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hey what's up guys digging Dave here I'm so excited it's been way too long since I've posted a video here on my channel but I finally was able to get some coins from my bank with the whole Cove in nineteen going on and just you know the world's been kind of crazy the last couple months I wasn't able to get coins but I was able to get four boxes of penny so we're gonna do a 100 dollar penny hunt there are a couple wheat penny Enders in the boxes I did check for Enders I'm gonna go ahead and start with this box down here and I'll be back guys when I have some fines let's get started alright so nothing too crazy on box number 104 I'm on roll number four and our first find of anything really worth showing is a Canadian cent here and it looks like it is a 2000 Canada no wheat pennies nothing really crazy yet but we just got a 2000 Canadian cent alright let's keep searching alright just bringing you guys an update I'm on roll number 8 so um we found any wheat pennies I hope the box picks up but um I did just find this it's a 1991 I believe but the one is almost completely gone and as you can see there's this weird line there's like this weird double line around the whole penny I'm not sure if this is damaged if this is normal or what this is exactly you can see there's this weird line around the penny I don't know if it's worth keeping or if it's just damaged but let me know in the comments just kind of cool you can kind of see a 1 there and then up here I'm not sure what that is there's like two random lines but I don't know alright let's keep looking hopefully we can find something else alright so rule number 9 we finally got a wheat penny I have not seen the date let's go ahead and reveal the date now I'm guessing 40s by the look of it Oh 51s it's cool don't get a lot of s-mint marks all the time but right there oh is it me or does the S look kind of weird but a 1951 s to me the S looks a little different I don't know maybe it's just me Wow but yeah first week bunny in the Box 1951 s alright we got a wheat set great alright I am on roll number 11 or 12 I believe and we just got wheat penne number two it's been a fairly slow box I am looking for errors varieties double dies and all that so haven't really found anything too exciting but just got a 1944 probably one of the most common wheat pennies you can find but it is wheat penne number two and I'll take it so just a couple rolls later this isn't a wheat penny but I just had this pop out of the roll an old King George the sixth Canadian penny or cent and it looks like it is 1945 Canada so this is cool this is like a equivalent to a wheat penny Canadian cent so 1945 Canadian one cent don't find a ton of these so that's pretty cool alright so this is interesting I just opened up a roll couple rolls later nothing crazy but I just got three Canadian cents in the same roll I gotta think what you call a Canadian bird cent which is kind of cool and also got one from 1985 and this one here is 1987 so I thought that's kind of cool three Canadian cents in one roll I am in northern Illinois so I tend to find quite a bit of Canadian coins alright let's keep looking alright we're not quite halfway through the box we're stalling box number one obviously and just got a couple more cool finds you got a wheat penny a young head and two more Canadians all of a sudden we're finding a lot of Canadian cents so this one right here is there's no date on it that's weird what is this is this like a special year Oh 1952 to 2002 I guess that's a special year sent here we got a 1983 here's that young head it is a 1962 let's go ahead and reveal the wheat penne together the wheat penne is looks like a 1955 Denver all right I'll take it it's only three wheat pennies it's been kind of slow but um it seems like things are picking up a little bit so fingers crossed we can find some more cool stuff right a few rolls later got a couple more cool finds I almost missed this I almost didn't see it in the roll but it is an old Canadian in 1958 a lot of the young heads seemed to be like 62 63 64 but 1958 that's the second older Canadian sent in the box we also got a 1989 Canadian cent we got another wheat penny here let's go ahead and reveal the date here looks like a 1944 all right 1944 wheat penny all right let's keep looking very next roll got another young head got another young head Canadian cent and it is another 1962 a lot of Canadians in this box right a few more rolls and we'll be about halfway through the box just got another wheat penny though right here and find it a lot of 1944 s but you know that is a very common year so it makes sense and got a couple more Canadians I haven't been showing all the Canadians just a lot of newer common Canadians of 72 and a tooth six but you did get another wheat penny so the box is picking up a little bit awesome alright so we have like 15 rolls left and I actually just cracked this roll open and it's the first double wheat penny roll of the box so we got 2 wheat pennies in 1945 and this one here is a 1956 so that has one two three four five six seven wheat penny so the box has picked up a little bit we have 15 rolls left so if we get around 10 to 12 wheat pennies that will be about average for me so alright let's keep searching we have 12 rolls left and just got another wheat penny let's go ahead and see what the data is here 1951 Denver that is wheat penny number eight very next roll we got wheat penny number nine all right got another wheat penny let's go ahead and see what it is it looks like a 1944 Denver all right I'll take it right we're down to only five rolls but I want to show you guys something cuz I'm kind of confused in this role I just opened up I got a penny that I can't tell if this is just damaged or if this is an error because it doesn't really seem to be damaged but as you can see the details on Lincoln look really strange Liberty is completely gone other than there's something right there I don't know what that is that's why I'm thinking I don't know if it's damaged because why would that be right there and then also the date the date is completely gone as well we have some letters up there and god we trust' and then the back I don't know what's going on with this a lot of the letters are missing it's just like very weak it's like a very weak strike let me know in the comments I'm gonna hold on to this is this just damaged or is this an air like I said well you can kind of see liberty there a little bit t why it's coming through a little bit when you change the angle but then as far as the date if I turn it it's like there's a very faint 199 I guess but it's like really depends on the angle but let me know if this is damaged or possibly an error the dates pretty much gone you can see a little bit of the T and the Y but then there's something right there I don't know let me know in the comments if you know what this is if it's just damaged or if it's a possible error all right so I'm pretty excited we only have three rolls left and I just cracked open this roll and you can't tell me that this penny is not old look at that I have not seen the date I'm going to go ahead and reveal it with you guys we're gonna go and see here's the back of it yeah that's all let's go and flip it around I'm guessing teens or 20s Oh 19 19 s aw you gotta love these old pennies with mint marks especially the SI was I wish the one right here was a zero though and 1909 s I will take this though 1919 s that is pretty cool and it's not really in it's kind of warm but it's not terrible condition but this coin is over 100 years old this is why I love coin real hunting 1919 s gotta love these old wheat pennies it's been a really long time since I found a Indian Head Penny but uh fingers crossed we have three boxes left when we still have three rolls left in this box we still have three penny boxes left in this video so make sure and stick around but our first pretty awesome find of this hunt 1919 s awesome alright guys so I just finished box number one it turned out to be not too bad we solved three boxes to go so don't go anywhere two boxes had no Enders and then there's two boxes one box had three wheat penny enters the other had two we penny under so but in this box one we ended up with ten wheat pennies which is pretty average for me the oldest being the 19 I can zoom in there the oldest be in the 1919 s it's a little blurry there but being the 1919 s and we just had a bunch of 44 s and common 50s the two weird finds I would say are these again let me know that one the one is missing and then with this one the Liberty and dates missing I don't know if it's damaged or possible error I'm not sure we ended up getting some older Canadians we got a 1945 King George I think like a 58 a couple 62 to 64 like I said I get a lot of Canadians I see some people coin real huntin you say they don't get any Canadians in there Benny box as well I get quite a few it's pretty normal for me here in northern Illinois oh yeah I'm very happy I'm very happy with this coin right here very happy getting this 1919 s over 100 years old with an s mint mark is always awesome but alright let's go ahead and move on to box number two well let's go alright so I'm on box number two I'm doing the second box without on the enders both of these boxes this box has three Enders is has two Enders but I think where icon rule number seven or eight and we finally got a wheat penny it looks like it might have almost been a metal detecting find I'm not sure but it looks like because it's kind of got that green patina to it 1952 Denver a wheat penny so there's our first we D in box number two all right just a couple rolls later I think we're on roll number ten just got another wheat penny here let's go ahead and see the date huh looks like a common 1944 but I'll take it leap any number - alrighty let's keep searching alright very next rule we just got another weak penny here with full focus and it is a 1947 Denver we penny number three okay so I'm exactly like halfway through the box or about halfway through the box then I just cracked this roll open pretty excited here because you can see we have a wheat penny right here then we also have a really nice-looking wheat penny here it's probably gonna be in the fifties but let's go ahead and reveal the date on this one first it's probably a 1944 o58 denver alright new one and like I said this one right here actually looks like it's in pretty nice condition I'm assuming forties or fifties 56 Denver but hey I'll take that look at the luster on it nice-looking wheat penny so two wheats and one roll I'll take it alright just a couple rolls later we got another wheat penny and this one looks older by the back but let's go ahead and reveal the date oh okay 1930 I will take that that is the first three forties wheat penny we found let's go ahead and zoom in here alright and there we go 1930 I don't think it's rare or a low mintage well that's pretty cool 1930 the nine kind of looks a little weird there but I think it's just just the way it looks the 1930 alright pretty cool man went through a little dry spell there I went from well halfway through the box to only five rolls left but I just got another - wheat penny roll this box has been kind of Ted some really slow parts and some better parts but this looks like a 1944 s so that's pretty cool and then this right here is a 1958 Denver so two more wheat pennies five rolls to go let's finish this box and we'll move on to box number three all right we only have one roll left in box number two and I just got another wheat penny here let's go ahead and see the date here it is her 1946 all right cool right guys so I just finished box number two it wasn't a crazy box pretty average well a little below average for me I had nine wheat pennies I would say twelve to fourteen is average for me so a little below average but didn't have any crazy fines but the oldest wheat penny was in nineteen thirty then we had that really nice 1956 Denver as you can see the back there just a really nice-looking wheat penny I didn't record these but we just had a couple Canadians nothing crazy let's go ahead and move on to box number three I think the next box I'm going to do three has two wheat penny Enders so both boxes I've done so far didn't have any Enders now we're gonna move into the boxes with the ender so let's move on to box number three all right so really quick this is a box number three box number four here that has three Enders I'm going to save that for last but this box three had two Enders I just wanted to show you quick we have a reverse right here and then we also have a 1944 so I'm gonna go ahead and open up these two rolls first and then we'll see what else we have in the rest of the box all right so that roll with the wheat reverse was actually in 1949 Denver I opened that roll first the one with wheat reverse ender and it is a 1949 Denver alright now let's go ahead well we know the other ender has is a 1944 but we'll see what else oh by the way this was the only wheat penny in the roll just the ender all right so box number three the second ender roll we knew it was a 1944 but there's the reverse if you want to see it and then we also had two Canadian pennies the role in 1993 and then this one is like I don't know a special one the dates not on the back it's on the front 1952 to 2002 oh yeah no more wheat pennies in the roll we open both vendors now to get on to the rest of the box well this is a good sign the first roll that didn't have an end or roll number three we happen to get another wheat penny and this one is a 1944 Denver but it's got some damage on it but um yeah got another wheat penny nice right roll number six we just got another wheat penny here waiting we want to roll or two without one but this is 1942 well as you can see we went through quite a long dry spell here the first couple rolls were hot well we have the two Enders and then I think the third roll had a wheat penny and a couple rolls later had another wheat penny I probably gone 10 to 12 rolls with nothing I think we're about 10 rolls away from being about halfway through the wall actually I'm not sure exactly you guys can see we're a few layers in but finally just got another wheat penny in the last roll here we can get it to focus there right there and it is I believe a 1945 Denver pretty worn so hopefully the box can pick up a little bit and we can find some more stuff let's keep searching right so we have 20 rolls left and I just got a roll with two wheat pennies in it so I thought I'd go ahead and update you guys let's go ahead and reveal this one first looks like a 1952 s gotta love those estimate marks 1952 s and then this one down here is and they drop it my bad 19:48 denver that looks like it's had better days pretty damaged two more wheat pennies I'll take them let's keep searching we have 18 rolls left in box number three and we just got another wheat penny right here there's the reverse in the front 1954 sweet get a better shot of it there you go right guys update we only have one roll left in box number three it's been a pretty finds are pretty few and far between but we did just get another wheat penny here and it is just a baby 1958 Denver you guys wheat penny number nine alright so I just finished the last few rolls of box number three and the only thing we got in the end was a young head Canadian and probably the most common 1964 so let's do a quick wrap-up of box three then we'll move on to the fourth and final box number four here we go the wrap-up for box number three and I'm we only had nine wheat penny so it's pretty pretty few finds on the Wii Penny's nothing special oldest 1942 and the newest of 58 Denver we had one young head and we had I didn't show all these but we had a small pile here of 70s and you know 82 more recent Canadian penny so nothing too special or since however you want to say it but alright let's move on to box number four and then we'll wrap this video up so we're on the third and final box but before I get into it I just wanted to show hopefully this is gonna be the best box of the video the best for last because there's actually four and earth for three Enders in this box box number 4 1947 Denver I think they're all facing front 1957 Denver and 19:40 so I'm gonna go ahead and open up the these three rules first hopefully we have some goodies in this box box number four so let's get started let's open up these three rolls first okay so here's the first under roll a really beat-up 1947 denver this week penny has seen better days but it is a wheaty so i'll keep it 1947 denver alright second under roll and if this was the 1957 denver just want to show you guys all the finds i'm not sure what's going on with his head there I think it's just damaged a big ol scrape mark or something but yeah 1957 Denver alright so I was hoping that Endor rolls would have some other wheat pennies or some other finds in the rolls but all three Endor rolls just had the Endor not gonna complain but here's the 1940 now let's move on with the rest of the box that's just regular rolls hopefully there's some more goodies hiding for us so roll number four the very next roll after the three Endor rolls look right here I got another wheat penny which is a good sign 19:52 but I got more than one wheat penny look at this look at that beauty I don't get wheat pennies like this very often but when you do it's so much fun I did see the date it's newer but they just you don't find wheat pennies like this very often 1957 Denver it's almost hard to catch on camera because it's just so probably put that in the flip I know it's not a rare date or nothing but that is just absolutely gorgeous and then we also got a Canadian a foreign 1980 to Canada Wow got a look at that one more time just look at the difference it's almost brand new looking alright well hopefully that's a good sign for the box hopefully I don't get jinxed and don't find anything for 20 rolls let's keep looking alright a couple rules later I think we're on roll number nine we just got a wheat penny number six and it is a 1950 Denver well hopefully we can keep finding our Wheaties 1950 Denver all right I'm on roll number 12 just got wheat penne number seven and this one is a 1951 Denver I did check for the D over s and the double die averse it's just a regular 51 D so let's keep searching on roll number 16 and just got a young head Canadian right here which is always pretty cool I did check it's just a 1964 the most common one but we did get another wheat penny wheat penne number eight so we're finding a few wheat pennies and it's just a baby 19:58 just a few rolls later we got wheat penne number nine and it is a 1941 sweet 1941 right guys had a little bit of a dry spell there but um I think we have 20 rolls left but just got another wheat penne let me show this first also got another foreign on 1984 Canadian and then we did get another wheat penny wheat penne number 10 and it is a 1954 Denver nothing too special but another weedy we have 18 rolls left and I just got another wheat penne and this one looks a little bit more worn this might have some potential you can just tell by the back it looks a little bit older that's actually let's go ahead and reveal it here on my microscope so let's go and see what we have okay looks like a 1930 a little bit of damage on the nine it doesn't look like there's any mint mark that I can see but in 1930 I think it's fairly common but all righty 1930 it's pretty worn the Liberty's uh the Liberty's pretty much all gone but alright pretty sweet 1930 wheat penny number 11 we have about 18 rolls to go very next roll we just got another wheat penny wheat penny number 12 so out of the four boxes this box has been for performing the best and this is a 1948 Philadelphia the year my grandpa was born haha 1948 the very next roll we got another wheat penny so that's pretty awesome and it's another 1948 that's kind of funny too 1948 in a roll in a row or not the same roll but you know what I mean 1948 a sweet penny number 13 all right we're down to only four rolls left in the box but I did get another wheat penny wheat penny number 14 see the date here um kind of dirty looks like a 1948 Denver so all right then we got another young head I think I saw the date another 64 but guys I also found this I'm not I don't know a lot about errors and varieties but I know for 1960 D it's like what a reap unch mint mark or do Verde or something let me know guys I'm gonna hold onto this I just every time I find a 1960 D I put it under the microscope I can't tell if this is a D punched over another D cuz there's like some weird lines here or if it's just damaged but let me know there's the picture you can see 1960 is that the D over D or the repunit mark I'm not exactly sure what the correct term is for it but I know there's just a 1960 D over D or something like that so let me know let's go through the last four roles and finish up this hunt all right so we ended the last box box number four just finished it we ended it on a good note we got one more wheat penny to make a total of 15 for the box and this is a nice-looking wheat penny not as nice as that other one but this is very clean-looking probably a newer coin and yeah 56 Denver one of the most common wheat pennies other than the 1944 and 57 Denver but another wheat penny nonetheless and nothing too special but we did get one more Canadian in 1981 so let me go ahead and do a wrap-up on box number four and then we'll do a wrap-up for all four boxes so hold on and I'll be right back all right so out of all four boxes box number four had the most wheat pennies with 15 and I probably say my favorite is at 57 Denver hair or something on it 57 Denver and just beautiful condition I mean just look at that shine but our oldest was a nineteen thirty and then we just had a bunch of common 40s and 50s up to 58 of course the beautiful 57 Denver we had two young head Canadians small pile their have common just you know Tom and Canadian something special and then the possible 1960 Deary punch mint mark like I said let me know in the comments if you think that is legit or not but alright let's do let me get all the other boxes and let's do a big wrap-up and then we'll go ahead and end the video if you're still here watching thank you so much make sure and hit that subscribe button smash the like button leave a comment down below well let's move on with the channel for box wrap-up alright so if you made it this far in the video thank you so much this is the wrap-up for four boxes of pennies we had forty-three wheat pennies so that's an on average a little over ten per box so about average for me but the oldest ones here might be kind of hard to see but the oldest ones were a 1919 s and to 1930s the red here just common 40s and 50s we got the beautiful 56 or 57 Denver also you go ahead and show you guys on my microscope here if you remember earlier in the video I also found this the penny with no date no liberty I did see some people say on Facebook they thought it might be a grease filled dye or grease air I don't know if it has much value and I had found another coin that kind of missing the one in 1991 Liberty's normal but if you watch this video you got this far please make sure to leave a like subscribe to my channel if you're new leave a comment down below I'm gonna try to be posting more coin videos so thanks for watching guys I'm diggin Dave and until next time keep on diggin [Music]
Channel: Diggin Dave
Views: 10,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coin roll hunting, coin roll hunting pennies, coin hunting, coin, coins, coin collecting, rob finds treasure, coin roll hunt, coin collection, hunting, coin roll hunting tips, coin hunting pennies, quins coins, penny rolls, pennies, penny, coin hunt, coin roll, coin hunting rolls, crh, rare pennies, penny roll hunting, diggin dave, diggin, dave, halfdolla makeyouholla, treasure hunt, 4 box penny hunt, coin roll hunting 4 boxes of pennies, diggin dave half dollars
Id: VIX5jvniAqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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