1972 Vikings vs Steelers CBS Original Broadcast

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on behalf of the full-service banks in your community [Music] [Applause] the pride of Pittsburgh magnificent three-year ever Stadium home of the Pittsburgh Steelers who today are hosting the Minnesota Vikings in the game that each team thinks it must win good afternoon everyone I'm Jack threes with me is George Connor Minnesota Vikings four in a row now figure they are rolling if it's not too late but there is one little evidence of concern George even though they won the game the defense giving up 41 points to Los Angeles they certainly did but but Grant said you have to play the hand that you're dealt they came from behind Parkington through four four four and they got their offense going the defense will have a tough time against Pittsburgh today they have a great running game averaging 188 yards on the ground for game they've got two great runners and Franco Harris averaging six point three yards per carry he's a rookie from penn state and john fuqua another great runner and will be ready for the start of today's game in just a moment ella fitzgerald she's attempting to shatter a glass with her amplified voice she did it you are now hearing the Memorex cassette tape recording we just made of Ella now you'll see a glass shatter again but his Adela or is it Memorex I'll never buy two 90 minute cassettes get one free at participating viewers [Music] right [Music] you don't have to be a big gun to smoke gun tijuana smalls aromatic the taste of freedom and you don't have to inhale it to like it leaving your lights on for over three hours in freezing cold and that's murder but that's what we did with these cards let's see if any of them can start one can the one with the Sears diehard the die-hard extra power to start your car when most batteries won't so lonely it si now the introduction of the players has been concluded the van has formed on the field this is the Ambridge high school band for the national anthem we'll have the reenactment of the toss of the coin is the co-captains from either team head out on the field the toss was won by the Minnesota Vikings so they will get their first crack at putting the ball on offense Plus officially completed a half hour before kickoff Minnesota Vikings will be starting at Marinero their fine rookie from Cornell and Oscar Reed at running backs a pair that does not shape up as strongly in the attack Department on the ground as does the awesome duel of the Pittsburgh Steelers but now our national anthem [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we're mentioning the matchup of running attacks Marinero and read not as strong in the physical running department as our Franco Harris and John du Pape what they do have speed to the outside the balance swings in the other direction when you compare Terry Bradshaw with a veteran Fran Tarkenton Terry Bradshaw coming on fast both these quarterbacks have the ability which is often displayed to do some running and the first test of course will be the Minnesota offense against the Pittsburgh defense Jack I would like to point out that this is tart and turf they're playing on and pittsburgh has not lost a game here this year they're five and OH at home and I think a home-field advantage is really something here today in this big game there the deep man John Gilliam is number 42 and with him down there number 40 is Charlie West picked off by Roy Joella he's teamed up the ball at the 40 yard line there is truly loose Robertson Jim thinks were saying a Super Bowl air in this Stadium today for this is a critical critical content I lost for the Minnesota Vikings did pretty much put them out of it and the Pittsburgh Steelers tied with the Cleveland Browns for the top spot in the AFC Central Division are likewise trying to husband their losses and come through with what would be a first ever for these Pittsburgh Steelers a divisional championship [Applause] we have a swirling wind of some strength and place now it is blowing the ball off the kicking tee Jack the wind blowing the ball off the tee it could be a factor in this game if either team has to resort to a lot of passing now let's see if the ball will stay up long enough for Joella to kick it he does the end zone here he comes out to the 10 the 15 still on his feet at the 20 and breaks loose out to the 41 man gorilla the kicker bounces him out of bounds at the 46 yard line and John Gilliam has given him great field position over the missed tackle there Larry Brown number 87 you'll see it coming up it's a good move by Gilliam there's the missed tackle right there Gilliam with good speed it's a fine return back to the 45 yard line well with the 45 first and ten for Minnesota and they're now high school need the money banks and the ball is given to Oscar Lee he is Rafael see green with the left hand number 68 that was Jack ham the left side linebacker who popped through there and forced him into a sudden change of direction and took away some of his feet goats a yard pick up it's at the 46 it will be second down and nine at Jack ham number 59 on defense for Pittsburgh will be a young man to watch today is just in his second years but he's been drawing arrayed notices he's the linebackers five interceptions Oscar League tries it again straight ahead again that fine defensive front four of the Steelers flags up the path Ben McGee number 60 was the principal tackler the right tackle last week the Steeler hurt the defense was hurt Andy Russell the right linebacker number 34 there you see him he's an 8-year veteran Missouri he was forced out of the Cleveland game and hurt the Pittsburgh defense he's operating on a bad ankle but he says he's alright at game time 19 Washington goes on wide to the lefty Washington also operating on a bad foot Gilliam is the wide receiver to the right the air third and eight there's the throw - Gilliam complete as he was then by Mike Wagner and started down he lost track of the football and the Bible doubt of his grasp he did not haven't long enough to be ruled a completed pass and the Minnesota Vikings have been held on downs by the Pittsburgh Steelers in the opening for a though it's fourth down now - trimmings our own 47 deep men heading back our Glenn Edwards and blind Edwards back there all alone Mike eischeid to do the punting for Minnesota dad gets it away Edwards makes the catch on the 17 yard line is caught and thrown down at the 18 though it's a return of one yard and it'll be first and 10 for Pittsburgh at that point this telecast is presented by authority of the National Football League intended for the private use of our audience anyway caste or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the National Football League is prohibited oh it's the first crack at it now for the Pittsburgh Steelers there is no score in the game they have it first and 10 at their 18 yard line Franco Harris John few quarter running backs you plot 32 or Buford 33 Harris 32 and here is big Franco Harris powering into the line varying to the left getting up to around the 22 yard line before Jim Marshall number 70 the right end for the Vikings brings him down well-spotted at the 21 Franco Harris a rookie from Penn State has four games in a row over a hundred yards and five out of his last six games he's a strong runner [Music] second down about seven yards to go Terry Bradshaw quarterback Phil quad drops the ball and Minnesota Vikings have got it fumble recovery by carl eller number 81 here it is again he didn't get the ball he doesn't have control of it there you see it slip away you claw there's Carlisle or 81 gets down to the bottom of that pile and makes the recovery for the Minnesota Vikings though the Minnesota Vikings get the first big break of the game a costly turnover by the Pittsburgh Steelers has given Minnesota the ball just 20 yards away [Applause] now in lotion packet and throws to mount our putting back against the grain getting a black on the corner man from Grady alderman but it wasn't enough life white the right end number 78 for the Steelers was there to haul him down after a short game they'll spot it at the 17 yard line a pickup of three it will be second in seven no score in the game Minnesota won the toss took the kickoff fail to make a first down punted to the Steelers and on the second play they fumbled it to the Vikings on the 20 and Minnesota now has it second in seven on the 17 gilliam wide to the right John Henderson is in a wide receiver now and he split out wide to the left eye formation in the backfield parking and rolling right hurry make the connection to oscar a jack ham and linebacker we were talking about was in there putting the pressure on Fran Tarkenton and took something off the pass well I was a good play by ham and the defensive lineman they didn't go for the play-action fake knowing that Tarkington likes to roll out they continued through to the passer and may have made him throw a little bit quicker than he wanted to he had his man wide open they're down seven yards to go Minnesota I'm the Pittsburgh 17 [Applause] are going straight back this time there is this vague incomplete intended for marinara bana decide by meet Joe green their bait six foot four inch left tackle number 75 there is the Magnificent Allegheny Club one of the social centers of this stadium for those who like to watch their football in comforted style now a field goal attempt by Fred packs from 24 yards away he's got it in there and Minnesota has drawn first blood the Vikings are in the lead three to nothing over the Pittsburgh Steelers and we'll be back with Minnesota's kickoff in just a moment you parents ought to know something football's not just for us fathers anymore that's right now the whole family's enjoying NFL action player stamps from Sunoco great to collect and trade you get 9 stamps free every time you stop at a participating Sunoco station while you're there buy a stamp saver album regular edition 89 cents deluxe 249 get NFL action player stamps free at Sunoco US kids love them I'm Jim Mooney and this is my wife Joyce we live in Bangor Maine where it gets awful cold Joyce is a waitress sometimes she works late and when she gets to a car I want to be short stats so we used rice and Uncle gasoline snirkle especially in very cold weather makes a big difference as far as tagging the car and whole operation of it fill up with dry Sunoco gasoline all winter long your car starts like it's summer time to dry Sunoco gasoline [Music] now Minnesota to kick-off read tax has the ball upon the forty number 35 is Steve Davis number 26 is Preston a person they are the deep men for the Pittsburgh Steelers man Fred card give the ball a low swimming kick that's moving over near the sidelines makes it out of bounds Minnesota will have to kick off again accepting a five-yard penalty here is a first period score the New York Giants have jumped in front of the Eagles seven to nothing well coming back now and Fred Cox will have to kick it off from the 35 yard line with the wind swirling around down there and blowing the ball off the kicking tee twice for Roy Joella when he was attempting the opening kickoff I would suspect that the wind might have caught that ball just as Cox was riding into it because it was a very poor kick off to the side and they have been blowing out just as he was about ready to tee it up well although Cox likes to script those kicks and get them rolling and this prevents a long return Steve Davis 35 Preston Pearson 26 the deep men for the Steelers moving up a little now with five-yard penalty he wraps another low one that's taken by one of the [Applause] the 48 as Rocky Bleier who was up on the blocking screen we gathered in that line drive shot and takes it to the 48 there's another short kick watch Rocky Bleier from Notre Dame there Gravatt he's a sparkplug Vietnam War veteran makes a good return almost a midfield now Pittsburgh has an opportunity practically at the 50-yard line and Terry Bradshaw goes to the air right now his attempt to hit Frank Lewis went off his fingertips out of bounds it'll be second in ten first period score buffalo leading Cleveland seven to nothing remember Pittsburgh and Cleveland are tied for the AFC Central Division leadership each is 1/7 lost three Frank Louis coming out wide to the left once again Ron Shanklin the leading pass receiver is the wide receiver to the right second down and 10 Renshaw goes for Shanklin and did he get it no he had stepped out of bounds as he caught the ball and it is incomplete Charlie West was the quarterback covering on the play for Minnesota third and ten at the 48 yard line neither team as yet recorded a first down Terry Bradshaw throwing those two quick short sideline passes it shows that he respects the deep zone of this Minnesota defense you can see how deep the cornerback for planted Minnesota got to go fairly deep on this one it's third and tani sends it down the middle and it winds up incomplete Jeff seaman almost got it after it was blocked by Charlie West from the end zone watch Bradshaw look to his his left come back to the right he almost just barely gets this pass off there Zeller in there good pass coverage there watch number 50 Jeff seaman almost get the ball but Shanklin runs into him now in punt formation with Charlie West the deep man he's going to take it on the 12 [Applause] in trouble along the 20 and is dumped out of bounds by Glenn Edwards number 27 for the Pittsburgh Steelers it'll be first and ten the area of the 20 yard line for Minnesota the score is three to nothing the Vikings are out in front with the score Minnesota 3 and Pittsburgh nothing let's pause for a moment the solid 73 Ford Torino can it ride over this course of two-by-fours smoothly enough to keep a tightrope walker balanced on top high wire specialist bill couch is about to find out and a tight rope RIT to Torinos body he's counting on Torino suspension to soak up the bumps and keep him safely on that wire those signals and they're off those wheels are taking quite a pounding but bill isn't history knows remarkable suspension does its job the 1973 Ford Torino the solid midsize that gives you confidence on the road incredibly smooth riding stable strong and quiet because it's a Ford the new 1973 for Torino which are for dealers now Ford Torino the solid midsize jack trees with George Connor is Minnesota takes the ball first and ten at their own 20-yard line Parkin it has completed one pass out of four attacks neither team has the first down Minnesota has the lead three to nothing this is Marinero who's popping through a hole in the line to get it out over the 25 where linebacker jackhammer brought him down it'll be spotted at the 26 yard line veteran Andy Russell the right side linebacker also pinching in on the stop for the Steelers Jack that was a good call from Tarkington it could have been an audible at the line of scrimmage because the Pittsburgh defense was over shifted to the left the offensive right and he picked the right holder so it is now second down at four yards to go they've got the ball at the 26 yard line John Henderson wide receiver to the right apparently that fourth is bothering Jean Washington once again he started penalty flags go down like milk Sunday was a little early on his charge for Minnesota Andy Russell defensive captain linebacker number 34 discussing the options with referee Fred Swearengen and the absentee takes us to accept the penalty we'll put them all back 21 yard-line it'll still be second down but it'll be second down now with nine yards to go illegal motion charged against the Minnesota Vikings [Music] second and long yardage [Music] the light side as well and now they send Oscar read in motion to the right everybody's over there the throw is to read on the line discriminate picked up about a yard on the play Mike Wagner the safety man was right there pass completed at the 21 he was grounded at the 22 its third Andy [Music] first period Denver has taken a seven or nothing lead over Atlanta Jack that was a safety valve past the deep men were covered very very well and Fran just got a got rid of it in time American and back has time throws out here to Marinero he's at the 40 he makes it across the 50 Minnesota has the ball on the pittsburgh 46 look at that again let's Tarkington roll to his left go back to his right there it is to Marinero watch him get hit here he gets hit hard and that ball rolls up field but Gilliam very alert rolled right into his hand picked it up made a nice gain out of it it'll be first down for the Minnesota Vikings they've got it now 47 yards away [Music] [Applause] in trouble finally has to unload the ball the Marinero he was looking for John Henderson Henderson deep Ben McGee the right tackle number 60 was in there hurrying the effort of Tarkenton and he hit Mara now for another first down that puts the ball at the Pittsburgh 34 yard line these are the first first downs recorded in the game and we've had two of them in a row first period score the Giants have jumped out in front of Philadelphia now by a 14 to nothing margin here the score is three to nothing of the Vikings are in front little less than eight minutes to play in the first quarter back and then back again plenty of time downfield receivers covered is flipped out to marinelle goes through his hands incomplete be second intent at the 34 Dave Osburn is trotting onto the field he'll replace marinara on the backfield for the Minnesota Vikings there he is in the left ear screen for a moment 41 it appears that the Minnesota Vikings and Fran Tarkenton have decided they can't run against this Pittsburgh defense they're just come out throwing throwing and throwing back in the news four for eight at the moment Gilliam goes out wide to the right John Henderson wide to the left as Byrne is the deep back in the eye Paul goes to Oscar read he spends loose from an attempt to tackle behind the line and picks up the game that takes the ball down to around the 28th there it was Andy Russell making the grab what's the right guard full milf Sunday ran right in behind him although it didn't fool Mean Joe green number 75 the back was just too quick for him those a six yard pickup it's third down at 4 yards to go now for the Vikings really a wide ride Anderson live left runningbacks us without that sounds pretty emotional in the liver and targeted look at the throw he needs for he puts one out - Oscar Reid who's got the first down and is out of bounds at the 17 yard line pretty tough play to cover Jack Jack ham 59 the left linebacker has to respect the running ability of Fran Tarkenton he comes up he throws it if he lays back Tarkington runs he needs help from the defensive secondary Minnesota now with their third first down they've picked up all the first downs by either team in this game on this Drive which began back at the 20-yard line wide receivers spread out to either side 17-yard line and delay its oscar read he takes that fall down to around the 1213 yard line where jack ham was in there once again to make the stopper for the Pittsburgh Steelers first period Buffalo now setting the scene for a great upset 10 to nothing yes they are they just scored on a 13 yard run by OJ Simpson who's having a great year for Buffalo second down and five where the winter where as much an evidence in the crowd here Three Rivers Stadium it's a chilly day not really cold but the kind of a dampness in the air that gets to you after a while I've been looking for somewhere to go finds a little bit of Running Room is able to get inside the 10 down to around the 8 yard line a little bit short of the first down it'll be third and about one and the banners are much in evidence and the Vikings hiking a poet in the crowd three to nothing Minnesota they've been hiking pretty good on this Drive started back on their own 20-yard line they've got a third and one now at the 8-yard line [Music] if I'm lyin that'll be right around the first down John rouser coming up quickly from his cornerback position and sliding in on the play or was the principle stopper on it digging out the file and they are going to request a measurement on this one [Music] James are being brought in we've got a good look at it and there it is how to put to go look fourth down about a foot they look over the sidelines to see what but grant lost oh and it looks like they're gonna go Bill Brown is coming in to replace Oscar Reed now they're toughening up the forward line Ernie holds a tackle Craig hanim of an end neck ham and Andy Russell linebackers are coming out Bill Browns got good size he's a good blocker he can use as a blocker or he gets that extra yardage he usually goes over the top there he is number 30 34 year old Bill Brown leading three to nothing they're going to take the shot and we're ready for mr. brown [Applause] what's that Steeler defense come in at that offensive line there's Bill Brown boom he's really hit there we're gonna measure for it and the Steelers have stopped mr. expense of 4,000 one-foot try by the Minnesota Mikey this wasn't all that big a gamble for Minnesota because by giving up the ball there they are in the same breath putting the Steelers in very poor field position and with the score Minnesota 3 in Pittsburgh nothing let's pause for a moment my name is Betty Sims you know it's funny most people run from not always fun driving in the winter but it's nothing I have to do I thought speed fashions in the Rocky Mountain State and I have to travel throughout Colorado Wyoming Utah New Mexico alone except with my dog training she's pretty good company and I have to travel a lot of times for there's great powder flow that means plenty of snow in the road I've been in plenty of situations where I've had to stop and also what I've had to get going but the road can always just get out and push first I found out about how much driving I do in the winter is the Firestone opposition Town and Country with three separate thread sections and room for a hundred and twelve ice cracking studs the design for the front wheels - and available for most imported cars at your Firestone dealer or store the people tire for winter and I mentioned that in May of failing the fourth down try they gave the Steelers bad field position but you must remember they've got the runners to improve it in fuqua and Franco Harris Franco Harris gets the call to the outside and that fall up to a point just short of the 15 yard line where Ellen Page assured him out of bound Franco Harris 6 to 2:30 watch the power this man has the see Ellen page 88 come over there good block gets by the linebacker and watch him carry alan page and not many backs in the national football league can do that j now the ball is at the 13 yard line second down at about four yards to go with a six yard pickup on that one that defense gives at this time the fear pride few five punches in the line is able to get that one out too pretty close to a first down Jeff seaman the fine rookie middle linebacker coming in to make the stop for Minnesota and they're gonna have to measure to see whether or not this was made first quarter the Packers have moved in front of Washington three to nothing they did it on a field goal by Chester Marcol and that field goal was 52 yards Pittsburgh has a first down first intent for the Steelers at the 18 yard line while not quite at the 18 but in the statistical records of the game it is credited with being at the 18 when it passes one yard line that is immediately put down for purposes of figuring the are deeds at the next one tip our game and he pops into the line gets over it and beyond the 20 Jeff's even the middle linebacker making a stop a light rain is beginning to fall here in Pittsburgh we've got the ball now at the 20-yard line a pickup of to be second down and eight for the Steelers the score is three to nothing the Vikings out in front took a fourth down gambled and the 7 yard line when they had a foot to go and the Steelers held now they've got the ball at the twenty second and eight Renshaw back to throw he lofts one out to Franco Harris Harris is at the 20 cutting bag bouncing off tacklers finally bounced out about near the 25 wall klaus and bob bryan combining to get him out of bounds for minnesota it was pass all the way watch the rush the bradshaw gets he just arches that ball up there a great catch here by Franco Harris the rookie from Penn State he has good mobility and he's really strong great power running straight ahead not enough for a first down they've got three yards more to achieve that third down and three [Music] franco aires trying for it but he's flagged up along the line Jeff seaman was in there fighting off a blocker flagged up the play short of a first down Pittsburgh will have to kick it from the endzone watch Gary Larson number 77 he gets in there trips up the interference now Bob walden is back in punt formation Charlie West is going back whoa but this than punt would give an opportunity to run it back he's back to the 20 and his father on 225 yes the 24 yard line a flag is down I believe it will be a clipping call against the Viking preliminary signal clipping against Minnesota [Music] that was inside the 30 so it will be half the distance to the goal line [Music] now gir Spock was guilty of the clipping and then to put the ball back at the 11 and a half the yard line well we'll call it the 12 and it'll be first down for Minnesota and now they're starting deep on their own territory they have a score on the board a field goal by Fred Cox and it's three to nothing in favor of the Vikings two minutes and 47 seconds left in the first quarter [Music] [Music] background [Music] tackle Bill Brown I should state that five brother but his forward progress is stopped at the 17-yard line so it's a pickup of 5 it'll be second and 5 at the 17th Earnie Holmes has come in to replace Ben McGee and right tackle in the Pittsburgh Steelers defense second and five [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the way number 49 Ralph Anderson recovers for the Steelers now the steelers get a break in the game they've got the ball on the 12 yard line they are trailing three to nothing little less than two minutes to play in the first quarter Franco Harris gets the call good black inflatables Oh that was Bruce Van Dyke number 66 will cloud the corner man and open the way Franco Harris has scored from 12 yards out of the Steelers leaf in slow motion from the end zone watch Franco Harris first Bruce Van Dyke what a block he put on Charlie West and he goes in standing up now Roy jor-el on the try for point that kick is good and the Steelers have taken the lead with a little better than a minute and a half remaining in this first quarter well while we have a moment Gunsmoke has a real thriller for you tomorrow night the story of a man who sets out to avenge the murder of his brother and when his trail leads to Dodge City at the kitty danger signals go up and kitty can send up a pretty good danger signal comes the manor for Matt Dillon so don't miss the excitement I'm gonna smoke tomorrow night at 8:00 7:00 central time now Pittsburgh 7 to 3 in the lead over the Minnesota Vikings one minute and 37 seconds remaining in the first quarter of the game and the deep end for Minnesota dan Gilliam is number 42 Charlie West is number 40 nearest us major Ella wall TWP with the 40 ready to kick it off [Music] special importance each of these teams gilliam takes this one two yards deep up to the 10 15 fix up the black gets to the 25 and that is all she wrote and Ralph Anderson who recovered the fumble that gave mentor Pittsburgh the stage setting for the touchdown made the tackle wall at the 26 yard line first and ten for the Vikings [Music] [Music] pan tacking in with a long time in the huddle now he's broken it here they come bill braun davis vernon still set in their running backs masquerading that Marinero started both have been relieved too much time at long strategy session in the huddle didn't leave enough time to make any kind of account and five yards is marked off for delay again the Steelers are throwing an unbalanced defense are over shifting to their defensive left and they have Mean Joe green right on the head of of the center Nick tinkle ha they have their linebacker on the weak side to the outside and they're just playing strength against strength [Music] that's first time in fifteen yards to go the ball 21 [Applause] Bill Brown takes a hand off his power thruster divine they punch throwing back that up as far as perhaps the 24 watch Mike Wagner number 23 come up from the safety position there there's your linebacker 53 Henry Davis assisted by wake Mike Wagner and I'd say yeah jack they're really hitting on defense when you can drive Bill Brown flat on his back going the other direction that's defense the total pickup was three yards so it's second down in 12 yards to go for Minnesota [Music] we blew that play up [Applause] watch Joe green with a corner your screen on the right side there you see him he fights off the black of ed white and makes a terrific tackle and that's the end of the first quarter with the score Pittsburgh seven and Minnesota three this is the newest copier in the IBM line as you can see this plain paper copier lets you feed in originals continuously and it doesn't keep you waiting around for your copies to appear either at IBM we think one of the most important things about a copier is how fast it actually lets you make copies the new copy or two from IBM a [Music] prop dusters gotta be tough his equipments gotta be tough too Tom Hornsby uses AC spark plugs a C's new super ceramic insulator is built tough tested tough to keep you going when the goin stuff for quick starts in the smooth running engine get AC firing spark was original equipment on TM cars you going when the going up I'm Ron Johnson of the New York Giants my job is running the football and this man here Jim Thorpe was the first great star pro football when he played for the Canton Bulldogs more than 50 years ago there's been a lot of good running back since Jim Thorpe and his statue it's just a beginning when you visit the Pro Football Hall of Fame and Canton Ohio there's something for everyone why don't you stop in and see it's open daily throughout the year now we go into the second quarter the middle linebacker Henry Davis has been taken out in a fifth defensive back Glenn Edwards has been put in on a third down 12 yards to go situation and long down the middle John Henderson can't get to a penalty flag is down and it might be an interference call in another area of the field against John Gill you Dan rouser the cornerback was entangle with Gilliam and it looks like Pittsburgh is going to be nailed with a pass interference call not the passing target but another receiver and it'll give Minnesota a first down on the pittsburgh 45 and it has completed five out of nine the score is seven to three in favor of Pittsburgh over Minnesota first down on the 45 [Music] [Applause] Dave eyes burned deep rivers on the end around Gilliam the wide reciever going back to the ride behind the screening the play lost the yard John Rother making the tackle what's this reverse and off the ozma and there comes Gilliam watch Fran Tarkenton try to block Mean Joe Greene right there number 75 no contest and here comes John rouse her up to make the tackle I don't think Fran will try that again oh it lost a yard and it's second down and 11 for the Minnesota Viking Anderson coming out wide enough guillain wide to the right [Applause] [Applause] which must have slipped up by Joe Breen who had gotten into the backfield fell forward across the line and gets it out to the 46 yard line where it'll be 39 he's playing head-to-head with Ed White who was supposed to be the offensive guard for the Vikings he's supposed to be one of the strongest man men in the league but I'll tell you Joe Green has given him all he wants this afternoon ed Marinero has been brought back into the running back field now for the Minnesota Vikings coming in there obviously as yet another pass receiver replacing Osborne [Applause] chased by green penalty flag goes down looks like it will be a holding call against Minnesota he's throw the brown not good another penalty flag goes down and it is holding against the Minnesota Vikings [Applause] they have been ineligible receiver downfield on the other call as Elsie Greenwood charging in number 68 for Pittsburgh putting the heat on and see which of the penalties are going to be in effect [Music] [Music] the signs from referee Fred Swearengen the ball is brought back to the 41 good choice jack because they took here the one that gave him a Minnesota that down they had to use it down up it's five yards and the down counts so now it's fourth down the other way it would have been 15 yards and no losses down fourth down now and heading back to receive the punt Lynn Edwards [Music] Mike eischeid dropping deep in the punt formation [Music] the past they have to run it and kicks on the 1c loops a little bollocks taking a Minnesota roll and getting down to the 21 yard line so the Minnesota Vikings with a gutty punt by a Mike eischeid who was in the throes of getting hit and once he starts to run he's fair game there it is running to the outside and he kicks it left footed amazing Jack so with the score Pittsburgh 7 and Minnesota 3 let's pause for a moment this is a totally different kind of razor blade it makes shaving easy and I wouldn't dare do this with an ordinary blade the Wilkinson has reinvented the razor blade the bonded blade bonded permanently the precise shaving angle and exposure but don't do it this way use the handle that comes with it it's even easier safer to the wilkinson bonded shaving system it makes shaving easy we want a beer you know this is really an interesting six-pack see how it's completely covered see the ends covered that so light won't get in light can spoil beer and this is good beer so they don't want light messing around with it well in that case why don't we turn off the light [Music] all right the Steelers take the ball now they got it first down their own 21 yard line a slight shift with my edge two running backs for the Steelers straight back goes Terry Bradshaw has good protection going long [Music] is broken up by Jeff right when Bob Brian was waiting to intercept the target was Frank Lewis and Brian had it in his hands he thought good protection here hey looking right looks the defense off Bobby Bryant is all set watch to make that interception Jeff Wright doesn't know he's behind him and he knocks the ball down and of course in all fairness they can't be looking around to see if someone is there to intercept it was a good play by Jeff Wright but a bad break for Minnesota second quarter Washington 7 to 3 over Green Bay had taken the lead on a two yard run by Larry Brown [Music] shot back throws to the outside Louis has it he is caught over there by Bob Bryan Hall down as he gets that ball up to the 30-yard line it would be a little better than a yard short of a first down 30 yard and the umbrellas are popping open now through the stands rain maybe a little snow mixed with that coming down now with the fairly good intensity here at Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh third down but our new yard to go don fuqua has the first down as he pops it out to the 32 yard line Jeff seaman the middle linebacker making the stop here it is what's the pulling guard there number 57 does a great job at Sam Davis the left guard opens up the hole led by Franco Harris but less than 12 minutes to go in the second quarter Pittsburgh leading 7 to 3 rain is coming down there are the stats on Bradshaw two out of six [Music] and he tries to lead Franco Harris with one but they let him a little too much Allen page was putting on the chase on Bradshaw Pass incomplete it'll be second in ten at the 32 Carl eller the defensive left end scene pass all the way dropped off the line and was running right with the intended receiver another score second quarter the New York Giants bombing philadelphi it's not twenty four to three that Pete go Galactus kicked the 25 yard field goal for New York ranked Lewis wide to the left on Shanklin his wife of the right Don fuoco with the handoff runs into trouble as he tries it off tackle they hit her with Jeff seaman the middle linebacker Alan page number 88 a factor in breaking up the block the ball now is at the 35 yard line where it'll be third down in seven yards to go for Terry Bradshaw [Music] thanks to them and jam cold the left tackle looked like he may have been guilty of illegal procedure and that's what the call is against Pittsburgh coming off their three-point stance break Swearengen gives us the side and it'll be third down now with a little better than 12 yards to go - scrimmage has moved back to the 24 yard line 7 to 3 Pittsburgh leading for the less than 11 minutes to play in the second quarter tank one out wide to the light Luis driving left [Music] my jaw back in trouble and keeps the speed in time to try one the Franco Harris the pass is incomplete Carole eller was number 81 coming in to lower the bow good rush by Minnesota this time parallel are coming in Bradshaw gets away from but tries to hit his back on the flat he's almost torn apart there and it's incomplete pass Bobby Bryan to charlie West have gone deep now as we move into punt formation with Bob Walden back to do the kicking for the Pittsburgh Steelers drives went down to Charlie West has to move back to the ground it was 23 and penalty flag flies in as he has rounded around the 27 yard lines and gave us getting down to make the stop Jack the up back Bobby Bryant signaled for a fair catch and the receiver didn't see it and I believe that'll be the call that's what it is the Artic slacked off back to the 22 yard line the signal given is delay a game which is assessed against the back for running with the football after a fair catch signal was given Minnesota now at their own 22 and with the score Pittsburgh seven and Minnesota three let's pause for a moment let's see we have 12 years in San Francisco with resume and your valet service they pick up welcome to our annual Western sales meeting I have some figures here a nice area we can accomplish tomorrow what we did today we have been in great shape today this holiday in made 463 businessmen a little more efficient by making them a little more relaxed so next time you travel on business stay with holiday in the most accommodating people in the world hello I'm interrupting your TV picture with good news about color TV know what's in back of many TV repairs look chassis tubes tubes get hot weakened with age on our leading cause of TV repairs so RCA takes every chassis tube out of Excel 100 color TVs Excel 100 SAR 100% solid-state designed for longer life and vivid color give chassis to problems the boot with Excel 100 Jack trees with George Connor Pittsburgh as the Vikings take over first and ten [Applause] 22 yard line rockin and rollin out to the right I ask to look back hurting for someone anyone finds getting the ball off his hands and incomplete Mel Blount was number 47 covering on the play a rain is falling and a chill is settling in the air and ball is going to be a little more difficult to hold second and ten we parse five seconds for station identification and we have a look at one puddle forming in the rain coming down pretty hard now Pittsburgh Minnesota trailing 73 behind Pittsburgh has its second antenna like to go in the first half [Music] that was driving the line picked up by Joel green and hairy back [Applause] second quarter Washington is seven to three over the Green Bay Packers Jack can we have a report that Scott hunters been taken out of the game no injury reported but taggi the rookie quarterback from Nebraska is in for Scott hunter for Green Bay they're down to nine now for the Minnesota Vikings starting backs are back in now both Oscar Reid and Ed Marinero [Applause] the pressure line from Joe Greene throws on the run throws complete to Beasley his tight end Beasley powers his way out to almost the 40-yard line more than enough for a first down on a very big play Jack ham the tackler good rush here there's Joe green going to the outside great catch there the defensive back was Ralph Anderson Beasley out muscling him for the first down first and 10 now at the 39 yard line rolling right getting away from Joe green he hopes a dream still battling in there [Music] intercepting but intercepting not about incomplete Joe great chasing out to the flat staying away from a milk sundae the Jack ham intercepted but I believe his foot was out of bounds though ruled simply an incomplete pass at second down and 10 at the 39 yard line Pittsburgh 7 Minnesota 3 in this crucial game between each conferences second division contain our central division contender up the middle he goes to his tight end Beasley again and Beasley big and strong is whirling Ralph Anderson around they finally blown dead at the 44 yard line Beasley logs in at 228 pounds he 6-3 it's like forward progress is gonna be ruled stopped right at the 45 with the tremendous pass rush that the front bore of Pittsburgh is putting on Fran Tarkenton I'm surprised jack that he hasn't gone to the screen pass or the draw he keeps rolling out and looking for the receivers third down now with four yards to go [Applause] and he pegs 109 arrow Marinero fighting for that first down and he's got it he crossed the 50 before he was dropped by Andy Russell the right side linebacker now Minnesota is moved into Steeler territory they have it first in 10:00 at the Pittsburgh 49 Gilliam coming out wide with the left John Anderson why to the right Jean Washington started at wide receiver but was taken out after a couple of plays in favor of John Henderson Washington is troubled by a bruised foot the running shot - Oscar Reed he's through the line quickly it takes that fall to the 41 yard line before Ralph Anderson the safety man brought him down good blocking up front watched Egelhoff go through for the middle linebacker Davis an Oscar read just kind of slithered through there found the hole and made good yardage about eight yards second down now with a shade better than two yards to go for the Vikings and Reid gets the call again he powers through for a first down and Fran Tarkenton has found a path through that tough Pittsburgh defensive wall first a good black buy white there he takes so homes all the way in and that opens up the hole they keep banging away and they might have found something there jack first intending out the 34 yard line Pittsburgh is leading 73 [Applause] masquerade alarmed up way back beyond the 40-yard line Henry Davis the middle linebacker and white breed that white white through right in combining on the staff but his forward progress was stopped at the 32 eight completions in 14 attempts for Fran Tarkenton ball now at the 32 at second down and eight yards to go motion targeted rolling back in the other direction out to the right side his peg is behind Marinero incomplete oh it's going to be third down and eight second quarter washington 14 green bay 3 and that score was a 25-yard pass from Kilmer to Jerry Smith little less than six minutes to play in the second quarter seven two three Pittsburgh out in front third and eight facing Fran Tarkenton Wallace 32 yards away from the Pittsburgh goal line - straight back has the protection this time close to Gilliam he has to fight to hold it Panthers hold it for a completion down around the 20 for a first down that was giant rouser the quarterback wrestling him for it from the end zone pretty good rush again I believe the ball was tipped let's look and see if it was right there there you saw 63 Ernie Holmes tip the ball in it it actually helped the reception [Music] believe in motion left rolling right is France accident and he kind of shoveled surpassed to Ed marinara and marinara is ran out of bounds and around the 13 yard line by linebacker jackhammer what's Tarkington out quickly he gets to the outside he could have run the ball but he decides to dump the ball off to Marinero he likes those short passes a good deal of that developing action from the end zone camera a gentleman has replaced Elsie Greenwood at defensive end for the Pittsburgh Steelers taken down a shade better than three yards to go Marinero on the sweep he's around the corner inside the 10 down to the 5 before he's finally hauled down it'll be first and goal the goal for Minnesota from the end zone again watch Milt Sunday get to the outside they blocked the Hanneman number 67 just came in the game good call by tarkington there's the block by Ed white Mussoorie started back on Minnesota's 22 yard line they're running their fourteenth play right now in this series and its first and goal to go for the five [Music] Henry Davis and Jack ham the linebackers pinching in closing the gap he picked up a yard to the four [Applause] the regular defensive left in LC Greenwood number 68 back in there [Music] [Music] bill Brown has come in but it is targeted rolling of the ride in trouble Green is at them incomplete intended for John Henderson broken up by Ralph Anderson and it'll be third and goal to go LLC Greenwood was putting the pressure and Fran Tarkenton on the goal line standard third down and goal to go from four yards away the score is 7 to 3 the Pittsburgh Steelers in front of the Minnesota Vikings a little better than three and a half minutes to play in the first half [Music] running back [Applause] targeted fake slips one out two men out there now [Applause] for a loss of two yards they'll be fourth and goal from the 6 from the endzone watch the bacon here [Applause] makes it to brown throws outs of Marinero but Jack ham second-year linebacker there he is makes a great block where a tackle he's a second-year man rated very highly he's from Penn State so the Vikings will attempt to settle for three points in fact into the picking [Music] [Applause] the Steelers recover and they will take it in the air they're 11 or 12 yard line here's the slow-motion bad snap for a bad hold there by fall Krause 22 he can't hang onto the football don't see that very often jack so with the score Pittsburgh seven and Minnesota this leading replacement battery has a thick rubber case rubber isn't power it's dead weight Ford builds the motor craft long life premium battery with tough thin polypropylene it costs more but you get more inside more plates more starting power more reserved power which do you want more case outside or twelve more pounds for power inside motor craft from Ford helps keep you off the hook [Music] we've got the thing [Music] oh the Pittsburgh Steelers take it on their own 11 yard line em up attempt to tee up the football for a field goal try gives the ball to the Steelers they still lead seven to three over Minnesota Franco Harris looking for room breaks two tackles up third and finally of Ljubljana burger man that's power running George [Music] let that fall out to around the 18-yard line and that's why Franco Harris rookie from Penn State is very high in the running for Rookie of the Year honors averaging 6 point 3 yards per carry going into today's game and they defense a struggle that has characterized this game he has thus far a relatively modest total of 31 yards on 5 carries but that's just about it is average of six point three yards per carries which leads the entire league on running everything [Music] John fire he gets out over the 25 yard line for a first down with plenty of change Gary Larson the tackle this is just a quick pitch with the flanker back Ron Shanklin coming in their booth well gets to the outside very quickly with them they're number 72 Jerry Mullins makes a fine cut back there for good yardage and a first down first and 10 out the 26 for the Steelers take to Harris bootleg back now Bradshaw hunting for a target throws long and into a crowd it's picked off by Charlie West Minnesota has the ball on the interception and McMakin was the target Minnesota first intent now and they've got the ball at the 50-yard line good play-action there he's got all the time in the world he's trying to hit John McMakin and I questioned that throw look at all those white jerseys back there Bradshaw threw into a crowd there and West intercepted so with the score Pittsburgh seven in Minnesota three let's pause for a moment skipjacks that's what we call these boats here until tomorrow they're used for dredging Northland this baby's mine the oldest one around these parts 1891 you know who help me get it full service back they'll earn me money to buy so I could go into business for myself and pretty soon business was so good that the bank offered me another line to buy that crabber then they helped me pay for special insurance on both boats and showed me a way to handle my money I never would have thought of that Bank really stuck with me hey there's my banker now hey Jon his bank may look small but it sure does things in a big way I guess that's why they call it a full-service buy all across the country in 14,000 different things helping is our business [Music] then the fortunes of this game are flying back and forth now on the charlie west interception Minnesota has the ball at midfield Pittsburgh is leading 7 to 3 at a little less than two minutes to play before the end of the first half bargaining back to throw green after me flips one over the middle to head Marinero Marineros rounded at the 43-yard line by LC greenwood and it will be second down and about three yards to go for the Minnesota Vikings this shut-in the line by Oscar read is right along the line of scrimmage Joe Green was in on the tackle it'll be third and three no gain on the play [Music] while there's a timeout on merit gives me a chance a this week the new CBS Tuesday night movies features an intriguing drama of a rather eccentric young man who's bent on cleaning up a polluted river by sabotaging the chemical plant where he works tony Perkins Tuesday Weld are the stars and they pretty much twist into each other's lives in pretty poison that's the CBS Tuesday night movie at 9:30 8:30 Central Time the Vikings have taken a timeout they have two remaining and Tarkington Jack we saw as you see him over there talking to but grant and Jerry Burns we saw Tarkington take them the lake the field the Vikings against Denver earlier this year in 36 seconds so he can do it but he's faced with the third and short yardage he's got to get the first down first [Music] though it's third down about three yards to go Tarkington likes to throw to his backs he's been throwing to them all day long there are spots seven passes thus far in this game - did 12 out of 20 so far it is total passing attempts versus completions building out to the right he whistles one and that winds up in the crowd the crowd composed of Mike Wagner was fighting Dunn Beasley the tight end for possession of the ball the little half roll out once again looked like Oscar Reed was open but he went down field is one of his favorite targets Beasley and Mike Wagner made a good block oh my gosh I has come on the punt for the Minnesota Vikings a minute and 21 seconds remaining in the first half my quake they're going deep time is called now by Minnesota that uses up another one they have one remaining in the 121 that remains in this ball game and now Wagner who was back deep is coming over near the sidelines getting a little advice from the bench meantime across the field there's a look at the Minnesota Vikings bench and in the dark jacket on the sidelines Minnesota coach bud grant now they've changed their mind taking eyesight out that was the reason for the timeout and a 50-yard attempt is going to be attentive tried by Fred Cox a 50 yard field goal attempt okay no good they touch back in the end zone and the Steelers will take over first intent on the 20 second quarter score now at seven to three with a minute and 14 remaining in that second quarter the steelers out in front to the Steeler fan said all-important game Buffalo versus Cleveland Mike Phipps as just scored thrown a pass 13 yards for a TD and it's now 10 to 10 that shot is own 20-yard line [Music] Red John a quarterback sneak surprises the Minnesota Vikings and almost gets the first down knocked it out there just short of the 30 Roy Winstone the linebacker making the tackle you can see the wide gap in the defensive tackles and number 50 Jim flack opens up the hole you can bet your bottom dollar the Chuck Noll on the sidelines before he set Bradshaw in don't put that ball up in the air clock is running there's the time picking off on a mammoth scoreboard [Music] but Shah gives too few quick reply around the corner and he gets across the 35 to be grounded at the 36 yard line Steelers remember our leading in this game seven to three as we near the end of the half Jeff seaman middle linebacker and Charlie West the cornerback combining on the stop first down first and ten at the 36 for the Pittsburgh Steelers [Music] now the steelers have used the time-out here they have two remaining this is one for the vikings the one for the vikings academic now as we get into close to the final half minute of this ballgame and the steelers crowding up now along the sidelines and Shanklin coming out why to the right Frank Lewis wide to the left Harris field father running backs first and 10 are at their own 36 Franco has had the snap quite get it going yet in Charlie West bulldozes them out of bounds number 40 that'll stop the clock with 26 seconds left boy when they show you the seconds remaining when it gets down to the final countdown they really do it here at Three Rivers Stadium Jordan they sure do they moved the little clock indicator and go over to the big board and there it is 26 seconds remaining in the half great defensive play that time by the left linebacker Roy Winston he read run all away and came in and pile up that interference and got the ball carrier 2 4 yard loss at second down and 14 yards to go for the Steelers and Bradshaw is going to throw one now there's his pay grind Shanklin has it he is across the 40 that's enough for a first down and now the Steelers come up in that pileup signalling timeout there's that pass over the middle to Shanklin he's going for that first down yardage and he has it but he doesn't have it it's a third down now he got good yardage that's right looking at the wrong yardstick there it was second and 14 and they moved it out now to the 41 which will make a third down in about five third and five that's first pass caught by Ron Shanklin who came into this game as they're leading pass receiver he had 32 catches coming into this game so that gives him a total on the year of 33 3 for 10 are the totals on Terry Bradshaw relations versus attempts [Music] and looking long and shank what is the target again was that about slaps the clock with 11 seconds remaining good protection by the Steeler offensive line here and let's see if he's got his feet in or out there's one foot in and the other one was out once again the officials are right Jackie no Bob Alden punting now an attempt to black the ball is allowed to roll by a Bryant and it's not going to make it into the end zone first touching by the Steelers was around the six yard line and now coming down there an attempt to pick up that ball and run it by Wally he'll convert which was a very smart maneuver had he gotten away but once Pittsburgh touched that fault it was technically a kicking violation and he could pick it up and run without worrying about fumbling but he didn't make it then there's the argument persistent time ran out and the first half has come to an end though the team's head up the field now into the dressing room to figure out what they can do in the second half that's the end of the first half with the score Pittsburgh 7 in Minnesota 3 can you give somebody a camera remember the real fun is at the camera it's the pictures and pictures of a good time aren't any fun until you see them with pictures like this make the good time itself even better and that's why Polaroid calls this the good time camera it's only 24.95 strictly color and it uses Polaroids less expensive square film so you can take enough pictures for everybody that's another reason we call it the good time camera you have some money left to have a good time this is a main bearing job about $200 and this this is a fram oil filter about $4 that the guy who owns this car put four bucks into one of these when he had his oil change dances sorry it wouldn't be putting 200 bucks into one of these well choice is yours you can pay me now or pay me later [Music] rookie from ran 12 yards around his right in the score and his seven three Pittsburgh leading at halftime at the end of the half right with moments ago the Vikings tried a field goal Pittsburgh leads and they've had good defense but they have been able to move the ball they only have 84 yards total offense the Davis Preston Pearson are deep as the kickoff is underway and this is Steve Davis with the ball back to the 15 and to the 19 yard line and that's where it stopped by Jeff Wright though the Steelers have it first and 10 at their own 19 as we begin the second half they're the stats sir you look at the total yardage 144 Minnesota 84 for Pittsburgh rushing 54 from Minnesota 62 for Pittsburgh passing only 22 for Pittsburgh 3 for 11 but Tarkington his 12 for 22 but only 86 yards they've been of the short variety first down now Franco Harris taking the handoff Wally hildenburg bouncing off the block to come in and stop the play with some help from Jeff seaman Franco Harris taking an inside handoff and he's following number 66 is offensive right guard Bruce Van Dyke thought to be one of the outstanding guards in the league he's a seven year veteran from Missouri you don't hear too much about these guards but remember that name Bruce Van Dyke no gain on the play at second and ten Franco Harris gets the call again this time they get the corner man out and Harris is able to go for a gain up across the 25 middle linebacker Jeff seaman they're on the stop for Minnesota would help from Carl eller the left end ball just across the 25 yard line it'll be third down and practically four yards to go for the Steelers Pittsburgh 7 to 3 over the Minnesota Vikings here at the top of the second half I'm Shanklin out wide to the right Frank Lewis wife Colette Bradshaw straight back penalty flag goes any pyres for his tight end John McMakin the pass is incomplete and it would look like a holding call against Pittsburgh the guess would be on yes it is Sam Davis called for holding the left guard for the Pittsburgh Steelers now let's see if Minnesota will accept this penalty I would doubt it or it would give the Steelers yet another down they're going to decline it because it runs the Steelers out of downs Walden coming on to do the punting and they'll have to kick it to Minnesota heading back our Bobby Bryan and Charlie West and Bryant they're switching with Charlie West now and he is going to be the deep man on the punt return distant spiral bryant has to back clear back to his 18 yard line to haul that one gets it back up to the twenty eight or nine yard line before he's hauled down load will be first content for Minnesota at that point Larry Brown coming down to make the tackle well at the 28 yard line [Music] 57-yard punt booted off by Bob Walden ed marinara on motion as the Vikings get the ball for the first time in the second half Oscar Reed on the run trying to get around the ban penalty flag comes in tackle made by the ever-present Jack ham the linebacker [Music] [Music] or you see the middle linebacker 53 Henry Davis moving out along with green [Music] still talking the penalty over I believe it will be offensive holding and that big number 87 you saw onion filling your screen in the replay was the culprit and there it is the holding signal and it puts the ball back at the 14 yard line let's still be first down but now with 24 yards to go there goes emotion out at the left tagging and throw still drops the ball pass incomplete [Music] second down 24 yards to go for the Minnesota Vikings back on their own 14 yard line second quarter Baltimore leading the New England Patriots seven to nothing and that was on a 40 yard pass Marty Thomas to have her leg [Music] [Music] long copy gets it oftentime hands up Tamara now playing a shot off tackle he is nailed by Joel Green and gets across the 15 for a two-yard gain to the 16 yard line so now it's third and ultra long yardage third down and 22 yards to go for the Vikings well in their own territory not the area of the field for targeted can afford any kind of a gamble [Music] New Orleans is leading the Los Angeles Rams seven to three that's in the second quarter and the young quarterback went in on a run five yard run by Archie Manning back receiver's covered he's in trouble the first rush starts down the sidelines and finally has to give up on the whole idea going out of bounds at the 18 yard line chased out by LC Greenwood Oh fourth down deep in their own territory they left a booth to Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh has a great chance to get fine field position on this one Glenn Edwards is dropping back as the deep man for the Pittsburgh Steelers is Mike eischeid Paul's back in punt formation there's Edward [Applause] it gets a lot of leg into that one Edwards has to give ground back to the 26 now he returns up 30 40 45 heavy going down he goes fumble and the Vikings recover that's in the the 48 yard line in Pittsburgh territory and it's Jeff right coming up with the loose ball big break for the Vikings so with the score Pittsburgh 7 Minnesota 3 let's pause for a moment this is dr. Neil Gibson enterprise Alabama 83 years old still practicing medicine he drives a Ford Pinto but that's not surprising Doug Gibson started out in a rugged reliable Ford car over half a century ago first column was a Ford Model T like that one there used it to make my house calls that car took some licking but it got me where I had to get it's that same kind of car we had in mind when we built today's Ford Pinto to stand up to rough roads to take the worry out of the mud we took Ford Pinto to be a rugged reliable basic car just like the one doc Gibson started out with 60 years ago when you get back to basics you get back to Ford Pinto 473 at your Ford dealers the Vikings have the ball 48 yards away a fumble recovery by Jeff Wright both wide receivers are set to the right side Maron hour goes in motion to the right ask a read on the handoff sliding off to the left side can't make much but does get down to around the 43 or Mel Blount the cornerback came up to make the step and it'll be a pickup of five second and five if there's going to be a turning point in this game away from this Steelers steady hold on the lead that would be on that bubble punt for the Steelers were looking at great field position after holding the Vikings and check deep in their own territory but now the break swings to the Vikings they have it second down and five as for this comminute running back replacing marinara an aspirin gets the hand off he's into the middle of the line and fights his way down inside the 40 close to first-time territory tackle made by middle linebacker Henry Davis and Elsie Greenwood number 68 the left then from the end zone here Joe Green over the center he's blocked very very well on that plays been in there all day there's Henry Davis good driving action by ours Byrne sets up a short yardage situation third and five one gilliam going out wide to the right side tight in blocking along the line just one wide receiver third down the yard to go the tallest Oscar Reid he's got the first down and then some as he fights his way down to just inside the 30 yard line before John rouse at the cornerback was able to bring him down good blocking by Milt Sunday watch him pull the right guard pulling Oscar Reed follows him through the hole there big gaping hole good block by Ed white now the Vikings have at 30 yards away first and 10 Cincinnati leading the Chicago Bears seven to nothing Carter to Essex Johnson 26 yard pass Virgil Carter warmer bear [Music] second man through gets the ball ass burn his straight ahead punch takes him down to around the 27 yard line where the linebackers henry davis and jack ham combined to stop it pickup of three yards it'll be second down and seven John Henderson Jan Gilliam the wide receivers both set to the left side a reaching handoff to eyes very and eyes burn fighting his way back just across the line of scrimmage granted at the 25 by John rouser and Henry Davis only two on the play it will be third and about five yards to go the score in this game is 7 to 3 the Pittsburgh Steelers in front that was the halftime score a little better than 8 minutes to play in the third quarter [Music] tried to go masquerade in motion to the right target enrolling left and he labs one dies burn as burn as the first down still going is out-of-bounds at the 13 yard line children up by Mel Blount the quarterback that half rollout pass here it is again pretty tough to cover he sends his back out in front of him Tarkington very dangerous on the run just lobs it over to Osburn he's been completing that all day seven of them in the first half the Marinero good running by Osburn after he catches the ball now they've got it first in ten at the 13 yard line Pittsburgh seven Minnesota three Anderson wide to the right get him wide to the left as Burton gets the call runs into trouble Henry Davis the middle linebacker wasn't high and Ernie Holmes was diving in underneath from the ground level there's Mean Joe green right on the head of the center 75 watch Henry Davis here been in a lot of tackles all day the Steeler defense has really been tough when they've had to wall now at the 11 yard line the gain of two at second down and eight respect through Oscar Reid moving out of the eye and he's able to punch his way down to around the seven yard line before he's all down from the endzone once again 63 is Ernie Holmes the Steelers have been very aggressive all day they fill their holes well they move with the play and here comes to void in now he's going out I don't believe he can do that jack he's got to stay in for a play [Music] and it's they're down about four yards to go back and rolling out to the right looking into the end zone there's is painful look like the quarterback John Rosen of the 48 got a finger on the ball actually covering the receiver was the linebacker Jack ham we pause five seconds for station identification [Music] so I'm fourth down from the 7 yard line field goal attempt by Fred Cox Paul Krause holding he'll be trying it from 14 yards away more at the moment is 73 Klaus picks the ball up rolls out throws into the end zone a pass is incomplete penalty flag is down that was John Ward galloping over there now if he was in at a tight end he is ordinarily a tackle II been alright if he announced himself as such but you cannot make a tackle eligible just by putting it on the end of the line last week Jerry Mullins was in it tight end Ian asked himself raus having trouble the fake field goal I believe that was intentional Jack it was a pass all the way or you see 72 John Ward down there coming across can't handle the ball and that that is the call so with the score Pittsburgh seven in Minnesota three let's pause for a moment when Theresa Alex home caught fire she was covered by fireman's fund homeowner's insurance when Gary Palmer's plant was broken into he was covered by fireman's fund business insurance when Carol woods car was wrecked our auto insurance covered her in fact this hat covers people for just about every business or personal insurance need and if it didn't they wouldn't be laughing now fireman's fund American in the Yellow Pages well you live by the watch every minute counts I know I'm Pat Summerall my line of work you try to save time even when you shave so today I use the Sunbeam shave master shaver watch it's got a handle it's all business a unique shaving system that shaves Lister's with six carbon steel blades for a really close shave and a trimmer for sideburns a sunbeam shave Master shaver clean smooth fat repeat fast I don't have time for anything else well another drive by the Vikings falls short of its mark as Minnesota continues to pile up the statistics but Pittsburgh has the lead 7 to 3 northbound pass incomplete as it was in the endzone has brought the ball out to the 20-yard line David blasting into the middle it out to the 25 [Music] Carl eller making the stop from our ground level again rookie Franco Harris are you see the trap play with the 57 coming around the left guard Sam Davis Franco Harris is a power runner six to 230 pounds [Music] good job the Franco Harris this time around the corner picks up a black matter of fact we did very nicely for that black and then charged they had one it was executed and went for the first down Roy Winston coming in to make the tackle [Music] third quarter Cleveland 17 to 10 over Buffalo they are tied with these Steelers in the AFC Central and they scored Cleveland scored on a one-yard run by Ken Brown [Music] first down now for the Pittsburgh Steelers at their own 34 [Music] john fuqua takes this hand off and he's able to get close to the 40 yard line jim marshall was in on the stop at 72 was jerry Mullins leading the play ball at the 39 yard line it'll be second down and 5 yards to go Minnesota trailing it's Pittsburgh 73 over the Vikings four and a half minutes to play in the third quarter why did the live Lewis out wide to the left [Music] Renshaw quick pass out to ron Shanklin and the leg glad he's at the party before this could go so we're across the field the black came out about five Bryant the right cornerback range the width of the field to catch up with the speeding Ron Shanklin block him out of bounds at the 18 yard line 43 yards on the play the Shanklin and really we run with that ball after he gets [Music] first down out here pile with the ball but cannot get his footing it is not raining now but it's been raining through the game and that carpet has gotten a bit slippery drop down for a loss back around the 22 yard line that'll be a loss of four and it'll be second down in 14 [Music] kakeland wide right Lewis wide left second down 14 yards to go for the Steelers ran out of delay they give it to John few fun few caught punching through gets it back to around the 17 18 yard line Alan page in on the tackle for Minnesota watch in slow motion there's a delay draw goes off the weak side frankly does it on his own this dinner offense and if I chuck no fourth year as head coach doesn't try to fool anybody they get their backs down they sent they don't move and they just tell you the formation are going to be in third and long yardage Bradley rifles window is made in Ranma Creek and makes the catch just inside the 10 yard line that is short of a first down by about a yard look at it in slow motion number 89 on the bottom of your screen is two tight end John McMakin Terry Bradshaw really fires this ball in there all France was behind it but not close enough to stop it with a lead of seven to three the Steelers have sent in roy gerela their field goal kicker Bob Walden the punter is doing the holding he has got it [Applause] oh the Pittsburgh Steelers have moved out in front now 10 to 3 and we'll be back with the Pittsburgh kickoff in just a moment you may never come face to face with an avalanche but if you drive in winter and you're the reason Firestone makes the all position tell Newton the people tire for winter with three separate tread sections building to one tough winter tire and there's room for a hundred and twelve lye stripping study [Music] this tire will not only give you a good mileage and stability it can pull you out of deep snow and stop you when you have to stop these tires are designed for the front wheels as well as the rear wheels for even more control the Firestone daters store has the opposition town and country the people tire for winter almost nothing will stop it almost nothing guerilla tees up the ball at the 40 yard line to kick it off to the Minnesota Vikings as we look from the end zone he backs away the deep men are John Gilliam and Bobby Bryant giving a ride to get him over near the sidelines and get out of bounds no it did not it just cut inside the corner flag and it will be first and ten for Minnesota at their own 20 CBS has two outstanding bowl games on tap for you this year in the Sun Bowl North Carolina meets Texas Tech that will be Saturday December 30th at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time then on New Year's Day Monday January 1st unbeaten Alabama erases Texas in the Cotton Bowl at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time here we go with the Vikings now trailing 10 to 3 getting the ball first and 10 at their own 20-yard line [Applause] quick tighten over the middle they can over there by Stu voice the tight end his forward progress reached the 26 yard line when he was hauled in by John rouser the cornerback second down and four I am coming out wide with the left and belting through his Oscar read he's able to get that fall out across the 30 that's enough for a first down Mike Wagner on the tackle look at it again because asker read good hole up the middle he's the Steeler defense is Stuber they're not giving up big chunks of yardage first down now in their own 32 yard line for the Minnesota Vikings nykänen makes a quick pop lets it go long and get him and overrun the ball couldn't get back to feel the ball coming in on the rush was white white covering on the past was Mike Wagner well it's second and ten Washington fourteen Green Bay 13 Green Bay is just scored on a McArthur Lane six yard run there is 12 minutes and 39 seconds remaining in the fourth period and what an important game this is for the Detroit and Minnesota fans listening in Jack at Washington Green Bay game now they got Gilliam in Henderson bolt swung wide to the left on a second and 10 Dave Osborne gets the mat he goes into the middle nothing but trouble in the person of Henry Davis number 53 the middle linebacker got the ball up just beyond the 33 yard line gain of a just about a yard it'll be third and a shade less than nine yards to go and Pittsburgh has gone to their five deep backs they've taken out the middle linebacker Davis and put in 27 plant Edward back in and throws the pass is completed but short of a first down a scurried gathering in that ball and stopped immediately and the area of the 38 yard line by Jack ham this is straight four-man rush Jack ham middle linebacker left linebacker is out there and is all over the receiver the Pittsburgh defense has done it again Minnesota will have to boot the ball Glenn Edwards is wrapping back he'll receive the punt for the Pittsburgh Steelers the score is 10 to 3 Pittsburgh in front and the Minnesota Vikings are going to take a timeout [Music] my gosh I'd the funders come in and he's walked up now for a word with referee Fred Swearengen there's the deep man Glenn Edwards now was his fumble on a punt return that looked like it was giving Minnesota their golden opportunity earlier in this second half but the Steelers defense rose to the occasion now they've come on to add another field gold above their margin out to ten to three over Minnesota as I said leads into the kick lips one hi backs aways one let it bounce it takes a Minnesota role down inside the 20 and is coming to a halt at the sidelines at the 15-yard line first and 10 at the 15 for the Pittsburgh Steelers and the gun is sounded three periods have gone by that's the end of the third quarter with the score Pittsburgh 10 Minnesota 3 we now pause for station identification this is CBS [Music] I'm one of the mayor of the Kansas City Chiefs every player hopes that someday he'll be part of a pro Football Hall of Fame I know I do but there's something here for everyone young and old male and female the enshrined mini Area great movies treasured relics of the past why don't you plan a visit next time you're in the area the Pro Football Hall of Fame is located in Canton Ohio right off interstate 77 77 wasn't it red Rangers number the National Football League now Pittsburgh has the ball first down in their own 15-yard line Franco Harris the ball-carrier and he can't make it around the bend coming up in a hurry was Jeff Wright number 23 safety man and he grounded them with a pickup of about a yard put it out of the 16 yard line or it'll be second down and nine bit of defensive struggle between these teams and they both have shown creditable defenses Franco Harris has been ripping the league apart as 49 yards in 11 carries he's coming off four consecutive games in which he ran for better than 100 yards second down nine yards to go Terry Bradshaw gives to John fuqua and few close up in it as he comes around the bend and he gets it out to around the 19 yard line back there was Jeff seaman the middle linebacker let's pick up a three more and it'll be third down and six yards to go for the Pittsburgh Steeler and we're looking into some of the cupboard box seats as the fans view the game and like it so far here in Pittsburgh 10 the 3 is the score the Steelers in front of the Vikings Bradshaw back to throw on third and long beings one out the middle and it's almost grabbed by Paul Krause Pass is incomplete the target out it was wide receiver Frank Lewis off Krauss knifing in there and coming low for the ball couldn't hold it fourth down and Pittsburgh will have to punt Bob Walden coming on the field for the Steelers to do the kicking [Music] Bobby Brian going deep and John Gilliam is a none country turns him deadly report on Charlie was but he is not been in the action I kickoff returns and usually is Brian calls for a fair catch and the Vikings take over on their own 40-yard lines go with the score Pittsburgh ten in Minnesota three let's pause for a moment this man has just finished shaving with the remington mark three now he's trying a second shave with a chick flick somatic will it get any more beard look the Flex omalley gets the stubble Remington left behind reverse the order and Remington can't match this amount tests prove the Schick Flex Ematic shapes closer than Remington or norelco leading sellers closer because the head is super thin comfortable because it's soft get the Schick Flex ematic at some shave this is the newest copier in the IBM line aside from sharp clear copies of ordinary jobs this plain paper copier makes sharp clear copies of books sharp clear copies of oversized documents even sharp clear copies of photographs and it lets you make them fast the more you want from a copier the more we think you'll appreciate this one the new copier - from IBM Jack freeze with George Connor as we are now showing 13 minutes and 34 seconds left in the game the Vikings taking the ball on their own 41 and I think it's safe to say that this is a series on which the Vikings pretty much have to score that size for an emotion out to the left Oscar lead taken a handoff and trying to spin his way clear he can't get out of the grasp of middle linebacker Henry Davis and he is stopped at the 40 - a one-yard gain from the end zone here with a man in motion going to the right Reed goes to the left good Steeler defense once again number 53 has been in there all day Henry Davis they've had good pursuit the Vikings Jack have moved the ball well all day but when they get down near the goal line the first period the Steelers hold held him on fourth and short yardage they missed the snap from center in a field goal and on a fake field goal didn't work so they've had their opportunity as we're going wide to the left and rolling right and he puts one out - Oscar Reed is at the 45 and then out of bounds at the 47 yard line a gain of five it'll be third and four Jack ham the linebacker was over to get him out of bounds fourth quarter look at this the New York Jets 55 to 10 over Philadelphia or they're really giving it to for old Philly Randy Jetson second quarter back to Don Harmon a pass [Music] her down about four yards to go Isola has the ball short of their own 47 yard line mastery goes emotion right foot wide receivers head to the left that's where targeted is rolling on the bed and just barely behind the line of scrimmage he loves gun to kill you almost intercepted and the pass is incomplete that was Mike Wagner number 23 will almost got that ball Parkington rolling once again he's wide open out here he must be under instructions not to run the only at five yards see the opening he had froze it in a crowd and Mike Wagner and Ralph Anderson are down there it was intended for Gilliam almost intercepted once again Minnesota has to punt Glenn Edwards is deep Mike eischeid kicking [Music] he's going to catch this one at the six and I'm gonna let that one go let's see how he makes out he gets it back to the 11 yard line that punt didn't have all that much height and quite probably would have gone into the endzone however there they haven't been with the score Pittsburgh 10 Minnesota 3 let's pause for a moment the cleats are color TV system before you buy any color TV remember this demonstration you're seeing an actual closed-circuit around plays are color TV you get the quasar TV picture plus the advances in our solid state chassis design plus one button Instamatic tuning plus plug-in modules and works in a draw TV design for ease of service we think it's a better way to build color TV when man was first trying out his wings Pabst Blue Ribbon beer was there Redden's brewed for men who really liked beer [Music] papst is the only beer in America with good old time flavor because it still brewed the old time premium way original Pabst Blue Ribbon beer brewed by the first of the great Milwaukee Brewers now the Steelers around their own eleven first down [Music] panco Harris gets the call comes into the middle of a line able to get that fall out to around the 18 yard line before he's hauled on that's pickup of seven Gary Larson making the tackle what's it offensive right guard Bruce Van Dyke if you can see him there he pulls he got through there put a nice trap block on Allan page second down in about three yards to go and a deep pitch to Franco Harris and he's got the first down Franco Harris around the corner gets that ball up almost to the 24 yard line john McMakin the tight end making a pine block [Music] and it's 21 to 13 now Washington over the Green Bay Packers 5-yard pass and Billy Kilmer to Charlie Johnson Charlie Taylor six minutes left in this game if Washington wins and Detroit will be tied for first place and the Minnesota could be two if they win otherwise they drop a game behind Bradshaw pitches out to John fuqua he gets out of one grass but can delude he'll convert [Applause] if Marshall at that first shot at him he was number 70 who became a member in the backfield for a few strides [Music] here is Cleveland tied with these Pittsburgh Steelers for the Central Division AFC lead 24 to 10 over Buffalo and they scored dick Roman scored on a 37 yard interception [Music] some discussion going on with jim marshall down there what we wait for this discussion down there Jack this nice pitch shots at franchise pitching out the Fuqua into a Franco Harris they're really dangerous the quarterback has to have enough speed by the on the ball and the halfback has to catch it about hip high and it is a clipping call charged against the Pittsburgh Steelers puts the ball back at the 12 yard line it's still first down but now with 22 yards to go that shot rose and just as he was making the catch Frank Lewis fell and fell away and under the ball jacket appeared with the glasses hear that there was a little raised portion of the Tartan turf and he hit it with his foot and just went down nobody around him they're tearing up the rug in the stadium George in that kind of a game this has been some defensive struggle second down down 22 yards to go [Music] that job gives it on a defend around to his wide receiver Frank Lewis and Lewis is out to the 20 tears loose from a crackle cannot make the first down but he's out of bounds improving field position considerably up at the 28 yard line Jeff Wright finally got him out of bound they've got to get to the 34 for a first down bob lutz a'mma then there are a defensive left end he had a shot at him back there but missed him greets up for a big man like Leutze meant to catch a mobile fast wing back like Frank Lewis Lewis has taken out for a breather now and Al Young is in at the wide receiver he's coming wide to the left where's number 31 third down four yards third down and about six yards to go Bradshaw back to throw hand hit blindsided and down Mercer misses with a little mad at himself for missing that last tackle and he really poured over Jerry Mullins there you see number 75 out there in left and Bob lurch 'va Oh it'll force the Steelers to punt and New Orleans holding on to a squeeky lead over Los Angeles that ball game is at 7 to 6 and Los Angeles is scored on a 31-yard field goal by David Ray 4th downtown 14 yards to go I've longed to do the punting Bobby Bryant is deep for Minnesota things of beauty high in the air and it's taken by Brian at his own 28 he's across the 30 by the numbers and they brought him the area the 33 yard line that was John McMakin tight end and in on the special team coming down to make the stop good punt by Walden watch this coverage here John McMakin 89 coming in there underneath causing him to trip and good coverage by his teammates gives Minnesota first out of their own 32 you've got a little better than 10 minutes left to play in the game and it's 10 to 3 in favor of the Pittsburgh Steelers tagging and going for the sidelines and Gilliam Gilliam steals the ball away from the defender got a blocker in front of him and he can't quite make it to the end zone Mike Wagner was fighting off the blocker and Ralph Anderson was number 49 coming up to get him from behind and stop him at the 5 Garkinos faking the play-action again looking left throwing right lays that ball up there for Gilliam and it looks like rouser might have an interception there but Gilliam wanted the ball a little more and he's got it turns on the speed down the sidelines pointing out to his blocker John Henderson finally brought down not about the six yard line a gain of 63 yards on that front first and goal ago has been agreed on the running backs Jacqueline's go to the air there's his flip to his tight ends - boy who was virtually unmolested the only one postal was tackle Joel green as he galloped into the end zone for the touchdown barking didn't finally decide and he can't run it over thanks to the left now it's - Boyd was lined up at left in he pulled an end around and then tarkington threw to him quite a tricky play for first and goal on the six yard line now the Vikings are suddenly very much back in this ball game after they have experienced an afternoon of frustration here's the pride for points lights red tacks and that kick is good now this score is not in that Pittsburgh 10 and Minnesota 10 and we'll be back with the Vikings kickoff in just a moment Jaguar xj6 sedan a truly well-made luxury car for around $9,000 the new 1973 Ford LTD bromb a truly quiet luxury car priced thousands less quiet is the sound of a well-made car the jaguars did more powerful of course well you'd expect that for the money four-wheel power disc brakes at pile carpeting the Ltd front power disc brakes cut file carpeting to power steering automatic transmission standard here too high window up in Ltd - plus a power mini vent you can ever make lining seat the Ltd now I'm sure your five passenger Jaguar is worth its price yet Ltd offers the same kind of luxury features for thousands less and it seats six [Music] Ford LTD we're quiet is the sound of a well-made car say it drive it at your Ford dealers now now Fred Cox has a teed up on the 40 Steve Davis number 35 Preston Pearson number 26 the deep man wall game now a tie of ten and ten take off on its way little better than nine minutes left in the game they're sitting with the ball 25 nail as he crosses the 30 hit the ground at about the 32 first and 10 for the Steelers at that point Kelvin Demery making this time where's Preston Pearson coming up the middle watch him slide you can see the wetness of the tartan turf here although it stopped raining [Music] whoa look at this the Giants have just sent an all-time Club scoring record with 62 points Bradshaw back to throw Luke's one out the Franco Harris bears tries to put a Juke on linebacker Roy Winston but Winston is sure tackler got him down as he reached around the 33 yard line a gain of only a yard the all-time single team scoring high was against the New York Giants that goes back to 1966 when the Washington Redskins racked up 42 for 72 points against the Giants second down now another yard to go and Franco Harris storming into the middle gets it up to around the 38 yard line thirty-eight it is and that'll be third and for Bob Mertzon were making a stop for the Minnesota Vikings [Music] third down four yards to go ball game tied at 10 to 10 Renshaw on the draw gives to Franco Harris Harris it warned a Pittsburgh touchdown here it is on third and short yardage what's the draw it's covered up the middle Gary Larson again after if he gets to the outside with good speed there's a key block there I'm Nate rate 43 and it's not a footrace Jeff sieh a seaman does not have enough speed six to 230 pound Franco Harris finally caught by Bobby Bryan what a run whoo 61 yards first and goal ditto quarterback sneak franchise is over touchdown for Terry Bradshaw [Applause] gert is again up over the top the ball has to pass the plane over the goal line and it did [Applause] now the try for the extra point [Applause] looked like Jeff seaman number 50 got in and nailed that let's check it on the replay there's gorilla [Music] the big hand up there to see him another fifty there you can see him with his right hand in the air and with that 61-yard gallop that set up that touchdown Franco Harris now has a hundred and twenty six yards and 15 carries his fifth consecutive 100-yard rushing game he had been held pretty well unchecked by the Minnesota Vikings until that the explosion now it's 16 to 10 and Pittsburgh will be kicking off to Minnesota [Music] Bobby Brian the kick has really that guy gentleman flowing in the leg of mr. gorilla next Sunday CBS will bring you an NFL doubleheader with the Dallas Cowboys meeting the st. Louis Cardinals in the second game preceding that five games will be broadcast regionally New York Giants at Cincinnati Chicago to Minnesota to try to Green Bay Washington and Philadelphia New Orleans at the New York Jets so check your local listings for the gamer games in your area here is as were dragging around the park number 59 second year man and turning into an all-star linebacker [Music] from the end zone Dave Osborne taking the handoff watch this Jack ham second-year man coming in behind ed white and what a game he's played defensively second-year man from Penn State second down to 13 yards to go now back to one on its way for Henderson and it is broken up an incomplete and I will blunt the corner back swarming in there to bet that fall to the ground third down and 13 yards to go once again from the end zone Tarkington not trying to pump fake as receivers are covered I think asteroid is timing off that could have been intercepted and bounced off the chest of John Henderson and he almost got it there big down for the Vikings third long yardage [Applause] - they need this one he's in trouble [Applause] number 78 defensive in coming in to give targeting and drop it back at the 7 yard line 4th down of their own 7th 6 minutes and 25 seconds the clock is running the Steelers need 16 to 10 Mike I shied deep hit the reaches of his end zone and it is from Glenn Edwards awaiting the punt for the Pittsburgh Steelers [Music] Edwards takes it on his own 4550 founded in Minnesota 45 upended at the 40 and the where it will be first down for fifth grade at that point they eyes burn up indigent and the Steelers are in great field position once again first and ten on the 39 yard line [Music] Danko Harris gets the call into the middle rolled down at the 36 yard line a gain of three Jim Marshall making the tackle other than 29 yards now and 16 carries for Franco Harris the big one of course was the one that put the lead touchdown on the board one play later when he went 61 yards to the one-yard line from which Terry Bradshaw went over on the quarterback sneak the extra point Black has made the score in this game 16 to 10 second down seven yards to go for the steal [Music] Davis number 57 he moved out of his three-point stance and it's going to cost the Steelers five it'll be second in twelve ball back now on the Minnesota 41 [Music] Shanklin have wide to the right Frank Lewis wide left john fuqua Franco Harris the running backs quarterback sneak and Bradshaw pops through the middle and that's right at five yards Allan page the right tackle was wrestling him around a little short he's not quite at the 36 yard line from the end zone here you can see the spacing there between the two tackles the center fires out against the middle linebacker seaman but the quickness of Allen Paige was too much and he caught Bradshaw after a couple yards game well it's third down now and a shade less than eight yards to go Renshaw straight back good protection there's his target shanked when his hook them and the ball bounced off the number it may have been bothered a bit by Nate Wright the cornerback getting back in a hurry he may have deflected it but blacking here plenty of time looks like Shanklin is wide open but watch 43 nate right come in from the left corner and get a hand on the ball there it is right there gets his right hand on the ball it appeared that Shanklin was wide open a larger ello with a field goal attempt and 44 yards away paint of aloe liner that skitters through the end zone for a touchback it is no good and it'll be Minnesota's ball first intent on the 20 now that black extra point still is there as a tantalizing morsel for the Minnesota Vikings they have a chance to win if they can get a touchdown and an extra point they have four minutes and 20 seconds left in this game they're starting at their own 20 they have used up a timeout they have two remaining a scurry on a long developing raw play that wound up in a cutback going back to the left and the Steelers had plenty of time to watch it develop white-white was number 78 and Ben McGee number 60 in there on the stop picked up two on the plate getting it out to the 22 yard line it'll be second down and eight they've got a rookie in there Jack Calvin Demery number 27 rookie from Arizona State he's wide gone wide to the left and we also have Gilliam and Henderson in there so they've got three wide receivers Magadan throws and flips one out that is completed two running back at Marinero and he is grounded at the 28 yard line by Jack ham the Steelers once again are giving the Vikings and Fran Tarkenton those short passes and it comes up with a third and two Locke is running we're getting there the 3-minute mark as remaining in the game and Oscar Reed heading for the first down and I believe the Steeler stuffed in short they did from the end zone here third and short yardage slow motion it's up short of a first down is for that one thank you I going to go for it sue Boyd the tight end has come back in now replacing one of they a multitude of wide receivers that have been shoved into the fray right now and read the running backs a man arrogance the quality though is quad on driven back [Applause] the Steelers have stopped linebacker Henry Davis charging before and stopped it and the Steelers take over on down slow motion watched 53 on the right of your screen that's Henry Davis there's the ball to Marinero verse 53 coming up over the top Henry Davis and that's too great a great fourth down plays that the Steelers have made today holding the Vikings black running and nearing the two-minute mark bootleg with Terry Bradshaw carrying these around the corner over there the sidelines goes out of bounds at the 22 yard line uh sure doubt by Jeff right watching it in slow motion ears Bradshaw now as he gets near the sidelines and on out of bounds and the two-minute warning so with the score Pittsburgh 16 in Minnesota 10 let's pause for a moment when Firestone decorates for Christmas they decorate with values like this stylish counselor bat scale Christmas gift price just $2.99 and to turn your Christmas lights on and off automatically there's a West clocks 24-hour electric timer gift price only $4.99 to hear all your favorite Christmas carols a phil code 10 transistor am/fm swing along radio gift price only 1288 and you can charge them these and more attractive gifts are at participating Firestone retailers now I don't know what it is about my face but every Sunday 11 guys like this go after it sometimes they don't miss so I'm not about to take any rough treatment from a shaver I got a new Remington mark for you the comfort hid it has smaller slot so it gets more of your beard and less of your skin it has replaceable blades when they get dull you change them but a face like this you can't be too careful yeah Remington we made the close shave comfortable all right it's second down little less than 3 yards to go for the Pittsburgh Steelers [Applause] the Minnesota 22 yard line xvi intently than two minutes to play Badshah gives it to Franco Harris he's caught behind the line Daniel is dropped just short of the 22 by Gary Larson hopping through the gap call up the 22 yard line and it'll make a third down in three yards to go right after this game will be going to CBS control with Bruce Roberts and George Connor we'll be talking to Franco Harris has just chalked up another 100-yard day as a runner is fifth in a row and six out of his last seven he crossed the sidelines at the 17-yard line that's enough for a first down first and 10 watching this again in slow motion from our end zone camera bootlegging the ball Bradshaw getting around the bend with a good blocking wall in front of him Kraus finally bouncing through that screen of blockers is able to throw a block into Bradshaw and get him out of bounds and a glum blood grant on the sidelines as he is looking out what seems almost inevitable the defeat for his Minnesota Vikings but they're still 121 left in the game Minnesota needs possession and no more Pittsburgh scoring there's a quick flick [Music] there desert [Music] b-black that I should Frank Lewis the wide receiver into the endzone from 17 yards out let's watch that one again there's the pass to Frank Lewis black number one look at his seem blacker Belding away as Frank cold the number 55 we mentioned about really created a channel for Lewis to drift in now the try for the point this time it is good and now the Pittsburgh Steelers have moved in front Playa 23 to 10 margin with a minute and 13 seconds remaining before this game has become history the Steelers tied with Cleveland at the top of their AFC Central Division going into this game and of course the Minnesota Vikings in a can't lose situation are now in an impossible position awaiting a kickoff with 113 left Green Bay however has lost today which keeps the margin the same 21 the 16 but with the games remaining dwindling down a loss today is of severe damage to the Minnesota Viking cause Gilliam and Brian are deep for the Minnesota Vikings gorilla now ready to put it in the air one minute and 13 seconds left to play in this game the end zone I'm out of bounds no return possible and its first intent on the 24 Minnesota here's Gilliam Whois bag deep on that one coming up now to join the huddle as a wide receiver read the running backs Parkington cannot be thinking run now he throws on the screen to Marinero first screen they've tried today 30 35 and marinelle is down just across the 35 yard line by Mike Wagner down in bounds so the clock is running now the 55 seconds of going remember the Minnesota Vikings have used up a timeout they have two remaining they've got the ball now at the 36 first down darkening back to throw once more over near the sidelines pegs that completes the stew Boyd is tied in and Boyd is out of bounds to stop the clock at the 44 yard line it'll be second down in two yards to go that holds the clock up short at 41 seconds left to play the pittsburgh steelers 23 to 10 over the Minnesota Viking [Music] coming back and he takes a pass incomplete intended for rookie Kelvin Devery covering on the play John rouse of the cornerback and it'll be third and two thirty-eight seconds left to play Pittsburgh 23 Minnesota ten [Music] remember stay tuned for pro football report immediately following this game with Bruce Robertson George Connor scores of all the action there is an attempt at a screen to a screen but he was a little deep for the screen and did that much in the way of blacking his shoulders out of bounds at the 47 yard line by Jack ham with some help from Craig Hanuman that's enough for a first down first and ten at the 47 in the world call at the 46 yard line is just barely across the 46 32 seconds left to play [Music] they're going back three-man rush they're trying to cover everybody deep gilliam however closely covered by Ralph Anderson makes the catch slides across the sidelines at the 42 yard line first down for Minnesota 22 seconds remaining and let's call it the 41 closer to that time is called 22 seconds left Minnesota picking up another first down first downs be relatively easy to come by because the Steelers are dropping everybody back guarding against the bomb from Fran Tarkenton and quite content to let them pick up midfield yardage that has now brought the ball so the Pittsburgh Steelers 41 yard line our cannon over to the sidelines is returning now to the Minnesota huddle [Music] I have defensive backs arrayed against the Minnesota Vikings marketing back and the pagans in the past will lead and complete almost picked on Jack ham the linebacker had it but couldn't hold it and ham may have been shaken up on the play he's slow getting up and is limping off the field Jack HAML imps to the sidelines after almost intercepting that pass attempt for Oscar Reed George Webster Michigan State linebacker traded to Pittsburgh from Houston has come on now to replace him second down in ten [Music] sixteen seconds left to play darkened and throwing for pride now and it bounces off the fingertips of Ed Marinero incomplete penalty flag is down Webster was back covering on that one illegal motion charged to the Minnesota Vikings declined by the Pittsburgh Steelers they want to get rid of these downs now that's going to make a third intent 12 seconds left to play Jack ham being assisted now along the sidelines back toward the dressing room and needing some help to walk he is limping badly on that right leg that would be a severe loss for this Pittsburgh team if he's not available in the ensuing weeks Tarkenton throws for the sideline the Gilliam he's got it and Gilliam steps out of bounds and around the 31 yard line that'll be short of a purse down maybe most of of the 32 than the 31 were a hip the sidelines anywhere have spotted now eight seconds left to play fourth down about a foot to go 23 to 10 the Steelers in front as the clock winds down I couldn't raise the bomb to get in broken up and intercept it and went off the fingertips of Edwards to be plucked by jad rouser he's back for the 2025 and at the 28 as the clock runs out and the Steelers with an inspired defense and then a climactic run from their brilliant rookie Franco Harris of 61 yards to set up the clinching touchdown have defeated the Minnesota Vikings and put this game on ice 23 to 10 this was some rugged and demanding contest here today and the Steelers hold their place level with Cleveland at the top of the AFC Central standings for the Minnesota Vikings this despite a Green Bay loss a crushing one to them well they needed to pretty much win them all they came into this game with a four-game winning streak including an explosive 45 to 41 victory over Los Angeles a week ago and now almost on cue a torrent of rain opens up after a nearly rainless second half on Three Rivers Stadium and Pittsburgh so the game is over as the rain comes down and now we take you to Bruce Robertson CBS control for pro football report welcome to the Pro Football report George Connor and I will be talking to the two Pittsburgh Steeler heroes Franco Harris and mean Joel green and get their reaction it should be something to Pittsburgh's 2310 win over the Minnesota Vikings here at Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh and SAFTA Noah we'll take a look at all the scores the big one of course the Giants Philadelphia in that game the Giants broke the team all-time scoring mark they scored 62 against the Philadelphia Eagles the Browns rallied from a 10-point deficit and they be
Channel: Virgil Moody
Views: 291,214
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Id: sl2Hgu_kDss
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Length: 160min 1sec (9601 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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