1984 06 11 ABC MNB Tigers at Blue Jays

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one of our stories after Tiger baseball the following is a presentation of ABC Sports this year from Sarajevo Yugoslavia to Los Angeles California the ABC Olympic tradition continues one week ago tonight the Detroit Tigers took on the Toronto Blue Jays on the season premiere of Monday night baseball with Tigers shortstop Alan Trammell in the thick of the action in the seventh inning with Serrano leading three nothing Howard Johnson came to the plate hit a three-run homer into the right-field foul pole screams to tie the game the game had moved to the bottom of the 10th inning Dave Bergman was the batter and the crowd was looking for a hero [Music] the plea was answered when Berkman hit that homerun on the third team pitched after fouling off seven straight anyone into the upper deck to give Detroit the win and the exciting beginning of Monday Night Baseball 484 seen two clubs tonight ABC sports presents Monday night baseball tonight the two top clubs of the American League East Detroit against Toronto and this time the scene shifts to the shores of Lake Ontario Toronto Ontario exhibition stadium well last year the Blue Jays were in the pennant race for the first time ever big crowds flocking to exhibition stadium a big crowd will look on tonight as the Blue Jays commit off the road to take on the Detroit Tigers in the first game of a three-game series a look at the standings as we begin play on the eleventh day of June on top Detroit after that sensational start there seven in front of the Blue Jays and the defending world champion Orioles in third place 11 games back hello again everyone i'm al michaels and since we last visited with you last Monday night Dave Bergman hitting the dramatic home run of the 10th inning the Blue Jays wand went to the final three games in that series so they wound up splitting the four-game series in Detroit but then Toronto when in the Yankee Stadium over the weekend abhi he swept it so the Blue Jays come home come in off the road tonight having lost four straight Detroit meanwhile went into Baltimore they beat the Orioles on Friday night lost on Saturday swept a doubleheader yesterday to win three out of four so Detroit has gotten hot again and after that sensational start their lead is a pretty comfortable seven games with Baltimore 11 back by the way we're here tonight and some of you perhaps tuned in expecting to see the Mets against the Pirates which was the listing in publications and perhaps you are area but we have opted for the look at the two teams were the best records in all of baseball here in the middle of June last month Jim Palmer was released by the Baltimore Orioles but we picked him up and he's here with us tonight as part of our Monday night crew and Jim as we take a look at the pitching matchup tonight it's an interesting one with luis leal undefeated on the mound for Toronto I guess the man has been a sort of an enigma for Detroit Dave Rosen I'm making an infrequent start for them well that's right out Dave Rose Moe has not pinched as a starter since late April and of course not a lot of pressure on him having Detroit won the doubleheader yesterday and having a tremendous weekend against the Orioles in Baltimore the we salute Leal six and all in the year probably one of their best pitchers to this date along with Dave Steve it's probably a very musky for the Toronto Blue Jays to win I think this is a test of character last year they're their first winning season in the American League they finished fourth they almost have to win the night to stay in the race they at least have to win two out of the next three ballgames so it should be an interesting game they have the best pitcher on the mound against the guy that's been pitching in frequently and we'll just have to see how long Dave rosin of conviction by the way I can't let you go without asking you about your future the conjecture about the fact that you may come back that you may not be at all finished even though you were in the blue jacket right now what's gonna happen the balance of the year with you well I got a phone call the day after I was released from Earl Weaver and he said just tell him that I told everybody that you can still pitch and I did that and Here I am in the booth so I don't really know what's gonna happen now love the pitch would have to be the right situation I still feel in my heart that I can do that a little bit frustrating thinking that you can and not having the opportunity but I enjoy broadcasting I'm gonna try to make the best out of that and if I get a chance to pitch it's just gonna have to be the right opportunity not only in the booth but in the booth with of course one of your main men mr. Weaver did you really tell people if Alma could pitch to keep me out of the booth I saw a palmer in spring training he was throwing a ball just about as well as he ever did if he just used his slider he could go out there and get those 32 games he needs to 300 that's some fun that I we're taking a look at and a couple of teams that have been making the most of their bench strength we talked last week during the Toronto Detroit game about the fact of Blue Jays have been platooning Sparky Anderson of the Tigers would like to go with a set lineup but he's been platooning as well they're getting the most out of everybody these two clubs yes they are not only that but not to standstill after they got off to the best start in baseball and have a comfortable lead like not like they have right now in seven games they went out and acquired a regular centerfielder a left-handed hitter and Rupert Jones now this gives Sparky the option of rusty and Chet lemon whenever he wants possibly to play Rupert and left field whenever Chet lemon plays Center but it the dividend paid off when last Thursday only a second day in a Detroit Tiger uniform Wilford hit the ball out of the park against Jim Clancy and one of my big ball game will explore this subject even further as our pregame show continues because we'll begin a new feature Earl Weaver on baseball and the subject will be platooning when we come back this ABC Sports exclusive is brought to you by Sears where you'll find great values there's more for your life at Sears and by Wagner the right tool for painting nearly four hours that's how long it took us to paint this room with a roller then we painted it in less than one hour with the new Wagner power roller a living room that took nearly seven hours a Waggoner power roller finished in less than three the power roller pumps paint straight from the can to the roller or to any of several optional accessories why waste your time painting a pan when you could be painting your walls instead the wagner power or the right tool for painting it Sears sizzling summer automotive sale get the power of C is sixty battery now just $49.99 heavy duty radio tune sharks now $9.99 each two-ton floor jacks at half price and see your stuff new super guard response radios now what introductory savings from twenty 30% at Sears we're installing confidence [Music] it would be every managers dream to be able to feel the team like this one in which each player can be counted on to hit with power feel this position and run and throw with all-star ability if this were the case then you would never have to substitute for that player except of course for injuries but ball club like that could get me back in uniform but seriously no organization is going to be able to put together a team like that for obvious reasons one of which would be payroll what organizations strive to do today is to use more than one ball player in a position so that they can equally output of any one of our superstars for example did you know that last year the Toronto catching staff of Ernie wit left-handed hitter in buck Martinez a right-handed hitter hit 27 home runs between them the same number as Lance Parrish to the Detroit Tigers but platooning isn't new Casey Stengel platoon many many years ago using Hank Bauer a right-handed hitter against left-handed pitching in gene woodling a left-handed hitter against right-handed pitching with much success while I was in Baltimore I had success using John Lowenstein a left-handed hitter and Gary Reineke a right-handed hitter against opposite sides pitching however in this situation I used Gary Roenicke also against the right-handed pitches that he had success with in the American League consequently there was a new name born the role player an example of a role player that comes to my mind is Jerry Rice through the Atlanta Braves who can start a game for you at third base who can start a game for you in left field also if he's not in a regular lineup be inserted at second base as a defensive ball player and inserted as a pinch runner Gerald Perry also with the same Club a first baseman outfielder has the same abilities Charlie Finley when he owned the Oakland A's try to specialize the game even further he signed a track star by the name herb Washington whose job was only to pinch run into steel bases however it proved unsuccessful because it caused a three-player move Washington had to replace the man who got on first base and Washington himself had to be replaced when the team went back on the field the only specialist that has existed in baseball throughout the years is the pinch hitter the man who can come into the ball game and change the outcome of the game with one swing examples like smokey Burgess in Manny Mota and today with the New York Mets rusty Staub last week Howard Cosell asked Detroit manager Sparky Anderson if you can platoon too much yeah I think it could be overdone and I think in times you do overdo it because you you're constantly trying to always keep everybody playing Toronto does it extremely well only they do it on a very solid consistent way they have right-handers to play against left-handers or left-handers play against right-handed Baltimore also does it basically with Lowenstein and Ryan key and hour and 1/4 it's healthy what for they do a lot of but Toronto does maybe a little more and we do it in between but I would say yes are you could overdo it and I think you have to watch yourself that you don't and I do sometimes the final basket match point the last lab right now your body's thirsty for more than water it needs Thursday [Music] when you exercise you lose more than water you lose potassium minerals fluids Gatorade puts it all back fast it's no ordinary thirst quencher it's Thursday [Music] must have four or five insurance policies but I know I don't have a clear insurance plan for years allstate has made it easy to come in and talk and get your insurance needs worked out that set the tone for the way the whole Sears Financial Network does business straightforward and down-to-earth visit a Sears Financial Network center or any Allstate office the Sears Financial Network trust us to make it work for you East game this afternoon the first place Cubs and the Expos were tied 1-1 in the top of the night Tim Wallach ninth home run of the season off relief ace Lee Smith one at for the Expos we'll be updating action from elsewhere in baseball throughout tonight's game now let's go back to Al Michaels in Toronto pitching matchup tonight as Dave Rose my on the mound for Detroit luis leal for Toronto two right-handers Al Michaels with Jim Palmer and Earl Weaver stay tuned for a Monday night baseball coming right up from exhibition stadium in Toronto an ABC News brief what do you buy arid extra Drive now for Washington Ted Koppel good evening the United States for the first time has used a missile to shoot down another missile in outer space the Pentagon says it's the first known successful test of an anti-ballistic missile system in Moscow a Soviet president Chernenko has called for immediate talks with the US on banning anti-satellite weapons he said tomorrow may be too late the Supreme Court today eased restrictions on police ruling that illegally obtained evidence may be used in court in some cases now this only arid has this baby fresh scent tough on wetness and odor but mmm baby fresh on you hairy baby fresh spray Roland solid in baby fresh cream a bill to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens survived a major house vote today tonight on Nightline illegal immigration should America's borders remain open to everyone all the time more news later on this ABC station Sunday Richard Dreyfuss is a private eye tackling his toughest case the big fix [Music] drinking and driving can kill a friendship in a managed test for three of America's highest octane that free gas means amico premium LED free delivered the best manage six lights auto world a totally new world but something for everyone the past the future fun stuff scary stuff indescribable stuff six lights auto world in the real world behind [Music] [Music] [Music] good closing Hospital be dangerous the story tonight after the game Monday night baseball with the Detroit Tigers taking on the Toronto Blue Jays is brought to you by Chevrolet with the performance the style the innovation the quality and the value that make up today's Chevrolet by Budweiser the king of beers and proud sponsor of the US Olympic team for all you do this Bud's for you by Sharp Electronics Corporation from sharp Minds come sharp products and by Kodak's official film of the 1984 US track and field team Kodak film because time goes by [Music] this game in Toronto tonight will be the first in a three-game series between the Detroit Tigers and the Toronto Blue Jays and it's only the 11th of June so what that tells you is there are more than three and a half months remaining a lot of time left in the baseball season the seven-game lead is not insurmountable a lot of teams have lost seven game leads and a lot shorter period of time but the Jim Palmer is these two teams now meet for the fifth time in a little more than a week how important is this series to in particular the Blue Jays were seven back here well it's very important now of course they're as you've said before on a four-game losing streak they went to New York they lost three in a row in New York City over the weekend they did not get any clutch hits they're saying themselves right now in the locker room we have to win tonight we have police win two out of these three games to stay in the race or at least be in a position where we feel confident as far as our ability to win and they're gonna have to go out to do it they have their best pitcher going for him tonight so they're in a good position to win Sparky Anderson has to be a happy man I wonder though about Bobby Cox who was thrown out a yesterday's game whose team has dropped fourth straight let's face it the 11th of June it's much too early Earl for a win one for the Gipper talk but what does a manager do at this point well all he can do is let me play baseball I know he's concerned about losing four in a row but seven games you can still pick up easily one year we were seven out on Labor Day we had a Boston was in first place we had a doubleheader scheduled going out to the park I was as nervous as I could be knowing that if they got the split it was going to be tough if we lost to I felt we were out of it but remember that was Labor Day and now it's only June only Jim Tigers and the Blue Jays and we'll get it underway in just a minute [Music] he's never had anybody pushing like this [Music] if I can get push himself you just take it off Budweiser salutes the coaches and trainers of the 1984 US Olympic team this Bud's for you today the most exciting new ideas in the hotel business comes from a Holiday Inn it works much better it tastes much better better and better really fit politics to the industry's first bimodal reservation system ensures your room is waiting innovations like this make Holiday Inn hotels number one call $800 by my computer heyday by my computer know by my computer there's one way to cut through today's computer clutter compare other business computers with RadioShack's Tandy trs-80 model 2000 judge the ease of operation speed graphics software and price compare I believe your informed buying decision will be the Tandy 2000 personal computer see it today at your nearby a RadioShack computer center we invite comparison hi I'm Nolan Ryan I always get a thrill from seeing baseballs great players in the all-star game that's why I urge you to help choose a starting lineups for the 1984 all-star game in San Francisco in July the 10th this will be the 15th year that you can vote for your favorites and baseball's all-star election ballots are free at retail stores featuring an all-star display and at major in minor league ballparks I'll start balancing ends June 30th so get out and vote the preceding message was furnished by major league baseball the tiger lineup as usual has Lou Whitaker leading off he'll be at second base then the league's leading hitter Alan Trammell comes in batting 346 Kirk Gibson hits 3rd and he will be the designated hitter and the cleanup hitter tonight is the big catcher Lance Parrish then Darrell Evans in his first season in the American League bats 5th at first base Jon Grubb is the tiger right fielder tonight hitting 6th Chet lemon is in center he's having a good season bat 7 the recently acquired Rupert Jones bats eighth and plays left field and hitting 9th is the third baseman Howard Johnson and a Blue Jays have taken the field in the Twilight with Willie Upshaw budding all-star at first base he's having that kind of a season and then the steady one Damaso Garcia who may be out publicized by Lou Whitaker but he's right there with him as an all-around second baseman Alfredo Griffin is the shortstop number nine hitter who's hitting 255 that's not bad Ranch Mullenix at third base he platoons there with Garth the words the outfield for Toronto they platoon with the Dave Collins he in Barfield for two and bar fields and their reason right but Collins is in left and Mosby is the everyday centerfielder and then around in right field they have George Bell when College is in the lineup and left Bell plays right when Barr fields in the right Bell goes to left back of the plate between situation with earning Witt doing the catching and the pitcher is the unbeaten luis leal from Venezuela who made his major league debut in 1980 with Toronto and has been with the clubs the tiger says 53 the umpires tonight it will be Dave Phillips back of the plate then jury Newt Decker is at first base John Hirschbeck is a rookie umpire he is at second and Steve Palermo is the umpire at third on just a gorgeous night in Toronto the temperature is in the mid 70s five the sky Sun going down back of third and you can still see the last vestiges of sunlight as Whittaker gets set to stand in a look around exhibition stadium in Toronto built for football at your Mandarin park there are the dimensions a symmetrical baseball surface 330 down the lines 375 the alleys and 400 to straightaway center as the first pitch the weather commissioners want to know Whittaker in the first game of yesterday's doubleheader scored five runs in Baltimore that's one shy of the major league record he's having a great year he was aged for 14 against Toronto last week well he had a great 1983 season too and he's a perfect leadoff man for a good ballclub he makes you as a pitcher really work he don't throw it over the plate he's not going to swing at it there you saw me I was good fastball well as we said six and oh he's got all four pitches he's got a good curve ball an excellent fastball over 90 miles per hour good slider and a changeup doesn't throw it that much but it's effective when he does throw it one ball two strikes the count on Whittaker who hits it high in the air to left centerfield Dave says he'll take care of it and [Applause] Lou Whitaker is gone one away here in the first inning and Alan Trammell who leads the league in hits was 79 and leads the league in hitting as well at 346 two points in front of Dave Winfield is the batter Leal has Hamill traveled through Alan's career but travels been hot Allen and that doubleheader yesterday at five hits with Whitaker leading off and Trammell hit me suck up both of them off to good starts 315 346 it's no surprise that to try to squirt 57 runs in the first inning this year in 57 games after that great starter only were not only winning but they were every time you hear a partial score seemingly leading every game seven or nothing in the third inning hit in the air to center field Mosley had subtle reading it and that caution as he all the way to the fence and with travel speed he could go all the way [Applause] till the third the relay comes in from different that's a questionable only in the sense that travel I think felt as he rounded second and he's talking with alex grammas and I think travel thought he could have made it all away well there was a possibility but with Kirk Gibson coming up 31 RBIs on third base more than likely the infield will play back in the first inning so it wasn't worth the gamble we can see we can see that most be got a very bad jump on the ball his first three or four steps were backwards and he came in he made a mistake there he should have just laid back and held him to a single because he couldn't get to the ball it rolled all the way to the wall and now Detroit has a chance to score their 58th run in the first inning and 58 games and the infielders back with the exception of elevation with Gibson at the plate you can see Gibson is in the sunlight there's just a little bit of sunlight here and I'm wondering if that wasn't the problem with Mosby picking up the ball as it left the bag well this has always been a very difficult pick up the ball probably not as much now when we first came up to Toronto many years ago five six years ago they used to have a lot of empty seats tonight with an outstanding crowd as they have you don't they have the the metal seats here and it's just farting to catch the fly ball going up and at this particular time but as you mentioned also it's tough for the left-handed hitter because he's looking right into the Sun looking in from centerfield you can see everything else is encased in shadow you can see the sunlight around home plate and the light colored shirts back of the plate little squibber foul and the count stays a ball and two strikes on Gibson Leal is shown a good fastball and a good slider up to this point Dave Steve was the man who picked that ball up Steve lost a tough one to Guidry the other night in New York for the one Kirk Gibson is the breaking balls out of the strike zone down and in he did swing and missed two breaking balls let's see what they offer hit foul into the Toronto dugout into the Detroit dugout one ball and two strikes Sparky Anderson at the helm think about the high fastball in this situation if he pops it up to the infield it's a good pitch if it goes to the outfield in the run scores it's a bad pitch same fit scoring by the way on Trammell a triple all away hi the strike zone good pitch and one that farmer was talking about but look there at Gibson and where he positions himself as far back as you can get outside three balls two strikes the count on gets it I think something very important of course the infield is playing back there almost conceding that run what that triple does just makes a little bit more difficult to pitch in the first inning Gibson it's a high fly ball to medium deep right field that is Bill positioning himself for a throw [Applause] [Music] what a throw by Bill strong powerful throat was just a little bit toward the third-base side low break involved Gibson gets just enough of it it's going to be a close play at the plate and what you see it coming good throw by George Bell just the least bit up the line you'll see him reach his Trammell went by and when whiff tried to swing in tag the ball came out of his glove another angle just the least bit up the line were Wed had to go around pita gotten away there we might have had a dead catcher the batter is Parrish who gets fooled on a breaking pitch an account is on one so it scored as a sacrifice fly Gibson gets his 30-second run batted in one nothing Tigers and the next pitch to Parrish is in high in the air too Collins had trouble reading this one now Mosby comes over and he takes it for the enema is capitalized for a run and after a half it's Detroit one and Toronto coming up this is today's Chevrolet discover a space vehicle unlike any you've ever with an advanced new form of earth travel Chevrolet celebrity wagon never before has a front drive wagon touchdown with this much inner space enough for up to eight people celebrity no other front fried wagon usual more space at a price this boat value that's today's Chevrolet people tend to confuse me with the roles I play which is ridiculous because I'm not a neat freak for example I just got a beta zoom copier from an Ulta but not because I can add toner without getting that disgusting black powder all over my hands no I got a banal debate assume because it takes this mess of different sized originals and gives back copies in one neat size automatically but that doesn't make me a neat freak of course I'm not a slob either like the beta zoom copiers only from the mind of Minolta for Toronto Damaso Garcia who's stolen 24 bases is the leadoff man Dave Collins the switch-hitting left fielder will bat second Lloyd Mosby emerging is one of the American league's big stars hits third in center field and another big star on the horizon Willie Upshaw at first base passed for it then the designated hitter is Willie Aikens he's trying to get on track good looking youngster George Bell is in right field hitting six the platooning third baseman in the lineup tonight Rance Mullenix against the right-hander the platooning catcher is the left-hand batting Ernie Witt hitting 8 and the durable Alfredo Griffin the shortstop it's night and for the Tigers it's Darrell Evans tonight at first base he plays first base and also DHS and Lou Whitaker at second they are really tough up the middle Whitakers partners the shortstop Alan Trammell who has scored the game's only run and tonight the third baseman is Howard Johnson who's been showing some power in the past week Rupert Jones called up from Evansville the other day veteran major league outfielder and his first week with Detroit Chet lemon is the centerfielder becoming a mainstay now in Detroit and John Grubb who has seen quite a bit of action as the BH gets the start in right field tonight it's the first time he has started the game in right field this season Lance Parrish is the tiger catcher and the pitcher is the fellow who had a tremendous rookie season Dave Grossman would you say rookie with Rose Lee you go all the way back to 1977 when he was the rookie pitcher of the year he was 15 and 7a 3.09 earned run average but he has never come back to those figures in fact he has never won those figures since his rookie [Applause] numerous injuries shoulder arm and perhaps the most serious was to his knee in a fight against the twins and because of that fight and because of the knee problems he wears a brace when he pitches on his left knee as he gets set to face Garcia here at the bottom of the first inning and he starts by going to break quite a contrast to you out lluís lu l Dave Rome Rossum is not exactly what you would call a powerful type pitcher he throws a lot of curveballs drops down but he has an excellent change it doesn't walk too many guys but doesn't strike out to me two guys either that's been his pattern right now he is the extra man in a location where the Tigers [Applause] Garcia is the second base so Whitaker takes care of Garcia and it will bring up college Tigers have Jack Morris and dan Petry as two builders they can count on other waited to win but normally to go all the way Wilcox with one bearing gear are there other two starters they had been going with wet he did get two starts this week but he has just been optioned out and Sid mangy the relief fixer from San Diego was acquired yesterday making Abbott's spot on the rise so they give brosman the stars tonight Dave Commons switch-hitter trying to get on track dezer are the gays who come in losing four in a row Yankees have been very tough on Toronto in the last couple of weeks taking five of six including all three at Yankee Stadium this weekend no left-handed starter we talked about it last week that's one of the ballpark's where it can really hurt you if you go in there without a left-handed starter caught up with a couple of particularly blasts for homeruns that end up beating in ball games there's a line drive and it spot bike travel before it hits the turf so we have two down here in the first uh neither team has a a left-handed starter in this rotation the left-handed starter started a game for Toronto all of the 83 season that's right you got to go all the way back to 1982 when Dave guy started a game on the 17th of August was the last time a lefty started for the Jays right really excuse me now but you do really see that difference when you go into a place like Yankee Stadium the short porch in right field and those fly balls that are normally outs have hit the left but hit the right or home runs one at a Dave Bergman who's bothered with a muscle pull is not in the lineup he was the man who hit the homerun to end it last week shortly before midnight in Detroit and that's nice when you can stick Darrell Evans in at first base in place of hey when I've got Evans during the offseason Darrell made himself available with a reentry draft and in fact was selected by more teams than anybody else I drive to right center field that it will stay in for Grubb has room at the edge of the track the J's the first three up and three down for Toronto we've played one it's one to nothing Tigers at exhibition Stadium and we'll be back with more after this word from our local stations parents reveal details of alleged California preschool molesting on 20/20 Thursday the nation's highest court has decided that the criminals cannot be set free because of a police mistake on the technicality then Michigan school districts are asking voters for a lot more money two of our stories led after Tiger baseball my boss never understood why I'd leave a terrific job to start my own diamond company when a man keep inside his soul it shines like a diamond and it's worth more than gold it's the life I've been looking for so here's to the man who looks deep inside and [Music] stro signature is something extra you have our name on that there's a new gasoline that will eliminate knocking in virtually every car in the road and it's coming it's a gasoline that will help get top performance out of your car and it's coming it's the highest octane sold by any major oil company in America and it's coming but it's not coming from amico or Shell or mobile or marathon it's coming from Sunoco new 93.5 ultra the ultimate in octane and you can get it now tomorrow's weather tonight on channel 7 Action News at 11:00 baseball know about the mitt Joe Morgan uses but the hit even tops Morgan's that that one goes back to the gas house gang pepper Martin used to use a glove like that and that's why he used to stop him with his chest he tried he trusted his chest at third place more than he did that mitt that we just won did you use one like that did I use one when I started playing infield in the minor leagues in 1948 we used gloves where the fingers weren't laced together but it had more of a webbing here in Toronto as we go to the second inning the reminder that upcoming this week coverage of the US Open Golf Championship from the Winged Foot Golf Club in New York and we'll have late-night coverage for you Thursday and Friday and then Saturday and Sunday extensive coverage beginning live at 2:30 Eastern Time u.s. open this week on BBC second ending with Darrell Evans John Grubb and Chet lemon coming up for Detroit they lead one-nothing and Evans looks at a strike now Michaels with Jim Palmer and Earl Weaver here excuse me al again Darrell was saying uh I think a lot of people always ask you what the difference between the national the American League is you see that good curveball he said he really felt that the the most difficult thing that he's had to contend with coming over from the San Francisco Giants is the high breaking ball he just kept that pitch a lot more it makes a little bit tougher to hit over here in the American League Evans in a slump six for his last 50 comes out to 120 two balls in one story doctorin hitter like this will be better the second time around the league after he sees the pitchers he'll have a little better idea of what to look for for me the person that's on the mound it's sharply and off the glove of Upshaw trickling into right field Evans gets on and we'll see how they score it image is a streak hitter carry a club for a week or so to the ride it's has to be a base it went off the end of the glove he was off with the crack of the bat into right field I know it has to be but we never know you've seen scoring all around both leagues and it has been scored as a base hit for Evans as Grubb comes up one of the reasons grubbers in the lineup his career against lay out 462 oh and one the count and I hate to bring this up Jim but how did we pitch this guy because he hit more than that off we didn't pitch him the right way John Grubb is an amazing hitter he can get hits whether they're soft or whether they're hard and he hits him up or down or at least he did against the Baltimore Orioles toward left-center field the gas or [Applause] we'll be held at third on e double by John drug so Palmer can't figure meet again lay out well that was a pitch on the inside half of the plate and here you see it's the fastball really just about the middle of the plate and he drives at the left center that's one thing about John Grove if you pitch him in he can pull the ball and if you pitch him away he's a good enough hitter to go with it now right there we saw Evans with a chance to score but I thought myself I think it's a good smart move and keeping the biginning going no sense and get the man thrown out with nobody out Chet lemon is the hitter good season thus far for Chet infield is back so give up a run on the ground ball and he hits that one build in a 360 all the way back against the fans as both runners tag and move off Evans scores - nothing on lemons fortieth drum band a tenth of the season what a start he's off to so to sacrifice flies as you can see fakes the catch against the wall with Evans scoring grub going to third wasn't a particularly hard play he had room there but he went back saw it had it all the way no chance to throw the runner out at home plate our third base that brings up Rupert Jones and it also brings the infield in with the score to nothing Jones concluding his first week with the Tigers take slow boy is he happy to be back in the majors he spent seven seasons in the big leagues with Seattle the Yankees and San Diego went to spring training with the Pirates they couldn't use him Detroit signed him and sent him to triple-a head back he comes in on a half swing hits it foul one at one and you guys have seen him play through the years many times and type of guy that if you make a mistake either with your breaking ball or your fastball in the middle of the plate preferably down you can hit the ball a long way but he I know he's always impressed me as being a very exceptional athlete I mean he could go get the ball in center field he had a pretty good throwing arm and not exceptional speed but good speed Jones hits it in the air to right field falling in hurry and Bill Keith and that will score Grubb and San Jones in ahead of the throw to second so Grubb makes it three nothing as he scores go to double but I judge on the ball that sunk in a hurry the ball wasn't hitting particularly well and the ball really should have been caught we get to see it again inside part of the plate inside the trademark not hit hard Bell comes in and he's going to get this ball right at the knees possibly a little bit below I don't know if he's thinking about trying to run her out on home plate on that ball or not but he certainly should have caught the ball first before he thinks about meanwhile activity will commence in the bullpen as Jim Acker gets up to start throwing the log man in the Toronto bullpen is mark there one in three and you don't see too many fellas not having good seasons at Toronto but ackers the packers mark is reflective of somebody having a lot of problems as Bobby Cox makes his way back to the dugout 3-nothing the Tigers on top you saw three errors with that's incorrect up on the board it should read zero in fact these two teams have played the best defensive ball in the league Toronto has only made 39 errors Detroit's made 40 as a pitches taken by Johnson for a strike you think that was there too you're asking an X pitcher if he thinks it's a hit it's obviously an error no it's a tough play and the ball sinking and again we don't really know how easy it or how difficult it is to see the ball off the bat here I mean Luis he circled it yeah yeah obviously we would like to have it be an error but score is still three nothing and he's got to make some good pitches here well that's what the manager cares about the scores three nothing but also I think the ball should have been cut Johnson Oh at a home run last Monday yesterday is up there with a count one ball two strikes the Blue Jay mascot [Music] right quiet right now in Toronto with the Tigers on top three nothing first strikeout for the lay out two down in a second ending it brings up Lou Whitaker little Whitaker you hear a few lose Detroit not that far from Toronto I suppose 200 air miles maybe 240 on the highway a strike show a lot of Tiger fans here tonight it seems like after they've gotten off to such a terrific start there a lot more Tiger fans all over the country yep yeah many more Tiger hats than I've ever seen in airports not just not Tom Selleck either one in one that's is that always the case that whatever team gets off to the hot start via the Cardinals of the Brewers or whomever so those hats starts showing up in Alaska whomp strike in the count [Applause] it's like that commercial with you that's great that fellas waiting for the CFL season to get underway here [Music] right a 50-yard seat next to the guy who was up there like you go and he missed the tank you could be a long way away in this ball park two balls and two strikes the count on Whittaker this important man 3/4 Li L and I think he knows that on a man there's a chance that if he loses 'm especially to a base hit another run scored that he might be leaving the ballgame two down Jones is at second base an account is now free of - with travel waiting on deck luis leal undefeated this season 2.75 earned-run average has been pitching very well beat Detroit and his last outing last Tuesday is one of the most difficult things to do to come back against a good ball club meet them back-to-back give enough for heads to the first nine fastest that one is just golly what's being careful with the left-handed hitter and rightly so what do you think the next guy is leading the league in hitting I'm not sure if it's a great idea but you're taking a calculated gamble there you just hoping you'll make some good pitches the Trammell here and get out of the inning you got him on the fist last time up but it wound up being a three base hit Alan Trammell did a flyball to center field that Mosby miss played in the first inning and was scored as a triple takes low for a ball on the count as one at all there's pretty good pitch and when you're in again a four-game losing streak it never seems like the umpire gives those to you two on with two out breaking pitch of beauty for a strike one and one Jose is it second here's Whittaker [Music] Tigers leading three nothing in a second in it Travis Frank entities three great shortstops in the league Ripken Trammell Yao Ripken and Yan winning the last two MVP awards and Trammell having that sort of a season right now by the way in the all-star balloting released today right now Ripken is the leader by a pretty wide margin with Trammell second that's for shortstop in the American League down his third and Alfredo Griffin the Blue Jays shortstop is fourth and no matter who's voted in nobody's going to be wrong because they're all deserving Kirk Gibson on deck we're in the second inning Tigers on top three nothing Leon's one two pitch swinging works at a further shuttle attention with a big strikeout two runs across for Detroit middle of the second inning it's the and a PJs here at the sharp reliability test center for televisions we turn the temperature down to minus four degrees and then we turn it up to 104 degrees this one is about to go for a little ride to find out how tough here it is and finally the aging test to make sure they last and last at sharp Shirley played rough with our TVs but that's only so they play nice for you from sharp Minds come sharp products suppose that sound don't know who else be out this early for the cold wells early mornings the best time to get things done and times being what they are not much would make them shut down even for a few minutes but this summer of 1984 McCall wells have shut down to see something they'll most likely never see again [Music] as we host the games this summer let's hope we all learn that the true measure of the Olympics is not in the winning but discovering the best in all of us [Music] obsolete feel the pressure of a national championship turned into performance live exclusive 18-hole third and fourth round action at the US Open one of a kind beginning Thursday [Music] Tigers leading three nothing as we go to the bottom of the second inning Dave Rosemont bound for Detroit full moon beautiful day and a beautiful evening [Applause] good crowd an exhibition stadium Bluejays remember always finished last until last season when all of a sudden they got into the panic release they spent a good part of the season in first place and back for in first place as late as August before fading at the end Lily Upshaw looks at this strike up shortly followed by Eakins and bill Lily having a fine season he was the type of hitter when he first came up was a lucky field singles hitter now last year after hitting 27 home runs and getting off to a great start he's the type of guy who could throw the ball out over the plate he can jerk it and hit it over that right-field fence as quick as you can throw it usually the reason for that is they they're brought to the big leagues before their time [Applause] may you play like that one that you don't see what it can make too often is the fact that he's on artificial turf and he just relaxed he's got the ball all the way he's got it on the hop that he wants it he knows he's got it and bang all of a sudden it's out of his glove he kicks it with a foot eliminates all chance to get the man at first base you can't relax in this game at any time era charge duo Willie Aikens is the batter Aikens who spent time in the offseason in prison was suspended as you know along with Jerry Mark and Willie Wilson until the 16th of May at the plate and he's having a tough time getting untracked as Bobby Cox uses him as the left-handed man mdh well with no spring training that's certainly going to be up to tough to get started and I talked to Willie before the ball game I talked to Willie before the ball game and he said he's just right now starting to feel decent at home plate he's going to hit some home runs for him there's no doubt about that he also is bothered by a leg muscle fall and under the best of circumstances Aikens is not anywhere near fleet so anything on the ground will probably be turned into a double-play we're talking slow we're talking major slow exactly [Applause] just best somewhere a little bit high as a pitcher of course you want that bit as a pitcher you should get that good [Applause] one one Eakins Neil Jones is there and Rupert needles it for the yacht as I'm sure retreats the first babe so one down here in the second inning and it will bring up George Bell look to me like rosa metropolis and a dinner that's such a good idea good picture from the center-field camera he was over the top the ball did break away from Aiken that was a curveball though that wasn't the pitch that was flied out to left field that was the pitch that was called a ball at the he just ran like a basketball away from Aikens and Rossum I walked off the field last any he kept yelling to himself get the ball down and he has to keep the ball down the strike zone to be successful Upshaw at first base with one out Dave Rose must started the season in the rotation he made three starts this year in April and went to the bullpen he's made his last six appearances in relief this is his first start since the 26th of April Rose might seems like he's a lot older because he came up in 77 broke in with a flourish but he's still only 27 years old he's been around a long time and I think the one thing the Toronto is this cognizant of is the fact that he has not pitched that much and they're still in the ball game even though they're behind three nothing but a scrubber head down at Trammell shovels too Whitaker and back on the first voting time very slowly hit and val has speed so they settled for the force and Bella's at first base with two dad will bring up rants politics branch Mullenix platooned in third base with Barth orange it was a successful combination last year this year Bowen exiting to 74 and without any power and if you kind of see that he has his right thumb managed he don't furball and hyper-extended his thumb and he said he'd really has not felt that he can really pop the bat another thing he batted second last year and Earl will tell you it's one of the major things in setting up your lineup is you probably get a lot more better pitches to hit hitting second especially if your leadoff man is getting and you would hitting six or seven well I don't think there's any doubt about that but with the power of power that Toronto is acquired here's one of the guys that I want you to go right after politics does not have a home run this season last year he at 10 they said that slaw all right after a lot of fast balls with with ten home runs go ahead and keep them on the corner Jim have you heard that before exactly little comebacker spirit by Rosa and that'll do it here in the second innings of the error by Whittaker damage and we'll go to the third the score remains Detroit three and Toronto nothing the elements will come to test your spray paint outside where little needs great protection when you choose an ordinary spray paint based on price you'll pay the price when you choose rust-oleum spray paints you choose a paint that fights fading and rust spray-paint Larry pays rust-oleum won't rust-oleum supplier of paint products from the 1984 Olympics this is today's Chevrolet with the year-round versatility of s10 blazer in spring blazers right on the job or on the town in summer blazer lets you get to work or get away in fall blazers ready for the chores or for the fun in winter blazers are great outdoor sport chevy s-10 blazer every season you'll find more reasons to own one no wonder s10 Blazers the best-selling sport utility vehicle in America denorex vs. selsun blue this side here I've got a tingling sensation on my scalp feels good on this side there's not much any sensation it's just kind of there look what you use den effects feels good this is a site it was tingling eat shampoo has one medicine for dandruff only Jenner X adds extra anti itch medicine many dermatologists recommend the tingling felt like a it's happening now sell some blues lost a customer I'm a denorex man denorex shampoo or shampoo and conditioner fights dandruff and it cinch Jim Lampley in New York the Mets entered this evening just one game down to the Cubs in the National League East and now they have a one nothing lead on the Pirates in the bottom of the second Hubie Brooks hit this home run to give the Mets the lead behind nineteen-year-old pitching sensation Dwight Gooden there now in the top of the sixth still leading one nothing another nineteen year old is on the mound for the Yankees in Fenway Park but both the Yankees and Red Sox are fattening their batting averages this home run for rich Gedman in the bottom of the fourth off Jose Rijo has cut what was once a three run Yankee lead back to 4-3 now let's go back to Al Michaels in Toronto [Music] all right jamming here as we go to the third inning Detroit on top three nothing on top and the East by seven games ball the warp 11 back after they were swept by been to leadoff against Lee out at the third and looks at a strike Gibson hit a sacrifice fly in the first inning adding 283 what a go on big day for Gibson yesterday is the Tigers 110 for and eat nothing Gibson had six hits three in each game one ball two strikes the count [Applause] Berzin again speed power but you get them out easy too a few guys I got out on their team last year's Patrick back [Applause] three strikeouts no score Baltimore Milwaukee 2nd inning Oakland leads Texas in the first two nothing the games underway and the American League where the schedule tonight is abbreviated or the updated yummy Yankee Red Sox doings perishes the batter Lance takes inside for a ball want to go Parrish flied out in the first inning thrill the left field and into the corner and that's a fair ball bouncing up against the face parish rounds first on his way to second and his in there with a double that's five pitch now four of them for extra bases awfully out as here you see like most power hitters you get the ball in the middle of the plate they get their arms extended they hit the ball pretty crisply that ball was sized into left field you got under that just a little bit it would have been gone you really have to get him out consistently you have to throw your breaking ball away and as you said throw your fastball up and in and that's real tough for a pitcher to do all the time I am tight blowing away that'll get anybody in baseball out Evans takes inside ball one National League scores Tim Wallick saumur of the night the difference Montreal beat Chicago Cardinals lead the Phillies 5-3 until they started today a game back the Cubs are already having lost a victory for the Phills would move them into a tie with Chicago for first in the East wanting to all other scores the Giants lead the Dodgers to nothing in the third inning San Diego off early leading Atlanta three nothing in the second Padres were a game and a half in front beginning play today Cincinnati has the lead in the second inning at Houston and that's Mario Soto seeking his eighth for the Reds flyball off the bat of Evans to shallow centerfield Mosby got a late start but and there are two down here [Applause] you try to have three runs but I think Leo's got good stuff we made a good pitch there he got it up and in Darrell Evans is a good lowball hitter and I asked buck Martinez what's the difference between Liao this year and last year last year he's 13 and 12 this year he's 6 - no he says we got to walk out there and tell him let's go let's throw the ball tonight as it got a whole lot of breaks but he is as you said Earl throwing the ball well he has a good curveball and his outfield usually plays pretty well I mean they have some outstanding outfielders with the exception of maybe Dave Collins they're all above average outfielders have just not made the plays exactly you can make a case where they are having a lot of run in the first inning travels triple as a catchable ball it mosby didn't see until it was too late Evans then got that base hit off of Shaw's glove in the second inning Grubbs double was solid but then Jones who's double was a catchable ball and right again once you get behind in a game every batter especially when the runner in scoring position like this is very key there you see that curve ball Robin reminds me a lot of a hitter other kind of like Kenny singleton where he doesn't hit with as much power but when he does hit ground balls they seem not to go at any of the infielders he can get jammed and just hit it up the middle and there's nobody playing there but as we said before he if you pitch him away he won't go to left field keeps it in on him and inside two balls and one strike the count on John Grubb there's somebody in the lake he doesn't yet because he's only up to 73 he could knock against Johnny Grubb was that he was always injury prone never really could play a lot a good hitter when he first came up with San Diego you knew it could swing the bat he's hit 321 hit as much as this guy as he didn't past here I found the one effective bicha he never really knew that I would throw many sliders left-handers and I all of a sudden threw him a slider kinda like what I did the Nettles and it gave him another pitch to look for I'm proud of your only took a two and a half innings to get in your first over a dick that'll set him pretty good too you want a name about fifteen others now we have a dog man Wentz two hundred and sixty eight games you get somebody up I'll tell you that three to pitch his inside gets away from first based Paris goes to third but hey runners at first and third as Chet lemon comes to the plate here you just see it's trying to get him out with a curveball the runner on second he really doesn't matter if he bounced it just wants to get on top of it he did but it was in the dirt went five Witt for a pass ball or I guess actually a wild pitch I thought it was a good selection 3-2 breaking ball with a man on second base well you have a tendency when you're down three runs to gamble and once it's great if you can Chet lemon out but backfires and can really find yourself out of the ballgame now last week I said that when I was managing Baltimore we hit it lemon and slider with the men on base and yet 250 staff kept throwing sliders and had success difficulty it's the Tigers three and the Blue Jays how can a guy 5/9 have an unfair advantage over these guys I used the Jillette ad for razor they don't it's got the advantage of a pivoting head after is better than twin blade razors that don't pivot see they don't know we stayed in my beard but my anthro pivots to keep both blades on my beard longer so I get a better shave close comfortable yet the Gillette a try and get the atra advantage sometimes a little advantage goes over working hard against the clock could be perspiration Otis [Music] Gillette's right guard stick is so potent one application destroys odor causing bacteria on contact and for up to 24 hours [Music] from anheuser-busch piers la great taste and half the alcohol of our regular beers shape this world changed and made it better rearranged it in the way you think and what you drink and everything do la for smooth taste and drinkability and only half the alcohol of our regular beer [Music] get the whole story with Howard Cosell on the only regularly scheduled sports journalism Series on network television a candid look at the issues and figures behind the headlines the Emmy award-winning ABC Sports beef plant a site prototypical Canadian sunset in Toronto as you look around exhibition stadium silver in many of those seats out yonder they're benign Center in right center in this stadium as you can tell that was constructed basically for football turned into a multi-purpose facility when the Blue Jays were granted their expansion franchise in 1977 and the talk here now is about a new stadium perhaps by 1987 and they're talking about among other things among other plans they were attractive again Earnie wet to lead off to the bottom of the third inning with Griffin and Garcia three nothing Detroit it's way too early to think about a relief I'm sure Sparky Anderson has gotten his mind education [Music] [Applause] stay Rosamund throw tonight or he might have talked to Rosalee before the game possibly can I talk to Rosemond the clubhouse before the game and he knows what his job is he said I'm gonna go out there for five or six and I know that Sparky's got who in deeds of the pen namely Lopez and Fernandez the boat then has 19 saves and 11 wins so I think Sparky oh go quick where's Petrie help them out fishing a complete game three hitter in the second game of the doubleheader yesterday Alfredo Griffin switch-hitter number nine hitter any higher that 255 any normally does what's interest he's only walked three times a hundred and eighty eight times it that bad and I think one of the interesting things Bobby Cox has done has moved him from a leadoff position to batting Knight not the ideal leadoff not if you only gotta walk three times that number advance Rossum has always had a lot of success against Toronto because it's more acid [Applause] 11:02 it pitcher with the Tigers likes to pitch against Toronto because they're more aggressive Rossum has a breaking ball pitcher basically Toronto are all fastball hitters in fact they at least they hit the fastball a little bit better Rosamond throws a lot of chunk he can get his breaking ball over which he just did to Griffin he's going to be very effective [Applause] alik travel goes out into shallow center and if Griffin has width remains Icarus base and will put away it'll bring down Thomas Oh Garcia Garcia heading 308 locked out in the first inning great year last year in 307 had three in the year before he's establishing himself as a man who is right up around that 300 mark with consistency now and again a guy that does not want to walk Rosen will pitched him high and inside he jammed himself the first time be interesting to see how he tries to get him out this time [Applause] of a pretty good pitch [Applause] Garcia I've always had the feeling I pitch against them when I wind up he starts swinging and here you'll see the fastball which Rosenman throws it runs in it's it right off the really the label of the bat Trammell can't quite get to it [Applause] at 77 hits now for Garcia this season only has more with Haiti if projected out over the course year [Applause] never figured out in baseball what the hitter like Percy is if he were some more selective if he looked for a few more base on balls would he hit as much but he had more what he had less certainly the on-base percentage would have to go up if he gets a few more walks which helps you ball pit [Applause] 3-nothing Detroit with the Jays threatening in the bottom of the third inning [Applause] [Music] no balls two strikes now terney win at second Damaso Garcia at first big game for the Blue Jays who last week after they had won on Wednesday at Detroit leads to three the name but all of a sudden it's back to seven now after winning really 18 to 22 one-run ball games lost the first two games and yesterday by two the pregame show they're just not getting the clutch in here's a purple perfect chance for a balanced one ball two strikes the count Dave Collins former Mariner former red former Yankee weddin Garcia the baserunners [Applause] and the one to the college's [Applause] stay foolish take a second down [Applause] the shallow left field and Jones makes the catch and he got a late start on it so all the outfielders having another look at the homer by college now breaking ball in the middle of the plate bombs not known for his tower gets all of it [Applause] at Dave Cowens up to this point in the season but that was laid right there for him to hit now you mention it but there's the three-run homer in the sports town causes other hunger game against the twins your heads a grounder down to Whitaker the page [Applause] brand-new Goldie [Music] give me a light light if you just ask for a light beer you never know what children give you like Bud Light so if you want the less filling light beer with the first moment taste don't just ask for a light beer hey you give me a light that's from to bring out of it [Music] play ball you've got such style such Flair do you you'll catch it all on co2 color BR 400 upon a Kodak's fastest cutter print films ever you can't miss almost oh you're having so much fun but you never saw that's why the other guys just Wow time goes by this is today's Chevrolet Camaro z28 a Camaro that did a test track 0-255 in six seconds a Camaro with remarkable new handling [Music] Camero more beauty and a lot more beast performance that's today Chevrolet then we're back in Toronto where this ABC Sports exclusive is being brought to you by the best has it taste all its own satisfying but never filling Dave Collins a home bran his second of the season yet only one all of last year not a man with a great deal of power but he hits one out of the most propitious time for the Blue Jays as it gets them even and on to the fourth inning we go with Rupert Jones to leadoff by grounding one of the right side up Shaw's [Applause] pretty pretty good play by Upshaw getting over there come up with the ride hop he had time to give it to him underhanded and he threw the ball hard over him and almost threw it into the dugout nice play by Leal so one down here in the fourth inning and the number nine hitter switch-hitter Howard Johnson [Applause] we were joking early about how Sparky really likes a bump up his players when Howard Johnson came up two years ago where Sparky said here's the guy who's going to play third base for me and hit 300 for the rest released ten years first next year he was in the minors but he certainly is hitting well this year his park he honestly believes that and he told me before the ballgame that he's going to play jazz against some left-handers crazy what he does is he uses Johnson in there to start a game and get him two or three at-bats and then optimally they have the lead and he'll go at Tommy Brookins defensively at the end of the game to protect it so Johnson is at first base with one away and the batter is Whitaker why the left and walk time have been called before the throw the first base there was something going on there's a television camera with a light on it shining right the first basement in person first up our space and it's not ours it's a local turn a light on Eliza that's the problems go to the master now the fella gets the idea little embarrassed that'll make for a good flip on his news that I throw to first base driving Johnson back [Music] Whitaker batting 314 Johnson only has three steals in first base stop necessarily an order [Applause] season hello has given up total of seven hits five of them for extra bases backed up on top five to three [Applause] we had a little Home Run Derby action last week in Tiger Stadium duplicating that tonight both clubs are up top and home runs there you saw a fastball down the middle this was the I guess the easiest park to hit home runs in the major league last year 185 you're seeing why ball does carry well but we all did not make a very good fish and prompts activity in the bullpen again his travel fouls off the first bench on one Tramell with a gift triple Mohs we couldn't find it when it left the bat in the first inning and then he struck out in the second and again it's a cur throwing in the Toronto pen one of the most important things a pitcher can do when he's trailing in the ballgame and his team comes back to tie the score he wants to go out there and shut the door so they can kind of keep that momentum they've gained personally I was able unable to do that fight to get even and then all of a sudden you're traveling again but Whittaker hit 319 last year hit 12 home runs can hit the ball out of the ballpark but also walk so kind of dilemma if you're a pitcher he doesn't swing it too many bad pitches he makes you throw the ball over the plate and then when especially in a ballpark like here or Detroit it's not too difficult to hit home runs he can do that when you wait for those strikes and you get the ball like that that's why your forward to fifth and a lady to a tunic on out bases empty 4th inning 5 3 Detroit [Applause] [Music] here you see Lee I'll just make it an excellent pitch he struck him out on a breaking ball at time before the ball is right on the corner 92 mile an hour fastball and if he put him on there all night they wouldn't have 5 runs on the scoreboard Gibson the batter want to know the count sacrifice fly struck out over one Gibson batting 281 [Applause] puts the Tigers back out in front as you look at Lou and at the end of three and a half five - three Tigers my daughter calls a blue bomber my wife thinks I got to get rid of it and when it needed a new muffler well I was afraid she might be right listen I don't want to spend too much on this car - had a muffler that was perfect for my budget now the old blue bomber sounds almost as good as new [Music] Burger King presents the dawn of burgers in the beginning it was hard to get a hamburger at home so you got one you made the most of it by cooking over fire today some have forsaken flame and turned the practice of forgetting the sizzling taste that only comes from flame-broiling but at Burger King we say when you've got something as delicious as flame doily you stay with it time make every document the same size toxic color pictures and boom headings in black and kool-aid this job is for a multiple choice copier the canon NP 155 it's zoom system makes a full range of enlargements and reductions up to 15 copies a minute in black brown or blue and conclude canons NP 155 gives you more for less for information call to breathe Jim Lampley again in New York you're going to look at a Keith Hernandez home run which has stretched the Mets lead over the Pirates to three nothing this came in the bottom of the sixth they're now going to the bottom of the seventh and Dwight Gooden struck out the side and the top of the seventh needs two more to pass Valenzuela for the league lead back to Al Michaels all right that's what's happening at J and here in Toronto talked about are we talking about the possibility of a dome up here and that's one man's opinion that with any grammatical honors but you do get the point well the retractable dome is the ideal situation absolutely I think today's fans want to plan on going to a ballgame some two three weeks ahead of time and if you got a dome you know that there's going to be a game that night Willie Aikens is the batter takes up I agree the retractable dome is the answer is a look at other scores Yankees leading for three in the sixth Oriole Sam to lead in the third a cent of the lead at Arlington in the third but nobody's built a retractable dome yet at least not [Applause] left heel and into the corner of those Jones to make the play Rupert has a lot of experience playing center I had no trouble with that one in left one away here in the fourth inning and Jorge bill comes up over one tonight here's a fellow who was here before his time Jim you remember exactly talk to some of the Toronto players they've said he's been hitting since spring training and he's still hood at 3:30 William an Earl is that he came up he came up in 1981 he's not quite ready back down he went for a year and a half they brought him up in this season last year final score three all over the Cubs at Wrigley today 2 1 and in the 6th inning the Cardinals leading Philadelphia 6 to 3 Giants leading in the third Padres leading in the fourth reg back asoto on top in the third one ball one strike the count Bell is one of four Blue Jays from the Dominican Republic you might know that the Dominican Republic has been added to the Olympic tournament baseball with demonstrations scored in LA and the Dominican team was having some trouble getting the funds to come to LA and the Blue Jay organization made a $10,000 contribution to help defray those expenses to send that team to Los Angeles in July so a great feeling for the folks from the Dominican as far as this organization is concerned with 16% of its roster coming from one country exactly when I was out in Los Angeles last week Manny Mota Pedro Guerrero we're trying to raise funds also in Dominican fleurs and that team will be there and they'll send a good team to looks like he's very slight Martinez says take off his shirt looks like he was sculpted with a I mean a pallet just [Applause] he just got sculpted by Roseman right there daddy goes pitch high andhe strikes it there's a backup breaking ball the one you think it's gonna break but does it just kind of hangs inside and here you see Rosa Patroni what's supposed to be a breaking ball but it's just this just spinning and Belle's kind of swinging where it's supposed to go but it just stays inside and one of the tougher pitches for for hitters to hit they just think it's going to break and it doesn't ballin x is the batter can a picture literally throw a backup breaking ball or a backup slider it as it just happened well some pitchers can do it I think a lot of pitchers are coming out with a breaking ball that they call it back backdoor breaking ball [Applause] it's an amplifier when we come back at the fifth inning is the Blue Jays go out and order we'll go to the fifth the score is Detroit five Toronto three this is today's Chevrolet Chevrolet Caprice Classic one of the world's great automotive values and for thirteen years in a row the full-size Chevrolet has been a best selling car of its kind it's easy to see why compare caprices deep cushion company its ride it's full size room and it's affordable price you can of course spend more for a car but why in the world would you quality that's today's Chevrolet this is one of the few computers that has not benefited from AT&T computer technology over the years AT&T innovations have helped other companies computers become smarter faster and easier to use this is a TNT's newest innovation AT&T computers business computer is specially designed to let people communicate more easily more reliably they may just change the way you think about computers [Music] here you go Tommy you know this new la man Heiser Busch is quite a beer actually aged smooth it tastes great real ly you know drinkability see the way I figured it was not a happy hour all of the regular tears to be certain times when LA beer would be a really good idea or was I wrong these guys think it's a good idea anytime [Music] it's a whole new brand of beer enjoyment tops elite feel the pressure of a national championship that turned it into performance live exclusive 18-hole third and fourth round action at the US Open one of a kind beginning Thursday going to the fifth inning on a beautiful night in Toronto now Michaels with Jim Palmer and Earl Weaver five to three Detroit on top the Blue Jay mascot right there Jim we were discussing in the fourth inning baseball fans have heard the term backup slider backup breaking ball whether or not a picture can actually control that pitch or whether or not it just happens on the way to the plate and then you are amplifying in terms of course plays Dave Rosenman striking out George Bell it just happened but there are a lot of pitchers to try to throw that curveball a little bit outside and have to bring it over the outside corner of the plate one of the best curveballs and a guy that really doesn't matter if he throws it inside or outside its tippy Martinez of the Orioles he gets on top of his curveball I think any pitcher that gets on top of it and the spin is down and he's on top of the ball it's gonna be a good breaking ball on top is the secret Tippy's breaks straight down the old drop when I started baseball but howard cosell talked about last week parish is the batter want to know the gap Louise Leal at a struggle through four innings giving up seven hits some of those tainted though the odd feeling is he still throwing good he's put some pitches in bad spots if his location gets better I think his stuffs good enough to get him out standpoint up from the manager Ellis Jim Acker was warming up who's one two three and here you have a guy that six and oh do you want to get beat with Leal if you think he can do a job and as you said there had been some miss plays that have kind of created maybe three out of the five runs what would you do well those are the decisions where a lot of us got fired we did the wrong things too many times but you never go but I never got fired and these two managers aren't doing too many things wrong either with the percentage that both clubs are playing winning percentage well these managers have been fired despite their recent success Bobby Cox let go and he who is in Atlanta and then Sparky Anderson shockingly fired after the 1978 season after nine years at Cincinnati George Anderson of Thousand Oaks California it's the way he views himself as two men good old Georgie Anderson the ordinary man and Sparky of the field well he's made a lot of right decisions in his time that's not only the the font the hit-and-run the steal when to put it on but who to have on your ballclub and help your general manager as to what you're after the following year what you need to win well Sparky told his front office people he needed somebody like a Darrell Evans to fill out some holes that Detroit had last year they went got Darrell Evans to an old account they had a lot to say about Rupert Jones awesome fond memories with Sparky coming back into this it eats late here is a minor leaguer over four years and then he actually started his managerial career [Music] the else throwing good now pitch he got Paris parish on was a good breaking ball on the outside after the plate good fastball there up and I've the strike zone and it's just been a little bit of lack of control in location [Music] - to pitch [Applause] six strikeouts does liao spinning and Johnny Grubb coming up well sign of the good pitcher is when your fastball is getting hit number one to realize that number to be able to do something about it and parish is double and really just missed a home run on a flyball to left field he came back with a breaking ball got him out almost all hits tonight have been on fast balls and now he's going to his breaking ball more five to three Detroit want to know the count on grub air was a good spot to throw the fastball in other words you're saying try to keep it out to Fanta I'm the strike zone and get them with the breaking no too many pitchers that can really pitch within the strike zone anything other than maybe Nolan Ryan and Koufax and even Valenzuela as good as he is he what you want to do is get him to hit balls and swing it balls [Music] [Applause] five straight each age 3 there that was the hot spot where the fire started the felix has lost their whole house but now they're getting it all back again from the shake shingles to the oak cabinets to the wallpaper in the baby's bedroom State Farm will pay to replace it all the cause the felix has bought State Farm guaranteed replacement cost coverage so everything's gonna be the way it was even if it costs more than anyone thought it would Sharpe introduces its computed ago the PC 5000 that shot may have a printer but I can't possibly have 128k power like my desktop IBM's sure and it expands to 256 Batchelor can't possibly the word processing and communication and spreadsheets like my desktop IBM sure with bubble memory program what doesn't it do it doesn't stay glued to a desktop like my IBM sharps affordable portable computer to go the PC 5000 from sharp Minds come sharp products I mr. Goodwrench you know what starts when your engine starts engine where 50 strokes 100 strokes 200 distant strokes of where per second only a fine lubricant can protect it introducing new GM Goodwrench motor oil the motor oil from General Motors that meets or exceeds all GM specifications protect you from me mr. Goodwrench Ernie wit will lead off of the Jays and the bottom of the fifth and he last week Howard Cosell and Detroit and Sparky Anderson after the Tigers great started he thought the pennant race will be closed it's gonna be a pennant race you got the Baltimore Orioles who are the world champions and I don't know how do you disappear world champions so fast I didn't know you did it in April and May and they're gonna be in the hunt all the way and they're gonna be the club I think when it comes down to a showdown Toronto on horse are gonna have to be able to beat Baltimore I think Toronto is an excellent club I think they'll prove it all year I think we're a very good team I think it's gonna be a three-team race and I'm not trying to duck the issue I believe you're gonna have to beat the Baltimore he's trying to duck the issue a little bit well of course he is like any manager would write like any manager would your ass the zillion questions day in day out in June of every year it's tough enough to beat somebody without getting them all over your back also sure we never had a lead in June 69 and 7 that's right that's when it was easy right a hundred nine hundred eight wins that difficult the only one 101 the next year now if the bellies just trying to do it the way we did it make yourself a hole early and come out of it [Applause] just 1 the count on went to be followed by Griffin and Garcia with Detroit leading 5 3 in the bottom of the thinning well Leal bounce bounce back last inning 1 2 3 Rosen is a fella I'd be a little concerned about right about now Bonnie [Music] that's what I call a good pitch one that's a foot foul [Music] [Applause] two homers in the game Commons a three-run homer for Toronto difference right now is Whitaker's two-run homer in the fourth inning for the Tigers as when it's at church [Applause] he's off the bottle assist with a stand-up double [Applause] here we see a changeup on the inside half of the plate you just don't defense hitters over the first base bag and the ball goes you see Evans going to his left thing that most people don't realize that ball really picks up speed on a stroker second and third bounce can be much quicker Ernie wet two hits tonight [Applause] Oh je total and Griffin is the battery pop down [Music] [Applause] before he fouls it away only one account your friend should be thinking of trying to pull a ball in the first two pitches trying to get that runner from second base over to third another thing that he could do with the speed he had his putt for a base hit in this situation not necessarily a sacrifice but try to beat one up because you'll get the runner over to third [Applause] it would be scored as a sacrifice and it's exactly what he's gonna do but it's a foul ball it's a right ID and he went the only way he could because Johnson was playing in shallow at third Bobby Cox might even have a sign for a bunt for a base hit because a lot of ball players don't know that it's an offensive wet weapon in a situation like that and you can flash the sign demos making for your ball players and nice cooler another important part of Bunning is also you bring the infield in blue wit Whitaker was not playing particularly shall he go up there and bunt on the first bench he comes in a couple of steps and enhances the chance that you hit the ball viable hitters just don't realize that sometimes right now his job is try to get the bat on the ball any way he can if he gets him over fine if you don't there's not much else you can do about onto the couch second nobody out he strikes around often and Down Goes Griffin and that strikeout number two for Dave Rose month so one down and the top of the order now Thomas Oh Garcia [Applause] again we'll see how Rosenman works Garcia pitched an inside twice jammed on both times once was an out once was a base hit looped into centerfield inside one ball no strikes one time if I remember right we tried to throw high basketballs to this fellow get him to hit fly balls to be he's driving a ball a little bit better now than he did [Applause] came around and it's a strike one and one half time score Santa Antonio leading the Pittsburgh Maulers 14 to 3 in USFL action tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one or two here you see a really a high breaking ball but break of the ball fools Garcia pretty good pitch to hit count stays 1 & 2 on Garcia long a too bad breaking balls and took the break involved on the summer Ferris track in the bullpen is the newest Tiger Sid mangy just picked up with San Diego and his stats for the Padres reflected there Abbot is now off the 25-man roster he was yesterday's starting pitcher in Game one in Baltimore so the Tigers had gone through the hashish [Applause] hit him with a pitch and hit Garcia in that situation whatsoever it was a high breaking ball that slid out of rows in his hands see the pitch again right here I think it was supposed to be a curveball it just stayed right in didn't Garcia had nothing to do but turn his back to him curveball doesn't have as much velocity [Applause] because the tying run at first with whiskey and and the crowd responds his Dave comments with the homerun in the third inning comes up again with two men on and Commons has been very proficient with men in scoring position this season [Applause] 4:29 in scoring position deeds of 35 [Applause] we'll keep Jesse Barfield out of line up against a lot of right-handed pitching [Applause] and races back and and the runners hold Stalin's trying to muscle up again but he's hit the ball well three times tonight good pitch curveball the second time up and he had a three-run home run that time we went with his fastball even if he does single loyd Mosby fly to right flied to left Tigers on top five to three in the bottom of the fifth inning with Wynn at second in Garcia [Applause] [Music] I mean Rossum has got to be careful here in left-center field and it's Jones though racing over to make the tag so Commons and Mosby headed hard but the outfielders chase him down and the Jays squander a thrilling v still 5-3 Detroit as we go to the sixth and will return to Toronto after this word from our local stations sixth inning at Toronto oh yeah that looks pretty good exhibition stadium on a very pleasant night not a Dodger dog but he'll do yeah and one was for lunch today Blanco Palmer and that's a Dodger Stadium I thought generally regarded as the best west of the Mississippi now if you're real old that you would completely call a Coliseum hot dog like Weaver right well Abbott's field hot dog Abbott's field hot dog part sounds Park hot dog Louis they used to be a dime then one of those Sportsman's Park and saying don't date yourself proud of you guys though tonight Palmer insisted on sitting next to Weaver for the course of this one Don sherry a some of the bluej games and there's a lot of our boxing on ABC is in the booth to serve as the Arthur Mercante II in case you guys get a little feisty you'll be cooking girl up at the airport next three guys hello no doubt Chet lemon in the sixth inning takes outside ball one want to know well that avoid Jim thattaboy route it down too short [Applause] sixth inning next Monday night well the Tigers will be featured again for some of you Detroit against the Yankees from Tiger Stadium or the Texas Rangers taking on the California Angels on a week three of Monday Night Baseball they lured Captain Winfield starting to get out so when they do you know they're going to win some games we want to keep Barry in there don't they sure do Holloway some of the speculation in Toronto this week was that the Blue Jays ran into a Yankee buzzsaw because the Yankees were threatened with the re-emergence of Billy Martin is the manager and they wanted to keep Berra there I like the way Don Baylor said he said some of us are running one out there's Martin comes back not some players but some of us one-on-one so things will be interesting no doubt as they always are when the Yankees come in next Monday ground into the hole that's a patient for Rupert Jones his second of the game and Amanda will be Howard Johnson and no doubt of course with Weaver there when the Yankees are in town the rumors will start that you're gonna take over again Earl that's possible what's possible that the rumors are gonna take over that you may take over no just rumors are just rumors I don't know one thing when you would take over the Yankees you bring in farmer back with you definitely David Palmer which power not Dana David David's got his future ahead of him pop Jim farmers gonna get his 32 somewhere or another I've heard that line before Howard Johnson struck out and singled ten for his last 17 very hot hitter at the plate right now when I face hit to Rupert they all got to change up in another bad spot again it's right down the middle belt high [Music] [Applause] I can paratrooper Jones really gives Sparky a lot of latitude late in ball games put him in there for defense if he hasn't started the game because he is an outstanding defensive player similar to what Joe dolly could do in Baltimore last year with Tito Landrum yes here's a guy that's a natural centerfielder but can play right field in left field as a good throwing arm quite an addition he can steal a base too Oh one slapped foul in the counter nothing into five runs eight hits one error for the Tigers three runs four hits and no errors for the Blue Jays Detroit seven games in front at the start of play tonight however with the left-hander getting back to stolen base left-handed hitter up first baseman up show.i has to hold a runner on it gives Johnson old one ball two strikes [Applause] it's barking out a big advocate of the stolen base he's got some guys know there's a bug that he lets go but I think he would let grouper go if there were two hours we'll see what happens seems about pretty good success running against the Jays this season yeah strikeout number seven for Leal the second time he has taken care of Johnson in that fashion and it brings up Whitaker who's hold on him the fourth inning is the difference in the game now I think we can look for Jones to give it a try if he's thrown out you still got a 315 hitter and Lou Whitaker with some speed leading off the next inning [Music] we all spotting that fastball pretty good right now Whitaker is leading in the balloting right now for second base in the all-star game with Garcia's second pretty good sized lead for him to pick up Jones not going one-on-one also fellas in the roles of starters right now in terms of the balloting for the all-star game Lance Parrish leading amongst the catchers lit occur at second Trammell his second at shortstop as we stated before Chet lemon has the third most votes in the Alfio behind the Reggie Jackson and Dave Winfield so as of the moment he would be starting in the all-star game good one good pitch to run on right here great pitch to run on because last time we al threw Whitaker a fastball he deposited over the right-field fence it almost had to think he's either going to throw him a changeup curveball which are excellent pitches to run on that's part of the game of course Jones doesn't have the type elite that would indicate is going you can move though at 11 steals last year not going [Applause] [Music] - to fetch to Whitaker ball three so now you know he's going he's going to have you can stand in emphatically three into two down parking might have thought that this Whitaker hit the home run last time up let him swing and go for two in place awana we've the we've very in theory yeah many runs at once [Applause] he'll they we'll put this one away [Applause] Detroit leaves Toronto 5 to 3 on Monday night baseball sounds like there's a barrels beer what are we gonna do I'll be right back where's he going he's going to get that beer from that bear it's not just a bear that's a grizzly yeah but that's not just a bigger that's fire brewed Stroh's I thought we had three cases well had to make a deal just rose and strew light fire brewed for smoother taste top Chevy trucks barbers no machinery our livelihood depends on it we know trucks to the farmers buy more trucks than people in any other kind of business and we own more Chevy's than any other maker farmers ask a lot of their trucks every day and when it comes to tough trucks like this 3/4 ton 4x4 farmer's pick Chevy's and we can be mighty Tuesday tough that's today's Chevy truck a new design in radial tires is rolling your way from Goodyear say hello to vector Mojave vector never seen Fred like that before Goodyear's new vector has a unique tread response curve what are they for traction all-season traction in snow and rain swinging around here vector plus outstanding mileage down the road say hello to the new design and radial tires vector the new radial design from Goodyear doesn't take long for cyd mangy to make his Tiger debut he flew into Toronto today he had been with San Diego let's see the Padres were home this weekend against Cincinnati so he's gone the equivalent of coast to coast as he gets set here in the bottom of the sixth inning to face Willy Upshaw Willie Aikens is due up next but would-be lefty now working Bobby Cox goes to cook Johnson as his da so Johnson will bat for Aikens next outside I'm sure one ball no strikes the count sin mangy no stranger he's been with California Cleveland Philadelphia San Diego and now detroit becomes his fifth degree as puff saw it takes a very wide turn and then holds as the growth comes in [Applause] there's a lotta ground and hold up to a one here's the play fastball outside up shower goes right with it Chet lemon shows why he got so many votes for the Gold Glove last year he got over there in a hurry he shares anything Clifford Johnson 279 average lowers 20 runs batted in but a different sea made last year [Applause] Jonson bothered with a leg problem injuring his leg yesterday in a slide at new york in his second year now with Toronto they solidify things here last year at 22 home runs rocky Anderson is going he moves that slowly it normally indicates he's going to go to his bullpen Tramell bought some time he came in in between pitches there is Willis Carl Willis is a not only a rookie who was called up last week with a guy who was picked in the free-agent Draft last June so he's been a pro for only a year and Anderson buying that time and going to the bullpen so Willis will come in to face Johnson here in the bottom of the sixth inning Detroit on top 5 2 3 we'll be right back 17 hours that's how long it took us to paint this house with a brush then we painted it in just six and a half hours with a Wagner power painting this wicker chair took over an hour but less than five minutes with a Wagner power meter a shudder that took 20 minutes a power painter finished in only three it's a tool so versatile it has a flexible spray tip and a way to draw paint right from a can [Music] it's the right tool for painting IBM presents you make the call on a grounded as short the runner on third base gets caught in a rundown eventually he heads back to third only to find a runner from second base already there which one of the runners is out you make the call in these modern times even the best manager needs help to succeed for when pressure builds it becomes harder to keep things rolling without losing control and falling behind a manager could use the IBM personal computer for smoother scheduling and greater productivity it can help managers become a big wheel in the company the IBM personal computer at a store near you the runner from third base is entitled to go back there if he chooses even if someone else is already there so if you said the runner from second base was out then you made the right call Jim Lampley in New York down in San Diego the Braves are trying to move to within a half game of San Diego but the Padres led 3-2 into the top of the sixth win with Dale Murphy on base Brad comments connected off of mark Thurmond for the 2-run shot which gave Atlanta a 4-3 lead they're now in the seventh at four to three and let's go back to Toronto and Al Michaels all right Jim in here Carl Willis in to pitch Willis was with Evansville and in 22 games there he was four and Oh with nine saves he was drafted on the 23rd round by the Tigers last year so you talk about all the publicity given these first rounders here's a guy on round 23 and in the big leagues a year later facing cliff Johnson as he drives up Shaw back to first [Applause] Willis it is one outing this for our work two and a third innings against Baltimore no runs one hit walked didn't strike anybody on strike here on one do that pitch yard the big cliff Johnson who are De Niro Lee plays just against left-handers really doesn't mind batting against right-handers what's a good hitter he was the Blue Jays predominant designated hitter last year first Wilson liked to have him hit a ground ball here he has a good sinker ball the clip is not particularly fast 18 pinch homers sharing the lead major league record with Jerry Lynch most in a career cliff will break that record before their season's over [Applause] and account ball one strike Sid mangy facing just the one batter and Sparky Anderson after the move had been made comes in of course Anderson still has his two top relievers in the pen and there a lefty and a righty the lefty being Willie Hernandez in the right he being Aurelio Lopez he gets the ground ball those well as he goes to Whitaker for one back to first scooped out by for three double play what I like most about that play is the way the rookie took his time balls hit right back to him a lot of pitchers will panic here and throw the ball before the second baseman or shortstop gets there you'll see he gets himself set and makes a real good throw right at second base a lot of poise for a rookie and Darrell Evans digs it out for the DP so - down and up comes George Bell grounded out struck out Bell batting 337 Willis six three two hundred ten pounder born in Danville Virginia lives in Yanceyville North Carolina he was originally selected by the Giants in June of 82 but didn't sign little squibber up the third-base line foul ball interesting parallel it Dave Rose Moe was drafted originally by the Giants and 74 didn't sign tigers click Rose nook a year later and he signed with Detroit as bigger than throughout his career and well as five passes a chance to sign with San Francisco gets picked on the 23rd round and not often do you see a fella get picked that low and make it to the bigs in one year not often and Candlestick might have something to do with some free agents high school college around the country not signing with their ball player you bet you [Applause] one ball one strike as I'm not sure what Bella's going back for her as we await his return I can tell you that this ABC Sports exclusive is being brought to you by Stroh's and Stroh's light fire brewed for smooth days so George Belle with a count one ball and one strike goes back up the runway as you look at Bobby Cox who can't be particularly thrilled the way things are going for his club at the moment having lost four straight and trailing five three here [Applause] ah to be an equipment problem [Applause] [Music] two out of the bases empty and here's the 1-1 pitch looped down the line curling into foul ground and back in the first row it goes one into Darrell Evans it's funny Evans opted for a free agency couldn't get together with the Giants in terms of a new contract he told me he was worried he was he's in his late 30s worried about being selected at all in the re-entry draft and all of a sudden he gets a call from his agent he says sit down said I got something to tell you more clubs picked you than anybody else 30 home runs will do it yeah I had a great year last year the Giants and he walks a lot usually hit somewhere in the city around 275 [Applause] a defensive player whether he's playing third or first lying to centerfield and that's in for a base yet so that DoublePlay is very big now sandwiched in between two singles by Upshaw and Belle Belle at first two down all the next will be the batter US Open taking place this week late night coverage for you at 11:30 Eastern Thursday and Friday after rounds one and two and then extensive coverage on Saturday and Sunday 18-hole coverage for you beginning at 2:30 Eastern Time both days grants Mullenix all four to hit [Music] so what young pitcher ask you have the first-base hole with bail being held on by Bevins over at first and can he make that pitch loan away runner goes pitch is a strike parishes throw is a bulletin bill gets up and bill those two third and that's almost a replay well we had last week when the ball got knocked attic travels glove we'll say it here got a pretty good jump parish Oslo is on the inside of the bag again was in the glove this time knocked out by a hard slide [Applause] get it from another angle throw high in on the inside part of the bag not a good place for an infielder to have to take the truck two stolen base and an error they give him second and then the error is charged to travel try to remember her if I'm not mistaken del was the fellow who knocked the ball out of travels love last week at second base that's right yeah [Applause] [Music] two balls and one strike the count [Applause] again we go back to clutch hitting balance delivered earlier then to get back in the game he did base hit by Mullins he pops it up shallow left field Jones coming over and Rupert puts it away to retire the side no runs two hits an error and the man left on on to the seventh we go there's the score it's Detroit five Toronto three Stood Still do you know how I can get this big package to Seattle overnight yeah I don't know Famer let's go up and bounce it off boomer gosh I don't know fellas let's go up and run it by Rizzo let's parade this past Pullman let's waltz it by whimpers let's dance it by dolt if more people knew Federal Express handles great big packages even up to 125 pounds it sure would save everybody a lot of problem hey guys I'm back catch you anything Riley yeah cut this granddaddy of a fish oh when I got him in the boat he says I'll give you three wishes if you throw me back a talking fish well it was hard I was thirsty so I wished for a nice cold Stroh's beer and there it was mmm tasted so good I was another two wishes to Stroh's and what'd you do with the third Stroh's and strobe light fire brew for smoother taste [Music] make your father today take him out to a ballgame they split fever catch it the preceding message was furnished by major league baseball Yankees are coming off a weekend sweep of Toronto and playing well leading Boston 5-3 ninth-inning Baltimore is leading Milwaukee in the 6th and the A's around in front of Texas 3-2 in the sixth inning another American League action tonight and in the bullpen the rookie left-hander Jimmy key is throwing back of Leal as we go to the seventh inning here at exhibition stadium in Toronto game in which the Tigers took an early 3-nothing advantage so that wiped out on a three-run homer by Dave Collins in the third inning and then in the fourth Lou Whitaker hit a two-run homer over the fence in right and that's the difference in the game right now five to three Detroit leading by seven games in the eve to the start of play tonight as we go to the seventh inning with Trammell the leadoff Travel Gibson and Parrish against leo [Music] [Applause] that's not why they call it exhibition Stadium [Applause] Oh in one the count one in one way Al's giving up five runs all earned but I think he spits pretty good ballgame liner and Ellen gets by Tramell has the base it that's his second of the night so he came in hitting 346 and that's up a couple of points National League Tim Wallick ninth inning homer the difference in Montreal's victory ninth inning in the designated elating the fill so Chicago still stands to remain in first place alone and the Mets behind Dwight Gooden beat Pittsburgh 3 2 1 Jesse Orosco came out of the pen in that game to get to save goodies gonna win some ball games in the big leagues elsewhere in Los Angeles for three the Dodgers leading in the seventh inning Atlanta a game and a half back at the start of play in the sixth inning leading San Diego 4-3 and Mario Soto has not allowed a run through five as it's two nothing Cincinnati now a visit to the mound by Bobby Cox here in the seventh-inning with parish a right-handed batter due up they find Gibson parish on deck there's parish right there Gibson is the next man up and then parish followed by Evans and he will bring in Jimmy key so Jimmy key comes out of the bullpen here in the seventh inning five to three Detroit and we'll be back right after this bartenders next big league pitcher and loves to serve fire brewed Stroh's see what I mean that was his fastball that was the curve wild pitch is that relief pitcher throws and Stroh like fire brewed for smoother tasty hey chickens here you went there oh we deserve something better yeah you do you've got a right I've got a right dick chicken done right a success with just one bite [Music] nobody does chicken like we do with the Colonel's secret blend of 11 herbs and spices [Music] it's sear sizzling summer automotive sale get the power of C is 60 battery now just $49.99 heavy duty radio tune sharks now $9.99 each two-ton floor jacks at half price and see your stuff new super guard response radios now with introductory savings from 20 to 30% at Sears we're installing confidence get the whole story with Howard Cosell on the only regularly scheduled sports journalism Series on network television a candid look at the issues and figures behind the headlines the Emmy award-winning ABC Sports beat Jimmy key comes out of the bullpen he's pitched better than those numbers would indicate - and 34.50 PRA saved some important games for them early on and Bobby Cox has not been averse to using him in important situations he faces Kirk Gibson here somehow someway Lloyd's getting picked off it looked like he was dead excellent move for a young fella throw is just done a little bit on the wrong side of the bag or he was out five three Detroit leading breaking pitch missing away Jimmy key from Alabama born and raised in Huntsville key 23 years old split last year 6 and 5 at Knoxville double-a 4 and 8 and triple-a at Syracuse that Tommy at travel going back to the bag at first base and the count is 1 & 1 of course it adds another dimension to the Blue Jays bullpen they really didn't have a left-hander to come in in key situations I would think the world that Bobby Cox of course in this situation when you're already down 5 to 3 you want to bring in a left-hander that may keep Trammell who is an excellent base runner from stealing a base it's going to help and also I was thinking that Gibson might be sacrificing or bunting for a base hit in a situation like this [Applause] [Applause] again I moved to first base close that's a good move and you're not going to get a good jump off of it you have to guess with a picture like that just take off on his first move and hope you don't throw the ball hope he don't throw the ball the first base Danny freezes travel and Gibson takes low two balls in one strike Annie squared around the sacrifice might have been on there gipson can run so fast that if he gets down a good money even squaring around he's got a chance to beat it out lays it down fielded by key throws just does get him Gibson really fly enough said about the call made by Jerry new Decker at first base they just do get him that are so close he squared around from a stop position he just about beats that ball out on a sacrifice another angle and still you can't tell whether he's safer out Gibson thought he was safe Jerry knew Decker thought he was out very close to being a tie [Applause] with travel advancing to second so Gibson at Lisa's does not spend a time at bat as he gets credit for a sacrifice he also has a sacrifice fly tonight and perishes the batter was one for three Lance hitting 272 seven homers 35 runs batted in and they'll walk him intentionally and get to the left-hand batting Evans in the third period the gunslingers are still living Pittsburgh 14 to 3 brothers at first and second Sparky Anderson took over the Tigers in 1979 you know you're talking with some of the Tigers in the clubhouse before the game Sparky is a big hero in Detroit right now and a man that everybody loves who is now in the process of sending barbaro garbey up to bat for Evans but some of the players will remember two or three years ago and that town was not very enamored with the old spark Errol well it takes time you need longevity in a town so that you teach not only your own ballplayers but the ball players in the system how to play ball the way you wouldn't play thirty five and five of course will make you hero anywhere that table barbaro garbey coming up Cuban refugee he was part of that Freedom Flotilla in 1980 has had a stormy past in terms of baseball it was some question as to some situations that he became involved with in terms of fixing games in Cuba which came to light but he was playing in the minors he's been exonerated Tigers felt that he had a chance rocky at one point who was talking about him and the same breath as being an up-and-coming Clemente type Roberto Clemente type but he's the kind of guy who obviously can hit and Sparky he's going to use him at least temporarily in spot roles against left-handed pitchers well the scouts must have thought that he could hit because it's very seldom a fellow of his age gets a chance just to be signed in the minor league one ball no strikes the count takes a strike on the inside corner one at one and that doesn't mean that he's old it just means that it's very seldom you'll sign a player 26 27 years old and give him his first start in professional baseball in the United States Anderson feels his best position will be first base he plays first to third it's a chopper down a short here fielded by Griffin shovels to Garcia that's all they'll get as they get the force out and cram will now advances to third with gar Bay at first and with two down Johnny Grubb will be called back and again the Tigers will go to the bench in rusty Kuntz will come up to hit here's a guy that was very close to being out of baseball and it's interesting that he's coming up as a pinch-hitter here because his reputation has been as a defensive player and in a major league career in which he's been up and down several times was with the White Sox for a while but here's a guy who comes up hitting 408 24 49 and doing the job with runners on base well he's just off to a fantastic start another situation ballplayer naturally you're not going to hit 500 with men in scoring position all year he's done it up to this point may who can say that he wouldn't argue again as she said a role player if you can get him up there in the right situation which he's always hit left-handed pitching well especially the ball out over the plate he's a very tough out can get him up there in the right situation which Sparky obviously has done and he can deliver maybe that's how you started out 43 and 14 two on two out takes low ball one rusty Kuntz up and down with a light Sox since 1979 to Minnesota last year in the offseason deal Larry panicked Minnesota to get puts trying to duplicate the wave here in Toronto but the fans don't there we go and I start seeing that everywhere see today that's a pretty good way right is high for ball two two and one [Applause] hard fastball [Applause] wave speak rolling in [Applause] they wave goodbye so at the end of six and a half it's the Tigers five and a Blue Jays three [Music] the first thing you learn as a professional photographer is don't take chances it's just not worth it I'm talking about the paper we have our pictures printed on Kodak paper the overwhelming choice of professional photographers we ask for it for our personal pictures too so insist on Kodak paper wherever you see this Sun and don't take chances what are we gonna do I'll be right back where's he going you still want to get that beer from that bear it's not just a bear that's a grizzly yeah but that's not just a bigger that's fire brewed Stroh's I thought we had three cases well had to make a deal Stroh's and Stroh light fire brewed for smoother taste this is today's Chevrolet here comes the hottest-selling Chevrolet today the fun-to-drive front drive Cavalier fire up two leaders of electronically fuel-injected fun and experience more horsepower than the top three importance the minute you feel Cavalier before you'll know what makes Cavalier the hottest selling Chevrolet today Oh winner that's today Chevrolet well the tiger is a two men who pinch-hit stay in the game rusty Kuntz goes into play ryan field taking Johnny Grubb spot and barbaro garbey stays in the game at first base he batted for Evans in the bullpen that's Jim gaat spot starter for start at six games and appeared and relief in three others who is throwing as we go to the bottom half of the seventh inning Ernie went with a single and a double [Applause] and the counters what a dog [Applause] a new toy it's amazing his last week we talked about the wave and they've been doing this in Detroit now all season long getting a lot of publicity we started to talk girl about I got about six letters this week alone around the country telling me it was born at the [Applause] somewhere in the south I think the first time I remember was in the Kingdome in Seattle [Applause] territory [Applause] fools the freemen Randall had a better angle and Johnson must have thought that tremble was falling amor well that's not like Alan Trammell he'll usually take anything that he can get to push it's so noisy with a wave going around the stands it might be very difficult for them to hear you say certainly couldn't very or so there was something wrong [Applause] a lot of noise up here I know I pitched early in May here they have some hecklers not only [Applause] pretty reserved here two toothpicks to travel and it goes around they used to be reserved here for good reason that wasn't very much to get excited about then last year all of a sudden not only did they escape the cellar but they were in the race almost all season well one night that they got 19 three and a third innings off of this and I have used five or six pictures I was on my way back to the dugout and they were all over me and I hollered at him to be quiet and they were so that's we got 24 they might have felt sorry for me riffing on a swinging bunt oh and one account [Applause] the professional for one as Griffin fouled away the count is nothing at two I could see why they [Applause] start up in the second third time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] legging it aboard safely so an empty you look at it again balls not hit good too hot for an outstanding play by jokes a great play behind third brace it Brooks Robinson job and he's got most anybody on the ball club except one of the school he came four or five steps and got something on that would have been an outstanding was a slower runner within it [Applause] Thomas Oh Garcia [Applause] he was two runs down last any and Bobby Cox was and he sent the runner [Applause] Griffin at first base held on by garb a [Applause] again you see them coming inside on Garcia it's just the safest place to kitchen don't you worry about him trying well maybe in this situation Garcia likes the ball out of way [Applause] a situation that's my field Louis takes quite a while from the time he starts his motion to deliver the [Music] and I think he has some since doughnuts snap throw by parish to get it back the count one ball in two strikes odd Garcia but you're running against one of the better throwing catches in the American boolean and ass is going bad position his game starting the season [Applause] makes the turn at second in the nest [Applause] first and second now in the seven [Applause] coming to the plate [Music] [Applause] counted for all of the Blue Jays [Applause] here we see indecisiveness on Griffin's part I think I think he looked at the third-base coach just a little too too late probably didn't get a signal from the third-base coach tried to do it himself and almost got thrown out going back into second [Applause] we sound like a man [Applause] [Applause] the one that's although jet but a fine play by travel the astroturf as that board is picks up speed [Applause] still able to make the play an excellent play stayed with the ball all away hard-hit shard huh can't go right down with the ball did the right thing make sure he got one so runners at first and third [Applause] Bo's be the left-handed batter coming up that'll do it for Willis and we'll be taking to look at Hernandez coming in to pitch here in the bottom of the seventh inning with runners at first and third and two down Sparky buys an extra moment to give Hernandez a couple of welcome [Music] [Applause] five three in the bottom of the seventh hey guys I'm back catch you anything Riley yeah got this granddaddy of a fish but what I got him in the boat he says I'll give you three wishes if you throw me back a talking fish well it was hot I was thirsty so I wished for a nice cold Stroh's beer and there it was mmm taste is so good I wished for another man to wishes to Stroh's and what'd you do with the third Stroh's and strobe light fire broom for smoother taste say good-bye to America's favorite can of motor oil that Quaker State quality America has trusted for over 70 years now comes exclusively in this unique easy to pour plastic bottle made to cost you nothing extra so long spouts see you dirty hands goodbye oily rags no more leaky cans get Quaker State's pen grain protection and no mess easy to open pour and resealed today you need an oil this good in a package this [Music] now you can give Olympic gold and silver because for the first time the US Treasury is issuing Olympic commemorative coins they're beautiful gifts or keepsakes and the precious metal you buy could help win Olympic medals at many banks coin dealers find stores savings and loans and post offices [Applause] bottom of the seventh inning Fernandez pitching Willie has excelled in these types of situations to us he has brothers at first and third here by one as the first base runner at third Griffin who hesitated earlier otherwise he could have scored Collins is at first base batter is Posey Griffin Bennett theory when saddled may the stock and turns of course James that have had a run Hernandes species Mosby whose hit the ball early on three times tonight he's open three and he takes high ball one Willie Hernandez his 28 games 28 out of detroit's 58 so his work in almost half and he's time with Dan Quisenberry of Kansas City for most appearances [Applause] local stations along the Raik at the next opportunity one ball one strike the count first base [Applause] I stopped by well there's a chance Collins could be running in this situation [Applause] scores [Applause] characteristic please the winner tonight [Applause] chiming defenses get down for it [Applause] you get one more big hop he came in it on the short hop one of the toughest plays in baseball her name that makes it five to four [Applause] his 1 for 3 and he hits it down the garvey and that will be the end of the inning but the Jays come up with a run here in the seventh [Applause] on top and we'll return to exhibition state right after this word from your local station ten years after he resigned Richard Nixon's back tomorrow watch ABC's World News Tonight the nation's highest court has decided that the criminals cannot be set free because of a police mistake on the technicality then Michigan's school districts are asking voters for a lot more money two of our stories led after Tiger baseball have one in Dearborn where's dear boy since we started manufacturers Bank over 50 years ago our ideals haven't changed but today we have new ideas like our man you a card bank 24 hours a day at over 2,000 locations across Michigan old ideals new ideas manufacturers Bank that's my bank Arbor drugs picture picture the greatest offer and photo print service since proud grandparents picture picture every time you get a roll of film developed at arbors already low prices you get an extra set of prints free one set to keep one to give away and picture picture means you always get your prints overnight seven days a week or you get them free and if you're not happy we'll print them again picture picture every day only at Arbor where we not only sell it for less we give you two for the money [Applause] on Wide World of Sports a week from Saturday from San Juan Puerto Rico Edwin Rosario who is the WBC lightweight champion will defend his crowd against Howard Davis who is the only gold medalist on our 76 Olympic team yet to win a professional title at his hands go against Rosario plus a report on the US Olympic track and field trials it's wide world a week from this Saturday [Applause] we're going to the eighth-inning and exhibition Stadium in Toronto Jimmy key loosening up for the Blue Jays five to four Tigers are on top as we go to the eighth inning first of a three-game series this telecast is presented by authority of major league baseball and may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any form without the express written consent of major league baseball [Applause] Chet lemon and then Rupert Jones and Howard Johnson are the venue up here in the eighth-inning there's a fellow who has climbed the foul pole in right field which is the reason for the delay and not worthy of anybody's attention at this point as they continue on the pitch taken lowball one want to know the gap the game in Boston now tied six-six ninth inning Baltimore leading in Texas has taken the lead from Oakland at the 7th [Applause] [Music] those banks account in the air to right-center field and shallow and dropping in a hurry and it's a basehead [Applause] or as lemon winds up going to second so the outfielders tonight all night long even with a Twilight early on and now you don't have the Twilight to blame or even empty seats back of the plate getting late breaks on everything that's leaving the back dennis slam the ace of the bullpen for toronto the free agent acquisition is throwing in the Toronto pen back of Jimmy key one of the hardest place for an outfielder to make is when the balls hit off the end of the bat Mosby's a deep left center bells in deep right field as lemon does have power they take a full swing it might take a step back or that slight hesitation if you said and the ball falls in well a bit broke to bet on it swing to it so it's not going to go as far as it looks like it might with with the type of cutting type Larry Herndon will pinch it now for Rupert Jones Jones tonight was two for three with a single to double and herndon takes a strike Herndon has had a tough beginning this year Tigers collectively a sensational stomach but Herndon sitting only 244 and has no home runs he had 20 last year it's still great to be able to send a hitter like this up to bat this situation a hitter at his abilities 20 home runs the past two seasons [Applause] they're going to break out of it [Applause] just as been slumping as you said over 90 RBI's [Applause] the left side surrounded by Griffin whose cousin we're doing the fair throw is not in time so eleven alertly is able to advance once the ball left Griffin's hand lemons a type of fellow when he was at Chicago didn't mind taking those type of chances but when he was over there he was thrown out more times than that every time he gambled little little maturity and he's becoming just a little bit smarter here's the play Griffin had a fire to first the ball was in the dirt but lemon would have made of anyway because he left right at the right time first out of the inning with lemon now in third [Applause] ten lemons one of those players that has great speed but not great baserunning instincts he's a lot like Alfredo Griffin can go from first to third can score on singles from second base but when it comes to stealing bases doesn't have the great instincts right there you saw him outrun them run the ball that was a gamble our johnson is which hitting third baseman [Applause] that's it right handed for the first time tonight only seven at-bats two three four seven his gamble forced the infield to play in and the count is on one [Applause] eleven and third one out eighth inning Tigers leading 5-4 [Applause] faster Sparky said he was gonna let him the kitchen big opportunity for him right now [Applause] Johnson paternity to get the man in and successful two thirds of the time was that's a misleading graphic you don't know if it was the game where was eight to nothing or in a situation like here we have the infield and it's a lot harder do it here it is when they're giving you a run because you got a six or seven run lead and it's late in the ballgame [Applause] here's the to two-thirds now that's three he went to his mouth I believe is what the call is by the plaintiff I add a Philips and if that's the case that would be ball four so the count would have been three and two but he went to his mouth while he was on the mound I believe that is what Phillips indicated and that makes it fall for that's definitely the girl looks like Bobby Cox's telling he was that far off of the dirt onto the turf well I've always felt that's a silly rule because of what it does it makes the job down fires job a lot easier but it sometimes can affect the ballgame like this if you're an umpire and a guy's throwing a spit ball which is obviously the reason if you have that you can know it but most umpires don't either have the [Applause] or the guts to call it and she seems like a socialist world seselis rule but the umpires have to so it's a what and they're the Cardinals defeat Philadelphia we already told me about the Tsukuba teams and that's a winner ninth inning Giants batting trailing LA and San Diego came back to beat Atlanta five to four to a half game lead now for the Padres in the National West is Whitacre with runners at first and third and feel looking for the DoublePlay [Applause] no balls one strike the count [Applause] and to take one here's the here's the 2 2 pitch now is 3 2 and here's when he goes to his name like he was on the dirt now after key got two strikes on Johnson he seemed to overthrow his next three pitches were high hard fastballs to bring the count to three and two before he went to isn't it now he's got Whitaker Owen to travel up next takes up an end he's reaching back for too much whit's decide to throw the ball low and away and he threw it up and in but again work about a guy that's only been in the major leagues first year well that's exactly what I mean now Bobby's trying to tell him look it he just got two strikes natural motion don't try to get too much for that and as you said as a pitcher you know if you throw the ground balls still tough to to get that DoublePlay you don't want to give up another run so you're trying for the with the strikeout please going through his motion right there he may have injured himself and they're gonna let him take a warm-up picture too I think Phillips so cat that as a trip because Cox never went to the home plate umpire to ask permission to go and when I say a trip you one trip to the mound with the pitcher that's on there the second trip you have to Philips to saying it's no true [Applause] alright so flavor zooms for the cattle one ball and two strikes lemon is a third Johnson at first Tigers on top five for the eighth inning to the Whittaker [Applause] icz motion probably outside also [Applause] to chew on [Applause] big strikeout Alan Trammell will be the next center and they're going to go to the bullpen for Dennis lamb so it'll be right-hander against right-hander as Dennis lamp acquired during the offseason became a free agent they picked him up he spent last year the White Sox still come on to face travel here are the eighth inning this is today's Chevrolet make your move to Chevrolet's new celebrity move into the comfort of more passenger room than 101 out of 106 import cards move into celebrity and attraction of front drive celebrity no other new car gives you this much passenger room at a price to this load celebrity more to boot that's today's Chevrolet next big league pitcher and loves to serve fire brewed Stroh's see what I mean that was his fastball that was the curve Wow pitch is that relief pitcher throws and stroll a fire brewed for smooth and tasty tops elite feel the pressure of a national championship that turned it into performance live exclusive 18-hole third and fourth round action at the US Open one of a kind beginning Thursday [Music] one of the problems the Blue Jays had last year was with their bullpen hurt him down the stretch damper they'd stayed in the race until the end of August so what they needed to do in the offseason was go out need to trade for or fine somehow a dependable short man and they opted to go for Dennis lamb who was a free agent after spending three years with the Cubs and three years with the White Sox and he's done a nice job for them so far Alan Trammell who is hitting only 105 lifetime against lamb comes up with Chet lemon and third and Howard Johnson at first base with Detroit on top five to four here in the top of the eighth inning [Music] teams meeting for the fifth time in the last eight days splitting a four-game series last week in Detroit this is the first of three here it ends quite a stretch for the Tigers who just blew away the American League West getting off of that sensational start they've been able to maintain a good sized lead through this stretch against the top clubs of the East if the Tigers do that the second time around if they play the West like they did the first time around I don't think we'll have a pennant race Detroit started on 35 and 5 when they won their first 17 the season on the road they send Johnson and travel hits a drive to right field the Bell backs up and makes the catch the side is retired [Music] [Applause] one hit and two men left on as the Tigers cannot pick up any insurance here in the eighth inning so the Jays come up in the bottom of the eighth Detroit leading five to four let's check in with Jim Lampley in New York well Allen Fenway Park fans got a thriller tonight the Yankees led 6-3 going to the bottom of the ninth as you reported the Red Sox tied it up at six six on a two-run single by Bill Buckner and then Reed Nichols delivered his first home run of the season over the wall in left field with two men on it produced a 9 6 Boston win the winner was clear the loser was Howell Gedman rice and of course Reed Nichols with the home runs for the Red Sox let's go back to Al Michaels in Toronto thank you Jim and the Red Sox have now won four in a row and 11 out of 13 so there's a ballclub that's very hot it really has to be very discouraging and depressing to be that hot and yet if Detroit wins tonight you're still 14 games out of first place Larry Herndon will pinch-hit for Jones stays in the game he plays left field Tommy Brookins who is the best of the third basemen defensively for Sparky Anderson now playing third and just in case Hernandez needs any help you've got a really a Lopez drawing in the bullpen I've got an amazing stat here all right Tigers bullpen amazing the Tigers have only given up six ninth-inning runs all year long and let's see in 57 games and I do something about Lopez and Hernandez well they've done the job that's why there's 19 saves and 11 wins out there of course they haven't had to I guess they've always had a pitch in the ninth inning but a lot of big run a lot of big fleets will make a lot easier to fish [Applause] they weren't only winning games they were just blowing people out by scores of came two to eleven three [Applause] with Johnson the pH comes up to the second time he hit into a double play rolls around exhibition stadium I guess this is something we're going to see I'm sure every ballpark in the country the Boise [Applause] next chance we'll give our local stations and other opportunity for a station break the 1o pitch is fouled away one strike on flipper Johnson what a cut he wanted to put a run on the board in a hurry right then we'll get to see it again from the centerfield camera it's a little bit on the outside half the plate lift gets those arms out comes off his feet and town he goes Wilier has has an excellent screwball and first after that swing at that fastball you might be thinking about changing speeds a little bit cliff never got cheated on Alan I always thought cliffs a better lowball hitter [Applause] nothing to get off mega bus I always told you to fit your help [Applause] [Music] I always got clipped out cliffs the cliffs the tough guy to face because he always has a dialog here's the swing again that high fastball Jose Palmer's right again again I fast balls one of the more to death in baseball it's it's a that the hitters can see the best because it's right up in their eyes but if you don't [Applause] you missing eventually Johnson normally has a dialog it's funny though he's become sort of the the foundation now for this team he's a month away from his 37th birthday he's one of the more futur Bluejays obviously early years the National League he was more of a both the campus clouds gets in in his runaway [Applause] guys go through periods in their careers were early on you'll wonder what sort of a fella they are and off times they can be sort of a bad influence on the feet not that Johnson was but you've seen guys through the years spend eight nine ten years in the big leagues that always suddenly become one of the foundation stones that's all right maturity the same you don't know the mistakes of ball players make as a youngster watches you spend your time you see why one person fails why another succeeds and if you're fortunate enough to stay around you can pass that information on to the other people and my buddy here did that well he was quite an influence on each and every young pitcher that came to the Baltimore staff only the good I don't want to blow smoke he but he got the newspaper people [Music] Davis loves it Leslie that believe he does Marlo store of Davis I was telling something with Toronto there's sit store gives me a lot of credit I said it's kind of easy when the guys got a 95 mile I just tell them to throw it up high and tight blow it away and then throw your breaking ball Oh for all the things that are all told me expansion the gathers water to Lily Hernandez have helped pitch the Phillies into the World Series last year Jesse Barfield is out on deck politics spot due up next [Applause] dan is missing away you take it [Applause] what makes really Hernandez successful is that he could run the count to two in two and just like you did in folk Johnson and then throw that good screwball there's a lot of confidence that his breaking ball there it is again right there and that was a good one [Applause] and as we said you want to get on top of your breaking ball he gets right on top of that screwball and you can see it running away from George Bell and you can see the striker shades of my choir Jesse Barfield last year Barfield at 22 in this ball park alone this year he's being equal to and for the reason as we stated before is that Dave Collins has been so hot they've got Belen Mosby in the lineup every day and they platoon Commons and far-field here's a fella that they think and develop into him into a star they certainly do I was talking to cito Gaston the batting instructor and he said first Jesse's only 24 years old but when you have the year that he had last year first he had a lot of those home runs late the season 27 involved all together and he has one of the best throwing arms and is a fine defensive outfielder I'd like to see a guy like this play every day but as you said Dave Collins has come along it gives them another dimension a lot of speed left field you always saw the graphic 22 home runs here in 207 at-bats he was going for one right yeah that's one every nine point four at-bats for bar field which means about a home run every two games [Applause] at home hi that's right actually closer to every weapon every two and a half games they respect him because Trammell and Parrish both went out on the mound to give Hernandez who's known a leg little tip as to how to pitch [Applause] five for Detroit on top of the eighth not the inside corner wanted to pitch was probably a little bit inside but then again Lance Parrish was catching for Detroit sets up inside he gives a good target and the pitcher sometimes hit that maybe a it's 2 or 3 inches inside missing outside there's the screwball again the far-field didn't bite [Applause] count is 2 & 2 [Applause] region [Applause] offensive alignment deep in the outfield deep we saw they don't want to let that ball get into between them for the extra-base hit [Music] [Applause] a studio it's a 1-2-3 inning so the Blue Jays are done here in the eighth it is still Detroit five Toronto for as we go to the night return to exhibition Stadium after this word from our local stations Sunday Richard Dreyfus is a private eye tackling his toughest case the big fix [Music] come on [Music] history [Music] we didn't fly America borders on the magnificent Canada come on up this is WXYZ TV channel 7 Detroit we're going to the ninth inning Detroit leading Toronto five to four is Dennis Lance loosens up and we have a moment to check in with Jim Lampley in New York for this update Jim Alda san diego padres entered the bottom of the ninth down for three against atlanta relief a Steve Bedrosian but after Kevin McReynolds tied the game and stole second base this single by Bobby Brown drove in McReynolds with the winning run that has given the padres a two and a half game lead on the Braves three games ahead of the Dodgers who lost tonight to San Francisco now back to Hal Michaels in Toronto the Padres after a good start this year than some problems in May rebounding them two and a half up on Atlanta Carthage comes in to play third base with Barfield batting for Mullenix Sparky Anderson no stranger to playoffs and World Series though all of those were accomplished when he wore red guided the Reds to two world titles four pennants five division titles Boston a winner as you look at the scores baltimore 3-1 ninth-inning Texas leading open 6-3 in the eighth three finals of the National League with Montreal the Cardinals and the Mets all victories giants with a ninth-inning rally beat LA San Diego we just told you about Cincinnati two to one over Houston in the eighth inning Giants got five runs in the ninth to beat the Dodgers tonight Kirk Gibson to lead off in the ninth inning take slow it away your man Frank Robinson Corollas is under some pressure right now it definitely is Frank I read an article in the paper that seems confused doesn't seem to know what to do about it grounded to the [Applause] - take a vase it away from always hit hard center of the plate Griffin got over there in a hurry and what I like lately about Griffin is he took his time straightened up and made a good throw when Griffin first got to the big leagues he was liable to twist and throw that ball off-balance we get it from another angle here show you just that he got it on a shard hop man was still out one away in Lance Parrish is the batter seven homers thirty five RBIs for Paris change the breaking pitch in the town his own one he's had a tough time member last week he came up against plan and we pointed out the problems he's had with him one for 21 it's funny how those statistics seem to stand up year after year after year like Johnny Grubb with Li L first him yep second San Antonio leading three over Pittsburgh now the fourth quarter [Applause] you can kind of see why parish is so unsuccessful against land lampreys making great pitches that's usually the case as a pitcher if you make bad pitches you get a lot of you up a lot of hits I know at one point Rod Carew was 23 446 lifetime Hoffy a lot of we're meeting the Sitz but most of the time I was wasn't making the quality fishes and also the fact that even I think a 331 lifetime header had something wall on the inside corner marish may not agree about the call but he walks back to the dugout now 1 for 22 lifetime here we that late bake breaking breaking ball it just kind of hangs and it's pretty close to being a ball but awfully close to being a strike debut Phillips thought it was strike 3 there wasn't a thing he could do with the pitch there anyway barbaro garbey pinch-hit in the seventh inning and hit into a force woeful one manning 313 the folks tuning in follow the game and then Nightline follows that we are in the top of the ninth inning that Toronto Detroit leading 5-2 for the opener of a three-game series Tigers trying to stretch their advantage to eight games in the east one in one Detroit has not won a pennant since 1968 last time the one date divisional championship was 1972 and they were beaten by Oakland in a dramatic five game play Bluejays of course if they will want anything just came into the league in 1977 so some hungry fans in both towns [Applause] hungry or Detroit dovie's they go all the way back to the turn of the century [Applause] as we say it's been 16 years since that team has been to the World Series do it again Blair it's always a joy it's always been a great baseball town to go there as a player of course they have some great lineups gates brown is a hitting instructor for the Tigers and it's a baseball park it's a pure baseball stadium you know if it's there that's why are you Tiger Stadium from a fan's perspective unless you're back of a pole there it's a great place to watch a game wave [Applause] seems like somebody always stands up when they score a goal I think you can miss a lot of the game trying to be part of the way that's a good [Applause] all the way again [Applause] most times home games of that so I tried to help out defensively it's an indiscriminate wave tonight [Applause] back out of play Catskills two balls two strikes [Applause] when the Blue Jays bat the bottom of the ninth inning eight nine and one due up with Griffin and Garcia our schedule [Applause] with Hernandez in there with a left-handed matter we probably go to the Bench buck Martinez in fact was on deck in the bottom of the 8th inning here six down the four man he faces [Applause] and there the men do the bottom of the ninth inning at exhibition stadium with the Tigers in first place in the East over Toronto [Music] [Music] when you buy a new car you want to keep it looking new and that's easy with armor all protectant a scientific formula that took a polymer chemist ten years to develop it helps keep rubber one leather and plastic looking new so even though you can't keep your car from getting old you can keep it from looking old armor all its science works like magic sale of the high seas between Newport Rhode Island and Bermuda with actor Sam Jones here he joins the crew of the intuition for a thrilling first-hand look at open ocean racing on the American sportsman Sunday [Applause] and this ABC Sports exclusive is being brought to you by Chevrolet with the performance to style the innovation the quality and the value that make up today's Chevrolet and by Stroh's and Stroh light fire brewed for smooth taste [Applause] we're going through the bottom of the ninth inning and Tony Fernandez will pinch-hit buck Martinez had been out on deck when the aides and they ended but they off floor fernanda is to try to get a man on base here in the ninth inning well another reason for the switch is if you had buck Martinez who is not fast afoot get on base and a pinch runner would be an order you need some speed p-nut Fernandes can get on they can't pinch run for Martinez if he had let off and got on they couldn't pinch run for him because he'd be there catch him defensively Hernandez was called up a couple of weeks ago he'd been at Syracuse in the internationally and is playing back of Griffith they've been talking about Fernandez is the heir apparent to Griffith for some time now basically a line drive hitter not a whole lot of car can steal some basis though 35 last year there you see the good screwball on the inside corner has a lot of talent some of them do J's were talking that right now is a lot of kids that are 21 years of age doesn't really know how to prepare himself for the game I think he really feels he ought to be playing it doesn't know ago really know how to go about doing it he's from the Dominican Republic and he thousand iTouch away well that's part of the manager's job to let her know rise here and I'm sure Cox parks has had some talks with [Applause] Tony Fernandes twenty-one years old lays off the pitch that dismisses outside of the counties 2 & 2 Bobby Cox will see Griffin Kell up down there Tony Dave Garcia [Applause] - 2 to Fernandez little comebacker those that Tony Fernandes and his one down and Alfredo Griffin will be called back and now we will see buck Martinez come up to hit for him we can tell you the executive producer of ABC Sports is ruin Arledge Dennis Lewin producing tonight's game directed by Jeff forty people a sir our pregame feature producer our technical director Bill Morris associate director John with Sony assistant to the producer Elyse Backus as Martinez comes up Martina's without a home run this season and batting just to 10 early pointed out in the pregame show and he and whet provided a lot of power last year I talked to him about it during batting practice and he is very disappointed but his words were that he got off to a slow start before doesn't like playing in the cold weather and it can get pretty cold up here and he's expecting to bust loose - any time he thinks Witten himself can still come up with between 15 and 20 home runs for the season he's at an 82 the last two years one first buck lost a lot of weight ever what about 15 pounds the city felt a lot better but he just says she said hasn't hit any home runs to good fastball better has been the same with almost every hitter by fast balls and then when it comes time to get him out you see the blowing away screw though [Applause] no balls two strikes right here though I'd go right back up with the hi fast me [Applause] wasted one away stayed with the pattern alleys having success with it I don't say what our base is at the five four Tigers eight games in front Giorgio's [Applause] I tried to get them out of the strike zone [Applause] Baltimore is one maybe Milwaukee tonight three to one they would stay 11 back way to fetch to buck Martinez is lifted in the air to chef screaming in his lemon to make the cash he started in then slowed up a bit then came on again to make the play so there are two down here the ninth-inning [Applause] comes gets a real good jump on the ball [Applause] didn't look like I was bothering him there because that was a pretty good plug - down with the bases empty and Garcia [Applause] the banner bluejays on the verge of their fifth consecutive loss Tigers trying to make it five wins in their last six games and seven of their last nine the precinct expelled it's rose ms gained to win and Leal if it saves 5-4 with go down to defeat for the first time since last season when Anna is trying to pick up his 10th save [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] or has fouled away in the deceits off the first base and again this is the week of the US Open our coverage begins Thursday and Friday late night reports and then extensive coverage Saturday and Sunday afternoon 2:30 Saturday and Sunday Eastern Time for the US Open here's the old toothpicks to Garcia just loved one of them [Music] see the Tigers again next week to take on the Yankees some of you will see Texas against I see you staying alive with a count one ball two strikes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we've seen two real good ballgames the past Monday night - Drake from Toronto sparkies loved him box hasn't been too happy about him [Applause] by the way that 19-game water winning streak for the Jays they were they'd won 19 straight is now going the other way they're on the verge of losing their third straight one-run game as the pitch is outside they lost two to the Yankees over the weekend and our one out away from going down to a one-run loss here [Applause] Dave college is on deck tough it is to get that last out [Applause] Thomas or Garcia strikes out as Hernandez does a masterful job [Music] and another look right here well they've been pitching Garcia in all night here it is again borderline pitch but too close to take for strike three so Al Michaels Earl Weaver Jim Palmer sings along from Toronto look they're at the final score Detroit 5 Toronto 4 stay tuned for ABC News Nightline tonight on Nightline with Ted Koppel will America's borders remain open to all a look at our growing integration problem on Nightline tonight immediately following your late local news travel arrangements made through in a promotional fee paid by United Airlines United flies more people to Hawaii than any other airline nobody knows Hawaii like United ABC's Monday Night Baseball has been a presentation of ABC Sports recognized around the world as the leader in sports television this year the Olympic tradition continues Tuesday when a reporter goes out to catch a famous star she could get burned hotel then everything can be had right the opium dens of China can be murdered our two hearts tomorrow all starting at 9:00 8:00 central of Melbourne well you saw it the Tigers are now 8 in front of the Jays and 11 in front of the Baltimore Orioles clutch pitching by Hernandez and a great clutch hit tonight by that second baseman by the name of Whitaker we'll have full details for you tonight it looks like it's shaping up this way that the problems plaguing that Midland nuclear power plant cannot be fixed cannot be resolved and the project I guess is gonna be scrapped before the week is out but other story for you in just a moment Diana a major media outlet in Detroit has been sold and strong reaction to a major ruling by the US Supreme Court Bill Jerry's gonna have a look at the weather and Steve with sports Diana Lewis Bill Vaughn's Channel Seven's Action News updates his next yes we'll have a pan
Channel: Classic MLB1
Views: 10,636
Rating: 4.9104476 out of 5
Id: 3HZtF5ny-7M
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Length: 206min 14sec (12374 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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