1984 04 10 Rangers at Tigers

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farmers but which three will advance to the finals who's the best find out on the Saturday night music machines semifinals at 7:30 right here on Channel four days of our lives in another world will not be seen today but will return tomorrow at their regularly scheduled times now stay tuned for a special presentation of the Detroit Tigers home opener next on Channel four it's been almost 200 days since they played a baseball game at Michigan in Trumbull and here it is opening day where is everybody ah yes Spaceballs back today on Tigers 84 we are live from the field with the Opening Day festivities also today I'm Sparky now featuring sportscaster Cal Ackerman a look at the essence of the street Georgia now with a perspective from the broadcast booth and we will look at the stars of the hottest tiger star in decades [Applause] [Music] Tigers 84 lucky by first of America with over 200 offices across Michigan working together to be first and by your neighborhood true value store the more you've got to do the more you need true value hardware stores we've got what it takes [Music] hello again everybody you know garland Jeffries wrote a song ten years ago it was entitled wild in the streets I'm not sure whether he was referring to Michigan Avenue on opening day for the tiger baseball season but perhaps while he might have there is something so exciting about opening day it's kind of like unwrapping a present for the first time the newness of it just kind of gets to you like it never can again after that opening day sometimes reminds me of Saint Patrick's Day - for lack of a better lack of a better analogy where it's an excuse a justification to party down and there are a few bosses Scrooge enough to stop everybody's fun so while and of course Michigan Avenue outside attest to that which is perhaps the largest outdoor bar in the world today tiger Upton isn't running very very high of course they are five and Oh off to a fantastic start and we are just about ready to go I had this dream last night I got to tell you as we came out here on the field to begin the show I was some security guards company with their arms full of gifts and they said congratulations you have just become the 1,000th man to ask for an interview with Jack Morris I guess I am about the thousands of guy come on here Jack I said hold the gifts I'll just take the I'll just take the interview have you tired of dealing with the media by now but has it been the kind of assault that I imagine it has been well I never really expected so much attention to be given to a guy just for pitching a no-hitter I think I want a ballgame and I've won a lot of games I won 90 of them in the big leagues and all of a sudden I get more attention I've ever been given in my life and it's exciting but I guess it is getting over old what's the one question you have been asked yet can you think of one well the only question that kind of went through my mind is Jack Morris do you think you could have hit Jack Morris the other day and don't you have I can hit anybody you were two for two now in spring training or something like that would you I was two for four about at five hundred for the third year in a row Jack you're off to a great start obviously the way you finished last year do you redirect your goals and all from the snow hitter Tia let your mind wander as to what you could possibly accomplish this year in terms of numbers and things like that well the first part of the year you're always optimistic you're out there trying to win the very first game then the second game and you're just wondering where I can go from there but you got to keep it all in perspective we've got over 150 games to go yet there's no sense getting you know overly excited so it affects us on the ball field we know we're going to lose some ball games well we know we're going to have some fun and that's what we're doing right now Jack thanks a lot have a great year the rest of the way thanks for that interview I appreciate it you're holding out for me George Kelling I'll kill a door open the booth up in the booth they have seen many many opening days we go up to them for their thoughts on the excitement and the purpose of it all Eli opening day is a big occasion it's a big thing in any ball park in America but it just seems to me Al Kaline that opening day in Detroit is a big block party outside before the game as Eli said and then inside it's something special in Detroit well is George anytime you come home your fans the people that support your year and you're out and you open up the tiger state is something special about I got here a couple hours before game time and the people were lined outside it was a great atmosphere all everybody's feeling great about the start of the Detroit Tigers and it's great to come back to the Tiger Stadium do you find a feeling here today that people are more excited than before because they've won five in a row or is it just another exciting opening day no it's something different about this crowd I don't know was because of the great start by the Tigers the great pick game that Jack Morris pitched a lot of great publicity a positive type of publicity but it's a different feeling with the fans here today I know going through from the locker room that get upstairs here everybody says we're going to go all the way in 84 and certainly that's the way the Tigers hope it ends up it's a long season to go yet I saw Dan Pietra in the clubhouse a moment ago and Dan said I don't dare go out on the field right now there's so much excitement going on he just sort of wanted to stay back and wait for a moment while you get your adrenaline flowing real fast and they take a lot out of you and he'll probably just wait until he has to be out here to go start warming up because whenever you see this many people with a great positive feeling you want to do well for him well another great opening day in Detroit has been that way for many many years some 60 70 years a lot of excitement here at the old ballpark and dan Petry is gonna pitch for the Tigers today now back to you Eli thank you very much gentlemen we're going to take a break now we come back we're going to look although we've talked a lot about the elements the Tigers great starting to look at them too so stay with us as Tigers 84 continues you're looking at America's new Pizza Pizza generation because Little Caesars knows that everybody loves pizza we give you a lot of Pizza to love we use America's finest meats cheeses and flour so Pizza Pizza not only tastes great it's great for you Little Caesars Pizza Pizza we give you a lot of pizza to love [Music] no matter what part of the country you live in you can enjoy our green and healthy lawn and garden with the help of quality supplies from True Value Hardware stores give your lawn a clean neat cut with the help of a service 3 horsepower rotary more then quickly trim tough grasses with this powerful weed eater gas trimmer and prepare your garden for planting with an easy to maneuver lawn chief 3 horsepower garden killer available exclusively at participating True Value Hardware stores and home centre [Music] five straight wins of course don't happen by accident you know the oldest cliche in baseball is that it takes twenty five men to win and that's very true and other than the few Tigers that haven't seen action yet it indeed has been a case of everybody doing a little something to produce victory most encouraging is to see how the question marks the new faces like Darrell Evans have come through Evans jumped off to a big start with the game clinching three-run home run opening night and otherwise has a club high five RBIs worried about making a good first impression he has happily covered that while Evans is D H new guy Dave Bergman the other half at a San Francisco connection has been all he was hyped to be in the field helping out in particular as a defensive replacement and Morris's no-hitter on Saturday little nervous at first at the plate particularly at opening night he is gonna settle down and hit meantime Sparky's got out of his way to get Lily Hernandez seriously involved as the bullpen stopper so far only Morris's no-hitter has kept Lily off the mound in every game he's thrown his blazer and all four others and given up just two hits and five innings and he's become the finisher taking some of the load off Lopez the two Latinos Ron Saad arrows de fuego flamethrowers with enemy hitters in a Hispanic panic in 84 barbaro garbey busted Sunday's 5th straight went open with a pinch two-run double Sparky raves about his hitting by the looks of it fast hands and an ability to spray Barbaro could be dangerous so far Kirk Gibson looks like the brand-new man we were promised his Kaline coached fielding has been salad he has two homers already in three extra-base hits watch out for a trim down and determined Gibby of course it's taken the customary work of the proven stars to provide the performance base bar without saying has two of the five wins as well as for example lemon hitting 368 with five RBIs and more great out fielding Trammell also hitting 400 with four stolen bases speaking of whom we are here with Alan Trammell I am let's get this out of the way real fast notice you signed a two-year contract extension what was the motivation to tie yourself up until 89 well Jim camel and bullet joy called me in the office during spring training and the offer overwhelmed me and I just decided to take it so it was just two more years yes it was that I was signed through 87 and they extended my contract they didn't renegotiate it was just an extension now pardon me for saying but every time I look at last year stats and I see you fourth in the league in hitting at 390 my eyes kind of bug out a little bit that was obviously a little beyond your expectations too well I don't really think that I think I'm capable of doing great things and I don't see any reason why I can't continue to hit well who knows if I'm gonna hit 319 but if I can hit 300 and get on base like I'm capable of will them score a lot more runs so far this season every game I've seen it's been most of them I'm really overwhelmed by the determination that's a comma cliche of sorts but it seems like the Tigers uniquely determined you do you feel anything thus far well we've got off to a great start and everybody's feeling very confident right now and hopefully it'll carry over look we know we have a long season but it's also very nice to get off to a five and OH start I know you got to play at one game at a time that's an old cliche too but don't you have to think about the streak how far it may go and things like that I think anytime you open up we've looked at what Oakland and the Atlanta Braves did a few years ago and we're looking at that but you do have to take them one at a time well we'd like to get in the record books just like Jack Morris did the other day but you know it's a long season like I said and we're just going to try to take them one at a time Alan thanks a lot good luck to you we'll be back with more including Sparky and Alan Moore Tigers 84 after this you know how hard we've been working on the antiques that chair and saving a lot here and her anymore right and talking about her own job hmm that's our chair honey that's our job when over 200 banking offices across Michigan work together saving as its reward [Music] when you're looking for quality products at extra special prices look no further than True Value Hardware stores to value of the month in April get this master mechanic hacksaw for just 289 it adjust a whole 10 or 12 inch blades in four different cutting positions for use in even hard to reach areas during April you can get this master mechanic hacksaw for just 289 while supplies last wherever you see the tool value of the Month banner at participating in True Value Hardware stores and home sentence four mufflers brakes and shocks where master guarantees it for you the best price and a lifetime guarantee well master guarantees it through you wear master well shortly ago near this very spot on the field Sparky Anderson of a lack haven't had a conversation amongst other things they of course discuss the Tigers great start thus far congratulations Sparky yeah I know if you get a little uneasy and it's been reported did you are but five on although it's a heck of a way to start to see well you know I don't get uneasy I get professional I think when you're winning keep your mouth shut no no be getting too carried away because I've been on the other end you know I don't like it other range or other players looking to hear what I got to say when we're winning so I don't say too much more when I'll say more when will rosin or one won't win it well we've been talking a lot about the Tigers I gave you high marks for one thing that interested you went into Minnesota we know Minnesota is not one of the elite teams and you did what you have to do to be consistent winners you beat a team that you should be now Baltimore on the other hand went in the favorite and got themselves really kicked about there now you know four and a half games behind it's early in the season but that doesn't help their morale you know no team in this league you can't go in any Vulcan Park in this league and expect to win I say this Alan Trammell said it the other day it's a wonderful quote that I'm using I'm doing a book and it's a wonderful quote and I wrote it down April the 4th Alan Trammell said you know to win to be a winner you have to want to well if you'll do that every day when you go to a ball park every day say the day I want to win that today gives you that chance to know that you have to play as a winner and the only way you'll do that is by working hard Lou Whitaker had the other thing which I thought tops I'll never hear a quote as good as this he said baseball is fun play the game don't let the game play you and I'm putting both of those in my book because you can do a story on lose and I'm gonna do one on that I think Lou really took that beyond and meant life you know play the game a life don't let it play you speaking of no letting him play you I thought that Jack Morris always had the ingredients the great natural ability one thing that Jack had in both of you and I discussed it he would get down on himself and get very angry if he gave up a base hit he has learned to control his emotions he knows that he can't be perfect all the time and it showed the other day when he pulled himself together under great pressure to get that no-hitter but Jack's always been a great athlete no question about it but I think the thing that I marvel at now in the last two years out is he's a great person you know I think when people are that good at doing something if they don't have that other piece about them where they become a great person no matter what crowd rain if there were children they know how to be there were grown-ups in ought to be if they're with the lawyer not actor what the priest or a minister if they don't have that part they never have the true greatness in it might be often do as far as statistic but didn't ever have that one thing Jack has that I was interested you know as if you've been on the other end of it Sparky where somebody's pitching a no-hitter against you now you've done it a guru all those plates said that of course we have to talking about a no-hitter going on because if you don't the other teams going to remind them the other team do to remind the man when he's pitching a no-hitter a lot of times I yell he's got it was funny some guy was drunk he leaned over in the seventh inning the top of the eighth we were hitting jack was sat next to Roger and as I was down on the bench further but this guy leaned over he said yeah you know you're pitching over here and Jack said certainly I do sit back and enjoy it but the other you don't want to be embarrassed you don't want to be on the other end the vanilla tea is like twice do anything to break it up in sure I'm we were twice in two weeks Holtzman got us and then the other and I never can think of his name Pizza Philadelphia two home runs and he gave me this ain't nothing but we had them in two weeks in a row for that sense another club that could hit little but they had two no-hitters within two weeks one final words for I was glad it was a national television because I said on the air I never knew how good this 76 Reds were until I saw him in the World Series I never knew how good Roberto Clemente was now I'm glad that the rest of the country is seeing how good the Tigers are I think there's a great that was our management told well they're gonna see a great team this is a listen outstanding baseball team congratulations right Andrew thank you ever did I thank you well you know millions of Tiger fans today are not just hoping for this perhaps scintillating plays or great catches in the outfield something like that 1983 had many many of them let's look back at some of the spectacular plays of the season [Music] I just saw Chester lemon making that great catch against theirs you've been through 20 of these season opens you got a little excited yeah you know what I get interested in and I want to get to it quickly I like to see the reaction to the lineups when they come out there Jack Morris I want to see the ovation I also want to see what happens when the governor and the mayor come on that'd be quite a crescendo here and I think this is a rare opportunity the only opportunity of my lifetime that I have seen opening day televised and I guess we're going to go take these starting lineups as they're introduced to this crowd here at Tiger Stadium okay let's do that [Music] number 29 Marv Redmond number 27 rich Donnelly number 42 Wayne Terwilliger number 52 Dex such the trainer is Bill Ziegler and equipment manager for Texas Joe Mack Oh Texas Rangers and with perfect weather and an undefeated baseball team it's a pleasure to introduce the 84 Detroit Tigers led by the manager number 11 Sparky Anderson [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and the players in numerical order number one Lou Whitaker [Music] number three Alan Trammell number eight Marty Castillo number 12 rod Alan number thirteen Lance Parrish number fourteen Dave Bergman number 15 rusty Kunz number 16 Tom Brookins number 17 Glenn Abbott's [Music] number 19 Dave Rose MA number twenty Howard Johnson our 21 Willie Hernandez number 23 Kirk Gibson number 25 Dwight Lowrey number 27 barbaro garbey number 29 to really all Lopez number 30 John Grubb number 31 Larry Herndon number 34 Chet lemon number 39 Milt Wilcox number 40 Doug bear number forty-one Darrell Evans [Music] number 44 one Berenguer number 46 dan Petry number 47 Jack Morris [Music] the tiger coaches this year number 26 gates brown number 26 gates Brown number 38 Roger Craig number 50 billy cansolo number 51 alex grammas number 53 dick tracewski the trainer's bill beam and Pio DeSalvo and the equipment manager Jim Schmeichel the 1984 Detroit Tigers [Applause] in the outfield at the moment presenting the colors today the Joint Armed Forces color guard the band out in center field the Merle Alvey band under the direction of Joe Vitale now ladies and gentlemen will you please join mr. Robert Taylor in the singing of our national anthem [Music] you see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] well we are just moments away from the ceremonial first pitch mayor Coleman Young and the governor Blanchett are on hand and we will have that Tigers 84 returns [Music] Tigers 84 continues today's game is brought to you by Miller High Life the best beer for the best part of the day welcome to Miller time by Chevrolet America is on the move and Chevrolet is supplying wheels Chevrolet a new taking charge by a local McDonald's restaurants a proud sponsor of the 1984 Olympics I haven't appliance everything you never expected from an appliance store and by America's largest carpet retailer New York carpet world's a better carpet people awaiting the ceremonial first pitch Mayor Coleman young I believe will be a hurling with his receiver to be governor James Blanche or the mayor and truth has not gotten the warmest of ovations in the past years maybe we can equate that to the type of reception that Lou Whitaker gets when he comes out onto the field we're waiting for this momentarily and we don't see his honor quite in sight yet as you heard the introductions of Jack Morris far and away as we a lanai were speculating with get had the biggest round of applause jack doffing his cap to the crowd he has certainly spiced or been the the key element to this five-game winning streak to start the season the Tigers record for consecutive wins is 13 nobody's really talked about that happening but here we see near home plate is governor Blanchard I haven't seen whether he has laced up his protective shin guards or whatever but apparently were shortly and I have the ceremonial first pitch as we await opening day home opening day that is 1984 here at Tiger Stadium has that been spoiled behind him Sonny Elliott who I believe will be umpiring again how he manages to turn that into a hilarious act only Sonny can do dan Petry down in the right-field corner warming up ready to pitch before a capacity crowd of over 52,000 people here on opening day it's gotten considerably warmer it was quite chilly and nippy this morning but the wind seems to have died down and the Sun is starting to beat beat on us and I think it will be a very very nice day for the tiger opener a couple of guys sprinting in the outfield were waiting for mayor young to come out with the governor and get this first ceremonial pitch underway in the 1984 season home version to go Dave Stewart will be opposing dan Petry today Stewart a big right-hander for the Texas Rangers who they got last year in trade from the Los Angeles Dodgers for a Rick Honeycutt Honeycutt with somewhat of a disappointment for the Dodgers whereas Stewart has turned in to be a fine addition for the Rangers a relief pitcher who now enjoys a starting role most of the fans are in place son in the bleachers the beach ball starting to go we hope we don't have too many incidents of them floating down on the field this afternoon big crowd over by the tiger dugout as there always is on opening day it seems like every reporter from every surrounding state comes down see the tiger opening day get a few interviews and just feel the flavor of it all see Sonny Elliott there with his catcher's I should say with this protective chest pad about the foot on not that he really needs it the mayor is not doesn't have that deadly of a fastball Dave Stewart lost his first game he's owned one the stadium scoreboard tells us that he gave up six hits and four innings also gave up five runs where his Petry is want to know he won the second game of the season in Minnesota when they beat the twins I believe the score was seven to three last Thursday after that of course they went on to Chicago Wilcox won on Friday Jack Morris with his gem on Saturday we talked with Jack in the pregame show of course everybody's talked to check in the last three days as we say he's not about a thousand interviews but he is not tired of it quite yet and then on Sunday let's see what happens Sunday the Tigers won their fifth straight game Dave Rose McGowan four innings eridium opaz and Willie Hernandez coming on to finish it up Lopez getting the win on that one and Hernandez who certainly been the workhorse thus far pitching in his fourth game he's pitched in every game except of course Morris's no-hitter and he get the fitting that hadn't jack had a no-hitter going he would have pitched in that one also what we were supposed to have pretty much begin the ball game at 1:30 that's what time it is now as we're still awaiting the first pitch the ceremonial first pitch Governor Blanchard and his umpire Sonny Elliot are here I imagine we are waiting for the presence of his honor himself the ruler was Tom Selleck that famous Tiger fan was going to be in town for this but that apparently did not come to pass well there seems to be some motion near a home plate the cameras are getting into place and I think we are about to have that ceremonial first pitch Sparky is out there with his lineup card we don't see Doug Raider the Ranger manager [Music] [Music] [Music] Tigers of course in first place with a five animal record they have a game and a half lead over the Cleveland Indians Indians really not picked to do much this year finish show and certainly the bottom half of the division are off to a pretty good start and down in last place the Milwaukee Brewers who have lost their first five games the mirror-image start of the tigers the most interesting early American League note of course has been well the Baltimore Orioles have lost their first four games and very few of them have been close they have gotten beat pretty handily from their opening day 5-2 loss to the White Sox to where the twins just up and swept them in Minnesota this weekend dan Petry trying it his second win he'll be the second Tiger to have a couple of wins of course Jack Morris says to Jack was named American league pitcher of the week to no one's surprise at all with an 0.56 er a in that to a no record we're gonna go to John Bell now the public address announcer ceremonial first pitch to get the 1984 baseball season underway at home plate at home plate assisting I guess in umpiring this will be sunny Elliott catching the governor of the great state of Michigan the Honorable James J Blanchard that the mayor in the city of Detroit the Honorable : eh [Applause] [Applause] well as usual Sony's giving him instructions I do believe he knows where home plate is Sonny I think you all the mayor has moved up a little bit this year we throw one in the dirt last year from 60 feet six inches here it comes from 50 feet and it doesn't reach to play a little on the inside corner and there we have it we are about to begin the 1984 season let's send it back upstairs George Kelling Al Kaline gentlemen take it away and everyone well it's opening day in Detroit everybody knows that by now the stadium is full we've just had these ceremonial throwing in the first ball and al the governor was behind the plate the mayor was on the mound they booed them both and as you said they blew anybody that walks out this it's a tradition here I would imagine just about every ball park in the country whenever a dignitary throws out the first ball they get a very big round of boos that's just part of opening day and everybody's in a very upbeat mood here today at Tiger Stadium the Tigers and the Texas Rangers getting ready to go to open the season here in Detroit dan Petry is gonna pitch for the Tigers he won his first start of the year that was in Minnesota he beat the twins 7 to 3 and it'll be Dave Stewart going for Texas and we're going to be right back with Tiger baseball after this message [Music] welcome working to charter your dates belong to somebody else but you're a night to roll your - now comes your time for the best beer you can find Miller High Life [Music] your Metro Detroit Chevy dealer is taking charge look beyond the ordinary design reflections of driving pleasure capture the magic only Chevrolet creates with Camaro Cavalier and celebrity Chevy Chevy catch the Peter see your Metro Detroit Chevy dealers where today Chevrolet is taking charge here's the batting lineup for the Texas Rangers leading off in left field Billy sample batting 2nd buddy bell at third base batting third in center field George Wright batting fourth Larry parish to D H batting fifth playing right field Gary Ward batting sixth Pete O'Brien at first base batting seventh the catcher Ned Yost that he ate playing second base Wayne Tolson batting ninth the shortstop Curtis Wilkinson defensively for the Detroit Tigers around the infield Bergman at first base Whitaker at second base Trammell shortstop Howard Johnson playing third around the outfield Herndon and left lemon in center and Gipson playing right field Lance Parrish behind the plate for the Tigers and dan Petry going after his second win of the season he missed the second game in Minnesota where he was a winner 7 to 3 puts 7 innings gave up 5 hits 3 runs 2 earned runs for base of balls and had one strikeout that pica is never fits an opening day at Tiger Stadium however last year April 12th the piston Yankee Stadium that was a home opener for the Yankees in front of a record crowd 55,000 579 people and the Tigers were winners that day against the Yankees thirteen two two vans record career record at Tiger Stadium dirty wins 16 losses cisplatin despite only being six and six last year his career record against the Texas Rangers five wins four losses a year ago one win and two loss so dan Petry has had some trouble with these Texas Rangers great sunny day here at Tigers Daymond blowing straight in from right field probably one player on the Tiger team right now which the was overcast with the Kirk Gibson who had some trouble here opening day and this can be a terrible ballpark early in the season and late in the season playing right field dan Petry on the mound for the Tigers blowing for win number two in this 84 season George now we're ready to go al Billy sample will lead it off for the Rangers followed by buddy Bell and then George Wright just a beautiful afternoon here in Detroit you couldn't ask the weatherman to do any better by bright sunshiny day temperatures supposed to reach about 62 degrees [Applause] there is a breeze a rather strong breeze blowing from right field for home plate as we get ready for the first pitch in Detroit in this 84 campaign and it's a strike he got it over a good hard slider and Petry out in front of Billy sample they'll try to keep the ball away from sample is a good inside fastball hitter but throwing hard stuff and breaking balls away if they can another strike two [Applause] really sample off to a slow start this fellas been a good hitter everywhere he's been at some great years in the minor leagues he's batting at 222 here in this young season might have been the best minor league hitter ever he averaged in three years 358 and three years yeah I had some great years I'm the two strike pitch coming up I don't make it one into [Music] Tigers are off tomorrow they play the Rangers again on Thursday and it might be just another opening day on Thursday because Jack Morris is going to pitch in that one here's one hip deep down the left-field line Herndon near the fence and he's got it al he hung it inside just what you said and he hit it pretty good I tell you what I believe that sample thought this thing had a chance to go outside you see a curveball peaches fill it inside and he's a good inside hitter Herndon makes a pretty good running play but I thought the ball had a chance to be a home run where's buddy Bell with one out and nobody on buddy betting in the unfamiliar number two position for him he normally bats three four five and he hits it hard into left field for a base hit so buddy bill jumped on the first pitch and he drilled it past Johnson into left field you can see Lance wants the ball outside he throws it inside part of the plate and they'll rifles it they were playing him off the line so that means that they want to pitch him outside but the van Petrie made a mistake and threw the ball inside I'll bring up George Wright the centerfielder this fellow is a switch batter and he'll be batting left-handed against Petri maybe the best all-around player on the pond to Texas ballclub pitch is low and it's one ball to right dens the city as it Baltimore tonight Minnesota at New York this afternoon Cleveland in Chicago tonight dan Petry gets ready there's a chopper toward first base gonna have to hurry we got him didn't know whether Birdman really knew the speed of George Wright or not and he played it rather nonchalant at first tough play play that peaches could have probably taken himself he wanted the little toss off arm and you can see there just touched him on the shoulder so the runner goes to second with two outs and the batter will be the designated hitter Larry Parrish Parrish led Texas and home runs 26 had 88 RBIs buddy bill the runner at second with two outs big strong right-handed batter he's a third baseman by trade and has been playing the outfield mostly with this ballclub of course was Buddy Bell here he's the designated hitter a Gary Ward moved him right out of the right-field spot one ball no strikes ground ball up the middle a base hit and that'll get a run in just out of the reach of Trammell into centerfield and a single by Parrish the Rangers take the lead take another look at it as he hits it hard yeah he's dan dan just not does not have his good control right now again Parrish Lance Parrish wanted to pitch outside he threw it down the middle of plate he just has not had good control with his pitches so far in this game oh the Rangers jump off in front one nothing and the batter will be Gary Ward they got this fellow from Minnesota where he had a big year a single by Bella bounced out by right got the runner to second then the single by Parrish gets the run in and a pitch outside [Music] Rangers have hit the ball rather hard off feature here in the first inning that's a strike Gary Ward tried to check his swing went too far makes it one and one and the pitch from Petrie it's fouled away to the upper deck [Applause] and ball two strikes they're still coming in here at Tiger Stadium is she gonna have a new is just jam before the ballgame a lot of those people are just getting into the stadium one ball two strikes and he misses inside makes it to into week three thought he had him struck out which just off the corner all two and strike two [Music] [Applause] he needs to check that big guy he had a big lead on the pits before you don't expect the parish to run but if you give him a free run at it he might go [Music] Gary Ward just got a piece of it and the count remains 2 & 2 [Music] [Applause] Scala here put spent eight years in a minor lick so he's paid his dues to be up here in the major leagues and he's had some outstanding years for the Minnesota Twins [Music] it's ball two and strike two to the left to the right fielder Gary Ward he waits on the pitch from dan Petry three and two like the off-speed pitch mark-paul slip fits whatever at p3 has been working on and restrike - I mentioned at the top of the show George Jenks had trouble with Texas he's only five and four lifetime against the Rangers and you know dad's gonna mighty good picture the last three or four years well the runner at first will be moving on the 3-2 pitch there it is please Parrish and Gary Ward strikes out they get a run on two hits strand a man we go to the bottom of the first Rangers one Tigers coming to bat years now we've been kidding gender about his eyesight fact is that Jim has the eyes of an eagle thanks boobie why he's one of the first guys to spotlight beer from Miller saw right away that light tastes great and it's less filling sure all you have to do is read the label it says light has 1/3 less calories than a regular beer I think you want this oh yeah as I was saying is as plain as the nose on your face I like you familiar everything you always wanted in a beer unless health insurance is getting more complicated and more expensive you have to save the business figure out what they pay what you pay pretty soon half has a better idea that's a lot less complicated with app there are no deductibles no coinsurance is no doctor bills and no surprises about what's not covered Health Alliance plan nobody cares more nobody covers more it was the batting lineup for the Detroit Tigers leading off Lou Whitaker second base batting second Alan Trammell the shortstop batting third to d8 sterile evidence batting fourth Lance Parrish to catcher batting fifth in right field Kirk Gibson batting sixth Larry Herndon left field batting seventh playing first base Dave Bergman batting eighth Chet lemon center field batting ninth the third baseman is Howard Johnson defensively for the Rangers O'Brien at first base Tolson the second baseman Wilkerson the shortstop buddy bell at third base the outfield sample and left right and center and ward playing right field Ned Yost as a catcher in the big fellow on the mound Dave Stewart he has not faced the Detroit Tigers he came to Texas in August he was 5 and 2 when he was traded from the Dodgers and he was 5 and 2 for the Rangers after August big hard throwing right-hander started as a catcher in the Dodger organization he does throw hard al his fastball has been clocked at 95 miles per hour at times his first pitch is a breaking ball one ball no strikes to Whittaker he'll be followed by Trammell and then Darrell Evans which is low and it's ball two and no strikes this fella has one of the good arms in baseball he's had trouble with his control from time Lou might have helped him out a bit all two and strike one the Aves Stewart delivers low in its ball three Stuart lost his only start of the season he only lasted four innings against Cleveland he was a 7-3 loser in that game gave up five runs on six hits ball three strike one to the leadoff man and he walked [Applause] so Whitaker is on with the walk to start the game and the batter will be Allen Trammell [Applause] [Applause] Allen like most of the Tigers on the five-game road trip has some big hits all off to a great start he bats with a runner at first and nobody out as Dave Stewart gets ready breaking ball outside that's a hard slider from Stewart as enthroned but one basketball and he is a fastball pitcher it's like he's been working out on a slider and maybe a breaking pitch of some kind besides that whoo where's this good fastball that's the hardest ball he's thrown yet so far today he almost threw it right by O'Brien one ball no strikes the Trammell he goes to first again I've got Dave Stewart from the Dodgers in a trade for Rick Honeycutt [Music] that's right it gets it over tits one in one to trammel [Music] dick tracewski the first base coach for the Tigers and alex grammas is on it third place I've seen a few opening days one ball one strike if he doesn't throw that pitch right where O'Brien's got the mid he's gone throw it by [Music] where it gets ready well they know Sparky likes to run and he's got his orders he put it across give some protection to Ned Yost in case Whitaker takes off [Music] pitch is low there goes worker [Music] [Applause] a heads-up play by Lou Whitaker default was not very far away from the catcher Yost I think Yost lost him al he looked up and didn't see Whitaker then he saw him going he made the throw and it was too late ball two and strike one and the pitch to Trammell ball three a spirit has had some problems getting the ball over the plate here in the first inning he walked Whitaker on a 3-1 count he has gone 2 3 and 1 on Trammell that's a tendency when you get into Tiger Stadium it's such a small ballpark the pitchers try to be very fine with their pitches and this is the first time Stewart has been in Tiger Stadium and you can see the short fences all three strike one runner at second nobody out we're in the first inning a walk Tommo gets a lock tiger at first and second with nobody out [Applause] the greater the fine young manager for the Rangers out talking to his young pitcher [Music] I was coming to bat Darrell Evans who a national leaguer for many years Stewart as we mentioned was traded from the Dodgers to Texas he should know how to pitch heavens that he can get the ball where he wants to [Applause] well the conference is over at the mound [Applause] Tigers have them at first and suck up with nobody out and Tiger fans will get their first look at home against for Darrell Evans here's the bench outside he just missed on the corner one ball no strikes he's been closed for the last few pitches but [Applause] Sal said he might be trying to be a little fine in this ball park [Applause] when the Tygers fingers go [Applause] here on rifle-shot [Applause] with a knuckle day [Applause] take a look at this swing he's behind the count he's looking for the fastball he gets it and say he stands at home plate and he knows it that goes way back in the upper deck [Applause] parish's the batterer and he takes a strike right down the middle [Applause] Darrell Evans just brought this crowd to its feet with a tremendous home run strike to the Paris in spring training talking to Evans he wasn't doing well he hadn't hit a homerun hadn't driven in a run he said I want to do well while the people in Detroit so much I want to do well and he just did this fall is going to be caught by the catcher he hit him out on the fist and Parrish popped it up so there's one out here in the first inning the batter will be Gibson [Applause] hippies had a couple of home runs here in this young season here in the first inning the batter will be Gibson [Applause] hippies had a couple of home runs here in this young season he at one in Minnesota and one in Chicago [Applause] Dave Stewart delivers ooh we had a rip at it one strike the home run that Gibson hit in Chicago on Sunday was very much like the one Evans just hit never any doubt about it good outside and it's one and one we're in the first inning the Tigers three the Rangers one both clubs trying to settle down from the opening day jitters all two and strike one and the bits from story so foul it'll be out of play all two and strike there Houston plays in Philadelphia today they're in the second inning no score give me weights on the 2 2 pitch all three so far Gibby has been very good at laying off the high fastball I was a pitcher getting a lot of trouble last year so far he's been able to lay off of it [Music] [Applause] eternities headed for second but now he guns back [Music] he made the big turn he had he pulled up short he has sent like a shot trying to protect the plate and everybody knows that Gibby can hit the ball enough times he will hit well it's a little bit a tough play for the centerfielder to turn the folk gets it out because he was going towards right field that'll bring up Larry Herndon they could be running here because Cleveland Indians stole an awful lot of bases off this cut Texas pitchy staff the other day the Apes skirt is ready Stewart is not sure at all that Gibson is not going to be running [Applause] and a strike to Herndon Larry did not start the game in Chicago on Sunday got into the game later but John gruff started in left-field he doesn't miss many ballgames he's waiting on the one strike pitch [Music] the senate first one out three runs in here in the first inning it is over but low one ball one strike Minnesota's at California Boston at Seattle and Toronto at Oakland all night games in the American League [Music] and ball one strike getting started with a couple of walks and the home run by Evans gave the Tigers the lead but a fastball makes it one into Parrish fouled out Gipson singled into right centerfield and it's a ball and two strikes to Herndon see Gibson he is on go waiting to pick the right time he would like to go but Sparky Anderson is all the signs nobody's on their own when they're steel and has to give every sign to Alex Backus [Music] and says you're taking too much time [Music] in a long first inning for both Petry and Stewart then gave up a couple of hits on Iran Stewart has walked two he's given up two hits and another foul ball this will be out of play [Applause] Rangers have a new Quechua this year we're so used to seeing Sundberg down there it's been there so long they have Ned Yost they got him from the Milwaukee ball club most pretty good defensive catcher he doesn't throw of course nobody throws like Lance Parrish but he's a good defensive catcher he just did not get a chance to catch over Milwaukee because the Ted Simmons beam over the last few years [Music] skirt is pitching tough herndon he had to fight that one off the pallet back comes a little bit 3/4 motion throws extremely hard and he can be tough on right-handed batters he is tough one ball two strikes [Music] [Applause] now we're ready to go as Herndon gets back in when I get to in tutelary [Music] it play herndon a little bit the right-center field with his hard throwing right-hander right is well over into right-center in the leftfielder extremely deep with a sample and over toward left-center can you imagine what those fielders of the Texas Rangers are gonna feel life come in August in that heat with a slow picture like Stewart on the map I lose 10 pounds of game [Music] [Applause] while he got it over but low and it's three and two this is the fourth batter this inning that he's gone to ball three on first two batters he walked three and two on Gipson he singled and now the full count to Herndon and they'll run Gibby now I saw Sparky give the old go sign to Gazoo ski introduced me went over and talked to gift side wall three strike to the pitch coming up from Dave Stewart there he goes rather strange thing right now let's pause here 10 seconds for station identification you're watching Tigers 84 now left George Archie and Barney make your afternoons the best time of the day with Detroit's favorite comedies that's every weekday starting at 4 on channel 4 who's gonna say how a strange thing there's nobody throwing in the Texas bullpen he's walked three giving up a home run a single and still nobody throwing greater says well he looks good on a now and he now looks good in his uniform it's like a guys sitting in the hotel lobby it looks good in the lobby here's Dave Bergman a outside the Bergman Tiger fans getting their first look at this fella he made a couple of sparkling plays and the no-hitter by Morris yips in its second Herndon at first one out and a strike one ball one strike to Birdman [Music] absolutely no stirring at all in the Texas bullpen Dave Stewart is ready you might have helped him a bit one ball two strikes double throws this hard you're gonna help him out now we're it sexist runners bounces away for a moment but no advance it looks like when he keeps the ball down as the ball moves an awful lot Yoast is having a lot of trouble with that pitching and actually it's not a bad pitch it's not too far from being out of the strike zone but it must be sinking an awful lot it's ball two and strike two to Bergman here it is valve all this could be a good time for a steal here Georgia attempted steal he just found a pretty good fastball he had a good rip that he might come back with a breaking ball and might catch him by surprise while two and strike two and there they go and a sample is there he'll put it away and there's two outs well they had him running Birdmen hit the ball well in the left-center field and Billy sample ran it down [Applause] so I will be up to check lemon with two on and two outs [Applause] I'm in a big favor here in Detroit because of the way he plays the game he plays it hard all the time a great outfitter [Applause] Gibson at second earned in at first two outs three runs in here in the first inning and a pitch in tight Chester had some big hits in the Chicago series a home run included and it foul tipped it right off the bat pitch was high and tight but it got the bat one ball one strike a three-run homer by Darrell Evans here in the first inning the Tigers lead 3-1 and the 1 1 pitch coming up to lemon and strike one I don't think it was at that it looked like a changeup off-speed pitches some kind it's tough for a pitcher to hold onto the ball get a good grip it's cool here you see there he had plenty of time to Galloway check was looking for something out over the plate ball two strike one [Music] we had a good rip at a fastball and fouls it back eleven you just joined this Whitaker walked the Stark the game Tramell walk Darrell Evans hip one in the upper deck and right field to make it three nothing parish fouled out then Gibson single Herndon walk a Berkman flied to left for the second out now it's ball two and strike Tudor lemon he just gets a piece of it at play Chester a little bit to right we're gonna play most right-handed batters that way with this hard throwing right-hander all three so the count goes grow again it's the 5th time here in the first inning the pitcher Stewart has gone to ball three there's the bullpen the things quiet and the Ranger bullpen ball three strike two and the runners will be going here it is woman gets a walk that's the fourth walk this inning Tigers had the bases loaded with two outs the batter will be Howard Johnson that's gonna have to get some action in the bullpen I mean you just can't let a guy go out there and hang himself it's obviously he doesn't have there's good stuff he's gonna hear the gun he's been a good pitcher for a couple of years out on with the Dodgers and he's just having some trouble throwing the ball our Johnson will bat with the bases loaded and two outs it might give Howard to go on the first pitch here although normally when you have the man with your your bottom hitter up they make him take a pitch take a strike but he might be swinging on the first pitch it's in the dirt then a good block by Ned Yost [Applause] they've skirts a little rattled at the moment as you might expect from a pitcher who's walked four in the first inning Howard Johnson has to be a very patient hitter now he cannot go after anything he's having trouble getting the ball over the plate if he swings he has to look for a ball in one area and then if it's not there taken [Applause] he got it over I don't know what the story is with Yost but these relevant blocking the pitches instead of catching him cleanly pygar baserunners Gibson is a third-base Larry Herndon its second Chet lemon on at first base and it's one ball one strike to Johnson and again stop by to strike one doesn't have anywhere to put him he's got to get it over to Johnson like Schmidt number 24 in the bullpen and a strike makes it to into two and strike two bikers have picked up three still have the bases loaded with two outs the pitch to Johnson [Applause] called it foul well he really turned on a good fastball right at the end of last couple games of spring training Howard started wheeling on an inside pitch and he just opens up just too quick and pulls it foul so we do it again ball two and strike two the count goes [Laughter] three strike two of the bases-loaded and they'll all be running [Applause] as days dirt gets ready good score inference Herndon was rounding third base and buddy Doug died right in his way [Applause] [Music] he wants interference call it was ball four to Johnson ball got away from Yost bounced away take a look at the last bit they're running now on the pond to play the ball gets by yoast it goes to his rice now right about this time Herndon is rounding third base and bunnyvale step right in front of it it's a walk a run batted in for Howard Johnson the fifth walk given up by skirt Whitaker will bat for the second time the sinning and it's gonna be offers Dave Stewart well that's enough to make a grown man cry you have a picture with this ability not able to fill strikes and manager can put up with a lot of these mistakes as far as base hits and so on but an errors even because it's part in the game but just to be wild five walks in one inning you don't see that very often we're gonna get a pitching change right now you see the motion to the bullpen by Doug Reiter and while there's a break in the action of this score the Tigers for Texas one will pause for these messy your Metro Detroit Chevy dealer is taking charge chevy power look beyond the ordinary these are reflections of driving pleasure capture the magical me Chevrolet creates with Camaro cavalier and celebrity see your Metro Detroit Chevy dealers where today's Chevrolet is taking charge McDonald's brings you the Morning News a hot sizzling sausage McMuffin a McMuffin sandwich with a sizzle in the middle the good news is their prices 79 cents for our sausage McMuffin 99 cents for our sausage McMuffin with egg 2 great breakfast tastes only at McDonald's well finally a new pitcher Dave Schmidt now pitching for the Rangers dave was born in Niles Michigan he has a period you can see his record of a year ago and that is a little bit he had sole shoulder problems surgery on his elbow and he got a late start in 83 so he fits rather well for the Rangers even though his record was only three and three he has pitched in one game one inning three innings so far this season over in Cleveland it's three innings gave up three hits one run his earned run averages 3.0 oh good sinking fastball then used mostly in relief by Texas as I mentioned he was born in Niles Michigan sinking fastball Tigers can really break this one open with a face up here by Lou Whitaker sweet Lou steps in with the bases loaded and two outs Tigers have scored four times here in the first inning blue open the inning with a walk scored the first run for the targets and lemon and Howard Johnson of the base runners and the pitch it's a ball and Yost looked like he wasn't looking for a breaking ball he box that one around he better left the arrow that a glove of his I'll tell you that play he's catching with a balloon everything's bouncing out one ball no strikes bouncing ball to second inning [Applause] [Music] so Smith comes on to do the job the Tigers get four in the inning only two hits but they had five locks on at the end of one they lead it four to one JCPenney and Levi's have gotten together to bring you quality sportswear for the games hombre like men's wooded crewneck sweatshirt pants and shorts and fleecy cotton or polyester blend now sports shirts t-shirts and pull-on pants with Olympic graphics and popular colors and prices that are in a gold medal tally JCPenney and leave either [Music] here's our upcoming TV schedule we're going to be in Boston on Sunday of this week hello beauty April 15th the 1:30 ballgame then the following Sunday were going to be right back here in Detroit the 22nd of April for a one o'clock ballgame in Boston this Sunday and right back here the following Sunday against the White Sox Tigers slated for 2-1 as we go into the second inning we had a wild and woolly first inning Petry gave up a run on two hits Dave Stewart and a rather rough first inning he allowed only two hits one of those was a big three-run homer by Darrell Evans the other was single by Gibson but he walked back and the first two we walked scored Pete O'Brien will lead it off against Petri here in the second inning and he takes a strike on the outside corner Ned Yost and Wayne Tolleson will be the batters our pitch to the outside part of the plate and beet tree is out in front [Music] the strike two fish they got it fits whatever you might call it this could have been a very crucial inning for Dan pitcher because of the long wait 42 minutes but you see there an off-speed pitch looks like from here outside corner I tell you those four runs might have just given dan Petry a big sigh of relief and he can relax now and just pitch his game at smarty Spring stead behind the plate and he wasted no time he waved him out [Applause] for a breaking ball one strike yo sweating with one out nobody on breaking ball parish says were in the world Marty says I can't call them all strikes one ball one strike that's his bread and butter fish good hard slider to the outside corner and you don't have much time to decide whether it's going to be a strike or not it's cold weather you generally have you want to get out in front you don't want to get hit on the fist because of the cold weather so you sort of jump at the ball when I get two and two to go Rangers got a run in the first inning on a single by Bell and he scored from second on a single by Larry parish there's a flyball to left Herndon camps under it so Yoast is out on a fly ball out number two and the batter will be the second baseman Wayne Tolleson [Applause] we're in the second inning two outs nobody on yeah this little fella chokes up on the bat tells you he's going to punch the ball around and he has great speed good baserunners stole 33 bases a year ago giorgia started a season last year as a utility infielder the regular second baseman got hurt and now they can't get this fellow out alive and he checks the swing makes it one and one st. Louis at San Diego tonight the Pirates are at Candlestick Park to play the Giants this is foul one ball two strikes Tigers have four runs on two hits no eres Rangers one run two hits and peach trees trying to get a 1-2-3 here in the second inning [Music] one ball two strikes let me get two into the crowd and will we hit him right on the fist he puffed it up and it just beyond the tiger dugout a couple pretty good wide receivers in college on this ball field today this fella here led the nation one year and receptions and of course Gibson a great career he had at Michigan State as a wide receiver a little bit difference in size of the two fellas here's the 2 2 pitch [Applause] woloson went to Western Carolina University made little all-american and he is little [Music] he waits on the 2 2 pitch from dan Petry right down the middle and he got him third strikeout for Petrie got some 1 2 3 we go to the bottom of the second Tigers for Rangers 1 [Music] welcome you have turned the city over to the next shift the rest of the night is yours - another time now comes your time for the best beer you can find they were highlight [Music] Chevrolet is taking charge with a new high output Camaro a Camaro z/28 that did a test track 0-255 at six seconds a Camaro with remarkable new hand [Music] a Camaro was sure-footed braking [Music] Amero more beautiful for beasts there come the Tigers in the second inning and we get a look at the bleacher crowd it's not quite that warm but it is a beautiful day in Detroit they may not be feeling the wind in fact the wind is blowing in from right field so they're not feeling the wind we feel it feeling it up here in the booth but it's still not that warm to be without a shirt on Trammell elated off Allen tremble Walk Score to run his first time up it'll be Darrell Evans and Lance Parrish Tigers got four in the first inning and they lead four to one Dave Smith delivers breaking ball is low they've Stewart started for the Rangers there's a bouncer that's foul past third Smit came on in the first inning with the bases loaded got kwhitaker to bounce out and the 1 1 pitch to Tremmel he checks his swing and hits it right back to smith uneasy play for the pitcher number one and the batter will be Darrell Evans you get a roaring salute from this sellout crowd [Applause] it's one of the great advantages of being a thr owing the season in Detroit you get a chance to go into the locker room stay warm this big guy had a three-run homer in the first inning in case you joined us a little bit late and he takes a strike on the outside corner and another one strike two - Evans kind of quite a contrast in styles between Stuart and Schmidt Smits not going hard but sinking the ball on the corners who misses outside of course Evans at the moment will be looking for a strike but in this ballpark he's going to look for a lot of inside pitches ground ball the second Ellison picks it off and throws him out Shaw there's two outs the batter will be Lance Parrish plants foul to the catch of his first time [Music] [Applause] [Music] checks his swing and fouls it away [Music] Lance is only betting a 111 on a year but he could have had four or five more hits over in Chicago hit the ball very hard but had nothing to show for it pitch in tired and it's one and one [Music] they Smith bitching and relief of Dave Stewart has retired the first three batters he's faced this is foul by alex grammas one ball two strikes to the big guy don't make it too into [Music] seems like every pitch Smith throws he's turning it over away from the left-hander's and down and in on the right-hander's [Music] and he struck him out pull the string on him parry strikes out and at the end of to the Tigers floor and the Rangers won [Music] McDonald's brings used the morning news a hot sizzling sausage McMuffin a McMuffin sandwich with a sizzle in the middle the good news is their prices 79 cents for our sausage McMuffin 99 cents for our sausage McMuffin with egg 2 great breakfast tastes only at McDonald's all right well forward your records Jim and have a safe move folks the spirit of working together [Music] there were over 200 banking offices strung across Michigan I welcome the birth of America we have all you still care about the little things [Music] well a rather quiet second inning after a while first inning here at the stadium Rangers went out one to three against Petrie and the Tigers came right back against Dave Smith and went out in order so it'll be the new shortstop Curtis Wilkerson to leadoff in the top of the batting order Billy sample and buddy Bell well the Tigers and Rangers will have tomorrow off and they'll play again on Thursday and on Thursday no hit pitcher Jack Morris will be on the mound for the Tigers [Music] Curtis Wilkerson now it's the first time we've seen this yet they obviously think an awful lot of him because they released Bucky Dent very fine shortstop there's a strike everybody shortens up on the infield you can see Johnson he is five steps or so in front of the bag at third-base Birdman's in at first and a strike he's at the outside corner so it's strike two - Wilkerson now they back up a bit not too much [Music] it's just low and it's one and two on ball two strikes we're in the third inning Tigers lead four to one and the 1 2 pitch to Wilkerson he fouls it away I don't think Bucky Dent's caught on with him I haven't read anything about it the paper no they're carrying a pretty good price handle yeah that does hurt he got him right on the outside corner and Wilkinson is on strikes while Petrie growing more and more to his curveball in the last two innings watch this pitches flop on the outside corner this is a new pitch for Dan he has worked on it periodically at times but has not thrown it very often usually goes with a fastball and slider but worked very very hard on a curveball in spring training there's Billy sample who hit the ball deep back in the first inning it was caught he pitches high Larry Herndon made a good catch into the corner on the drive off the bat of sample one ball no strikes and he cops it up this should get back on the screen [Applause] is blowing in this direction Petrey has struck out four in fact he struck out four of the last five batters he's faced he got Gary Ward in the first inning struck out O'Brien and Tolleson in the second inning and Wilkerson the leadoff here in the third Howard Johnson playing off the line at third base now as a hitter it's pretty good indication that they're going to try to put you outside and a flyball to Center Fleming flips his splashes down so Feli sample is that on a flatter center no matter will be buddy Bell buddy though what a player he's been over his of his career five-time Gold Glove winner and you know you sort of hate to see a guy like this would been a great player we're gonna play on some bad teams there's a good curveball buddy Bell had a single his first time up and he scored a run the only Texas run of the game like to I'm a medium speed curveball for a strike and then came right back with a hard slider to the outside corner let's strike to the Bell on ball two strikes buddy Bell was traded from Cleveland for Toby Hara in December of 78 and the one to pitch another foul ball okay Hera had some good years of the Indians and he now plays third base for the Yankees buddy bell was so sure that he was going to be traded over the winter months gourds he moved from Arlington Texas work for the Rangers play and has moved back to Cincinnati where he was born and raised there his father played by so many years pretty good hitting outfielder for the Cincinnati Reds yes Bell here's the 1 2 pitch I don't make it too into fellas not only a good hitter for average he's got a little punch you make a mistake inside and you'll Turk it out of here [Music] typical or he had a tough pitch to hit and he got a piece of it Petri struck out Wilkerson to start this inning he got Billy sample on a flatter Center and now the count is even at two and two two buddy bell and the count goes for all three strike two George Wright would bet next if buddy Bell gets on and the payoff pitch from Petrie now a foul tipped it right into the mitt of parish and buddy Bell strikes out that's five four feet three we go to the bottom of the third the Tigers four and the Rangers one there's a relief pitcher everybody thought I had it easy he pad here he'd pitch his heart out braid innings or so and then I would come in toss three or four pitches and walk away with a win but I had to train just like the rest of us yeah why still like to keep in shape and I drink Light beer from Miller see lights less filling and light really taste great will you just let me finish why you never let me finish like deal from Miller everything you always wanted in a beer unless let me finish that for you [Music] well a four-to-one ballgame the Tigers in front as they come to bat here in the third inning al and we're taking this shot from our centerfield camera Tigers jumped off to that big league right in the first inning but they can't sit back snit is throwing a lot of off-speed pitches turning the ball over he's not going as hard as Dave Stewart was but Stewart had a lot of problems with his control walking five men in the first inning Tigers going to look look for some off-speed pitches off of Smith Gibson will lead it off Kirk had a single score to run back in the first inning gipson Herndon and Dave Bergman will be the batters Tigers got four in the first after the Rangers got one there's a strike Smith continues to nibble away at the outside corner [Applause] we'll make it strike two Jimmy went for an off-speed pitch Amos really settled down and belongs to the pitchers all of a sudden it was very close missed on the outside Gibson had a hard single his first time up and he strikes out on a curveball that was in the dirt of Gibson is out Smith has retired five batters in a row now the pitching pattern that I read off of Dave Schmidt is that he will not throw you two fast balls in a row he might show you the fastball and then come right back with an off-speed pitch sometime but it's obvious from this point right now that his fastball is not his best pitch here's Larry Herndon who walked his first time up earned in having a little trouble getting untracked here in this 84 season but he'll hit he's had two great years for the tiger since coming over from the Sam Cisco Giants and our strike they sniff walked right out of the bullpen throwing nothing but strikes like to are these fruits that was widened the plate a little bit yeah he said 42 minutes for one inning no more the child side makes it 1 & 2 Minnesota and the Yankees are underway no score at the end of one the pits to Herndon still a ball and two strikes to the tiger left fielder walked and was stranded at third base in the first inning [Music] another foul ball you don't get many good pitches to hit off this guy gives you a lot of motion and you have a tendency when when a pitcher gives you a big motion and jumps at you a little bit you have a tendency as a hitter to to jump right back at him but you have to lay back and wait Wow that will get into the upper deck opening day in Detroit always an event in this city today is no exception the weatherman has been most cooperative a bright sunshiny afternoon here's one hit him the left-center field well hit this ball will go all the way to the fence Herndon will stop at second with a double he drilled it deep into left-center very fine play by sample say that from being a triple yeah excellent defensive play you see there he throws a fastball Larry looking for a breaking pitch still able to hit his fastball that's why he doesn't like to throw his fastball too much you see the Alfio is a good speed all throughout the Alfia with the Ranger ballclub made a good job of cutting it off and holding Larry Herndon to just a two base hit Dave Bergman will bat with a runner at second and one out bergman flied to left field his first time there's a strike on the outside partner Burgie should do rather well or has some pretty good cuts against Schmidt because he's not a real good fastball hitter they try to throw him hard but Schmidt does not throw many fast balls there's a driver [Applause] evasive [Applause] five two one I happened to get that one out on my mouth just at the right time you see there he throws him a breaking ball Burgie is a good off speed hitter he hits it on a line I thought Ward had a shot at her and he hesitated leaving second base but the ward decided to go to second base instead of throwing home he's been a left fielder out all of his life moved over to ride it might make a little difference he could but he sled to lit he led the American League in assists for outfielders or both leagues insists he has a good arm Pataki was undecided about whether to throw home or night feels tough to play I'm telling I know it is chef lemon the batter gentle foul tips Bob a mo down in our truck today our technician for replays celebrating his 51st birthday all of these replays you see we see a bob a mile down in our truck what a way to celebrate your birthday down under the stands in the truck well no that's true but it's great to be an opening day but a lot of people can't make it or even watch so it's great just to be an opening day or be able to watch the game the pitch de lemon there goes the runner here's the throw and he's gonna be out [Applause] Ned Yost put it right on the money and Berkman is out I think lemon missed the sign that was a good throw and it's the only way they're going to get him right on the money there's the usually if the ball beats you no matter how if you make this slide or not you're going to be called out yeah even if you tag them up around the belt which it looked like he did you're out lemon hits it hard to third base buddy Bell picks it off in the inning is over Tigers get a run on two hits nobody left done at the end of three they lead it 5-1 [Music] when you shop for carpet you want well-trained knowledgeable salespeople you expected you're entitled to it you get it at New York carpet world with your carpet installation you want professional perfection you expect it you're entitled to it and you get it at New York carpet world with all that you might not expect the lowest price but that's our aim it's our treat our policy our single goal the lowest price on every carpet every single day this treviri carpets $6.99 unbeatable see us for what you want in carpet you can't miss at New York carpet world Metro Detroit Chevy dealers are making it tough on the competition when its Ford Bronco 2 versus our chevy s-10 blazer and here's why the s10 blazer has insta track that means you can shift in and out of four-wheel drive on the roll you can't do that with Ford and the s10 blazer with insta track still cost $700 less than Ford Bronco to the Chevy s10 blazer and the price advantage belong to your Metro Detroit Chevy dealers have you saved $700 lately [Music] there come the Rangers in the fourth inning they'll be sending up George Wright Larry Parrish and Gary Ward against Dan Petrie well mr. John Fetzer mr. Tom Monaghan and Jim Campbell and all the Tigers want to extend their congratulations to the Detroit Red Wings organization their ownership the officials and the team for a most successful and interesting season a great year they're definitely on their way up and we'll add ours to that yes a chelation to the Red Wings George Wright bounced to first his first time up and he hits it hard right at Whittaker he hit it like a bullet straik the sweet low you can see Lou even though he's wearing a a glove but ball had the sting hit him right in the pocket we'll bring up Larry parish you had a single and a run batted in back in the first inning wake up this big guy from Montreal he was the regular third baseman at Montreal didn't al Oliver go over to Montreal I believe [Music] we'll check that out I thought allo Oliver and this guy played together here's a ground ball up the middle but familes there this time is enough I thought they played together in Texas maybe in the Hostetler deal DKA Hostetler came with him well Oliver I was right Dave hush let her keep the team over I should know you're always right I should know that Hostetler and parish irrelevant now however after two good years up there's gone to the Giants can't figure that out I can't either he left all you can buy and hitting awful fine hit it he's had about eight straight years of batting 302 make room for Pete Rose when Rose is playing left field who knows who knows that's right this is Gary ward we could call John McHale and find out [Music] it's fall - and no strikes to ward who struck out his first time up and a strike up the inside corner ball to strike one but to one when I get 3 and 1/2 Ward Petry has not allowed a baserunner since Larry Parrish singled back in the first inning nine batters in a row have gone down and a foul ball three and two we've got a scoreless ball game going in Philadelphia Houston and the Phillies no score in the sixth ball three strike two ward batting the two outs nobody on and walk it's the first walk given up by Petrie two out walk to wort the batter will be feet O'Brien O'Brien struck out his first time up five years lead it 5-2 one we're in the fourth inning which is outside they'd play behind the runner at first base they don't figure Ward to be running with the Rangers down by four pitches low and it's ball to repeat view had not walked a better walks Gary Ward falls behind Pete O'Brien ball to no strikes now pitcher has a tendency to have a little bit more careful when he gets to the middle of a batting lineup you can go after the little guys that guys get on the space it's great when you get guys who can hit the ball on the ballpark they have the tendency to be a little bit too careful he got the first two batters or something George right get a screaming line drive at kwhitaker for the first step Parrish bounced the shortstop when he lost Gary Ward on a 3-2 pitch and he has fallen behind O'Brien ball three no strikes Riano and he throws it right down the middle Palfrey strike one he looks down to third but you know they'll turn him loose for this short right-field fence give him a chance to swing away out it it's outside and O'Brien gets a walk two walks in a row and BP is in a bit of a jam as Roger Craig makes his way out of the dugout well Roger comes out of the dugout usually it's just to settle his pitchers down he's not going to give him any kind of you know information and the things of that nature you just wants to say hey take your time now okay I will pause ten seconds for station identification you're watching Tigers 84 now find out how you can help choose the music machine Entertainer of the Year that's on the Saturday night music machine semifinals Saturday at 7:30 on channel 4 well he's gonna have to get dead ghosts with two on and two outs he flied to left field his first time up and he takes the strike yo stead six home runs a year ago he did not play very much at nil Waukee but he does have some power one strike to Yost to on two outs and he fouls it away strike two Rangers got a run in the first inning off feet free buddy Bell single with one out went to second on a bounced out by right and then he scored on a single by parish then he retired nine batters in a row before he walked Ward and O'Brien here in the fourth inning and it's strike two to Ned Yost and he got it but breaking ball down in a way yo strikes out that's number six for our feature we go to the bottom of the fourth the Tigers v Texas one [Music] Chevrolet announces a major price reductions all the way down to five thousand nine hundred ninety dollars on our tough chevy s-10 short wheelbase video a reduction of over four hundred dollars and that's not all special factory incentives the dealers make it possible for them to pass along up to five hundred dollars on all new Western pickups and hats again if you take delivery out of stock by May 31st it's a great time to save on a tough heavy s10 picker to your chevy dealers now here's to good yeah last time we were here we made history by this kind of spit I stole that ball make that shot again by you below [Music] hey what can I tell you we still got it and never lost it [Music] this copyrighted telecast is presented by the authority the North baseball clapham is until it's early for the Frant of non-commercial use of our audience any use to reproduction of this game [Music] there come the Tigers in the fourth inning Howard Johnson will lead it off followed by Lou Whitaker and then Alan Trammell you know al Pete Gammons Peter Gammons at a very good article in the Sporting News he said in case you don't realize how good Alan family really is if you want to compare the stats of Trammell and Robin Yount who most people call the best charts top in baseball after six years Trammell is leading the UMP in every department batting average runs scored home runs runs batted in slugging percentage least eras is that a pretty good set of steps that is outstanding and I never would have believed that he would be leading him in home runs Trammell has 42 home runs and Yount has 20 as 34 strike two to Howard Johnson to 80 batting average against a 270 batting average lifetime [Applause] here's the strike to pitch to Johnson which is off the corner Tramell made 93 years has made 93 Yount has made a hundred seventy eight double a nice truck enough our Johnson strikes out on that off-speed pitch Tigers continue to be well out in front of babe Smith there is one department there tied in they each have three hundred and three runs batted in here sweat occur pitch off the corner anytime you see that fastball from Smith he's going to show it to you but not get it over the plate where you can jump on it flyball down the line and left here's a long run by Billy sample he's there and makes the cut Billy SAPO ran it down near the line in left field out number two and the batter will be Trammell Allan block scored a run in the first inning and he bounced the bound his second time Alan Trammell just had his contract extended through the 1989 season [Music] so barring an injury the Tigers are set at shortstop for a long long time there's a strike Allen is batting 381 in this young season all to strike one on a breaking ball over first strike makes it to into [Music] scoreboard tells us that he left the Tigers with 30 stolen bases last year ball two and strike two here's one hit in the left wave back sample is near the fence and he's going to catch it Tramell hit it deep in the left-field and Billy sample with his back to the fence made the catch at the end of for the Tigers 5 the Rangers won [Music] welcome working to charter your days belong to somebody else but you're a knight now comes your time for the best beer you can find [Music] the peoples of Michigan they haven't forgotten how to smile and we're proud to be part of that smile we're Delta dental plan Michigan's largest group dental plan but we didn't become the leader on size alone Delta has always led the way in relating to people's needs that's why our group plans are as individual as the people we serve that's why these people are smiling all over Michigan Delta we are number one for a number of good reasons [Applause] Tigers 84 continues brought to you in part by your Metro Detroit Chevy dealers buying a new car truck remember the advantage belongs to your Metro Detroit Chevy dealers and by JCPenney your official store for Levi's Olympic wear [Music] up for the Rangers and the bear hunting Curtis Wilkerson to follow and then Billy sample viger's five Rangers won as the Rangers come to bat here in the fifth inning right to the mouth he hit it sharply right into the glove of Petrie so one pitch and one out in the fifth inning the batter will be the little shortstop Wilkerson Curtis was called out on strikes his first time fellas only played three years of professional baseball he impressed somebody in spring training Doug Reiter and company there's a lion grab it softly under the glove of Johnson a 30-hour Johnson thought it was hit hard at first when he had to wait for it to get there excuse it right off the end of the bed our goes down on one knee almost and then finally the ball gets to him so two pitches in two outs you'll a sample says maybe I better take one his third grader and I think he might be talking to his young man about you gotta go up there and take a couple pitches I remember out there early in my career here in Detroit when I was hitting against a pitcher I swung at the first pitch and bounced at the third or somewhere and it came back to the dugout and Steve O'Neill said have you ever seen that picture before and I said never in my life he said I believe I'd look at a couple then without swinging at the first pitch this one is foul outside third that's one of the theories that Ted Williams had through forever whenever he had never seen a pitcher or face the pitcher before he'd always take the first pitch he always wants to know how hard he was throwing [Applause] bill a sample has flied to left and flied to Center in two trips pitch is high on ball one strike exit ball two in strike one Texas has his feet on the ball club Billy samples stole 44 bases in 83 strike on the outside corner you got to believe that Tollison and Wilkerson can run you look at them you know they're gonna run ball two and strike two and the pits from Petrie he pops it up the Whitaker is taking charge in the center of the another 1-2-3 inning for Petrie nothing across Senate see in the four and a half innings the Tigers 5 and the Rangers watch people think I always take the trade because I'm afraid of flying afraid I take the train because it's the best way to enjoy light beer for Miller rolling through the Rockies are all across the Midwest nice let's filling and it tastes great coast-to-coast that's why I take the train not because I'm scared of Miller I've always wanted an appeal unless baby alright before with your records Jim and have a safe move folks the spirit of working together [Music] jover over 200 banking offices strung across Michigan I welcome the birth of America we have all you still care about the little things [Music] to be first Darrell Evans just going to lead it up and Chuck says we're gonna look at his home run out right here he had a three-run homer in the first inning yeah he was ahead of the count he got a fastball obviously looking for it and there was no question once he left the bat he stood at home plate clapped a few times what a way to start opening day at Tiger Stadium a three-run blast put the Tigers in front they were behind one nothing at the time they picked up another run in the first inning another run in the third and they let it five to one as Evans leads off here in the fifth inning Evans Parrish and Gibson will be the batters and a strike on the outside corner this fellow Smith has done a good job he's given up two hits back-to-back hits a double by Herndon and a single by Bergman and that's been it he has struck out three since coming on that Evans to bounce second base [Applause] there's the off-speed pitch you get you out in front one ball two strikes thank you ATM ke [Music] the one-two pitch to Evans he taps it slowly toward second Darryl is out to start the tiger fifth the batter will be Lance Parrish we brought Schmitt on in the first inning too long in this weather a little bit on the cool side [Applause] only Yankees got two and they lead Minnesota to nothing at the end of three Parrish checks his swing he hasn't had a good swing today Stewart hit him on the fist popped him up in the first inning Smith struck him out in the second and a pitch low one ball one strike Tigers have five runs on four hits Rangers what run on two hits bouncer to third that's out number two in the field hunting no matter will be Gibson when heaven getting a chance to loosen up for the Detroit Tigers Abbott did not pitch very often in spring training in regular games but he got a lot of innings pitched indie games there's Kimmie who had a base hit scored a run in the first inning then he struck out in the third he's batting with two outs nobody on but maybe the last fastball he'll see it was over but hi strike looks like a little screw ball out without something off-speed and I don't think today yet he has thrown two fast balls in a row one ball one strike and a bouncer towards first easy play for O'Brien and easy inning for Dave Smith and at the end of five the Tigers v Texas one if the Egg McMuffin sounds good to you listen to the sound of our two sausage McMuffin sandwiches both on toasted English muffin with melted cheese and a mouth-watering sizzle to fill up the middle is McDonald's sausage McMuffin and wait'll you see their prices 79 cents for our sausage McMuffin 99 cents for our sausage McMuffin with egg 2 great breakfast tastes only at McDonald's [Music] don't be called a taster [Music] five to one the Tigers lead as the Rangers come to bat in the sixth inning [Applause] [Music] Craig Reynolds has just hit a home run for Houston in this ball game against the Phillies there was a nothing nothing game in Philadelphia and Greg Reynolds the Houston shortstop is in a home run where they Randolph hit a home run against Minnesota with one on in the first inning and that's the 2 nothing lead they have over the twins a lot of games under the lights in both leagues tonight it'll be cold in a few places playing at night like the White Sox are playing at home I think so they are they hope they play against Cleveland tonight buddy bill will lead it off buddy bill George right and Larry perish here in the sixth inning the Tigers lead by four and a foul ball it'll get back on the roof [Applause] buddy Bell had a single and he scored a run in the first inning then he struck out his second time up he hits it on the ground too sharp big hop to travel he's out but evil is out short to first to start the sixth inning the batter will be George Wright George Wright is sold for two he bounced to the first baseman let's set up the Texas run a move buddy Bell down to second where he scored on a single by Parrish then his last time up he hit the ball hard right straight to Whittaker and we get a camera shot from our centerfield camera we'll see how the shadows now are coming into play as far as making it more difficult for the hitters to hit hit and see the ball pitch is low and it's one ball the shadows right there that's the better shot there you see how the contrast as far as coming out on the sunshine into the shadows Yankee Stadium might be the worst Alyss boy gets very difficult especially light in the year in New York ball - no strikes to George right Rangers betting in the sixth one out nobody on Tigers 5 Texas one bouncer the first Burton he with the Golden Glove picks it off [Applause] well he came over here touted as a fine defensive first baseman and he's done nothing to dispel that theory one thing I liked about him he was going to go down and block the ball because if he should happen to knock it down still have a plenty of time to toss it to the pitcher the batter is Parrish Larry Parrish will bat with two outs nobody on he had a base hit batted in a run in the first inning and then he bounced out the shortstop in the fourth Lance Parrish behind the plate Larry Parrish the batter and they could pass for twins they're about the same size pretty good bookends yeah about linebackers there's a strike one ball one strike this big fellow is batting 364 he's batted in six runs on the season he's been there punch so far and he has today he's batted in the only Texas run ball to strike one Larry perished the designated hitter he played in right field last year but his Altos he lost his job to spring to Gary Ward he hits it toward shortstop Petrie gets some 1 2 3 nothing across we go to the bottom of the sixth is still the fighters 5 so this is the new log cabin nice give me a hand hey what are friends for [Music] looks like we're about done not not yet you're not bad days work next weekend we put in the pool [Music] my ninjas quite a hand a card my dad bought a Chevy Cavalier from the metro-detroit seven dealers yeah time is short little dry so does our Chevy Cavalier and fuel injection fuel injection you know what else a new bike in the trunk what yep dad bought it with part of the money he saved the Cavalier costs $2,000 less than a hundred accord why because the Metro Detroit Chevy dealers have the price advantage you hear that bit Tigers 84 continues brought to you in part by ballpark thanks the hotdogs are clumping you cook them and grillmaster the world's most distinguished chicken Frank and by Highland appliance everything you never expected from appliance store we have a new pitcher for the Rangers big fella Tom Henke 6 foot 5 215 pounds he has made two appearances so far this season been roughed up quite a bit he has pitched one and third innings allow one hit four runs he was one and oh a year ago with Texas they spent most of the year up until September with Oklahoma City where he was nine and six you see there a big fella goes to ball hard obviously must have been wild and that first outing it is because he probably gave a plate three-run homer which built is Earl run average up to 20.25 in just two games I would imagine the Tigers have looked pretty happy to see Dave Schmidt on the game yeah that didn't do much was spent a double by Herndon a single by Bergman that got in Iran and that was the extent of it that's the only two baserunners they had against Smith so Herndon will lead off here in the sixth Herndon Berkman and Shep lemon against the big right-hander Tom Henke and a pitch outside to Herndon there he has walked doubled and scored a run today and a flyball hit the right Gary Ward is there he'll make the catch Herndon is out the matter will be Dave Bergman [Music] the game has really settled down after the first inning Peachtree was a little shaky gave up a run on two hits they skirt was more than shaky he gave up four runs on two hits one a three-run homer and he walked five before he left the ballgame since then [Music] at only two base runners the friends of that too one strike to Birdman batting with one out nobody on and a pitch low they Berkman flied to left and he singl do that in a run back in the third Valda center you see play for right that's out number two in the sixth and it will bring up Chet lemon we're spot in the world a bat is with two outs nobody on [Music] we hit him just got a piece of I was going to say out nobody on I used to try to pull the ball or at least into the corner something for an extra-base hit because otherwise it's going to take three hits to get a run in normally but lemon is hit by a pitched ball he's at first with two outs and the batter will be Howard Johnson [Music] powered walk drove in a run in the first inning he walked with the bases loaded then he struck out in the fourth powered slammed one deep into the upper deck foul by about twenty or thirty feet with the bases loaded in the first day the second goes lemon we'll be a wild pitch charged against hinky that's a tough pitch for a for a catcher he he gave a low target and just threw the ball completely over his head ball obviously must have slipped out of his hand so lemons at second with two outs and it's one ball to Johnson Howard's been hitting the ball hard in Minnesota he just missed a home run he slammed it against the top of the fence put one deep here today with the bases loaded had a base hit in Chicago that drove in a run this may be his last time at bat Tom Brookins begins to throw in the tiger bullpen there's a strike ball to strike one for Delphia three Houston one there in the eighth-inning Johnson weights on the 2 1 pitch ball 3 that's Nolan Ryan Pitz you produce them we've been in quite a match of the farlan fist mean Carlton Steve Carlton played been pitching for toys Palfrey strike one runner at second two outs when they get three and two John Denny number forty pitching for the Phillies against Ryan another pretty good matchup he was the siyoung no Award winner last year all three strike two and the payoff he walked up the walk Whitaker and Liu is looking for his first hit today he has walked scored a run bounced out and flied to left [Music] low batting at 2:17 in this young season Whitaker had a big hit on Sunday against the White Sox he drove in the go-ahead run and the Tigers were never headed after that those swinging event unless he's trying to hit the ball to left field uh in the hole at third-base one strike two sweet low oh my god water in why see pinky trying to turn the ball over twisted around a bit one ball one strike Center backing up his George Wright and he makes the cut though the Tigers threatened but failed to score and at the end of six they still lead it 5-1 it's the only week of baseball folks and fans all over the country are heading for their fall yeah me too I can't believe it we're setting an attendance record here today because now during ballpark Frank season opener sales specially marked packages of ballpark brands have been marked down bring the wing of baseball you've been at the branch that closed when you took them for a whole lot less hurry rarely last a ballpark Frank season over say Laura fans can really be proud of the ballclub that we have the team that we're gonna put on the field we have so much talent especially in the starting lineup there I don't think we could anybody could put it better starting aid on the field is we've we have and I think that the key for us is just to stay healthy and play good consistent baseball and I think it's gonna be really exciting for the Detroit Tiger fans this year and I certainly hope that we can do the things that everybody expect us to do because we certainly gonna try the Tigers take on the Red Sox Sunday afternoon at 1:30 there's their upcoming TV schedule we're gonna be in Boston on Sunday April 15th that's a 130 ballgame and the following Sunday April 22nd we'll be back here at Tiger Stadium at one o'clock against the White Sox the Boston and old back they this Sunday the following Sunday back in Tiger Stadium new third baseman out yeah Tommy Brookins coming in in place of Howard Johnson defensive bruising [Music] actually third base has not had very many very many plays today I think drive to Howard Johnson us a base hit by a buddy bell in first inning Gary Ward will lead it off Ward O'Brien and Ned Yost will be the ranger betters Tigers five Texas one we're in the seventh inning Gary Ward struck out his first time up then he walked in the fourth better takes a strike from Petri reward late with the Minnesota Twins last year the breaking ball strike two Tigers are off tomorrow they will play again on Thursday against the Rangers and Jack Morris will be the tiger pitcher against Frank Tanana which was low and it's one ball two strikes be true being ready for the pitched award two and two we had a shot of the bullpen Berenguer and abbott throwing i don't believe that they will be going into the game they have to get their work in there's a day off tomorrow so they're just getting some throwing time in the bullpen there's a base hit into center field Gary Ward difference it over the head of Whitaker in the right-center and that's the first hit off Petrie since the first inning a leadoff single here in the seventh by award no matter will be Pete O'Brien Brian struck out in the second he walked in the fourth inning runner at first with nobody out in the seventh flyball into shallow left and be a long run for Herndon near the line and he'll put it away a towering flyball off the bat of Pete O'Brien is out number one will bring up Ned Yost [Music] miss Yost flied to left and struck out he so for two [Music] all the more place tonight al at home against Kansas City has not been able to win as yet they lost an opening day at home against the White Sox they went into the Metrodome and lost three straight to the twins they tried again at home tonight I guess Kansas City the pitch stereos hello and it's 1 in 1 a big crowd on hand as you might imagine a sellout here at Tiger Stadium on opening day in Detroit and they got a thrill early in the ballgame as Evans hit a three-run homer in the first inning Darrell Evans we couldn't get it going in spring training and once the season opened he has turned it on did not hit a home run in all spring training opening day hit a three-run shot in Minnesota and the one here today excited and ignited this huge crowd the 1 2 pitch to Yoast I get to enter you know this is the second time up for Abbot in the bullpen it might be coming in he threw earlier in the game and he's up again maybe the Sparky might say let's get in any or so in from him all two and strike two to Ned Yost and the pits from Petrie he almost got it by [Applause] got it that pitch was all away by yoast when he swung at it we'll look at it in a minute and you know watch how he has to avoid to run her too you know the baserunner has just as much right to that base path as Lou Whitaker he had to wait for the baserunner to get past him that was a very tough play he made it that's two outs the runner goes down to second and the batter will be Tollison Wayne Tolleson has struck out bounced to the mouth and a back tygris five Rangers one in the seventh inning III gave up a leadoff single to ward he's a sucker with two outs but just low in its fall - and no strikes here's the Texas bullpen Jim Bibby and can he throw a good time to bring him in with all these shadows bosses no strikes ball three all right now what Dan is doing when he's starting to release the ball he's falling back he's landing on his heel and then when he when he's throwing the ball he's falling back that makes the ball go up high he's not following through he's behind Tolson ball three no strikes and he walked it Wayne Tolleson goes to first Rangers have them at first and second two outs Wilkerson is the schedule banner but he's not gonna bat look at Petrie now it's al what you're talking about here he's just not staying down he's following you know he sees if he's standing straight up it when he's throwing and he's just not following through and bending that back keep it keep the ball down you have to hit on a flex front knee you cannot hit on a straight leg because that makes you throw the ball up high Roger Craig goes to the mound as Bobby Jones comes into the on deck circle to bat for Curtis Wilkerson Bobby Jones a big left-handed batter will bat for the shortstop with two on two outs in the seventh inning and the Tigers lead by four Gary Ward started this inning with a single b-tree got the next two batters O'Brien and Yost and he walked all ursin and now he's got to get Bobby Jones and the hits it on the ground a second comes up with it Petrey gets out of another Jam as Bobby Jones hits the first pitch right straight to the second baseman we go to the bottom of the 7th the Tigers 5 the Rangers water welcome you've turned the city over to the next shift the rest of the night is yours now comes your time with the best beer you can find they were highlight the time [Music] what'd you have in mind your Metro Detroit Chevy dealer is taking charge chevy power look beyond the ordinary design reflections of driving pleasure capture the magic only Chevrolet creates with Camaro Cavalier and celebrity Chevy people come to that sell Chevy power rabbit hole Chevy star catch them Peter see your Metro Detroit Chevy dealers where today's Chevrolet is taking charge well we have a new shortstop George Jim Anderson has gone into play shortstop for the Rangers there he is utility infielder plays shortstop second base Tigers need some more runs they scored four times in the first inning one time in the third and they've been shut down by some pretty good relief pitching by the Rangers they had a couple of runners aboard in the sixth inning against pinky a is first inning in relief and he got Whitaker on a flight of sinner T in that threat so it will be Trammell to lead it off here in the seventh Allen is looking for his first hit today his walk scored a run bounced to the first baseman and flied deep into left field and a pitch outside Tramell Evans and Parrish the Tigers batters in the seventh on the upper deck ball one strike don't forget now to Mars an off day but on Thursday play will be resumed at Tiger Stadium and Jack Mars will pitch against Frank Tanana that should be a good matchup [Applause] we'll get the first chance to see Jack Mars at home this year and the first chance after his no-hitter one ball two strikes to trammel there's a line drive base hit a Frappuccino he'll hold up when it rains your outfield is very impressive alley they get to the ball quickly yeah great speed sample does not throw well Alan Trammell what an improve hitter over a beginning of last season you can see how late he stays he he keeps his shoulders close he doesn't jump at the ball and he's much much improve hitter [Applause] he said in spring training he felt like he was a big league hitter now and he is there's Darrell Evans he had a three-run homer in the first inning he's bounced the second base twice since then [Applause] Tigers batting in the seventh the runner at first with nobody out and they lead by four I'll tell you somebody's done some talking to these pictures they've told him he'll run Stewart took a lot of time pitching those runners at first base pinkey giving Pamela wrong look in Chicago the Tigers just ran at will especially on Tom Seaver Alan Trammell has four stolen bases he has now had a chance to look at Hinkle and he might just take off he's gone on his way the south coast was made of and Yost made a perfect throw to get him right on the money it had to be right on the money the ball right at the bag second baseman does not have to move his glove and you can see there Allen slid right into him one ball one strike two Darrell Evans and a foul back makes it one into there in the fifth inning in New York and the Yankees lead to nothing over Minnesota a two-run homer by Willie Randolph in the first inning [Applause] it's the home opener for the Yankees they opened on the road in Kansas City then went to Texas down ball the second Evans is out out number two here in the seventh inning the batter will be Lance Parrish [Music] lamps is oh-for-three fouled out struck out bounced to third he bets with two outs nobody on [Applause] big sweeping curveball I know from Philadelphia the Phillies three the Houston Astros one [Applause] makes it 1 & 1/2 Parish we're in the seventh inning the Tigers 5 Texas one Petry has gone all the way they've Stewart started Smith relieved him in the first inning then hinky in the sixth it's ball two and strike one to Paris get to into the lab tonight Montreal at Cincinnati tonight and then I for all to strike two and he struck him out big sweeping curve and hairy strikes are not the end of 7 it still the Tigers 5 the Rangers 1 [Music] you don't have much time starting Wednesday at 12 noon Highland appliance is having a spectacular nine-hour sale every Highland store will be closed Wednesday until noon to mark five to 40 percent off the price of every item in every Highland store then you'll have just nine hours to save Wednesday from noon to 9:00 p.m. hurry time is running out the Highland appliance 9 hour sale everything you never expected from an appliance store [Music] we're in the eighth inning in Detroit the Tigers 5 and the Rangers 1 we'll be the top of the batting order for Texas Billy sample delayed are followed by buddy bill and then George right then Petry has gone all the way for the Tigers Dave Stewart Dave Smith and Tom Henke have been the pictures for the Rangers God bear is now throwing in the tiger bullpen along with Abaddon there's Billy sample delete it off he has flied to left flied to center and popped to the second baseman in the pitch coming up from Petrie one ball no strikes not a strike you've got the inside corner makes it one in one I'll told you this fella Billy sample had a great minor-league career average some 358 in the minor leagues now strike Parrish asking for the call from first base on fire but Marty Springs death says I say if this driver with one ball two strikes nice truck came out he just threw it by him about letter high and Billy sample strikes out a little help here look like you're looking for a ball out over the plate and Dan pulls him and throws a fastball inside do it right by him that's his seventh strikeout the first one he's had since the fourth inning he had six at the end of four except the seventh leading off here in the eighth buddy bill takes a strike but he fell had a single in the first inning and scored a run Incendia struck out bounced to the shortstop right but he'd built not too sure that was a strike dan pitcher he looked like he was laboring the first few pitches he threw the sample but now all of a sudden seems to have the groove back again it's strike two to Buddy belt and a ball makes it 1 & 2 5 runs on five hits for the Tigers one run on three hits for the Rangers dan Petry gets ready flyball into left Larry Herndon leaves everybody away so buddy Bell is out on a flat or left out number two and the eighth inning the batter will be George Wright George has bounced the first lion to the second baseman and hit the ball sharply to the first placement his last time up he's batting with two outs nobody on on a pitch outside Petrey delivers flyball the left I'm coming in on drew so peach shake up some one-two-three [Music] on the bottom of the eighth the Tigers five [Music] these two cars are practically identical but this one just takes the kids to school while this one over here sometimes pulls a trailer that's why I might as carries different kinds of shock absorbers including our new gas shocks it gives you a smoother ride even on the worst roads and - we got the right shocks very car and every driver [Music] get three shocks installed at the regular price get the fourth one free through April at Midas look out here comes the semi-finals on a Saturday night music machine [Music] Curtis gapsin introduces this year's a wedding performers with which three will advance to the finals who's the best with your favorite be one of the lucky three find out how your vote will decide hot music hot dancing and loaded with extras the Saturday Night Music Machine semifinals at 7:30 right here on Channel four now we have two changes for Texas new catcher is Koli Marv Foley and Big Jim Bibby is pitching for the Rangers now Jim is not listed in the Ranger press guy but know a lot about this fella pitched for in the Nash National League for a long time with Pittsburgh he was in the American League for several years hard throwing right-hander you can see what tremendous size his biggest problems over the year has been his control takes a long time to deliver the ball and if we should happen if there's Tiger should happen to get men on base he's a real good man to steal on al they just announced the attendance 51,000 238 at Tiger Stadium on this opening day Gibson the batter and he tried to check it and he couldn't it's one strike to Gibby Gibson has had a hip today in three trips he leads off here in the eighth for the Tigers and a pitch outside makes it one in one Jim Bibby the pitcher and Marv pulley the catcher a new battery here in the 8th inning for the Rangers found ball slowly toward second comes out he hit him right on the fist and get rolled it down to second one out in the eighth inning and the batter is Herndon who has walked doubled and flied to right forget on Thursday will be the next ball game at Tiger Stadium Jack Morris will go against Frank Tanana which is low one ball no strikes Larry Herndon batting with one out nobody on and a strike makes it 1 & 1 we're in the 8th after a wild and wooly first-inning it has settled down to only one run being scored since then it's just high ball 2 strike 1 painters have three hits the Tigers have five all in tight all three strike one if he throws hard is Al Kaline culture and said some control problems down through the years but he brings it at you all three strike one and he walked Larry Herndon gets his second walk today who's at first one out the batter will be Bergman [Applause] they've set a base here and he padded in a run to that base here he's 1 for 3 [Applause] it's his loader Bergman [Applause] one ball no strikes runner at first one out [Applause] goes back hit first [Applause] and a strike he got it over about knee high and someone in one to Bergman [Music] [Applause] Jim Bibby is the pitcher as he looks into his catcher Marv Foley breaking ball is low all to strike one Tigers got four runs in the first inning they picked up one more in the third and that's been it Rangers got one in the first [Applause] all to strike one [Applause] this is file even's account at 2 & 2 [Music] Birdman spaceship is a lion drive to right that Grove in Herndon from second and in it double just in front of him now it bats with Larry at first base and one out it's a bar - and a strike to account okay was the runner he struck him out [Music] [Applause] fully put the throw right on the bag but a headfirst slide by Herndon and he has a stolen base Bergman goes for a bad pitch looked like a very close play down at second base you'd be to judge all the flick it's there in plenty of time and they call him safe like another look at it from another angle and it looked like he might have been out later than out he's a second with two outs in the batteries Chet lemon [Applause] hired a lemon [Applause] one ball no strikes Chett so for one is walked today he's been hit by a pitch ball and he has bounced to third base he bats with learned in the second two outs in the eighth inning [Applause] [Applause] Jim Bibby gets ready and a pit in close all to no strikes - an order lemon he's trying to get the runner in from second as Bibby looks in bouncing ball to deep shark oh the Tigers put a runner his second fail to score and at the end of eight the fourth five Texas one [Music] JCPenney and Levi's have gotten together to bring you quality sportswear for the games hombre like men's wooded crewneck sweatshirt pants and shorts and fleecy cotton or polyester blend now sports shirts t-shirts and pull-on pants with Olympic graphics and popular colors and prices that are not gold medal tone ooh JCPenney and Levi's together you know the business world moves fast I found only one publication keeps pace with it every business day only.this The Wall Street Journal not weekly not bi-weekly today's business news today so you can use it today get all the business use you need when you need it get the Wall Street Journal delivered for six months for $53 phone toll-free 800 two two eight three one three one that's six months fifty three dollars delivered every business day phone 800 two two eight three one three one subscribe now as far as Tim seconds for station identification you're watching Tigers 84 join Mort Kremen Carmen Harlan for a complete report on opening day 1984 that's on news 4 at 5:30 tonight here on Channel four we're in the ninth inning the Tigers lead it 5-2 one Mary parish will lead it off followed by Gary Ward and then Pete O'Brien and a pitch low Harry she said a hip today batted in a run in the first inning 1 2 3 for the big guy he hits it to third Brookins picked it off the parish is up Tommy Brooklyn's on over to Birdman no matter will be Gary Ward [Applause] Barry Ward as struck out walked and singled he's 1 for 2 [Music] ninth inning and Detroit on opening day that's been a great day to weather man cooperate it been a very pleasant day here at Tiger Stadium he says it's going to be good throughout the week and the Tigers and Rangers play again on Thursday fly ball it's curving foul this should reach the seats and it will always got it at giving a glove matter what up again give him a contract in the cartel [Applause] in the old ballpark it's really looking in great shape oh the ballpark looks better a land I've ever seen absolutely the old ballpark looks great the strike 1 pitch de Ward is low and it's 1 & 1 9th inning one out nobody on Tigers 5 Rangers 1 and feet crews trying to wrap it up it is over but high and it's ball 2 Yankees to Minnesota nothing and the sixth inning there's a base hit over they hit a Whitaker in the right-center field Gary Ward gets his second hit [Applause] so one app single vial Ward keeps it going here in the ninth and the batter is Pete O'Brien [Applause] left-handed hitter as struck out walked and flied to left field well the tiger bullpen is gone full blast and you would expect the Lopes the right-hander and Hernandez the left-hander a strike on the outside corner to O'Brien mrs. Maura Foley in the on-deck-circle one strike to O'Brien and the pitch outside makes it one in one we've got a figure a let's party won't go too long a feature here in the night I wouldn't be surprised if this hitter should happen to get on he goes with a new pitcher one ball one strike all to the pictures lo it inside and it's ball two strike one we got the first batter this inning Parrish on a bounce out and a single to ward and the pitch coming up to over iron and Ally base hit into right yep some kind of what great vibe Gibson ball carried extremely and Gibby came right to get it I think he kind of surprised the ball got out there that fast give me where that tremendous speed looks like the ball is going to drop in but he just out runs the ball and not the labor on the fact that yeah that's a terrible Sun field and I feel right now just the fine play by Gibson and that probably kept Petrie on the ball game a [Applause] line shot into right then Gibby picked it up about knee-high and the batter is more fully he's batting for the first time he hits it foul right at the plate I don't know about that now Parrish says wait a minute okay he's giving an explanation to the tiger bets if the ball hit Foley if it did not and had a roll fair it would have been a fair ball but he grabbed it quickly are fully betting or the runner at first two outs [Applause] Ned Yost batted three times in the game before fully got in in the eighth inning [Applause] it is low and it's 1 in 1 1 bar 1 strike ninth-inning at Tiger Stadium a runner at first with two outs and the Tigers lead by 4 feet free time to get them out here in the ninth this is a fair ball fielded by Berkman a good play by Burt inside the bag Burton and picks it off depth on the bag and dandy free gone all the way to one and we'll be right back as a relief pitcher everybody thought I had it easy he pad here he'd pitch his heart out great innings or so and then I didn't come in toss three or four pitches and walk away with a win but I had to drain just like the rest of us yeah why still like to keep in shape and I do drink Light beer from Miller see lights less filling and light really D taste great will you just let me finish why you never let me finish like beautiful Miller everything you always wanted in a beer unless let me finish that for you when you shop for carpet you want well-trained knowledgeable salespeople you expected you're entitled to it you get it at New York carpet world with your carpet installation you want professional perfection you expect it you're entitled to it and you get it at New York carpet world with all that you might not expect the lowest price but that's our aim it's our treat our policy our single goal the lowest price on every carpet every single day this treviri carpets $6.99 unbeatable see us for what you want in carpet we can't miss at New York carpet world more sake booba summer but WRI of 1984 world concert tour continues with me riffin Northwest orient Airlines want to send you to Tokyo Japan to see Detroit's own romantics live in concert from now until April 13th when Poobah Sun gives you the word be the third caller at two nine eight six three six over one of three week-long trips for two to Tokyo including round-trip air furnished by Northwest orient Hotel concert tickets and eighty-eight thousand yen spending money be listening to riff for your chance to invade Japan with a grand poobahs on I'll show you why a professional likes rentals quality plastic wrap for starters it handles like a dream next try this test at home rentals plastic wrap and the leading brand reynolds holds its shape better and that gives reynolds it's super tight clink try wrapping both halves of an onion set your timer for five minutes and see for yourself for better cling try reynolds quality plastic wrap the plastic wrap professional jews well Darrell Evans provided the fireworks with a early three-run homer and the first-inning dan Petry provided the pitching as he went all the way to beat the Rangers 5 to 1 here today five runs five hits no errors for the Tigers peek through the winter he's won two lost none one run four hits no errors for Texas Dave Stewart takes the losses oh and two on the year well that's it from Tiger Stadium for Al Kaline Eli's eret and a lack Ehrman this is George Kell hoping you'll be with us again on Sunday April 15th at 1:30 when the Tigers face the Boston Red Sox the senior producer of Tigers 84 is chef Wasley today's game was produced by tobita Basinski our coordinating director was George Christensen production assistants by Michael Andrew and sugan Zach once again the final score today the Tigers v Texas one [Music] magazine for today's game was brought to you by Miller High Life tuck best beer for the best part of the day welcome to Miller time by Chevrolet Erica is on the move and Chevrolet is supplying wheels Chevrolet you taking charge by your local McDonald's restaurants a proud sponsor of the 1984 Olympics by first of America with over 200 offices across Michigan working together to be first and by America's largest carpet retailer New York carpet world the better carpet people [Music] hey Dudley rabbit here is Easter egg coloring time again so why wa
Channel: Classic MLB1
Views: 16,964
Rating: 4.8721461 out of 5
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Length: 196min 36sec (11796 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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