1984 World Series, Game 5: Padres @ Tigers

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Holy shit, storming the field like a college basketball game. It was a different time.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/thomp2mp 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2013 🗫︎ replies

Use these.

Best baseball line ever.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jmk4422 📅︎︎ Jul 20 2013 🗫︎ replies
NBC Sports presents a 1984 World Series today game five the San Diego Padres versus the Detroit Tigers brought to you by Miller highlight the best gear for the best time of the day welcome to Miller time by Ford and your Ford dealer have you driven a Ford lately by Wagner the right tool for painting and by the makers of rightguard do you work hard you need rightguard the fog persists in Detroit a 30% chance of showers but nothing will dim the enthusiasm of the fans inside Tiger Stadium the site of Game five of the 1984 World Series hi everybody I'm Vin Scully along with Joe Garagiola well here we are team five and the Padres up against it well they're up against it but actually it's the easiest day of the year for the managers on both sides in regards to one thing the message they have to get across with their players Sparky is simply hey we win one it's all over and I'll quote the players a Larry Herndon who hardly says anything said that the year is down to one game well to pursue that line of thinking of course I can see dick williams pitching everybody at any time but not Sparky because he still has to remember and has predicted it still would go seven games well he's going to have his ace ready if it does go to the seventh game Morris but as you say Ditka pitch everybody including Ballard Smith Jack McKeon but they know what they had to do in the goose it took one of the veterans to put it in focus he said hey let's not try to win three games with one game which simply means let's play our normal game today well it'll be dan Petry and Mark Thurmond right now let's go to public address announcer John Bell for the introduction of the national anthem ladies and gentlemen the colors are being presented today by a joint color guard of United States and Canadian armed forces we ask now that you rise to honor America as the University of Michigan men's glee club under the direction of dr. Patrick Gardner sings our National Anthem lies what so broad my /p who's beside Raisa sighs or the ramparts we watched were so God ah heart oh say does that star-spangled ah Oh ha for our heartiest congratulations to the University of Michigan glee club the men's group what a magnificent rendition of our National Anthem we'll be back starting lineups coming up and the pregame notes right after this message ladies and gentlemen we draw your attention to the commissioners box at the home plate end of the first-base dugout for today's ceremonial first pitch our first ball pitcher was an outstanding American League player who was at in the pinnacle of his career as a third baseman for the Detroit Tigers his accomplishments one team election to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1983 we welcome as our first ball thrower mr. George Kell mr. Cal it's with tried that baseball welcomes to the World Series the vice-president of the United States the Honorable George Bush hello so the pregame festivities are over lands parish receiving the toss from George Kell who received the ball from the vice-president of the United States and now we get to the serious matter at hand and first of all let's take a look at the San Diego lineup the first feeling you have when you look at it is Nick Williams has decided to stay with the girl he took to the dance have been a lot of conversation about maybe with a slumping leftfielder Carmelo Martinez and a slumping Bobby Brown and Sutter maybe he would switch and put Tim Flannery at second base and move Alan Wiggins to left field but dick Williams has decided I stay with the crew that got me here and there they are Martinez in left then you had Gary Chaplin hitting a the shortstop and Bobby Brown in centerfield on the mound right-handed dan Petry an 18 game winner during the regular year and let's check the scouting report on him and here's Joe he's got a fastball a slider he can run it in he runs it away and like everybody on his ballclub he'll give you the split fingered fastball but it's an occasional one I think it ought to be in a Detroit Tiger uniform and be a pitcher you better throw that thing I would think well he's going to be throwing it Alan Wiggins Tony Gwynn and Steve Garvey in that order when Wiggins was hitting in Darrell Evans was the third baseman Evans you remember stayed almost on the edge of the graph we'll see how far in Marty Castillo comes because Castillo when he played came about almost halfway to home plate Wiggins waiting for things to settle down and we'll get this ball game underway p3 in Paris an infield of Evans Whitaker Trammell and Castillo and the outfield of Herndon lemon and Gibson and here we go the first pitch Game five wedge it in 353 in this area the plate umpire riley harvey barnett fremming and garcia on the line 1 and 1 and line drive right on by Petry and through in the center field that is Liggins and style as you hit it right back up the middle and I think then you can almost as we watch the replay of him just serving it right back up the middle it doesn't swing hard Petry just a little bit late with his club I think it's almost like the first game Wiggins is going to send that message and I'm going to steal again our ball club going and they do need somebody light that fire and I'm sure we can look for a pitch out with Wiggins on the first base with Greg and Lance Parrish Nick Williams hoping to get a jump this Padre ballclub has been behind from the fifth inning in every game now Petry is very tough on base runners in fact more have been caught than had succeeded against him he is 1 and 1 in that area in this series and Wiggins no doubt will try to test him that's Indy a colleague when waiting a patient hidden the see what's up with Wigan that's the good hitter giving him at least one strike now he's on his own Gwyneth can just do whatever he wants he's hitting 357 in the series oh and one Petrey is considered an excellent fielder and very good at turning the DoublePlay Wiggins settling in as if he's ready to push off over there and they pitch out that could have been a deep just to convince parish to waste a bit I think well he does that pretty much all the time that's very soft around first base they're all digging in there what these managers do is pick a particular pitch forget strategy they are trying to think well what will he throw if he throws a slow pitch I'll run it one and one hit foul down the left-field line out of way that was a most important pitch had it been balls then the Padres would have figured that would negate a pitchout and you could bet Wiggins would be going to balls one strike but it's the other way around now one ball and two strikes well that's a lot of cat mouse going on chances are 99 100 that he's not going to be pitching out here but maybe Lance says hey he's thinking that I will if they're picking particular pitches 1 & 2 he goes and it's fouled away there the strategy forget it it's just they're trying to think of what the other fellas going to do in a act accordingly one ball two strikes you think he's going to waste the pitch Petry went out after him quit of course with two strikes has to really take a hack at it and Wiggins take it off a base hit he'd have been in good shape interesting combination you have a very fast runner and remember when the toughest man to strike out in the major leagues although Wilcox struck him out in Millstein one and two he goes and it's chased and missed the throw hits the line those innocent juggle by shan appeal 11 and justified so they got poor out of that and my ass boy and they're looking for kind of a break and that could be it and don't think the Tigers aren't thinking about it's a tough pitch for parish to handle low inside curveball he screened by Wynn who swings the throw is little bit to the second base side in the center field as it was sailing away and Wiggins ends up at third you'll see the throw kind of sail now Steve Garvey is asked to do what the Padres have been unable to do get a lead in feel halfway I slider ball one one and all Roger Craig says dan Petry has the best slider in America one ball no strikes then has a California flavor to his background he was born in Palo Alto little number and the count one and one there are situations that come up where pitchers have to do particular things just like hitters and right now the battle is for Garvey to get the ball in the air Peter he's got to keep that ball on the ground or go for the strikeout GRA whatever you want to go the yardstick they used for pitchers is how good a pitcher is he with the man on third and less than two outs Garvey has one RBI in his last 64 World Series at-bats and he hits it sharply to Whitaker Wiggins to play watch it parish has got it he slides past the plate Paris you know what I went back to getting Paul Runge says the keg was high up on said to dick williams and gestured to dick williams left five he didn't have to tag him again well he may not have had to tag him according to Runge but according to parish he knows you didn't tell him you don't go after a guy if you tagged him right and yet the fire indicated he did tag him on the leg going by one way or the other Wiggins is out Garvey has not had the chance to pick him up and the Padres suffer a severe sat back and right at the outset wiggins erase board to Garvey standing at first on the fielder's choice and Greg Nettles of addict nettles has not been hitting only two hits in the series he's walked for time a ball now Roger Cray is going out to talk to people dan pitched the last time we went into that long and rather heartwarming story about their father-son relationship and we don't know of course depending upon the series in the future whether this is going to be Rogers last game or not well he keeps slipping down it was 90 percent sure in September and now it's down to 70 percent now he after the series he's going to sit down and talk to his wife and they're going to make a decision I think what he was trying to do was to settle him down and use that baseball expression stay within yourself don't try to overthrow it if he tries to go fastball against nettles he may be in for some serious trouble though nettles up there with a count all in one two out of the first-inning Wiggins out of the plate on the ground ball by Garvey III is ready for us right came back with a great call the off-speed pitch and in the strike zone well we've been saying it all along and it's no big secret nettles is a dead fastball hitter yetis riot he has 20 home runs during the regular year just show it to it now keeping a yard outside ball one Carol Evans is not holding the bag on Garvey is wave of the day starch and centipede towards the right-field foul pole he could have thrown that away and now we're a fast ball I don't think change and Lancers on that fastball there I think Greg would have might have been hot Eric in their lease waiting for him at the top step here's his pitch of decision he wants it to happen right here on two balls and two strikes little grab all the Whittaker Padres come up empty yeah who never did such home plate scoreless at the end of happening there's the way the tiger stack up offensively Lou Whitaker at second base and Alan Trammell at shortstop third Gibson in Whitefield and Parrish behind the plate Larry Herndon is in Lync barbaro garbey now Evans brought blanket over them left hand of Mark Thurmond who lasted five innings against the Tigers the longest for any San Diego started and remember that he was the one who really hung in there we used the expression junkyard dog that's what he is he hangs in there tough he's got good control good motion he's got an average maybe below average fastball same can be said for his curveball but his change of pace it's an excellent pitch he turns it over and acts like a screwball and sets up the other hitters but Terry Kennedy says he knows his own ability and I might add if I were catching I'd walk out and say watch the first pitch this guy's been jumping on it I'll tell you he's got reason to jump Lou Whitaker is the happiest guy in town his wife Krystal delivered a baby daughter Sarah seven pounds six ounces this morning and he takes a strike mark Thurmond is 28 at a Houston Texas and look at those numbers aren't they shocking the starter zra 11 and early third of a run in fact the only run given up by the relief pitchers is when Kirk Gibson was hit by Greg Booker that's the only run you remember he hit him with the bases loaded one in one in there the key with Thurmond all day will be keep track of the count if he's ahead of the hitter he's got a good shot at his control his arm on importance to him he's not strong enough to blow your line - I feel yesterday's he recently been in Detroit the Whitaker is at first and base it was for baby Sarah I guess and for his wife Crystal Alan Trammell is hitting 563 and you have to give hitting coach gates Brown a lot of credit he's the one who talked to trammel about keeping that left shoulder tucked in drive with it go on I wasn't much of a 1 & 2 fastball I was surprised he was up with it and it was a great pitch for Whitaker to handle he's got a spot the ball he's not going to overpower you he doesn't doesn't like pitch outs a whole lot either many left-handers don't like it because they're looking at the runner they say we can keep them close enough that doesn't mean the Whitaker's not going to run because travel even though he showed some power yesterday they can put a play on and yet we all have known of you hate the throw to first breaking ball in there one remember Curt Simmons of course he never threw to first he just tried to fake you with his eyes on you he never threw one and one account Alan Trammell camallo had a great September at over 400 it's a big chopper slowly capelin goes to second in time boy what a split second to say and he was correct even they have something on that and Wiggins was there a to take for granted the temple he would go to first base threw that ball hard got him you know as Kirk Gibson comes up to the plate somewhere down around is an outfielder who played on the 44 cardinals with stan musial won the World Series Danny litweiler sure I know very well Danny among other things was the baseball coach at Michigan State he convinced Steve Garvey and gave him a scholarship to go to state to play baseball he talked Kirk Gibson into playing baseball he was a football player and I'm sure let Wyler sitting back saying my boys are doing well any good right hand hitter he also coach Dick Howser Florida State and there goes the Michigan State Tiger Don have to be run up running up here to make quick moves today is suffering your pictures are going to be long four months west high hesitation watch his double it out right there while I get started with that big body kind unfolds as he runs but he made it San Diego is on the rack already one out of the first inning two nothing Detroit change missed Andy Harkin will begin to loosen up and busted boo petitioner Bobby Brown let's all and educating Lance Parrish thought Oh we could she retreat way the broken bat might have been deceiving because it was a big swing by Herndon broke his bat and drops with a base hit sherry trying to settle everybody down all he's really trying to do is is the equivalent of a roll call see who's here who isn't hurt and who can continue to battle Gibson swing and watch the reaction look at Kruszewski he's as calm as could be standing here in the first base coaching box we just want to make sure he tagged first first and third Chet lemon hitting 214 Parrish down the line from third Herndon from furs wanna know I'm sure Sparky knows what he's doing but this is not the lineup that we received officially before the start of the game I can't believe lemon is hitting out of turn but this isn't the way the lineup was printed they had garb a hitting in front of lemon but here's lemon with garbey on deck if it's wrong dick Williams will let him hit before he says anything right there's a patient YTN is in binds himself as usual out in front in fact the Tigers have scored in the first inning in six of their seven games by the way we were talking about Sparky and and they tell us that just a human and the hardness make and if San Diego starters thought things couldn't get any worse with an ER a of eleven he saw it did it's ballooned up over thirteen at first and second yeah lemon and herndon and here is garb a and the runners go to bat flies and the pad time to get ironed in I'm not so sure they wouldn't have been to maybe an interference complaint by nettles at third base on the play because the bed weenie went flying torsion you'll see it that's a he had that with a broken Baptist just slipped out of his hands nettles was there and makes the easy tag though that slows down the momentum had that been successful it would have been a definite feeling that the Tigers of just running San Diego right out of the ballpark that's a big out to slow them down temporarily go barbaro garbey with a count on one two down and there goes a pitch to the screen lemon 2/3 and holding well Hopkins has a good fast phone a good hard slider that looked like it might have been a slider Kennedy tried to backhand the ball didn't shift to block it got by him and wild pitches the way they score it Hawkins had worked eight innings and struck out three and walked three in his earlier duties Kennedy's a big guy and he just did putting it over there shift that way tried to backhand it unsuccessful and you see what garb a trying to pick up Chet lemon three nothing Tigers first inning fastball and a good one one and two barbaro garbey part of the cuba flotilla the D H in the world series and very hungry as you can see all four eleven one and two Kennedy started to walk away but it was hi oddly enough the Tiger DHS are struggling they are 1 for 16 but it still could be the team with the lowest th batting average will win the series for the first time popped up and it'll be Wiggins but the Tigers get three Kirk Gibson to I to the torch at the end madres buddy if I may make a somewhat cynical observation however SiC transit gloria and the Latins knew what they were talking about all he has to do is talk to Mickey Louis Louis won three World Series game for the Tigers he was the talk of the town in 68 mickey lowlich is in the last row of the upper deck down the left-field line and can't see the pitcher's mound one away another note about an early departure by a San Diego started Thurmond was chased so quickly it's the earliest exit by a starter in a World Series since nineteen when red Russell did not retire a batter for the White Sox and here's Kurt Bevacqua he's had a big series as you're well aware after hitting only 200 during a regular season basketball wanna know dan Petry trying to make Sparky Anderson one for the books cover bow you know ball clubs got scouting reports obviously with the fan Scouts but it was interesting Jack Mars when asked about the slow curve he threw to Bevacqua yesterday he said hey I played with him I was on the same club I pitched against him I know what he was looking for and I thought I'd throw that slow curve he might even get hurt swinging I think that was the great light he's a great little hurt himself one in one mass ball the count two balls one strike Bevacqua Wade with a pretty good ballplayer in high school Steve Carlton down in North Miami by the way Berkeley second base in those days to say Colin was the fetch - and Judah Kurt Bevacqua one out in the second inning eiders three Padres nothing there aren't very many teams to come back down three games to one in the World Series doing two line to left field Larry Herndon his day he did you saw Bobby Brown take a look at this and try to catch it yourself it's ball kind of knuckle balls out there sometimes the ball will do that and her numbers really fight that ball you can see he just wasn't that sure a couple other places he had rather been I think Larry is cut down his arse in left field considerably a year ago in a 15 you only had three errors this year here's Carmelo Martinez and it's been on the job training for him look at that seven strikeouts 1 for 13 as we said at the start of the telecast it's been a little surprising that dick williams stayed with martinez and brown all the way instead of perhaps putting Flannery at second and Wiggins in the outfield but dick stand with his club he looks like he's moved a little closer to the plate three runs five hits for the Tigers knocking on him yeah look at their open though that's the thing he was trying to get over another stop opening up it's interesting that he got there and looked like he wasn't sure of himself when he got in the batter's box and Lance Parrish is going to go out there now and make the great speech at all catchers make the pictures hey you've got a three-run lead don't get smart just throw strikes you think that moving around by Martinez is an indication of what's going on inside and you might be a little edgy Martinez yeah oh yeah oh yeah of course he's had so much pressure youngster let's take a look from this side now see whether he opens up again there he goes yep it just opened on opponent so he open up a inside corner here's the pizza he's got to really take a good whack at right here set himself and just nail it and he hits it into left field for a base hit over to get it is Herndon the Carmelo Martinez gets his first hit to the outfield in the series in fact his first hit to the outfield since the second game of the league championship against the cup really sitting seems looked like a slider just stayed there there's Gary Templeton ball one in Petrie's other game when Templeton was the baserunner dan Petry balked he won't have to worry very much about Martinez leading by 3 they're not holding him on that's his right Templeton has made up his mind it seems like that the fastball from the middle of the plate out he's going to let him have it until he's got two strikes but from the middle of plate and he's going to get a good hack all five of Templeton's hits have come left-handed good one on deck is Bobby Brown and of course Brown is the hungriest hitter in town he's over 13 Goodwin strike zone but it was the only one he had gotten so far that looked like was from the inside to played in so nothing else if you behind that plate that tells you to Templeton's really got it zeroed in and if he's going to go ahead to a ball out of the zone left-handed it figures to be low 2 & 2 wouldn't go on that one it stayed outside mine so if too our penis will be going about a little uneasy because in a small ballpark a three-run lead can dissipate in a hurry especially if Brown represents a time run coming up Martinez goes and as a ground ball well and at the end the Tigers play the Padres oh I might be considered a thread of a main augury and it makes it tough on the Quecha because you know what his best pitches going across the foul lines but you have to find it out there Kennedy hasn't had much of a chance he's out of there before he knows what happened well we take a look and see if Sparky Anderson will become the first man in history George's daughter Shirley married in March Papa's going to be delighted to spend part of his share wedding and one Evans Castillo and Whitaker against Andy Hawken high flyball into deep right is going to make the cat's one away that is a gray overcast day in Detroit you see Gwynn looking up a second time the lights have been on oh they turn them on an hour before the start of the game and leaf doesn't look nearly as ominous on that kind of a shot more feeling now Marty Castillo won one of the unsung players to inherit a hero's role when he hit his home run the other night fouled away and on I look at the Detroit Tigers and I guess because Sparky's the manager some people think of them as the Cincinnati Reds but the more you look at this ballclub the more you think of the Oakland A's of one foul out of play the days of let's say 72 73 and 74 they have three big pitchers by two blue catfish hunter and Ken Holtzman they are a team that didn't hit well in fact in three straight their highest batting average in World Series was 212 and a team batting but when they hit they hurt and you remember the 74 World Series and Joe you probably call the play remember when Bill Buckner was thrown out on a great relay from Reggie Jackson to Greene to bando and it reminds you of the Bevacqua play being cut down in San Diego basic baseball they had it unintentionally fouled away still if it appears in Hopkins is working in a hurry that's his style now they want him to get the ball and come at the hitter not nibble and just fool around make him hit you good stuff hit it on the fists and hit it foul in talking about teams trying to come back when they down three games to one both managers here know that feeling in 1967 dick Williams was managing the Boston Red Sox they were down three games to one they won two and then lost the championship to Bob Gibson in the Cardinals and on the other side of the field Sparky knows the feeling another foul ball Sparky Anderson in 1972 his Reds were down three games to one they battle back to get even only to lose two of all people dick Williams and the aide you remember we were talking a couple of days ago about sparky anderson and billy cansolo playing on the american legion team that won the championship here in 51 you know there's somebody else in uniform today who played in that game Deacon Jones of the Padres hit a grand slam home run in that game for American Legion ball eze Deacon deikun cause his dad was a Baptist Church he was the American Legion Player of the Year in 51 he hit his first inning Grand Slam only to have Sparky's team win at 11 7 strike to cast do down you'll love that as a catcher no fastball if he tries to hit it over the plate it had to be a strike back too close to tell I tell you that there is little Whitaker the brand-new daddy ball one I said tell take is what I meant too close to taking that some strikes you got a whack like every ballplayer you take your fooled so you go to first right right I pop Ryback a second temple and digging but Brown coming Bobby Brown and the Tigers go quietly in the second but they already had a belly full at the end of two three nothing Detroit will be back after these messages from your local station the Goodyear blimp America from Houston Texas pilot Captain John Moran from Spring Texas the stewardess Nikki Whitman the America one of only four Goodyear blimps in the world Bobby Brown Alan Wiggins and Tony Gwynn and the at-bats for Bobby Brown have become a litany of frustration to use all 413 as he chops it behind the bag to Trammell and beats it out Bobby finally breaks through Trammell kind of let the ball come to him he played it very easy and it's a tribute to Bobby Brown who's had a tough time but he just kept hustling you see Trammell waiting for it and Brown didn't put his head down as if to say well another out when is something good going to happen he tried to make something happen and he hustled down there and he beats it out Trammell did not charge the ball Brown hustled it Brown breaks the ice low Brown aboard Alan Wiggins I keep thinking I've seen this movie before maybe four other times Castillo looking bunt for one each day it seems the Tigers score in the first inning they knock out the San Diego starter and then the Tigers stand around and the Padres keep getting men on base and rallying and falling short want to know ground ball to the hole there's Whitaker and he will just go to first just about him hidden only to and the toughest man in the major and one of the things that he did it didn't get a good grip on it all will see it here the ground ball he almost loses it in the webbing right there and he says well I'll just get this year out no one down Brown at second base Tony Gwynn Brown a pick him up when struck out on a bad ball with Wiggins stealing and it's rare to see Tony go down on strikes breaking ball he wouldn't chase it ball one among the many things you can say about Whitaker is special to play like that last when he does have soft hands saw him first time I heard that was about Terry Moore oh yeah wanna know a shot down a short time in the dirt the Steve Garvey will be coming out good backhand play short hop with that big man I'll tell you inches on this side lead up gonna give you an idea how good Dave Bergman is because he goes in but offensive purposes you can see because Bergman does have the gold glove Evans of course plays first and third here is Garvey and he's a very hungry hitter as we mentioned he has failed to pick up an RBI now in a considerable number of at-bats and he had a runner at third with one out in the first inning and the out was recorded at the plate and he slashes one of the hole knocked down and that's all in Iran of opportunities you know he's going to pick somebody up it's a basehead an RBI and it's Tigers three Padres one even if Trammell comes up with it his momentum would have carried him far too much too towards third baseman to make a play at first as a face it all away you know the Padres counting the league championship series are oh and four on the road and they have never been ahead on the road against either the Cubs or the Tigers and with that run coming over it's only the seventh run that they'd scored on the road it's been a bad road show for them that runs a big one in many ways cracks the ice of course but you only need one base runner for that tying run to get at the plate and you all go back to the hustle of Bobby Brown he could have quit and said oh there I go again and I stopped throw him out oh and one one on one nettles of course in this kind of a situation you can get you even with one swing Bobby sitting in the shadows there in the back without the Hat Gary Templeton in the forefront that's Deacon Jones 1:01 well - good one Tigers three runs five hits a bomb from Gibson with a man aboard Padres one run Gordon two and one three in one ketil's likes the ball up but he likes it up in analyst right about now it becomes especially dangerous with deck because nettles is a good crippled shooter to an old three-to-one he'll give you a good rip if it's his pitch Garvey at first Evans not holding and he wouldn't bite bad ball so now and Terry Kennedy coming up and Roger Kray going out to the mound while they visit we have a chance to talk about Terry Kennedy it's kind of one for the books Kerry Kennedy and his dad Bob also a big-league ball player there have been nine father and son combinations to play in the World Series but only the Kennedys Bob and Terry the only father and son combination where each had at least one RBI in the World Series Kennedy of course had a double to drive in two and a home run needless to say bob is here Aurelio Lopez is up in the pen though evidently Petry is struggling as far as Sparky is concerned it's cause for concern Kennedy grounded out in the second inning he finds nettles at first Garvey at second two out and a run in 3-1 Detroit fastball and he hit it to Trammell who goes to Whitaker and he had an outside pitch one run to and at the end the two Tigers three Padres one that's the official family in a front row at the glasses Ballard Smith his wife Linda you see Carol began to Jack McKeon trainer Jack that's the official San Diego family mrs. Kroc Joan Kroc true she's in the ballpark someone you know the New York baby you know mrs. Kroc besides owning the ballclub is also a movie producer vol 1 and if Joan Kroc the owner of the Padres is producing a movie what do you think it's about owner of the Padres religiously a priest it's called mass appeal and Jack Lemmon is going to play the priest she didn't call me you didn't get a call Andy Hawkins got the call a lot earlier than he wanted to know the count Alan Trammell right not many people going to hit that pitch low outside right on a corner we have more breeze right now I don't know if that's a harbinger of things to come I flyball into right center and looking up and calling his win but so is Brown oh they at an Alfonse and Gaston act out there so in watching Herndon and now looking here there's trouble out there Browne is hollering and gonna hear when he says and Tony was checking to see how close he was he Brown said you got it you take it one away balls like that you don't want a whole lot of conversation it's I got it and then zip it up and yet normally on every ball club the center field is a captain out there he takes anything get to right right he runs everybody else off back when Willie Mays was playing he caught everything from the Polo Grounds at Kennedy Airport that flag is 125 feet in the air and there's a fairly good breeze blowing out to left field to a node it gets him little power gone upstairs to right sanity gibson has four RBIs in the series fastball away ball three Andy Hawkins will watch his delivery here's a three and open ball for the reason we were watching his delivery when he was an unsuccessful picture Hawkins would go into his wind-up and then drop his right hand below his belt buckle watch this now see where his hand goes say it stay up above the belt that's the big change apparent his delivery well little thing can make a big difference ah I mean you never think had just been hand up above the belt dropping his shoulder when you're driving it his parish and they'll watch Gibson he shortened his backswing is what he did you want to give me a little hip music ah no no nothing like that all right Gibson's called 29 during the regular year the two Michigan Staters Garbi holding the bag watching his hip he was doing a lot of shakin there one day well he does a lot of things he digs in with that left foot he'll Paul most every time he will he will build something and he'll deke a little bit even after watching not after your comments he'll really do it now hey there goes digging in watch to have a chance really it's three two one Detroit in the third just give yourself to watch when you go to the ballpark hey I'm hip more than one big banner in left-field earlier today it said no job I'm alive boy is ever Detroit you know the thing about that hip moving dojo even if you saw it how can you cash in on I mean it's so slight you can read the tip off through the lens easy to it one but he doesn't do it I don't catch you can well all you do you're going to learn it I'll say right now hip movement or not kennedy better be ready right here oh yeah two balls one strike this is a perfect situation unless Kennedy wants to call a pitch out which is doubtful look out and the heart goes over there Tigers three Padres one bottom of the third one out two and one to Lance going leaning not going i flyball into shallow left field Martinez is there to down you got to like this Hawkins I'll tell you that he's got a good live arm he's a young fella and when you talk to him they all talked about it was a matter of confidence that he just lost it that young you can see where that could happen but you can weaken it into her he's got it you know a footnote to Hawkins and Lefferts they retired 24 the 26 hitters they face back in game to get much better than that here's Herndon singled in that wild first inning when the Tigers got three for one wanna know Herndon is from a great name town sunflower Mississippi who know in that something and of course if you put the wreckage of the starters up there it's a totally different story and the reason why the Padres are down three games to one and why the Tigers are leading three to one right now to anova Larry Herndon now back two and one we mentioned it in the aftermath of the first game Larry Herndon is so quiet so shy so retiring and when he hit the home run in the first game in San Diego they tell me he left the park in uniform and he had his clothing delivered to the hotel I mean that's being retirement and it's not that he's upset doesn't want to talk to anybody as just as nature you have to respect that oh he's a good fella first thing he said was hey that was Jack Morris game too and Wanda Larry and there goes Gibson ground ball to the hole backhanded by candalyn I want to pleasure to watch him throw the ball and the count was 2001 strive managers to life a walk to Gibson and they leave it and at the end of three Tigers three Padres one we have three innings in the books and the Tigers are leading three to one as evening slowly descends upon Detroit and despite the fact we have a very gray sky and there are birds flying directly overhead Pollock I say the same thing it's the lioness as long as I can remember when the birds fly overhead those guys always say those are the vultures and then of my arms dead get away first get away from my arm they are and they are if we were in Los Angeles San Diego San Francisco I figure there was a storm out in the ocean and the birds have come in there a lot of them flying overhead and we go to the port Bevacqua would have something to say about those birds he'd have something to say about anything Bevacqua Martinez and Templeton hit the ball pretty hard when out the left field in the second inning Oh on dan Petry trying to lead the Tigers to a championship wanna know you know if the Tigers should win today they would really become a home team to the pleasure of their fan they clinched their division at home they clinched the pennant at home and here they are trying to clinch it in the World Series at home Petrey fallen behind Sparky I'm going to get that bull pen going in a hurry I'll guarantee and make a quick move because he'd like to deal with down obviously Lopez was up back of him in the third inning and look at there Craig on the phone that's right the only other team to do that winning all the big ones at home the 1969 New York Mets and theirs oh really a Lopez number 29 ready to go back to work three and one all four and he's going to have company is Lopez Bill Scherrer gets up to join him well you can see Sparky's thinking every base runner you got to time run it to plate a home run you tied up the Bevacqua standing at first Park he's really working that gum I know it's gum and not chewing tobacco because at the start of the game he blew the biggest bubble I've ever seen him he's really working on some Carmela mightiness singled in the second inning he has two hits in the series and he's back to opening up look at that left foot and immediately Petry takes advantage oh well starting him out there he's going to try to hit the outside corner and if he catches him late a little bit he'll busted in on his hands they've just been flip-flopping the two fast balls are inside they go outside they start outside they go back inside oh and Wanda Carmela and a good breaking ball on the outside corner that's the second one I can go either way I mean it's as hard slider and they clocked it at 93 and you can really see that thing break from up here to tell the rotation of it you can almost see that little World Series logo on that baseball oh and to the Martinez wouldn't bite after a good slider because that's the one you have a tendency to chase when you're down two strikes say the kids between a hard place and the rock go because three pitches have been out there he almost went for that one he starts to lean a little bit he just saw that bat right off in his hands Evans behind Bevacqua nobody out by the way another breaking ball only this one he came inside with so that's four in a row he missed with that when he didn't wanted where he got it for breaking balls in the row and you can watch Parrish when he gives his sign if he stays on an outside part the plate it's a breaking ball and if he comes inside obviously it's a fastball and remember it was a bad slider that Bevacqua hit for the three-run home run in the fifth inning back in San Diego one and two three one Tigers top of the fourth outside the whole time that's a little lesson dan Petry going to the chalkboard and for Martinez he's going to the dugout with his eighth strikeout he really worked on him and he's got something on this one high up looks good coming there tough pitch to handle the high outside had a good cut didn't get it here now is Garry Templeton notorious first ball hitter let's see what happens here ball one middle Annette played out easy sound in I'll tell you you got a like Templeton traded from st. Louis to San Diego for The Wizard of Oz Ozzie Smith from awkward first Evans back home line into left scenter sinking and that's in there for a basehead since he's gone away he falls down that allows Templeton to get to second and stopping at third is Bevacqua Herndon was going away from his play he tried to twist his upper torso to get the ball back to the infield and he fell down while trying to do it it's a double for Templeton good piece of hitting take a look at the replay hundred runs it down he loses a little bit of footing right there whoops and I'll tell you they're not going to fool around with Petrie a whole lot of time here coming did everything he couldn't get it back to that infield but it was an easy two base hit for Templeton so now yeah Bobby Brown on the spot again it was Bobby's hustle for a base hit that gave the Padres a run in the third he has a chance to tie it up with a base hit now off-speed fouled away pretty good pitch especially to a fella who is not hitting you know how anxious Bobby must be up there and Petry takes advantage of it and old for five was he's left a lot of men on now he's trying to pick up the time run Bevacqua at third Templeton ball lemon on the run Flags it tagging is Bevacqua to score holding his javelin surround just hitting tough luck he drilled that ball lemon close the gap in a hurry sacrifice fly it's a 3-2 ballgame Brown not trying to pull that ball which was his intent before the game just go with the pitch he did looked like he was going to plug the gap lemon made a good play here you see Chet breaking over plugging the gap it was not before Bevacqua was able to score the second run now now Alan Wiggins trying to pick up his buddy Gary Templeton and get the Padres even it's 3 to 2 Detroit were in the fourth inning for one wiggins single stole second to third on the overthrow but was cut down to the plate and last time up grounded out Castillo with two-out is even with the bag and not looking bunt now to an old Wiccans has been great for sending the ball back up the middle that's been his spot and look at Ozzie Virgil Petry continues to be behind on most of his hitters a dangerous way to go pitching uphill two balls no strikes fastball hitting the left santa lemon was shallow here comes tumblin lemon slow cutoff by Evans finally retrieved by l'a raise it tied it up the Tigers have to be thinking as you see this ball for the left center fielder come so it's cut off as Evans wants to get Wiccans going into second base but they can handle it Tigers have to be thinking then about the cub hot brain series when the Padres were down remember this ball club they showed you they've got a lot of dogs I mean tenacious a lot of bulldog to Rick Sutcliffe and they're able to pull the rug out from under him and they were down three nothing and they have at least chase dan Petry and Bill Scherrer the left-hander will be coming in after we watch Gary Templeton bring on the tying run bill Scherrer missing on his first pitch to Tony Gwynn one ball and no strikes Gwynn struck out and grounded out trying to give the Padres something they're really not familiar with a lead it's three three off-speed and a high fly ball gets him going back to the track and he's got it so the Padres scramble for two in the fourth and get even and remember they also had a man thrown out at the plate and at the end of three and a half Padres three Tigers please we're going to the bottom of the fourth inning Sparky just hollering come on Chester let's go it'll be we'll see about garbey because you lemon Grubb & Evans they're going to be coming up against Hawking fastball inside and a shocked disbelief there's Johnny grow Lemmon singled in the first inning picked up an RBI he has four hits in the series on one line drive at nettles Oh was a smoke on that that was self-defense he had to cat said he's right at him you talk about hitting right on the nose and nettles he just kind of looked at an FD Carter said hey don't be coming down here so fast here's some right to hurt don't you think it looked like with a heavy ball watch it sink right there caught in the webbing he was made a steel and Johnny Grove former Padre coming up he's a number one Tiger pinch-hitter he had 381 during the regular year including three home runs coming off the bench was the Padres know all about him one out fourth inning three three he's got a good live arm and that's why they say don't nibble just go right at them your stuff is good enough you don't have to nibble that got him got hit by the bed oh and two tried to come inside and came to that was a slider you can see it's starting to fight his way in there and grab a glove hanging in there gets hit on the left elbow the grub goes to first a hard way hit by the pitch and Darrell Evans will be coming up with one out a runner aboard Evans you remember sky to fly ball deep to right the Tony Gwynn quad in the second inning three three bottom of the board the Padres trying to stay alive i flyball its playable and Tony Gwynn actually coming up for Gallants all day I was going to say I've been Evans has a great spring for this ballpark and he's been he going for the long one had a good swing we've got under and he's just disgusting you know it's playable that must be awful to get the pitch you know you can drive at yes miss it and get under it there's Marty Castillo he struck out in the second inning borderline pitch remember 3 & 2 he was caught looking he looked a little bit like Darrell Evans yes to me I agree with you on that I noticed you said on that work with emphasis well billy cansolo to me does not look like - now the secret's out we have no secret hop on one the Marty Castillo - down Johnny Grubb at first SVO with the big two around a home run Friday night oh-hoh after the fastball and the slider he comes up with a change like that you talk about dirty pool that's the pitch he's working on that's the pitch that you'll see and throw a lot of it getting in spring training he gets to Yuma he'll be throwing that a lot here's the slow you see high antic grip is the three like a three finger grip almost like a palm ball on two and that's it in the right deal patient God Prada Tamlyn I was talking to Jack McGee the one thing he'll charge anything in sight and get that ball back in the hurry and that's exactly what he did their young sure is a good hitter pretty obvious by the way he led the league but he still takes extra batting practice before every game he said I just have to get loose well here's Lou Whitaker singled in the first inning and flied to Center in the second he comes up with runners it whatever hitting 294 in the shiri change one new daughter Sarah and norm sherry going out to the mound to talk to Hawkins usually when that happens really not that much going on and the pitching coach jumps off the best because the manager was groaning and they've got some action in the bull a pass and Lefferts is starting to throw but they're going to wonder why you throwing changeups pitch they are quick he's warming up I don't think he's trying to get ready to catch Whitaker but he is certainly getting ready for it Gibson a change of pace may have been a message to defense uh-huh there's a scorecard Williams of course thinking okay labyrinth maybe ball and no strike well to one thing you know left of the station - on sto at first Robert second - while you talk about the horns of a dilemma three-and-oh to Whittaker and travel waiting in the wings or born the bases are loaded well they always talk about the bullfighter and the moment of truth moment of truth for Andy as Hamilton two three three in the floor hi flyball its playable Brown is there and the Padres get out of the cave and Andy Hawkins look right down the throat of the tiger and got away with it and at the end of four three three we'll be back after these messages from your local station we're going to the fifth inning in a tied up ballgame and bill Scherrer working on Steve Garvey Greg nettles and Kerry Kennedy you know just thinking of one of the most remarkable set of coincidences I think in baseball history as Garvey hits a towering flyball but it's a runway out there for lemon one away how about this for an oddity go back to 1952 Carl Erskine is celebrating his fifth wedding anniversary he's going to pitch the game in the fifth inning the Yankees score five run on five hits Dodgers win the game 6-5 Hurston goes all the way time in the game three hours it started at 2:05 so it ended at five after five so you can always remember Erskine's anniversary yes you can then he went to a racetrack and got an upper thigh and went right down to to city schmitt one in one one out in the fifth 3-3 tie each side with a half a dozen hit - and 1 to Graig nettles grounded out and one they'll sure his first two years in the Reg organization was Sparky's last two years in it as a guide this had a sinking base head one-out single by nettles and that'll bring out Terry Kennedy there's bills number the Tigers acquired him from the Reg after the start of the year back in 83 is the rookie he saved 10 games for Cincinnati and Roger Craig is going to pay him a visit where Rogers walking out turns like he's going to buy a little bit of time before Lopez comes in was just going to throw in some loosening up pitches he's pins it on down into the bullpen and then was like you made the change and sat down and it's like as they're given much to get loose that's the third time Lopez has been up in five innings though he's probably close to being ready after the left hand hitting Kennedy Lopez looking ahead would figure to get a call Bevacqua Martinez right-hand batter Templeton switches as you know the earth Kennedy grounded out and hit into a force play three three nettles who does not run well at first the left-hand hitter up Evans not holding a bag slow curve fouled away if you watch the special feature yesterday they were talking about funding modern day people like Quisenberry when Russ Nixon had bill Scherrer at Cincinnati he said Scherrer has a funky breaking ball I don't know what the definition is on one that might be it Kennedy just agree here with a super-duper slow-mo you might see a funky pitch rev er Russ Nixon this one's for you oh and two and another one tapped slowly to share he's got a play at first and share forgot about it or just was afraid to go back there ain't just made up his mind he was going to go to first base nothing you can do is shortstop he probably seen the medals can you imagine that at my glove up did throw to it I'm Sparky here comes Sparky and it's going to be a pitching change he say to himself hey and you're not going to go back to second base you're gone now he's got time here because Kennedy's not that good a runner he's got plenty of time and there's trammels glove he said give it to me he had a play but he decided to go to first base well now there's a tiger you can hold talking about holding that's his responsibility or Elio Lopez fine a whole of Padres with a runner at second in a 3-3 tie Lopez picked up four Petry in Game two he went two thirds of an inning in that game did not give up a run however he gave up a base hit and award and he got away with it he's a power pitcher throws hard he was a pitcher who made that one pitch on the pitch out that got Larry Barnett with Templeton swinging look at Roger Craig Kurt Bevacqua is the batter lied to left and Lopez had a 10 game winning streak the longest in the American League digit nettles at second two out three three top of the fifth all too right notice how that seems to shimmer and Shake on his delivery it's all part of his rhythm his left leg really does little number two and one to babaco nettles at second two out it will take a pretty good face hit to score nettles from second base he will be off with the crack at the bat because of two outs but we could see a play at the plate they're not that deep for Bevacqua aqua by the left in the second inning hit the ball hard came around and scored a run doing two EPs Wayne with second base have it shelves free breathe boy what an afternoon at the races mark that one down we've got ourselves quite a race big cats coming up Gibson and parish and Herndon Gibson had a two-run home run in the first inning and walk in the third and his skips in a talented ballplayer he's had a great year he can do it all with the whole brownie he tries to beat out a lot of bunts ala Mickey Mantle so Neville's plays about even with the bag at third the right side however deep ball one Andy Hawkins you remember that channel with the bases loaded but what you have to look for now is whether he expended all of his gasoline and needle put me on empty in a hurry after that last minute all the way one and one spikey trying to win it in both leagues and Dick Williams trying to stay alive to do it if it came like this when I see those managers I think of that old baseball line they get paid half for winning half to worry and nothing for losing and that the truth in fact when you think about it there are only two people who are really involved with winning and losing the pitcher because he lives by wins and losses and the manager nobody else really one ball two strikes into shallow left rundown by Templeton and holding is Gibson with a basehead but he was in tight and there's no doubt about it be to face it and they respect the speed watch how quickly he gets that ball in Templeton and of course it's a sign that Gibson is really developing as a hitter the fact that he went the other way after pulling a home run to right-center today did a job on him as far as attitude he's had the ability and he is really a determined young man he's working on all the facets of baseball he keeps the way he's going he's going to be a tremendous star for his parish and in the bullpen Craig is growing again remember that tough inning at hawk many times we've seen a pitcher fight his way through an inning and have nothing left the following it we run seven hits for each side leverage in the pen gipson held on by Garvey out right into Kennedy's mass lands with his 33 home runs during the regular year hitting 267 in the series on one I Drive and I left Martina's on the grass on the track makes the catch gibson tags going to second he's in there once again give some speed he was right on top of that bag when he began his slide but the scouting report has been that you can run on the out feelers I wouldn't be surprised to see them appeal to play once they get set get it going thinking it Gibson left early at least it'd be worth it ask no one hollering from the dugout and at you suppose ya Larry Herndon single the sadder grounded assured good backhand save on that one by both catchers have made some marvelous stops behind the plate never get credit never get a mention never even get a ripple of applause wanna know why in the world is anybody want to be a catch because he started out on the playground no other place they play it's like why did anybody play the tuba or the bass fiddle thank goodness they do the Gibson at second one out in the fifth a 3-3 tie and low fastball Jenny behind his jet lemon so Gibson slashed one of nettles glove and parish sent Martinez to the track count three and ona Herndon though a Gibson at second you definitely have the feeling that Hawkins and laboring event and he walked and here comes dick and he's gone Lucy he's got to make the change because that's not Hopkins have been out here in the other games he is kind of struggling he's kind of aiming the ball and Williams has to go right now he can't second-guess himself leopards will be in this game I can't tell you how many times you sit upstairs and you see a pitcher get out of a really tough Jam and all you have to do is wait and a lot of time he is spent it all and Hawkins has spent everything with 58 pitches he's gone now there's a guy in our our blimp sailing serenely overhead inside Tiger Stadium things on the wild side direct contrast Kirk Gibson at second base one out Larry Herndon at first base and you have Chet lemon coming up Greg Lefferts is now in his third game he was in wit's ins game he went three innings allowed just one hit and struck out five and he was also in showers game and where to hit was inning you'll see a pretty good screwball that he's come up with and he can change speeds with it so it gives him really two extra pitches levers born in Munich West Germany screwball one and all one away in the fifth inning three three you like to see a guy run in he really overdoes the way he comes in but he makes your ballclub look good like hey don't worry about it I'm here man I'll get them some guys they figure oh why why me one ball no strike screw geo a ball - you wonder sometimes in a precious time how many ball players would say don't hit it to me there are enough what is too many on the bar club but there are enough two balls and no strikes the Ghent lemon and now he's in Korea I'm so happy he knows he's in the jackpot lemon took a good look at grandmas but you tend to doubt that he cunning mostly at all 11300 and a left-hand hitter on deck remember Johnny Grubb batted for garbey huebsch in a second strike the armpit very difficult pitch that he's going to have to make here's he three nothing pitch three and one he's got to throw something besides a fastball and he's got to get it on for a strike rusty Kuntz twisting and turning again usually sunflower seed chillin and a little spit himself the rest he comes way to cal state there are 19 Cal State at Cal State Stanislaus very popular because he's come loose and big hits and he's also the Good Humor man he's always happy gift enough for that down-home kind of talk to really become popular they got him from the Minnesota Twins last December with the white shot on the base pads Gibson a third and nettles are up Wow beside itself tiger by the tail lookout hi pop fly out goes Wiggins makes the catch and coming and scoring his easy play the containment unless he lost the ball and Quinn did not anymore or what a surprise and Williams has to be surprised where was his build-it why until he gets run off the play and he's not run off to play he was running away had to turn around and Gibson didn't even hesitate course that shot doesn't show you where in the world was Tony Gwynn he had an easy play Wiggins was going away on gwyn was coming into the play when he's right next to him he could have made to play left which backs up to play now watch Gwynn to see how close they are you know what he lost it I tell you why he did when the ball was halfway to right-field he stuck his hands out It was as if I don't know where it is I really feel a Tony Gwynn lost the ball after I saw his gesture the only excuse for letting the second baseman take that play so it is four to three Detroit now back by Dell take another look watch his on well I think that's after the fact it is it's before that that Gwyn put his hands out you have it but you have to see the very beginning big play meanwhile Herndon at second and beau one wanted to turn overlook Gibson speed on all this remember Gibson he went the second on a fly ball to left field what the third on to walk in a pop lie his speed paid off oh sure and it's going to especially pay off on a second baseman like three called and what a big play that pop fly becomes the Tigers should not have scored but they did and at the end of five Detroit four and the Padres three I know it's tough to see but look at the picture a twin see his right hand well not only did the right hand go out one frame later so did the left hand go both hands went out almost in supplication as if to say help me and I really think that's the turning point maybe of the whole year it's four to three Detroit Carmelo Martinez Garry Templeton and Bobby Brown do up by the way Owen - if suddenly is a plate I think a hundred times is here he's made oh sure because she's just run the infielder off to play it didn't happen there has to be a reason and I'm sure Gibson was tagging thinking if but if he takes it I got ahold second baseman catches it he's gone oh and to the Carmelo Martinez he singled and struck out in the dirt I heard Parrish let me tell you he blocked that but I think he took it there is Gwen Parrish down on one knee it did sting a binman way threw that ball back to the picture that's the way you tell them come on give me a 60 footer not a 55 foot purple the worst one it bouncing came straight up the elevator shaft 1 & 2 line foul into the seats in the left-field corner still one and two and Martinez checking is bad buying as a crack in it 50 1901 Nevada tenant Oh Martinez with a new stick 1 & 2 the count or three Tigers top of the six breaking ball got him looking and that kid is that song Shearer Franz's telecast presented by authority of Major League Baseball may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any form without the express written consent of Major League Baseball now have you going to let Anne in feel to go out and run an outfielder off the ball this might be a guy who could get away with it because Taplin has a great arm rounded out and doubled one person but it's always the momentum is a factor - because they're running away from the play yep oh I want a big play that is pop fly into shallow right one in one slice pow 1 & 2 he break his back well this Lopez will do that too he can jam you inside but that hard slider is a biting slider and he doesn't break it in half but he puts enough of with tenements you got to get a new one it's right on the thumbs oh yeah right at the belt buckle is he shot you'll see it kick it in you see it coming across it's a biting slider great for the bat business ah one reason the kids have gone to want aluminum aluminum pads cheaper now back slider is really it's just changing a lot of hitting styles chains a lot of careers and of course so many ball players like all the weight in the meet in and a very thin handle or they'll spring your violin all night with it that's hit in the alley and left side appeal hard down it's on his drought side he construction he makes the play close that gap in a hurry here's a good look at it watching stretch out to get it and you see his shoes going deep in the grass it's a very slow outfield here in fact Templeton doubled in the fourth inning on the ball and a lot of ballparks would have gone to the wall right and a momentum backwards Detroit she Herman very slow out being to the body bow click that outside corner is he just huffing and puffing like the 515 now Rowland and now you try take the outside corner and that's when he jams you on the hands with the slider broken by he shot turn round again well when you think about it Joe you have a converted outfielder in his first year at second base and a basketball player in right field and they're involved in the biggest play of the series and it's a big play because it pretty much the air out of the balloon because it's tiebreaking run and the inning that they had to come back and answer that run by Detroit they went down one to three with two strikeouts we really have an uphill battle they do have a lot of comeback in the know as they prove it in the series so it ought to be a good finish they're going to have to reach back and get it right now Marty Castillo will start it on ball one sto followed by Whitaker and Trammell party struck out crawled out and singled in the fourth inning one and one bottom of the sixth inning screwball Oh beauty 1 & 2 boss if he could ever call pitches this is the places ballpark wait where's peaking right over Kennedy's shoulder another screwball when he pulled it in the hole backhanded by Timbaland makes the throw incredible play this is why I said if you're gonna have an in and he ends up whale all while he's running and if he doesn't stretch out Castillo is look at this coming right down a lot watching stretch extra stretch there it is it gets by nettles and temples and throws on the run looking here and is accurate with it it's a short hop but it's amazing that even made the throw I don't know many shortstops it would have even made the throw he's incredible I've seen in so many times in two different uniforms they closed a bottle of mine but with all of it Marty Castillo beats it out of course have been playing on bad knee here's Whitaker singled flied out and what they're looking bunt nettles on the grass and of course after Whitaker comes Trammell got a report on Barbie is he rarely makes the play at second they'll be action in the Padre bullpen in a moment big chopper to Garvey he tans the bag throws to second and the tag is there DoublePlay because once Garvey stepped on the bag the force was removed Templeton had to tag Castillo and he did it was right on the bag Darby only has to take a step it's high looky here and he's throwing Templeton comes down with it and have done Harvey there's Castillo hustling down one that we slid off the bag we had it good luck boy a great throw Garvey has made three out of four excellent throws the second base and he doesn't normally do that huh he's really come up with some dandy only once did he throw high where Templeton had a leaf in the air the other three right on the money here's travel to and on down in the Padre bullpen who do you think you'd be gone this time in the game you right you can bet if somebody has a loud foul on the Padre lineup that Hernandez will be up you know what's interesting about Gossage you probably won't believe this unless you really check the record books close June 1 in there in the last 8 World Series game in which goose Gossage was eligible to pitch he has never pitched with a lead that's a shocker huh doing too on deck Kirk Gibson or three Tigers familes and hold it mention Kirk Gibson touches runs through my mind that's when you talk about speedin isn't measured just with stolen bases because he stole that run and didn't steal a base line drive off the glove in heathers he should have caught it the quota Guardi got in anyway another great throw by Gary Chaplin nettles has it and it spins away and there's johnny-on-the-spot barehanded and he gets something on it we'll be right back after these messages from your local station here's that last plane you call it you see the ball you see his foot safe the history books will say out and that's Mike Reilly call him out that's all it counts five six three on that play now we go to the seventh inning Lopez has struck out three of the four batters he is face and 14 of his 18 pitches have been strikes and Wiccans has to get on some ways somehow Castile is in close to third but he's been able to drag that ball past the picture and let's see he hasn't tried to bunt now he takes his Sparky's instructions hold true he'll break towards first base because Castillo's taking away the bun 2/3 on one right Oh into the Alan Wiggins Hockman he's got force Spike's there it is in that 93 miles an hour and certainly too close to tank in the game that you're fighting for your life for and here is Tony Gwynn flyball left-field it's playable and Herndon is Steve Garvey has nothing that'll take the momentum away quicker than a guy coming in and getting calls like grease the Padres you're gonna say Barbee the board on a fielder's choice remember that's a big play it's a one-run game Wiggins was a third with one out at Garvey hits a fly ball to get him home it's another game the Garvey hit a ground ball and Whitaker threw Wiggins out at the plate Bobby had an infield and flied out cinch at another strike oh yeah on one fine day to our stations along at the end of the eighth he strikes ground ball a third party Castillo as they go to the bottom we're here it is the biggest single play in the 1984 World Series bases loaded and one out a flyball to shallow right normally caught by the right fielder because he's coming into the play instead Wiggins goes out it's our contention that Gwynn had lost the ball that allowed Wiggins the chance and the big play Gibson comes home to break the tie it's a kind of a play that the out there takes charge for some reason then and we'll have to wait well we go to the bottom of the seventh and here's the man who tagged up and came home Kirk Gibson a to walk and a single of methyls blood two for two gibson evening 3:13 in the serie good weight good not wait he talks to himself and he regroups back in he goes leverage trying to hold him with nettles Kennedy in Bevacqua due up on the a Pez upon in the air foul and how to play and by the way Hernandez is walking in to the Detroit dugout and it could very well be that Lopez was been magnificent will now entrust the last couple of innings to Willie he's got medals and Kennedy Bevacqua two left-hand hitters and he's that close to coming in the game one and two the count of Gibson well I tell you one if they make that move that's a tough move Oh will you get four whirring oh yes oh yes Kurt oh that big jug had him dead Romney just said it was a good pitch you take a look at it sigh big guy that was in there and now dick Williams is heading for the mound as Gibson heads for the dugout mutter mutter oh hey hot you can't take it out on anybody like you do on a football field right want to go hit somebody need nobody to hit take a look at it big breaking ball he commits early look at that case closed leopards out here comes a goose and it still I've raised three the goose is here that as odd to see him of course yesterday he needed so he pitched when the team was and the day they need them just to stay above water they clocked in at 9:00 we'll face him with one out in the seventh three Detroit filed away eris singled twice flied to left in the fifth inning his flyball was important he went deep enough to left to Martinez that Gibson could get the second a fastball hitter able to shoot a Pollock 97 miles Anderson on NFL 84 said Parrish would hit a home smarty the profit for glasses the track leaps in the air that wall is nine so he hit that a little he's made two pitches both balls the kids obviously they're sitting on it and he's wanted to file there is leap by Gwynn the ball would not have cleared that 9-foot French but it sure would have had an extra-base hit if he doesn't catch Oh on whose get this in the championship series where he was just raring back and firing whoof one in one with all the speed and clocking of the gun the goose has been plucked here it is five to three Detroit breaking ball single shot battle slider in against the Cubs with Sandberg the Tigers and made a note Johnson swinging a bat Johnson will become Johnson is a switch hitter and he'll go from the left side of the plate this will be his first appearance in Marcel Matley talking about pitching he said it's like driving the soon it seems pretty even he seems fast so you keep changing speed 97 but it's 97 97 96 Stein's theory of relativity even applies in baseball and there goes the runner wanna throw down he's in there gosh it never if it seemed with a headfirst slide now what it just it get in eleven of check in with two our donor bra you know I remember years ago I asked Jim Gillian the lake Gillian what's the toughest thing about being a switch-hitter you know what he said getting hit by the ball because you have you're kidding like Alice in the looking glass fastball a broken bat ground ball the Wiggins Boatshed and say accept whatever it's one thing to be cool it's being cold I mean he took forever to get better charging on the other and here is Evans now trying to put the Padres away Tigers are at first and third run over by three Detroit high fly ball it's Bobby Brown however the big blow the home run by Lance not only the fact that goose Gossage is going to close it out win or lose but remember we're playing under the American League rules the designated hitter you don't have to hit for a pitcher there's no reason to have any more pitches down there there's been a nationally game even with Gossage pitching they might have had to hit for him they would have had people in the pen but not this year not in this world series not with the DA so it's standing room in the dugout can you imagine taking already as Lopez out of the game it was amazing when he was in her the last 14 pitches he made were strikes in the only made 25 pitches and 21 of them were for strikes as I said the last 14 in the row is incredible four strikeouts three of them called he just wind him up he threw your strike Greg Nettles a strike on the inside corner gets back-to-back left-hand batters here but it's not that much of a gamble especially now with a two-run lead oh and one high fly ball into shallow right center a trio of Tiger as the kids would say that's unreal Jerry Kennedy rounded out hit into a force play hit back to the box now back madres is starting to wonder doesn't anybody miss the strike zone after looking at Lopez and now Hernandez has done nothing but the right after the hitter that's what you want to really push you to do throw strikes with something on it stay away from that base on balls that's what kills you oh and one get aboard was metal two out of the three Detroit bread-and-butter pitcher hits former nemesis a screwball look at his elf he turns it over the rotation Kennedy hit it pretty hard he didn't get it in far enough protein did that to Williams in the 46 World Series left hand in her left hand picture breaking in on their hands he kind of got not over the plate here's Bevacqua flied the lab walked and struck out to fastball and a high drive in the left field Herndon looking up and this one gone so after we show you his specialty screwball he throws Bevacqua fastball we got a game again Tigers 5 Padres 4 and when you hit him that hard you're looking for it and Bevacqua is a smart hitter he figured he'd get ahead of me because the other two guys didn't stay up there too long I'll look for the fastball and pop it and he did that back in the game just imagine if Kennedy's ball gets by Whitaker here is Carmelo Martinez singled and struck out twice strike a lot going on here but we certainly want to mention that he's the game Dave Bergman took over at first place for Darrell Evans here in the eighth inning on one curveball hit down the left-field line Herndon was deep he has to come up and get it Martinez is going to be waived for second and in quits and comes back throughout the series keep battling back a lot of other runners I think would have had a double on that Martinez does not run well he's watching it all away makes a big turn telling him going for second but he stops right there and they're going to put in a pinch runner for it Luis Salazar will run for Carmelo Martinez but he could easily be going to second base except for Martinez remember we mentioned earlier about the ball that Templeton hit the grass is so deep in the outfield Templeton was muttering in the dugout in any other ballpark that ball goes to the wall in this instance instead of it going all the way down the line Sparky saw it die and so are with it though the time run is at first Berkman holding on Salazar and Templeton now crosses over to hit right-handed Templeton is over three hitting right-handed all of his action has come from the other side of the plate but he has more power from this side his three home runs this year or three were hit as a right-handed batter and if he does something wonderful for San Diego the question will be why did you take all Pez out one ball no strikes fastball he was late you think that's probably another problem about being a switch-hitter playing the whole game swinging left-handed then going around right-handed and adding a little sluggish swing that way I don't know how to answer it I never get it I would think it would be but then again he's been doing it all year where's Hernan is a little bit a little bit quicker than you think he's deceptive with his fastball because of that screwball gotta look for the scroogie I think one one note fastball and he was late again he got it that's the thing you gotta look for his fastball he throws enough split balls off set you you really I tell you when you got more than one pitch it's just difficult to do you saw with Gossage has grown fast balls they sit on that if they get it you get a pretty good cut with this guy you can't be that sure Salazar the tying run it first Tigers five runs Padres four two out eighth-inning all the way beep that right into the ground the grub worms would have had it as the Charlie Dressen used to say a worm killer worm killer more than two it straight down beats down on it I guess on the artificial turf it's a moth killer one and they got it picked off Birdman goes remember all the stations along the network at the end of this in the bottom of the egg extra station I Donovan fastball wanted to the question Salizar though as if you the time running you are going to steal you can't get picked off you've got to get thrown out if you are and be running and the team with the better overall speed better than perhaps the Cubs pays for the fact that Martinez does not run well if Martinez ran well he had an easy double and instead he has to stop with a single Salazar run for a man he's picked off and you really get down to two plays now the inability to get Wiggins home in the first inning the pipeline was caught by wiggins last play by Salazar is not exactly going to put him to sleep doing dude reenter has been vitally involved in a two run home run and he scored in the fifth inning on the flyball to Wigan and Gossage walks Castillo opening up remember Castillo singled in the sixth inning they didn't have Whitaker bunting they had him swing away and Garvey turned a double-play at first with travel to follow and their lead cut to one again we'll see whether they have Whitaker bunting nettles one step up in front of the bag fouled away on one who's ready to throw to first base nothing else but he could still know that I know you're there Aniston has tremendous faith in Whitaker even against steam or heat like Gossage a left-handed he might just let him hack away Lucy travel on deck yep he's got him around punting a one hopper to Nettles he's going to go to chaplain he's off the bag wasn't expecting the throw he was off the bag believe what's happening it's like a Padre busters I mean the crebbil not catching flyballs he is so he was going to first base now watch this nettles he doesn't hesitate and Templeton is standing in front of the bag he's in front of the bag he got caught in the cookie jar look at the look on Templeton you don't have to say anything he's so shocked oh my goodness he can't believe he did that himself he was in front of the bag I mean that's a real Halloween finish there's the bunt to Gossage and he has to throw the Wiggin first base open and they will walk Gibson I believe who knows how its scored in his own Biggers they'll take the bat right out of Gibson's hand and now that what iam just going to go out there and he held up four fingers and then went out in the mound let's see well you got to believe that he's going to put him on with four pitches but if he starts to fool around and throw a couple pitches to get a couple strikes don't you know the spark you'll be screaming about that Rolly Fingers Johnny Bench flight that's right you get to turn the clock back with two strikes on bench dick went out to the mound caught the fingers tennis held his hand outs if we're going to put him aboard suddenly ken is dropped into a crowd bingo strike three well they're making a decision here and Williams is in charge you know it's interesting Kirk Gibson made his major league debut his very first at-bat in a big league and goose Gossage that's a great way to break in and Gossage struck him out on three pitches blow him away Sparky says maybe because of that Gossett is saying I can get it well we'll see ball one the infield is up they give Gibson the left-field foul line and there we go you I have a distinct feeling that goose Gossage talked dick Williams out of the intentional No one of those days Aloha I know Kennedy figured years out that is where in jiff time what might have been for San Diego and this crowd and it kirk gibson has 1960 ow he got bitten by that they are singing good show you how things can change does this man look like the same man who was so angry in the seventh inning and is this look like Gary Tamblyn who has left at the plate when Salazar was picked off and was left in front of the bag on the sacrifice now all the way that tells it all ended young yes it does oh and two - Gary javelin the Tigers bring out away from the world's championship the Tigers as we mentioned earlier clinched the division at home clinched the pennant at home and they're not trying to clinch the World Series at home first need to do that since the 69 Mets screwball fouled away on deck Bruce Bozzi feel bad for Bobby Brown now back high fastball if pictures tell the story ground ball to travel Bruce Bozzi born in France twenty-nine-year-old backup catcher to Terry Kennedy assball this is just a gesture by Williams I'm sure to get him into the World Series don't tell the kids eight four Tigers one out ninth-inning curveball and he hit it foul but he had a good rip at it on two one of the few curveballs the exchanger Nanda and the Tigers two outs away from the bubbly that's a really a Lopez you line drive base hit the boshi off the fence Singles to left and the Padres last chance to fight back Ron Roenicke the brother of Baltimore's Gary Roenicke gets a chance to get in the World Series in 81 he had hurt his ankle and couldn't play in the Dodger Yankee World Series this year he wasn't eligible until McReynolds hurt his wrist the EC fate has a way of evening up I guess and here's Wiggins all one a one of the season the Tigers have been in first place incredible team right and this is the capital all the way one out ninth-inning Hernandez with the luxury of a four-run lead two and one bujji that stayed very high away one out I'm done fastball popped in the air lands Paris don't forget we'll take you into the locker room after this game and the way this path is going let you listen and Johnny Grubb preparing for the onslaught took his cap off and put it in his shirt that's why most of Hamburg caps off they'll be running out there David Kruszewski
Channel: MLB Vault
Views: 240,943
Rating: 4.8486996 out of 5
Keywords: Major League Baseball, デトロイト, サンディエゴ・パドレス, San Diego Padres, メジャー, Baseball's Best Classic Games, デトロイト・タイガース, Detroit Tigers, メジャーリーグ, タイガース, 野球, 大リーグ, 野球速報, パドレス, サンディエゴ
Id: cK6_XSf8UL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 8sec (8588 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2010
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