If These 15 Moments Were Not Filmed, No One Would Believe It #2

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have you ever heard a story that was so outrageous you simply couldn't accept that it was true luckily nowadays virtually everyone has a camera with them at all times and it's easier than ever to quickly capture a video evidence of the most unlikely of things so sit back and prepare to be amazed because if these moments were not filmed no one would believe it number 15 force attacks alligator alligators are some of the fiercest creatures on the planet with rows of sharp teeth and one of the strongest bites most animals including humans know that it's best to stay as far away from them as possible sometimes this is easier said than done however and this video shows that not everything is as afraid of the reptiles as you would expect recorded in a state park in Florida a group of friends saw a group of horses grazing perilously close to an alligator suddenly one of them charges towards the deadly beast and stamps over it several times all the alligator can do is hiss back in annoyance and at one point manages to grab the horse's leg in its mouth it's unable to cause any damage though and is forced to retreat in case the horses decide to attack again it's hard to believe that it was overpowered in this way and even though it was clearly a juvenile it just goes to show that even when the odds seemed to be stacked against you there's always a way to prevail before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or Slenderman will come from under your bed when you're sleeping [Music] number fourteen cheetah is a family friend millions of people around the world like to keep cats as pets and there's plenty of choice with 71 different recognized domesticated breeds to pick from some people however wants to have something a little more unusual and potentially more dangerous around their homes and while you may argue that's a risk that it's their right to take what about if they allowed their wild cats to play with their children this video shows a family where that's precisely what happens because the two toddlers have become best friends with two young cheetahs called Waku and Scylla they've never known any different because the cheetahs have always been around and since the cats have grown up in a home environment they're relatively tame compared to those in the wild still these are dominant predators in their natural environments and even when they think they're playing they can pose a serious threat the danger might not be so apparent while they're still just comes but when they begin to grow into adulthood surely this living arrangement will have to change number 12 an elephant paints a self-portrait with his trunk elephants are some of the most intelligent creatures in the animal kingdom and you are probably aware of how much control they have of their trunks that contain more than 40,000 muscles so it only makes sense that some have managed to learn how to use their abilities for artistic pursuits like this one at a sanctuary in Asia he has been trained by staff to replicate brushstrokes and painting techniques and is actually able to paint a self-portrait while guests to the facility are watching there are no camera tricks going on here what you see is happening for real even to the bemusement of people who are there in person there are several elephants that are able to produce a range of different paintings and this has become an important revenue stream for the sanctuary they sell the images to tourists for five hundred dollars each and all the money goes towards helping take care of the artists it's particularly impressive because the quality of work is far better than many humans can achieve if you think you're a better artist than an elephant number eleven monkey play piano concert pianists take many years and even decades to perfect their art but for everyone who plays it's a learning process and sometimes the best way to find your way around the keys is to have fun and make some noise our closest relatives in the animal kingdom are equally as inquisitive as we are and when given the chance to experiment with new and unusual things they'll fully commit this clip shows what happened when a pet chimp was placed in front of the piano and it didn't take long before he performed a sublime piece okay well it isn't exactly a classic but he definitely shows a sense of rhythm and enjoyment and the sounds that he's making a few more hours of this and perhaps some structured lessons in the future and who knows this chimp could be performing on some of the grandest stages in the world in no time at all would you ever go to watch a performance by a chimp or any other animal for that matter surely it's got to be more interesting than some concerts and might even attract a whole new audience to the genre number 10 talented cat puts on oscar-worthy performance it's easy to watch a movie and think that you don't need too much scale to be an actor but the best-of-the-best take many years of training to be able to convey their emotions effectively on screen it's difficult enough for humans but even more tricky for animals and even though the movie cats will go down in history as being one of the worst ever don't think this reflects on the species as a whole this is barsik the cat and he has perfected his acting skills to a much higher level than most Hollywood actors when his owner makes a gun shot towards him he reacts in as convincing way as you could ever expect to see and fortunately doesn't squirm around on the floor for ages while still trying to hold the limelight if there was ever an Academy Award for the best non human scene then barsik definitely deserves it in fact he's probably outdone the vast majority of a list actors performances in the past few years so why not give him the Best Actor Award instead number 9 Ravens can talk while animals don't have vocal cords that have developed to the same level as ours have they still have plenty of ways to communicate in the wild there are some species that can imitate our voices - like parrots but did you know that Ravens can also do this can you say hello when they're kept in captivity these wily Birds can learn how to imitate a range of noises it's not just the words that we speak but also the sounds of engines alarms the calls of other animals and even toilets flushing this may seem like a completely useless skill after all have you ever known a person who can do this to ever make much of their life but there's a specific reason why Ravens have developed this ability in the wild they use intimidation to help them with tasks that they can't do on their own and say for example they've found a carcass in the forest but are unable to open it up to feed on the flesh inside well instead of giving up they will sound the call of a wolf or a fox to hopefully attract one from nearby upon finding the food the larger animal will start to tear it apart and once they've had all that they need the Raven can fly in and pick at the leftovers number eight bear saves crow from drowning if you've ever watched a bear you'll know how one-track minded they always seem to be for them it's all about finding food and when they have it there's not much that would be able to prise them away don't try and run for it you'll never outrun it that's what makes this next video all the more surprising because the bear in it is happily tucked into his meal film that the Budapest zoo a crow that has flown into his enclosure has found itself in quite the predicament and has begun to drown in the pool of water instead of carrying regardless the bear called Valley puts down his food and goes to investigate how he can help the grown when the crow finally makes it to the corner Valley is able to put his paw down catch it against the wall and pick it up in his mouth to bring it back to safety the poor crow probably thought its time was up either due to drowning or because it was about to become bear food but luckily for it Valley was far more interested in finishing his Apple number seven moving very big house by a car a moving house can be one of the most costly and stressful things that we ever do it takes ages to pack up all of your belongings carry them to your new place and put everything in the right room but imagine how much more complicated things were if your house move actually involved moving your entire house it's far more complicated than you might think whether because people can't bear the idea of leaving their family home but want different surroundings or for those who aren't able to leave the structure on a plot of land it's a very complicated process though as this clip from George Washington Lane shows first struts have to be put underneath the house and then it's lifted from its foundations onto a flatbed truck it's then very carefully driven at slow speed along a straight [Music] and requires teams to go ahead to ensure no other large vehicles try to pass in the other direction it's such a bizarre sight that people often line the streets to see it for themselves but it would surely suck if you were the driver who was caught behind this as it was happening number six cop prevents man from jumping off bridge one of the appeals of the job for cops is that they never quite know what they'll be required to do next and while there's often a lot of controversy about the laws they enforce the way that they go about doing it there's no doubt that there are times when they perform incredible work to the benefit of communities and those that live in them a sheriff from near brewery Road lake in Virginia had been called to an overpass after witnesses saw man behaving strangely when he arrived it soon transpired that this man had been going through a rough patch and was considering whether it was time to just end his life the sheriff wasn't about to let this happen though and distracted the man before grabbing hold of him and pulling him back from the edge while doing this the cup can be heard reassuring the man telling him that he still has a lot left to do in this world and following an examination by medics soon after he was able to return home safely all thanks to the quick thinking of the officer number five forest floor cut breathtaking this video shows one of the most bizarre phenomena anywhere in the world and if we were to tell you about it without any footage there's no way you'd ever believe it was real filmed in a forest in Quebec you can actually see the forest floor rising and lowering almost as if it were breathing take a moment to watch it what do you think is really happening here unfortunately this isn't proof that the forest is one large living organism but is actually happening because of the weather conditions the soil here is very loosely packed and because the wind is blowing so hard against the trees they're slightly swaying back and forth just a small movement of the trunk on the surface can result in large shifts in their massive root structures and when there are enough moving in tandem the floor itself begins to move you won't see this everywhere there's a forest because usually the ground is so densely packed that the roots can't move and the trees stand firmly in position if you are ever lucky enough to see it in real life it's one of the strangest things you'll ever witness number 4 carrots playing basketball between the eastern and western conference the NBA brings the best 30 teams in the u.s. together in a tournament showing off the skills of the greatest players in the world or at least that's what they'd like you to think even the most die-hard fans will agree that there's a lot that basketball could do to improve the product but the first step surely should be to relook at the laws that govern the sport it's a little-known rule that only humans are allowed to play professional basketball and if this next video is anything to go by that's an incredible shame parrots seem to have a natural ability at the game yes they play on smaller courts but if anything that leads to a faster paced and more enthralling competition there is however controversy of how the players are rewarded for their talents while the coaches and the owners profit from their playing punters they still just pay their biggest stars peanuts number 3 beluga whale filmed playing fetch with Rugby World Cup ball rugby is one of the most popular sports in the world and the fans are some of the most passionate you'll find anywhere in 2019 the South African team won a hard-fought contest to become world champions and it seems that even the animal joined in with their celebrations on a trip to the Arctic Circle a group of South African supporters were on a boat when a beluga whales swim up towards them they did what anyone would do who just so happened to have a rugby ball with them they threw it into the water while they probably hoped the whale was going to play with it they couldn't have expected what was about to happen next the excitable whale swims ahead to pick the ball up in its mouth dives underwater with it and then brings it back to the people on the boat so they can throw it again can you believe that one of these majestic creatures so easily got into a game of fetch with them and do you think there are any other animals that would have done the same thing number two amazing elephant basketball dunks it can be tough especially if you're isolated to practice sports without other players to test your skills against but Rene Castley a star of Ninja Warrior and a professional Acrobat found a way to challenge himself with the assistance of an elephant this isn't as bizarre as it first seems because he has apparently been around the creatures all of his life after growing up with them but still the things he's able to train them to do on the basketball courts are incredible he performs a number of dunks with their assistants which would surely put every other attempt at an NBA dunk contest to shame Castley himself admits however that they can't exactly perform these stunt shots perfectly under pressure and that for each one there were plenty of wipeouts before they were completed successfully with the way they work together though it seems as if elephants are the perfect dunk companions but if you were going to set up a trick shot with the aid of an animal which species would you choose number one flying fish with specialized gills to extract oxygen from liquid the one thing you can assume about a fish is that it lives underwater right well it might surprise you to know that this isn't always the case as there are actually at least 40 different speed seas of flying fish typically living in warmer waters and rarely growing any longer than 18 inches they are often seen leaping from the waves at incredible speeds to do this they have enlarged fins that allow them to glide through the air and some such as the California flying fish essentially have four wings that give them unbelievable hang time there are a few reasons why they've developed this ability the first is that it's a great evasive technique to escape predators that aren't so nimble but it's also because they can catch flies from above the surface of the water that before some species are their main source of food sometimes this can lead to comical events when sailing boats are passing over a region where there's a large shoal of flying fish because if the creatures get spooked they'll all start jumping out of the water and start landing on the deck of the boat they soon start to smell awful so what's a race against time to get them back into the water before this happens which of these did you find to be the most unexpected and are there any that even after seeing them you still don't believe make sure to let us know in the comment section also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 6,567,321
Rating: 4.7501101 out of 5
Keywords: if it were not filmed, caught on camera, moments, caught on tape, viral, unbelievable, unbelievable videos, caught on video, viral video, videos, insane, unbelievable moments, filmed, no one would believe, were not filmed, found footage, strange moments, camera, weird videos, video, rare events, caught on cam, security cameras, no one would believe it, try not to laugh, viral videos, interesting videos, gone wrong, compilation, scary, mysterious, strange videos, really happened
Id: ltsQ12P1HSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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