15 Scariest Things Found In Wetlands!

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swamps are both beautiful and scary at the same time they are often eerily quiet and the skyline above them is sometimes broken by spindly trees emerging from within they have barely a place you'd visit during the day but even less at night from over 100 bodies discovered in a peat swamp to a stinky swamp ape there are 15 scariest things found in wetlands before we begin make sure to hit the like button subscribe to our Channel and click the notification bill for more amazing videos every day with that being said let's begin number 15 a 19 foot alligator most alligators in the United States are between 10 and 15 feet but one 17-year old came face-to-face with a monstrosity of an alligator that measured in at 19 feet 2 inches Edward McElhenney had been duck huntin in a bayou around Lake vermilion in January 1819 he took down a few ducks and proceeded to wade through the long grass to get them however instead of finding his ducks he found a sunken log but it was no sunken log it was a giant alligator as alligators don't move a lot during winter and it was January the gator wasn't making too many movements Edward also noted how it had no teeth it just stumps down to the bone and most likely would have died of exposure he put it out of its misery Edward then became curious about its size he had never seen one that long before with his 30 inch barrel in hand he measured the Gator from snout to tail marking the skin at 30 inch intervals to determine its size Edward returned to the swamp the next day to retrieve the Gator and skinned it but it was too large to move through the swampy area and he left it where it died it's time for the rare topic swamps a dark dirty and well swampy what's also quite disturbing about them is you often don't know what's lurking underneath the surface we were quite terrified and a little bit curious to stumble across this photo of what looks like a zombie in a swamp can anyone say Walking Dead the photo shows what appears to be a rotten body half submerged in swamp waters its mouth is it's eyes open and Hollow and it seems to be tangled in weeds and branches is it real is it a movie prop is it a scene from our favorite zombie show comment down below with the hashtag hashtag rare topic and we might pin the best comments in relation to this image and now to the next topic number 14 world war ii bomber if anyone goes digging in swamps they really come up with anything cool I might find the shoe or two but mainly weeds grass and twigs imagine finding a plane after raiding ships in New Britain which was occupied by the Japanese a Boeing b-17 II Flying Fortress flown by Captain Frederick Eaton jr. was intercepted eventually it ran out of fuel and had to land in a swamp near new guineas north coast fortunately all crew on board survived the crash landing and made it out the Boeing was left there to be claimed by nature in 1987 the plane was found in a giambo swamp and named swamp coast by 1989 a recovery plan was put in place by the Travis Air Force Base Heritage Center however swamp ghost still wasn't retrieved until 2006 and it was salvaged illegally before ending up in the United States in 2010 now it's on Ford Island in hangar 79 waiting for restoration number 13 mystery slime slime and swamps the two go hand-in-hand but not when that slime is turning up all over Europe in wooden barrels for a long time no one knew what it was what it was used for and why these little wooden barrels were turning up everywhere upon breaking open the barrels those who found them revealed a white waxy and greasy substance it quickly got the name of bog butter due to how it looked and where it was found but as it turns out the name given to this mystery substance is not all that far from the truth the slime may have looked scary but it was in fact butter no one knows for sure why our ancestors used to store barrels of butter in swamps but researchers have a theory they believe that the types of swamps these barrels were founded with a perfect environment for preservation peat bogs and naturally low-temperature highly acidic and have preservative properties because you were unlikely to see too many refrigerators floating around hundreds years ago using what nature offered was the only way to keep food safe to eat even though we've got our answer we still think it's quite scary to find little barrels of butter popping up all over the country number 12 human remains in Germany we watch Game of Thrones with a bowl of popcorn while sitting on the edge of our seats it's a fictional show but you'd be surprised at how close to reality it really could be in 1996 an amateur archaeologist discovered an arm bone along the steep riverbanks of the talents Valley by the Baltic Sea to any Explorer as quite an eerie find but even more so when there's a Flint Arrowhead deeply embedded in it that one arm bones 75 miles from Berlin was just the beginning archaeologists turned up in their droves to see what else they could find they carried out a small test excavation and discovered a beaten skull a club that looked like a baseball bat and several more bounced radiocarbon dating placed them at around 1250 BCE or 3200 years ago and further excavations carried out along a two-mile stretch of the talents River uncovered bones of around 100 men the remains of five horses wooden clubs bronze arrowheads and spear hits and flint arrowheads and that's just in two miles imagine what else they can find if they traveled a little farther this discovery made by the mecklenburg-vorpommern Department of historic preservation and the University of Greifswald painted an exciting picture of what went on during that one day in the bronze ages while history books told us nothing due to a lack of records all those years ago archaeologists have a fair idea of what happened they believed two armies with thousands of warriors came together at a river crossing by the Baltic Sea for a violent battle it was messy due to the marshes that flow through northern Germany and soldier's battled to gain their footing in this soggy grasps around in the ribbon of water spears swords knives and clubs were thrown driven and stabbed in all directions with no mercy given to those who turned their backs and ran it was a massacre of mass proportions and hundreds of men plus a few horses lost their lives or were injured so the next time you look at a body of water or a marshy swamp don't take it at face value never know what may have happened in that exact spot years before number 11 bear creep swamp dolls Prattville is a small city in Alabama where folks go about their daily business like anyone else but what you may not know is that this little city is also home to a mysterious swamp with a terrifying background Bear Creek swamp is accessible via a public access dirt road encompassed by marshland it's terrifying during the day with imposing trees cloudy water and limited visibility is even an eerie silence for added effect but at night is ten times scarier this swamp according to those who visited has a lot of unexplained stuff going on people have claimed to see random lights hear strange sounds and even identify spectral vehicles what on earth is going on at this swamp spectral Wolfpack paranormals Alex Bob Olinsky said he visited the swamp and took footage he couldn't explain a light appears on the film which flickers out as quickly as it arrives with no explanation some people say it could have been swamp gas while others think a car with its lights on might be in the area most people don't know for sure if that isn't creepy enough then how about some doll heads thrown into the mix if your collection of 21 porcelain dolls has gone missing then we can tell you where to find them in 2014 locals found dolls attached to stakes for true them from the swamp water no one knows how they got there who put them there or why but it's the stuff of horror movies and you won't catch us there at night or during the day number 10 old Croghan man okay so it's quite scary to find porcelain dolls in a swamp but what about bodies in June 2003 a preserved INH body was found in a bog in Ireland he was given the name of old Croghan man after Croghan hill near where he was found old Croghan man was thought to have lost his life between 362 and 175 BC he was around 6 feet 6 inches tall and had manicured nails these present the idea that he was not a man who partook in manual labor and could have been of high status or nobility he was naked had a platitude leather band on his arm and was buried at the foot of a hill that was used for kingship ceremonies the man may have been a king and could have been sacrificed to end a drought a bad harvest or both the man would have been in his 20s and cuts on his chest are symbolic of either a rejected ruler or sacrificial marks for gods of harvest and fertility number nine a swamp ape in 2000 a flower in a family sleep was disturbed by loud bangs coming from the deck area of their home initially they thought it might have been someone drunk knocking over their deck chairs upon gets into their back deck they realized it was no intoxicated person it was a large hairy smelly creature making grunting noises the creature smelled like it was rotting and the family thought it might have been an escapee orangutan from the local Zoo they took a photo and the internet went nuts believers of the paranormal were quick to label their intruder as a swamp ape or skunk ape Florida's own Bigfoot and humanoid the skunk ape is thought to roam through the Everglade forest in Florida it smells like a wet dog and a skunk combined and has been spotted by local since the late 1950s while the swamp ape or skunk ape started merely as a story many people swear they've seen it the florida family included no one knows for sure whether the swamp ape is real but it would pay to stay away from the Everglades just in case number 8 massive sinkhole forget about the scary things you can find in a swamp think about the spooky things that can swallow a swamp not many people would have heard of the small Louisiana bayou known as Bayou Corning but plenty will now is the place with the sinkhole that swallowed an entire swamp trees 24 acres of land and Counting the sinkhole was the result of Texas brine company's underground salt dome cavern collapsing Occidental Petroleum owns the company the sinkhole which is in the northern Assumption Parish of Louisiana was discovered in 2012 and resulted in 350 people being told to evacuate while salt domes are typical and the match of Louisiana with some as far down as 35,000 feet and having one collapse is less common three months before his collapse residents noticed that the ground was bubbling with water and was shake from time to time the US Geological Survey was not able to locate the source of the seismic activity and government hire experts thought it was a natural gas pipeline leak it wasn't but Texas brine company denied that it was a scene until it began to cave in an evacuation order was issued when residents began to smell crude oil finally Texas Brian investigated and found that the collapse of a salt dome wall had allowed oil and gas to reach the surface so maybe it's not so much the swamp stir the scary but what lies beneath them that can swallow him and a moment's notice number seven wind / cemetery who would have thought that a simple swamp no larger than 0.25 acres could be one of the most important archaeological sites ever found when road construction began for a new housing development in 1982 near Titusville Florida the plan was to build a road across a pond for access to the new wind / farms those plans all changed when a backhoe operator found skulls in his machine's bucket clearly they weren't supposed to be there the developers stopped their operations and archeologists medical examiner's and the local sheriff were called in radiocarbon dating showed that the bones were between 7210 and 7320 years before present and there were 168 bodies buried in the swamp because it contained peat the skeletons were exceptionally well preserved with brain tissue even recovered from many of the skulls to identify DNA the developers knew the importance of the find and changed their entire development plan to ensure the swamp remained intact they even donated pumping equipment to the tune of $60,000 to drain it for excavation archeologists were able to determine that men women and children were all present in the swamp up to the age of 60 the average male height was 5 foot 9 and children made up half of the remains given how well the bodies were preserved researchers were even able to work out whether there been any injuries or disease osteoporosis was common in older women and men and some had spear wounds that likely spelled their end number 6 the hidden community very few people would volunteer their time to visit the Great Dismal Swamp a 20 acre island in North Carolina unless you're a hunter there's no sane reason why you would subject yourself to the conditions in which you'll find yourself water moccasins and rattlesnakes converge upon the area in the muggy humid heat of summer and clouds of mosquitoes form an incessant layer of everything biting insects and venomous snakes call the swamp home but so too do bears deer frogs and birds occasionally hunters pay a visit to this part of New Carolina and Virginia but few biologists historians or archaeologists will brave it one research party who did decide to check it out got lost so many times they just gave up so if you don't want to be found then go to a swamp that no one wants to visit most historians rejected the idea that Maroons existed in North America Maroons are Runaways often Africans who escaped slavery to live in free settlements maroonish is common in Latin America Angola the Caribbean and Africa but surely not here but in the 1760s William Byrd ii surveyed the swamp and discovered morones watchin and hiding they had built habitations cleared fields and lived on corn fowl and hogs while there likely no longer there it's hard to believe that people could live in a swampers inhospitable as one that gets the name of the Great Dismal Swamp number five Brown widows it would be just our luck that one of the most poisonous spiders in the world that can kill a human would hang out in a place that makes them hard to fight you guessed it brown widows are found in swamps and we're not all there happy about it these spiders are identifiable by their XX which looked like sandbars if you see these spiky looking sexes you'll know the brown widows nearby otherwise the spiders themselves are exceptionally tricky until well is possibly too late once the egg sacs hatch which takes about 20 days 120 to 150 spiders are released into the wild the female brown widow will do this around 20 times over her lifetime initially this merciless insect was native to southern Africa but it's now in many different pan tropical and subtropical areas it's deadly can bite you when you disturb it and blends into almost any environment swampy or not given their similarity to other spiders it's not always clear that what you've seen is a deadly poisonous arachnid if this isn't one of the scariest things to find in a swamp then we don't know what is number four copperhead Vipers if you're one of the fifty six percent of adults who are scared of snakes then we ask you to pause the video and find a trusted friend and hole things are about to get scary real quick if you find yourself in a low-lying swampy area in the United States then watch your step a copperhead Viper is likely within range while these snakes like deciduous forests and woodlands in North America they'll take a swamp if they can get one they have a venomous bite but that's rarely fatal and they have a copper red head there are also pit vipers with heat sensors between their nostrils and eyes that detect the heat of their prey before they strike Copperhead vipers can grow up to three point three feet long and males are often larger than females more commonly they grow to around 30 inches long which is 30 inches too long for anyone fearful of snakes number 3 alligator snapping turtles the alligator snapping turtle is one of the heaviest turtles in the world and is also one that's happy to hang out in shallow bodies of water in the United States this turtle has a large head thick shell 3 dorsal ridges and a grey brown black or olive shell they can also weigh up to around 400 pounds aside from females traveling inland to rest they'll spend their entire lives in water they can also stay under the water for nearly an hour before needing to come up for air while they live in water they also hunt in it too they use their tongue with its worm-shaped fleshy exterior to lure frogs and fish when they get close enough the snapping turtle does what it does best snaps out of anything to find in the depths of a swamp you'd be happy to discover this giant turtle number 2 Indian red scorpion the Indian Red Scorpion is a feisty little critter that grows up to around 3 and 1/2 inches in length it's found in the pool Sri Lanka Pakistan and India and enjoys humid tropical and subtropical environments these are often there all within the same area as humans and we wish they didn't the Indian Red Scorpion is not messing around they'll attack if stepped on and this thing can be fatal fatality rates are between 8% and 40% and children are the most frequent victims if you happen to be stung by this critter it can cause high and low blood pressure and heart rate vomiting sweating and breathlessness as the venom targets your cardiovascular and pulmonary systems not everyone who is stung will survive while the Scorpion really hangs around swamps it is sometimes found in hue marshy areas so take care on your travels number one Burmese pythons most people adopt cats and dogs when they want to pet others will buy Birds fish or even rodents but then some by Burmese pythons they're a popular choice because of how dos are they are and because they have lovely pattern skin however they grow fast and owners who are a little out of their depth often release them into the wild and that's if you're lucky not to be attacked by one before you get to that point in their native environment however Burmese pythons living grassy marshes and jungles in Southeast Asia they can grow up to 200 pounds with a girth as wide as a telephone pole and they become ground-dwelling when their weight makes tree climbing impractical Burmese pythons also swim and can stay in water for up to half an hour before they need to come back to the surface if you happen to come across a Burmese python on your travels through marshland it's helpful to know what you're up against they live on birds and small mammals and will suffocate their prey by coiling their bodies around them they can also swallow their food whole there's no denying that the Burmese python is one of the scariest things found in a swamp let us guess you won't be exploring any swamps or marshes any time soon we don't blame you which discovery or animal scared you the most also check out our other cool stuff showing up on the screen now see you next time
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 471,067
Rating: 4.823154 out of 5
Keywords: swamps, found in swamps, things, scary things, scary, creepy, scary videos, mysterious, scariest, unexplained, mystery, scariest things, scary video, family friendly, mysterious things, creepiest, scary events, mysterious events, creepy things, swamp ghost, swamp, new, wetland, wetlands, top 15, top 15s, unsolved mysteries
Id: TA1f9Mf1Jys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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