15 Most Talented Drivers In The World

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if you have a driver's license you know how hard driving can be sometimes there are so many different things to pay attention to but there are in the world many people that are not only good but do crazy amazing things as drivers [Music] from a guy that does parkour on his bike to a car racer without arms here are the 15 most talented drivers in the world number 15 insane bus ride in the himalayas the bus ride to the himalayas is almost as dangerous as the climb itself if you have a sensitive heart don't watch this video this road might be the most dangerous road in the world without any security features at all the tiny and very old bus drives at three miles high in the thinnest rocky road you can imagine one mistake by the driver and down the mountain you go plummeting to certain death the co-driver even has to get off the bus to help it go through extremely narrow parts of the deadly road just to make sure it doesn't fall into the abyss you can actually hear the passengers shrieking in terror and even some nervous laughter in the background you also have to consider that because of its extreme altitude the winds there are quite violent and the bus is in constant balancing some say that to not have a heart attack induced by sheer fear on this drive you have to drink a little before the ride there's even a waterfall on the road you literally drive under it so that means that on top of everything else the road gets extremely slippery i mean you really need to trust the abilities of your driver here i don't know about you guys but i would prefer to walk before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] now it's time for the star topic before we dive in with some more specific examples and we've got 14 great ones lined up for you lucky people we here at the finest wanted to take a moment to appreciate how talented all truck drivers are as you can see in this montage of footage pretty much every truck driver is skilled it's not as easy as driving a car there's a lot more to it it must feel kind of powerful wielding a vehicle this big in america there are even entire school programs dedicating people to learning it do you think you could handle driving a truck or does it look a little too tricky do you think you could handle turning one of these bad boys i know i couldn't but that's why truck drivers are more talented than me comment down below with the hashtag star topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen with that said let's keep things moving number 14 guinness world record with 360 loop a 360 loop is a very complex art of balance and perfect control and terry grant is a master of it he set the world record of a 62-foot loop-de-loop for jaguar's 80th birthday the stunt won him an indisputable place in the guinness book of world records and the trick is way more difficult than it seems if he drives too slowly the car doesn't generate the centrifugal force needed to stick to the track and not fall flat on the hood of the car destroying one of the most beautiful machines ever made and if he goes too fast the inevitable influx of g-forces would instantly kill him before he even finished the loop so it's not child's play it is extremely delicate and powerful and at the same time one of the most dangerous operations you can do with a car kind of like disarming a bomb for this stunt in particular grant used a jaguar f-pace and he reached a stunning 6.5 g's which is almost in the ballpark of fighter pilot levels the result is a once-in-a-lifetime event that'll change car history forever just one thing don't try this at home kids number 13 britain's best bus driver in england it can get very cold during winter time and it usually snows quite a bit which means the roads become extremely slippery and dangerous especially for drivers that aren't used to it but that is not the case of this magnificent bus driver i mean i guess that if you make the same route every day several times a day no matter what the weather conditions are you just know it by heart after a while although in saltburn bank the hills are incredibly steep as well and the buses are usually very heavy and filled with passengers so how can he drive up so nonchalantly and smoothly the answer would be experience look at him wave hello to the camera like nothing happened he is for sure one of the best drivers in that town at least compared to the gray car struggling to go up the hill you can even see the co-driver having to get out of the car to push it meanwhile the bus has no issues at all weighing so much more than the car it's almost embarrassing narrow looks so slippery i wouldn't dare trying to drive it but with a driver like that who could be worried number 12 the most talented jcb driver in the world if you've ever seen a jcb digger in real life you must know how difficult it is to operate them there are so many accidents caused by bad drivers because of the complexity of this machine and also finding a good driver is almost like finding a unicorn they just don't exist except this one guy he can lift empty water bottles into the digger effortlessly i mean this video alone is the best curricular v-type for jcb digger drivers look at the control of the arm how delicately he manages to collect those bottles without even one little mistake or excessive movement it's almost poetry if he can drive a digger so well i can only imagine how good of a car driver he must be it's like the machine is dancing ballet it's so precise and powerful at the same time now i wish there was a digger driver's competition to see this guy win all the prizes it's very difficult to make such a big and powerful machine move with such grace but this guy does it like he's eaten breakfast he is so talented number 11 michael guerra michael guerra has been dubbed superman because of his passion for aerodynamics he's a professional cyclist that went viral after he was filmed going horizontal on his bike he basically takes his feet off the pedals and extends his entire body parallel to the ground to make it more aerodynamic that way he can surpass all of his fellow cyclists as fast as you can say bike he mainly does this at sections of the road that are downhill so he's not cycling anymore he is flying and that's where his superhero nickname comes from but his wonderful abilities don't stop there because his bike is a fixed gear one so he then has to clip his feet back to the pedals while they are turning around incredibly fast i mean no wonder he gets glazes of pure hatred and envy from all the other cyclists that is an extremely difficult thing to do there's also the fact that when you put your legs back down to start pedaling again the bike destabilizes and it takes a lot of muscle not to fall face first on the floor the balance it takes is almost similar to that of an eagle it almost defies the laws of physics number 10 massey ferguson 241 tractor heavy loaded trolley demo have you ever got your car's back wheel stuck on the dirt it's very annoying because it's so hard to get it unstuck and it seems like the more you try the more they dig themselves in there and the worse it gets with every turn no matter what you do but look at this driver he's driving a massey ferguson 241 tractor with a heavily loaded trolley on the sand the trolley is so heavy it literally lifts up the nose of the tractor itself but the driver is so skilled those back wheels don't have the chance of getting more and more stuck he knows exactly what he's doing there are even people gathering around to look at the show with drivers like this who needs ramps at a construction site uh yeah just go right on in the sand no problem i wish they could teach this at driving school it'd save people lots of calls to aaa especially in desert zones and that tractor's so much heavier than a normal car even without the trolley how does he do it he is a tractor wizard number nine danny mccaskill we've all heard of parkour but have you ever heard of bike parkour that's what danny mccaskill does he straps a gopro on his helmet and goes from roof to roof on his bike things that would make you and me have a heart attack he does with a smile on his face riding on a 5-inch thin wall at several stories high no problem jumping from rooftop to rooftop easy there's nothing that could possibly stop this guy his control and ability go to levels never seen before it's almost super human not even going down a ramp backwards is an issue apparently he even jumps from a cliff to the ocean with his bike it's almost like the bike is an extension of his body he probably sleeps pedaling danny became famous when he released a five and a half minute video on youtube in 2009. it got thousands of views overnight and you can see why it is absolutely mind-blowing that video changed his life forever the talent is mesmerizing he makes it look so easy since then he has done some stunts for hollywood and many commercials he was finally able to quit his job as a mechanic and now he is riding full time defying the laws of physics wherever he goes number 8 saudis changing tires while driving we all know that in formula one they can change the tires at the blink of an eye but these saudis are taking it to another universe when they manage to change both left tires of a car while the car's driving changing a tire is already hard as it is but on a car lifted on two wheels and going significantly fast that is talent right there gravity who five men just jump to the side of the car in motion while it's only driving on the two right wheels so the car is tilted to one side and then they get to work how does the car manage to keep tilted with the weight of five men on top of it that's a complete mystery these guys would make r2d2 super jealous being able to change a tire like that just imagine what we could do if alcohol was also illegal in our countries this practice has become very popular in saudi arabia although it remains illegal for obvious security reasons the sport has been named aguala and has supporters all over the world who knows maybe one day we'll see an official competition that'd be a thing to say number 7 the dragon challenge range rover launched a super challenge in the tionman mountains where the hills are not just steep but vertical the road has 99 turns in total and they're pretty narrow that mountain has a lot of legends around it the elders say that the road is alive and the 99 turns are like a white dragon circling the mountain and it sure looks like it it's absolutely beautiful but also super dangerous the driver was open tongue and he's already made a name for himself in formula e formula one and he's even won the 24 hour le man but he said that the dragon challenge was by far the most difficult and challenging of them all and that's because he didn't just drive the 99 turns of the tionman road but at the end he had to drive up the 999 steps up to the gate of the heavens and those steps are on a 45 degree angle he did the incredible stunt in only 21 minutes and 47 seconds everybody said that he was crazy and that it couldn't be done well he showed them number six guinness world record for the tightest parallel park alistair maffat is a british stunt driver who has won the world record for the tightest parallel park after han you said one of his own that nobody thought could be b but they were wrong alastair managed to slide a fiat 500c 1.2 cult into a gap that only measured seven and a half centimeters more than the entire car unused record was eight centimeters he has held that same world record twice before but he's getting better and better at it breaking his own records as he goes needless to say that stunt won him a place in the guinness book of world records he also holds the current record for the tightest gap driven through on two wheels so basically he is the master of precision driving in any shape or form that's his superpower give him a motorcycle or a car and he can fit it into the eye of a needle if i'm ever involved in a car chase i want this guy at the wheel and he says he will not stop there he'll keep pushing for more records we will definitely hear more from him number five armless driver bartaz ostalovsky most people drive their cars with four limbs they use their two legs and their two arms uh and also most people aren't very good drivers at all but what if i told you one of the best drivers in the world has no arms at all so what most people are not good at doing with four limbs bartas ostolovsky excels at with only half of that it's impressive his car has an automatic gearbox that's how he can drive with his feet he lost his arms in a motorcycle accident but has since become one of the most skilled drivers out there so he didn't only have to basically invent a car that could handle his special needs but he had to learn how to drift without arms he is an inspiration for thousands of people around the world he is the embodiment of never giving up to reach your dreams he has become a legend in his home country of poland but also all over the planet nobody before him has ever achieved anything like him he's the first person without limbs to ever become a car racer and he's very good at it number four awesome operating skills did you know that diggers can go in and out of a ditch well they can if they're being operated by someone who knows what they're doing of course like this man he manages to lever the digger so it takes itself down the ditch with the help of its two opposite arms it's quite impressive it takes a lot of skill to do something like that and not many people can do it apparently a lot of people have the concern of how he'll come back out it's simple the same way he came in you use the two opposite arms as an elevator basically and then you tilt the digger forward so the two wheels can go onto the floor above and all done you are out of the ditch but in reality it sounds much easier than it really is it's not that simple to be able to keep balance with such a heavy machine i mean diggers aren't particularly precision tools and if you lose grip you end up breaking an expensive piece of equipment so you have to be very delicate too that means the precision has to come from the driver and this one has lots of it number three 1 million six hundred forty thousand pound petrochemical splitter being transported imagine having such a heavy load that you need six trucks to transport it we are referring to the 800 ton 300 feet wide petrochemical splitter that was transported on the alberta highways in canada it was the heaviest and biggest load to have ever traveled on that road a petrochemical splitter is used to convert propane into recyclable plastic pellets also known as polypropylene and these are used to make things like computers medical equipment and food storage containers so this heavy piece of machinery was pulled by three trucks from the front and pushed by another three from behind and it sat on two double 26 line intercombi trailers it took three days to take it from edmonton where it was built to fort saskatchewan an entire team of professional transporters were required for the job because the cargo was so precious and important there was no room for error there are so many wheels at play here that it almost looks like a gigantic centipede slowly making its way down the highway with tiny little people just walking around it number two new jaguar e-pace barrel roll a barrel jump with a car without special effects impossible well not so much anymore jaguar has made it real very real with the new jaguar e-pace that was launched literally with the world's longest barrel roll for a production vehicle this was not your regular motor show or intimate event full of influencers this was a new guinness book of world records event that is a new and exciting way of launching a car model even if it's the smallest suv in the jaguar lineup the jump it performed was anything but little the gap from takeoff to landing was a staggering 50 feet and the e-pace performed a 270 degree barrel roll in mid-air as far as we know it is the first production car to ever perform an authentic barrel roll the driver was terry grant and apparently this event has been a dream of his since he was a little boy well needless to say he made history that day he remains very humble though he even said that the loop-de-loop might look spectacular but that it's honestly fine suffice to say the world found the footage very impressive so there's nothing regular about it number one stunt family breaks two world records at the evil knievel motor show in montana the new semi-truck off-road record has been set at a 166-foot jump which is double the distance of the previous record you can see the massive truck nonchalantly leave the ground and fly through the air like it's nothing it was such a feat the driver himself said he never thought it could be done even while he was literally doing it but that's not all the nephew of that driver daredevil stuntsman tanner godfrey also set a new record that same day he launched his two-seater off-road vehicle 202 feet through the air that is one talented family but the story gets even more amazing when you learn that tanner was not even eight years before this stunt completely paralyzed and was told by the doctors he would never walk again well he showed them that's what the magic of will power can do not only did he recover from a fatal spinal cord injury but he went off to set new world records in only eight years that is impressive he's not only walking again he's literally flying as you can see there are many different types of talented drivers in this world do you like driving are you also a talented driver let us know also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 833,342
Rating: 4.809382 out of 5
Keywords: god level, god level drivers, unreal things, god level drivers who do unreal things, caught on camera, in the world, like a boss, driving skills, driving stunts, world record driving, incredible, countdown, caught on tape, incredible videos, skills, the world, level, drivers, car stunts, logging truck, trucks, truck, cars, car, vehicles, greatest, best, top, new, parking, parking a truck, rally drivers, rally cars, dakar rally, bartek ostalowski, drifting, lists
Id: y27c-S73KQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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