26 Disturbing Horror Stories

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over the past couple of months we have read some truly creepy and downright unexplainable stories now the year is getting close to ending already 2020 has been a crazy ride and today i decided that i would put together some of my favorite stories i've read over this past crazy year so this video is going to be a very long compilation of some of my favorites that were sent in this year by viewers just like you if you have a story that you would like to share in a future video whether it has anything to do with paranormal cryptids or the great outdoors be sure to send it in at swamptweller.net or the email you can find in the top of the description i'll see you guys soon with another creepy video enjoy these stories as much as i enjoy telling them to you when i was younger every year for christmas i would drive upstate to my aunt's house along a stretch of highway i cannot for the life of me remember the name of this road all i know is it runs nearby akron new york at some point however most of the drive is through rural areas with little towns nearby so it was the dead of night and my groggy self had gotten off a long shift and had to drag myself to my aunt's house since my extended family was expecting me the following morning near halfway through the drive i realized i was low on gas which irritated me my brother told me he had filled it up the day before so he either forgot or was straight up lying i saw an archaic looking sign for a gas station off the next road it was not an official road sign literally a pole with a slab of metal attached with it saying gas next exit or something along those lines painted on it that seemed a little sketchy but people do the same thing with fruit stands on highways so whatever i pulled off the exit onto some dilapidated country looking road through some dense woods the whole thing was creepy and surreal i kept expecting a leather face to come running out of the trees with a chainsaw at any moment anyways eventually i came to the gas station and realized quickly it had not been open for many years it was all rusted and the convenience store's roof was caving in the gas pumps had all been taken out as well i pulled over next to it and checked my gauge i would probably only make it another half mile before running out so i called triple a and they said they would send a truck over now i played the waiting game i left my engine on because when the headlights were off everything was pitch black and my paranoid self wasn't sitting next to an abandoned gas station in the middle of nowhere in a forest in complete darkness so most of the weight went uneventful until i sense movement around the side of the old store where my lights are pointed i looked up but did not see anything more so i looked back down at my phone then over the sound of the night i hear someone yell hey buddy come here in a demanding town i looked up and i kid you not there's a dude standing by the old store looking towards me illuminated by my headlights he looked like a run-of-the-mill homeless guy i was honestly spooked and figured he must have been squatting there still watching him i rolled down my window and yelled something like yeah what's up still mentally crapping myself i had my foot ready to floor it out of there at the first time trouble you got any change nah i don't man sorry i look up at him he has this kind of vacant expression and is standing stiff then i see more movement there are heads about 20 or so heads peeking around the trees beyond the man i am talking to i cannot see them clearly at all but they are people literally just head staring in my directions from around the trees i see another god begin walking around the gas station and then i turned around and sped off i got as far away from the place as my tank would carry me and updated aaa on my location the driver came back over and filled me up and i did not say anything but after he left i wanted to call the cops so i called the nearest town sheriff department they said they'd send a trooper over and i gave them the location when i got to my aunt's house they called me back and said whoever was there was gone but they could tell a large number of people have been living there for a while blankets canned food the usual were all found the whole situation still freaks me out but frankly i can consider myself lucky i will always have such a creepy story to tell i'm just glad nothing bad happened i'm a hispanic female mexican to be exact and this happened on my family's ranch just last night my family consists of my parents me and my little brother my other brother is at basic training right now for the air force so for now it's just us i want to sit down and get this all out while i can i live in new mexico the southeastern part right next to texas state line like literally 10 minutes east and you're in texas anyways i live 15 miles outside of my hometown and eight miles away from the town over my family has a cattle ranch and i live just off the highway so people coming on our ranch are usually people we know i think i live in the safest place anyone could possibly live with little to no worry about someone wanting to cost my family and i any harm well last night proved me wrong let me briefly explain the layout of my place we have the main entrance with the ranch name and cattle guard and then to the right a few hundred feet over is the gate we use for the cattle when they're being moved but once you come onto our land we have a giant silver barn and attached to it is an overstay house where workers would go and stay overnight during harvesting season then it's my house a little ways away about a two to three minute walk anyways my mom's cousin from mexico was running the overstay house for my parents while he works here in the u.s for privacy reasons his name will be antonio for the story so last night around 8 p.m it was thunderstorming when antonio heard a knock at the door come in he said assuming it was either my mom or dad but no i walked in and a dirty looking white man about 5'9 with a goatee that was obviously tweaking and talking really fast which obviously scared antonio seeing as he didn't speak english so antonio calls my dad and told him hey there's some white man here in the apartment i don't know what he wants or how to get him out right away my dad drives to the apartment with his gun and demanded to know what business this man had on our land they told me to come here and talk to you who sent you to come talk to me it was a talking dog he wanted me to warn y'all that the world's going to end and the dogs are talking to me too referring to my two docs sheba and sombra who were barking growling at him like crazy look friend i think it's best if you get off my property yeah yeah i should leave he then proceeds to hop the cattle guard gate my dad calls the sheriff department and explained what had happened and if this man didn't get off the property my dad was going to make sure he doesn't leave breathing after this phone call my dad and antonio are just looking at the man on the other side of the gate he was flaring his arms around like tweakers do and talking at the top of his lungs then he did the most ungodly thing he started screaming demonically then proceeds to run down the highway once the police came they told my dad that they had gotten calls about him and apparently he lived close by to our ranching community great we've got a crackhead neighbor my dad just told them that he better not come onto our property again because my dad said that he doesn't know him he's not welcome he doesn't know his intentions and he's not scared to shoot him if any of us feel threatened the sheriff then left and everybody got ready to go to bed then early this morning around 3 am antonio called my dad again panicked because the man was knocking in the apartment door and he was holding a gun my dad got up pretty quickly and told my mom to call the police when my dad got to the apartment the man was going through antonio's truck and once he saw my dad he booked it once again my dad was raging he told the police if he went further than the apartment and got anyone near her home or went through the vehicles he was going to shoot the man and he was warning them now we don't have a security system we just locked the front back door and we never felt the need to lock our vehicles until today we do however have security cameras one facing the main entrance slash our vehicles one right by the front door and one facing the area where the cattle and two horses are unfortunately my dogs are all bark and no bite she was about seven years old and is a lab mix and sombra is about two and she's a red healer the dogs are mostly on her porch waiting for cattle and barking at whoever comes through the main entrance but i think now my old school mexican parents are going to have to finally invest in a security system instead of thinking that a locked door and a porch light on will scare away others i will update if anything else happens later tonight this happened 12 years ago when i was 16. i am a female back then i lived in a small town where most people lived out in the country around 12 a.m on a saturday i'm dropping my friend off after a night of hanging out this friend lived all the way out in the country and to get there you had to take a lot of winding roads with nothing on either side and not many people traveled on them there were a few houses but most of them own lots of land so they are majorly spread out i always hated dropping her off at night because driving back was always super creepy probably because i've seen way too many horror movies out in the middle of nowhere but regardless it was my turn to drive that night after dropping her off i'm being super careful not only because of my irrational fear but because of drunks who won't take those i turn left on the last street before i get to the main road and this street has major curves like you have to take them slow or you're going to be flipping off the road i am coming up on the first curve so i'm slowing down when i see three people dressed in all black black sweatpants and black pant walking and blocking the whole time it was frustrating at first because i thought they were just teenagers not thinking of the dangers of what they were doing so i sped up to hurry and pass them as i'm passing them i look out my side window to get a glimpse of the idiot teenagers faces when i noticed all three of them were wearing some creepy grey skull mask and they all stared at me as i passed them if it was close to halloween i would have passed it off as someone getting in the spirit of halloween but it was around may when this happened the weird thing about the situation was it did not seem like they were trying to run me off the road or cause me harm they did not even look behind them when i first pulled upon them the whole situation was too weird so i called the police they called me back pretty soon after and told me they sent someone to the exact location where i described they said they found nobody walking on the street or even on the side of it what creeped me out the most about this was that there was nowhere these three people could have hidden the street was all open land on both sides there were also no side streets that they could have turned to evade the cops they had to have been picked up by somebody or knew of a good place to hide either way i know what i saw i know it was actual people and not something i just made up in my head i have no idea to this day what those people were out there doing i told my friend that if she wanted me to drop her off again it needed to be before dark because i never wanted to be found out there ever again my family and i were driving from ohio to wyoming one holiday season to visit family about 10 years ago due to the storms farther north we traveled straight west instead of northwest at first and split the trip at omaha staying the night before heading up through nebraska into south dakota once we were far enough north we turned west onto i-90 at that point it had been over an hour since we saw anywhere that might have a public restroom and we were on state routes so no rest areas those of you who have traveled with a young kid know that's close to their bladder and boredom's limit and our daughter was begging us to stop somewhere to pee south dakota was similarly deserted or even worse as we headed west finally we reached a desperately needed rest stop as my at the time five-year-old and i both needed to pee by then just as we pulled in the truck that had been following us for a while pulled in too i did not think too much of it at first until i started to open my door my head was turned to the right where the truck was parked a couple of spots over my eyes met the drivers and i just shivered he was a skinny white guy straggly gray brown beard and dark eyes i could see that he was wearing a dingy blue plaid shirt he got out of his 90s brown and cream truck and started rummaging in the bed i told my husband i didn't want to go into the rest up alone because of the guy and that weird feeling i got from him he thought i was being a little silly but agreed to come with us at that point the next stop was wall south dakota about a hundred miles away according to the huge billboards we'd been passing he'd figured he'd better empty his bladder even though he didn't particularly feel the need i grabbed our daughter and we headed inside followed by the guy who'd finished rummaging at his truck but wasn't carrying anything when i glanced back my daughter and i did our business in the women's restroom and head back out to the lobby as i expected my husband was already there since he did not have a small human to chaperone the old guy was also in the tiny lobby he was just standing there staring at my husband my husband rushed us back to our car as we were buckling in he locked the doors then he told me that guy had not even gone to the restroom and was just standing in the lobby the whole time he agreed with me that we might have just had a close call and he was just glad it had not been me or our daughter out there alone however that is not the end of the story remember how i mentioned wall and that it was a hundred miles away well that was a hundred miles of pretty empty landscape but a decent number of turn offs from the interstate we didn't see the truck following us and thought the whole episode was behind us except when we stopped in war to grab lunch and some road snacks plus look around this homey but little tourist map in the middle of nowhere we saw the guy in the store not even 20 feet from us same face beard dirty plaid shirt thankfully we'd already eaten so since he was staring at us again we quickly paid for our snacks and trinkets and got the heck out of there thankfully we never saw him again but i was seriously creeped out until we reached our relatives in wyoming safely and with no other side of that truck about a year ago i got an alaskan malamute puppy i was so excited to have a dog i wanted to go hiking with him camping travel it was fall in iowa so it can get cold for camping so i decided to start researching cabin rentals i had found an amazing cabin in wisconsin on airbnb it was fully loaded very secluded in the middle of the woods had a hot tub internet pool table great kitchen the cabin was just so beautiful and it was cheap to rent a boot the first time i had visited this cabin i had a great time it was just me and my dog i relaxed we went hiking i cooked a great dinner and i slept well i only stayed one night just a quick getaway on my off day from work after getting home i told my friend martha about this great cabin and she was eager to take a trip there with me we decided to go up there the night before halloween we took off just martha my dog and myself that night we had a blast we drank cooked dinner chilled in the hot tub then decided to watch scary movies since it was close to halloween i was pretty drunk but when i was standing in the kitchen i could have sworn i seen martha run down the basement stairs which were right off from the kitchen where i was standing then i looked over into the living room and martha was sitting on the couch watching the movie i was so freaked out but i tried to just pass it off as nothing like i said i was drunk so i kinda just blew it off we both end up passing out late and nothing too exciting happened what happens the next morning is what made me a solid believer in the paranormal i was always sort of a skeptic when it came to ghost i had as some have had some weird experiences that were weird but nothing that i could justify as paranormal you know i could probably write off those experiences if i really wanted to so i always had doubt in the back of my mind but that morning we were hungover we ate a little breakfast then decided to go sit in a hot tub so i decided to lock my dog in his crate and we went outside to get in the tub i was so tired but this felt so magical because it was literally halloween and it was dumping down snow we sat in the hot tub for maybe 15 minutes i heard a very loud bang coming from inside the cabin and my dog was barking at something we got out and ran inside to the kitchen since it was cold then we literally froze in our footsteps the entire kitchen was torn apart all the cabinets were open the refrigerator door and the top of the freezer were open the bar chairs were all flipped onto their backs drawers were open pans were thrown off shelves martha's phone was charging on the counter and it was unplugged on the floor i have no other explanation other than it could have been some sort of paranormal event my dog looked terrified but there is no way he tore the kitchen apart he was still a puppy he was not that big yet and he was still locked in his crate before we went outside the kitchen was a little messy from our night before but nothing like what we walked into the kitchen was absolutely trashed i know martha didn't do it because we were both outside there was also no way someone broke in the cabin to do it we were in the middle of nowhere and it was snowing so there would have been footsteps the hot tub is right next to the long driveway leading into the cabin we would have seen anyone drive up there for sure i just have no other explanation on why that happened so now i'm a believer into the paranormal and so is martha i am sure my dog saw some crazy stuff we left soon after this happened and believe it or not i actually stayed at this cabin again multiple times and nothing has ever happened like that ever again maybe halloween stirred up the spirits and they just wanted to be heard or seen in some way maybe i really did see a ghost the night before as well who knows what crazy things happened in that cabin it's very old this happened when i was 11 years old which i'm now 13 and still remember clear as day i basically lived in the middle of nowhere so i didn't have many friends there was this huge force though so i would play in that all the time one day i went out to go play it was around 6 30 so it was kind of dark outside now let me mention i live in wisconsin i went deep into the forest and everything was pretty normal until about seven now i was used to hearing weird noises in the woods but nothing like this i heard this awful scream it wasn't human-like either it was like a demon it scared the absolute crap out of me i was a curious little girl so of course i went to investigate i got maybe a half a mile in when i saw this non-human-like creature perched in a tree now instead of running for my life i froze in shock and fear for whatever reason and before i knew it that thing that awful smelly thing was already behind me i just wanted to scream for help but i couldn't for whatever reason i didn't know what that creature could do to me so i stood there like a rock hoping it would leave it screamed again but even worse this time i felt like i was gonna go death eventually after a couple of minutes of this thing staring at me and sniffing around it flew up and i mean it jumped up and flew up into a tree i stood there looking at it for what felt like hours the only thing i could think to do was try to whip out my phone and blind it with the flash so i could make a run and that's what i tried to do now i forgot to mention earlier i was a little chubby for my age so i couldn't run all that fast and that sucked because that creature jumped and ran after me it chased me and i ran for my life at any moment i knew that thing could grab me if it wanted to but for some reason it seemed like it just wanted to scare me as i screamed for help that creature caught up with me and i felt like my life was going to be over i made a dash for the bushes hoping to be able to hide him one which i did now i waited for at least half an hour watching this thing run around and hearing it screech and holler all through the woods after a while i made a dash to the back door hoping that thing wasn't behind me instead he was perched on our air conditioner i told my parents that very night and they called me crazy but i know what i saw out there and i'm never going into those woods again monsters are real and i don't know what that creature was and i don't really care to find out what that creature is i just know it's out there [Music] i've never told anyone this story but i felt now was the time to get the truth out so i used to live back in oregon a few years ago i think i was about 15 when the incident occurred back then i'm 20 now i used to live in a townhouse on the edge of the oregon woods there was a large tree i used to climb on and mess around with it was right behind the complex and there was a small clearing with a small footpath leading into the woods where eventually the road would disappear and you would be left to fend for yourself and try not to get lost one day i was slightly bored and decided to go on what i like to call an adventure i did things like this a lot and honestly i still do i'm just a lot more cautious now well as i was saying i was walking along the trail and oddly found a small overgrown pathway leading off of the way that i was walking almost as though there was at one time a hiking trail there i started to walk further ahead before curiosity got the better of me and i turned around going down that old worn out and overgrown pathway about five steps in i began to hear some weird noises around me thinking it was my own footsteps i pushed on which now i regret as i walked further and further into the woods i began to hear faint breathing sound seemingly getting closer with each step that i took down the pathway before long a low groan erupted through the trees almost the sound of an animal or human dying in pain the groan erupted a second time this time merging with a gurgling sound a few moments later i heard a loud thump like something heavy hitting the four's floor soon followed by heavy footsteps and a dragging sound i booked it from that spot as back then i never really carried a weapon with me about a week later i got curious and went back out there what i found shocked me i found drag marks explaining the dragging sound that i had heard before along with footprints in the middle of the marks was what appeared to be a knife along the blade was a dark substance this substance also seemed to be mixed in the dirt and spots which i now think was blood this was the last time i had ever heard anything like that in those woods and to this day i suspect something very awful happened out there i sometimes even wonder if i came close to witnessing a homicide i understand why people are eager to share their experiences now a good story can fill you with a chill down your spine leave you with a desire to know more few people understand the dangers such an opioid can lead to this story begins with such a desire to see to live the story during my life i've had more encounters with the unknown than i'd have liked from time to time i'd share some of these accounts with friends one night shortly after celebration of our upcoming graduation four friends and i were sharing scary stories most were just urban legends and folktales relatively harmless at some point of the night our host decided to share a local legend he told us about a local playground next to a church in our town rumor persists that ghosts can be seen during the witching hour this caught everyone in a strong desire to see it for themselves against my better judgment i gave into their fervor and we decided to head to the playground and try to see the ghost a few others were playing card games and i asked them to watch my baby brother who'd come with me we made our way out into the night five of us and made it out on our way our host led us through a series of gutters that cut through the suburban sprawl and directly to the church the street lights hummed with a chill in the june air the telltale signs of rubber on the moist road passed occasionally and pets sing among us in the backyards and a beautiful full moon helped light our way against a cloud the sky after a 7-eleven pit stop we reached the church nothing much of note happened and even worse the mood was crushed due to the church being at the corner of an intersection though a desire for a spooky site was gone we had a fun time being young and taking in one of our last nights as a youthful freedom disappointed we made our way back down to the gutter system to get to our host home we talked about tcgs and other games losing track of time and at ease when we hadn't heard a coin hit the ground we all stopped to look around i had asked if anyone even had changed to drop we'd all spend every penny we had on us at the 7-eleven and no one even saw a coin on the ground a twitch of concern hit me like a needle in the arm something was off i couldn't place my finger on it but i knew before i could even speak up the group started moving with each corner we passed the feeling only grew closer i felt my heartbeat growing in intensity the soft chill in the air quickly a bit into our bare skin and we struggled a bit to see the way in front of us after dropping a short skip to a point where the gutters came to two directions and led into a barrel drain behind us the host stopped walking he's not a small man in either height or weighed and i've seen him be braver than most but he was frozen stuck in a position that i've seen before it's fight or flight a common saying people use to describe a response to danger what is less known or maybe even thought of is freezing some lock up and freeze when exposed to dangerous situations i've seen this reaction the others asked him when he stopped and tried to move him along almost like a trigger when he was pushed he just collapsed the two next to me tried to get him onto his feet a sudden drop to concrete can hurt like hell yet he was out like a light the rest of the group behind us then whimpered looking back they were looking down at the end of the gutter backing up until they all circled around me and the host i asked what was causing everyone to back us onto the corner yet they just started to panic i pushed past them and looked around us by this point half of the group looked down to the other end and the other did the same to the other end i looked and saw nothing but the uneasy feeling was making me furious i demanded they answered me and they stopped speaking over one another finally one of them asked if i see the black dog the other sad they did on each end looking both ways i saw nothing i felt maybe they were just caught up in the moment i told them i wasn't going to just wait here and let the host suffer from a possible concussion i made my way down one gutter that cut to the left and to the end of a cul-de-sac we came from i grew frustrated with them begging me to come back and quicken my pace halfway there i saw a blue dot in the middle of the gutter the closer i got the more it grew i slowed to a stop entrance by the spot the chill in the air was gone all the noise my group begging me to come back was drowned out and the anchor i felt was drowning in a sense of peace and calm the blue dot grew in a small blue flame and that had a center of white what caught me in a trance was that it didn't grow outward but seemed to grow inward after i was totally calm i looked up and finally was able to see it imagine if you can the moving silhouette of a wolf blacker than even the night around it pacing around before you now picture this incomprehensible sight and still seeing its eyes and gaping maw even darker this thing circled back and forth as the predator would before kill each and every wrong cut deep into my heart the entire time we walked down the gutter i heard no sounds no cars animals the hum of power lines not even our own footsteps it's why the sudden ping of a coin hid in the ground caught us unaware such a small sound would normally be drowned out the lights around us were dimmed and seemed to be grown even darker for the first time i saw my breath in the freezing air a sickening sight in mid-june i looked down for a moment and the small flame was gone i had to get the group out of this mess and i made my way back walking backwards as calm as possible when i made it to them i noticed the other pacing shadow on the other's path end i looked at all my friends and came to the quick idea i told the group we had to make it to the house for whatever reason the excuse i came up with was my baby brother we have to look out for the little guy that was enough a reason for them to finally decide to move we hauled their unconscious friend as best as we could and rushed down the path leaving to our exit i pushed the group along from behind and saw them running like men possessed i only caught a glimpse of these living cutouts in reality running down our way every sound began to down out my sight was going black and the night grew so cold i couldn't even feel anything other than a numbing sensation everything crashed back into normality when i hit the ground out of the gutters looking back for a second the only thing i saw was a passing shadow that drew a gust with it as it left the sounds heat and mundane night came back slowly around us the host gasped awake and sat up the group quickly ran back into the house panting and wiping off any tears while also praying to any gods we had since then i've had more incidences in my life the only difference now is that the group i was with knows better than to grow addiction to the unknown and the desire to know this is probably not the same scope as many of the other stories that i have heard about shadow figures but i had a strange experience yesterday and wanted to share it with someone for some quick context i honestly have no idea if this was paranormal or not but it sure as hell felt creepy i get off work at 6 pm and it's habitual that i take my dog out for a walk right after i get off i've been working at home since the pandemic so it's nice to get out of my office chair and stretch my legs and smell fresh air after i clock out for the day i live in a well populated area so seeing people around me isn't out of the ordinary by any means usually my girlfriend will join me as she's either worked until 4 or 5 pm or just gotten out of her online lectures this was the case yesterday as well however i want to mention that on sunday i had rolled my ankle and i've been wearing a medical brace to keep it stabilized but it makes me limp slightly and i've been moving slower than my normal pace for reference i'm a pretty fast walker and have long legs so usually i'm the one passing people as we walk the walk was normal it was a beautiful day and despite the pain in my ankle it was incredibly enjoyable there's a spot where we typically turn onto an open field during our walk and where we play fetch with the dog for a little bit but we have to cross a road first so as we approached i turned my head to look left to check for cars and out of the corner of my eye i saw a person about four feet behind us i don't know if it was a male or a female but i know they were tall and gaunt they were wearing what looked like a black top and gray pants this was just for a split second out of the corner of my eye so i can't say for sure what the clothes were just the colors [Music] i didn't think anything of it other than man i must be moving slow to have people catching up to me and brushed it off when we turned onto the field however i took another look back frankly i was just curious who was following us so closely and wanted to see who it was but there was no one there i looked down the road we crossed and it was completely empty i looked across to see if someone had doubled back but there was no one there at all i immediately got a strange sense of dread and wanted to go directly home despite the fact that my dog was bounding around ready to play there isn't a single doubt in my mind that i saw someone i don't wear glasses i have good vision and my hair was out of my eyes there was nowhere for anyone to hide no trees to duck behind or places to obscure oneself i told my girlfriend about what i saw and she claimed she didn't see anyone but she hadn't been looking it was just me that saw it even my dog who was typically very hyper sensitive and protective of me didn't even see anything again probably far more tame than most of the other encounters you've shared but i felt the need to get it off my chest it was a creepy experience and made the hair in the back of my neck stand on end experience takes place in the summer of 2011. we have a large living room with large storm windows and in the same open space behind them is the kitchen and hallway with two bedrooms i had a friend sleeping over he was on the couch and i was on an air mattress in the center of the room we had the goal of staying up until sunrise and have been playing halo reach on the living room tv by all accounts it had been a good night sometime around 3am we decided to switch to watching tv my friend said he was feeling tired and wanted to take a nap it was right around 4am and he had set his alarm for 4 45. i on the other hand was wide awake from the inhuman amount of caffeine i had consumed that night he fell right asleep now for the first time in years remembering the events of that night i just noticed my hands are shaking i feel sick to my stomach and under pressure in a way that is hard for me to describe it makes me very anxious to think about this still nine years later i was watching my name is earl the episode where earl falls for his personal trainer wendy i remember the exact moment the camera shows her for the first time in a brown leonard skinner t-shirt and the tv screen goes black with a bar that reads no signal it displayed this bar for a moment and then completely turned off next the lamps and our kitchen nightlight went out one by one through the storm windows came a dull white light that seemed to illuminate the entire interior of the house i immediately felt a sense of panic i ran to our white lamp i remember vividly looking at the pattern of the fern on the side before rotating the switch it clicked and would not start the light was growing brighter and felt as if it was consuming me i jumped over our coffee table and shook my friend there was now a consuming droning sound it was mechanical but like a giant rush of air though lower pitch i screamed at him shook him opened his eyes i pulled him off the couch and onto the floor begging him to wake up i picked up his cell phone and pressed the power button but to no avail i then ran to the kitchen with the light growing brighter inflict the light switches i remember the on and off of the switch in the specs of the stray green paint i ran into my parents bedroom screaming trying to shake them awake i was completely unable to stir them the light was now seeping into their bedroom i sprinted out and down the hallway and it was almost too bright to see i found my way to my air mattress and covered my head with the blanket i felt the light could sue me and wrap around me and then it was like i was just out it's very similar to anesthesia it was like skipping a frame in a movie suddenly i was sitting up in my bed on my covers the mechanical droning quickly faded and the white light faded away to the yellow morning sunlight coming in from the storm windows the tv came back on in the same sequence beginning with the no signal warning then the dvr powered back up the lamps and lights came back on one by one i heard the microwave beep after regaining power i picked up my friend's phone it was 7 am i woke him up and he asked why did not wake him up when his alarm went off i had no answer i cannot explain this experience although i'm absolutely certain it was not a dream i have had lucid dreams before and they are nothing like this it was so vivid and i can still see it photographically in my memory i remember the way my friend's eyelids felt when i lifted them and the way the light switches felt and exactly how my house was decorated at the time i also watched as everything came back on i have never told this story to anyone before [Music] i moved into my new apartment about a week ago my first few nights were comfortable and uneventful however about three or four nights ago i was laying in my bed watching tv when i glanced out of my bedroom door and saw a very tall about eight foot tall white being walked from the living room and into our kitchen i've always seen spirits and weird things this felt different i was frozen i couldn't move eventually i could talk and i asked my boyfriend he could go up and turn on some lights we were in bed watching tv before going to sleep and i felt fine nothing else happened that night and i eventually fell asleep the next night i began to see these dark little blobs dashing around usually these are little cat spirits visiting me and i was fine with it until i realized they weren't cats and they would take on the shape of little people about three feet tall last night my two caps kept staring in the same direction and following things around the room with their eyes i got a little freaked out and had this heavy feeling in my chest eventually i ignored it and fell into a deep sleep i woke up to one of my cats being chatty this is weird because she doesn't usually meow unless something is talking to her she's typically very quiet it was like something was playing with her and her toy i could hear it bouncing around i felt heaviness on my chest again it felt like there was static in the air i looked over into my closet and there was one of these small people that i mentioned earlier it looked like pure static though i started to say in my head this is my home and you're not allowed in it and suddenly my cat starts howling absolutely freaking out i jump up and go get her and everything seemingly stops my boyfriend was deep asleep through all of it and didn't experience any of it i don't know what these things are but i don't feel like they're spirits they almost feel like aliens this is a bit of an update from last night it was pretty calm for the most part i closed each door that there was activity in bathroom and closet but i did see things moving in the kitchen i was laying in bed again for a while before going to sleep and ended up claiming my space again i traced each room with white light and really put my energy into each room it felt like my place again like it did the first few days after moving in i was talking to my boyfriend about it all after i felt safer here and he mentioned how something acted similar with our cats when we first moved into our last place they would chase around absolutely nothing and act as though i was playing with them i didn't remember this until he told me about it so maybe something is following us or maybe something is just trying to help them adjust to their new home i don't know i'll keep updating you guys as things happen though [Music] [Music] my brother is a mortician at a facility in new york and one night when i was visiting he asked if i wanted to go to work with him so i wouldn't be alone in his house i reluctantly said yes what's the worst that can happen right boy was i wrong to start off with this place was creepy as hell dark and smelled funny he said it was normal and it was probably the smell of the formaldehyde so i just ignored it after a little time of chit chatting and catching up he told me that he needed to get to work but that i could stay in the little adjoined office and watch some tv and so that's exactly what i did for a little bit the entrance to the morgue had swinging doors and you could hear when someone was coming in or out of them he came to check on me a few times so i heard them after a few hours of being by myself i started to doze off when the sudden sound of the doors woke me up expecting from my brother to walk in and greet me there was nothing again i started to fall asleep and yet again the loud doors went off you couldn't tell if someone was coming in or out but they kept on swinging and didn't stop thinking my brother was playing a joke on me i got up and went to tell him to stop but to my surprise there was only a little girl standing there playing by the doors pushing them hi i told her she looked at me and didn't say a word one of the things that caught my eye was a pretty blue dress with the pink ribbon that she was wearing your dress is pretty and the bow makes it stand out again no reply she looked down and started to run the opposite way towards a lonesome hall i thought the kid belonged to another employee so i went back to my chair and sat down a couple of hours later when my brothership was over he finally woke me up to go back to his place as we were driving i started to tell him about the doors and the little girl with the cute blue dress and big pink ribbon he slammed the brakes what the hell why did you break tessa he told me with a chilling look on his face last night i did an autopsy on a little girl that drowned she was wearing a blue dress with a big pink ribbon my blood ran cold and i've never been to work with my brother ever again i guess i should start with a little backstory from my experience to make more sense it was halloween in 2005. i was around four years old at the time we had just gotten home from trick-or-treating when my stepfather asked if i wanted to see something scary i was always a weird kid who absolutely loved horror movies gore and all of that i cannot really say that ever changed now that i'm older anyway he took me into the pitch black bathroom and told me the story of bloody mary it was the first time i had ever heard the story and even at four years old i laughed it off he saw that i was not scared smirked and ran out of the bathroom holding the door closed behind him i begged him to let me out even screamed when he started chanting it was there that i felt this presence it was behind me when i turned i just saw this ooze of black coming from the mirror that is the most scared that i have ever been what scared me the most though was that ooze it felt like an eternity as i saw this woman a fully grown woman crawl out of the mirror she just looked like a normal person i was terrified still that is when i saw her claws i screamed even louder until finally my mother opened the door for me she was already upset at my stepfather for locking me in the bathroom but when she saw my tear stains and the sheer terror on my now pale face she was furious i don't remember the rest but i know he never tried to do that to me again flash forward a few months i don't remember exactly but it was after my birthday and i believe i had just turned five for some reason ever since that incident i had been seeing things out of the corners of my eye always seeing shadows running around saying hello and waving to people who apparently were not there seeing as i was just a toddler at the time people seemingly wrote it off as an overactive imagination however this night i was able to convince my mother to switch rooms with me if i watched out for my baby sister i was okay to sleep alone in there i was in a dead sleep when i just woke up i cannot remember if something had woken me up or if it was just a night terror but i had woken up exactly at 12 am on the dot surprisingly i was wide awake as if i was never asleep in the first place i looked over at my sister in her crib and saw that she was still asleep i was happy i did not wake her up then i looked across the hall into my bedroom where my mother was sleeping in my bed she was still asleep as well but i had to take a second glance because i thought i saw something it was in the hallway between us shadows running back and forth as if to distract me then i saw this black ooze the same ooze that i saw on halloween with her i was silent i did not know what to do but this time i for some reason did not feel scared i was in a way comfortable i saw the shadow and the ooze rise from her hand and her arm her chest to her wrist and her legs were all radiating the stuff she looked like an old victorian woman her dress was that of a noble woman in that area her hair was done in a beautiful braided bun and she looked incredibly beautiful she gracefully walked around my bed to the foot of it and bent over seemingly upset to see my mother in my bed almost as if she were wanting to see somebody else there that is when i made eye contact i did not notice her turn around and look straight at me she moved quicker and vanished into the black hallway i thought she had gotten scared or something that is when i heard something in our kitchen this was a small apartment so for me to hear something in the kitchen was not necessarily weird but since nobody was awake it was kind of scary i thought my mother would have woken up but she did not i looked over at my sister making sure she was still asleep into my relief she was it only took a quick glance but when i look back at the hallway my heart stopped there she was she was bent under the door frame because of how tall she was she walked into the room towards my sister's crib i figured the woman was simply curious about her this is when she stopped and i noticed she had something in her hand and i got terrified she had a knife it was not like a normal knife though it was shadowy and oozy like she was i was frozen she raised up her knife and i was finally able to scream don't touch her i sat straight with the feeling of how i should not have done that she stared dead at me knife still in hand she turned towards me and started walking around the bed to where i was she tilted her head to the side and bent down to get closer this scared the daylights out of me i do not know why i don't know if it was the fear of her or the fear of what she was doing but i was frozen maybe it was just the presence of being around her i finally screamed for my mother it took until about my fifth scream until my mother rushed in turning on the light asking me if i was okay what was wrong i was panting and crying barely able to speak she could not see her and she wouldn't believe me i don't remember the rest of that night all i know is that i potentially saved my baby sister's life that night that is still going through my mind now and again it still freaks me out i'm nearly 20 years old now and i have never seen her again but i do get glances of her every now and again from the corner of my eye almost as if it was daring me to try to summon her again all i know is she is one of the reasons why i see things now why i believe in the paranormal and for that i will remain somewhat grateful [Music] when i was in high school a couple of girls i went to school with invited me along on a halloween sleepover so after getting permission from my mom i caught the school bus after school the next day with my friend andrea that is whose house we were all meeting at after school we were all about 15 or 16 years old at the time all from tyler texas or the close by surrounding cities after everyone arrived we all started getting ready for a halloween night outing at one of the richest neighborhoods in our city this area was known as holly tree sure we were all a bit old for trick-or-treating but what the heck we did it anyway after we all returned and dressed in our pajamas we all decided we wanted to go for a nighttime walk take note andrea lived out in the country so these were mostly dirt roads with some street lighting we were all too young to smoke so once we got out of eye side of the house we began to light up our cigarettes there were five of us that night me andrea my cousin tina lacey and bianca we were all walking laughing and talking until we came upon a big white house earlier in the evening we had passed this house on the school bus and andrea told me that the lady that lives there did witchcraft she said that something was mentally wrong with her she lived and dressed like people back in the 1800s she had no electricity and got her water from a well in her backyard she only wore black dresses and had exceptionally long black hair as the bus drove by she was sitting on a huge front porch in a rocking chair we saw her get up quickly and run in the house before the bus got close enough to get a good look at her now i told you that part so you can understand where i am going with this story as i was saying before we were all walking and stopped when we came in front of her house my friend bianca kept saying shh do you guys hear that at first a few of us laughed because we thought she was just messing with us that was until she was persistent with the shh guys i'm serious listen so we were all quiet and then we heard it it was a whistling not just any whistling it was like very in tune old timey kind of song i started looking around to see where the whistles were coming from as we all slowly started walking in silence i was always the bravest of us all kind of a tomboy i guess you could say not to mention i was the biggest in those days suddenly tina says in a quiet shivering voice oh my god it's coming from the porch the porch of the white house at that moment a car came around the corner down the road and the high beams shined a light on the house we saw the porch for just a few moments all the while this whistling continued when the lights hit the porch we saw the woman dressed in all black rocking in a rocking chair out on her front porch it appeared she kept rocking faster and faster all of us froze now taking in what we were seeing as the light from the car started to fade the house starts turning pitch black again until suddenly the whistling stops suddenly she bulged right out of the rocking chair in our direction her clothing was so black she blended in with the knight a big black dress with long black cloak over her shoulders in fear or maybe shock we all screamed and started running down this dirt road back towards andrea's house we went as fast as we could i and bianca were having a hard time keeping up because we were both a bit chunky in the midsection we got to a spot on the road where a street light was and we all stopped for a moment and looked back to see if she was still chasing us all around us besides us where the light covered was pitch black the clouds rested on the ground from the foggy night halloween brought we all were staring down the road in silence until suddenly whistling broke the silence terribly low scary in tune whistling we could not see anyone so we all started walking back to andreas cautiously watching our backs i was trying to calm everyone down telling them it was just her trying to scare us because of halloween tina looked back once more and i was still looking forward the whistling again had stopped we figured okay joke's over she went back home crazy loon then once again the whistles we heard started up again we all stopped and looked back because it seemed every time we started walking the whistles will get louder and louder next thing i knew lacy and tina looked back past us and both scream and take off running as fast as i could i looked back to see what i was running from it was the witch in the black dress she was running at full speed with her long black dressing cloak flying in the air clearing the fog around her i bolted because i was scared at this point i was all alone the other girls had made it back already without me i kept looking back in fear thinking surely anytime this lady is going to give up or laugh saying she got us but she kept pursuing me on foot she kept whistling the crazy thing is is her whistles never changed it was in perfect harmony the whole time and she was running full speed this woman never stopped to take a breath or anything that scared me because that cannot be human when i got to andrea's driveway i got to the house and beat on the door because they had locked it yeah i know some friends huh when i got in they asked if she was following me and i said yes telling them what i saw and heard suddenly i heard tina scream at the top of her lungs i looked up and she was pointing at the window the witch had gotten on the roof and was hanging upside down looking through the top of the window long black hair dangling down she lifted her head up and suddenly we could hear her walking on the roof so at this point we called the cops because well what the heck are we supposed to do what was she doing as we were waiting for the police we kept hearing her whistle while running on the roof above us i armed myself with a kitchen knife not like it would do much when the police arrived all the noise had stopped suddenly the red and blue lights outside brought some ease to the fear that we were feeling they showed up three cars deep and we were telling them what happened they searched the whole property and never found her so they went down to the house where we told them she lived we rode with the officer to point the house out when we arrived he informed us the woman we were talking about had hung herself a year from that day the house was to be condemned and no one has occupied it in a year we were all terrified was it her ghost i guess we will never really know but that's a halloween i'll never forget [Music] this is going to sound like an intro to a bad horror movie so i apologize about that but i cannot really change the facts to make it sound any less i guess fake anyway a couple of years ago in ninth grade our class went to a lake near poland for six days it was in a big forest two hours away from the next town and the only thing around us was a huge corn field a lake and a campground lucky for us we have been here before and knew the people who owned and rented the lake house so we got to stay there even though it was usually only rented to younger students on class trips what makes this cheesy is that the third day was halloween we did a night tour with a guide but nothing really scary happened that said i got to hold my crush's hand which was nice so two days later and half the class decides that hey we already have flashlights with us so let's go on our own tour of the part of the forest that we did not get to go through that part started if you followed the lake down to the only street which was made out of dirt then you had to take a right around the lake instead of a left opposite the entrance was a huge cornfield that none of us paid any attention to because you know high grass more bugs stuff like that my friend forgot her flashlight in her room so while our group already started i waited for her outside in the dark scared out of my mind to be honest my poor butt does not have a flashlight and i was not about to spend a little money honestly i didn't have much to spend so i wanted to save all i could i would probably only use it for a few times on this trip and then never use it again i told myself everything was going to be okay after all this was not some cheesy horror movie and i can still see the group from here so none of them could really sneak up on me and play a prank i waited for a bit and next to me coming from the lake i heard something moving whatever it was slowly crept closer but i could not really see much of anything at first i brushed it off as the cat that belonged to the janitor of the house but a second later i saw that the cat was on the other side of the street trying not to panic i turned towards the noise and stared it down whatever it was i was ready for the jump scare because it certainly can't be anything bad right before the noise got too close though i heard my friend calling and that is when the noise stopped i decided not to tell her about the noise because i figured she wouldn't believe me anyway we started walking down the street and i should mention that on each side of the street was a thick forest on the right was the lake but you could hardly see it through the trees in the brush in the dark so we walked down the creepiest road i have ever been on in my life and i had the worst anxiety i had this feeling in my stomach like something was just not going go right it was like somebody was watching us and it was making me panic i kept asking my friend over and over again to hand me the flashlight so i could check behind us but she kept refusing because she thought i would run away with it or do some sort of prank when we reached the entrance to the forest bit our friends were in she finally let me take the flashlight and look behind us now that flashlight is an expensive one it was so bright and far-reaching that you should never shine it into the sky because it could blind a pilot i am not kidding either it was while shining it around we saw a huge black shadow just standing there not moving it was quite tall and incredibly lanky it did not have any clothes on or maybe it did but they must have been skin tight because there was nothing resembling clothes on its silhouette there were no facial features or anything like that just hair even though we were actively shining a light on this thing it seemingly stayed completely black we were mortified and could not move out of fear but to our luck our friends came running from the forest and suddenly the thing was gone our friends went on about finding an old abandoned shack with an old ghost lady in it while they led us towards it my friends and i both decided not to say anything because again it was not like as if anyone would believe us eventually one of the girls reminded us to be careful of wolves and that it was probably one of those i'm not going to mess with wolves in the dark where nobody can hear a scream there's just no way period so after my clear refusal my friends all just kind of followed me realizing that their prank did not work and that it was getting late and boring anyways we got out of the forest and looked at the cornfield across the street there was nothing unusual going on it was just a lot of tall grass and corn also of note was that there was nothing in that field but corn and tall grass no scarecrow or similar kind of thing that farmers or whoever owned this land put out when we started walking down the road towards our house again i began having feelings that i was being looked at so i looked over towards the crops and there it was again a black inhumanly lanky figure this one was much taller than the one that i had saw earlier and again was unmoving it was not breathing it had no hair that flew around in the wind like ours did there was no silhouette of clothes that all said this time our friend saw it too they all stopped in their tracks and freaked out we started hearing something running towards us from the forest behind us eventually one of them started running towards the house and the others followed i stayed and i kept shining a light on the figure i kept trying to find any kind of explanation i wanted to go up and see what it was i wanted to see if it would react but the running behind me got louder eventually i remembered that there were wolves in this part of the forest and that is when i tucked tail and ran after the others when i reached the house the others were staring behind me so i looked back as well this time both figures were standing there still and unmoving inside the house we told the others and noted that everyone was still there this meant it could not have been a prank by any of them i was considering whether or not it was a prank by one of the camping people but they were on the other side of the lake and pretty much older so i very much doubt that if it was somehow one of them we would have seen hair clothes and some sort of facial feature by now especially using that high-powered flashlight we could not see breathing movements or anything yes something i still think about very very often [Music] being unsure of how to begin this story i figured the best way would be just to come out and get to the point on halloween night i was 12 years old and i almost killed my best friend rather blunt i know but it happens to be completely true i do suppose i should provide a little bit of backstory in context so everyone reading or hearing this will not go away with the impression that i'm a total psycho i will do my best to explain myself in this situation without being too long-winded the story goes something like this the house i grew up in was located on 30 acres about six miles outside of the nearest town it had been in my family since just after the civil war when my confederate veteran ancestor moved to the state from louisiana the first house that he built upon buying the land burned down within five years so he was forced to build one my family has been inhabiting for the past 140 plus years it was not anything grand but it was enough for my parents and me to be happy in the distance from our town meant i had to take the school bus back and forth every single day and did not have many friends close by to play with some weekends i would just honestly spend my whole weekend on the farm as a teenager i did not think there was anything to do there but as a younger kid we never ran out of things to occupy us one specific weekend happened to coincide with halloween so my folks told me to invite a handful of kids out to the farm obviously we could not trick or treat in the middle of nowhere my folks loaded us into the suburban and brought us into town where they were having some kind of candy handout at the mall when it was over we went back to the farm and played some games on my playstation for a while that got boring and eventually i asked if we could go outside and play hide and seek my mom said yes but we had to be back in by 11 pm i had always had fewer restraints on me when i was growing up being out in the country meant you were allowed to do pretty much whatever you want where i grew up running through woods hunting rabbits and squirrels and walking miles across open fields to go fishing was the norm most of my friends could not even leave their yard without an adult going along i can only assume that is how everyone in the family grew up and my parents did not see anything wrong or dangerous with it the night was a perfect one for hiding and seeking the temperature had yet to grow cold and there had not been any rain in several weeks i gathered all the boys in a circle and laid out the boundaries and rules for the game a few of them have stayed over before so they were familiar with the area i guess at this point i should mention that our house stood across the road from an old 19th century cemetery used by the surrounding farm families it was used all the way up into the 1960s when they ran out of space to bury the dead i had grown up next to it so i wasn't scared to play there but when i mentioned that it was inside the hiding boundaries a couple of the boys kinda got freaked out i assured them that the place was not haunted and only after a lot of coaxing and a bit of you know shaming i convinced them to play we played a few quick games of rock paper scissors until we had our seeker and began the game i and another boy ran straight for the cemetery and found our hiding places i am not sure where the others went once the seeker finished counting he started the search two or three made it to the tree that serve as home base fast we in the cemetery were the last two left the seeker was soon combing through the cemetery for us the boy that had hidden there with me blew past the kids seeking and made it home untouched i tried to do the same thing but the boy was ready this time and i became it the game started again when i finished counting i headed to the most used hiding spots first i did have an obvious advantage but lack of moon made it very hard to see a few boys got past me within the first minute you know one of the ones that hide so close to home base they can almost touch it there is always one or two of those in a game but the remaining two were hidden well what seemed like 10 minutes or more i still had not found any of them i was beginning to get sick of looking right before i was about to give up my best friend troy popped out from under a rotten log on the edge of the cemetery and made a break for home the hiding place he was in forced him to run away from the road and deeper into the cemetery when he cut back toward the road bringing him dangerously close to me i missed him as he passed we were both running our fastest however i was just a bit quicker and right in his tail all he had to do was make it across the narrow road in the six feet or so to the tree and then he was home free we were perhaps just a little less than halfway across when this old blue grey truck came barreling down the road it was so close by this time that i could have honestly reached out and touched it maybe not but damn near it i did my only thing i could think of doing and threw my body against troys in hopes that i can knock him out of the path of the truck i do not remember really being worried about myself just him he was my best friend after all and i had known him as long as i could remember anything i slammed shoulder first into the ditch and it hurt like a mother trucker almost positive the truck could run him over i looked just in time to see troy rolling toward me miraculously he was okay other than a few scrapes in a little road rash i pounced on him to check for any signs of him being hit but found none my hands were shaking and i felt like i was about to barf but so relieved i started chuckling like a lunatic i looked up to the road and the truck was nowhere to be found this was not scary as much as it was confusing it was after 10 o'clock at night and a truck i'd never seen came barreling out of nowhere down a road that maybe two or three people drove down during the course of a day the thought sent a shiver through my body but would not really begin to trouble me until much later i helped troy up and we did our best to shake off the near miss the boys were in utter disbelief that we had survived and kept asking us if we were okay i was a tad soren i imagine troy was about the same some of the boys were scared i could tell by their expressions that they may start crying at any minute this was the last thing i wanted to happen i repeatedly assured them that we were completely fine and there was no need to be upset and in a few minutes they began to calm down i made all the boys promise not to tell anyone especially not my parents my biggest fear was that i would not be able to play outside after dark anymore also if the other guys folks heard about it they may not let them come over anymore i barely had any friends as it was the game was over for the night and it was getting way too close to 11 anyway so i caught it we returned to the house and played games until it was time to go to sleep the remainder of the holiday we spent our time building forts in the woods behind the cemetery that ended up being the last game of hiding seek for the year soon after the 1st of november fall finally began in full as we grew older the weekends at the farm became fewer and fewer a few of the boys there that night got other friends and one boy nicholas lost his life after he was hit by a car despite this i look back at those days with endless happiness i still talk to troy about once a month he is currently stationed at fort hood in texas with his beautiful wife and two daughters we never fail to laugh at how close we came to being killed that night only to be overtaken by confusion and fear surrounding the circumstances in which it happened as for me i'm in the process of moving back to the farm with my new wife my dad and i have been building us a new house a few acres away from the old one and hope to be moving in soon i moved into town right out of school because i had been offered a job at one of the manufacturing places and stayed there until about a month or two ago when i began my own business working out of the house i had told my wife many times of how fun it was growing up out there and we agreed there isn't any other place we'd want our kids growing up in seeing as halloween is coming up soon i wanted to wish everybody happy holidays not just halloween do not forget the night is really for the kids let them have as much fun as possible while they still can oh and one more thing please do not forget to remind them to look both ways when crossing the street not just when they're trick-or-treating it should probably apply to the rest of the time too so this happened either last year or earlier this year before lockdown i think it is probably going to be short as this is the only experience that i have ever really considered odd so we own a cabin up in the mountains of colorado it is nice and is in a neighborhood that sits on the edge of the woods that is about as specific as i am going to get so my dad would sometimes joke with us about gargoyles up there i feel like this is relevant because of the incident in question i think a gargoyle might be involved so it is late one night around 10 or something and i'm on my phone i share a room with my younger sibling and they were asleep anyways i am startled by this loud bang in the cabin feeling like it was shaking it most certainly was not a hallucination as both of my parents came upstairs and i started yelling in confusion it was a one single bang noise maybe like thunder it did not wake up my siblings but i certainly heard it i should also note that i sleep up in the loft so it is basically the top floor whereas my parents sleep in the basement either way my parents heard it too so i was not alone i had asked them what they thought it was and they had said it was probably an earthquake or something i did not agree with them because it felt like i had come from above like the roof again i could be wrong i have never been in a place during an earthquake before so i guess i really wouldn't know i should also note that we didn't talk to any of our neighbors as far as i'm concerned about the incident so nothing could really come of it the thing that i kind of consider evidence to my theory is that sometime later from what i recall when we had someone look at the roof for insurance purposes i recall my parents mentioning the inspector saying there were indentations on the roof as if somebody was walking up there in metal boots or something of the like if anybody else has ever experienced something like this i'd love to hear it down in the comments below so i used to live in a more urban part of arizona and i'll come right out and say i have no idea what this thing is i haven't seen bigfoot i'm fairly certain it's not a chupacabra and i'd be very surprised if it was a loch ness monster so if anyone has any idea what this thing is i would very much appreciate the suggestions but for the sake of the story i'll call it the camel head so the first time i ran into camo head was when i was around 15. i lived about a 10 minute walk away from a playground that leads into a big grass field and behind that field was a rocky strip that was right next to the road but most of it was blocked off by trees safe from view i was really depressed when i was 15 and i go there just to be by myself for the moment and eventually when i began to develop bulimia i go there to take care of things too i just didn't have the heart to let my single dad know that i was going through that so i kept it inside this one specific nook in the rocky road where the wall kind of dipped into the inside was a tight space with an electrical box in the center it was a place to sit down and empty my stomach from the upper and after my dinner each night and it became my own little safe corner of the universe it wasn't until a few months into my bulimia that i'd noticed him or it or them even though i'm fairly certain this thing is a one-off and not a species the only proof i have is that i've only ever seen one anyways the first time i noticed him was at a distance i'd walk along the side of the grassy field behind the trees and he'd always stand just between where the field ended and the rocky road began almost as if though he was bound to stones that decorated the ground what always stood out to me were his eyes his bright shiny eyes a very specific shade of orange i haven't seen before like if you take the color of copper and brightened it then shown it like a beacon out of two small holes he'd always just stand there watching the park whenever he wasn't there that's when i'd venture out into the rocky road and make my way there to take care of what needed to be done every once in a blue moon though i'd run into it and that's when i knew it was more than just me seeing things just not quite to the extent i thought i guess i don't know i feel as if i'm rambling even remembering this it's just how my brain gets i guess he'd always be in the same exact position crouched over sitting down with his head slouched down next over stretched to the side and just the top of his head visible while it moved behind the electrical box the eyes on the side of its heads just barely visible i never knew if it could see me if it could it never reacted even when i made noise unless it gnaws on electrical wires then perfectly hides the evidence or just eats dirt the only significant spot of exactly where its head would be was that when it would go i'd sit on the electrical box right beside where it would be sitting never while i'm there of course and the evidence of my bulimia would always drop down exactly to that area never came on the days when i actually did it always the days following there'd even be a few days afterwards when i'd be too scared to even make my nightly hike and since i couldn't risk my dad finding out i just forced the meals down this was pretty routine after a while me checking to see if camelhead was there if he wasn't i'd do what i needed to do and if he was maybe i'd fight somewhere else or more often than not just keep it down thinking about it now i noticed that i never really seemed particularly afraid of it it was only when i had my eyes on it did the fear strike i don't know if i just love my dad that much that the threat of seeing some unknown entity didn't even phase me or if it's something else i wonder i do know for sure that one day the routine i had broke when i was 16 i was heading out as per usual and walked on over honestly i was upset my girlfriend at the time had dumped me and i was an edgy teen and i was just done with the world i made my way over and when i saw camo had eating it didn't really faze me at this time i believe that maybe stuff was out there but this this was [ __ ] hallucinations stress induced visions based in this area because of what i was going through and i was done with it i walked over began yelling at it flashlight on to show its dark dark gray body and watched as it lifted its head for the first time i saw the head for which it got its name if i saw a camel that looked like this i'd [ __ ] myself but living near the camelback mountains camels are what was on my mind and the shape was close enough the eyes still glowing its bright copper hue stared right at me and for the first time i saw its face head not slender but conical ending into a hole that i assumed to be its nose it only had four teeth that i could see all of them long tinged with whitish yellow and shaped like those of rodent each tooth sitting atop of a lump that surrounded its lipless maw similar to an alligator's mouth it had a giant opening in each cheek or maybe i'd be more accurate to say it had two strips of flesh that connected from the middle of its jaw to its skull and underneath the jaw was where i saw the beginning of a floppy fleshy neck like that of an old man's neck the way it drops down it's the whole neck that was like that covered in skin seemingly too large and wrinkly for its body even though i didn't notice anything like that on his face her body i turned around and walked off after yelling at it deciding not to purge my own accord this time but then i looked back and it was peering out at me its long arms extended out long bony fingers and in particular its middle finger stood out it was longer than the others but much longer than you'd expect on a human and it was tipped with a single talon still being done with the world i marched over and began yelling at it telling it that it wasn't real and then when i closed my eyes and crossed my arms told it to get me ready for nothing to happen it touched me i could tell it was a talent it scratched me and that's when i realized it was real actual danger the moment i realized what happened i just stared at it silently i guess the noise was what it wanted to stop because the moment i realized how heavy it was breathing it lifted its head up to my level and i began running i darted out from it and looked back it was chasing me on all fours not like an animal but angled similar to what i've seen gorillas do but it wasn't exact more awkward but either way it was fast i looked back constantly and once i was halfway across the field out of the rocky road it was gone but i didn't stop i ran all the way home and it'd be a long long time before i go back from then on i decided to go at dusk instead of the dead of night and from then on i really saw it but respected it when i did the funny thing is though when i went back home and saw that part of my arm where it scratched me it didn't look like a scratch even though i saw the talon retreat after i opened my eyes i realized i've been touched when i got home and looked down what i had was a burn mark this story happened to me several years ago when i was in the fifth grade so forgive me if it's not particularly good my memory is not the best i was camping with my friend tim and his brother michael whose family had just moved on to a rather large plot of land coated in dense woodland and lots of little streams as we were young and anxious we wanted to explore the woods to find a nice little place to build a fort and hang out so we headed out into the woods with only sleeping bags and some backpacks with snacks flashlights and some warm clothes to get too cold we found a nice little clearing that had flat ground save for the far side that ran steeply down to meet the creek we set up camp here and had went swimming in the creek where we found some strange animal footprints that looked very close to a human but these prints were smaller and had only three toes we thought this was weird at first but quickly it had left our thoughts as we returned to splashing each other and having fun come sunset we were all laying down in the grass watching as the colorful sky darkened and the nights beginning when we heard a noise coming from the side of the clearing that our camp was at we were sitting on the hill so we could not be seen by anything that was on the flat part of the clearing we brushed it off at first we thought it was probably a deer or something but then we heard the unmistakable sound of fabric tearing and sniffing we cautiously looked over the top of the slope and saw a small dark grey creature no larger than a chimpanzee walking around our campsite i was in shock at first but i began to grow more and more terrified with every passing moment till michael threw a rock into the woods behind the creature and it scurried off back into the woods we waited for a couple of minutes before we got up from our cover behind the slope all our bags had been ripped open and all of our snacks were now gone or thrown about on the ground we found footprints all in the mud around our campsite i got chills down my back and suggested that we leave but michael and tim said they wanted to stay because whatever it was had left and that it was probably just a deformed coyote or something i guess i gave into their pleas and we decided to stay out and some time later we had a fire going once again it was around 10 p.m when we heard branches snapping in the tops of the trees nearest our camp we looked up and saw that thing once again trying its best to hide after it made noise we were all pale-faced and decided to run into the woods away from our camp i heard that thing behind us but didn't want to look back i ended up slipping a glance back though eventually it was not far behind us so i yelled to stay together so that if it caught up we could fight it better despite my best efforts we ended up getting split up and soon i found myself back in the clearing i had managed to do a full circle back but heard brush breaking behind me so i dove down the slope and rolled into the creek trying my best to be quiet i tucked myself just under the incline of the drop into the creek and i just tried to slow my breathing as best as i could i was terrified cut up and bruised from my chase through the woods and now soaking wet i held my breath as i heard something making its way down the slope towards me i heard a south hissing sound and a growl as whatever it was ran back up the slope towards my camp i sat there for what felt like hours but was probably only 15 minutes or so when there was a large splash next to me i thought it was done for but i saw it was tim what what are you doing here i asked i came looking for you and michael tim said out of breath i haven't seen michael since back in the woods i replied worriedly i thought he was with you tim was about to speak when we heard someone making their way through the clearing towards the slope i thought i was going to be forced to hold my breath again but tim stood up and quickly ran to the other side of the creek to escape i saw his shape fade into the darkness quickly and i was about to follow when i saw that gray creature jump up into the water just feet away and give chase it smelt like death and i could see it well for a short instant its flesh seemed to wriggle and squirm like there were worms just under the peeling flesh and its bony spine looked more like a protrusion than a bone i was terrified now more than ever and my fight or flight instinct kicked in i know it sounds terrible but i used this chance to get out of the water and run back to tim and michael's house not too far from where we were camping right as i got out of the clearing i saw michael he was ducking behind a tree and i called his name in a hushed tone he looked at me and i saw pure relief over his face and he stood up where's tim he asked worried lee he ran the opposite way and the thing took off after him i said with tears in my eyes how long had i been crying i thought to myself when suddenly i was knocked off my feet by something it was tim and we all nodded in agreement and ran toward the house we did not know if we were being chased but at this point we did not care we just wanted to get into a safe place we made it back to their house with no problems and we all slept restlessly on the floor in michael's room this is anticlimactic but we went back to that place and none of our stuff was there and we never saw the creature again i have not talked with tim or michael in a couple of years but i want to talk to them about that night sometime soon if i can it was near the end of 2018 around november i believe so it was damp and cold out but nonetheless still comfortable for me when i got a call from my friend joe he wanted to come up to my house and stay a few days to get out of the city so to speak because i live up in the mountains the usual middle of nowhere type old wooden house with my mom who rarely was home for more than two to three hours at a time due to her job and the mountains of tennessee can have some pretty backwards areas we have neighbors but they are good distance from us so we don't really know them all that well enough details for now though so i get off the phone with joe and proceed to the city where of course i and he hung out and played some video games and slightly lost track of time we left and thanks to the time of year it was already dark it was maybe around 6 30 to 7 when we got back to my place and it had begun sprinkling rain on the ride up but we get there with no problem we go in and start setting up the game stations to begin the night of games and movies typical stuff we often did it is around 10 when we have everything set up and the slight rain has subsided so we open the window to cool the room the backyard is dark and i mean dark and it leads straight into the woods beside the small shack in my yard but it never bothered us as we were halfway through our movie when i and joe both heard a faint metallic-like sound coming from the woods it caused me and joe to pause the movie and ask if we both heard the same thing i said i had so we listened for a moment and we heard it again this time though it sounded closer it was so windy so we blamed it on the wind and plus we have a tin roof but we resumed the movie and kind of forgot about it about 30 minutes later we hear this sound again but once again it is much louder than the last it sounded like someone hitting a metal baseball bat against a tree so i paused the movie again and i and joe looked at each other we decided to stay quiet and turn the lights down and take a look out the window we saw nothing but kept hearing it move around the woods so to speak we started getting a little freaked out but turned the movie back on and lowered the volume mostly as a ploy to act as if we were ignoring it but really we were listening intently to the outside noises and the sound quickly stopped they now transitioned to the side of my house just under the opened window we froze and for what felt like five minutes just stared at the window seeing nothing but the darkness and slight glow of the floodlight coming from the side of the house soon we saw a shadow in the light then all at once the light shook and went out we turned and ran into the front room and grabbed the light and anything we could use as a non-lethal weapon and bolted outside to the area from which the sound was coming from it was coming from just under the window but there was nothing no sound no light but my floodlight was unscrewed and on my porch which really freaked us out so i quickly put the light back up and we had a brief look around when it began raining pretty hard we stopped our search and concluded that whoever or whatever unscrewed that light was gone we assumed it did not want to stay in the rain as we did not either we got back inside still thinking about what had just happened as i went to look out the window i saw what looked like a man standing in the dark looking at me from behind the shack in my yard i was scared i would not lie but i kept talking to joe as if i did not see him i walked over to my desk and i calmly took out my nine millimeter handgun i had used this for home protection due to previous incidents that we had had i stow it in my lap and hope that whoever was outside would leave it seemed that for another hour or so that the guy was gone but we heard loud footsteps on my porch near the floodlight then a series of loud banging on my wall right next to where we were sitting i stood up and cocked my handgun when i saw the outside light go out again i moved to the window and shoved nearly my whole upper body out of the window and fired at least seven shots right under the outside of the light and i saw the man run into the woods wildly off into the dark again silence and darkness crept over us again the remainder of the night we kept the lights on and the window shut and nothing else happened all has been quiet since this story takes place one year ago when i lived in the backwoods of georgia i now live in wyoming it is much better here my name is patrick i am 17 now but when this happened i was 16 and this is hard for me to write because it still scares the crap out of me to this day so i and my friends mark cj and chelsea were going to spend the night together because my brother was at his friend's house my mom and dad were going to be out of town for the next week i must note i was 16. mark was 15 chelsea was also 16 and cj was 17. he had his license and i believe he was the only one out of the group to have it because i was living in the back woods cj drove mark and chelsea to my house the first three hours were normal we watched movies played some ps4 games and i browsed netflix until midnight it was at that point for at least an hour we were browsing the r slash paranormal subreddit mark is a believer and so am i chelsea is too but i think cj was more of a skeptic but we still liked him as he was cool he is like a more punk rock version of tom cruise and i saved tom cruise because he was short about 5'4 mark is 5'6 chelsea is 4 10 and i'm 6'4 i am the tallest my dad is a marine he is a beast at 70 and he is 6'4 i got my height from my dad had i not been the tallest and strongest of my friends i would not be alive today here's why we were sitting there out of nowhere my dog starts going absolutely nuts i grabbed my dad's shotgun because my house was on a back road of a back road the closest other person is probably five miles away or more and my property had no trespassing signs and private property signs all over it so i looked outside and see nothing then i hear a sound that sends chills down my spine even as i write this i said what the heck is that cj comes running outside i hand him my mom's pistol and just as we are ready to walk back in the house i see something run into the woods me and cj run after it with our guns we have our flashlights at the ready as well we run for about 15 minutes then cj goes shh quiet then he points at something it takes me a minute to see what it is that's when i see it i open fire and then cj starts shooting as well i stop and tell him to stop soon after we hear a scream coming from the house me and cj sprint back to the house as we hear that god-awful sound again cj and i run into the back door we find mark and chelsea in the corner of the room chelsea is hysterical and crying and said what was that we all had a look of shock on our faces and then i looked at my dog sarah is a 10 year old black lab she's the best dog ever i saw her hiding behind my dad's chair there were three long deep claw marks along her side we all spent the rest of the night in my upstairs bedroom with all the doors locked when the sun came up we went outside with my dad's shotgun and searched the backyard i found two large footprints where i saw the thing run into the woods i told cj and mark but not chelsea i stayed at cj's place for the next couple of days then mom and dad came home after dinner when i and dad were talking in the living room i told him about what happened he said i probably saw a wendigo mark just told me that he had stage four cancer he only has six months so i figured i would share this story chelsea and i have been dating for a while now next year we turn 18. i plan on asking her to marry me and i want a big family and lots of kids but i can't never forget that night it will be with me into the day i die when i was 15 i lived in chandler arizona i was at a bad place at the time my girlfriend was emotionally abusive i had developed bulimia i was in a bad place i couldn't bring myself to let my single dad know that i was going through this so i took out my illness in a secluded area around the park 10 minutes away from my house behind the park was a large concaved grassy field on one side a canal with water flowing through it making homes for fish and ducks on the other end was the wall that separated the park from the backyards of these people behind that wall between it and the road that laid behind the park in the canal was a long slender strip of rocky terrain with nothing but trees to block it from view and small electrical boxes to sit on while i took out my frustration this went on for months before the creature showed up at first all it would be was a black figure standing at a distance at the back of the park at the entrance of the rocky strip it could have been just a man if it were not for these two bright orange beacons it called eyes each one protruding from the side of its head it scared me but i was not capable of quitting yet instead of my usual routine of going there at night after every dinner to purge the food out i checked and if it wasn't there i'd fight nausea my body had built up to the point that i'd just go to a bathroom this went on for a while until one day and i didn't see him i walked back to the rocky strip went to the electrical box seat i'd made for myself and there he was for the first time seeing it in complete detail his skin was gray but considering it was nighttime i could not tell you exactly what shade what i could say for sure was what was above his shoulders instead of a human head his neck extended easily a foot or two long covered in loose wrinkly skin the neck leading up to the head was obscured by the electrical box but it was easy to see that the head was moving the glow from its orange eyes illuminating the area behind the box and with that light i could see that the head was moving as if it were eating i went back during the day and there was never anything there beyond remnants of dried vomit so my schedule changed i checked if it was outside if it wasn't i'd go towards my usual spot if it was there i'd leave if it wasn't i'd take care of my bulimia there until one day i had enough by now i was 16 years old and i was an edgy teen done with the world i was recently single worse emotionally than i had ever been and i had enough of being scared i went to the strip saw eating and decided to turn the flashlight on my phone to look at this thing so i could tell it to screw off that is when for the first time i saw this thing in full it was a dark gray skin saggy resembling that of an old man its neck skin dangled down like bags of water swashing about everywhere its head was its head was different its head was conical with a bumped up nose making it look like a combination between a rat and a camel it had only four teeth yellow plaque ridden and extending out from the sides of its lipless mouth the eyes wide unmoving placed on each side of its head glowed a menacing orange hue i was done with this thing's crap i was done with it scaring me so i yelled at it that is when it reached out its hand seemingly normal except for a singular long bony middle finger armed with the talon it scratched me that's when i knew i messed up the moment i figured out what just happened i ran and i swear when i looked back behind me this thing was chasing me running awkwardly on all fours it did not make any sound but i swear the way it moved its jaw it was either speaking or laughing when i left the rocky terrain i lost sight of it but i kept running back home i never went back there at night again if there are any more details you need to help figure out what this thing is please comment or message me in the chat or whatever i put my email in the details of this message so swamp dweller you've got it if you have any questions or any information i'm almost 22 now it's been six years and i'm still absolutely terrified of what this thing was any help would be appreciated i was a girl scout from the age of five i was a daisy all the way until 17 a senior gold award i loved it and spent my summers in different camps all over california one of my favorites was called hidden falls in socal california deep in the santa cruz mountains this sleep away camp is in a gorgeous redwood forest in a quite rural area funnily enough about 40ish minutes away from this camp is a dedicated bigfoot museum full of quote-unquote evidence and first-hand accounts from several people who have claimed to have seen or heard the elusive cryptid this girl scout camp was all about outdoor skills and we slept out under the stars every night it was warm and having spent the day hiking swimming and playing sports most of my fellow campers fell asleep quickly and stayed asleep no matter what strange sounds were happening around us i on the other hand have had insomnia since a young age and at the age of 11 it was going strong i spent night after night up for hours listening to screech owls and scurrying small animals there was one night though that will stay with me forever on this night however i heard and smelled something different it was getting close to the full moon and my insomnia was at its worst i did not have a watch or a phone it was the early 2000s so it could have been midnight or it could have been 3 am i don't really know i had been listening to the owls hunting in the field next to our campsite with my eyes closed trying to convince my stubborn mind to fall asleep suddenly everything went incredibly quiet all the night birds bugs and small scurrying animals fell silent and still i heard a heavy stomp from the distance that seemed to echo through the field getting closer at first i i figured it was one of the other camping groups coming over to prank us honestly that wouldn't be too out of the ordinary that was until i smelled it it was one of the worst smells i have ever smelled a sharp freshly skunked wet dog compost b.o odor that i have never smelled again it was so bad that i nearly vomited and made a kind of choking dry heave noise the thing just froze in the field and it was at this point i finally opened my eyes to see a huge tall dark figure outside on the side of the field running full speed the other direction i did not dare to get up and no one woke up around me either i have no proof other than my word but i know what i saw it was tall hairy and smelled like a combo of skunk and a septic tank [Music] about four years ago i went to our cabin that sits on 200 acres on top of a mountain roughly 20 miles north of clinton arkansas the trip takes exactly two hours from my driveway to the driveway at the cabin the land used to belong to my wife's grandmother before she passed after her passing we would go up there once or twice a week to check on her two cats both were mostly outdoor cats and the oldest 26 in human years had a knack for teaching the local wildlife how to use the pet door to gain entry into the house so it was fairly normal to walk into the house to find a raccoon sleeping in a corner or helping itself to some food this trip had been a normal routine trip of just going up to check on our hog trap wild hogs in arkansas as with most other states are considered a nuisance animal as they destroy crops costing farmers millions of dollars in damages and devastate the food chain by eating everything edible they came across driving other game out of the area on the upside this pretty much gives hunters the ability to hunt them day or night year round with no bag limit how you do not even have to harvest the meat just leave them where they drop well i get up to the cabin and check on the cats and make sure there are no wild animals in the house i fill up two five gallon buckets full of fermented corn which we used for baiting the trap load up my gear into the trailer that is attached to the four wheeler then grab my rifle out of my truck there are black bears and other predators up there it is more for protection than anything before i leave the cabin i start getting an uneasy feeling that something is not quite right so i grab some ash from the fireplace i rub it on my rifle ammo and my hunting knife just in case no i'm not overly superstitious but i have seen and heard quite a few supernatural events in my lifetime i know that when your gut starts talking to you you should probably listen i grab my flashlight and rifle and hop onto the four-wheeler and head down to the hog trap it is about a mile back into the woods and unfortunately there is not much of a turnaround anywhere near the trap for the four-wheeler i stopped at a bend in the trail and decided to walk the remaining half a mile to the trap as it was a full moon and there were no clouds in the sky i did not need to use a flashlight so i just hung it from my belt loop with some paracord slung my rifle grabbed the buckets and proceeded to walk halfway to the trap i noticed that there were absolutely no sounds coming from my surroundings no frogs no crickets nothing i stand there stalk still straining my ears just listening out of nowhere i start hearing whispering all around me i do not recognize the language but it does not seem threatening after a few moments it fades away then clear as day i hear my wife's late grandmother's voice as if she were right next to me say dustin be quiet i shagged ass to the trap baited it and walked back to the four-wheeler as stealthy as i could i knew something was not right and i did not want to stay any longer than i needed to as i approached the four wheeler i just couldn't get this feeling to shake i heard something in the trees to my right now the terrain to my right drops off steep while the terrain to my left is very very steep it's a rocky hill so it's even worse as i turn and investigate the trees i can see branches bending under the weight of an animal with considerable weight i turn on the green flashlight that i have mounted onto my rifle scope and look through the scope to see what the hell kind of animal this is now even though this branch is about 30 feet away and eye level at me it is also about 20 feet off the ground due to the slow i see absolutely nothing and yet the branch is bending by itself i take aim and pull the trigger the sound of my 308 splits the night and the blast from the barrel illuminates the area not two seconds later i hear a voice a distorted man's voice a few feet from my left say damn that was loud i never spun so fast in my life i had cycled the bolt on my rifle and grabbed my other flashlight and scanned the area what i saw standing not 20 yards away scarred me more than anything it was a humanoid looking creature with pale skin and yellow eyes just crouching in the middle of the trail what the heck is that i muttered to myself i sat the flashlight on the four-wheeler and took aim at whatever this thing was i began squeezing the trigger until i felt all the slack taken out i i could feel the wall that minute space between not firing and feeling the firing pin straining to touch the primer my heart beat loudly my ears this creature looked at me and slid its lower jaw from one side to the other making its teeth click against each other your move i thought to myself the creature started sniffing the air and turned its head as if it were detecting something else other than me i refused to look away but i could hear something else approaching coming down the hill suddenly the creature looked up the hill then took off in the opposite direction i took this opportunity to jump on the four-wheeler and haul ass out of there i made a turn around through some bushes and tall grass and flew out of the area away from that thing and more importantly away from whatever scared it off i arrived back at the cabin and tossed all my gear into the truck and as i was about to get into the truck i heard a very loud shrieking and roaring coming from the area i had just left i jumped in my truck and floored it as i was coming to the turn off to the trail from the main road i could still hear the shrieking and roaring going on whatever had scared that creature off it apparently caught up with it and was now tearing at a new one i flew home and did not stop until i got home my wife and i still go up there from time to time but we never go unarmed i passionately believe that my wife's grandmother was watching over me that night anyway thanks for letting me share this story swap my kids and i will continue listening to your channel before we go to bed well a little back story i have some training in basic to advance law enforcement tactics laws and well awareness of my surroundings this is important as insecurity depending on where you are stationed at you must be extremely aware of your surroundings i have been sent all over the place in fresno california i have worked from ghetto places to high-end places as well as bars and clubs i have seen some stuff and at one point poured out my weapon on a dumb kid this event though kind of had me tripping out as i never actually was able to confirm what i had seen i was working at an apartment complex called millbrook country club apartments i would work there from 10 pm to 6 a.m on this night i remember walking along the parking lot in the center of the complex there is like a storage shack that has lights pointed out toward the houses by the border of the fence as i'm making my way to the shed i noticed a shadow coming towards me though this shadow had long fingertips that seemed like claws it had seemed like the arms were extremely long unnaturally long the best way i can describe it would be like slenderman but with longer arms that would meet the ankles i had my led 1000 lumens bright flashlight i pointed it towards the shadow i swear i watched it disappear so i pick up my pace and walk the short distance of five feet or so when i am behind the shed i see nothing no person no noise no shadows just nothing so i continue my rounds 15 minutes later i make another round and this time i am walking towards the shed once more but from a different angle i decide to shine the light over the cars in the parking lot and when i move towards the shed i see a black shadow dart to this palm tree that i assume is about four stories tall i calculate the height as the surrounding buildings are all two stories tall and the palm tree would tower over them the distance from the shed to the palm tree would be about a football field in length i noticed the movement and quickly reacted i pointed the flashlight to the palm tree and i see what looks like a black bird or something with feathers i follow it the path and it leads to a tree across the complex next to a man-made canal i at this point have a clear view of the palm tree shed and that tree across the canal i calculate the distance from the palm tree to be about one fourth or so of a mile but the tree near the canal is about ten feet tall and had little branches well i saw this black mass crash into the tree i saw branches fly off and land all over i shine the light to it but i see nothing wanting to confirm i saw what i saw i leave the site and make the short walk down to the canal on the other side i never found a body or any sign that something actually made contact with the tree except for the branches all over the ground if anyone in the chat might know what i saw please let me know i wanted to share a story from when i was younger i am not super old now i am only 35 but i remember something that happened to me when i was younger i live in central oregon and we have tons of forest around here especially in my hometown where i grew up in prineville oregon when i was about 18 years old i had my first car an old beat-up mustang not the cool kind of mustang but the old 70s mustang it was slow but at the time i thought it was the coolest car ever because just like any other teenager it was my freedom when i had a long day or could not sleep i'd often go for a drive on this old road called mckay creek it was out in the woods and went to various forest service roads when you go far enough down it was always a nice drive because the only thing i'd ever see out there on occasion was deer and there were lots of nice clearings out there where i could pull off and just look at the stars enjoy the forest and the quiet one night i was having very bad insomnia and i was stressed out my dad told me i needed to move asap because they could not afford me to stay i had just freshly turned 18 that week i was not really prepared for that but life must start sometime i suppose i have always been a huge computer nerd and never really slept well anyway it was about 1am and the stress just got to me so i decided time to go for a drive and clear my mind i'll be okay we got this it's not so bad i figured i'd just go hit my favorite road play some video games when i got home and then go get some sleep i am not really a religious person and i don't really know if i believe in the paranormal but i could never explain what i saw that night down the road some miles after hitting the forest there's a nice fork in the road that lets you hit some beautiful twisty roads in the forest or if you go right onto an old gravel service road just before it is a clearing with a huge circle that you can pull into and park it's 1am in my tiny hometown so i had it all to myself i pulled off turned off my car and got out and decided to stargaze a little it was insanely quiet and it seemed a little weird but i figured well it is night time but it's still weird i don't hear any frogs or crickets but whatever off in the distance i heard a branch snap and i thought stupid deer they're usually quite little buggers but i guess it's that time of night off in the distance i see a set of orange eyes glowing like light is hitting them but the lights on my car are not on it creeped me the heck out usually deer are staring at your headlights and at this distance since i was relatively quiet i would not think that they would be staring at me like this i got back in my car and turned on my headlights my car was still sort of angled towards the road it lit up the hill a little bit so i hoped it'd make whatever this thing was disappear it wasn't a cougar or something like that that's for sure when i turned on the lights and looked nothing was there what the heck i thought the hill was not completely covered in trees and wasn't completely covered in foliage either so nothing would be camouflaged out there i turned them back off thinking maybe whatever it was maybe the lights beaming at it scared it off a few seconds later they showed back up and started zigzagging down the hill slowly i turned my headlights back on and then saw the outline of a huge thing walking on all fours i do not really know what it was cougars are unmistakable to see if you are lucky enough to spot one and we had sightings of them but it was not a cat it was almost dog-like with a weird wide sprawled out stature and was kind of hunkered down like it was trying to hide its size but i could tell that it was big it had black fur and it looked just like it was scraggly and angry i screamed at it get out of here hoping it would startlet it stopped zigzagging down the hill paused and just kind of turned its whole body towards me and stared at me for a second like it was sizing me up i screamed at it again go get out of here go after a short pause it made a weird grunt and growl i had never heard a sound like that before it was almost like it was shrugging me off and started moving straight toward me all i could feel was a dread and i felt like this thing did not want to do anything nice to me i was already at my door half hanging out i hopped in locked it turned the key and just thinking that this thing better start the car started and i got the heck out of there i kept looking in the rear view expecting to see something horrible completely paranoid and hysterical i never felt so glad to get out of the woods i loved hiking in those woods camping in those woods and going out to that road for drives to blow off steam but after that i have never returned without a gun because whatever it was it scared the absolute hell out of me after hearing some of the stories on your channel i was not sure what i saw but it sounded like other stories i had heard of people talking about dog manor skinwalkers i still have no idea what it was or what to think it was but i haven't shared the story with all that many people since the few times i have people look at me like i'm crazy i still cannot get over its size the thing was huge like it could have easily taken both seats of my car huge we never have wolves in that area and coyotes are way too small this thing was all alone and really big i still backpack in the pacific northwest regularly and i've been all over oregon in the woods and i have never seen anything like that since i still carry because it still stays with me and i am always scared i will be out in the middle of a backpacking trip and something like that will show up again i just cannot forget it thanks for listening to these creepy and allegedly true disturbing scary stories sent in by viewers just like you as i said in the intro these were some of my favorite ones i've read over the past year so far and being as we're already so close to the end of 2020 i figured i'd put out a little bit of a premature best of 2020 video so to speak i guess i hope you guys enjoyed these be sure to hit that like button if you did subscribe if you're new and turn on notifications to never miss a new video as i upload them almost every single day and all things natural and supernatural if you guys have a story that you would like to share in a future video be sure to submit your story at swampweller.net or the email you can find in the description down below if you're not aware you can download your favorite swamp dweller scary stories in itunes spotify stitcher radio and just about everywhere else you find your favorite scary stories online and the best part of it all is it's free [Music] if you guys want to support the channel outside of hitting that like button and subscribing be sure to check out our merch store we've got face masks shirts hoodies mugs and pretty much anything else you could want it really does help the channel out a ton if you enjoyed my friend jensen's voice be sure to check out his channel you can also find the link to do that in the description down below it would mean a lot to me if you check his channel out and maybe give him a subscribe he's been working hard on his narrations and i think you guys would like him thank you guys as always for supporting the channel the way you do i'll see you guys soon with another creepy video
Channel: Swamp Dweller
Views: 92,460
Rating: 4.8217978 out of 5
Keywords: True Scary Stories, Halloween Horror Stories, Swamp Dweller, Scary Stories, Narration, Unexplained Stories, Cryptid Stories
Id: 2Ydj8JEIqCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 51sec (7971 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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