15 People Who Are Definitely Having A Worse Day Than You

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we all have bad days sometimes you just wake up and know that nothing is gonna go your way but you'll likely have a spring in your step when you learn about people having an even more terrible day from having an engagement ring falling into a pond to a reporter caught with no pants on here are 15 people who are definitely having a worse day than you number 15 bear chases skier down mountain a skiing holiday can be a relaxing and fun way to spend your free time but as one man learned it can also be a bit of a terrifying adventure a skier had been making his way down a slope at the clabou set ski slope in pretty all romania when a brown bear took up chase after him the man had quite a considerable lead on the bear but it was gaining on him quickly people on the chairlifts tried to distract the bear but it had the man in his sights and it wasn't slowing down acting quickly and quite smartly the man managed to remove his backpack while speeding down the slopes this was the distraction he needed as the bear stopped his chase to inspect the bag it's not the first time bears have taken to this ski slope and it's probably not going to be the last it had been spotted earlier in the day and the ski resort officials had been trying to locate it to remove it from the area they had managed to relocate a bear the previous year safely as well we're just pleased this story had a good ending before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] now it's time for the star topic your day can't possibly be as bad as what happened in this photo somehow a tractor truck or another large vehicle managed to lose its entire axle we're talking both wheels if that's not bad enough it ended up hitting a late model bmw before settling nicely on top of a small ford hatchback the road ended up having to be temporarily closed while the occupants of both vehicles were probably trying to calculate the costs of this unfortunate situation in their heads what on earth do you think led to an axle being the cause of an accident comment down below with the hashtag star topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen with that said let's keep things moving number 14 united airlines boeing 777 engine fire many people travel for work to visit friends and family and to go on a nice relaxing holiday they probably never really think about not making it to their destination safely well the passengers on flight ua 328 from denver to honolulu almost didn't the united airlines boeing suffered an engine failure mid-air which is not exactly what you want to see or hear your life would undoubtedly flash before your eyes the cowling structure somehow managed to separate from the engine which caused engine parts to be ingested into the engine resulting in engine failure and a pretty awful fire the pilots declared a mayday before stopping the climb at 13 000 feet they then requested to return to denver and were able to make a safe landing about 23 minutes after they departed surprisingly the engine inlet happened to fall out and land in a broomfield neighborhood around 15 kilometers from denver the people on this flight were definitely not having a good day but let's face it it could have also been a whole lot worse everyone landed unscathed and were able to continue on with their travel just a bit later number 13 engagement ring falls in a pond you might have dreamed about being proposed to in a dramatic way but perhaps not this dramatic a kansas city couple ruth solas and seth dixon had been dating for four years and a marriage proposal was imminent while they were at loose park seth got down on one knee with a ring box and that's where it all went pear-shaped as he opened the box the ring popped out bounced and fell between the slats of the footbridge into the water below a friend videoing the whole thing just had to watch it all unfold ruth didn't even have a chance to say yes for a mammoth search was underway even after feeling around in the silty water for a long time they weren't able to find it they then hired a metal detector and still were unable to find it over two dozen people took up the search but were ultimately unsuccessful to this day the ring is probably still in the water and the couple's having to save hard to fund a new one for the big day number 12 gorilla glue girl by now anyone with an internet connection would have heard of tessica brown and if you don't know the name jessica brown then you may know her by the name the internet community gave her gorilla glue girl the 40 year old woman had put her hair into a long braided ponytail to take care of the top of her head she normally applies got to be glued blasting freeze spray which is a heavy duty hairspray that has a lasting hold on this occasion tesico was out of that particular spray but had an alternative in her home she could use or so she thought instead of hair spray she used gorilla glue spray adhesive it did the same as what her free spray would do but ultimately took it to the next level no matter how many times she tried to wash her hair use aloe vera coconut oil rubbing alcohol and other solutions her hair was stuck fast it was so hard that she could tap her hair and make a noise fortunately a plastic surgeon in beverly hills heard about her plight and managed to use medical grade adhesive remover to fix her hair number 11 dangers of puddle jumping kids don't normally think twice about jumping in puddles they can make a splash get themselves dirty and have fun but after watching a video of a boy jumping into a normal puddle only to find out that it wasn't they may think twice in 2013 a boy named lakeem was being filmed jumping into a normal looking puddle in a family dollar store parking lot the reason it was being filmed was that he was wearing new shoes maybe some kind of rebellious act who knows but as he jumps in he is immediately submerged from head to toe then pops back to the surface [Laughter] the kids uploaded the video to youtube and people were in shock it really does look like an ordinary puddle as it turns out that puddle was a sinkhole and an incredibly deep one at that we're pleased he's okay but we also hope this footage was enough for someone to take action imagine walking along minding your own business and ending up plummeting into a sinkhole absolutely terrifying from now on you should view every puddle with a cautious eye number 10 reporter caught not wearing any pants let's face it we've all gotten used to not wearing any formal wear since 2020. our idea of formal these days is a pair of sweatpants that doesn't yet have any food stains on them so you can imagine how tough it would have been for abc news reporter will reeve doing his job from home and having to dress up nothing looks amiss really he's just live on the air in his home with a nice suit jacket on and a blue shirt underneath not a food stain in sight so he's doing a lot better than many of us but then as the camera moves back from him it becomes immediately clear that he's not wearing any pants fortunately for viewers he is wearing what appears to be underwear viewers were quick to hit social media with their comments which included things like ain't no party like a no pants party and business on top party on the bottom most people found the whole situation hilarious even the reporter as it turns out he tweeted i have arrived in the most hilariously mortifying way possible he then went on to clarify that he was actually wearing shorts for a post news workout yeah that's what they all say wink wink number nine wave crashes through santa barbara restaurant window many people love going to dining establishments with views of the ocean but imagine eating your pork chop only to find yourself in the ocean in 2014 in santa barbara high tide and a 12-foot swell caused some pretty challenging conditions so challenging in fact that parking lots were covered with sand and water not to mention a little bit of havoc and destruction the closer you got to the coast but one restaurant bore the brunt of mother nature's fury when a board was knocked loose on a pier struck the window of moby dick restaurant on stern's wharf and allowed a wave of water to start cascading inside [Music] employees quickly evacuated the dining room and everyone was unhurt just a little bit wet according to the restaurant manager jerry mora the first wave may have damaged the pier which led to the second wave throwing up the piece of wood fortunately restaurant workers were able to patch the window with wood and open the restaurant the next day in his 10 years of being at the restaurant jerry said that nothing like that had ever happened number eight hair dye oopsy raise your hand if you've ever had a hair dye oopsy if you've had one you'll know what we're talking about is when you purchase box dye to save money instead of going to a salon and end up with a color that's not quite what you imagined some people have even had their hair fall out or suffer from allergic reactions in this case a woman was transformed into a smurf fat kinsey dixon posted a video on tick tock that went viral because she was blue from head to toe she even showed her once white shower a now vibrant shade of blue according to kinsey she purchased the bold blue hair dye on amazon she followed the instructions applied it as you usually would apply box dye and then noticed while washing her hair just what was happening her wet hair caused color to drain down her back she then flipped her hair over to her chest to rinse out the dye this caused it to spray all over the shower even after multiple washes and scrubbing the shower with bleach everything remains a beautiful shade of blue number seven thawing canals cause accidents sometimes you just can't help yourself you see frozen lakes or canals and you just have to grab your skates and go for a whirl most of the time everything goes well but trouble soon starts when the temperatures rise one man in the netherlands learned that the hard way he was skating on the ice wearing nothing but his underpants while onlookers filmed him you can then see him approaching a patch of ice that looks a bit different from the rest he might not have noticed though as he proceeds to skate over it and belly flop into the depths of the icy cold water below the ice fortunately he was okay and was able to be pulled out of the water with a rope before giving a bow to spectators he wasn't the first gator to break through the canal's ice and he probably won't be the last in the future freezes to come one woman even had to be pulled out wearing a soggy puffer jacket in winter clothing while others ended up in the hospital for injuries like broken bones number six woman falls through ceiling trying to escape police if you believe in karma then what you're about to learn is definitely what you'd call karma a couple had stolen a credit card and were attempting to use it to buy soda at the spruce grove ready mart in edmonton alberta after being sprung for use in the card a police officer responded to the incident in a very chivalrous move the man pushed the woman towards the cops like a human sacrifice and attempted to escape he ran to a back room only to discover that the back door was locked upon returning to the store he was eventually tased after resisting arrest during the kerfuffle the woman managed to sneak into the back room instead of trying the door she climbed a shelf to get into the ceiling space through roof tiles unfortunately for her the ceiling tiles gave way and she landed right back in the store eventually being arrested when backup arrived all's well that ends well especially when the credit card owner was able to get such a heavy dose of karma delivered for their troubles number five woman gets hand stuck down a toilet if you don't own a toilet plunger now might be an excellent time to go and buy one otherwise you might end up in the same situation as this poor woman she had been trying to use her hand to unblock a toilet which of course is pretty uh out there then she got her watch caught in the u-bend and was unable to free herself eventually the woman was that desperate she ended up calling the texas fire department they too were unable to free her so they had to take extreme measures they unbolted the toilet from her bathroom and escorted her out to her garden where her chihuahua looked on and what we can only assume was horror after all who's seen a toilet as a handbag before after gently tapping on the toilet with a sledgehammer they were able to create a hole near the u-bend and unhook her stuck watch she wasn't injured by the incident but we can only imagine that she'll be nursing a bruised ego for quite some time number four man gets stuck inside atm the last place you ever expect to get stuck is inside an atm but this was one man's plight in texas a contractor had been changing a lock at bank of america in a room that leads to the atm upon getting in there and doing the job he realized that he had left his phone in his truck along with the swipe card he needed to get out not knowing what to do next the men wrote notes and fed them through the atm receipts slot to people withdrawing money from their accounts the message read please help me i'm stuck in here and i don't have my phone please call my boss followed by a phone number to call some people thought it was a prank and didn't do anything but one person called the police who heard a faint voice from inside the atm they were able to kick in the door to free the man who was unharmed according to senior police officer richard olden from the corpus christi police department everybody's okay but you'll never see this in your life that somebody was stuck in the atm number three man vs llama fight llamas are typically quite well socialized animals that you can train to halter and lead as a rule they are relatively pleasant and friendly to be around to the point where they are curious and will approach most people the problem is they shouldn't be over nurtured as people sometimes do if you bottle feed or over-socialize them they can be difficult to manage when they grow up they'll treat humans as they would their own kind with kicking neck wrestling and spitting not exactly most people's idea of a good time and perhaps this is what happened when a llama ended up getting quite infatuated with one man a group of people were in a paddock with some llamas with one woman filming them a llama took a shining to a man and started following him but he didn't just follow him he tried to chase him and jump up at him it didn't matter where he ran that llama would chase after him the llama may even still be chasing him to this day because the man ran out of the camera's view and off into the distance number two gender reveal party sparks wildfire can you imagine trying to live with the knowledge that your gender is what caused a 40 square kilometer wildfire that resulted in tens of thousands of evacuations it would be hard to bear and one family is living that reality an expectant couple traveled to el ranch dorado park in california to document a stunt that would allow them to reveal the gender of their unborn child this involved a smoke-generating pyrotechnic device that would show pink or blue to indicate a boy or girl but they never actually discovered at that moment what their baby was because it ignited 1.2 meter tall grass around them and quickly turned into a blaze due to the area's low humidity dry vegetation and breeze they ran to their vehicle to get water bottles but were unable to put the fire out a city of 54 000 people yukaipa was evacuated along with surrounding areas now they could be liable for the costs resulting from that fire even though it was an accident and even after all that they still never found out what the gender of their baby was number one driver falls asleep on forklift truck whether he was overworked on medication or just plain tired remains to be seen but one man's quick nap had some serious consequences he was operating a forklift and dozed off while moving it down an aisle because he was no longer in control of it it hit the edge of a warehouse shelf and caused some stock to fall onto the ground but that wasn't the end of it the jolted stock had a domino effect and it caused an entire shelving unit to fall down in the most dramatic fashion fortunately when the forklift first hit the shelf the man was jolted awake and was able to leap off the forklift before the chaos began however another man first had to watch and wait as he was working further up the aisle when he noticed that the rest of the stock was falling off the shelves he quickly got out of the way as well it's not known whether either of the men suffered any injuries but they were both thankful to leave with their lives that's for sure the next time i'm having a bad day i'm gonna think about the woman who fell through a ceiling trying to escape police that'll make me feel better about my bad day for sure tell me about the worst day you've had and what caused it i'm curious about what could be worse than some of these also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 100,150
Rating: 4.8718915 out of 5
Keywords: people having a worse day than you, funny fails, worse day, bad day, funny pics, people who are having a worse day than you, people having a bad day, people having bad day, unlucky people, funny people, funny pictures, internet fails, people on internet, funny situations, examples of bad luck, the worst day, hilarious pics, people having worse day than you, funny, reddit, memes, ddm, fails, people, worse, than you, you, funny photos, funniest, photos, worse day than you
Id: d5HtJXrW-vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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