2010 Week 7 - Vikings @ Packers

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John "KEWN" lol. Man. This was so long ago, they referred to him and Sitton as "young guys"

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/amccune 📅︎︎ May 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Randy Moss appears!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/cheesyhomer 📅︎︎ May 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
Osby to kick-off friend from land Sunday night's football pardon Thunder 3 the coverage is sweet he gets taken down at the 15 red car coming up to lead the Vikings from deep in their own territory Kings regular season start at Lambeau that's an NFL record mo starts at lunch stadium by a quarterback breaking a tie with John Elway who had started 118 at mile high yelling was back for his 109 Randy [Music] the AP Adrian Peterson he gets stacked up after a gain of two Desmond Bishop is there let's meet the Vikings offense bred for University of Southern Mississippi agent Peterson Oakland Randy Moss brand University first over philip sad to say Cobourg estate best Jim Kleinsasser dr. Cara Brian McKinney the you Steve Hutchinson Michigan John Sullivan Notre Dame real UT so it'll be second down at Peterson had a helmet problem Toby Gerhart the rookie from Stanford is the running back and he takes it for a game of about five up to the 23 so Peterson carried and then went off with a helmet issue and right now Brett Favre with a third down and Peterson is looking out to the field to tell Gerhart we assume that he's ready to go back in but he may not because it's third down [Applause] and they empty the backfield so no back here you got four receivers in a bunch to the and one to the right and that one is lost and here's a screen but it's treble an attack of his made a Harvin [Applause] so it's a three and out to the delight of the lambo faithful and I believe that was Charlie pepero who came up and made this play watch him come up from right here they've got blockers in front of him and he just goes right through them and makes the play that's good news for the Packers pepra is their third safety back there it has been a merry-go-round at safety to them Chris Kluwe [Applause] their starting quarterback a good job this year brings it back to the 40 that's where Rogers and his group will take over and let's meet him Aaron Rodgers California Brandon Jackson the breasts Corey hall Boise State Greg's innings counties of Central High School Donald Driver Alcorn State down on the mystic study Chad Clifton Tennessee Darrin College Boise State got well Tennessee Josh sudden you see a Ryan blog Iowa keep your eye on Malaga tonight he's the guy starting a place of marked off Salinas misses his third great game the lucky first round draft choice from the beginning again and the boy is loose it is Brandon Jackson who may have recovered his own fumble that was shaved Greenlee 52 who got his arm in there so almost an early disaster for Green Bay but Jackson able to cover it up absolutely unbelievable I think this ball bounced off the Bryant belaga right back to Jackson he never really gets a handle on it and then all of a sudden it gets popped out by Green Wave but watch this a little side kick right back into the hands of Jackson and talk about an early break that's a good one I wonder the Packers don't like to run the ball that much well they don't want the ball good reason why and grant was heard on opening day the blockers in front and the lead takes the ball into Minnesota territory before he's tackled at the 44 yard Dean a16 first down one of the things when you play the Vikings you have to present some different looks to down and the Vikings are used to seeing people chip on their outside guy so they really didn't think much of Donald Lee there flanked outside at the tight end position and here's the old guy getting up and showing he's still got some legs underneath them they're sort of phasing him out a little bit these days especially after the injury of Jamaica thin has gone to some younger guys neither side and there's the think inside give Rogers love to get out of the pocket and he right there as if you didn't know it Aaron Rodgers and that should be enough for a first down it is and Leslie Frazier the defensive coordinators not going to be happy with this one they know Aaron Rodgers loves to move to his right there was pretty good protection there but if they're going to do anything tonight in their words they want to hurt him left they want him moving to the left they feel like all his big plays come when he sprained this to the right side try to get him to throw against the grain as they can easier said than gone the ball is at the 33 but of the pureness the fullback Jackson let's keep the guys who start for Minnesota on defense Cincinnati Woodward Pat Williams wasnít pasty Kevin Williams Oklahoma State Jared Allen Culinary Academy Chad Greenway University of Iowa EJ Henderson Marilyn Finley were Kansas State hands fall into the Ohio State University with Dee Williams Marilyn Johnson Arkansas State Asher Allen Tucker high school [Applause] toneri Academy's jared allen seven sacks last year and the fled before the snap Scott green is the referee tonight who's first and look like Darren College may have flinched false start offense number 73 second down you are correct now there was some movement and then of course you can be drawn offside by the defensive movement but it has to be the player adjacent to you it cannot be somebody on the outside of the line of scrimmage and while the movement was over the left defensive end he was the left guard on the opposite side so it didn't count so those numbers since Rogers became the starter a no eight 14 of those 18 shots in the two games last season that's into the game it's a second and 16 yeah for the 26 yard line and they've danced their lot with Jackson when Grant got hurt on opening day Jackson's been around he's been the backup back a third down guy they drafted him in you know seven they could have traded for somebody picked somebody else up off the street but no it's gonna be Jackson at least for now what's Josh sitting here al he's gonna come off this double-team and go get the linebacker down the field in Greenway and he made Greenway choose the side and when he jumped inside that allowed Jackson to jump outside fourteen times a second and 16 and he returned and cleared Rajas within the staff from the shotgun they rushed for Rajas escapes clears left closed for a first down so Chris is talking about trying to get him to go lapi his left finger leave a feta cheese he's able to go to his left go against the brain and find Jones right on the sideline oh the key and plan to buy keys can you protect right here Chad Clifton number 76 playing as well as I've seen him play in a long time on the other side is the young rookie Brian Belaga and he's working against Ray Edwards they actually plan to give him more help than Clifton tonight there was Aaron Rodgers going right first and then going love to make it a fly so who knows first a gift try to get it to Dimitri leaves the games a flank them in the backfield and Jenner now Inoue two tremendous games against the pack last year starts with a tip on green base bursaries here those have they sold through the years yeah and hajjaj from the days college football at Arkansas first the sin let the 22 after the pic fly out second series for Minnesota and Favre with Bennett incomplete intended for Shem : let's take a look at the pic and I think that Aaron Rodgers got distracted on this play you're gonna see some pressure right here by Kevin Williams and watch how long Rodgers looks at that sitting almost holds him and then by the time he flips his head around he just lost track at Jared Allen it but that's significant Aaron Rodgers had thrown 173 straight passes in the red zone that enters that killed that and last year as Adrian Peterson on his second thing last year all season long Rodgers threw seven interceptions that's already is eight this season in six games plus a half a quarter it really is remarkable that both Brett Favre and Aaron Rodgers threw over 30 touchdown passes in just seven interceptions no quarterback in the history of the league had ever done that and they both did it last year and this year now the two guys already Gerhart come Cheska Taylor her down to last now with the Chicago Bears your heart stays in the block and far intercepted at the 32-yard line that's Nick Collins the safety breaking it up so again Brett Farve and a three it out pretty good play by a veteran right back here Nick Collins is going to come up here he knows this is a hot read for Brett he just jumps right underneath that little arrow out route it almost came up with it and really when you're playing Brett you need to make those kinds of interceptions second punt then I filled it at the 23-yard line for mana Williams lookin for space and finds absolutely none the coverage is very good by the Minnesota Vikings right there Frank Walker with the tackle back aboard [Music] talking about the interceptions for these two guys last year each throwing seven all season and it was extraordinary Rodgers won every 77 passes Favre won every 76 through the course of history in the NFL the quarterback she's thrown interceptions at the rate of one 475 passes or more 16 times it's been done but nobody's done it twice so you couldn't expect either guy to duplicate that but here's Rodgers already over the limit in this the seventh game of the season with the board deported [Music] near midfield [Music] beats the rookie Chris Cook the rookie at a Virginia for a gain of 24 well anytime you get that kind of protection Greg Jennings is going to have time to work down the field and I think these Minnesota Vikings who got burned a few times by the Cowboys last week on some of those deep routes on the outside now playing a little bit differently not wanting to give those up good move by the Packers to break it back inside early try to test their patience the white side gets the bear into Minnesota territory to the 46 yard line so if exaction is going to be such a key man this year and assuming they don't pick somebody else up but they had a chance to a lot of the fans wanted them to go to somebody else but here is jackson thrust into this role now Chris he goes from third down back to every down back he's in the season-ending injury to Ryan grant and they were saying that maybe they took Ryan grant a little bit for granted the fact that he was a 1200 yard rusher every year in William physical downhill con that's poor by genes village decision capture the light takes the moonshine [Music] yard-line [Music] Tyrell Johnson saving the touchdown it's a gain of 45 Vikings come on a blitz in their young corner Chris cook slips and falls down on the outside and you just can't do that with these Packers receivers he's had an injury to his left knee at an injury to his right knee earlier in the week Leslie Frazier the defensive coordinator is not sure he'd be ready they took a chance they're playing him so far that burned out now and he said playing eccentric Griffin is back on IR it's a great tackle in the backfield Pat Williams happy birthday Pat Williams thirty-eight today he's the oldest offensive player in the National Football League and you know I thought Pat Williams played one of the best games I've seen him play in a long time against the Dallas Cowboys last week they weren't happy with him against the Jets they let him know and he responded by making plays just like this getting penetration getting in the backfield that time Scott wells the center no match for the big guy and that you've got flags going down after the play they leave us some fattoush in defense 12 men in Cleveland for step so twelve men of course the Vikings don't want to hear about 12 men that was a killer on the other side of the ball in the NFC Championship game against New Orleans and this time it cost them a loss in the backfield there goes the early birthday present for Williams and we're back the 1st and goal or the back spoon get into the end for a packer touchdown [Applause] [Applause] knocking with two that goes double team and linebacker here nice job by Josh sittin this is a young man Josh sittin there right garden they really feel like is going to be in Hawaii pretty soon a big nasty physical guy that keeps them all cracking up in the law cause before the point after Jackson with his second touchdown of the season and a Lambeau leap at the end 130r at this point nine for Minnesota seven nothing back the nixb bridge named for number 66 great linebacker ray oilfield on Lombardi benefited as percy harvin collecting their the salmon and Harvinder the good here I passed the 14 yards into Green Bay territory all the way to the Packer 44 yard line the good field position for Favre and company have for 47 yards returned by Harvey [Music] well most all of you know Brett Farve is currently under investigation by the NFL regarding allegations that he sent inappropriate pictures and text messages to jimster jury former New York Jets employee when brent was a member of that team in 2008 now brent was interviewed by NFL security vice-president mil all rich on Tuesday the bike routes training facility if he's found to have would be subject to a fine or suspension as they start this drive to the 44 welcome to Peterson the backyard pepper then the league has not said anything more than the investigations ongoing was reported today that the league wants to wrap this up in the next week to ten days for his part farm is not address this directly he's deflected all questions by turning all of his answers back to football so you can talk to him about it the press has tried and people have tried properly but this is all about talks to you about this he deflects it and sends it back the football now it's not a distraction I can't believe that we shade too soon pull him in for the team second down and 10 with a goal at the 44 yard Peterson again to destroy shine the field about two yards shy of the first time of Hatake block what do you think Chris well first of all this is about the possibility of sexual harassment and if this were not an NFL employee it would certainly be a big matter in Brett Favre's household but it wouldn't be a big matter to the league but we did ask him if he got suspended by the commissioner would he just pack it up and retire and his answer was no what happens this year whatever happens happens third and wanna toss back to Peterson and Peterson has some nifty running picks up a first down and also first the interesting thing is with far I mean we went through all of the drama as we've gone through the last three or four years will they retire want to retire they send a reconnaissance mission down a Mississippi they bring them back it's all about the ankle how's his ankle in the season stories nobody's talking about the ankle right now by the way he says it's fine then it became the elbow and now of course it's this it seems to always be something and he said that the elbow has been a bit of an issue form to that it caught great one week after the cortisone shot that that starts to wear off - there's Peterson and if you saw me that Monday game against the Jets it looked like his elbow was killing him then he told us and he told everybody you know since then too that he took that cortisone shot right after the game he said cortisone shot was a monster yeah it it felt good for a week but like everything else it wears off and you can only take one about once every six weeks he was unsure thrilled the rain went away so he didn't have to throw a heavy football tonight like but these rained all day and a good part of the day today in fact checks it down and he goes to Stanko Stanko told us last night that he wants to be known as V salt I said what how do you want your name pronounced he saved Besant they on your introduction which way I've heard he said I'm now this song Bassam makes the catch guy there there's so many guys that change their name during the course you know [Music] for the Gerhard is the back on third maskull hasn't won a bill the night he was going to the left that pass is caught and they go to Shankar the Sun the Sun say by any other name you want a corner that's two catches in a row tackled by filler but a flag is down after what would have been a 14 yard game [Applause] Scott Greene after the plane delay of game to the first half now she says they should have done it to lay a game crossing five well bit of good news here for the Vikings they've been really struggling at this third down back but Toby Gerhart here steps up and makes the right block Albert Young has been in there and he has missed some key blocks on third down situation so really all they want out of Gerhart is just pick up the right guy we're gonna get you in the right call understand what we're doing and they're gonna give it to Harvin a little first down or could you there Kent Harvin the ball either by throwing it to him or as they did last week against Dallas as well handing it off to him and letting him exploit the middle of the defense which he does brilliantly right there and this is the value of Percy Harvin there's no back center in the game all the sudden you motion him from out wide at the wide receiver position bring him back inside you've got your running back you've got your touchdown well for the extra point and so the Green Bay Packers in a little under till 44 yards in seven plays Harvin set it up on the run back scored the touchdown were tied there's not a lot of good stuff at NBC sports.com SNF extra danger it reports from the sidelines among other things next week there will be something called costume can e next Sunday night Halloween what could be crazy about 50 yards so net and we go back to that Harvin TD you get so used to seeing Percy Harvin running around and doing these things watch now they're gonna run a counter back inside and it's the tight end Jeff Dugan who's gonna come up on a Jayhawk and make the key block right there pretty cool stuff that was cleverly designed and it's off of a lot of the stuff that they like to do with those outside plates and you're gonna injure Viking down on the field on the kickoff return [Applause] Derrick Frampton was the Viking that we shaken up but he walked off the field and looks like he'll be back on the next special teams situation meanwhile Rodgers and far last year take a look at that Favre throwing for fewer yards but of course the difference was those seven TDs and no picks and 14 sacks of Rogers and Favre didn't go down once [Applause] to approaching the final minute of the quarter 21-yard on these girls in the traffic outside Jones between two defenders it is Williams and Clough who are there they were on cook tonight and another big catch right here for Jones is third of the night for 84 yards totally look at the added protection in here Andrew poreless inside they're just trying to buy enough time because this is that route that the Cowboys worked against the Vikings a week ago down those seams on the outside against that cover to defense Aaron Rodgers are going to take this shot tonight as well [Music] taken down at about the 10-yard line Greg Jennings throwing the block to spring them beautiful screen to the 11 yard line that's a gain of 36 now this is what you want you want help for your young tackle right here Brian Boone lock and watch him take an inside set in by Trey Edwards to the outside screen inside them the last two games the Cowboys in the Jets both have been working those short quick passes a lot of screens a lot of quick close against the Vikings go boy getting their quarterback hit by these pass rushers seconds of the border that ends in a 7/7 I ween vague with the slough hundred yards [Music] Oh field and speaking of Venerable the Hall of Famer the great former Packer quarterback and coach [Applause] in attendance and I comes back through [Music] back in 77 a lot of good memories of that guy oh yeah stepping down the fever's really lat invented the Jennings I referenced the fact that 200 yards of offense in that first quarter for the Green Bay Packers and the reason it's only 7-7 they turned the ball over that one time and right now they're knocking on the door here 166 TV air this has been an issue for this Packers team this year third down conversion one of the best teams in the NFL a season ago second in the NFL matter-of-fact but not this year sustaining input [Music] Ravi's detected runaway breathe Rogers going right on target for my Varla sleep tight in her Michael Finley is gone so this guy's going to have to play a much larger role for Andrews goes right down the slide and this was close whether or not he was able to get his feet down and looked like his backside hit before he went out of bounds and that was the touchdown see drugging working out of Penn State his first NFL score makes it 14-7 Murray - well the Green Bay Packers are they got away with one and we're gonna take a look at a second deck tax rules a touchdown and no job we had a big the last time condensing that one back they fix a candle and back to the touchdown that probably would have been overturned had it been challenged now what Sanders world is here if you are going to the ground in the process of making the catch or contact by a defender is made you must maintain possession all the way to the ground clearly not incomplete pass you could see the official was blocked by EJ Henderson on the play never saw it and you also saw Mike McCarthy hustle is out there and it made it there his hands came off the bed and once you get the extra point in the 23-man first and ten to begin describe had that one picked off but come on Williams having a very good year he trying to get it to rain the moss who's been blank so far tonight back them into the first time he went thrown to him I know you think you look for this ball watch Randy Moss right out here you know where he is 84 he's going to look but they just take his eyes off of Brett Favre's it you know they haven't had a lot of time to work together I think he thought it was one of those smoke throws to the outside it wasn't ages Tanna Toby Gerhart in the back here in the guillotine is Stanford rookie who is second in the Heisman bowing and he picks up 11 yards and a first down now there is a lot of beef over there on that left-hand side when you get Jim Kleinsasser out there it's almost like having another tackle and for Toby Gerhart that's the kind of running he was used to doing at Stanford and one of the reasons that they really liked him there's Flying Saucer over there one of the reasons they really liked Gerhart was because in Jim Harbaugh's offense at Stanford it was very similar to what they run here and they felt like he could pick this up quickly the Petersons here has won the job at least for tonight in that he's be enacted moves up in the pockets sliding close wide open at the Green Bay 40 is Bernard Berrian on the throat of Aryan he doesn't drop any passes they just had a tough time getting together in sync but you get at the Burien he will catch it and for Bernard that time the game is thirty first down watch the big guy out here fill load hold who has his hands full with the NFL's leading pass rusher Clay Matthews with great job they're allowed Bernard Berrian to wart way down the field one of the things the Packers were afraid of when Brent has the ability to buy a little extra time he doesn't look short he looks deep and goes for big plays on the left side of the line plugs this way for a gain of two's yeah and we're seeing a lot of looks out of the Vikings here unbalanced line this time this is a full load hold right over here on the end so they've got the tight end the other way now you've got two big tackles big pulling Steve Hutchinson out in front and they make another gainer out of it these two teams they know each other awfully well so there's going to be a few tricks and gimmicks in there adrian peterson her later and a dream speech first couple of Shirley schuk him down a night when he had a helmet issue putting on my DeLorean his first patch Clay Matthews came in that time and really pop Farb but he hung in there as he has for so many years and finds his man lost well you're gonna get charles woodson come in here and then clay matthews working inside so it forced them to come outside to pick him up which open things up for matthews and finally a shot on farm last year I think Clay Matthews had one hit on farm no sacks by the entire team and neither game from the 20 horn again tackled by Charles Woodson well Charles Woodson was the Defensive Player of the Year a season ago and the reason he is as he can do exactly this he plays like a linebacker he can come up and fill he can cover you one-on-one he can play safety but this is what makes him invaluable now Peterson is back in the game on second and seven of leadership inside the 15 to the 14 yard line the Packard defense number one against the run last year but because of the injuries Nick Cornett is gone for the season with the linebacker we're also juggling guys in the secondary they hope to have al Harris back active and maybe Atari big B later on but Dom Capers has had to go to a more basic defense exactly right defensive side third and three bargain and with the defender falling they have been diving for the end zone the touchdown [Applause] slip by the back who was sliding to the turf and goes in for the touchdown [Applause] and the crowd is looking at the replay and thinking it's not a touchdown see whether or not he stayed inbounds or not a really good block inside by yeah he's going to be out of bounds on about the one foot down right there ball is not in the end zone but I tell you Percy Harvin ever since Randy Moss got here you could just see he's back in his world Green Bay is challenging the ruling on the field that it's a touchdown so they'll challenge they'll probably win it but it's still going to be a first down and goal which headed ham to go in the half for the moment still 14-7 [Music] Scot Green has seen the evidence we think the ball is gonna be spotted at the wall after reviewing the play the runner stepped out of bounds the ball is the first down Green is not charged for the timeout so the Packers win the challenge still its first down and goal when his foot steps out of bounds is where the ball is at that point there it is the one in the estimation of Scott green and that's where they'll spot the wall on first now so we may got away with a touchdown which probably would have been overturned Minnesota did not get away with a touchdown that gets overturned but still first down a goal now Peterson behind time in the back here they give it a EP guard and behind taki as well for the touchdown [Applause] [Music] one of the problems that Packers have had is that they are so thin now with the big guys on the defensive line they've had to take an offensive lineman TJ Lang and play him at defensive tackle and you can tell you no good at then ends up on his back on that one they really are hurting at that position just don't have the big guys right now because of injuries Ryan Wong Wong who spent a long time in a Green Bay uniform [Applause] one of only a couple of guys to play 50 or more games we vote the Packers and Vikings Darren Sharper being the other has tied the game so Brett Favre thinking about his legacy this would appear to be his last year he indicated as much in a conference call with the Green Bay Press this week but but who knows I would think though this this is a 20th year and he hopes that them down the line and I think it's he's gonna be right they will come to I guess we embracement would be the hand I don't think there's any question Vince Lombardi walked away from here Oh [Music] but walked away from here and you see a lot of different colors of fret park jerseys in here there get it you get the green I saw black went in there for Brett Farve forever it is in Chile if you get the feeling this game is gonna be one of those kind of shootouts here perfect conditions and these two quarterbacks are hot well it gets the fans crazy for courses at the Viking or one of their two arch rivals we will bring it back to you know what would this be like if you were a fan of one team and let's say Larry Bird wore that uniform oh let's say Derek Jeter wore that uniform blasphemy Michael Jordan could have wound up with the next John Elway that's insult to injury today on a day when the Raiders went crazy but you know why I mean it's it's that's what happened going to Minnesota [Music] where's that five except about for tough yards in Minnesota defense last year six in the league six best and yards allowed but giving up those 200 yards to the Packer offense in the first word of Leslie Frazier system head coach and defensive coordinator the guy who's been interviewed seven times for NFL head coaching positions when I think what's been surprising is how few sacks they've got in this season after being one of the truly dominant team a year ago shy of the first down third and one that's a creed that Vikings defense was 14 last year one every 12 drop backs last year this year third from the bottom in other words against the opposing offenses once they're read 29 and changed of the Dropbox and there it is Pat Williams with no sacks Kevin and Jared with Juan Ray Edwards on the other side so that from for not getting the penetration they got last season [Applause] right music they haven't been teeing off a lot because they have been playing from behind almost all season they sure have and you throw out that Lions game when they played with the lead for a good portion of that and other than that they have been behind and this is a team that's a little bit like the Indianapolis Colts when you say I mean they're built too heavily they're built to rush the passer not that they're not good against the run but when they become devastating is when they can just go after your quarterback we'll live with it the poor man thought that was the two ends with Indies the premium Mathis in the two inch here and Edwards analogy and for Jared Alan here's a guy that has been one of the top pass rushers in the league the last three years over 14 sacks 14 and a half each year with the Minnesota Vikings and now he's gone three straight games without a sack and that ties the longest streak of his career but you can see what the Packers are doing to them Lana screams lot of draws lot of quick throws and that's become the formula now after playing about the way I look at it one shot equals 1/12 let's say one interception equals about two shots and he is equipped against another second and seven and that was Vinings looking for a flag he had Frank Walker there and Jennings reaching back and I think he's trying to get the officials attention as if he's being held but in effect he's reaching out and he's touching Walker you know all the way out here on the outside one on one and for Frank Walker that's a tough assignment that's a pretty good job right there there's a little chicken fighting going on in there but I really thought the key was watching Chad Clifton they made up their mind the Chad Clifton was going to take Jared Allen tonight one-on-one and so far he has done a number on gear down very few teams are willing to do that 37 [Music] that's on the fastest James Jones on the same page here so it's fourth down I completely misread that one it was one of those two-man kind of coverages where Aaron Rodgers are going to try and throw it to the back shoulder and James Jones was thinking front shoulder he was going deep now nation Crosby they're gonna line up to attempt five you are filled go and now they break that formation this organ 7 they have met he's the backup quarterback they were gonna run a poor earlier he's out in front as his man beat and down to the turf he goes in Minnesota gets the ball unbelievable looked like a perfectly thrown ball [Applause] [Music] well Mike McCarthy saw his team have the exact right plate dialed up on fourth down and then cross pours down beautiful this is the perfect place to enjoy there's pressure from Jared Allen you know sometimes nerves will do that to you you get a young player he's not used to that kind of a moment and these legs just buckled on giveth and taketh while has got away with a nonchalant on a fourth down play here that's a five-yard game for Adrian Peterson as we go under seven minutes to play in the half well one of the things the Vikings wanted to find out early was how Clay Matthews was doing he's had a pulled hamstring missed the Dolphins game and they felt like if they saw a little hesitation in him because of that hamstring they wanted to beat on him a little bit in the running so they may keep going in that direction [Music] when a drill I repeat offender there's been bishop number 55 a guy who will see a lot of action this season because of an injury to nick barnett makes the tackle you know they're playing some games on the outside with Randy Moss they're trying to make it look like single coverage but they're still as a safety up over the top here they're trying to bait Brett Favre into taking his shot down the field and see plenty of distance there 16 yards deep and backing because the one thing you go there to when the 44-yard line pump fake throws a bullet point at the 44 yard line by Stanko and that's a first down where you called that one right off balance falling away like a Kobe Bryant jump shot and they just ripped that one in there I think his elbow is feeling okay 41 years old and tendonitis watch this one he's going to be falling off his left and just rip one doing right okay what is pretty good for an old guy right there [Applause] for anybody some hardened this good luck it's gonna be a flag we [Applause] well first of all was a brilliant call as they had everybody on the Packers defense flying to the right and I'm not sure that was a late hit it was close I mean either because it's full speaking foul play hit out of bounds pushed down I mean you're talking about Percy Harvin this isn't Brett Favre running to the sidelines you better get there or else he's gonna turn the corner on you and Nick Collins is running for all he's worth trying to make sure he's the last line of defense I'd I probably would have taken let's see I think he's in balance [Applause] I think you have to do it defenders out and step that I agree we're the 17-yard round they do [Music] Peterson throws the block woody beautifully designed play well and it's due to the fact that Randy Moss is on the field despite the fact they're trying to disguise that it's single coverage on the outside Randy Moss is going to have a safety work over the top which meant that Shaco had the middle Athiya red car sees it Jenko gives him the horn and it's a touchdown and now I think McCarthy because you could see that ball sliding just a little bit was going to challenge this way and that McCarthy Green Bay is challenging the ruling on the field that is the completed pass fourth touchdown he's already won a challenge so he gets a challenge and the only way he gets another challenge is if he wins this one so McCarthy challenges what would be a shank Oh touchdown years ago Berta Manuel was the guy that was a huge play and an NFC Championship game st. Louis and Tampa Bay about the ball hitting the ground as the receiver has possession all the way to the ground and through the ground here so we don't see enough to overturn this based on the fact that they did change that rule a number of years ago and it was exactly like that with the point of the ball outside of his hands but because he never lost control the football be very surprised that this one gets overturned but I've been surprised that there's nothing in the past though right so McCarthy the NFL average forty three percent success rate on challenges again because he challenged long before he still has two remaining unless he loses the next one which this one would be and over we loses this challenge not only is it a touchdown he doesn't have a challenge for the rest of the game but you saw with the naked eye what he saw which was the ball hit the ground and almost 90 percent of the time when that happens there is some sort of bobble at reviewing the play the receiver did not have possession of the ball he a second use the ground to keep possession help help his possession well the ball is gonna slide a bit when it hits the ground but if that isn't possession you can't have possession for the ball so there you go I don't see it and he'll his grandchildren so McCarthy how's over we go away first down at the 17 [Music] Peterson and he was going to take the ball to the 10 yard line for Vasant Janko his new name that we've learned and that was sort of typical in the way his season is gone 11 touchdowns a season ago and just one this year so that was a second down play after the incomplete pass the 7 yard game to the 10-yard line making a third down and three gearheart third down back [Music] emotional while ago to Israel in the passes reach of Toby Gerhart they went for with his right hand one-handed incomplete so the challenge saves a touchdown and makes a Viking settled for a field goal attempt I think Brett was expecting this little arrow back inside and Gerhart stayed outside and that's what happens when you need to go and have one guy practicing with you stay after today you make mistakes like that one that was a big mistake on third 28 yards then Longwell bangs that one through so it took under four minutes to play now in the opening half in Minnesota on top by a score of 17 to 14 Sunday Night Football being brought to you by Verizon the signal is yours rule e air by the Sonata from Hyundai by Subway restaurants try the newest five-dollar footlong a sunrise subway and milk and my head and shoulders respect to scalp get the hair [Music] cider Saturn cheese rice you have to put that on your head [Music] I'm good in Wisconsin as it is people are pretty good people around here who aren't they I mean they are football fans through and through but so nice and friendly boy they are happy when you're in town and they love to sit around and talk football some others top three others a little Walter cheese on that we're back here in two weeks on Sunday night Cowboys seven yard he was taken down up at the 27-yard line Heath Farwell with the stop there's no question the storyline for me thus far is Aaron Rodgers protection last year in two games against the Vikings he was sacked 14 times this year the game plan much different hitting the ball out of his hand a little quicker still working it down the field on occasion a lot of screens a lot of draws water quick close and the fact that Chad Clifton and Brian blogger in there blocking and it's not backups like it was in both games a season ago what a difference those numbers right there clean Jersey you know last week I was watching Aaron Rodgers and he was coming off the week with a concussion and I thought he was a little too fast in the game he ran into a couple of sacks he looked like it was bothering him a little bit and I guess it would bother anybody but tonight you can see him the pace of play is slowed down a little bit as decision-making is a little more methodical and it's really made a difference God has the same two yours at total off [Applause] the 39 [Applause] is and get the flag officially dropped off let's get his speed dinner to pick it up and throw it again and Frank Walker with the coverage and the probable penalty holding defense from the 41 five-yard penalty automatic first down well they keep trying to go to that back shoulder throw and there's no doubt they've been working on Frank Walker over there almost all night long see if he gets a little grab as Jones tries to peel out of this on a back shoulder throw I think there's what they're gonna call but that's a pretty tough call - not sure that ball was catchable anyway where it was another 44 Minnesota territory is Andrew promise makes the cat's how important is this game for reinventing Rogers summed it up pretty well the other day he said hey you know what we need a win to get the coaches to relax there's nothing better than relaxed coaches a day when it gets uptight and but they lose three out of four and all of a sudden this Super Bowl favorite everybody's choice to win and all of a sudden looking pretty mediocre after some last minute losses Minnesota in time that to the Jets next week ii agree for a Jennings wait a minute look what play was that I mean these are not even close these are these are wild pitches here between these guys and they work on this stuff a lot than I mean it the last couple of those back shoulder throws haven't been within ten yards [Applause] sixteen the thule fire they convert this town is right on the money forget about the back shoulder just put it between the eat and the five and another third down conversion and that is making a huge difference for the Packers tonight over their last few games till the new warning all three timeouts available for both teams 1714 Vikings Ace Brady in the patch hold on told me and Rob with the helmet crackdown much action in that area the message of a spirit were to have first eaten 38-yard on I say Allah when he's been all he's in the way you know this is these are his normal receivers - and you would expect this to be relatively easy stuff he already passed up a really wide open right in front of him Donald Lee that would have put him in field goal range they probably are in field goal range anyway would prosper at least having a shot from here but you certainly are thinking another six seven yards at least second agenda [Applause] that's it off [Music] flowers have been in the first guy well it's the same look they did earlier in the ballgame again it looks like Donald Lee who does a lot of blocking a lot of chipping comes down then he just sort of slides to the outside there and they get the entire offensive line out in front of them and it's been a nice night for Donald Lee that time Aaron Rodgers with a look away horse Chad green way to sprint off to the right [Applause] [Music] inside handoff and that pass is batted so that's Jared Allen who on the first Green Bay Drive of the night had an interception the heading this one up in he's a funny guy and he says something that gets Rogers to laugh well he didn't rush the passer that time he just sat there and i think that chad clifton it's done such a good job on him when he saw rogers take that quick set he said i'm not get a sack i'm gonna at least give you a headache here turn but one bullet that distantly has been thrown mm [Applause] look away now he goes the other way now he goes to the end zone and is reflected in the the deflection and the interception so Walker got a hand on it the piece intended for Jennings and then coming down with it before stepping out of bounds Mandi Williams for the pick it's just a horrible decision that time by Aaron Rodgers no other way to put it you're gonna get Frank Walker they've got safety help over the top the battle may be a late push down the field but there it is for Aaron Rodgers he tries to force one down there when he was already in field goal range and Frank Walker let's give him credit he comes in off the bench right Walker with a late push he's making plays in piglets yeah they're working on him to cook out of the game a big deflection leading the second in Ascension and not in addition for a gain of three and Minnesota has all of its timeouts and they use one right here so of course a couple of very key plays one was this one which round up as a touchdown not challenged could have been probably would have been overturned then you got stanked go on but could have been ruled either way and that was ruled no touchdown because Scott Green went under the hood and he said he uses the ground to help him control the football does that cost them seven and they had to settle for three and really the two other plays that you have to talk about or Aaron Rodgers throwing interceptions in the red zone where they had opportunities to put points on the board so you figured probably at least two field goals out of that and they'd be up 22 17 right now that timeout was taken by green vase you know so as for yard gain second down and six Green Bay trying to get the ball back second and six they took the timeout Minnesota has its timeouts today on the 24 yard line [Applause] Lana Peterson with Peterson up to the 35-yard see if the Vikings take a timer yeah and they will you know sometimes you play those games and now all of a sudden you give it over to the Vikings to work from the 35 it probably would have just run out the clock if they're backed up to their own 20 but now they're out there a little less dangerous territory and so that's the game you play yeah that's why I was a little surprised that you know I thought it was a timeout by Minnesota and all of a sudden again it's the second in six you're kind of in no-man's land an interesting choice to call the to go there but they do and it's a break from Minnesota because it saves them a timeout and I'm sure Mike McCarthy's frustrated out there his team has been in scoring position they've given a couple away got to be happy with the way they're moving the ball up and down the field but it's kind of gone like this the last few games for the Green Bay Packers they just end up beating themselves with these are mistakes [Applause] forty-three checks there like [Applause] 20 here [Applause] dear man way for this game Fargo on beatdown fearfulness he lays it up then this makes the catch and a flag goes down at the end of the play was Moss and Nick Collins and Morris using that body to get position but the Packers applauding so it looks like at least for the moment pending the call here by Green is coming back in his parents offense push down [Music] I'm not sure it really impacted the play so much the Randy Moss puts both hands on the back of Nick Collins and you can see him does to get pushed off the ball a little bit good call by the officials and for Randy Moss and especially for Mike McCarthy a big sigh of relief hear what Randy just did good course one way to get separation yeah veteran receivers and why not you're sitting there with a chance to flip the field sometimes you get away with it first important [Applause] at leadership as leadership seven yard line and one of the Vikings want to do here letting the clock run Randy Moss has his arms out like what the hell let's go but instead whoa yeah he doesn't like he says hey come on but if we have timeouts why don't we use them here what do we do it's sitting on the lead it's an interesting quality if he's made of nothing else wob up another one to see what Moss can do I'm with you yeah Randy's right 1714 is our halftime score good first at-bat so the halftime show the other side of the break after these messages kamil application good first have lots of action Vikings on top 17 to 14 follow your favorite team all season long go to iTunes dot-com / when fulfilled at Green Bay Wisconsin Al Michaels this Collinsworth and here Kramer Sunday Night Football on the 24th night of October Brett Favre in that first half was six out of 11 for 70 yards wait on the sidelines is going to get the ball first here in the second half is why in taking my company at the 7-yard line and Lee comes up the middle to the 30-yard line and let's get an update from Andrea well I asked Brad Childress why he let the clock run out at the end of the first half he said they wanted to take one shot which they did the default he said they got past interference Green Bay still had two timeouts that was it for him as for Mike McCarthy asked him about the miscommunication there appears to be between Aaron Rodgers and his receivers particularly on back shoulder throws he admitted that the quarterback and the receivers were reading things differently they must make their adjustments he said the one matchup they have to take advantage of Frank Walker well they try to take advantage of Walker andreadd at the end of the half and Walker is able to tip it and Williams in the sector wife is our first now has down there picked again Kevin Williams the defensive tackle right there and earlier of course you had the interception by the other defensive lineman Jared Allen and another near pick here by a DL and you see the change in strategy now for the Vikings they're not getting there so they're just getting some separation from these linemen and jumping up and knocking down these short quick throws it's a pretty good idea they're getting the ball out of their hands so quickly little change in defensive strategy and it's working subscribe Williams no strain Z batting away [Applause] for a gain of a be 32 then this is the story that andrea was talking about some of these back shoulder throws that almost come off as fairly routine in the NFL anymore and especially with the Packers that you Hut and you can see I mean it's not like they're missing it a little bit they're just not even close to knowing what the and those are guys that he's used to working with and he take that as well with the fact that Donna's reiver has the quad injury haven't even targeted driver tonight buying time complete this kinder blanketing james jones it'll be fourth down so there's a pretty good read that time that little bootleg action actually drew the safety to the middle of the field so they had one-on-one they go the double move on the outside but look at asher allen he is in perfect position just pins james jones into the sidelines and then you see the safety going over to Johnson then mash day with the first [Music] the offset of this season brings it back to the 23 yard line mr. Foreman company go to work with a three-point Minnesota lead you can check out the new nfl.com fantasy football mobile app track scores that you wanna listen to audio highlights of your team's big plays find out more nfl.com slash Minnesota's first offensive play good job and it's poor this is Percy Harvin 45 yard line big night for Percy that big run back in the first quarter helping to set up his own touchdown at the end of that drive and here's a 20 yard game pretty formidable pair out here when you got Percy Harvin and Randy Moss Moss is going to go first Woodson jump that so you just go to Percy Harvin in behind it and I'll tell you those two guys have become pretty dynamic discover beautiful all of those headache issues and her recurring thing for him the migraine headaches but it seems to have settled down whatever they're doing right now with him seems to be working right now he's giving Green Bay the headache yeah he's really is and this is a guy that can do so many things we saw the punt that kickoff return for a touchdown a week ago we've seen him motioning in the backfield play running back the opposition he did not play though when he was the outside they're 46 on first down we'll make a second second the Petersons - yar yar and that's a little bit behind Percy but it makes to catch the ball 249 that pepra makes the tackle you know in before and during timeouts you're seeing Randy Moss coaching these young guys up over there you know not much Randy Moss hasn't seen there's interesting there Brett Farve talking about Randy Moss and Randy was coaching him on how to throw the deep voice that that's too much here on the news that was excellent what do you want give me a break look at this set those four receivers at the bottom of the screen ago 4x1 almost away at the 40-yard line forty and far comes up gimpy [Music] you got hit by branch owns as he released almost sacks full of course for injuries that he's had and Jones falls right on the back of his leg as he's throwing the ball coming out to his right - a Jayhawk who comes up big but I tell you that was an opportunity red bought enough time I thought Randy Moss was available down the field for a big one if he had seen it and bred getting some assistance to get off the field and hunched over on the sidelines my mr. does from the 41-yard [Applause] if he came the elbow and now it appears to be back to the left ankle I don't no doubt about it that's the one that he's had all the issues with and they thought they'd finally kind of gotten over that and now you start looking over and you wonder if tomorrow's Jackson might actually get his opportunity looking at the pictures multitasking over here second down and forget this is an all likelihood Brett Favre's final game here at Lambeau Field and you know he doesn't want to go out with an injury and it almost hard to imagine that he would short of not being able to stand up and walk around we've seen him so many times come back from injury after injury and continue playing doesn't he and Jackson's not throwing these that's almost shot for littering over 36 yes watch the back and is able to have James Jones Springs free across the middle of the field for a first down i'ma tell you what this is his go to pass protection as you're going to see by the Green Bay Packers Chad Clifton on the outside perfect Brian belaga on the other side a little bit of help but jammed him good so well that Ray Edwards is backed off and look to knock it down and you give a guy like Aaron Rodgers that much time you're gonna pay a price the 19 yard line [Applause] for man Jordy Nelson stop and then header reached ahead and wind fielders there to tackle immediately and one of those rare times two backs in the backfield and talk about mistimed that ball was thrown right towards Antoine Winfield that really lucky that wasn't picked off watch him stop short rogers thinks he's going on up the field and luckily for that one field was leaning back just a bit and couldn't break on that one second and five and it's thank you hitting's lined up outside driver in this the interception and then the drive 41 in five ways look at that move on the outside by Greg Ginny been out in out and got him and Aaron Rogers do all the time that's the point and Green Bay has the lead again with 844 remanding in two-thirds of Packers 21 and the Vikings 17 on Sunday I fulfill [Music] Greg Jennings for the touchdown it's 2117 [Music] but the limping off the field and that's Flying Saucer has to cover it up and the ground ball kick and he falls on it at the 20s so Brett coming back down be the last time it figures to be the last time but get the ankle and all he worked on Brett on the sideline on the way he goes again with those numbers thus far tonight a the 14th of May the effect on his last pass from the 21 Lutheran's gonna cut it back day two three Andrea down near the Viking bench Andrew what they do to Farva during the break well actually after he limped off the field he was on the bench looking at the pictures the trainer sat down next to him Favre just waved him off in fact when it Favre was standing up every time the trainer even came next to him Favre ignored him he had no medical attention on that ankle he's only done it for 20 years no matter what it's been in destructible energy interested in the knock them out of a game would be the condition of yeah [Music] second down and six from the 25 year [Music] that is Desmond Bishop who the end zone out back bread's made a living doing getting his body in weird positions and making throws you just wonder with his ankle kind of felling away [Applause] that he typically does in desmond bishop makes him pay big and you think they love it here in Green Bay welcome home Brett 30-second time brett has thrown a pick six extra point is good and the Green Bay now its largest of the night eleven [Music] at NBC refurbished back and I'll do in another short text and this town has fielded back up linebackers to the 42 yard line and here comes Favre again after throwing another interception this one returned for a touchdown yeah here's Randy Moss and if you've ever seen any tape on Randy Moss you know that these are some of the routes he runs doesn't get open initially sort of wanders around a little bit not expecting the ball pick that's why you have to be frenetic is [Applause] [Music] they work to get open lady was good I wish it now a star the injury to barnett was the cost him the rest of the season Adrian Peterson the 47 talked about that being the 32nd time Brendan stone was referred to as a pick six you've had nine interception returns for a touchdown today most on one day and then I felt this training in the game against Chicago for washing wanna feel interceptions will fall today Stefan in five they pee again one of the milestones were far that's almost every pass he throws is something so he's now gone over seventy thousand four hundred yards why is that a milestone well do you know your man that's forty miles 40 miles of bad road it may be a mile or so the other way [Music] that's right forty minus a third one [Music] because passion to pop it up Gerhardt is the back take care ton of time for going deep over there the truck by Harvin that Percy to the 11 so on third and one down the field they go Woodsen makes the tackle first down yeah that one got everybody Nick Collins one of the really good safeties he's coming up other safety Pepper's coming up they're gonna play they're gonna sell out for the run Brett said thank you very much and nobody's running will Percy Harvin not even the defensive player of the year a season ago no help inside no contest Marvin now for taxes 58 yards 3-1 441 yards when the thrush player Peterson takes it around the town conceptus Nichkhun you know that big play was something a little unusual for Brett Farve this season 13 pass plays over 40 yards last year zero so far this season when that one was right around that border I can't remember exactly how long the big play come back to this office his last this is in 37 yards second down and 12 with a ball at the 14 and that is caught over the middle and the catch is made by Jim's flying saucer well fears of biking tackled by a Jayhawk tell you the other thing that I've noticed out here tonight is that with the return of John Sullivan at the center position this offensive line for the biking seems much more settled than what they've been the last few weeks he's been struggling with a calf injury they've been playing John Cooper but you really it's tough to judge an offensive line without their center and they look much better tonight than they have there and we're closed yaks in for the touchdown [Applause] Randy Moss [Applause] he and Harvin work well together yeah Percy Harvin really made that touchdown it's a a pic that's not a pic you come out here you run them into Randy Moss as defenders just clear a little space there you go cinder thank you no Randy the outside just gets Woodson to bite enough really no kid whatsoever but a nice job underselling that one going on from the point after the last time lost or the tugs down in this building it was that famous virtual moving to the crowd this time he simply hands the ball to the official 48 24 Green Bay at 7:00 Eastern Time next a Sunday night probably won't be any costumes in that state [Applause] probably nobody not wearing a tuxedo where's Lee and then he goes at the 23-yard line some been a football brought to you by triple hot screwed Miller Lite taste greatness by Nissan innovation for today innovation for tomorrow innovation for all by Sprint to now network and by a lipitor and yesterday seventh graders from the Westside Wolverines defeated the Manito here in Green Bay go out and coach those guys first coaching those two guys because those Goods out there for a long time Raj refers in alongside wine he picks up eight yards it'll be second down and two you know and for Aaron Rodgers he's having a few laughs out there but for Brett Favre that was an impressive Drive I mean let's just tell it like it is if those a pick thing goes in the other way and it looks like maybe you've worked your team out of a chance to win the game and take them immediately back down the field with a huge third and one fall and it's good Darrell Bevell a little credit on that one that's really what set up the touchdown five hundred we're touchdown [Applause] 0-62 259 pounds picks up the first down but if you want me to name it is beefy so far in this game I'm taking Chad Clifton deep tonight was asked to block one of the great path brushes in the game Jared Alex been simply sensational as these been three weeks Jared Allen did the one interception that it was a to have a block overnight and the league that Clifton was the left tackle for they're thrown out of bounds everybody stopped on to play I mean it it was the defense stopped and Jordy Nelson stopped and if he had kept going I think he might have had this one I think because Aaron Rodgers was scrambling around you see he's gonna kind of sit there is slow down okay that is gonna take off and you throw it in the bounce and the Tyrell Johnson who's filling in tonight their Hussain Abdullah they have not been able to victimize and mush a little bit here and there and he's made words [Applause] the left side for Jackson before he Williams he picks up a first now [Applause] that's a pretty good job right there by the left guard if I saw it correctly Darren College they're in college coming out and getting a block on the outside but Scott Wells locking up inside on Jimmy Kennedy and Jimmy Kennedy getting me to play tonight much more because he's across rusher than a one player but so far Green Bay 50 yard line well Jackson denied 10 carries 53 yards a 5.3 for tote and they picked up a total of 72 yards running the ball you know this is the in the NFC North and just thinking this has to be one of those races that's gonna go down to the last weekend yeah and these are probably the two most talented teams would you say I know Chicago is sitting there in first place but as you look at these two teams you watch them play you watch them play a season ago I still have the feeling to battle the winner is probably coming out of one of these three second day and six the rollers at the cookie are down exactly the Sun right at the 50 speaking of the NFC North just to refresh here Chicago got off to a real good start this season but loss today makes them four and three Green Bay three and three coming into this one Vikings have already had their bye week to Italy they go to New England next week so that means Moss goes back to Foxborough and Detroit one in five the Packers go to place the Jets that tree trying to get the first guy plus they're gonna spot him that I think a little short Antoine Winfield got there and he appears to be entry shy of the first down yeah that's where his knee hit his knee didn't really hit I thought maybe his knee dropped down let's take a look at this thing now he's going to extend the ball and really he doesn't hit down until his hip hits the ground that aim yeah it's tough to tell they can challenge it's the end of the quarter they'll take a look if they don't give him the first down which they haven't it's gonna be a fourth down good game 2824 end of story Sunday night [Music] a lot of interesting stuff happening right here he steward the first down we've been looking at it during the commercial break here's the look when his elbows down that's where the ball should be spotted just short of the 44 yard line now they're going to turn it around these at the end of the quarter they're still going to be sure he probably wouldn't the won the challenge you might have gained a few more inches that is fourth and one they're gonna lie at least two go for it really on fourth and one they will the second is that like right there pink he runs right into the back of Andrew poreless who is going to stop him gonna come Lupin right in here and you'll see just hit him right in the back and somehow he just fights for that first down that's his big a play as he's made all season right there you turned that thing over to Brett Farve on the 44 yard line got issues in a four-point Gary war was at the forty-three Jaxson 39 for Twitter and Greendale Michael's Chris Collinsworth Andrea Kramer back and forth we go 28 to 24 aerial coverage tonight being brought to you by Geico 54 years they've been playing here at Lambeau Field but you've never done it you've never come here put it on the bucket list you love the NFL you have to at some point show up here barb is three backs behind watches the Brandon Jackson said Greenway is right there to stop me so now another big third down third and six now it's really been the difference in the ball game tonight for Aaron Rodgers a team that had struggled mightily the last couple of games on third down a couple of overtime losses tonight they've made these plays [Applause] thirty-six which has been set here lovers in the back field protection Rogers has time where is forward progress beginnings had to come back and he does not have enough we can make it I for a first down there's children's right there and you're gonna probably have another the way it looks right now another fourth in interest coming up well it's gonna be about when do they blow the whistle when his forward progress stopped you know and it's just one of those calls so you know where you gonna market but it he got no benefit of the doubt whatsoever I would say that contact was made right there obviously and he never makes any forward motion at all never fights forward for the ball I think that's ball is on the other side of the first down marker work forward progress to stop again it's challengeable if they're sure to the first down so McCarthy could if he wishes challenge it and I think they're going to be a couple of links shy and they are McCarthy is still had that one Chelsea he's won two challenges already tonight so he still has a third do you want to do it here you take the chance here well he certainly looks like he's going to go for it you know he just may take make his chant his chances of making it again well maybe so but where contact was made and where forward progress was stopped it looked to me clearly on the other side of the vault now maybe they're saying it doesn't count until you the whistle but I think it's worth hoorah whether it's an iffy proposition if you're going to get those extra inches on the challenge you wanna this line up to go forward again up fourth down the Michelin Man she's the running back and they give it to the up back and this time that stuff the scrimmage so he made it on fourth down on the last series of downs and this time the Vikings are certainly of Stockton well and what McCarthy saying is let the play play itself out that he was never down and like he did the last time he keeps fighting he keeps pushing and then you're gonna see kun come out of the pile with what looks like somewhere close to the first down and again it's challengeable but i don't know how you have you know I don't know how the officials overrule their call on the field well because if they blew the whistle at any point in this thing it would have been down there but I would argue as well that it looked like he was still moving in the pile but the whistles were blowing he loses about two thirds of a yard when really the challenge should have come on the fire right Minnesota all what to bring some candy corn next week he's trying to decide if I'm gonna wear [Applause] [Music] from the 34 first I at the Green Bay turns it over and Peterson to the outside ego finally stop there by Woodson and for a gain of 16 you just say great patience on the part of Peterson as Herrera pulls around and makes this block Peterson they've worked so hard with him they hold on to the football better but B go a little slower just take your time let the block play itself out a little bit and then there's a speed 20 carries for lady who gets with essentially Morgan look at those legs and that's going always a 41-yard line [Applause] well I'd say this is in part what gets them in trouble with the fumbling but it is also part of who he is this guy will never quit on a play I mean these are linebackers and defensive linemen tugging and pulling on him and he pushes the whole pile of him forward and he's one of those guys that gets better the more carries he has he's been more proficient after he carries the ball but he just drove a Jayhawk four or five yards 9 it's 21 21 hundred 7 yard first down that is a 37 and you have to wonder now is this Packers defensive line getting a little bit worn down we saw it against the Miami Dolphins a week ago they don't have depth inside so some guys like BJ Raji and Colin Jenkins and some of those guys are having to play a lot of snaps there you see CJ Wilson in there who's playing for Ryan Pickett that he gives about 40 pounds away to what they typically have in [Music] Gerhardt is the back [Applause] but we get sickness cancer look he puts up close to three in that by CJ Wilson second and seven well because you've got the nickel in there now and there you have nearly no choice you're seeing now some blitz is coming off the edge just to down linemen in the game so they're just going to have to hold up in that time CJ Wilson instead of overpowering his guy slipped in the back door and [Music] [Applause] second and seven pressured lose it away and the pass is incomplete that has claimed Matthews catify the shirt nearly had the sack and Bret able to get it downfield the part ii' the full-back did everything but grab and twist and pull he's gonna grab some Jersey a little facemask and so did Clay Matthews and sling him to the ground there the NFL sack leader who's yet to get one hair every time you see him throwing there's that the first also a four in San Francisco third and seven bar back over to physical challenge interest back and forth Green [Music] [Applause] [Music] Brett Farve ooh throw only seven fix all of last year had seven this season coming in three interceptions in his last seven pass attempt Green Bay the ball in its own Brandon Jackson but the line of scrimmage by Jeff Greenway and back we go to the interception by Collins well Percy Harvin here has got to do one of two things he's either got a drive as defender deep and then come back to the ball or go fast across the middle because Nick Collins when you're just drifting through the hole here Nick Collins doesn't have to worry about anything deep Randy Moss is kind of slowly coming out of his break as well so that Pelham said the heck for that I'm just gonna drive on this because nobody's threatening me deep is instantly Hargitay Donald Driver on a pass and Donald drivers dealing with a quad poll and I've watched Donald Driver for a lot of years and he's not himself tonight he's out there doing the best that he can and trying to suck it up and play for his team but he just doesn't have the same explosiveness that I've seen I put a passion 133 consecutive games and so that speaking separately franchise history Rogers Stefan our client please great presents steps up Jennings gets free over the middle it's a wobbly wall but it's right on target moves to James Donald Driver cleared out the space and Jennings came in behind him but watch Aaron Rodgers he makes the play good protection up front they pass off the stunt bear Rogers with a hook shot for a first down it was all he had I'm going up to the 37 [Music] 14 items with a 42-yard line and you just can't emphasize enough the loss of germ ichael Finley when you talk to Aaron Rodgers he said without question we've got a lot of star players that are heard out there but Joe Michael Finley was special he was the guy the deep threat from the tight end position down the field the possession guy on third down had a very infectious personality and brought a lot of energy to practice and he said you just can't replace the guy like that second and four 2:45 and big third and two next can't leave Jared Allen unblocked on the running game because he's just gonna come slide down him behind Clifton and make this play right down the way here slide down the line of scrimmage and the Packers though I will give them credit this is better than I've seen them run it in a while and they're running it against a pretty good run defense [Applause] [Music] officials officials had got together for a second don't know what that was about nothing wine the clock from 25 backers just 36% less than the league on further than short and here they are with a big third and short both receivers in that area cut off their routes and then Rodgers threw it downfield fourth down just unbelievable it's the whole back shoulder issue coming to light again that time Aaron Rodgers thought that Jordy Nelson was going down the field and Jordy Nelson was thinking back shoulder it's amazing I mean that'sthat's you know these guys do that play all the time we're four and Camarillo at the 17-yard line war farm magic and Green Bay we will find out 607 [Music] there's Woodson Defensive Player of the Year Randy Moss me law on the other side his two catches for woods through the lights for 17 yards and Woodsen's the guide at breakfast to dictate to me [Music] since having a good night attacker by Matthews there and the Packers staying in that two deep look and due in large part even though Randy Moss hasn't done a lot so far this evening you just don't want to open yourself up for a big play so they're staying back they aim conservative and hoping their guys up front can stop Adrian Peterson boss wide left part of him alive [Music] Peterson Peterson [Music] tackled by colleagues first down well I'd say Anthony Herrera is playing a great game tonight I really like watching him play I think he's the most physical of their offensive linemen up front now the double-team off on the linebacker and watch Adrian's finish these runs staying low hanging on to the ball hasn't fumbled it so far this year even though the one last week that was attributed to Brett probably was his has really improved his game and speaking of woods and there's Harvin and Harvin's going to come off the field and Woodson was a little iffy as well but he's gonna stay in Harvin has to come off to the injury time I listened eats a little break right here because Harvin was the first guy to be a little shaken there what suggest the extra time as a bonus would since had the issue with his toe that's all just this week his wife see section [Music] 33 is peevish and again [Applause] after a gain of two yards by CJ Wilson and now the Packer is starting to rock their safeties down a little bit to play Adrian Peterson we'll see whether or not they're gonna take a shot now if those safeties want to come play the run and that's always the game you start coming down a little bit single high safety in behind it now you get Randy Moss in some one-on-ones [Applause] for my Williams on here [Music] - the way he was gonna get on the ground to the 36-yard line speeds a Wilson is there one thing about Peterson this remember yet use fumbling problems 20 fumbles in his first three years but this year none that last week he botched the handle from Fargo and it's a handoff pot it's always the quarterback of dischargeable coverage that he got on the first two plays is gone now so give CJ Wilson and that defensive line credit they did their job now it's up to the secondary third and seven big conversion here otherwise at the start taking their timeouts on offense after a punt underneath he flows that his part that is and he will be stalked a little short of the first down at the 42 yard line it's going to be forth and issues a Jayhawk got just enough of Gerhart and it was close give gerhardsen credit he fought for everything he had but Hart got just enough of a piece of him there's hawk right there gonna come over and make this play though they're a little short Chris ice think I think you got to go for it here you've got Adrian Peterson you've got fourth and inches because otherwise you're going to turn it over and then you have to use your timeouts on defense well in plus even if you can hold down to a field goal you still are within a touchdown holy I agree and I think they'll go for it here and believe me for the Vikings probably a little in this situation with Adrian Peterson that it would be for the Packers he's running a little more suspect Minnesota with four o'clock stoppages active disposal the two-minute warning plus all three of their timeouts and I think an extra offensive lineman Ryan cook now in the game number 62 is he lines up in the backfield now on the left side he got tahi in the game at fullback he got Peterson through the middle and ap picks up the first down before that in trees he gets three yards and the ball comes out to the 46 yard line well I just love his heart and really give Anthony Herrera a little credit here as well he made a great adjustment on this block he pulls around and gets stuffed initially he comes off athletic enough to come up and make this play you'll see him run into basically BJ Raji there that he comes off and gets just enough of a piece of a Jayhawk to pick it up from the 47 yard line [Applause] Peterson again we're stopping and they're gonna let it go down to the two-minute warning right now after a loss of two and Clay Matthews is complaining that he got held and I thought he did too Jim Kleinsasser got a big chunk of his jersey they're going to try to go for it at the two-minute warning and they just do get the play off as Percy Harvin makes the catch to the 48 yard line it looked like they were gonna let the clock wind down then they ran it will right down to the last millisecond [Music] Gillette postgame report to follow Andrew scars of the game [Applause] [Music] States even New Orleans third down and five one xlviii each team with its full complement of China [Music] [Applause] this flat to the right there was a fire pump faking clothes underneath gelatin Marvin couldn't make the pass coverage is there from the Nick College and its fourth down and five [Applause] and I think that they may have proved Brett Farve a little bit on that it fooled me as well it looked like they were doubled covering Moss on the outside here with these two guys but at the last second the safety comes up and Moss did have the single coverage going down the field new java disguised that time by the Packers fourth and five [Music] at the 48 play clock at 1:00 and far vaster use a timeout [Applause] not what you want to do but he had to do it otherwise they were going to get this delay of the game to make it a fourth in ten instead [Music] following the sauna and five at the green base 48 everybody in Lambo on their feet class swings it back Nash to the 35 yard line first down Brad pushes them up to the line of scrimmage and prevalent the snap count that time got him to show what they were doing in the second area brilliant move by Brett once he saw the single coverage on the outside to moss he knew right where to go with the ball five and two times from the 35 stepanak pitch from behind at the 41 yard line carry is from win with a huge sack it's really foreplay buy bread on that it wasn't there the coverage was in place it was first down and he held the ball for five seconds at least on the outside you're gonna see it simply wasn't there they went into his own kind of look nothing there spite the fact variant one is an illegal contact break loose coming across it wasn't there the clock and Bret's head at some point has to go off Brett wasn't looking that way or you know shot from lost gotta get rid of it at this point today first sack of the game for either team and Jarius winning with his first career sack we hardly have come in a more opportune time six yards sacks second and 16 is also compelled form to take another time accented handle one little extra time of edenia it off as well with the anchor second down 16 Peterson Adrian Peterson inside the bounds at the 15 [Music] when I tell you what Randy Moss ends up with a key block on this one as Peterson starts coming back across the field why not you get the ball in the hands of one of the great players in the game and let him go to work nobody expects him out the back door there's Randy Moss with his block he'll block down in the field and there goes moss just enough right there my oh my Brett Favre in Lambeau a block in the back and now you got flags before the snap Petersons first catch of the game start offense number 81 five-yard penalty first down that's Janko [Applause] Wildwood Wow 26 per game for Petersen who tonight is 131 yards on the ground [Applause] 26 receiving and for the Packers here they go again their losses have come down to the last minute [Music] and three losses this reason each of them by three points first and 15 for stepping up heroes you had a flag down zanko the ten yard line but now at the end of the game is where the umpire moves back into his old customary position that's where the flag came from yeah whistle crowd grabbing the facemask 71 fill your hole question about it bill load old and play corner you're going to see him put his hands right inside the facemask twisted good call and foreplay those sacks tonight but the leading sacker in the made his presence felt there 57 seconds its person 30 Lillian was eight back we're deeply injured you can't make this stuff up but was he in bounds that's the question here we go again no challenges it's all for a booth review the call on the field is a touchdown [Applause] worse Mike McCarthy is about to have a heart attack waiting for the challenge [Applause] remember there is don't push out you have to come down unless the receiver was carried out of bounds if that second quick look clearly out and the crowds just saw it [Applause] on the board and green will go over to confirm it but it's going to come back [Applause] now if you want to make a case for something you might argue pass interference on pepra there he kind of went into percy harvin and was a bit of the impetus but obviously that's not reviewable wanted everybody to know what he saw you still can't make this stuff up for Brett Farr so close to a storybook ending to Lambeau Field for him still not over no nothing the couple thankfully it's gonna be second and 30 when we come back after the official review 48 seconds remaining and one timeout [Music] so this is just a matter of confirmation should be a pretty easy call here for green after reviewing the play the receiver second so it came down out of bounds Pass is incomplete [Applause] see that how much that ankle bothers him even with the celebration awesome on the one foot use open houses to reload the gun here so it's second down and thirty from the 35 yard line no pressure though is allowed the letters receivers weren't down the field and again right [Music] we comin bar throws underneath Peterson and Peterson breaks tackles can get to the 20-yard line that's gonna make it third down and 15 and a timeout taken here by the Vikings and that will do it for their timeouts 30-second timeout there was one guy who was not going to make that sack Leigh Matthews they had half of the state of Minnesota blocking him Percy Harvin massaged anko and now you finally get to lowball no helman careful it's like a video game out there [Music] where you guts the effort by him struggling with the hamstring he is all about everything isn't he he is gonna fight just like his daddy did and his grandfather before him [Music] 37 seconds no timeouts third and 15 we have seen Randy Moss over the years make a few leaning pounds catches in key moments this will be the 15th play of we started back at the minnesota 17 [Applause] [Music] gonna fill early back across the field the Sheboygan so its fourth down now the Packers have just committed to total coverage that time they walked a linebacker out on Randy Moss to beat on him a little bit and really nowhere to go tried to come all the way back across the field and try for one of those jump balls the Randy Moss but too far gone down to this fourth and 15 gets back up and then he fares from the end zone and - hi incomplete and that's the way in all likelihood it ends before that [Applause] got away with a little bush if that ball had been a little closer he may have had a chance that's your big guy in the back [Applause] wait a minute fish there he put on trim on Williams [Applause] didn't get away with it earlier but if this one were closer and the Green Bay Packers are finally going to win a close wing after three excruciating losses and the Vikings coming so close to a near miracle that would have been asking too much to fall down get up and throw a touchdown pass there is bread for 20th year hobbling back to the locker room as the Green Bay Packers win it by a score of 28 to 24
Channel: Bart Simpson
Views: 87,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: coYRawMzTUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 11sec (7511 seconds)
Published: Sat May 26 2018
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