15 Craziest Concept Cars in the World

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have you ever noticed how as soon as you or your family buy a new car that make and model is all you see everywhere even adding custom components is often not enough to make it stand out [Music] well you wouldn't have that problem in this case from an autonomous driving toyota to a carbon fiber aston martin here are 15 craziest concept cars in the world number 15 mercedes-benz bio in 2010 at the los angeles design challenge mercedes-benz advanced design studios in california shocked all those present with a vehicle unlike anything they had produced before it was revolutionary for one reason it was designed to integrate with the ecosystem huh strange right the mercedes-benz biome as it was called grows in an organic environment from seeds that have been sown in a nursery once it's on the road it emits oxygen and it can then be composted or used as building materials at the end of its working life there wouldn't be a scrap yard in sight for this innovative vehicle the los angeles design challenge put the call out for safe comfortable compact cars with a first-class design and good handling mercedes-benz answered the call with ultralight biofiber materials an 875.5 pound weight and an innovative design biofiber is grown in a mercedes-benz nursery and collects energy from the sun to be stored in a liquid chemical bond the interior comes from one seed and the exterior from another the wheels are also grown in four separate seeds our technology is now that advanced that we're able to grow cars in our garden what on earth is next before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] number 14 alfa romeo by bertone a lot of vehicles have been designed and produced for car shows that ultimately never made it into production one such vehicle that many people wish had made it was the alpha romeo bat 5 7 and 9 produced by bertone the goal was to advance vehicles aerodynamics far beyond what they had achieved before the italy-based firm carrozaria bertoni and alfa romeo worked together to build three designs that were called bat which stands for berlina aerodynamica technica they were debuted at the turin motor show in 1954 and were met with awe the bat five had a beautiful metallic charcoal tapered body enclosed wheels and a cabin in the shape of a tear drop flowing back to the roof to a raised spine were rear windows which then transitioned into the tail every part of this vehicle had been designed with aerodynamics in mind including the inset grille nose bowed front fenders and slotted vents that sat behind both front wheels even the tail fin was something special with angled cuts to relieve air pressure that 7 and bat 9 included similar technologies with each one taking a slightly different take on aerodynamics than the last number 13 citron 1919 concept car when you see the citroen 1919 concept car for the first time you'll be rubbing your eyes and wondering if you accidentally time traveled in your sleeve it's so futuristic that it's hard to imagine that it would ever look at home on arrow roads the concept car first shown in 2019 will blow your mind it has a pod-like cabin a blue and black color scheme and retro style mud guards surrounding huge wheels the headlights are more of an afterthought and it has a fully electric motor even more surprising is that the citroen is fully autonomous with lidar sensors drivers can take the wheel if they want to but they can also just sit back relax and enjoy the ride another surprising feature is its vibrant purple interior contrasted against a white console and steering wheel this car is definitely something else it won't take long for you to notice that the steering wheel is not like one you'd see in your own car given that it's a narrow rectangle with unobstructed views from the cabin through the shallow windscreen not to mention an overall moon buggy styling it's hard not to think this is one of the craziest concept vehicles of all time number 12. toyota lq i can't help it i actually grimaced seeing toyota's addition to the tokyo motor show in 2019. there's no denying it's one of the most advanced concept vehicles we've ever seen but there's also no denying it's not exactly easy on the eye the new toyota lq concept is a level 4 autonomous driving vehicle this means that it can drive you around with minimal issues without almost any input from the driver it even comes with an ai system called yui which was developed in partnership with the toyota research institute there's certainly a lot to unpack with this vehicle it's a hatchback with air conditioned seats modern styling to the extreme and a backside that you probably haven't seen on any other car before it has floor to ceiling glass a holy covered rear wheel and diagonal headlights even more interesting is that it has a valet parking feature that would be a redeeming feature on any car you weren't entirely sold on even if the style doesn't grab your attention for the right reasons the convenience of never having to drive yourself again we'll make you give it a second look number 11 audi rsq if you're gonna see a one of a kind vehicle in any setting the most common is in films especially futuristic ones for the first time in history audi created a car specifically for a movie irobot set in 2035. so you can only imagine it's no typical audi the 2004 audi rsq concept car has extreme character but also retains features so that you know it's an audi it has a single grille and mid engine but that's where the normalities kind of end this audi is designed for the storyline of having a police department race it through the streets of chicago it does so not on wheels but on spheres the doors also open in a butterfly style with both of them fixed in place with rear hinges attached to the body's seat posts according to the designers and engineers who worked on it the spheres were perhaps amongst the most challenging features they run in wheel arches of a similar shape and look more like speakers you'd find in the doors of your car rather than wheels the audi also has a laminate fiberglass body lunar silver paint and an aluminum hood cover and i like it where can we get our hands on one number 10 mercedes-benz bionic car mercedes-benz is known for trying to be a trendsetter but are we forgetting a concept car they produced that was so ugly that marine creatures everywhere were crying into their fins the mercedes-benz bionic was first shown at the 2005 daimler chrysler innovation symposium in washington with the whole idea behind it being influenced by nature i could think of prettier parts of nature than a box fish but what do i know and it really does look like a box fish it has an odd yet aerodynamic front on it with a panoramic roof small yet tall cabin and cameras instead of side mirrors the car also boasted a 2-liter turbo diesel engine 138 horsepower and automatic transmission according to mercedes the bionic was developed with the help of bionic experts to link growth principles in nature to automotive engineering i'd like to say it was a success but it's just so hard to ignore its aesthetics its vibrant green color scheme slit like headlights and body like a manatee just make me pleased that this car never made it into production number nine pujo movie it looks like something you'd see attached to a ride at disneyland but it's actually a car it's the 2005 peugeot movie to be exact for the third peugeot design competition automotive styling enthusiasts were called upon to design a futuristic peugeot of their dreams one man to take on that challenge was andre costa who ended up winning the competition with his environmentally friendly city car called movie he was awarded the la griff trophy but that wasn't even the main prize he also won a scale model of his car based on the specs of his winning design most of the judges were moved by movie which had so many exciting innovations that it really could be what some of our vehicles look like in the future the doors house the rear wheels and they swivel to allow entry the ginormous wheel dimensions also allow for reduced energy consumption the small car has just two seats but its small size means it's perfect for city driving who knows the movie may just be coming to a car yard near you in the future number eight bmw i inside future any day now bmw engineers are gonna come along and finish the concept car they started wait what it is finished well it may not look like it but the bmw i inside future is a futuristic car that has been designed to be safe cozy and well futuristic it was unveiled in 2017 with an explanation for its design apparently it had been made to cater to each passenger and driver's requirements while also allowing room for up to four people the interior has separate zones which means everyone can travel how they like or not travel at all the interior's more like your living room than the inside of a vehicle it can be an office recreational space or somewhere you sit to catch up on homework you can then drive it like the car it actually is you can be the active driver or let the car drive itself and enjoy a complex display and control system that makes you feel like you're in the distant future i hope you have enjoyed this glimpse into the future it also has hollow active touch which detects your movements without any button pressing or anything doesn't get much more futuristic than i inside future number 7 renault ez ultimo there have been a lot of futuristic vehicles designed in recent years but i've gotta say the renault ez ultimo at the 2018 paris motor show is probably one of the most beautiful at least in my opinion it is an autonomous electric robo vehicle with striking two-tone bodywork in a black and green color scheme around 600 diamond patterns make up the vehicle's upper body work while champagne coloring makes up the doors and rear wheel area the diamonds work as a one-way mirror to offer the passengers complete privacy inside the cabin it's definitely more of a living room than a car it has a herringbone wooden floor marble bands velvet arm chairs and a bench just think executive office living room and you'll get the idea the cabin is also lit with pale gold lamps and low angled lighting along the floor whether you're driving it or simply sitting in it catching up on office work this car will blow you away it is equal parts future and sophistication according to the description unveiled with the car at the motor show it promised to offer a premium and immersive mobility experience for a single trip an hour or a day number six dsxe tense if the dsxe tense doesn't shock you or you say you've seen something like it before then you're a liar this car is so unique and truly remarkable that it's just implausible you've seen anything like it on the road [Music] it is after all a concept car the dsxe tents is a dream car that its creators said is as light as a feather and as silent as a breeze it's asymmetric with three seats and offers you the option of choosing the driving mode you prefer now that's unique perhaps one of its most exciting features is that it can recover its original form after it's been involved in an impact it also has light curtains that you can adjust to suit the car and your surroundings this all-electric car has 540 horsepower or 1360 horsepower in circuit mode along with a carbon fiber chassis and an advanced active system for deceleration traction and grip you can access the cockpit via the elytra door that has leather weave and carbon fiber once you're in the driver's seat you can feel like you're behind the wheel of a racing car if it wasn't for the stunning two-tone blue interior with leather for luxury and comfort you might just think you are number five aston martin lagonda aston martin officially launched the luganda brand at the geneva motor show in 2014. at the time the brand's first car was the one million dollar teraf with 540 horsepower and a v12 engine under the carbon fiber body with the turroff aston martin was well and truly testing the waters at the 2018 show they relaunched lagonda with an even more exciting car than the first this concept car featured autonomous technology as a lot of them do but there weren't too many outrageous features and that's for one very exciting reason the design features of the newly launched concept car would be featuring on two new lugonda models to be put into production very soon it has a retractable steering wheel rear doors that are back hinged and rotating front seats these features probably won't be what you see on the actual released models but a few other exciting ones will be the new lugando will most likely have an electric powertrain with aston martin wanting luganda to be the first luxury brand to sell purely zero emission vehicles it aims to make use of solid-state batteries with a 400-mile range for each car number four terrafugia tfx remember when you were a kid and you'd sketch out futuristic cars that you thought would be cool if they were real you may have even drawn that could fly well now those childhood drawings are coming to life in 2015 it was announced that the terrafugia tfx flying car would be something we could all purchase well if we had over 200 000 pounds to spare of course terrafugia is also the company behind the 2012 transition car plane so we know they mean business their tfx has a plug-in hybrid powertrain that powers both its wheels on the ground then the electrically driven rotors while it's flying it can perform vertical takeoffs and landings too which means you don't have to invest in a landing strip for your backyard according to terrafugia the tfx has a 500 mile range but they haven't stated its cruising speed though their first model could cruise at 100 miles an hour for 410 miles courtesy of its 99 brake horsepower road tax aircraft engine on the road that same engine gets around 35 miles to the gallon development was supposed to take between 8 and 12 years which puts us right into 2021. if i had 200 000 pounds to spare that's almost 300 000 us dollars i would be so excited to get my hands on one of these bye bye or a shower traffic number three audi pb18 e-tron the audi pb-18 e-tron was a real head-turner at the monterey car week in 2018. even though it was just a concept car the all-electric supercar looked to be a weapon and there were probably quite a few people who were keen to get their hands on it well now they can in 2019 it was announced that 50 of them would be made which meant 50 lucky people could be driving around in a limited edition audi with some of the many innovative features they saw at the car event as is quite often the case not all features shown off at the car show will make it into production the concept had three electric motors to produce 671 horsepower and 612 pound-feet of torque these helped it to hit 62 miles an hour in two seconds it was unknown if that would be the case with the actual production version audi eventually promises a solid state battery with a 95 kilowatt hour capacity but technology has not entirely caught up to their dreams still even if many of the concept cars features aren't available you're not exactly going to be disappointed driving this beast out of your garage number two rolls-royce vision next 100 car manufacturers getting just a little bit out of control i mean just look at this rolls-royce vision next 100 futuristic concept that was unveiled in 2016. to be fair to rolls-royce there was a reason why they designed this outrageous concept vehicle it was to celebrate the 100th year of rolls-royce's parent company bmw let's unpack what we've got here the vision next 100 is an electric car with lightweight carbon fiber a zero emissions drivetrain two 250 kilowatt electric motors and 28 inch wheels with chromed spokes and individual guards according to rolls-royce everything from the body design to the wheelbase can be tailored to suit each customer's needs phew because i'd be asking for a complete redesign if it were me the next 100 is shorter than the phantom but it still has enough room for two bench seats that look like sofas that's right there's no dedicated driver's seat in fact there's no steering wheel or instruments fixed in place either the only instrument you'll see is a clock in the window everything else looks a bit like a fancy living room with macassar wood silk upholstery and hand-twisted silk flooring number one mercedes vision eq silver arrow if you want to look like a race car driver and feel like a race car driver then the mercedes-benz vision eq silveraro is probably gonna grab your eye it was unveiled at pebble beach in california at the monterey car week event because it has one seat it's no family car but it is a beautifully aesthetic vehicle nonetheless it also features a variety of exquisite materials like polished aluminum genuine leather and solid walnut the cockpit is digital and it has a touch screen in the steering wheel so it's equal parts old-school luxury and futuristic even the paint is something special with multiple layers of value beam silver sprayed over the carbon fiber there's simply no single feature that holds your attention they all do the folding driver cockpit freestanding multi-spoke wheels non-rotating hubcaps there's so much to enjoy it also doesn't hurt that the silver arrow was an odd towards the record-breaking w125 car back in 1937. there are subtle features here and there that take you back several decades what an utterly delightful car these vehicles have me looking at my own wondering why it has to be so boring i'd love to have a flying family car or a one-seater record-breaking car if you had to design your dream vehicle what would it look like let us know in the comments also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 99,667
Rating: 4.880724 out of 5
Keywords: craziest concept cars, future concept cars, bmw vision, the most beautiful car, bmw gina, bizarre vehicles, amazing vehicles, most expensive cars, unusual cars, concept car, future cars, strange cars, future transportation, future vehicles, new technology, future bus, cars, vehicles, weird, unusual, strangest, strange, bizarre, automobile, weirdest, weirdest cars, strangest cars, weird cars, vehicle, technology, new, concept, inventions, weird vehicles, worst, cool cars
Id: N8EX7N93S-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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