15 Riskiest Homes In The World #2

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there are many remote corners in this planet and some seem impossible to live on but you would be surprised some people truly live in constant danger for many different reasons from living at the gates of hell to a house that's being swallowed by the ocean here are 15 riskiest homes in the world number 15 cliff house in australia this house is great if you're not scared of heights it is literally hanging off a cliff the people that live there are quite accurately living on the edge this feat of architecture was designed by modscape a modular housing company based in australia the views from this house are extraordinary as it hangs over the ocean the house has five levels in total so it's a cliff mansion rather than a simple house for obvious reasons the first floor is the garage as the rest of the levels aren't aligned with the top of the cliff and it would be very difficult to place the car at the bottom floor because of its elongated structure you can see the ocean from every single floor you can navigate from level to level thanks to a spiral staircase built at the core center of the house it has three bedrooms and two bathrooms along with a large kitchen area the last floor harbors a lounge area to enjoy the view along with a barbecue and spa area as well so if you're not too scared of heights or landslides this could be the perfect house for you before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] number 14 suit yagan house this is the largest and tallest wooden skyscraper in the world and it has a unique and curious story the structure was in the city of arkhangelsk russia and it was built by a local entrepreneur named nikolai petrovich steagan he began the construction of his wooden skyscraper in 1992 and originally he had in mind a two-story house but he was soon struck by a strike of vision and the house ended up being 13 stories high the house kept growing rapidly just like a giant mushroom up on the hill its gothic facade towers over the city like a castle from a fairy tale but what looks finished from the outside isn't so much so on the inside nikolai was once the richest man in his city but he had to spend some time in prison and because of that lost all his wealth so the wooden palace has its breaks what once he imagined would be an office with a panoramic view is now lacking the floor the neighbors of this extravagant home have been complaining about their safety they claim the structure isn't steady and could fall at any time number 13 rosoco apartments the architects of the dutch mvrdv firm designed these apartment blocks with two things in mind green space and lighting and the result is that this structure looks like open drawers sticking out of a building they say it is absolutely safe to live there but just a quick look might convince you otherwise i mean the blocks are literally suspended in the air the wooden boxes that stick out look quite flimsy to say the least but they are original you have to give them that though ozoko apartments are in amsterdam the netherlands and the weird-looking drawers are called hanging units would you be brave enough to live there the project started in 1997 when young people wanted more ecological and cheaper housing at the heart of the city the firm found a big lot facing south so providing enough natural light became quickly very tricky each hanging unit is made out of different materials thus changing the aesthetic of each one with some balconies being pink others orange and even blue it's a very elegant solution for an issue found in almost every big city in the world today number 12 hanging temple of shang si this amazing and scary monastery is hanging 246 feet off the ground from a cliff in the shangsi province in china the temple is shared by three traditional chinese religions confucianism taoism and buddhism it has 40 rooms and ritual chambers and it has become a sacred pilgrimage destination a place where people go seeking guidance healing rest and inspiration it was built in the 8th century and it's hanging off mount hang it has been dubbed the suspended temple and it's easy to see why all of its structure is built on stilts directly on the side of the cliff it seems to stay there almost by magic on top of its seemingly supernatural balance the temple harbors 80 clay bronze and iron statues which adds to the marvel of how it manages to stay put the monastery has bridges and walkways that connect one chamber to the other and the most amazing part is the fact that they have withstood wind rain storms and the passage of time this temple is for those that are not faint of heart number 11 cliff village meet the most remote village in the world to access it the residents have to climb 900 meters of vertical distance by walking on a steel ladder but not that long ago that same ladder was made out of flimsy wood making it extremely dangerous for the people of the village all the school children have to go through it twice a day they're very much used to it but it's still quite impressive well if you want an example of just how left behind the difficult access to the village has bound the residents to extreme poverty for decades they can only grow corn and potatoes and meat is rare but the chinese government has a radical solution relocate all of them to an area with more infrastructure including running water schools and new job opportunities the project began with the will of eradicating extreme poverty in china around 84 households have now been moved into newly built flats as part of the campaign and thankfully now they don't have to climb the treacherous ladder every day with their babies strapped onto their backs 10 liechtenstein castle the liechtenstein castle was built on a cliff near hanau in swabi and alb baden-wurttemberg germany and it's situated at 817 meters off the ground the modern castle was built in the 19th century but the old one had existed since around the year 1200 but it has since fallen into ruins after being completely destroyed during the wrights kriegs war in the year 1311. now the castle presents a neo-gothic style and was rebuilt by duke vilhelm of yurak from 1840 until 1842. today the castle is still owned by the duke of york but it is now open to visitors so you have the opportunity of visiting one of the oldest castle sites in germany if you're not afraid of heights of course it is a very popular destination given its historical importance and longevity there's even a very large collection of medieval weapons artifacts and armors if you don't mind the potential haunting of this castle then we strongly recommend it this castle is also considered one of the top 10 most dangerous structures in the world so the visits are only for the brave of heart number nine lake kivu houses imagine living at the edge of a volcano scary right now imagine that the volcano is invisible even more terrifying that is exactly what the residents around lake kivu located on the border of rwanda and the democratic republic of congo experience every single day of their lives the lake is an important source of food for the 2 million people living at its perimeter but it hides a deadly secret deep at the bottom of lake kivu about 1 000 feet below the surface the waters are laced with nothing else than dissolved gas yeah dissolved gas [Music] the lake contains an estimated 256 cubic kilometers of carbon dioxide also known as co2 and 65 cubic kilometers of methane as well professor brian moss from the university of liverpool says that most of the co2 enters the lake waters from the volcanic rock underneath it in other words it is a highly volcanic area but the volcano is under the lake so you can't see it that means that the waters are rich in life and it provides a great source of food but the residents there live in a constant fear of eruption number eight todo eye tree house there are still people in this world that live the exact same way they have for centuries and that means no running water no electricity no tv or radio that's the case of a small community that lives in a completely inaccessible jungle in the southeast of the indonesian province of papua they are called the koruwai they are hunter-gatherers and they are worldly recognized as being great treehouse architects and these structures are nothing like the treehouse in your backyard or garden these tree houses are placed so high in the trees you can hardly see them from the ground up until 1975 the koruwai had almost no contact with the outside world and today they still don't accept visitors or tourists only the ones close to the villages are slowly leaving behind their traditional ways and indulging in the modern lifestyle but the true remaining korovai are a very interesting society they have to share absolutely everything in order to survive they're a very well organized and close-knit community what would seem like a magical tree house to us for them is an everyday mundane thing they climb the trees without any issue even the children and they even make fires and cook on the trees this would certainly not be tolerated in any natural park anywhere else in the world but the koruwai have been doing this for centuries and they have never burned down the forest we have much to learn from them number seven palna hawaii if you like luxury outstanding views and have a little bit of taste for colossal amounts of danger then pauna hawaii is the place for you this paradisiac corner of the united states offers a magnificent forest and beaches as far as the eye can see but it has a little secret that's deemed let's say a bit risky the island has one of the most active volcanoes in the world its name is kilauea and the pauno region has the most intense eruptions so why are people going there to stay well because pauna offers a chance for people to start from scratch and reinvent themselves it all started in the 70s when vietnam war veterans and other wanderers began settling there it is perfect for people that want to live off the grid away from modern stress and lifestyle there's also the factor that living there is also very cheap so people don't have to be enslaved by a 9 to 5 job just to pay the mortgage or rent so if you enjoy the polynesian jungle and you don't mind a couple of volcano eruptions at your doorstep from time to time then pauna is the perfect place for you number six lui house meet the loneliest house in the world the eliui house it is the only structure in the entire remote island located in the south of iceland and it has been empty for over 100 years for a long time nobody really knew who had built it or for what reason but a lot of theories started to emerge one of them tells the story of a billionaire who built the house as a backup plan for a zombie apocalypse but he died before it ever happened so he never had the necessity of moving there another rumor states that a religious hermit lives there and he's camera shy so that's why nobody's ever seen him some people believe that the icelandic government has gifted the house to celebrity singer bjork but this theory was later debunked some people even go so far as to claim the house doesn't exist and that it was photoshopped to create an internet buzz but the reality surrounding the house is by far less exciting than the rumors the house is actually a hunting base built by the lua hunting association for those who go to the island to hunt puffins but even if there is a perfect explanation for the existence of the loneliest house in the world the extreme remote location means that it doesn't have electricity running water or even indoor plumbing would you be brave enough to spend the night there number five tea house on mount hua this extreme tea house is located at 2160 meters of altitude and it used to be a taoist temple the closest city is xi'an and it's 120 kilometers away in the shaanxi province china today it is visited by over a million tourists every year and to get there they need to walk along one of the most dangerous roads in the world it is incredibly steep and in some places the walkway is only one meter wide along the side of the mountain the path is literally made out of wooden planks nailed to the rocks it certainly does not look very safe at all that's a lot to go through just for a cup of tea you might say but the views you get at the top of the mountain and the sense of achievement for having climbed such a steep pathway is such a reward that people keep visiting this remote but beautiful tea house so if you don't mind walking for hours on a steep and extremely dangerous path just for a humble cup of tea this tea house is the one for you enjoy number four meteora houses meteora is a group of monasteries located on the summit of a vertical rock formation in the region of thessaly in greece the mountains are called the pindus and the name literally means suspended in the air in ancient greek the monasteries were built a thousand and eight hundred meters off the ground hanging from sandstone monoliths sounds dangerous right well wait until you realize how those mountains were formed their distinctive varied shapes were sculpted over time by earthquakes strong winds and violent storms who would want to live in such conditions hermits are the answer when you want to live in peace away from everyone else choosing a remote and dangerous place always does the trick religious people built a monastery in the 12th century and today the location is sacred the region underwent invasions from one empire to the other amongst them the ottoman empire but it survived everything that history threw its way these hermits were quite strong-willed they had to bring food to the monastery through ropes and by climbing ladders and they experienced earthquakes and war on a daily basis it makes the religious practice all the more connected to earth number three habitat 67 habitat 67 is one of the most unique and outstanding residential complexes in the world it is located in montreal canada and was designed by israeli israeli-canadian architect moshi safti it is located on a strip of land that was originally created as an icebreaker to protect the harbor of montreal it has the same lawrence river on one side the old city and the old port on the other it is a beautiful and extremely sought-after location for the residents of the capital city of french canada [Applause] and from afar it looks more like a sculpture than an apartment building the project started in the 60s when concern about how people would live in fast-growing cities was emerging so moshi safety and his team imagined a three-dimensional housing complex that would provide each family their own unit with their own outdoor space he got inspired when he started experimenting with lego and thus habitat 67 was born the result is a close-knit community type living situation that a lot of people desire nowadays the building is entirely made out of concrete in what is called the brutalism style which gives it a rawness appearance very trendy during the sixties number two mount merapi living underneath a volcano is no easy feat it poses an extreme exposure to danger destruction and death for all the residents and mount merapi is no exception but in this case it's a staggering 75 000 people that are affected by the volcano the name literally means fire mountain in indonesian the volcano is located in the yagyakarta region in indonesia and it is the most active volcano in the entire country smoke comes out of the volcano on a daily basis and people have to get used to living amongst clouds of volcanic residue the reason why so many people take such a huge risk to live in such conditions is because the earth around a volcano is always some of the most fertile in the world which means that crops grow very fast and very healthy but there is an insane price to pay they literally live at the gates of hell the eruptions cause human fatalities every year and because of the seismic activity they have to endure violent earthquakes as well living at the base of mount merapi is not child's play would you be brave enough to visit the region let alone move there number one over water bungalows over the water bungalows are a hit on instagram and tiktok but they come with more issues than you might think the resort in the maldives specifically just is not for everyone [Music] the first thing you'll notice if you stay at an over the water bungalow is a lack of privacy and if what you're looking for on your tropical holiday is to get away from it all well it isn't ideal to have dozens of next-door neighbors literally a meter from your doorstep most bungalow resorts do not accept small children either because they are right on top of the ocean and they could easily fall into the water and get hurt also the lagoons around the bungalows aren't always like in the promotional videos sometimes they are choppy and it can get scary being in a house built on just four wood stilts and finally due to global warming and the rays and sea levels most of the islands in the maldives will be underwater in just a few decades which means that the over the water bungalows will disappear as well so it all depends on how long you want to keep your house for i guess as you can see some people live on the edge of major risks sometimes out of necessity and sometimes out of personal preference but the truth is that living in dangerous situations isn't for everyone what about you are you the risky type or would you rather live on dry and safe land let us know also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 128,957
Rating: 4.868329 out of 5
Keywords: home, risky, coolest mansions, weird houses, in the world, architecture, homes, strange, strange homes, most, world, extreme houses, expensive homes, stuning places, weird house, facts, list, buildings, dangerous, mansion, real estate, new, unusual houses, most dangerous, expensive, famous, villa, villas, luxury mansion, home tour, structures, viral, biggest houses, house, unusual, travel, house tour, craziest houses, riskiest, weird, strangest, weirdest houses, houses, weird homes, most insane houses
Id: JbpcN3AfU1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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