1981 05 23 NBC GOW Dodgers at Reds

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current Chicago temperatures at 72 degrees along the lakefront Midway 75 degrees and the official reading at O'Hare 76 degrees with a south wind 21 miles an hour WMAQ TV Chicago the baseball week began with Fernando Valenzuela suffering his first major league loss on Monday night he gave up four runs three hits at this home run to Mike Schmidt to suffer his first loss but today he makes his national television debut in Cincinnati top honors though for the week go to veteran Jim Bibby after allowing a leadoff single retired 27 straight with a one hitter three managers in the American League ejected with some theatrics we'll take a look at that there are week away from the strike deadline proposals and possibilities as we prepare for Major League Baseball on NBC NBC Sports presents Major League Baseball an inside look at baseball in a preview of today's games of the week brought to you by a löwenbräu when you want the taste of a truly great beer there's really only one tonight let it be low and brown and by quaker state new car old stand on the road with quaker state ladies and gentlemen welcome to baseball on NBC or more appropriately buenos tardes Damacy Caballero spean Veneto salla baseball and and they say I'm Bryant Gumbel the Spanish is appropriate on this day because today going for the Dodgers Fernando Valenzuela he's the man you've been reading about the man you've been hearing about the record tells it all he is eight and one he has seven complete games six shutouts an ER a of 0.9 one the man is truly something sensational rookie he'll be going for the Dodgers today as they go against the Reds our other game has the Red Sox going against the Brewers turning our attention to news of the week Bob Kennedy is out as GM in Chicago in his Herman Frank's Johnny Goro out his manager in Minnesota replacing him third-base coach Billy Gardner meanwhile Steve stone remember a year ago lee siyoung Award winner twenty five and seven well now he's on the 21 dude a disabled list with a record of 2 & 3 & ER a 4.7 - Fernando Valenzuela meanwhile as we told you on Monday night he suffered his first loss and came at the hands of the Philadelphia Phillies Mike Schmidt homered off him in the first inning Fernando though only gave up three runs of the night his er a ballooned mind you - 0.91 made while Tom Seaver just keeps rolling right along just like Old Man River pitching as good as he ever did right now Tom Seaver picked up career win number 250 it came at the expense the Chicago Cubs pinning at Vonda hay-zu's here he's now got 41 case on the year a 5 and 1 record an ER a of 2.0 for top honors though as we noted was Jim Debbie he took the hill against the Atlanta Braves the first batter he faced miss Terry Harper when Harper lifted this bloop single in a right field nobody had a way of knowing that it would ruin a perfect game because Bibby retired the next 27 straight the league's top hitter how's this for a surprise art owl of the Houston Astros a veteran utility infielder for much of his career art how now hitting 372 he has 55 hits to leave the National League and he is the owner of proud owner mind you of a 21 game hitting streak that was a big trade this week Jim Spencer you see him cross the plate right there hit a game-winning home run on Tuesday night the very next day he end is 143 average were traded off to the Oakland A's headed along with Spencer out to the AIDS is Tom Underwood a disappointment in the Yankee uniform just one in four this year the DRA a four point four one the major coming over to the Yankees this young man 27 year old left-handed hitting first baseman Dave revering owners of 230 average ejections well there were three this week worth noting look at Jimmy Frey kicked up some dirt that's a pretty good performance but it might not have been as good as Jean Michaels we'll look at this one first what they have then came the jacket that was a first but they were both outdone a little bit by the real master of getting thrown out that is Earl Weaver but Earl really didn't have a lot to complain about his Orioles very hot twinning 18 of their last 21 the A's very very cool on the opposite end losing eight of their last nine and now checking the strike front as you know strike deadline set for May 29 that is just a week away their owners and the players are meeting right now in Marvin Miller's office I spent some time with Miller on the phone this morning we talked a little bit about the proposal that was offered this week the owners people say the proposal is different than the past the players say it's nothing different at all let's take a look at some of the old and the new according to the owners there is no change or should I say according to the Players Association there is no change in the fact the owners want a premier player to be designated as one in the top 50% as compensation bait the owners also want a secret draft and they want the same compensation scale the players admit that these changes have been made that the owners are willing to now include performance statistics to determine just to as a premier player that they're willing to give the free agents the right to negotiate with more than 13 clubs and that they are willing to say that for a very a premiere a free agent that's gone after 14 experience only amateur compensation is needed well some people say that this was since this was Grebe's first movement in some 16 months of negotiation it was perhaps to look good in the eyes of the NLRB this past week both greeby and Miller went before the National Labor Relations Board to talk about the owners finances which greeby says is not at issue in the current baseball dispute contrary to the allegations of the Players Association the major league clubs have never stated or even suggested that their financial status is at issue in any way in the current collective bargaining the sole issue in the current negotiations is the limited is limited to the club's plan for replacement playing personnel for those clubs which in the future may lose a ranking free agent the subject does not involve the club's finances and the club's positions and bargaining has not been advanced or motivated anyway on a basis of a lack of financial capacity as all of baseball awaits an NLRB ruling as possibly the only thing that might stave off a strike there are a couple of things to remember the for one could be staying off three things must happen number one the NLRB would have to believe that the owners refused to bargain in good faith and that there was a violation of labor law secondly the Players Association would have to seek an injunction in court and third a judge would have to grant that injunction in order to stave off a strike for those who think there may be a last-minute change there is this ominous warning from Ray greeby quote that the owners proposal removes both the need and/or the possibility of eleventh-hour negotiations so on this Saturday it looks very bad indeed for baseball I'm joined now by Tom Seaver to my left the Reds and Dave Stewart on my right of the Dodgers because we have learned that the players representatives will meet with Marvin Miller on Thursday they have empowered him to do what's best for baseball let me ask the two of you how United is the Players Association Tom I asked you first because you're a veteran you stand maybe some would say the most to lose by a strike well I think that's one of the points at issue it's really not something that's out in the open but I think one of the points at issue is how strong is the Players Association and I think Association proved its strength the last time there was a strike to prove it last year and I think much to the disbelief of many of the people in this negotiation on the ownership side that they will sign that the players are very strong again is it worth the time there are some people who said hey it's not that big an issue either side you guys are fighting for pride well I think that's a lot of it behind the scenes right definitely Marvin getting Marvin I think is an issue in this situation it's sad to say but I think it's true and I think they want to test the Association they think the players will not go out if and I do believe that the rate greeby and his negotiating committee are trying to force the players out and the players will go out I feel the players are very strong let me turn my attention to you Dave Stewart because a lot of people have said hey a show of hands in the locker room doesn't work because there's too much peer pressure that a Dave Stewart couldn't vote no in the face of a Steve Garvey and Iran saying a Steve Yeager voting yes how do you respond to that judging by you know what I've heard the things that I do know about the strike you know regardless it wouldn't make a difference whether it was peer pressure or not I would still vote in favor of the Players Association because what they're doing now is so that the younger players myself and other players who are coming along will have the same benefits later on that the fares have now does it make a young player a Dave Stewart afraid you finally made it here you've worked 11 or so innings you're trying to make a name for yourself you're not making a lot of money are you frightened no I'm not afraid I'm not the least bit afraid because like like Tom said you know the Players Association is strong we've proven it in the past and you know we have good leadership in Marvin Miller I think that everything will work out for the best Dave Stewart tom seaver thank you very much once again the clubs have voted to empower their player representatives and Marvin Miller on Thursday night to do what they believe is best for baseball we'll be back in a moment [Music] when you want to taste of a truly great American beer tonight let it be low and Brown I needed classic styling 514 ee but i just didn't see how I could handle the financing wouldn't you know Realty world had the answer they're real flex financing alternatives gave me information on flexible home financing so thanks to real flex I am [Music] [Applause] [Music] and all the time I've been hauling new cars I've never seen anything like it winter seis new laptop engine lubrication protection program fuse Quaker State and you can get protection that guarantees or a new car engine against all related failure the engine as long as you own it in writing it's guaranteed by Quaker State the quality Motorola fine from this beta great crude oil you car old you'll be staying on the road with Quaker State baseball is not the only sport now involved in an ugly off field dispute as you know the Raiders in the NFL are in the courtroom trial moved into its second week this past week let's take a look at the issues a report from NBC News Meredith Lewis as the Oakland Raiders see it the NFL maintains an illegal monopoly over professional football the NFL is supposed to promote competition but when NFL members voted here to keep open from moving to Los Angeles the lawsuit accuses the league of restraining competition ticket sale competition from having two teams in the same area the Anaheim Stadium is thirty miles from Los Angeles but the NFL allowed the Rams to move here two years ago from the old Coliseum if the Raiders moved into the Coliseum the club could sell more tickets but a transfer could also mean some lucrative cable and satellite TV contracts for the Raiders in federal court NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle testified that Raiders owner Al Davis knew that a transfer required the approval of three-fourths of the league's members we've repeatedly said that I had as far back as October 1978 an oral agreement I had the right to move my football team you know if I if the eventualities I had the right to move without a vote Davis accuses Rozelle of conspiring to keep the Raiders out of Los Angeles but Rozelle denies that charge I did not and the club presidents the National Football League have great difficulty in conspiring to reach an adjournment of a meeting let alone anything beyond that a negotiated settlement is still very possible in this trial even people sell himself has been quoted as saying that the league might favor an expansion team for Los Angeles as long as Al Davis had nothing to do with it Meredith Lewis NBC News Los Angeles I'm joined now by my buddy Pete axe tome who rarely takes things as seriously as all of us would like to believe they are Pete you're very close to the Raiders situation what are your feelings well Brian I think the league is one the opening rounds of this thing but it's going to be a long one and trials are very hard to handicap I'd rather have a horse race should warn fans sports and courts are tough to myth a friend of mine Eddie Skyler of the AP covered a boxing trial recently after seven days I got to relax and go to a real fight in the third round he jumped up and yelled objection the baseball strike is getting unfortunately a little bit serious would what are your sources tell you well I figured out on my own that the owners aren't the only people have shown did little confusion in recent weeks you know the players picked May 29th to go on strike because they thought they were knocking out Memorial Day weekend and all the big crowds nobody told them the Memorial Day was this weekend so if I'm expecting a Christmas present from Marvin Miller I'm thinking New Year's Day and one final question who do you think is the real loser in this some people say the fans some say the owner some of them say the players who can least afford it Eadie Garvey of the football players Union every time a football player reads about the numbers being thrown around his constituency gets shake here you're a weird baseball fan stick around they'll be a field goal in the third inning we're gonna step aside for just a moment and when we come back we will talk about the man who the 50,000 or so we're expecting have come to see Valenzuela oleh a work of nature this beautiful deserves an oil stain this beautiful this rich this enduring holy big oil stain it's specially treated oils penetrate deep into woods fibers to protect wood and give your home and natural vitality that lasts for years Olivia coils day for beauty that's more than skin-deep now buy four gallons of any Olympic product and get one free at participating Olympic dealers if one role age tablet isn't always enough for your acid indigestion watch this tums demonstration one Rolaids and one tums tablet are added to stomach acid both neutralize the acid but on those occasions when your stomach has even this much more acid tums can still absorb it Rolaids can't because tablet for tablet tums neutralizes one-third more acid than Rolaids for acid indigestion and heartburn all you may need is this tums combined martial arts karate with a power and glories of heavyweight boxing and you get the exciting ek a championship bout plus it's the incredible brute strength of the world's strongest women in the world powerlifting championships tomorrow on NBC's sports world all eyes at her front today on Fernando Valenzuela he of the fine left arm but his young man from Mexico who does not speak English and as I found out last night when I talked with Fernando the problem is you have to use Tom Lasorda sometimes as an interpreter Tommy I've noticed he has copied something from your style and your great days the left-handed pitcher and that is that there was a point which he closes his eyes during his motion could you ask me if he picked that up from you cuz these are key to la única picture kiss Sarah to ojos quite a tooth Patti Ron de la pelota musica to Apprendi yesterday me president Jo Sierra loss over 40 but I know very fundamentally because a lot of times you don't see them but you don't want to look at me that's what he learned for me is he aware of how good a picture you were time if these ever going to set too savvy que yo era grand picture cuando yo picture where's what it does but do not Enya he said he thought the truth I'm telling you the truth he said he thought I was until he heard you say that you hit a double off me now he doesn't believe but I was a good fish how would he describe his relationship with you coma - father explained to Lila she owns called me yeah coma - puede explica - relations call me coma - she entered with me I know me siento bien eh porque please aim and then $10 okay look at all in a final como merica Munich and Paraiso okay okay so me when he said that he wanted you to know that I'm defined as manager he's ever played for and he loves me very very dearly in all the years he's been in baseball he never never really found someone who was who really did the job for him like I did and he was very very happy to be playing for me he loved the Dodgers very very much and he's very happy to be here I noticed the hesitation he's not the first person you left speechless is it true that all your hopes are with him and he is never never far out of your sight you better believe it look what I think of Fernando right there that's my band all I could say is Viva Fernando and muchas gracias Mexico Fernando at 8 no on the Dodgers at 28 11 both figures helping Tommy Lasorda look like a very very brilliant manager this baseball season Fernando in his national debut of going against Mario Soto and the Reds and our other game the Red Sox's Brewers Torres against lurch I'm Bryant Gumbel thanks for joining us stay tuned for baseball following these messages from your local station Barbara Mandrell in the Mandrell sisters play host of Dolly Parton and John then see all your favorite country stars in a song filled two-hour special from Nashville celebrating 50 years of country music a sensational night of music Barbara Mandrell in the Mandrell sisters than 50 years of country music Saturday on NBC if you drink beer you've probably tried at least one of these fine imports Beck's Heineken but for people the world over who know and appreciate an exceptional beer dab by Dortmunder is becoming the obvious choice and it's taste tells you why so c'mon America reach for a dab you love the imported wonder from Dortmunder dab ahead of its class in taste and tradition ahead of its class [Music] of all the exciting reasons for owning a Fiat spider the best one is how it makes you feel [Music] running out of patience a special report Monday at 10:00 on channel 5 I know you don't speak English I couldn't tell too much you know what I read I don't know I think it's I up to him and let him do it the way he wants to because every person he's got an individual life and let him leave his life just like I let my mark fit rich giving advice to Valenzuela bitter II to found himself pretty much like this young man all America love him all America loves balance whele and we'll see him this afternoon as the Dodgers go against the Cincinnati Reds see sports presents major league baseball game of the week today from Riverfront Stadium the Los Angeles Dodgers against the Cincinnati Reds the game of the week is brought to you by löwenbräu when you want the taste of a truly great beer there's really only one tonight let it be low and proud and by Ford and your Ford dealer we're invite you to test drive the EXP America's new personal sports coupe by Gillette Etra the razor with the pivoting head or all the curves and corners of your face the pivot makes it better and by Goodyear makers of Arriva even its footprint tells you it's different [Music] it's a beautiful day in Cincinnati a bright sun shining a good crowd on hand some 50,000 as we get ready to watch the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Cincinnati Reds hi everybody I'm Joe Garagiola alongside me Tony Kubek is always and Tony all we've been reading about is Valenzuela Valenzuela the new sensation but the other side of the field we've got a guy named Mario Soto Pidgey yeah I'm sure a lot of people in Cincinnati and on our television network will be coming to see Valenzuela but a kid from the Dominican Republic Mario sodas you mentioned last year against Atlanta he overpowered that ballclub struck out 15 so if he is right he may be a star today's game also well we'll have to wait and see but right now before the game it is all Valenzuela and I'm gonna ask his manager Tom Lasorda what is a Fernando Valenzuela well Joe after watching him pitch I've come to the conclusion that it's really an Inca Prince 2000 years old and a big Dodger in the sky called him and said I've got an assignment for you you've got to go down to earth you've got to get into this body of this young 20 year old and help Tom Lasorda and the Dodgers win a pennant because they need help very very much this guy is amazing I just can't believe it so there you are you'll be watching a 2000 year old friends coming back who will have the lineups for you right after this message [Music] when you want a taste of a truly great American beer tonight let it be low and Rob we had such a good time we're coming back next year okay but don't tell my horse is that you're looking at super pain from show and Williams it's so chemically superior even to other show and Williams paints that when you use it we guarantee you won't have to pay it again for 10 full years and we know how you feel about painting super fat it's available in interior and exterior but it's available only kinda Sherwin Williams store fact when you waste gasoline you waste money fact a lot of leading motor oils now claim to save you gas fact the black oil our coal graphite saves you more gas than those other leading oils why because friction rots you of gas mileage and Arco graphite reduces friction better than any of those oils so start saving gas use Arco graphite because it's a father not friction look for our coke Graphite's dollar eighty refund offer since 1933 the all-star game has been a highlight of the baseball season this is the 12th consecutive year fans have voted to help select the all-star team you can continue the tradition by voting for this year's starting lineups in the nation's largest non-political election ballots are available free at retail stores featuring a Gillette all-star display and at major minor league parks balloting ends July 1st so be sure and get out and vote furnished by major league baseball and Gillette well today to give us the Dodger lineup we have a special friend would you give us the lineup please sir hey ro right there on that pitch me no no no would you tell us who's playing well the first place we have the first racer and then a second the second a no no no no you got to call out the names the names call out the names of aim where that's Russell oh no just read the names in the position so they can mark down the lineup oh well bill Bill Russell is batting first and playing shortstop Kenny and role will be playing centerfield batting second interpretation we have dusty Dusty Baker and he's playing center feeling centered out there in the middle of the right and left fielder and then we have Steve Garvey batting fourth and playing first base base third base will be Ron Cey Bank fifth I love that word fill and then there's Pedro Guerrero right few bags six Mike Scioscia batting seventh and playing catching Darryl Thomas we batting eighth and he will play second base and that sensation an au-pair pitcher Fernando Valenzuela will be and 9th position didn't know he'll be on the mouth well and where's my favorite player who is your favorite player Bobby what Bobby wine yeah I have a favorite in baseball I have a favorite Club and go off what's your favorite club okay then foster Brooks our lineup giver Tony that's the different foster on left field that's George Foster for Cincinnati Kenny Griffin Center Dave Collins and right ray Knight at third Dave concepción at Short Ron Ulster at second base Johnny Bench continues to play first base for the Reds Mike O'Berry the catcher and Mario Soto of the Dominican Republic and he is charged up to this ballgame why is he's pitched against Valenzuela youngster really got a reaction Valenzuela won a and went down to the bullpen and also when they announced him Soto will be going against the hottest club in baseball 28 and 11 to Dodger record a percentage of 718 they won five of the last six road games Soto averaging eight point two strikeouts per nine and he's three point three walks per nine innings so the national debut of Fernando Valenzuela gets underway with the first pitch thrown by Mario Soto to Bill Russell Soto it is managers I Johnny McNamara may have been seven wins and one loss this year had he had some support and some run [Applause] [Music] Gus Trenor is behind the plate and you'll be able to pick up those strikes without us telling you he he lets him know that's from his minor-league training when he let everybody to Ballpark know what the count was left field Foster digs hard he'll not get it it'll be extra bases for Russell he lost something Tony he didn't get a good start on the bar it may have been his sunglasses that fell off his head or from inside his pocket grip he comes over to help him out I think those wear sunglasses popped out of his pocket Bill Russell was hitting at 192 with no home runs eight runs batted in he's on its second base in Kenny land row with four home runs 20 RBIs hit in at 280 lat from the Minnesota Twins in the Mickey Hatcher Dale one job right now get the ball to the right side and get the runner Russell the third-base [Music] when Dutch Rennert finishes umpire behind the plate he's got to sleep well at night he really really puts out an effort right back they have a play just fairly into the stands two strikes on Land Rover Dusty Baker is the on deck batter and Baker now says that he tells Landro every time that he goes up there drive them in but leave yourself on so I can pick you up Baker did that last night with three RBIs Ladd was quite an acquisition for this ballclub because they've struggled at center field position for a while Rick Monday got hurt off and on Darryl Thomas building touch early Pedro Guerrero came along but this man can throw he can run we did it groundball knees out moved Amanda third there's a pitch and I would question and it was not a second guess no balls two strikes he changes up on it why not fast boat try get it to the left side if it's a fastball outside I don't think he can pull it he just kind of flicked that ball to the right side gave him a pitch he could fall and get Russell down at third where he can now score the sacrifice fly good basic baseball but if he strikes him out get some way out in front you say what a great pitch to here's Dusty Baker who had 12 sacrifice flies last season he's got a man on third needs one now he did it 305 three home runs 19 runs better than hit a home run last night strike one way out in front Reds are tied at the corners night than bench with all hugs except shown a toaster in the middle of the diamond they will concede the run unless it's a sharp one hopper and they may try at home out of play two strikes the count on Dusty Baker nineteen eighty game-winning RBI seventeen 503 slugging percentage doctor skull he calls himself if he can skull the horsehide big strikeout for Soto [Applause] oh very sets up outside see look like a sinker he pulled the string on it took something off he went one time two years ago is strictly a power pitcher hard fastball hard slider and he has learned one of the best change of paces in all of baseball which makes that power stuff look even better and he headed in a great spot low and outside it was out of the strike zone but he had that luxury since he was way ahead of Baker and here's Garvey look at the moves him back [Music] Darvey hitting 265 three home runs 28 runs batted in one ball one strike Garvey and his 870 sixth consecutive ball game Russell at third puts in sixth on the all-time list firstly Garrett never be broken 2130 consecutive ballgames mrs. inside two balls in one strike Garvey has had 14 RBIs in his last 19 games Russell's at third two outs Wow for those teams who use the radar gun and Cincinnati doesn't occasion they have clocked this guy 93 94 two balls two strikes two outs Bill Russell is at third top of the first full count now and as last 18 any Soto has struck out 16 at least 17 out of 19 and he's now with Baker strike out here in the first line drive foul ball just fairly foul curve ball was up Garvey was out in front of it Russell heads back to third that's the yardstick that you used on the pitcher how good a pitcher is he with the man on third and less than two outs with that situation Soto struck out Dusty Baker and now has a full count on Garvey he walked brings up Ron Cey the hottest hitters in baseball right here say as a Justin is right he is not pulling the ball as much well he carried this park with his back we did part of May late April May 27 home runs in 19 runs batted in 8 home runs his last 19 game that's how hot he is I think it's interesting Joe I was talking to Ronnie before the game said why after all these years did you change used to be a strict pointer he said well I got tired of hitting line drives right at guys in the left side of the diamond getting more experience I'm hitting the opposite way more popped him up Ray Knight says I'll take it he does in the Soto in Cincinnati the inning the Dodgers did not score in the top half the first we go to the bottom half it'll be Collins Griffey and concepción again sensational Fernando Valenzuela [Music] is for me thick and rich enough to support this lovely lady is fully thick and rich enough to hold up this husky hiker but if you want a clean close shave it's more than thick and rich enough now get a free after razor with Gillette foamy how do you get around in all kinds of weather escort ads Arriba VW and Arriba Arriba Goodyear Arriba and all-season radio a steel-belted radial an advanced radio designed for traction all year round even its footprint tells you it's different how do you get around in all kinds of weather Oh a limousine diamonds in arriba arriba only from goodyear the ring side with tomorrow's champion says eighteen-year-old knockout artist Tony Ayala takes on veteran campaigner pat Hallisey plus Boston's Danny long battles the undefeated Alex Ramos tomorrow only I like to wanted the bottom half on the right side because you can really see how he hides that ball and looks away never looks at the batter seems that way he is not a one-dimensional picture we have found that from everyone we've talked to it there's not just a screwball with him and we'll talk more as this game goes along Dave Collins will lead it off in playing right field for Cincinnati and Ken Griffey who's in the center field Dave concepción batting third is George top there's Collins cleanup hitter is the left fielder George Foster Johnny Bench at first base ray Knight at third base Ron ulster bats eighth or seventh rather at second base and Michael berry the catcher and then Soto there was the scoop ball and you saw it break down and away you'll see that happen a lot this afternoon it's ball one that was his hard scoop on when he gets to strike out to Joyce he takes something off it smaller one one out right at Steve Garvey colander I think one of the distracting things about melons whele that helped him is his motion he seems to look up at his bill of his cap as he starts his delivery closes his eyes turns his head and if you're married and got a couple kids at home and you're in the batter's box you'd like to say I'm over here Fernando look at me please emotion you are talking about is exactly the same for every pitch he throw the two kinds of fast balls to curves to school balls ball one everything that could possibly be written and said about a player has been written and said about Valenzuela there was the screwball again Joe to me that is the difference between an ordinary screwball pitcher and a guy like ballons when he throws it to left-handed hitters which some say don't do it because it is breaking your gonna sighs look at his eyes look at him looking at his cap no I just looking at the men was sort of tying at the big Dodger in the sky oh that was a great shot guys camera crew great because it showed exactly if you can oh that was great two balls in one strike he looks at the fill of his cap turns his head and closes his eyes how you gonna hit a guy like that foster foster Brooks is here with us strike two balls and two strikes Foster sang the national anthem here and gave our lineup getting ready for his big golf tournament in Louisville on Monday a one-day tournament you good folks on the Louisville area I know you enjoy we're going to miss it this time we can't make it make it other years it's a dandy foul tip got him [Applause] left-handed here is if you broke down Valenzuela kitchen screwball is number one obviously here is the slider to griffey he had thrown him a couple of screwballs that he filed into the Cincinnati dugout and that's what we meant when he is not one-dimensional the curve slider two kinds of fast balls and two screwball watch his eyes as he looks up with the pill of his cap there they go all right here to the leg rubbing your face and elbow Dave concepción said to us before the game he was going to take the first pitch in hopes that it was a screwball so he could see how big it would break and how hard he throws it baby Judy a first ball hitter but he said he would take the first pitch let's see if he remember taking all the way and there it was [Applause] Sep she'll still leading the league in RBIs with 32 basketball one fall at one strike I asked Gary Royce having a good year himself to the Dodgers what impressed mope about Valenzuela he said his control and I've never seen anything like it for a kid 29 foul I think one of the big reasons Tony he's 20 years old on the first certificate but he's always played against older players and that kind of competition I know I went through if you went through you're really not overwrought by the age factor like you see some of the youngsters would come up two balls and two strikes foster you want to do a couple any three balls and two strikes full count was that Fernando Valenzuela thought he was at Boston that was awesome projects the Louisville place Boston thank you very much for the lineups good luck in a tournament Monday we'd be there next year okay Foster three balls two strikes two hours [Music] another thing they talked about balance with he is an excellent fielder but he gets the ball he knows what to do with it as an excellent movement first base and he can hit one other category is there what else is there that that it being a superstar deep to left field Baker makes the play well hit but not deep enough 1 2 3 4 Cincinnati we complete one inning a baseball here there is no store [Music] introducing the revolutionary twin action shaving system engineered to outperform twin blades the new larell co-wrote attract racer inside three floating heads wrote attract works like twin blades to grip hair raise it up then razor it off hundreds of times a second for a shave that's twin blade close without on Nick or cut the new twin action norelco wrote attract razor cord and rechargeable twin blade closeness but no gotcha now the luxury extras you want even more affordable with Ford's VIPs VIP bruh nada order power steering and get options sticker priced at over three hundred dollars at no extra charge including split bench seats tilt wheel and more VIP Fairmont with up to four hundred and forty eight dollars off the sticker price of a special options package that includes two-tone paint flip up roof convenience console and more VIP Fairmont VIP granada from Ford I can tell a real cowboy from the drugstore kind clean across Texas he wears his hat I'll tell you and the beer that you drank so sure for our giveaway to rob ever spring Clive beer from Miller we love the taste but we surely appreciate that he's got 1/3 less calories than the regular country you see you don't want to be filled up when you're out there punching though I didn't punch that doggie might be a familiar everything you always wanted in a beer unless take a look at Friday's score Dodgers took 12 innings of beat Cincinnati 4-2 to Dusty Baker at a home run and three RBIs Giants beat Houston 6 to 3 hard how extended his hitting streak to 21 games longest in the majors Padres 5 Atlanta 2/5 lost in a row for the Braves Mets beat the Cardinals 9 to 3 exactly a five-hitter Pittsburgh he pulled up his veto on Pasquale Perez his first major league win bunted foul by Guerrero strike 1 Montreal 6 in Chicago 3 and Herman Frank's we talked to him before the game the new general manager the Cubs replacing Bob Kennedy or Herrmann taking on the he had the job as managing now the general manager the American League Cleveland seven Yankees three Blyleven was the winner Baltimore for Detroit to Baltimore they won nine out of ten 18 of their last 21 and singleton at his ninth home out of the year last night Boston 7 Milwaukee 3 5th straight for the Red Sox and the snap the six-game winning streak of the Brewers Minnesota beat Kansas City seven to nothing first win for the new manager Billy Gardner a coach to replace Johnny Goro Oakland six Toronto to the a snapped an eight-game losing streak Chicago 9 California 5 luzinski a two home runs in that game popped up in a short right-field Collins as I'll take it Anita [Applause] that's the second Rosinski that two home runs against Toronto Guerrero is out mike scioscia is the batter so shoe has done a good job catching Valenzuela in fact he's done a good job catching period he put Jaeger and Ferguson both on the bench speaking a little Spanish helps him with melons away immensely down the right-field line it is dripping foul one strike Scioscia has one home run four runs batted in hitting at 261 manny mota coach now for the dodgers pensioner of cars past years talks about social what a tough kid is he said in all my years I've never seen a catcher black home plate like so she does he literally wipe two guys out up and month off put that foot down ball and running arriving at the same time he will not give ground they've got a lot of guy that otters like that oh yeah Gary Carter one one fish it's a strike one ball two strikes Mario Soto is won his last two games both complete games is struck out 16 and his last 18 innings 17 out of 19 now he got one in the first Soto last year was used I think it difficult to do a job but he was using sharp relief long relief and then he started fits just about a hundred ninety eighties and yet he was third in the league and strikeout they would kind of power pitcher he is we call a few years back on the spring training at Apple in Sparky Anderson had him change his grip on different occasions on the fastball go with the seams and make its sake a little R then fill in across the seams and ride it a lot of play when you talk about strikeouts Tony and léa Valenzuela leads with 75 Carleton has 73 and Soto has 54 so you're looking at two of the top three working this afternoon he's getting his cuts two balls and two strikes the count baseball fans I just want to remind you we're going to be doing the College World Series you'll be seeing some of the graduates in this game Kenny Landro from Arizona State for example easy play see that will be a sports Ville presentation welded on q7 gonna be fun we'll be in Omaha Tony and I will be in Omaha to do the College World Series June 7th on sports world here is Darryl Thomas Thomas the super blowout patch for these Dodgers can play in the infield the outfield has even cut some games for him wherever they spring a leak this guy's there to patch it up Daly's playing second because Davey Lopes has a pretty badly sprained ankle got it sliding to the third base dammit against the bag they were leading five to nothing when he stole third and one of the met pictures and really laid a line on him that's created ajust a little bit of bad blood two balls no strike said to him while he was laying there five run lead you're trying to steal third base I hope you heard for a long time shouldn't have set that Davey Lopes is gonna steal everything including his fillings that next time he plays against him why not they don't tell a home run hitter when there's a ten another need hey stop hitting home run do they but you know I asked Davey about that Tony as we look at Darrell Thomas two balls and no strikes slow Davey says there's a reason he said because it's a little guy always steal and even a home run hitter doesn't have control the word he can hit the home on at any time but the base dealer has control and that's what makes them mad because I can steal it any time I want to pre nothing pitch ball for Valenzuela is coming up let's listen to the reaction when he's announced [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's 9 for 27 as a batter a 333 average slugging to 333 is given in two runs Darryl Thomas is on it first jaws are all [Applause] he's become a national hero in Mexico which is obvious effect the radio broadcaster in the Spanish singing Network Jaime harine says they added six new stations in Mexico just for today's game because he is pitching they have twenty nine stations I mean we'll be coming over here and we'll be listening to how they describe screwball and fastball in their Spanish broadcast there's a strike one ball in one strike what an impact he's made this young left-hander Fernando Valenzuela comes from a big family in fact well in time twelve kids one time an entire team in his hometown of Navajo Sonora Mexico was ballons Whelan's uncles or brothers two balls and one strike of the 12 children seven or boys the sort atoll kind of a warm story about this young man the sort of said he was out jogging as Soto and O'Berry discussed it without jogging and two young Hispanic speaking joggers joined him about twelve and fourteen and they recognized that mr. Lasorda mr. Lasorda my father bought a radio we can hear Fernando Saturday become a big hero 3 and 1 the count on Valenzuela now Johnny Bench is going in to say something going Valenzuela did not finish high school he was wanted to go into farming help his folks out but his main goal one of his reach now he wanted to be a major league pitcher whoa Brito the Scout that discovered him and they tell me now there were Scouts all our scouts all over the place and Mexica looking for another Valenzuela Mike Brito excuse me right back to solo nice play he gets him so that ends the inning nice play by Mario Soto we go to the bottom half of the second inning there is no score Dodgers nothing Cincinnati nothing as we look at that replay and he really was very agile getting off that Mound it'll be Foster bench and night against Valenzuela we play in our pool while he works on his his we use HTH while he adds chlorinators and algaecides plus shark treatments save time and money with HTH it's my primary chlorinator algaecide and shock treatment all-in-one HTH the best seller among pool professionals spend less on your pool you'll get more out of it at Transamerica we're out to make your life a little brighter with loans from Transamerica financial with low-cost international flights from Transamerica airlines and even with machines from Transamerica de Laval that help light up whole cities [Music] Deadline Saturday May 30th at Sears the heavy-duty shock is on sale the shock that helps give you comfort and control now only $5.99 each save 40% and while they last 40% off at Sears Sears steel-belted radials the tire with the heritage of the tough roads and our largest dollar savings ever 40% off for great automotive values you can count on Sears to find martial art karate with a flower and flurries of heavyweight boxing and you get the exciting PK a championship bout once it's the incredible brute strength of the world's strongest women in the world powerlifting championships tomorrow on NBC sports world well you're looking by his own description the resident flake on the left Jay Johnstone and the Phenom Fernando Valenzuela hard to describe body is meant you look at his statistics 6450 is first wins earned run errands innings strikeouts completed game shutouts and he goes up the place like munch at all in the cold weather and draws over 40,000 people in the 50,000 gated home he's doing what pickax did not too many years back only place she went the fans came up he'll be facing George Foster no score bottom of the second foster with eight home runs 27 runs batted in hitting 278 [Applause] slow curve I don't think that was a screwball I thought it was a screwball two strikes [Applause] now what will he do two strikes on George Foster the leadoff man in the bottom of the second there is no score right back up the middle II turned over to a ball take [Applause] screw bar look at social where he sets up right on the black and Balan's the whale I hit the target may have slowed it down a little bit Gerald Thomas circles the balls snap throw Eddie Montague at first base understanded any mana use that feeling a lot better maybe looking in today we're very happy for him he spent a lot of years in baseball both cooldowns will hit that hard off the end of the bathroom foster gets fire beef postural head for second to hurt his leg on that he goes to hurt something when agendas he'll hit the bag trying to beat that fallout Valenzuela has picked off six runners this year three have gotten a second because of late throws Larry Starr will now come out the trainer as will McNamara to look and see what happened to Foster so it's an error on Valenzuela as Larry Starr and foster and McNamara have a meeting looking at his calf or his heel if it's the heel it's something he did when he made that last lunge and jumped to try and beat off that fall which he did an injury that we saw last year remember cetain yo Daniel Torres ankle up so severely still bothers him this year at massive surgery [Applause] so now Johnny Bench is up there nobody out fosters at second base no score we're in the second inning he'll be trying to go to the opposite field wait for that screwball and take it that way if he can then I believe a little tongue jamming in tight let's see hurry up inside all one [Applause] [Applause] so far as we look at foster at second base Valenzuela has been averaging 2.2 walks per nine innings a count of two balls and no strikes on Johnny Bench ball three [Applause] his pitching coach Ron perranoski says he'll throw 50% are better screw balls there's this new ball right there [Applause] so we have foster at second benches at first as we look at the Dodger bench money bascomb any more than Tom Lasorda [Music] Ray Knight the batter knighted in 2:54 has four home runs 12 runs better than he's got a nine-game hitting streak going he's 17 for 43 395 average in that streak you think it's early to bunt but say is cheating up at third-base Valenzuela pitches so many low run ball games earned run average them well way below one that McNamara may decide the funnel may it's a strike [Applause] one strike foster at second benches at first [Applause] Dodger defense has been very good behind Valenzuela this year they've come up some big plays first he throws the ball he wants to and he's easy to position yourself behind line foul he also is a fairly quick worker and by that it keeps the guys on their toes you know it's all meow in feeling the guy likes tan house for example who fiddled around on three and two would take four or five steps away from you now for a starting pitcher if you're playing behind if it's a difference to you getting up on your toes and being ready one hundred fifty hundred seventy five pitches a game as opposed to maybe a hundred takes less energy in your concentration it's better behind a guy like this two strikes on rain night [Applause] as we look at Foster's second bench at first Valenzuela with the two strike count still near that strike zone Scioscia said something to him you know what he's looking for right now he got two things to go there he can bust him inside go strike out or the screwball outside if you're a hitter what are you looking for with two strikes he burned up he's looking for anything but the baseball hitters hung up right between the fastball or screwball fastball missed one ball two strikes he also throws a pretty good singer which has gotten him some double play balls for the course of this season [Applause] the Cubs have taken an early lead two to nothing Herman Frank's the new general manager over there Russia misses two balls and two strikes Russell against Burris and the one Chicago two monthly all nothing Boston one Milwaukee nothing and the one Schmitt the young catcher a homerun for the Red Sox Baltimore to Detroit nothing The Simpsons a two-run homer bottom of the second here's where he wants it to happen on 2 and 2 he doesn't want to run that count to three in two here's his pitcher decision right here he's got to throw a strike in a good spot he got him football turned it over took something off that was a hard worker [Applause] [Music] they say to speed slow and fast but I believe that bounds around that screwball about five different speeds not wonder if he really knows then he released the ball which one it's going to be he was way out in front of that ball Tony Joe Garagiola with Tony Kubek here at Riverfront Stadium Michael berry the catcher with one out and base runners at second and at first Foster is at second Johnny bench's at first Ron ulster rather I had O'Berry up there he was the own deck batter foul ball [Applause] posters been straight about well too he's the kind of kid Ostra who does not over swing it's a piece of the ball uses the whole field that might give a guy like Valenzuela trouble nobody's gonna much trouble this year Schmidt beat him on the home run spire hit a home run we show us control and spire at the home run off him Valenzuela came back at the 19th and second and strikes poster is hitting 20 of his last 23 games and he fouls this one off and it's a quick 2 strike count we'll keep you up-to-date on that Boston Milwaukee game as well most of the games all the games is any started when foster beat out an infield hit Valenzuela tried to pick him off who had passed Garvey foster went to second looked like he may have hurt his leg trainer came up but he stayed in the game benches walked night is struck out here's Ulster misses one ball two strikes you've used the word misses about six times with him already in his first well not even two completed when he misses he misses like by an inch and that's all [Applause] one two he got him that's the third strikeout and a second out in this inning and that's what he's been doing when he needs to strike out he gets it when he's a double play gets it Wow last strike out check to see if at the screwball or not no it's not at the curveball and a darn good one darn good one he throws a hard curve and a slow curve said it before we'll say it again he is not a one pitch pitcher that he has command of them all tell you that delivery helps him quite a bit to michael berries the batter very distracting when that pitcher is not looking at you one ball no strikes there's two things that distract you is a batter one of them is a pitcher with glasses who the first thing he does take some off and wipes them in blinks that's scares you and then the other guy is a guy like Valenzuela who doesn't look at you when he's throwing the ball two balls and no strikes well Louis Keon from the right side has a screwball a variety of pitches he did that look the way out the center field look the people who stands Tiant pitched in Mexico before Darrell Johnson call him back if everybody thought he was through I wonder if the kids saw him gonna be good enough pity no people believe Abner Doubleday sautée on he's been around a while bouncing ball he should be out of it Darryl Thomas to Garvey and Valenzuela is out of it after the first two runners get on he gets some one two three we complete 22 baseball it'sa Dodgers nothing Cincinnati nothing and we'll be right back after these messages from your local station Sunday it's a special presentation of Disney's movie classic Pollyanna then on an all-star special vote for your favorite sexy men who rate attend on NBC well sheriff who did it who changed the Olympia beer label there are the ones rumored to make the artesian brewing water that makes Olympia taste so good yes sir and I personally ordered an APB to round up any known and suspected art issues and how many do you have today well not a one but that makes me suspect them all that much more cause they ain't gettin an iron were there pulsar brought America its first digital quartz watch now pulsar goes a bit beyond with an exciting collection of quality quartz watches pulsar technology keeps the prices dramatically low and adds quartz accuracy that goes beyond any other kind of watch unbeatable quality unbeatable prices Pulsar courts always a bit beyond in technology in value Pulsar quartz watches available at JB Robinson jewelers [Music] hair transplants Saturday sex on cue well Bob Hope will have a first day like all of us this year and with a Bob Hope birthday it's a Bob Hope all-star birthday party that's a two-hour special so that means a great night of entertainment let me tell you solo throw the strike some of the people will be there Elizabeth Taylor Mickey Rooney George see Scott Brooke Shields Sugar Ray Leonard Glen Campbell Marie Osmond will help us wish Bob Hope a very happy 78th birthday that's this Monday night on NBC Bob Hope's birthday a Bob Hope special a great night two quick strikes rain night big hop Russell is out brings up Kenny Landro I mean who does the Dodger broadcast is walked into our food and we're gonna let him do the bottom half of the third so you can get an idea behind me how do you describe for example how do you call a screwball in Spanish we have two words for us to ball we have a tornado that's crew and also we call T de Busan corkscrew I like the corkscrew better PETA Busan city Busan I wouldn't mind being crawled out on a beautiful song but a tornado that sounds like knuckleball bossa Landro fouls it off what do you call knuckleball I'm Mattie pasa butterfly is not as for a year butterfly Marty boss that's what you call you're here what I call it the french-canadian goes at the bumper yard I call it a rotten pitch it sends catches back to the screen one strike on land row and there's strike two [Applause] here's the young man Arizona state talking about the College World Series on June 7th Bob Horner a graduate from there Jim Brock is the coach Bobby winkles there Ron Frasier Miami radhe no we're looking forward to the College World Series on sports world on the seventh of June Landro was the California Angels number one draft choice in June of 76 he hit 413 he led Arizona State to the College World Series that year two strike pitch one ball two strikes you've added a lot of stations since mr. Valenzuela came on and seen huh yes we have now 29 stations kirinda games in Mexico about how many spanish-speaking people would that be I will say well at least 50 million in Mexico and 3 million in California two balls and two strikes did you know him before he came to the Dodgers no I met him when he came to Dodgers 1979 no score Kenny Landro two balls two strikes one out three and two as always surprised you yes yes I never thought that something like this would happen I have been through the Sandy Koufax days and Drysdales and Maury wills but nothing nothing like Ballinger easy our County fan Jackson himself and highly with the broadcast in charge you've taken another job you become his official interpreter at all the press conferences is it has been my pleasure to go with him because he doesn't speak a word of English really he understands little bit but he can't speak at all is he thinking about what he's gonna be doing or is he just relaxed and right now I think he's relaxing he's a very low-key kid isn't it very two extremely shy extremely shy he comes through a very humble family but he when he came we were the largest last year he spoke just years and no years and not now he's up in him bouncing ball rain night big hop it's one two three for the Dodgers so we close the bottom half of the third inning it'll be Soto Collins and crippie there's no score and you'll be sure to join is Jaime harine we'll be describing Valenzuela in Spanish we do one thing [Music] a little bite I don't have a joystick [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is an obstacle course and a test of manoeuvrability these new machines are engineered and built by Honda for remarkable handling they're lightweight and compact they maneuver close to edges and have a powerful vacuum action so now there's a 17-inch mower that can go places and do things most boys can't the Honda HR 17 test drive one soon weeds pop up in the strangest places that's why ortho introduced clean up the kill weeds and grasses wherever they pop up without harming the soil weeds in the patio clean it up grasses along fences clean it up and walk clean it up in planting beds even other shrubs kill weeds and grasses wherever they pop up with ortho clean up at ortho our concern for your landscape is always growing [Music] tomorrow on sports world and what you see in there that says that title bout that's really a rematch oaktree Edwards against Ross Scott man Edwards meet to take that crown so it's a grudge match be no-holds-barred in that one I'll tell you and then we're gonna have some of the world's strongest women compete the women's world powerlifting championship tomorrow 4 o'clock Eastern Daylight Time on NBC sports world mario soto takes the first pitch low and high me marine will describe Valenzuela now the way the well his audience will be hearing it thank you thank you Joe along Sonny enters Papa Gator to Fernando Valenzuela monkey kolitar Thunder they convert Peter sagal American and ordinary quetesh he's not doing anything what did you say she's trying to become the first nine game winner pitcher contra pitchers in porcelains a mentos football Alton Serrano the beach hi good fight and Judas say in English better your sounds better in english tonight no but yours is much more romantic I always seem like I see Ricardo Montalban or something when you talk to you they stop it shared along some film for massacre Boris Mario Soto singdam even a VCR would you say he is upset right now the way walked off the mound are you to say so he must be a little upset because she walked the picture you know opening the inning he got trouble in the second inning after then feels single and air and then he walked bench but he got out of it with two strikeouts in the groundout his delivery is so smooth Jaime and he looks up in the air with those eyes yes that's one team that surprises everybody a teaspoon is indeed man especially when he gets him told by the time that he pitch in Houston against Sutton with men on second and third he was always control that he conclude that Tina Busan there was that corkscrew job a bat see the screwball hombre marinara no outs for inserting Almonte cool o-neg another singer the Sascha Murphy and the callings simple serve lanzamiento pen cerrado Celica Sasha [Applause] Soto couldn't find the ball I think another player other than the pitcher might have been down at second base what's towns the breaking ball down and in a curveball Scioscia it's a Waveland I believe Soto is blocked out right there good recovery by Scioscia he really pounced on that ball to me he thought he caught it though Tony and then when he realized he didn't have it he took off codings batando ceccolini la primera vez en su primer to dal baati bream primera listo Fernando lanzamiento ah [Applause] you know because a little over average his fastball and but trick has been striking out some batters with a fastball like my guide in Houston is took him out trance with a fastball because they are waiting for a scuba mr. Fernando lanzamiento Mota supporter self in Guido cannot rota segunda here conceal the toka Mario quando chega [Applause] the second base umpire Randy Marsh yesterday was his first major league game had a tough call because say just flip the ball over to there Thomas to him off the back look at this he may have been off the bag Marsh still is not call the out signal he waited till he was tagged and now Marsh makes the call same game of the Lahti down the ball drifted on darryl thomas tough call for the youngster Marsh who lives right across the river Cummings in Kentucky it's something he's trying that kid that was a good piece of wood bump iron because you could see he was ready to call him safe you bet he did not call it too soon Malathi Eric in Greek are very good both to first a job he showed that in Houston [Applause] otro tira primera Lester Valenzuela yes importa el accidente sorry art intentional pitch out intentionally intentional right what has surprised you the most about van Valenzuela his coolness coolness especially when he is in trouble well he has an idea in this situation with one out one ball no strikes that Collin's is a pretty good base stealer maybe on the move and valenzuela's throwing over trying to hold him close so she's thrown 11 out of 38 trying to steal there he goes buzzer robot up on a date collies [Applause] valenzuela even though he's got a good move traverse he is a little bit slow the whole plate was that high leg kick Collins guessed right cut pitch to throw on but social boundaries [Music] one nice thing about Valenzuela joy is the fact how she has reacted to to the praise in all the all the questions and press conferences around the Liga sir is amazing [Applause] I've seen him only ones with interviews we were in Philadelphia and we've had a press conference at 6:00 6:30 and I went down and he said let's go 6:30 when we walk into the room they were at least 150 people their brother and all the lights going on the cameras as having Casal token fabulous right and he was really shook up he stopped it and took my hand I said hi babe what is this I said well not this not this he said I don't know what I'm going to say said that in just a crazy relax listen the question gone anticipating a question take your time I will translate [Applause] enough to the second question to us fine smiling and everybody was talking that is the only thing that I guess you like I've seen Athena little name's Lily's got another chance right here to get nervous with base runners at first and second and one out and concepción up there he has been unusually wild first Eddie he breezed along he was no balls two strikes very quickly on several hitters but he's been behind second inning and now this has walked two in the third interesting to see if Davy jumps on the first pitch now because he took the first pitch his first time up he's the first ball hitter he wanted to measure the screwball and just want to see what he does this time Oh ception botando hombres en primera segunda listo LP chair simple ISA lanzamiento pata Samaria score segunda again star token del P de primera Noblet me [Applause] there was a bad piece of base running by Griffey who just allowed himself to get tagged by Thomas Tony watch this he thought he could beat it Gerald Thomas made a good play and a good off-balance throw good call by Marsh again the double play so at the end of three no score nothing nothing you need a haircut Jim you need Brylcreem Brill Chris you're your hair short nothing it's a mess it sure is wrong cream so concentrated just a little dab keeps here healthy-looking and in control all day look I'll put a little dab of Brill cream here nothing here see even with the hair blower the broke room side doesn't fly around without Brylcreem hair flies around terrific you're right with Brylcreem a little dab will do ya how do you top America's most popular sports car top it off with our Mustang hot top ten over five hundred dollars of the regular sticker price when you buy a special options package including this exciting thiru get a special deal on mustang vinyl roofs too they are new special value buys on flip-up sun rooms and the classy mustang carriage roof get great deals at your Ford dealer on mustang hot tops but off the field I want to feel nice and dry and I want to smell nice that's why I use speed stick super dry antiperspirant it's the wide stick effective protection with more dryness to help fight wetness and it goes on dry so you can get dressed right away so get on the stick the wide stick speed sticks super dry antiperspirant live Bennett an all new to our Hill Street Blues tempers explode your a trunk a user and a stakeout backfires Tuesday on NBC Jay Johnstone on the lek left Rick Monday on the right all the Dodgers have a new Idol oh it's the sort I thought it was gonna be balance whele massarde his old hat no pun intended Monday and Jay Johnstone Gary Royce they got quite a group in a clubhouse Garvey takes outside ball one Garvey walked his first time up unofficially after three innings over half of valenzuela's pitches have been screwballs this to base it's the ballgame Russell a double in the first infield single by Foster or Valenzuela well here's the left field no doubt about it one nothing Tigers Steve Garvey homerun number four there they are the Dodgers there to greet him to high-fives and did he ever touch one off Tony babies in the second floor they give that head down the arm extension Steve looks like he's backed off the plate a little bet they may have been jabbing him Ray Knight nice play Ron Cey is out he could have done that on dirt and grass try to do blood fall down haven't come right back up I tend to doubt it so the Dodgers have taken a one to nothing lead on the home run by Garvey Garvey is a consistent man with the home runs 70 70 at 33 78 he had 21 home runs 79 he had 28 80 at 26 Guerrero the right fielder flied to right his first time up 1-nothing Dodgers lead fourth inning go on this is the kid Guerrero that some who've seen him play in the minor leagues and last year the Dodgers say his actions are a lot like Willie Mays especially in the outfield at centerfield last year Mario Soto one ball and one strike the count on Guerrero Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Mario Soto the very big guy not a very big guy that throws hard as he does weighs about a hundred and eighty or so right Phil Collins should make the play two outs Guerrero is out it brings up mike scioscia who bounced out second to first his first time up so tone last year you've got a staff here with Cincinnati of course receiver and past arias come on strong in the last couple of years but soda was the pitch name pitcher of the Year by the baseball writers here in town there's a strike Soto is listed at six feet even 185 pounds born July 12 1956 birthplace Bonnie Dominican Republic Mario Soto oh he went after a top limb two quick strikes on Mike Scioscia his delivery shot noise is not as smooth watch he puts what appears to be much more effort into his pitches in Valenzuela but he gets it all together right there with a push off ooh it amazes me the way arm the Sultan particle poster to bench ends the inning but the doctors on a home run by Steve Garvey have taken a one to nothing lead as we go into the bottom half the fourth inning and it'll be George Foster Johnny Bench and Ray Knight for Cincinnati in the fourth they trail by one you know one of the best things about coming to America was that I got to try American beers and I tried them all I won out like this like beer familiar it's got 1/3 less calories in the regular beer that's less filling and it really tastes great that's why I tell my friends from Mexico when you come to America drink Light beer but don't drink the water like beer familiar everything you always wanted in a beer unless we're Exxon we're Bill Welch whose people are finding new ways to discover and produce oil and gas where Tony Wong testing the effect of Arctic ice on offshore oil operations we're Tony Brown making computer maps of promising oil areas we're live in developing a new concept in offshore oil platforms for deep waters we're bob Brophy using satellite photographs to spot new areas which may yield energy we're more than 100 thousand people working on energy we are Exxon here's how to save some money on your homeowners insurance and get some peace of mind too if you want to protect your home and family against fire and burglary State Farm wants to offer you some encouragement install deadbolt locks smoke alarm and a fire extinguisher and get five percent off your homeowners premium with State Farm's home alert program you'll save some money on your insurance and maybe something a lot more important combined martial art karate with a power and flurries of heavyweight boxing and you get the exciting DK a championship bout plus it's the incredible brute strength of the world's strongest women in the world powerlifting championships tomorrow on NBC sports world O'Malley our Fernando Valenzuela you're looking at me from all angles well he still reminds me not Jesse's left hand until the scuba but the delivery looks just like Luis Arroyo Louie Arroyo first saw him with the cart nose became a great believer for the Yankees tops him up put something off Baker makes the play battling his son you could see him fight it [Applause] [Music] relax young man on the screwball the pasta you can see the spin on that that was a great shot as he very nonchalantly watches the flyball what a shock behind home plate you could see that fall turning over and going down you know we go on and on about these shots but picture yourself in the batter's box much like Johnny Bench takes the pitch low and you saw on that close-up how he looks into the cap closes his eyes and then the spin with the full extension of his arm we threw the screwball that got George Foster scooped off one ball and one strike so you read an interesting article early last week and I know you've talked to Carl Hubbell about this young kid because Hubbell was the man and everybody says may have invented the screwball oh that's true did Papa was the man and he talks about the full extension of this valenzuela's arm he said he doesn't put a strain on his elbow or is it and and when you talk screwballs you go into the master when you talk about mr. Carl Hubbell a Hall of Famer and he's just the way he releases the ball is the way humble I guess through the ball Ron perranoski is pitching coach and Bobby to steal who caught the scoop on the ballot on but he said there's no straight on the elbow and the shoulder he does it all with his hand and his fingers and the grip on the ball he's unusually wild that isn't it that's the fourth base on balls that he's given up Johnny Bench twice Tony I alla that tough teenager from San Antonio continues as he goes for the championship that's on tomorrow's champions by a satellite from San Remo Italy I alla hasn't lost a match in ten years it's only a teenager now also on the car to be a middleweight alex ramos record is unblemished that's tomorrow three o'clock Eastern Time on tomorrow's champions by Allah Ramos three o'clock Eastern Time Ray Knight was out on strikes his first time up one ball to count my Nando has struck out three he is walked for McNamara likes to hit and run with Knight wanted old count there's one double play nice play by Garvey a double play got the ground ball here's a replay on it and Darryl Thomas once I show you is gone again I'm Tony Blair to reach to the bog close the brother wasn't there everybody's raving what kind of defense these guys are playing so that ends the fourth anyway gone trip 1 nothing Dodgers see all your favorite country stars in a song billed to our special from Nashville celebrating 50 years of country music Saturday on NBC [Music] how about a beer [Music] the original [Music] of all the practical reasons for owning a Fiat x19 the best one is how it makes you feel [Music] running out of patience a special report Monday at 10:00 on channel 5 a game in a moment this is one of the tougher assignments from beautiful san remo on the Italian Riviera hi everybody I'm Marv Albert and we'll be with you tomorrow and next Sunday on sports world with more of tomorrow's champions exciting boxing featuring such undefeated youngsters as Tony Aiello Johnny bumpass Alex Ramos and Davey more and from a homeland of Joe Garagiola we say salute back to baseball well marvel but you said that salute like you were trying to say eat your heart out dares y'all and I don't blame you sound remotely that's where Marv Albert would be there as you heard him say you'll see him tomorrow next weekend tomorrow's champions boxing Soto pitching to Darryl Thomaston Valenzuela and Russell fly ball deep right field college back to the wall Dodgers lead to nothing [Applause] so a couple of homeruns garvey leading off the fourth with nobody out now Gerald Thomas leading off the fifth Mario Soto allowed just three base hits to have been of these kind over on catcher Michael berry knew it was gone you could see his reaction Collins back to the wall that's well over the fence now it's Fernando Valenzuela who rounded back to Soto in the second inning imagine audience of almost 50 million people in Mexico listen to the Mexican spanish-speaking broadcasters several million in Southern California good swing by Valenzuela one strike I think that story you told about him going to that clinic was something manny mota said that they went to the spanish-speaking section of Los Angeles for clinic Valenzuela came along with a police escort looked like a presidential motorcade way up high one and one then police escorts people running alongside to protect Valenzuela from the throngs they just want to touch him them yet helicopters hovering over his car for crowd control he's become a national hero one in one no house foul ball coaster that's one down Valenzuela pick what his Donnie is showing away not to get biblical but a little child shall lead us he has just shown him the way that there is opportunity and you can do it and he's giving hope tremendous story Bill Russell with the double of a groundout the fifth Dodgers lead to nothing and it's funny with greatness ghost humility a nicer kid you wouldn't want to meet one strike to Russell little loopers shark centerfield Rafi breezes now he comes then no chance to play on the Texas leaguer rustles hours a second to feel booze for Griffey and some people thought he should have had it but he had no chance on the ball Tony the Red Sox lead Milwaukee 3 to nothing at the end of 3/4 nothing now Soto pull the string off the end of the bat while we have a chance as we look at this replay Griffey taking on the big bill as case used to say the big hop we're gonna remind you this telecast is presented by authority of Major League Baseball intended solely for the private non-commercial use of our audience any publication reproduction retransmission or other use of the pictures descriptions and accounts of this game without the express written consent of Major League Baseball our Fernando Valenzuela is prohibited he puts his inform on Toronto you can do it what kid Landro one strike bellows Dutch Rennert be idle plate Baltimore three Detroit one into for the census of home run Flanagan against Rosenbaum snap throw by Soto Russell back in time with one down bomb back for Toronto Keough for Oakland everybody else the American League tonight and the Cubs and Montreal are tied 2-2 bottom of the fourth one ball one strike that is Dutch Rennert there's your score Dodgers two Reds nothing at Garvey home run at Thomas home run Valenzuela has allowed just one hit to the Cincinnati ballclub then feels single by George Foster Dutch Rennert behind home plate and an off day on Thursday went home to see his family what did he do let's see a double-header college baseball University Wisconsin Tosh koshkin to Brussels off and running fouled off by Lander he had a good job one ball two strikes one out Landro has grounded out twice no this spring there was some doubt as Russell went back to first base about Russell's condition he and hurt that finger hit by pitch ball last year on his throwing hand and had some surgery I think still looks awful but he's able to throw he's been able to swing the bat that well been in a slump one ball two strikes one out hopped out of play foul [Applause] Landro starting his major-league career with the Angels organization then the Minnesota Twins grew up right in the shadows of Dodger Stadium mandro had the longest hitting streak in the major leagues last year with 31 consecutive games in the twins bench bobbles the ball steps to the bag out now they've got Russell hung off there's no farce defense Kenan guess he did double play let's trade that feel like he's cooling his hole I stepped on the bag got rid of the ball so so Toph it's his daughter for not after what rot going to the bottom of the fifth no score through the red poster O'Berry and Soto for Cincinnati outside the sea throws who an angry come home fighting but below there's comfort introducing new role comfort pipe tobacco now you can take comfort in knowing there's a good tasting aromatic pipe tobacco specially blended to smoke cool to always satisfy pipe after 5 after pipe new royal comfort if it's a cool smoke your seat take comfort this is clear solid lucite tough durable made by dupont to last wouldn't it be great of a paint gave you this lucite house pay does the same basic ingredient in solid lucite is a key ingredient in the produce on so it's tough durable mater resists peeling and cracking made to last Musa a long-lasting paint based on our sambar deer from DuPont now save three to five dollars or more on lucite at participating stores and every day it grows you know there's so much more to you than anybody know specialist Kevin Crowley is working with tomorrow's technology in the Army's newest tank the laser determines target range and feeds it to the computer it's just incredible Don Sutton of the Astra's said that the catcher Mike Scioscia has had a lot to do with the success of Valenzuela we asked Scioscia what he does when he goes to the mound to talk to Fernando Valenzuela I go out to the mound and I say Fernando food beer and light beer and he nods and says see and I go back and call pitch we want another game I don't know you figure it out he's putting on folks because Scioscia speaks Spanish and he can communicate with Fernando poster O'Berry Soto schedule Dodgers lead two to nothing bottom of the fifth fouled out of play I'll tell you what that screwball is on the minds of these centers so much that when he does throw a fastball he looks like he's throwing 100 miles an hour and they can't get around on it I think the reason Jose and you'd know better than I would have you gonna catch her that screwball is a pizza can embarrass you and bouncing Gurjeet in Sweden since paulie's factory mind makes you defend Airy jamming inside fans know Russell have a tough throw he will not get it he tried to plant his foot of the artificial surface of games then he couldn't get the hand on he drew nigher the off the bag scored a base hit here's the replay you see him trying to plant that foot but once he did that he lost the plane even the ball sailed when the right foot slipped when he tried to plant it he get a full side arm and he looked like he cut it and the ball sailing away as you said so now it's Mike Oh Barry Oh strip first second base hit off balance whale up both in the infield one by Foster in the second and this one by Oh stir [Applause] fouled off put a ball bearing one strength they described in so many ways but I think Dusty Baker had a real good one he says I'm in the outfield but I've seen the ball do things that mathematically it shouldn't whatever that means it's just he is so deceiving mathematically or whatever he just does tricks with it posters at first two strikes the count now on Mike O'Berry with soda on deck Wow last year the lookie picture of the year was Steve Howey left-hander for the Dodgers year before that Rick set foot a Dodger pitcher Belen's Layla keeps going I'd have to say you've got a chance with what does that Iraq before if it should happen he keeps going he's gonna win everything most valuable players siyoung probably be on a $20,000 pyramid everything one ball two strikes Mike O'Berry with a runner on first scuba save Joe Cincinnati has runners on first and second they trailed by to show town schedule he will confirm with McNamara he's going to put up a pinch-hitter I believe I thought maybe you might believe so to end the sacrifice the runners along got back to sit down here's the replay on it and it's right between saying Bill Russell it's a base hit [Music] [Applause] jokerz y'all at tony kubek Riverfront Stadium in Cincinnati we are in the bottom of the fifth the Dodgers lead two to nothing mottos two single Mike mulberries single Soto they hit it with 2 min I've Valenzuela threw the ball he did not have to it has not a balk the second base Soto up there he's going to try and bunt say now wants to confirm for his third base spot along with Scioscia behind the plate with Valenzuela and a bunt situation but back to Marek also go back and I've got a belief so does not that bad of a hitter to say listen if they're charging too hard and put you on your own we may have you trying we may have you try and slap it by someone yeah well well Mac while McNamara is doing that what they're saying is beer light beer and food that screws up all the strategy the Dodgers made their two runs on home run one by Garvey in the fourth and one by Darryl Thomas oh Stern Michael berry on bass for the Reds no outs soaked on the hitter there are your runners Cincinnati trails by two they are charging at the Carter Russell's going to third right play was on a runner Oh stretch second base had plenty of room to do what he wanted to because Darryl Thomas went to first Russell went to third as Garvey and say charge now you've got to be alive in for your base runner for the same kind of trick play Russell going to third but Darryl Thomas sneaking behind for a pickoff we've seen these trick plays I don't fire time and time again some teams have as many as a half a dozen in this kind of situation yeah they finish in the second division one strike fouled off by Soto no balls two strikes he broke off the mound in good shape that time Valenzuela was going towards third which is [Applause] the way you make the play here's the replay watch him as soon as he delivered that he heads to the third base there he goes he has a feel for this game called instinct if you want that is difficult to teach on to the Soto again he gets it [Applause] Oh here's the replay shown amazing a perfect cut they hung the kid off the hump Valenzuela up with a trick play Joe that backfired with nobody covering first-base Dusty Baker from right field trying to hustle it and cut this off but they hung the kid up sir arrow from right field tech cap once he gets to Paul he has to fire it and he was sure at Garvey would be there and you can see that he realizes only after he threw it what he had done wow he's got one thing to do is he said Joe come up throwing and with Thomas story the second base is going to be probably a sacrifice no time in fact for Soto and err on the picture Valenzuela but the trick play backfires on the Dodgers one ball one strike now on Collins what a way to take the lead for Cincinnati we [Applause] you talk about wholesaling some runs a really wholesale Lowe's jobbies but they count just as big as the other two on home runs took advantage of a weakness the kid was hung up he fired it to first base nobody was there that was in [Applause] and here's a face feeling fresh three base hits in the inning appellant whele you're going to get a pretty good idea what ticks inside this juncture right now because the three runs and scored directly attributable to him because he threw the ball into rise feel and you can say what you want but it's a one [Applause] at first Valenzuela has been behind the ballgame just once this season before this situation one strength touch hunter nobody out in the bottom of the fifth Reds have scored three Collins being held by Garvey 20 year-old kid Fernando Valenzuela right to the grippy now they have given a hit to Soto and an error so no sacrifice no RBIs of course Carlos there are three runs home no balls two strikes go out Valenzuela pitch to the Gryphon therefore you struck out and walked 1 & 2 Dave Palin's that single right now has been on base 37 of 38 games played this season started 22 though [Applause] [Music] [Applause] with another stolen face Gerald Thomas back in the playoff so she is reputed to have a good arm job but he's not so well twice today there's an intimidation factor here he had a pretty good ball a handle ball was up and city got bring the ball and he too quickly they just stood right into the ground Collins was up and ready to go but Daryl Thomas prevented by back in the play up college now 11 stolen bases in 17 attempts this season Trippi with no house would like to pull the ball on the right side pops it up maybe play a ball [Applause] does the divers dugout sometimes play help out the grippy we'll get another shot I'm talking to Johnny Bench before the ballgame we're trying to recollect last time a looking picture there is they sorta mom to you at all but he was trying to recollect remember when a young pitcher had this kind of success early he mentioned the name right here since that he Wayne Simpson the young right-hander who was 13 and 1 at the all-star break one here then hurt his arm two balls two strikes scuba pitted piles about all a left-handers can do with it breaking in on his fess [Applause] kahlan's at second nobody out let's leave three two - or the bottom of the fifth [Applause] it is a hot day I'm sure balanced way line is country Mexico has seen days as hot as missing the hotter soon to groundball grippy does an excellent job getting the runner college the third Garbi will take it an assistant and now with one out chef Cowan oh he's the league in RBIs I believe now the gods will have to feel it feel it at least halfway Russ Nixon the third-base coach [Music] looking for a flyball and you've always got the possibility of the suicide squeeze or safety squeeze remember three in a row ladies going to swing the back he'd get my best breaking screw fall on a very first pitch right here Collins at third base got to keep the ball down he's got to keep it away from him Davey's a first ball fastball hitter popped up from the right side Gerald Thomas with the glasses down motions Guerrero off he's got it out number two he's got a fastball up and in he jammed him didn't get around on it [Applause] here's the motion that he throws at you and I tell you he hides the ball well so it all away you may not see it when it starts out but he follows it off that bat we've seen that reaction a couple of times George Foster infield single in the second fly ball just got under it in the park the left field - up [Applause] the rain delay in Boston and no walk you rather [Applause] with a fastball ball wine college the third Red Sox are lenient in that game six to nothing Schmidt a home run screw ball off the end of the back line foster you can see that confidence that Valenzuela has in the screwball one ball no strike he went to it to the cleanup hitter Foster watch the rotation on his ball here's that last pitch [Applause] see the seam spin it away from one ball one strike two outs buster fastball he crash he shaved the run he got an excellent job he was playing foster deep but the rats come up with three runs to Phase three base hits across the air after 5 3 2 to Cincinnati through up Dusty Baker Steve Garvey and Ron save the Dodgers 1 2 3 or 5 trouble spots like these are what separate Gillette actual from all ordinary razors the reason the a trumpet it keeps the blades at a perfect shaving angle giving you a better shave than any razor that can't do it how many more reasons do you need to let action the pivot makes it better Gillette when it comes to shaving we give you the edge right guard knows a man needs all the protection he can get that's why a man needs right guard guard has a male effectiveness formula so strong no matter which right guard you choose it helps stop on man's perspiration odor all day long a man works hard but right guards works harder now there's new hard-working right guard solid to wherever you live whatever you need to trim home lights string trimmers give you that finishing touch because after home light gives you quality home light gives you a choice with lightweight electrics and powerful gasoline trimmers all with automatic string advance we've got trimmers that turn into blowers and trimmers that become brush cutters there's even a trimmer you can operate with one hand so whatever you need to trim wherever you need to trim it get a home light string trimmer for the finishing touch find in the 6th Mario Soto now with a 3 to 2 lead dr. Zin Valenzuela plays Baker Garvey and say Tony while we got a chance in Soto's taking a little bit of time there we're talking both manager Tom Lasorda and to John McNamara here's John McNamara's son graduated from University of San Diego tomorrow his daughter Susan graduates on Wednesday wish some congratulations long distance most orders worried about his mother-in-law sue Miller thinking about here is wife Joe down in Greenville the Greenville Memorial so it's a big game but there's still plenty human Baker tries to catch night back and he missed the bunt one strike [Applause] well here's a situation in Cincinnati Reds three Dodgers two Dusty Baker Steve Garvey Ron say the top of the sixes score let's three Dodgers two two home runs by the Dodgers Garvey and Thomas the dirt two balls one strike the Baker runs off Valenzuela in the fifth postern infield single O'Berry with a single to left and so two on two strikes Bona tried to sacrifice Valenzuela and thus Garvey on deck to the ball the first to get the runner but nobody was covering on a trick play that backfired and Soto came all the way home from home plate two runners ahead him tonight couple of hot slow throw beds with a great strike the flag nice play by Johnny feds here's that play Tony was talking about now watch the punt by Soto Valenzuela breaks over there and it's such a good fun he has to come up throwing but the trick play really put him in a jackpot nobody is there and Darryl Thomas actually had to run the ball down here's the play that brie Knight just made on Baker but bench gets the star on that play look at him stretch that takes a lot of guts to over the lines they've got bearing down on you like that now it's Garvey with a walk to the first a home run to the fort one ball Mario Soto pitching the Garvey bench is playing first base because of the hand injury to Driessen but recently those kind of plays stuff to get back just out of the reach of concepción foster on the side of the conservative funded on Garvey will try for two Garvey hit a really good pitch he went down what looked like a slider loan away so he's on with a double there it is Wow there's a case of a good hitter hitting a good pitch too many times I know when I listen to game they say a hanging curveball that was a good pitch Rhett's 3 Dodgers 2 top of the sixth Ron say now is over to the ball game popped out grounded out Garvey's had a nice day a walked a home run and a double he made that double from the home plate show he never stopped running saw the balls to the glove side of Foster and it was bobble he kept on running and they give it an error no they can't get off can't get an air on that one one out say his last eight seasons averaging 89 RBIs 199 femoral runs most by Los Angeles doctor he has a thick cut of a solo fast ball one strike [Applause] Ron say looks to me like he just has complete control of that strike zone he said he gotten the pitchers gotten a pattern of keeping the ball away because he tried to pull everything the sky wasn't getting the ball inside in the homerun pitch but now that I'm throwing the opposite away hit a ball occasionally the right-field they're starting to change their pattern and come inside he expects to hit more home runs cuz they're gonna he's making the pitchers go out of the pitching pattern go balls to strikes a [Applause] he has been a steady little performer with the bat for this ball club close I've noticed many times bait grabbing to find your last year Garvey SoDo just met they thought they had the pitch below the 1 ball 2 strike say very disciplined is a very small strike zone boy two umpires hate that as we look at Steve Garvey at second base when a pitcher stares and then walks around the mound and the catcher holds the ball for you one ball two strikes one out Reds 3 Dodgers 2 each team is 5 bases [Applause] [Music] Slyder hit deep to left centerfield goofy back to the wall the Dodgers take three run this time rod say with Garvey Hannibal number 200 per se as he steps on the plate there hold on [Applause] one ball and two strikes and here's the pitch again it looked like it was down maybe even away and it was on the fat part to bat and he got it he really extended the arm Griffey goes as far as it can go and then just watch it part of three the Dodgers lead over the red bar one the Guerrero doctors are still busy giving high-fives over there look at him ready Smith million picture now Valenzuela Burt who very quietly he's gone six it all all the publicity this year the spies been through Valenzuela for the best records baseball what I want Pedro Guerrero Popeye videos for hours on Garvey night to hospitals luck bench out number two [Applause] Joey mentioned Kyle Hubbell and brings mind talking about Valenzuela again a lot of people have said that he's too young to throw the pitch is gonna hurt his elbow and I think what you said up the Hubble said before that was a nice easy motion of delivery he is so fluid chances are he will not hurt his arm but there been some pitches he threw the screwball pitch from way up in her 30s and early 40s we had a great one in st. Louis Harry routine hood scoop so she's grounded a second twice one bomb valenzuela Mike Marshall few screwball his late 30s Warren Spahn through screwball in his 41 or 42 Johnny Sain through it late 30s McGraw is still throwing it Philadelphia one ball one strike with two outs Dodgers four Reds three Mike Scioscia fouled out of play I guess defeat that stands out in baseball historians mind most regarding the screwball pitches the time Hubbell struck out there's Ron perranoski the new pitching coach Pepe Frias talking dude they said right there by Scioscia [Applause] that all-star game on Hubble struck out all those American leaguers Ruth Lou Gehrig Fox Cronin and Simmons Simmons Al shebanski no walking you bet that's a pretty cut line up the strikeout that'd be the kind of five guys coming up there and six that we should get a long-distance call in the middle of them Darryl Thomas with a home run on the walk in this ball game facing Soto with two outs and so first bench playing behind the runner [Applause] Darry ballclub I'm not every ballclub but should have a guy like Thomas I picked last year John Wathan with the Kansas City Royals he was a designated hitter and right dinner and left fielder a catcher first base with a pinch runner Thomas is that kind of player he's always ready when you need him he does whatever you want does it well Dutch Rennert one ball one strike let's play behind social first with two outs lavish four rods three Pence is behind soda got his signals crossed though space will be stepping out of throwin let's just step off the rubber first second AC don't happen or third billfish is going to come out and talk to him because if there's anything that upsets say there's the block of course he's got to fill it there's anything upsets the picture is when they screw up like that because that's page two of the pictures bruh how to pitchbook there's always make sure where your players are all ya do was look as he fence behind him and you might recall I don't know if you showed the shot on the air but you saw from a pier of course before these two pitches were thrown to Thomas bench yelled out to him and held his hand up and said hey I'm playing behind but after two pitches Soto forgot Paul Moscow begins to loosen up now second Balch of the season for Soto now spouse coming off that shoulder surgery helped us out laughter the World Series telecast with Tom Seaver very extensive charts for him - one the Thomas [Applause] so shut second after the ball [Applause] two of the one that made better change-up and she has so much confidence in it has balanced oil I hat doesn't his screwball count those two balls two strikes two outs Los Angeles Dodgers for Cincinnati Reds three were in the top of the sixth [Applause] pile up Dodgers took the to nothing lead home run in the fourth by Garvey leading it off home run to the fifth by Thomas leading it off been in the fifth-most her single O'Berry a single a cooped up bunt play where the ball was thrown by Valenzuela in the right seat with nobody covering first-base and so told him all the way home with two runners ahead of fouled off again [Music] this city ground off by Baker double by Garvey's say with a home run to give the lead to the Dodgers once again four to three that's how it stands right now two balls two strikes two outs Thomas the hitter facing Soto [Applause] [Applause] it's all acrobatic catch by Soto whose social routing parfaits so Johnny been flame in last week backhanding and here it is Joe he back hands in and off as well but instinctively him to still try to make the play and Soto a real Acrobat on this play look at that nice play Tigers did come up with two runs a home run by Ron Cey third for the Dodgers we go to the bottom section of scored I just 4 X 3 Ford has some hot news for vampires no matter how you slice it for 1981 Ford is out front again Ford's out front design gives more turnaround room inside plus unbeaten estimated mpg and the best highway rating of them all and Ford backs all this up with big payloads - yes when you put it all together you get one tough van out front where it counts is it any wonder Ford's America's best selling ban [Music] at Transamerica we provided affordable life insurance for four generations with occidental life we give you great travel values with France America Airlines and budget weather car we even make sure life's little surprises won't put a hole in your budget Arnie my favorite Transamerica insurance agent [Music] yes hey orga think we have that information these busy executives in three different cities are all at the same conferences a teleconference checks out they solve their problems without leaving office the world's most advanced information management system that reduces travel cuts costs gets more done you are also a part of the network use it put our knowledge to work for you the information management network from Bell well the gentleman on the left is farming manager Walter Alston watching the game with his son-in-law and the lovely ladies Ginny Ozark wife with Danny Ozark Dodger coach is on her way to see her fan baby oh my G next Saturday on our game of the week the doubleheader Kelly ball will debut a national network TV both anaise to the Toronto take on the Blue Jays then Cincinnati Reds against the rivals the same team you see today the Los Angeles Dodger baseball's on his team at this point next week our game of the week a doubleheader starting at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time right here on NBC sports Valenzuela the face bench night and poster in the bottom of the sixth unofficially Fernando has thrown 73 pitches 35 screwball that's about half one strike to bench [Applause] the theft there were four consecutive hits on Valenzuela all singles Frank to the bench first time in history given the Soto is debatable in my mind nobody was covering first-base two strikes on bench Valenzuela way ahead he drills a scoop on the right field good piece of hitting my pads nice play by Guerrero holding him to a single he was looking scuba we were with two strikes or at least looking to go the opposite way so benches on leading off the sixth for Cincinnati that just had two walks and now a single or right right around 300 since he's been playing first base now it's night with a strikeout in a double play [Applause] my love Johnny fence breaking on that plan he had himself a pretty good jump had tonight not fall that pitch off I doubt associative been able to get him you know you take Johnny Bench for granted over there and Garvey is now saying something to Valenzuela bench had 13 stolen bases at me back in 76 but the element of surprise right there he felt that balance a little is not watching him closely one strike on night Rogers for reps three [Applause] two strikes Gaspar okay still the man who talked Fernando Valenzuela the scuba Jerry Forrester also down the left-hander Garvey steps on the bag does not flip he's got been shut up now Russell's got the ball woof he can't get out of the store look at Palin's whele backing up the play and his looks supposed to be he's lucky to hold on to that ball because right in the weapon Russell had a little problem getting it out of his weapon and it looked like bench was going to beat the play he alertly stopped when he saw Garvey step on a watch it now now here's where Russell has a little problem getting it out right there he throws it by Thomas and Aires Valenzuela nice play by the youngster say if Thomas gets the ball benches by him there's no chance for playing fellows whele very alertly coming over the back to play he looks like he's played this game for 20-30 years two outs fly ball by poster right centerfield Guerrero is having trouble he makes should've been routine oh no the Sun biling above the wind currents but anyway those royal pitches out of it it's all after 6:00 here in Cincinnati the score divers for registry threw up Valenzuela Russell and row we'll be right back these messages from your local station it's Bob Hope's birthday and Marie Osmond Sugar Ray Leonard Brooke Shields Mickey Rooney Glen Campbell Mary Martin George C Scott and 42nd Street joined the celebration Monday [Music] there you go [Music] mijin [Music] just when you thought Seiko had done it all Seiko creates new wonders dual display alarm chronograph with day and water-resistant alarm chronograph with single button control for each function solar alarm chronograph with batteries recharged by the Sun and cycles first alarm countdown timer for women will Seco wonders never cease see them when you see this sign Seiko watch is available at smart jewellers [Music] running out of patience a special report Monday at 10:00 on channel 5 joe kerala with Tony Kubek here in Cincinnati where the Los Angeles Dodgers lead the Reds by the score of 4 to 3 in other baseball Toronto at Oakland bomb back against Kiel the scheduled pitchers Boston 6 Milwaukee nothing they've got a rain delay over there bottom of the sixth Torres against lurk Schmidt a home run and Baltimore 5 Detroit one at the end of six Stewart against Bailey both in relief Texas at Seattle Chicago at California Minnesota Kansas City and Cleveland the Yankees tonight Hobbs in Montreal are tied 2-2 at the end of six bursts against Russia everybody else tonight Valenzuela takes it high it's ball one Fernando Valenzuela Dutch Rennert booms it out one ball at one strike you'll soon be seen a poster of Valenzuela much in the Farrah Fawcett mold didn't take long didn't get it one ball and two strikes the Dodger defense turned over three double plays so far Soto who is trailing by one Dodgers for Cincinnati three next week same two teams from Los Angeles Johnny Bench big hop I might add Tony if there is baseball next Saturday what do you think hot ability of the strike happened on the big night of 28 riding I'm optimistic okay I don't care what mr. greevy and mr. Miller are saying publication I think they're talking too much to lose for both sides and the issue in my mind is not not big enough it's a matter of each side letting the other side have save a little face and they can work it out guarantee if mr. Steinbrenner and or and or mr. Edward Bennett Williams run the bargaining table would be settled down a half hours time and have it over with her you are to strike your ask mr. Cooper a quick question you get an answer well do you think there's going to be strike no I did I I keep hearing as pessimistic stuff and I don't know there is John McNamara with Harry Dunlop one of his coaches Mary was on that great 1952 Pittsburgh pirate team that lost a hundred and twelve games Russell fouls it back Russell doubled in the first inning bounced out third to first in the third he single dissenter in the fifth he's 2 for 3 good fastball that's the second strikeout for Soto second out the inning and don't forget our seventh-inning stretch coming up our feature Robin Roberts today Brussels having such a difficult time keeping his right hand on the bat we told you about that surgery on his finger he's usually pretty good contacted it but that hand flies off I don't think he's got really good control yet deal with that right hand of that sore finger there pretty good pitch by Soto he really got him up in a row Landro take plenty of time which seemed to be upsetting to Soto Landro bounced out second to first in the first inning bounced out to the first baseman unassisted in the third hit - a double play in the fifth Landro may have been trying to give Fernando Valenzuela a little bit more of a breather on the bench two balls in those strikes we understand there are some audio problems so there's nothing wrong with your set so just leave it where it is follow the picture three you know Dusty Baker doctors called the on deck batter Dodgers for Cincinnati three top of the seventh there is the strike Dutch Frederick's got a chance yeah I know plate to lose a few pounds today mmm sepcial had him played perfectly in time three up three down shall we go into the bottom half of the seventh inning the score the Dodgers for Cincinnati 3 now here's another installment of the seventh-inning stretch one of the great pictures Old Spice present brought to you by Old Spice aftershave and Cologne the fresh clean masculine scent women la la Robin Roberts had such an easy motion that his smoking fastball was a constant surprise in the early 50s Robin accomplished six consecutive 20 victory seasons for the Philadelphia Phillies he led the National League 5 times in innings pitched and complete games twice in strikeouts and shuttles because he had such supreme control of his pitches batters never worried about being knocked down and they always dug in on Robin his career total of five hundred and two homers allowed his Robins only major league record Robin powered the Phillies to an improbable pennant in 1950 but most of his 19 years were spent with losing ball clubs and whenever a ball game came down to one pitch nobody was ever tougher than Robin Robins [Music] a little Old Spice has a lot of rewards bold spices the clean fresh masculine scent so many women love so even if you love only one woman your love all the spice the man sent so many women love [Music] Bob Trumpy one of our football announcer here watching this great game of baseball you mean the controversial Bob Trumpy with that talk show lovable well ol Bob Bob Trump is a Good Housekeeping Seal right on his nose one strike to counter no Barry you've got a pinch hitter coming out in the on-deck circle I'll to two strikes Jarvan trying to think of the number of balls there's Sam Mejias on deck there have not been that many balls it hired off Valenzuela fence drill one the right field a hard ground ball through the left side aside from that not a whole lot an error hurt him one ball two strikes is one of those trick play job I you pet peeve okay barn in the line hey and Garvey one foot all but on the line fastball misses Garvey at first and say it third really guard the line I know what the manager say they say I don't want the ball between my third baseman and the bag we saw it yesterday ball hit two saves left it went for double on this artificial surface they say [Applause] but guy can't play off two steps you cover that something's wrong Oh Perry's not gonna pull the ball a whole lot [Applause] I'll back O'Berry in the first and he bounced out that the second baseman then in that fifth inning he singled the left between Russell and say Bernardo what Oh Barry's looking at watch those eyes they knocked me out look at that looking straight up now he picks up the batter walking tying on his arm that is the fifth walk given up by Valenzuela and coming into today's game we had only average 2.2 [Applause] [Music] yes we've been a hot pinch-hitter for McNamara now batting for Soto against left-handers this year at Mejias has been 5 for 8 [Applause] 3:33 average [Applause] misses it trying to bunt strike one I'll tell if he gets the ball down either Sarah Garvey and Fernando Valenzuela pretty good feeler with Albury running at first base they'd have a pretty good shot and that wouldn't surprise me if they did put a switch on him Swank gonna but again right back to the picture Valenzuela goes to second say one thing about dolls well he came up drawing O'Berry had to have a pretty good jump off the bag a couple of high hops he's gone for the lead Runner all the way Russell taking the throw muscles off the bag he pulled him off the bag just a little bit another tough cost about three that Randy Marsh and the second big league baseball game he's had down at second well associate trying to set him down now Valenzuela you can see headed in mind all the way he was going to go to second base and get that lead man lays like that mr. Rick used to call errors of enthusiasm the sort of Pascoe Joe Ferguson from left to right on the Dodger bench Dixon with a talk with Colin the right side off Valenzuela they're looking for a buck once again Forrester on your right to steal on your left the score rules that a sacrifice for my he is no Bonnie out Dave Collins who is 1 for 3 line to first into a force play and singled Garvey is starting to charge hard [Applause] strike one no trick plays that time Joe Russell was holding his position shark Thomas was going to first buries it second way he assisted first a walk tool berry has sacrificed by Mejias it's a 4 to 3 ballgame the Dodgers out in front we're in the bottom of the seventh there's the trick plate and nothing happened ball one one ball one strike Russell breaks for third think about this play joie de vivre second base in occupy that's the play that I think Boyer Pete Boyer and Brooks Robinson made so well they would get the lead runner at second he's still on a double play first McClure one ball and one strike Dave Palin what Barry's at second Mejias is at first nobody out two balls in one strike here at Riverfront in since Valenzuela in trouble he's got a one-run lead with the Reds at threatening there he is he'll bury at second but he is the pinch-hitter at first two balls and one strike the count on Dave Collins a tough man to double up Dodgers three home runs one bike Garvey one by Thomas and a two-run homer by Ron Cey bunt it down the third base line saves only play to first base in beautiful fun there's been no official time at bat charge in this city so far and grippies up there now with a chance to give me Cincinnati Reds the lead Oh berries walk where he is and sacrifice and now his sacrifice by Colin an oddity that you just said no official bat a sacrifice fly right here could tie it up and they would still not be an official time to pack ken griffey he struck out in the first and he walked in the third and he bounced out to the first baseman unassisted in the fifth Dodger infield aside from sayeth dirt they're playing back at this point anyway there's some teams will have their men creep in time on the field with a ball loose from the Dodger bullpen [Applause] you play it on the face it sneaks through runner scars for second base - this way you can knock the ball down even though you give the tie run up it's going to be taken up [Applause] heading for thirties Mejias he'll make [Applause] the game has been somewhat of a struggle for Valenzuela today has controlled enough flyball right field sacrifice flies scoring the tying run Valenzuela knows right what to do its midway between home and third to backup the play the ball caught off and Guerrero by Russell the shortstop and we still don't have a time it back Dave concepción with Mejias 2/3 and the score tied at four apiece [Applause] out of play strike one [Applause] Dixon the third-base coach of Mejia down the third-base [Applause] strike two he got the infield back you wouldn't expect the bunt try and beat it out for face set with two outs and try and score the run there is the defensive alignment good job today by our producer Harry Cohn our director Harry Karl producer George Finkel and on you cameraman love the shot when they get those eyes and that screwball turning over you can see the scene [Applause] Russell in time NZ innings so at the end of seven innings of baseball here in Cincinnati Dodgers for Cincinnati four and due up for lost Sanchez will be Dusty Baker Steve Garvey Ron Cey the middle of the lineup there's one tire that dominates America's racetracks it's good years racing Eagles and now we've tamed our Eagles for the streets as a new line of high-performance radios Eagle NCT our ultimate performance regular eagle GT already chosen as the optional radial on the 1981 corvette eagle st with performance that belies its prices the eagles tamed for the streets but far from tape the new big roller feels so smooth you don't just write you go with the flow [Music] pushes down with its sister go with the flow the new big roller lets you go with the flow and go and go because our point won't turn to mush no matter how hard you push roller go with the flow [Music] [Music] combined martial art karate with a power and glory some heavyweight boxing and you get the exciting PKA championship out once it's the incredible brute strength of the world's strongest women in the world powerlifting championships tomorrow on NBC sports world Sam 'his who came on as a pinch hitter remains in the game he's batting in the nine slot and the new pitchers Tom Hume he'll Patton Collins's fought the leadoff spot first pitch is popped up Ben says I'll take it and Baker's an easy out [Applause] one out and it brings up Steve Garvey killed two ends two losses radius is er a 2.7 for 19th ball game all in relief is finished 16 ballgames for this club five saves I guess you'd say is a power pitcher wouldn't slider aren't fastball doesn't change speeds much [Music] one strike almost would be willing to bet that Garvey would take that pitch after Baker hit the first one you took advantage of it strike two he's got a nice day Garvey walked into first he hit a home run in the fourth double and scored in his sixth Garvey led the league with 200 face hits last season's second time the 11 national a condensed 1975 he did it with Pete Rose one ball in two strikes Montreal three Cubs - they're in the seventh inning everybody else tonight in the National League broken bat base hit the bat went all the way off the shortstop is the ball went off the left field is that strength power that bolts you a high inside pitch gets jammed oh he just tries to fight it off good piece of it got the hand he's gonna get that award they give it's Sporting News Award let me hit it with a sporty news see outside a wet one not that fat really went a long way but when you look at those forearms at Garvey you just know that he's had spinach on his Wheaties he's got a shot at our MVP for today Garvey his third base hit he's got a perfect day here's Ron Cey hit a two-run homers last time up he pops this one up ray Knight at third base says he'll take it and he does so there are two away the attendance here today forty thousand nine hundred and twenty eight forty thousand nine twenty eight and our personal thanks to the president the organization mr. Dick Wagner they really treat us a nice day when we've come here don't they sure dude two outs here is Guerrero Guerrero flied to right in the second again in the fourth and bounced out in the sixth we're all tied 4-4 right back to Hume it is so we go into the bottom half the eighth inning doctors for Cincinnati four and for the Cincinnati Reds in the bottom of the eighth it'll be George Foster and Johnny Bench and Ray Knight fact when you waste gasoline you waste money fact a lot of leading motor oils now claim to save you gas fact the black oil our coal graphic saves you more gas than those other leading oils why because friction Rob's you of gas mileage at Arco graphite reduces friction better than any of those oils so start saving gas use our coal graphite because it's a far not friction but for our coal Graphite's dollar eighty refund offer the new world car Ford Escort now shows you another face thus 40 Ford Escort SS it shows its stripes Bulls with front-wheel drive handles with rack and pinion steering smooths with four-wheel independent suspension informs and invites the sporty Ford Escort SS built in America to take on the world and doing it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the preceding message was furnished by major league baseball ball four runs eight hits two errors for the Dodgers four runs six hits no errors for the red [Music] [Applause] [Music] bottom of the eighth-inning Valenzuela who has never gone less than seven innings so far this season goes into the eighth tied he has clearly got the people to come out of the ballpark they have a note the attendants when he pitches 50,000 49,000 53:52 ball one in a forty thousand nine hundred and twenty eight here today [Applause] ironical Valenzuela got the opening day assignment Jerry Royce for schedule he hurt his leg Valenzuela was thrown in now eight wins one loss one ball and one strike George Foster Wasser had a base hit in the second and he flied to left and flied to right he's 1 for great so much Foster did a little bit of a dance trying to get at that one as Valenzuela led up to slow change ups in a row from Valenzuela to George Foster what's the arm speed that motion it was talked to him by Castillo to uses a changeup he couldn't pick up a changeup any other way they never thought it would be this good this quick and then perranoski got hold of it it was something like six and nine last year six wins nine losses down in San Antonio finish the season the pink T to 98 is dominated the league then was caught up the Dodgers later right at Garvey George Boston lines hard to Garvey so there's one out [Applause] Johnny Bench was put on quite an exhibition John tomorrow has lost the match in ten years Tony a Yala cup teenager from San Antonio continues his quest for the championship tomorrow on tomorrow's champion Maya satellite from Saturday literally all saw on the card giveaway Alex Ramos puts his record on the line he's undefeated all the morrow 3:00 Eastern Time on tomorrow's champion right here on NBC that'll be followed by sports row welcome to then strike one Johnny Bench were the last time took to scoop balls for a foot two strike count and then line hard to right-field jumps on the first pitch here but doesn't get it good fastball two strikes so I've heard players around the league and other people say well we'll shout good he is the second time around Valenzuela but I think he's found to be good because as we said before he's not just a one pitch pitcher olia screwball he changed his speeds well as excellent control busted with a fastball slow curve slider [Applause] Johnny Bench is heading for second let's see how they rule it alas the ball was catchable I don't know what they're going to give him but sands we mentioned earlier late in the ballgame tie game right on the line hit the dirt bath fool them the balls got to be caught or at least knocked down [Applause] [Music] he was protecting the line almost all management habit he had the shot of the ball backed up while at the dirt school under his arm Johnny Bench is on base for the fourth time two walks and two hits and they're going to put ray Knight on and set up the double play here by the dead ahead not my mind no I neither not an especially the eighth inning in a tie ballgame you gotta knock the ball down third base is a do-or-die position now with us intentional walk with the probably setting up one out oh she's not gonna fund but OSHA has been pretty hot with the bat that's a six walk given up by Valenzuela as we look at Tom Lasorda poster struck out in the second he singled and scored in the fifth and flied to right in the sixth one man out were all tied bottom of the eighth [Applause] Guerrero and write feel and call for rosin bag just flipped it back out he's playing very shallow he was very shallow when Ulster had the ball in the 6th and almost didn't get to it there you see the shot he'll be tough for bench to score on a hard hit ball to right field that's high ball one they talked about Valenzuela and say that when he has to make a certain pitch he always makes it three times in this ballgame he's made the pitch to get a double play gotta make a pitch again way out in front one ball one strike [Applause] it's on its second base I score bottom of the eighth ray Knight is on it first one man out night should have a good jump at first in the ground ball to upset somebody at second on the pivot will be held up bases loaded [Applause] Johnny Bench was in no-man's land ball is hit off the handle Gerald Thomas almost came up a pretty good play right there Confed said it said and then he may have been held up by Nexon as he started home it's prevented him from scoring Nixon playing it safe especially after last night almost a fine play by Gerald Thomas I didn't think he had a chance hide it either or just say nobody will get this one he did get a glove on it we're going to have a pinch-hitter now Mike Bayless come out of the Cincinnati dugout one man out bases-loaded a double by bench a walk to 9 intentionally and Ulster an infield hit Joe Harris Yolo with Tony Kubek here at Riverfront where the Cincinnati Reds have just loaded the bases one man out bench a double down the left-field line night intentionally walked over an infield hit and now Mike bailiff in Teterboro Barry [Applause] go on Bansha third night at 2nd posters first Mike Vale a pinch hitter she had a tough choice to make he could have gone home and gotten the force I presented Iran he may have thought he was close to the third-base failed with a good jump out of the box heats it out so run scorn it was adjusted play a tough play for a third baseman state chose and as it turned out it was not right strap is that falls hit Joe I didn't think he killed him Feyenoord and I would ever beat that out I didn't think so either he must have had a good jump out of the box the key in that play I think Tony is what you said say was now disclosed to the back as he thought he was strike one on four he is who came on as a pinch hitter for Soto in the seventh inning Sam my head [Applause] five to four Cincinnati leading two strikes to count now on samba his two men out one run in in the ninth inning for the Dodgers Scioscia Thomas and a pinch-hitter Valenzuela trailing by Iran in the whole rustle a nice play honey mops MacNamara to argue the call at second base failed continues to argue the Yavapai Randy marsh Pines played by Russell good play by Darrell Thomas to keep his foot on the bag and get the throw we're gonna give you a replay first and second two outs Russell with a backhand off-balance snap throw watch Gerald Thomas you bet he's out he got to spin a good flip Randy Myers the second base up high with an excellent call so at the end of eight complete innings Cincinnati five doctors for Scioscia Thomas and a pitcher introducing the cutter black and deckers most powerful string trimmer yet powers to grass power is the weeds and with the cutters command feed just the touch of a button keeps the string at its most powerful cutting left the country with command feed from Black & Decker it can cut the time of trimming your yard [Music] boost reduce the spirited new men's cologne an aftershave as brisk and bold as the open sky blue straddles for the free spirit in man [Music] here comes Johnny Rutherford three-time Indy 500 winner to protect that inch and a blazing speed he runs with Pennzoil Johnny's wife Betty she uses Pennzoil too but she uses pens oils regular priced gas saving multi-way Doyle Pennzoil for cars like Johnny's and Betty's and yours gas saving Pennzoil quality and every extra mile beat ringside with tomorrow's champion says eighteen-year-old knockout artist Tony Ayala takes on veteran campaigner Pat Hallisey plus Boston's Danny long battles the undefeated Alex Ramos tomorrow the new catcher is Joe Nolan and we've got a pinch-hitter from Mike Scioscia Jay Johnstone has come on to pinch-hit Hulme against John Stone ball one ball two two balls and no strikes and soon an e5 dodges for all three three balls and no strikes on him right a fairly easy eighth-inning Johnny bench's coming in to say something now boy I've heard that speech so many times look Tom you got a one-run lead we can't make a play if you're gonna walk everybody full strike make them hit the ball very basic very forthright and of course the pitcher always says to you what do you think I'm trying to do that's Paul Moscow and a Cincinnati bullpen deep the right-field way back way back home run we're all tied up Jay Johnstone with the fourth Dodger home run of the afternoon Garvey in the fourth Thomas and a bit the two-run homer by saying the six and now Jay Johnstone here tonight that it's 5/5 [Applause] and we've got another pinch-hitter Rick Monday is a pensioner for Darryl Thomas in a brand-new ballgame right Jay Johnstone pinch-hit home run to tie it up I'm gonna sorta going to his bench Rick Monday for Darryl Thomas outside in the on-deck-circle a familiar face another pensioner Reggie Smith one ball in two strikes the count nobody out we're in the ninth inning all tied at five apiece Vasil I've one ball two strikes Dodgers five runs nine hits and two errors Reds five runs eight hits and no errors it's been a real Halloween ball game for Valenzuela clicked play threw the ball in the right field three runs score low two balls and two strikes then in the eighth inning when Cincinnati went ahead and filled hit ball maybe should have been caught went for a double monday is out on strikes the human gets first out in the ninth inning and Reggie Smith is the batter I cut the fastball sale outside Monday didn't get it so Reggie Smith the pinch-hitter for Valenzuela the eight hits in the six walks are the most that he's given up in any game this year Smith going for the long one doesn't get it [Applause] and Reggie second on the all-time list of home runs for switch hitters with 295 now ball a mantle of course with 536 number one [Applause] both foul once again [Applause] two strikes the count Nolan wants to have a little word with his pitcher Tom Hume pitch might have been a bit too good with a two strike count [Applause] Smith out on strikes two strikeouts for him two outs here in the ninth inning like he tried to punch one of the opposite feel of all may have been on the outside part to plate maybe even out of the strike zone he's setting up outside chase the bad ball good pitch by him tough on the layoff and Smith is out two outs here is Russell j-john stones home run here in the ninth inning is tied it up line drive base hit for Russell Russell is on at first these singles in the right [Applause] can windrows the better Russell's on it first that's his third base hit he's had a good afternoon three four five Landro is Oprah poor five-five were tied ninth-inning like one it'll be a pinch-hitter lead it off for Cincinnati as Hume is an elite off spot Griffey and concepción in the bottom of the ninth Nolan thought something was happening might have been crossed up because it was not a good pitch out almost look like a breaking ball as we look at John McNamara probably asking his pitching coach Fisher and watch when I just says what in the heck was that thing broken bat base hit center field Russell stops at second soul and roll singles the center field and the Dodgers have the tiebreaking run on at second base and dusty Baker's a batter [Applause] Sep sein gives it a good chase just can't quite reach it and the Dodgers with two outs one run in have Dusty Baker up there and let's pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network this is WMAQ TV Chicago ball one Joe Garagiola with Tony Kubek here at Riverfront Stadium tied five five we're in the top of the ninth inning Dodgers have Russell at second land road first Baker the batter he doesn't get it and I just wonder as we look at the baserunners if the shadows are not a factor because they greenie are taking some people swings pitchers in sunlight batters in the shadow outside two balls in one strike outside three in one I'm him who gave up a leadoff home run here in the ninth inning to pinch-hitter Jay Johnstone I'll back three into the county three balls two strikes two outs they'll be off and running there they go profile forty thousand nine hundred and twenty eight as we look at Russell hit back to second Landro back to first good crowd and they've seen quite a ballgame next week we'll have these same two teams from Los Angeles right-center field Griffey over Jason and having trouble nice catch by Mejias in right field beautiful play by Sam ahead here's the replay Krispy head truffle right there and Mejias comes out of nowhere and makes the grab just may have saved the ballgame definitely save two runs we go to the bottom of the ninth we're all tied five five [Music] sailing a tall ship is an old dream but some men [Music] [Applause] milah time miller.time time to head for Shore and the best tasting beer you can find America's quality beer Miller highlight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay which one the alligator or the Fox from JCPenney G the alligator has that terrific color but so does the Fox and fit comfort looks easy care fabric they're all the same and colors there's even a fox and raspberry so what's the difference about five dollars less see you later alligator we're exon we're Theresa Hobie who helps load oil from the Alaska Pipeline onto an Exxon tanker we're captain Silcox who takes the oil from Alaska to the Panama Canal we're the crew of a smaller Exxon tanker bringing it through the canal to our refinery we're captain Worley in charge of moving products up the Mississippi where Tolle Guba who distributes products to our customers we're more than 100 thousand people working on energy we're Exxon [Music] Danny Driessen is a pensioners we look at the new second baseman for the Dodgers Pepe free us he's replaced Thomas Yeager's come on to replace Scioscia behind the plate things toward is a new pitcher Driessen is the pinch-hitter for Tom Hume one ball and two strikes the count on Dan Driessen [Applause] out on strikes James torta was the pitcher last night the winning pitcher six to 200 pounder he's too and all and he's got one out here in the bottom of the ninth and grippy the batter [Music] strike one [Applause] five five were all time curveball strike two tony stewart looks fast that one weenie was some change of pace yeah it was a changeup curved I think he throws awfully hard good fastball slider and that was a curve but I think it may be a little difficult to see with the shadow now over the hitters area Russell is there big hop pulls him off the bag once again Joe we saw it earlier Russell watch him flip this ball sidearm I don't know if he's having trouble he's not coming over the top and you throw sign up you can either throw a sinker eyes this one then again sale [Applause] on the throw as 50 hits the ball watch Russell he throws off his front foot [Applause] tener nears concepción jumped on that first one didn't get in and then strike one Jarvan sitting down here with Jerry Duggan who is one of the broadcaster's for the Derby said this is the sloppiest game the Dodgers have played all year and Russell with a little sidearm snap throw [Applause] that's true for the garbage might have been formed for five [Applause] straight back two strikes the count [Applause] grippies on it first we're tied in the bottom of the ninth five five concepción over for baby with that double knob on his bat loses the one as a reminder Sid he gripped it chokes up just a bit make sure he doesn't get down on the end he puts that extra knob on the back [Applause] good fastball misses one ball two strikes Stuart was at Albuquerque in 1981 15 lost 10 worked in eni's so far earned run average 0.00 tangos graffia false start but he came back he had me faked out I'll tell you pop my three strings two balls and two strikes he really gave it a good start Tony well he saw you did not have a good job and like most smart face dinners will he decide if I'm not gonna make it I'm not gonna get thrown on second base I'll just come back Yeager's behind the plane he's got a good arm let's see what Griffey does this time holy that came out Stewart gets his second strikeout in this ninth inning you just do it right by him it's either cut fastball or a slider cut fastball off the plate Davey couldn't hold up you know Stuart has gotten a break because young to steal man who taught Bobby can steal talk to scuba valenzuela's not picture out of the girl pencil the sword has gone to Stuart Lord more often George Foster now foster lined out hard as last time up as one base head it's described last year at Albuquerque Dave Stewart struck out a hundred and twenty five in 77 and Clinton Iowa struck out 144 nice play by Yeager a 55 foot curveball and he blocked nicely kept kept that ball in front of him that's all you can do young catches look how he gets in front of that ball that's all you can do and with the curve ball it breaks back it broke towards his left shoulder and he had to get in front of it and he did good play one ball in one strike the count [Applause] Yeager's gotten 4 out of 8 attempting to steal this year they have a chance here draws it for all he was late and he had some ideas [Applause] McNamara now for the duck got us all over the first base umpire saying the ball can start of the motion motion turn hoped by a little bit of intimidation going on Gideon Montague God used to have an old trickle did conquer crack that left me Drysdale did it so well looked like to go home and then come behind the first one ball and two strikes foster had a good cut Stewart is raring back and firing he's got a good loose right arm it's almost like it's on hinges the body like a weightlifter this guy 200 pounds six two and looks thin [Applause] Keith the right-center field should be caught Landro guerrero Guerrero says I'll take it and he does so that ends the ninth inning we have extra innings here in Cincinnati to score kenneth 9 complete NH Dodgers 5 Cincinnati 5 [Music] one two three or five trouble spots like these are what separate Gillette atra from all ordinary razors the reason the atropine it keeps the blades at a perfect shaving angle giving you a better shave than any razor that can't do it [Music] how many more reasons do you need to let action the pivot makes it better Gillette when it comes to shaving we give you the Nu in Singapore gasoline is advanced seven a gallon here Edina for petrol costs two dollars and sixty seven cents a gallon the best-selling spark plug is Champion Italy we fee is $30 and forty two for a gallon of gasoline and the champion in the number one in the USA - and the tune of the Champions can save an average of one to two gallons per take for save with champion spark plugs the world's number one seller tomorrow is taking shape introducing the 1982 Ford exp a new front-wheel drive sport coupe carefully instrumented to keep you informed all from a beautifully contoured command position exp with two-seater excitement Plus hatchback practicality there's room for two plus a lot of room for a lot of living tomorrow is here Ford exp the first of the 82 s forty thousand nine hundred and twenty eight and they've been treated to quite a ballgame and the new picture for Cincinnati here in the tenth inning is Paul Moscow he'll be facing Steve Garvey Garvey was at a perfect day walked in the first hit a home run in the fourth double and scored in the sixty single in the eighth ball on [Applause] Hopson up bench says I'll take it Moscow hollers boring man bench makes the play there's one up finally got Garvey out Garvey first out Ron say say pop through third baseman in the first bounced out 5 to 3 and 1/4 hit a 2-run home run his 6th and popped out to the third baseman in the 8th strike one so extra editing games seem to follow this umpiring crew around I was talking to Lee Weyer while ago and he said this is the 33rd game this year twelve had the next reading nobody said it would be easy Lee and I'll tell you keep in mind those guys have been out there standing since the started this game they don't get the going sit on the bench like the ballplayers between and in didn't mean to swing and he's got himself a face hit and there's what you were talking about Tony they over shift on him so that time he didn't try it but since they had over shifted it paid off well he's using the whole field a little bit more and he said he made a decision during the offseason and a talk with camp anis in fact the general manager held camp anis and camp and so you just keep swinging the bat pull the ball hit homeruns and Ron said well I think I can hit home runs and still raise my average by going the other way so what he decided is working for him he's been hot all one they drove Guerrero Baltimore nine Detroit two final temple homerun de sensee hit a pair of home runs Murray had a home run winners Flanagan losers Rosa ma off the glove of Ray Knight into left field say he's going to head for third he'll make it then unusual because it looked like Ron Cey was going to stop at second then he saw the way Foster was going after the ball and he just continued on the third palace county reports Charley metros one man who Scott for the divers as is a deliberate art probably told them you look at say getting a good job you love Foster in the sleep foster not known for releasing the ball quickly in our great throwing our and it's a good piece of base running right there by Ron say [Applause] one out first and third tomorrow on sports world a rematch of the karate bout that you saw last summer oak tree in which defends his title against Ross Scott the man Edwards beat to take that crown it's a grudge match and then we'll have some of the world's strongest women competing in the Women's World powerlifting Championships tomorrow 4 o'clock Eastern Daylight Time on sports world [Music] John Yaeger up you always got to be aware of a squeeze play in this situation right why hadn't been going to plate that often this year with free us no not known for his hitting in the on-deck circle a little starter use those two left-handed pinch hitters early in the ball game Monday and Smith with a score tied one strike one ball and one strike on Jaeger this is his first time at bat Johnstone pinch-hit for Scioscia in the ninth inning and tied it up comb is the man warming up for Cincinnati one ball and two strikes [Applause] one man up all tied five five weren't attempting [Applause] Ron says it third guerreros at first [Applause] Moscow outside 2 & 2 [Applause] bottom of the tenth it'll be Johnny Bench Ray Knight no sir didn't mean to swing back to Moscow his only plays the first base he makes it a foot play by Moscow he looked the man back the third say couldn't go anywhere and in Moscow hard to bench [Applause] watch him look at the face runners he comes up with it right there he stops him and then gets his man good play so he would have gone to third except Ray Knight and the check swing was coming in in case the play was messed up by Moscow so nobody read he was on third base but they did have the runners say hung up if somebody had been in third John McNamara coming out now they're going to have a big meeting on the mound Oakland to Toronto nothing at the end of two hitha home run bombed back again steal Boston it's now six to one at the end of six final score Baltimore nine Detroit to Flanagan the winner rhizoma was the loser the sense he's a home on the second with one on Murray and the fourth nobody on the sense he's in the seventh nobody on and Kemp had one for the Tigers Montreal and the Cubs the Cubs beat Montreal 6-2 for final score Burris was the loser Russell was the winner it's the only afternoon action outside of this game okay guys I'll get it in kind of get the other scores doubleheader next week you saw it right there Billy ball we'll be watching that the amazing aids go to Toronto take on the Blue Jays in Cincinnati and the Dodgers as they walk free us it's a big doubleheader 1 o'clock Eastern Time right here on NBC freeing us they'd intentionally walk and Ferguson is in the on-deck circle is Lasorda really goes to his bench [Applause] there's ball four and I wonder now if Tommy Lasorda's having second thoughts of had he pinch-hit Monday and Smith back in the ninth inning with nobody on base well he was looking at long ball I guess Tony from Monday and Reggie Smith got one from John Stone to tie it up he thought he'd end it there now it's up to Ferguson Ferguson has not played much at all he's only been to bat ten times one base hit to Moscow with the bases loaded two outs score tied five five local one no Ferguson the pinch-hitter for Dave Stewart [Applause] - - no Moscow has to back off and really take inventory here now bases are loaded [Applause] two outs five five top of the 10th foul ball hey one thing Joe Moscow did not let up to at all bases loaded he didn't name the ball at all he let go his best fastball [Applause] it'll be Johnny Bench Bree Nitron toaster for Cincinnati but right now they're in the jam three balls in a strike [Applause] Wow done easy you'll hear the reaction [Applause] Moscow walks in the run and the Dodgers take the lead six to five Ferguson draws a big base on balls there you see the Dodger bench [Applause] Dargis Senate first Prius is its second guerreros at third Bill Russell the batter it [Applause] outside one ball and one strike two outs Marrero at third Pepi free us at second Joe Ferguson is at first tenth inning Dodgers have just taken the lead six five - and wand account every pitch he's been wild with he's been wild in exactly the same spot he hasn't been able to adjust to the mound or get the release point that he wants down and it's always been lowing away has them it's been consistent with the wildness Nolan just tried to break up the mood Riaan one try to adjust the overcompensating I am [Applause] walking John McNamara is going to make a pitching change [Applause] doctors seven five in the top of the 10th is Moscow I'll run into a wild streak and we'll be right back as we make this pitching change after these messages [Music] how much I swear it's part of the game but off the field I want to feel nice and dry and I want to smell nice that's why I use speed sticks super dry antiperspirant it's the wide stick effective protection with more dryness to help fight wetness and it goes on dry so you can get dressed right away so get on the stick the wide stick speed sticks super dry antiperspirant 5-minute how do you top America's most popular sports car top it off with our Mustang hot top ten over five hundred dollars of the regular sticker price when you buy a special options package including this exciting tea roof get a special deal on mustang vinyl roofs - they are new special value buys on flip-up sunrooms and by classy mustang cherry troops get great deals at your ford dealer on mustang hot tops [Music] Jeff comb is a new picture for the Cincinnati Reds he spent most of 1980 with Indianapolis he was in four games with Cincinnati last year didn't win or lose any 185 pounds six footer melrose main birthplace he faces Kenny Landro Dodgers leave by two seven two five strike [Applause] bases-loaded Moscow walked in two runs doctors have taken a 2-run lead here in the 10th inning [Applause] outside one ball and one strike that's his forkball Joe he's not overpowering sinkers slide a little curved and he came up with that fork ball and that's made of melts got him to big leagues look like that was it again Tony hustle was two balls down two balls and one strike you could see if that centerfield shot as he took the ball out of the glove and then he had to fork stuck in it [Applause] [Music] base hit one run is in here comes Ferguson he'll score heading for third Russell Dodgers lead nine to five [Applause] a beginning for the Los Angeles Dodgers ninth man to come to bat here in this city Dusty Baker [Applause] sending a few people home look like fire hit the stands I mean they're getting up they are a lot of seats emptying out all one page oh this a rough game for the Cincinnati lose and a great one for the Dodgers to win of course but because the Dodgers at time looked like they were trying to give the ball game in Cincinnati with the errors behind the Valenzuela Dodgers have done everything to try to lose it but they've got a big four-run lead here in the 10th little check swing to the right side started off by safe [Applause] [Applause] we'll head left feel curving it is a foul ball just barely found Dusty Baker disappointed but it's a foul ball Lee Weyer right down the third-base line on top of the play and Baker heads back one ball at two strikes two outs for Ron Duran nine to five Dodgers lead weren't a tenant [Applause] outside two balls two strikes Russell's at third Landro is at first Jeff comb in relief [Applause] outside three balls two strikes Landro be off and running Danny Ozark reminding Russell that the faces are not loaded so he shouldn't start he struck him out way out in front so the inning end but the doctor said nine men at the plate may score four runs and as we go into the bottom half of the 10th inning into Dodgers nine the Reds five Johnny Bench Ray Knight von Osten for Cincinnati in the bottom of the 10th right guard knows a man needs all the protection he can get that's why a man needs right guard like God has a male effectiveness formula so strong no matter which right guard you choose it helps stop on man's perspiration odor all day long a man works hard but right guard works harder now there's new hard-working right guard solid do you know one of the best things about coming to America was that I got to try American beers and I tried them all I want out like this like beer familiar it's got 1/3 less calories in the regular beer it's less filling and it really tastes great that's why I tell my friends were may he go when you come to America drink Light beer but don't drink the water like beer familiar everything you always wanted in a beer unless your pet your Forester we have a new picture for the Los Angeles Dodgers Terry Forster is coming on and relief Dodgers lead by four and we have a most valuable player to pick and there are a lot of candidates Garvey Johnstone saying mandrill just got a big base hit Valenzuela who you picking Tony top we can't have a six-way tie either can we nope I gotta go with Garvey he's headed about a five day walk home run doubles singles scored a couple runs well I'm going for the spirit carrier the guy doesn't play too much got the big base hit to tie it up Johnstone that's my vote all right strike one we're going to ask Steve fans to get our tiebreaker here [Applause] keep the right feel back he'll not get this one off the wall Johnny Finch hasn't shuffle face hit a double what an afternoon he's and that's his third hit been on base all five times a couple of walks a single a double a run scored now another double [Applause] steam dance our statistician 20 books Forte Johnstone so if the game ends the way it is now we're going to give it to Jay Johnstone alright Jay Johnstone pinch it home under the ninth the broke the time pretty gray night [Applause] there's a strike NBC's baseball game of the week has been brought to you by Ford and your Ford dealer who invite you to test-drive the exp America's new personal sports coupe by the Miller Brewing Company Brewers of Miller High Life you've got the time we've got the beer and by speeds thick super dry antiperspirant the wide stick with more dryness to help fight wetness speed stay feminine and buy our coke refine the black oil that reduces gas robbing friction in your engine the oil left back not friction two strikes the count on Ray Knight the executive producer of NBC Sports is Don ohlmeyer the coordinating producer of baseball is Michael Weissman the telecast of today's game of the week has been produced by George Finkel directed by Harry Coyle our associate director Mary Buda our associate producer Michael Hadley the ball gets by Yeager all over the screen and Johnny Bench hits for third [Applause] Forester has a tough slider that's what this pitch is off the glove I believe this will be charged as a wild pitch that's what they call it a wild pitch your official scorer rules in a wild pitch nobody out 9 to 5 Dodgers lead the Dodger bullpen gets active [Applause] Tony Fentress corn night has himself a double and it's 9:00 to 6:00 Saul wasn't surfing down here to that boat the bag or the scene say look like his going to have a play on it bounded over his glove over his head [Applause] here's the replay coming up we'll see hit the dirt part with the dirt and the artificial surface come together and absolute made it bounced so high say may not have gotten it anyway wasn't playing on the line like he had been to last June is a tie ballgame foresters really do you think there wasn't some gas in that room the hard throws with Gossage and forced a room together down in appleton hard floors but Bobby Castillo is coming on we're going to have a pitching change at the bottom of the 10th 96 Los Angeles leading the red [Music] how much I swear it's part of the game but off the field I want to feel nice and dry and I want to smell nice that's why I use speed sticks super dry antiperspirant it's the wide stick effective protection with more dryness to help fight wetness and it goes on dry so you can get dressed right away so get on the stick the wide stick speed stakes super dry antiperspirant live [Music] boost reduce the spirited new men's cologne and aftershave as brisk and bold as the open sky blue straddles for the free spirit in man [Music] Bobby Casteel is a new pitcher for the Dodgers Cincinnati with one run in three night on his second base nine to six doctors leading the batter is rano stir as steel 510 170 pounder barn lives Los Angeles bought him from Monterey of the Mexican League in 1977 two screwball on law I mean a screwball pictures personality converted so many time he's the one given credit for teaching it to Valenzuela one ball and one strike poster has two bases today his score to run [Applause] Rika's call the holster doesn't believe it Renard tells him about it again he better back down because Dutchess not going to take a whole lot it has been a long hot day it comes back the mares try to get in between them just trying to keep his player in the game when you down here Joe you can see a lot of dungeon you can hear a lot more hobby soon you can't affair but the words are pretty strong by Ronnie Ulster Leonard very easily could have thrown them out of the ballgame but that to me is a sign of a good umpires if you have your Cena I'll have mine but I'll keep you in the game fouled out of play Tony's position is right next to the Dodger dugout he's right at ground level and I'm sure that he can hear it Renard is soaking wet he's been going getting a cold towel on his neck in the heat high relief to be the shade over the last day or two Wow a lot of play once again ray Knight at second base [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we apologize for some technical difficulties there is nothing wrong with you set problem leaving Cincinnati while back again town remains at one ball and two strikes on righto sir [Applause] nine to six were in the bottom of the tenth the Dodgers are out in front Ray Knight is on at second base nobody out told the school ball he's only told fast false toaster that was it eret was that was the screwball Uncle Scrooge II he got him got a lump in the strike zone but the change of speeds made fool toaster you see it Frank away good spot you could see him turn it over good you see that arm just turn inside out this deal gets a big strikeout here is Joe Nolan one out the pits that used is an old-timers called the outshoot herb who's been in shoot this group all the outshoot [Applause] Christie Mathewson called his fadeaway [Applause] whatever happened those great names two balls and no strikes Ray Knight is on its second base Cincinnati looking for another baserunner to get that tying run at the plate left-field Dusty Baker near the line should make the play we does there are two outs man Mejias is being called back and larry pitner is come out of the Cincinnati dugout he'll be the pinch-hitter now for Sammy his two outs Cincinnati trailing by three Dodgers nine Cincinnati six Larry fit nerve Ritenour hitting 389 he's been in 15 games only been to bat 18 times with 7 hits home runs driven in five runs Baltimore beat Detroit nine to two Red Sox leading Milwaukee in the eighth inning 62 [Applause] strike one out of play boppy Castillo twin against cheerleaders just to my left or manny mota and Tommy Lasorda both talking in Spanish to Castile left fearless should be at Baker waiting for makes the catch that ends the ballgame a tough loss for the Cincinnati Reds a big win for the Dodgers scored four big runs in that 10th anemic so the final score Dodgers nine Cincinnati six the winning pitcher is Stewart the losers Mozgov and we'll be back with some highlights for you right after these messages world car Ford Escort now shows you another things the sporty Ford Escort SS it shows it strikes bulls with front-wheel drive handles with rack and pinion steering smooths with four-wheel independent suspension in forms and invites the sporty Ford Escort SS built in America to take on the world and do it [Music] well we want to say thank you for putting up with these last couple of weeks so we stopped in the store and pick up some little brown when you want a taste of a truly great American beer tonight let it be low and brown we had such a good time we're coming back next year okay but don't tell my horse is that the final score in ten innings Los Angeles nine the Cincinnati Reds six the Dodgers at four home runs and a big one by Jay well they're all fake but the real big one stands out is the one by Jay Johnstone and tied it up as a pinch-hitter in the ninth inning so the strength of that this week's NBC Miller High Life flare of the game is Jay Johnstone Miller High Life is happy to present a check for $1000 in the name of Jay Johnstone to the Special Olympics the winning pitcher is Stewart for the Dodgers the loser is Paul Moscow we're gonna have some highlights we'll be talking to some of the players I see that Tony's already got some lined up and we'll be right back after these messages from your local station [Music] a promotional thing has been paid to NBC by United Airlines United serves more of this land than any other airline that's what friendly skies are all about this has been a presentation of NBC Sports the leader in innovative sports television see all your favorite country stars in a song filled two-hour special from Nashville celebrating 50 years of country music's Saturday on NBC oh it's a wonderful day pulls it down yes coming also before Monica [Applause] [Music] [Applause] land sakes Wilbur all that fuss over toys don't surprise me [Music] hey you take my picture here here's my Panasonic video camera and portable VHS recorder it's easy all the controls can be attached to the camera so you can take pictures smile and with Panasonic you get instant replay right through the cameras so you know you've got the shot take my picture I got it I got it get the fun of outdoors indoors with Panasonic omniVision regi vision nobody thought the duck could do it but duck do candy looks like astro light man [Music] stro light a great tasting beer that doesn't feel yeah [Music] running out of patience a special report Monday at 10:00 on Channel five Dodgers nine Cincinnati six and other baseball the Chicago Cubs beat Montreal six to four Philadelphia Pittsburgh New York and st. Louis San Diego Atlanta San Francisco in Houston tonight in the American leader in the bottom of the fourth Oakland to Toronto nothing and over in Milwaukee it's the Boston Red Sox eight the Milwaukee Brewers won at the end of eight and Baltimore beat Detroit nine to two that's a final Texas at Seattle Chicago in California Minnesota's at Kansas City Cleveland played the Yankees tonight in Yankee Stadium so that's it brother baseball and right now Tony is talking to Tom Lasorda and Steve Garvey and Tony I know that fun play has got to be in Tom Lasorda's mine and Garvey's there so what will they be talking about all right Joe the good-looking guy is over there that's Lasorda this is Steve Garvey Steve had a pretty good day a home run a double a walk a couple runs scored it was a nice day for you but I want to get to this man first because he's the senior citizen right here a bunt play you made a comment a while ago bunts have played an important part today and in yesterday's ballgame what about the Valenzuela plane the balance will apply Tony it was a it was a play that we called from the bench that was supposed to be a pickoff play at second base so everybody was breaking to the respective bases Russell broke door short he was supposed to come back and when he filled a ball Steve come running in now he picked the ball up and there was no one there because Darryl Thomas had come to second base for the pickoff play and this is where the play got fouled up and that's how all the runners scored the Valenzuela really shouldn't have been gone a whole play with that picture should have been going second Steve you uh you uh came up with a pretty good day you've been struggling a little bit was a nice day for you scored some runs again making contact is the key getting on base I think Jay Johnstone showed people just exactly what the spirit of this 81 Dodger team is about we weren't giving up he comes gets a big home run then we add on to it and we have a little cushion in that last half that ending the phenomenon of the year up till this point has been a man called Fernando Valenzuela have you ever seen anything like it well not really not anybody come up the rookie like he hasn't just dazzled everybody he's a tremendous job and even today the one there was really the turnaround and put us even but he's done a tremendous job for what was happening to Valenzuela when he came to the bench I know you had a couple of conferences with him when he came in after the bunt play got something he didn't seem rattled at all though he goes out there and just keeps on throwing strikes has tremendous poise for a twenty-year-old youngster I'm telling him nothing rattling when he gets men on base in crucial situations it just takes a deep sigh breath and he's right there he sees tremendous the poise of the young man has been very very impressive to all of us Steve this has been a tremendous start for the Dodgers and I know you've been another doctor teams before how would you rate this bunker if you've had some injuries to Reggie Smith Royce gets hurt earlier but this ballclub has a lot of depth and balance doesn't it sure does Johnny any championship team has to have a great bench and that's what we have that was evident today where John Stone and other other players getting key hits at this point the first two months of the season this could be the best Dodger team I've ever played on again we'll wait and see after 162 games but it has the potential and it's showing it let me second-guess you can I do that one time now you get you get a tie ballgame John Stone it's the home run you shoot two left-handed hitters up there now you've come late in the ballgame you got right-handers left did you think twice about that well we thought the first thing that ran through my mind was the other day when McGraw was pitching and Monday hit a home run I was looking for another home run we didn't want to go into extra innings and fe2 got a hold one that's what we were thinking about all right what about your competition now the rest of the way obviously this ballclub across the field is good Houston with a slow start they've got exceptional pitching Atlanta had a good finish last year so the Western Division even though you've got the good start you expected to be tight right down to September well we respect all of them of course you mentioned Euston with great pitching Atlanta what a young team has got great offense this team has the veteran so we've had to go out every day and play like we did today and this is a key road trip because we're playing Cincinnati going to Atlanta for four so we'd like to keep rolling I see the glint in his eyes we're talking post pennant race he had jives be right where he is first thing he says hey man six and a half that's winning he's usually a non-discriminating edek either he he eats a lot when we win or when we lose but now he's gonna diet one of the keys to the season Steve he's fooling you guys cuz we were out here early last yesterday during the day and he said I'm gonna jog three miles he ran a hundred yards went out of the ballpark you me walk and then he ran 100 yards in the buffer you don't run three miles I think you're putting the Sun oh yes I did in fact I'm up to five miles Tony yeah I feel real good and that's making me keeping me in shape and it's nuts cutting down on my appetite I feel real good Fernando Valenzuela and Burt Hooten of course and Royce and Stewart coming out of the bullpen you have that much to worry about thus far there's a couple of injuries maybe you'd like to see Reggie back I'm sure how could you say after watching these last two games I have nothing to worry about these games that kill managers you know that I'm gonna let you guys go and throw it back up Steve Garvey congratulations to you Tommy Lasorda we get stuck in time we're gonna let you join I let you buy his dinner all right take care joy okay Tony well it looks like we may have a free dinner going for us it was quite an afternoon her face ball here we all tune in we all wanted to see the young phenom Valenzuela he gave a pretty good account of himself although he did was not the picture of record the picture of record ends up to be Stewart who wins his second game in a role here he won last night the losers Moscow went ran into a wild streak the final score Dodgers nine Cincinnati 6 Dodgers with big home runs Garvey hit once a hit one Johnstone's tied it up but the final score well 9 to 6 it's a hard one for Cincinnati because that base on balls that's what didn't so right now we want to show you what's gonna be happening on NBC tomorrow we'll be back after this tomorrow the greenside with tomorrow's champion says knockout artist Tony Ayala takes on veteran tenth Hallisey plus Boston's Danny long battles the undefeated Alex Ramos followed by NBC sports world as the action on the canvas continues it's dynamite martial art karate combined with the power of heavyweight boxing it's the exciting PKK Championships then muscles rippling biceps balls as the world's strongest women of iron in the world powerlifting championships that's all tomorrow on NBC Sports we talked about the doctor homeruns Garvey started her with one and a fourth Darryl Thomas hit one of the fifths a hit a two-run homer but a man in the ninth inning who has been known more for his antics off to feel hit one to tie it Tony you have mr. Jay Johnstone with you all right here he is to my right a man who's been around he's been known in an endearing fashion as the resident flake whether it's true or not that means lovingly the guys that call you that don't mean it derisive ly from Howard no it's not from Howard what kind of pitch did you hear it's a fastball and it was in and it was somewhat up but he threw the pitch before that to children when he threw a fastball I thought it could have been called the ball and so I said I choked up a little bit remember you threw batting practice the other day to us and we talked about me opening up too soon since I said I got a steak close and hit the ball hard somewhere and when I hit the ball all I did was try and say well I hit it good I'm watching the outfielder because I lost the ball I said if he tries to play it off the wall I'll go for a double and if he fouls it up I'll try and stretch it to a triple so we have a runner at third with the mouth so you don't expect it to go out I didn't know I I just hit the ball you know it's been so long since I've got a hit there it's been about two weeks so I knew it felt good but you know you can't really tell I'm not a home try to profess to me so I just hit the ball hard and trying you to buy the infant listen not a fella Jimmy the fever's father has been your hitting coach I know over the years and change your batting stance may have gotten you back in the major leagues a couple years back when a lot of people and I think yourself you may have thought you were washed up but you don't do you ever call him or talk to him I talked to him every winter and I call him and invite him after the games when Jimmy comes in I assume how his dad is doing Jimmy's a batting coach for San Francisco Giants and ask him if he wants to come out and but Benny is coaching a team and in Los Angeles and so he's quite busy but I talked to him every winter and make sure that I'm not doing anything wrong and as his prized pupil he wants to make sure I'm doing everything right so I haven't lost touch with him but I I really have to say that he's the one responsible for getting me back to the big leagues cannot let you go without talking about because you've seen fid roots when he was in his heyday with rookie of the year but Fernando Valenzuela any kind of special opinions or expressions you can use to find him well there's one of these guys that comes along every 10 12 years I think Cincinnati had one a few years back Wayne Simpson there's been a couple others I've seen maybe a boat Wollensky or Sammy Ellis Wally bunker back with the Baltimore but the vitae blew when he came up with Oakland but every now and then you get a guy like this that comes up that has all the ability and it's a remarkable what they can do at that young age Jay thanks a lot our guest down here along with Garvey and of course time in the star left Jay Johnstone thanks Jay back up the joiner okay Tony the final score once again the Dodgers nine is Cincinnati six nine runs 14 hits and three errors Stewart the win and relief ballons whele had to leave the ballgame the loser for Cincinnati and relief Moscow 24 hits in the ballgame four home runs for the Dodgers Garvey had one in the fourth Daryl Thomas in the fifth the two-run homer by saying his sixth and Jay Johnstone is here Tony and he talked about it tied it up in the ninth inning with a pinch-hit home run so the Dodgers make it two in a row over the Cincinnati Reds as they defeat him by the score of 9-2 six in extra innings Valenzuela put on quite an exhibition here he got in trouble got out of it wasn't one of his better games but not the picture of record but the Dodgers do put a big W on the scoreboard a bitter loss for the Cincinnati Reds so for Tony Kubek Joe Garagiola saying so long final score once again Dodgers nine Cincinnati six on next Saturday it's an exciting doubleheader starting at 1:00 o'clock Eastern Time first see Philly for the Oakland A's against Toronto our Pittsburgh and Montreal and the second game will be watching these same Cincinnati Reds and Los Angeles Dodgers go ahead at this time from Los Angeles or Houston in San Francisco tomorrow at 3 o'clock Eastern Time its tomorrow's Champions Boxey from San Remo Italy followed by NBC sports world at four and that's between PK karate and women's powerlifting right here on NBC the innovative leader in sports television Barbara Mandrell in the Mandrell sisters play host to Dolly Parton and John Schneider then see all your favorite stars on 50 years of country music Saturday on NBC
Channel: Classic MLB1
Views: 15,221
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Id: s_2UHMZPyaQ
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Length: 238min 51sec (14331 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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