16 TRUE Stories From Police & 911 Operators | REAL LIFE Police Stories

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hey everyone before we begin on these stories I just need to give you all a little warning these stories are incredibly dark sad and brutal I advise you click off this video if you cannot handle north stomach very dark topics these are real stories from real police officers and 9-1-1 operators the purpose to do a video like this is to show just how truly scary reality can be and what these people have to deal with every single day please show respect to these amazing people as well as having the courage to tell their stories all that being said if you're ready let's begin when I was in my early 20s I had a neighbor who was a paramedic I really admired her and we were good friends for several years I thought that's maybe I'd also like to be a paramedic so she suggested that I go on a ride-along with her one night at about 1:00 a.m. a call came in for a car wreck and we sped right over a family in a car had been in apalla between two semis the parents were dead on the scene but their teenage daughter was still alive crushed between the front and back seat of their vehicle which then collapsed into itself like an accordion she kept calling for her mother non-stop it's was the most horrific thing I think I've ever experienced she didn't make it sense I never did become a paramedic dispatcher here I had a woman call in on one one whispering could barely understand anything but I managed to get an address I kept the phone line open until the officers got there officers get to the house and DeMille steps out they asked him why someone doubt in the 9-1-1 he says that's it must have just been an accidental dial and there's really no emergency they obviously find this suspicious so the hang around outside talking to the mail one of the officers manages to spots a tiny hand stuck out of a small window waving around they go inside the house and they save a female who was beat really badly they charged the mill with forcible confinement to this day it still makes my hair stand up on end my grandfather was a cop for 40-plus years he recently told me a story about getting a call from a neighbor saying they hadn't seen their neighbor let's call him bill they hadn't seen him for a few days my grandfather and another cop named John shows up at Bill's house they knock and knock but no answer they check the doors ends lo and behold one is unlocked as they enter the house my grandfather starts calling out mr. bill are you home is everything all right all of this goes on while they search the house finally officer John goes down the steps to the basement my grandfather hears him say Oh mr. bill there you are is everything all right my grandfather goes down the steps to see Bill standing in his basement in a suit complete with his hats but there was one thing that's was very very off my grandfather then goes John I think bill was dead dumbfounded officer John then says hey standing right there what do you mean um don't you see the rope around his neck so apparently bill would hung himself with clothing line rope tied it to a beam in his basements and kicked away the stool that he was standing on over the however many days it had been the Rope had stretched so much that bill looked like he was standing in the dark basement yeah that was a really creepy one student paramedic here had a call being general broadcasted over radio when I was chilling in the base with my mentor operator who was broadcasting something said something along the lines of female unconscious police on scene major trauma CPR in progress confirmed arrest by police on scene my mentor just looks at me we're off in 30 minutes at the end of a night shift but we go anyway we're around the corner but we make it there in no time at all there's police everywhere at least 7 squad cars I'm really nervous and so was my mentor as we approached the house a man then emerges handcuffed by police hey looks content enough and smiles at us as we walk by the police shout for us to hurry we run over with the equipment to the front door and were met with one of the worst scenes I've ever seen in my life and I just know that it's always going to be there in my mind there's a woman lying on the ground with the left side of her head completely caved in blood absolutely all over the place and brain matter scattered around the floor as well police are doing CPR we stopped them and we see that the patient has signs of pooling and rigor mortis I'm literally sweating hence I'm on the verge of tears this isn't how I wanted to end my shift then we hear from behind us more police in the house and the sounds of children two kids are escorted out of a bedroom behind us with their eyes covered that's one of them asks us what's going on where's my mom my heart just completely melted I've never been extremely traumatized by a job but those kids being shielded from what just happened to their mother will forever stick with me I bring equipment back to the ambulance says my mentor starts to do paperwork and would wait for someone to move the body social services arrive and they take away the kids blissfully unaware of what just happened I was finally off three hours later after all of the paperwork and interviewing from the police it's a really good job but Smith it's left its marks on me for sure this actually happened a few days ago I'm an ER tech but one of our unit secretaries is an EMT in the next county over I was waiting for a patient to return to their room talking with her when she looks down at her phone she tells me she has this dispatch app or whatever for ambulances and fire trucks and every fire hall in the county had just received a call about a possible decomposing body apparently the neighbor had called about a terrible smell coming from the property hazmat was called in everything expecting a dead human body once they broke into the house they found that it wasn't a dead human but 38 dogs in the house 11 of the dogs were dead and in varying states of decomposition the place is still pretty much under wraps but there were 16 more dogs that were found in the shed yesterday the two people who owned the house have since been arrested and charged with 51 counts of animal cruelty all of the animals left alive were taken to the Humane Society where half of the county has just about donated food or blankets the whole thing is pretty messed up but sigh now for sure respect the hell out of the EMTs and the paramedics that walk through our doors every day who they really never know what they're going to see when they walk into somewhere I really really respect them for what they do I've been a nine one one dispatcher for 11 years in a medium-sized sinner we have more than our share of crazy calls but and there's only a few calls debts have really stuck with me for me personally the ones that I can't get rid of aren't even close to being the craziest or most brutal about seven to eight years ago I took a 9-1-1 call from a man who came home to find his adult sister had been raped and beaten the suspect had wrapped the telephone cord around her neck then tried to push her through the window of the apartment he was understandably very distraught she was still alive hence she was able to talk to me she hadn't been blindfolded and that was really certain that I could get a description of the person who had done this to her she answered all of my other questions but absolutely we refuse to give me any info on the suspect I later found out that the reason was self-preservation the person who did it was the brother who called 9-1-1 for help he was so believable it really messed me up in my head I also felt horrible that I had continued pressing her for more info when the person who hurt her was right there and that I could have potentially put her in more danger without realizing that call though it really got to me I took a call from a man whose one-year-old daughter fell in the pool while unattended at the time of the call she wasn't breathing unresponsive and had no pulse My partner dispatched out fire and EMS while I was on the phone God to the child's mother to start CPR fortunately she was certified and didn't require very much instruction at all just had to tell her to counter compressions out loud so I could keep up before the first responders arrived the baby starts breathing again I believe she sustained some brain injury but nothing life-threatening had to go take a walk around the block after that one please if you aren't CPR certified get certified it very well may have been the difference between the child living and dying a young man who is 23 years old called and told me he was going to commit suicide he was my first call on my shift that day very early in the morning they plan to set his car on fire with himself inside of it he was very upset and crying but he apologized to me he said that he was sorry that I picked up the phone and he was really sorry for how this was going to affect me hey hung up on me and the second time I was speaking to him I could hear liquid splashing in the background he ended up hanging up again hence I never got him back he did end up setting the car on fire ants it was fully engulfed by the time anyone got there I'll never forget his name or the voice and I simply hope that I showed him some kindness and compassion in his last moments that call will probably stick with me for the rest of my life I just know I'll never forget it [Music] this one still bothers me because it's so fresh and our community is hurting from it as well took a call from a hysterical woman advising me of a rollover crash that had happened near her house she lives near the top of a blind hill that people like to jump like catching that butterfly feeling in your stomach although you can get air in the right vehicle she tells me that a girl was laying on the ground about 30 feet or so from the vehicle when asked if the girl was alive she then says oh yes she's alive she's wiggling around on the ground my daughter is a nurse and she's checking on her now awesome we hardly ever lucky enough to have a trained professional on scene before a med unit can get there but then she tells me her daughter of starting CPR to be honest that didn't really surprise me my caller was getting hysterical again and we already had first responders on the way so I started asking more questions about the seen her daughter breaks CPR to get on the phone with me she tells me that she can do compressions only that the girl's jaw has completely gone a bit stunts I tell her to continue compressions but rather than getting put back on with the original caller I heard the scared voice of a teenage girl the driver is my friend going to be okay I can't find anything to say for a moment finally after what seemed to be way too long I say they're doing CPR dear and we have help on the way are you and the other passengers okay we're fine please just tell me she's okay the girl on the ground was confirmed dead on arrival she had been laying down in the backseat without her seatbelt on because she had a headache she was only 15 years old dear God for me personally the worst ones are always the calls that you can relate to on a personal level I took a call last month from a father who discovered a son with a bag over his head and a note next to his body now I've taken a lot of suicide calls but this one was particularly difficult for me because the son was my age and the way that the father pointed with the son was almost exactly the same way I've imagined my dad if I were to ever do the same I've had the same come on buddy don't do this to me running in my head at least two to three times a day since also not technically I call buts my first shift on my own I dispatched the deputy that I did my ride-along with to a domestic that's he ended up being shot and killed at hearing his blood gurgled shots fired scream on the radio won't be something I'll ever forget on my second full-time shifts it was about 11 p.m. on a Thursday night we get a call from a female screaming just screaming that's all we heard we lost connection second 9-1-1 call came from the neighbor across the street I think I just heard a gunshot and now our neighbor is screaming yelling for help I think something terrible happened while my partner was getting more info from caller number two 9-1-1 rings again and since the original caller she's still screaming but she's trying to speak even though I can't understand anything she sank after a couple of very stern verbal slaps of ma'am I need you to calm down and tell me what's going on she's finally able to tell me that she thinks her husband just killed himself she went on to explain to me that they were watching a TV show together everything seemed normal when he then got up and said that he would be right back the wife heard the back deck door opening close and then she heard a gunshot she ran to the door hen she saw his feet and legs lying down on the deck she called initially but she was unable to control herself and accidentally hung up she was still a complete disaster when I talked to her but I was able to get the basics of what happens and relay the info to the responding officers and fire she kept telling me that she needed to go outside and help him do I need to go out there do you need me to go out there I don't want to see him I can't see him my only job at that point was to try to keep her calm and keep her from getting up from the corner of the kitchen floor where she had collapsed until police arrived and secured the weapon they had been married 27 years had two kids three grandkids and lived a happy life together she had no indication that anything was wrong her husband got up from the couch walked out into the back porch and blew his head right off with a black-powder pistol I don't remember her name but I will never be able to forget her screams I worked for a dispatch company very similar to Life Alert an older lady in her 90s thought someone was intruding on her property and she called the cops she had severe dementia though and she had forgot she had called the cops so when they rang her door she thought that they were the intruders she hit her wrist button to get in contact with us then she got out her gun Ivan called the police while also talking to her and literally on the recording you could hear her taking shots at the police officers on scene they were all freaking out why tried to talk her down the police and I eventually got her to calm down and stop firing but apparently she had missed an officer by just six inches the family had to get involved and she ended up moving to a nursing home shortly after dementia sucks I've been a police dispatcher for a little over two years now the one call that's I'll never forget is the first suicide caller I ever got it was around 11:30 p.m. and this girl calls 9-1-1 she must have been around 19 to 20 years old all she says is that she's just calling to let me know where to find her body I asked her where she's at and address intersection anything she tells me that she's old enough to know that I already have her location so she doesn't need to give it to me that's not true all I actually have is the location of the cell tower that her cell phone is pinging off of no way I can find her I played with her a bit and she finally gives me an address then I ask her how she's planning to do it I'm trying to keep her on the line as long as possible so she doesn't actually hurt herself but she doesn't answer me anymore I decided to get the paramedics on the line so we can get the police and fire rolling to her location while I'm connecting to the fire departments I hear this crash and a choking sound I don't know what she did but my heart completely drops I'm thinking she killed herself with me on the line I give the address to Fire Department and half Police Department on the way I'm listening on the radio while trying to get this girl to talk to me again when I hear the officers asked to verify the address they don't see a house there [ __ ] I finally get this girl to come back on the phone and she's crying hysterically I asked her what happened and she tells me she was in the bathroom and she tried to hang herself she was too heavy and the bar to the shower curtain bent I'm a bit relieved because she's not dead but she's still in danger I asked her to give me the address again and even though she's not on the same street her address is further south [ __ ] I have to get officers in EMS that are closer to go I started talking to her and so far so good the officers get there but they can't find her I'm now freaking out because I'm thinking she gave me the wrong address again and she stops talking to me again just an open line I don't know what to do there's just silence I attempt hanging up and calling her back but no answer I'm thinking I messed up now I asked my supervisor if there's anything else I can do that they just reassure me and tell me that I did all I could I listen to the police radio for a bit and I say that the officers managed to get into the house and find the girl and that she was being transported to the hospital it was a huge weight off of my shoulders I took a break for a few minutes to collect my thoughts and to win back to answering more calls we were busy I have shared this story before abuts one that really sticks out to me is this one with a 14 year old girl that calls the police for a disturbance officer show up and everything seems average parents advised that the reporting party is upset because she isn't allowed to go out with her boyfriend officers were getting ready to leave after being there for 40 minutes but something seems off to them the two officers take the 14 year-old outside near the patrol units to speak to her while they're walking outside the girl's mother stepfather and two sisters go and stand on the porch to see if they can see what is going on they're unable to hear due to the officers and girl being on the other side of the street it was then when the stepfather started pacing him went back inside the girl breaks down and she then tells the officers that her stepfather had been sexually assaulting her for years and he didn't want her to go see her boyfriend because he was jealous the officers look up and at that moment they see the stepfather shoot the mother in the back of the head he proceeds to shoot the reporting parties older sister in the chest and a younger sister in the leg as they started running away one officer returns fire while the other one is shielding the reporting party the stepfather runs inside and barricades himself the reporting party then tells the officer that her two younger brothers are inside with the stepfather backup arrives and they surround the home the officers makes force entry after they hear gunfire from inside they storm the residence and they find the stepfather a shot himself in the head with his two biological sons in the same room the mother died instantly the older sister died instantly and the younger sister was hospitalized I don't know if she made it I just know she was flown to a hospital miles away this little 14 year old just lost her whole family later the investigators were taking her statements and her only reply was last time I tried to tell someone the truth I lost my family doesn't matter what I say I'm alone now it took us hours to get in contact with the family eventually we were able to get in touch with her grandparents and she left with them I think about this kid a lot since I really hope she's okay [Music] there's a few calls that I'll remember for a really long time one was a guy who while riding his bike saw a father running after his grown-up son he was yelling to stop him and that he wanted to hurt himself that he wants to jump in front of a train when the guy was KO'ing he was running after the two near the train tracks I quickly sent their location to dispatch and stayed on the phone the guy asked if he could tackle the son if he had the chance so I told him he could do what he deemed fit but should always think of his own safety first however he then started yelling that the train was there as I could hear it in the background he started cussing and screaming and I immediately knew that the son had in fact jumped in front of the train he died instantly it was horrible for everyone involved the guy immediately started blaming himself for not being able to stop it and save the guy after all that happened I took a short break and then got back to the calls no matter how long I do this job it never gets easier I took a call from a woman who told me that her 15 year old nephew had locked himself in the garage during a family gathering after making suicidal statements I stayed on the line with her until my deputies could get on scene before they got there however the family was able to gain entry to the garage only to find him hanging by the neck from the garage door opener while burning to death apparently he had doused himself with gasoline lit himself on fire and then dropped with the rope I'll never forget the screams of horror from the caller and the rest of the family in the background when they saw her as well as the cracks in my sergeants voice as he yelled four more units over the radio as the family started mobbing them when they arrived on scene it was tragic hence I can't even fathom what that family went through this job really sucks hey everyone I hope you enjoyed today's video once again if you'd like to submit your own story to me be sure to submit it through my website which is www.hyken.com a Celeste s le s Emily W Howard R Jonathan C Joseph F Lauri J Matthew B Michael G Steph L tami yes Terry h2 ecchi for you and Victor are thank all of you so much for supporting me on patreon I really really appreciate it more than you know and if any of you would like to join these awesome people and also become a patron head over to my patreon at patreon.com slash southern cannibal thank you everyone and have a good one and remember to always [Music] you
Channel: Southern Cannibal
Views: 32,230
Rating: 4.9120049 out of 5
Keywords: true stories, southern cannibal
Id: jmkUoIlZWx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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