8 TRUE Emergency Worker Stories | First Responder Stories | Re-Upload

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[Music] hey everyone and welcome back to a new video in this video i bring you emergency worker stories this topic has been heavily requested for a while now and i finally found some really good worthy stories although most of the stories are short this video's main purpose is to show what these people go through on a daily basis they truly are heroes and i can't fathom what it's like to do their jobs every single day please be respectful in the comment section you may or may not have heard some of these stories elsewhere on another channel now i don't keep tabs on other narration channels and what stories they all cover but if by any chance that's the case that's why I always leave timestamps and appends comments on every single video i upload i also almost threw in a paramedic let's not meet story i found but just felt it really didn't fit this video and the message i wanted to show although if i do come across any more of those i'll be sure to do that in a separate video i want to say that my next video after this will be a long one and since summers on its way i thought it'd be a great way to celebrate with a long video of summer themed horror stories so stay tuned for that also one last thing the stories in this video are very intense and gruesome and if you can't handle that well you should click away right now also the little girl in the first story is my actual real-life sister and i think she did a really great job at the part so drop some love for her in the comments i'd love to show her the comments that you guys write and she was really excited to be a part of my video now i think i've gotten everything out of the way now if you're ready let's begin on the stories and remember I have been a volunteer in our EMS service for the past 18 years or so the first five as an ambulance driver and the past 13 as an emergency medical technician basic also known as an EMT be several EMTs in our units have been volunteer EMTs for more than 30 years a very dedicated group during the past two years while I have been engaged on my personal mission of Hurricane Katrina relief down on the Mississippi Gulf Coast I have been on a leave of absence from my volunteer EMS unit the crew of three other EMTs that I have had the privilege of responding to emergency calls with many years our outstanding emergency medical professionals and I miss running with them during my absence being an emergency responder whether as a police man fire fighter or an emergency medical technician is very stressful there are lots of tough calls and like most emergency responders I have had my fair share of those tough calls over the years the following is a true story of one incredibly stressful and sad incident that I experienced as an EMT with my ambulance crew many years ago one that I have never forgotten and most likely never will this post is dedicated to the memory of that sweet little girl and to all of those thousands of fellow emergency medical technicians firemen and police out there on the frontlines in our country making a daily difference to so many in need it was election night a number of years ago and lines of people were standing waiting to vote that evening at the local polls I had gone and voted right away in the morning when the polls first opened before any lines that early evening I was at home in our little town fixing something to eat for supper it was also the night that my regular volunteer ambulance crew of EMTs was scheduled to be on call from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. the next morning to respond to medical emergencies in our ems district we four EMTs on this crew had been together for a number of years on the same crew and had experienced a lot of calls together as I was standing on our counter island finishing my supper dish a few minutes after 6:00 had happened my EMT pager went off instantly on alert I the County EMS dispatcher started announcing our EMT crews page attention rescue 100 in your village at the corner of West Main and Green Streets for a nine year old female reportedly hit by a pickup truck time out 1806 take this on the Edward as I listen to the page my body tightened up and the words oh no escape from my mouth as I instantly turn towards the door grab my car keys and bolted out through the garage to my car listening to the rest of the page on the way I threw open the car door jumped inside swung it shut built it up turn the key stepped on the gas to move forward out of my driveway and onto the street and started my way towards the EMS building which was located about 10 blocks southeast of my home as I started out on that emergency journey to the EMS building I reminded myself to remain calm not to speed and be extra cautious to try to be down the adrenaline surging through my body in those moments when a medical emergency page comes across which involves a child or infant it seems that there is a heightened level of that adrenaline and that evening it was there it seems like all four of us EMTs on the primary crew arrived at the ambulance building at about the same time quickly parked ran for the big door opened it and got into the main ambulance flip the lights on radio DMS dispatch that we were in route and moved out through the door turned on the siren and headed towards the highway just in front of the building which would take us downtown in about three to four minutes where the emergency was located while we were in route about halfway there the EMS dispatcher radioed more information about the call announcing that there were already two EMTs already on location and that apparently the girl had been in fact not hit but had been run over by the pickup truck when I heard that information from the dispatcher a feeling of dread overcame me when we heard that we immediately radioed back to dispatch to start the nearest available paramedic unit on the way to our location to help us out and to put the nearest medical flight helicopter on immediate standby if they were available the medical helicopter unit was based at one of the nearby hospitals about 15 miles away by air and just like that we arrived on location at the accident scene scores of people were lining the streets many who were actually in line waiting to vote and others who were around the accident and saw it happen the first two EMTs who were already on the scene had also been waiting in line to vote when the accident happened outside the village hall and approximately 40 to 50 feet up the street at the first intersection to the West our driver radioed that we had arrived on location and we all jumped out of the ambulance and hurried over to where the young girl laid in the street we immediately moved the crowd back away from the young girl and quickly obtain details on what had occurred and did a detailed quick trauma exam on the patient one of the fellow EMT is already there advised that both the front and rear pickup truck wheels had run over the girl's body upon hearing that news the filling of dread and fear I had within me intensified immensely we immediately radioed EMS dispatch to send the medical helicopter as quickly as possible to our building where it would land in the next field next door and we would transport the patient there these actions literally happened in only moments of time as we quickly formulated our next moves one of the EMTs had gotten the caught out of the rig and moved in next to where we were assessing our patient at that point we decided to carefully pick up the patient secure her on the cot load the cot into the ambulance immediately and head for our ambulance building where the paramedic unit had requested we would be arriving in a few minutes and the medical helicopter a short while after that as we carefully lifted the young girl in unison onto the cot holding her small body in our hands and arms I was crying inside as I suspect my crewmates were also doing as we left the scene in route to our ems building we did our best to obtain her vital signs and relay that information into the incoming paramedic unit a few minutes after arriving at our ems building the paramedic unit arrived and took over primary care of the patient shortly thereafter we were assisting them in doing CPR a few minutes later the medical helicopter landed in the city fly doctor and flight nurse came running over to our ambulance and then they took over primary care several minutes later the medical helicopter fly doctor advised the CPR should stop the truck had just done too much damage our EMT crew was all standing outside the ambulance next to the doors when the medical helicopter flied darker advised to stop er as I looked around I saw that all of us crew members were crying the two paramedics were crying and the medical helicopter flight crew was also crying those moments were some of the most helpless of my life one of our female crew members walked away from the ambulance to a spot about 75 feet away set down on the curb holding her head in her hands sobbing I walked over to her sat down beside her and was just there with her she looked at me and said my kids are her age it could have just as easily been one of my kids in a sad twist of irony one of the EMTs who was in line to vote when that accident happened told us shortly thereafter that the girl's father had told him that when he and his daughter started to walk across the street that night his daughter grabbed his hand in hers and said to her dad another law enforcement / EMT checking in there was a family of four in the car mom driving teenage daughter in front seat grandma and five-year-old son in the back the mom was texting and driving and didn't notice a huge sweeping curve in the road went head-on with a gravel hauler 18-wheeler without either of them having time to touch the brakes My partner arrived a minute before me and the first thing I saw upon arrival was him crying carrying the lifeless five-year-old boy away from the car covered in all kinds of fluids I approached what remained of the vehicles passenger side and there was blood and brain matter all over the mom was just pieces completely severed arms still strapped between the steering wheel and dash hood and engine the grandma pins behind her broken back and neck internally decapitated only the teenage daughter in the front seat survived I've responded to a lot of gross and gruesome things but this was easily the most disturbing my daughter was the same age as the little boy and I will never shake the image of his sad lifeless body and my partner crying while carrying him away for [ __ ] sake don't text and drive firefighter here I once responded to a vehicle verse 18-wheelers accident when the car pulled out in front of the truck which was going approximately 70 miles per hour the car caught on fire afterwards dispatch initially called it out as a vehicle fire and when we arrived it looked like a car had exploded in the middle of the five lane highway we pulled the passenger out upon arrival and I vividly remember my captain spraying him down with the hose because he was burning he likely died upon impact but everything except his right arm which had been out the window was severely burned my engineer who pulled him out he felt the skin give way all the way to the bone that's how badly the passenger was burned after the accident and the fire all the remained of the driver was a POW of human parts melted into what remained of the seat and driver floorboard it was unrecognizable until the coroner started trying to pull it out and I saw some ribs part of the driver's face had been cut off upon impact and was laying in the roadway among the assorted car parts it had some hair this incident haunted me for a long time paramedic here it's 11:30 at night and we get a call for a pregnant lady experiencing cramps and vaginal bleeding great we get on the scene and find this lady standing in her driveway shaking pale and altered she wouldn't answer my questions and no one else was around I figured she lost a lot of blood and I used a Doppler to listen for fetal heart tones I told my partner that I was going to check inside to see if anybody else was there so I grabbed the flashlight and headed towards the open garage I noticed a lot of blood troubling inside so I followed it turning on house lights as I go it led me through the garage the kitchen the living room and into the bathroom where the only light in the house was already on I called out paramedics anyone here no answer I opened the bathroom door and note the blood flowing towards the toilet right next to the toilet was an aborted fetus it was gross it smelled horrible and I suddenly felt really freaked out I remembered that mothers still tend to require bonding time with their kid after a miscarriage so I picked the kid up and put the body in a bag then returned to the ambulance once inside my partner had started fluids on the patients and I told him what I found we decided to just hit the road and get her to the hospital and in route she didn't say anything for a while finally the mom looked at me and simply and quietly asked if she could have her baby I said of course and handed her the dead fetus she teared up and held it tight for the rest of the trip I just sat there quietly observing her vitals and holding her hand surgical tech here a woman had gotten bastard bypass about two months prior to this story upon having some problems after the surgery and not getting proper care from her doctor she decided to change hospitals to the one I work at the woman came in complaining of abdominal pain and fatigue the doctor admitted her to the hospital and ran a bunch of tests in the meantime her condition worsened she became very very ill finally they saw something abnormal on the x-ray so they decided to do some exploratory surgery to fix the problem when I was prepping her for surgery I met her family they were so hopeful that this surgery would make her better her five-year-old son cried as the father and older sibling took him from the pre-op room to the waiting room we got her back to the operating room the doctor opened her abdomen up and immediately let out a gasp the smell was horrible 90% of her bowel was completely dead something went very wrong in the first surgery we think they left a surgical sponge in her abdomen and it caused a severe infection that spread along her intestines the doctor decided at that point there was nothing that could be done all we could do was close her up make her comfortable and allow her to die she didn't even make it two days she was only in her 30s I couldn't help but feel horrible for her family all because of a negligent doctor please if you're taking an elective surgery make sure you get a good doctor it's so important it could mean your life a husband was driving passenger wife's feet were in a squatting position on the dash when they were rear-ended and shoved into a boat trailer her left femur turned to powder when made contact with her left shoulder shattered her both tib and fib and also her scapula and her leg actually ended up looping over her shoulder and her foot in ankle was resting between her back in the seat rest at first I thought it was a scarf I was wrong her right knee managed to get shoved back directly into her jaw knocked out all of her teeth shattered her jaw and split in two directions she looked like the predator her major mouth and neck muscles were halfway swallowed then attempted to be thrown back up my partner's in the back seat holding her head still while I'm throwing a collar on her planning a tracheostomy to help her breathe I'll never forget how her eyes and head was shaking like everything in her was trying to reboot and figure out what the [ __ ] just happened we tried to punch a breathing hole but her hyoid bone was fragmented everywhere we all kind of set there for a second trying to make her comfortable as she had last thrashes and passed putting her body on the stretcher but with her she didn't even look human we tried CPR we tried a Edie's every time we touched her it was responded with bubble wrap sounds of shattered rib cages neck filled with blood bone and sinew and her legs are still wrapped all over herself we never got her breathing again and she was pronounced dead on arrival that was the call that made me quit she looked like my mom or would I guess she look like if in one piece Road crash rescue operator here my pager went off while I was working at a mine I took one look in red major incident child trapped a hundred and thirty kilometres west on the highway the guy I was working with could probably read my face because he didn't say a word when I sprinted off when traveling such large distances to incidents your heart is in your throat you always receive such little information about what you're about to witness and when you see the word child in the initial call-out this only compounds your emotions I remember sitting behind the wheel willing the truck to go faster it's likely that the child had been trapped for hours by the time we arrived because a it's such a remote area and be the police are notoriously slow at activating us anyway resulting in entrapments of five or six hours in some situations when we arrived at the scene it was complete chaos the mother was catatonic and had to be sedated and taken away in an ambulance the child's other siblings were terrified and paramedics were in tears we approached the vehicle and found the child pinned beneath the rear left wheel his skull had been split open by impact and brain matter was thrown up to 45 metres from the scene it was interesting that as soon as I witnessed that I relaxed I knew that he was long gone before we arrived and had not been suffering it took close to 18 hours before the road crash investigation team arrived the poor kid was not smelling very nice by that point human insights have a very distinctive smell anyone that knows that smell will understand compounded by Australian heat and mixing with the smell of groceries that had split open up the highway it was determined that the child was in a booster seat in the back and was playing up and taking his arms out of the straps the mother who was behind the wheel turned around and lost control of the vehicle which tumbling the highway flung the child out and by virtue of Providence the car landed back on top of them the father lived on a remote property approximately a hundred and fifty kilometers from the accident scene he left his house with the full tank of fuel in his xr6 and it was empty on his arrival at the scene one can only imagine what sort of speed he was traveling at it didn't hit me until the following morning when we were sweeping the remains on the road to clear the highway after we were all given the clear I recall there being a large volume of toddlers clothes strewn up the road I picked them all up and threw them off to the side thinking to myself well the family won't be needing these I have attended many grisly Road crash incidents but that's the one that sticks the most it was my first fatality and I learned a lot about the resilience of human skin at the same time learning about the fragility of humans as a whole the smell still sticks with me to this day I wasn't quite an EMT yet when this happened I tested the next morning in past so I was close to being certified when this happened it was me a paramedic in the driver it's around 2:30 a.m. on a Friday night dispatch sent us to an apartment building on the top floor for a woman with shortness of breath we get there go up the stairs only to find a 12 year old at the door who led us to her grandmother who was lying subpoena on the living room floor not what we had planned for so the poor driver ran down the stairs to get the AED while me and the paramedic stayed upstairs we're working her when the 12 year old comes in from the other room and says my sister is having a baby in the bedroom just as calm as she could be well with me not being certified to do anything except get vitals the paramedic stopped CPR on the grandmother and we ran into the next room sure enough the young woman was in labor not just in labor though she was crowning one push later we had a baby there we'll bye-bye grandma she couldn't be brought back there wasn't enough hands or time but the baby wasn't crying so we had an issue there and just left grandma notes grandmother to the new baby and mother to the 12 year old and new mom also note that the driver EMT is still getting the AED back well after some CPR the baby finally cried and we just got lucky the amniotic fluid wasn't too bad in his mouth because we had nothing to use a suction the new mother was mentally disabled but held up for us I held onto the baby as we simply ran to the hospital and yelled to the EMT driver to stay with a deceased grandmother and 12 year-old after arriving at the hospital we got the mother situated and we're about to walk back over to the rig the doctor then came out and told us that they had lost the baby turns out the baby had been born without his kidneys and couldn't have made it we went back to the hospital to see how the woman was doing after hearing that all she could say was I lost my mama and my baby in the same day over and over again that was extremely hard to hear and watch her say you
Channel: Southern Cannibal
Views: 25,042
Rating: 4.9441586 out of 5
Keywords: true scary stories, southern cannibal
Id: JiG372gBrpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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