1985 11 25 MNF Seahawks at 49ers

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doesn't have a lot of finesse a lot of style but he's tough and he gets the job done well for Dave to get the job done tonight he must avoid the interception yeah quite simply defensively Santa must played a very best game of the season if they plan to keep the San Francisco team in check now here's the juice to tell us about the 49ers well Joel I tell you among the 49ers players is a feeling of optimism they feel since the second half of the Denver game two weeks ago but they're finally playing with the intensity that they played with all of last year there are two major question marks with this team though one can Freddy Solomon who is their deep threat last year provide the big play at 32 years of age Freddie had 10 touchdown receptions last year he has none this year and can Fred Dean still pressure the quarterback he's only had two quarterback sacks this year but fortunately one was last week he had a forced fumble last week he had a few quarterback pressures last week and they think if Fred being continued to play the way he's played in the past and this 49er team plays with the intensity that they played with in the past that they will win here tonight that they can win the rest of the season going to the playoffs and possibly with all due respect to the Chicago Bears go to the Superbowl and any event they got a tough assignment tonight Frank Joe Montana on the sidelines having a really fine year but of course if you compare it to last year Super Bowl MVP a tremendous year and some of the criticisms and comments that have been made about Joe have absolutely been bizarre we'll talk about that a little later on the 49ers will be receiving as we look down on the field they'll drop Carl Monroe number 32 back there along with Gary Harmon who should see a lot of action tonight the win will Tyler Tyler had a big game a week ago against Kansas City but he has a very sore knee shada will be norm Johnson reports a sellout crowd of 61 thousand plus here in Candlestick Park the field of escape it's been raining for the past couple of days that the field has been covered and norm Johnson he does this with the most frequency in the NFL puts it in the end zone and keeps the team to a touch back and out comes Montana perhaps the most impressive of his stats end of the night he is at one interception in his last 225 attempts now that is truly remarkable he leads the league in fewest interceptions with only six and Wendell Tyler will open number 26 he had 111 yards a week ago against Kansas City and of course back there with him is Roger Craig having a tremendous year 719 yards rushing into the night averaging five four of us 64 receptions just a remarkable year for Roger Craig the third year man from Nebraska that's Sullivan number 88 on the move first and ten the forty niners and and Tyler is met over on the left side Heath Butler was there defensively for the Seattle Seahawks who are ranked sixth in the AFC after 11 games they operate from the 3-4 but they'll move Jacob green around they're fine past rusty defensive left hands but as the Raiders move how he long around kitty easy what can you say about it arguably the best strong safety in pro football today number 45 Derrick Harmon comes in for Wendell Tyler second down and eight tries to go underneath the dairy Carmen and he is racked up by Bruce so I left linebacker for the Seahawks Pat's it looked to me that Joe had his mind made up where he's going to throw the ball right now Cruz Schultz was all over the wide receiver that time had he caught the ball he with him gained in the arty third down and eight the specialty players onto the field and of course the defense adjust accordingly Dwight Clark is foot left by Bill Walton Montana Salomon up at the top of your screen Roger Craig attained his receiver out of the backfield looking in the direction of Freddie Sullivan incomplete and the punting unit will come on well that ball just got away from Joe Montana because Freddie Solomon had his man beat for the first down and the ball just slipped out of Joe's hand yeah I think you're right on the money that time Oh Jay he was wide open Joe wasn't under pressure he just flat missed them max running her to punt you're looking at Paul's can't see him back there with him is Kenny easily running dirt it was not picked well this year as a short kick that doesn't turn over and this is easily he slips at the 43 inch ball to the 45 yard line good field position for Seattle as Drake Frank comes on to the field not having the kind of year that he had a year ago when everything worked for this young man less than 50% completions four of his last five games they also leads the NFL with the big play he has the most 20-yard plays in the league [Applause] [Music] darrel turning left 24 receptions and 10 touchdowns he is explosive and then there's the great Steve Largent underneath first bound shadows there are thrown 46 yard line and prayed before the near he wants Turner right away he would be fired behind white Hicks who of course have been moved for free safety to the left corner the Turner was there Frank didn't get it there well two things you've seen right away one the surface of this bill is quite slick and another thing is that they're going to test white Hicks one thing that we learned about Darrel Turner is that he can get up on his corner back as quick as any receiver in football and Dwight hitches will have to give him a lot of room here tonight it should open it up underneath the short passes on hips side of the bill expose Pro Bowl free safety a great one a year ago he has been an ordinary cornerback he was a great quarterback and he could turn into be a great free fiction its second down and ten Craig puts it out there Warner and great Warner stepping out of bounds but not until he picks up first down yardage inside the boarding boy yard line of the 49ers and you have to wonder what your linebacker Todd shell was thinking of that time Kirk put a little move down and take Todd completely out of position to get outside and get the first down and in that case pods responsibility would be to turn Warner back in where the pursuit was coming from Warner over 800 yards rushing this year coming off that severe knee injury the cost of all of last season he loves the natural surface she had 169 yards against San Diego on he had 136 against Denver on natural surface he likes to run around corner cut off from inside corner up for a gain of about three yards before Michael Carter moves out there from those tackle to make the stop make it a two yard kick up it'll be second down and eight and I asked Chuck Knox today how he's going to attack this San Francisco 49er defense and Chuck Solano's basic football philosophy type guys we have to get the ground game going well I said Chuck you know one or only has a 3.9 average that's not very good Chuck says he can get the ground game going it's going to open up everything for the passing game so I look for him to try to run the ball at San Francisco pretty good dead second down and eight the 43 yard line of the 49ers Greg with a lot of time a lot of traffic he had Turner working one-on-one with Dwight Hicks he told to the underneath the Charlie young Williamson was there the linebacker Tina Turner was there and that's part of the problem Craig's been having this season he's gone into covering at the time you have three defensive players covering Charlie young someone else on the other side of the field had to be one-on-one and again this is the problem days that have in this season he's been miss reading the defense all right let's take a look at number 74 Fred Dean he'll be playing at the top of your screen the 49ers let's see if Dean can provide that bass was he provided for the world champions last year only two facts however this year for Fred Dean he had one big one that opened the game against Kansas City a week ago wide open and out of the hands of bar in Franklin [Music] Craig had it there Franklin was open he just didn't handle it that was six points I don't think he saw the ball until it was on him I don't know where he could have lost it in the lights or water he wasn't expecting it that early but that was a good pass that should have been six Dave fins are on to punt for Seattle Dana McLemore not having his typical year averaging only 75 on returns this season in previous years the three previous years he's played he's returned at least one punt for a touchdown that kick by fins were off the side of his foot but McLemore will feel it at the eight good movement by Macklemore Macklemore he gets out close to the 11 yard line so the 49ers bring the offensive unit out for their second possession of the night [Applause] we did not do the sign but it certainly expresses the feelings of all of us here at ABC and of course the minions who watch the entry the Joe Theismann a week ago and will be talking to Joe fine for the halftime about his future and about the past week Chris contain the 49ers on the field where in the first quarter he just joined this 12:45 remaining with shadow Seahawks and the San Francisco 49ers and there is no for a hit from behind by Keith Cutler in pursuit that's good defense right there San Francisco came out with a two tight end the line up that time and left Dwight Clark off the field obviously they're trying to run the ball at him some but the shadows deep that rose to the occasion Greg got back to the line of scrimmage that was about it [Applause] squeak to half a yard out of it it'll be second down and long the third wide receiver is in that Jerry Rice the rookie from Mississippi Valley State fit for the 49ers you saw the movement and the blacks are down Jacob green plastic left-field with it tries to work it to rice but again flags her down on the line of scrimmage and then there was a late flag that was thrown a referee tonight [Applause] elimin airy indication and this perhaps the discussion about that late flag that was dropped outside number 79 defense still second half a simple offside that will be marked off the dam will remain the same we were talking about the condition of the field actually this is the worst part of the bill because this is the infield of the old baseball diamond until you get to the 40-yard line this part of the field is particularly bad I've seen six players fall in the warm-ups right in this area second down and five the 49ers at their 22 yard line Montana tried to get it to the like part there was a role zone and Montana put it out of bounds and Joe Montana has gone through rather a hellish couple of weeks there have been rumors bizarre rumors if you will that have been flying all over the Bay Area for several weeks finally and this is the state of sports today I guess bill walls went public a week ago last Wednesday denying any drug allegations there were pisar stories about arrests here and arrest there none of them were true and then Joe himself had to go before the public and say no not me but it is quite a statement on the state of sports today third down and five underneath and play gets the first down yardage and I believe he'll just be short of it out over the 25 yard line great games defensively there for Seattle and it may be close enough for the measurement as you can see Greg he's kind of hiding in the back and he's trying to run across the field now this is a great play by great games when you look at a back like Roger Craig is averaging over 10 yards a reception normally a back will average about six or seven yards in reception but it looks like Roger Craig stretched for the first down he heard the roar and he got it by about an inch but a year he is having after 11 games a game of last week Roger Craig and Marcus Allen were tied at total yards from scrimmage incredibly at 1,400 and 76 yards Marcus Allen at 222 yards rushing and receiving yesterday so Craig will be hard-put to get back with Marcus Allen tonight first down Montana because Don Burwick the best of him things after cranking off his fingertips in the end an open field in front of him it'll bring up second down and ten okay that was good defense that time as you saw Joe was trying to get the ball down the right side of the field they were covered he came back just missed prig there are times that Joe put a little more touch on that bone drop it right into Craig but he's not having tonight that he'd like to have so far ball mark just inside the 26 yard line Montana is one of five for four yards two weeks ago against Denver terrible night but came back last week and was superb it gets Kansas City so can attend this picture he ground the veteran allocation got to give dave brown a lot of credit he's voted for the third year in a row defensive captain by his teammates with a defensive that skinny easily playing in it no game it'll be second down and ten cooking looking for an opening nothing was there Warner gets three it'll be third down and seven Jeff Stover made the stop you know Chuck Knox is what anymore patient coaches in the league when it comes to the running game it looks like the running games not going to do much so far tonight but Chuck will stick with it it's surprising Joe because the Seahawks are getting away with some unusually big splits in the offensive line but what's happening right now is Michael Carter doing a job on Blair who of course in the middle [Applause] shotgun for Tiana oh the thrills in his pick off Carles and williamson and the block were in front of him McLemore is in front of Williamson into the five-yard line up Seattle and what a play to Dave Craig mate on back let's look at it again Craig had Largent open he overthrew it in and out of his hands and it was picked off Williamson brings it back and break as you said oj made a great play McLemore was blocking in front Craig managed to stay on his feet get through the block the diving tackle at the forty niners of her first down goal to go inside the six yard line Roger Craig got a block by Tyler cut back inside but the pursuit was there works it to the five-yard line it'll be second down goal to go Jeff Bryant in on that stop for Seattle well thus far on every run that the 49ers have attempted Seattle has gotten some good penetration by their defensive ends yeah but you know San Francisco hasn't tried to run up the middle one thing you think they try and hit the middle of that line yeah I would think so test it anyway time remaining in the first quarter we have no score a pair of turnovers Jana got one but they turned it right back over to the 49ers in mayor down there threatening Montana with a pump fake fires into the end zone that's picked off by John Harris I believe Russ Francis was the intended receiver a great effort by Carlton Williamson comes to naught as John Harris gets his sixth interception of the season this is one of those times Joe thought rust was going to Zig when he should have zagged he thought he was going to turn around a little earlier and he wasn't ready for the ball so quickly we have three turnovers no points out of any of them we'll be right back Dave Craig one of five to the game's finer quarterbacks of the year ago Montana and they Gregg struggling here tonight in the early going no score 853 remaining in the first quarter saddle first and ten at their own 20-yard line movement and it did appear to be Charlie young the tight end up at the top of your stream a little sloppy down there you know I'm looking at these quarterbacks firing these interceptions all-star [Music] admission their receivers and I can't quite understand it because the weather conditions are ideal the wind is nil the temperatures fine there isn't any moisture on the field so I can't quite pinpoint why they're missing it is definitely are missing it is a beautiful night there's nearly three inches of rain here yesterday field was covered however and it's in good shape as they marked off the penalty 49 is unable to practice here yesterday and they anticipated a major parking problem around the area here tonight because parking lots were flooded in there for the combination that somehow gave up the interception in the end zone a few moments ago [Applause] they move from the 15-yard line and lane gets out over the 25 to the 27 gets a lot of it back it'll be second down and three is Ronnie lot is there defensively for the 49ers Eric Lane is normally a special team player for this team he's the captain of the special team even though Freddie young went to the Pro Bowl last year has a special team player for the Seahawks his uncle is MacArthur Lane and the players really like Eric Lane they say he gives everything that he has much like his uncle used to do it started a different flow back the past four or five games dan Dorney injured a knee he's Warners hit dropped the ball but he covers it quickly he was really pounded by Michael Carter we saw Ron Brown you see him at halftime the gold medalist from our four by 100 relay team of a summer ago then back a couple of kickoffs guest today for the ramble Michael Carter took a silver medal in the 84 Olympics in the shot put and he has turned into one fine nose tackle they're down in five saddle Seahawks six and five teams they are getting in desperate trouble late in the season we have no score from Candlestick Park they really need to kick off our funders Prague this is byron walker and Frank now having a tough night not the Craig we watched a year ago I can tell you that for sure Joe you are saying there's nothing wrong with the conditions I've never seen two quarterbacks this good played this bad ever yeah you know earlier I've made a statement about not knowing why the interceptions of come about I really do with the last couple of them I'll explain him later on but I think Craig is pressing definitely when you start off and badly as he has put her back sometimes either tendency to present that's what is doing off the side offensive foot McLemore gets it through the leg back for one thing you didn't touch it and they are saying again he went right between his legs Keith Butler you cannot advance it that would be ruled a must he'll bring it back and that is the old mop fool coming into effect he'll bring it back McLemore tried to fake it went between his legs I think he knew he couldn't get it so he tried to make it look like he didn't touch it if they're right on top of it and another turnover and if this is not the sloppiest thing we have seen this year it is right up there with the best of them is certainly in one of the top ten let's watch again right between his legs and it had to touch something there and covered by Keith Butler the Seahawks the football the 49ers 20 [Applause] first down Kraig's will finally get to larger and throwing over the linebacker Arjun had a little bit of an opening but not shell had dropped right in front of him and Eric Wright was there for the coverage but a year Steve Larson is having fifty five receptions the eighth consecutive not consecutive at the eight season he has gone over 50 receptions in a season that's an NFL record what do you think about Craig Joe I think he's pressing some quarterbacks have enough confidence he's found not the press when they get off to a slow start obviously Dave doesn't he's pressing right now second down and ten the plants have picked up but Kurt Warner works on the left side for only a couple very unusual defense of the alignment by the 49ers they had prayer Dean line up at defensive tackle now bread waves about 230 pounds a little light to be in there and he rushed right up the middle as well as the middle backer rush right behind Fred Dean they're down in seventh scan see is in a wide receiver for Seattle fire in the Walker number 89 and Daryl Turner the four wide receivers are in for day Frank lets's on Frank tried to time it out with Largent he was under pressure the Blitz was right in his face he played it up there I think is hopefully that he enlargement we're going to be running the same Zig out pattern but I don't think large it saw the safety blitz Carlton Williamson came late from the middle of the field and large it was running a corner pattern if Margit had seen the Blitz I believe he would have stayed on his post pattern down the center of the field and that's what Craig done Norm's onson 10 of 18 this year not kicking as well as he has in previous years he has a different holder over the past couple of weeks [Applause] but he lost his favorite holder Jim at the beginning of this season but this time arm Johnson puts it through the uprights but a flag is down and a referee tonight that was from 44 yards out waiting still for the definitive work they hit the kicker and as a personal cloud it could be a first down running into the kicker number 20 defense five yards automatic first down torie Nixon take a look at it coming at the bottom of your screen number 20 and he just could not hold up on that when you're taking when you're taking that angle is very difficult now do you give up the three points to get the first down at the 22 yard line well Chuck knocks oh yeah we'll give it up I think you do it this early in the game against the 49 is if you think you're a championship-caliber team you should feel that your office will not give the ball up again the three points could have been on the scoreboard we'll see what happens first stint in Seattle inside the 22 the 49ers and this is Kurt Warner flag is down Warner pinning its listing and bouncing off tacklers down close to the 18 yard line we'll bring it back yeah it wouldn't Baney that left guard he was so intent on getting out there and leading the play I believe he moved here too soon boy that nullifies a heck of a run by Warner number 65 still first it was Edwin Bailey at the dom will remain the same but but 8 yard pickup by Warner is negated it'll be first and 15 San Francisco tonight will be in Miami a week from tonight that should be entering interesting there something's going to give the Bears ro and 8 on the road and Monday Night Football and the Dolphins have won 17 of the last 18 regular season games at the Orange Bowl the undefeated bears against the Miami Dolphins looking forward to that one oh yeah I want to see out Dan Marino handles that blitz Dan is one man that can do it they've only allowed 13 sacks the Miami Dolphins offensive line Behr's was trying to realign that first and 15 and down goals Lane hit at the line volcanic might even lose a yard it'll be second down and 16 and again it was Michael Carter maybe they should have kept the three points at this rate they're going to end up on the 50 and half the punch so a moment ago the Chuck Knox took three different teams to playoffs only coach to has ever done that he has also been go to the year four times who's go to the era of the rams cooks of the year with Buffalo he was coach of the year the past two years with the seahawks so remarkable coaching record second down and about 16 as Warner goes in motion games is balanced but he is just smothered Jeff Stover and a pair of his friends were there including Gary Johnson boy the 40 man has got away with a lot on that play to add Kurt Warner in motion he had 101 with a middle linebacker Michael Walter and it's unusual to see an all world called Williamson not on the football field on third down third extremely long about 18 and now you must wonder about giving up those three points hard to take point off the scoreboard particularly 44-yard field Thunder Shotgun tried to get it to larger he wanted to go first to scan see then he tried to look deep return it a lot of time incomplete gnorm Thompson comes back on I know Craig what he's going through right now and his teammates I see him on the sideline over there that just encouraging babe right now they know he's having a rough start but he's the man that got him to the playoffs the last couple years and if they're going to get there this year it's up to him to have a better game Oh Jeff Norm's answers career bastards 54-yard [Applause] and the 49er fans will love this they took three points off the scoreboard when they got a first down finnaly after they had made a 44 yarder they missed from 49 it's been a very same football game when so much is on the line for both the 49ers in Seattle they are six and five both these ball clubs they have teams ahead of them they are chasing the Rams of nine and three in the 49ers division the Raiders in Denver are eight and four in the AFC West of Seattle that's Roger Craig who works to the 35 yard line for a gain of four and we like to say hello to all of our friends down in Australia watching tonight's game tomorrow on channel 10 hello down there okay by the way juice that's the first time they ran up the middle got some yardage to take they had to keep working the middle rather than trying to run around the end that's figure to be the strip that they're off of the line Arras Quillin and cross second down and six rush Francis the tight end has split far to the left [Applause] and he's supposed to a first down he'll happen over the 41-yard line or very close to it you ever think about going into coach and joy you know what's going to happen we keep getting yardage in San Francisco keeps getting yard adjust the middle that's going to open up the outside because these defensive line paying more attention to the center both Tyler and Craig averaging over five yards of carry Tyler had 111 yards against Kansas City last summer for missing the Denver game the prior week they try Craig again brother Tyler and he works through the 47 yard line and a gain of a couple give him three to bring up second down and seven as I said this surface is quite slick here and they may be trying to give Largent some longer cleats once again that may be good for his traction but the last thing you want to do is get hit when you have those long cleats planted it could be a knee injury no score Candlestick Park 255 in the pocket moving remaining in the first quarter 2nd down and 7 Tyler in motion hook slides up at the 48 yard line short of the first down by three it'll be third and three we want to tell you about a good one coming your way live at 3 o'clock Eastern Time this Saturday on CFA college football the 50th meeting between southern rivals Heisman Trophy hopeful Bo Jackson and 7th ranked Auburn will take on Alabama quarterback Mike Shula and I CFA coverage begins live at 2 o'clock Eastern with college football today that's Saturday that's sure going to be a battle for the bragging rights of the state plus it means a lot for recruiting and okay Alabama still has a chance to win that SEC Championship well the 49ers better get this ball snapped a little trouble getting the plate they'll have to call timeout and they're going to lose five oh well there are no flags as Tyler gets to the line of scrimmage and it'll bring up fourth down that 30-second clock had ticked off its final second and that one would be blamed on the sidelines because Joe Montana had a lot of trouble either understanding the signal from the sidelines are getting the right call from the sidelines running her to punt and you're looking at Paul's can't see beautiful punt by running her can't see at the 11 yard line the coverage is good and fancy is buried at the 15-yard line a flag is down the Kaleidoscope me [Applause] options being discussed McElwee is there there's his before [Applause] [Music] illegal block 21 beeping Emily's Annelise offset replated down that goes with the rest of the game we've watched this far this evening Italy on both sides they'll bring it back kick it over again they've had five turnovers four turnovers rather two interceptions by from San Francisco they fumble the ball once and Seattle I was given up the one interception that was just a bad pass by Dave Craig but the two innocence in by Montana actually won was caused by Jacob green the defensive end in the other can invest Francis just went together run agur will do it over again and he pounds another beauty he lets it out and it takes the Seahawks out through the end zone and seattleman offer first and ten at their own 20-yard line 52 yards and then at 32 we'll be right back Dave Craig one of nine for ten yards one interception it's been a tough night both quarterbacks effectual first intense adalat their own 20-yard line and off to Eric Lane he works up close to the 24 yard line it'll be second down and six Ricky Ellison defensively there for the 49ers when you put a back half of the game what's good is if you have decent teammates on your side to start with because they can sympathize with you a bit they know you what you're capable of and they just keep trying to encourage it come on Dave do the job they know he can do it they also know the despre quarterback 212 four seasons in the year ago he's been the quarterback into the playoffs for these seahawks the past two years he'll get it on track if Kurt Warner works now market over the 30 yard line and that will be a Seattle first down and it would appear that Chuck Knox is going back to the basics until we can settle things down it's not a bad thing to do particularly your Chuck Moxon Joe I know you know any wish your coach with the Jets can you get in trouble things are going Fianna crazy well don't compound it settle down do the things you can do that first got here and there one of the great reasons one of the reasons for Chuck's great success actually I played under him over at the Los Angeles Rams - he really is a player's coach he understands the game of football he was a player once and he just died his players he doesn't rip them down into the first quarter and it's the first quarter I'm sure you would not like to have videotaped will be back my defense to the 49ers and the Seahawks 62 yards San Francisco is squeezed out 26 yards Seattle 36 these two teams both six and five saddling the AFC West is chasing Denver and the Raiders they are both at 8 and 4 when tonight for Seattle and the Seahawks will moves to within 1 and they know they have the Raiders in Denver remaining on their 4 game schedule the 49ers trailed around 9 to 3 a win tonight and they still will be 2 behind the RAM NFC west we began the second quarter first in 10 the sea off got their own 30 yard line Warner and Warner being about long breathe [Music] and a 33-yard line call for the Williamson tasty amount of bounds there I tell you you really can see a difference in curt on grass and astroturf Frank mentioned earlier Kurt has 200 yard games on grass on the only two games they played on grass this year he seems Wigner on grass for some reason he seems to work a lot harder on astroturf to make a move I think all bats would prefer to play on natural grass second down and seven over the 35 to the 37 will be third down and three corner of course exploded Donovan Eberling seen as a rookie at 83 with nearly 1500 yards rushing the opening game a year ago new damage reconstruction surgery [Applause] has really got it all back together he's been playing on a very but he appears to be all together tonight they market inside the 37 so it's third down and four for wide receivers and they pull the Seahawks I don't know who we had in mind there was not a Fiat [Music] and he didn't have to throw the ball he wasn't under a great deal of pressure I don't understand what kind of fast that was I live in a 40 throwing one I wonder if maybe he saw the Seahawks standing on the sidelines and thought that he was to go from man I don't know or maybe 81 that of course she would have had Darryl Turner could have messed him up in any event is fourth down a phizzer will apple pie the French are unfit somebody gets it away Macklemore for the 49ers at the 27th any work the 33 yard line before he's dropped by Shelton Robinson upon a 36-yard we'll be right back on October 29 1984 when Seattle shut out San Diego 24 nothing on Monday Night Football the Seahawks Kenny Easley set a team record with three interceptions Candlestick Park we have 1359 remaining in the first half we have no score we've had several scoring opportunities Dave Craig has had receivers open for touchdown possibilities counted Williamson picked off a tape break pass and took it all the way to the 7 yard line and then the Montana turned it over with an interception in the end zone not 20 or artistic successes thus far but we're talking about two quality quarterbacks Montana the Super Bowl MVP only last Jen 2:32 touchdown passes a year ago only Marino was better than that 49ers first and 10 [Applause] and ER throws Dwight Clark I'll tell you Joe when it goes wrong does it compound itself absolutely and again I'm surprised to see Montana looking like he's pressing a bit but that last pass certainly was an indication of that Dave great well again I'm not that surprised he's had some rough games this season he's been as we mentioned earlier kind of a Jekyll and Hyde quarterback second down and ten before inside their own 34 yard line there's so much at stake in this game both teams playing totally inept at time Kraig can get a good yardage now close to the 40 yard line he'll get six out of that to bring up third down and four well you know what a beast quarterback can continue to perform this way for another quarter so I would think San Francisco wouldn't make the switch I wouldn't think Walsh would hesitate much longer with putting Cavanaugh in the game because Cavanaugh is an excellent backup quarterback maybe the best in the game on the other hand see and I don't think coach not to make the thing third down and four they show the blips when they get out of it played by Montana that's the Montana we know he had the pass brush pressure quickly downfield spotted Craig he was wide open as he is so frequently out of the backfield there is pressure coming Montana will step away from it he looked all over the field he finally spray good goo'bye Craig he beats the linebacker great games gets the first down down at the 27 yard line and that's more like the Montana that we have watched over the years and I'm sure Joe thanked his offensive line when will Tyler in the game [Applause] British Parliament first touchdown of the season he beat John Harris six points on two consecutive completions and Mon 10 I think still looking a little upset with the way things have gone this far but he put the 49ers on the scoreboard Soloman Oh Jack gets the touchdown I know you know he needed it real bad as you can see Terry Taylor came up he was supposed to book him to get his cornerback John Harris time to get there he didn't bump him Freddie eluded him got open and now he's tied with William the refrigerator Perry for one touchdown reception on the season all right ray working for the conversion two consecutive Montana completions the 49ers but the first points on the scoreboard here in San they need Seattle seven [Music] [Applause] two of those three completions were consecutive and Montana Freddy Sullivan in the end zone working to kick off Randall Morris's back along with scam C for Seattle it'll be false can't see and the former Steeler removed from the ten yard line big opening and scan see it's out close to the 35 yard line we're going to pause five seconds and allow our stations along the line to identify themselves kgo-tv channel seven serving the Bay Area 49ers lead the Seattle Seahawks seven to nothing in a very important game for both teams the Seahawks six and five in the Western Division of the AFC trade in the Denver Broncos the Raiders who are at eight and for the 49ers trail the Rams with the 65 record the 49ers the Rams are nine and three the 49ers desperately need this game they leave 7-nothing with 12 minutes remaining in the first half first and Tim Seattle at their own 35-yard line [Applause] the ball deflected batted away by michael water walter the linebacker well Joe at this rate Gil Gilbert may get some of his first NFL experience you're right on the last play again large it was breaking clean he was open over the middle but the past is one that necessitated a little touch on the ball not a line drive because he threw the ball so low well that enabled Michael Walter to get a hand on it hey Craig's last nine passes have been incomplete second down and ten flag goes down and Kurt Warner compound things even more for Dave Greg and the pillory will work against Siena Greg took over the quarterbacking job from Jim hornback midseason of 83 led the Seahawks with the AFC Championship in 84 holding number 76 done for shark who has replaced Ron SE ESSEC out of the game because of a groin pull or shark was the lineman who was holy Craig took the Seahawks to the AFC Championship game losing to Miami in 83 he took him through the playoffs again last year the 12 and 4 so he's in there he is up struggling tonight [Applause] second down and 20 Kurt Warner as he looked for some sort of the gap it's about three yards out of it but it leaves Dave praying and extremely Yardies on third down you know unlike a baseball situation when your pitchers having a tough time you know you can go to the bullpen and bring someone else in this football game here in NFL these backup quarterbacks don't get a much much of a chance to practice in Seattle really well they have an inexperienced young man behind 13:17 bang gets the ball to Turner but he's short at first down yardage hit out was for the 41 yard line by Carlton Williamson and the Seahawks but again forty-niner ovation from the partisan crowd for the defense she did 29 has that had interesting defensive alignment there they kept bread bean and Gary big hands Johnson on the sideline and only rushed three men Dave Penzer to punt is Dana McLemore not having as I mentioned earlier McLemore year one of the finally turned men in this game earlier he mishandled the ball and gave Seattle an opportunity that they didn't capitalize upon I shall get inside and they'll burn behind at the 30-yard line 39 yard punt McLemore got a ten yard return before John Kaiser and Tilton Robinson made the stop well I guess it's a full moon but they're out in force 49er fans over the next few years Candlestick Park will have 30 million dollars pumped into it as they expand to some 70,000 seats lucky boxes all the trappings but they're still having problems with their baseball team Montana wanted to go deep jets adopted for left breakfast and Frances will have her first down out of the 45 yard line from the 49ers three consecutive completions now by Montana Frances having a good year even though he was trouble a little earlier with a pinched nerve in the neck to kept him out of a lot of action a year ago that was West's 30th reception on the season 49ers first down at their 45 yard line and Craig is dropped after a gain of a couple planted Grendel Tyler brother Bruce Schultz defensively there what you have how many times window Tyler would handle the ball here you know he has a history of fumbling the football and you think about this Seahawks defense they're a team that likes to tackle the ball so I didn't think women would handle the ball too much in this game tonight thus far he has second down and eight 49ers from their 47 yard line Montana the rookie from Mississippi Valley State goes down at the 25 a flag flies immediately and we could have a facemask the interesting pattern rice was going to go under Roger Craig they ran into one another Joe at the time to wait for 5 yards thanks man [Applause] Joey at the time the waste wait for rice to clear we weighed it and gave him the ball watch this joys you'll see number 33 gets bumped rice I may not have tried to go into anything much okay I was going to say Terry Taylor kind of got shielded to pick on that class rise to get open the five yards on the facemask will get the 49ers a first down near Seattle's 20-yard line Roger Craig drives to take it outside and run right in today Brown hit right at the line of scrimmage good play by David looked like a good move at the time I was about to start screaming water move by Greg but Dave Brown was right there hiding in the weeds the outside support in the run game by the Seahawks has been excellent stuff thus far second down and ten Frances again flipped wine wives of the right bottom of your screen and is picked off P retailer goes up and takes it away from Mike Wilson that's a I know joke Montana is a great quarterback if he had anything to do over on this play he would plant and throw the football rather than throw it off balance when he didn't have to the bad under throw and I know Joe could have gotten the ball out in front had he been planted him under control Montana with only six interceptions that's low in the NFL he's thrown three tonight has been working against Terry Tator now you know in this play what he was trying to do is try to throw almost an alley you passed he was just trying to get the ball up high because Taylor is only 510 number 45 defense unsportsmanlike conduct all against the defense against number forty forty-five it actually would be the defense because that flag came down very late that would be Kinney easily we get some straightened out against the outfits and that would be Kenny easy they are penalized half the distance to the goal very much room to work with here [Applause] is one of the more aggressive players in this game deservedly so [Applause] Dave sang a little closer to his own golf it's noisy down there the clothes and the infield part of Candlestick Park the crowd is wet on top of you just does get it out of the end zone to avoid the safety it'll be second down second down and ten but down here you either got to have a great deal of confidence in your offensive line if you do you have a chance of throwing the football because you have to have confidence of not getting the safety otherwise you're gonna have to stick an atom right up the middle to avoid the safety large in his foot left he'll attract double coverage out there now Williamson gets out of it so Largent is all alone on Eric right and keep it on the ground and Warner does not get out of the end zone safety let's say stick it Adam I don't mean either the problem is they must run laterally because Michael Carter's doing such a good job in the center I was surprised they ran the ball out of the I formation because that means a runner has to come quite aways before he gets to the line of scrimmage look at number 28 that's John Hardy defensively on the stop Kurt Warner was making a lot of dues in the backfield he should have solved the problem ahead and put his head down at least save the two points the 49ers leaders 9 to nothing and they'll get the football back when we return following the safety the team that got the safety put the ball in play from the 20-yard line and of course the Seattle Seahawks you can do it either by the punt and that's what the Seahawks are going to do or buy a place kick Dave's pinzer will punt however Dana McLemore is back along with Derrick Harmon for the 49ers and this will count as a kickoff return can you have an onside part yeah Ben turn it the beauty the 25-yard line lowers his head and disposed his way out over the 40-yard line of a 42 and the 49ers with a 9 nothing lead good field position there's your eye formation okay I think that's a bad formation to be in an end zone watch number 22 Eric right you'll penetrating the old catch laying in the backfield and when they went outside I think Kurt thought he was going to have some room outside and waned and get clear and got blocked in the backfield and he got caught fail remaining in the first half seven minutes and 11 seconds the forty niners eighty nine to nothing now first antennae thrown 42 yard line Montana steps out of bounds short of the first down but across midfield in Seattle territory at the 49 yard line a week from tonight will be in Miami interesting to note the Chicago Bears are old and eight on Monday Night Football on the road the Miami Dolphins have a remarkable record in the Orange Bowl they have won 17 of the last 18 regular season games they have played at the Orange Bowl something's gotta give Marino's offensive line has given up the fewest sacks in the NFL this year and of course the Bears gonna track ball all over him and we'll be there to bring your unit Monday night that's window Tyler close to the first down I don't let defense 15 of the Seahawks they're just telling themselves hang in there fellas we know this offensive get gone nine points we're not out of this hunt yet if they can hold San Francisco spoilers here with the three points they still have a good chance to win this game and that's what they have to be telling each other let's shut them down now our offense will come to life Tyler is short of the first down I thought they were going to at least measure it [Applause] but a change his number too quick to picture and the moving the ball bag [Applause] down looks to be about a foot [Applause] Joe took the pressure off the headlines and that first down San Francisco both these teams have been consistently inconsistent this season neither one has lost more than two games in a row but neither team has one more than two games in a row but here they are still battling four playoff possibilities Fontana Solomon Solomon Gulen Terry Taylor there was contact made close to the 5-yard lemon but as of Solomon down and Montana had laid it up beyond his reach now window Tyler and Kenny easily played one year together at UCLA they certainly didn't appear to be friends on that play winner Kimmy easily at a safety blitz on and he almost killed all stare out in that football field they say tuck him down and ten 5:42 remaining in the first half 49ers over the Seahawks 9 to nothing when both Tyler to the 42 yard line of the Seahawks [Applause] it'll be third down and five no we're talking earlier about pretty solomon not making the big play for this 49er team we saw on that last play that he had his man beat he was wide opening we just overthrown there I saw on a number of occasions this year he had his man beat but the ball just didn't get to him [Music] flanker at the bottom of your screen he's number 32 and he [Applause] quite Clark at FIFA Terry Taylor Monroe had beaten his man and Montana could not get it to Clark and I Got News for You Jerry Rice had beaten his man going down the sideline that was an interesting formation I don't believe I've seen one quite like that before they had three wideouts lined up behind one another and Monroe built across the middle and was wide open it's like one you see in Central Park they only had two defenders covering the three guys that draw you go deep you go short [Applause] looking for the corner not as good as he wanted I'm sure gotta give credit to that Seahawk defense market at the 13 yard line though Seattle has a first down and ten I'll burn against Alabama five three o'clock Eastern Saturday on CFA college football right here on ABC seventh ranked Auburn taking on Alabama and of course Auburn with the great Heisman Trophy hopeful Bo Jackson but lot on the line for Alabama to Joe Wright the SEC Championship can be had and I'd say this Mike chill has developed into quite a quarterback reminds me a little bit of Kenny Stabler doesn't quite have the arm that Kenny had but he sure has developed into a good passer in front o j-- action over sixteen hundred yards already he'll see it wide here Saturday on ABC this is trick Warner right side works for two perhaps three before he's dropped by John Hardy well as I mentioned earlier the point of the Seahawks are getting away with some tremendous splits in their offensive linemen and what they did on that play what was happening up until now is Michael Carter has been doing a job of the center what they did on that plate in a halfback come and cut Michael Trotter of a dirty play yeah they don't like to get cut Seahawks before they go in at halftime for 22 remaining and they are down by nine mark that's right open a flag is down as argent comes down with the football a little short of the first down but again the flag is down well Steve might have pulled a trick and pushing up speed larger pushing off the defender let's watch him again rapidly putting himself in the NFL records but he hasn't been around that long but he does make slight contact with Eric right boy I'll tell you that visit close call could be called a tape call - that is pretty close well one thing must not happen here frisky add on that's the Dave Craig can lose his confidence I for a while this shucks hops and by the way the sheriff Seahawks Benson fess boss calls the plays out there and I hope that they haven't lost confidence in Dave praise they need to go back to their original game plan because earlier when they were trying to pass the football he had open receivers he just wasn't getting the ball to the offense he pass in the ferrets takes the Seahawks back inside their 10-yard line and now they bring in four wide receivers bill Turner's in there scan see Steve Largent and byron walker it's a stew of curious that an obvious passing situation print B is on the sidelines second and 15 another safety flame board put the hit on Dave Craig inside the one Greg just did step out of the end zone to avoid the two points we held onto the football I thought he lost the ball the lane board rushing from that right side of his brain is over the years has been the most valuable lime and put this 49er team he's he only got it almost never comes off the football field he came to this 49 a team when I was here we got him as a free agent from Pittsburgh who's calling peewee Haley Borchardt who is in there left tackle for Ron I think he pulled a groin earlier we told you about that earlier was trying to block Duane boy he didn't make it third down and 24 airplane we have to see offs a little bit of room to bring out the pudding unit the fender will still be punting from the end zone at least channel from the five-yard line will be able to kick from the regular punt formation when you are down inside the 1 or 2 you have to tighten it all up because you can't your punter back as deep as you'd like to the Seahawks will go from a tight formation and that many times would return fins are not a good kick boom or for 3500 and Freddie young was down there and hammered McLemore at the 39 yard 2:27 remaining in the first half in the 40-man is leading 9 to nothing have great field position they also as Oceania remind you at halftime I look at the Bears why'd wash yesterday of Atlanta we're going to be talking live with filth Iseman [Applause] stay with us 49ers trying to win tonight okay within two in Los Angeles Rams they meet the Rams right here at Candlestick Park in two weeks Roger Craig a yard and that's about it it'll be second down and nine [Applause] ticking down close to the two-minute warning will not get a playoff I think just about everyone is aware that First Lady Nancy Reagan has devoted a great deal of time and druggin alcohol appears [Applause] here in nearby Oakland mrs. Regan will attend a benefit dinner for pearls for kids an organization founded by former 49er Dale Williams that takes to battle against drugs into the high schools in the elementary schools here now a very special message from our first lady ad message brought to you by the National Football League it will be an honor for me to emcee tomorrow night's affair many athletes great athletes from all sports will be there including Marcus Allen George Brett Joe Montana to name just a few quite a lady doing honor fight against drug and alcohol abuse even while she was in Geneva with President Reagan and the recent talks two minutes remaining in the first half the 49ers over Seattle 9 to nothing they have a second down and nine the Volta 33 yard line of channel and Roger Craig somehow [Applause] the 22-yard line is a 49er first down somebody let up at the line of scrimmage and Frank never lets up you got to give him credit for good balance and the guy just churns those legs as I said he I don't think anybody works on the Rope for more than Roger Craig look at him watch this he just walks through the tackler everyone thought Nash honey hit couldn't get him down and Craig hits a 49er first down Montana to the 16 yard line meghanadha pounds by Terry Taylor gain of five it'll be second down to five at number 32 playing like all players smart got out of bounds save the timeout remember those guys number 32 brown Marcus Allen and then tune there've been some great 30 turns around [Applause] Tylar inside the 15 but short of the first down is he's hit by Jacob green who came right over the top [Applause] you they have two remaining when we come back they'll be faced with the third down and one Joe Montana he's gone through this crazy year I mentioned earlier didn't have quite an opportunity to finish a couple of weeks ago with so many rumors flying around rugged fall but they were desire room if he does arrested here is arrested in Detroit arrested in Atlanta stories are breaking out all over the place and Bill Walsh finally called the press conference United all they looked into it so mom's had a really suffered through that he came whose own press gathering the following day this was a week ago last Thursday and said look life is livable I can't even go out anymore but again is but a commentary on the statement fortunate country today a bad game a bad season and you're defending yourself this is very common contact me between Dave Brown and John Frank crowd a 49er crowd of course they would have liked to seen defensive pass interference a good play by Dave Brown if the ball had been out a little bit more it might have been touched down but Brown covered his man reacted nice and he's looking for the ball that's why this isn't interference he's going for the ball yeah that's close but you got to give him credit when you pitch out to a back gone away from you you talking about disciplined football he's safe with his responsibilities on fourth down we're seeing is on 10 of 16 for the season this will be a 31 yard attempt at Cavanaugh provides the hold and he crossed the snap on that clock in Seattle had some football as Seattle defense doing a well of a job that goes with the rest of the first half Byron Walker comes down with it 105 remaining in the first half shadow with three timeouts they have been unable to generate any kind of a happening they do not even have a first down here in the second quarter they do get the block and they get the ball back and prevent the three points all right right over the middle Jacob green in the medalist Jacob Green number 79 you know it's funny you think about it two weeks ago we watch the 49er team against Denver look a lot like this Seahawk team on offense and they came back in and they were red-hot in the second half even though they didn't win the game I wouldn't be surprised to see the Seahawk team come back in the second half and light up this scoreboard they've got to feel great going in at halftime only nine points down after the way they've been playing first and ten and Seattle will move from the shotgun [Applause] incomplete I'm not too shy fact I wouldn't have been throwing the football at this time with a minute left on the clock by stopping the clock with the end completions San Francisco with their timeouts may be able to force Seattle to punt the ball hey Joe I played against you when you were with the Jets and I was with the Bills you would have been throwing the ball right now Joe I hope that have been selling a lot better David's been filling it so far tonight 2nd down and 10 boxed off with one minute Frank forced to throw underneath that firing Walker it's incomplete he throws it behind him stops the clock again the 53 seconds and now Joe I think what you were talking about is going to happen no matter what Seattle does San Francisco has two timeouts and pinzer has not been punting well tonight for Seattle a good day that the 49ers will have another scoring opportunity Luciano doesn't pick up a first down here San Francisco will have plenty of time with two timeouts to get in field goal position again maybe they'll run the football here and force the 49ers to use one of their time on Greg in the second quarter 105 for 12 yards [Applause] and Frank is complaining that one of his receivers was in hell and now a flag is down and the preliminary call is going to be against breaking ground near boat number 17 down they've had no case that time you could tell by the way a release to fall he was simply throwing it away I'll tell you one thing for Dave Craig he will probably never in his lifetime have a half like this that what I don't understand is why Seattle was given a chance at the opportunity to San Francisco to score again before the half only P nine points down after the way they played the first half you'd think they'd be happy to take that McLemore is box in Zurich and from the end zone 47 seconds on the clock in the 49ers kept two timeouts Spindler puts it up high but short the fair catch call for by McLemore at the 41 yard line and 40 seconds remain on the pot the 49ers to get something more out of it that's the kind of offensive philosophy they really get your defense a little ups upset at you [Applause] on tenon steps into the heaven licking his chops ghoulish almost in the locker room but they get it back great field position [Applause] firing said white far from his complete inside the 35 to the 32 second down a three hurry-up offense by the 49ers they've already called this play they'll conserve the timeouts they up to [Applause] make the diving catch 5 to roll out of bounds he doesn't get out of bounds and the 49ers will have to use one of their two timeouts to stop the clock but they have a first down well within Wersching field goal range near the 19 yard line of the Seahawks strange hat we saw the Seahawks take 3 points off the board and possibly put 3 points back on the board for the 49ers that strong-armed by Montana that ball had to hang up there a long time what I don't understand though the Seahawks offensive philosophy they haven't been able to move the ball the entire first half I wonder why all of a sudden they thought they could move the ball 80 yards in the last minute and 10 seconds I can't figure it out that's just poor play calling and the coaches call the plays maybe they should go back to the quarterbacks calling the play forty-niners leading have a 9 to nothing lead one timeout remaining they have 16 seconds remaining here in the first half the 49ers will fill the two games behind the Rams they're probably going to need help Britany gonna need help they're going to win the division they have to think that's wildcard they have an opportunity to help them with the rest of the schedule we'll tell you about that on first down Montana is and makes contact with Terry Taylor steps out of bounds stops the clock at 11 seconds and the 49ers have the one timeout remaining would you doe try to put it in the end zone before you bring the field goal kicker on either that or get it to someone like Craig or Tyler on a little swing pattern up the gut where he can get it in his hands while he's running upfield because they still have time to call their last timeout they have 11 seconds scoreboard clock we have the one time Montana six seconds on the clock and we will see ray working where Singh has for the year not been having one of his great years but ended tonight he was five in a row had one blocked earlier by Jacob green even if a worsen gets this kick Seattle must feel good about going in just 12 points down it's the 32-yard attempt where see foots a flight time has expired and for Seattle the way they play tomorrow victory [Applause] activities in just a moment right now this from our stations components of the new vision of Kodak the wheel spins tonight at 10:00 on channel 7 Saturday on CFA college football it's the golden anniversary of a Southeast Conference Class A in the 50th meeting of these national powers 7th ranked O'Byrne takes on their conference rival Alabama the fierce tiger attack is led by Heisman hopeful Bo Jackson the quids and x offenses led by quarterback Mike Shula as they soon have hopes for a Sugar Bowl big premiere players in a premier matchup and keep up with all the day's matchups with be no cook Doug Flutie and myself on college football today live at 3 o'clock Eastern Saturday on ABC Sports half time at San Francisco the 49ers over Seattle and twelve to nothing lots of action yesterday and it's that time of year sticky time for teams thinking about playoffs but that's not the case for the Chicago Bears the Atlanta Falcons with the Chicago Bears victims yesterday the Bears rolling to their second consecutive shutout and a 12 and old record 2nd quarter action the Chicago Bears leading 6 to nothing fuller pitches out to Walter Payton hey Sprint's down the sideline 40 yards another very touch sound and Peyton rolled to an NFL record tying seventh consecutive 100-yard game with Chicago leading 13 to nothing in the second quarter it was refrigerator territory and the game's most famous appliance William Perry dives in from one yard out that faded Chicago 20 Atlanta nothing and in the fourth quarter the Falcons Bob Holly is back looking for a receiver he'll be sacked by number 70 Henry whacked her and Richard Tim for the safety Chicago took a 29 to nothing lead the final score the Bears another shutout 36 to nothing over Atlanta and for the Bears a big test next Monday night it'll be the Miami Dolphins who were in Buffalo yesterday trying to stay close to the Jets and New England Dan Marino is back in the second quarter with Miami leading 7 to nothing and look at the time he has his offensive line even though decimated by injuries has given up the NFL's fewer sacks through 12 games Marino half the time Dan Johnson was open 15 yards a touchdown Miami went out on top 14 to nothing action in the third quarter Miami leading 14 to 7 quarterback Bruce Mathis on his back from the shotgun he scrambles right looks deep downfield for his speedster Jerry Butler and Butler is there the defender slips Butler takes it in from 60 yards out that knots things at 14 all but Miami came right back fourth quarter action Miami leading 17 to 14 Dan Marino hands off to Tony Nathan 4 yard touchdown Miami defeats Buffalo 23 14 so the stage is set for next week here on Monday Night Football the Bears defense and Walter Payton against a quick trigger Dan Marino and the 2 March duper and flea [Music] [Applause] competition is what makes American business go competition it's what makes American business excel competition to success competition it's what drives Hilton to be America's business address Wednesday it's a special night for MacGyver fire burns out of control dynamite wouldn't hurt and to shut it down he's forced to make a suicide the brakes gone a special MacGyver at 8/7 central love it yesterday a giant stadium in New Jersey the lead for the AFC East was on the line the Jets on the New England Patriots 3rd quarter action the Jets leading 6 to 3 the Jets have the top rated quarterback in the NFL they've never been able to say that before and ken O'Brien finds Wesley Walker over the middle he goes 88 yards for the touchdown the Jets out on top 13 to 3 but New England even without quarterback Steve Grogan battled back to tie it at 13 and then an overtime from 32 yards out pat leahy wins it the Jets defeat New England 16 to 13 and the Patriots are snake-bitten overtime they are the only NFL team never to have won an overtime game they are now oh and eight what a day for Marcus Allen of the Raiders yesterday the Coliseum in Los Angeles the Denver Broncos in town first quarter action Denver leading 7 to nothing Mark Wilson hands off to Marcus Allen he looks left he looks over the middle breaks it into the clear and takes a 61 yards for a touchdown to tie the game at 7 for Allen on the day 222 yards of offense 173 Rushing's 49 receiving fourth-quarter action the Raiders leading at 2821 john elway pitches off to Steve Sewell then the rookie from Oklahoma takes it in for the game-tying touchdown but the Broncos lost the flip of the coin their offensive team never got back onto the field and Chris Barr wanted from 32 yards out the Raiders over the Denver Broncos 31 to 28 and they are in a tie for the AFC Western Division Anaheim Stadium Anaheim California Olympics speedster and gold medalist Ron Brown raced into the NFL record book yesterday he won a gold in the four by 100 relay in 1984 here he is opening kickoff of the game up the right side 98 yards for the touchdown he would do it again in the second quarter as he became the third player in NFL history to score two touchdowns in the same game on kickoff return he joined Tim Brown of the Philadelphia Eagles and Travis Williams of Green Bay in the fourth quarter the Rams leading 21 to 7 Peter Brock had a hot hand hooks over the middle he finds Ron Brown and Ron Brown scores his third touchdown of the day from 39 yards out the Los Angeles Rams defeating the Green Bay Packers 34 to 17 driven 10 hours a week this toy produces $500 worth of alkaline batteries because when an alkaline battery goes dead you throw it away this is a GE rechargeable when it goes dead you don't throw it away you do something revolutionary you recharge it so I spent five hundred dollars for alkaline batteries when you could spend less than 15 dollars for to GE rechargeable batteries and a charger Saturday Lee Majors returns as the fall guy to find a kidnapped child look I just have to get Riley back she's oh my god a powerful story of love and hope I've got your daughter the fall guy returned go ahead give me a reason all starting in eight seven central Saturday we're at halftime in San Francisco the 49ers over the Seattle Seahawks 12 to nothing in a very important game for both these ballclub scraps a little more important for the 49ers but for Seattle a win denied and they could control their own destiny they win the rest of the games well they would win their division with you were with us a week ago last Monday Washington Redskins playing against the New York Giants one of the worst things I've ever seen happen in pro football happened in front of us and it happened to a friend Joe Theismann Joe Theismann is joining us live now from a hospital in Washington he had a compound fracture of the right leg it was a tremendous shot that he took the weight as you saw if you were with us sapping the right leg and there was some question as to what would ultimately happen to Joe the era's Joe's the right leg now we talked to him a few minutes ago obviously in great spirits tell we watched it yesterday on both CBS and NBC and I think there are a lot of people and particularly a lot of people who not they're not close to this game might wonder you said yes I will be back I will come back and play let's talk about why Joe well Frank first of all I never envisioned myself leaving the game of football on a stretcher I envisioned myself making the determination as to when I wanted to leave much like you know you're in a little bit of a different situation I think you were four forced out of the game a little bit prematurely Joe left the game because he moved to where he wanted to Oh Jay left the game again because he wanted to not necessarily because they reached the point when they deliberately had to I feel like I want to make the decision when I leave the game of football right now my spirit says I want to go back and play my mending process is really going to be the determining factor as far as how my leg progresses through the next 810 months you're 36 now Joe you would be 37 when you would make that comeback any doubts about being able to do it I mean say the mending process is what all the doctors seem to think that it will be any doubts it's up personally no not really I don't have any doubts that my legs gonna be able to come back to a reasonable state so I'll be able to play football and the fact that I'm 36 and 37 these are things that have been stated in miss state and I think overstated throughout the course of a year I still feel like I can compete with any 25 or 26 year-old football player so as far as my age goes I don't think it's a factor I've been very lucky I've managed to stay relatively injury free I can't say injury free anymore but I can't say relatively up until this year and it's sort of going to be a rededication for me I'm curious to see if I have it inside and have what it takes to want to get back it's almost a test for myself Joe I know sometimes but a football player is injured it's tougher on the people that are around them they suffer perhaps even more than you did as I have in doe Jay and don't name it than Kathy Lee John Kathie Lee Crosby was with you right at the moment she's been with you your sidekick for the past year I know that she of course been saw that happened your thoughts Kathie Lee Frank I just lost my yes but I it was a shocking when I saw that he didn't get back quickly I knew that that he was injured and I didn't know how badly and all I could think of was just to get there and see and make sure that it was alright and I happened to arrive just at the time that they were loading him into the ambulance and it's a sight that I'll never forget mainly because you just you there's something you wish you could do anything we had to wait for - because she doesn't know Washington that well and I was afraid she was gonna be able to find me so I asked the ambulance drivers just to hang around wait till Kathie Lee got great go I knew he was all right when he said you know Kathie Lee I think this is not saying much for my punting career I think it's over oh god if you want to thank you for joining us we're about ready to get the second half underway Seattle Seahawks in the San Francisco 49ers it goes without saying all of us at ABC olives in the world of sports I know which those Theismann the very best thank you once again for being with us this is Dick Clark inviting you to a special anniversary party celebrating 33 and 1/3 years of American band still it's a three-hour spectacular with the biggest names in pop music American Bandstand 33 and a third celebration you'll love it an ABC News business brief brought to you by Kellogg's Apple raisin crisp now from New York Dan quartz good evening car sales were sharply lower again in mid-november the slump began when discount financing ended at home resales increased last month as mortgage rates stayed law New York Senator D'Amato today introduced a bill that would sharply cut credit card interest rates gasoline prices are up a bit and they're expected to go to cents a gallon higher by year's end President Reagan will take another week before deciding whether to back the tax reform bill passed by the Ways and Means Committee now this Hey how about them apples and new Kellogg's Apple raisin crisp now we've added big juicy apples and lots of mouth-watering chunks mmm delicious new Apple raisin crisp cereal how bout them apples on New York financial markets the Dow fell eight points interest on t-bills was little changed gold gained $5 on the dollar finished mixed that's business brief I'm Dan chorus [Music] love them if they don't always treat them right yet amazingly over 90% of all Subarus registered since 1974 are still on the road now imagine how much longer they would last if people didn't love them so much so your local Bay Area subaru dealer today on the coast of California while big Jets reach for the sky one of the smallest endangered species quietly reaches for its dinner the El Segundo Blue doves on wild buckwheat on land that's part of an oil refinery it's not much bigger than your fingernail yet people who work there protect the area and plant buckwheat do people really do that so 1/10 of a gram of beauty can survive people do Channel 7 News looks at Miami Vice this week [Music] ABC Sports exclusive is being brought to you by Nissan builders of technologically advanced cars and trucks for over 50 years by Bud Light everything else is just alive and by RadioShack your Christmas Eve electronics store [Music] the second half about ready to get underway 49ers kicking off Luciano Randall Morris will keep the fancy for the CEO and where she puts the foot to it this will be skinship in the pinata and skin see over these 25 yard line close to the 28 yard line tripped up there by Milt McCall and Dave craig comes back out he was 2 of 15 for 22 yards had the 1 interception he was sacked twice and young man the only place you can go from the first half for Dave Greg is up and he was the quarterback from year ago and Seahawks with 12 and 4 went to the playoffs he was a court of when the Seahawks went to the AFC Championship here prior to that first down and ten for the Seahawks at their own 27 tried to make the diving catch it's incomplete [Music] white Hicks was there defensively for the 49ers leave large if the fifth place we see the all-time in the National Football League coming in tonight with 600 resections ray Barry is in fourth place for 631 at another 50 yard season that means the 8th time that large it in a 10-year career has he passes us an NFL record roger was open that last time and dave was late getting the ball out there sucking down at ten [Applause] Warner corner over the 30 to the 32 yard line of about five it'll be third down in five and let's take a look at the stats see mostly in double digits because that's what transpired in the first half okay see we're not with us of artistic beauty whatsoever on the part of either team it all for the halftime stats Seahawks did not get a first down in the second quarter of the first half they're looking for one right their own 32 with a third diner five they will not get it down at the line of scrimmage chased and dropped by Tina Turner and seattleman son Tina Turner did an excellent job on that play he not only had the cover number 80 Steve Largent he had to try to keep Craig from running for the first down and fortunately Craig slip and Keena made the play Dave pins are on to punt there is Tina Turner makes a lot of things happen for these 49ers there is Dana McLemore [Applause] forty-niners 25-yard line and he takes you to 27 fine running by Macklemore they got out of a lot of trouble several times and gets it out over the 35 to the 36 a 40-yard punt in McLemore with an 8 yard return only 149 first possession Montana in the first half he warmed up a little bit towards the end he wound up nine of 2,438 yards the one touchdown but he had three interceptions he only had six coming in to tonight's game for the entire season Montana for the first down with a 46-yard line before he is driven out of bounds by Schultz but that's what till my dad doesn't so well - or another thing I should say Joe Montana does so well he buys time with his movement the defense had everyone covered except Joe Montana and he makes 11-yard gain he did that so well in the Super Bowl last year Kurt made a 15-yard travel [Applause] [Music] 24:35 three-touchdown rust for 59 yards in the Super Bowl xlix is totally dominating the Miami Dolphins Super Bowl 19 first and 10 Roger Craig is in the flock is great running by Roger Craig to the 36 yard line another 49er first down you take a look at this play it's a simple play a little swing fast most teams in the league will gain maybe a 5 yards out of a play like this and not with Roger Craig just look at the leg action he never gives up on a play he's always working and he's always covering the ball when it comes time to put contact with the defense ended and I have a fourteen hundred and seventy six all-purpose yards or other yards from scrimmage Marcus Allen the course was tied with him a week ago Marcus Allen at 222 yards yesterday with Craig he'll have a hard time getting close to Allen but he's working at it as we watch window Tyler pick up about three to the 32 yard line it will be second down and seven for the 49ers and we're going to pause five seconds and allow our stations to identify themselves kgo-tv channel 7 serving the Bay Area both 6 and 5 channel 6 and 5 in the AFC West chasing Denver in the Raiders duration for the 49ers chasing Los Angeles Rams win tonight and therefore the two games behind the full forty-niners host took him down and sick lady talking at the end montana tries to make it more looking for the rookie jerry rice in the end zone but he was well covered it he easily was back there he was helping Keith Simpson and Montana put it out of the end zone well if any receiver beats them deep I don't think is going to be Jerry Rice and talking to Ralph Hawkins the peoples of back field coach of the Seahawk team he said in the last three games of forty nine as if thrown three long passes of three flies three up patterns and eight of them went to Jerry Rice they plan to keep an eye on him tonight third down and six Roger Craig is the single setback any of it take a dream was right with him they used Roger Craig a little different much different way than the Raiders Musa Marcus Allen has all of a sudden several banks of lights have gone out Candlestick Park it really has darkened up you can see across the field one entire Bank of lights are out and part of another way and I started to say Marcus Allen misusing with the Raiders all look like an ICBM back there you know coming at you well it's a move Roger Craig around a great deal the 49ers they put him in motion and putting on the flag fell even split him out of the wide receiver well what the 49ers trying to do with Craig is dictate to the defense with coverage they must go in to they'll they'll send other players in motion to force them into a certain on defensive coverage and then they'll try to isolate Craig on a linebacker or something and la the Raiders they just come right at you [Applause] I don't know whether we're waiting for the lights to be turned back on or not seems to be certainly enough like to play football certainly shouldn't hamper Craig at all it might help Seattle I'll try to get an answers to what [Applause] Candlestick Park is gone look around but it could get very dark here very suddenly flared up and was beautiful the day the temperature expected to drop into the 50s tonight there is Candlestick Park which will be expanded to 70,000 seats over [Applause] our five-year rebuilding program we wait let's take a look at the playoff contenders and of course for the 49ers you look at the NFC contenders they are going to have quite an opportunity they have games remaining with Dallas these are the teams that they're looking over the shoulder at as possible wild card competition Dallas course 34 they close with the Dallas Cowboys and they also are going to play the Washington Redskins and then of course they have the Ramsey Center the night the game in which we will bring it all right there are the AFC contenders in the AFC East of course the Jets are on top there Miami is 18:4 they'll be playing the Bears next Monday night will bring to that game a New England is eight and four and in the Central Division Cleveland the Pittsburgh are knotted up at six and six and we'll be watching the Pittsburgh Steelers and the San Diego Chargers in a couple of weeks in San Diego and of course saddle Seahawks are fully aware that if they can control their own destiny they're in trouble here at the moment trailing the 49ers 12 to nothing but they could win every football game they would win the Western Division of the AFC is quite simply that because they have games winning with Denver and the Raiders on fourth down when agur looks for the corner he gets a good e running er has it outside well within the 10 yard line they're going to mark a near the 7 yard line so once again Seattle will start deep in their own territory and the lights are still Tim here at Candlestick Park this NFL safety was out of football and working at a health food store I had been cut twice once by the Detroit Lions and once by the Philadelphia Eagles the achievers those who faced adversity and refused to fail brought to you by the US Army the San Francisco 49ers gave Dwight Hicks one more chance a chance that made him an all-pro doesn't matter what you do if you're gonna be a garbage man be the best garbage man if you're gonna be an executive be the best executive you possibly can be technology is taking over the world and keep up with it you're going to be left behind that's why I joined the Army from microchip circuitry to laser technology the world's largest school of our high-tech skills is the army Bravo go active a lot to it fun I don't intend to get left behind 12 wins no losses the dream team of 85 a awesome Chicago Bears want to keep their Miami is mighty mistake in the playoff matchup next week on Monday Night Football I'll be glad a game next Monday night down in Miami the Bears rolling along welven Oh looking for that undefeated season but they are going to have a little different time getting to Dan Marino I think a lot of offensive coaches around the league will be taking a good look at how Don Shula plays this Buddy Ryan coached defense of Chicago's see if he has any tricks up his sleeves for Reno can deliver so quickly as I said offensive line has only allowed for chuseok that's the low in the NFL this season asked a lot of questions around here we do not know what the problem with the lights are we hope affecting our picture to drive safely [Applause] while several banks of lights but a stretch down of 10 for Seattle at their own 7 yard line Warner or Nerdist kept pecking along the line it's out to about the 10 yard line for gain of three it'll be second down and seven Ronnie Lott took Warner out of bounds there certainly no quit and Kurt Warner he can make more guys miss in a confined space and I think any back in the game of football one of the things that is hampering this Seahawk running game is the fact that once again in the middle of Michael Carter's doing such a job in the middle that they just cannot run up the middle Mike the part look in the nose guard of the 49ers they Frank bringing him up second down in seventh the ball just inside the Seahawks 10-yard line down to four seconds on the 30-second clock rather than take the 5-yard penalty he I'll be back in about [Applause] what do you do when you already build one of the best production sports cars in the world if your Nissan you build it even better introducing the new Nissan 300zx sleeker sharper slicker hot hair awesome the new 300zx one of the best sports cars in the world just got better the name is nissan guidance systems marine navigation computer systems ferry technology has set a standard for anything that moves on land sea or air now Sperry will set a new standard for airline safety warning system that can sense wind shear and alert the cockpit automatically you know a lot of people consider Sperry a safe choice they don't know how right they are give me a light front light if you just ask for a light never know what give me a light you want the less filling light feel that the first name in the case don't just ask for light ask them to bring out their best you know a lot of folks might wonder and myself included how long will coach Knox go with Dave Craig he has a backup quarterback a young backup quarterback Gale Gilbert and I think that's the reason he's going to stick with Craig throughout the entire game of course played his college football right here in the Bay Area free agent rookie from the University of California he stays on the sidelines Dave Craig what's over a second down and seven the Seahawks inside their own 10-yard line airplane collision you heard Oh whoo I hear through our head mics as Lane both in the Tina Turner and Rickey Ellison he is close to the first down he'll pick it up give Erica rains have credit like his uncle MacArthur Lane is no quit in him a lot of backs would have stepped out of bounds before they got to that first down marker seeing that it was second down this kid knew he was going to get tagged put his head down and got the first down Seahawks to the 17-yard line a quick count for Kurt Warner turns it back inside gets out of the 20-yard line gain of five for Kurt it'll be second down and five or if Kurt could have gotten a little closer to number 65 Edwin Bailey he may have gotten a nice gain out of that plate to Bailey a pulling guard turned up and made an excellent block on the pursuing linebackers you know I can't help but believe and dave pegg has got to get hard he can't continue to play as poorly as he has this game he's too good a quarterback now trailing 12 to nothing they fill in the football game second of five [Music] by Warner and he has another first down he's out over the 30-yard line of the 32 yard line he was hit behind the line of scrimmage broke it outside then gets the first down yardage here's a play designed to go off tackle from the I formation now this is one advantage you have from the affirmation you got a lot more room you can see the blocking better and you can make adjustments like Kirk did by jumping outside and making a couple of guys miss right now we're really looking at Chuck not football concern the truck let the other team make the mistakes and it's paid off well for Knox over the years and Warner to the 35-yard line a good move to make Tina Turner miss and I think Tina Turner's pulled a hamstring leaving the field grab the back of his leg he was trying trying to make the time I'm Kurt Warner pullin up grab the hamstring and walked off the field and now Warner is having a problem well you saw Kurt when he skipped by Tina Turner he was a little off-balance and he had to hop a little bit I think he may have just jammed that knee a little bit one of the reason Tina Poole I don't think he's a customer that gives you this is a quite a severe move by Kurt when he stopped and he's skipped and I think what he did he came down on his heel on that one bad Mia is I came on his heel but it may have charged that bad knee of his well he's limp and he's had a bad ankle the last few weeks could be that injured ankle again he hurt his ankle four weeks ago against the Jets and had pretty much got over that but now he is limping off the field and Tina Turner has gone off on the same play he grabbed the back of his right thigh we'll try and get a report on both players Warner got three yards out of its will early second down and seven for the Seahawks at their own 35-yard line Randall Morris from the 43 has replaced Warner Frank margin and Largent will have a first down at the 45 yard line of the 49ers break stood in that coffee really nice minute last time he almost went to his back up to the outside because downfield larger was covered briefly but then he came back to largest that showed me a lot right now I think Craig's going to get it going large and five receptions on the night 605 and really just a remarkable career 45 yard line first Warner is back in the lineup Charlie young and buzzes Frank flips it out to Warner and Warner Mickey 49ers miss all over the field I'm down here Kurt was playing possum when he lifts off the field a few plays ago because I mean he looked this sharp on that run as he's looked all night you have to suspect it was the ankle because when ankles start to heal up every now and then you hurt them and just for a moment you're unable to go Warner obviously out for a couple of plays back in the lineup look at these moves I tell you he can make more guys miss in a confined space than any back in football most backs would have to stiff arm like that he just makes them miss him clean I mean just totally missing if he went too short of the first down is Kurt Warner break6 of 2065 yards he has a one interception 816 remaining in the third quarter 49ers the Seahawks 12 to nothing these are paper lights said Candlestick Park and they are gradually starting to come back although there is one bank which there are only a few lights as you can see they're starting to come back putting up life now however to play this game second down and a few inches for the first town and he spins and twists and on his own gets the first down inside the 35 close to the 33 yard line that's funny how this game goes he was thinking about getting the first down on that play and I think one of the reasons he went inside instead of staying outside which he might have gotten a big gain is because when he tried to go outside on the goal line he got stopped for safety instead of staying true to the hole and if that wouldn't have happened I would have bet he would have stayed outside on that plane he would have gotten a big game I knew two options topo is in the nose tackle you saw number 95 Michael Carter come off to get a bit of a breather Seahawks have a 1st down and 10 33 yard line of the 49ers Warner attest [Music] Largent single coverage from Eric they tried to get it to him bragging called the automatic and they were adjusting with a ball with snap referee again tonight Bob McElwee [Applause] see the confidence they have in it Eric right they will leave him out there are alone with the best of receivers in the league perhaps the best banda man defender on this 49er team echo motion [Music] you know you're gonna love Sunday night here on ABC dick clark's hosting the 3333 in the 3rd anniversary celebration of American Bandstand everyone is going to be there for this one the great stars great music spanning a third of a century of American Bandstand at 8 o'clock eastern Pacific 7 o'clock central suddeniy right here on ABC with Dick Clark we talked about Dorian Gray we've got to have a picture somewhere a performer for all these years first down and 15 midway through the third quarter great one for all of it Aaron Franklin was wide open Craig / through by mile again the flag is down at the line of scrimmage against the Fiat [Applause] where it from the 49ers sidelines is that Tina Turner has a strained hamstring muscles [Applause] holding number 76 fence still first met John Mozart it was in there for s Inc pulled a groin muscle earlier in the game and most of the time Borchardt been blocking against Dwayne board the number one pass rush before these 49ers rookie in California Gale Gilbert has taken off his warm-up jacket send him over picking up any football to console around continues to suffer to a really miserable night first down long on it Craig look at Elijah [Applause] right again single coverage enlargement this time right almost picked it off now I don't know what they think they're doing they're going up against the guy even though he was on Alton in the Pro Bowl he's certainly the best defensive coverage man on the 49er team and this is almost three plays in a row they're trying to run up Tony well the second play the last play they had right beaten pretty badly this plays huh the only man it's one-on-one on the football field and because he's so good that's probably why San Francisco allows them to play that way but with the speed largest I take my chances sometimes put it up there 25 yards to go one-on-one second down and 25 for the Seahawks this pointing if they played is still in the football game they trail only by cloud underneath Darryl Turner and Turner gain of only about six yards far short of the first down that's out of bounds at the 42 yard line it'll be third down and 17 no I think I'd have to be talking to my receiver's a young Dara about getting some yardage instead of running out of bounds they were losing this football game the black is trying to save some time on the clock they've marked it at the 42 so it'll be third down more than 17 [Applause] margin goes right Turner [Applause] to the left and danci is wide open but he has held short of the first down near the 26 yard line to bring up fourth down and to [Applause] you have to suspect that Chuck Knox is going to go for it but he does not yes I bring out the field goal kicker it's a good car go for the field goal - I'm into 12 point games well nothing we get on the board that's got to lift the team up a little bit and a touchdown in field goal wins the game if they can hold a marker for 27 so it'd be fourth down and the norm Johnson is on field-goal attempt one of agencies in the on 40 and you might see why I think that had something to do with the field at least norm Johnson Neil Gilbert was the holder Johnson [Music] the ball was placed down as if there might have been a hole there in the event he missed some people choose air express companies for the wrong reasons hello bill I sent you a package yesterday with a real cheap air express company package what package I sent your package yesterday you should have seen the courier you gorgeous package what package I sent you a package yesterday and I could win their sweepstakes package what package there's only one reason to choose an air express company reliability and that means Federal Express why fool around with anyone else [Applause] okay there's something about a Nissan 4x4 that makes turtle just about the toughest thing you can do Nissan cause of electric fuel injection independent front suspension and a tough box ladder steel chassis through the centuries a wine has evolved with a unique taste the taste of selected European vinifera grapes it tastes so incredibly delicious it wins awards year after year a taste that has won the hearts of more people than any other imported wine in history you need here nice so nice if you haven't tried unity you don't know what you're missing holiday special by a Riunite Magnum and save two dollars now a great gift kids using and abusing pre-recorded phone messages tomorrow on ABC's World News Tonight well we've got it sanim defense is played well they have kept the Seahawks in this football game their outfits you really have to wonder about twelve and four a year ago they lost in the playoff finally the Miami nine and seven the year before and they went all the way to the AFC Championship that they have been the desperate trouble tonight have to look at the end around by the 49 and Jerry Rice is going to lose four yards back to the 23 yard line but the outfit see the unit of the 40 Seahawks have been totally inept tonight you know this game change drastically since I've played it there's a wide receiver now just finding a hole to crawl in even try to make a gain that time once he saw the defense Adam Ferrell he could have broken a tackle maybe gain seniority yeah but he was looking up at Jeff Bryant and Michael Jackson of discretion you're looking down 14 Montana with a little bootleg action what Francis of wide-open after 45 Francis scroll to the 47 getting easily aligning with Russ Francis and they'll make some noise it is fun to watch any player who tries the challenge Canon easily of course you're looking at Russ Francis littell roll out here Russ is all open over the middle Russ is six six 242 pounds easily as 206 pounds of course easily got a little help on that play great games number 56 Francis gets the first down at the 47 yard line Roger Craig unbelievably making those tackles breaking the tackle of Michael Jackson sipping other tackles and he turns the 2-yard loss into a boy yard pickup it'll be second down and six once again is all leg action you know we have been drills to run the ropes and as a drill that they they pull you on a rope they wrap a rope around your waist and they pull you and you try to high knee action and pull them fella the guy was holding the rope evidently he's done a lot of that really boring it is moving in Seahawk Territory at the 49 yard line second down and six Montana lets it out good Wi-Fi thief Butler made the stop now that's what the man Clark does best finds a dead spot in zone zone coverage that time he goes hooked up between Michael Gaston to Cutler he has tied the record of Billy Wilson in seven seasons a Kent round draft pick [Music] so till Walt saw when he went down to look at another quarterback attends remain Steve fuller fuller worked out with Dwight Clark and go walks with him in the 10th round and now he has hired the 49ers all-time receiving record held by Billy Wilson on 1st and 10 and it was two perfectly thrown he could have read the label in Montana did everything but catch that for Wendell Tyler [Applause] ARC's there in reception of the night has five him with little Wilson and he's one more to break the record four hundred and seven receptions playing only in his seventh year second down of ten 49ers at the Seahawks 40-yard line 319 remaining in the third quarter there's that speck flanker we saw in the second quarter it's time Seattle has done their homework they cover it a little better than they did on the prior occasion it'll be third down and ten [Applause] last year of course the 49ers fifteen and one offs - only to the Steelers beat the Giants and the Bears the playoffs in big miami 3816 at Superbowl 19 they struggled this year just as they did in the season 82 following Superbowl 16 their win over Cincinnati following the 81 season you recall and 82 they were a three and 16 third down a Santa blip design he gets it upfield it's the completion to Solomon who's it by Terry Jackson short of the first down but inside the 35 yard line for a six yard pickup max moniker comes out the putter false can see is deep a field goal attempt by working with the of about 52 yards so the field goal kicker is out another the punter is out running unable to cover before it gets into the end zone the Seahawks will get it back on the touchback at the 20-yard line Dave crank is wondering what is gone it's time has come at last a 4x4 that blazes a new trail for all-terrain vehicles it's full-time four-wheel drive will climb mountains Ford rivers and conquer the densest forest but the most amazing thing of all it's not it's the new 4 tracks 4x4 and it will take you almost anywhere four tracks for life if you just ask for a light beer if you want the less filling light beer with the first name in pace don't just ask for a like if you like to bring out their best bud like Bud Light cuz everything else is just a life its ears biggest automotive sale of the year hundreds of thousands of batteries thousands upon thousands of shots and they're all on sale save $20 on a Sears diehard battery only $49.99 lowest price of the season and saved 40% on Sears heavy-duty shocks now $5.99 each so install some confidence at Sears today quantities aren't limited but time is is more for your life and Sears appears SCC rivalry as Heisman hopeful bo Jackson and 7th October lead Alabama who's gunning for a Sugar Bowl win the coverage begins with college football today Saturday [Music] they have not been shut out through three quarters since December the 19th 1982 they have two minutes and 32 seconds remaining here in the third quarter at San Francisco against the 49ers and they trail 12 to nothing first intendancy ox at their own 20-yard line Herr Warner right side great play by Jeff bullet ran right through the air a clean block dropped Warner for a loss back at the 15-yard line it will be second down and 15 New Orleans Saints bum Phillips resigned today Baum was replaced by his son Wade Phillips the defensive coordinator the Orleans Saints for four and eight on the year yesterday they defeated Minnesota 30 23 but bum Phillips stepped down today with the New Orleans Saints - you man fun to be around super football coach things up weren't going around in New Orleans second down and 15 Seahawks margit to midfield and largest single coverage again by Eric Wright and Largent been a member on Eric Wright he gave him the drive inside turned very right completely around and he was wide open there is a good move even looked inside that goes to show you even the best of them can get beaten one on one area Greg did get spun around Eric got beaten twice on that run before the Kitson after the kids large of two receptions on the night he's been fairly well covered in most of it has been single covered by Eric Wright but he has two receptions for 56 yards he gives the seahawks a first down near midfield blank screen against the grain it goes to Charlie [Music] hurtles down falls to the 41 yard line just short of a first down Eric Wright and Ronnie Lott were both there defensively for the 49ers that play would have gotten a lot more yards if byron maillard number 71 would have made his block he had excellent position to make the block and he just simply missed the cornerback coming up [Applause] [Music] less than 30 seconds in the third quarter Seahawks offense have struggled all night long that nevertheless they are only five points down second down and less than a yard Warner first down and more to the 35-yard line of the 49ers that should expire the third period [Music] [Applause] the 49ers leading the Seattle Seahawks we'll be back after this message from our stations beyond supernatural adventure trust me beyond comedy it's what we need another dummy who talks to the dead shadow chasers Thursday on channel 7 news tonight at 11 Bob McKenzie looks at the new movies coming out for the holidays and will look into the music video magic of Miami Vice all on 7 at 11:00 a Jersey says number 16 my genes say Great Plains clothing company they're the only jeans I'll wear and only one place carries them Macy's so I sing those old shrink until they fit right blues my favorite jeans feel great and look great because they're made to fit just right Macy's even has the right number on the price tag number 16 Great Plains jeans and cords just 16 dollars now in the tiger shop only at Macy's the 86 Toyota's are blasting off from your Toyota dealer and right now is the time to land a great deal on the all-new front wheel drive 86 Toyota Celica for pure fun test drive the sporty mid-engine mr2 now available with automatic transmission and don't miss the Toyota Camry front wheel drive with stretch out room for 5 we're out to break every sales barrier so get to your Toyota dealer fast 486 Toyota's and out-of-this-world deals who could ask for anything more diet face off tomorrow on am fourth-quarter in the game the so very important both these golf clubs the Seattle Seahawks in the 49ers they're both six and five Seattle of course in the AFC Western Division with a victory tonight they will move to within one both the Raiders and the Denver Broncos they leave the AFC West and Seattle has remaining on their schedule a game with both Denver and a Raider so their control of their own destiny on first down Seattle goes on a quick count and Trey gets the ball into Charlie young but he doesn't handle it it's incomplete 49ers in contrast to Seattle in the NFC West they are going to need some help Rams leave the NFC West nine to three even though the 49ers gave them their first defeat of the season Los Angeles Rams but even with a win tonight the 49ers would move to seven and five that still be two games behind the Rams and even though they play them on December the night for the game that will bring you they will still be looking for they can't help themselves considered season they playbook Washington a dollar second down and ten largest single coverage again creig underthrown [Applause] that time just didn't get the ball up and out never had his speech said he had plenty of time to get some velocity on the ball to set his feet to get the ball velocity on the fall but just didn't do it well it's interesting though to see Eric Wright he was laying way off Steve lunge at that time he's still remembering a few moments ago when Largent spun him around like a top [Applause] fancy subject [Applause] 2x a wide receiver for the Phenom Oh God it's fancy but he's short of the first down by a body yard near the 27 yard line now it's decision time for Chuck Knox I don't think as much of this decision you pretty much have to go for it now [Applause] let's go over by the way for the 49ers [Applause] by kicking the ball past four and hardly blame the coach to go on for the first time [Applause] run it will get the first down slidin at the 20-yard line Craig gets the first down they're marking in the 19 and the Seahawks keep the drive alive if Craig were to yield hot which is normally the key if on a bobbled Bill Gore or when a quarterback is rolling out he wants to run Robert Pratt number 61 would have gotten out in front of him and throwing a block and he may have gone a little further exactly right that was either or a pass option in the run was there so he took first intentional just inside the 20-yard line of the 49ers a very clean in motion looking for Turner he was well covered by the light Hicks they pray let up frustrating night in the first quarter he was one of nine in the second court he was one of six the third quarter he was eight of ten and here now in the fourth quarter he is one of four eleven the twenty eighth 141 yards and the one interception thinking about Duke for a draw or a screen I haven't seen him run a draw play the entire know if they have in their record for second in town [Applause] the speedster Darrell turnout with the top of your screen for the Seahawks forty-niners comes the Blitz again and large it is in the endzone and Craig overthrows under pressure well larger was open hit Dwight hits Beaton that time just another overthrow that time however never 49ers right in the face of Dave Craig Blaine board applying pressure third down and ten Wayne Ford is he the one you call peewee O'Day how they call him peewee why didn't he call him peewee I mean he's six five to forty eight we always used to TV we said it was his face here at this little cuties kind of scrunched up face I think yet bigger brothers [Applause] the crowd chanting defense on third and ten the Seahawks will go from the shotgun and his movement on the left side Dave Craig is going to call timeout his tackle on the left side Brian the lard moved at the line of scrimmage Gregg very wisely used a timeout to avoid a third and 15 but Seattle is now down to one timeout remaining sometimes even Bigfoot's family gets tired of snow to get away they need the Nissan stanza wagon the only wagon with dual sliding doors so it's easy in easy out for all the little Bigfoot's and now the fuel-injected Stan's is available with four-wheel drive to get you through the snow or away from the snow nice trip first year for dual sliding doors and tour four-wheel drive the name is Nissan [Music] effort it's what separates one company from another [Music] what it takes to stay the difference between a job and a job well done effort is what makes Filton America's business address he could have stopped the fight he could have saved his best friend's life but now the one thing he can't do is walk away [Music] rocky for credit DG and starts Wednesday check newspapers for a theater near you back at Candlestick Park 49ers leading the Seattle Seahawks the 1350 remaining in the game by 12 points Seattle as a third down and 10 the ball is up the 49ers 20 yard line and on third down we've got been budgeted evening for the Seahawks their corner on the sidelines he went out earlier with what appeared to be a minor injury that that ankle has been troubling him over the past few weeks but he came back and has been of course on the passing down for the Seahawks they have the four wide receivers in this is on it kreygasm daddy go god shell pain from the outside gets craig drops him back at the 37 yard line and greg is hurt Gregg is holding that right arm that might possibly be a shoulder came down on the right elbow and he is an obvious pain look at it again Todd shell coming from the outside you'll pick him up in your screen on the left side they tried to go against the grain shell stretches out drops him he is still holding that [Applause] and so we may see the youngster Gail Gilbert we looked at in California yet fourth down a gentle as the ball after the loss at the 49ers 36 yard line fins is on mclemore is back venture has shipped well tonight into the corners this one however gets into the endzone for the touchdown honors will have the football to the 20-yard line and we try to get a report on Dave Craig as quickly as possible but on the sidelines the rookie quarterback Gale Gilbert is warming up a reminder once again Saturday right here on ABC CFA college football the 50th time southern rivals get it on Auburn and Alabama of course Heisman Trophy hopeful Bo Jackson with over 1600 yards this season will be going for Auburn you'll see it right here on ABC live at 3 o'clock Eastern Time Auburn against Alabama coverage beginning with college football today at 3:00 on first down Montana goes down back at the 13 yard line how he held on that football Joe Nash gave him a blindside Nick post put a Bachelor to drop the ball loss of about five it'll be second down and 15 as Seattle record their first sack in the last two games Aaron's Gilbert a great career at the University California had a few injuries there but the second leading passer in Cowes history over 6500 yards Frank slips he goes down at the 27 yard line and he gets about twelve out of it and tempers flare I'll be more from frustration on the part of the Seattle Seahawks Kenny Easley getting into it with Dwight Clark well-executed draw play San Francisco has all the weapons Frank makes a third down and three speaking of weapons [Applause] what did I turn at the football at their own twenty-seven third down and three ready Solomon is right Huawei once again Roger Craig has a first down at the 34 yard line it's in the schedule for these two ball club to Sunday for the 49ers they're going to be in Washington in Monday December the Knights we talked about that when the Rams will be here we'll bring that one to you on Monday Night Football then the 49ers are on the road at New Orleans and they close at home but with the Dallas Cowboys so they can help themselves as far as wild-card team contenders are concerned Washington in Dallas first down and ten the 49ers at the 34 yard line like Wilson in motion Freddie on let me down Jacob green was in on Tyler dating reverses field and he turned this one into a big gainer 29 yards as you can see that's Jacob green coming through window Tyler looking a little like Marcus Allen did in the Super Bowl and that long run he had yesterday and you talked about Freddie young now here's one of the great athletes playing line back in this league that they used to run punts back down at his college of New Mexico State and you can see why on that play Dave Brown is an injured Seattle Seahawk back at the line of scrimmage the veteran who had an interception earlier tonight he's played so well they're looking at his right knee I can't help but believe something has to be wrong the Windell Tyler though I mean if that half bag doesn't outrun the linebacker in that case I gotta believe he's heard he had an open field he could he should have gone to six points that he has been troubled with both an E and an ankle he played last week that Wendell Tyler against Kansas City had a hundred yard game but remember Jo two weeks ago against Denver he did not play I tell you another thing he hasn't worked a lot tonight so but either worked a little more than night he may be a little looser and he may have been able to step away from Freddie young but once again Freddie young as a kid with a lot of speed and obviously a lot of determination they continue to look at Dave Brown he is being assistant to history and goes to the sidelines we understand the Dave Craig will probably be back a bruised shoulder meanwhile the 49ers over first down there at the 37 yard line of the Seattle Seahawks I mentioned Dave Craig's injury I can't help but take about a man Steve Grogan yesterday from New England got injured what a year he was having and now he has to get that sprained knee and may be out for the rest of the season I would hate to see that he certainly did he had won six in a row for the Patriots 49ers first of 10 37 yard line of Seattle Roger crane spins away from Jacob green but he is going to drop and a flag comes down that'll be against the Seahawks I cannot believe this Seahawk team is totally frustrated with what's transpired here tonight offensive oh well John Frank was kind of cute on that [Music] 55 is Michael Jackson but John Frank the guy he was a sort of tussling with they were trying to block each other and at the last minute John Frank was smart enough the throw is armed out to appear that he was had nothing to do with the confrontation and Michael Jackson was left to be the corporate as you can see Frank's his after now watch him throw his arms out hey look I'm not doing anything to you well he also had a by the facemask and you can't do that and that's the first down for the 49ers in the 22 yard line Montana and it's only appropriate he breaks the all-time 49er receiving record with a touchdown catch a typical Dwight Clark touchdown catch a 22 yard that's his viii reception fourth of the night in seven years a set of 49 a reception record this is a great catch he works against Terry Taylor single coverage that he has to make that diving effort and at 64 he can get there he may not be the fastest receiver in the league but he uses his height and he uses the deceptive speed that he has as well as any the play of this game we're seen for the conversion forty-niners stretch it out wife are being congratulated on the sidelines a great effort not only by Clark but by Montana [Applause] [Music] no one could ever denied [Music] no other beer is brewed an age like exceptionally smooth [Music] it's easy to build a tough truck really easy all you got to do is give it a five-speed transmission independent front suspension steel-belted radials welded double wall bed leading compaq could be the hard part he's doing it for a $59.99 sticker price only Nissan can do it for a truck this tough $59.99 is dirty sign when a businessman is waking up in SE Los Angeles his main office in New York is already well into its day and very often there's information the main office would like men such as this to have the moment they come in well now through a modern computer innovation called teleme oh they can send them that information and have them punch it right up the minute they arrive sure no GTE saluting the crowd and has paid him a tremendous tribute while we were away now the holder of the San Francisco 49ers all-time receiving record with 408 cats now in his seventh year coming on a 22 yard diving touchdown grab of a dill Montana pass Bernstein kicks off Randall Morrison back along with Paul Stanton as can see we'll bring it out ten seed of the 25-yard line and we are going to see Gale Gilbert the rookie from California for the season 13 of 29 he's had one touchdown one interception a free agent three years he was a starter at the joke app at the University of California the second leading passer in Cal's history with over 65 hundred yards or through 32 touchdown passes there he also had 48 interceptions his 6-3 was 215 pounds a strong arm and he's in for a rough time six point wide Hicks stepping right in front of the intended receiver Darryl Turner well if it was a well-thrown ball it would have been six points for the 49ers unfortunately it was a poorly thrown out dope one thing Gail forgot to do that time was read the coverage I hope he doesn't make that mistake again Hicks was wide open second down in town let's Charlie on the tight end on the move which is Kurt Warner Dwain board later tonight here on ABC on Nightline the Egypt air hijacking the bloodiest in history why so many people died and whether the negotiations issue could have been handled differently that's tonight on Nightline following your late local news order got a couple Donnelly is Gale Gilbert and a third and nine the youngster from California will give it a try from the shotgun the 49ers bring Gilmer get Savalas can see gets the completion of flagpole with a lot of cool back there he was really hit after he released the ball fancy hat first down yardage what an arm after watching the passes Craig has been throwing for most of the night that was sort of shocking to see how fast the ball got out there [Applause] and there will be a personal foul tacked on to that one let's take a look at it again he knew he was going to get hit and he got hit can see and that's Eric right on the coverage got that hand on the facemask generally the Seahawks will have a first down in midfield now they're to call Dick Butkus on a penalty on a play like that he had a beat up the official certainly two to thumb off another finger too saddle has been penalized 10 times tonight 68-yard San Francisco flies for 20 yards we'll go down at the 42-yard line Michael Carter poor Eric Lane number 37 found himself trying to lock Michael Carter at 285 pounds and we knew how strong he is being a shot footer we watched him develop last year he came of course late because of his Olympic competition where he won the silver medal they shot put and he got into training camp late but we watched him during the season he doesn't well the super bowl came around he the finest football players on his team he is powerful second down 18 Gilbert Turner underneath that he wasn't even looking Turner got hit by the ball on the hip he wasn't even looking at last play Michael Carter just pick Claire Bush up and threw him back into the quarterback just as he's at least the ball in Seattle they look at the film's at this game it's going to be like a horror show Michael's partner they pulled off the Dylan they're putting my new - yeah so so PO in the game and Michael's wonder why you're taking me out I'm eating this guy up there down 18:49 is drop into the four down linemen Gilbert down at the football first down from Seattle of the 31 yard line shell that rains down there from his line back in position to make the stop a 26 yard pickup 920 of the clock is moving on the Seon he has a strong arm Joe oh it's a beautifully thrown past with a lot of velocity on it the velocity really is what helps make this play work good past attention he has time but that ball gets there in no time he put some spins on a - doesn't that pretty first down Seattle 31 yard line of the 49ers but again in China young comes down with the short of a first down but inside the 25-yard line [Applause] fine catch by the veteran Charlie young and his 13 seasons out of Southern Cal head around he was with Jeff nochlin Oxford with the Rams back and he's got the cure they're related oh yeah Charlie has over 400 receptions which is pretty good for a tie it in of course most of those receptions and his big years or when he first came out of USC and with the Philadelphia isn't all pulled back there at fifty nine receptions one year with the Eagles goes around the 49ers in the matter of fact winding down career in our Seattle down and to Eric Blaine trying to work for the first down I don't think we picked it up get at the line of scrimmage zooms we're about a half a yard it'll be third down and almost to the forty niners he was on that forty nine a team that won the Super Bowl back in 81 yeah the big cats on the final drop the ice that game you know Joe with when you three touchdowns down really 19 points and you have to score three touchdowns I think I would abandon you'll never hear me say this again I would abandon the run and just start throwing the football [Applause] 8:15 remaining in the game and the clock is moving [Applause] and young Gail Gilbert did not have things move out too well Darren went outside Gilbert threw it inside and it will bring up fourth down and the four wide receivers will come in for Seattle the 49ers scheduler moment ago the Sunday for Seattle December the first they left Kansas City at home then they play Cleveland at home then there at Los Angeles for the Raiders and then their final game will be again at home [Applause] poor thin along too [Applause] Gilbert and would you believe that large it doesn't hold on as you're handed one he had the first down Gilbert had the ball there the offensive unit of the Seahawks let's make bit tonight 801 than any other game in the 49ers get the football back they'll have it up there 23 yard line and they leave 19 to nothing this is Road Atlanta where Nissan won its 50th national SCCA championship the man who did it Paul Newman driving his Bob sharp racing preparer 300zx turbo Newman veteran actor and now veteran driver led from start to finish to win his third national championship Nissan's 50 more than any other manufacturer our congratulations to Paul Newman and Bob sharp racing for a job well done for championship performance the name is Nissan excuse me any Christmas gifts under $10 our ace November best buys the chicago cutlery gourmet knife set is only 977 put-upon and these Noma 100 mini light sets are just 444 oh I'll take two or the coffee to touch thermal carafe just 977 great idea there are lots more great ideas in the ACE billion-dollar celebration circular I've got a long list and aces [Music] Alden golden champagne chilled [Music] new Alden golden champagne I made bets twelve wins no losses the dream team of 85 make awesome Chicago Bears want to keep their Miami is mighty to stay in the playoff matchup next week on Monday Night Football there is an interesting rappy for you and on Monday Night Football this will be the 8th straight home team that has won forty-niners first down attend the ball at the 23 yard line in the game in the 49ers in control they lead 19 to nothing Tyler to the 35-yard line another 49er first down we're here in the second half windows doing a good job on his statistics as you know both window and Craig are poke nearing that thousand yard flat toe it's only been done a couple of times in the NFL I think Larry Zaki and mercury Morris did it one year and Franco Harris and Rocky Bleier did it one year and it looks like the 49ers might have a pair of thousand yard rushers in that backfield or that they're both averaging over in the tip easily on the wit they pick it up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and another 49er first down stepping out of bounds at the 47 yard line and here's the guy who's almost a cinch to add a thousand yards receiving also to those 2000 yards rushing guys in the backfield and that's Fred pullin their senator and they are looking at Fred quillin's left knee Pro Bowl last year as was Randy cross the angel barn or that offensive line of the 49ers [Applause] hmm that'll be a tough loss Frank this farm on the night the arts the scrimmage carried the ball ten times for 48 yards he's had four receptions for 66 yards that's 114 yards combined with Marcus Allen with whom he was tied to the 11th week at 222 yards well yesterday Chicago Bears in the Miami Dolphins the Bears of course undefeated going in to play the Miami Dolphins that should be a very interesting football game well this is going to be interesting if Quillin goes out it looks like I think they'll move Randy crossed the center Randy cross was the center with this 49er team when he came out of UCLA he had all-pro written all over him and they'll they'll I guess moved the original the guy who originated the refrigerator really at fullback guy McIntyre who used to line up in the backfield last year for this 49er team he's number 62 they'll move him into Randy crosses position at guard our friend Quillin is being taken from the field we'll try to get a report for you on the condition of fuller [Applause] [Music] while we're talking about centers as well Miami happens to have the best in all of football which could have a key bearing against the Chicago defense next week one of the keys to that Chicago defense is singling up that centered trying to beat him most of the time we're not going to beat blight Stevenson what again is 1st and 10 at their own 48 Roger crane flies to work outside good defensive efforts in beef cutlet drops Gregg at the line of scrimmage well I can just hear Steve McMichael and those bears right now saying yeah sure we'll see we'll get after the way Stephenson in the rest of that line down yeah I was gonna say you can't tell Michael Carter you can't do a job on Dwight Stevenson well every player professional football gets had once in a while but Dwight is the best in the game I agree with that he's the best I've seen clock is moving with less than seven minutes to play in the game second down and ten Roger Craig dancing and spinning that high-def of his he'll get three yards out of it he'll get four as a matter of fact but it'll still leave the 49ers with the third down and seven Michael Jackson defensively there on Craig thanks by the way to 11 games let the NFL with 12 touchdowns he was one touchdown away coming into the night from the 49er record held by Joe Perry so the Jets that's what going back all the way into the 50s when they had some great running backs and humic Delaney and Joe Perry John Henry Johnson I saw them all I'm sure you did did you miss the work at Khizar Stadium okay when I was blank in Lowell hustling incomplete intended for Dwight Clark and the punting unit will come on for the 49ers unusual but Dwight Lee ran a pattern that was two yards short of the first down plus he and Joe didn't hook up they were on different pages that time Dwight read the coverage and tried to hook him between the outside defender in the inside man and Joe thought he's going to keep going out it's funny to think of all the 49er all-time greats and to think that Dwight Clark now the all-time top me seer I'll tell you a little story about Dwight in a minute running her and it carries into the end zone for the touchdown instead we'll get the football back at the 20-yard line Feniger I'm happy with that one he headed up high perhaps he thought he should have got the coverage he did not get it this telecast is presented by authority of the National Football League Esprit intended for the private use of our audience in here a broadcast or other use of this telecast without the expressed written consent of the National Football League is prohibited Gale Gilbert the rookie from California stays on hey Frank bruised shoulder [Applause] under chapter or wide receivers in the lineup Gilbert gets the ball of Turner's well-thrown ball and Turner will have a first down out over the 30 to the 32 yard line well maybe it's just Monday night this is a second week in a row we see no inexperienced backs up quarterback for Jace trader last week come into a game and just looking that's true cuz really backup quarterback dude they don't get much time to practice in the NFL saddle only has one timeout so they go with the hurry-up offense and this is firing a walker byron walker walked and double to the 40-yard line for a gain of six it'll be second down and four forty-niners and addy prevent defense they have 6050 backs out there they're bringing the four-man rush Martin has the first down over the 45 yard line as Gilbert continues to go underneath now we know the 49 has a plan some type of prevent defense at opaque Chuck Knox late a mistake by not bringing this guy in the game earlier well he might have anyway but the reason this guy's having so much success now the 49ers been just sitting back down contact had been made two of the 49ers had moved into the neutral zone the 49 claiming that they were drawn offsides all-star and such was the case [Applause] guard pulling one of the miners offsides and he is complaining bitterly that that was not the case you know Jay is saying is so cool about these prevent defense is they really miss things don't make the great deal of difference people put too much stock in statistics here's a team that dominated this game now but meantime they're going to give up some yardage here and people are going to turn around say yeah but the pass defense isn't that good look how much yardage they gave up but it's the kind of yardage they can afford to give up now so statistics verse 7 and 15 and CR from their own 43 yard line Gilbert trying to get a bit on the trainer picked off by Macklemore mayor McLemore comes down with it in a duel with Daryl Turner [Music] in the 49ers Seattle with one timeout at this one pretty much in the bank I tell you one thing interception or not this kid has an arm he threw that ball like he's throwing and out he threw it about 55 60 yards free agent from California good strong arm we knew that Joe and I watched him Oh Jay during the warmup and Joe was giving him a lot of oohs and ahhs not quite the same passive motion as Joe Kapp used to have but I'm sure Joe I'd be good about coaching is yet to see his first firearm that was truly a winner but he would beat you in so anyway with me Roger Craig once again on the left side let's take a look at the updated standings 49ers with the victory will still trail the Rams by a couple they have one game remaining with the Rams December the 9th and we'll bring you that telecast and there is the AFC West Seattle the best afford to lose this game they however now will drop to behind Denver and the Raiders and they have a game with both the Raiders and the boffo we made it okay good move 16 yard line good move by Roger he was realized he was about to go out of bounds and he wants to stand bound to keep that clock moving so he tried to cut back and he stayed in bounds what I was going to say about Dwight Clark not a tease the 49ers all-time receiver it's Mike last year he was a rookie he was a 10th round draft choice and at the end of the training camp it came down between him and another young receiver named Terry LaCount Terry had made some big plays in the preseason and everyone on the team thought Terry the count ship make the team and maybe Dwight Clark would get here and be Richard in some way well Bill Walsh thought differently and it turns out that Bill Walsh is a better coach than most of us and he'll have another 49er first down as the flag comes in late over the 20-yard line as Montana is now 17 of 33 for 230 yards Montana started very slowly as you see the penalty indicated against the 49ers Montana started very slowly tonight but he put it together lane in the second quarter [Applause] due minutes and 34 seconds remaining or 85 Mike Wilson is the guilty forty-minute and 49er first down we'll be negated forty-niners as I mentioned earlier also going to be able to help themselves in the wild-card apartment but 49ers will play watches in the balance [Music] [Applause] he is hit at the 10-yard line gets to about the 11 yard line and it'll be fourth down and the punting unit will come on but we will also get the two-minute warning before we get the 49er punch there it is two minutes remaining between the 49ers in the Seahawks the 49ers having to wrapped up at 19 Dan up in sometimes I miss my girl so bad to jump inside my Nissan King but take a shortcut in town my king can start as any [Music] your Nissan King cat Scott sometimes it's just too much room in a Nissan King cab for the number one selling extended cab compact the name is Nissan norelco says they challenged every shaving instrument ever made the rotary shaver from Ronson challenges norelco for much less Remington's president was so excited that he bought the company now you can get excited the micro file shaver from Ronson for much less introducing the Ronson shaving system with quality and performance and a money-back guarantee to prove it the Ronson shaving system who I pay in Armin allayed when all you really want is a close shave do I hear 3,800 Santa Fe AT&T is in antiques with AT&T Alliance teleconferencing service an antique dealer can easily hold an auction with clients all over the country at the same time as clear as if they're in the same room all right Chicago it's yours now another reason to choose AT&T long distance services talk with us AT&T the right choice that was the New England Patriots like in 1982 Chuck knocks however was not the head coach of Seattle as he sucks third year as head coach of the Seattle Seahawks fourth down and running Iran to punt the lead 49ers Paul's can see is fact the Fiats will not be shut out Sam very and Sam Berryman also recovered it the Seahawks will not be shutout 1:55 remaining in the game and we're about to see an onside kick ere is the block by Merriman he covers it in the end zone we'll have the conversion attempt and then I'm quite certain that we will see the onside kick by Seattle going down Sion's gone for the conversion good effort there by Merriman right up the gut [Music] the conversion is you block my knob block yours and it was big Michael Carter my co partner is turning into one major force defensively I'm the endzone I'm in the middle of your screen is big number 95 I think Gibbons 95 they got the hand on it yup you got the pin address but you got the penetration and the big right paw six up there blocks the conversion so we have a 19-6 game the 49ers on the sidelines they're special team they know they're going to get the onside kick they just don't know which kind is going to be onside kicks have clearly started to proliferate in the National Football League this year we saw two last week successful ones by the Washington Redskins and their win over the Giants but the ones that are anticipated 19% of those are pulled off the surprise onside kicks and that's why I think we're seeing more of it well they have been 83% successful this season will be looking one for one in a moment all have to travel 10 yards before the kicking team can cover now this is a very interesting lineup we're going to leave this wide because we've seen some strange things happen tonight [Applause] Seattle Seahawks way back now they're going to start running so they can get a full sprint you're going to be traveling at full speed just as norm Johnson hits the ball [Applause] [Music] Jerry Rice covered it and I wonder what he was thinking that's not like a herd of buffalo bearing down a good play by Jerry Rice was not an easy bounce on this ball bounce right into his chest a cavalry charge the idea is to have those men with full speed so that they can cover that 10 yards as quickly as possible 49ers however cover it there at the 47 yard line with the Seahawks Seattle has one timeout [Applause] on Dennis he started out shaky tonight it has become a very respectable game [Applause] leaving quarterback that's Roger Craig not greater the history of this game Joe Montana this ABC Sports exclusive has been brought to you by Budweiser beechwood aged to that clean crisp nation this but for you and by Nissan bill is a technologically advanced cars and trucks for over 50 years and by AT&T in long distance services information systems telephones and computers AT&T is the right choice the executive producer of ABC Sports is Roone Arledge ABC's NFL Monday Night Football produced by Bob Goodrich directed by Jeff forty technical director Joe Sabo Associate Director is Vince the derry-o technical manager bill free burger our unit manager Martha Lopez telecommunications manager Gary Reuter assistants to the producer Amy smolens and Taz Weidman stats and graphics and research by mister UNIVAC himself sievert a statistician Joe Cox booth assistant chief Jeff Conroy the student affix robbie clark and of course Steve bazooka our spotter [Applause] you know if they popular artist and a 49er smoke gets him on his left [Applause] Terry carbon and the flag comes down late Harmon works hard for about three yards Harmon is in the game because Raja credit got deemed on the plate before that Rodgers had an excellent game he caught five passes for 72 yards that put puts him over 800 yards on receptions and he's ran the ball 15 times for about 55 yards he's right on Bean to go over a thousand yards and both rushing and receiving which would be quite a feat boy they got a gym as the second-round draft pick at 83 and Roger Craig at first year he gained over 700 yards rushing at forty eight receptions last year just under 700 yards rushing that he had 71 receptions eighty-one us Francis illegal use of the hands for the forty niners with 138 remaining in the game [Applause] an easy one to call they'll decline there first they want you down they don't saddle has no more timeout so they can't stop it they will be going back to shadow licking Kansas City at home this coming Sunday then please live at home then the Raiders in Los Angeles and their final game will be Denver we'll be bringing you that game third down and six I was almost picked off I don't believe the play Carey Taylor nothing in front of Mark Wilson what are they doing throwing the football [Applause] [Music] [Applause] flag is down again this game has not been a thing of beauty to watch holding number 22 defense automatic first step Dave Brown a holding for Seattle automatic first down for the 49ers at the 38-yard line of seattle how would they explain that i can't figure this out what are they gonna pass on the football this stage of the game [Applause] looking for the first down three [Applause] 38-yard line first and in the 49ers [Applause] let's out to the right you heard it all the way up here who are headsets violent collision as Tyler gets a couple yards [Applause] window gets day well not only window but the man who tackle inland appears as if he's day [Applause] that was some collision still have not been able to identify the Seahawk who is down in his shame down [Applause] as Terry Taylor the quarterback is quite a fine game defensively for the Seahawks matter of fact the defensive unit of the Seahawks has played well tonight it just have had no support from their offense they really have played well giving up only 19 points to a team that is fine an offensive unit the San Francisco 49er team well that's a tribute to their defense plus their offense didn't do anything all night the Seattle's offense ou could never get them out of trouble defense was always coming onto the field at midfield or deep in their own territory second down and nine Montana very respectable as 16 at 32 232 yards a couple of touchdowns and three interceptions the three interceptions however that is a bit of a stunner Montana tonight only had six interceptions on the season the low in the NFL we picked up three quick ones tonight yes Kenny O'Brien from the Jets low the o'brien also maintained his top ranking in the NFL through 12 games sucking down at nine forty niners can run it out they'll need one more snap and for Day of Prague a really really tough night it was 11 of 30 139 yards one interception the offensive unit for the Seahawks totally inept now fall to two games behind Denver and the Raiders teams that still remain to be played on their schedule we'll be bringing you a building next Monday night from Miami and defeated Chicago Bears in the Miami Dolphins and flag is down defensive foul the ball game is over defensive foul and the ball game is history [Applause] [Music] [Music] strudel [Music] [Music] don't
Channel: Classic NFL
Views: 33,808
Rating: 4.86059 out of 5
Id: sNneXNKNeF4
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Length: 185min 1sec (11101 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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