15 TERRIFYING Things Found In The Amazon!

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the jungles and forests of the worlds are fascinating places densely packed they are often rich with animal life and an abundance of beautiful greenery and there is none more fascinating than the infamous Amazon but how much do we really know about the Amazon what's truly hiding among the leaves and trees these are terrifying things found in the Amazon the holiday ria with a dark mysterious atmosphere crawling with animals that most of us could never even dream of it isn't surprising that the Amazon jungle is home to several spine-chilling cryptids if you trawl through the annals of history you'll find countless stories of people who think they've encountered or seen monsters of some kind in the depths of the Amazon one such a legendary creature said to slink its way through the Amazon is the cryptid known as the holiday ria aka the sawtooth dolphin this peculiar creature was spotted by renowned biologist Jeremy Wade back in 1993 when he was innocently trying to snap a photo of the infamous pink river dolphin Wade actually succeeded in photographing the creature not just once but twice his first photo of the Holland area was taken in 1993 his second in 1994 Wade offered a further description on what he saw himself of the sawtooth dolphin according to him the holiday ria is similar in appearance to the pink river dolphin however it has notches on its dorsal fin that looked like the teeth of a saw Wade spoke to locals but none reported ever seeing such a creature a lot of skeptics including many of Wade's fellow biologists disregarded his fine saying that it was nothing but a pink river dolphin with a damaged dorsal fin but to this day Wade refuses that hypothesis and insist that these photographs showcase an all-new monster of some kind what do you think was Wade on to something or is he absolutely out of his mind now it's time for the rare topic on many an occasion people have stumbled upon the carcass of a sadly deceased animal in the depths of the Amazon the wild can be a tough place but this particular animal body has got a lot of people talking take a look at this thing nobody can wrap their head around what it is it was found back in 2016 and has been baffling everyone while nobody knows what it is the general consensus is that it is some kind of water mammal most possibly a subspecies of whale biologist later dissected the creature and determined that it does share a lot of DNA with whales so here's the question how did a small whale end up in the middle the Amazon as always comment down below with the hashtag rare topic and we might pin the comment that best explains what is being shown in this image with that said let's keep things moving the boiling River one of the scariest things in the Amazon is not a creature or monster of any kind it's a natural phenomenon the boiling River of the Amazon is one of the world's strangest mysteries also known as the shinai temp ishka or la bomba the boiling River is the only naturally boiling hot River in the world it is known for the very high temperature of its waters from 45 degrees Celsius to nearly 100 degrees Celsius the name means boiled by the heat of the Sun though the source of the heat is actually geothermal the boiling River of the Amazon was once thought to be a myth some said that a serpent called yuca mama or mother of the waters created the scalding waters few scientists or explorers have been permitted to visit the boiling River as that is protected by the Mayan tea a KU shaman who consider it to be a healing site quite wise splashing yourself with boiling hot water is considered healing we don't know because I've spilled hot coffee over myself a lot because I'm a clumsy idiot and it's never healed me but do I know however those who have gotten close report that the waters temperature can range from 120 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit the mud along the river is so hot that if it were to touch your skin you would receive a painful third-degree burn if the nearby mud can burn you that bad just imagine what the water itself can do locals have even reported that small animals are sometimes seen boiling in the water their eyes cook to a milky white here's the crazy thing the boiling River of the Amazon is something of a mystery no one can explain why the waters of the river have reached these boiling temperatures they just have weird right the closest volcanic activity is over 400 miles away that is nowhere near close enough to be having an effect there are many theories about the river but none have proven to be correct leaving the boiling River shrouded in mystery but what do you think boils the poor fish you live within it alive is it a natural phenomenon or is something more magical at play let us know what you think anaconda oK we've covered curious natural phenomena now let's go back to animals and creatures because it is well known that the Amazon is home to all or most of the scary animals that exist there are some incredibly strange things hidden in the darkness of the waters and canopies this remarkable forest take for example the zombie ant something we very nearly included on this list according to scientists a specific type of fungus is responsible for creating what they call zombie ants various species of ant can encounter the spores of the fungus on the jungle floor or be coated with them as the spores float through the air the spores then make their way inside the ants body where they begin to grow within a week or so the spores completely take over the ants body virtually controlling its actions and leading it to bite onto leaves in particular locations of the jungle this is similar to how a zombie in popular culture would be led to feed on humans by the virus controlling it the ant then dies in the spot that is ideal for the fungus to reproduce allowing it to create even more zombie insects horrifying right that's the sort of Horrors you can find in the Amazon and zombie ants aren't even horrifying enough to make our list Oh No that honor goes to this huge anaconda so what's the story well as well as terrifying animals there are also beautiful sights to behold in the Amazon in every direction and there are even remarkable people who have made this majestic landscape their home and one of these people had a truly terrifying encounter that we just have to tell you about the man living with his tribe in the Amazon had a rather scary incident with a colossal anaconda after many other members of his tribe had mentioned hearing a terrifying slithering sound in the middle of the night every night for nights on end he decided to set a trap minutes after setting the trap by a body of water using a chicken as bait the Anaconda slithers by and falls for the trap he slithers around the murky water and then slides his head right into a blue box he thrashes his huge body about but he cannot wriggle free of the trap the guy has set for him this dude must really know how to make a sturdy snake trap because this anaconda is huge we never seen anything like it if I saw a snake that huge I dropped to my knees and begged for forgiveness I can't help but wonder what punishment the snake would inflict on his captor should he ever managed to escape and seek vengeance for his kidnap it does not bear thinking about giant spider almost every folklore and mythology the world over includes some kind of reference to abnormally large spiders around the world people have told legends of giant spiders measuring up to five feet across but the largest monster spiders have been sighted mainly deep in the Amazon jungle a legendary location for lurking creatures such as poisonous dart frogs and anaconda snake among the monster spider sightings across the world sizes and descriptions vary but on the extreme end of the spectrum eyewitnesses have described specimens up to five feet long they are said to have huge fangs and hairy bodies the size of small dogs the largest monster spiders are said to have fangs as long as eight or nine inches one of the more infamous is and apologies if I pronounced this wrong the jabbar Fuffy also known as the congolese giant spiders they are type of spider like cryptid which is said to inhabit the force of the Congo possibly representing a new species of arachnid most of the many anecdotal tales describe the spiders digging a shallow tunnel under tree roots and camouflaging it with a large screen of leaves they then create an almost invisible web between their burrow and a nearby tree stringing the whole area with a network of trip lines some hapless creature soon to end up on the menu will trip the line alerting the spider the victim will then be chased into the web this type of predatory behavior is similar to that of several species of trapdoor spider this tourist footage taken by some people on a tour of the Congo back in 2016 possibly showcases a very real spider cryptid Oranje boffo fee what do you think we know that some spiders can get pretty big especially in parts of the world such as the Congo but the size of this one really takes the biscuit in fact he could take your life it looks to be roughly the same size as a full-grown turtle that is to be a little bit body-shaming about it not normal the way we see it this isn't a big spider the Amazon rings deep in the Amazon jungle spanning Bolivia and Brazil researchers have discovered a series of earthen rings what is truly bizarre about these rings is that researchers have determined that the Rings actually predate the Amazon rainforest itself archaeologists have been working to determine what the purpose of these rings might have been what has left researchers baffled is how these rings contrast our perceptions of ancient peoples there is nothing more terrifying than an answer without a question what were these rings what purpose did they serve while historians disagree about a lot of things including what these rings are and where they come from all historians seem to agree on one thing that ancient people live in harmony with nature in a way very different to us as such it seems highly unlikely that they would alter or damage land yet here the Amazon rings are seemingly and curiously proving that hypothesis raw or does it the debate about whether people of the past would ever purposefully damage the land like this is that the crux of trying to figure out what these rings are if we have been wrong all this time then they did create the Amazon rings and the question is why was it for ritualistic purposes is it something to do with astronomy astrology or cosmology or maybe historians were right and the ancient people who lived here and never would have dared damaged the land if that's the case it's reasonable to think there may be a far more mysterious and unexplainable history behind these rings the Internet is rife with possible theories and most of them center around you guessed it aliens are these the oldest crop circles ever found I mean they've not been carved into crops but you get my point if that's the case maybe these rings were intended as a message from our extraterrestrial neighbors let's just hope if that's the case these rings translate to a nice message like we like you guys and not we're going to kill you guys number 10 the wall King Paul this one gives you a fantasy movie vibes you would probably jump out of your skin if you found yourself strolling about with a tree for company well not exactly because you would be faster but these palms do move from one place to the next this is how it happens new roots grow and reach for the sunlight as they replace the old roots this is how they cause the trees to move therefore the movement is quite slow it must take them quite a while to walk up to a neighboring tree for a nice visit the trees are called cash Epona or simply The Walking palms unless you absolutely must see them move and that's the main reason for your visit don't hang around to witness this amazing phenomenon cash Epona provides the tribes that live in the rainforests with food from its spiny roots it also gives the materials for making their weapons as well as building its trunk is straight and narrow and perfect for construction and making Spears furthermore the yellow fruits of the tree are not only edible but they are also to treat hepatitis and also as an aphrodisiac number nine the Goliath spider if you don't have a particularly friendly disposition towards the arachnids this is the one bizarre creature you might not want to see this giant bird eater or Goliath birdeater as it is known is the biggest spider in the world you are looking at a gigantic tarantula that is so big it could eat birds and sometimes does it is 13 meters in length and Dwarfs every other spider it weighs up to 6 ounces and its legs have a span of almost a foot it's safe to assume only spider-man would attempt to get close to this one however as frightening as it looks it poses no danger to humans if this makes you curious enough to try to pet it you will find its hair or Heather prickly also it gives you an itch that can last for days number eight rafflesia the stinky blue this flower is humongous and it looks like it could happily feast on you amazingly this is a plant that does not have roots leaves or stems additionally it reeks walking within smelling distance makes you wonder whether you parked meat and it went bad maybe it does eat flesh after all it's deep coloring of red and cream petals call out to well the only living things that can stand it's awful smell flies this awe-inspiring plant is unfortunately an endangered species as it is said to be going the way of the dodo its own makeup is working against it and although it's found in other locations such as Thailand Borneo and the Philippines it holds out very little hope for survival number 7 the sculpting spider spiders in the Amazon are not your regular house spiders which creep some people out these ones put those ones to shame this little spider has the ability to create a much larger spider in order to scare its enemies away the new spider may not remind you of Donatello or of any of the famous artists but when you look at who built it you have to respect that little guy this ingenuity makes one think that there is more to animals than people see as to whether the decoy works on predators well it must for the little guy to go to so much trouble the larger spider is built from dead insects and debris it builds its spider complete with multiple legs and hangs it up to confuse predators scientists should hardly be surprised considering spiders are the best architects of all time but with elaborate webs they spin so skillfully and fast that are able to ensnare much bigger insects it's no wonder that a few of the species would figure out the self-portrait number six tiny lethal beauties the Amazon has said earlier gives you a heady mixture of beauty and danger this is exemplified by the poison dart frogs that are not only deadly but also quite beautiful the little golden frog is quite small in size but poisoned from just one of these lovely looking creatures is enough to kill 10 men indigenous people from Colombia are known to use the frog's poison when hunting they dip the tips of their blowgun darts in it to make them lethal the origin of the poison is as yet unknown experts assume it must come from what they eat these beautiful horrors can be found in a variety of colors such as green yellow red copper blue and black the coloring depends on the habitat their bright coats help to ward off predators although one cannot help wondering who would dare eat them they have what is known as APIs emetic coloration poison dart frogs belong to the dendro bat to die family and can be found in the tropical forests of Costa Rica as well as Brazil number five the corpse flower yet another Amazonian giant comes in the form of a flower this one may make you think you landed on another planet because it looks more like an alien monument than a plan the scientific name is Amorphophallus titanium but it is morbidly referred to as the corpse flower this is because when the flowers in bloom it produces a rather nasty odor much like rotten meat or a rotting corpse the pungent smell is meant to attract pollinators for the continuation of this smelly species naturally the only pollinators that would venture close to pollinate this one would be flesh flies dung beetles and pollinators of that ilk they feast on dead flesh and would find the smell and color of the corpse flower quite appetizing the poor insects are however dudes they'd fly over expecting food but find none disappointed they take off with pollen on their legs and thus aid in the continuation of the sting you plant it's fortunate that this flower only blooms a few times in its 40 years of life it certainly wouldn't do to have such an odorous plant blooming say two times by annually number four the bullet ant ants are not usually insects that anyone wants to mess around with the tiny terrors can really cause an embarrassment the bullet ant is even more sinister than its smaller troublemakers it is the world's largest ant and you don't want to meet this one any more than you want to play with its wee variations the bullet ant is such named because should you be unfortunate enough to experience its bite you will feel like you've been shot experts say that it actually feels like a gunshot in addition the ant itself looks like a bullet the one reason that you need to stay as far away as you can from this ant is that excruciating pain lasts for 24 hours and remains uniformly agonizing all through once it bites the bullet ant releases venom known as panera toxin apart from the agony the venom may give you the shivers and temporary paralysis in addition you may feel nauseated feverish you may vomit who are even going to cardiac arrhythmia these are however not fatal just very uncomfortable for the duration they last number three the plastic eating fungus while this may qualify to be termed as bizarre it is actually a pretty helpful fungus it could be just the thing we need to rid the world of these pesky plastics the scientific name for this awesome fungus is pestle OTO sis microspore ah one of the most important qualities about this fungus is that it does not require oxygen to thrive this makes it perfect for eliminating plastics in places such as the Seas and places that just don't have oxygen all things remaining constant scientists hope that this fungus can help our planet resolve the issue of plastics finally number two indigenous people of the Amazon interestingly there is also human life in the Amazon these humans are not the usual visitors to new places who find a new habitat they love and decide to stay these are indigenous tribes many of whom have no knowledge of any other world outside of the Amazon it's believed that an incredible 21 million people live in the Amazon they coexist with the flora and fauna that makes up the Amazon these people have their own way of life and also get their sustenance from the forest their clothing is as different from yours as the day is from the night the traditions followed by these tribes may seem bizarre to most people from piercings that are large enough to fit a small tree branch to cuttings and rituals surrounding birth and marriage you'll be hard-pressed to understand it all furthermore many of them do not take kindly to impromptu visitors from the outside you risk having a poisoned arrow reception if you decide to pay them a visit without gaining their permission these tribes have lived in the Amazon without bringing any harm to the ecosystem for centuries the Amazon feeds clothes and gives them water as well as medicine and protection number one the leaf mimic katydid in the Amazon you'll find see-through frogs and spiders that build decoys being able to fool your enemies is a useful skill in this vast rainforest it can be that thin line between being dinner and finding your own dinner the leaf mimic katydid is an amazing little insect that could teach our soldiers a thing or two about camouflage it'll sit on a leaf or branch and just become part of it that is how it got its first name the moniker katydid came about in a most interesting manner when these clever insects rubbed their legs together the sound that they produce sounds like ket did it might make you wonder who katie is and what she did in addition how fast they Katie did can help in measuring the temperature on the Fahrenheit scale what do you find most intriguing about the Amazon would you take a trip deep into the Amazon rainforest to experience these and more discoveries firsthand [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Factsopedia
Views: 1,148,791
Rating: 4.5442581 out of 5
Keywords: dangerous creatures, amazon jungle, national geographic, dangerous animals, amazon river, strange discoveries, amazon forest, amazon, animals, anaconda, epic wildlife, giant, snakes, river, forest, discovered, creatures, dangerous, river monsters, biggest, epic, fish, jungle, creature, snake, deadliest, caught, nature, wild, strange, giant fish, largest, crazy birds, dangerous birds, most dangerous, mysterious, deadliest creatures, deadly animals, poisonous animals, bizarre, most bizarre, new, viral
Id: Ho_2oyTk-6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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