17 TRUE First Responder Horror Stories | Police & EMT Stories

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the hey everyone this video contains a lot of stories that you may find unsettling if you have a weak stomach I suggest you clicking off this video and watching something else I would also like to show some respect to all of the people who work these types of jobs I can't imagine what they go through and they truly deserve respect for what they do all of that being said let's begin number one not a paramedic but some law enforcement I hear a panicky call over the radio for a supervisor to attend a unit this was around 1:00 a.m. well into the night shift I was covering the unit next door so I popped over to see the officer she's white as a ghost and sitting at a table I asked her what's up and she just points to a cell phone I look over and the window is covered in blood so I look in and it's like a b-movie horror scene the guy had cut a major vein on the inside of his wrist parallel to the pinky and then slit the skin open so he could pull it out even more every pump of his horn squirted blood like I've never seen in real life like I said b-movie style there was bought on the walls the windows the blankets and the toilet in sync and the floor my god the floor when the paramedics finally arrived he got under his own power and walked to the gurney we had to take pictures then collect evidence from the scene after he was gone I still think about it sometimes the door was glued to the jamb with blood the smell of ayran and the sheer amount of what was on the floor and there it goes playing through my head all over again number two I'm an EMT not a medic this one mess me up for a bit and makes me a much more cautious driver some teenagers with mustangs decided to race each other down the highway at 1:00 a.m. they end up losing control at insane speeds and initially bumping each other sending the car on the right lane off into the trees the driver somehow survived and was medevacked out in critical condition the car on the left lane went over the guardrail median and headfirst into a Jeep then caught on fire we got on the scene and found the now extinguished burnt mess of the wreck the passengers of the Mustang were just carbon stacks no bodily or facial recognition whatsoever just charred masses of what used to be people the driver of the Jeep was severed in half torso hanging out of the driver side window legs still by the pedals and organs everywhere in the seat the worst part was the driver of the Jeep was just minding his own business driving along to wherever he was going all because some kids decided to be idiots his life was over in a split second number three this happened while I wasn't at work responding to a wreck but a car went off the road right outside my house they hit a concrete drainage cylinder in the ditch two passengers were ejected through the windshield 16 and 18 year old girls really badly cut up the 18 year olds face was hanging off pretty much while she was laying on the hood then she screamed about her baby I found an 18 month old baby wedged underneath the passenger seat in really bad shape unresponsive it was a pretty hard scene but as far as I was told the baby survived but with lifelong injuries the girl survived but barely the driver was drunk I say this all the time but I'm gonna say it again don't drink and drive number four I'm a former EMT in less than one year as an on-call three years is Beach slash EMT lifeguard this is the call that made me quit my unit gets called to a multi-core collision on the interstate we arrived to acid on on its side in the right lane and an SUV and the median over the top of the cable stop two men and one female adults are walking around with minor scrapes the woman is hysterical though Fire Rescue is working on the SUV when it rolled over it had landed on the post perfectly squishing the child in the center car seat the five-year-old sister was pinned by the neck and waist to the seat and the seven-year-old brother was decapitated with his head sitting on the roof basically looking at his younger sister I removed the head and talked to the little girl who was the age of my daughter at the time telling her she would be okay Fire Rescue cut the cables to release her from the seats and because there was tension on the cables they moved and basically sliced her in half she didn't even make it 20 feet to the ambulance she literally died in my arms I absolutely hated that job number five my best friend is a paramedic she took a call for a child who had fallen into a pool there were actually two kids who had wandered out of their home and they found that little girl floating in the shallow end of the neighbor's pool no sight of the little boy the dad had gotten the little girl out of the pool and was desperately trying CPR when the paramedics arrived still hadn't found the little boy the paramedics took over CPR and then not long later found the little boy in the deep end of the pool my friend said that the dad was wailing and horrified that his little boy had been there the whole time and he hadn't helped him or even thought to look in the deep end both of the children died number six a paramedic friend of mine told me a story about a couple who were both handicapped and in electric wheelchairs neither could walk at all and they could barely move their arms one night the guy was sitting in a woolen sweater and he was smoking before finishing his cigarettes he got tired and he had his head tilted down and ignited the sweater when the medics arrived he was dead and completely burned to a crisp the lady told the medics that she had helplessly rolled back and forth between the sink and him getting a cup of water at a time and tossing it on him trying to put the fire out number seven my brother is a paramedic and in the city he works requires an officer to go with them when they arrive on the scene due to some of the violence they were called by the police to come help a naked distressed male covered in blood and was wandering the street yelling at cars and carrying a knife when they arrived they were met with the officer who said that the guy was dragging two naked children down the road before he tried to throw them into the traffic and the man ran down the road to yell at cars the officer called for more backup to confront the man and my brother called the fire chief to get more people to help handle the kids and to stand by if any of the officers got injured by the man in about ten minutes there were five officers my brother his partner the fire chief and two more paramedics so ten men in total the police coax the man to get near the ambulance so that they can assess if he was injured or required immediate attention the man was put on a gurney and was taken to my brother's ambulance to be assessed in the ambulance my brother the initial officer and my brother's partner all sat in the back to check out the man in the instant my brother closed the door the man decided to be belligerent he punched my brother in the nose and lunged for the officer's gun the partner and my brother hit their panic buttons on their radios that gave off an alert a knee of the units in the area to respond the officer gets a hand cuff around the guy's hand but can attach to anything because guy has superhuman strength due to being methed out of his mind the back doors to the ambulance then opens and there's the other four officers the fire chief and the other two paramedics and all seven guys dive on the meth guy and attempt to restrain him the fire chief got hit with the wild handcuff in the teeth and all ten of them could barely keep the guy down my brother said that two officers decided to tase the man and they finally got him restrained to the gurney he was given a sedative and two officers had to ride in the back of the ambulance with their tasers out to make sure he didn't try anything again once they dropped the man off at the hospital all the officers paramedics and anyone who was in contact with the man was quarantined an award for several hours apparently the guy was in contact with caustic and dangerous chemicals from making meth in his apartments and anyone in contact with him could be carrying the same chemicals around in their clothes so you remember how he was naked when they found him him his kids and his wife were all naked because he was making meth in his apartment his wife complained that she didn't want him making meth anymore so he beat the crap out of her thus getting covered in her blood he was so angry that he decided he was going to kill his own kids and drag them outside when he was then confronted by the officer now I'm not that familiar with the walls around creating meth or hard drugs but apparently when charged with creating methamphetamine you get charges against you for every living person in that building that is put in danger he lived in an apartment building with over a hundred people in it so a hundred people were in danger of him making meth so he was arrested for putting all of them in danger he was then charged with assault of officers aggravated assault resisting arrest three counts of attempted murder and cooking meth with a huge sentence he definitely went away for a very long time number seven there was this one time I had been talking to a patients who we had been called to take into a 5150 hold for a 24 hour psych evaluation by the local police department he was a big guy and was holding a small Hello Kitty flip phone and crying about his daughter when I got to explaining what we would be doing he pulled out a pistol and then shot himself in the head I got a mouthful of brain and skull that ricocheted from the cargo container he was leaning against ya local PD is very clear of weapons good job number eight this didn't happened to me but to an instructor when I was taking EMT training a convertible had flipped and skidded down the road both the woman who was driving and the child in the car seat had half of their heads grounded away by the sliding car there were two very clear and distinct streaks of blood and brain down the road that was the day that she decided to be an instructor instead of an on-call paramedic and I can't say anyone blames her number nine this next set of stories are all from the same person my father was the only licensed paramedic in our tri-county area for many years his area covered two interstates and numerous major highways in Ohio he is undoubtedly the toughest person I've ever known just based on the stories I've heard him recounting when he didn't know I could hear him coupled with some things that I know have happened to him and secondhand stories from other first responders who have worked with him his own personal accident happened back in 1988 he was on his Honda Goldwing a drunk driver in the opposite lane went to pass their car hitting him head-on at about 65 miles per hour him being a bodybuilder he involuntarily tensed enough to survive the accidents and when the first responder showed up he was trying and failing to stand his bike up to ride off and they had to gently inform him that he's not going to be able to do that because his left leg below the knee was still in the drunk drivers grill about 20 feet away he did get the leg reattached titanium rods replacing the tibia and about 1.25 inches shorter and a slight limp but he's still going strong number 10 on to his paramedic stories he's been the first man on scene for numerous accidents with high school-aged kids one of which happened about 8 miles from our home which is very important to teenage girls lost control and hit a power line which collapsed on them pinning them in the car apparently there were serious injuries they were conscious and coherent but the power line was live and the power company couldn't cut off power so the first responders were forbidden from attempting to help my dad was having none of this and drove home to get his backhoe to remove the pole himself but both girls died before he could successfully free them more or less in front of his eyes while he tried to reassure them number 11 well were out eating lunch together and he got a call to respond to a vehicle / train accident we got there me still with my small soda in hand and the cop on scene looks at me then my dad and he says he might want someone to come pick me up because it was going to take a while the driver of the truck they got hit by the train had coughed his lungs out of his mouth and was going to need a few bags that image struck with me for a good while number 12 the straw that broke the camel's back and why he finally called it quits on being a paramedic wasn't a year old boy that had drowned in the family's pond dad was the first one there pulled the boy out and immediately started resuscitation efforts he stayed unresponsive during the ambulance ride passing away while my dad kept working on him and kept trying to revive him until the ER room basically pulled him off when I got order he admitted that he kind of lost it on that call because all he could see weiying on that gurney was me number thirteen I have a two-year-old son and I'm the Navy's version of military police my former partner got sent to do patrols and I got sent to a different division I get a text saying get home asap so as soon as I can I head over to his house he's not okay so I sent him down and let him talk he had to take photographs of a little girl who got mauled by a dog the day before it had bitten her from her diaper area to her armpit just grabbed and shook her like a rag doll dropped her bid down again and shook over and over again these little girls were just playing outside and this aggressive dog that had attacked someone before but due to the owners hiding the dog or doing some sort of Jedi mind trick had never talked to animal control this time he had raised hell and waited six hours for Animal Control to show up and take the dog his new partner wind the whole time made jokes about the little girl and was just rude to the victim's family he said the whole time he was taking pictures he kept seeing my son and his precious little body he said that he kept imagining his birthmark and everything that he saw my face and her mom's and just had to try to stay professional to the folks who kept this dog around to attack yet another person this dude is my wrong I'm just some idiot who fell off the turnip truck spending my entire career as electrician he'd done this crap for 12 years in various different areas he's pretty much been there done that yet he just became unglued I've never seen him cry like that he looked like he'd aged ten years or something I calmed him down wiped his tears and sent him off to pick up his eleven-year-old child he begged me to bring my kid over for a family home evening that night he wanted to make sure my toddler was okay people tend to see their kids in the victims sometimes I can't even watch TV shows our movies that have an 11 year old boy hurt or dying to me I always see his son number 14 cop here this summer I was first on the scene for a missing toddler I located her and she had wandered off from her family all day she had wanted to swim in the lake but her parents said no I found her about 15 feet out facedown I don't know how I walked through the water as seamlessly as I did that day but I cleared those 15 feet out and back faster than if I was on land I immediately began compressions on the beach she had black curly hair and just the cutest little face I can remember pushing her griefing mother off as she tried to get between me and her daughter after what felt like hours EMS arrived I had gotten her a heartbeat but it was pretty weak they were talking to our local hospital and I was leading them they're clearing traffic in the two moments I spoke with the driver he assured me that he didn't care what [ __ ] he got in he was breaking their limits just to keep up with me we get to the hospital and the doctors are working away they get a better heartbeats but we need to get her to a City Children's Hospital immediately of course it's a Saturday night and to get to the hospital we have to go through a bar district we're racing into the city about the dot way way back when a city cruisers rip out in front of us and clear the street of all the early drunkards it was a great show of teamwork we get to the hospital she still has a faint pulse the nurses keep working their butts off and saying she's not dead until she's dead and cold so they start heating her up blankets and some sort of inflatable blinkin thing I've never seen I was so sure they'd bring her back around when they pronounced her dead at about 3:00 a.m. I lost my mind I was just so sure that we'd saved her she didn't do anything wrong her parents didn't do anything wrong she was just this harmless little kid who wanted to go swim on a summer day I held it together on the outside as best as I could I left the hospital telling myself when I got to my vehicle I'm going to cry nope I just felt numb maybe I just needed that little walk out to process everything I don't know sir I Drive back to my County and I'm stopped by a city copper I say nah man she didn't make it it happens I finished my shift to go home and put it out of my mind flash-forward a couple of months I stopped by an old buddy's house his daughter runs out from the backyard to give me a hug she had been swimming in the pool she was a couple of years older than the girl that had drowned but to look just like her I had an attack of some kind I started crying and I slunk down little Alexis was a trooper about it and gave me more hugs my wife who was there and witnessed all of this promptly asked me what the hell was wrong I finally told her the story she asked me if maybe that's why I hadn't been getting much sleep anymore we got me in to see a psychiatrist who specializes in first responders I've been doing better I encourage all first responders to police talk about your day even if you don't think anything is affecting you it might and your loved ones will notice I encourage anyone thinking of going into emergency services to do it despite all of the bad days I feel so fulfilled and cannot see myself doing anything else things are changing the support is there the help is there and it's not seen as weakness to go for help if anyone else is feeling any pressure or anxiety or just plain not right please seek help number 15 I'm not a paramedic but I had just arrived home from a day at work and I lived about a block from a pretty busy interstate it was a summer afternoon so I had the windows open and as I was watching TV I heard an explosion being from a slightly bigger town with several factories I had heard explosions similar to this before at the factories I kind of wrote it off but after a minute or two I heard screaming I ran outside and could see smoke coming from the interstate and could still hear screaming I sprinted to get to the interstate and could see a car with a boy hanging out of a window a semi on the other side of the interstate in a truck in the median a lady is standing next to me and says she's a nurse so I help her over the fence about the same time as this a guy exits the vehicle in the median and strips off his shirt this lady approaches him from the line of stopped vehicles and starts screaming to him about how he just killed two people he walks back towards his truck gets something from it and starts walking towards her again about this time an officer is on the scene and you can very clearly see something in this guy's hand the officer has his gun drawn but is in pointing it the guy is walking around feverishly and suddenly stops and slits his own throat blood is pouring down his chest and stomach he sits down on the road and bleeds out for another minute or so before going into convulsions they load him up in a helicopter and take off I walk back home just in a haze I try to explain to my then wife what the heck I just saw I couldn't hardly sleep that night I can't remember if the next day or if it was two days but I see the aftermath on TV apparently the guy who slit his own throat had died so the police and I think it was his brother went to notify his parents in a town close by they couldn't get anyone to answer the door so they barged in defied the parents had been murdered by the guy who slit his throat I believe that he beat them to death with a baseball bat he then left the house driving on the interstate got into some confrontation with the kids in another car and ran them into the median twice the second time they were hit they lost control into the path of an oncoming semi to this day it still gives me chills anytime I think about it number 16 I went on a police ride-along once and we responded to a collision on the highway at about 2:00 a.m. for the previous two hours I had stayed either inside or just near the car for serious calls this time though I recognized my friend's boyfriend who was a paramedic already on scene so I approached I didn't want to distract him or anyone else who was working so I just stood and watched him work on one of the victims I don't know whether the man was driver a passenger or passerby but his eyes were wide open and darting around and he was red with blood from neck to knees my friend's boyfriend calmly picked up what looked like a pile of wet laundry it was the man's intestines he placed it in his lap and softly said to him I'm sorry you're not going to live all of the breath left my body when I heard him say that somehow it was clear that he meant it as something tender and human-to-human in the last moments of this man's life but it still gives me the chills and that's all I think about when we're talking number 17 like many others I'm not an EMT but I have first responder training in a forestry industry setting in a job I was supervising I get a short radio call for distress by a lumberjack so I head out to the scene and arrive before anyone else the dude was unconscious for head on the steering wheel and with entrails all in his arms and some on his feet not able to move the guy by myself I recline the seat to tilt him back and did a quick inspection thankfully his chainsaw only cut the skin and muscle of his stomach and no entrails were damaged then with latex gloves from the fa kits I carefully put all of his insides back inside and used a water bottle to clean the dirt on his guts that were on the floor then I used a clean gauze a clean plastic shopping bag and duct tape to keep his insides inside as the hella evac came to get him out after he got evac I checked his GPS this tough sob walked almost 1.5 kilometers with his entrails and his arms back to his truck to radio for hell if that's not an awesome story about survival I don't know what is thanks for watching everyone and I hope you enjoyed this video and if you have your own personal scary story that you'd like to send me send it over at Southern cannibal at gmail.com and before we bring this video to a close I'd like to shout out all of my $5 or more patrons as well as my $3 more patrons featured on screen so big shout out to babe Lincoln Beth a Kate II Celeste s le s Heather be Howard our jaclyn w jz g Jess Jonathan C Jonas be Kerry F Lori J Lindsay s Matthew be random Randy Steph L Tammy yes and Terry H thank all of you so much for supporting me on patreon and if any of you would like to join these awesome people and also become a patron head over to my patreon at patreon.com slash southern cannibal thanks everyone I hope you all have a good night and remember to always stay you
Channel: Southern Cannibal
Views: 40,919
Rating: 4.9332566 out of 5
Keywords: southern cannibal, police stories, police call stories, emt stories, emergency worker stories, emergency responder stories, first responder stories
Id: 9cHxzEN1XSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 6sec (1626 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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