$1,790,000 '97 CRESCENT CUSTOM 96' 2019 REFIT Classic SuperYacht LIVEABOARD Motor Yacht TOUR & SPECS

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Hi, guys! Welcome to our channel!  Today we're bringing you, 96-foot   Crescent Custom Motoryacht called "La La Land". It is for sale. It's got some super interesting features,   that we haven't fully seen yet. So we are going to explore it with you, but I have heard it's got   five guest staterooms - all ensuite, two crew cabins. So total of seven and seven heads. So it's   pretty amazing for the size of a  boat. So this boat was built in 1997,   but it just went a massive refit 2018-2019 so  it is definitely like super current refitted. Welcome aboard! So as you can tell it's got a pretty grand entrance. We've got two staircases coming up   around, which is pretty nice. These handrails are pretty awesome. I like how they wrap around. And   this boat is set up for fishing, but it's kind  of a non-offensive way so you do have this   setup for rod holders, it got two bait tanks.  So if you wanted to fish you can, but it's   not really in the way and out of the way.  The staples are pretty nice because they're   so thick - right! They just... And again you got rod holders on them as well. This is a good size, yeah   it's a good-sized swim platform. Totally doable for fishing. Which side do we take up? I   mean, you know, so many choices! Port - Starboard?  Starboard! Let's go right! Okay, all right come on up! The AFT docking station right here. Got your  thruster control there, and your throttle and   shifter controls right there. I'm just noticing  that down on the swim step, there's... looks like   some nice lighting coming up the stairs... some  big lights... yeah so it probably looks pretty   awesome at night. Pretty cool size alfresco dining. Easily can sit 10 people... yeah   It's a really good size. This could be fully enclosed if you wanted to. It's already pre-rigged for   it. A little upgrade I would do is maybe a shade... kind of nice... yeah... yeah, looks great. So we've got a   little bar station here. Little cocktail station...  yeah... an ice maker... a storage space right here...   yep just like an outdoor, outside wet bar. Great.  Nice little size here and also all of that.   All right should we go forward? Go forward - yeah! Okay I'm gonna go on the starboard side.   Oh there are definitely some nice weather doors.  Weather doors! Here it's nice to have for sure.   Diesel fill on the Starboard side. Boarding door. So an entrance to the pilothouse,  that we're going to look at later. It looks like storage here as well. Oh, it's a beautiful BOW.  So they've got this sea deck or not sure which exact brand. Right up here. It's a really nice   open BOW actually. Oh yeah, it's nice. You have  big layout cushions with the easy step up. Fantastic... yeah All right, what do we got here? We got two very big windlass. I'll tell you what we got here... Double   anchor setup and what else do we got here? I tell you what we got here we got a.... ship bell... yeah - fog bell...   Sorry I had to do it! It's so cool.   That's a watertight hatch, with I would  assume storage and anchor locker underneath. Looks like we've got lighting everywhere. Look all around.   Courtesy lights - right? Yeah. Really nice! All around! The boat looks really grand   from everywhere you look. It definitely feels like 105 - 110, it feels big. Yeah. It's really... it's   a lot of volume. Oh, look at this door as well.  Is that going to the galley? Oh yeah, that goes   straight to the galley, which is really, really nice.  You want to bring some drinks out to the BOW,   it's great! Or you're preparing a big meal  and you know, you just have the doors open, you get   fresh air in. Yeah, that's awesome If you  would use that boarding door... yeah... and you want to   bring all your groceries in or your provisional...  provisions... you know, that would go right through   here - and you're right in the galley. Very true,  very, very true, which you would use a lot.   Check out the flybridge! So in the  back here we've got a ladder, which I'm   pretty sure there is a proper staircase  on the interior of the pilothouse.   Wow, that's a lot of room. I mean this is a  party space right here. This is like a dance deck. You've got your Davit here. That's a big Davit system for sure. Looking at the receptacles   here on the floor, that's where your dingy  shocks or your tender shocks would go and   I would assume these decks would just go away and your tender sits right up here. Looks like you could   put a massive tender here. You can put a big tender here. You can probably put some jet   skis in front of it, I mean there's a lot of space here. It's a good-sized center console   tender right! Yes! Very cool and this is  obviously watertight so you can close that up.   So the entertainment space, it's fabulous! So you've got this big bar. Sorry I went the wrong way.   Can I get you a drink? Absolutely! Okay, so we got a wet bar, looks like an ice maker. Yep.   Ice maker! Drink fridge, yeah. We got a drink fridge here. Yep. Great. Yep. Some... I think, maybe   some Peroni's in there! Some of the things here  might need a little updating, but yeah it's great.   There's a huge... nice barbecue... huge barbecue. Yeah. I  mean this just a little TLC here I think,   it's gonna look really nice. Look at the size of this table! Yeah, I mean, this is again... you   could easily seat eight people. Just put some chairs around. You can also dine up here if you wanted to.   Nice to have enclosed, because if you have a  really cold evenings and you want to still have   this beautiful view. I mean the view is stunning  it's so high up, so really tall yacht.   Got a massive TV up here, so if you want  to watch some tv having your dinner upon   the flybridge that's the spot to be. And I  gotta say I'm pretty impressed with    the bimini that they have on it because from the outside, it almost looks like a hardtop.   It does. It's well done and it's extremely tall.  Yep. I mean... like I don't even know! It's   way over seven feet! It's a vinyl bimini. Yeah, it looks from outside... I really,   for a second thought, it was a hard top! Yeah, it looks really great! We got two large Simrad Chart Plotters right here,  again our repeaters for the engines, BOW thruster,   engine controls, and on each side port and  starboard side you have repeater units   for docking. So you got your BOW thruster your engine controls. and I'm standing pretty much   at the edge of the boat, so really good for  docking got that on the starboard side as   well. Yeah, so a nice solution for not having a remote station you carry around. You   have those... you know, yeah it's a lot.  Right. So you've got five... one, two, three,   four... and you also have your pilothouse! Correct!  Wow! Five stations. It's a lot of stations.   So there's a really nice staircase like i  said, which is leading us to the pilot house. Let's check out inside! Those are really nice windows!  It's the first thing that jumped out!   I like the floors! Yeah, it's really nice!  The refit was really recent, so obviously   they did a lot of changes. So let's see, what do we have here? A little secret feature. It's pretty cool. It's really nice and open! Right.  Yeah, it's great. It's got tons of   storage areas right there, which you  can don't even see, but there's a   whole bunch. Yeah. There's a bar, kind of storage...  and right there it's kind of hidden everywhere but   it's tons in the salon here. A whole bunch of storage. So there's storage all around?   All around! Yeah and right there  behind this dining table as well. I like these couches, they look really comfy! Yeah. It looks cute and the   lighting is nice, and I mean the whole  salon feels really bright and airy. It has that classic style still. You know the  wood and the color... you know sometimes some of the   yachts in the 90s you felt really enclosed the  windows and everything this feels really bright   and beautiful. Yep, so all of these are storage.  You know for glassware and stuff like that. We've   got a nice bar here. Those are really big chairs. So  if you really had to squeeze you could probably   sit a few more people, but there's obviously a nice alfresco dining outside as well. All right, so come   on into the galley! I personally really like the layout of this galley, totally speaks to me! So   it's got this really nice bar area that you know you can hang out and entertain. People can sit there on   the barstools. So if you come in you can see like all of that has storage. Got our electronics   repeater here, and all your air conditioning controls. Okay so let's see what we've got here. Tons of drawer storage here. This whole area. And that's a really deep island - right?   It's a really nice island. Dishwasher. Okay, storage underneath the sinks, trash.  Trash compactor or just trash? Just trash!   Yep so all of that as well, you know I'm not going to open everything. An oven... a big size good size oven.   Yeah... it's a good microwave. The stove has got four burners, a full-size stove. Big side by side.   Yes, massive fridge! Lots of food in it.  Big! Okay! What is that behind you there?  That is a spice rack. Yeah. Spice rack. Tons of space. Awesome! Really cool! And this looks right here...   like another pantry area as well, yeah! That's a  deep pantry area. Fantastic! It's very deep in here.   Yeah. Pretty cool! That actually like, a really nicely laid out kind of a   compact in terms of how big it is, it could be  a lot bigger, if you just put it, you know, kind   of space it differently, but it feels really nice  and compact, but you could work here really nicely.   I love that it's open to the salon. Yeah, I like the galley, very cute. So coming forward, we have all of this storage here. Tons, I don't know what it is used for,   but yeah it's just a lot... storage everywhere... all the way you guys. Oh, that looks like a day head!   Yep, day head right here, very cute, nice for you  know, when you're entertaining - for guests to use and   then you don't need to go down below. Really cute. Okay,   nice and wide walkway here. Really - it feels really nice. More storage on this side. It's a nice pilothouse.   I like it. Very roomy! Very nice! Look at all these upgraded electronics. Okay, what do we got here?   We got three really good sized screens, Simrad electronics, which are fairly new. They look like   recently upgraded. You got Detroit engine controls,  monitors are right there we got a Furuno...   looks like a sonar system. Yeah, this boat  is all set up for fishing, it's kind of in a   the non-aggressive way, so it's got bait tanks, it's  got the Furuno system, but yeah it's if you don't   like fishing, you don't have to, but if you do,  it's definitely set up for it. Awesome! And then,   really nice chart table here. Look at all these chart drawers. I don't know, some of you   guys don't know... you have to keep your charts nice  and flat, so this is a nice chart space here.   Or if you want to keep some hard paper charts.  And you got pilothouse doors to port and   to starboard. Yeah, the sitting area is pretty awesome as well. And I just noticed, there's just   storage everywhere. Also, chart storage right here  and you know obviously, you can use it whatever you   want, but yeah it's a great little space here when you're underway you can even nicely   kind of lay down here. Crash out! Yeah, it's cute, a really nice area. Very nicely set up Pilothouse   and Helmstation. And a nice Captain's chair! Oh, good visibility. Should we check   out... how many cabins do we have? Five. So we're gonna keep going forward. Nice staircase here. There is a full-size fridge here. Or freezer. Food freezer, it's a huge freezer! Wow, that's cool,   really cool! Okay so now on the port... forward port... so that's  a guest cabin, it definitely feels like kind of a   single guest cabin, or maybe like... but  still like, a good amount of space to stand and...   Yeah definitely. No, it's a great single cabin,  it's awesome. There's a huge hanging closet,   hanging locker! Oh yeah, that's very large! Yeah, I would die for this - this is really   nice! All right, and then we've got some storage spaces here. Yep great size. I mean, they even have   a little desk in here. No, it's great. That's cool! Yeah, if you're really nice to your   crew, this could actually be a captain's cabin. Yeah right! Even though, you've got crew   cabin, this could be a really nice captain's cabin.  It's right next to the pilothouse, so it's a great   area for that. Look at all the storage here! And tons of storage underneath the bed! Check that out,   tons of drawers! Oh, good size yeah! Ensuite! Oh, good shower, hold on, I need to go into the shower again.   There she is! No, it's actually a good side shower. Oh yeah totally!   Headroom... I'm five-seven. It's not bad it's  pretty good, for a small guest cabin it's great!   Is that a little bidet set up there? What!!! No, I  don't think so! It's like a shower head! So  exactly - a bidet setup! Yeah, so there's a  medicine cabinet here as well. Okay keep going all   the way forward! Oh, that's a nice VIP I guess!  Yeah, forward VIP! Wow, that's a really tall bed,   super tall, but it actually doesn't feel that  bad I think you could sit on it and not have...   yeah... still have tons of headroom. Yeah. We've got storages right there and right there,   here as well. Looks like you've got some hanging lockers here. It's a great size hanging lockers.   Lots of storage. On the starboard side. What's even larger, got a nice TV. Oh yeah, wow   amazing! Yeah, so there's another one here, I  guess matching to that side, and all of these   look like they're nice and deep as well! Oh whoa.  Wow! That used to be back in the days where the TV's went.  Probably! Yeah, I have one of those that i've reconfigured as well. But yeah, that's a great great   space there. And a nice ensuite. Very nice and bright and a good size too! Yeah same size shower   kind of nice, actually it's bigger than it seems. That seems bigger. No, it's bigger yeah because you've   got these corners here, so it's actually nice and wide. All upgraded! Yeah, it looks good.   Yeah this definitely been refit you  could tell that this was all upgraded.   Like the marble sink... look at  the slaps of it - it's actually really   big heavy marble. Tons of space. Oh this  looks like a big medicine cabinet as well.   Yep! Nice. Really nicely done! Yeah, it's cute, really cute! Head! Also, a day set up. Don't forget the   storage underneath. All the drawers underneath the bed. Yeah. Also big size! Lots of storage. Yep.   This is a nice cabin. Totally! AND it's a lot of space to still move around. It's a good   size VIP for sure. So these two cabins are pretty awesome! Right! Yeah and they're completely separate   from the rest of the cabins. Totally! All  right so going AFT, let me check this out! So coming midship, we have another staircase. I like what they did here, looks really, really nice and classy. The glass. Looks good! Oh this   staircase is really wide and drops you into like  this little foyer in the middle of all the cabins.  This is so much room. Okay, I mean, you guys see  us tour a few boats about the same size and   this is a lot of space. Oh twin guest cabin, which  actually turns into a triple because you have this   bunk bed right here, that comes down, really cool.  If needed! All of that storage drawers right there.   I'm not gonna open everything... we'll be here all day. Drawers right here, there drawers as well.   It's nicely all lined with cedar. Even the  drawers, which shows you that the original quality of a build was as well,  well built, because you don't get that everywhere.   Whatever this is... Oh huge, huge space  as well, you can use it with access behind it.  Access to the water heater behind. Yeah a TV again, looks like a newly upgraded full-size mirror.   What's above the TV? Oh, a little space here! It comes out like that! This looks like a   big hanging closet again. Big hanging closet as well. There's  also drawers right there on the nightstand as well.   It just keeps getting bigger. The heads feels even wider and bigger. I agree! They all   have that! That must be from the original setup! Totally! That's so interesting! It's just plumped in.   I've never seen that on a boat. Little storage  we've got here, medicine cabinets, there's a couple   of them. This is a big one. Okay and there's one more right there. The shower is great. Yeah really nice! Yeah, it's great really great! You don't need more than that.    Plenty of space, plenty of headroom.  It's really nicely laid out. Yeah, it looks great. So I think we have a  matching... mirror image... yeah, same cabin on...   on the port side... pretty much the same thing. Also with the foldable   bunk. Pretty cool if you have kids, you know, that  like to bring friends with them, really, really   cool to have two cabins that could be converted  and basically hold, you know, six, that's just like   killer... you can totally see that. Same big closet yeah! It's a little this is a little different.   But it's you know similar, very similar. You've got  all of the TV, but then we have all these drawers   there. Correct! And we still have a massive closet.  The portholes are a pretty good size as well. Really large actually. You can actually get  a good perspective, because the Helm is    next to it, so you kind of get an idea. Same  here, really nice tons... a little different layout   then the other side... yeah, but about the same  amount of space, it's just that the...   actually, the shower actually feels bigger, it's  got that same kind of a corner unit feel.   Yeah opening all the drawers, all the tons  of space here, that looks like would be   good storage yeah, it's great, and look at  this - how beautiful this porthole cover is... it just   really feels really grand and classic, it looks solid. Really cool! All right what's missing? Master! You guys are ready?  Let's do it! It's rare you get two doors to open! Full beam midship, which makes it really nice  and stable it's a nice place to have a master   just because it's such a comfortable space on the boat we have a little bit of rough seas. Current   owners just left, so we're not gonna snoop around much. I'm not gonna open much for you guys, I'm just   gonna point things out. Just gonna be respectful,  but this looks like some kind of a closet.   Oh no no no, oh no way, I love that it's just awesome, look how cute. Well that is a makeup mirror   with the lights built-in. Wow oh oh my god, sold...  that's amazing. I'm not even that much of a makeup   whatever girl, but I would do my makeup here.  I would maybe wear more makeup because of it.   Oh, it is just gorgeous. Look how cute! Okay this  is going on a wish list Rico - this is amazing   really cool! I'm glad I opened that and I like how  they covered it because it just makes it feel like   it's not obnoxious here's - this crazy makeup mirror.  And you could still use it as a working station. So   pretty cool! And you have one on each side,  right you have kind of like his and hers. Correct. I mean not makeup station, but workstation -  very cool! Huge TV there, tons of drawers. You guys can see just a lot, a  a lot of drawers right here as well,   there's a full walk-in closet - It's big! And lots of mirrors! Yeah, it's great.   It's a really... it's a really... friendly... woman-friendly closet, it's awesome. It's got tons of   taller space areas. I mean just a dream closet for sure. All right and it's a king-size bed.   Yeah, so it just gives you guys perspective it's  big, it feels really big, it's tall, I can barely reach it.   I'm 5'7 and yeah it's great. Yeah  it's a full-beam master and it   this boat has a really wide beam. I think  it's about almost 23 feet so it's...  it's beamy. It's a really really nice master. How do you feel about the doors Rico? Do you like those? I, don't mind them. I like them, it kind of makes me  feel really you know you don't have to use both,   but just it's kind of nice and grand and if you're staying on a boat, just you... you know just a couple,   it's just nice to be able to have it open like  that, and just have all that room and you don't...   you don't feel closed in. Feels very airy!  Yeah, it's beautiful! Check out the head! Oh yes, wait...   there are two showers? No... no that's not a shower. That's a shower... with this... this is a steam room, you guys!  Hell yeah. Right there look! That is   something I would have on my boat. Can you  see my face... oh it's so cool... this is amazing,   I would totally use it, especially in California in the winter. I would totally use it. I mean   hot tub is great too, but having this...  yeah, that was... amazing... a highlight for sure! It's not supermassive, but it's really well laid out.   Right you don't need more. Yeah you don't need more. You've got... you've got two sinks, which is really   great, got all this, you know, all this extra like...  medicine cabinet stuff and what's that? Storage! Lots of storage! The towels and all the extra stuff and there's one right there as well. It's really   big, it's even got a little bench and everything. It's really large. Two people shower for sure. Really nice! Yeah, it's great! I mean a really nice, totally amazing  liveaboard possibility, with having   option to go out and actually you know, have some  friends out and go into Catalina or you know,    just going cruising the coast. Just a really nice   possibility. Super, super cool. Really like it! Wow!  Cool! Cool master! All right, well that was fun.   So what do we have left? Where's our engine room? And the crew quarters! Coming AFT.  I always love these. This makes me feel like I'm on the   ship vessel. All right, come on  down and show you real quick... So we got a crew quarters. Yeah, so crew shower. Yeah it's great, it's got all... everything you   need. Toilet, shower... and head...yep, that's another crew  cabin with a whole bunch of storage here yep.   And oh we even got a little crew galley. Yep, with a little fridge and microwave. And yeah perfect...   That's actually really nice how that's all open to  each other, and I honestly don't know why sometimes   you have, most of the times you have the door and then you have the kitchen separate. This is   a good crew space. You already sharing the  space, I kind of feel like this is really great.   Yeah! Yeah, look at how big this is. So you've got all of that there. I'll let you go!   You got some of the breakers there, you got  your gauges for your Helm, engine batteries,   again your Detroit diesel electronic  monitors, generator monitors, switches   everything here. Washer and dryer - great location for it! And... Really good location. Yeah! it's great.   Good size or full size. Yeah. Engine room!  Fanciness. So cool! All right - come on in! Nice and bright engine room! And a lot of space to walk around! And look at that, you don't even...   sometimes you have that little space here... but  look, it just... you can walk all the way around.   Rod storage on top. We got two Northern Lights generators, firefighting system. Here we got our   tank level side glasses, which I think every yacht should have. Digital gauges are all great when   they're working, but this is really... if you really  want to know how much fuel you have, you kind of   want something like that. It also looks pretty. I  mean the engines look like they've been cared for -   Nice and clean. And Detroit diesel engines,  twin diesel. A water maker. Yep. Two water   makers actually - redundancy on the watermakers. A little wet sink, a little workbench. There you go. This concludes our tour of the 96 Custom  Crescent Motoryacht. I hope you guys enjoyed it.   If you have any questions, put them down in the comments. This boat is for sale.   The owner is stepping up. So if you guys  are interested, the broker's information   will be in the description below. As always,  please Like, Subscribe, Comment, and Share!   It really, really, really makes a difference in our channel! We really appreciate it! And   if you guys are still not following us on  Instagram, this is mine and this is Rico's!   We post every day on Insta Stories and also check out our YouTube stories! Enjoy the outtakes! Ciao! We are bringing you today a 96-foot... Right, because I'm always right. Hey yeah. Did you read it? Yeah. Wine a bit!  That's what I was laughing about. Somebody likes wine. Okay. Did you have coffee, you feel a little off! Am I supposed to say something?   You're very out of it. Oh okay. What I'm  saying is, it takes you like a minute to get   to what I'm talking about. It's going to look  so much nicer, when I'm doing slow small slow   um five. Yeah dude, are you awake? I just did this whole thing. You just did it on purpose. Where did I put my glasses? I don't know! Did I lose them? Hey unless you... you know, if you want to wash   your hair on the sink. No no that's not it. You  mean, you can put your head through the porthole?   You can! Is that what you're saying, you could climb up? I could climb out there.   I could climb through there... I don't know! Totally!   I can climb through there! I don't know! I could squeeze through there. We'd have to push you!
Channel: NautiStyles
Views: 545,813
Rating: 4.8311467 out of 5
Keywords: super yacht, super yacht tour, power yacht, yacht tour, yacht walkthrough, boat tour, nautistyles, luxury yacht, ocean alexander, yachting, millionaire yacht, yacht charter, aft cabin motor yacht, liveaboard, sailing, liveaboard couple, liveaboard lifestyle, yacht flybridge, yachtworld, classic yacht, pilothouse, motor yacht, crescent yachts, custom motor yacht, 96 yacht, yacht refit, Aquaholic, the wynns, la vagabonde, zatara, yachts for sale, supercar blondie, luxury home
Id: AV8d57E5CvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 51sec (1971 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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