6 TRUE Creepy Medical Worker Stories | #TrueCreepyStories

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I was 40 years old when this happens hence I only remember parts of its so I had my mom tell me the full story now that I'm older when I was younger we would go stay at my aunt's house when my family visited my mom's hometown they had a lab and we only ever had a hyper allergenic dog I got a rash from it and oddly enough it spread down there yeah my mom says it's probably just because I was a kid and I probably wasn't washing my hands and then going to the bathroom with whatever I was allergic to still on my hands I'm guessing dog hair or dandruff I'm still not really sure my mom took me to the dermatologist right when I got home because they had not gone away neither one of my parents used a dermatologist before so they asked friends for a recommendation my mom is a doctor so she didn't look into this guy before she took me to him apparently he had a really good reputation when we met him and I really only remember parts of this he checked over everything and said it wasn't much to be worried about and gave me a steroid for it he then asked my mom if he could take pictures of the rash to document it for research now my mom being a doctor is pretty okay with using cases for research I know this because I was used before for a research study since I had certain hip surgery at a young age but she felt like this was off she said she really didn't think of him asking in a creepy way but she said regardless if it was a rare case to be documented she would never have let a doctor take pictures of her four-year-old daughter's private parts but what was the biggest red flag for her was that he said it was a common thing and did not worry about it ma mom being in medicine knows this means there's extensive research on it and a picture of a common rash did it make sense she forgot about its and obviously didn't take me back she had told her friends that recommended him about it but we all kind of forgot about it that was until we saw him on the news he was arrested at the America Canada border and was found in possession of more than 200 pictures and videos of child porn so thank you mom for not I was putting your trust and doctors people who we actually should put our trust in it's unbelievable [Music] so when I was 18 years old my mom got pregnant and went to this famous gynecologist in our city there were some complications so my mom had to visit him more than often and we'd like the first time I saw him he gave me all sorts of weird and creepy vibes I remember him just staring at me in this creepy hungry way that's made me want to run I told my parents he's weird and I don't want to be around him ever again they brushed off my warnings but I never had to see him again that is until three years later when I was 21 years old it turned out I had very large cyst on my ovaries and I needed to be put on medication instantly my usual doctor was out of the country for month-long holidays so my mom booked an appointment with dr. McCrea which I didn't realize at the time because I didn't remember his last name I'm at the visit and my mom leaves the doctor's office to give me privacy it's not until I'm being examined that I realized this guy is seriously messed up in the head I know what an examination at the gynecologist is like because I had those done before I felt utterly violated and he was literally grinning down at me and taking a sweet time as I constantly squirmed and told him it's enough he actually mocked my discomfort relishing in it even then he proceeded to say that's he doubts I'm a virgin like I said I was and then proceeded to go in very explicit details on how I must pleasure my boyfriend with my hands and mouth and probably my butts and how good I probably am I demanded him to stop but he didn't listen instead he continued to give me all of his filthy fantasies that he made up about me as he wrote a prescription for me as slowly as he could there was actually a clock in the room and no joke he wrote that prescription for nearly 15 minutes talking utter filth to me I felt completely violated and disgusted I told my mom what happened and that I wanted to report it but I had no proof no witnesses no cameras nothing it be my word against a well-respected doctors there was literally nothing I could do I was 12 and I'd come down with a suspected case of glandular fever so my mom booked me in with our family GP my mom loved him he had delivered my sister eight years earlier and we had been seeing him ever since my mom and I are in the waiting room she's flipping through the crappy magazines and I'm just watching the fish in the tank the receptionist pumps her head out to call my name so my mom turns to me and then says you're old enough now to go buy yourself a really bad feeling hits the pit of my stomach I shake my head and insist she come with me there was never a nurse or anyone else present during the appointments and there was no way I was going in alone now nothing weird had ever happened with our doctor before he was always professional and very kind but this time I just felt really uneasy he was checking my lymph nodes for inflammation the neck ones were all swollen then he checked my armpits swollen - I'm getting a weird vibe now a bad vibe like he was enjoying it my mom didn't notice and finally he checks my groin it swollen as well I was very uncomfortable with him by this point it just felt weird it was gut feeling bad diagnosis glandular fever we eventually left and I didn't say anything about the experience a couple of months later our doctor abruptly left the practice the new doctor who replaced him was a very lovely lady so I've read the SOL relief to see him God four years later ma mom comes into my room remember dr. Gardner well apparently he's in jail for molesting his friend's kids while they were all the way on holiday she tells me with surprise well no duh I related my experience to her she was shocked and had no idea that was pretty weird in itself as my mom has had weird premonitions over the years I'm so very glad that I insisted my mom accompany me in with the pedo doctor they could have been a lot worse than just that bad gut feeling thank God nothing else happened I'm currently in patient at a pediatric hospital to receive IV antibiotics for a cystic fibrosis exacerbation I'm 17 years old female and a freshman in college my mobility assistance service dog an approximately 70 pound black male Goldendoodle is staying with me before I go to bed every night I take him outside to use the bathroom and sniff around a bit the area that I take him to is off to the side of the hospital with a small patch of grass and a tobacco free seating area it is mildly weird but typically empty you have to walk down a ramp and across the side of the hospital to reach it I'm on 24/7 medication and fluids so I'm usually always attached to an IV pole when I leave the floor I'm required to wear a bright green pass that has my room number on it Tuesday night my friend was with me as I gave Hamilton my dog his little bathroom break a man in a bomber jacket and blue jeans was sitting in the area smoking he seemed to be watching us very intently buts I was with both my large dog and my friend so I wasn't too concerned Wednesday nights I went out earlier than usual and I didn't see him last night however he was there again as soon as I arrived the area he made a phone call in a hushed tone minutes later another man showed up they sat together and both were watching me variant in leaf for a few moments until another young woman happened to walk through the area I was getting relatively nervous so I used that as my chance to leave both men immediately stood up as I started to leave and then followed me up the ramp at the top of the ramp a security car was parked nearby and a couple of security guards were standing there talking I'm assuming the men either turned around or went into the parking garage at that point because I didn't see the men or the hospital and the only other exit off the ramp as to the parking garage tonight's I went outside again later than usual the man wasn't at the bottom of the ramp in the area that I go to so I thought I was in the clear now I bet Hamilton have his bathroom and sniff break before walking back up the ramp as soon as I stepped off and I mean as soon as I did I then heard someone about 15 feet behind me it was the very same man in the bomber jacket coming from the parking garage he was carrying something small and narrow I believe it could have been a knife but I really don't know nobody was in the vicinity so I sped up every time I looked back he immediately made eye contact if I ever sped up so did he at one point my IV pole got stuck on part of the sidewalk so I had to stop and lift it the man picked up his pace almost jogging now my dog heard this and turned around I'm sure they my dog picked up on my nerves and he then assumed a big intimidating stance that I read as hey buddy you really don't want to come any closer he didn't growl bark etc but just stood there and stared intensely at the man while I lifted my IV pole the man then ducked behind a pillar for about ten seconds as I told my dog to leave it and we made our way as quickly as we could to the hospital doors however I didn't want the man to follow me to my room so I stopped right outside the doors to the actual hospital from where I was standing I was directly in the path of visibility for the information desk in a well-lit area I figured this would be my best shot the man stopped behind me and just waited for about a minute the girl working at the information desk and just looked up at us and the man turned around and walked into the hospital he walked past me maintaining eye contact through the glass as he passed turning his head to do so I finally entered the hospital and he was walking very slowly down the hallway constantly turning back to look at me and stopping every few steps luckily the lobby was relatively busy and the pediatric unit that I'm on is locked I was able to get into the elevator and shut the doors before he could get in with me I spoke to my nurse and I'm going to change the time and location that I go outside however he may know my room number and I'm very nervous that he'll somehow sneak into my unit I really really hope nothing else happens but I'm really scared I've had a severe case of agoraphobia since I was 6 years old I'm now 19 years old and I'm a female it was 2005 / 2006 at the time of this story in the country I live in there was really no psychiatrist for kids only regular doctors but they weren't helpful anyway nobody knew what was wrong with me until 2012 when I was diagnosed so me my parents and the rest of the family were desperate and we felt pretty helpless then someone my parents knew pretty well and formed us to see a hypnotherapist in a few towns away from us we went and we met the man he was in his late 60s early 70s and he seemed so nice understood me and didn't think I was a nut job anyway I saw the salvation in him and kind of looked at him as my grandparent there were definitely some red flags of course but as a six-year-old child I missed all of them my mother was always afraid of him because he would always insist on doing the therapy alone with me in another room while she waited the first few therapies were okay not very helpful but okay that is until one day I asked him already lying in his couch to go to the toilet - what your applied with do you need to pee or poop which is it sure it was a weird question but I thought he had asked it to know how long I'll be in the toilet boy was I wrong I answered that I needed to pee and he put his fingers down my lady parts this got me so confused I still of course had no idea about sex but still felt weird I didn't tell my parents I cried a lot but I thought that I needed to suck it up because I will no longer be afraid and have panic attacks since then he didn't do it anymore thank God he called my parents on a regular basis when he came home actually asking them to let me go on a vacation with him which of course they politely declined a few years later he was arrested for child pornography and apparently he did some unspeakable things to a few boys it all clicked in my head and I told my parents everything we went to the police gave statements and that was it he died in prison of natural causes even though you're now dead I really hope and pray we'll never meet in the afterlife what a sick disgusting man when I was around 20 years old I was hospitalized due to immunodeficiency for multiple infections including one that's had to be surgically removed a lot of crazy stuff happened during that visit including being misdiagnosed with AIDS and a flesh-eating bacteria this was at one of the best hospitals in the USA but this was by far the scariest thing that occurred during my stay one night at about 3 a.m. I think one of the nurses came in Aloka because I had slept a lot that day and the bright lights in the hall were really bothering me it wasn't my normal male nurse but an older woman maybe mid to late 40s I had never seen her before and she looked very severe she didn't acknowledge me at all when I greeted her and asked her questions just finally said time for your medication or something like that I tried to be respectful that she didn't want to talk and just face forward again also because it hurt to move but I noticed that she had a much larger volume syringe than usual my morphine dose was always given in a 10 to 20 cc syringe but this thing was huge like a hundred to 500 cc syringe and that accuracy couldn't be that good so I turned my head again and asked what my dosage was and if she was sure she had the right person she ignored me and I then continued by saying because I think maybe normally my dosage is a bit lower would you mind double checking she only said go to sleep this will all be over very soon then injected the medication and left I was kind of out of it I was just so used to all this stuff going on around me vets I figured I was mistaken I tried to go back to sleep but even before the medication hit me I felt like there was something really wrong I thought about kinking the IV line which recalls the alarm to go off and forcing the issue but I just told myself to calm down and try to go back to sleep they do this for a living after all and it was probably just the change of nurse that was bothering me so after a time I don't really know how much time exactly I start to feel more genuinely and undeniably weird first everything feel hot or a rather hot on the outside like I'm radiating heat from the surface of my skin everywhere but cold on the inside of my skin around then I started to notice that everything had turned a shade of red and it was all pulsing with what I imagined was my heartbeat so I'm staring at the ceiling in the dim and everything I can see is through the red filter pulsing slightly I can feel goosebumps on every inch of my body then I can feel nothing and I lose all sensation in my skin I can still feel pressure but I can't feel anything else except intricate ripples across my body as though I'm naked and the window is open and eventually even these fade but it's a pretty good example of the mental confusion that set in for example after a while I couldn't tell if my eyes were open or closed if I was actually seeing or just thinking I was seeing when all sensation finally left me I felt like I was floating about five inches off the surface of the bed I realize as I'm testing my ability to sense things that's I'm having a really hard time moving moving my hand or arm or anything else takes a concerted effort at this point I somehow managed to hit the call button for which I'm later very grateful but nothing feels emergent the whole thing comes with a warm fuzzy ness so I spend a lot of time just playing with trying to move my hands or arms watching them before realizing I'm not actually looking at them but nonetheless gradually losing my ability to move anything at all around the time where I can only barely move my wrists not my arms or fingers I start to feel concerned I realize on some deeper level in the back of my mind that the feeling I have in the pit of my stomach it's clinching concern and that this actually has the potential to be very dangerous I want to hit the button again or even call out but I'm just too tired my muscles won't move and now I noticed that the pulsing isn't as frequent as it was though it was only upon reflection later that I fully realized the significance of that so I kind of mentally slap myself and set about consciously focusing on breathing in and out in and out it felt like the nurses never responded for what I would have guessed had been around twenty to thirty five minutes at least but suddenly as if in slow motion it seems like a lot of things happened all at once there had been this growing tension in me if I could have flexed every muscle in my body I would have been I was fighting something very hard and then my nurse came in my mill nurse whom I thought was out for the night the moment I hear the door open coincides with a sudden release of all the heavy mass that had settled over me it was like a soft heavy blanket that's what it let me move I suddenly set up and projectile-vomited into the bathroom next to the nurse who was just walking in after that I could finally move I wasn't even able to speak until after a few minutes my nurse seemed relieved to say the least he cleaned it up and sat next to me and talked to me for a while he said that another nurse had been trying to help him and mixed up my dosage but he didn't seem to want to give much detail it wasn't until a few years later that I've been thoughts I was in the terminal ward I had been out of it for days clearly invisible pain for some of it and I was the youngest person there by 40 years or so I wonder if it was just a mistake or if maybe that woman was the angel of death either way whatever the case I refused morphine for the rest of my time there and ever since I wouldn't accept any of the other painkillers either that was one of the most scariest experience I've ever had in my life and I really hope I never have to go through something like that ever again around this time last year I was at the hospital I had cartilage from my knee grafted my ankle so I had a knee the size of a football and my ankle was broken and bolted back together the hospital was occupied to the last bed so I shared a room with two older men on the urology instead of the surgery ward there is only one night nurse for up to 20 rooms so she barely checked on us more than once a night it was my second night of seven nights usually I have a very light sleep but I was drugged up to know when with painkillers so I slept like a rock at around 3 a.m. I woke up to a light hitting my face I thought that it was the night nurse coming to empty the catheter bag of one of the other men I turned my head to look over but there's no one in our room I'm still half asleep dizzy and can't quite focus but I can see a shadow on the wall coming from the room's door I turned my head again and there's someone standing in the door slightly rocking back and forth it takes me another minute to focus but there he is an old man skinny as crap in a Johnny shirt he notices me stares at me and then he does that thing when you put your finger on your lips as if to be quiet then takes a step back and slowly closes the door part of me just thought my mom was playing tricks on me and thanks to the medication I'm soon back to sleep fast forward the next morning the nurse comes in and I asked her if there was some one loss last night she tells me there was this old guy straight out of surgery they had a paradox reaction to a drug he woke up thinking he's in jail he walked across the entire hospital with a bleeding wound from his kidney surgery trying to escape prison I'm a huge guy and I don't get scared very easily but I was so vulnerable at the time that this one really got to me hey everyone I hope you enjoyed today's video and if you have your own personal scary story be sure to submit that to my sub reddits at reddit.com slash are slash southern cannibal or to my email at southern cannibal at gmail.com i'm always looking for new stories and before we bring this video to a close I just want to shout out all of my $5 or more patrons as well as my $3 or more patrons featured on screen shout out to babe Lincoln Beth a Kate II Katrina T Celeste s le s Emily W a Heather be Howard our jazzy G Jonathan see Joseph F Lauri J Matthew B Michael G Steph L Tammy s Terry H - ecchi for you and Victor our thank all of you so much for supporting me on patreon I really appreciate it more than you know and if any of you would like to join these awesome people and also become a patron head over to my patreon at patreon.com slash southern cannibal thank you everyone and have a good one and remember to always stay hungry you
Channel: Southern Cannibal
Views: 30,769
Rating: 4.9057927 out of 5
Keywords: true creepy stories, creepy stories, southern cannibal, creepypasta
Id: OedTiJN4SrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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