1977 MNF Dallas vs San Fran part 1

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] fly from Candlestick Park in San Francisco California it's a Dallas Cowboys in the San Francisco 49ers ABC den FL Monday Night Football is brought to you by the Miller Brewing Company Brewers of Miller High Life if you've got the time we've got the beer hello again everyone I'm how it goes sell welcome to San Francisco's Candlestick Park from the noise behind me you can hear that there is almost a festival atmosphere in this one of the most beautiful cities in the whole world with its gingerbread buildings and its hills and its cable cars and everything that Tony Bennett is described in his classic song the atmosphere is exciting because one San Francisco fans hope for an upset - they're elated at the opportunity of seeing the flashes most spectacular rookie in the National Football League a fellow named Tony Dorsett who said of Dallas rushing record a week ago with 206 yards gained in one game Tom Landry is always a concerned coach because he senses a kind of decline in his team that's not apparent to the average fan he's troubled by the loss to st. Louis here on a Monday night by the crunching by Pittsburgh by a tough game against Philadelphia he wants things righted with Denver coming up next week he wants to be ready for the playoffs as for San Francisco a terrible start the departure of the popular coach money clock the Ascension of Joe Thomas and then after that terrible start four victories in a row and the growing realization that Joe Thomas was the man who did so much to build the Minnesota Vikings the Miami Dolphins and all of our cult so now the interest is revived things have changed to amplify on the subject of the Dallas Cowboys nobody better than the man I'm about to introduce with a new head garb that makes them a transplanted London ID from Texas dandy Don Meredith headline tonight ah there you go again I think the Cowboys are the kind of team or they have been in the past and things get to going to good y'all figure out a way to mess it up that does need a little bit of pressure they got off to a real good start couldn't find anybody to give them really of that good at ball games about the first eight weeks then the hit kind of slack called it overconfident whatever it is then they did kind of hit a little bit of slump Roger Staubach got hurt early hip hurt a thumb and I think when Rogers not going really well that's gonna be a big problem with her offense or defense usually plays pretty well actually when you look at Dallas to say what is wrong with their number one offense number one in defense well maybe it's not too much of anything but they have hit a little slump I think a lot of it is Rogers Tom yep he needs to put it together a little bit better he mentioned Howard mentioned whole Jim Plunkett over Sam's this wee is that pretty tough here but he's getting back together don't you think what that's really weird like Howard sit on your cowboy hat Jim Plunkett came out here a year ago he came from New England he came for three number-one draft picks a pretty solid quarterback in Tom Owen and he had quite frankly a very inadequate year an average here for Jim pluck at the former highs but Award winner who came in so strong when he came into the league back in 1972 he was the Rookie of the Year at four good years of doing 'ln injuries and then problems last year he has some good offensive weapons Verdell Williams number 24 over thousand yards rushing last year Dell Williams our good running back four years out of Kansas and Wilbur Jackson and he's from the University of Alabama he's over 700 yards so there are some strong offensive weapons the 49ers can go to they really have nothing to lose tonight they are playing perhaps the best team in football tonight so they'll turn it loose they're not going to be in the playoffs though they'll have some fun tonight and we'll be back with a kickoff after this I dare you to compare anybody's batteries anybody's with alkaline Power Cells try to beat them along like you know what you can't when you want long-lasting energy you can't buy a longer-lasting all-purpose power system the goal red-and-black alkaline Power Cells from every not a day are you still Jane to gotcha the rechargeable norelco rubbery razor lets you walk away free from Nixon cuts it's 36 surgical steel rotary razor blades are safely protected inside three floating heads to give you a comfortable shape that's razor close razor smooth for up to three weeks on a single charge a rechargeable norelco rotary razor it lets you walk away from gotcha what are you doing cookie face I'm checking the air pressure in my Goodrich radials snuggle bunny midnight oh honey man we've got a long drive to Niagara Falls tomorrow if we don't have the right amount of air in our tires it could be unsafe and my Goodrich dealer told me the tires would last longer Goodrich tires you can trust BF Goodrich the other guys but honey Goodrich doesn't have a blimp Jim Plunkett there he is those are his numbers as I told you before he came for three number one draft picks a quarterback Tom Owen from New England a lot of people who have been critical at the 49ers as we look at the puddle on the sidelines say it was too much to give up well if Jim Plunkett had played last year back to his rookie year when he said some NFL records Tainan NFL record marker touchdown passes as a rookie well they would be saying that and here is the trouble Ken Meyer he replaced of April 6th coach a year ago Monty Park a lot of people didn't like that either but then that's the game of football when they disagree they let you know about it Cowboys have won the toss they'll be receiving you're looking at ray or shake Hill kickoff for the 49ers deep number 86 blitz Johnson back there with Larry Brinson a free agent speedster out of the Florida and we'll talk more about where Dallas comes up with these players but they have great plans for Larry Brinson we might see him offensively tonight thread the bore he's been on the special teams we're seeing set to go I kick that will be taken there by foots Johnson at the 10th [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hustling down there Bob Farrell especially go to the 49ers opening as quarterback we talked about him before he has that trouble with the answer is Roger Staubach to setback Tony Dorsett coming off a 200 yard game last week Robert new house is in their number 44 drew Pearce at number 88 golden riches number 83 on the wide receivers Billy Joe Dupree the big tight end of 89 veteran offensive line that they see some reshuffling tonight we'll wait to see we couldn't see some Rayfield Wright and he hasn't played all season play former all-pro tackle on the right side for down christened and the Cowboys from their own 21 yard line [Applause] he is pop barber Newhouse hit number 59 Lily Harper right there you saw something you must take notice up according to the stats this father season the 49 is done allow only 3.3 yards per rush they ranked first in the lake it'll be interesting to see if Dorsett can run into this 14 on the defensive line on the other hand the Cowboys allow 3.67 they ranked 12th ranked if second down almost in Dorsett moves back to the tailback spot the tide in Dupree adjust course set first carry of the night somehow he finds the hole and we seen him do it all your liner long a remarkably get to that baby blues off to the 30 where it'll be third down and two and Cleveland Elam made to stop and Howard what a year he's had well we've spotted Cleveland Elam a year ago when San Francisco upset LA on a Monday night game 16 to nothing we predicted then he'd become an outstanding star he's done just that done plays the team also and sacks you're talking about a good against the run that's tough a little pressure on Roger throwing and he really hasn't enough to par the last three weeks we missed third down and two doorstep good block new house short of the first down at the 31 and Bradley made the stop it was any Lewis have replaced an injured footing Leonard on the first juries who turned it inside and made the stop possible fourth down Dallas dropping deep is Stan black rookie out of Mississippi State there he is and Danny white with putt for Dallas anyway just under 40 yard average very accurate and kicking the ball out inside the 20 but he'll be taking away at this point [Applause] [Music] that's not a very good warrant kick and black takes a dangerous shot at the 40 pounds forward recovers that they 44 yard line with San Francisco takes over good field position on the 29 yard punt by Danny white Jim Plunkett opens reporter back from setbacks to fine running backs 24 Dale Williams over 40 Wilber Jackson wide receivers Kenny Harrison brother bright Harrison we saw a few weeks ago at Buffalo he's one wide receiver gene Washington's in there number 18 and the tight end Tom Mitchell first and ten the vault is short at the 45 yard line for the 49ers Williams and he moves up for about a 2-yard game make it three up to the 47 yard line where it'll be second down and seven hit there by Bill Gregory who has replaced Jethro Pugh number 75 we have not heard anything that was wrong with Jethro Field Oh check it out maybe they're skipping him arrest actually there is Frank he has a back problem we've got a chronic background acted up on a Thursday and work out so they deactivated maybe we won't see him at all tonight but I'll bet so if I didn't hear it Oh second down and seven [Applause] Dell Williams suck at uniquenesses and Williams turns the part of the midfield where it'll be third down and five and death row pill is off the sidelines not soon enough deactivated for tonight see metal and I collect ready go up the middle Frankie better make the tackle though the guy's gonna pick up pretty good yardage that time I'd say got about five but reading and learning that metal this is his first year full place in the middle left Leroy retired so he's taking a few chances that time to shop the metal didn't quite make the cutoff he picked up five yards Jean Washington number 18 Jimmy Harrison number 83 both wide receivers food on the bass down third and five [Applause] let's wait to the right coming up short is Bill Williams is Harvey Martin does but he does so well lays it down like he's going to come in on the fast and then just catch his Dell Williams on the pursuit he is a marvelously gifted athlete number 79 Harvey Martin he's really a count you saved a great acceleration off the line he had a sword thing coming into the game tonight he's piling up from suit guys dial the ball greasy jelly I'm trying to make the move Hartley came all the way from that defensive then grab you guys have the speed to make that blue that's a long way to travel fourth down less than the yard there's Butch Johnson standing at his own 10 yard line there's Tom Windham go putt averaging a little over 36 yards on the year thus far our reverts this is Dave William I love it San Francisco and wine bar which on said it but I was thinking it I love that I was thinking about Dave Williams is a former cowboy drafted number seven as we look again here's Whitham you can see it happening Frank because the only D is that a half yard I didn't expect them to run this kind of play because it's rather slow developing reverse there he is Dave well Frank stop the tell you about Dave Williams his front ends are prominent so we can go with two great tick runs Dallas Adam originally went up to Canada and comes back with Dallas they waived in San Francisco picked him up and he just picked up the first down cowboy 40-yard line play-action holding linebackers man wide open aborted thrown by Plunkett that was a bad pass oh that thing almost end-over-end on well not so much said he's wrong direction to Frank otherwise to his great cast how that is okay he actually had Tom Mitchell only ready for coming back that's a security valve which was he was also wide open so I would say the linebackers on the Cowboys missed their coverage plus look at misters receiver that a skeet shooter out here we could have shot it down again has a booth or one one turkey shoot turkey shoot turkey Lurkey second down and 10 the ball at the 40 SAT for Tom Mitchell the diet and adjusting San Francisco acting like Dallas dehl William right side big hole gets down close to me 35 yard line we're just going to be third down and six Tommy under said another speedster this Dallas Cowboy defensive unit number 56 from there for the stop their linebackers are all alike they're faster strong Howard but they're not necessarily big well Tom Anderson's a super athlete I was about to say I don't think we ever saw two backs in tandem have a great night than delt Williams and Moomba Jackson a year ago right here when the 49 has cracked up the bikes they are both very capable backs Williams over 800 yards Jackson over 700 yards third down and six we got a little cowboy shuffle out there knock it back got him open again look out Oh ticked off flipping up in the left side with Biddy Barnes a left corner back to the Dallas Cowboys in the 49ers once again have a 4th down and out comes the kicking it went plucking about turn that over to Betty Barnes he's just the slow developing to me Telegraph the throw came back and slow delivery looked in that right direction where he's gonna throw and now we got a quit step and there's a putt with him now a tips angle to the sidelines I don't believe this into the end zone touch back on a 46-yard punt that Nets considerably less than that and we'll be back at Candlestick Park in a moment [Music] this Christmas card was sent to you by the people at Miller High Life Merry Christmas in the era of energy engineering lincoln-mercury introduces the zephyr 4-door wagon sepra wagons energy engineered for mileage nineteen city 29 highway that beats Volare and Aspen's best rating by two miles city for miles Iowa energy engineer for space cargo space rated for cubic feet bigger than Volare or Aspen mercury zephyr for mileage and space it's like no liken we've ever offered [Music] Sugar Ray Leonard battles Victor Diaz and alive all the way fight Saturday on ABC fly roller sports like it George Allen's relatives are here he'll do the rest [Music] get around but what a great job George Adams done with that veteran group let's deal live on first and tenth stopped back from his own play go dr. Drew Pearson Drew Pearson out of bounds at around the 27 yard line a gain of seven it'll be second down and three Bruce Taylor was there covering his telecast is presented by authority of the San Francisco 49ers football club is intended for the private use of our audience any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the expressed written consent yeah of the San Francisco 49ers football club and the National Football League is probably a go it's second down a three all of the 27 the two tight ends are in teh Sally and they're with Billy Joe Dupree kicked off corset oh and he is met and met heart [Applause] started the first down and a 49er stays on the ground it's really more of a power sort of a play that they're running there Frank wait a minute I think that's Cleveland Ilima it is Cleveland Elam - Elam who is having his tremendous year is think of watching this is what happened he's fighting along and pursuit yes caught Anita period in the head Waveland Neelam deleting the 49ers and sacks very gifted football player out of Tennessee State what's that now we won't be on the air next Monday night will be Saturday never gonna be in Detroit we'll be in there for the Detroit Minnesota game of Idol game for Minnesota at Monday night the Liberty Bowl will be coming your way one week from tonight 9 o'clock Eastern that's the champion of the Atlantic Coast Conference North Carolina they'll be going against Nebraska and of course they have a tremendous North Carolina that is has a tremendous freshman Amos Lawrence twelve hundred and eleven yards rushing that's the Liberty Bowl one week from tonight and there'll be a special halftime tribute to Elvis Presley in his hometown of Memphis hey they made it Cleveland Elam off under his own power bill cook replaces him number 76 his third down less than a yard about a foot [Applause] Tom Bakk pulling ahead from the quarterback sneak very close to the first down he has it as Cleveland on the bench trying to recapture his breath big checked by the doctor very cautious with this man he has a very important future here he does and I didn't really see anything that did you see baby maybe it was the tank that looks like he's just jammed his neck is what they're trying to do there to see if there's good to see his attention yeah are those vertebrae's already come all out they don't fall out first and ten jumping across the tummy heart I think he made it back to get back they'll flag the down Roger Staubach goes out to Robert Newhouse and complete was really unusual he was over the cowboy here he goes he's back in the backfield I think he sees it's Mike Duryea that cop look I'm a little ballet done I know that time of year season to be jolly what was your phrase shuckin and jivin it down it oh oh oh second down attend the ball mark right at the 31 yard line I'm 16 remaining in the first quarter from Candlestick Park San Francisco Dorsett adjust to the tailback spot but Newhouse mr. ball backed up that battles forward out to the 35 yard line for a gain of four it'll be third down and six tough team to run on they come up when the most disheartening defeats any team that I can remember in the NFL history has suffered Frank a head of the bikes a week ago 24 to nothing losing 28 to 27 talk to Joe Thomas he said I still don't know how we lost I watched it and I couldn't tell you what happened he bets a close look and he figured out the other guys outscored him by one third down six now to the left goes through Paris under the riders golden riches let's see the top of his bonnet out of the shotgun becomes the sack pack Rogers in trouble daddy 50 cards been coming all the way around the horn ruff Roger or about a four yard loss back at the 30-yard line don't think Roger saw until it was too late he was moving around back there trying to find somebody open to the outside this is their shotgun you see that teams tried to do different things but really what they're trying to do is just get some pressure because he's committed primarily to the fast you see coming around for that backside in regard is 11 and 1/2 sack of the season any wife will kick to safety men back Stan black 26 Dave Williams number 30 is the one that provided some fireworks as Howard mentioned a moment ago last week now we went the ball turned over a new ball DeeDee Lewis is the center you see at their number 50 he's been doing that for a number of years kind of unusual for your linebackers be snapping that ball but he's really quite good at that the thing that he's usually trying to get that stick of I got a lot of stick when I get that cleaned off you don't want to stick those hands anyway it's a beauty little bit what no it's taking my stand black hope any bars right down there any Barnes who is such a delight to watch especially teens hustle down nails black down around the 21-yard line will be returning right after this most camera companies tell you moments like these make terrific pictures not quite to get a great picture you need a great lens like the one on the canon g3 for the cost of an amateur camera the canon g3 has a professional lens design with many elements to prevent distortion reduce reflection perfect color and it's so automatic it's a slashing user discreet the Canon g3 because a great picture starts with a great lens you may be looking at an answer to tomorrow's food shortages a natural protein that grows indoors developed by the people of Phillips Petroleum once processed this protein can be used to help feed livestock so millions of acres now needed to grow food for animals can be used to grow food for people instead helping prevent tomorrow's food shortages while we make fine products for your car that's performance from Phillips Petroleum the performance company matters the job market Ed's family becomes a housewife on Three's Company we find poets everywhere there's no kidding aside Dallas pretty watch this football game tonight they're already in the playoffs they're guaranteed the first playoff game at home but if they can win tonight or against Denver next week and that'll be tough that guarantees if they get to the championship game it will be played in Dallas and that's whether important home-field advantage first into the 49ers their own 23 inside handoff Dale Williams Williams pops out to the 30-yard line in seven it will be second down to three upended there by Cliff Harris who well he's all over the football field number 43 do the Dallas Cowboys there are so much national television you get to know the mom was like movie stars that's true and pleure Paris is one of the outstanding ones second down three Nathan Elam we understand should be able to return to the game shortly Dell Williams right side forget it oh yeah runs into Randy white number 54 remember him a down lineman of Maryland three years ago Cowboys trying to make a linebacker out of him they moved him into tackle and between Randy white on the right side at Harvey Martin they have thirty three sacks between them that's four sacks than a lot of teams have in the league Torrance has more than five teams our yourself that's Kenny Martin any Meyer you'd like it to be Martin yeah anything but Kenny Meyer at this point they still remember him in LA third and two Williams hurdles over the line has the first down I do believe that we hit 34 yard line been trying to keep it out old bill Gregory number 77 who's in place is just well-being we missed at the top of the show and he's been doing a pretty good job holding that metal down in there they're not moving him out too much he's a good solid tough veteran football player out of Wisconsin they've got Larry Cole there dude Johnson named David stalls they've got some depth first of ten the 49ers at their own 34 yard line bucket man open its arason it's 5 yards Aaron Kyle they can him out of bounds and again luck it was just a little late on that or Harrison cut about your right into a little something Don that's what I was about to make you played the quarterback position you know it better than anybody in this boot but you can see as a human being that Plunkett is tentative out there almost fearful well it is that you know he's not off to a good start I think that's not logic is that's nothing to do with it he's not just not just going back firing the great deal of confidence I feel this is what earth looks like others that believe deception Williams on second down and four and upended up for the gain of about a half a yard Tom Henderson number 56 with that speed that we have already talked up and he took with him another 49er down now yeah I think that's Wilbur Jackson who was trying to block on Henderson over there he saw Charlie waters come up they rely all that secondary a great deal cowboy defenses for nice structure for everybody to play those positions the defensive guys to do bears the boy the linebackers and no safeties they have to come up and fill the hole that is grover jackson that's injured take a little falls right there and be right back instead of small skinny doughnuts like this would you rather have a big big and hot then get the new hamilton beach doughnut maker just put a little oil and batter in there and in minutes you'll have two fresh piping hot man-sized doughnuts now you can make donuts as fast as you can eat them so if you're nuts about doughnuts like the new hamilton beach doughnut maker is for you and you owe me from that hamilton beach Scovill world of appliance should you own a Mercury Marquis listen to some former Buick and Oldsmobile a steer than the year before it really looks like a luxury car the right engineered 78 marque has more hip room than Buick or olds I can seat six people comfortably and more luggage room has tremendous trunk space call this number toll-free let's some of these former Buick and olds why you should consider the 1978 marque Wilbur Jackson is on the ground while we breathe away during the commercial is up now walking off the field at boy you always like to see this but the player goes down grabs with that knee and you can see them get up and move off and hopefully it's nothing serious Wilbur Jackson the former Alabama all-american tremendous player can't afford to lose him third down and three Bobby Ferrell a second-year man out of UCLA is in there now wearing number 38 replacing Jax a lot of cowboys jumped off that Camaro 49 into Farrell gets into territory Dallas territory at the 48 flags are all over the field and three Cowboys came off the line of scrimmage at once so something must have happened well they all came off at you that way [Applause] everybody's moving you saw that Randy white boob that talked about Bill Gregory but that's the Gregory the outside too tall Jones I'm guessing should have come back in the middle side in the middle of their bill that hole that Gregory left but I think being all sat through their timing off but if they hit it just right big old Farrell that was his 37th attempt to the air he hasn't played that much with Jackson well tell Williams in there first and ten the multiple 48 yard line about us market got a man open Washington and Washington holds on as Aaron Powell went for the interception Washington kept this concentration out of bounds first and ten at Dallas is 14 yard line alright let's see see Harvey Martin puts a pretty good rush the inside but stays in there Plunkett moves to the outside we've got two men on Martin he's got boy just went right between the look like neither Aaron had it just piss piss tonight there again there it comes back looks like he put a move on Aaron Kyle that was a beauty turned him all the way to the inside right ear they don't have to be told about gene Washington been around so long once a quarter back for Stanford knows how to read defense instantly great better first and ten for the forty nine and three is no score five minutes remaining the first quarter and who's got the bill is Plunkett foul up in the backfield and ina scrimmage in collects a couple yards as a matter of fact busted play faster play just he did the right thing bout to follow Farrell in the hole that plant if there's the Jackson on the bench you see they're trying to wrap that date maybe was just a Bruce Frank I think that's what you're saying I hope something torn it they're all these hooks oh yeah the ball at the 11 yard line another report they expect him to return done just the screen good second down and eight any errors and out to the right Washington bottom of your screen handoff down William Randy why agree that Fitness City has is all over Dale Williams at the line of scrimmage baby a gain of the yard would be third down and fall at seven it was really in there and we mentioned John Henderson a couple of times tonight it's taken him a little while alert a couple of years but I'll tell you this there's no better athlete in the National Football League in my opinion Frank very fine athlete horse number 79 on this play he's anticipating pass who put the wheels on it that's Harvey Martin defensively third down seven hey double up on him in a man's open it mix all the tiny hello he just fell down should have scored scepter he would have been in it's her first didn't go there was no joy in John Landry's fate ah ha ha I want a shot a great shot alright we got double team pit here Harvey Barton and nobody I mean nobody was out there covering Tom Mitchell I think that's Tommy Henderson's man and linebacker but he just slipped in didn't get in there first pen and goal to go [Applause] Kristen balls the one in my er looking on his team at the five and seven record on the feral and Mochan play-action bucket Jimmy forget it he runs into Harvey Martin Larry Cole DeeDee Lewis he had a commitment by that outside linebacker and their name Louis then broody candy head Tom vessel open in that corner is difficult to throw if we said any times but you run to that left with all you had to do was just a little basketball duet his shot not over all right Jim Abramovich's comes in the other side in for the 49ers Dean Washington is out Don Ayers is in he's number 68 he will have reported to the official because that is not an eligible so proud of its in motion Farrell gets the call girl [Applause] [Music] they leave the Cowboys they did it you think they're not Tom yeah time we'll get that figured out girls one of those youngsters who came from the WFL client as a free agent last year when the WL disbanded here he is you hear much about it for UCLA Don because he played behind - pretty good athlete James McAllister and Kermit Johnson might be the reason right there ray Wersching by the conversion and the 49ers are subtly in front of the Dallas Cowboys with 2:47 remaining in the first quarter you mentioned Kermit Johnson the 49ers let him go and kept Davy Williams why does Davy Williams add more aggressiveness more fight look at the blocking now done on the left side of the line on this play all right you've got good block by as Jon ears number 68 but look at the Elway ups come in here round number 24 blocking on DD Lewis turn Tebow the inside don't have to rape knock him out just tie them up you say Aaron Carroll down at the bottom of it good block on that left side they really just knocked a big older Dallas was offside on the conversion so the 49ers will kick from their own 40-yard line again it's good they are I just cuz they break something looks a little bit out of sync when you see Dallas line up their defense there's something not quite right in there go 49ers they say where's that thing coming from hey that's not up here oh okay little car you were on that this morning not sure coming from California Abaddon that was the one I was good you get up the hill that's really fun you know it's foggy this morning laying out there really nice have parked a little debate I got up sang a few songs empty the hotel yeah great Wersching but Johnson beef with Larry Branson where she hits it high puts Johnson at his 14 yard line this time Johnson there is a 49er over the 25 yard line to the 26 Jim Plunkett calling up to the scouts in the pressbox husband award winner right down the road at Stanford in 1971 Rookie of the Year 1972 Goodyear 73 74 to shoulder operations in 75 and in the 49ers last year an average year and many say they are still suspect but it's hard to tell unless you have a good team is surrounded [Applause] first and Tim please with Elin stays out of the game and somebody made it the wrong way I believe in Tony Dorsett Roger had to turn to the right yep just about back to the line of scrimmage Dorsett going the wrong way you can get massacred that way that's pretty good guest and you see Tim guys go one guy will and one guy goes the other where was he open though yeah he's like don't get mad Johnny everybody else is out of step there's our young friend Ferrell has got the touchdown let the joy be unconfined Roger squeezed out about a half a yard second down nine ball at the 28 yard line [Applause] [Music] my action fake nobody I had open through Pearson [Applause] out of bounds at the 38 yard line and hit hard Oh is he Tony Leonard just him out of bounds Tony Leonard's a skinny kid only weighs about 168 second-year man from Virginia Union but tough kid how could Pearson be this alone let's see if we could figure it out looks he just came back good clear off route thereby golden Richards and you mentioned as Tony Leonard is Ralph McGill number 49 who can he really put yeah he pasted it pretty good when he got through on the sidelines here Pearson he also is a free agent five years ago we've only been all-pro the last three years call up the 49ers 38 yard line first attend Dallas they trailed seven to nothing to handoff corset the downside there back to the inside he goes into Willie Harper down he goes gain of about a yard every second of nine like we said it's tough to run against this plot they leave the league they allow only three point three yards per rush against it on they've got different folks in there now Howard Bruce gilja could not go up and linebacker hit Bradley's in there Cleveland Elam remains out of the game he was shaken up and Bill Cook is in his spot at the defensive right tackle spot we've had a good defense around here says dick colon was here actually they've been pretty strong defensively second down nine Akili trying to get something happening out in front of new house the new house crosses over to 35 just about the 34 yard line where it's going to be third down and seven Ralph you talk about levy he's got a pretty good year this year and actually he's played a little hurt tonight he's got a bad back in a bad date but it would arouse better years he's been around that kind of senior member of that offensive line route I like I said the other wake when he runs out della want him to the east Annihilus then they'll played 10 Moyer shotgun Preston Pierce's and this is the passing offense for Dallas 3rd down 7 the ball just inside the 35 yard line go back he can get the first down and he does at the 25-yard line I'll tell you that's the guts of Roger Staubach Tommy Hawk was in and all over apparently number 53 but Roger duck does head went between two defenders and picked up the first down yardage and he is not as done pointed out at the top of the telecast healthy yeah I admire his courage but I question is just been a you know this thing is they want to play well but anyway first down and 20 seconds remains at the first board of the 49ers leaves something nothing the ball look at the 49ers 25-yard line there's a big hole whoops and do our fools to another first down inside the 15 and that will run out the time the first quarter new house has the first down not around a 14 yard line and that will be the situation when we return to Candlestick Park in San Francisco right after this message [Music] when you start saving a savings whatever their dreams hopes and goals more than 65 million people are saving at savings and loans for the good times ahead [Music] [Applause] [Music] Cicely Tyson four-color track by RCA I roses red my skin is dark brown and my dress is bright orange if these colors don't look right to you you should know about color track from RCA carrying the color right is what contract is all about it actually adjusts the colors and locks them on track before you see the color the color track system grabs it aligns it defines it sharpens it tones it and locked the color along track RCA is making television better and better what are more people doing to help their cars last protecting them better than ever with Quaker state motor oil regular use of Quaker State helps avoid expensive engine repairs helps cars last refine from Pennsylvania grade crude oil Quaker State helps cars last maybe that's why Quaker states the best-selling motor oil in America Quaker State helps cars last Cleveland Elam is put a horse collar on that is to keep his neck from bobbing around too much he's ready to go back in it looks yes as you see is the club leader in sacks 18 and a half of course means that he has participated along with one of his teammates on a sack that's how they come up with that half case you're curious I was curious holy all be Martin Leeds Elam in sacks Robert Newhouse got the first down at the 14 yard line they trail the 49ers seven to nothing and again in the second quarter you're set we're set to the ten it Pratley the middle linebacker we started for boost Illya last week Helia hurt his knee against New Orleans and at Bradley for you fans up in Seattle of course was your middle linebacker a year ago boy and what a fine job Jack Porter has done up there with that team it really has they've won four games that's as much as any expansion team has ever won in its second year of exist and they're gonna win a bunch next year second and seven you're set and he turns on a burst of speed close to the first down and depend on the mark hit there again by Ralph McGill and the Gil is shaken up George did of course is the Gothic he does look like he's hurt he's really grabbing that D he's in pain yeah when you hit the way McGill does somehow it seems almost inevitable we're talking about that before the game you see Tony is following a good block in there by new houses number 44 blocks blocks to the outside but he does here that's McGill his legs just caught under Dorsett you know Tony in that tre you talked about Seattle that's the poor guys that really Seattle got I'm gonna tell you in a little while about it but listen the number one guy was Steve August and he's been hurt all year and I gotta finish this a little bit but we got to go right back about three months ago I lost my self winding time next watch I figured it was gone forever the other day a customer came in with the flat and I found my time makes in a very interesting place inside a 716 button snow tire which I had mounted about three months before hey how many miles the star got on well three thousand three thousand miles it was still running I think that's really great Timex it takes a licking and keeps on ticking ring in the holidays ring out the year sparkling with Andre love and good care take Andre home for the holidays Andre for the holidays what's the celebration without Andre champagne to lend Sparkle and elegance and Andre cold duck to keep things bubbling along greet the season and your friends with the best Andre for the holidays and all year long AJ for the kill your girl eat the field in the National 500 stock car race Saturday on ABC's Wide World of Sports I'll very quickly see Ralph McGill go off me it doesn't look too good he looked like he hurt his knee the story I was saying invited Seattle jet for Tony Dorsett they got really four players Steve Auguste was their number-one pick he's been hurt they have great expectations for his offensive tackle Tom Lansing offensive guard that Terry Pisan is the guy that a lot of folks think will become the am well the NFC Rookie of the Year at middle linebacker leads a team tackles and Duke Ferguson the fine receivers over twenty yards per catch and that's it and we have a third down and one Quartet right side gets the first down down to about the two yard line goes Tony Dorsett land reinforce ends all the plays in with the Roger Staubach Roger has the option to change them off if he sees fit guy Meyer they ply stirred offensive signals I'd like to be in Tom's position I send in every play give them all in dorset yes the ball to Tony hey why he says he does it he says he concentrates on the game is the only way you can concentrate on it and be right on top of makes a lot of sense even if you don't like the philosophy it does the first time goal [Applause] inside handoff haha they were waiting for this I'm ready Bradley the middle line back to step right through the hole nail him second down goal inside the second quarter and over 12 minutes 49ers got on the scoreboard first they lead seven to nothing Farrell getting in from wenyard up for the 49ers second down and goal [Applause] Dorsett he has to crack that plane they say he does not he is piled up by hair right side of the 49er defensive unit so it's going to be third down and probably about a foot well they've tried it a quick trap time before this was just a straight handoff you see everything just straight ahead and see if everybody's gonna pitch in there and help Tony's gonna go up over the top you're gonna have to pray trying to push people down there by close enough Billy Joe doing the job third and goal Staubach touchdown Dallas Oh in my er looking on is Willie Harper's eat up today I believe that he fumbled it out there they both are going away from it Bob tell you can question star backs judgment done but my view the key to that drive was Staubach splutter run when they had him trapped when I thought Hawk was gonna stack absolutely keeping a drive going out thing I said was really that you know he has been hurt he's got a bad hip he's got a thumb you can see what happens to the club but he's not really a tough top you know I'm glad he got the first down sure did get hurt then a friend Herrera for the conversion well tie ballgame at seven with 1153 remaining in the first quarter there's Roger Staubach got the touchdown for Dallas to tie it up and will be returning in a moment smile it's Christmastime well here's something for you to smile about you can save up to ten dollars on Kodak instant cameras and film save five dollars when you buy any Kodak instant camera and five dollars when you buy five packs of Kodak instant print film come on no smile and no matter how much you spend no other instant camera gives you this right brilliant color by Kodak so smile all the way to your photo dealer from Kodak it's tough not to love the new victory vodka with five great features now standard for 1978 there's power front disc brake styled steel wheels there's steel-belted radials stabilizer bar tinted glass love that vodka love that fuel economy Bobcats EPA rating is 35 highway 25 city with more standard features a low in sticker price everyone suspect on soap I was Bob here yeah a friend Herrera sets a kickoff score tied at 7 11:53 remaining here in the first quarter Paul hope error is in the end zone for the 49ers number 36 [Music] a line drive espavo thereby a proud of it whoa hey not around the 27 yard line the 49ers will have possession we'll remind you that next Monday night we won't be with you you'll be watching the Liberty Bowl but Monday night football moves as I guess it's only appropriate enough that we move to Saturday night certainly we got a ball game to Minnesota they can win the simple division of the NFC against the Detroit Lions there's all kinds of ramifications involved in this one but it's a big one for the Vikings we're Birds accent back in the game number 40 on first and ten Jackson gets the Gulf flag is down as Jackson lips a little bit the moves out to about a four yard game hit by Cliff Harris there's McGill on the bench and he is still hurting we don't like to see that we really don't nobody does tremendous hitter and that's how he got hurt 49ers offside that will be stepped off Wilbur Jackson at least it looked to me like he was limping just a little bit as he took that ball in case you weren't with us he was shaken up earlier here's the call I'm confident number 65 first up well McGill tout for the night we just got words Frank left nice green I wouldn't need word I can took one look at him yeah that was dinner first and 15 [Applause] del Williams left side moves out of the 25 to about the 26 gain of three one day side down 13 Frank no graphic could display a more even contest so far let's guess what the score is 7 7 I would say it was knotted knotted even-steven second down thirteen over the 26 yard line Williams yeah Williams goes clear Paris moving up from the free safety spot plays that free safety like a linebacker he is good on the past coverage installment is best right there there's no better free safety in the league that's why he's all from Charlie waters does a good job dude gonna fester on safety those guys really do they feel that got off of in with that linebacker go inside or go out of the outside they come up plug that inside and here's for the Cowboys really show they were came in and a night with 48 sucks he'll turn it loose on a third down and 13 safety Blansett mrs. and a flag goes down no actually with Judy Lewis coming in two flags are down one at the line of scrimmage one upfield Harvey Martin was it that came in there put touches on it always something he is closed he's not there he's right around it may have to calls yeah I say several the Cowboys already hit this what we may have a dog standing penalty ah illegal motion 49ers that's the fall against the Dallas Cowboys illegal motion offense holding number 25 defense offset replay third down dick Jorgenson spells it out clearly for you our referee Aaron Kyle did the holding 3rd down 13 Harvey Martin number 79 that's him top of the screen for the Dallas Cowboys going against Dean Barrett now they're probably either back to help out against Harvey Martin well it almost was picked off by Binney Barnes intended in a hurried fashion for Washington and another flag is down and so is Plunkett Gregory all over all was thrown up for grabs let's see what we can see Frank there's bill Gregory d3d coverage yeah I think that's it was brandy white that drop look at number 54 woody people's that was block it on Gregory they're not very well well he was in the area here's the call number 77 deep-lying barrett walking against Harvey Martin decline 49ers will punt it'll be with him which Johnson is back at his own 34 yard line there's bench 486 [Applause] [Music] widom it's at low Johnson will have the opportunity to return good return Johnson over midfield of the 47 yard line 44 yard punt as Paul hoofer made the save for the 49ers 952 remaining in the first half is tied at 7 we'll be right back let me tell you I've even adjust a minion rule you and I build up some kind of a search that's why I drank beer from Miller it has a third less calories than their regular beers and it tastes real good I'd says giddyup to all that flavor and water being filled up and fat ain't no book like beer from Miller everything you always wanted in a beer unless announcing a unique new motor oil from Exxon research that can actually save money new gold and natural Uniflow Uniflow was tested in cars like yours after break-in it delivered an overall average of 16 extra miles per tank full savings like that could cut your gasoline bill the equivalent of about 3 cents a gallon new uniforms Exxon's best engine protection ever it conserves gasoline saves money [Music] doesn't look bad Beverly Hills this is the time you get the ball inside the other teams 50 you're moving in right now if you've got dandy done at quarter pound oh if you got time on the saddle that's what he says and he's right if you're gonna flip away this is the time to make a move right now they start with their best field position of the night first of 10 at the 48 yard line at the 49ers it's all tied at 7 if you've just joined us now back run again go back just eight yards to the 40 yard line he'll be second in to build focuses in there playing for the injured Cleveland Elam made the stop well he's gonna keep doing it done because he's got it right he's good at that moving around that's hill that's the great thing to have when particularly they get back in that shotgun that they were in a while ago that son he sent four or five guys out didn't really have anybody to drop off to came back in there Jimmy Webb the other defensive tackle for the 49ers is now out of Aaron at Gallagher 475 is replaced weapon second down and two your sink off course and the right side gets the first down at the 35 well then listen to Tom this is the time to take command I've been right on it yeah I'd say I wish you could see get a shot at Tom over a quick because he's so hot because Dorset went the wrong way one thing he does any few don't know which later go and the Hilger come out there and I don't blame it because that's what it's all for they do it on you no one wants to do with you you never get on anybody for not blocking but if they miss an assignment you can flat lay in too first and ten ball inside the 35 yard line new house Toulouse ERT yard and a half and it was big number 76 that's Bill Cook has been in a couple of key plays now you replace Cleveland Elim tough block for a sinner that was John Fitzgerald on the block 20 but he shot that gap read play read the offensive formation very well I figured out didn't have much if any place else to go except I did that gap therefore Fitzgerald and the good luck in comes Preston Pearson he's a better receiver they endorse it sitting there with Robert Newhouse is second down and 12 [Applause] come back the screening of Pearson beautifully look at that person move yeah [Music] [Applause] you can look 400 years you won't see a screenplay set up any better than he really did he gets hit really pretty he gets a pretty good shot look at Roger T's in there bring him on in he sure did but that was senator carpenter Brady six write him in there they had it set up well that Pearson makes a pretty good boom right there Tony Leonard left them there grasping for an beautiful play right time to insert this and gonna give Landry credit yeah absolutely and press the Bears to give him something he's the guy who took it in there he started the first nine games Dorsett has started the last three Pearson what an asset particularly when you have to throw the ball here's a friend Herrera and the cowboy is doing what they were expecting to do take the lead over the 49ers 14 2 7 7 33 remaining in the first half they'll be coming right back to San Francisco after this Dallas Cowboys are homegrown football team and a team that plays off there's like nobody else hi I'm Harley Martin I was born and raised in Dallas and I'm very pleased to have this chance to show you my home now in a way Dallas came out of nowhere no harbors no railroads no rivers nothing to make it great except for people people who slaughter that looks like tomorrow people who love football and the Texas State Fair summer musicals and three-alarm chili you know we get kidded about being Texas and claiming to have the biggest everything but there are people in Dallas with the biggest hearts anywhere they're the volunteers via ninth way people like you and me working with Red Cross YMCA services for the aging and many other agencies funded by United Way they take pride in our team our city and our United Way they're beautiful people and for all of them we'd like to say thanks to you it works for all of us now school is brought to you as a public service by the National Football League how about that right there misspelled the name a printer our College got here late with the signs all hoeper is deep dude how many big people who believe that [Applause] they're by Dave Williams and Williams we turned one last week 80 yards for a touchdown gets off at the 32 yard line right now let's pause five seconds and our stations along the line to identify themselves dave williams who a year ago was up in toronto came back to dallas cut this year just returned that kickoff 49ers trading now buy seven take over first and ten the ball up to 32 in a game the dallas really wants to win to guarantee that if they win their first playoff game they'll play the conference championship game in dallas now William look at Brittany oh boy oh boy ah pretty middle linebacker place B Roy Jordan who retired after 14 years and done wouldn't just say defensively for Tom Landy that middle linebacker is just about the hub of everything really years he phase it that way designs long as defenses for that to happen he's not Randy Cross number 51 is the offensive center for Sam Cisco pulled it's trying to get out in front so Bruticus it right there probably when he sees him read Tom hasn't follow at that time it paid off second down ten [Applause] Wilbert sacks inside handoff runs into DD Lewis and Randy white if you lose 50 Randy white 54 well us not too much more to say about DD Louis not after all these years all you fans have seen him week in and week out this is a guileful football player somehow always has position and somehow always makes a key play as he did in the playoffs look at those stats as he did in the playoffs against the Rams couple of years back when he picked off a James Harris pass and moved in for the touchdown that led to a Dallas rout of the ranch he's out of there as the Cowboys went to the prevent defense on third down and 12 Lockette too tall Jones was there forcing the pastor clock is down to Williams's down short at the first down here at the 36 Erin Kyle made the stop but again a flag down fears to be again there you go again San Francisco motion penalty I believed it was Harrison he was coming along in motion you saw him he angled upfield and they picked it up okay [Music] [Applause] deploying fourth down and that'll bring out Tom with a deep is butch Johnson back at his own 22 yard line but little under nine yards on average for return let them kick it up low those are the kind that are dangerous Johnson brings it out to the Cowboys 41 yard line on a 37-yard punt if you're gonna kick it 37 yards you better put it up a little bit right now we'd like to welcome the new affiliate to the ABC television network waa y huntsville alabama welcome aboard guys ye welcome aboard guys let's good ol boy good Woodham has been kicking bully you put it right on the table Frank and that's how Dallas's last touchdown was set up a four kick with Butch Johnson was able to return well to the San Francisco 47 and Bank in accordance with Landry's commands they moved it right on it Cowboys for 547 remaining in the first half up front their own 40-yard line Dorsett could be trouble for you market first set the flag goes down our set goes out of bounds the 49-yard line you try to move those offensive formations around and put through the very last minute to make that defense I have to think make those last two just this right the final second before that ball is snapped you saw that that time J solidly number 87 came over at the last minute picked it up snap the ball gave the ball the doorstep and what was that up nothing out of bounds but that personal foul and believing us fully Harper and that'll move the ball further into 40 matter territory and another Dallas Cowboy first down that's the nature so quick lay down this is in striking position again let's listen rough this out of bounds defense first off look at it again Dorsett you see this runs right away from his guard rapper T and if that kind of quickness he can do it did Willie Harper making the tackle there came the late shot I believe it was mal Phillips in the 32 there was a look like coffee and a mate no he made a clean tackle [Music] Babak firing for pearson incomplete Jewish Lebanon at play Frank that's what cost that fast he was clear for the tough build on and I were down there earlier how it is a lot of patches in it you said it's the toughest field in the league and you should know it is about as bad a shape as any field I walked on in the lake left it wasn't covered had a little rain here still a little bit slick ball at the 36 yard line of the 49ers second down and 10 here's the top of your screen 88 blitz Johnson the other one received at 86 bottom of your screen now back screen - dorset flag down percent and another flag is down further downfield I think this goal be against foots Johnson Frank I may be wrong but I think it's against bush that's where the flag was late and I saw butch banging his head and dismay now Bruce Taylor is lifting away a number 44 cornerback for the 49ers as we await the call and Willie Harper is lifting he's coming off Limpy yeah a hard-hitting game going against the Cowboys here's the phone interference number 86 offense second down you're all right but Johnston it was and Willie Harper is in considerable pain as he moves over to the 49er they're losing everybody Willie hopper a versatile player from a great Nebraska team second down 20 Mike balsa number 41 a rookie from Washington replaces Harper [Applause] all right well pili pulls up and tri-d induced it those things happen 529 rebated 49ers will see if they want to take it or they have a second down and 20 tips they'll move them back it'll be second down in 25 Willie Harper not a Nebraska these are your stats you can figure those out yeah a lot of numbers well you're looking at yards per game and look at the difference in the passing game the Cowboys B's divita 49 second down and 25 to fall back now at the Cowboys 49 yard line first half right side to house in front and he is collected there by number 53 Tommy Hart looking over defensively from his left end spot after a gain of about five it'll be third down and 20 and radevich has a problem now why not it's happening to all of them tonight I call him it's Jim obradovich wasn't it he came out of where Frank USC and where did he report to in his initial prost in through the Giants came here a year ago he was a seventh round draft pick what anymore he passed the quiz what does that mean is he get a diploma all right third down and 20 all at the 47 yard line Tony Dorsett Preston Pearson the two setbacks this women after receiver complained to buddy Joe Dupree you cannot attack any more yardage on but he's down in the 32 yard line short of a first down by six I think he may have fell asleep but he's gonna do that's almost in field goal you think a friend could kick it in it Nathan herrera from Guadalajara never put him in about this see it's pretty long I don't know that Tom will even try here he comes Brent around yeah and keep in mind he was not always kick a field goal he will punt they will pass he's a pretty good elapid you'll even make a tackle once in a while for you he's one of nine players that Cowboys how that have three years of experience I had a pretty good year that year they got all up together 49 yard attempt you can reach it with her duty little short hey the 49ers will take over first and ten and they'll begin at their own 32 yards on that field position not too bad Frank and they've got three minutes 46 seconds left what they need now is some help from Plunkett will they just need some more points don't do that yeah Frank you burped along with Howard Cosell done married a beautiful night for football here in the Bay Area how about Tampa Bay yes every talking about Seattle Tampa Bay finally got there with John McKay he'll say that at half done first and ten 49ers a trail by 7 Wilbert sacks [Applause] geenie Lewis a loss of one I think you're right Frank that knee he didn't have much of a move that's half yeah but DD out of position yeah he did have good position right well we didn't have that kind of a little zippers up in there that he usually does I'll bet you nobody John Meikle is not being too good down there and do audits you know because it had to happen to somebody who they gonna beat and they've got the Saints down there he's not do good shape Manning Center would be a disgrace to lose to Tampa Bay second down 11 [Applause] look at going for Washington [Applause] to cover that was a beautifully thrown bass and as usual the slick veteran Jean Washington with a fine catch Ellis Washington old Washington sin whatever happened to Martha pretty good coverage really it was just a ball of stone pretty well mark may be laid off of the little bits of us that's a good-looking guy on it Jean Washington he is a good-looking guy he's very very talented man to a lot of different things then an actor yeah although receiving records evolved in a private discotheque here in San Francisco mom's I believe they caught first and ten 49ers the Cowboys 40-yard line 29 is trailing by seven Plunkett what's it all hangs it up for Washington and that field think he got tangled up with their own pile and like it and Washington doesn't like it you see him standing there Stockstill and then in disgust beginning slowly to walk back well I think you hit it right off though he's trying to get all of it this blunt he put Jean over the other side let him work against Aaron Kyle you see Aaron's really playing that volley looks I've seen a lot of folk maybe problem flag about that time for bumping into you but I'll be darned if I'm going to get into that fast interference this late in the season well Jean Washington is frank says does a lot of things but he couldn't he couldn't get the official to change the call second down 10 Washington goes by to the left Tom Mitchell I'm ready for that i did adjust they're doing a lot of it same gonna pop NC stuff that Dallas uses play action Washington again open he put the Kyle thought he was going deep again got down there to about the 19 worker to the outside wench I'll wasn't looking easy completion fit field position we'll look again again one of the things I think that makes it very confusing they've moved those offensive formations around they've got him isolated on the air and cow first time 49ers I read you the Hat for her Turkish name ever since there's been in America the prime law of business has been you have to go out and make the calls times have changed and so is business today Boeing jet liners are taking people all over the world John Gillihan pharmaceutical salesman off to get the word on a new wonder drug dr. Bernie Sachs off to check out a new therapy program Boeing 727s 737s 747s can you imagine what it would be like if we couldn't get together anywhere in the country on a moment's notice what's that 747 dummy fully getting people together January 2nd on ABC 2 minutes remaining in the first half Dallas over San Francisco 49ers 14 to 7 we have a cubbies just dropped into the booth to pay a little visit with us I turned around and I said Willie why are you doing I said you look picking up you down there playing no not with my knees he is Willie McCovey a1 the honcho boy great story great player for so many years first and 10 the 49ers they had the ball at the Dallas Cowboys 21 a good opportunity 81 yards on three cuts is now for team Washington bucket dumps it off he had to Gregory was there too tall was there Jones tempted in the general direction of Wilbur Jackson must have not gotten the kind of coverage that he was looking for down feel because he threw it off kind of stiff-armed it after that outside I guess he's trying to dump it off as you said but I didn't see anybody open down here out comes Mitchell and him comes Paul seal number 85 speedy tied him that's the point he's got speed that Mitchell doesn't have and he moves to a wide receiver out to the left [Applause] bucket open field Julie down turn to the first down around the 13 yard line where it'll be third down and about three it was Betty Barnes who level of Plunkett but he almost got that first step timeout for San Francisco 1:43 remaining in the first half okay folks let's take a look at some incredible action that occurred yesterday in the National Football League at the Baltimore Memorial Stadium the Colts against the Detroit Lions it wasn't an easy day for Bert Jones as you will say Detroit was high for the game Baltimore's sluggish merchants in this case back to pass generic film the show is difficulty and sacked by a fella named jolly Weaver from where the University of Southern California but then with five minutes remaining in the game trailing six to three Bert hit 86 26 Lydell Mitchell who stood it in for the score and suddenly they led 10 to 6 open Alliance with just 14 seconds remaining in the game unaccountably deep in his own territory marchibroda david lead punt blocked by leonard thompson he got a good bounce and so Baltimore lost 13 to 10 and so Detroit goes against Minnesota Saturday hoping to eliminate the bike so if they win we'll be in the playoffs interesting isn't it yeah and there were many other interesting games Wow happening just today around the lake you'll be taking a look at those at halftime Tampa Bay winning their first saddle of course winning for the best record the second year record of any expansion team the Oakland game right now welcome to the 49ers with a third-down of three the ball at the 14 yard line of the Cowboys down gets the first down for ten yard line 49ers let's go back to the huddle oh they desire they'll use another timeout they are down to one the Paris that came up from his safety but that time they had too much going Oh tell the whales before he got there and backflip up enough first death like the way he runs I like the way he hits what a year he had last year Wilbur Jackson not in front of it and that's people's number 69 it's out there too you see Charlie waters 41 came up and that was Harris but he is you're right that guy could think about put him down Odell will miss all right over 1200 yards a 49er record in rushing last year white came in with over 840 tonight quite frankly the kind of game we expect San Francisco which began so dismal and suddenly came on with four straight wins has a little bit of the disfavor that Joe Thomas suffered at the start of the air evaporated he's still taking his lumps but he knows where it's at he laid the foundation for the bikes the dolphins and then the Colts tonight can rip them all he wants his record is documented he wants a couple of three years here to proved that he can produce a winner and who's to say he won't the tip ted is over on the sidelines bucket goes back out with Jean Washington ball seal number 85 Washington of course number 18 1:35 remaining in the half Dallas over San Francisco 14 to 7 San Francisco has one timeout permitting first and goal pushing John the brother Harrison Kenny hersa rocketing into the 40 miners are within one I'll tell you Don no hesitation as you look at Tom Landry no intubation and bucket do you know what he wanted to do it he fired now they had it all set up you saw that Dallas or anywhere I saw that Dallas got to come over and double gene Washington it was a guessing call by the Dallas defense they decided to go double on the weak side they left the Amanda man on the strong side and that's not getting here some game Brut the heiress a pony out of SMU and his second here gets the 49ers the touchdown and Ray Wersching ties it up with 131 remaining in the first half and the Cowboys have their hands full as swept again just a quick slant a good shot by Plunkett right on target yes that's really what he was right there just that strong side the flanker they put the tight end into the middle will rejection it was that take care that linebacker and he had 101 there in time picked about six tie ballgame a this is kind of fun it is good bargain then hard any game the importance of the game to the Cowboys if they win tonight or against Denver next week they guarantee that if they win their first playoff game they've also at the championship game played in Dallas trolley car solo famous a cable car at San Francisco they're all waving then done the other didn't sell this game out it's blacked out San Francisco but there's almost a sellout crowd here where she gets it but Johnson takes it at the 14 watch out oh yes oh yeah he might make it but Samsung's and clothes started that is 14 out of bounds at the 49ers 20-yard line there are no flags down but Johnson gives promise of becoming an outstanding ball player you just saw one evidence there the young man from University of California Riverside a little bit of trouble earlier in the year he thought you'd grown past golden riches he was upset that Tom Landry wasn't starting it he can do so many things as you just saw with that kick run but he's settled down now he's happy in his role and he knows that in a year or two he'll be in this section t4 yard return puts Johnson and he does it the way you should do it you'd see the register there just you have to go with wild abandon only way to put it they're running back up when you're running back a kick there's Jimmy Harrison he scored for the 49ers you keep waving buddy you just watch the guy almost run it down your throat except for good education there destiny of you and another 49er is down and a lot of the night that way unbelievable in fact that a lot of injuries all year to which says they may have contributed but everybody does but this but rivers a great deal the San Francisco's woes that they couldn't keep everybody healthy as the good have been flow to this game from the very beginning San Francisco with an early 7 to nothing late Dallas striking back not once but twice 14 to 7 you just saw San Francisco strike back and now with an awful suddenness from the 49ers point of view a great kickoff return 5 but johnson mike burns is the injured player down a rookie out of southern california did on you mention those injuries yet bradley is playing in place of bruce Elia for the 49ers skip Vanderbilt is in there because Dave Washington dislocated a hip a couple of weeks ago Waveland Elam has not come back into the ball game yes he has just come back into the game so it has been a tough year for the 49ers for injuries well the Gil is out too you know Ralph McGill I think he's the one that's probably hurt worse than anybody it's the guy who got the D exactly listen here comes another Mike burns rookie he puts you back out of Southern California being helped off and he looks like it would be a shoulder that he's favoring his right shoulder Cowboys will have a first and 10 at the 49ers 20-yard line I've been at 20 remaining in the first half Dallas has three timeouts remaining last time the 49ers beat Dallas is a regular season game in 72 the last time the 49ers beat the Cowboys here was at 67th and I played that game a bit already won the division game out here kind of fooling around and got our air is beat first John Dallas fake reverse stop back back lays it up Tony Dorsett that was slick man that was really had him all the way he put skip banner bunt on tours it man for man no God no content let's put your call all over once you get it at Roger knew in a suit if you looked up and saw 52 the linebacker trying to cover Dorsett is a good fake that time by golden Richards the r83 came back in there kind of throws that secondary game drawers it's time to get out old banner but that quickly Dallas takes command again 22:14 and possibly 21 coming up get all probability of printer era hope you're enjoying and a lot of office well over 300 yards already it outfits a 49er jumps across our era hits flag is down Tony Leonard came across the line of scrimmage for the 49ers don't believe he got back he pins check his good tony dorsett what did you say and he markedly gifted athlete all of his life over six thousand yards rushing as a collegiate husband award-winner gained nearly 2,000 yards rushing his senior year came in and is done exactly what was expected of him excel and everything he does they got a Campbell from Texas that have a almost two full house i spiced went trophy backfield I think that's true I bet old Pierson a really good upset with a piece of free agent he would want to pull around those guys Dallas is still looking for the big back ah to go with Tony Dallas did not use much time there's still 1:14 remaining in the first half well but Johnson is not perceiving the San Francisco all over standing at his goal I a friend of ours up to kickoff for Dallas [Music] our era hits it to the goal line and hoeper will bring it out [Applause] black goes down wall is taken out of bounds by hope at the 31-yard line that was a rare Oh Frank along with I'm not sure I'll leave he was david stalls but Herrera was a guy that was the last one there the kicker that's how he hurt himself a couple of years ago missed the entire season as a matter of fact in 1975 making a tackle all against San Francisco so that's that Mike ball listen holding for San Francisco nullifies a good game by hoeper from the 31 back to the 49ers 13 yard line there it is well that's an embrace that's not holding I know he's gonna hold him now he's gonna get attack one minute six seconds remaining in the first half Dallas leading 2114 inside handoff goes to Jackson and wilbear rolls out to the 15 yard line a gain of seven it will be second down and three bill Gregory made the stop Aaron Kyle had a good shot at him back in that without the line of scrimmage just kind of stepped over and left him right there in the hole he found Horst lefting a little bit down for the 49ers second down and three at the bottom of the 15 [Applause] Jackson again left side Jackson out to about the 17 yard line charted the first down the crowd beginning to stir beginning to go a little bit yeah they want him to put it up in the air yes a little bit Frank they were trying to get that first down but they're a long way from scored their long way from the goal line right now they haven't they able to move without effectively third down and short block run now they could let it all run off if they want to do then they would hear a few boos well they might be going to do that I think that Buster could put up the hole you watch this crowd yeah they've already started once I thought John Brodie wouldn't get out of quito Stadium alive well that is the end of the first half the Niners let a tick off very appreciative of that Dallas leading the San Francisco 49ers 21 to 14 at the half highlights coming up be with us when we return and took on our tough test racks now it'll take on the world introducing Zephyrs e7 from lincoln-mercury born to challenge the competition bracket pinion steering wide bounce strut suspension front discs and c7 is energy engineered for space and biology with a very competitive price new zephyros ISA born the channel you know the price of that engine job about five hundred dollars this is a fram oil filter about five dollars if that guy had looked after his car right like this guy did including changing the oil and putting in a new friend filter when he was supposed to chances are I wouldn't be spending all this money now but the choice is yours you can pay me now or pay me later Fram and Auto light our Bendix companies Tuesday Helen enters the job market and Stanley becomes a housewife on Three's Company then coach ot kill his own stepbrother could Kirill have done it I was at a motel or could it have been the butler everyone suspect on soap friendless Gretchen to survive tomorrow night on ABC [Applause] okay we're back live at Candlestick Park in San Francisco it's been an exciting first half there you see the score Dallas a touchdown and an extra point ahead is out was for Bob Farrell scored first for the 49ers in the first quarter one-yard run after a drive seven to nothing San Francisco in the second quarter Starr back with a one-yard run around the kick seven seven and then a brilliant screen pass place go back to Preston Pierson 36 yards touchdown 14 to 7 and after that San Francisco tie-dyed Plunkett to kenny Harrison and then on the ensuing kickoff a great kick run by butts Johnson setting up a 20-yard pass from Starr back to Dawson who had been to bunt one-on-one no contest the Cowboys leading 21 to 14 quickly let's get to our weekly halftime feature the halftime highlights which are brought to you by commercial credit a financial service of control Data Corporation let's watch the Louisiana Superdome Tampa Bay against the state's John decay growing more white and every year against Hank Stram Archie Manning said it would be a disgrace to lose the Tampa Bay his Bobby Scott pass deflected picked off by Richard wood one of six Tampa Bay interceptions on the day is another the pass deep intended for Paxton boom intercepted by Mike Washington 40 petty lateral and eccentric round number 34 the score either nothing Tampa Bay at the time and Cedric Brown comes back down field 27 yards late in the second quarter Tampa Bay leading 610 up and Gary Huff back to bass hits ma Rizzoli touchdown 1310 nothing and the trend continued early in the third quarter Bobby Scott back to pass intercepted by Mike Washington again number 40 he breezes in for the touchdown Tampa Bay a 20 to nothing lead then on the second play of the fourth quarter with that 20 to nothing lead once again Bobby Scott back to pass tries to hit Tony Galbraith but watch intercepted again by number 54 Richard what he storms in for the touchdown that made it 26:10 up let's have another look at that play in slow motion would jubilee he's a disciple of McKay a graduate of USC got back to pass looking for gall break but what anticipated reading the play beautifully obviously goes on in for the touchdown so it was as I said 26th in up then late in the fourth quarter with Tampa Bay leading 26 to 7 Archie Manning was back in if he said it was a disgrace to lose to Tampa Bay it was part of it he passes zone block by Glen Robin garnet in by Greg Johnson 72 touchdown 33 to seventh and the final score was 33 to 14 the first win in 27 games for the Buccaneers and 8,000 fans greeted the team in Tampa last night Willie Lanier and Gimli 63 and 51 there and then spread time and caused them to be on at an arrowhead stadium but then against the Apple in a wild game the score 7-7 Jim's gone looking for a receiver but Gary Barbaro picks it off in the end zone and watch him go all the way downfield blocking is there and it's a hundred two yards for a touchdown that size but I made it 14-7 Kansas City as I said a wild game ten turnovers five by each team midway in the second quarter Kansas City leading 21 to 20 Jim's on right back the Germans Smith touchdown Seattle he goes ahead 27 Shawn's 15 touchdown pass of the year what an exclusive game this footage designed to show you exactly that Tony Adams in now began for city hits Larry Brooks is the fourth year man from Colorado number 83 and he moves on down field for a 63-yard game and in the long run Edwards troubled for Kansas City late in the second quarter Seattle leading 27 to 21 Mike Livingston passed intercepted by Jay brown returned 27 yards touchdown that made it 34 21 Seattle at halftime they held on to win 34 to 31 a little girl comes home to a house that will shelter her through the years giver warrant give her comfort and safety a house that would continue to give so that when she's grown her dreams and become reality commercial college education for commercial credit finds ways to help it was an unbelievably bitter cold day in Soldier Field Chicago windchill factor minus seven degrees but not too cold for the Bears Midway first quarter gone nothing nothing a Bellini good number 89 James Scott 11 yard played touchdown the Bears took a 7 to nothing lead midway in the second quarter it was 7 to 3 pitch out a Bellini to wall jump fake you know about number 34 look at him first [Applause] George the very next play one yard and sebacean he had another great day a hundred sixty three yards and all so is 14 to three and then 14 to 10 and again walljump eight seven yard down his fourteenth of the year that size Gale Sayers team record and so the Bears beat the pack 21 to ten and kept their playoff hopes alive at Saturday's Minnesota Detroit game becomes crucial japheth Stadium was also freezing place an icebox couldn't be in your hands except a few in New England in the first quarter ahead seven to nothing this Sam over-the-top touchdown the Patriots with a quick 14 to nothing lead as the half ran out Miami scored honey a premium field goal 14 to 3 in the second half a totally different game Miami kept its poise its defense tightened and then in the top of the fourth quarter they got back into the game with 5th or SEC paid at 14 to 10 Shula worried but proud of his team always they had held together now fourth and 12 on the New England 18 yard line late in the fourth quarter the pass intended for big fool fool eyes just over his outstretched hands and so New England won a big one 14 to 10 over Miami creating a three-way tie in the AFC East cold wasn't the problem in Oakland California bad hands for the problem in a soda fumble court eight plays right there McClanahan fumbled 6002 Sistrunk recovered here once shut for me he will bumble in 52 floyd rice will recover ultimately right there and then Tommy Cramer waterbag come right fumbles fix it off two yards in touchdown by then it was Oakland 21 to nothing over Minnesota all in the first one early in the second quarter with that score still standing watch this bog man even 30 fumble a bride picks up the ball goes right good downfield blocking 20 21 to 7 but Oakland was doing to Minnesota what they did at the very start of this year in the Superbowl and here late in the third quarter Stabler launches one deep to clip French touchdown moved it up to 35% it was a breeze with just a minute 30 in the game remaining Tommy Ramos finally hits Sammy white touchdown 13 the final score but if Minnesota beats Detroit this Saturday night right here on ABC you'll see if Minnesota will still be in the playoffs [Applause] everybody has somebody somewhere and now's the time to see them with United Airlines freedom fare there's no one in this land who have so much to live [Music] there's no so much to give as we do bringing more people to people we built the largest airline of the free world around you winding down on half time and once again the score here in San Francisco Dallas 21 San Francisco 14 ABC's NFL Monday Night Football is being brought to you by Lincoln Mercury Division who invites you to see the dazzling Diamond Jubilee collection of 1978 cars and the new mercury zephyr z7 foreign talent will be ready for the second half kickoff between the Dallas Cowboys and the San Francisco 49ers after a word from our local stations Wednesday oh thank you will Gere is Santa on a special Eight is Enough then Perry Como spending Christmas in England with Petula Clark and Leo Sayer Perry Como's Old English Christmas after eight is enough Wednesday night on ABC [Music] then over a year ago one of the great college coaches of all time John Mackay
Channel: Newton Minnowowski
Views: 16,763
Rating: 4.8362575 out of 5
Id: P3h4LEcCfG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 49sec (6229 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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