$1,499,000 101' ARNO LEOPARD SuperYacht "FRIDAY" Rolls Royce Triple Jet Drives 5400 HP Yacht Tour

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hi guys welcome back to NautiStyles we are back   here at denison yachting at the fort  lauderdale international boat show   and we are on board of 101 foot iron leopard  built in 2007 welcome aboard a friday   so   we're starting at the swim platform yeah and there  is a big garage door right behind you with a name   on it where the tender normally sits in and the  jet ski goes on the rim platform this boat is   outfitted with triple mtu m93s oh i know you love  saying jet drives so no conventional prop drives   and since we have a really good visibility right  now because the sun is hitting it i hope you guys   can see this and you see one of the jet drives  right there in the water all right and now we   can go you ready ready so this double-sided  staircase is pretty awesome on both sides and   um the back of this yacht i gotta say it's really  sexy let's let's go check it out come on up   okay here we are does that even translate how  big this layout pad is i'm just gonna i'm gonna   donate myself to the cause yeah it's a little warm  got it got a nice sunshade um on top sales yeah   really nice hangout spot yeah it's really pretty  it's pretty warm today probably would stay in the   shade but hey somewhere in the islands how nice  is that yeah you're an anchor let's just jump in   the water get our cap stands here some cleats to  tie off just lots of half deck space on this yard   yeah it's a very very big aft so we have a sitting  area here alfresco dining for eight cute little   sitting areas on this side as well well not much  to explain just entertain entertain entertain   right i love it it'll be so much fun to just throw  a knife in a party boat is what you're trying to   say nice bikini party okay let's go you know  when you said why appropriately friday doesn't   this feel like friday yeah this is a weekend vote  all right let's go all right let's go i'm walking   forward starboard side really wide wool walks  a really safe height of the railing right yep have your weather doors  right there yup escape hatch   and welcome to the fall deck welcome to the  next party space another massive sun pad   when you see sound pads like that  you just you gotta you gotta try them   okay space this is insane and then right  forward of that we have our ground tackle   two big windlass so this would be holy whoa  massive storage area for fenders and lines   and then over there is our anchor  locker super deep yep very large perfect another weather tight door   oh there's an access to the  roof is there something up there oh man this could be such a great  hangout spot what's out there   nothing it's just the roof we have let me  show you got our live rafts up there our horn   electronics our mast with all the navigation  lights raider and e-perp on top there we got a   little winch crane up on the outboard side and  a forward tower as well for navigation lights   so check out the interior let's  do it air conditioning yes ah this is really beautiful  looks like these open up oh all of them same time look at that awesome  oh that's what you saw from above huh yeah yeah   it looks really awesome the color choices are  really nice and it just kind of gives it that pop   pop yeah it's like modern hotel look yeah it  looks really nice so you've got a dining area   here which is a high low table it's nice and  a small little cocktail tables right there   it is definitely an entertainment boat there's  a little bit of storage right here there's some   built-in on this side as well and right there yep  got a little bar area with a pop-up tv to forward   and this is some bass rolls really  cute ah guess what it is like yes it is   that's awesome great solution very cute just  it has a nice flow you come in and just kind of   flows up here check out this entertainment bar  here it's like the size of a galley so we have an   a drink fridge here good drink  fridge store space more storage   all the stemware yeah yeah and if you lower the  tv back down i mean you have a full forward view   back view after you at that view you can see  all the way up and now we have this this nice   bar bar area yeah awesome so should we go forward  to the helm yep check out the helm oh wow okay so   you've got three seats here we got three helmet  seats which which uh captains did you actually   take today it seemed like you're uh i take the  center one but um you take the one whichever one   you want it's so much fun we got our thruster  control on the right hand side so we got our   screens here our surveillance chart plotters our  boat management system all levels and tanks and   whatever we all need there's some mtu gauges right  there we have our rpms one two three get our three   engine throttle controls again this boat is jet  drive driven so everything is a little different   than on the conventional crop boat the jet drive  controls are made by and who can guess it looks   familiar that's right royce royce docking this  boat like any other boat you would just use the   port and starboard engine you would not use the  center you actually put the center in zero or   even disconnected completely yeah and here you are  able to scroll through the screens of the mtus how   about the steering oh what the helm i know right  feel like you're driving a race car yeah all right   awesome check out the state rooms yeah we have  some storage here as well you know you you guys   me on my storage but yeah there's some spaces  here and yep there's some firefighting stuff oh they don't move no they're  locked in places oh that's cool   like that yeah these are actually locked in place  so they look like they would just tip over but   you can actually sit on them while the boat is  probably as it's a jet drive doing this right yeah   you can only imagine when you bank the the banking  of this boat rickett is driven a few pershings and   that banking is pretty insane so this is probably  compatible huh yeah but it's 101 footer it's   good size good size yeah so we're going  forward going forward okay and down all right all the way to the bow okay it's  a vip it's actually a low bed which is i   didn't expect on this kind of a boat usually  and they're continuing on that bright white   theme throughout the boat completely slick there  are no any kind of handles it is a very modern   very clean looking boat big tv right there  got a big hanging locker to the starboard side   drawer in the bottom like all of these open right  there there's drawers behind you it's a mirror   image on this side as well okay some drawers  here drawers there yeah yep and these are also   storage wow there's a lot of storage in this cabin  yeah all around it's really beautifully done upper   storage lower storage that is a lot feels like a  very slick modern high-end hotel almost futuristic   you know the movies you watch yeah everything's  just slick everything's just white yeah it's just   like that it feels like that's beautiful it looks  beautiful yeah really nice okay all right let's   keep going so this is still all the forward  oh yeah yeah so this is par oh that's nice   the vip yes so on this side you have a head  with a sink yep madison cabinets here yep some space here oh wow that's big right here all  right what do we got on the other side and on this   side second vanity and a nice getting ready mirror  and a complete contrast black shower interesting   very spacey looking rain shower head looks very  stylish i like the flaw drain even has a leopard   logo in there okay can we talk about some details  so these are light switches how cool are these   yeah nice super cool see all right  yeah all right going aft so they both   have proper doors proper doors yeah  so keep going on the starboard side a twin guest cabin with a possible third pullman  and storage here yeah actually a good amount and   this is hanging locker it's a really big drawers  are nice yeah it's it's really deep yeah i mean i   would fit in it super nice there's drawers down  there as well yep all of these are drawers yeah   i mean it just it feels so slick everything  and it shares the hair the nice shower again   the really fancy rain shower head this is really  pretty yeah and it's uh it's also got this shower just you know completely different contrasted  to the vip beautiful it's very italian right   the interior design is still very clean organized then we have a another guest  state room to the port side yeah so this one is a   single bed for a couple yeah got a looks like  a queen size bed here not going to argue with   reading tv right there we had a bet going  about the king and the queen and i lost so   apparently he knows the difference  and i don't same thing and all have   an integrated safe as well very smart and  it has an ensuite head so this is a head   and the shower is right here i'll go in the shower  again what else is new all right yeah very nice   so that's not a shared head that is a day  ahead shared they had kind of yeah correct going further off checking out the master cabin  okay this light switches are really really awesome   full beam very cool super modern looking wow yeah  it's i mean it's like a very like sexy bachelor   really uh fashionable couple owned owned  yacht right yes very much so crocodile leather   has that weekend feel party entertainment i mean  obviously this could be a liveaboard but i kind   of feel like it's just this is not a yacht  get that gets chosen for a liveaboard this   is really a boat that this is your second home  that you come to your like getaway you know miami   style yacht oh there's a perfect shot about great  job it is a fast boat you're quick in the bahamas   great shot about absolutely what's behind  that door what's behind here behind there ah   hello this is makeup station this  is where you get ready for the party   this yes so the walk-in yes well kind of  okay it's like a storage space yeah it's not   a closet right nope it's just a storage space  with a safe because the closet is right here and that's pretty much a walk-in yep good size   completely finished super deep in  there really yeah check it out oh yeah let's check out the head oh nice dual vanity uh it's got the same but  larger um shower yeah check it out it's actually   a lot bigger same style kind of like how they uh  continued that the vip and the master have the   same style of the shower and then the other two  staterooms have a little bit of different vibe and we have a head with a bidet  with a nice pocket door pocket door   perfect all you need right  crew quarters and engine room   what about the galley in the crew quarters  okay do it i'm going to head over apps you have your switch panels here yep that's actually a really comfortable staircase  yep a lot of the times i feel like on this fast   sexy yacht the staircases focus waters are very  narrow and kind of scary but this is a really nice   staircase so really workable galley so this is  galley down a lot of the boats we picked to show   you guys don't have galley down but this one does  and it's it's a really nice working galley look at   all of that proper commercial grade refrigeration  and freezer great for a charter boat right yes   gotta have really nice so it's six burner i mean  yeah a chef can cook up some good stuff in here   got an oven below looks like it does get used  a proper hood they definitely are making meals   here for sure got a mealy dishwasher dishwasher  steam oven yeah and this is a microwave microwave   i haven't seen that in a while anything  that's awesome so we got drawers here   storage great working kitchen for a chef and  the crew quarters are we have a double cabin   here oh very spacious actually four quarters  with an ensuite look at the size of the shower   oh wow yeah for for crook waters pretty  impressive built in overhead rain shower it's a nice cabin my head is behind the door  and also what's kind of unusual it's nice it's   got this uh little work space here so the  cabin is actually pretty large so you can   get by each other and the finishes are the exact   same like the rest of the boat so it's not  like that it was downgraded because it's crew   definitely yeah really nice all storage here we  keep respect the crew the privacy this is also   a pocky door that closes this off and the  crew mass area is very cute check this out   it's got a table here which could open up and  becomes like double the size so you have a proper   dining table here you know for three people yep  you got storage spaces right there all around here   this here similar electronics small storage big  storage that's that's a big pantry actually yeah a   tv which also can display the cameras of the boat  like an extra pantry area here as well glassware   okay we're not done yet and we  still have another double cabin   another crew with the two bunk beds yeah  and this one has a wet head which means that   this turns into a shower right here  yep this whole space is a shower but   still like perfectly fine like you know  it's not too small a little hat there there is plenty of plenty of space and this door here here's our washer and dryer  laundry right here yeah wow this is a fun door   yep ready ready oh it's warm in here get  ready oh yeah wow look at these horses   wow wow where do we start i don't know  corner oh they're pretty triple mtu wow   that's a lot of horsepower right here six  cylinders on each side so it's v12 mtus you   definitely need headphones when you're when  you're running they're running yeah they're   right above you there yeah see them already so  let's go through so look at look at all this   here the switchboard the command center of the  engineer we got two generators one to starboard   and looks like a mirror to port you can see  your rolls-royce uh control units the jet   drive control units are made by rolls-royce  if it wasn't fancy enough yeah and then   really cool and great to see here you guys can  see the tunnels on the interior right here for   the jet drives this is some linkage here for the  adjustment of the jet drives if you want to go   on forward or reverse and then we got our exhaust  going down to an underwater exhaust ah what about   i mean this is really impressive three engines  is always impressive but three mtu's is   it's very impressive i mean this here i mean  can we talk about this whoa the exhaust yeah   so do these get hot i know they're pretty well  insulated i mean they might get a little warm   but not like super hot you burn yourself if you  touch them yeah so really cool thing about these   engines they actually have three turbochargers  um as you can see you got one on each side one   for each six cylinders and we have for the second  stage another one in the center lots of horsepower   no idea what that means but sounds cool yeah look  at these air filters i mean just point out the   like behind you as an air filter here's an  air filter look at the size of these air   filters yeah they're pretty massive yeah these  engines want to get a lot of air to breathe   and produce these horsepower the engine room  looks like it's in a good shape yep absolutely   yeah so the boat is uh 14 years old but  it looks very clean and well maintained   all right let's keep going okay yeah oh yeah and  then we got an escape patch for emergencies right here all right you guys this completes our  full tour of 101 foot arnold leopard this   yacht is for sale and charter it is listed with  dennis and yarding if you guys are interested   all the contact information will be in the  description below you guys are absolutely the best   at liking and commenting cannot thank you enough  it makes such a huge difference please also use   that share button it's a little error going this  way that way this way one of the ways please use   that as well it makes a huge difference uh when  you're sharing a video really really appreciate   it and i don't know if we had any outtakes  did we i'm pretty sure we have some outtakes   there's always outtakes with us enjoy the altex  guys and join the nautical on the patreon yeah why is it appropriately called friday is it is it  like why is it properly called further friday is   the day you want to go out and okay it's a friday  all right cool just lost hearing in one of my ears   all right let's go down  below check out the storage   so that storage check out the helm let's check   let's go then we'll check out the what are we  checking out okay so open the door and go in there wait wait wait wait wait where's the light switch  oh let's go in here let's be somewhere in there   must be oh why don't you use this switcher oh  definitely lost the hearing on one of my ears   so if i'm yelling let me know i mean this is a  fantastic can i say a party platform i'm sure you   can say that why can't you say that walking aft  already ready okay hoping for a little more time good to have an assistant okay and q and q   oh let's see i thought it was this one cue the  roof speaking the the the lockers are massive   calm down they're really cool oh wow it's wet um  it is yep well then you need to go all the way and   let me go in looks very stylish very stylish  yeah what i just said yeah very stylish you
Channel: NautiStyles
Views: 200,363
Rating: 4.9020514 out of 5
Keywords: super yacht, super yacht tour, power yacht, yacht tour, yacht walkthrough, boat tour, nautistyles, luxury yacht, yacht, yachting, millionaire yacht, yacht charter, liveaboard, sailing, liveaboard lifestyle, yacht flybridge, yachtworld, motor yacht, custom yacht, Aquaholic, the wynns, la vagabonde, zatara, yachts for sale, supercar blondie, luxury home, condo on water, arno leopard, superyacht friday, 101 arno leopard, denison yachting, jet drives, triple engine, fast yacht
Id: FYLT0X42fXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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