1800 Liberty Coin... 2 Much Cash to Count! | Joshua Bartley

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yes our 1800 lady liberty is back finally however just look around too much amazing stuff to put into one title for a video so you're not going to miss today's exciting awesome try and see what we can win inside this high-risk coin pusher all right guys so listen cut through straight to the point two big things now this is not the biggest surprise that one's still coming number one mike is back mike took over as district manager so he has control over this along with the other ones and mike told me he's been watching the videos he's been biting his nails he's been angry because he knows the quality as far as the rules that they had before went down so he promised to coming back and coming back with a bang so this channel hopefully is getting ready to do a complete 180 and we're gonna head in just a better direction second thing as i told you they have brand new equipment that's coming in new games new coin pushers just all that it's coming up extremely soon but guys i can't be any more excited for a video look at how much money is inside here now one of the things i will note as i was looking around there's actually fives and tens mixed in with this too so it might not be as much as what you think today's rules are very very simple we have unlimited time for whatever we need however it's only one buy-in so you win would you win with one buy-in if you need another one that's the end of the game so we're going to try to take this one buy-in 500 to play in today's fun and see if we can win our 1800 lady liberty and as much cash as we possibly can so for those of you all that this is a sleep aid or just enjoy these videos sit back and relax and i hope you enjoy this battle [Music] so if you look here we got the like empire state building of cash so much more money in here like so much more outside of when they do the uh 3 500 bill thing that you can't win this is the most i've ever seen [Music] mike said he's noticed other people's videos are getting cooler and ours been lame just because of the ladies not really taking an interest into this so hopefully he will change all that for us you all remember that lady liberty has been sitting right where that fake gold bar is that door stopper and teasing me since i played her played against her the first time today is hopefully payback i can't get a quarter to go over to the right for some reason come on baby [Music] so apparently every one of these stacks can and will fit through the chute so i'll believe that when i see it but that one's skinny there we go trying to get old lady liberty off not in a hurry [Music] i just want to win [Music] now if you do notice they put her on the right side that's not the best side to be inside this point with when they get the new coin pushers in i'm just curious to see if they have the same characteristics as these two play the other one's a spin wheel and it's long boring it's the reason why i never play it [Music] she's getting close you know it's done slit my mind how much the 1800 lady liberty is worth if you know leave me a comment down in the comment section and because you all that have experience knew exactly what she was during that game that i was thinking it was worth nothing and you know what what what am i missing it's gold bump and gold month there can't be a video or even a play without some gold in it so if you notice there's a valve gold right there in the middle i'm not exactly sure what that one's worth someone asked me the question oh there goes somebody asked me the question how do i receive the gold once i win it and honestly the best way i can explain it is it looks like a sd card pack it's in a square pack plastic and it's they're gram pieces that's how they're giving away i'll once i get all of them i'll get a picture up and i'll show you all exactly what i'm talking about also i've decided to give the gold pay dirt another try and the reason why is after the video that me and bray did had a lot of people tell me better places to go outside of amazon so i found the site gold pay dirt i think that's the name of it i'll put the site up right now and i got a guaranteed at least three grams of gold less than spot value so as soon as that comes in i'm going to do another video i'm seriously going head first into this i'm changing this channel my view started going down and i think a lot of it has to do with the simple fact that it's just getting boring when i'm at which i i can't control them taking it to a new place and i'm having new rules unfortunately tower fell no more empire state building and look at that the things what is that that top there but those were out of my control but some things are in my power and i'm not gonna lie to you i had an idea that mike was coming back i didn't want to say anything but well okay let me rephrase it mike took a district manager job so basically he's in charge of all the stores in the panhandle so i say coming back it's not like he's coming just at this door but he is promise me he's going to take over back control of this for me but i want to put the best content out for all my 125 000 subscribers i want you all to be completely always entertained and never a dull moment and that is what i promise i will do all right guys all that gold fell so that was my last quarter so let me go ahead and collect to start off we have a nice 40 stack i think that's a 40 it might be a 20 because they changed it up but however look at how many quarters we've got back so that's excellent that's a good start lady liberty is moving away she's somewhat sneaking up into the dead zone or the house slide so we'll try to keep that from happening ah wouldn't that be a bummer if she fell into the little sad hole they have there so that's i don't know if quarters got that held up or if it's just held up but they said it'll come down ah lady liberty's heading the wrong way man that would be such a bummer i've been waiting so long to win her but the good thing is if it does come off into the dealer slot then maybe i'll get another chance at it oh she is almost in there oh man literally i think it's because i'm playing the right side i got to play the left a little bit oh that was not how oh the gold's coming though all right i honestly don't even know if there's any recovering at this point i will winner it might not be tonight but i will winner i need to have her in my collection it's always gone so much for the lady liberty but that's okay let's get down to the main reason why we play this the cash i will ask mike kindly to hold her off until i come back or i can just record it right after when they reset the field up i think she just fell something all hard that was my last quarter [Music] all right let's go collect all right so we got 80 so that's a total of 120 now guys i'm not going to keep keeping math so if you all want to pull out the old spreadsheet and keep up to where we're at that's awesome my brain gets scrambled after a certain point so [Music] oh [Music] they always fall backwards there we go come on baby push that ah i don't want that gold to go the wrong way push it nice and straight [Music] oh see i can't afford to do that today speaking of can't afford guys as you can imagine playing these is by my choice 100 my choice but i play this often because of the channel the only ah there we go the only way i can afford to keep doing the wins but all the losses is from having awesome sponsors like winner winner now i made a promise to you a long time ago and i'm a man of my word i'll never have a sponsor on this channel that i don't truly believe in truly i truly mean that i get all for asked a lot of different things from a lot of different sponsors and i turn them down but winter winter available on all platforms fantastic people located here in the united states just a pleasure to work with john and cody and the whole bunch i keep saying it i sound like i'm just a broken record but they're going to have coin pushers really soon now there's no reason not to play they're available on all platforms so speaking of that let me take a minute from last week's video and pull up the two winners who will get money added to your account thanks to me and winner winner right now [Music] congratulations you all thank you so much for participating in this video i am just going to pick a random i'll pick two i'll pick two random comments of someone that just says great things about the channel or whatever it is i'm not saying don't lie but i'm just going to pick two random comments on here and next week we will reveal the winner of that one as well but guys link to winner winners down the description if you want to win it and you don't have it got to go down and use my link i use my code bartley 15 to get free stuff again they're available on iphone and on android so download it have fun nice fun thing to do with the family when there's a bug or something wrong they go in and fix it so guys they uh they're just amazing people all right guys let's go collect all right so we got another 40 stack so that is 160 got that i'm gonna uh i'm gonna call mike's bluff on this thing fitting down in the sheet because it doesn't look like it it's fitting down the chute for me [Music] i'll have them show me if it stays there look [Music] that is the first time that's happened there was a roll of quarters and it fell forward 99.9 percent those always go backwards how cool is that so that was almost like one in the bonus hole and when you're playing the quarters keep you alive in the game you want stuff like that to happen i like to take a moment to all the viewers from out west california area and all that region that's affected by these wildfires right now i'm definitely thinking about you all and i'm sorry you have to go through it those pictures they show on the news are scary they're just cities just looking like it's like complete fog [Music] so guys if you're not affected by that take a minute just think about those those that are i'm sure there's uh legit foundations under a lot of fire department foundations stuff you can donate to if you like to help monetarily but just having them in your thoughts and prayers is a huge blessing all right so we're getting everything close to coming up to the front so i've been binged the whole cobra kai series now it's on netflix so excited for season three to come out if there's any kubra kai fans here let me know down in the comments i know i love it it's awesome for me because it brings back my childhood but yet it gains the interest of bray that never really see well he seemed great again before but it wasn't like you know it's it's an 80s movie now he loves cobra cast so it's nice to have you know a parent and child can have those share series like that together so this one's kind of different that is just a 20. there's 100 i thought this was a 40 stack but look it's tens and i told you they're putting out in there so i don't know if that's a 20 stack so i'll have to figure out that that very well could be we'll just stay with that to be conservative 140 and we were able to get to that and thankfully mainly because those quarter stacks fell forward check that thing out it's got a money band holding it [Music] i really like to get that gold come up nice to get a good collection i'm seriously going to start collecting actual gold [Music] it's funny that all the years that dad and parents told me to plan for the future it doesn't really start to kick in until your 30s and stuff like that then you start thinking wow i gotta have something for retirement i gotta have something passed down to my child look i'm calling bluff man that's not going anywhere either that one looks like it has a better chance of going down [Music] but again luckily mike's here [Music] very honest on the sky there we go oh that one's going down huh i might stand corrected i don't know how it's going to go any further than where it's at but that's definitely a win that's awesome [Music] so oh they all want to go to the left [Music] all right so that was my last quarter but i know we're doing well with quarters i don't know maybe that will come off it's getting pushed so i got to tell you all the truth it really bothered me being the first channel to introduce really i was the first channel to just start playing coin pushers in general find the high risk coin pusher high limit you know i think i came up with the name of high risk coin pusher because it's what it sounded uh it reminded me of the high limit slots that you can play but hurt me that i felt like i was just tired spinning in the mud i was just a victim of my surroundings meaning that you know they come up with rules and i gotta play it but my channel is just losing mustard and all the channels that came after me they're gaining and believe it or not you can people can say whatever they want if you have a channel that stuff affects you you're always looking at numbers you're always thinking numbers speaks volumes of where you're at so things are hidden in not only the right directions amazing directions i'm excited to put out different genres different style videos picking that three grams of gold out of the bag and i'm going to give some of the gold away just things like that so exciting all right so that was my last quarter seemed like we went to that relatively quick come on baby all right so we're we're doing decent staying in the game i really like to win this gold oh let's not do that so brace started soccer practice today and they're putting bray in a new position he moved up to u12 which all these years bray's always been like the biggest kid on the team and now he's not but they put him at goalie which honestly i'm me and glenda are up in the air about whether we like that or not bray is a hustler he's been playing soccer for years so he's got it down but uh i don't know if goalie is the right position for bray he likes to move around and standing in a box not put your body in front of the ball i just i don't know i think they're making made a mistake but i don't try to be a sideline coach and tell the coaches you know they're the ones that are coached not me so we'll see guys first game saturday all right so we got a 50. but that was terrible [Music] guys i'm also tell you something mike's back think of games that you would like to see on here mike reads these comments tell mike just put his name uh at mike and then say what you'd like to see him put in here or i'd like to play he'll listen seriously he will listen how's my last quarter that quick [Music] there we go that's what i need [Music] oh oh i gotta do better than that last quarter come on baby oh yes that's what i needed awesome [Music] we were getting right down to the wire so this is just a 20 by itself but there's uh that's a 10 and i might be going to guess and then that stack and these oh right here there's another it looks like a single 20 but we're doing good and was able to get that back just from that lucky fall at the end we're hanging in there i'm excited if you enjoy this if you're happy that mike's back do me a huge favor and leave a like on this video if you're not subscribed to my channel and you enjoy this you can come part of the family and hit that subscription button you have my word as creator that i'm getting ready to put my all into it i'll make this one of the most fun exciting changeable channels that's in this genre [Music] so i'm doing something different i put the quarters like this between my finger and i feed them in and push my thumb up it seems to help me sometimes i lose it but i can uh put more in faster instead of trying to you know single slot do it i'm not doing a real good on quarters return so all right let's see if second wave does anything ah no not really a decent amount getting ready to fall in this area oh wide bounce in the middle [Music] all right so that other 20 fell i have no idea where we're at sounds like something's stuck in the hole we are getting down towards the end of today's play so make sure you watch till the end to see how well i did 500 again was today's buy-in oh let's get ready go down by itself so maybe they'll use that as a representation as hey it will fall [Music] oh there we go oh [Music] why does it keep rolling there we go that's what i needed last couple quarters guys i didn't get worked out today it is what it is i was having fun but i think all that cash is holding back the quarters now come on baby knock that off there that's exactly what's happening all that cash up there is holding it back i'm trying to get one over there on the right i might have to put another one oh i might put another one oh that was a wrong time sheesh [Music] oh excellent oh there's actually quarters stuck in there tell you what this is what i'm gonna do i have a dollar left i'm gonna go get mike and have him move this that way i can get these quarters and he can show me real quick if this fits down in there or not all right guys i'll be right back all right so first and foremost i'm super glad i made that decision you wouldn't believe how many quarters here let me i'll just show you this is how many quarters stuck in there so that was good secondly 50. see that's a 10. i'll have to count this up at the end we got this stack we got that stacked but that is amazing now i will tell you these apparently are supposed to be tricky to come off he showed me they will fit somewhat easy given the right size however this one he even that little band that was around it was getting it caught up so you still fit down there but i just told him throw back up there with the band off and i was happy so let's continue on playing this is what we were able to get back oh that was a bummer truly a bummer there we go that's what i needed come on baby i would really like to win that gold but there's never really a time that i wouldn't say hey i'd like to have gold all right we're down to that dollar i had man we didn't get anything off that return here's that dollar 4.25 i guess come one geez i hope that wasn't just a complete waste of time that's going to fill the gap i don't have enough quarters to be playing like that all right that's always 50 cents oh all right come on baby there we go all right oh that was a bad bounce yeah maybe not huh hey maybe jeff's helping me all right all right so we're hey i'm not complaining oh that's not where i wanted that land ah there we go baby spin on it [Music] jeez [Music] ah that was it i don't think anything else is down here all right guys that's it uh let's go ahead and count up let's see where we're at for today remember today was a 500 buy-in so let's add this up i think we still did pretty well all right guys so i hope you enjoyed today's video i actually i'm not gonna lie that i have another video but i wanted to put this one first um the other video was gonna go first i kind of repeated the exact same stuff that i said today about mike and everything but i just decided to go ahead and play this one so i hope you enjoyed today's video i want to do more of a relaxing style video so 500 buy-in again there was no other extra buy-ins and this is what we were able to get so if you're curious what this stack had in it is exactly 150 so that's what these are so i'm assuming all of them are 150 i don't know or whatever there's 150 here and we had this 50 that was actually stuck in the chute when mike went in there to pull it out so our grand total for today is 610 610 so that puts us up 110 not an amazing day but anytime that you're up instead of being down look at that that looks like a lot more money than that don't so i'll take it i'm happy guys again if you're super excited that mike's back if you're super excited for the new stuff coming in show me a huge favor and hit that like button share these videos let all the people that you think that might be interested in this see it um also another thing that i didn't say earlier i wish i would have but i'm getting ready to start posting videos on facebook and starting to hit uh instagram as well and i'll tell you why i have a facebook account that i never go to um it's for the channel but other people are taking mine and what the hell's videos and post them to facebook so instead of other people putting myself out there i would much rather me be the person that puts it out there so if you want i'll put a link to my facebook down in the description join it hit the like button i'm gonna start uploading to it a little bit more often share those videos on your timelines again i'm going to pick a winner today for winter winter just a couple random comments you know there's that support i'll pick one of you off guys thank you so much for watching remember sunday's live stream i do know i have plans till about 6 30 on sunday so i probably won't be able to start until like 7 to 7 30. but 7 7 30 eastern standard time keep an eye out mike's going to be there that's amazing so it should be an awesome live stream all right guys i hope to see you there hope you enjoyed today's video and also have an awesome weekend i hope you enjoy your weekend and get plenty of sleep and plenty enjoyment all right guys thanks for watching i'll talk to you soon hey there's a quarter all right guys bye
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 42,994
Rating: 4.8944035 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, quarter pusher, arcade, win real money, arcade hack, coin pusher hack, coin pusher secret, game, gaming, metal detecting, rare coin, coins, gold, silver, power ball, mega millions, logan paul vs KSI, Mr Beast, how to get money, secret to making money, scratch off tickets, Big money, jackpot, Joshua Bartley, vegas, slots, high risk, iphone, samsu, josh bartley, coin machine, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher
Id: xkh8kqSDUhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 15sec (2175 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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