ball in that case second down and two the ball is on the pittsburgh 13 yard line lonoa and Herman caught the pass in the last play he runs the ball this time inside the 10-yard line down near the nine that will be a cleveland first down the tackle made by david little aaron jones is over in that vicinity to herman Fontenot is one of those players that is very versatile he catches the football he can throw it he can run it he's outstanding special teams player he was a player that was recommended to the Cleveland Browns by Marty Schottenheimer is younger brother Kirk shot Conner when he was at Louisiana State University first down and goal from the Pittsburgh eight the Browse trails six nothing they have four wide receivers in as fighters back into the lineup and he is out as a wide receiver and he gets the ball and is immediately drilled by Dwayne Woodruff right at the point of the reception at the six yard line superb covers by Dwayne Woodruff the veteran from Louisville in his ninth year Woodruff has been just beset with injuries all year long he's getting his first start today at the left corner this is a dangerous pass because if Woodruff gets there in a little bit earlier he picks this thing off and runs about 95 yards but good catch by buying it but excellent coverage by Dwayne Woodruff you'll hear the Pittsburgh crowd as Mike bagel brings the browns out here they are now he'll be right in his eardrums second and goal from the 6 they give it to Malloy for the end zone he is just shy at about the one-yard line Thomas Everett again on the tackle and David little was trailing on the play good run by Manoa here it is once the good blocking up front the Browns offensive line really gets a good push off of the line of scrimmage you can see Ozzie Newsome number 82 making an excellent cutoff block on number 69 and then Thomas allowing the runner to get up toward the goal line player number 77 Browns adding beef up on the line Ricki Bouldin in he's an eligible receiver on the play they've got a couple of tight ends in there as Derrick Tinnell is in third down and goal from the one trying to tie the game Manoa pushes touchdown Cleveland Thibodeau they had to push on that play Manoa provided a lot of it himself no question about who's getting this ball good block by number 28 Hermann fun to know by inertia showing his versatility leads to play by getting inside creating just enough daylight for Tim menorah from Penn State and a local boy does well comes back to haunt the Steelers this afternoon at least early mat bar in to attempt the extra point another Penn Stater course Matt Barr played for Pittsburgh Steelers 1979 and 1980 856 remaining in the first half and on that point after which is goodbye Matt sly the Cleveland Browns lead over the Pittsburgh Steelers 7 6 as you watched Tim Manoa bang in on third and goal he scores the Browns lead for a half century and more business travelers have depended on United Airlines to get them to their most important meetings United rededicated to giving you the service you deserve come fly the friendly skies on your path to success reach for America's strongest financial helping hand Citicorp and Citibank more American families owned their own homes and attend college with our help and more get what they want with MasterCard and Visa cards from Citibank than from any other company we also serve millions of customers in every major market place worldwide Citicorp because Americans want to succeed not just survive next Sunday the NFL place here the surprising jets are soaring to new heights but will they be grounded by Boomer Esiason and the undefeated Bengals and John Elway tries to round the bow hose in the championship form when they battled the San Francisco 49ers before your team takes the field catch NFL live only on NBC Don struck on the sidelines brought in from Miami after he was actually released by the dolphins to help out the brows and their quarterback problems after all of those injuries white stone takes the kickoff back over the 25 yard line Marlin Jones gets up off the packed joing with a couple of the Steelers 18 yard returned by stone but in continuing with the point about struck Danielson had gone down after he'd played Gary went down with a broken ankle Kosar of course had gone down in the opener Cleveland had Mike bagel and nobody else so they rescind a rookie quarterback that they had cut in training camp Steve slave and then went got Don struck the man in the shades is Bernie Kosar first and 10 Pittsburgh they now trail for the first time today 7-6 why in Washington was Blitzen from the outside but the play goes to the other side and Warren Williams makes the catch the Steelers 32 yard line the Steelers have to get bubby Brister going here pretty soon Brister is the second leading passer in the National Football League behind Boomer Esiason and yardage so he's the man capable of putting a lot of offense on the board he hasn't been able to do that so far because the Browns have had excellent coverage downfield 842 left here in the first half Cleveland leads 76 and brisker faces a second down and four Ernest Jackson Jackson to the 35-yard line tackle made by Mike Johnson Bob Golic on the bottom of the pile I think Ernest Jackson number 43 you see getting up here who has fumbled three times is more concerned about covering the football and protecting it than he is running Philadelphia has tightened up that game with the others now down by six wing ones on the board seven nothing over the Colts we have an injured Brown down at the field we'll check that out for you after we check the scores Seattle over Atlanta now 14 three Giants only lead by one now in Green Bay still holding on to a field goal lead over Tampa Bay and we are at 76 and I believe that's Bob golagola going Golic last year in the final regular season game right here at Three Rivers broke his arm and was on for the playoff so he had a bad memory his last time in here and right now he's down injured right leg is being attended to know he looks forward to these matchups with the veteran center Mike Webster as a matter of fact this week and honor of their seventh anniversary of going one-on-one against each other Golic sent Webster flowers a nice touch ratchet Merlin Olsen delivered and then completed the whole situation let's hope that Bob is okay as they are out checking him over and spend some time this past Tuesday at the annual NFLPA golf tournament with Bob goalie all right we're going to check in with New York NFL live update and here is Gail's Aaron's guilt in Chicago the Bears go up 14 to 3 over Buffalo Jim McMahon splits the seam hits number 84 Ron Moore 63 yards with a touchdown 14 to 3 Chicago the Bears threatening again now back to Pittsburgh and Jim and Reggie well that's a good sight Bob Golic running off the field appears to be ok 7 6 Browns lead over the Steelers second quarter and we have 824 remaining in the first half it will be third down and 1 as Ernest Jackson did not pick up the first down the Steelers are 1 for 5 on third down conversions Daryl simps checks in at nose tackle for Bob Golok Marty Schottenheimer the last thing he needs now is another injury the Browns have been banged up here early so if we assess the significance of this game today this is a must-win for the Cleveland Browns they cannot afford to have three losses and foul and trail Cincinnati by possibly three games but for Pittsburgh it's a must must win because if they have any hopes of being in the playoffs they must win today third down and short and the Steelers try and dive to get it bubby Brister who has four rushing touchdowns on the season so he can run does a little power move here to try and sneak and get the first down and we'll check and see if he got it Browns say no which would set up fourth down in a decision for Chuck null but let's see if the Browns are a bit premature I think a play like that has to indicate that they have lost confidence in some of their running backs they have had 13 fumbles this year and many are on plays such as that and rather than get the football to one of those half backs or the fullback the quarterback sneaks that is just something that you don't expect to see it at this level place the 30 second pat on thank you dick can't tack straightening out the play clock getting it down to 30 they did not get the first down in fact not even close enough for a measurement is Harry Newsome is ready to punt and Harry Newson is standing at about 13 yards and that's what caused the punt blocks last week at least that's with Buffalo felt this is a much higher punt and a better punt and we'll see what Gerald McNeal does with this one he slips through again not to the 30-yard line and another flag goes down in the vicinity of number 58 Clifford Charlton as Mike Peggle waits to see it every time the bronze have had a return today other than the one good one by McNeill they have had a penalty called against them a 50-yard punt right now for Newsome in a 15-yard return by Gerald McNeil and as we said the Browns moving back and so another flag on them dick can't act illegal block number 58 unreturned 10-yard penalty first down Willie was the Browns number one draft choice the linebacker Clifford Charlton out of Florida there he is he gets nailed for the flag backing the Browns deep into their own territory they'll start at their own 16 but they start with the lead 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and errors have hurt both of these teams particularly the Steelers backed up at their own 16 year lives Reggie Longhorn goes in motion Simoneau has the Cleveland touchdown in a first down over the 20 to the 22 yard line and close to a six yard game the Browns have been flagged three times today for 48 yards Pittsburgh one for five yards two of those Cleveland penalties have been on returns two very safe offense the Browns are running they're running minora and they're running biner and when they have an opportunity they are throwing the short possession pass now they've tried a couple of deep groves on two occasions Browns receivers were running free for apparent touchdowns and the ball was overthrown 7:05 left here in the first half but from their own 22 yard line Cleveland up on second and four back to Manoa when he splits through that left side of the bronze offensive line as they ran left and found a nice hole out near the 30-yard line and a first down for Cleveland Tim Manoa spent his as Art Modell and Brown's brain trust but Tim Manoa spent the first years of course playing football in Hawaii moved here and went to school right here in Pittsburgh graduated from Penn State the brown selected him in the third round two years ago and they liked the way he plays he takes that football straight at the defense it's been Manoa and Byner and it's miners turn they go left get out of here the 35 yard line and Reggie I'm checking on the left side of that line they have inserted 77 Ricky Bouldin into the lineup they told us that they would do this because they are looking for a better run efficiency now number 77 Ricky Bouldin is one of the top athletes on the offensive line he never did lose his starting job he just hasn't been able to play there long because he's always getting hurt but there's something going on over on that left side right now because Bouldin has entered the game and they are really catching some checks over there they're very big over there now with Bouldin at 6 6 to 18 Larry Williams 6 5 and 296 yards on the Byner run Brennan in motion seconded for there's Byner again out near the 40 yard line and near a Cleveland first down great car is on the tackle for the Steelers here's the scoreboard the Bears now opening up on the bills a 14-point lead Buffalo came into the game four and OH New England over Indianapolis 7 nothing Seattle adds to their lead over Atlanta the skins down by one at home to the Giants and Tampa Bay with 10 points over Green Bay this is another third and less than a yard and you have to watch the play of Gerald Williams we can pick it up they're going to go wide this time Manoah tries to cut back and the Steelers stop them on the play everybody was there but namely Brian Hinkle and Tyrone Stowe who came in as an extra linebacker that's true there was great linebacker play but watch to play right in the middle the entire defense offensive line is pushed back minora does step a little bit but I doubt if he would have gotten around the perimeter anyway because the Steelers had outstanding defense and that is the third time today the Browns have not picked up a first down with less than a yard ruddiger josh catched the putt away here comes Woodson not near the 30-yard line boy he just got it away from Aaron Jones Aaron Jones was right on the foot of max ruddiger they like run occur because run occur is good at placing the ball where he needs to if they ask him to put the ball in the sideline he's able to if they ask him to kick it high he was able to do that they were very fortunate to pick up a guy like max runogre 16 days ago the Olympic flame was lit in Seoul in the games of the 24th Olympiad began nearly 10,000 competitors from 160 nations participated and tonight they leave as Olympians they gather to celebrate these games and to witness the extinguishing of the Olympic flame the closing ceremony of the games of the 24th Olympiad first and ten the vault is on the 30-yard line Warren Williams to the outside and back to the inside in a very short game as Pittsburgh's crowd starting to get a little antsy in the seats now they want some big plays they are not seeing the running game open up at all well the running game isn't opening up because Brister isn't doing anything with the passing game the Browns are able to cover the Steeler receivers one on one therefore they have eight and some seven and eight men up around the line of scrimmage and the steelers can't block all those people bristol is going to have to hit a big play in the passing game to get the Browns defenders back away from the line of scrimmage second down and ten no gain on that last play Lipson motion on the snap brister's got a man wide open it's Jackson out of the backfield and Mike Junkin makes an immediate hit on him and is helped out by Mike Johnson as the two inside linebackers team up on Jackson Jackson came out of the backfield and was wide open once again though Brister was forced to go underneath they want to get the ball to Louie lips you can bet lips is the man that's going to make the big plays but so far the Browns have covered lips well but blistered got back to the Ernest Jackson of course Jackson not known as the good pass receiver picked up about eight nine yards Chuck nolden looked that happy over on the sideline talking with Jackson Steelers only one four six on third down and that's where they are now third down and two from their own 38 LeBron's blitzing the ball is incomplete great coverage by Benefield on Lois lips and the Browns were right on bubby Brister Clay Matthews and Mark Harper and Brewster gets up hobbling a bit on that left leg you have to light bubby Brister he takes everything that the defense dishes out and then some he did not back away from this drawer whatsoever here it is again Brister this is what happens to quarterbacks once they released the football right in his face goes down and that stuff when you've got a man lying on you and falling on you in Menifee of course the Browns are happy that he is back he is just one of the pure pants defenders and all the professional football Mary Newsom bangs it away and Gerald McNeil waits big kick boy I'll say it hits it the - and goes bounding into the end zone that will be a touchback and cleveland will get it first 210 at their own 20 leading by one 7-6 with 244 remaining here in the first tab through the years now at the bronze and Steelers let's take a look as we take a look at the series record 4531 in favor to Browns is going to say earlier this is not the oldest rivalry and pro football do you know who it is okay I'm sorry it's Chicago Green Bay 121 times they've met then you saw what they were with the Cleveland Rams okay which is not counted into the overall record and the stealing there it is again now Cleveland the Cleveland Rams always wanted this is going back too far for me 1938 look at and then the 14-14 tie and 39 were you around that was a good game reg from the 20 yard line first to tenth blank bagel and the bronze holding on to a one-point lead out of the backfield the ball was delivered low and it's incomplete last week in Cincinnati Brian Brennan bringing you in the next play from Marty Schottenheimer pengal had a lot of trouble throwing too earnest Byner out of the backfield so it appears as though he has trouble delivering that loop pass to the back coming out in the flat this game just shows you how extremely important a quarterback is to professional offense Peggle hasn't really played in two years bubby Brister as a young player you can see how they're struggling to gain continuity for whatever reasons but it's still at the quarterback position slaughter and Brennan at the top of your screen Brennan in motion on second down and 10 of the Cleveland 20 quick feed Ozzie Newsome and he's down at the 24 yard line that will put him past Fred Biletnikoff on the all-time reception list Naz is getting up very slowly that was a very difficult pass to catch Pagel had to get rid of that football now see that's amazing isn't it it's too tight in moving up the list like that when he joined the Cleveland Browns as a rookie I thought you know here's a guy that was about 218 I never thought that he would become the player that he is today we'll be enshrined into the Pro Football Hall of Fame third down and six just before the two-minute warning they're going long for slaughter and again it's delivered too long incomplete and LeBrons will punt and we are underneath two minutes minute 58 remaining in the first half bagel to the sidelines the Browns will punt they lead over the Steelers by one god salutes those who strive for victory with this additional the winners when the game is on the line I just dearly just loved it now just love the big game Terry Bradshaw's romance with victory has been well-documented with four Super Bowl victories Bradshaw created a reputation as the best quarterback in the biggest games perhaps the best athlete ever to play the position Terry Bradshaw's talents and perseverance combined to make him all winner you can ride with the wind you're in control don't win nothing for practice nothing if you go alright his heart not head for the beer that goes down smooth there's a mountain stream it's the UFO mystery that defies explanation these are reliable witnesses teachers doctor you'll see the pictures the proof on unsolved mysteries premiering Wednesdays as Chuck Noll who was hired off the Baltimore Colts death in 1969 first player he ever drafted as head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers was a fella from North Texas state named Mean Joe Greene won four Super Bowls in the 1970s and is now his defensive line coach thanks Ron eager blooms it away for the bronze Rod Woodson it's inside the midfield stripe and into Cleveland territory Stephen Bragg's and Clifford Charlton on the tackle and Eddie Johnson flew right adam2 and Pittsburgh has good field position with a minute 48 left bubby Brister in the Steeler offense has been very quiet today socially in the second quarter both teams Jimmu playing like they understand how important this game is to both clubs they're just playing so tight I think the first club that really starts to unwind and starts to play its game is going to be the club that's going to take control of this football game good numbers today 26 yards and passing Chavez Lockett he's in at a wide receiver spot the Steelers have three in Thompson in motion it's a draw down of the Cleveland 40-yard line as they showed a passing formation and Hodges are receiving back but on a delay he draws right down to the 40-yard line well everybody is playing pass right now watch the linebackers you see will Hill number 35 and all those people start back and there's a clear path for the runner right up the middle quickly up to the line of scrimmage and it's Hodge again he'll pick up a first down this time as he bangs inside the Cleveland 35 tackled by David Grayson minute 15 remaining here in the first half the Steelers driving as they trail by one yesterday when George Tucker left the Allstate claim center across the street he figured the only thing that it bring him back was the pie he discovered unfortunately the long hot Drive home exposed other minor damage that had gone undetected just the kind of thing Allstate hidden damage protection insures and against so today Allstate gave George another check and a great new excuse for more pie Allstate hidden damage protection another reason back in Pittsburgh Browns leading by one Steelers deep in bronze territory though at the 33 yard line and have used one timeout they have two remaining and the reason why the Steelers are running the draw places because the Browns had six defensive backs in there and not enough linebackers now you're seeing the Browns go back to their regular defense they've got those linebackers in there because there's too much time to get this dealers that kind of yard it's inside first down in ten Weegee Thompson in motion he's going to get to the sidelines in Mike Johnson chases Ahmad at the 31 yard line only a 2 yard game and we're down to a minute 9 remaining he's a very versatile player of that barrel Hodge good hands out of the backfield out of Idaho State that's right Merrill Hodges one of those players he makes the football team because he can do a lot of things good on special teams he's a good blocker of good pants receiver out of the backfield and the Browns know that this is the pass receiving backfield for the Steelers and the Steelers are crossing them up by running the football and they're having some success when they go to that pass receiving backfield they go with Merrill Hodge and 24 Rodney Carter and they're in there right now that's Conner Carter coming down to the line of scrimmage and again a delay draw inside the 30-yard line down to the 27 Sam Clancy Carl Hairston on the tackle for Cleveland clock running down to 55 seconds remaining the Steelers have two timeouts loud this is the area of the field in which bubby Brister is really dangerous because what Bristol will do what he has done in past ballgames Jim is he's gotten down here and he scrambled and now when he is in this part of the field he'll try to run that football into the end zone he has scored four touchdowns running the football Mike Junkin the injured player for the Browns his left leg built essen Dorf the Browns trainer and dr. John Burke Belt they have been very busy men this year for the Cleveland Browns Junkin wants to get up himself but they're holding him down 16 days ago the Olympic flame was lit in Seoul in the games of the 24th Olympiad began nearly 10,000 competitors from 160 nations participated they came as athletes and they leave as Olympians tonight they gather to celebrate these games and witness the extinguishing of the Olympic flame the closing ceremony of the games of the 24th Olympiad only on NBC Junkin the Browns first round draft choice last year suffered an injury missed most of that season was converted from an outside linebacker to an inside linebacker is just beginning to play well and look what happens this is a tough game mothers don't let you kids grow up to be football players Eddie Johnson will check in Johnson was beaten out by Chunkin Johnson was a longtime starter for the Browns now he's back in there with Mike Johnson Eddie Johnson is number 51 it's third down and five for Pittsburgh 52 seconds left Krister into the end zone for nobody incomplete Christa threw that football away in the wise decision he did not want to get outside of Gary Anderson's field goal range right now this is about a 50 well 48 a 49 yard field goal attempt at this point so it was Weisman to get rid of that football there was no one open the closest Stealer receiver to the football was Troy Johnson the spot coming right at the 35 yard line make it a 45-yard field goal attempt Newsome to hold Anderson is 2 for 2 today and the Browns call the timeout and Gary Anderson Gary Anderson you're looking at one of the league's top kickers as a matter of fact he is second all-time in field goal accuracy next to Morton Anderson but he's had a slow start this year Pratt to this ball game he'd only made one of four from 40 yards or more he's already kicked a 49 yard field goal and he's going for a 45 yarder here so Gary Anderson weights the Browns use of 42nd time on Felix right over to the sideline talking with the Browns coaches it's a fourth down in five that's Kurt Schottenheimer in the middle he's the special teams coach and he's been under a little bit of fire the Browns special teams have left something to be desired and today they have been nailed with a few penalties right check back in there seemed as though he was saying go right up the middle or there's a hole in the middle to try and block this thing this is for the lead with 48 seconds remaining here in the first half round seven Steelers six Anderson ready let's go a 45-yard field goal for Gary Anderson he's three for three in the first half and he gives the Steelers back the league with 43 seconds remaining in the half confidence building rapidly for Gary Anderson there is the gold medal of Suzie McConnell she's from the Pittsburgh area she went to Seton LaSalle High School here in Pittsburgh and went on to Penn State was an all-american basketball player there and a gold medalist this afternoon I saw her place she is a brilliant ball handler she does the no-look pass behind the back through the legs but a spark plug she was for the women's Olympic team but they were on touchable over there in Seoul so Suzy McConnell being honored by the Steelers today here at Three Rivers Stadium she's five foot three Barney Schottenheimer is down by two nine seven three field goals for the Steelers I don't care what the circumstance is what the records or what's at stake this has always been a very tough football game over here at Three Rivers Stadium pleases Brown and coming in here the Pittsburgh Steelers with that one in three record didn't deceive Marty Schottenheimer he knew that this was a ballclub capable of being three and one Glenn young waits for the Gary Andersen kickoff in the endzone put the knee down on the bronze we'll take a touch back at the 20-yard line could kick off by Anderson 43 seconds left here in the first half Cleveland has one timeout as young gets to the field steal heat Latrobe PA the home of Arnie Palmer Steelers by 2 they came into the game 1 and 3 they won their opener and home against Dallas and lost three in a row and turnovers have been the big key in all three losses right there 43 seconds left in the ballgame the Browns have one timeout remaining bagel is going to go to the shotgun I think they'll try to put Matt Barr they've got to put the ball down around about the 25 26 yard line from that ball first and ten this is going to Fontenot with Larry Williams and Dan fyke out in front of it but Brian Hinkle chases him out of bounds a gain of a body yard and that's it so there really isn't a player on the field for the Cleveland Browns that the Steelers are threatened by they don't have a speed back and it really isn't a home run threat on the outside so the Steelers are going to just sit back and contain this offense they're not going to take any chances I doubt if you'll see the Browns getting into an opposition to do anything with the football gain of 1 2nd down and 9 and Reggie Langhorne is lined up way behind Mike bagel there you see him so they're just going to let it run down Peggle down to one knee they'll let the half run up a very conservative first half of football here at Three Rivers nothing fancy at all matter of fact it's somewhat strange this has been very unpredictable first half I don't think any team did anything spectacular and I think they were both jockeying for position trying not to make mistakes and sometimes that's what gets you beat Chuck Noll over to the Cleveland locker room three field goals and his team leads by two we'll be right back after these messages from the NFL sprinting back towards the goal line I think if I were Marty Schottenheimer and I was talking to my kick teams I'd say look fellas we've got to clean up your act there's too many penalties we're being set back by penalties and let's get a good return and stay away from the penalties so the 1 in 3 Steelers kicking off to the 2 and 2 Browns big game for both teams in the AFC Central Division and a heck of a kickoff by Gary Anderson directional kick off into the corner of the end zone not allowing Glen young to get any kind of run back out of the end zone it goes first and 10 for Cleveland at their own 20 the game just doesn't have a personality for the Browns what you like to see happening in a game is the game develop in some way whether it be in a running or passing the Browns haven't had anything happen in their favor on the other hand the Pittsburgh Steelers as I said before have to be very happy with the way they are controlling the line of scrimmage defensively and the coverage is occurring in the secondary Derrick 10 led 1 is in a tight end that's earnest Byner in a slot and now coming back into the back booth first and 10 Cleveland trailing by two nine seven as we start the second Reggie lying more emotional they give it to two minutes yeah nothing there Tyron Stowe and David little on the tackle of Manoa but Noah has the cleveland touchdown he's been in there since early in the first half when Kevin Mack went down with a knee injury I just don't think you can beat the Steelers with that style of attack I think the linebackers are sitting in there they're protected the defensive line particularly drove Williams is getting good penetration and these guys are meaning the ball carriers in the hole there's been some successes for the Browns but mostly the Steelers are controlling the run Browns put the tight end Ozzie Newsome off the line of scrimmage out with Brian Brennan right at the bottom of the screen two wide receivers at the time oh he throws the ball dangerously the coverage trying to get it to Webster slaughter and it was almost picked off by David little to see how the Steelers are just drapes around everybody that's because the Browns cannot stretch the defense there's no threat out there of them being hit by the big touchdown play until the linebackers and the coverage people are gaining more confidence with each play actually the ball hits slaughter high right up by the facemask Tim Manoa checks out slaughter goes to the top of the screen miner is joined in the backfield now by moving up towards the line of scrimmage to help block thee poor Pagal a possible glitz third down and nine out by the pits brought by the Cleveland 35 yard line and they'll mark him at the 37 on forward progress in a first down and they needed that desperately the Browns have been so squeezed by the defense that they can't move the football now watch the throat this is an outstanding kits by Brian Brennan this ball is coming Britton stays with the ball makes the great catch cornell Gowdy on the hit number 29 here's another look at it good petted by number 86 Brian Brennan out of Boston College who has such clutch hands and those third down situations comes through for Cleveland right there 16 yard pass play there is Brennan checking out he's part of the messenger service for the Browns bringing in place that's how they get them in to pagal through the wide receivers first and 10 Manoa off the right side out short at the 40 yard line Brian Hinkle and Keith Geary to shut the play down and Gerald Williams the nose tackle I think this deal is would be content to have to play the Browns and the Browns not throw the ball as much as people have been throwing the ball on the Steelers the Steelers have had very little pass rush they only have six sacks which is last in the league they've got a number of hurting people in the secondary they've shuffled their secondary around so if the Browns want to run the ball I think the Steelers feel hey and we'll accept that second down and long now second and eight and the Cleveland 39 yard line relative motion going down for slaughter over the middle again it's overthrown as he had Webster there Rod Woodson on the coverage for Pittsburgh that is absolutely incredible I have never seen receivers with the opportunities and I'm a it's it's no one's fault I don't think it's just that one guy is running well and the other guy just doesn't have the kind of timing with the receivers that you expect well that you need to have to be successful slaughter running back into the bronze huddle as again he was open on a pattern going towards that end zone but he could not hook up with Mike Pago and they have not been able to hook up on anything long it's third down and eight shotgun low snap big rush intercepted by bleed Greg Lee had it in his hands at the Pittsburgh 40-yard line as slaughter was the intended receiver well slaughter is upset about something I think slaughter read one thing and Pagal did another slaughter was expecting Pagal to bring him inside with the football here it is right here the ball is high and that's not what slaughter thought he would get so I thought he would get a ball coming over the middle that you've seen he and Cozart do so many times but this is not Kosar runner ger boots it away a high hanging punt Rod Woodson gets one good block - good blocks out over the 25-yard line to the 28th and that's where Pittsburgh takes over a 44-yard punt by max ruddiger van waiters a rookie linebacker down on the coverage for Cleveland he's out of Indiana bubby Brister heads out onto the field we have a flag down on the play on that punt that's against the Steelers holding number 28 unreturned 10-yard penalty it will be a first step loopy Sanchez gets hit with the penalty all right here's the holding call right here that's number 36 Stephen Bragg's is trying to get away from the coverage on the kick team that's number 21 Greg Lee and number 28 loopy Sanchez just dogging him right there 12:15 to go third quarter Brister and the Steelers lead by two over the bronze Honda presents definitions of the game performance the fulfillment of a claim from a solid question performance as defined by Joni the shape is distinctively advanced with designed for comfortable travel over time and distance you decide a slightly ahead of its tires if you think you can handle the big bold taste of extra gold Draft this is the full-tilt draught real beer drinkers have been thirsty for and it looks like they are gone let go grab over the van today's game is brought to you by Honda who invites you to test-drive the Accord LX i four-door sedan at your local Honda dealership today buy extra gold in bottles and cans its new it's draft and by us F ng us F and G covers the USA sellout crowd at Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh and the Steelers lead the Browns ninety-seven third quarter Ernest Jackson met immediate she tried to go over the right side of the line Kolak on the tackle for cleveland along with mike johnson a change hit linebacker for the Browns necessitated by an injury to Mike Junkin he has a sprained knee Eddie Johnson is in and a very frustrated and dejected Webster slaughter on the sidelines frustrated because he hasn't been able to hook up with Mike bagel who was talking with in there and as a receiver there's nothing that makes you more frustrated than having beat a defender and you can't get the football for whatever reason whether you don't have the time or whether you're overthrown it's just a very frustrating situation two yards for Jackson's second down for short yardage is there short of the 25-yard line can you hear the Steeler fans they're a little upset with their play selection said Hitler fans aren't exactly enamored with the way the Steelers are running the football either they've run the football into the middle of the line so many times and of course Bob Golic and Junkin when he was in there and Mike Johnson's doing a fine job all day long and they put the Steelers in these third down pants and situations and as I said before the Browns are one of the top teams in all of football and defending against third down conversions because of their receivers who play such tight coverage in the secondary Pittsburgh is one for eight on third down today Rodney Carter into the lineup with Merrill Hodge we're down at six good time for Brister a deflected ball Felix right pixel and a big turnover as the bronze defense comes up with that one the vici Thompson had it in his hands and it deflected to right that's why they're a top defensive team because on third downs they do not allow first down conversions the coverage is excellent there's not much pressure here Krister just throws the ball where you should you can see Marc Harper he's covered Thompson and Felix right playing center field perfectly makes the low catch defensive backs not only has to be good defenders but they must be able to catch that football when they can get their hands on it 11 career interceptions fourth this year 4th NFL season rather for Felix right as he's over on the sideline remember he had one earlier in the game but he was out of bounds we talked about big plays turning a game around that's a big play for the Cleveland defense so they worked with half the field now starting right at midfield from the 50 benoa and they'll come up second down from about the 52 not much there as Cornell Gaudi is in on the tackle along with Keith Derry Steelers turnover season now the turnover table there you see it nothing against Dallas and they want there with nine points ahead of Washington late one turnover and they lost but then look at that 11 in the last two weeks six and five and when you have - turnover ratios you usually will lose a football game a gain of one for Manoa he has 30 yards on 10 carries today he's in there for Kevin Mack for slaughter Thomas Everett reddit Kirk it's first in 10 pitch and Thomas Everett is a man who made that catch we had been wearing a cast over the last couple of weeks you can see bingo and slower just on the right page here the defender reads this plane beautifully Thomas Everett makes this catch announced its earnest Byner making the touchdown saving tackle and it's going to be up to the Browns defense to stop the steal is right here after the interception 9 7 Steelers 10 minutes to go third quarter bubby Brister and the Steelers back on the field offensively Ernest Jackson Curtis Jackson with a good run down to the 21 of Cleveland let's take a look at the Everett interception of Mike bagel now slaughter is expecting the ball a lot sooner than he got it there and by the time peggle threw the football Thomas Everett had read the quarterback eyes stepped in front and that's Ernest Byner making the tackle and you just saw the first down play that's their earnest Jackson that the steals are looking for 5 9 225 pounds just getting that body ends to end to the line of scrimmage and running over people number 33 Merrill Hodge in the backfield second down and 4 6 yard run by Jackson Cox fumbles the ball indeed they do Annie Johnson who was beaten out of his starting position by Mike Junkin and sat on the bench actually the bronze offered him to be traded to San Diego he said no I'll stay in Cleveland and he picks up the fumble recovery that is the bane of the Pittsburgh Steelers offense all year long the fumble they have been snake-bitten with that play they can't get anybody to hold the football they just squandered another glorious opportunity to take control of this football game for in about two minutes of playing time we've had three turnovers bang-bang-bang two interceptions and a fumble as the Steelers shoot themselves in the foot 19 yard line Cleveland first and 10 they're down by 2 at 9 7 finer with the ball over the 22 the 21 yard line Cornell Gowdy is there and the nose tackle Gerald Williams and you know what happens when you had those kinds of turnovers the offense has become much more conservative they get even tighter and pretty soon you'll be just running a full house back beautiful total fumbles 14 they've lost eight as pittsburgh has fumble itis here in the last three weeks I think both head coaches are looking around these offenses and they're trying to find somebody that they can count on somebody that can make a big play three yards provider on first down bagel the wide receivers on second down in lawn Manoa has a hole down of the Pittsburgh 45 yard line dragged down by Aaron Jones from behind we talked about Tim Manoa coming in for Kevin Mack in the first half this is a straight-ahead runner he makes a good move though when he gets into the line here you may not see it here but yes there it is watch the good cut right there cuts back away from Greg Carr number 91 now he's in the secondary it makes Thomas Everett miss but he's run down from behind by a number 97 Aaron Jones that steal his first round draft choice and Eastern Kentucky 34 yard run by Manoa as you saw that's the longest run from scrimmage for the Browns this season a fine block by 63 Cody Rison on that play - first and ten bronze play-action fake they go back to Manila no it crunches inside the 35 yard line where he's hit by Brian Hinkle what you saw with Manoa on that run is usually what happens when you have seven and eight and sometimes nine defenders commit it to the line of scrimmage trying to stop the run there's the play-action fake once again and they go right back to Manoa the Browns are beginning to rely on the sturdy shoulders of the third-year player from Penn State Tim Manoa he is literally carrying this offense right now when he almost didn't carry that football did you see that things slide on his hip second down in 1 9 yards on the pass play Brian Brennan in motion and that Spiner bihter off the left side again into the arms of Gerald Williams and Keith Gary and Cleveland gets a first down as Byner gets a couple of yards inside the 35 down to the 32 yard line again we'll watch the catch by Tim Manoa there you see Manoa 42 he's been busy here in the second half Hegel dumping it off to the know what makes this a good play is that minora after faking the run slips out into the flat area and takes just an easy pass it's a simple pass to throw but it's a big confidence builder for Pagal and Manoa the pittsburgh 32 Byner to the outside mission running home he soon of 2015 near the 10-yard line they'll put him on at the 11 yard line at a first down for Cleveland Dwayne Woodruff chased him out of ions his biter found daylight to the outside good for 21 yards once this run now on the right side it's a countermove - thoughts left comes back right good blocking number 70 Larry Williams number 74 Paul Ferrand pulling from the offside and Byner is chased down by Dwayne Woodruff but the Browns now have the football at the 10 at the 11 yard line trailing in this game 970 burnished miner 21 yard run as he finally found some Running Room today LeBron said gave on this Drive and fighter gets it back shoots through a hole down inside the 10 to the 7 yard line Thomas Everett and David little on the tackle ferocious hitting inside as Viner came and met number 50 David little right in the hole Viner and little both stop to each other minor has ten rushes 51 yards on the day 545 remaining third quarter from Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh where the Steelers lead 9 to 7 over the Rob Steele is historically unknown for coming with the Blitz and just pressuring you when they get inside the 10 yard line trying to make something happen defensively second and 5 finer stops where it is why Ben Thomas was there getting the start today and he's getting up a little slowly too he gets the start today at left defensive end very impressed with nose tackle Gerald Williams number 98 he has been almost uncontrollable at the line of scrimmage Ben Thomas number 69 and down now the Steelers put they really can't afford any more injuries to that defensive unit he got the start today when linebacker hardy Nickerson went down with an injury and then they had to move Aaron Jones to a linebacker spot and Thomas went down we'll be back to Pittsburgh it's the Steelers 22 yard field goal attempt trying to get Cleveland and it's good Matt bar has hit eight in a row on the season he's 8 for 9 and Cleveland leads over Pittsburgh 10 9 back and forth they go for stadium with the Bronx on top 10 9 and Dwight stone takes the kickoff and it's submarine by Herman Fontenot so stun was on his way the middle was wide open but father no got in there and he sent stone applying it me yes and stone is going to go back into the ball game I think the steel is feel that they need to have more explosion more speed out of the backfield and they're getting bright stone into the backfield for the first time today he is very explosive but he's also been fumble from he's in the back deal with Merrill Hodge 33 now Hodge fumbled on that last Steeler possession here's your quarterback comparison both having a lackluster day throwing the football first down Krister fumble recovery and add an interception to it they threw for the tight end for the first time today Preston Gotthard and Eddie Johnson stepped in front and intercepted it here it is this isn't a good decision by bubby Brister West's now he has Lewis slips wide open on the sidelines and he tries to get the ball to Preston Gotthard but Eddie Johnson is right in front with outstanding coverage mirroring the quarterback as he should do when a quarterback rolls out and that's just good coverage the one thing that they wanted from Eddie Johnson from all the years that he played that position was they wanted more interceptions and they said he couldn't cover but he covered pretty good at this then certainly did the ball is at the pittsburgh 38 yard line first intent LeBrons offense back out on the field after a pittsburgh turnover firing and since the tackle of Woodruff spins down to the 25-yard line where he's brought down by a linebacker David little 12 yards in a first down for Cleveland as Pagal again coming across the middle will be Reggie Langhorne it's another one of those safe fast he makes the catch nyeeehhh breaks the tackle by Dwayne would recite their Langhorne is six to two hundred pounds very strong wide receiver and the steel is gang up wanting but it just shows you once again the self-destructive nature of fumbles and interceptions on the Steelers are continuing to be be plagued by these first two ten from the 25 the misdirection and minor still running right behind Paul Ferran and he's down inside the 25-yard line a late flag goes down and I'll update you now in the scoreboard Chicago blowing out Buffalo 24 three Philadelphia going in front of Houston which has a lot of bearing on the Steelers and brows the others in the AFC Central Division three and one Seattle over Atlanta the Giants extending their lead over Washington to eight Green Bay and Tampa Bay the bays are tied up penalty situation now let's check that out personal defense number 97 first out Aaron Jones helmet off going over to the sidelines Chuck no is going to give Jones arrest and I'll tell you what I think the Steelers may be thinking about making the quarterback change at least right now they've got Steve Bono and Todd Blackledge warming up Bono would appear to be the guy that would come in if they lifted Brister but Cleveland's thinking touchdown right now as they are at the 11 yard line first and 10 well any set in motion I know I gets the ball stays on his feet out of the seven yard line and Rod Woodson makes the tackle bubby Brister from the pittsburgh sidelines has a dislocated finger on his throwing hand so he is out of the game now and so Steve Bono there is he will become the man in the lineup running the Pittsburgh offense we have to wonder when that happened to Brister and if that was the reason for the bad pass trying to slip it in there - Gothard second down and six the ball is at the pittsburgh seven Cleveland leads 10 9 we're down to two minutes to go a third quarter back they government all and he is grabbed from behind by Lorenzo Freeman as he goes down inside the 5-yard line so Cleveland continues to punch away and it's down inside the five at the 40-yard line with a minute 40 remaining in the third quarter here in Pittsburgh to sign Brown the cinnamon position last series the Browns in an obvious passing situation down here used a draw play I would think that they would throw this football into the end zone this is an opportunity for the Cleveland Brown to gain control of the football game and they need a touchdown slaughter fighters a wide receiver at the bottom of your screen up at the top that's Garrick Tinnell on the inside and by for finer the goaline tipped in the Aryan complete on the covers was Thomas every strong coverage by number 27 Thomas Everett he would not allow biner to get inside Viator wanted to get inside because Ernest knew that there was no help inside for Thomas Everett and Everett played the technique perfectly so mat bar comes back out onto the field Thomas Everett with a fine play through all of that traffic there is barn he's hit eight in a row his first field goal of the season in Kansas City was blocked and he's been perfect ever since a 21 yard attempt right now he just had a 22 yarder prior to this possession by the brine to extend the lead and bar is good again Matt bar nails a 21-yard field goal and with a minute six remaining in the third quarter LeBron's lead 13 denied walk it over with the Steeler defense they've allowed more points than any team in the NFL but I'll tell you I think you've done a good job here after two turnovers by the Pittsburgh offense that defense has only given up two field goals make no mistake about it they're very happy with what they did defensively down at the other end they kept the Browns to a field goal and they're still in the ball game even though they have played very poorly on offense you watched white stone and Rod Woodson change positions on the kickoff return and indeed still running over the 25-yard line up near the 30 light stone a good run back and here comes Steve Bono in for the injured bubby Brister a dislocated finger on his throwing hand bono is in his first appearance this year his first appearance since last year during the strike the bono is not as mobile as bubby Brister but he does have an outstanding throwing arm from UCLA and I think the Browns will probably try to put more pressure on him they'll see first of all what going one can do and then they'll start mixing in the blitzes and the coverages on him white stone and Merrill hodge in the backfield Lewis Lipsey motion stop to the 32 yard line Clay Matthews on the top of him and Derrel Sims you talk about being in a tough position you watch bubby Brister a dislocated finger probably on his throwing hand talk about being in a tough position how about Steve oh no he hasn't played the Browns were tough enough on Brister as it is this is one the top pass defense the National Football League he isn't getting a running game it's going to fall squarely on his shoulders to move this team through the air second down at 7 22 seconds remaining third quarter Steelers trail by four his first passive event his setup and stars got some inner room - in a first down that was the touchdown saving tackle by Brian Washington right there 45 yard line on a first down for Pittsburgh and that will be it here in the third quarter as time runs down as you watch the little tough off by boat oh good fake by Bono now he gets the ball out there to stone now if they don't make this tackle with stone speed this would be a touchdown for Pittsburgh that's the we move to the fourth quarter Jim Donovan and Reggie Rutger at sold-out Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh clashed number one of the season between the Steelers and bronze both leading this game very badly to climb back into the AFC Central Division race bonds leading through 339 Steve Buono in a quarterback a lot of time clothes over the head of Preston Gotthard down inside the 40 yard line Steve bola was pretty cause that time he wanted to throw out to the right side but the Browns had double coverage on the receiver outside he came back inside but he just threw that ball high and that's a problem there the numbers through three quarters for total yards you can see just clear domination by the Cleveland Browns in terms of yards and they've had the ball more to stealers suggests not threatening the grounds because they aren't getting the ball down I don't think Lewis lifted PhotoPass second down and 10 from the 45 squit Steve bono in there for the injured bubby Brister throwing for stone right over the head of and he makes the catch in a Pittsburgh first down in Cleveland territory at the 42 that oughta gets Steve bundle into the ballgame this is the really nice fast he shows wonderful touch here watch him drop this football right over to the fender and stone makes a fine turn around Kent right there Steve bono needed that to get into this ballgame and build up his confidence a little 14 20 remaining regulation time Cleveland 13 Pittsburgh nine Steelers on the March and ignited by that man Steve Otto as he is thrown twice - Dwight stone Washington for the bronze hopping up in the line of scrimmage again a lot of time a screen is set up and Mara to reach up and try and knock it down to make the catch they had a wall of blockers out in front of that thing - what a nice play developing Steve Bono's 6-4 215 pounds played cat-and-mouse just right then dumped that ball but ours couldn't catch him all right Philadelphia leads over in Houston 27:16 it looks like the bills are going down to their first loss Reggie Seattle well ahead of Atlanta Giants going for a sweep this year over Washington Washington's going to be in trouble of course without Doug Williams Green Bay and Lindy and fadis still trying to get that first win and up by seven Steve Otto looking at second and ten from the Cleveland 42 yard line the fake to stone going long down a sideline Weegee Thompson could not pull it down at the - of Cleveland I'll tell you what this guy can throw the football he can throw the football steel is a giving bone a good protection bow Noah's calmly looking over his receivers great coverage by number 29 the all-pro Hanford Dixon even the seven inches that we G Thompson has on Dixon don't matter here as Dixon is running stride for stride just covers the way you draw it up inferno looks good steps up strong in the pocket he's tall he delivers the ball well very impressed so far it's not easy to come off that bench Rodney Carter Darryll Hajj in the bank field partner heads off down to the line of scrimmage on third down intent from the 42 was lips here comes lips right now a complete crowd is going to want to on the coverage was Frank Minnifield just outstanding cast by Steve Barlow he is enjoying much wrong here lips has been afield beaten right here watch the ball the ball is right there I can't see from this angle whether Minnifield made contact but if in fact he did it should have been fast interference but we all know this year the officials are letting them play in the secondary harry Newsome in to punt say that was about the most exciting series of the game those guys do a hunch he's putting it up and he can throw 13:51 left in the ballgame 13 9 Cleveland by 4 Newsome looking for the sideline or to hang it up there McNeil a fair catch and he'll take it at the 15 yard line and a run right over to the sidelines the Browns lead 13 9 and we'll be back to Pittsburgh in a moment why don't you join Mazdas frequent flyer club and fly away in a mazda rx-7 convertible mobile communication is the power to hold your world together at GTE we can put that power at hand to take with you where it has never gone before into the skies down endless highways beyond all past limitations at GTE we give you the freedom of personal communication and the power of new opportunities because of GTE the power is on you can't teach it to replace the greater value on it but you could measure it down this very Road on the morning of June 23rd 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Bolden into the ball game remember that he came into the ball game at left tackle replacing Paul Ferran they started running behind him they had success Bolden has been in the ball game ever since there he is 77 that makes them so big on that left side with Larry Williams well they can also do more things golden leader speaking fool four yards for biner on first down Brian Brennan in motion second and six where biner juggles the ball after he got the handoff but he hangs on over the 20-yard line and they continue to bang away tackle made by Anthony Hinton this is bubby Brister I was I would assume he's he has an ice pack on that right hand probably explaining what happened to someone twelve and a half remaining bubbies bombers not today and Mike bagel down in floor Rises for this big play from from the shotgun with a big Russian candle pass down its fourth down just an excellent defensive series by the Pittsburgh Steelers this is a young defense with a lot of character watch it here number 50 right side of your screen gets up knocks the ball down by Pagal the Steelers are going to get the ball in good field position and they've got a very dangerous man back there waiting as you take another look at the play by David little Rod Woodson on the return max run occur on the punt Oh a big Pittsburgh bounce well not that big it went out of bounds actually but it still have good field position on if they're on 48 yard line Buono will try and give them the lead looking for Pittsburgh's first touchdown with 1206 to go they trail by four and you can see why the way they have played today the Browns defense against the pass has been stingy Steve Punto will try and crack that and in that streak with 12 minutes to go his team down by four he's got a lot of time he's going for quite stone and Brian Washington right hand up the rookie the tit round draft choice out of Nebraska makes a big play and bono just threw the ball where he shouldn't have thrown it there were six Cleveland Browns defenders there and one Pittsburgh Steelers watch it here you'll see all the white shirts there's no way you're going to get the football in there he's like an uninvited guest Oh dressed up with no place to go that's right it is second down in ten at the 48 yard line now trying to make that good field position work for them bono is two for seven since coming into the game stone this time to run and Eddie Johnson on the tackle for Cleveland and Carl Hairston tripped him up before that Bob Kolok getting up a little bit slowly again but Bono has come into the game with that nothing to lose mentality he doesn't appear as tight as the other players who've been in this ball game his automobile on the right Bailey on the Left riding out another white knuckler here in Pittsburgh - Bailey looked like he was saying little fare upstairs third down and eight ball is at midfield one four eight on third down conversions one for ten on third down conversions Rodney Carter in motion a lot of time Lockett makes the catch at the Cleveland thirty-five again in a lot of traffic but photo threaded the needle and this offensive line is really doing a good job with Pittsburgh they have rallied around this wall fear quarterback Steve Bono and they have given him the time look at these people pass protect Bono has a lot of time luck it makes an adjustment down field gets away from Harper makes a tough catch inside that's a big first down for the Pittsburgh Steelers Harper and Lockett were side-by-side it looked like Harper had a chance to intercept first in ten Pittsburgh ten thirty nine one completed Whitestone again he had two blockers out in front ille can and lawn were outside waiting to leave the caravan fort white stone if you're wondering why they're trying to get the ball to stone so much it's because the steel is are looking for that big plate and white stone is a man that can provide it for them they have not been able to get the ball to Lois lips he's been working against Frank Minnifield most of the day and Minnifield can shut down anybody so they're looking for someone out of the backfield who might be able to hit a home run and that player would be Dwight stone with the great speed so now they come up second down at ten two wide receivers top of the screen and go back for the tight-end Gotthard it's picked off by Brian Washington and he gets a great block from Mike Johnson 30 cutback 20 he's got a lot of field touchdown clean and there are no plays 75-yard interception return for Brian Washington and that's the big play in the ballgame that's the play that you look for that's the here it is again going out to the outside outstanding coverage Brad Brian Washington the rookie from Nebraska and right here there's one man left that's bono he makes a good cut right here back across the grain now there isn't anybody 75 yards touchdown Brian Washington the road big celebration on the sidelines for the Browns defense they set us a unit not only is the offense struggling but we've got to make some plays to to help on and they just did and have here in the second half big play Brian Washington picks off bono and it's 2010 on the Browns have some breathing room thanks to an interception by Brian Washington their rookie safety and a 75 yard run for a touchdown 22 9 Cleveland Rod Woodson takes it at his home to goes out over the 15-yard line near the 18th fan waiters on the tackle for Cleveland let's check in on the scoreboard now the Bears in control of the bill Buffalo looks like they're on their way to their first loss Philadelphia after falling behind wasn't at 16 nothing at one point now they lead the Redskins back in it wound down by one Battle of the bays two Gators tied at 17 and Steve Bono see if he's a little shook up after throwing that interception they went all the way for touchdown with 1008 left Gotthard is wide open and Hanford diction I believe got in there and knocked it away and Dixon might have pulled a hamstring as he's down in the field getting up a little slowly the Steelers are looking for all of the wrong people I cannot imagine a Pittsburgh team with Lewis lips on the field who and they are not throwing the football the lips play Matthew's decks Bernal right there and for Dixon who's had some problems with a sprained ankle over the last couple of weeks limping just there but you've got to get the ball to Lewis lift you got to make him a part of this comeback second down and 10 from the 18 have to put it up now and they did go for lips that time but it's incomplete and with every incompletion the sellout crowd is getting a little bit more frustrated as our the Steelers well the Browns have a leave now of 11 points and they can afford to play some defenses now that give them the advantage in this ballgame they don't have to put themselves in a risk situation in which they can give up a quick touchdown and prediction on the sidelines up walking around a little bit better now 1 for 10 on third down conversions this is what the Browns want to do this is why they a year in and year out one of the top defense if they play third down as well as anybody in football Bobby Carter moving in motion Kirstin chasing Bono and he's got him back at the ten Big Daddy Carl Hairston with the sack and off the field he goes well it's all beginning to fall in place for Cleveland now they've been getting outstanding coverage all year from their secondary this is what we call a coverage stack bono can't find anybody to throw - you can see him moving around and moving his head there's nobody to throw - everyone is covered therefore call Hairston has enough time to get the bono Harry Newsome inside his own endzone about three yards deep and Gerald McNeil right at midfield waiting for this punt Cleveland leading by 11 and looking a pretty good field position here I would think the Browns have a return on here they do Houston on the bounce McNeal got away from stone and then goes out of bounds over the 45 on to the 47 yard line 49 yard punt by Newsom is Schottenheimer and Pagal converse over on the cleveland sideline vermont is probably telling telling him look that's going to take two touchdowns to beat you our only opponent at this point in the game is the clock we're not playing the Pittsburgh Steelers anymore we're playing nine minutes and 30 seconds let's run the football tell the running backs to take care of the football and do not turn it over meanwhile you're going to find the Pittsburgh Steelers linebackers the first person that hits the Browns running back Oh stopping the second person will try to strip the ball away from the Browns so let's see if they go to Tim Manoa if they use that philosophy and yes they do know yawns a great car keith gary shot in and made the first hit out manila and then as Reggie said Reggie was Reggie said Reggie but the car then did go for the football well what Marty would also tell Mike bagel is that we have nine minutes left in the ball game when we give it back I want to see six minutes on the clock so this is just a time-consuming strategy by the Browns they aren't trying to do anything offensively it's Manoa and finer in the backfield is Pagal brings the Browns up to the line of scrimmage second down and who juggles and hangs on into Pittsburgh territory down to the 46 yard line that's a very safe pass it's a possession play I'm surprised that Manoa went out of bounds I think you want to stay in bounds I think if - said they didn't think to him right then he might have said nice going try to stay in balance clock does stop down to eight 43 remaining Browns trailed by two at halftime nine seven and then the turnover started for Pittsburgh hearing us say yeah yeah they have four and it totals out this way one fumble and three interceptions it's a trend that obviously it's plaguing the Pittsburgh Steelers they can't do anything about it and as I said earlier when you - and down into Derek tell the tight-end makes the catch for Cleveland is first to the afternoon and with it a bronze first down to the Pittsburgh 42 yard line so that will keep the clock moving and a first down and keep the Browns offense on the field too as we show 8:25 remaining in the game like bagel clapping to the browns offense this telecast is presented by authority of the National Football League and it is intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the Pittsburgh Steelers in the National Football League is prohibited this game is the property of the National Football League the Pittsburgh Steelers and Cleveland Browns all rights reserved big hole inside the 35-yard line in Tim Manoa Manoa getting up close to a hundred yard rushing day he was at 74 I believe before that run well there's any question in my mind if the Browns should go on to win this football game even if they shouldn't Tim Manoa has been the most valuable player for the Cleveland Browns we saw Manoa do this earlier for the Cleveland Browns in the very first game of the season when they were injuries to Kosar and Mack Manoa came in and did the same thing that he's doing today he is a quality performer it's kind of like a possession runners really good clock down 720 35 yard line back it goes to MIT all there's earnest Byner johnny-on-the-spot just like I said he's a possession runner but you have to hold on to the football and the Browns are lucky to get it back Ernest Byner recovers here's Manoa heading to the stack this thing is so dangerous here as Manoa is carrying the ball in that left hand that's usually the ball carriers weakest arm he's not down and that ball is alive and they scramble for this thing and look at the white shirts go for the ball there's a fumble recovery drill that pro football team's practice every week Cornell Gowdy was the man that got his helmet on the ball and knocked it loose Manoa to the sidelines Herman Fontenot checks in it's third down and eight for Cleveland the ball is at the Pittsburgh 39 yard line with 625 to go in the game Brian Brennan makes the catch dives forward and is close to a first down and he did that with second effort he had he was two maybe two three yards away from picking up the first down on the first hit spun out of the tackle and made it very close and as I watched that reception by Brennan I'm reminded that what's a slaughter for the first time in his career has not caught a pass in a ballgame Brennan has three today and looked to be holding his back area where he got hit after making that catch it is fourth down for Cleveland less than one and they'll go for him and again that line up that they use bringing Ricky Bouldin in on the line making him eligible as a receiver and the Browns now must use a timeout with 539 remaining in the game Cleveland they need big plays now and make it plural as they are down by 11 well Marty got what he wanted he turned the ball back to the Steelers in their five minutes and a half in his ballgame I think he feels with the kind of defense he has that he can stop the Steelers if he has to he's not he's not happy with that and I don't think he's going to be happy when he watches the film of the play of his offensive line particularly in those third and short situations and a two fourth down situation that they missed Steve Otto 1st and 10 532 remaining 22 9 Cleveland Errol Hodge on the run thrilled at the 35-yard line Eddie Johnson says that the two loose ball and Cleveland has it well know Hodge did fun with the ball but it counts right back to it Mike Johnson was the man that made the hit on him Johnson's been a big hitter all day for the bronze big game for Eddie Johnson coming in and playing the way he's played today Buono back to pass again throws and Laura slips makes the catches first of the day and it's immediately knocked out of bounds by Frank benefit so you allow a guy like Lewis lips to sit out all day in a ballgame like this when he could be the difference for you and then you go to him when you want him to do miraculous things with little time remaining I just don't understand why they didn't involve him in the offensive playing more to a great player number 83 13-yard pass play in a first down Pittsburgh with the ball at their own 48 yard line and the clock showing 502 remaining in the fourth quarter Lockette in Ocean Marland Jones coming from the outside but they get it off and Hotch makes the catch and he goes out of bounds stopping the clock inside the 45 yard line and a flag goes down where he was driven out of bounds flagged down also in the backfield I believe they hit on quarterback Steve Bono late Marland Jones was blowing in there and will pick up the calls up to contact personal foul defense number 95 here's bono now you're going to see number 95 Marlin Jones on the left of your screen bono releases the football you cannot take more than one step after a quarterback has released a ball and hit him that time the ball was released Jones appeared to take two and a half step and hit the quarterback they won't allow that I think he's still step it he really went after Steve boto for 55 left and a first down tenshun run by hives in the penalty mark off moto juggles to snap he's in trouble and has to throw it away as once again Jones was in the air along with Carl Hairston but the play started in trouble when bono juggles a snap pulling away this is a defensive lineman's dream Europe behind you have to pass they don't have to worry about the run the run can be left to the linebackers Marlin Jones Carl Hairston those people can just come off the line of scrimmage right upfield thinking pass all they want to do is get pressure on Steve Bono every time bono releases this football he's going to be under scene the 29 yard line of the Browns by the Carter heads in motion second down in ten looking for lips in complete lips had stopped down at the 10-yard line and Bono read that he was going to the endzone let's is frustrated also but he's experiencing the same things that Cleveland receivers are experiencing with Pago these are people that you don't work with every day during the week bono never gets a chance to work and practice for the Lewis lips that's Krista's job so now he comes into the ball game and you're expecting him to make completions to people that he never throws to during the week it's a very difficult thing to do particularly and you got a bunch of people breathing hard down your neck third and ten with 446 left in the fourth quarter stealers trail by 11 at 22 9 Browns Buono down the middle going for Lockett grumpy ain't completed the end zone three Browns there Stephen Bragg's Brian Washington Felix Reich and Reggie you're right he just dropped it this is the drop this is a touchdown this is a outstanding throw from Bono good protection they keep the browns away from bono look at the tight spiral there oh that's a touchdown good throw good job by Bono receivers dropping passes that's also been a product of the Steelers problem so they come up fourth down and must go for at fourth and 10 from the Browns 29 yard line the things you've seen the Steelers do today and something that they've just started they've been doing this all year that's why they won in 3/4 intent flags go down and it's against Pittsburgh you're talking about this thing and Chuck Noll doesn't know weird false start offense number 74 simulating the start of a snap five-yard penalty snip fourth down it's on Terry long and Chuck Noll arms folded in the white jersey on the sidelines of Tom Moore the offensive coordinator with the brown jacket on so now it is fourth down and 15 back at the 34 yard line Browns blitzing as Bryan Washington was coming in there throwing for Troy Johnson and it's incomplete in the end zone mark Harper over there for the Cleveland bras it's Harper 23 congratulating him is Felix right as they went for Johnson in the endzone and it had a chance and Cleveland gets the ball back and a lot of the sellout crowd starts to head to the parking lot with 434 remaining and apparently Cleveland's defensive record it's Dillon tech of not having allowed a touchdown pass you got the kind of defensive personnel they have in the secondary why you expect this kind of play from them they are just solid back there even though they don't get the kind of rush that a lot of teams you'd like to see their coverage is such that they're sometimes allowed sex and by nerve behind peg finer on first down ducks down he goes over the 35 out to the 37 yard line and the clock running with 425 remaining in the game Bonner was tempted to go outside just then but he thought better of it stayed inside didn't only didn't hear that sideline boundary where he was off the clock Steelers defensive back Rod Woodson has suffered a concussion and he will not be back in the Steeler defense today Ernest Byner no problem there I think just a stocking problem every time one of the bronze reaches down I'm sure over on that sideline they take a deep breath and wait because so many bronze have been injured a lot of Steelers have been injured too too banged up AFC Central Division teams here today 350 remaining in the game second down and six for Cleveland leading by 11 points bagel going to pass and again they've got the tight end today and running down into Pittsburgh territory on a bombs at the 36 yard line that was almost the gimme I mean the Steelers were up there with 11 men right at the line of scrimmage daring the Browns to throw the football play action past and dirt to now number 81 gets behind everybody because everybody on the steel is defensive unit is playing run 26 yard pass play Derek to Nell has made two catches now on the day at a first down for Cleveland 340 remaining his bubby Brister heads into the pittsburgh locker room a frustrating day for him and for the entire Steeler offensive team well they've been swimming upstream all year and I'll tell losing crystals going to help their chance out of any playoff picture for 1988 Herman von Sydow inside the 35 down to the 34 yard line great car on the tackle for the Steelers Cleveland's defense hampered Dixon said it yesterday that they have to start making big plays themselves just can't lay it all on the offense the defense was not able to come up with big play so far this season where they had been in the last couple of years been providing that and they did today and the response to that is Bernie Kosar doesn't play defense so despite the troubles the Cleveland Browns offensive unit has been having there's nothing wrong with that defense we've got to do what they're doing today and they've been doing it all year they've been shutting teams down Ernest Byner to the middle of inside the 35 yard line now we're down to 249 and it is running in Cleveland on their way to their first AFC Central Division win today and that was what was so important to both coaches Chuck Noll and Marty Schottenheimer was the fact that they each did not want to go down oh and two inside the division with both losing to Cincinnati already in this season well they're going to be able to sit back and watch what happens out on the west coast later on as Cincinnati takes on the LA Raiders the Raiders are very explosive football team the Bengals are four no I think there's some people that are still saying yeah but you know and third down now for the bronze finer good run by finer there's a big problem the ball pops loose now 70 Larry Williams jumped right on the stack as it actually hit a Steeler defensive play right on his legs and then Larry Williams jumped in there trying to get it for the bronze the player was Darren Jordan had knocked the ball loose let's see who has the football fighter doesn't I didn't think anybody hit finer all right let's sort it out 98 is the nose tackle Gerald Williams unstacking I think you're gonna see Larry Williams with the football yeah there is and Cleveland will hold on to the football congratulations the hurry Williams with a heads-up play as he recovers the finer fumble two minutes to go in the game the Browns on their way to a win in Pittsburgh Oh game Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh Jim Donovan and Reggie Rucker and the Cleveland Browns 20 the Pittsburgh Steelers nine a big second half for the Browns especially defensively coming up with four Pittsburgh turnovers no question in my mind the Cleveland Browns won this game with their defense again and I think that's going to be the trend for the Cleveland Browns until they're running this offense more smoothly with Mike bagel at quarterback after Larry Williams recovered an Ernest Byner fumble LeBrons have it first and ten at the 26 yard line minor gets it again goes out of the 25 yard line I want to thank our spotters today Tim Fogerty Mike McKinley George Jordan on stats along with John rody thanks for all your help you're in Pittsburgh today timeout called on the field right now Mike Pagal to the sidelines on his way to a win for Cleveland as they're well in control in timeout to Manoa ran the ball as we come back Pittsburgh uses another time on and it will be third down for the Browns inside the 25 of Pittsburgh at about the 24 yard line we talked about Manoa having a strong showing and you know Mike Pagal has been asked to do a lot you take a look at bagels numbers 15 of 26 131 yards of course not impressive by what we expect today in in these passing offenses of the 80s but you know the thing that's important I think with bagel is that he's played in three ball games he's won two of them wins or what you judged quarterbacks by and of course bagel is going to be a winner here today so the Browns report card and Mike bagel in the bronze huddle a minute 50 remaining third down and nine Cleveland comes back home next week to Cleveland Stadium and they'll take on the Seattle Seahawks and the Steelers will use their last timeout on how the steelers report card Brister for 14 28 yards while he was in the ball game he just couldn't get anything going through the air he had been one of the AFC's hottest quarterbacks passing the Browns shut him down nothing to speak of in terms of rushing the football the Browns just defensively just dominated this football game Gary Andersen was the bright spot three for three they were living on Gary Andersen early in the game took a 97 lead at halftime and then Cleveland got going Matt bars had a pretty good day himself the Browns just have the luxury defensively of being able to do things with the versatility of that defense that other pro football teams can do they can put Minnifield and Dixon in one-on-one situations and then they can defend the run because they have more men to defend the run than you have to block them it's a 40-yard field goal attempt for Matt Barr 2 for 2 on the day right down the middle and far three-for-three mentioned Gary Anderson today and put three more up on the board for the bronze and make it 23 to nine you think that isn't sweet format bar because in 79 and 80 he kicked for these Pittsburgh Steelers and they sent him on his way he went out to San Francisco and you take a look at Tim menorah and now it's time for the most valuable player award sponsored by Budweiser today's MVP Tim Manoa from the Cleveland Browns Budweiser will make a contribution to the United Way on behalf of all the MVP selected in today's games just to finish that story Barra went out to San Francisco and then the Cleveland Browns had an opportunity to obtain him and they did and he's been kicking and kicking field goals that win football games ever since and it's now kicked ten in a row this season he's ten out of me loving so in the minute 37 left to go Marty Schottenheimer comes into Pittsburgh for the third year in a row now and wins and you say well that's not a big winning streak but remember on the other side of that they had lost 16 years in a row before that red you were unfortunately a part of that said you've had to bring them you know though we're starting a reverse drink jinx now they lost never won at Three Rivers Stadium and dirty coach Carr's rookie year they lost in 85 and since then they have won now three years in a row loopy Sanchez is back deep belong with Dwight stone on the kickoff by Matt Barr Sanchez right on the goal line hop in the air he goes out over the 20-yard line of the 22 so loopy Sanchez replacing Rod Woodson back there Woodson out of the lineup now with a concussion and Steve bono comes back in a minute 31 to work with and his team down 23 to 9 this is a tough enough defense to have to pass against ordinarily now when you're trailing 23 to 9 and you have to throw the football well something bad may happen to you here to the 1 interception was a big one that bono through Washington of the Browns took it for a touchdown and they go for Lois lips and it's incomplete Frank Minnifield and Felix right on the coverage of lips and Minnifield has been with lips all day long Stemper Stemper well when they should have been going to list they weren't which was early in the ballgame when they were trying to establish something you know once you get behind and have to throw the ball the man that's going to bring you back as Lewis lifts and the Browns are going to double covering a couple of Cleveland fans happy about today's win many here today of course when they join up again in Cleveland later on this season there will be plenty of Pittsburgh fans there too as the rivalry continues bo no throwing long and Washington homos fakes an acrobatic interception over on the Brawn sideline Barney Schottenheimer talking to the rookie nevertheless must have done something wrong there where maybe they're changing his defense Washington had a 75 yard interception and returned for touchdown for Chuck Noll after an opening Sunday win over the Dallas Cowboys here at Three Rivers it's been downhill for losses in a row and a trip to Phoenix next week to play the Cardinals they had playoff hopes and 88 at least they anticipated it but you know with all the injuries particularly the offensive line the secondary and now Brister maril Hajj out of the backfield makes the catch out over the 35 yard line to the 36 and the first down now down to one minute remaining in the game Pittsburgh tried to snap the ball very quickly there and I don't think the bronze were lined up yet flag goes down side defense number 99 five-yard penalty first out Derrel Sims the X dealer who was their top draft choice at 85 out of Wisconsin both playing with the Browns someone said when things have been going badly for the Steelers and in the past they've always relied on the incalculable inner strength of Chuck Noll and they're certainly going to have to do that now because at one in four and going nowhere boy I tell you this is a tough season that they have left ahead of them Sims was slow getting back as the Steelers made that quick snap and that's why he was flagged Buono throws for ouija Thompson at the 40-yard line and it's incomplete Stephen Bragg's on the coverage floor of the bronze with 57 seconds remaining now in the game I really don't like to see this throwing the ball up this way because somebody can get hurt you can stretch one of your receivers out and you have no chance to win the football game yet you're still throwing it and sometimes injuries occur during these times Cleveland will go to 3 and 2 the Steelers will go to 1 in 4 and with Houston losing today to Philadelphia the Browns will be tied with the Oilers if that score holds up in Philadelphia and the Oilers lose and 3 & 2 in the Central Division clipper charlton looked as though he jumped off but I apparently got back in time as maril Hodge makes the catch and tries to go out of bounds and dead at the 49 yard line like toots ilkka number 62 on the right side move prematurely here's the call now offside defense pitiless decline first out so the Steelers will take the play with 50 seconds remaining and the catch and run brings them inside Cleveland territory down to the 48 yard line not a happy man no way and back home the Steelers Steve honor very quiet at Three Rivers bono going long for limps Felix right trying to time the interception and he's got it his second of the day now where's the run going to land him with a burst he's the midfield it's an open field now Felix right look at him go down to the Steeler 35 yard line and the Cleveland defense just puts a rubber stamp on this one well it starts to make your football team look bad when you start doing these kinds of things that's why I feel that when you can't win a football game get the game over with now you just look ragtag and you look disoriented what Felix right number 22 this is his second interception of the game and this thing almost goes back about 85 yards good move there by right look at him pick up his blockers there now you're going to see one of the Steelers come from behind Charles locket number 89 and make the tackle on right 53 yard run after the interception Felix right over to the Browns sideline that's five turnovers by the Steelers in the second half and 32 seconds left to go Mike peggle puts his knee down gives the ball to the referee that should do it for this afternoon in Pittsburgh as now Mike bagel joins Bernie Kosar as the Browns can say they have
Channel: Mr. J
Views: 16,569
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Length: 189min 45sec (11385 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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