1981 10 05 ABC MNF Falcons at Eagles

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[Music] then lana falcons maybe the best offensive team in football and led by steve podcast year through 31 touchdown passes to leave the league last year and he loves to throw to a little speedster named Alfred Jenkins as he did right there but if you're going to stop the Falcons says the problem of stopping the ground game William Andrews out of Auburn a blocking back in college has become one of the great running backs in the National Football League bowl like so hard to bring down and he together with Lynn Cain are marvelous but if you're going to stop the Eagles you've got to stop the young man from Abilene Christian number 31 well Pat Montgomery of plays but absolute abandon a great runner a great receiver good block up and they are led by Ron Jaworski number seven the NFC's top rated passer in 1980 the man who led them to the Super Bowl against Oakland so tonight a critical game the only unbeaten untied team Philadelphia gets the Falcons [Music] we're live from a jam-packed Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia ABC's NFL Monday Night Football the NFC Western champion Atlanta Falcons against the NFC champion Philadelphia Eagles this ABC Sports exclusive there is bedlam here in Veterans Stadium it is the city of brotherly love but there is no brotherly love here tonight we think we've got as good a matchup as you could get based on performance up till now look at the NFC East standings the Eagles unbeaten untied the only such team in the NFL and in the West Atlantic a great team but feeling the hot breath of the resurgent brands hello again everyone it's good to have you with us tonight and we have told you earlier about the offenses of both teams let's get to the fences the Eagles a brilliant front group that can sack the passer a defensive secondary that compares favorably with that great Green Bay secondary of the early 60s and the line back is utterly superb even with Fergie out even with John bunting out tonight and especially you must watch number 56 a superb athlete Jerry Robinson now what to look for in the Atlanta defenses the gyfer will tell you we must watch Jerry Robinson he is a good one for Atlanta well they really don't figure to be as good as the Philadelphia but quite frankly they have beaten three times in the last three years they've done it in fourth quarter in a surprising way for Atlanta their weaknesses defense against the past primarily because last year they were 25th out of 28 teams defending against the past they've tried to improve that they drafted Bobby Butler a number at the corner but they're still weak there they're going to miss Joel Williams tonight they stay in a 3-4 defense all the way no matter what the situations and they have to really fine linebackers that came up with last year number 56 is al Richardson and number 50 buddy curry you're going to be hearing their number a great deal tonight this should be a good football game there's a tremendous excitement here at Veterans Stadium sold out over 70,000 and Fran Tarkenton is with us and he's on the sidelines now with Carl Peterson a longtime friend and a close associate personnel director for Dick Vermeil of the Philadelphia Eagles as he was at UCLA through those successful years fan right now let's have a word with Carl Carl everybody tries to throw against the Falcons will you do the same yes we've got to Brandon we've got to do something to misdirect them a little bit we're gonna run a little misdirection things we're gonna do some speed screens got a Turner hurt him on the corner a little bit they've got some young corners and they're too good up front to just run at them there's a height that Carmichael really make a difference against the small corner backs well I certainly you know on that fade pattern when they when they're bump and run and right on him right I think you'd agree with that too but we just got to do something a little bit different than we have the last two times because they've whipped us but defense is another thing how to get defense on offense like them do you try to stop Jenkins well we've got to stop him that's for sure but the two things we've got to stop it is William Andrews he's averaged about 5.6 yards the last two times we played him and the other thing we've got to do is put some real pressure on Bartkowski we've got to get to him one thing for sure Carl and gift this one is for men only back to you gift you hit it on the head it is definitely that and there is excitement being generated here at Veterans Stadium I worried about Carl Peterson on this Philadelphia Eagles team that went to the Super Bowl last year came so close there are 17 three agents this is the man that brought them together put them under the instruction and believe me it's in motional instruction when you deal with head coach Dick Vermeil you had a quick look at Tony Franklin he will boot deep for Philadelphia he really gets a foot into it there is Reggie they calling super net Smith he is five 478 pounder came last year as a free agent really is an exciting runner we're underway undefeated Philadelphia I guess once it beaten Atlanta in the endzone and Reggie Smith will stay there Tony Franklin kicking better than has in the three years that he's been up and we will see the Atlanta outfits Howard has already touched on but Bartkowski did a year ago and proudly the key thing is Howard he has been healthy for the last two or three years when he came up with an all-american California he was trouble with injuries yes and he had a recent injuries playing by the Flex jacket tonight but these damaged ribs have got will consistently better and I can't wait for this game from the 20-yard line the Atlanta Falcons the Western Division of the NFC this is William and his left side strong runner taken there by Frank lemaster after a pickup of three will be second down at seven and you'll see the three-four alignment of Philadelphia which will vary over the course of the evening and starting defensively is Dennis Harrison and he should be a plus for the Eagles particularly against the run he has been out with a knee injury played a little bit last week and Philadelphia's win over Washington and he is ready to go they call him Big Foot for obvious reasons if you will check his shoe size which is 15 second down and seven junior Miller's flipped wide he's the tight end but he can move out to the side and there he is and quickly the defensive move up there fast was Randy Logan number 41 the strong safety for Philadelphia gain of three a great tackle of part of the secondary I touched on that I said compares favorably with the great Green Bay secondary in the early 60s but watch 51 Reggie Wilkes tonight Marion Campbell waves in the defense of signals but if you have to adjust it'll be Wilkes who'll be doing the adjusting for the defense with bunting who normally does it out Frank Atlanta with the pass offense the third wide receiver in however to Andrews Andres struggles depending upon the marking it could be an Atlanta first down al Chesley number 59 defensively in there on the stop al Tesla filling some very large shoes from Bill Bergey on the injured reserve list having suffered a knee problem again in training camp areas alt s Lee a third year man out of Pittsburgh first attend the ball just over the 30-yard line for Atlanta victims of the Cleveland Browns last Sunday Philadelphia's we mention undefeated quickly the passes after Alfred J Jackson Randy Logan up there again defensively dexon is up close to the 34 yard line for a gain of four it'll be second down and six Alfred Jackson four-year man out of Texas comes in in past situations and works with Wallace Francis with great speed does number 89 Wallace Francis and of course Alfred Jenkins the little one who is so effective number 84 [Applause] second down and six then came back into the lineup over 21 [Music] Andrews hurries out close to another first down up at the 40-yard line in Atlanta working William Andrews to the left side Lehmann Bennett who brought success and a first divisional title to the Atlanta Falcons only a year ago and they are delighted with their team down in Atlanta aren't they friend that they are and that man there has done a wonderful job with him a lot of coaches get a lot of back away Leeman Ben doesn't get many but he's as good as any of them single setback once again William Andrews that means out for Jackson 85 Wallace Francis 89 Alfred Jenkins 84 those are the three wide receivers that see a lot of Duty for the Falcons Bartowski has a time going deep Jackson was down there working against Herman Edwards Paul overthrown good coverage by Herman Edwards who is making his 67th consecutive start after beginning as a free agent back in 77 I thought the point you made Frank was a telling point 17 free agents on this team yes a tribute to call Peterson who made some good points with Fran and the limited time allowed but at the same time all up put together in a cohesive synchronized way by one of the great coaches of our time dick firm they do work like a well-oiled machine second down and ten Bartkowski as the time once again complete takane came short of the first time I'm close to midfield shortened by threats a yard and a half it'll be third down as out Chesley drifted back defensively with Frank Lemaster to make the stop living in Atlanta Fran you've had a special opportunity to see Bartowski grow matured developed as a quarterback well I have and he's the greatest thing has happened to him is it now he has a great team around him I've never known a great quarterback who didn't have great people around him he now has that and he's operating as well as any quarterback in football his third down a little more than one for the first leading Andrews and her second effort first down running left tonight thus far is Atlanta that could be because they're fine offensive tackle on the right side Warren Bryant is out of the lineup tonight with a pull quat bustle of the lake Eric Sanders our rookie from the University of nevada-reno number 67 is playing right tackle for Atlanta he'll have his hands full working against Claude Humphrey in a passing situation at big Dennis Harrison in other situations he will be initiated tonight first and 10 inside put it off the territory the time suppressor and Bartowski spins out of it very calmly fires downfield is complete to Alfred Jackson great pressure on Bartowski he got out of the grasp of the blitzing Jerry Robinson and was able to complete the pass for another Atlanta first down this is the real development Bartowski some years ago he might have panicked in this situation but he's getting a big rush he keeps his poise he locates his receiver and delivers a strike the big play Jackson and notice it was number 56 Jerry Robinson who was in there on the Blitz the line back that we talked about at the beginning of the telecast you'll see him all over the field tonight at the 33 yard line of the Eagles first and ten this is Kane right side William Andrews Atlanta working on a clock they have used up almost six minutes since the opening kickoff Johnny Johnson defensively there for Philadelphia along with Dennis Harrison gift the trend in the National Football League is to have one big back and you give it to him 30 times Atlanta has two backs both um run and both of them catch the ball I don't think there's a better tandem in football than Cain and Andrews 11th play of this Drive there was no game by Cain it's second down and 10 Wallace Francis split to the left Bartowski West Francis that defensive play by Herman Edwards time that out beautifully to meet Wallace Francis it'll be third down at ten and that is the wrong place to go against Philadelphia permanent Herman Hendricks can play the cornerback position he's got him an old man Wallace Francis an excellent receiver watch the position of Edwards he'll come in and make a play on the ball ball was perfectly thrown made no difference at what's there philadelphia changes they go into that means Claude Humphrey 87 bottom of your screen defensive left-hand for the Eagles is in five men on the secondary third down and ten [Applause] Bartkowski as the time finds the receiver aqua Jenkins take his hoes on first down inside the 20 yard line Yul Jung was there to make the stop Alfred Jenkins has just extended a remarkable record well over 70 games in which he's caught at least one passive or I don't think he's really more than five eight there's Dick Vermeil 78 games now in which Alfred Jenkins has caught one pass or more he's only about five nine hundred and seventy pounds deep you can go we attach it over the middle as you just saw first in 10 Atlanta [Applause] right side mix-up three perhaps four it'll be second down and six Tommy Johnson defensively there for the Eagles a lot of people say well some people have thickened up the player they're too big to play if you can play like out for Jenkins it doesn't matter what size you are they don't talk about that they just talk about the performance cause Frank said these program listing is five 970 but today look how long they've had the ball on this drop today Carl Peterson said I think he's five 866 second down and six [Applause] still Bartowski has the time intercepted houses Lee his Lee lumbering down the sidelines here comes Bartowski the tech says Lee Bartkowski making a save Tesla was right in the pattern and Philadelphia after having watched Atlanta used over eight minutes has the football well here's Bart he has plenty of time I don't know really what he was trying to do he put it right in the chest Li's hands there really was there's a receiver coming inside he just overthrew the receiver and then Chesley makes a good move the offense kind of just stopped it and chased the man and he's running in Bartkowski is going to have to make the tackle so a tremendous effort on the part of Atlanta has been wasted and right now Al Tesla is hurt and keep in mind as we mentioned top of the show one of their fine linebackers John bunting is already out of the lineup the Eagles hurting a linebacker Dez Lee is all right ran off the field now having a conversation with the rest of the defensive unit that always gets together around Marion Campbell the swamp Fox former Atlanta head coach right now these seagulls up to the line of scrimmage just over his own 39 yard line [Applause] very sore hamstring number 31 is in there along with Hubert Oliver also a very sore hamstring the Eagles are hurting on offense Charlie Smith in motion big help Carmichael Carmichael cooling time Pridemore going out of bounds inside the 25-yard line firm Pridemore 510 Harold Carmichael 6 8 38 yard pickup exactly as you look at this I so on what call Peterson talked to Fran about the use of Garr Michael against the smaller men and so far exactly the kind of game we expected the Eagles coming up with a big defensive play when most had counted Atlanta controlling the ball for 14 plays 40 seconds coming up empty Louisa Mona is in blanked out to the right the single setback will be Montgomery first and 10 Philadelphia they picked up 38 big yards on that one completion this is Montgomery and Montgomery taken by number 79 Jeff Yates said he fence he left and sliding out to make to stop for Atlanta but not until Montgomery had picked up three yards Montgomery by the way missed last week's game at the pulled hamstring a game that the Eagles struggled to defeat the Washington Redskins in Howard your point of Carmichael gets a smaller quarterback is true but the only guy that could cover him that six to be 6a to be dr. J and he played basketball for this town but there are no 6-8 quarterbacks in football I can cover Carmichael it'll be second down and seven the ball just inside the 20 yard line [Applause] [Music] gunnery at setback [Applause] way action again Gorski reflected their intended once again for health car Jaworski knew he had the big man so it'll be third down now in seven torski last week and a 3613 win over Washington was fourteen of twenty six hundred fifty yards not really a Jaworski day there's no question they're going to throw the ball in Atlanta the other teams that played loud this season four teams and all had completed 64% of their passes against the Falcons they're much tougher against the run they're against the pass but if they run look for him to run left that's where Lana has the interest we pointed that out from the weakness against the pass the customer the NFC game playoff game against Dallas seven roll out by Jaworski looking deep Charlie Smith is in the end zone no he did not come down both feet inbounds that is close my friend very close Charlie Smith may be under publicized because he works with Harold Carmichael but a big play man how here's the end of it he's got the ball yep right footed right waters off the line good call by the official the over first angle trick and watch that right foot again it's on that line Howard yep and we will see Tony Franklin at the 36 yard attempt and Tony Franklin has been out of sight this year [Applause] Jaworski will help watch TV as he hammers the third put the Eagles on top we watched you for the game and he was kicking 55 60 yard field goals just as easily as you might imagine Philadelphia on top three to nothing we'll be back we don't doubt that at all most of dick reveals teams are and you go all the way back to his great two years at UCLA before he took over the head coaching job [Music] Secours ago here at philadelphia he can fire up all players reggie smith is deep running franklin again takes off hi booming kick Reggie tip will have a chance on his two yard line [Applause] Reggie step out to the 20 stacked up there and Oh might have got away for a moment atlanta who used up over seven and a half minutes in their opening drive to come away with no points watch the Eagles comeback use one minute and nine seconds to get three points there it is and the point there is that's one of the most deceptive statistics in the game time of possession points on the board is what counts right 22 yard line for Atlanta but we know Atlanta can move the football plenty we have kept on his feet he could have tacked on much more but he gets the first down out close to the 35 yard line interesting part they ran behind Eric Eric Sanders the rookie right tackle whose replacement Brian let's watch him over here 67 is Sanders and he he hooked his man in really an Andrew still her hand by him was a good block by Sanders first in 10 Atlanta Wallace Francis spent to the left top of your screen great speech to number 89 no pressure Jenkins was open and a good defensive play boy [Applause] here it a knife so he's ten yards off Jenkins at that point but once he gets to it to a about 20 yards he tightens up on Jenkins and makes a wonderful play that key therefore youngsters have played this game he watched right now young he watched tickets all the way he wasn't even watching Bartowski and when Jake has made that cup that's when he looked to Bartowski Barty Natsuki would have more success though in a quicker route than going that far down the field on yes indeed second down in 10 [Music] his carry eagle's out over the 40-yard line for a gain of six it'll be third and four he is some kind of strong is a pole an absolute ball he came into national prominence right ere and Veterans Stadium on a Monday night nobody really knew his name as at Auburn as I said in the opening of the telecast he was a blocking back for Joe Krebs and James Brooks right below in San Diego a spark they discovered the man was a tremendous Runner and tremendous coming out of the backfield as a receiver they are using him super there [Music] Bartkowski up on top ball deflected and picked off Benjy whoops this filling in for an injured John punting comes up at the second legal turnover and again great field position inside Atlanta's 40 yard line that ball was deflected went right into the hands of Wilkes [Applause] this is the kind of team the Eagles are under dick every inch every opportunism they take advantage of that just tremendous in this area is saw his left foot step out right there right Benjy well it's being congratulated he was filling big shoes tonight that of the veteran John Bunny will be back those are the ego players of wives thanking mr. toes and we are not sure but I think that they were given some other appropriate gifts a year ago by mr. tose who loves his football team he he gets his fired up as a coach Dick Vermeil first down of 10 Philadelphia on top three to nothing they have the football 38 yard of the Atlanta Falcons Lewbert Oliver setbacks for Philadelphia Montgomery screen in front of it [Applause] [Music] 25 beautifully set screen there's any question how healthy mr. Montgomery is tonight that answered it right there he had a pulled hamstring take off Peterson told us that have quick screens this is a kind of a running screen doesn't take as long as the blade screen he gets the ball out to my dorm we quickly the linemen block on the run he doesn't need much and he turns it on gets hit by the senator from West Virginia Tom pardon War Waker and Sizemore out there throwing the blocks for Montgomery 26 yard line of Atlanta one turnover interception by Tesla led to three points for the Eagles were threatening again mr. Shubert Oliver the rookie from Arizona a 10th round prick he's in forced into service tonight Lee Roy Harris hurt early in the year with a broken arm parry Harrington a broken fibula so we cos are hurting and what Burt Montgomery of course we told you about a pulled hamstring second down and eight gain of two by Oliver watch the way is hurting himself watch Montgomery plays with absolute abandoned last the way he plays Hawaii is simply great cow by Jaworski Tolly Smith will receive her inside the 20-yard line a gain of five it'll be - Kenny Johnson defensively there for Atlanta yet when you look at the Philadelphia team you've got a defense two people Harold Carmichael and Robert Montgomery half the running plays and pass plays go to one of those two people you would think it on trying to take them away and then Charlie Smith may be a factor Keith Whitley may be a factor but so far they haven't really stopped Carmichael Montgomery [Applause] they're down Paulo three it's a situation that should put to war ski into the past he does not the quick toss out of her left side short of the first down it'll be fourth down we should see Tony Franklin once again don't quite understand calling Oliver's number on that well sometimes you outsmart yourself hour do you think that they gonna start to take away your two big guys and you go to the other people but they really haven't taken away Montgomery or Carmichael I would stay with them along so here comes Tony Franklin eight of ten that's far on this season [Music] 34-yard attempt last year offseason for Franklin 16 at 31 as a rookie he was sensational 23 in 1979 on its way couldn't be better so the Eagles have to settle this time for a three six to nothing all their whites off the foot of Tony Franklin Tony Franklin is hit twice now he kicks barefooted of course anyone who follows this game knows his now watch the whip he gets into that Lake snaps it just like a slingshot and does he get the distance 34 yard here for Tony Franklin set down a kickoff and the super dad Reggie Smith awaits the kick which is a short kick taken by Scott Warner there rookie from Georgia and Warner close to the 25 yard line where Atlanta will have possession once again Frank it's my observation but based upon the calls made in the last Eagle series they came up short again twice they've had a chance to get in there they haven't they've come away with two field goals with Atlanta's offensive firepower they can take the lead with one Bartkowski bomb so don't be misled by the flow of play thus far the Eagles haven't truly capital all Jenkins hop to the left on first and ten it's a block from cane cuts back barrel Zenda Randy Logan carries him forward for a gang of eight dragging out Chesley with them and he is some kind of power I'm really amazed at how well dat Lana is running the ball on the Eagles when you can run on first down for 10-12 yards which they did a while ago they get nine yards here on a run that makes quarterbacking a lot easier Atlanta has been a bit of a jinx for the Philadelphia Eagles over the past three years they have met three times Atlanta has won each of those three meetings as Bartkowski looks over a second down and two Anders easily the first town up to the 37 yard line Reggie Wilkes helping out on that tackle you know he may have got national publicity on our Monday night game William as news for speaking of the when he came in as a rookie he shocked everyone his first game against New Orleans he went for 167 yards a near NFL record he came right back the next week and as we mentioned 124 yards against the Eagles six feet 200 pounder like a 230 pounder quickly after al Jenkins to number 46 Herman Edwards short of the first down but up to the 43 yard line for a gain of seven it'll be second down and three and time has run out in the first quarter Atlanta on the prowl once again we'll be back in Philadelphia that means that Kansas City will be the home team for the first two games of the best-of-five American Lake was playoff series beginning tomorrow against Oakland no need to play the second scheduled game today but Kansas City was put through an extra trip boy use of their pitching staff the whole thing a lamebrain to get but what do you think about it can you be more specific our second and three this is Kate gain first down midfield boy these two youngsters have complemented themselves Lin cane of William Andrews both of them basically basically blocking backs cane at USC for Charlie white Andrews for the likes of joke cribs at Auburn ok first quarter statistics Atlanta first down big edge rushing big edge passing about equalled total yards heads to Atlanta but two turnovers critical time of possession we've already told you of deceptive statistic single setback is when Cain has split to the left William Andrews below and set back gets the the left side that struggles forward somehow for three yards moving close to the 46 yard line of Philadelphia they put Harrison defensively there number 68 told you about him the Eagles although undefeated have sorely missed Dennis Harrison who hurt his knee and training camp in is that one would speculate still not entirely 100% there's no way that let Bigfoot go excuse me Fran I want to pick up in a mall because Vermeil wanted mozi to boo while Montgomery was out in a trade with the Pats finish up in a moment second and seven Junior Miller to tight end in motion becomes the Bret says Bartowski gets away from it and now has to fire over the arms of junior Miller who was covered by Randy Logan with his Dennis Harrison pressuring Bartkowski point I was making Fran Vermeil has great respect there are the stats on Steve up to this point great respect for mozi tattoo coup had a superb game against Dallas on a Monday night when you weren't with us friend but the Pats wanted Bigfoot Harrison or Jerry Robinson as Vermeil said no no you mean we won't go third down passing situation Bartkowski for ten Clark is in bout Humphrey number 87 is in Bartkowski has to hurry the Pattinson is to Jenkins but incomplete it'll be fourth down Atlanta and they'll have to turn it over I was real pressure Fran to downs in a row well he had I had enough time to throw I thought Jenkins had his man beat Barth didn't throw the pass he wanted to throw he might have had two hurried a little bit but it's certainly something that he would normally make that play dropping for Philadelphia Wally Henry he'll guess with John James who is one of the more accurate putters Emily having led the league a year ago in kicking the ball out of bounds inside the 20 new citizen of this Atlanta team here's why Henry from his 15-yard line back to the 20 so Philadelphia will have a first intent at their own 20-yard line on 33 yards by John James who did not catch the sideline Philadelphia on top six to nothing we're in the second quarter well it's the Oktoberfest of sports for ABC sports and it begins tomorrow with the American League divisional playoffs Oakland against Kansas City three o'clock Eastern and then Wednesday night the Yankees against Milwaukee be with us you're going to be in both places now I'll just be in No 1 for 0 red 0 first and 10 for Philadelphia over Montgomery gets a walk power as he's up close to the 27 yard line gain of seven that was what I meant Frank by absolute abandon to see that guy accelerate friend well as average pro rush this year's 5.7 now four yards a rush is an exceptionally good average average I think I'd keep giving the ball as long as he could breathe he he is one tough cookie he had an off year last year a little over 700 yards but when he had to be there he was there for the Eagles her to me and ankle had a groin pull a year ago globe on Montgomery will give you 100 for 10 percent every time around suck it up three that's Charlie Smith a motion for you by action by Jaworski plan to go deep to Carmichael he's covered so he goes out to Montgomery incomplete and I want to tell you Kenny Johnson had peril Carmichael man on man Jaworski had plenty of time now they're getting a little fisticuffs between Carmichael and Johnson if you look into our ski down I think there's a flag back there too we might have up in the pasture but Johnson carpeting exceptionally well this will be the first penalty flag we've seen thus far tonight is a very aggressive team gift they get a lot of these penalties first no foul on a defense number 79 roughing the passer Jeff Yates a little late against to our ski the first down for the Eagles at the lone 42 yard line 12:26 remaining in the first half two turnovers each of them leading to a three-point field goal by Philadelphia that's our scoring knee goes on top six to nothing the D from Arizona the single sucked out because Montgomery moves to the wing [Applause] [Music] rawski screening occur flew the Titan and Presley appended with the superb tackle by Al Richardson one of the fine young linebackers that join this Atlanta team a year ago they got him in the 8th round and he has just been superb that's one of the things jerry glanville a defensive coach what's hit this was the penalty once this but a year ago lehman bennett and jerry glanville put the light of the old maxim that you couldn't win with rookies was that in your mind really a roughing the passer for him I think he did hit him a little bit late there's a close call but he did hit him a little bit late wind in the protecting the quarterback so wish they'd have done it a few years ago somebody had second and 10 Rodney Parker another wide receivers in to Philadelphia number 80 Jaworski boring he had receivers together intended for Charlie Smith carmichael was down there with him and it attracted a lot of white atlanta jerseys it'll be third and 10 you realize what you'd be making if you were still playing max winner showed us all those dollars out of his billfold when we haven't they gotten well the last three weeks under the label is just amis he is indeed I did mention that night that they might still be a factor in that Central Division even though they were all into and now they are they're down in town three wide receivers remain Jaworski will operate from the shop go as the time receiver at airfield he'll be short of the first down he almost had it but it was a tremendous tackle by Bobby Butler the rookie first-round draft pick out of Florida State and he saved the first down it looked like he was going to be able to make the first down easily he had two blockers in front of him no Falcons around but the Falcons they just swarm over you know individually great players on the defense really with joy al Williams out some very good players but they swarm you Glanville makes them tackle they're telling me curry isn't great a very good player very good player Reggie Smith at his 10-yard line Mac's roediger picking well this year over that's his average this time it doesn't turn over and it'll be short we'll be out beyond the 20-yard line [Applause] get close to the 23-yard line will be first down at ten and a flag is down at the line of scrimmage therefore he tonight is pinned right [Music] that's going to be a force down here welding on the defense right to bring it back to mark it off and it should be a philadelphia first down that's the kind of mistake you simply can not [Applause] I think you just turned around a little bit I think he still turned around he's got his facts I think he's 59 on the South I think he was too since we well whatever it is not have a 59 I'll pull it off a unit well no he's gonna he's got four veil kept over you and I have to pee he's going to call it against the eagle they will get it worked out in the way that's kind of mistaken can't make he knows what he's doing all Tesla apparently we're guilty eagle and Atlanta when I finally good field position the ball thrown 33 yard line they have a little more than 10 minutes remaining in the first half he goes on top six to nothing good hard-hitting football games [Music] [Applause] the holding penalty against Philadelphia's out Tesla has been assessed our every Bend right had his facts right he just pointed north instead of South in any event Atlanta has the ball first in tan the ball at their own 28 yard line gift one mr. man the line offenses junior middle the great big tide in who can really play he hasn't been used much this year we usually see if they get to him tonight some and boozing cane best Miller in motion this is Kane gets a block from William Andrews and Kane picks up big yardage out of at the 35 yard line they are really chewing up that yardage on the ground when Atlanta has the ball time flies by that offense keeps going they have big first down yardage every time and accordance with the old cliche get as much as you can on first down for yards or more and they're getting that and more their statistics are good but they don't have any points they 12:16 ever this time stacked up to the 35 up close to the 37 short of the first down it'll be third down and perhaps two as Charlie Johnson slid out there defensively from Philadelphia we have another biggie next Monday vertical game again buffalo playing host to the team that used to be their nemesis miami but the bills cracked that last year and with Chuck Noxon in the wake of the Dolphins tie with the Jets builds a looking forward to beating the Dolphins if they can and moving in tight on Miami third down and two [Applause] and it will be pen it's very close to a first down as a tremendous surge by the Eagles front four sacked up this man that's a lot of man to stack up you know you talked about the stats out vaana's running the ball the thing that you have to do the score point you kind of make big plays big plays come from the passing game the Falcons not only have not made the big plays from the passing game the passing game has hurt him with two interceptions they'll bring the yard markers out and Andrews will get the first down as much as we talked about the Atlanta defense fan you mentioned it and I agree they don't have any really great great players over there the good players and years to come they might become great but Philadelphia amazes me you look at that defensive unit and they just play so well together yes they do know really all pros over there a lot of good players that and they play great defense no question about it course probably Jerry Robinson number 56 right line bottom of your screen I still hurry the ball out for chickens actually did not have to hurry but he did and is incomplete you know there's you know there's no question about it Bart is having a good year this year had a great year last year tonight he really hasn't gotten into the rhythm of the game yet I'm not sure Jaworski has either I'm sure he will before the night is over both of them are excellent quarterbacks but their get time to throw Jenkins was open the underthrown in the first half again Bartkowski also playing in a flak jacket tonight very sore ribs damage against Green Bay a couple of weeks ago [Applause] it's over a second down and ten bad news taking on a 50/50 play by Charlie Johnson and moves all the way from nose tackle spotting out to the right to make this you will not see a better play than that I can't believe it watch this from the end zone big Charlie Johnson it must weigh about 270 watch him on the nose he's going to go out with the screen he's going to get out and fight off a blocker right in front of Andrews right watch he fight off the blocker and make the play and Andrews pretty nimble backhand nifty back there he still does it some plug they're down 14 Jenkins left Wallace Francis Alfred Jackson they split to the right wait for Jenkins yes and he'll have the first down I'll tell you that was a beautifully thrown ball it had to be thrown absolutely perfect double coverage on Jenkins and Atlanta comes up at the first first big play for Atlanta offensively and and watched not many quarterbacks in the game can make this kind of throw his arm is so strong he's the field watch Jenkins his feet will see if he gets him down there's one to right in there well I was three that might have been three but he they gave since you've got a story it might have been three and you only need two that's right out from Jenkins 1973 he was cut by the Houston Oilers [Applause] Kowski again this one taken out of bounds [Applause] [Music] and the guy that caused that play to be an error throw was routed Jerry Robison he got back into the coverage and barked the pull the ball over his head and throw it out about but what you said it was exactly true they've got no Lana be off it's rushing but you really score with the big play you've got to make big plays Lana's 60th year of mashing Philadelphia 14 but at 6:00 dinner think of the core board pull it out and that's because of the two turnovers which make a difference in the game second down Frances right Dickens left in motion and Reggie Wilson gets to be 45 yard line gain of four it'll be third down and six Lehman Bennett who is an assistant coach with his rival tonight Dick Vermeil back in 1973 when they both worked under Chuck knocks out of the Rams are they put Atlanta back in the past situation have taken Cain out now they've got three wide receivers Andrews and big Junior Miller it's a lot of firepower to go with Jackson goes left junior Miller lined up bottom of your screen going deep Bennett for Jackson and back there defensively is coming up at the play is Randy Logan and this should go against Jackson yep I think those offensive pass interference Jackson really trying to keep Logan from the interception well I like to see this again I'm not sure calling that against Logan let's watch it hit goes Jackson and you people can watch it for yourself Logan's got a good position perfect position I already didn't see it either way I didn't see anything I didn't see it either way there Dawson a little bit down there but Logan's got a chance to go to swatch it from this angle see if we see anything now Jackson really pushed Logan there I could only see Logan playing the football I cannot see a penalty on Logan there I don't agree with the call first and goal to go Atlanta for 6 yard line two tight ends are anima Cusco joins jr. Miller and is an ambulance is taken by Ken Clark the superb back those taco is in there on the goal defense [Music] here we go from the end zone if Dick Clark just runs over van nope it's a tough block by man don't had to try to cut him up and he makes the play back in the backfield has put the Falcons in a almost well in a must situation to throw did you look at him Clark and in a situation working with the end zone where the Eagle defenders will be playing all receivers very tight second down goal to go not much you gotta look for the tight-end miller here the back and drew a the two best targets in this situation [Music] Bartkowski changing off let's sit up and intended for Jackson incomplete defensively it was Edwards and Randy Logan both back there with Jackson lucky it wasn't intercepting once Jackson played with the ball it fell apparently but yet within reach all right watch this in Reverse I can you'll see Jackson get the ball in his hand but Herman Edwards made it two men display Jackson's got him beat but watch Edwards strip the ball from him right here [Applause] rips it out of his arm and almost intercepted by Logan tenth play of this Drive is third down goal to go Atlanta started up alone 29 watch Miller Jackson in motion Bartkowski is a man wide open this Jackson is there the arms of Herman Edwards Edwards is playing himself some game and it's decision time and quickly Lehman benefits the decision out he owns a field goal unit it's fourth down fall inside the three the part of Lehman famous well both teams have gotten down close but the show's the quality of the two teams defense against good offensive football team they've shut them down the Falcons twice and now the Eagles once the 19-yard attempt by MIT blockers rookie from the University of California rivers are on the ground suckers hits the crossbars build it ball was a snap by Eric Sanders dribble along the ground John James came up with it he could not get it upright and the ball hit the crossbar and Philadelphia has the ball at their own 20-yard line John James is the holder Eric Sanders did not snap the ball well it dribbled along the ground James was able to get the ball but he couldn't set the ball down properly and Carl Hairston blocked that feat of that that field goal attempt but it really cannot blame the Walker's because the rhythm of the kick was thrown off by the errant snap well that's that's not even really the point because his the center watch watch it dribble long on the ground James got act like this third baseman there but watch big 78 Carl Harrison blocking and it boils down to Atlanta still has the goose egg on the scoreboard be on top six to nothing the two Tony Franklin field goals we in motion will burn Montgomery he is smacked at the line of scrimmage get there hard number 65 Don Smith their first see how misleading that statistic is with the Eagles leading six to nothing now I want you to know for the first time on home television for the first gun Saturday October 17th special time why to the 3:30 the fight between Sugar Ray Leonard and Thomas Hearns more in a moment second down and 10 in motion this time he has open field I think there was a tick however yes you're right if there was one henry had the first down out over the 30 [Music] [Applause] but flag is down both teams have had opportunities they're optimistic teams but neither team has capitalized tonight on their gifts they've had and that my friend is the key point Atlanta on a questionable call was inside the tin of the opposition they couldn't even score you remember the great fight world welterweight championship at stake rain Lenin against Thomas Hearns you'll be singing on home television for the first time Saturday October 17th number 2 o'clock Eastern Time special time wide world Keith gruffly [Music] back at the 10-yard line there's marion campbell head defensive coach of the Eagles used to be the head coach of the of the Lana Falcon back in his Lehmann Bennett they replaced Marion gamble not occurs and Benzema how I broke it off [Applause] 20 single setback Holabird gets the draw call I guess our close to the 15 lime and white defensively they're from LSU the minute Campo was fired the male hired he wanted that man a great defensive coach no question about it he's been a great defensive coach at the Vikings back when I was there some years ago out at the Rams for the Falcons and now here old Georgia Bulldog he is third down 15 [Applause] as they customarily do they stay in their 3/4 and off to Montgomery Montgomery taken out of bounds at the 24 yard line for our short of the first down it was Bobby Butler we put the hit on Montgomery and he has made some fine tackles tonight he's made great progress since we saw him in the Hall of Fame Game number Edie said the great elder statesman Claude hunter in point of fact one of the remarkable people in contemporary American sport there was a reason why studs terkel elected to interview him in in studs recent book Reggie Smith is daebak's Rena ger will punt for Philadelphia Humphries here is because of Marion Campbell he had retired at no pressure just holds the ball gives off a beautiful kick Reggie Smith is smashed at the 30-yard line he run ago did not have any pressure he held the ball will give dojo a chance to get deep downfield Smith was lucky yellow and Alana will have a first lieutenant for 31 yard line Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia sold out over 71,000 four minutes and seven seconds remaining in the first half and Philadelphia leading the Atlanta Falcons six to nothing both of them leaders in their respective divisions as Steve Bartkowski looks over first in ten from his own 30 yard line Andrews having a rough time off the left side except three yards it'll be second down and seven Giff except for the first Atlanta drive the one Pastor Carmichael neither offense has done much against the two defenses tonight usually when you have two teams like this that are so inspired defensively that happens they shut down the office second down and seven jr. Miller the tight end split to the left he has the speed and the ability to play outside two wide receivers for Jenkins and Francis top of your screen Bartkowski fires two tickets and tickets in the arms of the royale and young up close to the first down just a little short perhaps a yard maybe a yard and a half it'll be third down for Jenkins with that incredible average every year it averaged a little over 22 yards had five touchdowns on 16 receptions well it's a long two to go for this first down [Applause] is in there for Andrew number 39 play action by Bartowski Bartkowski forced to throw it away Jr Miller got a hand on it but he was well covered in Atlanta most fun he was trying to get to Kane down the field and everybody was covered part had nowhere to go give the Eagle defense great deal of credit for that great execution on defense defense have taken over this game right now Lanna drive in one big Philadelphia play a pass to Carmichael that's been the offense tonight on both sides with respect for John James lines up inside his own 20-yard line James doesn't turn over fair catch call for and made at the 28 yard line Philadelphia will our possession once again they have 311 on the clock the scuffle breaks out of the field with cooler heads prevail just a moment Ron Jaworski five of eight on the night the game has turned into a defensive battle first three minutes were all completely office first and ten Philadelphia there on 28 yard line the rookie from Arizona the solo setback Gorsky Charlie Smith Smith struggling forward close to a Philadelphia first down Tommy Smith that his first touchdown of the year against Washington a week ago and a big one it was is at that point Smith put it on the scoreboard Washington is still in the game pretty interesting gift he'd only have the ninth pass he's thrown the first half you plant against a team that does not play the past well you've only thrown nine passes that's pretty conservative football but they haven't had it that often Atlantis run 39 plays 217 for Philadelphia Lana's at the ball for 18 minutes and 13 seconds to 836 for the Eagles and they come up with a goose egg that's correct second down less than a yard Oliver single setback being used at the wing where's Oliver first out easily a phone with a 40-yard line Jeff Yates at the bottom of that Atlanta file and we're heading towards the two-minute warning both teams with three timeouts therefore compliment [Music] there it is Philadelphia remains on top search to nothing and we'll be back with more action after this message from the National Football League [Applause] US Olympic hockey coach Herb Brooks has turned pro can he make his magic work for the New York Rangers also a special assignment on ABC news world news tonight a nursing shortage threatens your health care causing a nationwide crisis what our Hospital is doing to attract qualified people to the profession had a special assignment on ABC News World News Tonight so tomorrow check us out we're doing all right first and ten Philadelphia just over their own 40-yard line Billy Campfield Robert Montgomery and their flanking in the shotgun by Atlanta Montgomery it's away from one Falcon but Downey go late hit out of the 43-yard line I don't think there's any question about that one as I mentioned before Atlanta gets two or three he's every week a very aggressive team Lehman doesn't want to take the aggressive sound I'm sure he doesn't want this type of penalty this is a big penalty and you can see easily what the Eagles are thinking as you look at this from the end zone let's look at it first they've got Carmichael actually tripled down the field he's gonna swing it out to the left a little screen pass to Montgomery missed tackle by Laughlin goes down and there's the spear by Kuykendall and again thought crazy it isn't good that is a huge penalty as since this one if you really put it in perspective because now Philadelphia close to field oft two remaining in the half will have a first and ten they're at the 41-yard line of Atlanta think touchdown settled for field goal and one other thing you are late hip on number fifty for the defense at the first child and the other thing you want to use your clock 152 left in the second quarter you want to either kick your field goal score you touchdown and leave the other team in no time let's see if they can do it three timeouts for Philadelphia out of the shotgun once again can't field 37 is a good receiver as is Montgomery [Applause] oh snap torski one Hudson as compared to Charlie Smith steps out of bounds topping the clock 46 and up close to a first down good offensive football they're really now taken away Carmichael they did and early in the game they're taking him away with double of triple coverage which means that Charlie Smith Rodney Parker Wilfred Montgomery are getting man-on-man coverage that's difficult they spent three timeouts stopping the clock by getting out of bounds good call by Jaworski force the calls being flashed into him from the sidelines mystic on first down [Applause] crowd - Rodney Parker incomplete Rodney Parker freely bombed little sticky there [Music] watch him here you'll see him look like he's open for a minute Georgie delivers about the lay underneath they cleared out and watch him get converged on right here by three Falcons Butler Kuykendall Curry Atlanta now and their defensive said or content to go the three-man rush which will cause George in no problem from our standpoint the drop and eight men back in the secondary in hopes they can cover people this is what many people thought was a weakness in their strategy last year balus with their two touchdowns and the playoff game to win van wide-open great pets any hold on in time I'd leave you dead it's a profit call Marley Smith had position Atlanta they argue but he had position touchdown Philadelphia and it was a great cut it was at that time Atlanta came with the Blitz they came with buddy curry but there again Charlie Smith is going to be man on with Kenny Johnson here comes Terry untouched early jurasky makes a good play Johnson couldn't handle him an old man Smith beats he means good ball is underthrown they go to touch pretty close touch thank touchdowns field-goal quite a contrast from the way the Jets finished yesterday for the conversion that moves out on top Haley 13 to nothing [Applause] previous meetings of these teams Philadelphia has been on top going into the fourth quarter only to lose look again here's the last part you can see he's getting beat easily he's got metalman coverage he's got the ball hits the ground he's alright [Applause] watching this Frank Los Angeles I'm sure you're giving me a hint right if the Falcons lose the Rams allow for right into a time I thought it was Morden ahead [Applause] you are not often that subtle it's very hard for a team to play 16 weeks consistently gird the Rams at their problems early but obviously they've got a so somewhat for now anyway and playing pretty good areas Reggie Smith Franklin he gets his foot into it [Music] Reggie Smith will take it for three and the super net gets in trouble with the 20 guys to get out and they'll mark it up close to the 20-yard line ray Phillips down there first for Philadelphia [Applause] all right that tells a lot too quick turnovers to scores field goals but missed field go hit the upright and then a punt [Applause] as Franklin once again I'd suspected that might get a little painful late in the year playing up in Buffalo or Minnesota how about right here Tuffy it's cold out there he says it doesn't matter is it with cattle on the top there needs to have one first and ten a lot has three timeouts [Applause] can attach to figure out what they have Gokul points out incomplete now this is a place where Bart's going to be very careful because he throws an interception down here right now he gets his team a little bit out of range against an Eagle team and Tony Franklin has great range he can kick it from 50 55 yards there he is this year from an off season a year ago [Applause] third-round pick in 79 out of Texas A&M where he really hung up some standards to be followed second in ten [Applause] out of the shotgun [Applause] and her star running put out over the 35 first down at the 37 yard line give what you call him on north-south he didn't know how it is to go sideways he goes right up the field Lana uses one of their timeouts as we'll watch Andrews once again marks it a little pressure I'm going to throw those screen out here to Andrews William you take it and do your thing there's old man no getting the block and that's our Lee Scott gets a block and Andrews runs over a couple tough people he's fun to watch he is that William Andrews [Music] he said hello to bernard Wilson there from Vanderbilt University Bartkowski sliding over and visiting there with Lehman Bennett there of course in communication with their assistant coaches up in the press box they left two timeouts remaining tell you about college football coming your way this Saturday college football here on ABC where is Wisconsin's down right outside of Platteville question ten Atlanta [Applause] there are two timeouts 13 to nothing by caste under pressure fires to Jackson is complete up near midfield for another first down and now they'll hurry into their two-minute offense that was a great throw by Bart he had a guy right in his face coming right at him he still got the ball out there this team is explosive they can score quick but they're going to get to 50 good defense they got the first down Bartkowski kill the clock for the incompletion again Jackson intended receiver covered well by Roy Nell young and Herman Edwards 41 seconds remaining in the half and what a left it would give the Falcons to be able to go into the locker room with some courts on the scoreboard it wouldn't need they've been struggling offensively the entire night nothing to show for it Falcons beat New Orleans in their opener they beat Green Bay the beat San Francisco stumble last week against Cleveland 28 to 17 Eagles open against the Giants took them 24 10 then they beat New England in the be Buffalo and they didn't play well but they beat Washington last week second down and 10 single setback for Atlanta Bartkowski Jenkins he's hammered to the artificial turf 45 yard line by Richard Blackmore and again it landed with the hurry-up offense and Richard Blackmore was all over and no matter what you use another timeout with 30 seconds remaining in the half once again Bartkowski will move over to the sideline to visible Philemon Bennett we could not world amidst people like jacked off I love to genie the family third down and five [Music] [Applause] 30 seconds on the clock remaining [Music] Jackson is off to the ride and Dickens goes to the left shotgun once again for bladder [Applause] Kowski as the time fires incomplete intended for Andrews stops the clock with 25 seconds and it'll be third down I'll say the ego to earth down rather and we'll get James the coverage was good they're putting good pressure on Bart casted he got hands up in his face he didn't have anywhere ready to go with the football [Applause] John James is on Philadelphia taking the Dames might try just about anything they don't even have a deep man I'll kick away looking for the corner into the enzone touched by the 16 seconds remaining in the half and philadelphia will have a first intent of her own 20-yard line ayman minute now in his fifth year he's done some remarkable things in Atlanta broke even in 77 nine and seven and 78 fell back in 79 but last year 12 and for the first division playoff in the 16-year history of the Atlanta Falcons and they've got to go back into the dressing room and regroup they got themselves in a real tough position here against a very tough Eagle team but keep in mind the Eagles the last three times HotList beat up his lead going into the fourth quarter Atlanta's come out on the winning side all three times egos are line up and protected office I was always good at that for seconds will tick off and Eagles will go in listen to Dick Vermeil remind them about those three games of a while in the fourth quarter Ament Bennett we'll try and get something happening with his troops will be back and Philadelphia with our halftime activities after this word from our local stations there was a stunning surprise at Busch Memorial Stadium yesterday in st. Louis Jim Hart had himself a great day there are the stats and after recovering a fumble on the kickoff hot handed off to Wayne Morris 9 yards touchdown seven to nothing the Cardinals over the Dallas Cowboys still the first quarter Dallas struck back the way they seemingly always do and you saw the handoff there from white to Dorsett touchdown Tony just missed on red yards on the day that made it 7 to 7 third quarter was 10 to 10 pump fake then a throw what a marvelous catch by Roy green of the Cardinals a superior ball player playing three different positions on the day look at it again one-handed and still within the end zone the touchdown 17 to 10 st. Louis but later in the third quarter second and goal on the st. Louis 11 Danny white who had himself another fine day throwing to Dorsett again Tony in for the touchdown 17 - 17 end up the third quarter fourth quarter first and 10 st. Louis ball a st. Louis 22 Jim Hart unafraid unerring throwing to his tight end duck Bosh number 87 that passed good for 20 yards second and 10 the Dallas 48 now watch Hart go to work again you never heard of Roy green he played wide receiver he played defensive back he played on the special teams ways and what a day he had that was good for a 19-yard gate to the dallas 30 seconds remaining Neil O'Donoghue no question hi right between the uprights the st. Louis Cardinals upset the previously unbeaten Dallas Cowboys the score 22:17 heart gets embraces the Jets a nemesis team for the Miami Dolphins going against the then unbeaten and untied dolphins Richard Todd in the early going red-hot throwing to jerome Baucom the tight end touchdown seven to nothing the Jets but Miami struck right back David woodland the second year man from Louisiana state split T option look at him go fall away down to the Jets three yard line that set up an Andhra Franklin 2 yard touchdown run 7-7 still the first boy Richard Todd throwing to the speeds to Wesley wodka from California coming back to his all-pro form that was good for 46 yards after that Todd through the Walker for a touchdown but done struck in for the injured Woodley through this one too a man who had a simply superb Danette morn number 89 and with third and goal to go on the six Don struck through again and this tied it up at 14 because NAT more look at his stats on the day he set a dolphin single game wreck Richard ton trailing 21 the 14 fourth-quarter throwing right there tipped by Blackwood tip 5 Taylor but Wesley waka had at a miraculous touchdown 21 all after that Miami had the ball second and eight on the Jets 23 and here goes done struck again the young man now a veteran from Virginia Tech once again the irrepressible Matt Moore 28 21 Miami Jets ball and Richard Todd what a day he had throwing that pass didn't look like it could be caught Bobby Jones surrounded by two defendants took it went in 28 - 28 and that set up an overtime game and that would create some controversy because in the overtime the Jets dominated but elected to run the football with less than a minute remaining twice late trying a 47-yard field goal you see the chagrin the despair wide against the wind so was 28 28 a tie game [Music] [Applause] but terrible yet but terrible year thus far for the defending Super Bowl champion Oakland Raiders the game against Denver and evidence of it plug in on the first possession back to past deep in his own territory sacked by Rulon Jones number 75 one of three sacks on the day in the second quarter Denver ready to strike third and 2 on the Oakland four Morton handing off to Preston look at Dave keep his balance he had a good day seven to nothing Denver that's what it was at halftime in the third quarter fourth and five at the 50 Denver's first possession fresh bridge punic matthews back to take the punt but no right through his arms Denver picked off the fumble that set up of Freddie Stein for field goal tin to nothing Denver and then finally this 20-yard dash bought in the Rick perros in the handoff it was 17 to nothing Denver Dan Reeves pulling a miracle for the Bronx an Oakland shutout back to back Baltimore was at Buffalo another capacity crowd at rich Stadium and Joey cribs had himself a hundred fifty nine yard day on the pills first possession of the game look at Joey running right superb blocking he gained 28 yards on this play that set up finally a third and four in the Colts 16 Joe Ferguson the steady going quaterback very much underrated looking but Jerry Butler the Tyga from Clemson back in the lineup touchdown seven and nothing Buffalo it was 14 to 3 at halftime then in the third quarter Joey cribs again this - for 35 yards to the Colts 18 yard line that set up a Nick Nick Amaya field goal 17 to 3 Buffalo it became 23 to 10 with less than a minute remaining per Jones still a great quarterback hitting Rea butlet touchdown 23 to 17 Buffalo is back with Butler and Shane Nelson back and remember next Monday night another critical game the Dolphins go into Buffalo no longer a nemesis for the builds they beat them last year we'll be with you then be with us and so that's the way it was earlier tonight at the Waldorf and halftime stats I should have said shilling young commentator for ABC at Lake Placid forgive me ship cost won her gold boy years prior to that the halftime stats Atlanta leading in first downs don't be misled in yards rushing don't be misled yards passing about even total yards all Atlanta but the turnovers the two utterly critical time of possession not very important the only touchdown of the night with the Eagles leading 13th and nothing was this throw by Jaworski the Eagles playing aggressive ball as the end of the half need the throat of Charlie Smith underthrown but jolly held it long enough touchdown and that's the way it was properly ruled there is Ron Jaworski and we are about ready for the start of the second half Frances talking to miss looking at his 3ds getting ready to important the depth of his knowledge ability to you while the giver as always is ready with the play-by-play and I don't think anyone on the Eagles ball club is mislead at all they know as Lanigan story can strike quickly Wally Henry deep for Philadelphia set to kickoff is Nick lockers egos will have first possession left foot of pepper lockers [Applause] this is Louise without a fake game last week the Wilfred Montgomery out to the 33 yard you mentioned the big game for robot Montgomery if ever a coach was put to the test it was Vermeil when he was without Montgomery Harrington out for the his team held together they won two games that they had to win and that's why they're the only unbeaten untied team in the league and tonight the defense has been totally staunch first to 10 Philadelphia their own 33 yard line as we begin the second half the Eagles looking for their first ever five consecutive wins at the start of a season they've never Charlie stay in motion Jaworski at the screen to Smith and spin out over the 35 to the 37 yard line he really had a big play going but al Richardson showed unbelievable speed coming from the inside there you see Richardson and made him an amazing play to hold it to about a three yard game re is they got him in the eighth round buddy curry came in the second round the two fine young linebackers that came a year ago to Atlanta but al Richardson really surprised everyone well they got him yet because nobody thought his knees would hold up on full football head bad Lee's in college that the bending from Floyd Lawton Collett but he's out of fire led the team of seven interceptions a year ago al Richardson seven torski and has to throw it away Charlie Smith Tim Laughlin pressuring Jaworski he had to dump it off and that's the guy replacing Joelle William tonight and that's really the first pressure Atlanta's handle Jaworski because our evening third down and seven now for to our ski who came into tonight passing a little over 56% at four touchdowns looks over to the sidelines picks up the play the splashed in and his offensive huddle now three wide receivers Charlie Smith Rodney Parker and Harold Carmichael and here is the pressure put on Jaworski by Laughlin often filling in for Joel Williams who is sorely missed by Atlanta another outstanding second-year linebacker how does shotgun Campfield cathy lohr to the first down at the 40 yard line Glazebrook up there initially for atlanta the dump off passes that was will rarely get you the first down on third down when you need substantial yard well they came in thinking they could build the dump off passes to Atlantic with the one exception of a pass to montgomery it really hasn't worked well Atlanta's linebackers are very quick they can cover that type of pass they've done it very well tonight coming here seeing second half hour I think we're going to see a lot of action both teams quality teams that land a little embarrassed the first half and the Eagles that really are for real Reggie Smith has dropped for Atlanta at his own 15 yard line backs vinegar therefore Philadelphia is on [Music] we'll take by Rena go sniff all the way back to his 10-yard line behind the picket line that was a 50-yard punt and Reggie Steph was only able to bring it back five yards we'll begin their first possession here in the second half at their own 15-yard line [Applause] tempers are test on the verge of getting out of control in this game a lot of love lost between the two teams will be back the egos Joe Joe Heath being treated on the field a couple of trainer's looking at his right hand they're not holding hands in there they're trying to get his dislocated finger back in place that's probably the case and it does hurt we had that friend yes I have had that and it's painful not only that it hurts coming to the sidelines if that was the case he'll say well I'm alright now but it is about as ugly a looking thing as you can imagine at right angles and all of a sudden they grabbed and pull it back did you have that yes I have thought a couple times most receivers and defensive backs have that one time or another all right down 13 to nothing first possession second half all just at their 16 yard line an explosive team so far has come up with nothing but fizzles Andrews left side Gerardi yard and a half we've been saying explosive deme but the Eagles haven't listened to us because they really shutting them down I haven't seen it Lana shut down this way in a long long time that man is doing his job tonight on the nose tackle Charlie Johnson Pro Bowler the last couple of years and playing back to Forum tonight will be second down and eight all up close to the 18 yard line Bartowski has then canes foot to the left becomes a fish here Bartkowski gets away from one eagle effort he dust about was sack there were two Eagles right with him Harrison was in there deniz Harrison is really playing a five-foot he has been the pressure on Bartkowski big fun I can't tell you the respect I have for Dick Vermeil he has equality that dates back to Vince Lombardi he really does the ability to get more from every man and the man himself ever thought he had to get and yet to get his people a synchronized to coordinate in a group effort sublimating themselves as individuals for the common good this is a coach third down and eight hopefully there's any question Alma's picked off intended for Jackson and [Music] unable to move the football left to punt and Philadelphia sounds a good chance of being in great field position where are the Eagles you think of Dick Vermeil Eagles didn't have a number one draft until 1979 from 1973 until 1979 and the Eagles will be a good field position after this games I kick Wally Henry on his 40-yard line at Henry back to midfield before he's violent 3-yard the Eagles will be at midfield 13 to nothing 12 36 remaining in the third quarter we'll be back in Philadelphia after this message Frank Gifford with Howard Cosell Fran Tarkenton watch the NFL's finest the Eagles in the Falcon both on top of the respective divisions and the Eagles undefeated an entire on first and 10 the ball right at midfield [Applause] this is Oliver a rookie from Arizona for yard pickup that close to the 46 yard line it'll be second down in six William Andrews not happy at the moment himself having a very good night but they just can't break through that egos defense when it counts enjoy ski and Charlie Smith provided the only touchdown thus far oh the night a 30-yard shot by Jaworski with a spectacular catch by Charlie's Montgomery Montgomery driven out of bounds short of the first down down around the 42 yard line Fogle Kuykendall out there defensively for Atlanta from the Eagle standpoint when you get field position like this from your defense the 50-yard line the kicker like Franco the bench you've got to feel like you must have three points the minimum hopefully seventh or it'll be third down and three a billy camp field comes in usually that indicates he is the good receiver that works out of the backfield the third wide receiver number 83 Rodney Parker is also in karma has loosened up as you can see at the bottom of the screen and really no setback if everybody's up on the line [Applause] torski good defensive effort there buddy curry intended receiver Kemp field and now Philadelphia must fight or perhaps we're wait to see but we do see running er coming out this was an important series yelled Frank because as Fran pointed out when you have that kind of field position you expect to get at least three from Tony Franklin and Atlanta he'll them legals didn't get it the Eagles have had a chance to put them away and they have it you know the team hang too long and they'll come back on you gonna go looking for the sideline and it takes a definite of Lanna baths but again Atlanta will be deep in their own territory at their 10-yard line a 32 yard punt and a frowning bird here at veteran's stadium where will we returning in just a moment the Atlanta Falcons first attend their own 10-yard line it could be a quite a series for them they'll have to Philadelphia will not be stymie too long GiftA need to throw it on forced down to have a real chance of getting out of there to hold the pass rush down bowling ahead second down and eight well what now what they've done how we're just put themselves in a situation where Philadelphia can strap their ears back and rush the passer they've been overpowering the Falcons offensive line in past situations second and nine past situation you should be throwing on first down in the situation like this they didn't got themselves in a hole from a 12 yard out to the left perfect idea [Music] two wide receivers Jenkins sponsors top of your screen [Applause] quickly Bartkowski chickens and Takens hustles up to about the 18 yard line it'll be third down and two defensively it was Roy Nell young and that was that was a good throw there because he's not really getting the pass protection that birth cows do like to have he's got to throw the quick rhythm passes until he established some rhythm of his offense once he does that then he can go do what he wants to do and have stole the ball long downfield she will eventually self in a tough situation the Eagles are not giving up that much yardage on the ground and they have a third and two I wouldn't be surprised to see him throw for it here Sandra's mix up the first down easily taken there by Lemaster and then Granard wilson number 22 made sure leave humble gift and alert Falcon let's see who it is our Cecil Mathilde metropolis on the ball watch Andrews take the pitch kind of hesitate right here sees a little crack and watch him take off the lot of eagles around here Bernard Wilson shakes the ball loose he really did RC filmin very alertly falls on it that would have been disastrous for the Falcons if that equals that have got him there was a near facemask back up to the 27 yard line [Applause] Bartkowski Olinda throws intended for chickens who was well covered it'll be second down and ten and we're going to pause five seconds and allow our stations to identify themselves this is channel 7 kabc-tv Los Angeles sold out the Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia over 71,000 they saw a lot of offensive electricity at the very beginning of this game Atlanta moving up and down the field almost at will but getting no points and two quick turnovers to Tony Franklin field goals it was six to nothing in in Jaworski if Charlie Smith in the end zone that's the situation with 934 remaining the third quarter second down and 10 the ball at the 127 Bartkowski jr. Miller gets the deflection and he has another Falcon first down out of the 44 yard line and Al Chesley had a great chance at an interception but a trickle off his fingertips into the arms of jr. Miller his first reception tonight he really did you'll watch here's Bartkowski gets a little better protection but you're still getting penetration by the by the defensive line watch Chesley here tip the ball has a chance to intercept junior Miller gets the rebound first down grab the be lucky than you go last time they threw a first down that was a good selection Bartkowski organizing the troops Jenkins is off to the right Bartkowski one and he left first and ten follow game master out over the 45 yard line for a gain of a couple it'll be second down and eight there's a lot of time left in this game but one must still question those signal calls Fran is exactly right they should be throwing on first end well the reason for throwing on first down is to try to hold down the pass rush first down defense looks at is a run down they don't rush the passer nearly as well as they do on second and third down here I would think Bartkowski would throw the ball probably throw a very quick rhythm pass doesn't want that eagle rush to get up in his face wallet Atlanta is 47 yard-line junior Miller's foot out to the right [Applause] big versatile tied-in he can do so much with him complete Lynn Cain over the middle short of the first down at the 47 yard line of Philadelphia with a good call well executed didn't give them a chance to rushing got to 1/3 132 situation third to perhaps a bit less in a similar situation a few moments ago they gave the ball to Andrews sweeping left he picked up the first down to two theories here we give one if you run the ball on third down you become just inches short you might go on fourth down they've lined up very tight now [Applause] I think Squad Humphrey offside [Applause] he's not even complaining he was drawn off that should give the Atlanta Falcons a first down with ease took a little pressure off of Lehman Bennett's third of a fourth down call rising to see a veteran like Humphrey do that in that situation especially defensive coach had made contact at the first down now in this situation our I think it's our key to run the boat get down in their territory you've had some pass throw first down not bad to let caner andrews run the ball now you got the ball in in your part of the field where you want inside the 47 yard line of the Eagles first and 10 7:21 remaining in the third quarter that's junior Miller in motion laughs I came Jane goes down Charlie Johnson their first but he gets inside the 40 down close to the 38 yard line for a pickup of three over second down and seven this drive is reminiscent of their opening drive at the start of the game and then they had the interception and that knocked him completely off their rhythm for the rest of the first half and half of the third quarter he goes standing up now in their secondary [Music] [Applause] Bartkowski andrews he has the first down he's down inside the 26 yard line out says Lee defensively there for Philadelphia yell the Falcon coaches tear some credit here they were getting a big pass for us by the Eagles they're going to quick rhythm passes not allowing that pass rush to get up in bartowski's face Bartowski wasn't throwing the ball well down the field shorter passes are easier to complete and they're plucking away out remember this drive started at their 10-yard line they're using up the clock and they're moving closer tenth play coming up Andrews finds a big hole cuts a package down to the 15 he is amazing he really is but see the rhythm of the of the offense hard you see if you know you're now they've got things swinging form the Eagles now a little bit uncertain on defense and they're they ran off first time got ten yards the Eagles don't know where this pass a run off first down now another Atlanta first down let's look at it again I'll tell you he has all the traits of a great back spots head opening inside brand cuts back against it RC filmin in the offensive line give him some blocking Ayers van though getting the block one Chesley and he does the rest but the offensive line is blocking well for the run of their own 10 we're at the Eagles 16 yard line and here's again he's the workhorse of the drive king of two perhaps three but call it second down and seven keep in mind this is a great Eagle defensive team and they're gonna toughen up down here and say it's not gonna be so easy Atlanta earlier in the game at a first down and goal to go they could not get on the scoreboard [Music] second and seven dick take pastor Bartkowski [Music] [Applause] - Wallace Francis Wilson was there Herman Edwards in close pursuit and Herman Edgar's is playing himself a game tonight well you'll watch here you'll watch the outside receiver go and watch junior Miller come out here Madeline Logan that's the first you've got to go to could you get double coverage on the other man that's what we're talking about going to the man has the least coverage zoning Junior Miller has the least coverage although he was covered two guys recovering Wallace Francis we had a great look at the coordination about defense Herman Edwards knew he had outside coverage he knew had Bernard Wilson to the inside and the ladder through right into the teeth of them third and seven [Applause] critical down they share Bartowski and Down Goes podcasting 87 Claude Humphrey the former Falcon sex Bartowski all the way back to the 18 yard line that's the first sack of the night here comes the field goes uniform I know they've done it again they went away from what got him there what got him there was a good crisp short passing game running game the third down past 37 he went back to a full four second pass he doesn't have the time to throw those kind of passes what happens sack 35 yard attempt [Music] he is four of eight [Applause] on its way and it's good in Atlanta with 417 remaining in the third quarter they are finally on the scoreboard they trail 13 to 3 down by 10 the Falcons will be back time of possession Atlanta 27 almost 28 minutes Philadelphia almost 13 minutes with the score 13 to 3 and Philadelphia stymied their first two possessions here in the third quarter a look at Wally Henry awaiting the kick of Nick luck Hearst but cursed things at our [Music] bottles of all [Music] and easily it was Kenny Johnson the fine cornerback put that ball on the second hop raced into the end zone and the man that laid the hit on Wally Henry was Neil muster and did he lay a hit on him the Atlanta defense special teams have been doing that all year they get defensive touchdowns at 101 yard intercepts returned by Pridemore a couple weeks ago this was a huge play for the Falcons and a tough play for the Eagles just like that we have a different ballgame we sure do and that lanta returns to its habit against the team it's been a nemesis look at that hit what a perfect bounce perfect bounce McKinney Johnson makes a lot of these ladies always right there here we go not cursed spirals run through and that win I'm sure Lehman pin it took a gasket that was very close didn't take the walk Atlanta to within three points 405 remaining in the third quarter we'll be back neo muscle played the hit on Wally Henry he copped it up and the man that took it in another one of those great draft picks from a year ago Kenny Johnson Rutgers hits it again and assistant deja vu who is Wally Henry takes it out from the same spot this time he covers it up and goes down out of the 17 18 yard line the helmet came out of that pile up for a moment the crowd was in an even greatest state of shock they thought the helmet was the fun fall but it wasn't our hear the touch here's the time wipe down the bottom you screen 53 Neal mussar makes the hit right on the ball pops right up to Kenny Johnson touchdown and the pressure now switched over the Eagles are in a hole they got a three point lead but the pressures on the Eagle offense they've got to make first downs for their Eagles and I noticed on the sidelines Dick Vermeil got his offensive team together got in the middle of it edit quick word with him there are a very poised team [Applause] they have got themselves in trouble they've had two possessions they could not generate a first now they're inside their own 20 govern he can make things happen [Applause] as driven back hit first by Buddy Curie look at the gang tak tacular of the Falcons they're just kamikaze guys are all over the ball they just hit everything that moved well you can see the change that Lana's come alive what they're going to have to do the Eagles to sustain stay ahead is not played ultra conservative football Marion Campbell talking it over with the defense Montgomery picks up three three and a half yards second down and seven first down is critical for the Eagles missile his possession 34:14 Arizona [Applause] Kowalski wide open and torski on target to his tight end correctly as a big play that's what I've been waiting for all night Frances noted earlier each team has used its tight end relatively sparingly now they bring Kressley into the action we haven't seen that much of jr. Miller except for it deflected pass and lucky and arolea dry there's really nobody covered him Glazebrook comes late but obviously they're trying to take away Montgomery and Carmichael and left me alone as you look at it now if you study frequency that is only the fourth reception for F Lee was here [Applause] first and ten the Eagles at their own 36 yard line burski again looks the Carmichael he's covered tempted off and that could have been picked off it was deflected off the hands of al Richardson second down and ten that was very scary from the ego standpoint but the Eagles did what they had to do offensively they got a first down they cooled things down a little bit now so now it's a battle the intensity of this game you can just feel is picking up Bartkowski with his receivers Francis and Jenkins and there's Jimmy Johnson Jimmy ray the receiver coaches there with them in there it's tough out there right now some ball game that's the time remaining in the third quarter [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the word ski back then sit off - Oliver takes his eyes off it it'll be third down in ten Jaworski has got himself in a tickly situation well this team is suddenly looking a little bit tight it is holding on the football there were George ski wanted to go down the field nothing doing didn't really want to throw the ball out where he threw it and watch it if he got it dropped that's twice now on second and 10 and the first and 10 and second and 10 his deep receivers were covered he had to throw short underneath all right Lana on third down and long have been going this with the three-man rush dropping eight back that there's no pressure to torski he'll have time to throw properly cam field is in the backfield number 37 Jaworski from the shotgun and it's not hell I do not believe now they know ruler of fumble or are they gonna win with a completion all his ruled complete that will bring up fourth down but a bad play because know when their first down territory you must achieve that it was a bad play hard because it was not pressure on the quarterback he had time to look around you've got to hit a pattern that came into the first down they were three yards short Reggie Smith inside his 15 yard line [Music] [Applause] flag is down dick powering cut a Reggie Smith takes at the 8-yard line at he was a bad finger of a short while ago but I think that will come back yep I think you had feet probably people going to early if it is a penalty 55 yard putt by running er that's a terrible blow to frustration is what the Eagles feel now incidental I couldn't believe that the receiver didn't call a fair catch took his life in his hands I don't think Lehman Vinick could have believed it either that's coming back somebody moved on the offensive team nullifies a great putt by running either that are an illegal man downfield dendrite indicating illegal motion let's say often illegal motion number 51 Reggie Wilkes starting tonight for cutting but what's happening the Eagle offense is putting a lot of pressure on the defense here they've had three possessions in the second half one forced down turning the ball over to the Falcons a lot Reggie Smith has moved up to his 20 yard line I think he knows what a fair catch is twice tonight he has really taken a chance right agree with the long count another 5k I just met at the 15-yard line they're running oh man he gets off to the 20 and he's hammer there [Applause] it's easy to sit here and criticize the coach but remembering Scott Werner last year as a punt returner a rookie what the Eagles I just can't see using this kid instead who runs backwards the strategy of this is he's on the catches on the near the sideline on one side of the field tries to get to the wall on the other side of the field that is virtually impossible actually Atlanta they're fired up they have a first of ten if we roll 20 Andrews single setback that's the time remaining in the third quarter [Applause] finds a little opening and exports it out close to the 24 yard line gain of three three and a half yards it'll be second down and seven remind you about a new starting time for our game with the Rams of the Dallas Cowboys October the 18th the new starting time will be 8 o'clock Eastern ofcourse for you Dallas fans that will be 7 o'clock at your time for a Sunday night special from Dallas and there is an injured evil as Dennis Harrison - Carl Hairston if Carl Hairston it is brother I think he's got a cramp to the left leg they appear to be rubbing the left leg Hairston give you know all these injuries if you have them all I mean Carson is we're getting a feel watching a lot saw an old friend of yours today number 60 fella named Benton there oh I made him famous gotta hit him a little harder Barristan I do not believe seriously injured the massaging both legs he has a little bit of a history of leg cramps that's interesting yes first 10 points and eagles have given up in the third quarter this year and but what's warrants in the defense still hasn't given up a touchdown in the third quarter because they'd given up the field goal on a drive by Atlanta and then the defense or the special teams touchdown and Lana's offense really hasn't done a whole lot against this eagle defense they've moved a couple times up the field then they just shut him right down [Applause] Liberty Bell painting by three points if you were 13 to 10 49 seconds remaining in the third quarter at the ball at the 28 yard line and a 23 yard line if you remember gif and Howard the way that I moved the ball was the short rhythm quick passing game to nullify the fierce legal rush let's see if they stay with that on secular long [Applause] [Music] some will set back hard [Applause] Wallace Francis [Applause] Frances glenelg young and he gets a first down out over the 35 that quick read them past just what Francis was talking about very safe pass you watch this you watch Bartkowski take two or three steps back no chance for a pass for us to get in his face throws it out he's got a great plate athlete and Francis many great athletes on his receiving corps he gets the first down with these at the 36 yard line 26 seconds remaining in the third quarter earlier before one the last three meetings between these two teams in three years they wanted all in the fourth quarter [Applause] almost picked off by Jenkins and now Jenkins prevented the interception because after Laura now Yan came up to make the play he became a defensive back and jerked the ball out of his hands [Applause] his Bartkowski back from the reverse angle you'll see the Royal Young had perfect position to make the interception right here watch Jenkins try to rip the ball out all of the ball was already gone but he held him long enough to keep him from getting it nothing but daylight oh he had to he had a touch second and 10 seconds goes right Taine's good again to the left good draw down [Applause] this batted down flag flies Reggie Wilkes was on the Blitz but it could be that the offensive line was not set a full count I think you're right gift again and that will be decision time now for Philadelphia I don't think so gift I'll decline I think the will to do illegal motion on the offense decline it third down third down and ten Kirsten still being treated on the sidelines but now he's getting the ligament he's getting he get all right turn around again watched again now here's what that pass rush comes in bartowski's got to go back to take the time this time his line needs to hold for it third and ten question Jenkins first down look at the little man they pull the ball Jerkins that was a deliberate effort who came up with it that's an interesting call ask Greg Brown a great story the rookie from Kansas State I think it was Bernard Wilson who pulled the ball free from al Jenkins and the question is was his motion stopped or not one Nate when they did this just watch it it's a quick rhythm pass again Markowski look look at the big rush hits in the Jenkins this watch catches it here he comes he was still moving forward all right now he's held up there he's held up there there's Wilson you know it's decisions call judgment call by the official he made it in the favor of the Eagles and that's the way it's gonna be and Philadelphia has a first down big break for the Eagles big ball just over there 45 yard line ah no seconds of the third quarter [Applause] karma : we one-handed it pulled it in and gets an ego first down 37 yard line of the Atlanta Falcons as time runs out in the third quarter and Bobby Butler thought he'd intercepted the ball watch this here interesting play they're doubling airs Glazebrook short Butler deep the ball is deflected right there Butler thought he to the kid he didn't get it Carmichael got it back and he gets Paul Adelphia first down at the 37 yard line of Atlanta we'll be back for the fourth quarter after this message from our local stations [Applause] [Music] two or three without playing in Philadelphia of course that football game we hope you're enjoying it it's an intense game the excitement probably hasn't been that great but the quality of the team's is excellent and it's been a very intense feed and we're in for some count of fourth quarter I can hardly wait to begin the fourth quarter he goes first and ten following a great catch by Carmichael they had the ball inside the 38 yard line of Atlanta [Music] [Applause] Jaworski montgomery screen a Montgomery turns back inside he gets a yard a yard and a half as he's hit by Jim Laughlin it'll be second down at nine let's take a look at the statistics ok quarter total domination by Atlantic except for turnovers and again the time of possession misleading because a Eagles still lead 13 to 10 and Atlanta cut its touchdown on a special teams play after massa had caused a fumble by Wally Henry on a kickoff and Johnson - per second down at night [Applause] [Music] becomes Oliver and the rookie yards it will be third down and six thank you some late hit on Atlanta here again like so other flag is down I think it could be let's see through the flag Blake nope I played against the Eagles holding I think you're right we wait interesting to me as we wait for the call that here the Eagles in good field position two straight runs ours against a team that's poor against the pass to say the least non-aggressive football let's go back to Eagles up especially in a situation where the field goal doesn't help and all they need a touchdown and often holding number 62 Peterborough left guard made his first start tonight [Applause] back throughout training camp early part of the season is detected holy it'll be second down and 14 the ball inside the 43 yard line and you look at it from the Atlanta the Eagle standpoint gift have been Dublin Carmichael they've been leaving Smith by himself and Parker by himself [Applause] our ski back he has the time where he goes Charlie Smith was opened a little early by Bobby Butler I think he was well I'll say looks like a pretty good defensive play but we'll see it the referee was right there he had the best position to call it and he called it like he thought it happened and the Obey eager rookie here how often have he had single coverage pretty good position on Charlie Smith there nobody underneath him balls delivered on Times I'd say that's a pretty good defensive play gift I would say is interference I would too 4:23 have pretty good defensive play came right through the bands of all not bad play you live in Atlanta still don't you makes no difference of 10 Philadelphia inside the 30-yard line of Atlanta while ago I caught at Philadelphia's favorite when they call the bat interference against Logan and I thought that was a bad in the first row [Applause] [Music] Montgomery left-side Montgomery scuffles to the in a four it'll be second down and six please Brooke and Jim Laughlin defensively we go first down that's the man you want to get maybe on it's on first down that they wanted almost five gift and into the backfield is Louisa Mona and out comes Wilbur Montgomery and he's favoring his left arm now here's a situation with a Montgomery out you might look for him to throw the ball on second down last week against Washington this is Oliver snuggling for a couple is going to be third down and two and a half to three yards as Glazebrook again was there defensively with Montgomery out things changed considerably for Philadelphia Lili shamone of course not nearly the power that Montgomery has he's five 980 pounder but he can do a lot of things coming out of the backfield as we look once again in the weeks to come Philadelphia fans are going to be sieving seeing Steve Atkins a high draft choice of Green Bay out of Maryland Green Bay gave up on him the meal is very high third and three thus far Philadelphia is old for six on third down conversions shamone they're all the seven ball against the team that's very good against the run defensively very poor against the pass and the field goal means nothing touch can win for Atlanta I'll put them ahead that's right it's it means something but certainly not as much as a touchdown would have done Tony Franklin has hit from 36 yards and 34 yards on the night this one will be a 43 yard attempt and nobody's perfect Jaworski the older guy Morris does the snapping yes so Philadelphia now has a six-point lead and we have 1146 remaining in a good game for Philadelphia stay with us [Applause] Grover Montgomery his left forearm and elbow being treated by one of the trainer's wearing the Philadelphia championship ring from a year ago Tony Franklin is set to kick-off as you look at Reggie Smith in his end zone respecting the foot of Tony Franklin who gets this one off the side of the footer now back the Eagles up five yards at Tony Franklin will kick from the 30 give us a chance to remind you tonight on Nightline growl wallenberg the man credited with saving thousands of lives in World War two the question could he be alive and behind bars in the Soviet Union today a big happening in Washington President Reagan made him an honorary US citizen that story tonight on Nightline Frank that's one of the most remarkable stories of our times I just recently did a talk radio show on the network with a member BBC correspondent who has written a book called a righteous Gentile the story of Raoul Wallenberg so the viewers tonight are going to get an insight into one of the most remarkable men and courageous men of our time Reggie Smith moves up to his 5-yard line [Applause] [Laughter] talking about Tony Franklin and Leonard and look at his foot of the the the zero Oh [Applause] very valuable very valuable thing and he did go did he ever Reggie Smith from the goal line and Smith bobbles the ball he fumbled it in Atlanta recovered and Atlanta was on it there is some hitting here tonight I'm telling you there is Atlanta will have a first and 10 inside their own 22 shows you the nature of the rivalry between these team two teams the closeness of the competition the Nemesis for Philadelphia but not yet tonight Philadelphia lead 16 the ten and all the games really loves middle scoring games Atlanta brings it up they've been able to move the ball they're offensive not been able to score a touchdown that's the left to their special teams if guns Anders at the line of scrimmage the sheer strake will carry for a yard a yard and a half that will be second down and eight Howard remember the first quarter Howard lino did run the ball effectively legal and pretty well shut it down now they're not getting much in the first down run Andrews average has fallen off considerably tonight look at out time of possession even up in the second yet and the total plays paid game and here's came in average Carrie Scott [Applause] Dickens Hosanna he has an Atlanta first down out over the 35 to the 36 yard line Herman Edwards defensively for Philadelphia interesting when time of possession even off even Don Atlanta out scores for Philadelphia 10 to 3 when Atlanta totally dominated possession the Eagles built up their 13 nothing late little meeting there is something they say about big plays as Vermeil looks over his list look behind a couple of the Eagle guards bacon for a first down not much success running on first down see if Nicole [Applause] nobody moves before to the forty it'll be second down and six that's a back with remarkable balance cane he really does have good balance you hear a lot about Andrews with canes a very strong runner always going forward when he came back last year Ricky season that was also pretty spectacular but he had a bad knee injuries over a key but he came back and put together a 900 yards season a year ago and of course that coupled with William Andrews 1,300 yards made pretty potent running attack be wide receivers sucking down in six complete over the middle and his painting who struggles close to another first down regi whoops defensively there for Philadelphia and I think we'll get a measurement we will given how as we sit here we've seen him now hit a lot of short passes we know he's a great long thrower and he's got great speed at the outside receivers he kind of almost anticipates somewhere in here he's going to crank it up and let it go [Music] and we'll get a measurement that maybe friend but unbalanced what he's shown tonight is his ability to adjust to change his game he has he's adjusted very well he's done what he's had to do and go to the cook brother pass into shark Bartkowski 21 of 41 on the night suctions both of them led to three point the you know there is a time Giffen when you had these situated 'if it's a tall crowd up and you see a fake into the line in a long pass defenses don't give you that much anymore you don't fool them that easily they still play the past as well as a run top tight outfits who said [Music] on the Long Count brought off as Kate easily picks up the first down [Music] sometimes you can get away with that long count on that short yardage situation save the effort the running attack and offsides indicated against Philadelphia that's twice twice they've done that tonight you know how are you getting for the Eagle defense is certainly better than feel a long time really high and you would you know they've taken this great Hospital team and shut them right down giving them only three points you wonder if they wear it down a little bit but it all seemed to they keep playing tough outside defense number 68 at the first town that's Bigfoot Harrison Dennis Harrison offside so were a couple of his friends [Music] [Applause] Philadelphia territory a trail 16 to 10 Bartkowski finds William Andrews and he's beginning to work underneath to Dean and Andrews coming out of the backfield and successfully so sending Jenkins deep sending Wallace Francis deep along with junior Miller all right now you look from the defensive side of it they've been rushing the passer to hitting them underneath what do they do they got to come back the linebackers we're just going to clamp down on the offensive half bang bang those backs into the pattern nothing wrong with the Blitz force him to throw up before he wants to [Applause] both backs again tenifer jr. Miller and almost picked off by [Music] they almost gave up another very dangerous past he had his own defense against him he is trying to let junior Miller gonna split the zone you got to throw under and shorter people and it's that's a tough throw there but Frank is right they've got to do that got to pressure Bartkowski he's been [Music] [Applause] the kid get 24 Andras open field in front of him and upended by Bernard Wilson but not before close to the 18 first in 10 Atlanta well by Bartkowski was under pressure watch the andrews was well-covered he was well covered the ball could have been intercepted the eagle man makes a play for it doesn't quite get it well thrown though that Bernard Wilson's going to make an excellent play here he's got Andrews man on man outweighed properly by well he says 602 hundreds got to be bigger than that you're right about ng is nothing but north and south he goes a bunch of awards for admitted [Applause] Bartkowski right to the air Takens is there and a flag is dead yesterday knows it's a holy [Applause] and that was that longer says a thousand words and that was that longer pass intermediate fast 30-yard faster was all by holding number 67 this is frustrating a measure of Claude Kowski yesterday for instance Brian's site showed as much character as I have ever seen in a quarter but twice he touchdowns twice the place would call back and third time around sike got the touchdown [Applause] Eric Sanders replace born when we talked about it earlier in the first down in 2010 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there defensively for Philadelphia apparently the liniment has cold Harriston together yet mr. : first and 20 down there what you mean is you don't understand well no sometimes they're expecting pass you can run the ball in that situation but the Eagle defense has not allowed has been there many times with Eagle defenses not let them in and they're still holding them out second down and 18 good pass rush [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Bartkowski mr. Jackson a superb corner tonight he is really playing himself a great great game no longer does he live on the reputation of the man who picked up the fumble Jim Poisson if you watch that you see mark doesn't throw like he throws it behind the receiver and Edward makes a great play though he makes a great flow is that some night they're down 18 and reporting it down now for Atlanta very tough third and 18 in that part of the field gets a defense like the Eagle pick this up get poster if nothing else whether a young face Wallace Francis and complain [Applause] [Music] great flavor Bernard Wilson here we go takes a perfect throw here by Bartowski offensive land giving him good protection watch him drop it into Francis over the coverage he's got it but he doesn't have it whoever had control never had control his right lockers was four of seven coming into tonight with the law on the 47 we'll try one and distance and good for accuracy once again Atlanta has drawn to within three points at the Philadelphia Eagles was 6:45 in the game is Philadelphia 16 [Music] we hope you're enjoying tonight I said earlier to the NFL's finest putting on quite a show tonight the undefeated and then tied Philadelphia Eagles the best record in the NFL a four and OH to a 3-2 or a three-point lead over Atlanta 16 to 13 Atlanta if they lose tonight will fall back into a three to tie with Los Angeles in their division the gif has got their touchdown scored machine on the field good times he scored a touchdown tonight was with this team they kick off - all right we'll watch his vicar's - looking from California will put it in play Wally Henry [Applause] watch as it bound over his head he'll settle in the endzone for the touchdown a pair of eagles are down I mean tough hitting almost violently all night that's why men have gone down so often chesley is down this is Bernard Wilson and out on the field is Ray Phillips ankle of Wilson's get done [Music] he is up and off the field first attempt 20 their job at the moment is to get first down work on the clock get it down somewhere within Tony Franklin's range and that is anywhere from Atlanta's 40 to 45 yard line well be interesting to see the play calling here because if I go conservative again they can quickly give up the football Atlanta has shown a continuing capacity to move the foot I think the movement they need [Applause] Charlie Smith motions right here comes Montgomery scary's defender for five yards after the 25-yard line that was just a great individual effort absolutely got another eagle down I think that's Ann Walters well now they can't they cannot afford to lose that man that's one of the finest offensive linemen in the league Pro Bowl guy Howard you're right I don't know what I've seen a game with so many men go down slam walters does come out we'll talk about our game coming up this could be this one coming up could be much like tonight so much at stake for the bills under the coaching genius of Chuck Knox but who's going to challenge Don Shula he took a bunch of kids this year he moved doing a line back up put boat camper in for the pass rush and they have played superbly there's Tony Franklin and we'll be back in Philadelphia in a moment Stan Walters walked off the field rubbing his left knee you think he's baked he is 6 6 275 pounds look if there's a little guy compared to the man that is replaced him Frank get his he's 6 7 a 300-pound rookie from New Mexico free agent and he has not played that much thank you big enough is he good enough second down and five all the 25 yard line for Philadelphia [Applause] Charlie said ignosi Montgomery [Applause] the first and you can hear the leather open all the way up here just like it's right next door to you to see that hit stand Walters comes back into the game you watch this from the affirmation that gets back deep to Montgomery he slides along the line then turns it up the field and watch the hit right here by pridemore Richardson the tackle and pride Moore trying to keep Bob Gummer II from the first town and he did I think he did they're gonna measure but I think you're right Howard I think you look tiny bit short but let's City 554 remaining in the game they didn't bring it out [Applause] Eagles holding on to a three-point lead they led all the way of Tesla with the first turnover an interception followed by a Tony Franklin field goal then another Franklin field goal in a touchdown catch by Charlie Smith Franklin field goal it seems every play now with 550 38 left in the game as an important play and this is one [Applause] they're inches is Booker Russell recently signed acquired being released by San Diego and a couple of years out and Oakland they thought he was going to be a great one at a tendency to pick up a little too much weight he came in at 248 to this club Frank he's down to about 240 now and famille as I suggested about Steve Atkins before is also very high on Booker first third down conversion for the Eagles and first 210 for Philadelphia we're inside five minutes remaining in the game Kowalski pressure gets the ball to Montgomery and it will be a loss all the way back to inside the 25-yard line Jim Laughlin was their first defensively in Laughlin is playing some football game tonight for an injured Joe Williams Joe al Williams has been next to bought Kowski probably the most valuable player on the Falcons he is a tremendous pass Russia having simply sensational record for sacks that's called Peterson home to France boat just before the start of the contest tonight and I would like to see Carl tell him to throw the ball down the field because they're certainly going to have to if they're gonna sustain anything offensively second down 17 Boston seventh Montgomery for Montgomery bouncing off tacklers getting up to the 25-yard line picks up seven yards are giving SEC since Toby third down after 12 yards buddy curry there defensively for Atlanta well they've closed down on will but now as one might expect and now it's an obvious passing down and Jaworski may not even pass now went down to three and a half minutes on the clock but even a great run a good putt may not be enough since Atlanta only needs a field goal to tie and over time perhaps beckons there [Applause] out of the shotgun Barsky to Carmichael will punt but it would have made no difference was pass it only was to the line of scrimmage you to make no difference he wouldn't have it had a chance at the first down it's if it's positive to you people watching is posing to us in the booth why they don't throw the ball down the field I sure they must have a good reason for it but I just don't understand it facts runagate a punt Scott Warner as we placed Reggie Smith what they this is a man who led the nation in punt returns to Georgia last year a third round averaged a little over 16 yards in the Georgia last year he returned three of them for touchdowns over 65 yards during his career he's in there now well we got a roughing the kicker what a mistake stupid mistake what a mistake a clear error and the referee was absolutely right running into the kicker I think it's 37 Kenny Johnson with our 20s 27 far more coming up I don't know who hits the kicker but we'll see there's Johnson 37 coming in I really think Mayberry 3980 Mayberry Johnson and Philadelphia first down at the 34 yard line to 59 remaining in the game I guess that's the reason Philadelphia didn't throw the ball down the field and who they don't get erupted penalty yeah good reasoning for it but they still need to sustain the drive and need to make some first downs just a terrible mistake though yes it was for these players of pros that got to be disciplined let's see if they remain on the ground [Applause] very tight defensively it comes the Blitz all out they work to put back we just about broken amazing moves just to get 3-yard game John Smith's lit out he was there first for Atlanta and then buddy curry made sure [Applause] having a little bit of problem with his shoe pulls itself together he's picked up two and a half yards now it's second down and eight seconds ticking off to 30 now remaining you can be sure that Ron Jaworski will use all the time he can huddle [Applause] very tied now in the defense dubby blitzing the linebackers trying to jar the Paulus for a gain of three it'll be third down at four as we head to the two-minute warning and there it is two minutes remain in the game Ron Jaworski who knows he's been in a football game tonight moves over the sidelines and will be back right after this we're back in Philadelphia there is not a fan that has left the stadium 16 to 13 the Eagles over Atlanta two minutes remain the Falcons have three timeouts the Eagles have a third down and four the ball is at their own 40-yard line and Jaworski ready to go back into the game tell me guys is this a big play or not Eagles make the first down they could really put it line up and you make it line I use all three of their timeouts and have little chance of win Lana on the other hand needs to stop this to have a bunch of a chance to win I'm sure is exactly what they've invented his staff was discussing with the defensive unit for the Falcons alright they gonna look like throw fort gift in the shotgun but see Atlanta stays in there three four but again that's the custom is in blitz formation now they drop out the shotgun Montgomery he has the first down [Music] now Richardson defensively but mr. clutch Montgomery was there that's the biggest play [Music] Jaworski went to the guy that he should go to but government seconds ticking away trying to save them Jaworski will call the play the splice tent and he will tell the ball-carrier cover it up and he will use all that 30 second floss so he's let the tick down got 15 left on the 30-second clock [Applause] [Music] we'll use one of their timeouts [Applause] [Music] we may not he'll get it off just at the last second he does covering up the football in three it'll be second down and seven and that's almost academic fren is so tense he just almost fell off the platform hose again timeout Atlanta they now have two timeouts remaining they can only stop at twice second down and eight will be returning to Philadelphia in just a moment quite frankly Atlanta needs a big break Philadelphia has two timeouts remaining they have a second down and eight they can stop the clock Atlanta can two more times if Atlanta holds up without a first down probably the best that line would be able to do is have the ball inside their own 20 with about 45 seconds to go and no timeouts if they don't stop him short of the first down it's again it Eagles have never opened a season in their history by winning the first five games they're trying to do so tonight Montgomery hanging onto the football girl first by Laughlin [Applause] again Laughlin playing fine football game tonight for Joey Williams we remind you this ABC Sports is good explicit has been brought to you by the night bear everything you always wanted in a beer at lesson by the Buick Motor Division and you doing deal who probably announced the 1982 Buicks timeout called again by Atlanta one timeout remaining second II producer of ABC sports a farce is run arledge ABC's Monday Night Football was produced by Bob Goodrich and directed by Chester Forney technical director Joe Szabo so she dr. Bob Rosburg our technical manager coach Coltrane our unit manager Bob traveli assistant to the producer Robert Callen we call it Robbie and John McGinnis of his assistant John Chafee paddy Ryan and Sal Johnson that's a research ban Mike Swanson Jerry Klein preparing for the baseball playoffs will becoming year wait how are you going to Milwaukee tomorrow is there anyplace else and our spotter tonight is always Steve bazooka 55 seconds on the clock well I guess there's no question gift they're gonna run the ball at Yale and third down is it one timeout remaining Atlantica stoppeth once more yep they've gotta they gotta run the ball time outs and input should have possession forego timeouts with maybe 40 to 45 seconds [Applause] Niko's up there 45 [Music] [Applause] so that's it my time Pridemore the clock continues to tick the jinx is broken and that happened so often in short yardage everybody up you get one little crease fun little piece of daylight and the rookie from Arizona and quite frankly you have to say that Dick Vermeil has a lot of faith in this youngster while getting the football in this situation there's the trap they get curry pinned goodbye Ron Baker good play [Applause] down to the 17 yard line don't think Atlanta will have any fourth-quarter magic against the Eagles this year abused their final timeout not this time it's been a great game though Eagles have held together as tough a game as I've seen this year [Music] Lord as physical and once again you can't give too much credit to Dick Vermeil done with this team Philadelphia will move to five and OH Dallas born one they trail they're heading for showdowns once again st. Louis is two and three that's a two and three and across Washington oh and five Eastern Division if I've got a minute this telecast is presented by the third of the National Football League it is intended for the properties of our audience any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the National Football League is prohibited we mean that [Applause] [Music] all into the tire with the Los Angeles Rams in the the NSA they will have three and two records Jaworski [Applause] no longer stop the puck fine game leading straight defense by the Eagles holds Atlanta Falcons to three offensive points some kind of performance next week Philadelphia will be at New Orleans [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] next Monday night we have Vienna final seconds ticking off this one is history has 17 free agents his first statement and something no other ego coach has ever done in the history of football they have won their first five games of the season final score 1613 Philadelphia over Atlanta remember stay tuned for ABC News Nightline 30 minutes after the game thirty on the west coast over Boston these ABC stations - and a promotion fee paid by United Airlines United flies more people to Hawaii than any other airline that's what friendly skies this has been a presentation of ABCs as the leader in sports television we'll see you next Monday night from Buffalo the Miami business Seville
Channel: Classic NFL
Views: 7,363
Rating: 4.9370079 out of 5
Id: orSdSajyWfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 1sec (9301 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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