(Officially CURSED)1960’s Galion Road Grader Restoration! Pt.9

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foreign [Music] howdy guys welcome back to diesel creek if this is your first time joining us my name's matt behind me this rusty relic is my 1962 i think it is galleon 503 road grader now if this is your first time seeing this beast there's a whole playlist on it on the channel page you can go check that out it's probably linked up here in the corner or down in the description anyways i pulled this grater out of a tree line over the winter i brought it home here i started working on it i was going to just fix it enough to use it around here but i think we ended up down a tangent and now we're kind of doing a restoration on it albeit not a very good one i was calling it a socially distant restoration because it'll look better from six feet away but anyway i have it all torn down and i'm almost ready for paint i was going to paint it out here underneath the trees because i'm kind of a shade tree kind of guy but i decided that that wasn't quite good enough i have a building right behind you guys i might as well stick it in there and paint it i just have a lot of other stuff i had to move around to make this thing fit so i got all that done and we're ready to try and push it into the building to aid us in that endeavor we're going to be using the clark 125 c that is behind the grader there and there's also some videos on that if channel if you're interested that one hadn't been run in 20 some years and now i'm using it all the time i have a feeling that it's going to go smoother in my mind than it will in reality here but we're about to find out [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] well that went about as well as i could have uh hoped for i guess took a little bit of maneuvering but i was able to get it in here i didn't get into the cab at all with the bucket which is what i was really worried about thanks to hydraulics that bleed off really quickly we already have the uh rear end sitting on some blocks and i didn't even have to get back in the cab um i stopped right here because from sitting underneath these trees for a couple months here since the last time i steam cleaned it and everything it's got a nice uh pollen film on it again and there's some oily spots for me removing the hydraulic lines and all kind of other stuff so what i'm gonna do is leave it right there and i'm gonna steam clean this thing and then once i get it really good and clean then i'll shove it under the roof or i will wire wheel it to a lovely finish and then shoot it with paint like i said we're not going to go too crazy here it's a socially distant restoration so basically i'm just gonna take care of all these rough edges you know it's not gonna look like a showpiece but it's gonna look a heck of a lot nicer than it does now and that's good enough for what i'm doing here so [Music] i set her down a little harder than intended there it was almost like the controls are touchier when the machine's off which is weird that's not hydraulic oil pulling pouring out of there that's just water relax i think we've got all the hydraulic fluid pushed out of every line at this point so at least we'll have a nice fresh system when we put it back together well christine's back in the shop i did give it another good steam bath i've already done a video on steam cleaning christine so i didn't figure i'd make you guys set through another one especially because it wasn't very dirty but back in the shop pop the front tires back off i'm about to set it down here and that's where it's going to rest until this thing is painted oh you uh-huh okay i got her all cleaned off again after her little hydraulic bath incident again steam cleaned it this morning let it dry again and i've been going around doing the final preparations before we wire wheel and prime this thing a couple people in previous videos had told me to use aluminum foil for doing some paint prep work and i tell you what it works out pretty darn good i used it here for capping off these hydraulic fittings so keep the paint out of the threads i got to put some on this chrome yet um where else did i use it i've used it in several places so i i wrapped all the spool valves here with uh aluminum and it it works a lot better than tape like it's a lot easier to work with i guess i should say i used it to plug all these pipe fitting holes in my cylinders and that's just going to keep the paint out of the threads i removed all the hoses that we don't need to have on there so they're not going to be in our way next thing i need to do is i'm going to tape off the galleon badge well what's left of the galleon badges tape those off tape off the headlights tape off or serial number tags gauges i'm just going to tape off the actual gauges the rest of the switches and buttons are going to need removed they're junk but i don't want to take them out until i can figure out the wiring another badge up there wrap the steering wheel and aluminum as well as the joystick handles got to remove that broken rear view mirror up there i'm going to throw some tape over the wire loom the starter here the input shaft all that keep it from getting painted and then i guess we'll go ahead and bust out the wire wheel and just start lightly going over everything and cleaning up our rough spots i can't wait to get this thing all one color it's gonna look so much better i just folded up this foil like so try to keep it a nice straight edge here wrap that around [Music] i think now we made us a nice little collar there to keep the paint off the chrome we can slide it up tight kind of give it a twist lock it in place that should look good now being as being as this is my first time working with the foil like this i'm kind of just figuring things out as i go here but it does seem like always folding it in half gives you a nice clean edge to work with all the time seems to make things a bit easier saying like in this case the knobs are tapered so it doesn't quite work right so i'm just going to lift it up a little bit cheat it up higher than the bottom and then i'll put one pass of tape around that [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well some of you may remember in the previous episodes working on the old grater here there were several studs used to hold on the hydraulic lines all the way out the stick here i guess that's the technical name for this on a grader is that anybody know down in the comments let me know what is that part on a grader called this this whole front stick here i think it's either a stick or a boom you guys let me know any hoop back to the studs they were very very old very very rusted and upon trying to remove them most of them broke so there's a broken one there there's a broken one there and two broken off right here that one's still good uh and i think there's a couple more further down but anyhoo these were special studs that they weld on with like a uh spot welding gun i'm not that fancy i don't have that stuff so i'm just going to whack those off the cut-off disc real quick take some quarter 20 bolts weld them right on there we'll be back to good as new [Music] well we got all six of those welded back on not the prettiest job in the world because my poor little 110 welder here which is running off of like a 50 or maybe even 100 foot extension cord she doesn't quite have the the juice to push into that thick steel but they're on there good enough that's all those are doing is just keeping lines from rattling around they don't need to be super strong so they'll be fine actually they i think they're held on better than the original ones they didn't have much on the original ones either all right we're on to the last phase before paint i'm getting pretty excited we're getting uh we're getting close here uh in an ideal world we would sandblast this whole machine down to bare metal and in an ideal world we would sand this whole machine down to bare metal probably sand blast it all and start from nothing and it would it would be a showroom finish when i was done but uh in the reality i'm in an open air shop with a gravel floor so that would all just kind of be a waste anyways so we're going to use the old angle grinder here with the wire wheel on it and we're just going to go over all the rough spots get all the heavy rust take care of all that stuff and then we'll clean it off as best we can and shoot it with some primer the only reason i'm really even going with the wire wheel is just to uh knock off all the really high ridges of paint because there's like five different layers of paint on here so like on the cab door here you can see there's like two or three layers of paint chipped down to the original layer which makes a substantial gap so when you shoot that with primer you'd see all those little holes coming through in the primer and then eventually the paint so we're just going to wire wheel it you can see i already did this spot right here and it looks a lot better and it easily took the original paint off down to bare metal and i don't think it would take much more to get rid of that little little bit there i only just did that for two seconds on that spot so yeah we're going to focus on all the spots that are going to look pretty whenever you shoot it all the big flat areas all the nooks and crannies kind of places down say on this turntable drive not too worried about that i think that'll just look fine whenever it's painted up but all the whole boom here you know the places that you're really going to draw your eye we're going to spend a little bit more time on those make it look a little bit more presentable but remember at the end of the day this is a socially distant restoration so you keep your distance and it's going to look great [Music] [Music] my holy crap ah well i don't know if it felt like it in the video but uh that just took almost three days now granted they weren't full days but i probably got a solid 15 to 20 hours i'm not exaggerating and just wire wheeling on the old grater here i'm dirty my arms are sore i smashed my finger it's been a good time but it's behind me now now we get to uh blow this thing off and see see what crud remains underneath gonna fire up the air compressor blow the dust off and then we'll get out the prep solvent start wiping everything down making sure we get rid of all the dust and oil grease contaminants whatever may be laying on the surface and then we'll get to prime it yeah get excited okay time to do a little bit of dust blowing here i got a big fan over here sucking all the dust that way which is also the way the wind blows so the wind will be kind of helping us out if the wind blows uh i got the compressor over here rigged up into a tank so we have more volume than my little compressor normally has i got big air dryer over there and once i put the paint gun on i also have one of those in-line deals let's make some dust okay blew the whole thing off good with the compressed air changed into some clothes that aren't completely packed with yellow dust now i'm taking clean rags and my prep solvent over here and we're just wiping everything down make sure we get all the dust and grease and other contaminants that might still be lingering around gotta get that stuff off otherwise it's gonna cause problems with the paint i started up at the highest place working my way down i'm sure you're gonna tell me i should be wearing rubber gloves and i'm sure i should but i tried for like three minutes and the gloves were just filling up with sweat i'm not gonna do it you can't make me so all right everything about this job just keeps taking longer and longer than i planned for it to that just took like a good two hours to wipe this thing down really well and i probably still missed like all the spots so yeah i guess we're just going ahead and shoot it with some primer now and the spots we missed will show themselves now won't they all right so to keep with the running theme of almost doing a good job here we've got the uh cheapo depot harbor freight spray gun which uh actually i've had good luck with i got my old one here as a backup a lot of people tell me they just buy these things and throw them away when they're done but i've cleaned this one out and used it several times and it's been decent-ish it i think something's clogged up on it now because the last time i tried to use it i couldn't get it to work right but yeah so just bought a new one so that we don't have that problem she's a beaut all right now for our paint i'm not affiliated with these guys but this is the exo rust stuff i've been using for the rest of the machine i i love a lot of people online have mixed reviews about this stuff i've had pretty good luck with it it says in real big letters on here somewhere do not thin but i've done it plenty of times and never had a problem so we're going to go ahead and thin that out and make it sprayable because it's pretty thick all right a fancy little power stir here i gotta grab the drill and we'll get this mixed [Music] [Music] always a big big mess trying to pour out of the gallon jugs never works out i have the fancy little spout you're supposed to put on these things i never remember to use it or bring it in this case there's probably ratios and stuff that you're supposed to know but i don't know them all right i got the cardboard here we're gonna go ahead and spray a couple little test spots make sure we get our gun adjusted good enough and i gotta fire up the compressor now so it's gonna be a little loud so so so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh guys i am whooped it is midnight i just ran out of paint primer i just ran out of primer but we're so close to being done one more one more gun full when i have this thing finished it looks like i'm gonna have to come back tomorrow i'm probably just gonna get a whole another gallon and put a whole other coat on it because i'm sure there's some thin spots especially once the sun comes out it'll be a lot easier to see these lights are good but you know nothing's a match for daylight so yeah it looked like the primer laid pretty nice though i don't see any issues i think i only got like one or two little runs in like stupid places i mean you can see there's a couple little spots right there who's ever going to see that who cares i think it looks pretty darn good oh i didn't do the ceiling in the cab either boy this cab is tough to get you can't really like get up in there because then you're painting like right in front of your nose and you know you lean across the spray over here and then you go around and try to do the same for this side and you're leaning up against everything it was a pain you need to plan your work but yeah i think another coat of primer will help fill in some of the rougher spots little rust pits stuff like that but i am currently pretty happy with it i'm gonna clean up my mess and go home well y'all as if you needed more evidence the grader christine is officially cursed even though i'm trying to pretty her up and take good care of her she's still trying to bite me here and a freak incident just caused me a whole lot more work here uh maybe you guys saw in the last video i don't know if his last video at this point by the time you're seeing this but i made a video about cleaning up some storm-down trees that were around the shop here and they landed right about where the bucket's sitting for the excavator and i didn't even notice this at the time but it's the only explanation i can come up with if you needed more evidence to believe that this machine is actually trying to get me or is cursed in some way i got it right here for you because i would have never imagined in a thousand years that this was possible but it's the only explanation that i can come up with so since i primed that machine it rained for like two weeks straight it seemed like or i just didn't have the time to come back out and do anything with it so it's been sitting for like two three weeks at this point since the primer was laid down in that time we had a big bunch of rain come through here and take down some trees and you guys saw me cut them up in a video here they were laying right here in the back of the shop where about the excavator is sitting right now um but at the time of all that rain and the trees falling down the excavator was not parked in here nothing was parked in this spot and i didn't even notice this until today i was back out here thinking about starting to put a second coat of primer on this thing and look at this that is mud sprayed all over christine i mean just everywhere the whole machine is covered in mud look at it just slobbered all over the light there big clump of it right there look at that chunks and chunks of mud sprayed all the way up clear onto the cab here onto the valve bank everywhere and the only thing that i can explain this the only way i can explain this is that when those trees fell out there they were sitting in a big puddle so when they hit the ground they must have just slingshotted a giant wad of mud or a giant wall of mud right onto this thing had i had a machine parked here like i do now that machine probably would have taken the brunt of it and got little to nothing on old christine but as it is she got the brunt of it and i'll bet you i know for a fact it is it is over 20 feet from the tip of the grater out to where those trees fell and the even better part is hardly anything i don't actually i don't see any mud that managed to spray up onto the bulldozer and i don't see any mud that managed to spray up onto the jeep or the auto car and they were all sitting here just like the grader how does that happen what are the odds so now i am forced to pretty much just spray this thing down again as much as i hate to there's just so much dirt caked onto everything that you'd never get it clean enough to put a second coat of primer let alone paint on it and i got more over here just gobs and gobs of it so i'm going to have another six or eight hours just getting this thing prepped again for another coat of paint which is a real kick and then you know what so anyways yeah i would have liked to finish painting this thing in this video but i want to get something out on this thing do you guys everybody's been asking me for christine footage so here it is she's still here she's still cursed and i'm still working on it and she's making me earn it but i'm going to make her beautiful one way or another anyways guys if you like the video if you like watching christine take her swings at me go ahead and hit the thumbs up button it really helps the channel out and doesn't cost you a thing also be sure you subscribe so i can see you on the next video i got some scrubbing to do thanks for watching later [Music] you
Channel: Diesel Creek
Views: 616,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr, pressure, washing, steam, jenny, power, blaster, fuel tank, sealer, epoxy, repair, restore, refinish, galion, cat, caterpillar, champion, huber, komastu, john deere, deere, construction, heavy, equipment, abandoned, restoration, revival, will it start, will it run, accident, crash, rusty, International, diesel, gas, cummins, blade, moldboard, maintainer, plow, engine, wrench, fix, haul, winch, badlands, split, rim, widow maker, 3 piece, locking ring, cursed, haunted, paint, restorataion, prep
Id: pvHTr7sPIWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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