Comprehensive Supplications for Every Situation - Family Time with Tim - JILC Class 06

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bismillah r-rahman r-rahim al-hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen was salat wa salam ala until he wore a soda he nabiyina muhammad why early he was happy a Jemaine and my right Allah aluminum iron ferony once ina Bhima alum Tana was it in an element yahoo yahoo we begin with the praise of Allah Azza WA JAL and by sending peace and blessings and salutations upon the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa seldom and upon his family and his companions and then we begin while him Salaam to La Habra cut and then we begin after that introduction by asking Allah Azza WA JAL to teach us what will benefit us and to benefit us with what he teaches us and to increase us in knowledge in this Thursday on this Thursday evening by the permission and the grace of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala we're going to talk about certain supplications from the Book of Allah and from the Sunnah of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and I call this supplications for every situation and I've tried to select supplications that maybe many of you will not have known at least all of them maybe some of them you will know but maybe they are supplications that are not as commonly memorized as perhaps some of the very small ones also I've tried to select a number of different situations for these supplications so not just you know sort of like going out of the house coming into the house and things like that but to try and look at situations that cover you know big issues that people have in their life and I think that this is something that people ask about a lot and it's something that there are a lot of questions around so we're going to try to explain these supplications and insha'Allah Allah to give a small commentary on some of the words and encourage people through the video and we're gonna also try to edit the video with some screens so that the dua appears on the screen insha'Allah and what we'd like to do is to try to encourage people to memorize some of these supplications before we begin with the supplications themselves we should begin with the importance of making dua to Allah and because we have quite a short time here this evening I only want to quote you a single ayah in which allah azzawajal said walk arabic o mother o knee esther jib welcome in lovina Astec be owner and neighbor that he said Haruna Johana murder hurry and your Lord said make dua to me and I will answer you it's the first part of the ayah make to our to me Allah is telling us make dua to me and I will answer you this the way this is phrased it's phrased as a what we call a Joomla tongue Sharia a conditional sort of sentence if you do this I will do this and the important thing about that is it constitutes a promise from our loss of Hannah Tyler it is a promise from Allah that if you make dua to him he will answer you and that is why the prophet sallallaahu I leave you I seldom told us odolwa were and to mooking honorable each other made dua to allah while you are certain that Allah is gonna answer you so one of the etiquettes of dua is that you make dua in absolute certainty that our lives gonna answer you as long as you're not asking for something haram and you're not asking something you know which is contradictory to the etiquettes of do our allies Oh gel is going to ANSI regardless of the fact that you have shortcomings and sins and faults and flaws and things that you shouldn't have done and all the rest because all of us have that but the mercy of Allah Azza WA JAL is greater than that allah subhanaw taala will answer you but Allah will answer you in the time and place and situation and way that is best for you but Allah is gonna answer you so when you make dua you make to our in a state of certainty that our lives gonna answer you what Colorado commader Oni STG Blackcomb I'm gonna answer you in La Nina astac Buena and ability say the hula Jahannam ethically those people who are too proud to worship me now notice that Allah so agile has exchanged the use of words here from using the word dois he's still speaking about dua but he calls it worship those who are too proud to worship me meaning those who are too proud to make dua to me and that is why the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said a dua ooh who everybody dua is worshipped like Hajj is Arafah al Hajj Arafah like hodges Arafah do is worship any worship can be encapsulated into our and if you're not making dua to allah and sometimes we're going to robot mode you know we're just praying and it's just subhanAllah be an island subhanAllah be allowed iam and that's and we just you know we just that's how we live our our our day and how we live our life and we're not really thinking about what we need and asking Allah there is a danger in that that it leads to a person becoming so proud and so feeling so independent that they stopped feeling in need of Allah and they become too proud to worship Allah and that is why do I is one of the things that we advise people to start with Eve if they are struggling in other aspects of their religion even if they are struggling in some aspects of their Dean we advise them to start with vicar and dua because thicker and you are easy to do doesn't require any complication doesn't require water you don't have to go to the Masjid you can make to our lying down standing up sitting down however you you wish and whenever you wish so you have it's easy it's an easy way to start getting more into Islam and that doesn't mean that we don't need to give attention to the prayers and so of course they are the difference between the Muslim and the non-muslim but one of the things that when you're struggling and you feel Islam is a burden and too much is difficult for you and you're not really getting into the rhythm of things then dua is a good place to start and remember that Eliza which L answered the door of a bliss when he made dua when he said Rob beyond irony Eli owe me you buy food my lord let me live until the day of resurrection and if Allah so HL answered his dua and Allah answered the door are the non-believers when allah azzawajal said kuhlmeier Yarbrough become robiola dua oakum say my lord would not even give any care for you any consideration for you if it were not for the fact that you people continue to make dua so even the disbelievers Allah Azza WA JAL answered some of their to us so how about a person who has believed in Allah and his messenger sallallaahu are you selling this person is more even more likely to harvest - I accepted and then someone who is praying someone who is getting near to Allah someone who is trying to follow the etiquettes of dua at the end of the day you have every reason for your do are to be accepted but if you become too proud to worship Allah what is the punishment say I do Haruna Jahannam they will enter Jahannam dark earring disgraced so it is very important that we give a lot of attention to thicker and do it as for vicar Allah subhanAllah said Falcone at core co-wash cruelly well attack furrow in Surat al-baqarah remember me remember me vicar is with the tongue and the limbs in the heart your tongue remembers Allah your heart is engaged in that remembrance and your limbs give truth to what you are asking Allah for and remembering Allah by remember Allah and Allah will remember you and that reminds you of the hadith terrified ala llahi raha hai rifki ishida come to know Allah when things are easy and Allah will know you and things are difficult keep remembering Allah when things are easy for you and allies that were gel will remember you when things are difficult felt corny at corker remember me and I'll remember you wash cruelly and give thanks to me show gratitude to me while I take for one and do not be ungrateful or do not disbelieve because the word for being ungrateful and the word for disbelieving is the same word in Arabic goofily because this belief is the greatest example of being ungrateful to allah subhanaw taala so the first two are and I this two eyes a long dry okay it contains somewhere in the region of twenty-two elements to it or twenty-two things that you're asking Allah for and I'm not gonna make them all along some of these tonight are gonna be in Charlotte short some of them would be a little bit longer but this one is a little bit longer but it's so comprehensive it just covers every aspect of Muslims like and they're also short ones so particularly if we have some new Muslims for example with us this evening who might be watching on the video who may be along to our like this might be a little bit long to learn in the beginning there are shorter ones coming but I decided to start with this I'm gonna mention it for you in Arabic and then we're gonna go through it bit by bit in English Rob be ah rainy weather - in once or any warrants or Alec one Corley while Tim core Ali were teeny who is Cyril Hooda la1 Shalini a layman Baha Ali Rob bjarni Lakeisha Cara like as a Cara laka Rahab lakum it wa alaykum o Peyton a warhammer neighbor Rob betta pobelter Betty Walsall how Betty were a jeep Dara wotty was a bit her jetty what the 'it'll be was ed did l-'ihsani worse will sorry Mitaka will be bit by bit and you can learn a bit by bit okay like you don't have to like learning all in one in one goal it's a little bit long but if you just learn for example if you hadn't heard it before and you just learn the first line or the first few words so it begins Rob behind me while I train Ali my lord assist me and do not assist others against me asking Allah Azza WA JAL for allowing asking Allah for help and assistance and support and asking Allah for the success to be able to obey Him and asking Allah for the help to be able to worship Allah in the way that Allah is pleased with and asking Allah so agile for assistance to complete your dreams and your goals in this dunya and in the Agora and not only that but asking Allah not to help anyone against you not even yourself because your own self can be your own worst enemy you've heard that expression before you're your own worst enemy in an F seller and Martin B so the soul is constantly inclined towards evil so sometimes you can actually become your own worst enemy and in that case you want Allah Azza WA JAL to help you against your soul and not to help your your desires to overcome you or the Shaitaan to overcome you or your enemy to overcome you or anyone in any way writing Messiah or anyone in any way to help to be helped or for you to be helped to defeat you or to overcome you in some way once orally and give me victory while at answer Ari and don't give anyone victory over me and Nasir is victory over your enemy either juror another allahi well that another is victory over your enemy so you're asking a lot to give you victory over your enemy and don't give your enemy victory over you and again your enemies may be internal they may be external and close to you or they may be far away from you you may have an internal enemy which is yourself and potentially I need the Shaitaan who flows through the the veins and the arteries of the children of Adam like the blood so you may well have an internal enemy and you may also have an enemy that is near to you and it's even possible that there may be enemies for you among your own family members and that doesn't mean that they're necessarily evil people but they may be people who are not bringing you in the right direction who are not guiding you to the right way who are not helping you to obey Allah and there may be an enemy that is far away like an enemy across the ocean that you don't want to attack your country or your people this 2 eyes comprehensive every kind of enemy give me victory over them and don't give anybody victory over me one Coralie while at my rally and plot for me and don't plot against me now plotting is something that we have to take a little bit of time to understand in the right context as it relates to Allah as origin because when we say that Allah plots we have to be careful to understand it in the right context Allah plots in response to the plots of his enemies allah azza wajal we don't describe him group setup we don't describe him with plotting and scheming in of itself because this is not praiseworthy but we describe him as plotting in response to the plots of his enemies you had your own ilaha well who are hardened they try to betray Allah but Allah or they try to plot against Allah but Allah is the one who plots against them why am Karuna why am corolla who allahu khairan marketing and they plot and Allah plots analyse the best of those who plot meaning that if you are plotting in response to your enemy meaning your enemy is trying to do something but everything your enemy tries to do you divert it away from you this is what we affirm for allies origin everything the enemy of Islam tries to do allah subhanaw taala turns it against them and there are many examples of this there are people who have written books to make the muslims turn away from the quran and these books have become useful to the muslims to be able to study the quran from there are examples where many many examples where people have tried to deceive or fool or harm the muslims and they've only ended up supporting and helping and making islam stronger that is the meaning of the plotting of allah that allah diverts the plots of his enemies and turns their plots against them and this is perfection so we ask allah to make that happen for us that every enemy that plots against us Allah subhana WA Ta'ala plots against them to turn that their deception and their plot away from us and a wave harming us and we ask Allah not to make us from those who suffer from that that our enemies plot against us and although that allah subhanaw taala helps someone to plot against us and to deceive us well Dini why yes Cyril hood away and guide me and make guidance easy for me guidance is of two types and you can think of it also in two different ways in terms of the two types of guidance there is a type of guidance that is only from Allah and there is a type of guidance which can be from a human being the type of guidance which is only from Allah is the guidance of a tell fear of getting guidance to the straight path and success and so on this only comes from our loss of hanataro and this is the meaning of the statement of allah in Nicoletti in Nicoletti man i bet you don't guide who you want to guide what I can ally at emia sure but Allah guides who whoever he wants at the same time there is a different kind of guidance and that is the guidance of delilah well your shot of pointing something out showing someone the best way to do something and this is something which can come from a human being and that is why allah azzawajal told us were in Nicoletti allah sirata most ugly you guide to a straight path ie you indicate and show people where that straight path is in terms of the guidance of Allah so Allah Allah Azza WA JAL has a general guidance and he has a specific guidance the general guidance is the guidance we all need just to survive we all need guidance just to be able to survive just to be able to live to be able to breathe to know what things to drink and what things that are poisonous to us to know what we can eat and what we cannot eat to understand what we should do in our lives and what we shouldn't know what's good for us and what's not good for us these are you know this fundamental sort of you can call it natural or sort of human sort of needs that allah azzawajal has guided us to and that is the meaning of the statement of allah azza wa jal and well lady Akkad Dhara Fajada the one who decreed everything and guided everything to what it needs then there is a specific guidance a unique guidance and that is the guidance to the religion of Islam and that guidance is not for everybody the first kind that's for everyone even the animals get it they get guided to what they should eat what they should drink how they look after their young how they can survive how they can you know their instincts and things like that but the guidance to the religion of Islam Allah Azza WA JAL has only given it to a tiny number of people and yes Muslims are a large number but still will in comparison to all of mankind as allah azzawajal are as the prophets i seldom told us 999 in Jahannam and one in Genda 999 in Jahannam and one in general that makes us a very very very tiny minority of people who Allah spanner to Allah has guided to the religion of Islam and of course what matters is only what we died upon because at the end of the day if our lives or jail doesn't cause us to die upon that then it didn't benefit as anything but this is the guidance that is the most important guidance the guidance to the religion of Islam and we want we ask a lot not only to guide us but to make guidance easy for us to make it easy for us to be guided not to make it a hard struggle I mean you guys must have heard a lot of stories of people who become Muslim and some of them went through a struggle some of them went through a struggle and he from among the Companions for example Salman al-farisi about the allahu anhu went through a huge struggle from persia to then sham and being enslaved and then you know being in white him Sarah and then being in D you know like being you know working on the date-palms and then he didn't realize that he was that there was a prophet and then he finally found out that he was enslaved he could not get out and that was it was a long long long journey for him so we asked allies so agile to make guidance easy for us some people in this dunya today find Islam burdensome and hard and that's it that's that's an email issue that's it that's an issue of having wiki man but at the same time there are people there are people in this world who find it hard they find it hard to practice Islam so we don't just ask Allah guide me but we ask Allah why yes Cyril who de la make it easy for me to get that guidance to come to me and not to make me busy with the dunya instead of the arkarow one Sonia and Bukhari and give me victory against the one who transgresses against me and this is a particular kind of issue because we mentioned the victory before but here but here what we want to what we are asking allah azzawajal for is support against the people who transgress against us and oppressors because ultimately this is this is something that we all experience in our lives we experience people who transgress against us and who oppress us and those people they may be Muslim what's the evidence for that what entire fight anna minun minun akuto for Asli Habana Homa for in Bharat a Daruma Allah Allah faqatilu let every heart atrophy utter fear Allah umbrella and if true group of the believers fight against one another make peace between them and if one of them oppresses the other transgresses against the other these are believers two groups of believers not just Muslims any believers who oppress one of them oppresses the other then fight against the one who oppresses until they return to the command of Allah and the statement of the prophet salaallah alayhi wa sallam boom Shakalaka volley man Ahmad Romo help your brother whether he is an oppressor or whether he is oppressed they said o messenger of a life he is oppressed we know how to help him but how do we help the oppressor he said stop him from his oppression so at the end of the day there will be people who will oppress you or transgress against you or go over the limits that have been set and they may even be from the Muslims but we ask Allah Azza WA JAL to help us to overcome that oppression and to help us to help them to stop oppressing others then the do our continues Allah whom our journey Lakeisha karma oh Allah make me continuously grateful to you now notice here that we didn't ask Allah to make us sure Kira shaaka means someone who's grateful we asked Allah to make us check our continuously and extremely grateful Shekhar here is its mobilise like this it's a form of emphasis and exaggeration make me someone who is continuously and extremely grateful to you and gratitude to Allah Azza WA JAL it comes through a couple of fundamental things number one it comes gratitude of the tongue that you thank Allah by praising him and attributing to him that the and this comes before so if you think of it let's think of it like three steps of gratitude the first step is that you recognize that this blessing came from Allah how many people are there who get in you just get enormous and numerous blessings from Allah but they don't admit that those blessings come from Allah for example kuru who said in Namur UT to whom I learn any ending I got this because I'm really knowledgeable the reason I'm the richest person in the entire planet at this time is because I'm just really knowledgeable so how many people are there who had blessings and said this blessing came from me or this blessing this is my hard work we even say it sometimes by accident we say I worked really hard for this and you know I have like this is like you know something that you know like this is that the fruits of my efforts no this is the grace of Allah your efforts weren't good enough and will never be good enough this is the grace of Allah as so watch it now when a Muslim said they don't mean it like that they don't mean they just mean that I put a lot of hard work in and that's okay but we have to be careful because sometimes when we say things we sound like those people who don't recognize that the blessings come from Allah so we first of all start by recognizing that that blessing came from allah subhanaw taala the second thing we do is we praise Allah for that blessing we praise him for it we say alhamdulillah we praise Allah in the many ways that Allah has taught us how to praise Him in the Quran and how his messenger salallahu alaihe salam taught us to praise Him in the sunnah and we then do and this third one is that is the core of gratitude we use the blessing in a way that pleases Allah and not a way that displeases Allah we use the blessing in a way that pleases Allah and not a way that displeases Allah Allah has given you the blessing of Health the blessing of wealth the blessing of intellect the blessing of living in safety and security and all of these blessings allah is gonna ask you don't Miletus alone naomi is in any name on that day you're gonna be asked about the blessings you are given and those blessings that Eliza were jealous given you he's gonna ask you what did you do with it I gave you health what did you do with your health did you use it to go and do every kind of harm or you really used it for Allah I gave you wealth what did you do with it did you spend it for Allah did you spend it on the halal what did you waste it on the Haram or waste it on things that were not permissible for you to buy or spend it in in in evil things like interest and and fraud and lying and deception and so on Allah Azza WA JAL is gonna ask you about your family Allah is gonna ask you about the place that you lived in you lived in safety you could come to the Masjid every day did you go so the ultimate sign of gratitude is that you use the blessings of Allah Azza WA JAL in a way that pleases him so we ask Allah Allah my channle letter Chikara oh allah make me continuously and extremely grateful to you lekha that car and make me constantly and continuously remembering you again the emphasis here the mobile again it is it's a big emphasis make me that car always doing this all the time and we mentioned at the beginning of the lecture the virtue of Vicker and remembering Allah Subhan Allah Allah make me someone who is always remembering Allah wasn't that the advice of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam make your tongue wet or make your tongue moist with the remembrance of Allah keep on remembering Allah all the time lekha rahab constantly fearful of you fear of allah is something which is fundamental to the Eman of a Muslim and a lot of people misunderstand this a lot of people exclude this they focus on hope in Allah they focus on loving Allah they say that we worship Allah out of love but we don't worship out Allah Allah out of fear the prophet sallallaahu I do seldom used to worship Allah the fear and hope and love and that's how you should be as a Muslim you need to be in a state of fear of Allah why because fear of Allah inspires you and motivates you to obey Him you know like even if you think about the the things that you really really love or the people that you really really love well in the hill method on an ax to Allah belongs the best example there has to be a degree of reverence and a degree of you know sort of hope in that you know even there even the love you have for your parents you know that it is a degree of of there's a degree of not wanting to upset them of being worried about what might happen if they got angry with you and that's where a human being how about Allah Subhan Allah Allah Allah Azza WA JAL is deserving of being feared his punishment is severe how much of the Quran tells us about the punishment of Allah so we ask Allah to make us extremely fearful of him and that includes being fearful of him when we are alone because there will be some people who will come yo Melky Ana with good deeds like the mountains of Tehama like these huge huge big mountains like you imagine you know like this massive mountain range of good deeds and Allah Azza WA JAL will turn all of their good deeds into dust Harbor and matura dust that will be scattered they are a people who are from you and from among the Muslims they do what you do they pray at night like you pray at night but there are people that when they are alone with what Allah made Haram they do it they do the Haram when they are on their own and when they in front of the people they come out with all of their you know their religion and a good practice but there are people that when their door is locked and you know the lights are off and no one can see them then they do any kind of harm without care now that's not to say you don't do sins in secret like at the end of the day we ourselves as human beings will do sins and some of those sins will be unknown to people and that is better for your sins to be unknown to people but this is referring to a people who intend this it's not that they just happen to do some sins when but they are a people who deliberately and consciously intend that when they are alone away from the eyes of the people they don't care which sins they do but when they in front of the people I wouldn't do that well ahoo ahoo antosha Allah is more deserving that you should fear him and likewise the other opposite side of the coin what's the other opposite side of the coin they are those people who also will suffer a severe punishment those people whom Allah Azza WA JAL will not forgive who are they the people who are lost panatela will all of this Ummah the prophets I seldom said that he believes that this or he hopes that this one would be forgiven except for a person and this person they do a sin and Allah conceals that sin so Allah covers it nobody knows about it and then in the morning or these days and doesn't even take until the morning because they just picked their phone up and they tell the people about the sin that they did they tell everybody instagrammed here's a picture of me doing something Haram instantly telling people that they're doing Haram that is a sin that Allah kept secret for you nobody knew about it and then you told the people you did it this is these are two sides of the coin we don't tell people about our sins and we don't deliberately intend to do sins in private like in the sense that we are like a people who I can't wait to just you know be out of the eyes of the people so I can do the sin or this for a person who when you look at them in the house they do every kind of Haram and when you look at them outside they are you know incredibly religious or that's the you know the face that they present the people so we ask Allah to make us Rahab to make us Rahab constantly fearful of him let him eat meat were here it means to be Allah make us obedient to you in a state of obedience to you somebody who submits to what Allah saw which I've said and remember this is a fundamental part of Islam one Aherne fcnl how I am a man half a macabre OB when I her naps an hour for Engel Ginetta heal Mauer the person who fears standing in front of Allah and he prohibits what his soul desires Jenna will be his place of a boat is a boat only because he obeyed Allah and he stopped his himself from doing the things that he wanted to do he submitted himself to Allah because there are things that are Haram that our nafs might be inclined towards doing we might imagine that we would enjoy it or imagine that we want to do it but being a Muslim is not about you deciding what is right and wrong it's about you submitting to what Allah tells you is right and wrong well my cannily meaning while a minute in either COD allahu wa rasuluhu Umrah in a corner home here are two min amri him when they are sill Hawara solokha bulla bulla and Mabini it's not for a believing man or a believing woman if Allah and His Messenger decree a matter that you should have any say in it you don't have a choice to see I like it I don't like it I think it's right I don't think it's right did Allah tell me to do it that's what that's all you have you don't have any other choice and whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has indeed gone astray in a clear way so we ask Allah to make us obedient in following what he told us and keeping away from what he prohibited us from like a more bitter elect but is for the heart to humble itself before Allah make us humble towards you make us in a state of humility it is for the heart it is an doing for the heart to become humble and to become lowered for a loss of habitat and this is one of the most fundamental elements of worship in fact you can describe worship as being this as one of the fundamental aspects of worship is that you lower yourself before the object of worship and in a case of a Muslim this is only towards allah subhanaw taala alone that you lower yourself and you humble yourself and you come before Allah as a someone who is broken like we call it a link Azhar been a adayla appearing broken before Allah you don't come to Allah with you know pride and you know like you know your back is straight and you you know your you're walking mother high and in a state of Pride and a state of authority you come before Allah as someone that is broken someone that has nothing someone that has that is that is doomed in every sense of the word if our lives or jail does not cover you with His mercy so you go before Allah as a beggar you go before Allah as a desperate person you go before Allah someone that has completely broken yourself before Allah subhanAllah and that is what it means to have but to have complete humbleness and humility and submission and and and if you like to demonstrate your need of a loss of habitat so we ask Allah to make us more PETA alayka a woman Mooney bear as for Allah we ask Allah to make us aware and to make us money as for aware it means the one who frequently turns to Allah in desperate need the one who has a Totoro what do I well bucha the one who cries the one who shows a desperate need and the one who frequently comes back to a line to our always it's always coming back to our lives it's not like you make to our or life you give me this one thing I'll never make dua to you again that's not what Allah wants there's nothing good in that Allah doesn't love that Allah Azza WA JAL wants you to make dua and again and again again and again and again and the one who continuously repent to Allah for the sins that they have done this is the meaning of money the one who is constantly repenting to Allah for the sins that they have done and then we continue to ask Allah robbed beta Cup belt Oh Betty My Lord accept my repentance Walsall helvetii and wipe out my sin what a dougherty and answer my do I look at these beautiful three things except my repentance you asked Allah to make you someone who continuously repents now you say o Allah I'm asking you accept my repentance in other words give me the ability to bring the conditions of repentance and the sincerity and accept it from me repentance is not an easy thing is there a fob is easier than repentance asking Allah for forgiveness is easier than repenting to Allah because asking Allah for forgiveness is just a matter of saying oh Allah don't mess up my life because of the sin that I did but repentance is a different thing real regret you know dedication never to do it again you know feeling genuinely remorseful and sorry over what you've done rip repaying back and making up for the faults that you this is a big thing and that's why we ask Allah give us the ability to repent give us the ability and the success to be able to repent what sell hell buddy and wipe out my sins I don't want to come on the day of judgment and see the sins that I have done wipe out those sins and make those sins into good deeds didn't Allah Azza WA JAL tell us that he will replace the bad sins with the good if we repent if we turn to him and we do good deeds Allah Allah will replace the bad that we've done with good the scholars differed will the Angels actually wipe out what is in your book or will it just be that your sins will have no negative effects on the day of judgment but one or the other will take either and if both of them are beautiful that you come on the day of judgment and you don't have any sin in your book because Allah replaced all of it with good and also another meaning of this asking Allah to wash away my sins works in Alberti and it's like you want purity for your heart wash my heart clean my heart purify it what a Daughtery an answer lied you are an answer my dryer was a bit hot jetty and make my proof strong meaning that when I convey something to someone and I convey a message of Islam or I convey a command to do something good and keep away from something bad give me the ability to be able to convey it in a strong way someone that has a strong argument a strong proof in the way that they convey what they say this is a beautiful thing because it's often the case that we try to explain something to someone and we don't know how to properly explain it to somebody so we ask Allah with a bitter jetty make my proof strong so that when I say something I see it based upon proof and I see it in a way that convinces other people to act upon it what did help me and guide my heart guide my heart because the heart is in need of special guidance like we said there's a special kind of help we asked especially as for general victory and we asked for victory against the one who oppresses us and we asked for general guidance and we asked Allah so agile to guide our heart because if your heart is guided what will happen to your limbs other in flj sati mudra either salah hot salah hell gesture Dooku know why they're faster that facade LJ sudoku know an hour he'll help there is in the body a piece of flesh if it is upright the whole body will be upright and if it's corrupt the whole body will be corrupted it's the heart was said diddly sani and make truthful my tongue make my tongue truthful meaning make my speech truthful didn't the Prophet SAW SLM tell us that truthfulness leads to piety and piety leads to paradise and a person will continue to be truthful until Allah writes them as being acid did like Abu Bakr Siddiq and lying leads to what food rule it leads to criminality and it leads to evil deeds and those evil deeds and criminality they lead to the Hellfire and a person will continue to lie until Allah writes him as a catnap an extreme liar like a bliss solder caca walk work I hope he told you the truth even though he's the worst of liars and the most severe liar so you have a choice because of the truthfulness of your tongue you can become among the category of people like Abu Bakr Siddiq and like Maryam a sudheer cut the mother of Asia alayhim as-salam what Omaha's Indira his mother was a Sadiq it's a dear God or you can become as low as the Sheraton because of lying with it and remember that lying is not just deliberate lying also lying is a libero Khilafah walker to inform someone of something in opposition to reality it's not what it's not the truth so we try to make ourselves as truthful as possible and the more truthful you are the closer you are to piety the closer you are to paradise and the closer you are to that category of people who are a Scindia teen who are the that category of people who come after the prophets who are the truthful ones so we ask Allah I said did l-'ihsani make my tongue truthful what's real sihiem ethical be and take away the emnity jealousy you know hatred from my heart because these things jealousy and enmity and you know sort of feeling bad about people these are things which destroy a person inside jealousy burns your deeds like fire burns through firewood so you take away that the real you know the sort of negative feelings towards your brothers and sisters in Islam you take away your emnity your hatred your jealousy you ask allies which I'll take all that or like you know those negative emotions out of my heart now it doesn't contradict the hadith about Eman being loving out for the sake of Allah and hating for the sake of Allah part of your Eman in fact you cannot taste the sweetness of email until you hate for the sake of Allah you can't be described as having a pro having proper Eman unless you hate for the sake of Allah as the prophet sallallaahu I leave a seldom told us you have to love for Allah you have to hate for Allah you have to hate what Allah hates because how can you be a person who loves what Allah hates and then claim to be close to Allah but at the same time it's this these negative emotions like jealousy and enmity towards people that there is no reason to be jealous or have enmity towards them or no reason to have any negative feelings towards them and that is a sign of the people of gender in this dunya and in the ARCA in this dunya a sign of the first people of Jannah is that when they go to sleep they don't have any hatred in their heart against any Muslim and a sign of the people of Jannah in general one is that an mfu could obey Him until we took out all of the enmity from their hearts they don't have anything between them now whatever was between them in the dunya they have nothing between them now and that concludes our first do I'm gonna go for a couple of short ones because that was a long one and I'm only gonna do about another 10 minutes I just want to go through another couple of short ones and then maybe we can do another session on this topic these are all this is just 1/2 hour we did and this 2 hour we're gonna put it like we said in the video and you guys inshallah can learn it a little bit by a little bit look how comprehensive it was I'm gonna go for another comprehensive one but this comprehensive one is only asking a lot for for things or to keep away from for things allahumma inni irulu becoming husband larry asha women do are enlarges man women Neffs in latesh ba women in min diantha irulu becoming her hula in Aruba it's a beautiful glass very short oh Allah I seek refuge with you seeking refuge with Allah is a fundamental part of worshiping Allah asking Allah to provide you refuge from something that nobody can provide you refuge from it except allah spirit allah there is no human being that can save you from these things this is only for allah subhanaw taala that we beg allah for refuge we'll be robbed built fella min sharri maha Roxy I seek refuge with the Lord of the dawn from the evil which he created Kaleo they were robbing us say I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind and so on we are seeking refuge with Allah from for things and the ulema say these four things are the root of every evil or every issue every problem you can have every problem and every issue you can have in your life can be summarized in these four things that you ask our lives our delta t to keep you away from from Halloween lyosha from a heart that doesn't fear allah that doesn't submit itself to a lot it doesn't have humility towards a larger that doesn't know Allah that doesn't give Allah his right a heart that doesn't feel Allah how many people know it the people like we said they have like a heavy heart didn't Allah Azza WA JAL say fumaça Sadhguru Luka member valach for here Cal hey Jo RTO I said to Kozma then their hearts then your hearts anybody Israel your hearts became hard after that and they became like stones or harder than stones and Allah Azza WA JAL said for Tyler Ali he will a mad percocet kuru because they were they they were you know their their time was lengthened and their hearts became hard so hardness of the heart heart that doesn't cry a heart that doesn't fear Allah heart that doesn't obey Allah heart doesn't know Allah calm in lyusia oh Allah I seek refuge with you because you're the only one that can protect me from a heart that doesn't fear you I mean do I in Lagos man and a dua that is not hurt the meaning of heard here is answered because Allah hears everything but when we say semia allahu liman hamidah what do we mean sami allahu and having allah he is the one who praises him Allah he is everyone but Allah he is the one who praises him in a way that will benefit the one that praises him as for the disbeliever Allah he is them but it doesn't benefit them anything so we ask a lot to keep us safe and give us refuge from a dua that is not answered imagine that you're making dua and Allah is not answering your door because of something in your life or something in the way that you are something in your heart Allah is not answering your door women in min lie and fat and from knowledge that doesn't benefit there are different ways that you can get knowledge that doesn't benefit religious knowledge that doesn't benefit that first of all there are two ways you can either have the knowledge itself doesn't benefit like someone says I'm an excellent poker player this is knowledge that doesn't benefit because this is a salon Haram in the first place the game is Haram to begin with so this is knowledge that doesn't benefit the knowledge itself doesn't benefit but you can also have religious knowledge that doesn't benefit and that can be for multiple reasons it could be because that religious knowledge is wrong you learn to pray the wrong way or you learnt two about Allah the wrong way so this is knowledge that doesn't benefit like bid I like innovation this is a lion fan but more scary than that what about correct religious knowledge that doesn't benefit correct religious knowledge that doesn't benefit is the knowledge you don't act upon you got the knowledge you know it but you don't do anything about it you know that this is Haram but you don't make any effort to do the opposite and this is the CIPA this is from the society of the hood of the Jews that Eliezer gel told us about in the Quran that they many of them knew the truth but they didn't act upon as for the sign of the Christians is ignorance as Elijah told us Rael Moldova alayhim wala Darlene not those who have earned your anger or those who have gone astray they said o Messenger of Allah Yahoo duendes Allah is it the Jews and the Christians he said ferment who else should it be who else could it be a people who knew it something was wrong but they still did it and a people who didn't even know that something was wrong in the first place how many of us get knowledge in the dunya about things that do not benefit us we know the names of you know whatever is movie stars and what they're doing and what things they are making and where they are going and what their favorite brand of clothing is and all this stuff in will nyanforh its knowledge that doesn't benefit you anything and how many of us learn our religion but we don't act upon it and that is also knowledge that doesn't benefit that is also knowledge that doesn't that doesn't benefit and then we say I will be coming her with a lot of bad I seek your refuge or refuge with you from these four things from a heart that doesn't fear from a dua that isn't answered I missed one women Neffs in that Ashba I'm in Neffs in LA - back from a soul that is not content like a stomach that's never full you know a Shara is where you like you're full you know like you've had your fill some people's nerves lettuce / when I moved to this house house I'm done I'm or when I can when I can pay for this house I'll be fine you get the house I want to move to a bigger one you get the car just want a better one you ask Allah Allah give me this and it's just you're just your soul is never satisfied with what you have and it's a destructive way to live and this is a place where a lot of people live like that they live in a state where they are never satisfied if I got a Paris you know you see somebody who's earning for example somebody earning three thousand dirhams a month he says life I had five thousand dirhams a month my life will just be perfect and then you see somebody earning five thousand cell if I could get eight yeah I'll be fine and then it becomes 15 and then 20 and then 50 and then it just keeps going up and up and up and up because this is a Neffs latesh back it is a soul that is just not content now I'm not saying you shouldn't aim for good job or good salary or something like that the thing is here not being content never ever having enough like even when you have I mean Sao Paulo you see people who have an amount of money which is greater than they could be able to spend in the dunya any they couldn't actually even if they were to buy themselves like everything and they complain why is this other guy who has more than me you know why why did they put him on the rich list and they didn't put me on the rich list they complained subhanAllah you you see how the Prophet so I sell him said that the children of Adam if he was given a valley of gold he wants another valley of gold he says why don't I have two and if he's given two why don't I have four it's a your Neffs doesn't ever get content whereas the Muslim is grateful for the blessings if you have a good salary a Muslim is grateful if you have a lot of money or a lot of a lot of success you're grateful for it but your content in the sense that what Allah gives me at hamdulillah and when I can get more I'm gonna go get more if I get a chance for a raise if I get a chance for something better a better house hamdulillah but generally even if I get nothing more than what I have now I'm satisfied my heart is satisfied and being satisfied with little is a sign of someone who has a strong character someone who is satisfied with little you know Subhan Allah did the worst thing that happened to us anyone allah azzawajal opened the dunya for us is we became weak very very weak you know if the AC goes off if the AC goes off the world has ended like we became weak you know if your mobile phone runs out the back thing you see people start to sweat you know and he starts his hands start shaking and he's oh my god what is that because he's a mobile phone ran out of battery with came week because a large L opened the dunya for us so one of the good signs of a believer is to develop a character and I'm not saying that you you know you you you know switcher you AC off or whatever any I'm just saying that you have a character where you are content with with little you can survive with very very little and sometimes it's nice to just go and spend time with MSI Keane with the people who are miss keying the people who are in a difficult situation and learn how to live with very little instead of learning how to you know that you can only survive if you have all of these people supporting you and you know you see people's I couldn't live without a driver really like you could have managed to like point your car and like drive it in one direction yeah I need like I couldn't live without having someone to help in the house I couldn't ly like this is the it's not that these things are bad these things are blessings but it's when your soul becomes at a state where it cannot survive without having luxury around it that's not a sign of good character you want a soul that can manage with very little and then if Allah gives you a lot of hamdullah that's how the Sahaba well they managed when they had nothing and when Allah open the dunya for them they were fine because they learned how to survive with little and then when they had a lot it was easy for them but they never forgot how to survive with how to survive with with little and that is why traditionally the Arabs used to send their young children to the desert to live their early years their formative years with the bedrooms because when you do that what happens you you know you become tough you become someone who can survive in difficulty but at the same time if luxury comes to alhamdulillah so that is the explanation of this duaa I wanted to put to do one more but I won't just pick a small one okay last one allahumma inni irulu become in and hem me well hasn't well i'd easy well castle well buckley well juban what dollar a day neo Halliburton Rijal again seeking refuge with allah and these you're seeking refuge with allah in things that come in pairs a pair and a pair and a pair and a pair and these pairs they go together and like the scholars say about this they cover anything that can go wrong in your life the first thing is al hem well hasn't el hem is anxiety you know when your brain is working overtime like when you have depression and your brain is like just you just your brain is overthinking things you're just like panicking over something and you're anxious about it and so hem doesn't mean like it doesn't mean sadness it means anxiety being overly worried and concerned about things especially things that don't concern you and don't shouldn't worry like matters of the dunya and along with anxiety comes al hasn't you call it depression you can call it sadness and call it grief o Allah I seek refuge with you from anxiety and from grief or from anxiety and depression or anxiety and sadness so anxiety may come with sadness it may not you know you may be sad like like really down but you may not be but you may just be like I just everything is just in my head bouncing off I just can't get anything done because I'm anxious and it may be that you have has and you feel sad just feel down you feel sad you feel just you know what grief so you seek refuge with Allah from those well I'd 0l castle and from inability and laziness inability is where you're not able to do something you know what you have to do but you just cannot do it and laziness is where you know what you have to do but you are the obstacle so with an edge you're not the obstacle you know what you have to do but somebody else is the obstacle so someone is trying to get a job and they're going around from left right and center trying to get a job in every place but they are trying really hard but they're just not getting the job that is a Ledge you're not it's in ability or to your stock an alka-seltzer not able to bring yourself to do it well both Lee well German elbow con is sting genus and Reuben is cowardice sting genus is where you are you have something you can give but you don't give it especially when that becomes a habit some people you know if it's occasional it's not so bad but when it's it becomes a habit that you hold on to what you have and you don't want to share you don't want to give it out to people you know someone comes to you for sadaqa and you got it and you can help them but you just don't give them anything don't help them with anything and Al Dubin is cowardice being too scared to actually do what needs to be done being scared of other people not being brave you know bravery is an important characteristic in a Muslims life and we don't mean necessarily bravery just in in our in a war situation I'm just just general bravery being brave enough to speak up for the truth being brave enough to do the right thing being brave enough to live your life as a Muslim in the way that you should be brave enough against your enemy bravery and not cowardice while dollar-a-day Butler a Dane is a debt that you cannot repay so the thing about it's not you don't ask a lot just like for you know for example a debt we're gonna come to debt maybe in the next class but we're talking about a debt that is so big that you can't even imagine how you could ever repay that debt you're thinking how could I ever repay this debt and you cannot like you can't imagine a circumstance where you could repay that debt wahala better Rijal and being overpowered by men letting somebody overpower you will be in control of you and behaving like tyrannically towards you in a way where they are pressing you and they're blocking you from being able to do what you want to do and that could be in many situations it doesn't just have to be a somebody who is responsible for you it could be any situation where you feel threatened or bullied or you feel like you are being you know people are trying to overcome you or trying to put you down all of those situations so we seek refuge from anxiety and grief from inability and laziness from stinginess and cowardice from a debt that cannot be repaid and from being overpowered by people and not in sha allah wahda i think we managed to do three and I have about I have at least I wanted to do at least 15 so maybe inshallah Allah what we can do is we can make it something we'll do regularly for a couple of a couple of these classes until we finish there are many many doors and I'm just gonna recommend to you a couple of a couple of sites that you can find or a couple of places that you can find good authentic to arts problem and one of the aims I had in this class is to is to recommend authentic to us because a lot of people make to us with inauthentic inauthentic supplications and if you've got such beautiful supplications why would you need to use applications that are not authentic so for those people who speak Arabic there is a nice website called Kelly al Kelly multi hip I'll tell him apply lip it spelled ka LEM ta ye be calm I will Kelly Mach type and this is in Arabic and the nice thing about it is every door has an explanation they don't just make the door they also give you the explanation of the words in English there is a website to ask comm dua it also has a nice selection of the eyes and they're authentic but on a date day basis you have the fortress of the Muslim it's available in almost every language you could imagine it's usually like a couple of Durham's wonder how more to Durham's or something or fire it's very very very smooth it used to be one dirham but probably now it's maybe gone up a bit but it used to be like you could buy it for wonder amp or you could download it on your phone on Apple there is an app called my dua and there are others which are basically fortress of the Muslim fortress of the Muslim is a beautiful book that contains to ask for all different kinds of situations like when you are sad when you are worried when something is difficult for you and things like that so these are just some resources that you can find but I was looking at explaining comprehensive to us you know two eyes that maybe we don't think about because they not to our for it's not a do our for like when you leave the house or a dua for you know before you do something or before you amber it's it's something general that you can use for every situation that you want and so inshallah what we'll do is we'll conclude there and Allah Azza WA JAL knows best what salat or arabi nor Hamlet or either early he was off the edge mine
Channel: KALEMAH
Views: 10,179
Rating: 4.9577465 out of 5
Keywords: muhammad tim, tim humble, kalemah, jilc, jumeirah islamic learning center, family time, supplications, du'aa
Id: JGDdtSoDnds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 47sec (4187 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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