28 TRUE Scary Stories From Reddit | True Scary Stories ULTIMATE Collection

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it feels pretty corny to start this by saying it was a dark and stormy night so let's just say there was bad weather I was on my way to a convention in Chicago with two of my good friends we went every year and this was the fourth time the weather channel called for severe weather but we refused to miss our annual overnight trip we all piled in my car for a six-hour drive the first few hours was fine just raining in kind of humid then the typical Midwest severe thunderstorm had started the kind where you just looked down at the lines in the road so you don't end up in the ditch since you can't see anything else once when the lightning flashed my friend swore he saw a tornado in the cornfield in the distance we finally gave up and pulled under a bridge until the rain let up enough for us to see we waited a good 45 minutes and we were running hours late from driving so slow through the storm the rest of the trip was drizzle and that post thunderstorm fog that has always felt creepy to me there were hardly any other cars on the interstate since most people were too smart to be out driving which just added to the creepy feeling we didn't get to our motel until about 2:00 a.m. since we were poor college kids we never stayed at the convention hotel luckily we found a little motel a 20-minute drive away that was dirt cheap we stayed at this Motel every time we came to the convention it was three stories tall with no interior hallways all of the rooms were accessed from outside unfortunately the cheapest rooms were on the third floor and the elevator hadn't worked any of the times we visited checking into the motel in the middle of night was interesting it was still foggy and drizzling out but also humid and hot there were only about two to three other cars in the dark parking lots and the only lights were from the lobby and streetlights we walked inside and no one was at the desk after ringing the bell for about 15 minutes with no response we actually called the motel from my friend's cell phone an older man in certain sim came out to the desk from a backroom we tried to negotiate a first four rooms since obviously they were not busy he was a jerk that one kept saying they're booked there were only about two to three other cars there certainly some of the first four rooms had to be available being exhausted we took our third floor room and prepared ourselves to drag our suitcases up three flights of outside stairs in the drizzle and heat as we left the lobby the old man called out to us you kids be sure to walk their door and don't ever answer it after dark he went back into the back room and then slam the door God that really creeps me out when loaded the car in the foggy dark parking lot and dragged our luggage to the stairs as we came around the back of the building we all saw the elevator the out of order sign that was there before was now gone and the doors were open the light in the elevator was the only light source on the entire back of the building it seems like something good finally happened to us on the trip the elevator was working and we didn't have to log all of our things up those slippery stairs I remember thinking it was weird that the doors were open didn't elevator doors usually stay closed until you push the button but whatever it was better than the stairs we'll voted our luggage and got in I pushed the button for the third floor and the door started to close the doors were the typical standard elevator doors and right before they closed all the way words appeared written in red paint or marker on the far side of the elevator so that it was only visible when the door closed it said well you're all screwed now sorry suckers the elevator started moving we all just stared at the door my friend Chris from behind said the obvious thing we were all thinking guys I think we're screwed it took that dang elevator forever to get to the third floor with a dink the door slowly opened none of us moved I think we were all waiting for something to come out of the fog or one of those sirens from saala hill to start nothing happened the door started to close and my friend Amy quickly shoved her suitcase in the way of the door we all scrambled out the elevator door closed and we heard a go down to the ground level again abandoning us to our fate slowly we all three came around to the side of the building nothing was there but a long walkway open to the elements with doors along the left side completely terrified now we crept towards our room which was half way down the hallway which was half way down the hallway we were almost there when we heard it loud and clear in the night it was that dang elevator returning to the third floor whispering into the room Chris had the key and frantically trying to get our door open as the other two of us stared towards the back of the building to see who would come around the corner click the door was open and we bolted into the room we walked every single walk on that door and braced our suitcases up against it for good measure we stood inside listening for anything else we heard nothing being the only guy in the group Chris decided to look outside after a few minutes but he couldn't say anything I don't think any of us slept well that night and we never stayed in that motel ever again this encounter happened thirteen years ago and at the time I was 14 years old my then best friend lived just down the street from me and my cousin was dating her older brother so I basically spent every day at her place she lived on the fifth floor of a block of flats it had 18 floors so more often than not died just get on the elevator on this particular day I was waiting on the elevator and it was taking a while not so unusual as I said this building had 18 floors so sometimes you had to wait a while with other people were using it while I was waiting a man entered the building and stood beside me waiting to get on the elevator as well not so wide but something about this guy had me very creeped out I can't say what about him made me so uneasy looking back as he seemed like just a normal guy he looked to be in his late 30s or early 40s with short dark hair medium height and build sure beard and dress well enough but something about him just seemed off I could feel his eyes on me as I continued to wait for the elevator I'm a girl and I've always been small and looked younger than I was back then I was lucky if I was even 5 feet and I looked about 11 or 12 I've had stranger danger and how dangerous people can be drilled into my head since I was little and while it seems silly to be this terrified of a random man just waiting on an elevator same as me I decided to still listen to my instincts it was the best decision I have ever made I casually walked to the stairwell which is around the corner from the elevator I walk in and the second amount of sight and the door closed I begin to run up those stairs as fast as I can now back then I was fairly athletic I did a lot of sports in my free time so it didn't win me too bad to run up those stairs about halfway up I hear the stairwell door slam open and footsteps running up the stairs I pause for a second terrified and look down the stairwell seeing the face of the guy staring up at me from the two floors below before he begins to run up them I run as fast as I can up the remaining fours my legs burning from how fast I was running barely able to catch a breath I finally get to my friends for and exit the stairwell I get to her door and begin to pound on her door crying and begging her to let me in she opens the door pretty confused and I run inside slamming the door behind me so there I am crying and shaking as she gets the story out of me her older brother who was a 20 year old guy and Bill really big heard all of this and he came out of his room to find out what the commotion was he charged out of the flat and began to hunt the building for the guy but he couldn't find him anywhere I never saw that man from the elevator ever again I don't know what he wanted me for or what he planned to do if he caught me but I'm really glad I never found out my first year of college was a real challenge for me I'm extremely introverted and while I do have friends that I spend time with I don't make friends very easily I'm simply too shy to approach others and I'm no good at connecting with strangers it's just who I am and I'm okay with that when I started classes that fall I was the Invisible Girl never called attention to myself if I could help it you know the type I'm sure there's a lot of people who specialize in invisibility so I didn't really have a lot of friends that semester just people I would call acquaintances we got along fine but couldn't really be called friends now at this time I was battling my own issues too when I was 16 I had some really bad stuff happened to me and by no means was I over it it was a major factor in my wife I went to therapy regularly and was treated for major depression extreme anxiety disorder and PTSD I was walking a thin line trying to pull myself together and get on with life while at the same time feeling very isolated around others I avoided men whenever I could simply because I wasn't ready to let my guard down and it was exhausting being on constant high alert I was also rather paranoid it's impossible to avoid potentially dangerous situations when living on campus and being the loner that I was there were times when I simply had to walk back to my dorm in the dark or participate in a group project with men I worked hard on my self-confidence and while I eventually overcame my fears at that time I was always on edge I'm sure you can understand one day I went to class in the humanities building not a big deal but the classroom was on the top floor of a tall building and I usually rode the elevator that elevator was slow as crap but still better than walking up 12 flights of stairs I'm sure you guys get it I get to the building called the elevator and then wait to my surprise when the doors opened I was the only one who got in that was a relief because of my paranoia then it happened the doors were closing when someone stuck a hand in the middle and four guys got in this wasn't good my anxiety hit the roof and I banged myself in a corner so I felt somewhat safer I kept telling myself I was safe and that these men were going to hurt me and I should just relax then one of them turned to me Grenn maliciously and then said there's only one girl in here let's get her and all crap broke out I'm sure now it was a joke but at the time I didn't take it that way not at all when he made that comment I panicked I had my book bag on the ground in front of me and my terror I then picked it up and started swinging when the doors finally opened there were about four very surprised men either on the ground or huddling away from me while I stood in the middle hyperventilating and still swinging I have never seen anyone exit an elevator that fast and I'm not talking about me those guys actually stumbled over each other trying to get away from me it took me a long time to calm down but in the end it was a huge step in building my confidence I'd been in a potentially dangerous position with four men and I defended myself quite effectively that was the beginning of reclaiming myself so did those four creepy guys whether you are making a joke or you were serious and you were actually going to do something to me please stay away from me and don't ever come near me ever again [Music] this takes place a few years back when I was in university so basically young and dumb there was a class gathering at a restaurant for a small Christmas party and my friend Karen and I decided to meet up beforehand we agreed to take the train and meet up at a certain stop instead of driving to save us the hassle I stepped into a nearly empty train cart and sat down immediately pulling out my ipod and turning up the music it was cold and early in the afternoon so the only people on there excluding myself was an elderly couple and a bundled up man sitting across from me I dismissed the man and turned to my music until I felt an uneasy feeling I looked up and saw him smiling a friendly smile I nodded at him but ignored him I held my purse tighter and saw we started to put away my iPod so I can make a break for it when my stop came as soon as the train stopped I stepped off and I started a speed walk towards the elevator to go above ground the guy swept in as I fear and he was a big man that looked even bigger all bundled up and I was a young petite girl so I was even more terrified now he smiled down at me and then said you have the most beautiful shoes ever I was so shocked I couldn't do anything but stare down and I noticed I was wearing my favorite black stiletto heels I muttered a quiet thank you and inched away from him in the confined space he sighed and said you must have beautiful feet I would do anything to have them I was freaking out on the inside and I press myself up against the wall the best I could he continued do you want to come to my place I'm sure I have more beautiful shoes for your beautiful feet I promise I'll do anything for you at this point I was so scared I didn't know what to do except stick my hand in my bag and grew up around for the mace that my boyfriend bought me really hoping I wouldn't have to use it the man began to smile and then he said I'm pretty sure that I have a pair of Red Hills that'll make your black hair stand out even more I mutter to No thank you aunt I was absolutely relieved when the elevator door opened but in order to get past the door I had to squeeze past the man who was positioned half in front of the door he then grinned and leaned in for a hug which I quickly dodged fearing for my life I'll never forget his angry chilling eyes when I turned back to see if he was following he remains by the elevator smiling sinisterly and waving still muttering about beautiful red shoes thankfully for me my friend showed up and at the sight of her he fled down a flight of stairs it's been a long time since this story happened to me but still I think I'm going to avoid elevators for a long time to come this experience happened to me a long time ago when I was very young around seven or eight years old so basically my entire family was throwing a reunion slash New Year's Eve party at this huge hotel and all of the adults decided to go down to the bar to drink thanking all of us kids were asleep obviously we weren't and we decided to go run out in the hallway to play a game of hide and seek yeah real smart idea anyway there were six children and was split into two groups of three each group hiding together so no one would wonder off and get us all in trouble when it was my group's turn to hide we somehow managed to get lost at different corners of the hotel and being the child that I was the thought of being lost was already frightening enough to me after circling the floor of our room about five times I decided it would be the logical thing to just go down to the bar where my parents were big mistake I walked to the elevator and when the doors opened there was already a man inside I didn't think much of it as this was a big hotel it's no surprise that someone else had to take the elevator to the main floor as well he asked if I needed to go down to the first for two and I said yes the man was very tall and read of beer and he had a dirty trenchcoat in sunglasses I tried to maintain his little eye contact with him as possible until he asked me a rather odd question he asked you're looking for your friends right I stood speechless wondering how he knew what I was doing before he then stated you're the one who was playing hide-and-seek aren't you I've been mumble too scared um yeah that was me finding it really weird that he seemed to have been watching us play this game the whole time we both remain quiet until the doors had opened to the third floor not the main one I just thought the man hit the wrong button or something so I reached to hit the first button when he reached for my arm and tried to drag me out of the elevator I then froze up as he then said come on I know where your friends are gesturing to the dead end of the hallway where all of the vending machines were he walked closer to me grabbing my arm and again attempting to drag me to the isolated section of the hall I managed to twist away and bolted to the stairs practically screeching the whole time I managed to reach the main door only to run into my entire family including the relatives I was playing hide-and-seek with whom were looking for me the whole time I was with this man needless to say I still get a little weary when I'm alone with a stranger in an elevator I was in a junior college in a local university that is located in the city the campus is about a mile wide and I lived a little over a mile from it I lived in an apartment building that was owned by the University so only students lived there it was known as the poor kids apartments and was the farthest from campus and also in a bad part of town the apartments had recently had issues with break-ins so I was extra cautious about who I held the door open for the door to the elevators was the one that walked when it closed and only people who lived there had keys but sometimes people held the door to save you needing to find your key it was about 6:00 p.m. one night and I was just getting back from class I had planned on just stopping in my apartments and then leaving to drive to my mom's house for the weekend I worked about 40 minutes away near my mom's house so I tended to stay there on the weekends as I was approaching the elevator I noticed that someone was holding it open for a group of us as I was walking to the elevator I noticed that one of the people he held it open for didn't appear to be a college student not only was he much older late thirties early forties buts he looked homeless for a lack of better words he was dirty and was wearing dirty clothes he obviously stood out to me but apparently not the other people in the elevator because no one really watched him except for me I watched to see what for he pushed when he walked in well he didn't push a floor big red flag I was on the top floor and I was one of the last people to enter and noticed I was the only one to push that for crap if this guy doesn't get out on a lower floor he might be up to something as the four is open and people get out I noticed that he's looking at me and not getting off at any of the other floors before long it's just me and him I have to think fast because the fact that he did impress my for but entered before me and the fact that he appeared out of place were both red flags for me I decided I would let him get out of the elevator first because he would have the choice of left or right and if he chose left I could run right and get to my door I got my key ready and let him out he hesitated for a second and I pretended to be looking for something in my purse he got out well left awesome I go right and right into my apartment which was located close to the elevator I glanced left as I'm walking in and I just see him standing in front of one of the doors and looking at me I get into my room and lock the door right away I grabbed a few things I need and keep thinking about how freaking weird that was I start to think that maybe he was dating someone in one of the apartments and I started to try to rationalize his behavior buts I knew it was weird I grabbed my things and head back out and make sure to check the hallway before going back to the elevator it was empty whew I get back in the elevator and take it down to the lobby I go to get out and who do I see getting in with a group of new people well you guessed it the homeless guy what the crap okay so now I'm sure he's up to something he sees me and his eyes get big I go to pull out my phone because I knew I had to do something about this I'm about to call the cops while walking out of the lobby and I run into the security guard who watches our building after a certain time I tell him everything he decides to contact the police and have them waiting when he gets back down and he said he would go up and try to find him he tells me I did the right thing I felt really bad that someone else could have potentially been in danger I just hope that he was only a thief and not something more dangerous I didn't hear anything else about its end I never ran into that same security guard ever again so I can't say for sure of what happened I what can we caught a good look at him so hopefully my description helped but he might have known I was going to do something and aborted his mission before he got caught either way I always tell people to watch for stuff like that you really never know what someone's real intentions are this happened last year in October so pretty much three months ago but technically last year anywho my girlfriend and I decided to make a Walmart run she was having nuclear like crimps and demanded that I take her to go get some ibuprofen rule number one you never say no to a woman that's on her period it was already late and we got back at around 2:00 a.m. we live on campus says we're both College sophomores a park in a parking garage that is about five minute walk away from our dorm not very far at all I parked on the third floor but to the exit was on the sixth floor so we decided to take the elevator it was a Thursday morning so everyone was in dead so the campus was usually silent as the elevator doors opened there was a man standing there I was taken aback because he was holding about 6 foot 5 280 pounds muscular and had that stereotypical look of a tough guy I didn't move but again my girlfriend could have taken down an entire army of troops with the way she was feeling she got on right beside him and I followed we rode up to the 6th floor and the guy began to make small talk he asked about our majors and where we lived how we liked school excetera he was pretty decent all the while I forgot to press the button of where we were supposed to get off so instead we just rode the elevator up to the ninth floor which was in the parking garage office sector there was really nothing but offices up there my girlfriend and I awkwardly laughed about it when we got to the 9th for we expected the man to leave but he just stood there he was waiting for the doors to close and said he'd follow us down and make sure we got out ok I suddenly got creeped out and I could tell my girlfriend was too because she tucked herself behind me I'm only about 6 foot 1 107 th pounds with the arm strength of Spongebob Squarepants but instead of hitting the six button here and Umrah hits the three and in my state of shock I just blankly stare at him my girlfriend realized what he did and immediately tried to hit the six but we had already passed the floor so she reached out again butted the man grabbed her hand his face suddenly changed he no longer small pleasantly or grinned courteously the look of malice on his face will forever haunt me I intervened and I pulled my girlfriend back the elevator arrived on four three and we both bolted out of there luckily we were on the same floor as my car the man from the elevator gave chase for a few feet but once we're in my car he went off around a corner we drove to the campus security station and told them what happened it wasn't an hour later that they had caught the guy and arrested him he was out on probation and apparently he was on something and just messed up in general but that didn't stop my girlfriend and I for making late night trips after that that really freaked us out for a while and we didn't use the elevator for a really long time only the stairs when I was 17 I was renting a unit in a decent condo building in downtown Toronto while I went to school most of the people who live there were older people who had lived in the building for years and they all seemed to know each other so people often chatted in the elevator in Lobby anyway one time I'm running the elevator like normal and the short bald man about 60 years old gets on we not at each other lying normal and I'm pretty much just zoning out then all of a sudden this dude jumps up snaps around to be facing me and starts screaming the following things at me who the heck are you and then he basically starts accusing me of being in some sort of nefarious organisation that I've never heard of and my wife mind you I'm a six foot teenager and he's a tiny old man I really had no idea what to say to this guy so I basically told him to screw off and stop yelling he continues screaming random nonsense lovely we go back to silence the elevator stops and another old guy gets on as if this scene couldn't get any more surreal these two old guys start chit-chatting they're clearly old friends this guy was literally screaming random crap in my face seconds before and was now talking like it was the most normal thing in the world I'm seriously doubting my own sanity at this point the next stop the crazy dude gets off the elevator so now it's just me and the crazy dudes friend I turned to him and asked who his friend was because he just screamed abuse in my face for no reason well his response he laughs and then tells me yeah he's like that what the crap the very next day I went to the condo office and tried to report him but all I really had was a description and a four so basically they told me to try to find out his name and maybe they could find out what's going on I'm pretty sure I never saw him again while I live there but Syd was definitely my craziest moments of living in that city I was about 13 years old when this incident occurred so it was around 8 years ago me and my family were on vacation in Orlando and we were staying at the Nickelodeon hotel very very cool place nice water parks and nice rooms I was with my family my mom dad brother two sisters and me I'm the oldest well we're at Universal Studios for the day and got back rather late on the way to our room my parents were carrying all the merchandise we had bought so they kind of fell behind and me and my two sisters all got ahead of them my parents and my brother were behind us the elevator was just around the corner me and my sisters got to it first the elevator opened it just as we were walking around the corner as were walking around the corner a man stepped off the elevator I barely got a look at him because as soon as he saw me and my sisters he immediately got back on without missing a beat I should have known that was a bad sign but unfortunately I was a little slow back then so it never occurred to me that this guy was trouble plus my parents weren't there to see the man so they never stopped us from getting onto the elevator my sisters were rushing to get on the elevator because they were at the I want to press that button age we all get on to see that the man is standing with his head facing the ground and both hands behind his back in the back of the elevator he was very creepy looking he had brown hair that reached the middle of his neck and looked like he had a showered in weeks he looked like he was in his late 40s or early 50s because he had many wrinkles on his face and a creepy grin he was wearing black jeans a red black and white flannel and a black turtleneck underneath keep in mind we're in Florida and this was a hot night so it was weird that he was wearing all these layers my youngest sister goes to press the fourth four button butts all of the buttons weren't lit up already I wish I could say that's what made me realize we were in trouble but it didn't click just yet - that's that the guy had pressed all of the buttons I held the door open for my parents and brother and my mom looked at the guy I will never forget the face that she made she had a huge smile on her face while looking at my brother but when she looked at the man that smile instantly dropped I saw the look of terror in my mom's face even my dad gave the guy a strange look like a new to watch out for him that was the moment when I realized this man was up to no good the elevator doors then closed my parents stood on each side of the man each were staring at him just waiting to jump into action in case he made a move my brother asked aloud why did you guys press all the buttons and the older one of my two sisters still completely oblivious to what was happening then blurted out that guy did it and pointed right at the man MA mom then let out a nervous giggle the elevator was slow but finally got to the second floor the man quickly got out of the elevator and went down to the hallway as soon as he left my mom quickly closed the doors and we continued up we stopped at the third floor closed the doors and then got to our fours on the fourth floor my parents made sure we stayed with them this time we got to our room and that is when my parents started to freak out my dad called the front desk to one them about what happened so they could check it out that was the last we ever saw of that man we don't even know if the people at the hotel found him god only knows what he was up to me and my roommate are females in our late 20s we're best friends we just moved into this apartments and yesterday was our one-month anniversary of living here it's in Ontario GTA great neighborhood a little touristy not a bad area the building is in great shape but old and many of the tenants have told us they've lived there for 20 plus years we were assured the locks were changed before we moved in I have a key as does my roommate the old couple that takes care of the building and the general maintenance guy I was the last to leave the apartment around 8 a.m. and I locked the door my roommate got home around 4:30 p.m. unlocked the door changed and left again to run errands we both got home again around 6 p.m. the first thing I did was go to my room to change out of my work clothes and I noticed that my closet looks kind of messy I had a small box of knickknacks that looked like it had fallen into the floor of my closet however the box was then put back up and some of my dirty clothes from my basket were inside it looked like someone had rummaged through my dirty laundry and tossed clothes out of their way which probably caused the box of full stuff to fall in the first place on top of that brand new clothes I just purchased were still hung up but hanging inside the box like someone was quickly sliding clothes in the clothing bar and it flipped some into the box because I'm very neat and tidy I knew right away that this wasn't right I didn't do this did my roommate do this no why would she do this she wouldn't do this if she needed something she'd ask did I do this maybe I threw my pants in my closet and it landed in the box maybe I did leave this stuff on the floor oh well weird but anyways essentially my inner dialogue cut to about 9:45 p.m. I'm in my room and all of a sudden I hear my roommate call my name loudly and in a tone of voice I've never heard before I go to her room and then she said I found the gift you left me I say I don't understand I'm the present in my pillow I will get it from the hall and I say I have no idea what she's talking about I go into her room and on her bed is a dildo it's mine I grab it and say that's mine was it in here she then said it was in my pillow you didn't put it there I tell her that it was mixed in with my laundry basket that's where I leave it to remind myself to wash it within a day or so now the wheels are turning in things are coming together someone must have let themselves into our apartment with a key went into my room look through my dirty laundry found the sex twin mixed in there and put it inside her pillowcase so she'd find it when she went to bed after being in shock for a few minutes the reality sunk in and I started to cry someone had access to our apartment for at least the last month we decided to talk to the building managers and while they seemed to want to come for me because I was an emotional mess the husband mostly pointed down saying it was probably a joke and did we give a copy of the key to anyone I think it was part of the culture slash age that made them downplay it we did call the cops and they came within an hour or so they all took our info and we told them the fourth story and they had a look around honestly they can't really do much and I figured that at least we have a paper trail I definitely mentioned the handyman guy as the one they should talk to they're going to follow up with some residents in the building staff I also watch the property manager and the handyman change my walks this a.m. if anything seems out of place and then it's very clear it's either the staff or someone who has access to their apartment / keys we're going to be getting a camera that's we can attach someone discreetly and hopefully it never catches anyone that shouldn't be in our apartment to start off on a 25 year old stay-at-home mother of two and I no longer feel safe in my apartment when we moved in almost three years ago I put a second lock on our door our daughter was only 2 at the time so we put it on there to keep her in but now I'm convinced it's helped keep someone out a few months ago something very strange happens and I didn't think too much about it at first but it slowly made me feel unsafe and very paranoid someone has been trying to open our door the first time it happened my daughter was not in school yet and my son was only a few months old my partner works different hours every day but he usually will let me know around the time he'll be home so I can unlock the top lock so he can let himself in with the key my daughter was four at the time and will usually greet her father at the door when he gets home this night it doesn't seem she greeted him but someone else at the door I was sitting on the couch with my infant son and I thought I heard someone try to open the door but it stops because it was locked which is normal sometimes my partner will try to open the door before unlocking it my daughter heard that's and ranted the door for some reason this time she decided she would I want the door and open it to greet him I hear her opened the door and then shut the door I was about to scold her for opening the door by herself when she came in and told me it wasn't dad I was very thrown off by this she said it in a sweet innocent voice like it's just another thing but I got kind of freaked out and I went and walked both walks to the door and I asked her if it was the neighbors she told me no that's it was a guy she didn't really understand why I was asking these questions I told my partner about it and we told her the importance of never opening the door by herself ever again and now I keep that top locked I kind of put it out of my mind and wrote it off as a weird accident a few weeks later I felt like I had heard that ever familiar sound of the door trying to open but being locked again but - just trying not to have a get to me one nights around 12:30 a.m. the kids were in bed and my partner and I were watching some late-night TV we heard someone again try to open the door but at this time they rang the doorbell and lightly not my partner looked out the peephole and saw three men I told him - absolutely not answer it and he said they left I went to the window and looked outside but I never saw anyone leave which made me believe that they may have been sitting in the stairwell waiting for us to answer the door I felt like calling the police but I wasn't completely sure about telling them someone rang the bell and tried to open the door I really didn't think that's something they would even care about so I didn't I started to become a bit more paranoid and honestly I felt a bit targeted I'm sure that sounds silly but we've lived here for three years and only in the past few months has this been happening well it's still not over the scariest time is coming up so about two to three weeks ago my partner had another late night this time it was almost 3:00 a.m. and we heard a sound now our daughter is now five but sometimes she'll have nightmares and she'll come to us when she does this she usually will jump off her loft bed and run to her door that night we heard the sound of what we thought was my daughter waking up and running to her door so my partner opened her door to see what was going on he then looked at me strangely and right when that happened there was a giant thud at our door and then another running sound we realized then that's it was someone running on the stairs outside my partner looked through the peephole and I looked outside but - neither one of us saw anyone that night I took my kids into our room lock the bedroom door and push something heavy in front of the door and after having a panic attack where I thought I might actually need medical attention I silently cried myself to sleep we got ahold of the landlord the next morning and we're told that she would try to get someone to patrol the area since then I don't open the door for anyone other than people I know and nothing else has really happened until today which is why I'm posting this right now I had just gotten out of the shower my daughter's at school my partner's at work and my son was in his pack and play I was trying to get right off when I hear knocking at the door I'm not expecting anyone so I'm not going to answer it I then hear the door trying to open and I didn't really know what to do I'm sitting there naked but I'm so tired of this I put on a robe and a knife but when I looked out the peephole no one was there I'm officially looking into moving I cannot handle being here anymore I feel very unsafe and violated that someone keeps trying to open our door especially with my kids here it's time to get out this happened a week ago and I just decided to share it to start this story I need to mention that my parents are separated and live within walking distance of one another now that that's out of the way let's begin I was going to my dad's house to get a spare Xbox controller as I had a friend over and only had one at my mom's house I told my friend that I'd be back in five minutes and set off into the night I assumed my dad would be home as it was 6:30 and he usually gets off work around 5:00 I rang the doorbell no answer I wait about a minute still nothing I decided to go around back and go in through the back door as I go into the alleyway I fell off I got that feeling like nothing good would come at the end of it my paranoia got the best of me and I went back to my mom's house after my friend calling me a wuss I grabbed a flashlight and my friend went along with me as we approached the alien turned into it the light revealed nothing my friend hit me lightly and called me a wimp we went inside and I immediately wanted to leave a quick glance of my friend revealed he felt the same we went to the living room and got the controller the staircase in my room is in the living room I had turned the flashlight off but I felt an overwhelming compulsion to shine it in the staircase when I did that it revealed a man appearing to be in his 20s with piss yellow teeth smiling at us he was I assumed five steps up the stairs I wanted to cry I was so scared I wanted to run but I was frozen in fear my friend bless this morons horror shouted what the heck are you doing here the man smiled and faded and he motioned for us to come closer yeah no thanks we ran out of the front door and began shouting for help one person stepped out of their house with a handgun busted the man was nowhere to be seen as shei as that sounds we called the police and they searched the apartment and well searched isn't the best word as they immediately found the man on the staircase leading to my dad's apartment I have no idea what would have happened if I went down in the alley that night was he there what would have happened if I went alone I'm not really sure and I don't want to find out I'm just really glad than me and my friend got away okay [Music] I'm a 22 year old female but did this happened when I was 13 I'll start off with some necessary background information when I was 13 my aunt lived in a huge apartment complex with 150 plus units within the same city as my mom and dad I would visit her all the time just to spend time with her her complex had a great Park into swimming pool I was also very close to some of the neighborhood kids that were around my age this was during the summer of 2007 I was going to seventh grade that year and this was the summer I stayed with my aunt to get out of my house my aunt's of hormuz on the bottom floor on the very back corner of her building the buildings in this complex were surrounding the park and pool I frequented to create a sealed-off community with two exits to the main road the buildings were three stories high with six apartments on each level all connecting to an outside corridor which connected to the stairs now that that's cleared up here's what happened there was a particularly sunny day at the complex so I decided I was gonna go outside and see if any of my friends were outside so I could hang out with them instead of wasting the day away inside I changed into shorts and a t-shirt and headed out my aunt's apartment I made my way down the corridor it came from underneath the stairs and began walking into the park I only made it about halfway when I've been here are you loudly from a corridor three stories up I look up and see a face butts can't really make it out I could tell it was male but his voice sounded like a kid's voice and he looked like a kid from where I was I then pointed to myself and shouted back who me he said yeah you can you come up here for a minute I began to stop for a minute to think about the situation my 13 year old mine just chopped it up that's he was one of the neighborhood kids wanting to talk or something so without another thoughts I headed up the stairs towards where I saw him I finally get up there to see a black man around 35 to 40 years old sitting on the steps waiting for me he's dressed in a striped polo shirt khaki shorts and those sandals that make you think of Jesus he legit looks like an oversized five year old as soon as I saw him my whole body filled red I'm sure my face look confused and I then blurted out what do you want he starts gawking about my hair and asked me why I dressed the way I dress and keeps suggesting I should go in his apartment so he could show me around the creepiest thing is how he looked at me when he suggested it it was the creepiest expression I've ever seen someone make the expression is hard to explain but it led me to believe that even at 13 he had sinister plans once in the apartment I quickly said that's my aunt was expecting me and that I needed to get back to her apartment or she'd come looking for me and I'd be in trouble hey then Rhonda ask what number apartment it was and if he could escort me there I was shocked at the thought of that I then hastily said no I can make it there on my own but thank you anyway hey then just looked at me with a blank stare for a few seconds like he was thinking of what to do next then his facial expression was now clearly disappointed and before he could say anything else I spurning down the stairs and rim ride back to my aunt's apartment I didn't know if he'd seen where I went I didn't know if he followed all I know is I didn't give him the chance to play out his sadistic intentions whatever they were I told my aunt since she had seen me walk home with the locks on the door and screen door as well she called the cops and I made a statement but since he never touched me or physically harm me there wasn't much they could really do about it after that I made sure to never go up any more stairs and less i for sure knew the person and to stay away from the area where his apartment was for the rest of the summer I don't know what would have happened if I had not thought on my feet and stayed on those stairs longer than I did I'm really glad that I was a smart enough kid and trust my intuition who knows what would have happened if I didn't a couple of years ago I was living with a few friends in a pretty ratty apartment long story short that became real ding-dongs throwing weird parties having weird people over etc so I looked around for places to live and found a great pricing on a sweet little loft apartment by the beach it was somewhat pricey butts in my range basically I did all the applications and ended up being accepted into the building I met with the landlord he was a bit of a weird looking fellow young worried maybe mid 30s all around though he was a nice guy but he just gave me the willies I ended up moving in a few weeks later got everything situated and moved wasn't loving the new digs a couple days in I had a few girlfriends over for a housewarming was a nice little get-together pretty fun party next day rolls around knock knock at the door landlord he had news that a few of the other tenants were having issues with the plumbing and he wanted to check out my hot water heater which was located in the bathroom I let him know that's everything seemed copacetic but he wasn't having it I just want to take a look to make sure you don't have any problems in the future at the time he seemed like a super sweet guy so I had no problems letting him go mr. Fixit on me little did I know mr. Fixit became a weekly character every Monday / Tuesday he would arrive like clockwork and have a task to complete the range of my household problems now exceeded - the bathroom the bedroom living room and now the hallway I never found anything out of order but according to him there was always issues I never took umbrage with him about it but we had some words a few times about the timing of his arrival sometimes I'd be ready to hit the road and I'd have to wait around 5 to 10 was just a little annoying so one morning I'm getting up I go to the bathroom sit down for number 1 it's still somewhat dark in the bathroom and I noticed the sink mirror across from me there's a very very teeny tiny red light at the top right-hand corner it was a reflection from a tiny tiny hole in the ceiling after finishing up I got up turned on the light and checked it out after a little bit of fiddling I pulled out a pencil thin snake camera out of the wall attached to a battery pack in the back the level of creepiness was on a whole nother level everything made sense all at once I put the camera back now that I'd found the source of ultimate perversion I needed to find the others a few hours into the search I had uncovered seven additional cameras including two more in the bathroom the first odd found had a direct shot of the toilet the second the shower and the third the sink the battery packs attached to each of the seven I found had a lasting time of 48 to 72 hours they were all rather large so the amount of time taken to install them would have been pre moving in so the sky was just setting up for me I reported it to the authorities my landlord was arrested and the building was searched for more well there were about 50 other cameras found the guy ended up waiting in assenting getting off on the grounds that it was his property and he needed to keep surveillance to assure safety complete BS he saw no jail time or fines a few of us in the building tried to get his landlord license revoked but and that didn't go anywhere anyway to that freak show of the landlord I really hope that I don't encounter him ever again what a sicko this just happened about today this just happened two days ago on a Tuesday night August 19 2014 it wasn't traumatizing and it might not be a story I'll remember to my grave but it's still fresh enough in my mind for me to remain creeped out two days later which isn't normal for me since I myself AM slightly creepy and I try to take it as much as I ditch it so I live in an apartment building and my apartment is the only one at the end of a hallway that houses a lie too they either turns on at night or doesn't illuminating the hallway and enormous E or forgetting it in an anxiety inducing pathway of pitch-black darkness on this particular night of course though I didn't turn on butts I didn't notice because I almost never do anyway and was an expecting company to come by it's just my roommate and I and it's around 1 a.m. and we're catching up on the latest episode of American Ninja Warrior that we had missed on Monday q ominous oddly gentle knock on the door we have a large window right next to the door that's when the hallway light is on it always allows us to see people approaching our door before they even have a chance to knock since the light was off we weren't able to see anyone approach and since our door lacks a peephole we weren't able to see who stood on the other side of the door at this hour having recently graduated from college we lost around 95% of our local friends meaning we really were very shocked to hear someone knocking since no one really does that anymore now that they've all moved away I'll be honest we had been smoking a little of the ganja would get way more into American Ninja Warrior when we do it and it makes an all-around better viewing experience so I'll admit that paranoia definitely didn't assist us on this particular night at the knock we look at each other and having just a dinner we both knew neither one of us had ordered food I go to the door and call out who is it after a brief pause a man whose voice I didn't recognize then calls out your friends an apartment 39 Sydney no hello no sign of a smile when his tone just that one sentence and nothing else we started to get slight panic very very slight we just moved into this apartment a couple of months ago for a summer sublease while we can look for more concrete living we're only here another month so have made no effort at all in meeting a single neighbor of ours mine is the guy who lives above us that we met by accident one afternoon and we haven't seen him since so thinking the stranger is confused or lost I call out this is apartment 7 thinking maybe the lack of wine means he can't really see the number on our door immediately he says I know and then he repeats what he says before your friends an apartment 39 sent me being hi I'm now frightened because he sounds like a hit man so I'm frozen in front of the door and my roommate fed up with the early-morning interruption during anw shouts from the couch we don't know anything and we don't know anyone after a moment the guy simply says have a good night after this I was a little shaken up but so I forgot all about it until the next morning when I woke up sober and full of curiosity I thought the best way to get to the bottom of this is to go to the apartment 39 and ask also request that they don't come by at what I am anymore even if they somehow already knew we're awake since it's Wednesday afternoon I write a note to leave on their door in advance in case they're not home and when finished I leave my apartment and search for apartment 39 well there is no apartment 39 it doesn't go beyond apartment 38 in any of the three buildings also the screen on the front window has been bent back I'm not sure if these events are related but so it's a pretty big coincidence to that very creepy stranger that knocked on my door at 1:00 a.m. and mentioning a non-existent apartment 39 I really hope to not meet you ever again I was about 13 and was in middle school I was living in a three family apartment building and had just moved there a couple of months before this had happened there was my brother my mom and myself at the top for a man his wife and their son on the second floor and then Gary on the first floor the family on the second floor were very nice people and great neighbors this story is about Gary Gary was probably in his mid-30s he was stuck in his teen years mentally he was also a Gulf metal head type guy at first he was a pretty welcoming neighbor and then it all went downhill from there it was Valentine's Day and I was just coming up the steps to my door and I see a bouquet of flowers with a card and a brown paper bag I grabbed them before I unlock the door and go inside I set them on my table and do my normal after-school things and then I go to open the card the card said happy Valentine's Day I'm madly in love with you love Gary there was a giant Hershey's dark chocolate bar in the brown bag as a small 13 year old I flipped the heck out and called my mom at work right away and told her what happened she told me to not eat the candy bar and that she was on her way she came right home and we called the landlord and the police they both came around the same time and we told them what happened they went downstairs and talked to Gary but when they came back they said nothing could be done because he has mental issues but I was so scared to even be in my own home the very next week he started to stand outside and play his guitar and sing love songs up to our windows he did this mostly at nights and I had school in the morning when it started to warm up he would lay on a blanket out in the front yard with his blow-up doll that he had intentionally went out and bought an outfit for it that I had worn on some occasions and then put the outfit on the blow-up doll he would lay out there and do pretty much all you can imagine - this doll right in front of me and look up at my windows as he did these things we called the landlord in the police again and once again they didn't do anything about this he would try to invite me into his apartment when I would come home from school luckily I had a friend that lived on my street that's I would always have walked me to my apartment door we moved a couple of months later he continued to play his guitar in layout with his doll and do his creepy creeper things I'm just glad to get the heck out of there creeper Gary stay the heck away from me the story doesn't involve me directly but so I was there when everything went down this happened about a year ago I used to spend every day at my best friend's apartment building which was a kind of a weird setup when you walk into the apartment from the hallway there's this living room slash kitchen area and then you walk down a hallway where all the rooms were lined up next to each other she lived in a big apartment building where each unit was set up similarly and shared a balcony with the apartment next door both units have a glass door that leads onto this balcony due to the way out in order for each bedroom to have a window there's an empty space with the width of the balcony between the two neighboring units they share it this also means that your bedroom window directly hooks into your neighbor's bedroom window from about 15 feet away now that that's all out of the way the actual story my friend and I were in the living room watching a movie on a Saturday night when one of her roommates scurried into the living room looking terrified and exclaimed there's a man staring at me from the window next door she explained that all the whites in the apartment have been off all weekend so she had assumed that all the girls next door had gone home for the weekend she had the blinds cracked open and was laying on her bed when she saw movement from the dark room next door she looked over and there was a pair of eyes staring at her through the dark at first she thought she was nuts but a minute later she saw a large door go and press up against the glass and the eyes emerged again the lights were already off in the living room and we were all crouched down and gathered around the glass backdoor to watch the windows in the apartment next door to see if anyone was inside sure enough after a minute through the blinds wood saw someone moving around and flickering the lights on and off this made us really nervous because he could easily walk out into the back porch and the only thing standing between him and us would be the glass door we were all freaked out but to reason then maybe one of the girls had given her boyfriend a keycard and he was the one inside on the other hand the apartments were super easy to break into you swap a car down the walk and boom you're in there were about 50 units in the building and a huge problem with robberies the next day I was over again and we heard the girls come home we went out into the back porch and knocked on their door when we told them what happened their faces went pale as they explained that nobody was home and nobody should have been inside the apartment after informing the building manager of what happened they all gathered their belongings and went somewhere else for the night unfortunately the building manager didn't care or do anything about it butts a few months later everyone moved out nobody knew who he was or how he got into the building in the first place since there's a security guard sitting at a desk by the front door so did the creepy dude who broke into the apartment next door and stared through the window please stay away from us the story happened many years ago I was 19 years old and lived with my parents at home in a fairly bad neighborhood at the time I had a very large loving dog that was half grade-a in and half English Mastiff who was the sweetest little angel you could ever meet but very huge we're talking over five feet on her hind legs and well over a hundred pounds there was one late night and I decided that in the middle of the night I wanted to go to the local 24-hour grocery store to get a few snacks at the time I didn't own a car but I did have my license and my father had a car since I was young I figured I could take the car for a drive the few miles to the store pick up my snacks and be back having the car in the driveway before anyone knows I'm gone the only issue was I knew my dog would start barking and crying if I left her alone and went to the store so I decided that I would take her with me and leave her in the car since it's the middle of the night I know it's not going to be hot and all will be well I get to the store and get out and pick up a few snacks pay the total and head back to the car it's the early 2000s and my keys are on a lanyard around my neck as I'm walking quickly towards my father's car I notice in my peripheral vision there's a man who has gotten up from a bench on the side of the building I hear him say something but I don't turn around and have no clue what it was I start to quicken my pace and I wonder if I'm being paranoid by the time I opened my car door this man was in full sprint towards me I slammed the car door shut and before I can even lock the door I see a hand slam in my window full palm in the next split seconds my beautiful amazing huge dog lunges from the passenger seat across my driver's seat towards the window with teeth and barking and I had never seen her act like that then I hear an oh crap before the man disappeared off into the darkness I got home safe that night and nothing came out of it the neighborhood and the stores around are notorious for panhandlers and theft / robberies so I can't tell you for sure what that person wanted from me I don't know if they wanted to hurt me or if I was just overreacting what I can tell you is that I'm very glad I had my dog with me that night who knows what would have happened if I didn't [Music] let me start this by saying I was only 16 years old and most likely shouldn't have been working third shift in the first place I worked at a local grocery store and I absolutely hated it when I got the offer to moved to third shift working Starr crew and cashier I jumped on the offer it was in the middle of winter February to be exact I remember this well because this year in question it happened to be snowing on Valentine's Day I was shoveling my porch at home and slipped off and rung my ankle so this meant when I was at work I had to sit on a stool to work at the self-checkout this night was a particularly cold night and it was around 3 a.m. maybe 4 a.m. and I recognized a familiar face that came in it was the same homeless man who came in nearly every night and he was trying to buy alcohol we weren't allowed to sell alcohol after 2:00 a.m. and I told the man that he couldn't buy it of course this made him enraged and he started calling me really ugly names and he told me that I was going to ring him up or he would hurt me I explained to him that it wasn't just me who wouldn't allow him to purchase the alcohol the system literally wouldn't allow it to be purchased at this time I abruptly remembered that my ankle was messed up what was I going to do hobble away from him the guys who worked stock crew with me were so far away that they wouldn't even hear me if I screamed I started reaching for the phone that we used as an intercom for the store and I pushed the button that is on the receiver I started yelling for somebody to come up to the front and as soon as I did he then told me you just made a huge mistake as soon as he said that he punched me right in the face and knocked me off my stool I don't know if I black down towards just blacked out this part of the memory but I don't remember what happened next except for when I opened my eyes my manager had him up against the wall and knocked him upside the head and he told him he wasn't going anywhere until the cops came I was so scared my face hurts my ankle hurt and now my butt literally hurts from hitting the for the cops came and I made my report and he was arrested but that didn't stop him from coming to our store even though he was banned he came in and taunted me for months after the attack I would look up for my cash register and just see him looking at me with his eyes looking almost evil I felt like I constantly had to look over my back I felt like every time I looked up he was going to be there and I wasn't sure what he was going to do next every time I think about the story I still get upset that something as little as alcohol can make a man punch me a man that I had seen every day since I started working third shift and he was honestly a friendly guy well until then I worked there for about another year but I honestly never went back to that store after I finally left it still gives me the heebie-jeebies even eleven years later when I was in college I worked at an after-hours emergency clinic my shift ended at midnight and since the stores were pretty much less crowded at that hour I often did grocery shopping around that time sidenote I'm a female and I was in my early 20s when this happened I go to the local store one night after work park in a great spot and head towards the store as I'm walking across the lots I hear a male voice calling excuse me ma'am excuse me I look to my right and see a man sitting in a blue station wagon about five spaces away from where I'd parked having my attention now he then says I'm sorry to bother you my wife and I are trying to get home but we've run out of gas she's in the store now asking people for help could you spare if you don't work so we can get gas to go home now normally I don't mind helping out someone who's down on his luck but something just felt so nope about this whole situation I replied that I was sorry buts I didn't have any cash I went into the store to grab the few things I needed and the whole time I was inside I could just not shake the uneasy feeling I had I was completely on edge by the time I made it to the checkout line after I paid for my items I started to walk out but my body just didn't want to cooperate I take a few more steps and they not stop again I turned back to the male cashier and then said I know I'm about to sound like such a girl but could you see if someone would walk me out to my there was a really creepy guy out there earlier and I just don't feel comfortable he took some of my bags in his hands and he said he'd worn me out since he didn't have any customers to exit the store you have to go through two sets of sliding double doors we walked through the first set and I completely stopped cold the freaking station wagon was now parked next to my car I told the cashier this and he told me he wouldn't let anything happen to me we walked through the second set of double doors and I start walking towards my car about this time the station wagon starts up and the driver immediately pulls out of the parking spot it was then that I noticed that there was no wife in the car but there was another man I don't know what these guys were planning to do and I'm really glad I never had to find out I'm very fortunate that that cashier was so nice enough to be my bodyguard there's really no telling what would have happened if I went to my car alone [Music] after putting it off for the last few in busy days I decided to go to my local grocery store at around 9:00 p.m. last evening my dad was at my house fixing a few things and my two children were already in bed as any single mom would agree getting to go grocery shopping alone is a rare treat and I jumped on the chance while my dad suggested I go while he was helping out I once get to the store and quickly realized that I picked a great time to go the parking lot was near empty and once I got inside I only saw a handful of store workers chatting at one of the registers in front not another customer in sight glorious about halfway through my shopping I noticed another customer first while not seen he was an older dude gray around the sides and wearing what appeared to be hunting gear boots camouflage pants and a matching jacket his hat was also camouflage buts a different type of than his other clothing I remember noticing his outfit right away but didn't think anything of it as I made my way through the aisles I kept noticing net to this dude would end up in the same aisle as I was it seemed kind of weird as we were the only customers in our smaller local store at the time so I thought to myself how weird that this guy is on the same aisle route as me but as minutes went on I began to notice that too this guy wasn't actually taking items off of shelves he didn't have a cart he had a basket and that basket was empty every time I glanced at his general direction hate snap his head down or to the side making a super obvious that he was staring at me I was starting to be a bit weirded out but I thought I was being paranoid I reminded myself that I'd seen a few employees when I entered the store so it wasn't just me and camo guy in the store I continued my shopping this is where I thoroughly get creeped out this guy was standing in the center of the aisle he wasn't facing either side of where the products lined the shelves but facing up the aisle so when I rounded the corner he was directly facing me what really really scared me was that he was smiling not just any smile though it was this terrifying wide grin dead center of the aisle about midway through with a wild smile on his face and not moving a single muscle like a statue I will get him for what felt like an eternity but wasn't reality probably only a few seconds my brain just couldn't comprehend what the crap was going on here there was no way I'd be getting past this guy without having to interact or at least say excuse me super freaked out I quickly turned my cart around and I decided to make a beeline for the cash registers down a different aisle forget the English muffinz and Peeta's I wasn't going to bring those home tonight as I get to the register and begin unloading my groceries under the belt the woman standing at the end of the register in the bagging area looked up from the conversation with the cashier and calmly and sweetly asked hey is everything okay I'm guessing out with Dwight as a ghost or like I was going to hurl or something just as I opened my mouth to describe the man in Aisle 12 there was a loud footsteps running footsteps in conjunction with the weirdest most guttural type scream I had ever heard it sounded almost like a howl I wish I knew how to properly convey the sound through text and it's the guy out of the corner of my eye I see that he's running down the front area of the store behind where the bagger stand and people leave here's the kicker he stops in his place about 4 to 5 feet behind the bagger he stops yelling for a moment and just blankly stares no words abrupt stop to the scream / yell he stopped dead in his tracks and just stared in our general direction he had a weird look in his eyes I pulled my phone out at this point because truthfully I didn't know if this guy was on something or what he would do next from the look on her face the cashier was also creeped out then just as quickly as he stopped he started screaming again and started running again he ran right out of the doors of the store another cashier got out from behind his register and kind of fought with his pad looking out the front window into the parking lot he turned around and then said I don't see him anywhere this would have only been a mere seconds after he ran out the doors that same cashier walked me to my car helped me on what my groceries and watched as I drove away it was very clear he was just a shaken as I was over the howling and the guys actions in front of the store I told him about how I'd seen that man frozen in a big weird smile just before coming to the registers he visibly shivered it's taken me until this morning to truly realize just how strange this whole situation actually was so does that grocery store Hauer please do your shopping when I'm not around this unsettling encounter happened when I was 11 I should mention that I was not a mature eleven-year-old as I was still very much a little kid at that age and definitely looked the part messy hair small and gangly and no signs of puberty yet so there was absolutely no way and one could possibly mistake me for anything but a little kid which is important to the story anyway one evening my mom took me grocery shopping with her we were in the Meade Department when all of a sudden one of the employees came up to us and started chatting with my mom he looked to be in his early to mid 20s and he was asking my mom all kinds of questions about me how old I was where I went to school if I had a daddy and he kept staring at me and saying what a beautiful little girl I was I just thought he was being nice and I couldn't understand why my mom was being so bothered so he followed us around the store while we shopped and kept talking to her even though my mom was clearly trying to ignore him he kept asking where I went to school and my mom would only say I don't know the name of her school I interrupted and begin to tell the school that I go to not realizing why she was playing dumb he smiled knelt down and asked if he could hold me my mom just grabbed my hand and started power walking away while pushing the car with her other hand by now I knew something was wrong Ken tom was getting scared I never seen my mom like this before she was tight lipped and pale and was totally angry she quickly paid for our groceries and dragged me out of the store he then followed us out to the car he asked my mom if we needed help loading our groceries in the trunk and she just snapped she yelled at him to leave us alone or else she would call the manager he finally backed off and on the ride home I got yelled at for telling him what school I went to my mom was nearly in tears at this point and she told me that he was a dangerous man and to tell my teachers right away if I ever saw him in or around my school she had always taken me to school and picked me up but she walked me and signed to and from class after that it took me many years to figure out that this guy was a pedo and he probably wanted to know where I went to school so he could abduct me thank God that never happened I've worked at the same grocery store for the last four and a half years of my life of course I've seen some pretty crazy people come in and one night but this absolutely takes the cake for me it was a regular work shift for me as a cashier with me working short amounts of hours whereas I was 16 I tended to keep the same schedule every week because I like the days I worked and it kept me on the ball being in school and all since I worked during the day on weekends I usually see the same few regulars which was not uncommon at all for me there was one customer that usually stood out to me though I never caught his name but it was this older man maybe in his late 60s I'd say the same customer would come into my register Lane every single week on the same day around the same times not only that but he would also buy the exact same groceries every single week and who had made me bag them to his liking honestly I never even thought twice about this old man because he seemed pretty harmless and just super friendly I was wrong this one specific shift is where things went insanely south I was on my register and I see him walking over per usual he starts setting things on the belt the normal conversation and whatnot and then he asked when I go on my break not only did I not really know for sure but even if I had I wouldn't have given that information out to this stranger I have something in my car for you you should come out on your break and take it I'll wait for you oh I have no idea when I'm going to be going on break it could be hours that's okay you know what I have a better idea I will get it for you and bring it in here now I really didn't know how to take this situation so I notified my manager about this interaction and to keep an eye out for him lo and behold he comes right back in about 15 minutes with a manila folder in his hand this customer stands right at the end of my lane and watches me for over an hour just standing there waiting for me not making small talk with other customers or even making eye contact the manager has been watching him and finally pulls him aside and says it's time for him to leave the customer explains that he has something for me and he instructs my supervisor to give it to me when possible my manager says of course Andy leaves mind you my girlfriend is actually currently working in a separate department and she's notified and comes over I will never forget what I see next while I was still catch hearing my manager and my girlfriend opened up the manila folder and the color from their faces immediately drain I see them shuffling through tons of papers until finally my girlfriend snatches the folder and rips it into my manager pulls me off the register and he tells me what the man had left it turns out he had written hundreds and hundreds of very inappropriate love poems for me as well as about his deceased mother this man had been obsessed with me I felt really sick to my stomach and I wanted to throw up immediately later on the police come in they ask me some questions about the incidents and I give them my statements and such they eventually found them on our camera system from earlier that day and they had enough evidence to give me the option to file a restraining order on him as well as legally banning him from our store the police eventually contacted him and when they asked him to confirm what he was trying to give me he instantly hung up after talking for some time with the cop I haven't seen this man since thank God and I never planned to again my family is from a very small southern town they've always lived around here and in the early 70s it was kind of the place where everyone knew all of their neighbors my grandpa owned his own grocery store it was called Bill's Food Center everyone in the town would come by regularly and get their groceries and even stay and chat with him for a little bit my mom had worked the cash register regularly from her early teens on so she knew all of the regulars then she could always tell when someone hadn't been there before so when two men came in that she had never seen before she made sure to welcome them and asked if they needed help finding anything she said that she remembered being very creeped out by them from the beginning she asked if they needed help finding anything and the older one replied no sweetie we'll let you know when we find what we need as they checked out the older man who she described as mid to late 30s kept asking her increasingly personal questions she was polite but tried to give really vague general answers the younger man with him was in his early 20s and never spoke just always went along with what the other man said they came in for items every day for about four days and they always creeped her out but she never felt threatened or too weirded out until the last day the Oder man said he could use some help now and explained that they were going on a camping trip and they did some help picking out some supplies he said that they needed some really strong rope and some duct tape he explained that he liked to shoot guns and needed the duct tape to wrap around his hands while shooting she felt that the explanation was odd but nevertheless she helped them pick out the supplies and check them out she got such bad vibes from them that day that when they left she made sure to memorize their license plate just in case a few days later I cashier at another local store down the street from my grandpa's and went missing after searching for a few days the police found her body near a local river she was bound with duct tape barbed wire and rope almost exactly like what my mom remembered selling the two men when she read about it in the Sunday paper her stomach dropped she immediately felt that she knew the two men were responsible she told my grandpa she knew who was responsible she knew the two strange men were somehow involved my grandpa was skeptical at first but SMO mom was so adamant to debts he eventually caved and they went to the police my mom was then questioned extensively by a detective it took some time but the police eventually caught up with the men and they were eventually found guilty my mom was so shaken up about the whole word deal that she refused to work in the store alone from then on she was even more alarmed when the police informed her that said the men were casing my grandpa store before ultimately deciding on the other line growing up as a young lad and just learning to drive my adviser told me the number one rule when entering a vehicle check the backseat I'm not sure if he was being genuine or if he was simply trying to spook me but this number one rule was always check the backseat of the vehicle which you're about to drive as didn't I have some weirdo creep up on you thanking back on and now I really wish I had taken him more seriously I had just gotten my very first car a running and well taken care of 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix now my family isn't exactly one that has a lot of money but we were able to acquire this car at a pretty decent price at a hundred and seventy K miles it will make for a decent starter vehicle growing up in Minnesota the atmosphere was never really anything unnerving but the winners were very harsh this particular winner reached negative thirty degrees it wasn't anything wonderful I'm definitely not one for snow but I always wondered why I was born in Minnesota although the large cities are usually a lot worse than where I lived the town I was in didn't fare all that well for me either it was the end of a work week for me as a student who just acquired their very first vehicle I was working my tail off in order to pay my parents back for the money they dropped on this car for me I was working between 30 to 40 hours a week with school I worked at a grocery store the store wasn't a multi-million dollar store by any means it was a Mon pas home grocery store only known to the people of the town that I lived in they opened at 6:00 a.m. and closed at 10:00 p.m. I was usually working until closed after I got out of school this particular night I didn't get out of there until around 10:45 to 11:00 p.m. due to a delivery truck which ran late and I had to get products on the shelf by the end of the night as I left the store and entered my car that night I remembered that I forgot to conk out if I didn't conk out so I would have to go through the process of signing a sheet saying that I didn't conk out and my projected hours would be all funky and it wasn't something I wanted to deal with getting out of my car and heading back towards the building I saw some men walking around the parking lot I made sure to do that fast paced walking that everyone does when they get anxious in order to reach the front door without attracting too much attention from the strange man unlocking the front door I looked back and saw that the man continued his walk across the parking lot but hid craned his neck back in order to watch me every hair on my body stood on it and I got really creeped out I watch way too many scary shows and movies at the time and everything cast a pretty bad feeling upon me I unlocked the door I made my way inside and took a few deep breaths in order to slow my heart rate okay just clunk ow do your thing and get back to your car and you're golden I run to the back and do just as I needed to straighten up a few things which I had previously overlooked while doing my cleaning up for the night and went back outside to my car Azzam locked the door I did a quick sweep of the parking lots and the strange man was gone nowhere to be seen thank God I didn't have to worry about him anymore I did a quick walk to my car opened the door and sat down with an anxious shiver I slid the key in the ignition started my car and fiddled with the radio for about a minute before switching it into reverse and looking into my rearview to make sure I wasn't going to hit anyone in this empty parking lot what I saw in my rearview wasn't a car or a set of headlights but instead it was a pair of eyes looking right back at me never in my life have I jerked around so quickly mehar felt like it exploded in my chest and my stomach didn't 9:20 threw it in park and pretty much crawled out of my car since my quick-moving feet couldn't find traction I ran about a hundred feet before turning around to see the man opening the back door of my car take a step out and stroll out of the parking lot he never looked back at me he just kept walking I get on the phone and call my parents and I told them everything I had to explain myself a few times due to my fast anxious talking and my shivering from the crisp air they ended up calling the cops for me and I had to reacquaint myself to an annoyed looking rather heavyset officer they searched my car and they ended up finding a needle in a twine string in my backseat the man was a junkie holy crap never and my wife had I thought I would come into contact with a Tweaker in my town I knew they existed but never had I thought one would have this much impact on me I ended up selling my car due to my anxiety getting the best of me every time I entered that car from that point on from now on I will absolutely check my backseat before ever getting into any car one day I stopped at the grocery store my way home from the Community College I go to I went to the store all the time and so I didn't think that this trip would be any different I parked my car I walk into the area inside the store where the carts are and took one right as I was about to turn around to walk in the main doors start shopping a man walked up to me I noticed he was wearing reflective gear and I could see the store logo on part of his jacket so I immediately recognized him as one of the car collectors he looked like he was about 60 years old he told me he had seen me around lately and he wanted to know my name his tone was friendly and I'm more on the introverted side so at this point I thought the fact that I was already uncomfortable was just because that's how I am and it didn't even faze me until later how weird it is for a 60 year old man to tell a 19 year old girl that you've seen them around my mind naturally veers towards let's get out of this conversation with a stranger as quick as possible without actually getting the chance to really process what they said to me so I told him my first name he told me his then he started asking how old I was if I lived around here if I was in school right now I awkwardly answered these questions and was as vague as I could be at this point I one comfortable at the situation even though he was still presenting everything as normal and friendly it was in the middle of the day so it was less busy and nobody was really around I held onto the cards in a way that implied I'd like to go into the store now and move on with my life and he recognized this but then said something along the lines of next time you're here we should exchange numbers or something and then he made some quite comment about how he'd like to have a friendship but it wouldn't be a relationship because that would be weird I didn't really remember the specifics of that comment because my short-term memory tossed that [ __ ] away immediately I didn't have the guts to tell him now but I knew at this point that I'd be making an effort to not run into him again so I told him sure and walked into the store so many things I could have done differently in the situation behind side's 20/20 I guess in the store I was pretty shaky I was processing they actually ended up walking up to a girl who had helped me find stuff in the past who worked there telling her what happened and basically just needing validation that what it just happened was inappropriate I knew it was but I knew the extra person to tell me so I'm grateful that she was kind enough to listen and tell me yeah that's really freaking weird I bought the few things I needed i thankfully did not run into him again on my way to the car when I got home I immediately called the store and told the manager what happened before I even told the manager his name he basically implied that he already knew the employee had encountered this made me ask if the car collector had done this before and the manager said no so I don't know if the manager just can't tell me those kind of things or maybe he had a record before he even started working there or maybe it was both I'm not sure either way the manager told me that they would do something about this I have yet to find out what they did because I haven't gone back to that particular store since hey everyone I hope you enjoyed today's video and if you have your own personal scary story be sure to submit that to my sub reddits at reddit.com slash are slash southern cannibal or to my email at southern cannibal at gmail.com i'm always looking for new stories and before we bring this video to a close I just want to shout out all of my $5 or more patrons as well as my $3 or more patrons featured on screen shout out to babe Lincoln Beth a Kate II Celeste s le s Emily w hether B Howard our Jacqueline w jz g jonathan see Lauri J Matthew B Michael G random Randi Steph L Tammy yes and Terry H thank all of you so much for supporting me on patreon I really appreciate it more than you know and if any of you would like to join these awesome people and also become a patron head over to my patreon at patreon.com slash southern cannibal thank you everyone and have a good one and remember to always [Music] you
Channel: Southern Cannibal
Views: 106,858
Rating: 4.8144712 out of 5
Keywords: true scary stories, true scary stories from reddit, southern cannibal, creepy stories, true creepy stories, lets not meet
Id: 4vN7BKw1OxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 5sec (5345 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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