15 Unloved Features in Minecraft!

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now I'm sure all of you know that minecraft is a wonderful game with lots of wonderful features but there are a few features in Minecraft that go just a tiny bit unloved things that most people don't generally use and things that are a tiny bit outdated I thought it'd be fun to show you all of them it in today's video so let's crack on the first one is this now I don't even know if I have to say anything here I mean look how slow this is unless you get off this guy and walk faster that he was traveling just then the only positive of this situation is it looks absolutely hilarious so these you don't know if you craft a furnace inside of minecart you get what's known as a furnace minecart now this doesn't exactly do what you'd expect I thought it would smelt up items but apparently it doesn't do that apparently just place coal on the inside and as you can see it travels around for a bit but there's a few issues with this first off you can't see inside the minecart secondly powered rails exist and they're considerably faster and thirdly as you just saw right there the coal doesn't even last very long so you have to be constantly refueling this thing I mean if I'm honest I can't even find a use for this and this one might just be me but I played with a lot of redstone and I cannot remember the last time I created a system that used locking repeaters I mean they're cool and I'm sure there are plenty of possibilities right here but they just never seem particularly obvious maybe I'm just really dense let me know in the comment section now don't get me wrong I love atmospheric mobs in Minecraft and I fill out the game deserves a lot more of them but bats bats would not be my first choice I mean first off they make a really annoying noise secondly they're almost impossible to kill due to the way they fly and thirdly even when you do manage to kill them you don't get anything for your trouble absolutely nothing gets dropped you don't even get XP it's just total rubbish speaking of mobster don't exactly get much love the polar bear the frost burn update has been out for war around about 7-8 months now I'm yet to go out looking for this thing and to be honest with you I don't really want to I mean sure it's quite cool mob but it's not worth adventuring over now this one is actually something I discovered while writing out the notes for today's video there is an item in the game known as rabbit hide which is dropped by a rabbit there's a zero to one chance of it happening and it can be used to craft leather now the only issue I have with this is rabbit farms are just as difficult to make as cow farms and if you wanted leather then you just build a cow farm and also the food produced by cows is better which means that cows in general are just much better than this and you get so much more leather and so much better food I'd understand why you need that this blog right here now I know this is a list of things that aren't loved and people seem to love this stuff I don't know how you sleep at night I mean look at it it is only good for building things that look like bird poo that is literally it it has no other use in the game and it should be set far too I'm sure is scarlet is going to love me for saying this under 10 times in my entire time playing minecraft I would say I've opened this window under 10 times now I've been playing Minecraft for at about 5 or 6 years it's a very long time indeed and I've put a lot of hours into this game under 10 times now I don't know if it's just me being weird but I never look at the achievements window let me know down in the comments section if you do maybe it's something that I should do more often so as you can see right here we've got a completely brand spankin new golden pickaxe and throughout this clip it is going to break now I personally have no idea why anyone uses gold tools I mean yeah I get it they are pretty fast as you can see we're definitely flying through all of these blocks right here but here's the issue okay look at the durability baha it's ridiculous we get 31 uses out of this gold pickaxe right here and now he's gone it's gone forever why would you craft that now I can safely say throughout my entire time playing Minecraft which as we've already discussed is a very long time I have never crafted one of these little fellas a compass oK we've got ourselves a compass as you can see the sorts of functions the thing is is the f3 screen functions a lot better I mean look we can see all of the details you possibly need we can set coordinates and everything and one other thing is that the compass seems to be very strange what on earth is it tubing and in a similar vein the clock oh wonder what time it is oh yeah look it's sunny it must be daytime why would you need this in Minecraft it's not like I've got an important meeting to get to that I have to be there a specific time no I look up in the sky it's daylight if it's dark it's probably nighttime there we go don't need this now previously I would have said fishing and I have to say conventional fishing is totally rubbish I mean you stand here for ages and then generally speaking you miss the fish that grabs the bobber but I recently built an insane afk fish from on the hermit craft server and it's got me tons upon tons of amazing enchanted books so I suppose I can't really complain too much any type of food that involves me having to carry a bowler afterwards I mean yeah I get it okay these are relatively good food is you can farm them and you can get all of the items and place them inside the bowl it's brilliant except for the fact that after you've eaten this thing you then have an empty bowl that you have to carry around which is a pain in the backside especially because inventories haven't changed since the start of Minecraft and there's now about a million and one items in the game your inventory fills up very fast and I don't want it to be filled with lots of bowls Plus Bowls use wood and woods great for lots of other things did you know that hay bales reduce the amount of full damage you take no you probably didn't know that because slime blocks on water do a much better job aka they stopped you from taking any full damage whatsoever but more importantly if you land on the edge of the hay bale a bit like this then you will take the full brunt of the full damage and you will more than likely die I can see why it's unloved I mean it just doesn't make any sense to do it I've saved this thing to last because I have mentioned it before but I definitely feel like it deserves to be said again and that is the weighted pressure plays now the only use I could possibly find for these things is to look which don't get me wrong they really do I love the look of the iron pressure plate right here but I have never once seen this used in the way this meant to be used and that's because a it doesn't really work properly and be the actual intended use isn't particularly useful so it never gets used in that way now before I go I just wanna mention a couple of things number one if you can think of any other unloved features in Minecraft let me know them down in the comment section I'd love to hear them but number two the seed that I've actually generated here is absolutely insane it was a completely random generation but as you can see we've got a lovely area over here then we've got a desert village we've got a desert temple and just a lot of really nice environments what I'm going to do is I'm going to type seed down in that little cherry right there and now you can see the seed copy it down and you can turn this into your Minecraft Survival world because this is definitely a place that I'd like to play on but unfortunately ladies and gentlemen that is all I've got time today I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please hit that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is me mumbo and I'm a half seer later [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,484,787
Rating: 4.7884307 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: H31GnmAWux8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2016
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